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Michelle Wai TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Michelle Wai Works 22 ,And Feature 9 ,Romance 6 ,Comedy 5 ,Suspense 4 ,Crime 3 ,Action 2 ,Short 2 ,Urban drama 1 ,Love 1 ,Terror 1 ,Thriller 1 ,Music 1 。

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Michelle Wai Filmography(23)


除暴 (Movie)[2020]



叹息桥 (TV)[2020]


李子勇Thomas出生贫穷,年轻时为赚取母亲的医药费拼命打工赚钱,与同在茶餐厅打工的少女方小薇Sammy相识,自此两人变成好朋友。茶餐厅老板分配Thomas到比利时进行走私名表的生意,因一个重大的错误Thomas在比利时留了二十年,他借此结识了出生入死的红颜知己Judy。四年前,Thomas返回香港跟Sammy一起开办餐厅,他重遇在比利时结交的朋友何乐儿Joyce,二人一拍即合很快便走在一起。Thomas后来发现Joyce与胡启源亦已拍拖八年,自己也与一名人妻梁淑媛Catherine育成子,六人关系扑朔迷离。命运让他们的人生交错,相遇 ,相识,相处,相分到重遇,纠缠一辈子的爱恨,换来一声叹息。


廉政风云 (Movie)[2019]


廉政公署一宗经历多年调查的严重非法内销行贿案件,竟因首被告理达贸易集团负责人陈超群弃保潜逃,以及唯一重要证人兼举报者,理达的前任财务总监 Xu ZhiYao 缺席出庭作证,导致法庭勒令延审一星期!为了7天后案件顺利重审,ICAC展开全面行动。负责此案的队长 Chen JingCi 和负责寻找证人的 Jiang XueEr 原是廉政公署一对恩爱夫妻,如今已分居多时,为了案件不得不联手合作。在抓捕陈超群和寻找 Xu ZhiYao 的过程中两人都意外发现他们背后隐藏的另一重身份。一个谜团的解开是另一个谜团的开启,背后的阴谋远远超出所有人的想象,烟幕笼罩下光明之路在何方?

扫毒2:天地对决 (Movie)[2019]


毒品市场维持四分天下的格局已久,幼时父亲因毒品去世又亲眼目睹自己的儿子也因毒品坠楼身亡的 Yu ShunTian 为了让香港不再有毒贩,以毒攻毒,策划的一连串黑吃黑事件企图“毒霸”香港毒品市场,警员 Lin ZhengFeng 便带着他的扫毒行动组全力追缉毒犯。后林警官的女儿因朋友被毒品害死而向慈善家兼金融巨子 Yu ShunTian 求助,他悬赏一亿追杀香港最大毒贩,此举在社会上引起轩然大波。原来, Yu ShunTian 和 Di Zang 有着不可告人的同门关系,一场天地对决一触即发。在二十年的同门情谊面前,兄弟二人又将如何面对这场“毒局”?与此同时, Lin ZhengFeng 妻子、同事在执行缉毒任务时被吸毒者和毒贩残忍杀害,背负着丧妻之痛的他也将与毒贩们展开殊死对决。


Baixing xi 2018 (Movie)[2018]


The movieBaixingxi 2018"Psychological therapist" Dr. Bao and his two daughters, Jia Xin, Jia Qi, and his boyfriend Liang HuaSheng, share happy moments of mutual misfortunes and misfortunes. The year of the dog is approaching.


77 Heartbreaks (Movie)[2017]

Feature: Taking a pair of lovers who love each other for nine years as a starting point, Zhang ZhiSi accidentally discovered a "heart broken diary" left by Lv HuiXin and discovered that he had long neglected the feelings of being surrounded by his lover. Wrong Zhang ZhiSi to restore, in the face of heartbreaking past, Lv HuiXin still forgave him 78th.

The Sleep Curse (Movie)[2017]

Feature: The famous University Medical School professor Anthony Wong Chau Sang (Anthony Wong Chau Sang), specializing in human sleep can be a long time no way. One day, ex-girlfriend Qiu Mengxi (Goh Jojo ornaments) suddenly appeared for help, all her family had all suffering from insomnia, the disease went to the end, the patient will be more into an anachronism, very aggressive! To explore the truth, Lin Xi-family began a series of terrorist experiments: sneaking into the morgue to steal the patient's brain, and Qiu Mengxi closed in secret room to study the relationship between sleep and brain protein ... As the experiment more in-depth, strange Things continue to happen in Qiu Mengxi; even Lin Xi family also appears to be infected, my heart began to appear to eat human flesh ... Everything involved the original 45 years ago, the twin sisters Hou Wenyuan and Hou Wenzhen (Wei Shi Ya points decoration) Related to the tragedy

DrinkDrankDrunk (Movie)[2016]

Feature: The story tells the story of Alan, the second-generation generation who often runs out of steam and signs up for court appearances as a friend the next day. However, Alan still attends a series of birthday parties arranged by his friend Wendy that night. Dino's lawyer was worried that Alan would lose his spot tomorrow, so she forced his luthier Chris to follow Alan to make sure Alan could appear on time the next day. And Chris, an old friend who is in need of funds to invest in his project, Sam (Ng Ho Hong) set out to know the rich people and started to walk side by side with Chris. Overnight, everyone visits a number of rave parties, from private clubs to karaoke bars, and then to the Nightclub at Lan Kwai Fong, while Chinese women's bartender Cherry (Tang Yi) saves them. Everyone doing crazy absurd act, things get out of control. . .

HeavenIntheDark (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Rev. Du, the Director General of Hong Kong, an international charity, relies on his articulation of goodness to become a star priest, widely accepted by his followers and his followers. Michelle, who is an assistant when entering the agency, is also attracted by his charm. Two people appreciate each other, but due to the lack of formal development of identity. Later, Rev. Du decided to go to Britain to serve as the director general of Asia, and both of them went to the restaurant alone. Then drive more to the top of the mountain for a ride, in the mutual affection more kisses up, but this kiss has changed the fate of the two. The following day, Michelle went to the police station to file a report on sexual harassment by Pastor Du. The two sides eventually lost their fame in the courtroom and the pastoralist Du. They chose to stay away from religion and escape into the secular world. Michelle became more religious and found lifelong partners. Five years later, when the two died in an accident, they thought that the end of one thing happened. However, when you said something about me and found that we still did not let go, the matter was re-examined under the fragmentary memory of each other and a tribunal failed to be given s answer.

Insanity (Movie)[2015]

Feature: An extremely brutal murder shocked all Hong Kong. Fan GuoSheng murdered his wife and later escaped legal sanctions after being diagnosed with mental problems and was taken to a psychiatric hospital for treatment. In an uproar of public opinion, the spirited medical talent announced the initiative to act as the chief physician of Fan GuoSheng. Fan GuoSheng is getting well after Zhou MingJie's careful treatment. Three years later, Chow believes that Van has been discharged from hospital to reintegrate into society and build up his own life. However, colleagues and academics have questioned this. In the face of all kinds of pressures, Zhou insisted on their own decision. He claimed to be responsible for the patient and his behavior, but he can afford to shoulder this huge responsibility, in case of "tiger" really go back to the mountains how to do? Mental illness is only one of human diseases, is a terrible nightmare. Fan GuoSheng after discharge appears to be back to normal, but a murder of drug traffickers followed him. After investigation, the police found the missing Fan GuoSheng locked again as a suspect. Tsunami-like public opinion attacks made Zhou MingJie almost impossible to breathe, and numerous industry doubts quickly pushed him down to the name of the cliff. Can Zhou MingJie cure Fan GuoSheng again? A new round of mental contest will start again. In the meantime, Zhou MingJie's fiancée, Bao Er, is threatened with death without any reason. Can Zhou MingJie save his lover and save everything by his own efforts?

ParisHoliday (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Ding XiaoMin (Amber Kuo ornaments) and her boyfriend Xu Hui (Xu Zhengxi ornaments) are learning art background, the two came all the way to the art capital of Paris, hoping to make some achievements there. Emotionally, kind but somewhat stubborn Ding XiaoMin is desperate for Xu Hui, in order to fulfill her boyfriend's artistic dream, she is willing to give up her own future and rely on working to subsidize her home to ease the economy. However, Ding XiaoMin did not think that he was still Xu Hui ruthless abandoned. By a huge blow, Ding XiaoMin completely lost hope for men and love, give up on themselves, into the days of endless unexamined. One day, Ding XiaoMin accidentally became a roommate of a man named Lin JunJie (Louis Koo), and always thought Lin JunJie liked the same-sex Ding XiaoMin, Good man takes good care of.

GoldenChicken3 (Movie)[2014]

Feature: The story of the film is still the prostitute "A Jin". At the age of 15, Ajin forced her to become a prostitute when she was forced to live. Over the years, she witnessed the decline and prosperity of Greater Hong Kong as a "mother mom" with resources and a " Golden Rooster sss ", all-day shuttle in the Regal parties, to see the light, bizarre, despite the carefree Petty life in" New Hong Kong ", but always miss the pure" old Hong Kong. " Ge Dun () is an overbearing gangster. When Hong Kong was convicted of committing crimes before returning to Hong Kong in 1997, his thinking, behavior and dress remained in the colonial era. After being released from prison, he was unable to comply with "New Hong Kong" Even the only old man with a sense of security for Ge Dun, Ajin, was no longer the silly sister of the year. See Ge Dun's incompatible, enthusiastic A Jin decided to help him rekindling, to start a new life.

LivesinFlames (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Alan, a government clerk, was once again dismissed as a trivial quarrel with his boss, the fifth time in two years. Since graduating from high school, Alan has joined the community. Although his father repeatedly asked him to take over the family-run pharmacy business, Alan has resigned and does not want to go the other way and hope he can do something about it. However, neither the goal nor the ideal Alan no matter what they do not devote themselves, always a lack of enthusiasm, so often run into trouble, no job can be done for a long time until he reunite Dash ... Dash is Alan's secondary school Students, from the urine of love rock music, when the graduation performance due to the differences with the guitarist pull temporarily played Alan replay performance. Unexpectedly, the performance was unanimously praised, unprecedented success ... After graduation, he has been in a piano to work, as long as the place is related to the music has made him very satisfied, even if his girlfriend Jeana has been opposed, that "playing music "Out of nothing, only Dash leisure time and continue to band band entertainment with other music fans, enjoy!

Triad (Movie)[2012]

Feature: "Zhaoguang" tells the story of Hong Kong gangs more than 10 years of vicissitudes. A Ting and A Xiang and Azure siblings, three people at the age of 16 began to follow Yaojiu Wen, feeling like brotherhood. A Ting by the old classmates take the road to help the rich income, earn more than the fame, so offended the words of the first Ming Ming, recruit a brutal strike, since he hate the Ming hate into the bone. As a triad, A Ting fell in love with daughter Michelle, affectionate. Michelle's father, Wang, asked her to leave A Ting, and she bet that A Ting would not give up her triad career for love, and Michelle only desperate. The community ordered to eradicate the hot out, responsible for the shot of A Ting son by the Yao Wen entrusted to let him a career, but at the last moment, A Ting did not hesitate to stab the death of a hot revenge, but also for himself to take the leading position paving. But he could never have expected that Irene sister, a hot widow, was on the verge of having to compete with A Ting to lead the big brother and to pay him the blood.

QuattroHongKongII (Movie)[2011]

Feature: This year's Hong Kong Film Festival "Hong Kong Quartet II" to break the geographical boundaries, joined the director of Southeast Asia, four Asian directors took their eyes unique Hong Kong style. Among them, the Verizas of Ancient Apothecary from Thailand, won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival with the works "Past and Present of Uncle Bomi"; the director of the Philippines, Breiwen Dusha won 2009.

LoveIsTheOnlyAnswer (Movie)[2011]

Feature: At Bao and Ryan's wedding banquet, the projector was already playing their fall in love with the process, suddenly flashed Ryan sex movie with the sexy woman, Bao calmly walked onto the stage announced the divorce and the wedding immediately canceled, this piece Things quickly become hot online. Replies Bao and merry Merry Ryan continue to maintain friendly relations, one day loving Qiang Bao actually take part in the wife party, the conservative Bao wanted to leave, but was forced by Qiang Wei lure helpless to participate. In the wife party, the two met Jay and sister pretending to be wife Man Li, four people to develop a romantic and hot side of the box, at another wedding, when the projector is sown with the bride and groom warm Fragments, the screen flashed unexpected fragments. Ryan filming for them to forget the final turn into his confession of Bao, Ryan left this time, with a master ran a lot of places to seek a previous life, the last stop is the Potala Palace in Lhasa, Of course, I could only see myself, but at this time Bao kept a message to Ryan, asking him where he was so worried about him. Ryan, like a tornado in her premarital love trial, made Bao their rainbow. It was very touching, and both were well together. Later, Ryan also in the refrigerator with a graphic pendulum to Bao propose marriage, but Bao did not agree, still maintain a lover relationship.

Ex (Movie)[2010]

Feature: People who love more than once, those who divide their hands, who belong to the past; after all, we loved - "the former degree." Chen JunPing (William Chan) who just returned from the Mainland and his current girlfriend, A Shi, met at the airport with his ex-girlfriend, Zhou Yi (Gillian Chung). Zhou Yi and travel writer A Shu (Lawrence Chou ornaments) are preparing to leave for a long journey, but a dispute broke out. Resigning from the trip, Zhou Yi, who returned from the apartment, was temporarily homeless and was rewarded with Chen Juning and his girlfriend A Shi who had never forgotten about her trip. Chen Yi, who lives in his new home for two, found that Chen Junping, who is in pursuit of material life, is no longer Chen JunPing, who once had the dream and coped with the afflictions. The only constant is that Chen JunPing has never let go of Zhou Yi, a man who had been divided and tangled for many years. Within a matter of two days, in the face of familiar things in the new home, Zhou Yi and memories of the past aroused memories of 30 hours, reviewing the love travel over the past six years. After she broke up with Chen JunPing, she met Yi Sheng (Chapman To) who treated her as a romance, and also loved A Sheng (Jacky Heung), a romantic boy and girl who lives in her life. .

Girl (Movie)[2010]

Feature: Gucci high school students in order to sell a bag on the Internet, the successful bidder was impressed by the people around. BOSS Icy a concept of poor Armor, but in case of cheap police put the video on the Internet. Rich woman Ronnie sold the net hunting men in the name, on the bed but gave back money to men, shot more generous than men. Agnostic Lin Zhongyi made love, think of love over the sky, but its favorite cooked off but only love money transactions. Four 囡 囡, know the tiger Hill difficult to implement the girl league.

Youth Melody (TV)[2010]

Feature: Youth melody It was the last quality development class before graduation. Counselor Zhao LaoShi (Cheng-Yung Chang) inexplicably let students start an unnamed long-distance race. The end of the standard is to fall on the runway. Almost all students chose to give up halfway. Only Wang YuHang (Leo Ku) kept running until the bell rang ... The employment situation was extremely grim this year. Wang YuHang and Liao BoHan (Deep Ng ornaments) on the sheets before leaving school wrote "I want to stay," the four characters hanging on the balcony of the dorm. The most important recruitment scene shocked both brothers. Crowded, Wang YuHang still confidently go straight to his favorite that well-known new energy company, waiting for the day he prepared for a long time. No news at the interview, Wang YuHang and Liao BoHan share a cheese house, in a small space with curtains pulled out of the partition as ants. After graduation, Ning Hao (Yang Yang (actor) ornaments) into the various civil service qualification examinations according to their parents' plan, and still lives a student-like day under the nagging of their parents. Wang YuHang and Liao BoHan rely on Ning Hao to bring their food from home during the most difficult time. Among the rented houses are Dong QianQian (Su Ma ornaments) and Pu XiaoTang (Jiang Mengjie ornaments). Dong QianQian is a well-known blame card holder. She has been forced to move forward with a dictatorial order from banks. Pu XiaoTang is a quiet girl, go game master, the boys could not find the North, but always lost to Wang YuHang.

BewithYou (Movie)[2009]

Feature: OuyangGuanNan and Shi TuJie two people are the same birthday, the same love of photography, the character is exactly the same victory. They both met at a debate and the two had a wonderful spark. Since then, the two often bicker, has been a friend. Must meet each fight bicker. In addition, Nan Jun's chief Lu JunWen often accompanied her around, but repeated confessions have been Nan's rejection. Nan and Jeddah love photography, in a photography competition, two people who will win the betting, won one party will mention, out of a request. However, as long as the place where Nan appears, Jie will certainly join in the fun. Nan very angry, who agreed to shoot the sunrise, who will win. The backcountry of the school became the battlefield of the two. They tried to touch the darkness up the mountain at midnight, and tried to shoot the rain after the rainbow, but each shot a half. Agie invited Nan to participate in his birthday on the school's balcony, and the two agreed to each other already. Nan promised. However, under the sun, Yang Nan will misunderstand Jiexiu get her, but also in his face left a slap in the face, Czech did not say what left. When she later learned that it was a misunderstanding, Jie already handled withdrawal from school, and everything was too late. Four years later, Nan worked in a photo studio opened by Jun-wen. At the anniversary celebration, Nan recalled the good memories of Czech Republic and came to the back of the school, even met the Czech. They still feel great about each other, dispel misunderstandings and start over again to make up for lost time. But at this moment, the people around him told her that what she saw was not the old Czech Republic, Czech Republic. After leaving the country, she did not return to the United States and has already suffered and is already dead. Nan did not believe it at all. She thought that now Czech was her Czech. She did not want to lose him, but it turned out to be a real death. It turned out that the soul came to her when McDonnell died. Two people can feel each other each other, outsiders can not see. Nan Nan people are worried about, think Nan got. But Nan is very clear, Czech on her side. However, their love can not be accepted by their loved ones, Czech left Nan. Nan left in the Czech days, kept reminding them of their past, Czech then use the camera secretly photographed many of her photos, Nan often took out the camera when sad, and then looked out the window secretly weeping. "I would love to be with you." Six months later, Nan gradually accepted Jun-wen, who was always beside her. On Nan's birthday, Jun-wen intended to marry him with the encouragement of Nan Dad. But unexpected two people, the original six months ago, when the Czech Republic, died, the heart donated to an 11-year-old boy, this is Jie's mother called Jie's sister with a boy. Nan looked at the little boy, read a letter from Czech mother, tears falling, she slowly crouched down, stroking the heart of the boy where the place, burst into tears, she was talking about, she wanted to Czech. Finally, she said gently, happy birthday. At this time, there is a familiar voice, happy birthday. Nan looked up, only to find Jie standing in the corner, looking at her. Nan laughed. Dad looked sad look, also gave up. For her and Czech things are not reluctantly. The last Czech and Nan and her father took a family portrait.

TrickOrCheat (Movie)[2009]

Feature: The movie "Love Cats" tells the students how to pass the test in the test field. As a top student and to help students pass the exam problem, he did not hesitate to teach a cat trick. In the field test written examination, they use high-tech equipment to a cat, but the original test of English oral examination, and the same see Zhaozhaozhao. Xue JunHui in the movie leads the classmates to meet the goddess, can invite the foreigner ghostster ghost upper body, when exams the English oral test to go right. However, in the film, the holy love affair resorts to the actress Tang SuLing. And play divination asked marriage, that can be "good woman hiding" enjoy the blessing of Qi, so that both girlfriend to carry out underground love, order Tang SuLing and enemies. A scientist who likes to photograph the details of life with his mobile phone, likes to play drums, is full of his own passion, and has rich muscles. He came to Hong Kong from Chaozhou to spend his money and so on. On the other hand, in order to leave behind the good memories of the fifth year, everyone is working hard to rehearse a wonderful musical. During these days, all the students, while learning the novel cat technology while practicing for the Fifth Grads, had a great amount of laughter during this period. All of us also established a profound friendship at this time. Although everyone had a good cat out of a cat, In the end, they decided to give their own answers

LittleDidSheKnow (Movie)[2009]

Feature: Gucci high school students in order to sell a bag on the Internet, the successful bidder was impressed by the people around. BOSS Icy a concept of poor Armor, but in case of cheap police put the video on the Internet. Rich woman Ronnie sold the net hunting men in the name, on the bed but gave back money to men, shot more generous than men. Agnostic Lin Zhongyi made love, think of love over the sky, but its favorite cooked off but only love money transactions. Four 囡 囡, know the tiger Hill difficult to implement the girl league.

除暴 (Movie)[1974]



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