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Anna Fang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Anna Fang Works 27 ,And Costume Drama 9 ,Action 8 ,Love 7 ,Suspense 7 ,Urban drama 5 ,Romance 4 ,Feature 4 ,Comedy 3 ,Youth drama 2 ,Motivational film 2 ,Fantasy film 1 ,Republic of China 1 ,legend 1 ,Historical legend 1 ,奇幻古装1 ,神话穿越1 ,Through 1 ,Year 1 ,草根1 ,Contemporary film 1 ,Palace 1 ,Magic 1 ,Martial Arts 1 。

Works Index

Anna Fang Filmography(27)


鬓边不是海棠红 (TV)[2020]


电视剧《鬓边不是海棠红》剧情介绍:讲述了上世纪三十年代,北平一名叫 Shang XiRui 的梨园新魁凭借过硬的本领在这一行声名鹊起,然而由于他是外来的,被本地势力疯狂打压。为了让自己在北平站稳脚跟,兑现自己当初要将戏曲发扬光大的承诺,他不屈不挠,一门心思扎进艺术的海洋中。在此过程中,从未看过京剧的新派富商 Cheng FengTai 偶然间看了他的表演后被深深打动,有意与他结交,并在他的影响下对京戏日渐痴迷。在 Cheng FengTai 的帮助下, Shang XiRui 克服重重阻挠,在北平重建水云楼,并培养了一批优秀的京戏人才,影响力深远。1937年,日军占领北平,面对他们令人发指的烧杀抢掠的行径,不忍大好山河与国粹艺术就这么葬送的有识之士们开始奋起反抗, Shang XiRui 和 Cheng FengTai 也被众人保家卫国的热血之情所影响,暂时放下自己渺小的人生目标,投身革命队伍,不惜以血肉之躯保家卫国,也为艺术的保护与传承献出了自己的一份力量。


Story of Yanxi Palace (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Story of Yanxi Palace" episodes:Described in the six years of Qianlong, the young girl Wei Yingluo entered into the palace and seeked the truth of her sister'death. After investigation, she confirmed that her sister’s death was related to the wangye of Hongzhou, and he was determined to seek justice. Queen Fucha succumbed to the ritual, worried that she would go astray and try to give her warmth and help. Under the careful guidance of the Queen, Wei Wei gradually grew into a strong and strong palace girl, and put down resentment and serious life. The unfortunate death of the Queen caused the misunderstanding of Qianlong. The two men were mutually hostile and eventually understood and supported each other. With the courage, the astute and flexible mind, and the broad-minded mind, the ambitions of the courts have been resolved, and they have finally become the shackles of the prosperity of the Qianlong. It was not until before her death that she told the Emperor Fuchao that she had accompanied her to Honglong. She hoped that she would accompany her to Hongyi and help him to be a Mingjun, and that Qianlong knew that Fucha had a good heart. In the 60 years of Emperor Qianlong, Emperor Qianlong declared that the son of Wei Wei, the prince of Yongzheng, was the crown prince. At the same time, he was the queen of the prince, and he finally fulfilled his promise to the Queen of Fucha with his own life.

我的美女老师第二季 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《我的美女老师第二季》剧情介绍:讲述了 Qin Chao 摇身一变,从元大的保安成为了体育老师,和 Su Ji 的感情也逐渐升温。但这时候, Su Ji 的父亲 Su ChengWen 突然回到苏南市,他强行出手,拆散了两个人。为了能够和美女老师 Su Ji 在一起, Qin Chao 在元大校长 Su Fei 的帮助下,经营起了一家演艺公司。然而,对他们的考验才刚刚开始,苏南市暗流涌动,神秘的修真界再度掀起波澜。轩辕樱姬从千年的沉睡中醒来,与此同时,神秘人 Gui Yi 现身苏南市,他一边帮助 Su ChengWen 控制修真界,一边在暗中策划着什么。 Qin Chao 和 Su Ji ,该如何化解这次的危机。


Ten thousand years of love (TV)[2017]

Feature: Hundreds of years ago, five hundred years ago, Zixia descended to find Z.TAO, a Zijin (Z.TAO ornaments) with a purple-green sword, but destroyed the purple-green sword. Zixia in order to repair the sword, use the moonlight box through. Five hundred years later, the Supreme Treasure lost the memory of past lives, reincarnated as an ax to help the Lord, and the good Bai JingJing mutual benefit in day and night. However, Bai JingJing was tricked by the Spring of 30 Mother (Ruoxi Du ornaments) sword, in order to save Bai JingJing, the Supreme Treasure use Moonlight Box, actually crossed back five hundred years ago. Pan-hole hole two meet, Zixia shocked in front of her is five hundred years ago, the most precious treasure, but found he has fallen in love with others. Niu MoWang (Yang Juncheng ornaments) covet beauty to the extreme treasure of life threatening, to marry Zixia. In confusion, the Supreme Treasure delivered to the modern and the future by the moonlight treasure box, through the journey to see the treasure of his own heart. Extreme treasure to save Zixia and Niu MoWang war. Crucial moment, Zixia forbidden treasure blocked Niu MoWang's fatal blow. At this point, the young girlfriend Qingwan (Swan), who agreed with Liu ErMiHou, agreed on a schedule of days to change the fate of Zixia and Supreme Treasure. Chaos eventually all belong to you, Zixia and the ultimate treasure also finally has a happy ending. Westward Journey Love you ten thousand years

Will marriage be in the end (TV)[2017]

Feature: The elder girl Jiang YiFan (Qian Wan) married technology boy Wang YuMing (Zhong Ren), his father Jiang MinKuan and his sister Jiang YiLin finally relieved. Wang will marry in the end the stills Yu Ming career blocked, decided to start their own business, who knows the difficulties, the two living in trouble. Jiang YiFan found that there was a problem with the breast during the physical examination. However, Wang YuMing did not dare to tell Wang YuMing whether she was uncertain whether Wang YuMing would never stop giving up and decided to take on stress and pain alone. At the same time, Wang YuMing ex-girlfriend Xiao 菡 injured hospitalized, unattended around, Wang YuMing take the initiative to take care of the work, this move Jiang YiFan and Wang YuMing's feelings even worse. Jiang YiFan wants to propose a divorce, but found that the divorce will only be more dilemma, decided to return to marriage, self-salvation. With the gradual dissolution of the misunderstanding between Jiang YiFan and Wang YuMing, Wang YuMing's relentless love for justice allowed Jiang YiFan to re-touch the warmth of marriage. "There is no perfect beginning, only perfect persistence", Jiang YiFan abide by the concept of marriage, and successfully he and Wang YuMing these two marriage rookie "half-married" to a warm and bright future & nbsp ;.

Embroidered on the clouds (TV)[2016]

Feature: "On the clouds embroidered mother" tells Miao Ling cottage as long as a woman, is embroidered mother, and was born in Sri Lanka's Rolling Kochi, childhood but neglected in this road. Originally she dreamed of walking out of the mountains through reading, but eventually became a show woman. She can only take up the embroidery baskets with her classmate Wu MeiLi to embark on the long embroidery road, working hard all the way to establish the beauty of Butterfly from the family workshop. At the 2008 Olympic Games Bidding Contest, the successful bidder won the bid and the company got unprecedented development. Rolling the butterflies and childhood sweetheart village director Li AWang ready to register for marriage, but eventually Li AWang and his crush Wu MeiLi years walk together, so rolling Kocho heartbroken, Li AWang classmate guide Long XiuGang silently guarding the roll Kocho. In 2013, when the collapse of traditional shops came to an end, the butterfly beauty inside and outside the country suffered an unprecedented crisis. With the support of the Women's Federation, it finally passed the storm and implemented the "Fairview Project" to effectively solve the reality of left-behind children and empty-nesters. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France in 2015, Guizhou Embroidery Belt successfully pushed the country onto the international stage and inherit national culture in its development.

Kung fu love courier (TV)[2016]

Feature: Xiong Dan, a martial arts courier who came from a small village, has a "chivalrousness" that is incompatible with cosmopolitan values. There Xiong Dan instead of a car accident to send express delivery, accidentally saved coma at home recipient, but was the recipient's granddaughter Yang YiYi mistaken for the perpetrators. The contradiction between the two gradually deepened, became a pair of quarrelsome lovers to meet. In order to cope with her mother 's forced marriage, Xiong Dan, who used to be honest, talked about "dating love. In the process of mutual contact, Xiong Dan's original, rustic heroism and distinctive romance make Yang YiYi more and more excited. Xiong Dan also gradually became more and more impressed with the outside girl A good feeling. After a lot of twists and turns, Xiong Dan and Yang YiYi, the twists and turns of lovers get married & nbsp ;.

Magnificent (TV)[2016]

Feature: In order to resist the invading of other aliens, the prince Dijun did not hesitate to set the enchantment at the expense of life, let the snowfall freeze the country of Condensation to protect the safety of the ethnic people Once lost, Emperor of the Condensation will face disintegration and destruction. Imperial dynasty will use the hereditary spell bucket to move, all their own pain transferred to others in order to protect their own energy. Song Jin, the successor of the 28th Emperor, grew up to see his father practicing this brutal spell and seeing his mother died in the presence of her father. After that, Song Jin grew up with the help of a high priest. Gu YouRong, the palm of the high priesthood and the holy daughter of the Chinese moon, has strong spiritual power and lofty status and is a major candidate for the future empire. Zhao Xiao is a spiritual woman serving imperial lives. On a full moon night, Zhao Xiao with Song Jin night Bi Ching Lake, her casually singing songs even triggered the long-awe-inspiring lake bottom bracelet, opened the door of space and time. The fate of Song Jin, Gu YouRong and Zhao Xiao began to change.

Express of love (TV)[2016]


The TV series "Love Express" is also known as "Kung Fu's Love Express". Introduction to the Plot: Xiong Dan, a courier who used to be a martial artist since childhood, is from Xiaocun Village and has an incompetence with the values ​​of the metropolis. On one occasion, Xiong Dan delivered a courier instead of a colleague who was in a car accident and unexpectedly rescued the coma recipient but was mistaken for the recipient's grandson Yang YiYi as the perpetrator. The contradiction between the two became deeper and became a joyous family to meet and quarrel. Yang YiYi In order to cope with the mother's forced marriage, Xiong Dan, who used to be honest and honest, talked about "the contractual love." In the process of mutual contact, Xiong Dan's original, simple heroic spirit and distinctive romance have made Yang YiYi more and more excited; Xiong Dan has gradually become more and more interested in the girl who is just outside the neck. Good feeling. After a series of twists and turns, Xiong Dan and Yang YiYi have turned to lovers who have been devastated.


Do not call me brother (TV)[2015]

Feature: Han ZiHui and Tong HaiTao share the same hand and foot, both fell in love with the same girl Ye XiaoXiao, they all want and Ye XiaoXiao admitted to the same university, but the entrance, two people have failed. Han ZiHui misfortune at home, his father died in a car accident, the burden of feeding all on his shoulders. Tong HaiTao Parents want their son good news, do not like him with Han ZiHui Scrapping in every day, to delay the future. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Tong Jiazhu Bureau forced the Tong HaiTao to Hong Kong, which created a deep misunderstanding between Tong HaiTao and Ye XiaoXiao. Han ZiHui won the love of Ye XiaoXiao, but Luo XueJuan crush him very sad. Luo XueJuan creates contradictions between Han ZiHui and Ye XiaoXiao, leaving Ye XiaoXiao sad to leave, Luo XueJuan taking advantage of it. Just as Han ZiHui and Luo XueJuan were about to get married, Han ZiHui discovered the real situation. Han ZiHui to find Ye XiaoXiao, both released before the release of Wang Luzhi, a pair of lovers eventually get married.

DatingHunter (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Dating experts" tells the story of a group of "dating clients" who love for leftovers and leftovers. Pu Bian was a beautiful public relations leader, sitting beauty charming wife, but after the failure of entrepreneurship not only the company closed down, both of his wife away from him. Pu Bian as the opposite of Ding Yu, known as the walk a flowering plum, soaking up to people, never lost his hand, the beauty around the uninterrupted. But Pu Bian has never won in any other area, he is a war-torn defeat, defeats and defeats, only to surpass Pu Bian. Liu Lin, an innumerable man who has read numerous articles from the International Model, can not even catch up with one event. In addition, he has been planning to join in with the talented housewife Su HangHang, Open a domestic most cattle public relations company, who knows unconsciously business deviation, becoming the most cattle emotional commissioner. The four young people with different personalities have gradually grown up in quarrels and laughter, solving a variety of emotional needs for clients who are attracted to them, and creating one after another "perfect date." While helping others to find their feelings, they also found their own destiny.

TheYoungDoctor (TV)[2014]

Feature: Publicity Poster Cheng Jun grew up to see the hard work his parents had in the medical professions. But Cheng Jun, who loves medicine, decided to become an emergency doctor. Doctors work under pressure, but Cheng Jun of Lotte can still find happiness. When she was suddenly diagnosed with a late-stage liver cancer from a small grandmother, Cheng Jun was already suffering. As a doctor, she could not save her grandmother's life. Cheng Jun likes to work with Ouyang Yuuu, a doctor in his department. Shen QingChuan, a big brother returning from studying in the United States, joins the heart surgery department of Xihua Hospital and has launched a strong offensive against Ouyang. Shen QingChuan to join, Ouyang, Cheng Jun are caught in the whirlpool of feelings. The three newly assigned interns in the emergency department also brought a lot of trouble to the emergency room and added a lot of stories to the group. Cheng Jun and the emergency department, the small group, overcome difficulties and constantly dig themselves and practice medical ethics in the course of treating patients. They persist in exploration and protection on the road of occupation and find the meaning of emergency room guarding their lives.

LoveActually (TV)[2012]

Feature: Qiao ZhiXia, a gifted and talented working girl, possesses a young nephew Yang Guang. An accident, due to the real estate agent Chen HaoJie mistakes Xia was deceived by two landlords fell homeless, desperate Xiaoya Hao Junjie had to go home and stay, learned that Chen is famous far and near the famous snack shop. Xiaoyang Xiaolang mistakes summer is mistaken for Hao Jie's girlfriend, an endless stream of flaws caused the suspicion of Chen's son Hao Feng, Chen Yang and his cousin Liyang is quite good for Xia Xia, soon Xiaoxia identity was exposed, not only Chen has not been driven out, but also Chen Fuming as the culmination of his successor. Different personality Hao Feng and Xia Xia has always been such as the fire and water, contradictory, almost twists and turns, the two lovers flirting closer and closer, unexpectedly Hao Feng former girlfriend Xiao Hui from interfering, creating a misunderstanding one after another Young Man's mother, Wang Manli, suddenly disappeared after many years of disappearance and made every effort to win Chen's fortune. In Xia Xia's insistence and inspiration, Chen finally from top to bottom to rule out the crisis, Xia Xia and Hao Feng eventually lover eventually get married.

Say no tears (TV)[2012]

Feature: 36-year-old Leng Jian, whose wife was raped fourteen years ago, was sentenced to 18 years in prison for choosing to hurt and maim her partner. He was released from prison four years in advance and did not greet her sister Leng Shan and the children's television drama "Never Say Tears", which she had never met before she was born. My sister, Leng Shan, took care of my nephew and "delayed" my studies, youth, and love. When Wu DaWei entered her own life, she began to believe in the existence of good love. However, when she finally knew that Wu DaWei was approaching himself in retaliation for Leng Jian, she almost collapsed. Eventually, Wu DaWei gradually discovered that in this act of revenge, he fell in love with Leng Shan. Ultimately, on the balance of vengeance and love, Wu DaWei chose the latter, and finally married lover. Leng Shan's sisters, gentle and talented gallerist Yuan Zhen, lived a "respectful" marriage with the wealthy second generation husband Cai YongHao. However, no true love existed between them. Finally, on the occasion of the "Seven-Year Itch," Yuan Zhen and Leng Shan's common good friend, Huang Dou Dou, a 90-year-old girl, intervened in the lives of Yuan Zhen and Cai Yong Hao and successfully staged the " "action. When Leng Jian helped Yuan Zhen find her love, she gradually fell in love with this kind and tender woman. Together, they eventually weaved the romance of love story, while Leng Jian gradually stepped out of the trough of life and integrated into society Come, accepted by life.

Datang lady Jiang Fan LiHua (TV)[2012]


The television series “Fan Li Huaa” tells the story of the Tang Dynasty. During the Tang Dynasty, Su Feng’s father and son against Tang, Xue RenGui was ordered to fight, and in the middle of the game, Xue DingShan came to the battlefield because of the occasion. His father and son broke the enemy and the other side, Fan LiHua wins the lost battlefield for the sake of cheapness. Unexpectedly, the appearance of the Eight Stars and Allies has made everyone presently unconscious, while Fan LiHua, Xue DingShan, and Yang Fan have entered a mysterious dream in a coma. From then on, a period of love and hatred. Entangled, confusing stay-at-home marriage began. To pursue the dream lover, Fan LiHua struggled with Xue DingShan but Xue DingShan had his fiancee Chen JinDing. Yang Fan was Fan LiHua but fell in love at first sight. Therefore, Fan LiHua and Xue DingShan were destroyed everywhere. After many twists and turns, Xue DingShan was finally found Fan LiHua's infatuation moved the two married. After being accepted as an apprentice by Qing MianZunZhe, Yang Fan did not hesitate to give up everything in order to regain his throne after he learned that he was Li Jiancheng. Yang Fan's use of Ji Li Lishan's mother, also called Jin Ding provokes the relationship between Xue DingShan and Fan LiHua, in order to absorb the internal strength of Pear. The emperor ordered Xue DingShan to be the general of Xixi University, and Fan LiHua was in command. He vowed to bring Yang Fan to justice, Yang Fan set the Zun Xianzheng to meet the enemy, and the couple had a disadvantage. Fan LiHua was pushing the tires even more. , forced to give birth before the front row, at a time when they are in danger, the two found that Lin Lin was born in fact, the Yellow Emperor's ancestors predicted the Scorpio Star World, precisely restrain the Zhai Xianzheng, the result, Yang Fan defeat. The scourge subsided, Xue DingShan was sealed and hereditary was the king of Pingliao, and Fan LiHua was also named as Lady Weiguo.


Ancient and modern war Qin terracotta (TV)[2011]

Feature: In 2015, a Qin Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum suddenly moved and disappeared on its own, for a time set off all parties to trace. Everyone found a love story two thousand years ago: Qin ShiHuang (played by Gallen Lo) For the sake of immortality, send Xu Fu Dongdu immortal, Han DongEr fall in love with Lang ordered Meng TianFang (Du Chun played), contrary to the beginning Emperor, both were given to death. Before his death, Han DongEr (played by Ady An) sent an elder saver of immortality made by Xu Fu into the mouth of Meng TianFang. Meng TianFang has also been cast into Qin Terracotta Warriors. All this was recorded on the bamboo slips until the Republic of China was dug up by Jiang Yun bandit Bai Yunfei (played by Gallen Lo). Haneda, a Japanese descendant who claims to be Xu Fu's descendants, sought to find a living figurine of immortality, serving as a cinema in support of Bai Yunfei's secret filming of the first imperial tombs in Xi'an. The actor Julie Li (played by Ady An) and the blue sky (played by Du Chun), Ruan Mengling and Bai Yunfei cower into the cemetery from the beginning of the tomb, through and re-interpretation of the love tragedy two thousand years ago. From time to time, bamboo slips appear again in rivers and lakes, the fate of predecessors entangled the descendants of revenge. In the end, the younger generation cracked the mystery of the figurines of life, defending the first imperial mausoleum and looking for the eternal love. The first - 212 BC, Qin Xianyang. Meteor falling in the sky, the destruction of Qin ShiHuang (Gallen Lo played) system of figurines scene. Qin DongHuang came to this inspection, encounter to pick up the meteor stone Han DongEr (Ady An played), was deeply attracted by the smart and cute children. Assassin attack Qin ShiHuang, Meng TianFang (Du Chun played) in time. Dong Er was mistaken for assassin. An eternal love affair between the emperor, the general and the daughters and girls led to the end of the winter solstice and the burning of fire. Meng TianFang ended up as a living figurine guarding the imperial tombs and became a legend recorded on the bamboo slips of the Qin Dynasty ... The Second World - Republic of China Chaotic situation. Too bad for the filming of a film so that these fate of the people and meet together and reunite the royal mausoleum. Warriors and Horses Meng TianFang downtown markets, stimulate their own desire to explore the history of the truth, but do not know inadvertently find their own love of the previous one ... ... The third world - AD 2015, Xi'an. Mobile phones, laptops, the Internet ... Through the modern high-tech means, the terracotta warriors and archaeological discoveries have made a major breakthrough, live figurines but reproductive rivers and lakes. The key to the opening of the royal mausoleum eventually became the final testimony of a happy ending that crossed 2,000 years of love.

Guangyindegushi (TV)[2008]

Feature: Time story poster "Republic of China" 59 years, the first TV series in Taiwan's history drama "Jingjing" came out, one beauty and grandmother get hooked 20 minutes a night playing solo girl Jingjingxu mother's story plot, everything absolutely Can not interrupt their "crystal", so even his brother column, ready to rush to the world to see his mother, can not interrupt a beauty mother and daughter on the Jingjing love! Because of this, a United States mother in the hospital's delivery room for a long time before they successfully gave birth to the column. One beauty at home even because they can not find a mother, but also mistakenly thought they would like with the "Jingjing" destiny, began to look for mom ... and a beauty has always been that the United States and the mother of 20 minutes "crystal Crystal ", does have a secret that is inseparable from their own, quietly brewing ...... A beauty of love Tao FuBang freshman two years old, the village children head. Why does Sun YiMei like Tao FuBang? Thanks to a stone smashed her head, and the heroic spirit of Fanbang to stand up and wonderful stills save a beautiful, so a beauty on the complex "like", so has been extended to her Mood for Love Has not changed. However, since the appearance of the beautiful Wang QianQian, a United States is doomed to eat Cici's life boring loss. Girl's friendship Wang QianQian Her family was later moved to the village. The stories that come together from the gossip of various moms are as follows: Wang Mama - No, it should be "Zhang" mother, the first husband of the beautiful "Zhang Mama" is sick and sick, after the remarriage, in order to avoid gossip "Zhang Bobo, Zhang mother and stepfather of Cissy, moved the village from Taichung with four drag bottles. Cici is like a ghostly soul behind the same beauty, a beauty in Cici's "shading", I do not know how much scolded, how much to play, how much smirk, plus Sissi personally destroy the beauty of the first love ...... Can a United States do not know whether it is as Scythe enemy or a friend? The real beginning of their friendship should be due to the disappearance of Zhang Bo-ship. At that time, Ccy's homework all the way among the best, if no accident, the National University is absolutely not run away. But unexpectedly it was an accident, it is not the time to come forever, Zhang Bobo ship accident, but the whole United States to accept all the Scythe character in all the strange, unruly, overbearing, harsh. She hopes Sisi cry, but Sissi did not cry, she did not hesitate to give up the entrance exam, into the processing zone as a female worker. Boys friendship Tao family is a loud voice of the family, it is said that "Tao mother" used to sing, every morning while holding the throat throat while chopping vegetables; Uncle Tao floor, big bone soup bottom, , A bowl of five yuan; big and fat cabbage dumplings, a five cents. Tao brothers on the two brothers, the complex is the boss, very 屌, very cool and daring, plus a long handsome, he did not hands-on, there are a bunch of trouble, so complex three days linked to color. Taobo often shouted at him in his voice, did not become a rogue complex, it is thanks to Taub Bo sent him to the military academy. He is not only the pride of Tauber and Tao mother, but also the mother of the village who beat his children. Hua's children are not good, elders are extremely good.Time finale Photographs Snapshots Although Fubang is a "non-filial son" in Tao Bobb's eyes, the children in the village all admire Fubian. Among them is Feng Pai Xiong, who actually was called "Feng Boyi" Can Feng uncle is illiterate, reported when the account has been written Bei Baoxiong, and has since laid the male comic fate! Feng Bobo opened the bus early and late, glamorous Feng Ma came home to Taiwan, gradually getting mad, she is always dressed in a beautiful sitting at the mouth of the village back home boat. Encounter some did not mind good bachelor, satyr, will be cheated away a few days, shoot the male went crazy to find Feng Ma. However, with the most congenial Panjinandang, should not be strangers to meet the "base pull" - Xu YiYuan. "Yi Yuan", "Yuan", Taiwanese "Yuan" made "base pull", so we all call Xu YiYuan "base pull." Originally Fubang intends to block the dark alley blocking the base pull, seeing the two will come to the field you die, but the frame has not opened the fight, ringing around to catch the thief's call, but why that 邭 獠 magic 畹 male ⊥ rice system 霈 F in him In front of both ......... So, the next day's newspaper, Tao FuBang, Xu YiYuan two juvenile has become a thief! Since then, the two good to have nothing to say, you set me up, I am your brother Tacitre: Fubon to fight, Yiyuan Ma; Yiyuan accident, rescue complex Zhang Zhangluo. Elderly love Sun YiMei's father big her mother 20 years old, naturally it is a pity, not only that, Mr. Sun is also a matter of the United States and her husband's family. Although the face of Taiwanese who only speak Taiwanese, always listen to thunder duck. However, Mr. Sun is also sincerely filial piety with this age in fact, almost father-in-law. Mr. Sun, who has lost his income, has always secretly given his two younger brothers, Mrs. Sun, money assistance and made him work both day and night. Tao Mom and Tao Dad are happy lovers, two couples "speech" outsider sounds called "fight"! Tao Dad's face is like saying "fuck," but it is simply a bluffing, in fact, an iron man. You can stand straight to the complex state hanging up and make a half dead, but also for the study of the complex situation of the story propaganda activities arrogant teachers arrogant. Sissy her mother is a very different character. Although the first husband died young, but met a second husband, Mr. Zhang, bright smile, a white tooth, with Ray-Ban sunglasses, British pressing. In order to make a living for everybody, it is rich in ocean-going merchant ships, although often not home, but once he comes home, there is fresh goods in his home. The first color TV, refrigerator, air-conditioner and stereo in the village ... are all Mr. Zhang The credit! Although the filming male his mother crazy, Fudan University did not know what to do, the key words often, so that everyone surprised and sigh. Hao boss of the village grocery store, petty bargain, flattering Kung Fu completely inherited to his son Hao XiaoDong, but the village something, he is by no means dead, occasionally a shot, but also moving people stunned! This group of people, love and justice, feelings like a family. The only misplaced is the home of the largest, most beautiful, the most arrogant Zhu TuanZhang home.When the United States dad came to Taiwan, he was Zhu TuanZhang's messenger. Even his mother-in-law's mother-in-law and relatives, or Zhu Tuan Zhang's face, did not hesitate. One beauty and sister's beauty and brother's pillars were followed by "strong ethical concepts Zhu's mother, "said Zhu Lei and Zhu Hong, is" young master "and" miss. "Those beautiful memories exist in the heart of everybody who has cried and smiled in the village. These past ones, perhaps in you and me, are things of yesterday. Today, everybody, we must reunite ...

NvShenBuZhiMiJu (Movie)[2007]

Feature: The Ming Dynasty, Jiangnan area drought disaster, a time hungry everywhere, people are boring students. At this point, Cao's embezzlement of the "two rivers project" case, aroused great repercussions in the capital and Fang, people hate, the palace shocked. The emperor sent an order, ordered the capital city court to solve the case within a time limit. Jiu HouYe palace secretly spread the news that Cao escape escape. Female catching Tie FeiHua set a military order, even if the catch the ends of the world, will be brought to justice Caohua. Tie FeiHua probing all the way, chasing Chenkou county. A few days of investigation and investigation, Cao eventually arrested. Who would like to think of Cassia's mouth denied that he is Cao, his real name is Cao YiFeng, served in Chenkou County Yamen make a small catch it fast. Tie FeiHua is "rivers and lakes God grant God arrested", known as Kyushu, try their best, would not innocent fail? Tie FeiHua and assistant Liu Er escorted Cao YiFeng to the capital. Along the way, Tie FeiHua has encountered several groups of people chasing after interception, the purpose is to let Tie FeiHua handed over to Cao. This unjust injustice, Cao YiFeng, takes advantage of Tie FeiHua's fight against the robbers, stealthily sneaking away and retreating to Chenkou County. Cao YiFeng clever life, but confused. Just returned to Chen mouth, Cao YiFeng fall into the hands of a gang of robbers. Just when the robbers were ready to kill him ...

XianXing (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Synopsis of the story: Jiangnan flowers will lure women evil, for the officialdom and the resentment. In order to eradicate Jiangnan huaxu criminal gang, the court awarded the title, chaired by the Minister of Punishments Zhang WenTai, Suzhou Zhao JingXuan adult assistance, with the prosecutors sent Tie FeiHua secret investigation of the case deadline cracked. Tie FeiHua lead to leave. Before departure, Tie FeiHua resorted to the friend of rivers and lakes "Lao MiHu", please "Lao MiHu" to help investigate the case. "Lao MiHu" long mixed rivers and lakes, knowing that the flowers will have a strong background, incompetent enemies can only be wise. Tie FeiHua secretly arrived in Suzhou, secret investigation, basic grasp the wreath will be the club list of clubs. Curiously, whenever Tie FeiHua goes to arrest with the support of Zhang WenTai adults, the director of huahuahua will be the first person to kill. Finally got a sub-president called Jia Wanxing, not yet time to wait Tie FeiHua jury, Jia Wanxing was in the government prison was assassinated. All the clues, with the flowers will be divided one by one president was assassinated and cut off. Tie FeiHua decided to start with Yun YiYi. Yun YiYi is a famous boss in Suzhou. Tie FeiHua deliberately troubles in the brothel, causing Yun YiYi's friend Feng Ling Yang stop. Feng Ling Yang Yang can not say Qingrao Tie FeiHua. Pitched battle, a name ...

JuZhongJu (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Synopsis: Jiu HouYe sits in Jinan Prefecture, destroying Shandong salt help, governor of Shandong Province Qing Qing rate under the banquet meritorious service, slippery beating flattering. As everyone knows, although salt to help destroy, but the salt to help the leader of Cautious and two headed Ma Kang was born, can not see the dead. The capital, the goddess Tie TieHua Pigeon passed, knowing Jiu HouYe life in Shandong difficult to protect, then make the horse whip, starry night and rushed to the government of Jinan. Tie FeiHua rushed to the governor's house, every celebration feast wine hearty Huanzhengzhi thick. At this point, the black masked femenine cornice wall, disturb the celebration feast interest. To be around guard uniform black people, governor Song QingTian found that actually came to him as salt to help undercover. Undercover told Song adults, the missing salt to help the leader of Cautious has sent a killer Dragon Invasion, want to take Jiu HouYe life. Nine God's life Guan Tian, ​​once an accident, the governor difficult to get involved. Starting from their own safety, Song adults suggested that Jiuye return to Beijing in an attempt to withdraw from the whole body. Nine Yeat is about to pull back to Beijing, the capital came imperial edict, JiU Ye continue to sits in Jinan, exterminated in prudential independence. In order to preserve his life, Jiu Ye arranged for Song QingTian to show his name as the imperial envoy, while he hid to eat and drink. Nine Ye does not show up, in the priest alone and he sent the killer dragons naturally do not show up, so that ...

JieDao (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Synopsis: The eunuch Wang JiangYang imperial purpose pro, rivers and lakes factions move. Wang JiangYang is the harem supervisor Sun Zhi Sun's cronies, weekdays corrupt perverted evil, Nine Houye design many times and then quickly, due to the harem forces failed. Today, Wang JiangYang goes home to pro-mom and gives Nine Lovers a chance to eradicate Wang JiangYang. The Procuratorate's arrest Tie FeiHua had just won the Order of Nine, secretly tracing Wang JiangYang's midway strain, Sun Zhi's order, and Tie FeiHua and General Wu Zeng's escort along the way without any mistakes. Sun Zhi so arranged, but in fact all corners of the house of the four Shuang FeiYan fly knife, expressly want to take Wang JiangYang life. Colorful door rivers and lakes, the court has long been jealous. Sun Zhi would like to borrow Wang JiangYang's pro-relatives and use Wang JiangYang as a bait to lure colorful appearances and make a clean sweep. Taking into account the safety of Wang JiangYang, Sun Zhi under the imperial edict to arrange escort Tie FeiHua, if Wang JiangYang this life can not be guaranteed, Tie FeiHua is not guaranteed. Wang JiangYang rivers and lakes to life, nine Houye naturally happy. Before leaving Beijing, Jiuye secretly told Tie FeiHua that this trip should be handled less frequently. Wang JiangYang and his party under the escort of Tie FeiHua and Kam Yi Wei, the mighty left the capital to Fujian. Wang JiangYang just ...

TieZheng (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Synopsis: Shuntong prefect adult Qi ShaoCheng was arrested. Chief Executive of the Order Lu YuanHe is Qi ShaoCheng Sworn brothers, but Cao Cao Cao Yuanyou ordered adults, even if the brothers are not divorced. Qi ShaoCheng usually official clean, clean party, good reputation. Qi adults were trapped in shackles, there are chivalric travelers regardless of the journey Lawton, Pegasus pass the book, the capital inspectorate Tie FeiHua come forward to justice, but also innocent, eliminate evil people. Qi ShaoCheng "things" out of reason, because the court million silver library mysterious disappearance. Tie FeiHua even weekdays occasionally Qi ShaoCheng official monument, decided to please Shangfang sword, Shusun Shun Tong House. Who once thought, left Governor Fang Fang adults said that Cao QianYue is the dry son of the grandmaster of the Harem Explorer, Cao QianYue Qi Qi ShaoCheng, the West factory has long heard. Please do not move Shangfang sword, Tie FeiHua sense of Qi ShaoCheng clean things and things strange, with Liu Er whip, starry night, arrived shun tong mansion. Moonlight Qinghui. Qi House, which is close to the government seal, looks rather gloomy and homeless. Qi Qi, Qi Sheng's brother and sister, Xiao Yue, still do not live in the street. Just before Tie FeiHua settled down, Qi Shanshan was "committed suicide" in prison. The news spread to Qi Sheng's ears, weekdays ...

ShaShouWuMing (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Months of dark night, the murder of the country's martyrs, Zhou Guomu mourning masked killer. The assassination of the country's uncle, the court anger, harem supervisor eunuch Sun Chuan purpose, with the left Governor Shi Fang would like to solve the case within a time limit. When Fang Jinhua handed over the task of filing the case to Tie FeiHua, she euphemistically conveyed Sun's uncle's suspicion that Tie FeiHua was closely related to Colorful Gate. Uncle's death, Sun Grandpa suspicious Tie FeiHua body, Tie FeiHua naturally not neglect. Tie FeiHua Please Shang Sijian sword, take Liu Er went straight to YangzhouFuzhou Hangzhou Dafu come. Tie FeiHua remembered that not long ago when Wang Jiangyang was treated as Wang Gongyang, Shuangfei Yan of the colorful family of four said once that Yang ZhiFeng of Hangzhou Dafu might have been the same owner of the colorful door. Tie FeiHua live in Yang House, hoping to stay in Yangpu stay rabbit. At night, black masked dartboard post, it is clear that in the Dragon Boat Festival, Yang ZhiFeng life. At the same time get posts, and Yang Fu's kitchen chef Hua ErGou. Hua ErGou posted the post to Yang ZhiFeng to please her, so as to take the opportunity to redeem her husband Lingui, the widow of seven of her husband Yang ZhiFeng. Yang ZhiFeng sneaked into the boat, ordinary people can not see any natural flaws, but Tie FeiHua found clues. In addition to Hua ErGou, Yang ZhiFeng personal guard Zhao Jiao, account You XianSheng, are questionable. Zhao Jiao and Liu FuRen of Yang ZhiFeng have two hearts to each other. Liu FuRen always wanted Zhao Jiao to kill her father's blood; You XianSheng took charge of Yang ZhiFeng's account and knew the secrets of Yang ZhiFeng and the government officials in Hangzhou. A few days of wait and see changes, Tie FeiHua concluded that the colorful door owner is in Yang House, as who is the same, Tie FeiHua not yet determined. The next few days, there have been several bizarre events in Yang House. First, Yang ZhiFeng was sentenced to death for being injured. Chen Qingming was arrested and then Yang House found the sign of the colorful door, followed by West Factory to Tie FeiHua pressured him to pull Tie FeiHua out of Yang House. Throughout, Tie FeiHua clearly reveals from Yang ZhiFeng's flawed approach that one of Hua ErGou, Yang ZhiFeng and You XianSheng, one of the behind-the-scenes masters of the assassination of Zhou Guomeng, is the colorful host. Dragon Boat Festival, Hua ErGou, Zhao Jiao, You XianSheng Liu FuRen Cantilever beam suicide, anger Zhao Jiao, Zhao Jiao holding a sword directed at Yang ZhiFeng; Hua ErGou is a colorful door roster, to Yang ZhiFeng died. Tie FeiHua is late, Yang ZhiFeng comes to a halt; Hua ErGou's throat, finger direction of You XianSheng; Zhao Jiao is aware of Liu FuRen's death, grief and suicide. Everything seems to be over, Tie FeiHua suddenly thought of You XianSheng, cut it off midway and eventually get a colorful door roster. The roster reads: Colorful door owner: Yang ZhiFeng.

NieYuan (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Synopsis: Chief Inspector TiefeiHua received an invitation from fellow Leng TianYi, Tie FeiHua to attend the wedding ceremony. Senior fellow married, Tie FeiHua pleased to go. From the capital to the Heinon government, Tie FeiHua spurned horse day and night, lasted more than ten days arrived at HeNingFu. Not enough time to congratulate Hershey, there have been reports of the death of Ning CaiEr, the richest man outside Ninghe Prefecture. Sheng MoYan, the governor of Heinin Prefecture, accompanied Leng TianYi and Tie FeiHua, who were going to worship, to visit. Leng TianYi is about to do grand son-in-law, father-in-law adult talk, Leng TianYi not dare not go. To Ning's mansion, Tie FeiHua discovered that Ning CaiEr was damaged by the strange sword of Gongsun's descendants, with a slight body temperature. It is also an hour to say less from the Heinon government to the Ning's mansion. Ning CaiEr should have been killed half an hour ago. Do some people know in advance that Ning CaiEr will be assassinated. To identify the murderer, Tie FeiHua lived in Ningfu and was arranged by Ning FuRen in a secluded room. After inquiry, Leng TianYi concluded that the murderer was Zhuo Gongzi who came to Ningfu for proposal several times. Zhuo Gongzi is the son of a friend who made friends with friends outside his hometown in the early years and is married to Ning Cai Er. Tie FeiHua from Ning CaiEr's Ah ...

JueJing (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Synopsis of the story: The Inspector General Lvzhushi Fang Yu was eunuch framed by the emperor to take the slightest aim of abusing power for personal gain to death, all family members escort home. After Fang Jing was innocent, Tie FeiHua commissioned Huguang Governor Dong Cheng to escort Fang Yu's orphan party. From the capital to Shaanxi, along the horseshoe da da, heavy murderous, Dong Cheng did not bear the heavy trust of Tie FeiHua, several times to kill the rebel loyal orphan lone assassin escort Fang Tuo to Wuye. Assassin along the way assassin extension is none other than the hut chief Sun Zhi dispatched West Factory eunuchs. Since Wang Jiangyang was abducted by Tie FeiHua, Sun Zhi hated Tie FeiHua and Tie FeiHua's benefactor, Jiu HouYe. Chen Jian, a western factory eunuch, failed to make any stabbing attempts. Sun Zhi came up with a poison meter, took the emperor's encyclical, and arrested Jiu HouYe to capture the land. Only the Chung Yeung Festival was handed over to Shaanxi Province, where Cao YiFeng, , Escorted to the capital. Sun Zhi this plan is really vicious: Jiu HouYe if you can not capture the Fang Tuo, TiefeiHua will be treated with a dereliction of duty; if caught, Sun Zhi will send a cronies Chen Jian, secretly chase, Fang Fang Tuo, Jiu HouYe, Tie FeiHua in despair, a wash Wang Jiang Yang life of hatred. Jiu HouYe wine bag a bag, can look for opportunities in the face of desperation, endangering, have to rely on ...

XinGuiNanFang (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Wu Liang chief inspector Wu Liang arrested a large number of local officials offended offenders, all sorts of local officials framed. After Wu Liang's death, a gang of corrupt officials headed by adults in Taiwan was fortunate enough to sit back and relax and continue to fish the people and cheat the fairy days of being happy and happy. However, corrupt officials headed by adults in Taiwan are happy too early. Although Wu Liang is dead, the ghosts of Wu Liang often appear in front of those who are scoundrels, scared to participate in the fratricidal gang of Wu Liang , Restless, everyone is at risk. In order to clear endless feuding of Wu Liang's ghosts and avoid exposing himself to bad practices, the two prefect Tang Sheng and Yue YuMei consulted the fortune-teller's advice and went to the Feng Ling Temple in Badaling to turn to the master of this monk. Whenever every master wandering, Tang, Yue two adults are recommended by Master bowl to eight this is the inn accommodation waiting. This is the inn owner is none other than the chief inspector Tie TieHua. Since the farewell of the imperial court, Tie FeiHua has been unhappy about the unrealized ambition. Under the guidance of this master of dust, Tie FeiHua opened the inn under the Yung Yuk Yuk Sau Tau station and resumed enlightenment, waiting for an opportunity to come back. Since the hotel opened, no one asked ...

JiZhongJi (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Zhejiang Censor Ning people straightforward just, won the people love, but offended numerous officials in the bureaucracy. Zhejiang official dialect ning ning thorn in the meat, hate can not put it to death and then fast. On this day, Ningzhong started his journey from Zhejiang and returned to the provincial capital in Beijing. His assassination hit halfway, unfortunately. Ning's death, alarmed the government, North Korea Procuratorate Tie FeiHua rushed to Hangzhou, investigating the arrests. Tie FeiHua arrived at the scene of the incident in Hangzhou. Judging from the on-site investigation and the sword creation in Ningzhong, Gu YuXuan was undoubtedly the killer. Suffering from unsound evidence, Tie FeiHua took Gu YuXuan to justice and was released by Chen Da-ju who was in charge of the case. Watching the "murderer" go unpunished, Tie FeiHua secretly determined that it must be brought to justice. Gu YuXuan is a famous assassin in Hangzhou, eating is the generation of assassination of this bowl of rice. One day, an elder found Gu YuXuan and was willing to give out 50,000 taels of silver and hired Gu YuXuan to assassinate Dong Cheng, owner of Huzhou Deshun Restaurant. Gu YuXuan promised to turn down, but because of the discovery of elders are also martial arts and refused to quit. Gu YuXuan's half-way push led to the threat of the elderly. For this reason, Gu YuXuan suspected that the elder was related to Tie FeiHua. What happened shortly afterwards, let Gu YuXuan change the original ...

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