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Lun Ma TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Lun Ma Works 31 ,And Costume Drama 11 ,Feature 11 ,Comedy 4 ,Historical play 3 ,Family drama 3 ,Romance 3 ,War 3 ,Biopic 2 ,抗战2 ,Ethical play 2 ,Action 2 ,Year 2 ,Fantasy film 1 ,Modern opera 1 ,谍战历史题材1 ,Military 1 ,Martial Arts 1 ,Modern legend 1 ,Suspense 1 ,侦探1 ,Countryside 1 ,近代战争1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Crime 1 。

Works Index

Lun Ma Filmography(31)


将夜2 (TV)[2020]


《将夜2》电视剧是由企鹅影视、猫片、金色传媒、阅文影业出品,杨阳执导, Wang Hedi 、 S.Ireine 、 Yang ChaoYue 、 Crystal Yuan 等主演的古装玄幻剧。

这个世界有个传言,永夜降至,人间浩劫。只有找到传说中的应兆之人,才能化解危机。边城小军卒 Ning Que 凭借坚韧意志,一路过关斩将走上了修行之路,成功为自己冤死的家人平反昭雪,更成为了唐国的守护者。然而在野心家的撺掇下,世人发现与 Ning Que 青梅竹马的 Sang Sang 就是传说中的应兆之人,欲置她于死地。 Ning Que 不愿看到善良的 Sang Sang 受伤害,陪伴着她突破重重阻碍,两人浪迹天涯,相依为命。此时野心家意图一举毁灭唐国,集结各国联军讨伐。 Ning Que 临危受命,放下个人的仇怨,带领唐国军民奋起反抗,成为国家的守护者。 Ning Que 和伙伴们集千万人的力量和誓死守卫家园的决心,重新启动了唐国惊神大阵,战胜了强大的敌人,还世间和平与安宁。 Ning Que 则继续踏上了寻回爱人 Sang Sang 之路。


Mao 1949 (Movie)[2019]

Feature: 1949年 Mao ZeDong 等党中央领导进驻北京香山后的活动为主线,讲述党中央完成国共和谈、指挥渡江战役、制定经济政策、筹备政协会议和开国大典的故事,立足宏大格局,聚焦重大事件和重要人物,艺术再现党中央在香山这段鲜为人知的历史,弘扬共和国缔造者们鞠躬尽瘁的大无畏精神,回溯新中国成立的初心和使命。

特赦1959 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《特赦1959》剧情介绍:讲述了1949年新中国成立,党中央指示将关押在全国各地的 Jiang JieShi 集团的高级战犯转入北京功德林集中关押。其中有国民党将领 Du YuMing 、 Wang YaoWu 、 Ceng KuoQing 、 Huang Wei 等人。起初他们对共产党的改造政策采取抗拒的态度。在改造和反改造的艰难博弈中,他们的灵魂在悄悄的发生着变化。毛主席肯定了国共合作期间国民党将领在抗日战场上的功绩。功德林的战犯如沐春风深受感动,开始主动交待自己的历史和罪行。1959年国庆前夕,共和国主席刘少奇发布了对 Jiang JieShi 集团和伪满洲国战争罪犯的特赦令。这一天, Du YuMing 、 Wang YaoWu 等人依次从共和国法官的手里接过了特赦书。这是一段脱胎换骨的经历,1949年被共产党在战场上打败,1959年被共产党在心灵上征服。


WhiteDeerPlain (TV)[2016]

Feature: The play is a history of 50 years of the Wei River Plain in the early 20th century. Special "White Deer Plains" poster version of the special background, Guanzhong strong customs, the Agrarian Revolutionary War, the War of Liberation, the ancient land, staged scenes of soul-stirring scenes. In the play Zhu XianSheng sticks to the traditional morality, Bai JiaXuan hardworking and selfishness, Lu ZiLin Succeed, Bai XiaoWen emotional twists and turns, Bai Ling went to revolution, Hei Wa was forced to bandit, Lu ZhaoPeng pursuit of ideals, Lu ZhaoHai sacrifice, interpretation The two families of different generations, twists and turns of life trajectory and destiny. The endless revolution of the Great Revolution, the invading crisis of the Japanese invaders, the social turmoil in the civil war in the past three years, the change in the history of the White Deer and the trembling of old land in the throes of pains, the root cause of the Chinese nation must be inherited in baptism and the reform must be renewed in the old system and mode of production Rewrite, usher in bright sunshine.

Little handsome (TV)[2016]

Feature: The legendary life of Zhang XueLiang's autobiography tells the story of the vicissitudes of the elderly vicissitudes of life and drama "Marshal" bumpy life. Zhang XueLiang was born in the warlord era, the young mother, is the eldest son of Zhang ZuoLin, the warlord. The romantic son of a father aura, since entering his father founded the Army Cadet Corps, embarked on a military road: from the initial troops to war several baptisms by the war, has been a friend Guo SongLing Anti-bingbing , Enduring the shame that his father was murdered by the Japanese and ultimately shouldering the heavy responsibility of his family and growing up as the leader of the three northeastern provinces. Zhang XueLiang romantic life, but love two singular women, and the first wife Yu FengZhi, loved Zhao Si accompanied his life. He was addicted to drugs and eventually rehabilitated by foreign doctors. He had a solemn heart, and for the sake of reunification of China, practiced "Banner of Northeast China" and absolutely obeyed Jiang Jie Shi. However, as a result, the Japanese occupied Shenyang during the September 18th Incident. At the age of 36, he finally planned the Xi'an Incident with General Yang HuCheng at the age of 36, ended the civil war, facilitated the KMT-CPC cooperation and unanimously resisted Japan, and he himself was therefore under house arrest for more than half a century.

Defender Defender (TV)[2016]

Feature: During the long march of the Red Army in 1934, the Red 34th Division served as the defensive force of the Red Army and served as the task of defending the main force of the Red Army on the wonderful stills of the Long March road. In order to break the KMT's fourth blockade, a 34th Division of the Hongwu Corps, which is composed entirely of Hakka children in western Fujian, fought battles with the Kuomintang forces in the Red Army for dozens of times. In covering the fierce battle of the main force of the Red Army breaking through the Xiang River, more than 6,000 people in the 34th Division of the Hongwu Corps were annihilated. They left a brutal chapter in the mighty mountains and rivers for the history of Chinese revolution.

Epiphyllum (TV)[2015]

Feature: In 1945, Cheng CiHang, a criminal investigation expert who returned from study trips, encountered dangerous conditions at the pier and various forces were fighting for a metal box. This iron box, stored in the top secret files of Japanese bacteria and weapons. Mo CaiShi, the head of the police department, kept the iron box in the secret chamber of the archives. As the traitor Liu AChang betrayed, the file was stolen, the case from so confusing. Cheng CiHang learned that the case involved the Japanese army's bacteriological weapons and fought against "Uncle" Mo CaiShi. Huo Ran, head of the Department's Criminal Investigation Police Department, specially appointed Cheng CiHang as the commoner detective. Cheng CiHang soon after taking office, find clues, follow the example of catching major clues successive, but he was blocked everywhere. Cheng Ci-han has to face the obstruction of Yan DaQing, director of the Criminal Investigation Department, and speculate on the secrets of Mo CaiShi. He also wrestles with his old classmates and Ha JinSi, the long-awaited top secret fileer, and more To spy game with Japan contest. Insider Liu AChang's death, leaving the key clues, directed at Mo CaiShi. Lovers sacrifice, make Cheng CiHang love and hate, a more firm conviction check in the end. As the evidence of the aggression of the Japanese militarists, the final May-19 archives was released to the public and the justice was done. & Nbsp ;.

Forty-ninth day festival (TV)[2014]

Feature: In 1937, the Japanese troops entered Nanjing City, which was occupied by the enemy, and was ordered to bury the bodies of dead soldiers and prisoners of war in China. In the meantime, a group of uninvited guests, a dozen female students and Qinhuai River women welcomed in the heart of St. Maarten's church in the city center. Then, many men entered the church for a variety of reasons. The Japanese outside the walls looked for all kinds of excuses to enter the church, and the backyard of the church in St. Ma Deer became their target for landfills to conceal their bodies. The organizers of the International Security Zone tried various attempts to rescue the trapped people of the church, but failed repeatedly. The men in the church sacrificed their lives to protect the women hidden in the church loft and the cellar, and the women either chose to die with dignity or were most heroic. During these forty-nine days and nights, they and they, in time and again, survived, resisted, destroyed and resurrected love, affection and friendship, and they have become cowardly warriors. They have lost their way and found direction. Have been rewarded; have sinned to complete the redemption.

Ground fire (TV)[2014]


TV series "Ground fire" introduction: tells about the party's intelligence personnel Ma ZengJun, who returned to the country from the Soviet Union's important mission of the Communist International. Li ZhongMing, the head of the North Underground Party, was ambushed when he was ordered to escort the joint. Ma ZengJun was Japanese. Captured and imprisoned. The Japanese army sent a special investigation to the prisoner for the investigation; the Kuomintang special agent was intercepted and imprisoned; Li ZhongMing was imprisoned for the crime of "corruption" on the job in case of suspected rebellion and arrest by the enemy. In prison, he first persuaded the Northeast Army to resist the "prisoners" of the Japanese army, and did not kill the Kuomintang agent Shang QingCheng, and reached a plan to jointly fight against Japan and rescue Ma ZengJun from prison. Under the cover of Shang, Li ZhongMing discovered the underground secret passage when he dug the jailbreak hole, which led the Western missionaries to repair the church in order to steal underground tombs. The Japanese changed the church to prison and also sniffed the ancient tomb artifacts. Li ZhongMing bears the burden of humiliation, unites multiple "prisoners" to confuse the prison guards, breaks the ancient tombs, and finally "prisoners" riots for the cover of Ma ZengJun jailbreak, and blows up the secret tombs at critical moments, many people sacrificed. Li ZhongMing succeeded in jailbreaking with Ma Zengming under the support of my underground party and continued to escort him to Yan'an.


MyTEYiYing (TV)[2013]

Feature: In 1938, the Japanese army moved south along the Jin Pu line, trying to encircle Xuzhou. Liao GuangYi, commander of the 56th Army of the Third Army of the National Revolutionary Army, was ordered to abandon Jinan, the main town of Jinpu. Without a fight, his new guard Tian Zhou, a new battalion commander of the original guard, finally chose between brotherly deeds and national righteousness The righteousness, led his unit from Liao GuangYi rushed to the front line of anti-Japanese, was bloody siege. After the rapid detonation of the ruling unit of the CPC, he was collectively disarmed in Mingguang by the 31st Army of Guangxi as a "rebel army" and more than 300th brothers were suspended. Liao GuangYi the daughter of Liao ZhenZhen, a fierce character, Zhou TianYi heart love has been unable to do so. After her "defection" at the head of the department, Zhou TianYi traveled with her and her fierce war finally shattered all her dreams. From Mingguang to Tengxian to Taierzhuang, Zhou TianYi and special first battalions, blood and life prove the fact that China can not tolerate any invasion.

Sunshine on the road (TV)[2012]

Feature: Liu ChunXiang, a daring, aggressive man, dared to talk to him when selling pigs in the market because of the fierce price pressure on pig dealers Ma Fan. This clash allowed Liu ChunXiang to understand that solitary farmers must be disadvantaged in market transactions and deal with the unfairness of the transaction only with collective power. Liu Chun decided to organize the villagers to set up cooperatives, but this decision attracted the upper and lower objections. Wang DaYin, a conservative traditional village poster, was appointed by Wang DaYin to worry about the stability of the village because of the failure of the cooperatives and firmly disagreed with the establishment of a cooperative. Qian GuanZi, a self-employed pig-raising tycoon, was afraid that interests would be offended. The so-called lazy little uncle Yang ShuLin Optimistic about the prospects for refusing to join the cooperative, but also worried about his brother to reduce his help, but also jumped out strongly blocked, for a time, once the quiet of pear tree downtown turned upside down. Ambitious Liu ChunXiang broke through all obstacles and created a cooperative with only six farmers participating in the suspicion of people. After the establishment of cooperatives, the first batch of pigs will be slaughtered. Liu ChunXiang rushed to various markets and sought to sell high prices. Eventually, it was cheated by several high-yielding pig collectors, and the cooperative's first business failed. This time even Yang ShuGen, husband of Liu ChunXiang, joined the opposition camp, and the couple disagreed on whether cooperatives should be dissolved or dissolved. Yang Shu-Gen, a farmer-style man, avoided his wife and started to dismantle the co-operatives from the rest of the co-operative. The co-operative was facing dissolution. Unscrupulous Liu ChunXiang tried every means to keep the co-operatives and bought a large number of piglets with the support of the provincial pig breeding base, which made her seemingly capable of villagers who had been doubted and did not understand Liu ChunXiang. More and more peasants joined the co-operatives The size of cooperatives is constantly expanding. Liu ChunXiang Liu Wang, Wang DaYin, proposed to rent an old factory in the village as a feed mill, and Wang DaYin flatly rejected Liu ChunXiang because someone reportedly received a relief fee from Liu ChunXiang. Yang ShuGen out of action to match the two negotiations, but finally broke up an unhappy. Yang ShuGen could not bear to see his wife sad, had to make another move. Yang Chun, son of Liu ChunXiang, returned to the village after graduating from the village to work as a plant manager, while Pei Yuhuan, daughter of Pei LaoZhuanEr, came back. Two people in the process of experimenting with peat fermentation technology, the situation arises, Liu ChunXiang want to promote two, Pei YuWen arranged to the feed mill to Yang Chen assistant. At the suggestion of Pei YuWen, Yang Chen exported the surplus feed and realized the mode of production based on product nutrition. Yang ShuGen strongly opposed to Pei LaoZhuanEr, an unmanaged child who had always wanted to marry her daughter to Qian GuanZi's son. Yang Chen and Pei YuWen felt fissures in the fights of several parents. At this time, Yang Chen's college classmate Xiao Wei came to discuss the purchase of the Yang Chen patent. As a result, two people buffeted into the cornfield and was discovered by Pei LaoZhuanEr. Pei LaoZhuanEr added Pei YuWen's report of Yang Chen and Xiao Wei, Pei YuWen sadly Leave the feed mill. Liu ChunXiang wanted his son Yang Chen to use the patented technology for the cooperative. Yang Chen wanted to use his technology to start his own business.Niangliang did not give in to each other, tried their best to win the support of Yang ShuGen, Yang ShuGen preferred Yang Chen, the couple wars inevitable. Over 200,000 pigs are about to be slaughtered in the cooperative. Mafar-minded pig dealer Ma Fan secretly collaborates with Qian GuanZi in an attempt to disrupt the market to buy low-cost hogs from cooperatives. Revolving around Ma Fan, Liu ChunXiang made the co-op's first big sale. Qian GuanZi did not give up, instigated several non-cooperative villagers to make trouble, and brought the police, while Yang ShuGen was somehow became a policeman. Xiao Wei decided to invest and build pearls cooperatives and cooperatives, Yang Chen's patented technology will join the cooperation project, which allows Liu ChunXiang family conflicts can be eased. Liu ChunXiang started to mobilize the poor in the village to join the cooperative. This included the younger brother Yang ShuLin, Yang ShuLin still reluctant to join and rented his own pig house to Qian GuanZi, Liu ChunXiang strongly opposed and escalating the conflict with Qian GuanZi . Liu ChunXiang led a large cooperative with more than 200 families and moved forward step by step in tears and tears. But let Liu ChunXiang headache always is her husband Yang ShuGen. Yang ShuGen, with a peasant-style cunning, played a very small role in running a cooperative in Liu ChunXiang, but he also made a lot of jokes. The biggest problem now is that Yang ShuGen is too self-reliant and receives Liu ChunXiang's personal benefits. Liu ChunXiang decides to rebuild Yang ShuGen. Pretending to be sick and let Yang ShuGen manage cooperatives. Yang ShuGen is both worried and excited, trying to be smarter than Liu ChunXiang but lacking the courage of Liu ChunXiang, and often being tortured by the unpleasantness of jumping. Liu ChunXiang secretly helped her husband, and slowly, Yang ShuGen changed, who once only talked about himself, began to work for the co-operatives everywhere, and even unselfishness to Liu ChunXiang nor the situation, so that Liu ChunXiang dumbfounding. Just then, Xiao Wei investment stranded news came, followed by hog sales channels blocked, cooperatives are facing a more severe test. However, Liu ChunXiang, who is unconvinced, will certainly take her members and unite and work hard under the guidance of the party's policy of benefiting the people and walking on the road to getting rich and fortune-making & nbsp ;.

My name is Wang TuDi (TV)[2012]

Feature: "My name is Wang TuDi." Taking the history of modern development of the Loop as the main line, it reflects the legendary life of Wang TuDi (Wang Tongchun), the most influential water conservancy expert in the Hetao area during the period from the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic to the War of Resistance Against Japan. The way the Yellow River irrigated reclamation Loop land, creating a "plug outside the South" affluent scenery of the Hetao, known as the "river god." A self-made Wang TuDi became the rich businessman in the Fu Jiahe Loop and did not forget to relieve the world and rejected the temptation of foreign hostile forces. While the Japanese invaded Hetao's crisis, he did not hesitate to cut off the fields and destroy the fields, His influence in the modern history of China. Opening Wang TuDi and his uncle walked through the desert came to the back cover, said the first sentence is "Uncle, arrived, after the set of", then smell the soil with his nose, the soil and the soil that his grandfather brought back a year Taste, came from Hebei after the set is a kind of ground, watching so much land so that Wang TuDi very excited, the bones loving the land share of the spirit has been supporting the ideal of the hearts of farmers. Wang TuDi later found Huang JinXiu a water source by his wise intelligence and proposed the conditions of thirty hectares. His claim violated the bottom line of Huang JinXiu. He was thrown into the Yellow River when he was put into a sack and Wang TuDi became a big man In order to subdue Yang DaYi, Yang DaYi wanted to sacrifice Yang DaYi through "silt drains." In order to rescue Yang DaYi, Wang TuDi desperately risked his life and lit the guide of the canals At the end of the rescue, Wang TuDi got the land given to him by Yang DaYi. Wang TuDi, after receiving the land, is even more courageous and has always adhered to his ideal in the struggle for life. Wang TuDi, a self-made landowner who became a wealthy businessman in the FuJiahe Loop, did not forget to save the world. The awakening of national consciousness allowed Wang TuDi to start to sublimate his understanding of the land and reject the temptation of foreign hostile forces. When the Japanese invaded the Hetu Sheikh's crisis, In the interest of the nation, Wang TuDi destroyed all the embankments built with his life-long efforts, drew the surging waters of the Yellow River, inundated the land, defeated the aggressors, defend the country, shaped the real image of peasant heroes and made achievements High national ethics & nbsp;

Red mountains (TV)[2012]

Feature: "Shanli Hong" tells Yu HaiHai that she owes her daughter Chun Shao to Xie DaDou son Xie BoMin to pay the debt because of owed rent. Bandits Feng ZhanShan revenge for the Xie Xie chaotic wedding, grabbed the bride Chun Shao, and North Town, two people play the troupe up the mountain to sing. Chun ShaoNiang, who got the news, died of depression. Yu HaiHai felt guilty and never heard of it. Xie BoMin, a western educated educator, was an underground communist. He rescued Chun Shao from Feng ZhanShan by fighting and did not make friends with Feng ZhanShan. Xie BoMin and Feng ZhanShan agreed that they should compete fairly to see who can win Chun Shao's heart. Pure and beautiful Chun Shao did not expect to win the hearts of two very different men, only because of their lonely and sad from this. Chun Shao prayed that the dorm class owner Ding LaoGuai would keep her, and Ding LaoGuai had always denied that she was humble. However, Chun Shao insisted, Ding LaoGuai finally received the advice of Xie BoMin and Song XianSheng, who received Chun Shao as their disciples and handed over to the mountains to educate them. Mang Zi, a young man in the troupe, took good care of Chun Shao, a young little sister who started to feel good about Mang Zi. The popular corner Shi LiXiang also has love for Mang Zi, and both have skin-relatives in the mountains. Shi LiXiang disliked Chun Shao because of jealousy and was harshly treated every day, nor did she teach or play games. Chun Shao patience grievances, by listening to Shi LiXiang singing opera. Feng ZhanShan, in order to win the mind of Chun Shao, actually worshiped Ding LaoGuai as a teacher. Xie DaDou life, please come to the troupe sing seven days drama, Shi LiXiang body uncomfortable, but also had to play, did not expect to fall on the stage, turned out to be abortion. The news was blocked under the pressure of Feng ZhanShan and Xie BoMin's vigilance. However, the troupe faces no problem of reputation loss. Therefore, Chun Shao was forced to debut. Song XianSheng its name Shanli Hong. Shi LiXiang scandal, refused to account for the child's father who was fined can no longer stage, even reduced to Chun Shao's maidservants. The good Chun Shao not only does not mind hate, but also to the frail, sad care of the sisters to take care of, over time Shi LiXiang finally recognized Chun Shao. Chun Shao became the premier tribe of Shibalipu Township. Salt merchants Jia LiuZhi and Qiu WuYe all greedily Chun Shao's beauty in an attempt to occupy Chun Shao. Chun Shao fierce fight offended two people. The new police chief, Qiu DengShun, the son of Qiu WuYe and the nephew of Jia LiuZhi, took the theater to the police station with unwarranted charges, detained Chun Shao and tortured him. Xie BoMin came back from Mukden and learned that Chun Shao was safe and did everything in its power to save it. Chun Shao has been tortured, but also forced to stage, seeing the surrounding people distressed, but also helpless. The original "Eighteen Touch" after Song XianSheng's re-creation became a revolutionary inspirational song. Chun Shao collapsed when she performed "Shin-Eighteen Touch" for the Japanese, and she threw her throat. When confused, Chun Shao expressed her love for Mang Zi, who rejected her and told Chun Shao that Shi LiXiang was her lover, and Chun Shao was sad to marry Song XianSheng. I did not expect Song XianSheng's many restrictions on Chun Shao after the marriage, or even allowed Chun Shao to approach the troupe again. Instead, she sat idly by while Chun Shao was almost insulted by the Japanese. Chun Shao, disappointed with Song XianSheng for wanting to leave, was locked into the cellar by Song XianSheng.Xie BoMin heard to persuade, Song XianSheng finally agreed to release Chun Shao. With the help of Xie BoMin, Feng ZhanShan defeated Sun DaZuiBa, the dominant bandit supported by Qiu DengShun, and led his men to join the anti-Japanese army under the leadership of Xie BoMin and become head of the regiment. Chun Zi, the sister of Xie BoMin's classmate Chun Zi, brought a sore throat remedy to Chun Shao from Japan. It was painful for Chun Shao to be tortured by side effects ... Feng ZhanShan was caught by the Japanese army in order to find a remedy for Chun Shao. Deputy head of the bell found that Feng ZhanShan's uncle He LaoEr was a conspirator in the regiment, and quietly rescued Feng ZhanShan. Ding LaoGuai was killed as a result of an anger over the Japanese in the play, and Mang Zi inherited the troupe. Chun Shao returned to the troupe with a thousand turns back to the troupe and embarked on the road to resisting Japan and the new drama. Finally, Feng ZhanShan's dare-to-hate and sorrow finally touched Chun Shao, who set a "three-year contract" and decided to meet again in three years Become a family. Battle of Qinglongshan, Feng ZhanShan Fighting in the fight is uncertain. Chun Shao was sad, exhausted and broke his throat ... Xie BoMin brought Chun Shao to Mukden and Chun Shao saw the anonymous Feng ZhanShan. Joy, Feng ZhanShan in order to protect Chun Shao, exposure identity was Japanese killings. In order to cover the work, Xie BoMin and Chun Shao fake marriage, faded Feng ZhanShan believe it, fight not small! Stills Feng ZhanShan devoted all his life to the war of resistance against Japan, unfortunately shot in the wounded, dying, Xie BoMin saved. Xie BoMin and Chun Shao were attacked by He LaoEr, and found Chun Zi is the undercover Japanese! Chun Shao killed Chun Zi and took revenge on the sacrificial revolutionary warrior. He and Xie BoMin annihilated He LaoEr and fled Feng ZhanShan. On the way to meet the Japanese, in order to resist Japan, but also to make Chun Shao and Xie BoMin get a better life, Feng ZhanShan finally reluctantly bid farewell to Chun Shao, with the Japanese military officer! After Feng ZhanShan's death, Chun Shao and Xie BoMin put aside their children's special conditions and bid farewell to saving the country from distress. They devoted themselves to different resistance teams.

My family Betcha (TV)[2012]

Feature: "My family is happy," tells the story of his father, Bai ShangWu, a soldier who grew up in strict demand of the four daughters and taken militarized management of drama. He hoped that all four daughters will be able to inherit the army and become military soldiers. Unexpectedly, He runs counter to his vision. Most assured daughter Bai JinXi suddenly divorced and remarried, the best daughter Bai MuXi decided to leave the military fought in wedding design, the most troublesome daughter Bai ShuiXi bent on becoming a big star scandal slander, the most sensible daughter Bai HuanXi also because of Bad grades in a few years can not test the ideal university. Bai ShangWu stubborn use hegemony manipulator daughters academic career sentiment, a series of fierce father and daughter clashes in the white home, eventually the four daughters are not negative, gain happiness. Jinxi and Ling Feng flash marriage, marriage problems continue, only the divorce again. Repentance of my family a comedy like new Liu MingHui started the pursuit of Kim Hee, the final reunion. Woody leave military school, determined to become a wedding designer. Hero to Bai ShangWu work in the community to do security, Su LeLe chase after him. Lin Fulin intervened in the two feelings, forced Komori to leave heroes, heroes strive to restore. Lin once again humiliated woody hi, Mu-hi car accident, facing life-long disabilities, growing depression, the hero never betray, and ultimately affect the joy. Lovers get married. Water like a hit, and became a big star, busy with her and Shu Hang busy running away, marriage crisis. Cheng ShuHang arrives in time to restore the hard-won feelings of the two when they find themselves pregnant and decide to have an abortion. Kang ChengSheng appeared KangShengCheng, to regain his son, Leng FuRong into panic. Cannes ultimately chose to stay with her mother and succeed with her own abilities. Joy played an active role in the middle, and the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law came to a successful conclusion. In addition, Kong SiHai and Leng FuRong, Sun FengMei and Niu Er finally come together, a happy family.

Journey to the West (TV)[2011]

Feature: "Journey to the West" tells the story of Far East in the distant ancient times, there is a Huaguo Mountain in the proud country of the east. There is a cerambite on the hill that absorbs the essence of the sun and the moon. This monkey with the same group of monkeys in the mountains summer, inadvertently found a waterfall flowing down from the top of the mountain. Stone Monkey volunteered, drilling into the waterfall, found it turned out to be a spacious, secluded cave, monkeys worshiped the stone monkey for the king, calling him the Monkey King. Monkey King to immortality, away from the Huaguoshan to find fairy Road. Under the guidance of a lumberjack, he came to Lingtai Mountain, Pu TiZuShi received him as apprentice, thanks to the name of Sun WuKong. Pu TiZuShi thinks he has the seventy-two kinds of spiritual changes that teach the Wukong and a heliotrope cloud that can fall a hundred and eighty thousand miles. Kung Fu learned, Sun WuKong returned to Huaguoshan. In order to practice group monkeys, Wukong enlightened the spears, and took the arrogant weapons of the country to take pictures of Huaguoshan. The monsters and beasts in the mountains all worshiped Wukong. Later, Wukong into the East China Sea Dragon Palace treasure, negotiable Dinghai Shenzhen do weapons, that is, weighing up to 13,500 pounds of wishful hoop stick. Soon he flushed around in the prefectural government and painted off the names of all the monkeys in the book of life and death. Dong HaiLongWang and Yan Wang playing Jade Emperor, please Fu monster. Jade Emperor adopted Tai BaiJinXing's proposal, summoned Sun WuKong Heavenly Temple as a specialized horse raising Bute Ma Wen. Monkey King rejoiced at that time. Afterwards, Wukong found that it was an immortal official who knew fooled and angrily returned to the Cave of Blossom Fruit and set up the banner of "Monkey King." Jade Emperor Ming Tuo TaTianWang and Prince Ne Zha with Heavenly Sabe will capture the Goku, the result was Wukong defeated. Jade Emperor helpless, had no choice but to admit "Monkey King" name, ordered Sun WuKong to Temple Management Peach Garden. Peach will be the day, Sun WuKong drank the fairy wine used for the banquet, but also broke into the Tai ShangLaoJun's Dan Fang, eat the gourd within the saver, and then returned to Shuilian Dong. The Jade Emperor harassed Sun WuKong for disturbing the peach and would hate him. He ordered the four kings, the king of Tata Lee and Prince Ne Zha to capture the Wukong. One hundred thousand soldiers were defeated by Wukong. Emperor Jade sent Er Langhen to fight Sun WuKong. After many battles, while Er Lang Shen was on the verge of war with Goku, Tai ShangLaoJun tossed him onto King Wu under his own eyes. Monkey monster was born out of trouble Emperor Jade Imperial Decree purportedly executed Sun WuKong, but because of the Wukong eat Tai ShangLaoJun the immortality, despite the knife cut ax, thunder fire, all unharmed. Tai ShangLaoJun Wukong into the gossip stove, after seven seven forty-nine days of cooking, Tai ShangLaoJun that Goku is dead, who knows that Goku is not only alive, but refining a pair of eyes. Goku out of Dan furnace, chaos heaven. Jade Emperor helpless, help West Tathagata. After all, Sun WuKong rival Dharma Boundless Tathagata, all the way but the cloud can not turn the blessing palm. Tathagata will Sun WuKong pressure in the five elements of the mountain, bitter for 500 years. Five hundred years later, it was the great Tang TaiZong Li Shimin period. Monk Xuanzang after Guanyin enlighten, decided to learn from the West. Tang TaiZong personally drive row, mouth Xuanzang as Royal Brother, thanks for the number of Sanzo, has been sent to Chang'an outside. Tang Seng on the road, hunger and thirst quenching drink, riding a horse at night on the Binary Ridge, captured by the tiger devils, Tai BaiJinXing came to rescue, Tang Seng out of danger.A few days later came to the two boundaries of the mountains, Tang Seng remove the seal, Sun WuKong collapsed, Tang Seng enlightened as a disciple, called a walker, along with the westbound. A few months later, one day, traders killed six road robberies Qiang Dao, Tang Seng complained. Walker angry, quit without saying goodbye. While Tang Seng was out of his luck, Guanyin sent in a gold-plated flower hat, which Tang Seng put on the parade and dictated the spell. When the passer-by returned to the Dragon King for a while, Tang Seng put him in a flower hat. As soon as he had worn it, a gold hoop was put on the head of the walker and no one could take it down. When Tang Seng recalled the spell, the practitioner had an unpleasant headache. In this way, the walker was strangled by Tang Seng and said he was afraid to violate the teacher's statement. The disciples and disciples, the four disciples, continued their journey through the Snake Mountain and the horses of Tang Seng were eaten by the son of Xi Hai Long Wang, who was on a penitential time of sorrow. Guanyin came and turned it into a white horse, learning from Tang Seng. Two months later, one day came to Gao Laozhuang, Gao TaiGong recruit a monster son-in-law, is worry, see the Tang Seng mentoring, seek to drop the demon. Walker into a woman, betray monsters, then revealed the original, with the monster battle. Monsters fled to the creek, took out the nine-tooth rake to the priest, and when they heard the practitioner talk about Tang Seng's name, the monster dropped the rake and begged the practitioner to take him to see Master. This strange original Temple heaven canopy Marshal, fouls committed against the rules were cast wrongly cast piglets. Tang Seng received him, take the law called Pig Monkey, alias Journey. Leaving Gaolao Zhuang, the mentor and the teacher were confronted with the yellow-haired entomological sperm that had been acquired in the Tathag-lao Buddha in Huang-feng-ling, and after they had taken off their face, they went to the Liushahe River. Here, Tang Seng was taken away by monsters in the river, Goku, Ehud the war, Monsters into the water refused to come out. Going for a Buddism godness Guanyin, Avalokitesvara wooden fork to go, wooden fork called a monster, let him worship Tang Seng as a teacher, this is Sha WuJing Sha HeShang, also known as Sha Seng. After fleeting Shahe, apprentice Xiao Xing overnight overnight, came to a Zhuangyuan. In the courtyard is a 45-year-old widowed mother and three of his daughters, who will recruit four as husbands. The original mother and daughter are Li ShanLaoMu, Guanyin, Samantabhadra, Manjusri four Bodhisattvas to control master and apprentice four sincere, the result was only Zhu BaJie fooled, willing to be a son-in-law, the remaining three have stood the test. Soon, the crowd came to Wushou Mountain Wuzhuang concept, Goku steal ginseng, beat down the ginseng fruit trees, breaking disaster, thanks to Guanyin came to save the ganache with a net bottle of fruit trees, to avoid a fierce battle to get out before Row. One day, everyone met Bai GuJing in the mountains. It changed into a beautiful girl, a second change to Lao Fu, a third change to Lao Weng, and a confusion to Tang Seng. Goku opened his eyes and waves, wielding gold hoop stick kill the monster. Unexpectedly, Tang Seng furious, cursed Wukong wanton evil, do not listen to lessons, read tight curse, drove out of the Sun WuKong. A few days later, everyone came to the Black Pine Forest. Tang Seng was turned into a tiger by a yellow robe, Zhu BaJie was a weird but had to go to Huaguoshan for Sun WuKong. Goku go to the temple to please the jade emperor, received the twenty-eight places in the Kuixing into a monster. Meituan master mentor continue to hurry. Passing Pingdingshan lotus hole, hit Laojun two alchemy child into a fairy. In Wuji country, they met Wen ShuPuSa green hair lion Xing demon mischief.At Haiyun Cave in the withering stream, Hong HaiEr, son of Niu MoWang, took away Tang Seng. Fortunately, thanks to Guanyin, he received Hong HaiEr for good Tong Zi and Tang Seng was out of his face. Later in the car, Goku helped the king get rid of three monsters. To Tongtianhe, Guanyin lotus pond escape goldfish also implicit Tang Seng, Guanyin later took away the goldfish. Tang Seng, an apprentice and mentor, was taken over by the river in the old sky, and Tang Seng asked Tang Seng to see his future generations ask about their own future. Tang Seng promised, bid farewell Lao Ji and set foot on the westbound journey. Master and apprentice go hand in hand, and encountered many tribulations. When passing by Pudushan, Li Laojun's oxen do evil. Into the West beam women's country, first Tang Seng, eight precepts to drink water from the mother river, abdominal pain have a child; later Tang Seng was Xiliang hostess to be married. Finally get rid of the entanglement, set foot on the road, constantly en route to run Qiang Dao robbery. Qiang Dao hangs Tang Seng on the tree. In order to save his master, Wukong slaughtered two Qiang Dao. Who knows Tang Seng was furious and killed many people? Goku to go, a Liu ErMiHou become Sun WuKong to harm Tang Seng. Wukong know really go after the fake Goku account, real fake Wukong fierce fighting in the air, has been hit West. Finally, Tathagata saw the truth, real Wukong killed a fake Monkey King. Guanyin sent Goku back to Tang Seng. Accompanied by a few months, came to Flaming Mountain. Wukong went to Niu MoWang's wife Rakatu and borrowed a banana fan. Raksha Lady hates Goku because his son Hong HaiEr was taken away by Kuan-yin, and one fanned Goku to 50,000 miles. Wukong Dingfeng Dan from the Buddha Department, find Luo Chau female, Luocha female fan Wukong, was Wukong into a bug into her abdominal churn, Luosha female promised to take the fan. Wukong fan is to fan, the fire is even bigger, Goku know fooled, so a livelihood plan into Niu MoWang to deceive the real fan, but he only knew the fan will become a big spell, I do not know the method of smaller, Half way to narrow the fan can not be reduced, but this time Niu MoWang rushed into Jurisprudence, took the fan really. Wukong helpless, invited Totale Lee King and Heavenly Armies will help Niu MoWang plunged, once again from the Rafah female out of Banana fan, just out of Flaming Mountain fire, after the Flaming Mountains, mentoring four people rapid . One day, came to Lei Yin Temple, Tang Seng into the Buddha, apprentice four were monster trapped in the gold within. Emperor Kang JinLong with a tip into the golden sword rescued Goku, Wukong broken golden goblet, fighting many times with the monster, can not win. Mi LeFo suddenly came down and said that Huang Taidong, his boss, was fine here. Tang Seng was rescued, Wuko set fire to the temple, move on. In Zhu Zi country defeated Guanyin lost Lion King, cure the king's illness, saved the being taken away by the palace goddess; in the Pan Si hole, Wukong exterminated the spider refined into seven demon girl; in the lion camel Ridge, hit three magical monsters, Wukong could not resist, to the West for help, was actually Tathagata's uncle Jin ChiDaPengDiao, Manjusri, and Samantabhadra white elephant. Tang Seng out of danger, came to monk country. Wukong defeated Shou Xing's White Deer into Yao Dao and entered the vacant hill. Since then, it has been put out by France, and Wukong has turned all the people in the country into monks, so that the king will repent and revitalize the country.One day went to Yuhua County, Goku, Juba, and Sha Seng's three-armed weapons were stolen by monsters in the Panthera Leo tiger's cave. Tai B saved heavenly came and said that the monster was what he had lost. Goku trio retrieve weapons, bid farewell to the revere. Master and apprentice to Jinping House to see the lanterns, but hit the fake Buddha's three rhinos, Goku with the help of four wooden poultry star power to get rid of them, a few days to Tianzhu country. Here, Wukong saw the fake princess that Yuetu became, and saved the true princess. The king thanked him with gratitude and sent Tang Seng. The crowd hurriedly, came to Tathagama mountain at the foot of Jade true view. Master and apprentice four bathing and dressing, ready to log Buddha. The next day, mentoring and apprentice came to a wave of four people rolling the plaque on the bridge side of the words "Lingyun crossing" three words. At this time, a person paddled a bottomless boat, Goku know that he is to attract Buddhism but did not say it. Tang Seng panicked and said to the Buddha: "Although there is no bottom of the boat, all beings from all over the world can be found in all ages." As for the purpose of the book, meet Tang Seng and see A Nuo and Gaya Take the Sutras to Tang Seng. A Nuo, Gaya took the opportunity to request gifts, Tang Seng unprepared, two only gave a wordless scriptures. Going again, Tang Seng shouted: "Tathagata, do you give us the white paper without a word?" Tathagata laughed: "Because you can not just pass it, you can not just take it. The original Biku teachs to others, to three doubles three liters of gold, I too suspect he too little .This is a wordless scripture, but you do not understand the Earthen Bale. " Scripture. However, A Nuo, Gaya leaves still a gift, Tang Seng helplessly, only to send the purple bowl of Tang TaiZong gift, in exchange for the Scriptures. Take the Scriptures, mentoring four returned to the East. While on the way to the clouds, four people suddenly dropped the clouds. It turned out that Guan YinPuSa found that when Buddhism was at its best, Tang Seng was only harmed by eighty, Let Tang Seng encounter another hardship. After Tang Seng et al. Landed, they found that they had come to the west bank of the Tongtian River and could not find boats and bridges. There was no way to cross the river. At this time, the old man came to greet him with four people carrying Tang Seng in the river and asked what he had entrusted with. At this moment, Tang Seng remembered asking Tathagata Tathagata to ask him why he had been transformed into a human being by himself and repeatedly escorting him: "I forgot to ask." The old man was furious and was sinking into the river. Soaked At this point, Tang Seng has experienced nineteen eighty-one difficulties, perfect merit. So the Eighth Kingdoms sent Tang Seng to Chang'an to deliver the Scriptures to Taizong, and then to the mountains again. Tang Seng took over his job as Tathagata. Tang Seng was denounced as Tan Tan Buddha, Sun WuKong was declared a battle to defeat the Buddha, Zhu BaJie was named messenger of the altar, Sha Seng was sealed as the Golden Roan, White Dragon was named eight Dragon, also in the dragon body. Sun WuKong become positive, gold hoops naturally fall off. Since then, Tang Seng master and apprentice back to the standard, Western learning. CCTV version of "Journey to the West" loyal to the original, Tang Seng dignified and dignified, Sun WuKong witty humorous, Zhu BaJie stupid funny, Sha HeShang honest and loyal. The play by describing the Tang Seng master drop monster clothes monsters, praised the practitioners to rule out the difficult fighting spirit. Almost all the country's television viewers have watched the show.After 17-year-long filming of the play, although it seems that today's play is rather childish in stunt, it does not affect the overall artistic success of the play.

Kim Dad Silver Dad does not change my dad (TV)[2011]

Feature: "Jin Dad Yin Dad does not change my dad" tells the original president of Sanjiang City, Xu Tao was transferred to a bingan County. Xu Tao is busy getting busy every day in order to take up this family. While his wife Yang ZhuYun takes care of his eldest son Si Qi, his son Si Yu, daughter Danxia. Difficulties and hardships, the whole family twisted into a rope, finally let this home over the better. Flash a few years later, Xu Tao was transferred back to Sanjiang City. Sizi married eldest son, gave birth to a child called Li Li. Li Li let crowded Xu more confused. Xu Tao for his most miss the oldest daughter Dani introduced objects, but because of a misunderstanding, Dani met the very ordinary Chen Yumin. Son Siu's marriage also twists and turns, friends Zhang and Xu Tao finally got his wish to do their relatives. Danielle brought back her own Russian boyfriend, making the whole family surprise. Time flies, Xu Tao and Yang ZhuYun have retired at home, after ups and downs of life, the children are gradually maturing, and ultimately, Xu family to find the true meaning of a happy life & nbsp ;.

Secret Bureau gunfire (TV)[2007]

Feature: Stills In early 1949, the eve of the liberation of Shanghai. Chinese Communist underground Huang XianCai suddenly mutinied, undercover agent Liu XiaoChen of Shanghai City Station desperate to create a car accident, protect the joints of the Shanghai underground party leader Yue ZhongSheng and Zhou PuXiang, he himself was seriously injured, and by the Security Bureau from top to bottom suspicion . At a reception hosted by the Security Bureau, Zhang ZhongNian, the new stationmaster, unexpectedly encountered the old acquaintance who had not seen for many years. It turned out that Yue ZhongSheng was originally named Gao. Yue ZhongSheng Yagai Denies, Zhang ZhongNian Comes Out of Yue ZhongSheng's File of "Translucency" - No. 2, So Yue ZhongSheng secretly scared and clumsy countermeasures. Under Zhang ZhongNian's intimidation, Yue ZhongSheng provided Zhou PuXiang, a single-line contact with the undercover agents. Zhou PuXiang was arrested and tried his best to protect Liu XiaoChen. In order to find out the details of Liu XiaoChen, Zhang ZhongNian secretly directed his lover Cheng Fei to seduce Liu XiaoChen, meanwhile, Liu XiaoChen was under the surveillance of the original stationmaster and was in danger. Zhang ZhongNian refused to give up, with Yue ZhongSheng daughter Yue XiaoShan as a bargaining chip to force Yue ZhongSheng to capture the underground party. Yue ZhongSheng only got the answer, but the Yang Feng Yin, set the trap, Zhang ZhongNian outdone, both wits and brave, regardless of the upper and lower. In order to test Liu XiaoChen again, Zhang ZhongNian sent him and Cheng Fei to go to school for investigation. Jiang Hui, the niece of Yue ZhongSheng, expressed his sincere affection to Liu XiaoChen. At this point, Yue ZhongSheng is trying her best to arrange her daughter to flee the Dongjiang River. Under the direction of Yue ZhongSheng, Feng Bin repeatedly assaulted Zhang ZhongNian, all of them failing without success and recognizing himself as a former lover, Cheng Fei. After the two met, Cheng Fei realized that when Zhang ZhongNian got himself, the truth about Feng Bin was framed. Feng Zhong again assassinated Zhang ZhongNian failed identity was Zhang ZhongNian see through. Cheng Fei pains, decided to help Feng Bin assassinate Zhang ZhongNian, and then two run away. Liu Xiao Chen has been actively planning to steal the Dongjiang sabotage program, both failed, Liu XiaoChen anxious. Jiang Hui and Yue XiaoShan pretended to allow Yue ZhongSheng to leave the Dongjiang River, secretly armed and assaulting the Secrets Bureau, assassinating Zhang ZhongNian, but fortunately Liu XiaoChen skillfully rescued several individuals out of the woods. To this end, Liu XiaoChen further arouse the suspicion of the Bureau, the situation more and more difficult. Shameful Zhang ZhongNian warns Yue ZhongSheng to take good care of her daughter or you're welcome. Jiang Hui and Yue XiaoShan both left their homes, Yue ZhongSheng was driven into despair. And Zhang ZhongNian decided to send Liu XiaoChen to attack Jiang Hui and Yue XiaoShan, double-edged sword. For the sake of the overall situation, Liu Xiao Chen has no choice but to shoot Yue XiaoShan and Jiang Hui. Although to resolve their own crisis, Liu XiaoChen heart painful. Xiao-Shan and Jiang Hui were rescued by a party organization prepared in advance. Xiao-shan died in a violent death. Jiang Hui was saved from the death of a bullet and hit the left heart with a bullet. Her heart was different from the ordinary and grew to the right. Zhang ZhongNian convinced Yue XiaoShan and Jiang Hui are dead, and Yue ZhongSheng finally relieved. It turned out that Jiang Hui is his real daughter, Yue XiaoShan but his niece, Yue ZhongSheng foresight, many years ago, the identity of the two exchange. Under Feng Bin's persuasion, Cheng Fei stole the "Subtle Float" No. 2, with Feng Bin connector, but was surrounded by Zhang ZhongNian, at a crucial moment, Feng Bin Liu XiaoChen cleverly rescued.Zhang ZhongNian told Cheng Fei that he had not framed Feng Bin. It was Feng Bin who traded Cheng Fei for a bargain-chip after the mutiny, and Zhang ZhongNian forgave him a victor for Cheng Fei. Proof of evidence, Cheng Fei had to believe, almost desperate. Feng Bin escaped unmasked, revealing the news that Yue ZhongSheng's daughter was not dead, to Zhang ZhongNian's hand Yang YuLin. Zhang ZhongNian overjoyed, it turns out, Feng Bin assassination and steal "Subtle Float" 2 is precisely by Yue ZhongSheng's instructions, and Liu XiaoChen probably knew before shooting Jiang Hui's heart is different from ordinary people. Security Bureau launched a search and capture of the city, arrest Jiang Hui. In a critical situation, desperation, Jiang Hui was transferred to Liu XiaoChen's residence. Through Shi Xiuying, Jiang Hui learned that Liu Xiao Chen was undercover at the Secrets Bureau of the CCP and almost died for his own life. Jiang Hui moved. Under the direction of Zhang ZhongNian, Cheng Fei did not give up on Liu XiaoChen's temptation. Time and again cleverly deal with Liu XiaoChen Cheng Fei offensive aggressive. Zhang ZhongNian again to find Yue ZhongSheng showdown, Yue ZhongSheng deal with. Jiang Hui, who secretly returned home from the two conversations, learned that Yue ZhongSheng turned out to be her own father and a traitor. Zhang ZhongNian decided to let go of Jiang Hui for the time being to control Yue ZhongSheng through her. Painful Jiang Hui went to the Secret Security Bureau, wounded Liu XiaoChen, died under the spy gun heroic sacrifice. The original, knowing that because of their own endanger the life of Liu XiaoChen, Jiang Hui decided to give up to prove Liu XiaoChen 'innocence'. Jiang Hui's behavior caused Zhang ZhongNian doubts Liu XiaoChen is undercover again. Daughter died, Yue ZhongSheng almost collapsed, with the hatred of Zhang ZhongNian, the villa was put to a sudden, disappeared. Faction Kidnapped Feng Bin, For Common Enemy - Zhang ZhongNian, Yue ZhongSheng Resolved with Feng Bin. Under the plot of Yue ZhongSheng, Feng Bin came to Cheng Fei, asking her personally to call Zhang ZhongNian for clarification as to whether she would mutiny or not. Zhang ZhongNian think twice after the implementation of the contract, the two sides fierce gun battles, Feng Bin was killed on the spot. In the meantime, Liu Xiao Chen tries to get in touch with officer Ji A to set out the key and password, smoothly steal all the files of "Subtle Float". Liu Xiao Chen and Shi Xianying found that all archives of "Subtle Fragrance Float" are not archives of the CCP traitors as Yue ZhongSheng said is the Dongjiang destruction plan. The two began to suspect Yue ZhongSheng. File theft, all doubts are concentrated in Liu XiaoChen body. When the Chinese People's Liberation Army came to the city, Zhang ZhongNian ordered to destroy all important facilities in Dongjiang City. In a critical situation, Liu XiaoChen was dying and must obtain the Dongjiang sabotage plan within a very short period of time. At this point, the Secrets Bureau and the Communist Terco's real battle was kicked off.

Da Tang Fu Rong Yuan (TV)[2007]

Feature: Yang YuHuan and Li Wang Li Mao (Ji Ning) Yang YuHuan and Peng Bo each other's feelings, Xie AMan as Yang YuHuan dance playmates, from the needle, to promote two. After being informed that she was elected to Princess Shou, Yang YuHuan was fiercely anti-marriage, and Xie AMan was a messenger for both. Yang YuHuan impulsively to take shape, Peng Bo retreated intellectually. Yang YuHuan helplessly marry Shou Wang. Early in her marriage, Yang YuHuan lived a lifelong dream of living with her, and often talked to Peng Bo about divorce through Xie AMan. The longevity and kindness of Shouwang caressed Yang YuHuan with the passage of time, giving her a sense of belonging and relocating her feelings to Shou Wang. The same love of life and death, sincere and warm.

Yu Gong moving mountains (TV)[2007]

Feature: Two thousand years ago, the stone village of Tai Sin was Taihang Mountain, Wang Wushan siege. Yu Gong (Hengxuan Zhao ornaments) suffer from home Alpine isolation, the ancestral closed, the pain of poverty, mobilize and lead the whole family to move the mountains for the benefit of future generations. Zhi Sou et al. Worried about disturbing the mountain god would lead to disaster, destroying the feng shui will have to make money, do everything possible to stop Yu Gong from moving mountains. Cao SheShen in the mountains is afraid of digging up the mountain and will nowhere to shelter it. This will mean that the demon practice will be so bad that Yu Gong has repeatedly been in distress. However, he has never wavered his ambition to dig Taihang and Pingwang Houses. Yu Gong eventually affected the villagers perseverance, have joined the team dug mountains, but also moved Yu HuangDaDi, Jade Emperor ordered the two Hercules will be a mountain back to the east of Shuo Fang, a mountain back to the south of Yongzhou in order to protect the harmony of the three circles. Since then, Yu Gong feat known throughout the ages, Yu Gong spirited.

Talk about love (TV)[2006]

Feature: Teleplay Liu DeHua, a homophone but different character from the superstar of Heaven, is a junior college student who comes to Binhai from a foreign country. Like any 21-year-old boy, he is full of adolescent agitation and fanaticism, but as a CN (the so-called virgin), he can not help but betray what he sees before girls. Forced to livelihood issues, Liu DeHua decided to rent a rented one-bedroom house to earn some extra income. To his surprise, renting a house is none other than his admiration for a long time, but also make the whole school coveted the boys, beeing sought after girls Lin QiaoEr. Although Lin QiaoEr is a devastating incarnation of Liu DeHua, she is a beautiful angel full of unselfish love in the orphanage in front of those sick, mentally retarded children. Gradually, Liu DeHua suffered from flesh and blood from time to time while Lin QiaoEr with the establishment of a friendship a little more than love a little less than their own feelings can not be said. Lin QiaoEr gone, Liu DeHua painful, he finally tasted the bitter love of love, but also finally understand the meaning of Lin QiaoEr in his life. In search of memories, he came to the orphanage where they used to go and looked for the silhouettes they had been together. Liu DeHua got 10,000 yuan, but donated it to the sick clown friend. But unexpectedly, Feng BaoChai bought the dress and asked Liu DeHua to give Lin Qiao Er, but Lin Qiao Er told them she wanted Married Feng LongZan. The grand wedding is imminent, and everyone who knows Liu DeHua and Lin QiaoEr deeply regrets that even Feng BaoChai is desperate to encourage Liu DeHua to fight for the last chance. The wedding is going on, and the trouble-making group headed by Wang DaTou and Cheng Bo is acting in secret. The Three Musketeers desperately vomit Feng LongZan in the crowd. All the champagne is labeled "toxic" and the orphanage's children Directed at Feng LongZan called "father", Xiao Fang first stood up against new couples. At this moment, the white-headed fortune-teaser was rushing in and said Liu DeHua had just had a car accident and was unconscious. Scene of a car accident, Lin QiaoEr dying Liu DeHua dying. It turned out to be looking forward to being able to die in their own arms and treat it as the greatest happiness Lin QiaoEr watched Liu DeHua dying in her arms, and finally, for the first time and last time, Lin QiaoEr in front of everyone Face released a long-suppressed feelings, affectionately made the final statement to Liu DeHua.

Fantasies Behind the Pearly Curtain (TV)[2006]

Feature: During the years of Xian Feng, the situation was precarious and the society was decadent. The highest ruler of the empire - Xian Feng (Xiaohai Shen) Spring and Autumn Dreams A year ago Tao Hong had no children and many eyes fixed on the future throne. Rumors also spread like wildfire, spreading inside and outside the palace "the emperor has no fertility", the emperor sick, can not have children, behind these rumors is a variety of political forces to contend and contest. Lan Er (Tao Hong ornaments) was Xian Feng accidentally hit and favor, her courage, insight more let Xian Feng admiration. Xian Feng To establish Lan Er as an honored person, he was strongly opposed by Kang Ci's empress dowager. Despite some controversy, Grandchildren Kang Ci issued the stipulation that Lan Er within a year, if you can not cherish the emperor's son, then from cold into the cold. Lan Er inadvertently knew the emperor's unspeakable implicit. In order to consolidate his position, Lan Er through the eunuch An DeXin (Guanhua Liang ornaments) arrangements for his childhood friends Ling Zhi Tong Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu GHD Mrs. Kang Ci felt that she could make a big fuss, so he carefully set up a trap and attempted to kill two birds with one stone, proving that Xian Feng was really sick and could not be followed but also blamed Lan Er for misleading the public and forcing him to surrender The emperor Li Dajun as Chu Jun and get rid of Lan Er. In 1856 AD, Lan Er gave birth to a son and was booked as imperial concubine. Too expensive Princess Kang Ci can not afford to illness, hear the news of Lan Er's son, immediately called son Gong QinWang into the palace, said "you do not politics, do not fight with Lan Er, you fight but her" died. After the emperor had, the event has been set, but the royal heart disease has not yet gone, informed An DeXin, Lingzhi and the like were removed. Lan Er quietly burns incense, An DeXin, Lingzhi with reassuring, in the slowly winding cigarettes, she saw himself - a ruthless new Lan Er in the cruel court fight. Six years later, Xian Feng died, Lan Er born son inherited the throne, the year Tongzhi. Blue concubine was booked as the Empress Dowager, that is, the Empress Dowager Cixi history. Empress An DeXin Empress Reuse, soon became a major manager. This person is a prominent temporary grand eunuch An Dehai.

The Past Stories in Western Hunan (TV)[2006]

Feature: "Xiangxi past" poster - 31949 summer, the KMT officer Huang YiHu was ordered to Xiangxi banditry. At the moment of execution. Higher ordered to put Xiang YongGuo. Because he had three Japanese bacteria left in his hand on the bomb, once detonated, the consequences could be disastrous. Not only did the Kuomintang not kill Xiang Yong Guo, he also conferred the rank of Major General Xiang YongGuo, and Tuo FeiYun, a battalion of the second-born Xiangxi bandit rushed out to save his eldest brother, was appointed deputy general commander. Tuofi FeiYun rejected the other bandits accepting the letter of appointment. Kuomintang officer Huang YiHu and his agent Zhou ManJiao were ordered to follow Xiang YongGuo and the surface was followed to monitor his every move in an effort to find a bacterial bomb. People's Liberation Army liberated Changsha, decided to enter the western bandits. At the same time also bear the mission of looking for a bacterial bomb. Guan TuanZhang, Liao ZhengWei lead the Yunds Commander Yu DaXi, Quan MuShan, and warriors into Yongshun. Yu DaXi hero nine Commander Yu DaXi was brutally attacked on the day of his marriage, his wife Nini Ni by the bandit third ranked Shi MaoZi shot ... Bandit Tuo FeiYun fancy Tujia woman ----- beautiful and spicy Spring E. Will grab her up the mountain. But found the wrong people, robbed the twin sister of Spring E ----- gentle and quiet autumn E. Qiu'e was the fiancee of Quan MuShan, a member of the People's Liberation Army's Nine Directions. Tuo FeiYun will be wrong, threatening to marry Qiu'e ... ... bandit chief of the daughter of Xiang YongGuo, Xiangxi bandit princess ---- to Qingli. And Ling Hill Shan MaoZi really love each other, vow to life and death dependent. And Shi MaoZi was the only one who knew the whereabouts of the bacterial bombs ... Xiang YongGuo was attracted by the beautiful Kuomintang female officer Zhou Manjiao because she looked a lot like the woman he had loved. And Huang YiHu has been loving Zhou ManJiao for many years ... People's Liberation Army entered Xiangluo Duluozhai, liberated the common people, engaged in land reform, and deliberately attacked the bandits. And bandits conducted more than death battle. People's Liberation Army and bandits are wits and courageous, there are heavy heroic hero in the bandits. Among them, not only touched the affections of children and adolescents, but also have a heinous brotherhood, more simple and honest villain accent. The images of the bandits and the People's Liberation Army are vivid and vivid. The small incidents interspersed in the major events are very interesting. Western Hunan stills

For the sake of the Republic of China (TV)[2003]

Feature: The background of the plot is from the end of the Qing Dynasty Ci XiTaiHou governs Guang XuHuangDi to the beginning of the Republic of China Yuan ShiKai defeated Emperor about 30 years of Chinese modern history, including the Westernization Movement, Sino-Japanese War of 1894, the Reform Movement of 1898, Boxer Boxer chaos, , The Revolution of 1911, the second revolution, Zhang Xun restoration history. In order to repair the 60th birthday of the Summer Palace, Li HongZhang worried that Japan would become a threat to the expansion of the navy. He wanted to strengthen the strength of the Northern Navy, set up a "sea defense donation" and find foreigners to borrow money. As a result, , Had to engage in a sad exercise. Since China and Japan conducted the Sino-Japanese War and the Northern Ocean Navy took over, Li HongZhang was appointed to sign the "Treaty of Shimonoseki." It was a strenuous battle in Japan. After the defeat of Japan in the "Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895," the court decided to train new recruits. Yuan ShiKai, having obtained courage and determination, won the trust of Rong Lu, a court honorary minister, and began training troops in the outskirts of Tianjin to run political capital. The signing of the "Shimonoseki Treaty" stigma provoked national anger, Kang YouWei, Liang QiChao and other initiatives jointly named "bus written" "court, called for reform, although Guangxu also want to reform and self-reliance, Empress began to also actively support, but later When they found that the militarists plotted their troops, they brought a fresh bloody repression. Kang YouWei and Liang Qihao both fled overseas to promote the constitutional monarchy in Honolulu. Revolutionaries led by Sun ZhongShan dismissed Kang and Liang as proponents of propaganda of China. Only with violent revolution, overthrowing the feudal rule of Qing Dynasty and establishing the Republic of China could there be hope. The Eight-Power Allied Forces scored a goal in Beijing and the Empress Dowager West Escaped. In order to reconsider the return of Cixi to Luangang, the Qing government not only made indemnities, but also executed a large number of princes and martyrs who had been listed as war criminals by the aggressors. For Empress security back to Luang Yuan, Yuan ShiKai learn to set up the police in the West, is no shortage of generals available Empress Empire is very important. Ci XiTaiHou heard that the constitutional republic can power, also sent five ministers to go abroad for study, Yuan ShiKai and Quan Chen Qing Wang Ye formed an alliance through the transaction, took the opportunity to promote the "new official system" to obtain greater Power, military aircraft minister Qu Hongji to curb their power to launch Ding not wave. Celebration, Yuan successfully counterattack, eventually leading the first auxiliary was strike, since the Daozhaodang Gang. After Ci XiTaiHou's death, he served as Regent Wang, dismissed Yuan ShiKai, pro-proprietary rights, repression of public opinion. Revolutionaries take the opportunity of the incident, the 1911 revolution broke out. Yuan Shi-kai used the court to repress the revolutionary army. Yuan Shi-kai used the court to bargain with the revolutionary army, then used the revolutionary army to coerce the court and forced Empress Dowager Wong to step down. In order to realize the ideal of republicanism, Sun ZhongShan gave the post of great president to Yuan ShiKai. The assassination of Song JiaoRen fully exposed the face of Yuan Shi Kai's warlord and triggered a second revolution. After the failure of the revolution, Sun ZhongShan once again went into exile overseas. Yuan ShiKai, a member of the Kuomintang majority in the National Assembly, was to be elected. Yuan ShiKai used a force threat to perform a funny farce and dissolved the National Assembly and cleared KMT MPs. Yuan ShiKai, who had made a contribution to history but was fiery, was fooled back to become an emperor. Cai E started his army to seek protection of the law. Yuan ShiKai, unpopular, deserted and panicked, died. But then warlord Zhang Xun took the opportunity to recover.The plot ends with an impassioned Sun ZhongShan speech in the battle against Zhang Xun, reflecting on the past and inspiring the world.

Absolute power (TV)[2003]

Feature: In May 2001, Gao YaJu (Yu Jing Liang), daughter Qi XiaoYan (Liu Lei) and Lin YiDa (Zhang Yu ornaments) and Bai KeShu (Li Shuang), members of party committee secretary Qi QuanSheng (Tang Guoqiang) Into the decoration) overnight at the same time be examined by the provincial party committee. Responsible for investigating this matter is the former mayor of Jingzhou, now Deputy Secretary-General Liu ZhongTian (Komei ornaments). Liu ZhongTian and Qi QuanSheng had a sharp contradiction on how to plan and construct the state of Jingzhou when they took a team that year and caused the situation of "one city, two systems" of the municipal party committee and government. Qi QuanSheng went to the provincial party committee to have absolute power in order to rebuild the brilliant steel will. At that time, the provincial party committee shifted Qi Zhongsheng away from Jingzhou in order to allow Qi QuanSheng to let go and reform. However, an unfortunate incident happened. Liu ZhongTian's wife was crippled by a car accident and his son died on the way to move away from home. Liu ZhongTian thus shouldered a heavy burden on him. Therefore, Liu ZhongTian with the investigation team of the provincial party committee investigated the issue of mirror state, let Qi QuanSheng ideologically unacceptable, thus finding himself framed. Qi QuanSheng is very confident, he never for his wife, daughter approved sliver, upright. More importantly, the rise of the state of Jingzhou in his life hard life, the economy ranked first in the province, he also received the sincere support and love of the people in the mirror state. However, a brilliant state corruption problem is quite serious. Current Party Secretary Zheng BingYi (Li Shi Creek ornaments) and Provincial Party Secretary Li ShiYan (Masashi Natsu ornaments) unswervingly support Liu ZhongTian. During the investigation and prosecution of the State of Jingzhou, Liu ZhongTian was sent to assist Qi QuanSheng in hosting the full state work of Jingzhou and clearing the way for the handling of the case. Zheng BingYi fully affirmed the great achievements made by the state of Jingzhou during its reform and opening up. At the same time, Zheng BingYi pointed out that no one has any absolute power over public officials, regardless of their size and contribution. Without supervision, there is no problem. Sure enough, Qi Ya Sheng, the wife of Qi QuanSheng, had 2.3 million yuan in huge amounts of money. After the provincial party committee study, please Qi QuanSheng to the provincial capital "temporary rest", waiting for the investigation team to further clarify the issue. Qi QuanSheng depression indignation. Liu ZhongTian is seeking truth from facts, and did not carry on with the provincial party committee because of its historical grudges against Qi QuanSheng. Gao YaJu was examined, and Qi XiaoYan fled while interrogating him, giving him a rare advantage. However, whenever an abnormal symptom of censorship emerges, Liu ZhongTian always promptly gives timely warnings and must never turn his anti-corruption advocacy that concerns the party's survival into an individual battle. The results of the survey conducted by Qi QuanSheng indicated that Qi XiaoYan's daughter Qi QiSheng's privilege and Qi YaSu Qi's wife Gao YaJu's economic problems have nothing to do with Qi QuanSheng himself and are all under the leadership of Bai KeShu and Zhao FenFang (Siqin Gaowa) Qi QuanSheng dry. Even Gao YaJu that more than 200 million are retired stock market speculation in the proceeds of the stock market, involving a group of cadres and relatives. Corrupt elements such as Bai KeShu opened the "rat warehouse" so that the state-owned blue sky group lost six million, hand Zhaoyun it "made rich." Liu ZhongTian was shocked.Qi YuZhou, secretary of Liu ZhongTian who was laid off another clean government storm seven years ago, even went on to exercise special privileges in jail and telephoned Liu ZhongTian through a police officer. Liu ZhongTian was required to take advantage of the case of Jingzhou, Qi QuanSheng and Qi QuanSheng's forces rushed to kill. Under the wrath of Liu ZhongTian, ​​the provincial bureau of justice was severely punished. Qi YuZhou and disciplinary officers were aroused. Qi YuZhou suddenly reported that Liu ZhongTian, ​​who had received 50,000 shares of blue sky that year, had been accepted by Liu ZhongTian. Report not only sent to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, but also specifically sent to Qi QuanSheng. Qi QuanSheng, who is "resting" in the provincial capital, faces the choice between holding the "bomb" and throwing it to Liu ZhongTian or seeking truth from facts. Qi QuanSheng faces the dual test of political morality and personality conscience. He finally decided to take a look at the attitude of Zheng BingYi, party secretary. Zheng BingYi is a good leader who not only stresses principles but also tells Li ShiYan, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, to investigate the matter. Li ShiYan quietly went to the mirror state. But at this time, Qi YuZhou died in prison, Li ShiYan think too strange. While conducting an in-depth investigation, Li ShiYan had to have a soul-stirring talk with Liu ZhongTian. Mayor Zhao FenTang started a wrong judgment from the moment Liu ZhongTian stepped on the capital case to investigate and punish the corruption case. Liu ZhongTian, ​​who headed toward Jingzhou, will surely kill Qi QuanSheng, the old rival. Qi QuanSheng, in his style and personality, , Will also do its utmost to counterattack, bite Liu ZhongTian black and blue. Thus, she has resorted to all kinds of tricks to "catch the sea" with her powers and even achieved collusion with evil forces at the expense of huge state-owned assets to achieve her personal power. In view of the economic innocence of Qi QuanSheng innocent innocent, with the advice of Liu ZhongTian, ​​the provincial party committee ended the circumvention of Qi QuanSheng and asked Qi QuanSheng to return to normal state. At the same time, the review of Gao's wife, Gao YaJu, And asked Qi QuanSheng to assist the provincial party committee to clarify the issue of bribery of blue sky stock. Qi QuanSheng depressed in vague. At this moment, an anonymous letter was sent, Qi QuanSheng killed Liu ZhongTian and threatened with Qi XiaoYan, Qi QuanSheng's daughter. Chen Bai Chuan (Rentang Li), the old party secretary, came to Beijing from Beijing to work on Qi QuanSheng and beat Qi QuanSheng. In the face of being big and small, Qi QuanSheng explained the truth to the provincial party committee. Liu ZhongTian relieved. By this time, Qi XiaoYan was controlled by financial oligarch Jin QiMing and his evil forces. In the struggle to suppress the evil forces, Qi XiaoYan tumbled off the cliff, causing the paralysis half-length. The two outstanding communists who talked about politics and morality shook hands in good faith and vowed not to forgive one another of corrupt elements and evil forces. It was only then that Liu Zhongtian was able to find out that the real corrupt elements were not the veteran Qi QuanSheng who made a great contribution to the reform and opening up of the Jingzhou prefecture but Zhao FenFang, the mayor's smug fellow. The provincial party committee decided to hold a meeting overnight and reviewed Mayor Zhao FenFang. Appointed the mayor of the anti-corruption Zhou ShanBen as acting mayor. The two talk at the same time. Alarm came, Zhao FenFang difficult to sleep.She arranged the transfer of property and completed all her private affairs. The provincial party committee's "meeting" notice also arrived. Zhao FenFang jumped from her 11-storey office building and committed suicide. The soon-to-be acting mayor of the integrity model Zhou ShanBen also started the last day of his life, and finally fell in the car to the International Fashion Festival venue where to sleep forever. Receiving a notice from the party secretary Zheng BingYi, the secretary cried and hugged at Zhou ShanBen's body and cried out: "Late, the mayor died in the week." Another session of the International Fashion Festival in Guangzhou is about to open. Zheng BingYi Kai Liu ZhongTian, ​​Qi QuanSheng and other upright municipal buildings, overlooking the future, ups and downs. He sincerely warned Comrades Zhou ShanBen that we have set a benchmark for our Communists and how we should represent the fundamental interests of the broadest masses of people and serve the people wholeheartedly. It is also prudent to suggest that on the use of power and the supervision of power, we should make some new explorations from the perspective of system and legislation.

Tian Long Ba Bu (TV)[2003]

Feature: "Tian Long Ba Bu" tells the story of the Northern Song Dynasty, the foreigners have swagger Song territory, the formation of the opposition of Han and Liao. The beggar's gangster Joe Poster (Hu Jun) has been cast aside by Central China's Wulin people for refusing to refer to the love of deputy Kang Kang (Christy Chung) as retaliation for Khitan people. Qiao Feng went down to track down his life after being rehabilitated. During this period, he met Duan Yu (Doshiko Dali) and Xu Zhu (Gao Hu), and sworn into brothers. Qiao Feng traced the tragedy of numerous traitors, innocent Mo Bai and even more mistresses to kill his confidante A Zhu (Tamia Liu), then to save Zhu A Zi (Chen Hao (actress) ornaments) Toray became the king of Liao Guoan hospital, but the relationship with the Central Plains is even worse. Duan Yu is open-minded and optimistic about Wang YuYan (Liu Yifei), who is a seemingly innocent person. Unfortunately, Yu Yan only loved his cousin Mu RongFu (Xiu Qing), causing the three men to plunge into a tangled love affair. Xu Zhu is a pure, good-natured man. Qiao Feng, Duan Yu and Xu Zhu hold important positions in the foreign lands. In the time of the Han-Liao dispute, all kinds of rivers and lakes and emotional grudges are waiting for them to face & nbsp ;.

Soul broken Qinhuai (TV)[2002]

Feature: Wang NingShi, the daughter of a woman who escaped from the palace, came to the people with her daughter in her arms. Twenty years later, her daughter, Liu RuShi, grows into a brilliant girl. By chance, she and Qian QianYi, the famous literary leader, met on the banks of the Qinhuai River. They loved each other's talents and loved one another. After helpless and hopeless time and space waiting, emotional test and life test, the two finally understand each other's hearts and finally get married. However, a great era of change came, like a storm to the delicate love of two to the brink of crisis. Qing Dynasty regent Duo ErGun rate eight banner Jin brigade near Nanjing city, the Southern Ming dynasty monarchy scattered, leaving Qian QianYi independence dilemma. Qian QianYi for the city from charcoal, will Nanjing surrender. After Duo ErGun entered the city, Liu RuShi was placed under house arrest in Soft Xiangge to persuade her to return. Liu RuShi By Duo ErGun, wisdom and courage, let Du Er Er Guun realize that just by force can not make the world unified.

Iron teeth copper teeth Ji XiaoLan 2 (TV)[2002]

Feature: "Branch Odd Case" In order to recruit, Qian Long to open Encom test. Think of both the money can be collected, but also wide in 2002 directed by Liu Jia-cheng drama "iron teeth Tongxiao Ji XiaoLan continued" character photo trick, He Shen responded enthusiastically. Ji XiaoLan greatly opposed, incurring punishment. Due to the rampant fraud in the department, the candidate Liu Jin pay trouble field, Qian Long learned furious, ordered He Shen to investigate the matter. He Shen pays a car and severely investigates public examiners, while the real manipulator of expeditions and cheats - Governor Min De has not been involved. Zhao XinJin was persecuted by Min De for revealing the scandal at the examination room, and Ji XiaoLan, the adjunct, decided to check the truth. After some battles with He Shen, Ji XiaoLan burst into scandal, Min De Fafa, while He Shen was more unscrupulously destroyed because of his evidence of taking bribes, saying he wanted to cultivate his own strength by means of scientific experiments and fight Ji XiaoLan in the end. "Book Soul" Qian Long prepares to repair the "Siku Quanshu", Ji XiaoLan force Pai Xiong, become the chief compiling officer. He Shen naturally is not satisfied, so Yan RuYu, an avenger with Ji XiaoLan, was placed in Ji XiaoLan's side to await retaliation. In order to compile the Sikuquanshu successfully, Ji XiaoLan cleverly designed so that the candidates nominated by Ministers revealed the appearance of an outside leader in front of Qian Long, thus attracting real scholars of learning. Yan RuYu's scholarship has been praised by Ji XiaoLan. As Ji XiaoLan thinks everything is ready, Yan RuYu started under the direction of He Shen to undermine and blame Ji XiaoLan and Ji XiaoLan . "Yuan Baoshuo" Qi SuTu misappropriation of domestic affairs bankruptcy of the House of Representatives, He Shen tried hard to extricate themselves, Ji XiaoLan has revealed the truth of the Qi family fake public service. Qi family to recover the lost treasury gold at high prices, Ji XiaoLan private investigation was caught in the jail. In order to cover up the crime, Qi poisoning Ji XiaoLan, Ji XiaoLan cleverly see through. Ji XiaoLan will plan to count, began to buy crazy selling silly, to understand the hidden. Around two missing treasury bullies, a battle of shame began. Ji XiaoLan, who just completed the "Sikuquanshu," both inside and outside the hospital, was transferred to the Civic and Imperial Courts to serve as left-leaning censor, seeing his own interests jeopardized. He Shen and his party's fellow-wing decided to expel Ji XiaoLan from the civic court. He Shen planted Ji XiaoLan, but anti-tease, so brooding, looking for revenge. Gui Ning, a widow from Hai Sheng, a suicide parlor A Gui relative Hai Sheng, committed suicide and Hai Sheng's wife Gui Ning accused Hai Sheng of murdering his wife at the behest of his relative He Shen. Ji XiaoLan presided over the autopsy, and the result was self-evident. He Shen accused Gui Ning of impending impeachment and secretly slapped the body to falsely accuse Ji XiaoLan of "Inspector." He Shen's move not only directed at Ji XiaoLan, but also directly at A Gui, a loyalist who hindered his own political ambition, started a contest of justice and evil both inside and outside the hospital. Ji Xiao Lan was ordered to investigate Lu Chao, the governor of Zhejiang, in embezzling the treasury bonds of the two banks. He Shen instructed Lu Chao to buy beauty Zhang Lele as a bait and hook Ji Xiao Lan. As the saying goes, "the hero sad beauty off," in the face of Zhang LeLe, Ji XiaoLan can not help but give birth to love, which makes Satsuki jealous. Zhang LeLe had only obstructed He Shen's arrangement because his lover was in the hands of Lu Chao, and he was obstructing the investigation of Ji XiaoLan.In order to cover up his crimes, Lu Chao kidnapped Yao Qin, the daughter of Qing Dynasty official Fuchun County, in order to force Fuchun County to take the crime. Satsuki inadvertently rescues Yao Qin, who is trying to kill him, and persuade him to go to the Imperial City. Yao Qin misunderstands Qian Long who happened to be on the way to interview Qian Long. Zhang LeLe was impressed by Ji XiaoLan's integrity, exposing his identity. "Iron teeth copper teeth Ji XiaoLan continued"

The best in all the land. (TV)[2002]

Feature: Liu Baoshan Tianjin Talented, twice to Beijing will try, all straight to take the champion almost "big world." However, he was reluctant to be supernatural power net, twice decided to give up the sky and the riches, was actually desperate, recluse in the play, became what was then known as "the next stream." When the champion champion, the city is full of rain and wind, the world anecdote. Liu Baoshan into the play class after playing ugly, carrying a small donkey Mo Yu on stage, a "visit relatives" to make it famous in the capital. The poor daughter Hideaki and Liu Baoshan interlaced, in vain; while Princess Wu GeGe love him at first sight, vow not to marry. Two beautiful ladies, make his life more ups and downs. Sau Kun because of stunning beauty was too coveted flowers. Liu Baoshan to save the show aunt, one day with a speech in three games, silver redemption, due to violation of class rules, was expelled from the pear orchard. Back to the stage, insisted on changing its name to "Liu GanSan". Lu Guingan censor Liu GanSan jealous, more afraid he was re-elected by the prince, hundreds of framed. Liu GanSan, with her chivalrous, resourceful and witty abuses, is too old to make fun of the invading army with iron blades and maneuvers. She is also used to scoffing and criticizing the current situation by clowning on stage opportunities and exposing unscrupulous enemies Of the six princes, resulting in the whip torture, kill the curse. Wu GeGe, who loves him, helped him to flee but unexpectedly fell into the "top secret of the court," a court battle over the supremacy of the Empress Dowager and Su Shun. Sook Gu was superintendent Ande Hai marry wife, his father died. Regardless of Wu GeGe's blockage, Liu GanSan risked his life to go south with An Dehai and rescued Siu Gur while he himself was treated as An Dehai's own party. Hidekuk to save Liu GanSan and Wu GeGe for help, reluctantly agreed to Wu GeGe's harsh conditions, to stay in the palace as a palace girl, will never see Liu catch the world's first ugly TV series; and Wu GeGe begging for the West Side, also To pay a painful price - to marry the giants she did not love, "Golden Curse," at the expense of Liu GanSan shared hope. Liu GanSan was alone, with only his friend, Donkey Mochi, acting together on stage. Emperor Tongzhi was lured out by Lu DengGao and Hanlin Wang Qingqi and died of a disease. The Queen was also forced by the Western Empire, "savior." The implementation of "double honor", two hundred days are not allowed to sing. Pear Circle into drowned, artists who changed their career to make a living. Liu GanSan secretly contacted Cheng ZhangGeng and other 13 top performing artists of all walks of life, dressed up well and asked the painter Shen Rongpo to draw a picture of "Thirteen with the Light" to prepare his biography. Qi BeiLe, the son of the six prince, collaborates with Lu DengGao to deceive famous paintings and sell them at high prices with Japanese ronin. Liu GanSan will be deceived by the trick. Qi BeiLe and other angry, told the Empress Dowager. Liu Cherng Hill was forced to sacrifice to the court, authentic hidden from the folk, become handed down the national treasure. Lu DengGao, whose face was exposed, was angered by the Empress Dowager, punishing him for making grimace on the clown. After years of turmoil, Wu GeGe reluctantly abandoned her love and fulfilled her love of showgirl and Liu GanSan. Through the trials and tribulations, Liu GanSan has become one of the "best in the world" fame in the capital and is renowned throughout the country.

Iron teeth copper Ji Ji XiaoLan (TV)[2001]

Feature: The first story took place during the reign of Emperor Qian Long in the Qing Dynasty, when the surface of society showed a peaceful and prosperous scene and was claimed by the Manchus as the so-called Kang and Qian Dynasties. However, the superficial peace and prosperity of the people can not hide any deep-seated contradictions intensified day by day. How to clear those who misrepresent themselves and balance the problems of monarch and minister are all put before Qian Long, the ruler of the ruling party. Qian Long is a dictatorial ruler of middle age who is good at lawsuit, good at great powers, and who knows very well the techniques of power. He quite can take advantage of the bachelor Ji XiaoLan just stick to justice, impartiality and law enforcement of selfless character for their own work, but also especially appreciate the Minister of military, household Shang He begging for mercy, but life is flattering art. Ji XiaoLan and He Shen, on the other hand, are the enemies who have been out of step with each other for years and who are diametrically opposed to each other and who oppose each other as political opponents. So around these three people, it produced a scenes of people can not help but laugh, or long sigh of tragedy and comedy. The second piece, "Ji XiaoLan 2" consists of five unit stories, "Department Roads Odd Case," "Book Soul," "Yuan Bao Traced," "Inside and outside the Court," and "Love and Affair." In this drama, the confrontation between Ji XiaoLan and He Shen intensified. "Bureau odd cases" about He Shen imaginary in the name of recruitment, but in fact gathered money, Ji XiaoLan exposed the scandal ills. In Qian Shu, Qian Long (Zhang Tielin) is going to revise Sikuquanshu and appoint Ji XiaoLan as chief comprador. As a result, He Shen is jealous and secretly implicates Yan RuYu (Yili Ma) in his side, waiting for revenge. "Ingot mystery" around the home to swallow the Treasury silver two. The struggle between good and evil, both inside and outside the hospital, and the sorrows and sorrows of the heroines of "Love and Affair" are even more impressive. The third part of the capital is not calm, because the arrival of Jiangnan girl Lu became more not calm. This woman won the favor of Qian Long, temporary residence in Ji House. A fear of the harem to know about this matter, and secondly, I feel this person is not simple, so Ji XiaoLan heartbroken day by day. He Shen had known this person is the Han official Lu Runtai's daughter, his father framed by the uncle, injustice died, the conspirator is He Shen himself. In order to exterminate the roots, designed to trap land girl. Queen also secretly stalled. Unexpectedly, the murder of He Shen cousin Chang Si, alerted Qian Long. Empress Paul Guogu, caught Lu family threatened Qian Long. But do not want to be Ji XiaoLan accidentally discovered and rescued. At the same time he gradually cracked Lu family grievances. No country retreat has committed suicide, Guo Shen Shen dangerous danger. Tai Hou met Lu Piniang, recognized her as the dry daughter, instead of Satsuki, living in Ji House. Part IV "Ji XiaoLan" The fourth part is divided into five units, each unit is unique. Comic figures, humorous dialogue, hilarious bridges, exciting plots and thought-provoking stories will not only allow the audience to regain memories of "Ji XiaoLan," but also give everyone a To different past surprises.

BieRangWoKanJian (Movie)[2000]

Feature: There is a public security anti-pecking team on the front of the public security. Police old skin, a large section, Xiao Yao is responsible for anti-Pa in the bus. Old skin experienced, enthusiastic about their work, but a large section of the total wanted to transfer to Interpol. The two of them often give up their opinions. In the opposite direction, they received a task of robbing gangs in the bus. After a hard time finally in a coach meet with the gang of criminals. After some desperate struggle, the criminals were captured, but the old skin was glorious sacrifice. After all this experience, a large section said that he would replace the old skin to continue fighting in the anti-strike front.

ZirongYang (Movie)[1999]

Feature: Yang Zongui left his home in 1945 to join the army and was renamed Yang Zirong. In the war against northeast China bandits, he pretended to be banditry and were considered bandit by his fellow countrymen. Yang Zi Rong heroic sacrifice, the real name and origin has been unknown. When their fellow countryman returned to his hometown and told Yang Zonggui that the news of the bandits was telling the village, his family members were mistakenly identified as bandit members. Yang Zi Rong sacrificed in the seat of the government.

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