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Ziqi Gao TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Ziqi Gao Works 14 ,And Costume Drama 6 ,Feature 5 ,Romance 4 ,Historical play 3 ,Suspense 2 ,Comedy 2 ,Love 2 ,Warm blood 1 ,Spy war 1 ,Family drama 1 ,Ethical play 1 ,Military 1 ,年代传奇喜剧1 ,Palace 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Urban drama 1 ,Business War 1 ,War 1 ,Martial Arts 1 。

Works Index

Ziqi Gao Filmography(14)


大宋少年志 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《大宋少年志》剧情介绍:大宋少年志庆历年间,北宋貌似繁华安定的景象下暗潮汹涌,周边各个割据政权的细作潜伏于汴京城内,窥探大宋军政秘事。北宋为免除战事,维护各民族间的和平与稳定,借秘阁之名,培训少年暗探。经过严密的选拔和审查,诡诈聪慧的 Yuan ZhongXin 、美貌机敏的 Zhao Jian 、从不杀生的小景、绝不说谎的 Wang Kuan 、不爱交流的 Xue Ying 、喜欢美女的 Wei YaNei 六位少年,因为种种原因,或情愿或被迫,组成了秘阁第七斋。入学之初,少年们心里都有着自己的小算盘,学习的同时也把学斋闹得鸡飞狗跳,让学官们头疼不已。然而在经历了一次次生死相关的任务后,曾经年轻懵懂的少年们逐渐成长,他们互相团结,用自己的热血和忠诚,为保卫和平献身。在历史的长河中,他们隐姓埋名,成就无人知晓的暗影传奇 。


猎金行动 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《猎金行动》剧情介绍:讲述了1944年夏,日本侵略者的铁蹄踏破长沙,直驱衡阳、宜章等重要的战略物资基地,宜章首富杨岳衡之子 Yang TianXing ,因祖传宝藏被卷进无穷无尽的争斗中,他亲眼目睹父亲杨岳衡和姐姐杨宛昀惨死于日本人之手,家族事业也被觊觎宝藏已久的警察局局长乔守正搞垮。原本游离于时局之外的 Yang TianXing 突遭巨变,精神受挫,患上了枪声恐惧症。在青梅竹马的精英医生、共产党员 Qiao Wei 的帮助下, Yang TianXing 逐渐痊愈,并决心护好宝藏、光复杨家。宜章沦陷后,他在共产党,以及好友云朵、云虎等人的帮助下,以智谋一步步除掉了疯狂追逐宝藏的日本人和汉奸 Cao GuangDe ,感化了乔守正。慷慨赴死之前,将开启宝藏的钥匙交给了 Qiao Wei 。


yuan C baked hu press (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Yuan ChongHuan" tells the story of the Great Tomorrow, the first year of the Ming dynasty. Nu ErHaChi, the great emperor, led the Eight Banner Army and took the opportunity to replace the imperial power and the abolition of arms. At the critical moment of Liaodong Border Cross, Yuan ChongHuan went off to inspect the situation and took over Liaodong. After the defeat of Quang Ninh in the defeat, Yuan ChongHuan personally reprimanded and built Ningyuan. In the case of a former enemy with no reinforcements, Yuan ChongHuan led the army to achieve a far-reaching victory. Afterwards, Yuan ChongHuan reconstructed the Guan-Jin line of defense. Huang TaiJi led his troops in attacking Ningjin. However, he was withdrawn from the camp because of the deep invasion of the Ming High City. Ning Yuan, Ning Jin twice after the victory, Yuan ChongHuan was his colleague's suspicion, suppressed by the eunuchs, then resign. Chong Chongdian ascended the throne, the map complex Quanliao, Yuan ChongHuan since the recovery of any thistle Liandu division, to quell the mutiny, and then cut the domineering Mao WenLong. Huang TaiJi pro-army attacked Beijing, Yuan ChongHuan led his troops to rescue the starry night, the final withdrawal of the Jin army out of the capital, however, Chongzhen Di was rumors and the enemy anti-interrogat confused, Yuan ChongHuan fell to the prison for detention.

Left hand warm right hand (TV)[2016]

Feature: Day Mu and Yimin Group, a huge arrears of lawsuits and the sudden death of Xue Huazhong, chairman of Tianhuo Group leads to four women: the legal consultant of the two groups of Tianhuo Fire and Yimin Ye Zi; the wife of Xue Xuezhong, the general manager of Tianmu Company Chen ManYun; Ye Zi's cousin, female reporter Tian Tian; teahouse female boss Zhen Yuwei. This also leads to a mystery that shocks everyone. Eventually, Ye Zi and her husband, Shang DaFei, finally realized that they should be frank and cherish each other after experiencing shopping and emotional setbacks. When Chen ManYun tried his best to fight for property and retaliation, he found everything was a misunderstanding caused by a devil and took the initiative to resolve his grudges ; Tian Tian experienced Xia DongSen escaped marriage, died of illness, gave birth to a child in extreme pain and eventually moved by the true feelings of Tan Hao; Yan Wei finally recognized with his own son Xue Bing, the secret be made public. Human kindness and love let a few people in the warmth and love to start a happy life.

Moment in Peking (TV)[2015]

Feature: The play is based on the three families living in Beijing: Yao Siyuan's stills, who represent the well-established and unsophisticated elements, on behalf of the Qing Dynasty's Zeng Wenpu, represent the corrupt cow. In the turmoil of this great era, the three witnessed the Chinese people from feudal to democratic process, the individual or engulfed by the torrent of the times, or with the times achievements of individual cultivation, then move, suddenly look back, nearly 60% Ten years a Jinghua dream, but floating clouds Cangku and over eye, really stay in the heart of the everlasting love of the world. Affection and love, family and country are the main axes of the play, intertwined with a magnificent epic, winding ups and downs of the plot to see how the men and women in the play grow and learn to get along, how to love and hate, argue and forgive, pain And joy, how certain habits and ways of thinking are shaped, and how they adjust themselves to the conditions of their life, especially in the earthly world where "man is seeking fulfillment and doing well in heaven." This drama to the pattern of a large epic, the audience success in the most reluctant to turn their eyes on the goal.

Im waiting for you in Xilin Gol. (TV)[2015]

Feature: Personally perverse Wu SuoWei suffered from double damage to family and love and escaped, accidentally met a kind music teacher Han Xiao. He witnessed the pictures of brave and strong Han Xiao demonstrated in the face of frustration. In the process, Han Xiao moved Wu SuoWei with his simplicity and sincerity, and even helped him resolve all kinds of misunderstandings with his dead father, his ex-wife and his opponent and finally returned to himself.

Stupid legend (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Stupid legend" tells the story of the Republic of China, East Sichuan out a fan silly children. Fool child was born in the home, childhood did not like to read the book but love the dance get the stick. He straightforward and honest, love to hug the character, provoked a lot of trouble for him. He robbed his uncle for buried food for his poor people. Stupid and stupid four-point line chivalrous justice. He accidentally killed the evil boss Cui Yidong Gang, embarked on the road from the army. Stupid is not stupid, he used his wisdom, rising to become a KMT division commander. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, silly children tassel your opponent, to win less broken Japanese tanks, became the deputy commander. However, the silly boy was immediately deprived of his military power by the superior and devalued Jiangcheng. Along the way, the danger came to a halt, stupid insurance was plotted, he will count killer beat. He did many soul-stirring incidents in Jiangcheng. In one fell swoop, he eliminated a corrupt official headed by Hou Hutang. With a fool of mind taking Hou Jingtang as a case, he was well known and the people marveled at him. At this point, however, the stupid boy left the official office and started a new drifting career. Stills conference in Chongqing

Flowers In Fog (TV)[2013]

Feature: Sixteen years ago, snowflakes (big sister), Lang Hua (second sister), spark (third sister) and Yan Hua (fourth sister) of Hua Xin Orphanage had their own musical genius. Care each other, known as "heart four flowers." Fifteen-year-old snowflake, was living overseas aunt picked up. Then, sparks were adopted by Yeh, Lang Hua and Yan Hua remained in the orphanage, and four flowers of Hua Xin were forced to separate. Sixteen years later, Ye Fan (Li Sheng) visited the French Oriental Art Academy to study violin in search of the whereabouts of An Qi (Ruby Lin) and fell in love with the campus prince Qi Fei (Ray Chang). Sixteen years later Lang Hua (Qian Wan), a nurse, was admitted to Geng Kee Rainforest as a special nurse for Geng KeYi. Geng RuoChen (Yao Yuanhao), the only son of Geng KeYi (Roy ornaments), is a prodigal son. Haihua father and son in the two, played a messenger, but also let myself stuck in love. Sixteen years later, Yan Hua (Zi Meng Hua and Zi Yang) was carefully nurtured and sunlit by her childhood. At the same time she was pursued by her colleague Xu Hao (Deng Lun) and Han Li (Jiame Gao), staged a Ferocious funny stories of life. Fog non-fog (the) stills Ye Fan back to Shanghai still did not see the last side of his father. In the face of the debt left by her father, she rushes around for support. The painful Qi Fei came to Shanghai to find Ye Fan, at this time lovelorn Han Li and the downturn of Ye Fan have become friends. In the face of Geng's storm, the performance of Hayward Geng family father and son scrutinize, sea Wah become the cause of success if the cause of the dust. Meng Hua and Xu Hao enjoy the world of two, Xu Mu with a few hens to go, mother-in-law ahead of move, a warm. One of Han Li's moves made Ye Fan, Hayward, and Dreamweaver recognize each other, and Qi Yuan (Joo Jin-mo) in France used the video to witness this touching reunion. Ye Fan to participate in music competition, but because of wrist fractures can not participate. Qi Fei won the Piano Competition. Three months later, Ye Fan won the championship. Qi Fei abandons French and Ye Fan to settle down in Shanghai. Both often tour the Chinese for unlimited glory. Ye Fan, Haihua, Meng Hua came to France, Qi held a wedding ceremony. Diversity plot sources

Tai PingGongZhu Secret History (TV)[2012]

Feature: "Secret History of Tai PingGongZhu" narrates the legend of the two princesses of the Tang Dynasty in their reconciliation. Datang Dynasty is an unprecedented era of women's makeup era, a group of women come and go as flying e wing, chase the highest authority of Datang dynasty. Tai PingGongZhu participated in five court coup in his life, two emperors forced to abdicate, an emperor died in vain. It is this group of surging into the imperial power of the red makeup amazing woman, leaving a period of secular history of the story. The princess was born in peace Taipingzong Yong emblem for four years, Wu ZeTian is in the pain of childbirth, Chaotang is a cry, to Wu ZeTian Buddhist temple at the time of practice and priest monk alms almighty reason, force Gaozong Li Zhi Obsolete Wu ZeTian Zhaoyi bit, into the cold palace. Xiao ShuFei has bought a gynecologist and took the opportunity to kill Wu ZeTian during Wu ZeTian dystocia. Wu ZeTian dystocia, female physician to knife knife cesarean section. At this moment, nurse mother Zhao Niang escaped Wu ZeTian with her mother, a birth attendant in the village, and gave birth to a daughter. Li Zhi seal daughter Tai PingGongZhu, intended to pray for peace. The murder of Taiping Wang HuangHou was scolded by Li Zhi. This morning she came to visit Tai PingGongZhu and found that the princess room was open with a window to shut it. As a result, the little princess was poisoned and fainted. Wu ZeTian thus created Wang HuangHou murder princess incident. But the little princess woke up after opening the window, but the news was already known to the emperor. As a result, Wu ZeTian reluctantly choke her daughter and was seen by Zhao Niang. Wu ZeTian threatens Zhao Niang to say nothing. When Zhao Niang changed the clothes for the little princess to prepare for the entrance, she suddenly realized that the little princess was alive again. Zhao Niang understands that Wu ZeTian will let the child die too. Good-natured Zhao Niang uses a pillow to make an emu, acting as the body of a princess, putting the princess in a fruit box and stealing the palace. Wu ZeTian came to embrace the body and found it to be a pillow, knowing that things were serious, and that Li Zhi, who had concealed his grief, put the dead body in the coffin. Zhao Niang took a carriage into the palace of charcoal out of Xuanwu Gate, but the baby cried, was just entering the palace of Queen's Palace, a palace ladies heard. Tai PingGongZhu was reorganized as an angels by Li Zhi and was buried in the cemetery of Yangye Temple. In the name of the emperor, Wu ZeTian secretly sent Gao Qi to kill Zhao Niang and the princess. Gao Qi, the princess in the Queen's Palace, reported to Wang HuangHou Zhao Niang who saw the palace outside Xuanwu Gate and heard her cry. Wang HuangHou realizes immediately that the little princess did not die, therefore, informed Sikong Zhang SunWuJi. Zhang Sun Wuji and Minister Sui Liang immediately sent Yu Linjun Right Captain Gao Kan sent his troops in two separate ways and chased Zhao Niang all the way around the cemetery of the Yoye Temple. Gao Qi first finds Zhao Niang's home and kills Zhao Niang's husband, while Zhao Niang takes the opportunity to hug the princess and run away. Chu SuiLiang Chaotang Biao, forced Li Zhi coffin post-mortem examination. Goblin opened and found that "little princess" in the body. The original clever Wu ZeTian had let the presiding teacher of the Buddhist temple put the coffin in advance with the body of the girl he had found. However, the wily Zhang Sun Wuji saw Wu ZeTian's trick and ordered General Gao Kan to continue chasing Zhao Niang. Zhao Niang went through many hardships and difficulties, but the little princess was still taken away by Gao Kan. She jumped off the cliff and fell to the bottom of the pond but was hunted down by her Gao Qi.Gao Qi was touched by the benevolence and righteousness of Zhao Niang and refused to kill the princess of the emperor. So he went to Liulin Poste at night and killed his nephew Gao Kan, rescuing the princess, returning Zhao Niang and reporting to Wu ZeTian himself. And the princess killed to blind Wu ZeTian. Another Tai PingGongZhu was born Wu ZeTian heard that her daughter is really dead, had to swallow hard water, tears heart. Shi Dan, the son of Shi Lan, a peasant woman who died with the petty princess and rescued them, led a northbound trip over the mountains and rivers to the gates of Ganzhou. There was also a list of arrests sent by Zhang Sun Wuji's minister Zhao Niang's graphic announcement. Sun ShiZhong, a teacher who served as assistant minister at Imperial College, took them away. Princess An followed four years old studying. At this time, Wu ZeTian was already a queen, giving birth to her second daughter in Luoyang, where Li Zhi was the daughter of Tai PingGongZhu. Turks sentimental Ann princess grew up In the past eighteen years, Ann princess grow into a beautiful girl; Shi Dan quietly love sister. But Zhao Niang has been Princess Ann disguised as a gentleman. Ann princess stole her mother's shabby dress, the day quietly came to the river, changing her daughter installed, with water as a mirror, delightful look, met the Prince of Turks A JieNaSiMu Turks to work in Ganzhou. A JieNaSiMu Princess Ann see the dress and beautiful body does not deserve, donated her four aya silk cloth, but fell a "Book of Songs." Shi Dan vividly saw her sister's affection for this passing Turkic teenager, hiding her love for her sister. Turks A JieNaSiLun small Khan soldiers attack Ganzhou. An princess was a young man when the army called for military protection Colt, was severely wounded in the fierce battle was rescued by A JieNaSiMu, came to Ku Keer grassland. A JieNaSiLun know brother saved a Han beauty, to occupy; Mrs Khan loves admire, against her husband won the love of his brother. A JieNaSiLun rudely assassinated his wife, which aroused the revolt of A JieNaSiMu, led troops into Khan big account, rescued sister-in-law, rescued Princess Ann, we embrace Si Kusi as the new Khan. Ann princess married An Ann also fell in love with admire Khan, held a turkish wedding. But at this moment, Zhao Niang took Shi Dan and Gao Qi to find the Kooker steppe, met Princess Ann and told Princess Ann everything. You are the princess of Datang, one day you want to go back to the parents, you can not marry a Turkic little Khan. Ann princess still married. The next day, a Tang cavalry attacker killed Zhao Turk and Gao Qi as Turks. This provoked Ann's determination to avenge his revenge and persuaded Imam Khan to avenge Luoyang to be discouraged by Mr. Sun ShiZhong. This revenge is hopeless. After a year counterfeit Tubo minister forced Tai PingGongZhu and pro-do not allow, that is, recruited troops into Chang'an. Li Zhi is afraid. Wu ZeTian would rather not want her daughter. Tubo attack, approaching Chang'an. An princess got the news, to attack the Western Turks, with the Tubo attack, to force sister Lu Ping to Ping Lu Ping. Sure enough, Li Zhi was afraid, dreamed of the first emperor, with the emperor empress to Zhaoling Mausoleum fame, the Tai PingGongZhu fooled to Changan, dawn of righteousness, Tai PingGongZhu sent from Changan and pro. Wu ZeTian got the news, it was too late.Princess Ann Ashina make up a Qingqi, in and on the pro-way raid, grabbed the teeth Ping Tai PingGongZhu. Tai PingGongZhu got off the carriage and saw a Han girl who looked exactly like herself. Ann Princess laughed, she is most worried about is that their sisters look different. After two years of training, Princess Anh learned the habit of Tai PingGongZhu, leaving her sister in Khu'er Er, sadly saying goodbye to Ashinah, and asked me to take a good look at my sister. If you fall in love with my sister, you let her take the place of me Be your wife. An princess was sent to Chang'an Ganzhou government escort to Changan, was encountered escorting Luoyang trial second brother Li Xian, Li Xian did not see the exception to her as the Pacific sister; Ann went to Luoyang, third brother Li Xian, four Li Dan also took her as a Tai PingGongZhu, and even Li Zhi and Wu ZeTian took her as hell (but Wu ZeTian secretly observed it and knew she was not Tai PingGongZhu, but An Ann.) An heart hung over the princess fell down. But she had anyone but Mongolia Xue Shao, a Tai PingGongZhu lover. Bridal chamber night, Xue Shao Jian Ann Princess, you are not my peace. Princess Ann simply tell the truth, tell your beloved peace in my hands. But Xue Shao did not blame the princess, knowing that she also has difficulties. Court battle Ann princess before his father dying, told him that he was twenty years ago died princess. Li Zhi excited, will defend Li Tangshan mission to the daughter. Emperor died; Wu ZeTian want to be Queen. Xue Shao's mother, Princess Cheng, learned from her son that Princess An is a daughter-in-law and regards it as evidence of Wu ZeTian's murdering of Wang HuangHou twenty years ago in conjunction with the Yangzhou rebellion and the imperialist rebel. Xue Shao sacked Princess Ann. Insurgent defeat, Xue Shao captured. Wu ZeTian to kill Xue Shao. Ann princess 夤 night hit drum knocking Court, kneeling in front of the palace seeking Wu ZeTian forgive Xue Shao, while flying pigeons, so that his sister arrived quickly Luoyang Pacific peace. Wu ZeTian Reluctantly Forgives Xue Shao for Death, but Lives with Disadvantage. When Tai PingGongZhu arrived in Luoyang and saw Xue Shao in the Dali Temple Prison, Xue Shao had been tortured to death near Lai JunChen. Xue Shao is dead, too sad. Wu ZeTian Married Tai PingGongZhu to Wu ChengSi. Tai PingGongZhu where Ken would marry Wu ChengSi looked disgusting, she has fallen in love with her sister's lover A JieNaSiMu Koo Er grassland. Saint life difficult to violate, that now only sister Ann princess married. Sitting on the fiery phoenix, Princess An was taken to Wu ChengSi's mansion, and fell into a dangerous political whirlpool from now on. She embarked on a hard road of no return to defend Li Tang's estate. She and Wu ZeTian and her male pet Xue HuaiYi and Wu ChengSi attempting to act as princes fought the struggle and clever addition to the cruel Lai JunChen a party, several life-threatening, to make every effort to help disfigured brother Li Dan and Li Xian. In the days of confrontation with his mother, Wu ZeTian, ​​Princess Ann discovered that her mother loved her very much. Her mother was an amazing woman, and she finally released her hatred against her mother. Princess Wu ZeTian want to pass the princess, Princess Ann declined. In the same way that Wu ZeTian thought about the princess of the end of the reign, the most emperor of the imperial family was Li LongJi, who was relegated to Luzhou. Wu Zetian wrote the edict, called Li LongJi immediately returned to Beijing.Ann gave the imperial edict, but this night, Shenlong coup took place. Wu ZeTian was forced to step down; Li Xian ascended the throne. After the death of Wu ZeTian, ​​Ann plans to smash the Queen's dream that Wei HuangHo collaborated with Wu SanSi. However, betraying the friendship of Shang GuanWanEr as Li Dan's queen, knowing that the princess holds the hand of Wu Zetian Li LongJi as emperor Sun's widow, in Li LongJi and Ann princess courageous coup, after killing Wei HuangHou, instigated the new emperor Li Dan give death Ann princess. Habayashi quickly control the princess house, a white damask suspended from the beam, the princess calmly toward white damask, set foot on the stool. Shi Dan led the guards to kill, want to save the princess, but outnumbered, all died under the Yu Lin army gun. Ann princess sad tears suddenly, at this time know, my life is my brother, favorite. Li LongJi heard news troops marched into the princess house, rescued aunt from white damask, shattered Shang GuanWanEr brutal plot. Princess Ann personally tried Shang GuanWanEr; however, she read Shang GuanWanEr for the sake of her sister who had joined forces to eradicate evil. Shang GuanWanEr in Qianling Wu ZeTian without word monument self-styled. According to Wu ZeTian's widow, respect for Li Dan is too on the emperor, the throne passed the throne to the imperial talent and wisdom of Chu Wang Li LongJi, completed the father's death to her the historic mission. Then, in order for Li LongJi to display his own emperor's talent alone, Princess Anh was no longer involved in the government and marched to the depths of Zhongnanshan. She practiced as a nun in an nunnery. Bells, birds, a Hong Fei waterfalls, Qianshan pine forests, and human pure soul forever.

My family Betcha (TV)[2012]

Feature: "My family is happy," tells the story of his father, Bai ShangWu, a soldier who grew up in strict demand of the four daughters and taken militarized management of drama. He hoped that all four daughters will be able to inherit the army and become military soldiers. Unexpectedly, He runs counter to his vision. Most assured daughter Bai JinXi suddenly divorced and remarried, the best daughter Bai MuXi decided to leave the military fought in wedding design, the most troublesome daughter Bai ShuiXi bent on becoming a big star scandal slander, the most sensible daughter Bai HuanXi also because of Bad grades in a few years can not test the ideal university. Bai ShangWu stubborn use hegemony manipulator daughters academic career sentiment, a series of fierce father and daughter clashes in the white home, eventually the four daughters are not negative, gain happiness. Jinxi and Ling Feng flash marriage, marriage problems continue, only the divorce again. Repentance of my family a comedy like new Liu MingHui started the pursuit of Kim Hee, the final reunion. Woody leave military school, determined to become a wedding designer. Hero to Bai ShangWu work in the community to do security, Su LeLe chase after him. Lin Fulin intervened in the two feelings, forced Komori to leave heroes, heroes strive to restore. Lin once again humiliated woody hi, Mu-hi car accident, facing life-long disabilities, growing depression, the hero never betray, and ultimately affect the joy. Lovers get married. Water like a hit, and became a big star, busy with her and Shu Hang busy running away, marriage crisis. Cheng ShuHang arrives in time to restore the hard-won feelings of the two when they find themselves pregnant and decide to have an abortion. Kang ChengSheng appeared KangShengCheng, to regain his son, Leng FuRong into panic. Cannes ultimately chose to stay with her mother and succeed with her own abilities. Joy played an active role in the middle, and the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law came to a successful conclusion. In addition, Kong SiHai and Leng FuRong, Sun FengMei and Niu Er finally come together, a happy family.

New My Fair Princess (TV)[2011]

Feature: "New My Fair Princess" tells the story of Qian Long in the Qing Dynasty, the beautiful and dignified girl Xia ZiWei (Lu Hai ornaments) and the maid Jin Suo (Sun Yoki ornaments) from Jinan Daming New Fair Princess poster lake to the capital, because in the street Interception of people House Liang adult sedan and was beaten, are in the martial arts market Swallow (Li Sheng ornaments), Liu brothers and sisters, pull the knife to help, and Ziwei become friends. After this, the crape myrtle master and Xiao YanZi join hands in art, experienced countless exciting adventure, but also to meet foreigners Ban JieMing (Benji Wang ornaments). With the deepening of friendship, crape myrtle exposed the life experience to Xiao YanZi, she turned out to be the present daughter of Qiu Xinzhi. In order to help the crape myrtle recognize with the emperor, Xiao YanZi full support, but the result is bad Yin into the palace wrong into a My Fair Princess. Naughty Xiao YanZi, dignified crape mytiophysis incompatible with the serious court life, they make a lot of jokes, but also a lot of heat a lot of trouble, but also many enemies. In the process, they also harvested their own love.

Bloody Xiangxi (TV)[2007]

Feature: "Bloody Xiangxi" Poster In 1939, the War of Resistance Against Japan went into a stalemate phase. The iron hand of the Japanese invaders was thwarted in the Hunan battlefield. Hunan became the forefront of the frontal battlefield of the Anti-Japanese War. Party member Tong Lian (Liu Min Tao) commissioned by the party organization, with the public identity of Hunan province war salvation charity general office as a cover, assumed the opening up from the rear of Chongqing via the western Hunan Xuefeng mountain to the Hunan frontline delivery of materials of war Underground secret transport line special task. Xuexia mountain in western Hunan, Maquipuzhen as the center, a radius of dozens of years, the ancient name of "pole camp" is nine bow seventeen "pole people" generation place of residence. Tian DaYou, who opened the oil mill with his daughter Tian SuiSui (played by Bai Jing), lives a quiet and peaceful mountain life here. Ma Xikpu ushered in a grand Dragon Boat Festival, Dragon Boat Race, Sui Sui and youth Shi SanNu (Li Huan played) love at first sight, and Ma Creek Town Mayor Long TaiWen two grandchildren Long YaoWu and Long YaoWen also love Spike ear. Spike spit but did not think, Shi SanNu is the son of patriarchal leader Ma DaGuaiZi son of the generation of the enemy camp. On this day, Tong Lian escorted the anti-Japanese war relief supplies to Ma Xi Shop and was robbed by the gangsters, fortunate to be rescued by Tian DaYou. However, Ma DaGuaiZi therefore recognized that Tian DaYou was the brother of Tian DaYou, who was killed sixteen years ago , He sent Shi SanNu to seize Tian DaYou halfway, thus starting a series of resentment between Shi SanNu and Sui Sui for a while. Tong Lian won the support of the people of the Republic of China on the escort of anti-Japanese war supplies in the national righteous cause. However, the platoon clan refused to let the materials cross the border because of its enemies with the Kuznets camp. Tian DaYou was compelled to represent Tiananmen and Gangsai for "Pit Pawn Gambling". At a crucial moment, the spike instead of the wounded father played Shi SanNu, who could not help but start losing the match. However, nobody knows that Wang Zhaofeng, the merchant in charge of transporting goods, conspired with Long TaiYe as early as possible to take advantage of this opportunity to smuggle smokes. In order to love with the spike, Shi SanNu left the platoon, Ma DaGuaiZi hate Tian even more. Just as Shi SanNu was married to Sui Sui on the very day, he learned that smuggling smokes were carried in cross-border anti-Japanese war supplies and that rappels were looted and sent down by Tian DaYou being protected. Shocking Father Yoshiaki was killed, Shi SanNu took a gang of men and women to attack the camp. In order to protect the villagers from being implicated, Tian DaYou suicides and the spike and suicide of the sudden changes in his family's life and death. With a spike ear, Tong Lian left the pole camp and headed to Changsha. On the road, Panzhihua first saw the war of resistance against Japan in the land of Sanxiang. The tremendous national trauma brought by the war of resistance deeply shocked her. Under the arrangement of Tong Lian, she attended the Anti-Japanese War Training Course to study health care and join the war. While saving the KMT's new eighty-sixth division, officers and men, Sui Sui met Long Yao Wen, who had joined the unit after he left the camp. In the course of the common anti-Japanese war, Sui Sui and Long Yao Wen also continued to grow. Changde defensive war started, the new eighty-sixth division was ordered to assume the most difficult task of blocking, Tong Lian, Sui Sui's efforts, the patriotic enthusiasm of teachers and soldiers was awakened, teachers Suo YunChao and Long YaoWen led the officers and men, heroic combat .At the most crucial moment, Shi SanNu, who was bent on expanding its ranks, came to Changde and took away a batch of arms from the new eighty-sixth divisional. The new eighty-sixth division participating in the war suffered heavy losses. Shih Nui and Shi SanNu And therefore more rupture. The United Air Force Zhijiang Airport decided to set up a secret radar station in Ma Creek Shop. The new eighty-sixth divisional was ordered to go to Ma Creek Shop to undertake the task of defending the radar station. Spike spit, Tong Lian back to western Hunan, they overcome numerous difficulties and break the traditional concept of the people, eventually won the support of all civilians fight the war, the radar station successfully completed. "Scarlet West" wonderful stills Zhijiang Airport, the Japanese completely lost the air superiority in central China, everywhere passive beaten. In order to destroy Zhijiang Airport and regain airpower, in April 1945, the Japanese troops launched a large-scale offensive in western Hunan Province, and the Sino-Japanese Snow Summit Conference started. The strength of the new eighty-sixth divisions were ordered to open the front line, blocking the superiority of the Japanese army, outnumbered, army annihilated. Japanese occupation of Ma Creek town, forcing Long TaiYe and the town people lead the way to find the radar station, Long TaiYe rather indomitable, jump-hole pit suicide. In order to defend the radar station, Tong Lian called up all the people of the nine archipelago village with his own actions, and found Shi SanNu at Mt. Sui. He mobilized the parade for war. Former enemies of hatred vanished before the great righteousness of the nation, gangsters and pole camp formed a coalition of forces, layers of jungle, they are the original weapons and ancestral hunting methods, and the Japanese armed forces to the teeth of the dead race, every grass After each tree, there are bows and arrows, seedlings, birds, bamboo sticks and traps waiting for the Japanese. Smoke filled the battlefield, pole camp that rugged mountain love songs, one by one woman carrying the body of his own man, went to the foot of the mountain home ...

Qin Wang Li ShiMin (TV)[2004]

Feature: In the late years of the Sui Dynasty, the turmoil in the world and the peasant uprisings surged, and Yang Guang saw the general trend gone. In order to win over Tang Yuan Gong Li Yuan, his daughter Ruo XiGongZhu was allocated to Li Jian Cheng, Li Yuan's son, and Li Shi Min (Peter Ho) and Ruo XiGongZhu (Gao Yuanyuan) Already have their own private photos and promotional photos (1) set a lifetime, the marriage led to the brethren became dull. Soon, Emperor Sui Yang was killed by traitor Yu WenHuaJi, the Sui Dynasty collapsed, Li Yuan seized the opportunity to establish the Tang Dynasty. During the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, Li ShiMin made a great leap in the south and made remarkable contributions. Li JianCheng (Yikuan Yan ornaments) but because of the eldest son, was established as Prince Edward. If unfortunately but had to marry Li JianCheng. Around the Prince Edward and Qin Wang around the politicians formed two major political forces, launched an infighting. The political struggle of the two forces intensified, Li JianCheng as the suffering of confidante, Li ShiMin is trying to defend the feelings of brotherhood, but in the ruthless political situation, but powerless, if unfortunately the feelings between the brothers is more Come on fire, set off the second wave. Li JianCheng missed the event if the regret, completely angered Li ShiMin, and eventually Li ShiMin launched the Xuanwu Gate change, killing Li JianCheng, creating a "rule of Zhenguan", a generation of Ming-jun.

Sword Acacia (TV)[2004]

Feature: Ming Zheng years, the Central Plains drought, hundreds of millions of displaced people, the party's exclusive rights, took the opportunity to blood and rivers and lakes to consolidate their rule; rivers and lakes of the wicked "Acacia" still wantonly search the people, took advantage of robbery, and the name of "punishment Good and evil, "the banner, openly challenge the world. A moment of charity, people live in trouble! In a critical moment, has been anonymity, bear "Yan Jiabao" wicked bloodthirsty thirteen Yan Yan ZhuiYun come forward to raise money to save the people in the water and fire. Around escorting charity, rivers and lakes, righteousness and evil launched a thrilling struggle between desperation. Suddenly emerged in a rivers and lakes a Sword Sword, bloody! Heroes short, children love! Yan ZhuiYun unrepentant natural unpromising children's love affair, so there is resentment, with care, with cut, chaotic love and hate. Enemy, hatred, love, desire, this is not just a conflict between good and bad evil, just a difference between righteousness and evil, Xia may not be positive, theft is also right, in the end what is right or wrong. The real evil is the fame and the loss of intellectual desire hidden in everyone's heart.

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