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Qing Jia TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Qing Jia Works 37 ,And Costume Drama 8 ,Feature 8 ,Romance 7 ,Family drama 4 ,Urban drama 3 ,Year 3 ,Martial Arts 3 ,War 3 ,Motivational film 3 ,Fantasy 3 ,抗战2 ,Contemporary film 2 ,Biopic 2 ,Romantic drama 2 ,legend 2 ,Love 1 ,警匪1 ,Suspense 1 ,Spy war 1 ,Urban emotion 1 ,Diamond solo theater ancient martial arts drama. 1 ,Ancient 1 ,都市言情1 ,Republic of China 1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Idol drama 1 ,权谋1 ,Adventure film 1 ,Modern opera 1 ,Xian xia 1 ,Revolution 1 ,轻喜剧1 ,Terror 1 ,Comedy 1 ,Military 1 ,Action 1 。

Works Index

Qing Jia Filmography(37)


Xixia dead book (TV)[2018]

Feature: Tang Feng, a top student in the Department of Archeology at Jinling University, encountered an unidentified person in the Extreme Sports Challenge organized by his mentor Liang Yunjie. He thought he was just a contest for fame and fortune. He did not expect a series of events left behind by the Western Xia Dynasty Related to the Treasury In order to save people and to find missing archaeologists - Luo Zhongping, Tang Feng and extreme sports master Han Jiang, Liang Yunjie's granddaughter Diaoyu Miss Liang Yuan, and his rival archaeological schoolmate Song JinYu et al. On the treacherous treasures hunt. During the trip, Tang Feng et al. Experienced various difficulties. At the same time, Tang Feng found his colleague and colleague also seemed to have their own unknown purpose. When they finally battle to victory, they find themselves exploited. Finally, Tang Feng saw the mystery, we finally understand the real secrets of the treasure jade screen. Tang Feng and his teammates made the final move to defend the relics in Xixia, stop the loss of national treasure, make final matches with the black hand behind the scenes, and finally win the victory.

Ping Xia Xia Ying (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Ping Zhai Xia Ying" tells the story of ten years of art Lei Yun Lei (Xiaochen Wang ornaments) disguised as a man far away from the capital, to know the truth of grandfather's death and find the brother of the lost cloud for many years, the way to get acquainted with the young warrior Zhang DanFeng (Ma Ke ornaments). Two people work together to advance and retreat, as long as the two together, Shuangjianbibi, will always favoritism. The two hearts connected, and gradually produced a sincere love. However, Zhang Dan Feng and Yun Lei quickly found out that Zhang Yun and his family did not even have a common fate, but for a long time to make them more cherish each other. In the end, Zhang Dan Feng and Yun Lei broke through all the obstacles, eliminated the bad guys and donated their treasure to the country, and so they retreated from the arena.

Beloved (TV)[2018]


Introduction to the TV series beloved: telling years ago,Gu TianChengHis father's cosmetics company, Medea, was under the control of his uncle Gu rongchen.Gu TianChenghad been engaged in corporate acquisitions in a multinational financial company for many years. Just as he was about to succeed, his body could not support him. After surgery,Gu TianChengtransplanted the heroineLin JiaQiHer fianceDu ZhengHis heart, however, was greatly changed due to the special "cellular memory" after the operation -- he was full of hostility to the secretary, but after the operation, he developed a special feeling for jiaqi, gradually revealing its hidden tenderness. I have been silently guarding Lin JiaQi's childhood friendsFeng ZiAng& have spent After years of humiliation, the young executive of the company chose a road that could not be turned back. Eventually, he found himself in the office with nothing to gain. With the help of the gentle and kind-hearted Lin JiaQi,Gu TianChengfinally chose to continue to complete his father's legacy, save the company and gain real love & NBSP; .


Peacekeeping infantry battalion (TV)[2017]

Feature: With the common development of Lin HaoNan and the peacekeeping infantry battalion of China as the main line, it tells the story of the Chinese peacekeeping infantry battalion growing from nothing and growing and expanding once in a time of bloodshed and sacrifice. In the incident of Libya's withdrawal of overseas Chinese, Lin HaoNan, a Chinese soldier, rescued war field reporter Hai Lan from carrying out a dangerous rescue mission. Both of them were the start of fate. In response to the country's "military forces going global" strategy, the Army formed the first peacekeeping combat force "Peacekeeping Infantry Battalion" headed by Lin HaoNan. Unexpectedly, Hai Lan also joined the infantry battalion training, the two became friends in training, mutual affection. Lin HaoNan then led his infantry battalion to peacekeeping operations in West Africa and Lin HaoNan decided to break up with Hai Lan to protect Hai Lan. Unexpectedly, in the difficult and dangerous peacekeeping work in Africa,

Legend tycoon (TV)[2017]

Feature: In the 1930s, Shanghai, Gu family four brothers joined the film and television industry. For the sake of the older brothers' stills, following the move of the third elder brother to Singapore to open up the Nanyang movie market, Gu YanMei has long been destined to remain indissoluble with film industry for a long time. Coincides with World War II, the rapid changes in the current situation, Gu brothers will be moved to Hong Kong production base. As the war ended, Hong Kong was in full swing. The brothers entrusted the Hong Kong studio to Gu YanMei. In the face of today's non-cinema market, Gu YanMei always regards the audience as the driving force for making their own films. It has finally made Gu Brothers' film the first in Hong Kong. It has not only made Hong Kong's film industry a flash star, it has also become Asia's highest priority. Its reputation is growing, was honored as "Chinese film tycoon." For many years sincerely charity, enthusiastic public welfare, Gu YanMei also become the world recognized big philanthropist.

Xiuxian morta (TV)[2017]

Feature: An ordinary village poor boy, by chance, into a small sectarian rivers and lakes, became a registered disciple. In this capacity, he has gained a foothold in martial art and how to enter the ranks of immortals with mediocre qualifications, so that he can be among the three disciplines and mediocre qualification to enter the ranks of cultivating immortals and other devils , Immortal immortal division tied for both inside and outside of Shanhaiguan, immortal world intrigues, law of the jungle, the road long, immortal dangerous, to see how ordinary mountain village Han Li difficult cultivation immortality. Although mediocre, but rely on their own efforts and reasonable calculation practice immortality. Cultivation of immortal process is not easy, not only need to overcome its own shortcomings, but also to accept the test of the enemy and heaven and earth, after numerous "trekking" in order to obtain.

皓镧传 (TV)[2017]


《皓镧传》讲述了战国晚期,秦赵争锋,战事迭起。赵国邯郸,御史李赫的女儿李皓镧因继母的陷害,家破人亡、身败名裂,甚至被卖出。遇不得志的 Lv BuWei 把她买下,用奇货可居的计谋将皓镧献给了当时在赵国皇宫当人质的秦王孙异人。李、吕二人一同入赵宫,凭智慧击退了种种阴谋,化解了公主雅因爱慕异人而对二人的陷害,受到赵王的青睐。皓镧下嫁异人,秦国坑杀赵军四十万,异人的质子身份让他生命受到威胁,公主雅陷害皓镧不成反丧命,让二人之间产生嫌隙。宫中人人自危, Lv BuWei 利用皓镧挑起事端扰乱赵国内廷,借机带秦王孙异人逃离赵国归秦。秦国有奸人散播谣言说皓镧之子嬴政的父亲不是异人而是 Lv BuWei 。而此时异人病重不治,嬴政登基,认为 Lv BuWei 与父亲之死难逃关系,同时忌惮吕的权利过大而把他流放。皓镧请求儿子饶吕一命,最后俩人像相识的最初一样重会洛阳。

Legend of the P Plus (TV)[2017]

Feature: In 1935, Zhang HanTao filed for revenge on his father's revenge. Under the name of "killing all sides" against the Japanese invaders, Zhang HanTao successively punished traitors in Binhai Island, a coastal town on the coast of southern Liaoning. Stock conceal forces, drew an uproar. Qing Chuan, the old captain of the detective's predecessor, the Kou gendarmerie, spent a great deal of manpower and material resources to detect the case of "killing the eight directions," and gradually discovered Zhang HanTao's major suspicion in extortion. Zhang HanTao, desperate with Qing Chuan and many other belligerents, wanted to return to civilian life. However, he found his father-in-law hatred has resulted in the massacre of anti-Japanese members, anti-Japanese bandits and innocent civilians by the Japanese invaders. Zhang HanTao thus laid off a person, vowing to resist the Japanese invaders for revenge on the dead compatriots, Zhang Qicai in the United intelligence station to help themselves and their successors led by the support of Wang Gang, the final elimination of Qing Chuan Binhai day Kou groups, and to fight for a group of important weapons resources, become a civil anti-Japanese legendary people.

Our song (TV)[2017]


Introduction to the TV series "our thousand absence songs" : toldSi LingYunI was a high school student in the law department. Although I grew up in a single-parent family and lived in poverty, I was kind and optimistic and dreamed of becoming a lawyer. After reaching summit group, face the bossFu YiZeWith strict requirements and numerous tests,Si LingYunhas been trained and grown in all aspects with her own efforts and perseverance. In the contact and communication at work, she andFu YiZestarted to fight against each other, and they got to know each other and appreciate each other, and their feelings gradually heated up. At this time, Si LingYun's background suddenly came to light, which disturbed her quiet life. She had to face new family relationships and new challenges in her work: her difficult stepmother, her scheming rivals, her fierce rival. However, with the help of Fu YiZe, she finally solved the conflicts and stereotypes between relatives with her kindness and tolerance, and brought them back together. At the same time, she andFu YiZehave also experienced various tests, and gained a memorable love.

Lovers Lies (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Lover's Lies" tells Shu Fei and Lin Fei are the girlfriends of the same sisters. In college, seniors wondered Lin Fei, but Lin Fei had no intention of wondering. A lie of a lover still silence silently concerned about the astonishing Shu Fei afraid of his sadness, then under the guise of Lin Fei name and odd letters. After graduation, Shu Fei Lin Fei was admitted to the shopping TV station, and Shu Fei, who met with director Lan Tian for harassing girls, also found her supervisor strange. Oddly happy with Lin Fei and happy, always concerned about Lin Fei. Seeing this, Shu Fei lost heart and began to devote himself to his work. However, he interacted with Lan Tian in his work. Lin Fei lost himself in the workplace, after learning of the secrets of posing as a surprise to her when she was a student of Shu Fei, she used the strange feeling to blame Shu Fei for revealing the trade secrets, causing the company to go bankrupt. Only Lan Tian is convinced that Shu Fei, with the meter exposing Lin Fei lies. In the face of Shu Fei's tolerance, Lin Fei eventually repentance. Finally, with the encouragement of Lan Tian, ​​Shu Fei proves himself once again in an optimistic and strong spirit and confirms his wishes for Lan Tian. Inspirational girl won the double harvest of love career.

Three killed Magic (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Two pieces of mysterious kit, with a surprising secret filled with the Lord Chung anti-"heroic door" heritage. When these images are revealed, another tangled story of love and fulfillment begins to reveal its true face.

God of War Zhao Zilong (TV)[2016]

Feature: Zhao Zilong live in troubled times, childhood deep sense of grievances, set ambition, to accomplish some great cause. He upholds a righteous, punish the evil, but also by chance under the skill of a set of sophisticated gun law, swept the battlefield, indiscriminate, which allowed him to win many admiration and praise, but also attracted a lot of his hate for him . Xia HouQingYi was the daughter of Xia HouJie, a fellow in the East County, and Zhao Yun got acquainted with his uncle Yuan Chang. The two admired each other, but attracted the narrow-minded Yuan Ying eldest son Yuan Huai and shirt brother Xia HouEn jealousy and persecution. Zhao Zilong in his unlucky situation actively sought after accidentally learned from the mouth of his mother Zhao and Xia Houjia in the previous generation of life and death enmity. In the experience of family hatred and love of children and children, Zhao Zilong finally got through his grudges and found Liu Bei, his protagonist. Since then, he has been carrying a long-range rifle and hastily onto the battlefield to write a heroic tribute to epic singer & nbsp ;.

TheLoversLies (TV)[2016]

Feature: Tong SiJi his parents died, with a pair of siblings, to assume the family's burden. In order to better subsidize household, working around and working around the seasons, met Yi Yi, the heir to the department store. In the work of contact, the two love each other. Du Juan, the mother of Yi Yi, discovered that the true identity of the four seasons was the daughter of Cheng Kangsheng of the department store of Fukang, and that the confusion of Kang Sheng Society and the mother of the seasons was caused by the deception of Du Juan. Commercial marriage. To stop the truth from revealing the truth, Du Juan lied to Yi Yi's sister-in-law with Four Seasons. Yi Yi painful, to lie do not love the Four Seasons, and has always been like their four seasons sister Xia Xia engagement. However, at the wedding ceremony, when Kang Sheng saw pictures of Xia Xia and the mother of the seasons, he finally learned the truth and confessed with Kang Sheng's father and daughter in the four seasons that Du Juan paid a huge price for lies. Yi Yi learned all the facts, but also finally realized the four seasons of self-esteem and determination, determined to re-pursue the Four Seasons, the two began a new journey of life. Lover's lie

Battle of the Nu River (TV)[2016]

Feature: In 1942, 100,000 Chinese Expeditionary Army defeated the Nu River, and fifty thousand spirits were kept alive. A year later, the expeditionary army received a dense electricity. The Japanese are developing a gas bomb in the savage mountains. If succeeded by the Japanese troops, the situation on the Nu River will be in jeopardy and will directly affect the anti-fascist war. As a result, the military decided to send a special unit, across the Nu River, sneak into the Savage Hill to prevent the Japanese conspiracy. Special unit team members to overcome Savage Hill harsh natural environment, at every step, fighting the Japanese wits, launched a fierce and tragic struggle. In the meantime, the 36th National Army stationed along the Nu River worked closely with the underground communists in Tengchong to rescue the hostages, contain the Japanese troops and provide cover and support for the operations of the units. After several ups and downs of hardships, special teams into two out of Mountaineering Hill, and finally destroyed the Japanese military crisis in the conspiracy to make a significant contribution to the reversal of the war situation. Soon afterwards, the Expeditionary Force took Savage Hill as a breakthrough and opened the prelude to a strategic counter-offensive in Western Yunnan.

Qing Ben Jiaren (TV)[2016]

Feature: Mid-autumn night, Wang Hui, Huizhou merchants were off the door, her daughter Wang Peilan escaped luckily, alias Shang HaiTang. Eight years later, Shang HaiTang uncovered clues to the massacre at another wealthy businessman, Bao. So she resolutely cut off the love wire, bid farewell to the lover of childhood sweetheart, married to the rich businessman in Huizhou, Bao, to Bao "silly son" when Xi Jiniang. When Shang Hai Tang discovered that Bao WenXun was only playing foolish and self-defending, the two began to help each other and hold their own feet in Bao. With the opening of the truth layers, in the clashes with the criminals in the rights struggle among the clansmen, Shang HaiTang went through painful betrayals and betrayals of lovers in the ever-changing commercial sea and finally realized that only surrendering My inner "devil" can move from darkness to lightness. Eventually she grew up to be a top-rated middle-aged husband and mother, a well-deserved "family queen" & nbsp ;.

Girlfriends minds (TV)[2016]

Feature: "My girlfriend's mind" tells the story of Bai Qian and Lin ZiHe in high school as the other side of the nail on the nail, after graduation, two people have to Jingyue hotel to work, so, Bai Qian where the ring group and Zi Dutch VIP reception The group has also become the hotel most opposed to the two departments. Crystal Hyatt Hotel is in very good condition and every day there are unexpected things happening. Including the lightning married Cheng Cheng actually divides into lightning and divorce ring protection group. There is a strange old man who constantly challenges service personnel service limit. Then the chairman suddenly promulgated an order , To the VIP hospitality group and environmental protection group involved in the life and death camp called education and training of employees; then came the granddaughter of the chairman of the hotel to the hotel anonymous internship; Fu Shan was falsely accused of thieves stealing diamond ring, but revealed The secret of a hidden marriage; while the United States, which violated the company's rules and regulations, is experiencing the danger of being expelled. In addition, Zi Hei and Bai Qian actually joined hands to teach the leader of the Environmental Protection Group to pull him back from a ridiculous life. On the other hand, Crystal and Meng Fan actually agreed to a lifetime after a series of crises. Bai Qian also met Prince Charming in life. Crystal Hyatt Hotel from the crowd to their happy life.

Chishui River - State Brewers (Movie)[2015]

Feature: The play by CCTV hit drama "Joe Courtyard" screenwriter Zhu Xiushui, once with the film "God of Di Renjie are Dragon King" nominated Golden Horse Award for best action director Lin Feng directed. With the long history of Chinese winemaking as the background, through the shaping of classic figures and the ups and downs of the plot, the traditional national spirit embodied in the wine culture is presented to enable the audience from this.

Wifes lie (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Shu Fei and Lin Fei are girlfriends with sister. In college, seniors wondered Lin Fei, but Lin Fei had no intention of wondering. Shu Fei has been silently concerned about the strange fear of its sad, then under the guise of Lin Fei's name and strange letters. After graduation, Shu Fei Lin Fei was admitted to the shopping TV station, and Shu Fei, who met with director Lan Tian for harassing girls, also found her supervisor strange. Oddly happy with Lin Fei and happy, always concerned about Lin Fei. Seeing this, Shu Fei lost heart and began to devote himself to his work. However, he interacted with Lan Tian in his work. Lin Fei lost himself in the workplace, after learning of the secrets of posing as a surprise to her when she was a student of Shu Fei, she used the strange feeling to blame Shu Fei for revealing the trade secrets, causing the company to go bankrupt. Only Lan Tian is convinced that Shu Fei, with the meter exposing Lin Fei lies. In the face of Shu Fei's tolerance, Lin Fei eventually repentance. Finally, with the encouragement of Lan Tian, ​​Shu Fei proves himself once again in an optimistic and strong spirit and confirms his wishes for Lan Tian. Inspirational girl won the double harvest of love career.

Dongjiang hero Liu HeiZai (TV)[2015]

Feature: Adapted from the story of Liu HeiZai in the "Dongjiang Column" during the Anti-Japanese War, it tells of a young man nicknamed Liu HeiZai (Wang Lei) who is fiery and envious. From an early age, he can talk about loyalty and rescue friends in jail It was closed for seven years and came out to join the party and become the anti-Japanese armed forces under the party's leadership. Eradicating local bandit traitors to rescue democrats and educating the enemy in Japan's dictator Dong TiaoZhengZhi, Megatron's Hong Kong SAR chief official, let the Japanese and the Vietnamese be frightened.

Wifes lie (TV)[2015]

Feature: Li XiaXi, a law student, studied half-time and repay his father, Li GuoLiang, for failing business. She is a tutor with Jiang TianHao, the president of the Han drama clothing group, and falls in love with Jiang YiBin, the eldest son of Jiang's eldest son. Li GuoLiang stole his wife Huqin Xia Xi's tuition to buy lottery tickets, Huiqin learned urgent fire hearts, died of illness. Xia Xi can not forgive his father, ran away from home and promised a bin marriage, but his father's disappointment, let her lie to Jiang's family orphans. Li GuoLiang learned the truth, regret it, determined to secretly care about her daughter, swear never to drag her daughter. Three years later, Guoliang, who had been secretly visiting her daughter, accidentally saved a bin in a car accident. A Bin learned the truth, chilling, and Xia Xi divorce. Guoliang Bin to say the reason, Xia Xi finally understand the three years of his father's forbearance and pay, a bin also understand Xia Xi self-esteem behind the difficulties. In the end, Xia Xi Guoliang in the arm, again embarked on a red carpet and married.

Four juvenile capture (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Four young captives" tells the story of the mid Ming dynasty, god Houhou Explorer Zhu GeZhengWo led by four famous catch Leng Xue, Wu Qing, Zhui Ming, Tie Shou escort the capital. Leng Xue rescued Chu LiMo, a runaway girl, and hid it from the Houhou mansion. Later, Zhu GeZhengWo found her reading mind and leaving her home to train her. Leng Xue and apart from the two initially disloyal personality, misunderstood constantly, and then through numerous hardships gradually know each other, finally come together. The prince An ShiGeng wholeheartedly rule out dissent to create chaos, depending on the four names captured as rivals. Goddess catch Ji YaoHua crush on Leng Xue, jealous of strangers outside, and later by An ShiGeng use, the four famous catch together to deal with An ShiGeng.

Chishui River country stuffed (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Chishui River country brewing" tells the first year of the Qing Tongzhi, China endless turmoil. Huafu Xuan Hsuan Hsuan Hsuan heart but the people were seriously injured died. The eldest son, Hua LianHui, on his way to the test, sneaked into the "enemy" camp to prepare for revenge. Who knows Zeng Guangyi agreeing with him that "Xing Xing Bang, for the benefit of all people" remarks, not only forgive him, but also stay beautiful cousin flowery. Hua LianHui side to deal with the government and the Chinese industry rivals, while making plans for the future of Washington, however, with all their might, but not the rise and fall of China will be associated with the burning spring wine. Qing Fu Laofei after drinking a spring liquor, a compliment finally to Washington on the brewing tribute wine errands, and a large number of corrupt officials took the opportunity to fabricate the depravity of Washington's family property. Hua LianHui hit the original did not intend to brew the spring wine, which I have experienced, he eventually decided to produce "the first Qinghua" to the people on both sides of the Chishui River never die business. After 30 years of hard work, this former Northern Guizhou wine has finally become famous at home and abroad famous Chinese brewing & nbsp ;.

GuJianQiTan (TV)[2014]

Feature: During the Tang Dynasty, Zi YinZhenRen disciple of Barry Tu Su body has a mysterious evil spirits, by burning silent sword ancient sword Qi Tan stills suppression. He met Ou Yang ShaoGong and Fang Lansheng when they turned bandits to kill bandits. Less Gong is a saint jade altar disciples, elders Lei Yan usurped the throne, less Christine fled to find "Yu Heng" whereabouts. Due to less Christine refining refining immortality immortality, Tu Su feel hopeful rescued mother, easy to Gong Gong colleagues. On the way to find Yuheng, Tu Qingxu fled to Feng Qingxue and fox Xing Ling. Hong Yu was sent by Zi YinZhenRen, secretly protecting TuSu and resolving the crisis many times. Less Gongming into immortality, Tu Su's mother also woke up, so Tu Su learned that the mother was OuyangShaoGong harm. Lei Yan sent people to take less Gong, and instigated its complicity. Less Gong used Lei Yan's trust to kill Lei Yan, while secretly planning to use the Yukon uniform Tuzhu to restore Penglai career. Fang Lansheng found Christine's conspiracy, Tu Su lift the seal, and less people to Penglai and Christine duel, less Christine was killed. Finally, Fang Lan-sheng and Hong Yu et al. Found their own places of destination. Tu Su also formed a connection with Feng QingXue.

PerfectCouple (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Jin Yu Liang Yuan" Official Stills During the Ming Dynasty, Yu QiLin alone with the letter of the mother came to the capital, met Jin Fu son Jin YuanBao. The two were noisy and did not intend to know that the mother was the only insider who had been framed by her adoptive mother. Miss Jiang XiaoXuan was rescued by Gu ChangFeng for her marriage to Jin YuanBao due to her Taiwanese marriage. In order to confirm the identity of Jin YuanBao, Yu QiLin married to the Jin family, and Jin YuanBao became a pair of happy lovers. In the end, Jin YuanBao was confirmed as the identity of Yu QiLin, and Jin FuRen's evil deeds were exposed. Jin YuanBao temporarily unacceptable, leaving the Golden Palace. Jin crisis, Yu QiLin Jin YuanBao never betray, the ultimate truth of the truth, Jin FuRen also suddenly repentance, the family started a new life.

The Great Protector (TV)[2014]

Feature: At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, the current situation was chaotic. Shanxi Taigu Escort always dared to wear the golden signboard of the Zhiyuan Escort. Into the room disciple Liu AnShun act steadily steadfastness, won the old appreciation, not only handed him the total head start position, but also to make love kin Dai Rong and his marriage. Do not want to Liu AnShun due to abide by the rules drove the defeat of the dart bodyguard Ma Kui, and because bandits Shan Mao collusion caused the dart defeat. To serve the public is also "rules", Liu AnShun alone north of the capital, with a hard work in the capital dart Bureau set a firm foundation, creating a new dart road. Facing the betrayal of his fiancée and his younger brother, he firmly confronted Lu YinTing's love for him, which made him unacceptable. When they can finally put aside the secular, mutual lifelong lifes, Lu YaoTing to save Liu AnShun life Huang Quan. Dear mother, master Dai HaiChen also died in the war and the villain hand, country hate the hatred intertwined, leads to a dart door legend and elegy

The Duke of Mount Deer (TV)[2014]

Feature: Humble Wei XiaoBao how to grow fortune and eventually return to life story. Han Dong version of the Deodor record Stills from the market, tricky Wei XiaoBao due to accidentally know the secret palace, posing as a small eunuch into the palace, to help Kang Xi capture the ministers Ao Bai and become Mo inverse, but also by the world will be chief ruling chief Chen JinNan received as disciples, But because of Chen assassination Kang Xi, so dilemma. Andy inadvertently learned that Kang Xi, the God Emperor, was still alive and was sent to Wutai Mountain to visit and make great efforts to reunite Kang Xi with his father and son. He also helped Kang Xi to work in Yunnan and successfully disclosed Wu SanGui's efforts to collude with aliens and cult to rebel Conspiracy helped Kang Xi pacify San Francisco to exterminate Dragon; teach the Princess Sofia of Romania the success of power seizures, but also repelled the invasion of Romania, forcing it to sign a peace treaty. Repeatedly Qi Xiao Bao was first-class deer Dinggong, favored by many confidante, to enjoy the happiness of all. Kang Xi in the mountains Da Tong command Xiaobao destroy the world, loyalty and hard both Xiao Bao fled back to lakes & nbsp ;.

Robbery robbery (TV)[2014]

Feature: The robbery tells the story of the winter and spring of 1942, when the legendary anti-Japanese cleric and Communist Party member Lin JianSong were sent to Shanghai to perform their duties and were targeted by the Japanese invaders, leading to the failure of the operation. Lin Jian robbery robbery photos Song found a clue, the Japanese plan to lease the ship under the name of Shanghai Yunji cargo ship, carrying a number of powerful bacteriological weapons to the theater. In the face of pressing harder and harder the Japanese invaders, Lin JianSong responded with no hesitation and worked hand in glove with Qiao ShaoShan and Xu GuangPu, anti-Japanese couriers in Shanghai, and started a series of life-and-death confrontations with the Japanese invaders. After a heavy price, he successfully defiled Shen Shunfeng, defeating the Japanese invaders and completing a legend of the War of Resistance Against Japan.

Tian Long Ba Bu (TV)[2013]

Feature: Northern Song Dynasty, Liao and Xia invasion of Song, the world's largest gang of beggars to help Central Plains martial arts fight. Heroic cloud, martial arts master Qiaofeng beggar, was referred to by Khim Khitan who was not allowed by the Central Plains martial arts. Qiao Feng prove everywhere, met with Duan Yu Dali Yu and Shaolin disciple Xu Zhu, but repeatedly framed, more mistaken for confidante confessed to become the Queen of the South after the Central Plains Wulin was spurned, and finally the hero of the world A war and break, to die Mingzhi. Merry wanderers, open-minded Duan Yu escaped martial arts has repeatedly won miraculous; has flirting with Mu WanQing, Zhong Ling, but delusional look Wang YuYan immortal, the last infatuation, eventually beauty. Xu Zhu, a virtuous and benevolent man of nature, fostered a fantastic relationship with Meng Gu and became the head of Xiling Xiama and all the female Lingyin Temple. Several different encounters, emotional entanglement together constitute a great justice, heroic heroic pride, rivers and lakes children's love-hate love story.

No thief (TV)[2013]

Feature: In 2002, Xiang QianJin, head of the Guanyin Bridge police station, and his disciple, Zhou ShuShu, caught a pair of thieves on a pipe piece. The men called Duan Hu and the woman Qiao AnNa. Duan Hu was sentenced to ten years in jail because of stealing a Jetta, and Qiao AnNa was sentenced to eight years in prison. Qiao AnNa was pregnant when caught, she had to give birth to children before going to prison. Qiao AnNa gave birth to a child named Duan Yi by Xiang QianJin, meaning to grow up to benefit the people. Duan Hu Qiao AnNa to serve his sentence, Duan Yi grew up in Xiang QianJin. Duan Hu and Qiao AnNa were finally released one day and Duan Yi was already in elementary school. As a police officer, Duan Yi, who has grown up in the police home, plainly resembles the police's descendants. Xiang QianJin a reluctantly returned Duan Yi to Duan Hu and Qiao AnNa. Duan Hu and Qiao AnNa re-established themselves under the supervision and education of Xiang QianJin, learning to give children their parents and learn to do their professional job to feed their families. Xiang QianJin family for their life and reunion made a great effort, in the process to the two thieves as a mother when a brother as a brother. Duan Hu eventually let go of the "heart addiction", realized Xiang QianJin said: people without thieves, the world without thieves & nbsp ;.

Battlefield Griffon (TV)[2013]


Battlefield Gryphon tells the story of the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. In the troubled times of the world, the lion black Zhao Liu who devoted himself to the pear garden took part in the exercises together with his younger brothers and sisters. When the lion black saw his father was harmed by the Japanese, he began to be in hatred. Jiu Sui Hong, a childhood sweetheart, was robbed by the security team captain Bai Zhanyuan. Zhao Liu went to the Baijia Courtyard alone and lost his strength. The death of his father and the looting of Jiu Suihong made Zhao Liu's heart ignite the fierce hatred of the Japanese and the traitors, killing his father, hating his wife, hating his wife, and killing his wife. Under the persuasion and recommendation of Wu Mei’s political commissar Qu Mei, Lion Black entered the anti-Japanese base camp and formed its own “Lion Camp”. Captain Lion Black is a somewhat sturdy but enthusiastic farmer man. When he was snoring, he often did not follow the usual rules. His team played a reputation in the war against the Japanese War. Lions Black and Qu Mei became fighters and couples.  .


MoonlightLove (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Through the emotional entanglements of the main characters A Yao and A Kun, they alternately show the different destinies of the two generations of Hakka people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. They permeate the Acacia and nostalgia of the Hakka people of the older generation and overflow with the optimism and fashion of the Hakka people of the new generation. The play also runs through the beautiful and lively Hakka folk songs. While fully demonstrating the cultural landscape of Hezhou and the Hakka customs, it also enables people to enjoy the beautiful and moving Hakka folk songs. The film will serve as a tribute to the 20th anniversary of the 24th World Hakka Port-au-Prince Convention and the establishment of Hezhou City this year in the North Sea. This city endeavors to showcase Hakka culture while demonstrating the features of its economic and social development and fully demonstrating the city's social progress, ethnic culture and customs, and promoting the visibility and influence of Hezhou . The film director Yao Yan said she was impressed by the honest nature of Hezhou people, and Hezhou also has a very rich tourism resources. She hopes to promote Hezhou by using the movie "Moonlight Love".

Embarrassed people a happy life (TV)[2012]

Feature: Ma XiaoDong after 85 for the marriage, the home mortgage bank, loans to buy a house do not want to be deceived by his girlfriend, lost everything. Ma and his parents to run over to his son, "embarrassed people's happy life," but no room for a foothold, the mother anxious illness. Faced with a huge blow, Ma family did not give up. To have a "home" and work hard. White-collar Liang MeiLi sold an apartment with his own efforts, but because of the $ 1 million mortgage and let the whole family live a sour face behind the grim days. Liang mother stocks failed, beautiful and romance, can only talk about the house sold debt. Beam mother would like to find a golden son to her daughter, but mistakenly hit the poor and the kiddie gold match together. Bitter and total, Ma XiaoDong and small landlord Yi XiaoXi initiation of love, beautiful brother city and friends Chen Chen love at first sight. Several pairs of young people work hard, age, disagree with personality, twists and turns, several parents also for children's marriage, houses and other real problems, rushing to work hard. Where lovers love their guardian is home! These hard-working, busy kind and ordinary people, warm and encourage each other, and ultimately out of adversity, with a beautiful happy home.

Ghost Story (TV)[2010]

Feature: "Painting wall" stills "Strange Stairway" Storms night, Lanruo temple suddenly appeared two painting fox demon desperate help to send three paintings after the wall collapsed, Su Ning and Zhu XiaoLian with a newborn child back world. Meng LongTan and Meng Fan stay together in the painting wall. Qing Shui one in order to eliminate Hei ShanLaoYao, two in order to draw the imaginary wife and daughter of the wall, return to stay in the painting wall. Pan XueMei, a girlfriend of Liaozhai Samume Girl, was killed in death by Wang ZhengXiong, an altar of history. Tears of death caused the death of a mortified demon. Although Pan XueMei was able to reincarnate after her death, she was not willing to kill Wang ZhengXiong nor was she still living in the Pan family. Twenty years later, scholar Feng YunTing was admitted to Panjiayuan on his way home, fell in love with Pan XueMei and helped to fulfill his wish. Pan XueMei instructed Feng YunTing to find the one who casts his baby and renews the unfinished relationship. Who would like to muddy bullies Tim disaster, so that the two romance twists and turns. Fortunately, evil is positive, lovers get married. "Jiangcheng" stills "Gossip Sanjiang City" Jiangcheng adolescent orphan Lin Feng, a day in the mountains next to save a wounded rabbit, and bring it home treatment, and then released after injury, since then, rabbits Often take the initiative to appear accompanied by juvenile, so happy lonely Raymond, but good long-term, one day, the white rabbit was killed in the python, Raymond see the case will be shot dead, but the rabbit has died. Decades later, the former juvenile reincarnation, experience the hardships of Jiang and Gao Fan restored a sweet and loving life. Bai QiuLian about trains Bai QiuLian Bai QiuLian about the trader's son Mu ChanGong tragically childhood Tong XiaoMei refused to marry his family to avoid the evil, the road occasionally rejected the Long TaiZi sturgeon Bai QiuLian engagement, the two fell in love. Mu ChanGong did not know Bai QiuLian actually fish essence, until Long TaiZi et al. However, Bai QiuLian was moved by Mu ChanGong's belief that both parties decided to live together. However, Long TaiZi's chase, the family's succession have failed to make romance repeated hardships, and ultimately one person a demon, overcome all difficulties, forever dependents. Geng Niang, who died in the tragedy of the "Bai QiuLian" stills, "Goshang Giang," touched the bottom of the lake at the moment of death and eventually passed away Geng Niang's husband, On the other hand, the brother of the enemy is reporting revenge on Geng Niang after he learned the magic and Geng Niang knows that the deadline has finally expired. When Geng Niang's husband passed away, Geng Niang endured the pain of death Black Dragon avatar. "Gong Zhai Gong SunJiuNiang" Xian Ling Hu XiaoTian relied on the official fish and meat villains, in seven with the division sister Gong SunJiuNiang organized rival protest, both died in a heroic sacrifice, scholar Du HuaiSheng went to friend Zhu Kang about Laiyang, but mistaken Black shop, insurance was killed, was a woman saved, it is Gong SunJiuNiang, heroic sacrifice in the anti-riot operation, is still running Xiaoyongyi justice, to set a vicious Hu XiaoTian death, killing people, Du HuaiSheng to Zhu At Kang's office, she noticed that Zhu Kang had gone to find her friend's death in order to find her friend Zhu Family, which happened to have hit her own Gong SunJiuNiang. Later, they started to make frequent contact with each other and staged a ghost scene Unpredictable story.

Gentle Betrayal (TV)[2010]

Feature: Gentle Betrayal tells the story of Liu Bing, a college girl in a coastal city in the 90s, who changed his love of his first love Wang Qi to change the poverty of his own family and start a business in the distant north. Wang Qi lovelorn got the good care of his classmate Zhuang CaiWei, and the two hearts instantly got closer. However, the two married but because of the huge differences in life habits and interests rebirth. Ultimately because of the self-willed Zhuang CaiWei, the two divorced peacefully. At this point Liu Bing is back from the north, and seeking for Wang Qi. Wang Qi wholeheartedly helped Liu Bing to expand his career and made Liu Bing a little successful and deeply grateful to Wang Qi. Ex-wife Zhuang CaiWei still loves Wang Qi, regretting his self-willed, and Wang Qi and want to start over. Wang Qi suddenly realized that she could not give up her deep affection to Zhuang CaiWei, and Liu Bing only felt grateful to her and her liking to Liu Bing was just a memory of her childhood. Three experienced a twists and turns finally realized their feelings. Liu Bing wants to go back to the north to realize his original dream. Before leaving, he sincerely wishes Wang Qi and Zhuang CaiWei. Wang Qi and Zhuang CaiWei also learned to tolerate and get along with each other and start a new life & nbsp ;.

gary sing (TV)[2007]

Feature: More than 20 years ago, He Shang, a businessman from Shanghai, went to Hong Kong to do business in Shanghai. He inadvertently offend the underworld figures and was hunted down. Even the bereaved friends Cheng and his husband were also killed innocently. Cheng's time left two young children --- Cheng days, Cheng Hai. He Jun with two children fleeing, but lost in Chenghai panic, only to bring back to Shanghai Cheng day. Cheng Tian grew up, renamed He Tian, ​​his father, He Jun, for his study in the United States, returned, has become He Jun's business on the right hand. He Jun's supermarket group "喜 客 来" also expanded rapidly. He He regards He Tian as a parent and child, but He Lan, the only child of her, is very jealous of He Tian. Chenghai, who has been living in Hong Kong, was adopted by a family whose name is still Shang. Foster parents bankrupt due to business failure, depressed and the end. Shang Fei To take care of Yi-Min Shang Min and Yi-Shang Shang Wei, had to drop out of school to make a living. Shang Fei, struggling in poverty, joined the gang to become a boxer in underground boxing and earn money with blood and sweat. Shang Fei, who loves dancing, has a love affair beyond brother and sister since childhood, but she is afraid to express her feelings to her sister. Roll in the underworld, Shang Fei eventually jailed for the incident. In prison he ran into gangster Gui Shu, the two become friends at the turn of the year. Yi Ben concentric stills 1 In Shanghai, He Tian and Shang Min, who came for a dance performance, get to know each other and love each other. When He Tian made a business trip to Taiwan, He Lan framed it and wanted to use the power of the gang to kill Taiwan. At this moment, Shang Min inadvertently found He Tian's token, and realized that He Tian most likely is Shang Fei looking for many years of her elder brother. To find out the truth, Shang Fei, aided by Katsuyuki Kusatsu, rushed to Taiwan for rescue. After a thrilling match between life and death, Shang Fei saved his brother from danger. The rest of his life, the two brothers recognize, He Tian also decided to leave He Jun. He Tian initially started a small company. However, with the aggressive work of He Lan, the small company collapsed. Fortunately, Taiwan friend Ming JiaHui supported Taiwan's "wonderful" supermarkets. . He Tian arranged for Shang Fei to work "wonderfully", hoping his younger brother would be on the right track. Shang Fei, who is rebellious in nature, does not like to be tied up, especially when he knows Shang Min, who is in love with his heart, who is actually in love with He Tian. Sadly, he will not compete with his brother for Shang Min nor He Tian Control your own destiny. "Hi off" and "wonderful" two supermarkets fierce competition, He Lan pressure on suppliers, so that He Tian and other troubles. Shang Fei saw He Lan unscrupulously, secretly in a more despicable manner to retaliate to "hi off", and finally successfully kill each other back. However, He Tian does not agree with Shang Fei, a desperate measure of competition. Shang Fei sneer brother of pedantic conservative, outdated. Hong Kong gangster lawyer Qiao ZhiYang, whose elder brother Badu was in a raid, was seriously injured by Shang Fei. Qiao ZhiYang sees Shang Fei as an enemy, vowing revenge. He arranged Tong Xin, an unrequited love girl, to make an undercover survey of Shang Fei. Qiao ZhiYang also joined the "wonderful" group of Ming JiaHui, an old classmate, as legal and financial advisor. He Tian finally found that Shang Fei loved Shang Min, contradictory and painful. He had thought that love should be given to his younger brother, but Shang Fei categorically dismissed his drama. 2 said he would fight for himself if he did not get Shang Min. Need brother's mercy.Coupled with the disagreement between Shang Fei and Ming JiaHui on the job, Shang Fei left the "fantastic" in a fierce dispute. Shang Fei met He Lan in DISCO and deliberately approached him. He Lan's hate of He Tian decided to use unfair tactics to compete with "fantastic." Qiao ZhiYang has repeatedly sought after Ming JiaHui but not, then anger on He Tian. He voted to "hi off", and Shang Fei against He Tian. His ultimate goal is to let rival He Tian and his foes Shang Fei brothers kill each other, and he would sit back and enjoy the game. With the help of Qiao ZhiYang, Shang Fei finally descended Mingchinese father and daughter by despicable means and "marvelously" completely lost to "Hike." Defeated competitors, Shang Fei took the position of deputy general manager, suddenly do anything they want, turned into business legend, greatly touted. Complacent Shang Fei, feeling that she has been different from today, daring to pursue Shang Min and grab Shang Min from her brother. Shang Min Feelings Yoshiaki Shang Fei Become Too Horrible. She explicitly rejected Shang Fei, she had only loved He Tian. Shang Min's expression of frustration Shang Fei greatly suppressed many years of love and despair at the same time inspired, actually desperate to insult Shang Min violence. He Jun, who retired from Hong Kong, discovered the conspiracy of Shang Fei and Qiao ZhiYang, secretly annexing the "hi-customer" and dismissed the two men in furious anger. Shang Fei in order to protect themselves, actually into the hospital ward, He Jun killed. Seeing that his younger brother has lost his nature, He Tian, ​​who has always been reluctant to become a brother, finally can not help but decide to destroy his parents altogether and make a fatal counterattack against his deceased brother, Shang Fei.

People Xiu Cai officer (TV)[2003]

Feature: This drama is a large-scale costume light comedy, the story took place in Qiujiazhai in Huangan in Hubei province at the end of the Qing Dynasty. The plot is mainly based on Xiu Cai, with Xiu Cai Niang Zi, Shi Jiang Ruan Laohao, bully Qiu JinGui, rogue Xie QueZi, Officials such as He JiuGui Heuxiu started a series of ironic story. People Xiu Cai officer Xiu Cai (Shengming Ren name), because love to play ha ha, so people nicknamed "ha ha", this man learns five cars, was bumpy, because of aversion to official darkness, more than 20 years no longer exam, Reading cultivation for peace and quiet; Xiu Cai Niang Zi is a fat lady (Lydia Shum ornaments), milfs, the charm still exists, as people Xiaoyi bold, straightforward, gentle time affectionate, Wei, Lu Jianbuping "knife" to help, but often can not do anything else, then often do not love to stir up trouble Xiu Cai whirlpool; Shi Jiang Ruan good, young and strong, honest, Shi JiangXiFu Qiu JinGui relies on his uncle is the Imperial Academy Imperial College, his father is the assistant minister, fox Tiger Granville, bully, rampant village, oppress the people, but only fear his wife Qiu DaNaiNai; rogue Xie QueZi is a suit Stick, but also Qiu JinGui dog head military division, this person for money, tricky cunning, beaming under the beam, his son Xiao QueZi, Magistrate He JiuGui, alcoholic life, timid incompetent, the case can be the original trial, the defendant and his trial together, the plot of the drama that started in more than a few people, coupled with the confused magistrate, but also understand Things become confused, confused things more confused. The story begins with a lawsuit, rogue Xie QueZi attempts to capture Shi Jiang Ruan Lao ancestral three acres of land, the wicked first notice, Xiu Cai help Shi Jiang win the lawsuit, Xie QueZi reluctantly, with an altar of good wine bribe Zhixian For review, Xiu Cai let Ruan Shi Jiang a cylinder of cold water posing as a good wine, and won the lawsuit. At this point coincides with the birthday of the county magistrate, please Xiu Cai as a visitor, with this cylinder "good wine" to entertain guests, of course, Xiu Cai can not but promise. On the day of the county's birthday, all gentry in the county came to celebrate birthday. Xiu Cai compiled a story about the origins of this "wine" in the banquet, scolding guests for their support and winning the prize. Clearly think it is cold water, but not without praise "good wine"! Guess boxing order, frequently toast. Drink cold water, eat fish, time is not long, one by one clutching his stomach for animals and birds scattered. Zuixian furious, to hold Xiu Cai anti-Xiu Cai asked dumbfounded, helpless, have to use the chair to send Xiu Cai Gong home. Qiu JinGui's father Qiu old lady worship life back a lifeless call, Qiu home preparation funeral. When Xie QueZi did not get Shi Jiang's land, he took the opportunity to say to Qiu JinGui that Shi Jiang's three-acre land is a feng shui treasure. As a grave site, he can bless the future generations for their good fortune and prosperous wealth. Shi Jiang refused to sell land, and Qiu JinGui forced his burial. This caused an outrage and almost led to fierce fighting. Just at the moment of rashness, Xiu Cai took Shi Jiang away, and Xiu Cai used his ingenuity to make Qiu JinGui secretly dug up his father's coffin.Producer Jet Chao and Fat sister still photos every scene, Xiu Cai changed his mind to take the test, because he realized that only when the officer has the right to be able to serve for the people, for the examination, he is confident, However, since the examiner is Qiu WenXian, the uncle of Qiu JinGui, although Xiu Cai's test paper is a unique student, he not only failed to admit him but also Qiu WenXian himself. Qiu JinGui found Shi JiangXiFu appearance beauty, want to occupy as small, Xie QueZi out of the idea of ​​fraud false blackmail Shi Jiang to pay off his wife, do not want to Xiu Cai Qiu JinGui not only did not make mistake, but the grandma dowry Wu Jin plate lost to Shi Jiang , Then Qiu JinGui was also installed in the barrel to push and go. Qiu DaNaiNai forced to buy casks at high prices, and sued Xiu Cai, Shi Jiang. On this occasion, the eldest son of the magistrate, Fu Ren Qianli Xunfu, so Xiu Cai allows the county magistrate to remarry Fu Ren Gao Shi. For the sake of Xiu Cai, Qiu JinGui wanted to change his magistrate and sent a pending case to the magistrate. Xuxi Cai helped Xiu Cai helplessly. However, the case was cleared and Xiu Cai became the defendant again. County magistrate to examine the difficult case, but also by the reuse of Zong Du, promoted to prefect of Hanyang. Xin Yu Xian Qin YuLong want to win after the arrival of Xiu Cai has been used, Qin YuLong collusion Huangzhou prefect corruption relief silver, and in the name of reward given to Xiu Cai three hundred and two, Xiu Cai deliberately accepted, deliberately sent to Huangzhou Qin YuLong, the prefect of Huangzhou and Qin YuLong were gangs, who falsely accused Xiu Cai of holding Xiu Cai in his cell. Xiu Cai Niang Zi Appeal for Xiu Cai, He JiuGui, HeJiuGui, a County Magistrate who has been rushed to the provincial capital and has become a prefect of Hanyang, handed over the state to the Zong Du mansion. Zong Du was sent to escort Xiu Cai to the provincial capital for trial. YuLong afraid of confusion, and urges Qiu JinGui to discuss the murder, Xiu Cai on the road to the provincial capital was robbed, the knife fell cliffs, Niang Zi hearing, endless grudges, bent to the capital to defend the state, for Xiu Cai apology The verdict, however, Xiu Cai Niang Zi trip to the capital has been unsuccessful, the original Qiu JinGui its uncle Qiu WenXian learned that the relationship with the money bought. Xiu Cai Niang Zi Even more difficult, desperate, desperate circumstances want to die ... ... critical moment, the emergence of Xiu Cai Niang Zi was born again hope, Xiu Cai Niang Zi as the plaintiff to the yellow An County Yamen filed a petition, magistrate Qin YuLong presiding, Zong Du and Huangzhou Magistrate Cui GuangPu hearing, the case one after another, when the case is about to come to fruition, Qiu WenXian hand Taliban listen to the trial, the case and the case fell into the trough ...... The emergence of Xiu Cai made the case again a new turning point. It is conclusive evidence that the magistrate Qin YuLong showed a superficiality and Zong Du borrowed the title to win the important offender of Qin YuLong, Cui GuangPu and Qiu JinGui, Clapping clamor, is the so-called "Shun people Chang, anti-popular death, scourge people can call everyone." Xiu Cai went to take the test and learned that Lafayette "never reclaims" the decree, which decree is the purpose of Lafayette, Lafayette's will can not be changed, Xiu Cai laughed, continue to study at home cultivation, is the so-called "home There Niang Zi Happy, only laugh laugh "...... producer Jet Chao

Lukdinggei (TV)[1984]

Feature: Humble Wei XiaoBao how to grow fortune and eventually return to life story. Han Dong version of the Deodor record Stills from the market, tricky Wei XiaoBao due to accidentally know the secret palace, posing as a small eunuch into the palace, to help Kang Xi capture the ministers Ao Bai and become Mo inverse, but also by the world will be chief ruling chief Chen JinNan received as disciples, But because of Chen assassination Kang Xi, so dilemma. Andy inadvertently learned that Kang Xi, the God Emperor, was still alive and was sent to Wutai Mountain to visit and make great efforts to reunite Kang Xi with his father and son. He also helped Kang Xi to work in Yunnan and successfully disclosed Wu SanGui's efforts to collude with aliens and cult to rebel Conspiracy helped Kang Xi pacify San Francisco to exterminate Dragon; teach the Princess Sofia of Romania the success of power seizures, but also repelled the invasion of Romania, forcing it to sign a peace treaty. Repeatedly Qi Xiao Bao was first-class deer Dinggong, favored by many confidante, to enjoy the happiness of all. Kang Xi in the country Daoxing command Xiaobao destroy the world will, loyalty and hard both Xiao Bao reluctantly landed.

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