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Jiao Xu TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Jiao Xu Works 19 ,And Romance 7 ,Feature 5 ,Animation 4 ,Comedy 4 ,Adventure 3 ,Campus drama 3 ,Sci-Fi 3 ,Thriller 3 ,Action 3 ,Urban drama 2 ,Suspense 2 ,Family drama 1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Musical Drama 1 ,Terror 1 ,Sports 1 ,War 1 ,Costume Drama 1 。

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Jiao Xu Filmography(20)


一生有你 (Movie)[2019]

Feature: 该片讲述了一个工科男 Ou Yang 爱上一个女孩 Fang Yao 从利用吉他追女孩到爱上音乐,再到找到音乐梦想,在 Fang Yao 的影响下, Ou Yang 一步步蜕变。就在 Ou Yang 高歌猛进奔向爱情和梦想彼岸时, Fang Yao 前男友的突然回归,打碎了 Ou Yang 的全部计划,而 Fang Yao 也陷入了爱情和梦想的痛苦纠结中。“一生有你”是我太过美好的愿望,一生有过你,已足够幸运。

First encounter outside the light year (TV)[2018]

Feature: Lu YuChen, an elite student in the Department of Computer Science at Yanqing University, has a high IQ and good at using analytic reasoning to solve various problems. He is kind and helpful at heart, but on the surface, he is always an unfriendly social Frosty look. Xia XiaoCi, a rookie in the freshman game Because of an "accidental" encounter with Lu YuChen and a different personality from Yuchen, the small words came from a warm ordinary family, but the family was content with happiness. Although the misunderstanding of the acquaintance made the two people of the opposite sex hate each other, and across the adventure of reality and games, Lu YuChen gradually became infected with the small, warm character and gradually opened her heart to like her to become cheerful and sunny, and began to face Inner real self Small words are also growing in the interaction with Yuchen. Students and teams around are also led by Yuchen and infection is no longer a mess. With her stepfather's encouragement, Yuchen decided to look for what she really liked and face the real ego. The small word saved her family's bakery and published her own novel with her own abilities. Two people in the effort to realize their dreams also harvested family friendship and love & nbsp ;. "First Encounters Outside the Light of Years" is an urban school drama starring Ru Yuanuan, Xu Jiao, Zhu Ran, Yoko and others. "First encounter outside the light years" on January 31, 2018 exclusive broadcast in Youku.

Light year (TV)[2017]

Feature: Lu YuChen, an elite student in the Department of Computer Science at Yanqing University, has a high IQ and is good at analytic reasoning to solve various problems. His good intentions are helpful. However, on the surface, Lu YuChen always looks like he does not like social indifference. Xia XiaoCi, a rookie in the freshman game Because of an "accidental" encounter with Lu YuChen and a different personality from Yuchen, the small words came from a warm ordinary family, but the family was content with happiness. Although the misunderstanding of the acquaintance made the two people of the opposite sex hate each other, and across the adventure of reality and games, Lu YuChen gradually became infected with the small, warm character and gradually opened her heart to like her to become cheerful and sunny, and began to face Inner real self Small words are also growing in the interaction with Yuchen. Students and teams around are also led by Yuchen and infection is no longer a mess. With her stepfather's encouragement, Yuchen decided to look for what she really liked and face the real ego. The small word saved her family's bakery and published her own novel with her own abilities. Two people in the effort to realize their dreams also harvested family friendship and love & nbsp ;. Light years

Growing Pains (Movie)[2017]

Feature: High school student Xia YuanYuan, a painless patient who can not perceive any pain, was scalded with boiling water when washing his face, was stitched with a needle when making a cos garment, and was often bruised. However, he never knew what kind of feeling it was. More ridiculed by the people around are no painful monster. With the help of the super-school tycoon Gu MingYao, she gradually became interested in learning and her character became optimistic and optimistic. However, one by one misunderstanding and questioning came one after another, and she finally reached the age of seventeen Feel the pain when feeling.

Graduation travel laughter (Movie)[2016]

Feature: "Graduation travel laughter" tells a group of adolescent students are about to face their most important exam in life --- college entrance examination. Ti YuLaoShi Li Jiaxue bid farewell to them, to rural education. After that, they experienced a difficult but laughing semester. The end of the college entrance examination, they decided to embark on a journey to find Mr. Li's graduation journey ... "graduation travel laughing" as a youth comedy movie, with a unique enthusiasm after 90, put aside the inherent love of adults and moral dogma, open up A brand new road to success. The end of the college entrance examination, the favorite Ti YuLaoShi also take advantage of the summer vacation to Xishuangbanna education, have not had time to deal with graduation confused perplexity, seven wonderful work began to plan a vigorous graduation trip. Seven people have to face the difficulties on the road after they have given their consent, and eating and transportation have become the biggest problems. In the process of fighting wits with the boss, we slowly found everything. The dilemma is not accidental, but the seven-year-old grandmother in the rich second generation in order to test them, specially sent to the hands of trouble ... ... tropical rain forest, monkeys and elephants have also become wonderful friends of the seven groups to help them together Cope with difficulties. In the sunset, Ti YuLaoShi walked slowly with a smile to draw a successful conclusion for the trip. It is reported that in addition to bringing together a film of youth idols, there are Kelly Niu Tien, Huang Zi Jiao, Lam Chi-chung and other predecessors blessing.

Dragon Nest Warriorsdawn (Movie)[2016]

Feature: The otherwise quiet Alterrian mainland was swept by the forces of Black Dragon and its monster followers. Under the chaos, the people are boring. The nicknamed fish, Lan BoTe, is an ordinary boy living in the town of Kendra on the border of the human kingdom. In order to protect the town, he joined the Dragon Squad established as a tribute to the Black Dragon in his mistake. This temporary alliance of elves, sorcerers, priests, rangers and legendary fighters embarks on the long-forgotten path of the lost, crossing the weird jungle, the fantastic snow-capped mountains and the mysterious time-forgotten ruins of the Black Dragon Nests, can be in front of, but there are unexpected crises waiting for their arrival. The hardships and bizarre circumstances of the journey have led to the rapid growth of Lan BoTe and the deepening understanding of the word "battle". Can he finally find the meaning of his own battle?

IceFantasy (TV)[2016]

Feature: Magic City makeup as the fire of the two princes Xin Jue ice clan tribal prince Ka Suo adult ceremony was mysteriously killed, the fire king to launch a war of fire and ice clan, with the help of ice spies, Ka Suo Were arrested and their elder siblings were killed. Only two Ice Prince princes, Ka Suo and Ying Kong Shi, survived and escaped to the mortal world to seek the help of the loyalist angel Li Luo. Ka Suo, with the help of Li Luo, received six ice crystals from six tribal chiefs. Ka Suo was sluggish due to the loss of spiritual power by the fire king. Ying Kong Shih led the other tribes to fight the fire king and defeated the fire to inherit the throne. Li Luo became a bloodthirsty beast to restore the spiritual power of Ka Suo and Sword Excalibur, and Yan Da Princess Yan Da gave up everything for Ying KongShi. However, Ka Suo's lover Li Luo and younger brother Ying Kong Shih both died under the plot of Yuan Ji. He was determined to find the legendary "Heron" to revive them. The war between Ice and Fire tribes started again, Ashes also joined the fire decided to seek revenge Ka Suo. Magic City

mid night canteen (TV)[2016]

Feature: This is a special canteen open from midnight to seven in the morning. Lao Ban here, not very talkative, but always let people eat tears. Here, the inferiority of the dancers encounter recess retirement for many years dance predecessors, predecessors at their own pains to inspire young people, eventually make it regain confidence; quiet girlfriends must eat their favorite food recalled Friends of the past, returned to good; optimistic patients with terminally ill met the same girl, the two love each other and give each other the strength to accompany each other perfectly through the last mile; success blind pursuit of career white-collar workers, made here Real warmhearted friend, found that the truth is more meaningful than success. The food, the story, the truth, brought together the theme of the show, taught the people to confront the pros and cons and full of hope and enthusiasm for life. Behind every story are full of affection, the plot ups and downs, it is unforgettable forgotten & nbsp ;.

Psychic (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Xu Jiao is a kind-born girl who, under the leadership of Uncle Le ZiJun (Cheung Siu-fai), leaves one day in an eerie old house, where she is s home. Among the old houses, there are Er Shu (Siyu Lu ornaments), Er Shen (Tianzi Mountain ornaments) and Na Na (Song Tie ornaments). However, the three of them are unfriendly to the newly arrived leaves, It is everywhere against her, deliberately create trouble for her, the leaves think that behind these weird moves must be hidden any secret. The days are miserable, which leaves the idea of ​​wanting to leave here. However, at this moment, the leafs discovered the mysterious characters under their own beds. A deceased girl named Xu Rong gradually emerged. Everything that happened in the old house seemed irreconcilable with the girl's death.

Yangtze River 7: Super Meng Commando (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Zhou XiaoDi, Zhou Ba (Shi Ban Yu), Alien Dog Seven Aberdeen (Lin Dai Dub), Big Fat Dog Chocolate (Jane Yao Zong Dub) live a happy life together. One day, they met extraterrestrial mushristian 88 in an abandoned amusement park. Doubtless soldier told Zhou XiaoDi, at this time the star of the King of magic baby (Ma language fly dubbing) is around the corner, it planned a plot called "Dark Food Scheme", want to rely on to dominate the earth, and the responsibility of confusing fighters is Down the golden baby, protect the earth. Zhou XiaoDi decided to help confuse the warriors. They learned that there was a long-lost ancient book that recorded the secret weapons that could defeat the golden baby, so a group of pedestrians set foot on the journey to find ancient books. Along the way, there will be how laughter and tears of the story waiting for them?

LonelyIsland (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Zuo Zhan Peng (Mao Yi), a promising novelist, just married his wife, Zhang KeXin (Yiyi Li), is enjoying the newlywed sweetness and tenderness. Unfortunately, however, Zuo ZhanPeng lost his life in a car accident, leaving Zhang KeXin in pain and collapse. It did not take long for Zhang KeXin to find out that some unexplainable events of science took place beside her. The clues hints at Zuo ZhanPeng's death. Together with girlfriend Shanshan (Tian Su Hao), Zhang KeXin came to the eerie isolated island to find her husband's whereabouts and to wait for their unresolved future, there are all kinds of unsolved mysteries . What Zhang KeXin did not think of was that as the investigation deepened, she found that everything that happened now was inextricably linked to the chaotic life of Shanshan.

龙之谷:破晓奇兵 (Movie)[2014]


原本宁静的阿尔特里亚大陆,被黑龙及其魔物追随者的势力所席卷。乱世下,民不聊生。绰号小鱼的 Lan BoTe ,是生活在人类王国边境凯德拉镇里的普通少年,为了保护小镇,在误打误撞中作为小跟班加入了为讨伐黑龙而建立的屠龙联盟。这支由精灵、魔法师、牧师、游侠和传奇战士组成的临时杂牌联盟,踏上了失落已久的迷失古道,翻越诡异的丛林、奇幻的雪山和神秘的被时间遗忘的废墟去寻觅黑龙的巢穴,可前方,却有意想不到的危机在等待着他们的到来。旅程的艰辛和奇异的境遇让 Lan BoTe 迅速成长起来,对于“战斗”二字的理解逐渐加深,他最终能找到属于自己的战斗的意义吗?


Mr.GO (Movie)[2013]

Feature: After Ye Ye's death, Vivian, a 15-year-old girl, became a small leader who propped up the operation of the circus alone. Ling Ling, 45, who has been growing up with Wei Wei since childhood, has become the only relative of Wei Wei. The gorilla, weighing 285 kilos, has 20 times as much power as mankind, with a gentle, gentle heart under the insane look and care of Vivendi. Affected by Ye Ye, who loves baseball, Vivian and Ling Ling are also good baseball players who have spread their reputation to South Korea. In return for the huge gambling debts Ye Ye had in his lifetime, Vivian and Ling Ling accepted their invitation to join South Korea's Major League Baseball in South Korea. So Ling Zhong started to show off his extraordinary strength at the professional baseball stadium and become a superstar overnight. Vicky full of joy thought it would soon be able to get the bonus back home, but Zhongxiu has another plan, while Ling Ling's old illness unfortunately recur.

WuDang (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Early Republic of China, according to legend, Mount Wudang has a treasure of the world, a hundred years reincarnation of the martial arts event is about to war, gathered in various Wudang martial arts Taoist Holy Land Taoism "best in the world", mysterious woman (trick) The war situation, ostensibly with Wu Wushi, has a family mission in his back, and archeology professor Vincent Zhao, with his young martial daughter, joins Wudang in the legendary town; Disciple (Louis Fan ornaments) accidentally became representatives of Wudang, fight for championships around the martial arts, but I do not know into the biggest crisis since the creation of Zhang Sanfeng Wudang ......

TheWarringStates (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Warring States period, seven male hegemony. Together, Tian Ji, Tian Ji's soldier, fought a war with Wei Jun, and Sun Bin, who had unexpectedly been killed in the victory, was defeated with incredible tactics and suffered heavy casualties. Tian Xi is full of indignation and indignation Sun Bin, originally wanted to kill him Qi Qi soldiers revenge, who knows thriving Qi Wang has ordered to forgive the disaster Bin Sun Bin. Heluo General Assembly, Sun Bin personally help fight the horse race in Qi State, the Wizards first dew, met former brother Tong Pang Juan. Pang Juan, already a major general in Wei Guo, changed Sun Bin to Wei at the expense of the three cities. Sun Bin, a sincere friend of the brothers, thought it could be reunited with this, who knows he is cherished with the art of war buried under the curse. Pang Juan, Pang Fei, Wei Wang for its tit-for-tat, rattling, several big country is also eyeing. Among the suspenseful powers of war, an unprecedented brutal war is imminent. Behind all this, a more terrifying surprise has just exposed the tip of the iceberg.

XiaoWangZhiWang (Movie)[2011]

Feature: The story tells of Zhan Ruiwen, who is eighteen bronze, lost his ability to laugh because he trained his magical powers and met the ability to find laughter after Zu-Lan worked in zoos. However, the magical power of invulnerability disappeared.

FutureX-Cops (Movie)[2010]

Feature: In 2080 AD, mankind basically got rid of the energy crisis due to the application of solar sky. As the widespread use of new energy harms many traditional energy traders, they are trying to get rid of Ma BoShi, who invented the solar canopy. When Ma BoShi invented the tenth anniversary of the solar energy veil, future police Andy Hui and wife Mei Li (Bingbing Fan) will be responsible for the security of the conference. However, Ka Long (Louis Fan), the energy businessman, The reconstructed Corps broke into the assembly site midway in an attempt to kill Ma BoShi. To protect Ma Bo Shi, many future police officers led by Zhou Zhi Hao fought battles with the Transfiguration Corps to sacrifice the death of Mei Li Zhou Zhou, his wife, while Ka Bo was also suffering heavy losses while covering Ma Bo Shi's departure. Energy companies that did not kill Ma BoShi hijacked top-secret information about the government's ongoing travel and later transformed Ka Long and his wife, Fei Na, into the ultimate homicide tool, returning to kill the young Ma Bo Shi in the past, future. In order to protect Ma BoShi, full of the pain of death, Jie Jie was transformed into a super warrior, bring daughter Qi Qi (Xu Jiao ornaments) back to 2020 to find and protect only 12-year-old horse ...

CJ-72 (Movie)[2010]

Feature: Di Dad to break up workers in the construction site, in order to grow his son to become useful, thrifty to Xiao Di into the first-class institution. Xiao Di daily living in rich children, watching others play the latest toys, eating the most extravagant dishes, the heart is inevitably not taste. He journeying to expect his father can send his coveted wisdom toy Yangtze River One. Di Dad Although new toys can not afford to send Xiao Di, but in the trash accidentally picked up the mysterious alien seven Aberdeen. Seven Aberdeen Earth born magical healing energy, can create many unique magic weapon. Although often hit the wall, but Xiao Di also learn from it, understand that everything can not rely on others, to persevere in order to succeed truth. At the same time, father and son and seven earners gradually cultivate a deep feeling. Xiao Di students egg tart head father accidentally discovered seven Aberdeen unusually energy, in order to achieve their ambitions, out of high-priced to buy seven Aberdeen, did not expect Xiao Di and his son not for money moved, seized seven kidnapped To their own research center, and extract the energy of seven Aberdeen body. Di Di father and son adventure into the egg family research center, experienced obstacles, and finally rescued the last seven Aberdeen, a reunited. Although Dan Ba ​​received seven Aberdeen energy, but unable to control, resulting in collapse of the research center explosion, the countless deadly lethal chemical pollutants leaked. Seven Aberdeen to save nature, resolutely devote his last energy, absorbed the gas of chemical pollutants, because of their own gas, can not speak, can not move. Later, Xiao Di use UV detoxification, Qi Tsai returned to normal.

Mulan (Movie)[2009]

Feature: Hua MuLan Women Disguise as Mens Agent Generation This Chinese folklore enjoys popular support. After Hong Kong's successful launch of "Hua MuLan" in 1998, Hong Kong director Ma Chucheng and actress Zhao Wei and Chen Kun once again put the story on the screen . Northern Wei Dynasty, there is a little girl called Hua MuLan, and his father Hua Hu dependent on each other. Influenced by his father from childhood stealing martial arts, private school strategy, martial arts. When Mulan was eighteen years old, the nomadic nation of Rouran committed a crime, the military emergency, Wei nationality conscription. Mulan could not bear the elderly father on the battlefield again, they will be drunk father, defied military orders, quietly for the army. First entered the barracks, Magnolia superb martial arts caused the attention of deputy commander Wen Tai. However, the crisis of identity has gradually approached Mulan. Wen Tai and Mulan fought side by side, win again and again, promoted to will. However, Magnolia's heart is always evasive from the war. Get along, the two gradually euphoria. Wei siege Weijun, seeing the point to the point, Wen Tai for his own lover, for the sake of the overall situation, take the initiative to take the liberty to confess his mystery of life experience. Mulan pursued to disperse the soldiers, following the footsteps of Wen Tai and going through all the hardships. She finally saw her own lover. Mulan and Wen Tai returned to the court, praised. The thought was lover married, did not think the emperor in order to stop this war, determined to let Wen Tai and Rou RanGongZhu and pro.

Crysis (Movie)[0]

Feature: Young network novelist Zuo ZhanPeng () accident accidental death of a car, his wife Zhang KeXin () pain. After Zhanpeng's death, all kinds of terrorist spirits occurred in Kexin's home. She also unexpectedly received a Halloween doll from Zuo ZhanPeng, all suggesting that Zhanpeng still lives in this world. Eager to see once again Zhanpeng Kexin gone through untold hardships and girlfriends Shanshan () began an island tracing journey, strange dolls, horrible zombies, empty desolate hospital, it is terrifying. The life and death of her husband Zhanpeng, girlfriend Shanshan secret identity, the mystery of the mysterious Halloween doll, will be opened in Halloween island atmosphere.

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