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Sally Jing TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Sally Jing Works 24 ,And Romance 7 ,Feature 7 ,Action 6 ,Costume Drama 5 ,Adventure 3 ,Comedy 3 ,Animation 2 ,Urban drama 2 ,Suspense 2 ,Fantasy 2 ,公路1 ,创业1 ,Historical play 1 ,legend 1 ,Contemporary 1 ,其它1 ,Ancient legend 1 ,Biopic 1 ,Crime 1 ,Sci-Fi 1 ,Family drama 1 ,War 1 ,Terror 1 。

Works Index

Sally Jing Filmography(24)


一场遇见爱情的旅行 (TV)[2019]


《一场遇见爱情的旅行》讲述了当代都市上海,普通白领 Li XinYue 以千万重金拍下大画家 Chu HongFei 的画作《宝贝》,这个奇怪的行为引起了警方的注意,被卧底警察 Jin XiaoTian 像影子一样追踪。俩人阴错阳差地一起上了 Chu HongFei 之子 Chu ZhiHan 的创业项目直播旅行房车,开往心月想念又害怕的故乡香格里拉。在风景如画的旅途中, Li XinYue 与一直保护她的 Jin XiaoTian 互生好感,但 Jin XiaoTian 碍于卧底的身份一直不能表白。为保护画作《宝贝》的真迹,心月被贩毒集团绑架, Jin XiaoTian 只身营救,在生死的考验下, Jin XiaoTian 终于向心月表明心迹,两人立誓同生共死。当贩毒集团与 Chu HongFei 联合导演的所有丑恶在香格里拉的阳光下曝光后,心月为画家父亲讨回了公道。而小天也圆满完成了任务,成长为一名优秀的人民警察。


Geek rivers and lakes (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Geek Rivers and Lakes" tells of the lack of communication skills of the young girl Fu Jiao (Jing Tian ornaments) in the field of computer has a superb ability to participate in her new game research and development, found that game industry giant Teng Yue Group released a new game even with her The same development. After confusion, Fu Jiao was taken as the "inner ghost" of the company and was evicted from her home. After several unsuccessful interpretations with the company, she decided to go to Prance headquarters to make it clear ... A series of blows put Fu Jiao in the bottom of her life at Under the arrangement of destiny, Fu Jiao lived in the ancestral home of Wang Yang (Aarif Rahman), which was brought under the same roof by the loving enemies of the earlier enemies of "hatred" and became born in conflicts and crises. In the end, in the entrepreneurial dream and cruel reality intertwined space, created a myth!

Kong: Skull Island (Movie)[2017]

Feature: In the 70s of the last century, an expedition of expedition members, explorers, field photographers and servicemen took the adventures of exploring the mysterious island of the South Pacific - Skull Island. Their arrival disturbed the island god - the history of the largest King Kong. After some tragic fierce fighting, expedition members scattered around the island. At this point, the team members realized that this expedition was not a simple expedition, but to prove the existence of monsters. In this isolated and dangerous jungle, countless weird prehistoric creatures are hidden among them, momentarily threatening their lives. The team members also met the mysterious primitive tribe. The origins of King Kong and the reason for defending the island were gradually uncovered. It turned out that the horrible skull island dormant even more fierce and brutal monster ......

火王之破晓之战 (TV)[2017]


电视剧《火王之破晓之战》剧情介绍:讲述了千年以前,宇宙中有一星域,那里山川秀美,景色宜人。火神 Zhong Tian 、风神千湄、山神 Di Yun 等六位神明在众神之首尚轩的带领下共同维护星域的和平。在一次与黑暗势力的对抗中,众神遭受重创,千湄为救爱人 Zhong Tian 生死未卜,星域面临灭顶之灾。 Zhong Tian 为了寻找拯救家园的能量,在尚轩指引下,寻找新的生机。几经跋涉, Zhong Tian 来到遥远的东域,并在此 Zhong Tian 遇到了与爱人千湄长相一样的司徒奉剑。两人经历一次次磨难后相爱,却又因此陷入了更大的生死危机中。而此时,黑暗势力也跟随至此,原来这一切幕后黑手竟然就是 Zhong Tian 曾经的好兄弟 Di Yun 。在历经亲情、友情、爱情的种种抗衡后,善念终于战胜邪恶, Zhong Tian 和 Di Yun 也重新携手,共同找寻拯救星域的希望,重建美好家园。

火王之千里同风 (TV)[2017]


《火王之千里同风》讲述了主人公 Lin Ye 是位年轻有为的科学家,因受到“火王”传说的启发,他集合 Lei Hao 等一帮年轻人创办了绿创生态集团,一心研究让地球免于污染和灾难的环保新能源。女记者诺风因新闻采访与 Lin Ye 结识,在经历一系列误会后,两人互生情愫,正准备携手一道从事环保科研和宣传工作时, Lin Ye 故友 Di Yun 出现,用卑劣的商业手段频繁阻挠,并窃取了 Lin Ye 的科研成果。 Lin Ye 和诺风为了保护新能源与其斗智斗勇,也一再陷入险境,最终,在众多科学家的联手帮助下,科研成果得以保全, Di Yun 的诡计以失败告终。经历这一切的 Di Yun 也终于醒悟,与 Lin Ye 重归于好,两兄弟共同致力于环保事。诺风和 Lin Ye 则终于实现了自身理想,同时收获了美好爱情。

Datang Glory (TV)[2017]

Feature: Shen ZhenZhu was born, was chosen as Princess Guang Ping Wang Li Chu, gave birth to the eldest son of Tang Dezong Li, Li was chased after the Rui Regent. She just introduced a southern woman, good heart, surviving Sajik and goodwill, in Anshun chaos only willing to stay in Changan and common people advance and retreat, as Changan people respect. Though dispersed among the generals, Mo Yan Chuhu, pursued it, he still held his love for Li Chu. After the Tang Dynasty recuperates to Changan, the diaspora can not enter the palace, but Li Chu is determined to pick up the pearl back. The pearl takes the prince Li Chu as its priority and returns to the folk. After Li Chu looks for many places, the pearl is always reluctant to enter the palace. Wish to fulfill Li Chu. She won Li Chu's life unforgettable by her knowledge of Darjeeling's knowledge and the excellent quality of having both ability and political integrity. And she is not a luxury to coordinate the harem with a word to know the sufferings of the common people. Shen ZhenZhu, a generation of talented women, made certain historic contributions to the development of the mid-Tang Dynasty.

Datang Glory 2 (TV)[2017]

Feature: Emperor Su-tsung during the royal family internal and external problems. The prince Li Tan was framed by the Queen to die, and the eldest son Li Chu grieved. Chaotang above, Zhang Huang and Shi Siming slander Li Chu, led to Li Chu military power was seized. In order to cheer Li Chu, Du GuJingYao proposed to marry into the palace to assist Li Chu. In the face of Du GuJingYao kindness and love of his wife Pearl, Li Chu into a dilemma. For the future of Li Chu and Datang dynasty, Pearl Chu Li volunteered to marry Du GuJingYao voluntarily, after which Li Chu was established as a prince. The wiles of Zhang Queen and Shi Siming became ruthless as Li Chu stepped forward to the throne. Shi Shiming torn the mask of conspiracy. Chaotang, Zhang Empress Prince another set of tricks has also been loyal leader Li Ying see through, Prince Edward's place was Paul. The emptiness of Queen Zhang desperately struggled trying to kidnap pearl Li Xu Li Chu, exposing the Emperor in front of the emperor Zhang Zhang's trick, the Queen's final food. With the help of all loyal admirals and Du GuJingYao, Li Chu successfully defended himself. Datang Jiangshan finally solid, experienced ups and downs ups and downs of the Li Chu, boarded the throne, the continuation of Datang glory.

Fist & Faith (Movie)[2017]

Feature: In a school called Green Woo, four teenagers Jing Hao and A Pi, Tan Ji Mu, Yao Ji and Er Bing formed a life-and-death close friend in a special campus environment and became the men's high school The only group that confronted campus bullying suppressed the rampant campus evil of Chai Tian and others. In a special atmosphere of the times, the two parties maintained a delicate balance until the appearance of the female teacher Liu He, the balance was broken, and the boyhood boys and girls would go from there to fight.

The Great Wall (Movie)[2016]

Feature: The movie Great Wall tells the story of an ancient Chinese elite unit fighting for life and death with monster gluttony on the world-famous Great Wall for defending humanity. Not long ago, the European mercenary, Matt Damon Matt Damon, and his fellow Pedro Pascal Pedro Pascal traveled to China to steal powder formulations. They accidentally discovered that the Great Wall was a feast for the world in 60 years Built. The internal organs of the Great Wall heavy, like "land aircraft carrier" by the Forbidden Army generation guard. Here, William saw the ferocity of gluttony, witnessed the elite and courage of the Forbidden Forces, and was touched by the trust and sacrifice between these fighters and joined without hesitation the battle of common humankind.

Dragon Nest Warriorsdawn (Movie)[2016]

Feature: The otherwise quiet Alterrian mainland was swept by the forces of Black Dragon and its monster followers. Under the chaos, the people are boring. The nicknamed fish, Lan BoTe, is an ordinary boy living in the town of Kendra on the border of the human kingdom. In order to protect the town, he joined the Dragon Squad established as a tribute to the Black Dragon in his mistake. This temporary alliance of elves, sorcerers, priests, rangers and legendary fighters embarks on the long-forgotten path of the lost, crossing the weird jungle, the fantastic snow-capped mountains and the mysterious time-forgotten ruins of the Black Dragon Nests, can be in front of, but there are unexpected crises waiting for their arrival. The hardships and bizarre circumstances of the journey have led to the rapid growth of Lan BoTe and the deepening understanding of the word "battle". Can he finally find the meaning of his own battle?

BanShuLegend (TV)[2015]

Feature: Ban Shu (Jing Tian), daughter of the super-guarding class in the Eastern Han Dynasty, grew up alone in the grasslands after he was young and separated from his parents. In the eve of recognition of father and daughter, Ban Chao died of illness. Ban Shu tried to get into the palace in recognition of the Bancai tribe, and successively worked as a woman's master in the school of the aristocracy and the palace school of the boys' school founded by the Empress Dowager. Open her chivalrous heart, but the Central Plains poetry unreasonable, a lot of jokes inside the school, but she did not follow the conventional, ingenuity in reform but let the original dull school atmosphere as a new one. During the teaching process, Ban Shu fell in love with the vicissitude of Wei Ying (Zhe-han Zhang), a man of palace who can not forget the tragic death of fiancee with a passionate and bold heart. While their feelings were getting stronger, Ban Shu's sister returned unexpectedly, and Ban Shu and Wei Ying fell into tangles. In the end, Ban Shu joined hands with the students to make the magnificent culture of the Han people deeply rooted in the hearts of people with his own intelligence. Ban Shu eventually grew up in the dual experiences of business and emotion.

The big jade le (TV)[2015]

Feature: Stills Da YuEr (Jing Tian) dreamed of being a bird with a sweetheart on the prairie, but destiny pushed her to the stage of the world of the Storm. Da YuEr loved Duo ErGun (Geng Le), but was mistakenly married to Huang TaiJi (Nie Yuan). These two male talents of martial arts, a pioneer of the Qing Foundation, a spur to horse Central Plains, she was destined to mother of the world, but also destined to experience the vicissitudes of life. Throughout her life, she never forsook Duo ErGun's love, but also always remember their own responsibilities. When grace and glory ensued, she struggled painfully in the cracks between politics and emotion. From Zhuang Fei to the Empress Dowager and then to the Empress Dowager, Da Yu Er spent his entire life in the Qing Dynasty and the Three Dynasties, helping two generations of young lords to turn the tide and break through a sinister political struggle. He was always on the edge of historical progress On the one hand, with a unique mind and drive to promote the era of wheel forward.

TheManFromMacau (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Known both at home and abroad, Shi Yi-jian, a magic hand who served as general counsel for the security of casinos in the United States, eventually returned to Macau to retire and even invited friends from all walks of life to celebrate the birthday party. Among them are friends Benz Benz (decoration) and his son Xiao Leng (decoration), as well as the nephew Niu BiSheng Niu Niu (ornaments), more particularly from Hong Kong to Macao to celebrate. The following day, as well as the three police officers, they did not meet with the same looking for a stone Kennedy, hoping he can deal with Gao XianSheng (organization), but Kennedy declined to retire on the grounds of things. While Xiao Leng's half-brother was an undercover agent arranged by Gao XianSheng in China because the left eye recorded the scene of money laundering and was known to be the inner ghost and killer by the killer. He hid in Leng Leng's house in Hong Kong When, the left eye was pulled out in one of the eyes than a bear. On the other hand, Xiao Leng actually went with Niu BiSheng to find the door, hoping Kenji took them both as migrant brother, Kenji appreciated Xiao Leng, but he had already retired, had to refuse, but to see Benz brother, he was entertained Overnight Who do not know, hit the night hit the killer (ornaments), they do not ask for a direct chase Xiao Leng and brother Ai A Cai (ornaments). Although during the Chinese public security Lv Wenwen (ornaments) to save, but A Cai eventually escaped, killed to amnesia. (A Cai amnesia for Jian brother deliberately arranged for the fake eye to the hands of the public security) Under the secret investigation under investigation, know that the behindhand actually was black hand Gao XianSheng. Things will not happen for no reason, Kennedy brother and Leng Leng two people together, together with three female Lv Wen Zi, cloth against Gao XianSheng, fighting strength, vowing to check, put him to justice.

龙之谷:破晓奇兵 (Movie)[2014]


原本宁静的阿尔特里亚大陆,被黑龙及其魔物追随者的势力所席卷。乱世下,民不聊生。绰号小鱼的 Lan BoTe ,是生活在人类王国边境凯德拉镇里的普通少年,为了保护小镇,在误打误撞中作为小跟班加入了为讨伐黑龙而建立的屠龙联盟。这支由精灵、魔法师、牧师、游侠和传奇战士组成的临时杂牌联盟,踏上了失落已久的迷失古道,翻越诡异的丛林、奇幻的雪山和神秘的被时间遗忘的废墟去寻觅黑龙的巢穴,可前方,却有意想不到的危机在等待着他们的到来。旅程的艰辛和奇异的境遇让 Lan BoTe 迅速成长起来,对于“战斗”二字的理解逐渐加深,他最终能找到属于自己的战斗的意义吗?


SpecialID (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Chen ZiLong (Donnie Yen) is an undercover assassin who has been undercover for many years. As the man with the right and left arm of his elder brother Chang MaoXiong (Collin Chou), he is under tremendous pressure in his mind and body. As the boss has raised his suspicions, Threaten the life of Dragon Mother (Nina Paw ornaments), he is eager to reinstatement, out of underworld. This time, Xiongxiao sent a dragon to the mainland to find out about the actual situation of member Sunny Lo (Andy On). Sunny was born in the United States Chinatown, Zilongzi had mixed with early age, but gradually bigger he secretly dark Xiong brother's goods. On the other hand, son Long's boss Sir (Ronald Cheng ornaments) in exchange for reinstatement, the same fate dragon to investigate Sunny. Who knows the line is extremely dangerous in the Mainland, Sunny people cunning and spicy, but with the Mainland police and contradictory conflicts frequently, coupled with the mysterious assassin "Dao Feng" (Zhang Hanyu ornaments) hidden, Zilong unconsciously entered the plot Among the whirlpool ...

RepeatILoveYou (Movie)[2012]

Feature: "Shadow lover" tells the story of romantic love story of urban men and women. The theme is "brilliant flowers, snow cold, love dilemma," about men and women in the bustling city, because of love, career and the world's best, sweet sparks, staged a mixed with depression, confusion, but Finally be able to find love chase love. Paris mysterious disappearance of the heir to Paris, Quan ZhengXun, Paris lover, the president assistant in order to protect her inheritance rights, planning a trick to find a girl looks exactly like Paris Qin Xin (Cecilia Cheung ornaments) to replace her. Under the guidance of Quan ZhengXun, Qin Xin moved to Korshin mansion, accepting various trainings as heirs to business women, to deceive others. And Dong AoNian, the uncle who wanted to usurp Paris's inheritance rights, was waiting in the wings in an attempt to expose Qin Xin's disgrace. Qin Xin, who had become Paris, was faced with multiple tests and had an affair with Quan ZhengXun. When she tried to pursue this happiness, Paris actually appeared again. "Shadow lover" took three clues The narration, in addition to Cecilia Cheung and Kwon Sang-woo, played a love affair with a couple who fell in love with World War II, which directly affected the love of Cecilia Cheung and Kwon Sang-woo while Sphinx Ting and Jing Tian is another line in the movie.

TearsinHeaven (Movie)[2012]

Feature: After the death of his wife, Jing Tian, ​​Lu Yi (actor) is associated with a five-year-old son, Min Bin. Xiao Lin left before the death of "the next rainy season will be back to life" promise, the father and son will doubt the letter. Did not expect the rainy season Xiaolin the second year really appeared, but no memory, broken families once again reunited, although there are doubts, but Yifan and Xiaole their love unreservedly gave Xiaolin, and gradually Xiao Lin also really into the family, accepted the role of wife and mother, happy family looks good, but people can really die of it? Little Lin in front of this memory is really their relatives?

UltraReinforcement (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Er Dan (Wallace Huo), a young man determined to become a writer, lasted for three years and wrote the legend of Shi KeJin in the Tang Dynasty. However, he was ridiculed by the president of the publishing house. During the meteor shower night, which took more than a thousand years, the lost Er Dan lurked in the park. Suddenly, his well-known family spirits came back and brought him back over a thousand years ago in the Tang Dynasty Tianbao ten years Mid-Autumn Festival night. By chance, Er Dan became the savior of Shi KeJin (Dylan Kuo) in the Tang Dynasty and was admitted to the historian of Fan YangWang and admired Shi KeJin's younger sister Ling Zhi (Jing Tian). Shi KeYan jealous Shi KeJin wealthy, sending killer Yang proud (Hao Sun ornaments) Assassination of his brother at the critical moment Er Dan once again use the jade, the siblings brought back to modern times, Yang proud with his own jade also came 2012 Years, Er Dan and three of the most ancient people with great skills triggered a series of adventures, and a conspiracy has gradually surfaced ......

TheWarringStates (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Warring States period, seven male hegemony. Together, Tian Ji, Tian Ji's soldier, fought a war with Wei Jun, and Sun Bin, who had unexpectedly been killed in the victory, was defeated with incredible tactics and suffered heavy casualties. Tian Xi is full of indignation and indignation Sun Bin, originally wanted to kill him Qi Qi soldiers revenge, who knows thriving Qi Wang has ordered to forgive the disaster Bin Sun Bin. Heluo General Assembly, Sun Bin personally help fight the horse race in Qi State, the Wizards first dew, met former brother Tong Pang Juan. Pang Juan, already a major general in Wei Guo, changed Sun Bin to Wei at the expense of the three cities. Sun Bin, a sincere friend of the brothers, thought it could be reunited with this, who knows he is cherished with the art of war buried under the curse. Pang Juan, Pang Fei, Wei Wang for its tit-for-tat, rattling, several big country is also eyeing. Among the suspenseful powers of war, an unprecedented brutal war is imminent. Behind all this, a more terrifying surprise has just exposed the tip of the iceberg.

My Belle Boss (Movie)[2010]

Feature: For the livelihood of IT workers Da Xiong lived an ordinary life, overcast, so he met the luxury car "rich second generation" Xiao Ai. After encountering a series of ironic embarrassing events, Da Xiong was compelled to "sell themselves as slaves." In the ensuing days, Xiao Ai's beauty and innocence, Da Xiong's courageous kindness, make this inexperienced lovers flirt with each other. Within a few days Da Xiong was hired to the coveted company to work. But the appearance of boss Emma made him dumbfounded, and she actually had exactly the same length as Xiao Ai. Da Xiong is faced with a strong and capable Emma while working. She is confronted with a lively and naive Xiao Ai in her life. He seems to be in a dreamlike world. The sudden appearance of Fu Qin, the grueling company Zhu Guan, and the troublesome Emma Cousin, led Da Xiong's life to no longer calm, and behind it all appeared to harbor a bigger secret.

AnEpicofaWoman (TV)[2009]

Feature: In 1947, the 16-year-old Fei Fei was a pure and straightforward girl who disliked urban fraud, darkness and bustling atmosphere and longs for a cleaner, more romantic and passionate life, so she knew her classmates Together participated in the revolution, became a member of the staff. This accidental engagement with revolution inherently meets her pursuit of romantic personality - revolution is to cleanse all contamination, the revolution is full of romantic temperament. When the revolutionary movement came one after another, Ouyang Yu always been hit and criticized, stop pay stop pay, followers burst into pieces, whenever this time only the little Philippians are indefatigable, as always, love him At this moment, the warm and warm family that the little Philippine laid for him became his last retreat land. Material shortages, the small Fining would like to eat their own nutrition to her husband, but also to dig hard to get food, or even go to the outskirts of the toad in the middle of the night. She carefully calculated the daily living expenses, in order to get the leading role that monthly six dollars in food subsidies and four two brown sugar to the Ouyang make up for the weak body go to the theater secretary gifts; her husband was criticized during the Cultural Revolution, she insisted on daily delivery , And skillfully and courageously disintegrate the violence imposed on her husband; husband labor camp, Xiaofei Ning can be reduced from the big-time lead-ups to boilers nor to draw a clear line with her husband, insisted to explore the time interval. Xiao-Fei finally kept Ouyang cornel, Ouyang cornel after a long spiritual wandering finally willing to spend the rest with her profound feelings.

Anacondafrightened (Movie)[2008]

Feature: At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, there was a long drought and no rain in the area along the Yellow River. However, officials of the government and the township took the opportunity to accumulate money and accumulate wealth to harm the people and their hungry places. Taiping Town, located in remote mountainous areas, An almost isolated town, but since the rich gentleman Tian Fu Fu, plus a lot of refugees embrace, the original peaceful town suddenly changed not peaceful, the gang fought repeatedly, hitting home robbery everywhere ... Chu Qi and When Ying Chun bought chickens and turtles at the market, he happened to meet Tian Jiu, a school girl who was molested. Chu Qi rescued Tian Juan and became friends with her. Tian Juan's beauty attracted Chu Qi, Ying-chuen two people, in order to beat the benevolence of beauty, Chu Qi and Ying Chun started all ironic courtship action ... ... A wealthy man rich side, overnight died of wonder, to the town a layer of horror When people talk about each other speculation, Tian Tin, Mr. Tian Fu and the mysterious death ... ... When Mao DaShi learned that Mr. Tian too unfortunate death, envious of he immediately with the devil, Ch u Qi, arrived at Tian House, but was bent on pursuing Tian Juan's Zhu Catapult, acting as a suspect in a police arrest room ... In Ying Ying and Drunk Cat, trying to rescue Mao Da Shi and Chu Qi, Drunk cat was secretly slipped into the Tin field, but was the deceased "Tian Fu" to kill, from the town came Tian Fu into a "zombie" rumors everywhere, the heart suddenly ... ... Tian Fu died, Tian Zhen sister Sister Tian Juan's attitude went straight down, and repeatedly forced Tian Juan to surrender his property, which led to Tian Juan's strong dissatisfaction. Tian Juan was always suspicious of his father's death. She did not believe Mao Da Shih would be Killing her father's murderer, so Tian Juan went to plead with Zhu Catapult to release Mao Da Shi and elementary people ... Since the death of Tian Fu, hiding in a huge python in Tian's old tomb grazed Tian Tian's side like a shadow From time to time to attack Tian Zhen et al ...... Mao DaShi and others rushed to Yizhuang, in the drunk cat before the hall, made an oath, we must revenge for drunk cats hate ...... Good and evil will eventually report, Evil "zombie" eye Conspiracy to succeed, so the hands of the cruel he decided to kill all the men, with a snatch jewelry back away ... However, Mao DaShi and others have long been aware of the "zombie" conspiracy ... ... "Zombie" in the crowd siege Under the helpless to hide in the Yoshizura, "Zombies" into Yizhuang, the python has been hiding in the dark but fierce hair, tightly entangled in "zombie" and launched with him a special person When Mao DaShi et al. Unveiled the mystery of "grimaces," they unexpectedly discovered that the true murderer behind the scenes was actually Tian Zhen, while the python was meant to report the help of Tian Family thirty years ago The grace of ... ... "Wild python" mainly tells the story of a python gratitude, easy, funny but a little scared:Tian Zhen young master Tian Zhen in order to belong to all possessions, turned out to be zombies murder at midnight, has Tian Tianlun, domestic servants and kill their motivation to know the "Baihua Lou," the two doorman to kill more, Jing Tian play Tian Juan wrestles with his wits and finally borrows the golden python with the help of "white eyebrows" to recognize Tian Zhen's conspiracy and subdue it to make the truth come to light. According to Jing Tian introduced eighty-two gold crazy pursuit of her cousin, looks very ugly, but always wanted to Tian Tian married to her husband, let her annoying, and later was "zombie" bite anus, Swollen "like a disc, walking is overturned," Chu Qi help him suck venom. Tian Juan was also "zombie" bite, his mouth swollen, became "sausage mouth", make-up artist arranged several times, the director too lips swollen too small, and finally simply took the root corn sausage in his mouth gestures: Made such a big, small not!

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