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Xiaoou Zhou TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Xiaoou Zhou Works 33 ,And Romance 9 ,Feature 9 ,Suspense 6 ,Comedy 6 ,Family drama 4 ,Urban drama 3 ,Love 3 ,Modern legend 2 ,War 2 ,Spy war 2 ,Thriller 2 ,Crime 2 ,Adventure film 1 ,Modern 1 ,Criminal investigation 1 ,近代革命1 ,当代军旅1 ,Action 1 ,军事1 ,都市情感剧1 ,话题1 ,Campus drama 1 ,Youth drama 1 ,时尚都市女性励志话题剧1 ,悬疑侦探剧1 。

Works Index

Xiaoou Zhou Filmography(33)


龙岭迷窟 (TV)[2020]


Hu BaYi 、 Wang PangZi 和 Da JinYa 被村民编造的绣花鞋的故事所骗,前往陕西古兰县。水路艰险, Hu BaYi 挺身让众人脱险。在招待所幸遇 Chen XiaZi 提醒,得以逃脱村民圈套。三人无意掉入“龙岭迷窟”遭蝙蝠袭击,发现身上长出红斑,决定在王大爷家修整,遇到同样来找红斑根源的shirley杨,并听闻了 Zhe GuShao 和 Le Chen 大师寻找雮尘珠的英勇故事。几人决心寻找雮尘珠, Chen XiaZi 告诉他们“内藏眢”就在此地。村民故技重施,威胁 Hu BaYi 等人寻找钱财,两拨人马前往洞穴,遭到蜘蛛袭击,被困暗阁,但大家齐心协力,化险为夷,最终进入了“棋盘”机关,众人协作,找到了龙骨天书,逃出洞穴,准备前往云南继续解密“红斑” 。


The king of land battle (TV)[2019]


《陆战之王》讲述了富家子弟 Zhang NengLiang ( Xiao Chen 饰)考大学失利,被爷爷 Zhang YouLiang 反复动员下参军入伍,选择了陆军里最为艰苦的兵种——坦克兵。 Zhang NengLiang 思维活跃,善于逆向思维,办事往往不按常理出牌。本以为到部队凭他的聪明和身体素质可以暂露头角,不想却遇见了劲敌 Yu DaLei 。 Zhang NengLiang 和 Yu DaLei 开始了两年的对抗。班长 Niu NuLi ( Wang Lei 饰)是个农村兵,他最大的梦想就是考取军校,可因为 Zhang NengLiang ,他两次跟军校失之交臂。终于,在跟 Zhang NengLiang 的较量中,二人从冤家对头,到一辆战车的亲密战友。“假小子” Huang XiaoMeng 选择了自己喜欢的坦克兵,在她的软磨硬泡和不懈努力下,她终于开上了装甲车,成了第一批真正意义上的女装甲兵。 Zhang NengLiang 、 Niu NuLi 、 Yu DaLei 组成的“坦克三剑客”所向披靡,屡次获得优异成绩。终于,他们进入了陆军副司令员 Zhou DeYou 的视野,被派往坦克工厂,圆满完成了新型坦克的测试任务 。

神探 ke chen (TV)[2019]


电视剧《神探 Ke Chen 》又名《天津1928》剧情介绍:讲述了二十世纪二十年代初,军阀混战,民不聊生,天津警察厅的审讯高手 Ke Chen ,秉承着正义的理念,凭着丰富的经验、不凡的身手,在工作和生活的过程中,为普通百姓查明真相,伸张正义,使得他们在混战时期得到了一丝喘息的空间,保障了一些底层百姓的安全。 Ke Chen 在侦破多起其他案件的过程中,顺藤摸瓜找到了当年一桩爆炸案的关键证人和秘密,这桩旧案事关他父母的意外身亡,所有的矛头却指向了他道貌岸然的上司。最后, Ke Chen 在同事和朋友的帮助下,抓住了阴谋背后的黑手,成功的将坏人绳之以法,使自己父母的沉冤得到昭雪,也坚定了他追寻正义、寻找光明的决心 。

情圣2 (Movie)[2019]


Tian Xin 和 Fang Yuan 一身复古装扮梦回民国,面对公司日益下滑的业绩,总部决定派 Fang Yuan 以单身的身份打入竞争对手内部。要求看似荒诞,却正中饱受恋爱之苦的 Fang Yuan 的下怀。但乐极生悲的 Fang Yuan 从睡梦中笑醒,发现自己只是做了一场白日梦,于是不甘心地另辟蹊径,找来业余“情圣” Xiao Yao ,布下“重获自由”的特殊任务。一场关于单身与恋爱,自由与束缚的对战由此悄然展开,而业余情圣 Xiao Yao 又误打误撞地引发了多少啼笑皆非的囧事。


Lover (Movie)[2018]


Xiao han (xiao Yang), whose life is stable, begins to lament the short life of his friend's sudden death. Liu xia-hui's self-identity, because by chance meets the sexy beauty model yoyo (Clara), has regained the heart beat of the feeling, so he wants to work to close to the goddess, try again first love of the stimulation. However, several times, xiao hanhao's advances were interrupted either by his partner shen hong (Dai Lele) 's vigilance or by the misunderstanding of his boss, ma Lilian (yan ni). Xiao han, who is often troubled and unwilling by foreign appearances, has to turn to his good brothers, aimu (Allen), tong huai (qiao shan), liu lei (xiao shenyang), and chang jian (chang yuan), a colleague of "god assist". Under their advice, Mr. Xiao went through a series of hilarious adventures


Razor Edge (TV)[2017]

Feature: In the 1930s, Jing Cha Xu CongLiang (Wen Zhang), a man of outstanding ability, tactfulness and courage but without firm belief, won Jing with excellent detective skills in the sinister internal struggle in Harbin's Jing Cha Hall On the other hand, out of his love for Guan HaiDan (Yili Ma), chief of criminal division of Jing Cha Hall, and his admiration for the Communists, Xu CongLiang helped Guan HaiDan turn every corner for many times During the operation, he and Guan HaiDan fought side by side and grew up to be a true communist. In the bloody Jing Cha Hall, Xu Cong Liang has been on the edge of the razor, from Guan HaiDan from hostility to cooperation, and then to heart and soul, eventually won the love of Guan HaiDan, also gained a firm belief & nbsp ;.

Tracing the Master (TV)[2017]

Feature: Lin YuanSu, who was alone in the market, got acquainted with four people of different abilities, including Qiu Chi, Xia GuDuo and Zhou Qi, after a lucky coincidence that they participated in the "Looking for Dogs Program" launched online. Through this cooperation, , They got together to set up a caring charity tracing organization to help people in need free of charge in spare time. At the beginning, everyone looked at each other's eyes, but time and time again with their counterparts so that they gradually establish a profound friendship, amazement in the twists and turns in the recovery of helping others move - to help veterans find their comrades wife and son's movement, looking for school first love bring Sentimental throbbing. They are also in the process of tracing the healing of their own scars, face their own heart, to find the true self, to understand the true meaning of tracing. After seeing too many loved ones together, Lin YuanSu finally admitted what he was longing for and bravely offered it to all people, hoping to find a father who had disappeared for 22 years in his own life and decided to work together to help him find Father, find his own consummate & nbsp ;.

Tianjin 1928 (TV)[2017]

Feature: Tianjin 1928, with a unique perspective, shows the intricacies of love and hate of the special job of "interrogator" during the Republic of China, and reflects the truth, kindness and beauty of human nature. At the beginning of the 1920s, the warlords scrambled and misgired people. Ke Chen, trial expert of the Tianjin Police Agency, adhering to the concept of justice, relied on his rich experience, extraordinary skill, and common people in the process of work and life Ming truth, justice, so that they got a glimpse of space during the melee, to protect the safety of some people at the bottom. In the course of detecting many other cases, Ke Chen found out the key witnesses and secrets of a bombing that year. This old case concerned the accidental death of his parents. All the blame points to his pious boss. Finally, with the help of his colleagues and friends, Ke Chen seized the black hand behind the plot and successfully brought the bad guys to justice so that his parents' grievances were fully exploited. This also strengthened his determination to pursue justice and find a bright future. . "Tianjin 1928" is a national drama produced by Dongyang Datang TV and directed by Huang Zhizhong. Starring Huang Zhizhong, Li Qian (actress), Wu Gang and Michelle, Zuo Xiaoqing, Liu Xiahai, Shijie Jin, Wu Yue, Han Yunuo, etc.

Interrogator (TV)[2017]


The drama “Interrogator” also known as “Tianjin 1928” introduces the story: In the early 1920s, the warlords clashed in battle, the people were not in trouble, Ke Chen, the interrogator of the Tianjin Police Department, inherited the concept of justice and had a wealth of experience. Extraordinary skill, in the process of work and life, the common people to find out the truth and justice, so that they get a hint of breathing space during the melee period, to protect the safety of some people on the ground. In the process of detecting many other cases, Ke Chen found out the key witnesses and secrets of a bombing incident that affected the accidental death of his parents. All the spearheads pointed to his lofty boss. Finally, Ke Chen, with the help of his colleagues and friends, seized the black hands behind the conspiracy, succeeded in bringing the bad guys to justice, made their parents' deaths clear, and strengthened his determination to pursue justice and find light.


Still a couple (TV)[2016]

Feature: Lin Xiao is a reincarnation of Son and former husband Tang Jian. Soon, son of jelly beans was born, she devoted himself to architectural design, her husband Tang Jian became full-time dad. Tang mother is very dissatisfied. Lin Xiao's mom thinks: Daughters are better off than their son-in-law. The couple stayed with their mothers. Contradicting the stills, the jelly beans entered the age of two in quarrels. One incident occurred when Lin Xiao fell from his wife to his hospital because of Lin Xiao's dispute with her mother during the twilight love and mother-in- Proposed to work again until a divorce was filed with Lin Xiao, who was too thin after she was born to find her daughter had signs of autism. Her husband blamed her during pregnancy unparalleled fitness caused by her regret in the sale of many years operating yoga studio, a full-time wife for the diagnosis and treatment of his wife; small Man just started living alone, but eager to get back two sons quietly taken away by her ex-husband Encounter with fake lawyers plot, leaving Lin Xiao's career risk catastrophe, she was dear to friends, living alone with her daughter, a hospital care worker, but accidentally with the help of friends and relatives of patients found his son. The last three have all survived the crisis in life and have comprehended the true meaning of marriage & nbsp ;.

Our best ten years (TV)[2016]

Feature: Jiang YiBo and Ma Ya have been childhood children, but Ma Ya doubts whether this is love or affection. Ma Ya met a young Fan Yang who was six years old. During her stormy and rampaging assault, the passion she had been depressing in Ma Ya's heart was inspired. The two men stole the account to register for marriage and were "low-keyed in the dormitory "Married. Fan Yang grew rapidly, and he started to make progress. However, Fan Yang's longing for a better life turned out to be a stubborn one that eventually brought himself to a prison. In the meantime, Jiang YiBo and Cong XiangXiang got involved and eventually got married, but this reluctant marriage is doomed to failure from the very beginning. The fate of the three horses, Fan and Jiang fluctuated, but fortunately everything is moving in a beautiful direction. Ma Ya and Fan Yang compound, and pregnant with twins. Jiang YiBo, who had lost Cong XiangXiang, finally knew what Cong XiangXiang meant to himself, and both returned to good ones. 2013 New Year's Eve, two children, three generations of people waiting for the New Year's bell sounded & nbsp ;.

Wolf Warriors (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Prostitution of Leng Feng repeatedly trouble, some people say he is, some people say he is legend, in an operation Leng Feng defied military orders killed terrorists, to be expelled from the team, but unexpectedly got the mystery Troops admitted to the adoption of wolves, but wanted to go from place to place to make trouble, he jumped into another abyss, cold proud of the wolf, vice captain, wiping out the ambiguous spark sexy captain with a deep heart clumsy drug lords, teammates in vain , Invaded China across the border and everything got him into trouble. Everything is testing the team's cancer Feng Leng, he did not know where to go.

Wolf Warriors (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Prostitution of Leng Feng repeatedly trouble, some people say he is, some people say he is legend, in an operation Leng Feng defied military orders killed terrorists, to be expelled from the team, but unexpectedly got the mystery Troops admitted to the adoption of wolves, but wanted to go from place to place to make trouble, he jumped into another abyss, cold proud of the wolf, vice captain, wiping out the ambiguous spark sexy captain with a deep heart clumsy drug lords, teammates in vain , Invaded China across the border and everything got him into trouble. Everything is testing the team's cancer Feng Leng, he did not know where to go.

OneandaHalfSummer (TV)[2014]

Feature: Zhang Hao, who immigrated to the United States in her childhood, returned to China to study at a university and was bent on finding Shu Qing, a poster girl she met during her travels. Soon he made several friends such as Luo Man and Li XiuQi. During spare time, the three formed a band under the guidance of Luo Man's father Professor Luo and won the performance at Ding Ling's music bar. Though Zhang Hao rejoiced Shu Qing, Zhang Hao was rejected. Though Luo Man was cracking down on Zhang Hao everywhere, her relationship grew continuously in quarrels. Li XiuQi found her feelings for Luo Man. Under the clash of reality and dream, the three worked hard together with their friends and finally brought the band onto a bigger stage. The wonderful university life brought them the ups and downs while bringing them to a bright future.

Endless Love (TV)[2014]

Feature: Female lawyer Zou Yu and your son Lin QiZheng met for the first time, in the court on the tip of the tongue against the straw. The second trial, Zou Yu gaunt, and Lin QiZheng like a change of individuals, take the initiative to throw in. It turned out that during this period both had a major accident in their lives. Zou Yu's lover Haoran unexpectedly passed away and his heart was donated. The donor is Lin Qi Zheng, who has had an old heart disease. Lin QiZheng, a glamorous and sentimental giants, can not stop the Cinderella moth from fiery infatuation even with the beautiful and noble fiancé Jiang XinYao. Once a loved one is a fiery sinister, Zou Yu's sister Zou Yue is such a person, she is crazy fascinated by boss Lin QiZheng, even at the expense of death phase, she did not know it is their own paranoid but the fate of the two Tangled together. After a few encounters, a delicate mood spread between the two. The sudden and violent emotion gave Lin QiZheng and Zou Yu a loss. The two said they no longer wanted to meet each other, and they wanted to stay far away from each other but met with fate. At last, under the bright stars of the South China Sea, the impulsive two people owned Short-term sweetness, but there are so many obstacles between the two people: into a crazy Zou Yue becomes more terrible, clever and sensitive Jiang XinYao pressing harder and harder and the heart has become inseparable Knot. Lin QiZheng want to dissolve the contract, but suffered from family pressure, Lin Group faces a major crisis, the urgent need Jiang's help. Hear the news of the marriage between Lin and Jiang, Zou Yu heartbreaker. Zou Yue, who has now gone astray, learned of their relationship with Lin QiZheng after posting their love affair. For a time, the rumors about Lin QiZheng is a city full of rain and wind, Lin LinZheng Lin forcing the father and sister Zou cut off relations. Zou Yu, who has no idea whatsoever, plans to bring his sister back home, and Zou Yue is in a car accident when he runs to see the last side of Lin QiZheng. Zou Yu grudges, is not selfish love selfish, she vowed that as long as Zou Yue woke up, never far with Lin QiZheng together. Zuo Hui, a student who loved Zou Yu and helped take care of her mother, came home from her shoulder. Zou Yu left, she wants to leave the city, her sister relaxed, Lin QiZheng do not have to be so painful.

ZhengFu (Movie)[2013]

Feature: After investigating a group of black gang members who crossed Hengzhou, investigators learned that Liu HuaWen, Liu HuaWen's younger brother, who was the gang of gangs of black forces in the north of Qiaobei District, was recently seriously wounded. A police force investigating Liu HuaWen, a group of underworld forces, said Liu HuaWen remained silent and did not say why she was injured. At this time, Liu HuaQiang had been absconded for hurting others two years ago and Feng Biao was also on Wu Tian After being killed and fleeing the city, Xu GuoQing will be the focus, start chasing. At this moment, in the suburban song and dance hall in front of Song YunLai commonly known as the Song Tiger was shot in the same way. Song YunLai is a famous local underworld figure, one of the only remaining members of the dark forces who started his own career in the seventies of the city. He just released his sentence to concentrate on playing in the dance halls and never stopped talking about things in rivers and lakes. Wu Tian and Song YunLai heard each other, but without any contact. And the two have the meaning of retirement in the past two years, many of them are a few years ago. According to the investigation, Wu Tian and Song YunLai fought with Liu HuaQiang and Liu HuaWen, Liu HuaQiang's younger brother, had been wounded and had sneaked back to the city. Xu GuoQing is keenly aware that Liu HuaQiang is gradually implementing his plan of revenge while he continues to investigate and control the other side. As Xu GuoQing expected, Liu HuaQiang and his mistress Li Mei, two young killers rented in a district, peeped the police action and continued the long-awaited revenge plan. The pursuit of police and anti-chase between the police, revenge and prevent revenge from the contest.

New Detective (TV)[2013]

Feature: The total plot in an era can not be verified, in the south of China there is a city called "Decheng" metropolis. Just in contrast with its name, the German city is a moral loss, evil rampant place. The elite Citizens Crime Office (DBI) is responsible for investigating the most difficult and most difficult cases. Bao Zheng, an independent prosecutor, came to Decheng to join hands with Inspector Gong SunZe, detective Zhan Chao and forensic Hu XueLi to fight against evil. The most controversial "bombing case" made by the death angel "Blue Letterman" at Jiangnan Shipyard is the most difficult case of the Victims of Abduction by Zhao Da, Thorny cases were detected by Bao Zheng et al. The "Peacock Eye", a super criminal group, became their most powerful rival. In the end, the young and passionate detective alliance shattered the huge conspiracy of "Peacock Eye", and the evil criminals could not escape the severe punishment of the law. Unit Plot 1. 铡 United States case of the city scared Death Victims "Blue Letter", the United States secretaries dead cross-street verification of death notice. Bao Zheng, an independent prosecutor, took over the job with DBI and conducted a joint investigation with "Blue Letter" with Inspector Gong SunZe. These two people unobtrusively amazed move, a rigid and conservative follow the dogma, the two collaborations such as the battle of Mars splash, a small detective Zhan Chao caught in the middle of the dilemma. Hu Zheng Li, a glamorous female forensic that Gong SunZe has long been pursuing, is cold-blooded with Bao Zheng, a long-forgotten animosity between the two. During the investigation, Chen ShiMei, the son-in-law of "Jiangnan Ship King", was brutally murdered by "blue letter people" and was blown to death under the eyes of the police. Qin XiaoLian, a suspect who frequently appeared on the scene of the murder, turned out to be a traitor to the city of Decheng. After many twists and turns, a theft of state secrets shaking the conspirator surfaced, DBI Triangle timely shot to turn the tide. Dust settled, Bao Zheng a war fame, by a stranger successfully integrated into the DBI team. Around the big beauty Hu XueLi, Bao Zheng Gong SunZe two people and the formation of subtle rival situation. 2. Ubin case antique bizarre murder occurred, the murderer painted a "blood-eyed" pattern on the wall, the deceased's brother Zhao Da is suspected. Bao Zheng's mom follow the trend of antiques antique collection, just bought in the shop a Warring States Wu basin. Yin and Yang were wrongly broke the black pot, Bao Zheng found that not only counterfeit black pot, but which actually mixed with a modern gold tooth! Wu pot hidden mystery, bag, public, exhibition Tie Triangle full trace, and finally find Zhao Da kiln plant destroyed in the corpse of the truth. Who knows the murder has not stopped, "bloody troll" again bloody, Gong SunZe that bloodshot eye pattern is the symbol of a year ago, a super criminal group "Peacock Eye." The "Peacock Eye", which has always been the only major case to come back, seems to have something to do with the mystery of Bao Zheng's life history. Gong SunZe, the brother of Gong SunZe, died in an undercover "peacock eye" and left Gong SunZe with "Peacock Eye" Common wear and tear of the enemy. Meng Fei carries the mysterious mission of "Peacock Eye" quietly appeared, and Bao Zheng also started a period also enemy friends, affectionate ambiguous wits ...... 3 civet cat for a full moon night, monsters different events frequently . Yang Xinyang, the city's president, Zhao Xun, was replaced by a dead cat in the hospital and the female nurse involved died under a professional pistol.The news caused an uproar, the kidnappers have yet to blackmail. Wife, nurse, secretary, pediatrician have suspicion, and Zhao Xun's attitude is even more anomalous, the Yangyang kidnapping behind the back of what is hidden secret? Yangyang life hanging line, the situation in dire urge, Bao Zheng finally locked suspects from a pharmaceutical factory. Bao Zheng came to the pharmaceutical company latent, but once again with the mysterious girl Meng Fei narrow road meet. After several trials, the successful rescue of the Iron Triangle Yangyang, also a pharmaceutical group's shady shady revealed in the world. 4. Five Murder Case thief five group for chaotic German cities, the major jewelers trampled burglary. DBI is always trying to catch the downside, does not DBI out of a traitor? Gong SunZe began a secret investigation of insiders, but found Bao Zheng behaving weirdly. It turned out that a mysterious man at the crime scene to Bao Zheng left a clue to help him reveal the mystery of life. At this moment, the five thieves declared a high-profile war on the police and was about to bash the Central Bank. The police were waiting incessantly. Bao Zheng found this to be a real hit. The real intention of the five thieves was to hijack a prisoners' prison van while the convict was No. 2 on "Peacock Eye." Tracing all the way, "Peacock Eye" behind the boss also revealed its true colors. The brutal truth not only made Bao Zheng unbearable, but also made the exploration team encounter a crisis of disintegration. However, the Triangle reached a tacit understanding and crushed the unseen conspiracy of "Peacock Eye" in times of crisis. The evil criminals eventually escape the law.

Family status (TV)[2013]

Feature: "The first door" tells the story of a winter year, Luo YiCheng got a daughter Luo XiaoBei. Because Luo YiCheng's wife Zhang Yin did not have any milk, her children cried all day, and He Ping knew something about his wife, Tang LiHua. Luo YiCheng fumbled, He Ping jumped into the ice hole Luo YiCheng pushed up, did not think He Ping was drowning death. On the same day, Tang LiHua, a victim of bereavement, was prematurely sent off and gave birth to son He ChunSheng. This tough woman is very generous, I heard the cries of the neighboring daughter, came to hold the child over, nurturing her with her milk. He Ping non-official died, superiors do not agree to report martyrs, Luo YiCheng up and down fruitless, self-blame, and determined, in any case have to take care of the life of old widowed mother and son, and insisted on chatting with Lao Ho on the ice That half is a joke promise, so that this new born man and a woman married. He asked the two mothers to hug their newborn child and shoot "Engagement Photos" & nbsp ;.

Scarlet Roses Womens Task Force (TV)[2013]

Feature: "The Scarlet Rose's Girl Task Force" tells the story of the Anti-Japanese War, the Shanghai Concession because of its special historical factors has become surrounded by the Japanese under the Scarlet Rose - Woman contingent stills of an island, a variety of anti-Japanese forces in the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party Under the start to flourish. Five young and skilled girls came to Shanghai. They were originally agents of Kuomintang military training and were mistreated by the misunderstanding of the peak. They started a series of actions for the nationalism to devils and traitors, and on many occasions won the protection and assistance of the Chinese Communist underground party. In the course of their struggle against the Japanese invaders and traitors, they were infiltrated by the revolutionary spirit firmly rooted in the revolutionary work of our Party's outstanding underground workers and the revolutionary spirit of sacrificing their lives. Gradually realized that only the Chinese Communist Party can save China, the five girls decided to join The New Fourth Army under the leadership of the Communist Party has become an adventurous Jones on the party's spy front.

BeAMother (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Alex Fong (actor) and Fang Yun (Pei Wang) are a couple who are separated from each other. Though they have achieved little success and their life is good, the two have always had a child, which not only makes Zhang磬 parents exceptionally anxious, but also make this pair of children like husbands worried. At the advice of their friends, they decided to ask people to surrogate their children. After several meetings, they finally chose the beautiful and delicate girl Li Yan (Qin Lan). Li Yan went to Beijing alone to battles in the materialistic society still maintain the nature of kindness. Under the care of Zhang Fu couple, the children in Li Yan's stomach grew up day by day. During this period, Fang Yun, a reporter, adopted a minority orphans in the quake-stricken area. The fate of two little lives changed, Zhang Yun, Fang Yun, Li Yan three people's feelings are quietly changing ......

TheUnfortunateCar (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Cars, a common means of transport, play an increasingly important role in modern life. Buying a car actually becomes a positive and dynamic investment that makes people and the city have a more active exchange of ideas in terms of social meaning and spiritual needs and can not be replaced by other forms of personal investment. The film is starting from this point of view, "Stingy rich businessman" Guo LiXing, "single remaining bag contractor" Yan XiaoLian, "Merry bout male" Chen Bo, "online shopping control white collar" Yi Rong four people, because of different personal purposes Buy a "car", which triggered a series of "囧" thing, the actual display is around the value of the car triggered the process of conflict, detailing the life of different groups of people in urban life, involving such as "carpool" "Yaohao", "limit line", "Alexander" and many other current social hot spots, join the spicy jokes, ridicule in the story reflects the protagonist's dilemma, from the side reflect the real lives of young people struggling in first-tier cities status.

Native (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Alex Fong (actor) and Fang Yun (Pei Wang) are a couple who are separated from each other. Though they have achieved little success and their life is good, the two have always had a child, which not only makes Zhang磬 parents exceptionally anxious, but also make this pair of children like husbands worried. At the advice of their friends, they decided to ask people to surrogate their children. After several meetings, they finally chose the beautiful and delicate girl Li Yan (Qin Lan). Li Yan went to Beijing alone to battles in the materialistic society still maintain the nature of kindness. Under the care of Zhang Fu couple, the children in Li Yan's stomach grew up day by day. During this period, Fang Yun, a reporter, adopted a minority orphans in the quake-stricken area. The fate of two little lives changed, Zhang Yun, Fang Yun, Li Yan three people's feelings are quietly changing ......

The Colors Of Love (TV)[2012]

Feature: Pure and beautiful Ye JingYi is a happy all-around housewife, her husband Wang Jin is a dignified person, six-year-old daughter cute and clever, she also has a very good girlfriend - Designer Yao QianQian. But life is full of drama - just a moment, Ye JingYi's love, friendship and her family can all collapse. Yao QianQian with sister and sister actually said that they have always hated her, hate her robbed of his boyfriend and should be their own happiness; loving husband for six years only when they are the top pawn; even more sad is the adoption The six-year-old daughter turned out to be the crystallization of Yao QianQian's old love with her husband. These brutal truths cut off Ye JingYi's fragile heart again and again like a knife. Ye JingYi, who has not awakened from his nightmare, did not know it was just beginning, his father passed away quickly, his missing brother was framed and escaped. Ye's enterprise was usurped by Wang Jin. These attacks push Ye JingYi Towards the brink of collapse, she is faced with a difficult choice of where to go. Half a year after the woman's color stills, Ye JingYi returned from Nirvana. The pure lily of the past turned into a barbed rose. She became a professional woman enough to compete with Yao QianQian. A war of no smoke began. In the face of sinister cunning ex-husband and former good friend, Ye JingYi counterattack, and young and handsome workplace upstart Yu QingJiang for her from misunderstanding to guilt and then love, and for her desperation. In the face of this sincere new feeling, Ye JingYi is faced with choices, while bad things Wang Jin and Yao QianQian will also face the punishment.

Neighbors are crazy (TV)[2012]

Feature: Liu family and Lee family coexistence of a large compound "war" constantly. The root causes of the crazy grudges between Liu and Lee's two neighbors are their fathers, Liu XiuFeng and Li DaLong, both of whom quarreled for a long time for nearly three decades. Two other people were also involved in the dispute. Liu Ji Xiang, daughter of Liu XiuFeng, and Li Cheng, son of Li DaLong, study in a foreign land and become a couple, but they have to resort to "underground affection" after returning home. There was a steady stream of confusion between Liu and Li, their parents' objections, Liu JiXiang's sister Liu Mei-li's "love for all", secretary Lu Na's temptation to Li Cheng, boss Wei DaHai's harassment to Liu JiXiang, Test, eventually become positive. Liu Li's grudges between the two completely resolved, since harmonious coexistence, home and everything Xing.

North East Asia's rivers and lakes children (TV)[2012]


TV series “Children of the North and South Lakes”: After describing the September 18th Incident, the Japanese invaders wanted to make Linkou Township in the northeast area the first place outside Japan, and they were closely pressing with Linkou Town. Fang Zhen Yu, the boss of the company, hopes to transform Fang Zhenyu into the mayor of the town and control Linkou Township. Fang Zhenyu played by Bing Hu was not persecuted by the Japanese army. The Military Responsible Service Department disguised Luo TianHua as a shop owner lurking in Linkou Township. Every Japanese plan Luo TianHua has clearly captured in secret. In order to promote the anti-Japanese coalition, Luo TianHua played by Jungle found Fang Zhenyu and lobbied to join the anti-Japanese coalition. In order to achieve his goal, he did not hesitate to use up his tricks.


Justice first word (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Video Description: Tianyi, Xiaolang, big bald, Keba, nine text is sworn brothers, determined to make a few people from the underworld. They follow the boss "Xiongge" Swordsman, the ups and downs, they have love and affection, hate complain, in pursuit of interests unscrupulous people! People who use others to accomplish themselves! , Hovering between being and evil, and for the sake of the brothers and embarked on the road! There may not be absolutely good or bad people in the play, because good and evil are only in one reading! They have gone through common love and hate, brother and eye, treacherous, and warmth of mankind. With blood and tears deduced a brotherhood! The film is divided into two paragraphs The first part of the design is drama, the second part is a comedy, full of nonsensical funny plot and positive energy. Let the audience refreshing, there is a look at two different types of movie viewing experience

SingleTerminator (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Xiao Lang (Duan Jun Hao), Ke Ke (Cica Zhou ornaments), Lao Zhao (Zhou Xiaoou ornaments) and Da Li (Mike Sui ornaments) four friends whimsical creation called "buy bachelor" marriage website, Xiao Lang Mei Ling (Li Ai), an old lover who met ten years ago, had a tough start-up on the site. Partners urged Xiao Lang to invite Mei Ling, who is now the emotional anchor, to serve as an endorsement of the site. However, Mei Ling was not responsible for Xiao Lang's year Difficult to leave, all kinds of making things difficult to run out of their own life. At this point entangled Mei Ling years of successful returnees Peter Hu (Zhao Wei to ornaments) pre-danger, in the website management difficult to come forward, asked Xiao Lang's team to help him design the plan to chase Mei Ling. Web site to seek advice in the emotional experts Huang JiaoShou (Law Kar-ying ornaments), things turn when, Xiao Lang regret Mei Ling and Peter Hu, the conflict between love and career has become increasingly prominent ......

DaoBanAiQing (Movie)[2010]

Feature: The five black humorous stories were linked by a "Halley" motorcycle. Feng Feng pirated the love of Wang XiaoLi's first love and gave Wang XiaoLi a more pure love than piracy. Wang XiaoLi was touched. However, when their love meets a thief, meets two robbers, meets a liar, meets a car owner who loves movies, and interweaves five stories of characters around the coincidence of love. This "Harley" motorcycle has been owned by 5 story owners, this "Harley" motorcycle is also the love of Feng Le all. The film "Pirate Love", a movie starring in "The Mainland Version of Cedar," starring in "The Big Brother" and "The Big Picture of the Longest," is aired on the six central film channels of the six central avenues of the country and has aroused wide audiences' popularity. As the absolute heroine Ying children fresh performances highly respected by the audience. The movie "Pirate Love" consists of five stories, each one of its own storytelling and intertwining. The director says "five completely different stories throughout the movie, five distinct styles, and we string them together with a motorcycle We want to get rid of all the comedy elements and truly create a black humorous comedy with Chinese characteristics.I have a climax every five minutes and a bright spot every thirty seconds. "Director Li Zhi as a cutting-edge director, Liu Hua, Jiang Chao, and many other big names joined the film this time, a lot for the film to add color. The actress said: "The director is very creative, and his love of the movie and make me particularly infected, I admire his respect and pursuit of the movie business, I hope I can do my best to help the director, but also hope Since then, I can show my strength more on the big screen. "

CopyCat (Movie)[2009]

Feature: MC dragons (Sun Nan ornaments) were stunned and woke up in the hotel, panic dragons ran home, was shocked, the invaders were asked for 2000000 message. The dragons found several friends who wanted to act as celebrity assistant Zi Liu, director Tu SongYan, performance manager Lin Zi and producer Zhang Xiao. Two days ago, dragons girlfriends and businessmen all over (Gao XiaoSong ornaments) ran, the frustrated dragons in the club to buy drunk, into the pirate's disc storage, then lost consciousness ... ... a few friends on the dragons two days Know nothing about the experience, wrestling was recalled 2000000 reasons not to get essentials. On the other hand, two children (Zhou Xiaoou & Gangshan Jing) came to the hotel alone to swallow up to 2 million while Xu Zong, owner of dragons, and club owner Henri worked together to send two migrant workers (Xie Tian Xiao & Li Xiao Long) ) Kidnapped dragons, as a speculation ...

The Colors Of Love (TV)[2007]

Feature: Many years later in the 1980s, when Hai Xia (Miao Pu) looked back, the happiest day in his youthful memories was the 1984 National Day, the day of her 20th birthday. She and Chun Ni (Qin Hailu ornaments) and Li Sai (Chen Shiang-chyi ornaments), three are not pro-sisters but wins sister-like girls in Tiananmen Square participated in the celebration of the 35th anniversary of National Day of Daqing. Hai Xia grew up in Chun Ni from an early age. Hai Xia's father and Chun Ni's father, Xu Shulin (originally Yiwei Zhao), originally belonged to a village and later joined the working-class pride of state- People are the best buddies. Unfortunately, however, Hai Xia's father died in a fire in order to protect the factory equipment. His father died early, mother Xiu Fen (Ailing Huang ornaments) will not take children. Xu Shulin handed Hai Xia to her own mother-in-law, Xu Lao Lao (Sun Guitian) belt. Xu Lao Lao gave birth to children for a lifetime, but also dragged a big hand Li Wei Guo (Dong Yong ornaments), Li Sai brothers and sisters. The brothers and sisters came from overseas Chinese intellectual families and their parents were shocked during the Cultural Revolution. Now Chun Ni, Hai Xia, Li Sai three sisters have grown into Tingtingyuyuli girl. Chun Ni, the eldest sister of the Three Sisters, helped Lao Lao take care of Li Sai and Hai Xia. After coming back to the countryside, she went to work at his father's light steam plant and became an advanced worker. Li Sai is the second child, her beautiful, proud, is the goal of the boys chase. Li Sai in the school play, playful lazy nature let her inadvertently learn, bent on going abroad. Hai Xia the youngest, she did not take the college entrance examination for two consecutive years, Xu Shulin arranged for her to take over the father's class has also entered the state-owned manufacturers. Hai Xia has always regarded Wei Guo as an idol, hoping to become a college student one day. Wei Guo graduated from the Department of History with excellent grades, but gave up the chance to stay as a teacher. This seemingly old-fashioned young man actually hopes to make a big undertaking. Wei Guo was assigned to an organ, his scholar's stomach full of knowledge and ideas, but may not be with the leaders, colleagues, so although enthusiastic to make a lot of suggestions, but not inconsistent with. Disappointed, Wei Guo shut himself in a single dorm to learn. Hai Xia nothing to Wei Guo's single dormitory run, is to stay with Wei Guo. Hai Xia Mama Cui Xiu Fen was born in Bazi, she was not complaining about her share of state barbershop nightmares, is to give Hai Xia pour cold water, advised Hai Xia early thought of his lifetime event, Hai Xia yell Say they do not intend to marry a lifetime. Xiu Fen sneer her that you are all old Li Wei Guo ran there. Reminded by the mother, Hai Xia began to mind, working in the old mistakes. The factory has a well-known small ruffian named Chen DongDong (Naiwen Li ornaments), Nothing is the favorite favorite girl wrapped in poverty. He caught Hai Xia short and cried Hai Xia. Li Sai came to the factory to find sisters to play. When the East son saw it as a horrified person, he secretly vowed to knock Li Sai to his hand. Hai Xia whispered to two sisters how to fall in love. Careful Chun Ni see a clue, under questioning, Hai Xia blush said she likes Wei Guo, Chun Ni heard Yizheng.The original Chun Ni also quietly in love with Wei Guo, they had a mountain to the countryside, in difficult times to help each other, but neither of the two introverted people pierce the window paper. Hai Xia returns a tender love letter to Wei Guo in the book entitled "The Third Wave." Wei Guo persuaded Hai Xia on the grounds of being too young. Xu Lao Lao could not bear to see her granddaughter suffering in pain, asked Wei Guo like Chun Ni. Wei Guo, who confirmed Chun Ni's heart, was so excited that he found Chun Ni, saying he was never going to go abroad. Hai Xia just hit the scene. Back home, Hai Xia cried. Xiu Fen has been to Hai Xia and Xu Jiabi with their own beloved, when she chewed the tongue. Hai Xia overwhelmed, moved to the factory dormitory, did not go home completely. The first love failed to make Hai Xia whole changed individuals, began to dress up to go to a variety of fashionable salon, she felt he could find a better than Wei Guo men. Dongzi's father was an old general's driver. Taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime relationship, the Tungzi took Li Sai and Hai Xia into the general building while the old general took the chance of recuperation. The party, Tian Bo (Zhang Hanyu ornaments) appeared. Tian Bo is a small reporter in an industry newspaper literary repost, but he prefers to say he is a poet. He always wrapped around a long red scarf, and then out of two misty poems from time to time, so that Hai Xia heart impulsively. And Tian Bo's eyes on Hai Xia were also burning because Li Sai told him that both he and Hai Xia were the grandchildren of the general. Hai Xia did not show up at the wedding of Wei Guo and Chun Ni. In another lively party, East Siji hit Li Sai and the high-spirited together in a mess, he was mad mad, frantically. One side of Tian Bo therefore learned the true identity of Hai Xia, leaving. Hai Xia went to the newspaper several times and so on, Tian Bo flash proposed to re-understand everything Hai Xia. Hai Xia returns home with Tian Bo. Tian Bo can be completely desperate, in the face of messy messy and sophisticated Hai Xia Ma. Hai Xia feels disgraced, unable to close the door. Chun Ni tells Hai Xia about the past of two fathers. The original fire in the year, Hai Xia Dad insisted to save the machine first rescue, he also put Xu Shulin struggled to launch a sea of ​​fire, so many years Xu Shulin Xiu Fen, Hai Xia mother and daughter always feel guilty. The two have been rebuilt, Chun Ni found Hai Xia like to eat sour stuff, but also often disgusting. Chun Ni at this time has pregnant, Hai Xia's situation let her secretly scared. Li Sai accompanied Hai Xia to the hospital, late-maturing, ignorant Hai Xia discovered that she had been pregnant for several months. Tian Bo, who has had another new love, is helplessly indicating how he knows that child is his own. Xiu Fen angrily with a mouth on Hai Xia's face. Hai Xia to commit suicide, thanks to Guo Guo arrived in time to save her. In order to deceive the public, Xu Lao Lao returned to his hometown with Chun Ni and Hai Xia. Wei Guo also came to help take care of him, he gave Hai Xia a book "Gone with the Wind." Li Sai began to follow the band's buddies around. Xu Lao Lao urged Chun Ni to take good care of Hai Xia. Premature delivery of Hai Xia en route to the hospital, Chun Ni inadvertently fell out of the car. Hai Xia successfully gave birth to her little sea.However, Chun Ni aborted, and lost the ability to reproduce. Xu Shulin is very concerned about the factory Hai Xia, Hai Xia in the same time guilty, but also feel that they have to work hard to be worthy of the people who have been concerned about her around. 1990s sea primary school. In the eyes of others, he is the son of Wei Guo and Chun Ni, and Hai Xia is his aunt. Dazhayuan Demolition, Hai Xia Jia and Xu moved into the new dormitory building, which is the factory's last welfare room. Hai Xia self-study finance, participated in the adult college entrance examination, with tenacious perseverance completed in-service research. Hai Xia's ability to get the deputy director Du QingChun (Zhang Su ornaments) attention, transferred her to the audit department. Hai Xia works hard and wants to make some achievements. Hai Xia found the audit department's loopholes and asked Du QingChun for suggestions. Du QingChun reminds Hai Xia that she needs to know who she is and start a hands-on move to Hai Xia. Hai Xia, who was greatly insulted, angrily found out the response from the supervisor at the higher level and got to know Qiao Liang (Wei Xu), the young deputy director. Hai Xia's courage and beauty left a deep impression on Qiao Liang; Qiao Liang's passion and sense of justice also made Hai Xia feel good about him. Du QingChun seemingly no longer meet with Hai Xia, but let her go outside to catch the arrears. With his honesty and perseverance, Hai Xia finally got back his arrears and surpassed the quota given to her in the factory. Hai Xia was promoted to director of factory sales. The deputy director with ulterior motives linked Hai Xia's salary bonus with sales performance, forcing her to sell unsalable products. Du QingChun even promised an unforgettable promise that as long as the sales market was opened up and the backlog of products could be sold out, he would give Hai Xia and his staff divisions a dividend. Hai Xia led the department staff, tried their best to get through the sales channels. Du QingChun denied the promise of the previous dividend, and Hai Xia was so angry that she found Qiao Liang's reaction again. With the help and persistence of Qiao Liang, Hai Xia ultimately protects the interests of himself and many employees. Li Sai finally succeeded in marrying her after talking about innumerable boyfriends. Her husband is an American old man and is said to be still a Beijing opera amateur. At the wedding, Xiao Haina naively wish Hai Xia get married early, because then she no longer forced her to learn the piano. The original Wei Guo and Chun Ni will be as small as the sea, somewhat somewhat spoiled, but instead Hai Xia is particularly strict on children. Xu Lao Lao older, the body deteriorating, they also made a confused. One day Xu Lao Lao lost, Hai Xia and everyone are anxious, looking around the world. Tough twists and turns Hai Xia finally found Xu Lao Lao back, the old lady sober, to Hai Xia promised themselves two things, one and Xiu Fen and good; the second is to become an early home. Xu Lao Lao died peacefully in his sleep. On the day she left Xu Lao Lao, Hai Xia cried especially sadly. After crying, she called Xiu Fen a mom. Due to work, Qiao Liang and Hai Xia frequently contacted. After becoming familiar with Hai Xia, Qiao Liang several times hinted that her marriage was not happy. He turned out to be a leading secretary, and later became the leading son-in-law, so his career was smooth, but he was always suppressed by his wife.Hai Xia She went out with Qiao Liang for a study tour. Along the way, Qiao Liang's careful consideration made Hai Xia very touched. On the last night of business trip, two people drank at the bar, and Hai Xia put all the secrets in their hands and said nothing at the end. The following day, Qiao Liang constantly sent a message to Hai Xia. Wei Guo and Chun Ni's marriage is also quietly changing. Wei Guo, who can not adapt to the bureaucracy, has seen no improvement in his career, and his academic writings in his spare time have been rejected by publishing houses for lack of market. In order to subsidize household, in order to support her husband out of books, Chun Ni to start a small business. At this time, the original mentor of Wei Guo discovered an unpublished paper by Wei Guo and praised Wei Guo for going back to read his doctoral candidate. Industrial and commercial liquidation of the market, those who are afraid of being unlicensed street vendors were seized, snatched the road run, the result was so hurt Chun Ni hit the plate in the panic broke the waist. Wei Guo sent Chun Ni to go to the hospital for examination. Surprisingly, Chun Ni's uterus was found to have tumor, requiring immediate removal of the uterus. In order to cure his wife, Wei Guo resigned from the office and rejected the mentor's suggestion that he should return to school for a PhD. Wei Guo do not know how to do business, a trip back to Hainan, not only bankrupt but owed a buttocks of debt. Hai Xia took full savings to help Wei Guo repay the debt. Faced with the depressed Wei Guo, she took out the "Gone with the Wind" and encouraged him with the words Wei Guo comforted him. She also sent the 486 computer that Wei Guo had always dreamed of. Wei Guo hugged Hai Xia's hand and cried. Chun Ni in the bed looked at the scene, stinging in her heart and provoking a divorce. For a divorce, Chun Ni started a hunger strike. Stay in Chun Ni side of the sea accompanied Chun Ni hunger strike. Finally, Chun Ni looked at the pale sea, with tears to the sea to buy his favorite cake sea. Can hold the cake, the sea first handed Chun Ni mouth. Weeping tears of tears Chun Ni finally told the sea, Hai Xia is his biological mother. Xiaohai cried to find Hai Xia. Hai Xia was shocked, and immediately responded, she rushed to Xu to save Chun Ni trying to commit suicide. On the National Day night of 1994, Hai Xia welcomed her 30th birthday in solitude. Then Qiao Liang's phone call came again. Hai Xia promised to meet Qiao Liang because of a happy birthday on the phone. When Hai Xia finally summon the courage to be in Qiao Liang's arms, Qiao Liang received a wife's phone number. Looked in a moment to become lowly Qiao Liang, Hai Xia did not come back out of the hotel. Qiao Liang appeared in front of Hai Xia carrying simple luggage. It turns out that Qiao Liang's wife found out a text message from Qiao Liang to Hai Xia on her mobile phone and quarreled with Qiao Liang. Qiao Liang can no longer tolerate his wife Yi Zhi gas, angrily away from home to find Hai Xia, and said to divorce his wife, with Hai Xia stay together. Hai Xia overwhelmed, she hurried to Qiao Liang to arrange a place to live, but he escaped. On the last night, the Eastzi bitterly begged Li Sai not to leave. Li Sai said she knew she was sorry East, but she really wanted to be a Chinese woman in Manhattan. Hai Xia has finally got enough courage to accept Qiao Liang, but then Qiao Liang is gone. Hai Xia got a call from Qiao Liang's wife and three people met at the cafe. The original Qiao Liang learned that they can make progress in politics, he chose to return to his wife.Qiao Liang's wife asked Qiao Liang to get Hai Xia out. Qiao Liang wife urged Qiao Liang fan slapped Hai Xia, Qiao Liang ashamed, under the naughty; Qiao Liang wife seeing, get started heavily hit Hai Xia slap in the face. Hai Xia raised her hand and waved Qiao Liang's wife's slap in the face. Hai Xia was elected to the new factory leadership by the Workers' Congress because of his outstanding performance in the joint venture negotiation. Angry Qiao Liang wife angrily come to visit, a time gossip rumbled. The next day, Hai Xia came to work with a little sea and introduced it in public. The bells of the new century of the 21st century sounded. Hai Xia, a Chinese joint-venture general manager, became a woman entrepreneur. Hai Xia and Wei Guo bought a new house in the suburbs. Hai Xia because of his time back and forth to work spent too long, Ko have to go to school, but also moved back to the city. Wei Guo also graduated from school at this time teaching, he was in order to take care of Chun Ni doctor, also moved back to the old residence. At this point Xiu Fen has retired, as the days get better, she was active throughout the day to go to the community park to dance, everyone soon became the lead dancers. At this time, Xu Shulin is in the loss after retirement, Xiu Fen pull him and herself to go dancing. Wei Guo's academic writings have been published, especially his series of historical and cultural essays is causing a sensation. The change of family economy also made Chun Ni calm down gradually. Though she devoted all her life to the living life of Wei Guo, she could spend more and more time between husband and wife. Li Sai returns home after divorce. The East is also unlucky, a large sum of money in the stock market was jailed, he reluctantly retained a last minute a small decoration company. That morning, on the morning of the September 11 terrorist bombing of the World Trade Center, Li Sai received a call from the Tzu child. Tung-tzu said that as long as you did not return to the United States, I was down-to-earth and Li Sai was in a great mood. Because of this call, they had their second meeting many years later. After analyzing the international situation after Sept. 11, Dongzi concluded that there will be a major change in the foreign exchange market. Together, they will surely cross the line. The ideal of a small sea is an actress, Hai Xia bitterly persuaded the sea unsuccessfully. Small sea took the money run, Hai Xia helpless had to accompany the small sea on the train. Rushed to the school gate, Arts School has been seized. The original so-called art school, but a bunch of cheats up the stuff. Hai Xia took the second train home, she fell asleep tired. When she woke up, Hai Xia found a man's coat on her body, and the opposite of a carefree man was staring at her. The man introduced himself to Zhang ZhiGuang, saying he could figure out that Hai Xia did not get married and took control of Hai Xia for the phone number. Hai Xia frowning said there may be a police car on the bus, unexpectedly took out a police officer's license. The eyes of Chiguang Hai Hai heart of a wave, she suddenly realized she was still a woman. Sea depressed mood, one day he Kuangzao blindly blind, the case of thievery burglary, he beat the thief, but was himself as a thief into the police station. Hai Xia came and settled her son. Zhiguang said the sea can be courageous is a good kind. Hai Xia stunned to find that Zhiguang is actually the police station director of his own community.Wei Guo's career is getting more and more successful. Chun Ni is becoming more and more sensitive every day in her empty home. She found that when a female graduate student recently called Wei Guo, she could not control her cranky. It is true that a graduate student who admired Wei Guo's talent is pursuing him. The young girl is a beautiful girl in school. Confronted with the female graduate student's confession, although Wei Guo refused politely, his heart, which had been quiet for many years, still had waves. Had this small magazine to interview Hai Xia, is in love with her particularly good mood, they agreed. Unexpectedly, the reporter actually was Tian Bo. Hai Xia interviewed generously. Hai Xia stunned that the sea even violated their wishes, the examination of the volunteers to fill the application for police academy. Hai Xia think it must be the idea of ​​Zhiguang, she looking for Chi account. Small sea told his mother, apply for the police school is entirely his own ideas, Zhiguang advised him still have to listen to her mother's opinion. Chigsuchi gasped to the Hai Xia home to clear the sewer, Hai Xia apologized for the wrong blame. The bell rang and Hai Xia opened the door and found Tian Bo standing outside with flowers in hand. Shiguang surprised to know Tian Bo is the father of the sea, stunned learned that Hai Xia was originally a giant factory manager in charge of thousands of people, he twisted away. Hai Xia fell on the couch. Tian Bo said the doctor said he had shades of the lungs. Tung-ji came running to tell Li Sai that due to misjudgments, her support costs were lost and she was asked to compensate her for her failure. Dongzai busy holding Hai Xia Chun Ni and others came to celebrate. East suddenly pulled out a huge diamond ring in front of Li Sai, saying he actually not only did not lose money, but also made a small sum. Li Sai felt himself being jogged, and she turned away angrily and anger. East chase out. Tian Bo admitted to the hospital. Out of sympathy, Hai Xia took care of Tian Bo while he was busy working. After a second check, confirm that the tumors in Tian Bo lung are benign. Tian Bo relieved, holding Hai Xia's hand to repent, Hai Xia rejected Tian Bo. Hai Xia find Chi, said he would not come together with Tian Bo, but it is impossible to develop with Zhigu, because she knew that Zhiguang can not accept a stronger than their own women. Hai Xia and Zhiguang parted, Wei Guo and Chun Ni separated, finally came together with the East and Li Sai also for the children's affairs. Just then, a sudden disaster broke all the deadlocks. Wei Guo found the university found SARS, had moved to school to call him to tell Chun Ni himself to keep in school, let Chun Ni take care of yourself. Listening to her husband's call on the phone, watching TV reports of SARS outbreak, Chun Ni suddenly steeped out deep thoughts and concerns. She ran to school, letting Wei Guo go home with herself. Witness Wei Guo and Chun Ni couple love scenes, female graduate students know that they will not have any chance to intervene between them, sadly out of this emotional dispute. Wei Guo, Chun Ni The couple hugged in the narrow school guest house.

Love is a happy bullet (TV)[2007]

Feature: A Almodovar-style TV series. Love is a happy bullet A hidden secret of life and love. A history of youth chronology of the 1980s. At that time, only love was cruel. Three roots, three brothers, the memory of the river, became a love and youth of the battlefield. When I look back, it is all over the world. When I was young, in youth, we wantonly and desperately waste our youth. We are naive to think that youth is invincible. In fact, youth is our greatest enemy. Lei ZhiMing the most wild uninhibited appearance, the heart is soft, warm, wrong, starting from love. Guan Huai under the most quiet appearance, but there is a rebellious heart. Tragedy, from the meeting started. Sometimes, love becomes mistakes and becomes the most cruel hurt.

Rip your wounds (TV)[2005]

Feature: For three years, Long ZaiTian - a mysterious visitor who has taken the edge of the law, has become a legend in Shifang. Now, with the radio show "Money Without Money" hosted by Ye Bei, he once again foreshadowed his actions - getting the pay back for a hundred migrant workers. As soon as Zheng QianFang, acting in the spirit of Long ZaiTian, ​​became aware of the news, he immediately prepared for the move to hunt down the mysterious guest who created an irreparable trauma in his mind. However, he still did not succeed. In the past three years, after he left the Interpol team for drinking, he persevered in pursuing Long ZaiTian as an individual. However, except for a military boots, he never saw the shadow of Long ZaiTian. In the end, who is Long ZaiTian? After returning to Shifang City, Er YaTou, who was on her vacation, was immediately attracted to Long ZaiTian, ​​a mysterious figure circulating among the cellars. Out of curiosity, Er YaTou bought her a variety of sweethearts who had a connection with the Long ZaiTian Fitness City's Laobaigan, intended to know him through the Long ZaiTian mysterious off. Er YaTou learned from Laobai dry mouth, trying to find Long ZaiTian, ​​only to touch the shadow of Long ZaiTian - a provincial squadron Zheng surname Sanda coach. Through the investigation, Er YaTou learned that the coach was named Zheng QianFang, when he was drunk and injured the student and became a leaving coach. After Er YaTou chose "rich and have no money" - the Long ZaiTian fixed choice of media to gradually investigate, she used various identities contact with Ye Bei, coincides with Ye Bei intent to help both dumb money to find the right kidney source to rescue The son of kidney failure money expensive. Er YaTou seems to know psychology, she saw the money is not a dumb double, and the use of psychology to force all the money out of the hearts of more than a decade secret: Qian Gui did not own their own children, eighteen years ago, the money Father of a birth - a man who holds half of the wealth in Shifang City, ordered him to kill the newly born little money, out of conscience, he did not start, but with Qian Gui, as a dumb identity hide 18 years, The money to raise adult. You must find the money your father's father kidney, can save money. Ye Bei has no clue about looking for your father through radio. After Long ZaiTian learned about the incident, he announced through the radio station that he was going to intervene to find the biological father for the money. The money seems to have a heart full of secrets, unwilling to disclose too much information, even if the matter related to money and your life. This brought great interest to Er YaTou. After Long ZaiTian's announcement of her intervention, she was even more excited and wanted to find out the secretive secrets of her heart and soul as well as to gradually investigate Long ZaiTian. Er YaTou told netizens "Chinatown" online, hoping to get his help to accomplish this meaningful thing. Ye Bei received an anonymous letter titled "Insider," and the insider told her that both of them were real names. Sun Zhaolin was a big drug dealer 18 years ago. Long ZaiTian abducted the money Shuang Quan, Qian Zongquan handed a piece of jade Long ZaiTian, ​​just when the money both want to say eighteen years ago when the secret, the hospital called, saying that money and death, both money grievances, toward the hospital When the car was killed, the clues cut off.Ye Bei, a Long ZaiTian phone, asked her about Zheng QianFang's direction of action, in which she deliberately stung Ye Bei's heart disease. Ye Bei has never enjoyed a normal woman's family life for three years. Zheng QianFang lives in only two people in the world, he and Long ZaiTian. Living in a world of only one mind, the world, all the bustling, numerous temptations, his only heart was dedicated to Long ZaiTian. Zheng QianFang Extremely suppressed, often to help Ye Bei for gas, repair the old comrades in the waterway laugh, fighting in the fighting field spit, now has fallen into a big Ben driver laugh laugh slowly and cowardly character, so that Zheng QianFang disappointed him. Zheng QianFang found expensive sacrificial offerings at the tomb of Qian Gui and Qian Shuangquan at Shifang City, where strangers do not have any relatives, and some people even send a lot of sacrifices to Zheng QianFang Er YaTou, with keen insight, aware of the secret hidden deep inside Zheng QianFang is that he has been lost by Long ZaiTian, ​​the mysterious figure, lost in spirit and lost his self-life. In turn, she also sympathized with Ye Bei, the woman who was hurt indirectly and hardest by the two men, Long ZaiTian and Zheng QianFang. As a psychiatrist, Er YaTou helped Zheng QianFang and Ye Bei to resume their normal life. However, under the pressure of great vigor, Zheng QianFang, once a mighty creature, was suppressed to impotence. Zheng QianFang This man has a powerful mental world in his chest. He is born with the unobtrusive mental personality. To his surprise, he could not handle things that even an idiot could do, and how punctuated the punctuated soul was enough to lead to a spiritual avalanche. Perhaps he simply disdains the love of this mundane mortal, because he has his spiritual world, admiration for the man named Long ZaiTian, ​​indulge in that illusory world, so there is no need to have compassion on him, Naturally destined to be painful. Er YaTou's goodwill touched Ye Bei, Ye Bei launched a psychological hotline in the show, want Er YaTou to help more mentally ill people. The prostitute Jinhu, who was removed from the Fitness City, suddenly announced that she would become a millionaire in a few days. She intended to use one of her diaries to extort a certain millionaire from Shifang City. After she was denied talking to a rich man, she opened up "rich No money "hotline, said he holds the secrets of your father, want to find help Long ZaiTian. Laobai Gan has been investigating the news for Er YaTou but no big progress has been made. Er YaTou consulted Chinatown and decided once again: To ascertain Long ZaiTian, ​​he must follow Zheng QianFang, the shadow of Long ZaiTian, ​​from now on She is the shadow of the shadow. Zheng QianFang contacted a informant, let him closely watch the jade, and then explore Long ZaiTian's tail. Long ZaiTian announced his acceptance of Jinyu's business through the "money without money" hotline, and asked Jinyu to work closely with himself. Long ZaiTian informed Jin Yu at the cement factory joint and then dealt with the diary's gigantic but was disrupted by the unexpected appearance of Zheng QianFang, who was abducted by several mysterious people.Ye Bei received a letter from Long ZaiTian containing a picture of jade pendant, met Zheng QianFang and said that there is money for your father's message. Zheng QianFang came to a similar place alone, but did not see Long ZaiTian, ​​looked around Zheng QianFang suddenly found in Shifang City, the most luxurious elephant group signs of the neon lights, even with the picture jade exactly the same, is a Dragons, Zheng QianFang Zheng QianFang said to Ye Bei that her doubts about Mei QiuXue, an elephant group, might be Qian's biological father, were denied by Ye Bei because when she was an intern reporter, she knew Mei QiuXue, a formerly unknown reporter, who was a Mei QiuXue Ten years ago, he was married to Mo Kexin, who was mentally disturbed by the blaze of fire because he was recognized by the community and honored by the government. Since then, he has gained social recognition and took the opportunity to gradually start business Make big, come to now the status of the richest man in Shifang. The succeeding generations of Qian Shuang and his father and son, both of whom are the general donors, are entrepreneurs who are very keen on repaying the society and doing good deeds. It is also impossible for Mei Qiu Xue to be a biological father. Zheng QianFang still expressed doubts, and tried to get closer to Mei QiuXue by letting Qi Qiao laugh at Mei QiuXue. Mei QiuXue received the mysterious letters from Long ZaiTian. When Zheng QianFang was visiting Zheng QianFang, she was hired to protect Zheng QianFang. Laobai Gan and Gun DaoRou intend to divide up millions of jade jade, even after the disappearance of jade, still dreamed of getting these millions, and they began to search around men who were related to jade jade. Shortly afterwards, they found three tarps and one jade Mouldering white powder ghost, and according to the three pole Tam clues, continue to investigate. Er YaTou has been following Zheng QianFang's interrogation by sniffing Ye Bei's tone, and from time to time chatting with Chinatown online to make his own judgment. Long ZaiTian kidnapped Mei QiuXue under Zheng QianFang's eyelids, and while everyone was saying something, Mei QiuXue came home safely and said he had proven to Long ZaiTian that he was not the biological father. Zheng QianFang laughs through Qi Hai: Mei QiuXue is a patient with congenital intimacy. Therefore, it can be determined that Mei QiuXue has no blood relationship with Qian Gui and the clues of probing Qian Gui's father are cut off again. Zheng QianFang determined to thoroughly investigate the clue Jin Yu. Ye Bei once again received a letter from an insider who signed the letter. An insider told Zheng QianFang: Actually, what was recorded in Jin's diary was a big fire in the city twelve years ago. In that mysterious fire, The couple died in the secret. The biological father of money, and the fire has a direct link. Ye Bei confirmed the fire and told him about the tragic death of Mei QiuXue's wife, Mo Kexin's parents. When the case was closed, the result of the investigation was the fire caused by smoking when Morokhir entrance was lost. Zheng QianFang found a high school classmate. Now Gao Jing, director of the big case, brought up the file of the Mohung fire that year and hoped that Gao Jing could secretly assist him in re-investigating the case. In his research on the files, Zheng QianFang decided to re-investigate the parties involved: Mo Kexin, Zhang Xiuchen and the then police officer Liu Chuang.Er YaTou saw Ye Bei discuss the progress of the case online with Chinatown after looking at the newspaper about Mei QiuXue and Chinatown seemed increasingly interested in the matter and decided to formally join the game as long as Er YaTou would provide him from time to time Intelligence you acquired. Zhang Xiu-chen could not find for a while, Mo Kexin is intermittent neurosis and amnesia patients, Zheng QianFang had to go visit the case was responsible for Liu Chuang. When Ye Bei and Er YaTou described Mok Kee's mind as having the potential to hide a fire, Er YaTou wanted to discuss with Zheng QianFang and use her hypnosis to help Mo Kexin open the door to memory. Zheng QianFang find the original colleagues, the current Sanda coach Liu Chuang. Liu Chu underappreciated, but in fact it has long been determined to join Zheng QianFang team. Mo Kexin over the years because of the fire and hard to let go, often think of the time of the fire will be insane, Ye Bei to Mei QiuXue recommended Er YaTou for Mo Kexin treatment, Mei QiuXue agreed. Er YaTou began to hypnotize Mo Kexin, and she knew very well that she could not understand the secret of the fire twelve years ago, the most accurate memories, and the obstruction of her memory. What blocked her memory? Is a cruel reality in her thinking. Her parents' death was caused by her hand. This fact is cruel to anyone. Nobody dares to touch it. After all, it is a wound that can never be closed in the soul. What she has to do is to make Mo Kexin have to face the reality, first give her a spiritual hint, your parents responsibility of death is not you, let her from repentance and remorse out. > Liu Chuang's secret search for Zhang Xiuchen, dressed as a shish kebab, finally found Zhang Xiu-chen at a site that has changed its name to Zhang HongFa and won his trust. He approached Zhang HongFa and brought the city bureau's investigation into the fire 12 years ago Revealed to Zhang HongFa, first shaken him, and then began to investigate the secret of the fire. Er YaTou is gradually advancing Hypnotherapeutic treatment of Mo Kexin, Er YaTou found a doubt in Mo Kexin memory fragments, that is: Mok Kee's memory shows that her rescue her out of the sea that year My father, Mo Jinliang, and Zhang HongFa, witnessed on the scene, all showed that Zhang HongFa was not saved by the fire that destroyed Mo Ke. Er YaTou and Zheng QianFang analyzed that the characters they are going to track now must have five conditions: a wealthy billionaire; a drug dealer two or sixteen years ago; a third is a biological father of money; and a fourth with a jade Related; five, with the twelve years of Mo family fire incident. That Zhang HongFa has at least one of the two, and, from the age of the analysis, Zhang Xiuchen may also be the biological father of money and expensive. Long ZaiTian stole Zhang HongFa fitness ball, and telephone notification, give him twelve hours to consider the fire of the secret, told him after twelve hours. Zhang HongFa is horrified. The treatment of Mo Kexin appeared difficult, if all open her door to memory, must Mo Kexin and his family photo or affect the data, Zheng QianFang wait and see, in desperation had to give up temporarily. Long ZaiTian designed a car accident to relax the heavily guarded Zhang HongFa and take him away at the washroom.One day later, Long ZaiTian put Zhang HongFa back without any loss and told everyone on the radio that Zhang HongFa was not the rich they were looking for. When Ye Bei asked him why, he did not say it, just saying that he promised Zhang HongFa a secret for him. Mo Kexin's emotions become more undecided before she becomes taught, and she often shouts to kill Zhang HongFa. Zhang HongFa was put back by Long ZaiTian, ​​and gradually found two men Li Dong and Li Lin have different hearts, ready to carry money to absconding, they pondering Liu Chuang for his results Li Lin and Li Dong. Er YaTou learned through professors in the United States that there is another way to open the door to Mokhin's memory. That is to say, it synthesizes sound and uses sound to awaken Mokhin's memory. The insider sent an anonymous letter again, telling Zheng QianFang: Jin Yu was lost because he had mastered the secret of the Mok fire, and Jin Yu may still survive in the world. Er YaTou used the dialogue recording between Zheng QianFang and Zhang HongFa to synthesize Mo Jinliang's voice in preparation for further treatment of Mo Ke. Zhang HongFa's wife divorced herself and, together with the two iron hands exposed her anti-bone and boredom, often took a few yellowed old photographs from the drawers in a daze. When she was in her teens, she was with her mother. Er YaTou visits Mo Kexin, Mo Kexin recalled his boyhood, vent his hatred of his father and family. After the treatment, Er YaTou special attention Mei QiuXue, this period of Mok Kexin's situation can be described as blowing bullets, must not give her any psychological hint, or else its danger. Zheng QianFang and Er YaTou Psychologically Attack on Synthetic Mo Jinliang's Voice Zhang HongFa, Zhang HongFa are upset. Zheng QianFang once again go to Qian Shuangquan father and son currently probing, and gradually discovered that the mysterious person's memorial is a regular find. Zhang HongFa drove to the Meijia villa and stood idly out of the window and looked at Mo Kexin, who shouted to kill her, some of whom were in tears. Long ZaiTian called Zheng QianFang and advised him to give up Zhang HongFa as early as possible, because Zhang HongFa is not the only one they are looking for, and they use words to stimulate and insult Zheng QianFang. Liu Chuang In the Night At the request of Zhang HongFa, Li Dongli and Li Lin were tied to the hills, buried alive, and the two panicked to tell the secret of Zhang HongFa and the two of them: more than a decade ago they were still doing When demolishing a small business, he killed a lone old man because of violent demolition ... Mok Kee insanity shouted to kill Zhang HongFa, Mei QiuXue intolerable, picked up the dagger in the living room and said he was going to Zhang HongFa's office stabbed Zhang HongFa, After anger, Mei QiuXue abandoned his knife and picked up a dagger. He took a taxi to Zhang HongFa's office and stabbed Zhang HongFa before the Criminal Police Force came to arrest Zhang HongFa. Emergency room, dying Zhang HongFa said Mo Kexin himself and his wife Wu Jinliang's illegitimate daughter ... ... Zhang HongFa's secret already untied, but Mo fire is still a puzzle. Er YaTou recalls Zheng QianFang quite touchingly on one thing before. We made a huge mistake and ignored the spiritual world of human beings. Zhang HongFa's spiritual world? Mo mental heart of the world? Long ZaiTian spiritual world?Still more in the spiritual world of Mei QiuXue you suspect, and even you and my spiritual world, how much do you know? To crack this huge mystery must go into their spiritual world, to find their spiritual wound, and then rip it! Zheng QianFang again received anonymous letter: Mr. shadow, really hard you! For some reason, this letter, which should have been issued, was not sent until today. I listened to the radio program from last time and learned that the rich people in this city began to prepare their needles to prove their innocence. From what I understood, some things were not explained to you at first because the expensive father and The culprit in the Mo family case was the two demon linked to each other, and the man who created the fire was the only relative of his family. In addition, please be sure to do so that no one knows my existence. A bystander. After reading the letter, Zheng QianFang suddenly realized that they found that the original five conditions, not a person, but the two associated. Mei QiuXue continue to receive Jinyu tapes, panic he pulled Qihai laugh to the shooting range to relax in the shooting range, Qi Hai laugh even an ordinary bloated and slowly stature, active in the range such as the Dragon Tiger ... All this is hidden by the side of Er YaTou dv shot down. Zheng QianFang finally found the missing informant, the informant turned out to be Gun DaoRou. At this time, Gun DaoRou was poisoned by being slaughtered by the white powder ghost tribe and Zheng QianFang guilty of tears sent him to the drug rehabilitation center. Mei QiuXue once again received the tape from Jinyu: Master Mei, you are well-intentioned and ah, so that the driver of the Marine Corps origin day and night do not leave you, to protect their own lives, you are wrong! You can only save your body, in fact, your spirit is already dead. A spirit long dead you, there is no need to plug a knife to his chest. So, Mei always has to live, you must continue to live, because you are a glory, because you are a great mother of the pioneering act, your glory is the spiritual world of the great mother of all. Just now, Ms. Jinyu, who lives forever in the wounds of your soul. Zheng QianFang started to investigate the family of Mei QiuXue and learned of Mei QiuXue's mother and younger brother. Zheng QianFang find QI Hai Qiao laugh about the family situation of Mei QiuXue, QI Hai unexpectedly informed Zheng QianFang, he is Mei QiuXue's younger brother, Mei QiuXue is his mother - Qi adopted mother son! The two met and aroused their memory of acquaintance. Qi Hai laughed at the initial image of Zheng QianFang: At that time, I was fortunate enough to witness the generality of the generals fighting on the battlefield and even made me Jingzhe is the general's son who exudes an exuberant momentum, I know that I will live forever in your spiritual shadow, a child grew up from the slums, will never be able to beat you ... Qi Hai laugh once again recall On the days of the Marine Corps, during an exercise, Zheng QianFang pushed Zheng QianFang out of a bomb due to the improper operation of Zheng QianFang which caused the bomb to explode in advance. As Zheng QianFang himself Came from generals, in order to become a hero ... Zheng QianFang Shen language:Cut open the soul, the world's most sorry frostbite is me, he handed over the door to happiness after all, of course, I only reap the only insatiable wounds. Qi Qiao laughs to find Mei QiuXue said he already felt Mei QiuXue already in danger, hoping to help his brother, Mei QiuXue said with a smile when you understand what the elephant invisible to help yourself well, and told him to hide the two Relationship, no matter what happens in the future, Qi Hai laugh, always to Mercedes-Benz Mei QiuXue big driver. Qi Bei laughs in the phone Ye Bei, hoping to get an invisible interpretation of the elephant, Ye Bei puzzled, found Er YaTou, an attempt to understand the meaning of the elephant invisible, Er YaTou listen, very shocked ... Long ZaiTian Telephone contact Mei QiuXue, To do a deal with him, while on the phone, Long ZaiTian heard the electromagnetic interference and realized that Mei QiuXue's phone was under surveillance. Mei QiuXue put down the phone and said wildly: Long ZaiTian Zheng QianFang, hey! Hey! Hey! You na - a painstaking! no good! Elephant invisible, the elephant invisible, you can not regret that invisible person, he is the devil of the spiritual world, he put me Mei QiuXue too thoroughly, he freely in my soul, he accurately handle my fatal Wound wounds, he wanted me to carry painfully alive wounds, is a real wound, either physical or mental, it is too huge, so I can not touch. When I think of it, it will force me to lower my proud head. Liu Chuang seized the hidden three-pole and sent him to a large-scale case. Gao Jing sent him to the drug rehabilitation center where Gun DaoRou was located. He attempted to use Gun DaoRou to conduct a continuous investigation of Samil-bin Tam. Long ZaiTian notified Mei QiuXue by letter, giving him half a day's time to give an "elephant invisible" hidden behind the puzzle, and confessed the secret of Mo's fire. Zheng QianFang asked Qi Hai for her cold things and talked about her sister Qi Rubing's suicide. She told reporters that no one has told his sister why he committed suicide. The mother told him that these are not what you should Ask, your task is to defend the motherland and protect the great achievements of reform and opening up. Mei QiuXue smuggled Qi Hai into the resort, barring him from meddling in his own affairs. Mei, Mei QiuXue face the sister's crying: ice, I'm sorry you ... ... Resort, Qi Hai laugh memories of childhood, in order to establish a brilliant mother image of the cold mother bias adoptive son Mei QiuXue, blame yourself Past, painful ... Liu Chuang clues to investigate Jinyu clues, through the visit, he found the real name Jade Tsui, a decade ago with the county Environmental Protection Agency Wu Meng have romance, and Wu Meng is suffering from neuropathy, after suicide , While Wu Mengzheng was working with colleagues from the working group at the Environmental Protection Agency ... taxi driver motor suddenly found his wife, ordered him to approach Liu Chuang and reported to Liu Chuang et al.Yellow lights, dizzy little living room, old wooden furniture, covered with all kinds of pennants and the award-winning plaque ... ... Qi Qi alone with a clean cloth, cherish the "top ten mothers" and "top ten Jay Female "brass medal, shining on the gray flag on the pennant, full of emotion and incomparable pride of color ... ... cold mother rubbed his face and said humming. Qi aunt: good and evil finally reported, but also God has eyes ah! Fortunately, I adopted the Meijia only child, or I can get so much glory so much face so much happy. As the saying goes: Mother stay chicken stay chicken legs, stepchick chicken stay chicken intestine, hum! I do not! I give a son to stay is fragrant chicken, natural son is eating rotten chicken intestine. Which mother can do to me? Pro-do not love, instead of pain to adopt, who can do? I! This is not! Foster son to earn face to face the old widow, this face make big! The director of the small water Yamen not as good as my old widow scenery, "Top Ten Outstanding Women", "Top Ten Mothers," What is this? what is this? This is equal to the ancient arch of chastity Zheng QianFang and Liu Chuang found the former director of the Environmental Protection Agency, Wu Meng learned before his death went to his house, Wu Meng once said that Mo Jinliang was killed, died in a conspiracy, The reason was that a chemical plant in the county had violated regulations and caught Mo Jinliang. The other side, because of huge economic interests, created a huge fire plot. At that time, everyone knew that Wu Meng was a neuropathy, so he did not take what he said seriously. Liu Chuang and Zheng QianFang found out that the most polluted area in the county, with an average annual incidence of cancer patients up to a dozen people in the village, the village saw the place, all the things Mei QiuXue donated things to build public facilities, people widely praised Is also the kind-hearted owner Mei ... ... After investigation, that Mei QiuXue had opened in the early years of chemical plants here, to foreign processing, and these products are particularly carcinogenic chemicals ... ... Zheng QianFang concluded: it is Mo Jinliang and Wu Meng discovered the secret, intended to organize the behavior of Mei QiuXue, under the great interests of Mei QiuXue chose to set fire ... Mei QiuXue to the resort and Qihai laugh happy things, memories of the past, and Qi Xiao Hai explain why they want to hide the relationship between the two, and gave him a huge sum of money, told him that once something happens, let him go with the cold mother away ... ... Mei QiuXue drunk after leaving the resort, not long after Zheng QianFang Qihai laughter received a phone call that Mei QiuXue disappeared, may be kidnapped. After the motor receives a mysterious message, he immediately opens the woman and hurries to drive out to stare at Er YaTou at the intersection. Er YaTou sees Song aunt at the market and picks a basket. She is a jade pendant ... Mei QiuXue was kidnapped and held by Long ZaiTian in a basement. Long ZaiTian interrogated Mei QiuXue: What did Er YaTou come from, and hurt Mei QiuXue with verbal assault on cold mother ... Long ZaiTian phone Ye Bei, Hope to hear from her Er ErTou identity and propose a plan to detect Er YaTou. Zheng QianFang, who also has a long history of Er YaTou, decided to give it a try. Through the test, Er YaTou finally confessed to the true identity:New York Police Department, the first psychology laboratory, police officers, Chinese name is Wendy Ya, alarm is ××××××. Three years ago graduated from Harvard Psychology Master, entered the police research institute. Er YaTou said: In any country, the construction of the police force takes precedence over the rest. It is a state machine, and the machine is also made up of people. If we want to build it, we must study the people who constitute it thoroughly . In particular, police personnel engaged in criminal investigation are more worthy of study. On the one hand, it is the high-intensity mental and physical exertion, while on the one hand there is a disproportionate amount of income that is paid at any time, the possibility of death at any moment, and even more horrifying the mental pollution. Under the sun all the Interpol are living in the gray area, because they have the most contact is a crime, the Chinese have an old saying is "near black", the long run in that kind of gray zone, over time, their mentality will change , So there is a special research institutes for the Criminal Police who pulse, from time to time to their psychological counseling, at the same time out of healing their recipe. What you must give them to maintain a psychological balance. What to give? honor! This is why all the Interpol under the sun value the medal very much. "Chinatown" is Wencheng Lin, carrying a song carrying aunt to visit Villa Er YaTou, and brought us a duck pot. When Wencheng Lin left, the motor drove all the way to a taxi. Basement, Long ZaiTian asked Mei QiuXue: Wen Cheng Lin is not the father of money, is not an invisible elephant ... ... Qi, Qi Hai laugh courage to go in, was Qi Qia meal shame, Qi Hai smiled ... Qi Hai laugh asked her sister as the cause of death of ice, Qimin actually exceptionally open, revealing many years of hidden secrets: to blame the ice itself, can not think of it. I have never thought of like ice actually like your brother, they both blind me, it is estimated that already good on the. After I heard that, my head is gone, wrongdoing ah! What is what with this ah ... If the ice really want to get married with your brother, became a home, you want to ah, what is the matter ... ... Although common sense is not a bad idea, but I always think it is not the case, your brother In my eyes is not an outsider, is my son, than his son to get close, he wants to become home with the ice, you say, what is that ... ... Long ZaiTian phone Zheng QianFang said he would kill Mei QiuXue . Zheng QianFang and Er YaTou, who puzzled, it is difficult to understand why in the past few years have never touched the blood of Long ZaiTian why kill Mei QiuXue. In the basement, Long ZaiTian untangles the fabric covered on Mei QiuXue's eyes. Mei QiuXue was surprised to see that the legendary Long ZaiTian turned out to be a big driver and his own wicked brother, Qi Hai! Qi Hai smiles for decades to suppress depression and anger, torture and complain of Mei QiuXue ... ... vent, Qi Hai laughed thought of the lonely, with Mei QiuXue as the spiritual pillar of the mother, decided to let go Mei QiuXue! "I do not want to let the retribution fall on the lady.Even though she devoted all her maternal love to you, I still hope she will enjoy her destiny and walk her journey of lonely life in his illusory glory." Er YaTou repeated With a video of Qi Hai's laughter, and through the memories of Zheng QianFang, began to suspect Qi Hai's smile was Long ZaiTian.Her speculation was negative by Zheng QianFang, Zheng QianFang think this speculation is impossible to set up. QIU Hai asked Mei QiuXue what the elephant is invisible, who may have been sending anonymous mail to inform intelligence Mei QiuXue smile not say, just kept saying that the elephant invisible is a master of all people Wounds and spirit of the terrible person ... ... Mei QiuXue committed suicide, carrying more than billions of wealth and life's confession died. What he has left behind is an invisible infinite fear of the elephant: the invisible behind the elephant is the godfather of wealth and spirits, and he is wise to realize his superiority. He had pierced the essence of money long ago, he had penetrated the weakness of humanity. He made me his servant through money, and of course, the great man who was captured by him in this city was like me. He captures us is money, ultimately saving him is money, this is the magical power of money. To tell the truth, in fact, I am just a virtual billionaire, the real richest man is not me. Qian Shuangquan did not make a mistake, and nearly half of the wealth in this city is him. He is rich enough to let God give way to him. You and Zheng QianFang can not defeat him. All of you have a devil in your heart , Is a greedy desires devil, there is a wound in everyone's soul, no one need to feel for others, because when the end of life will naturally have to accept the foot of the loess, there are those who grow as repentant trees companion. In the basement, Qihai laughs with the motor, Qi Hai laughs from Mei QiuXue mouth that the elephant holds half of the wealth of Shifang City, the assets reached 10 billion, while the city's few rich together, you can reach hundreds Billion Assets Qihai laugh let the motor to investigate several large group companies in the city to see who owns most of their shares in which hands. Jinyu accidental appearance, she unconscious, abandoned in the vegetable fields, the body is always traces of the injection of drugs leave, Interpol sent to send people to detoxification. Qi Qian, Zheng QianFang, Liu Chuang, Er YaTou Several people gathered together to synthesize what happened before. They realized that some of them had been constantly revealing information to the elephants. The elephants seemed to walk forever in them Front, but after thinking, can not determine who in the end who revealed the information ...... Er YaTou psychological hotline suddenly received a strange call, several calls are talking about their sad love, a strange woman's phone so Peiyu miss Dead mother ... ... motor and Qihai laugh survey: Elephant Group, Xinyuan Real Estate Development Company, Vimy Pharmaceutical Group, Hongshan Textile Group shares are you in me, I have you, layman simply can not see In the end these shares in the end grasp in the hands of what people, desperation, Qi Hai laughed, this information to the Interpol team, the use of their public office and professional to verify the ownership of the shares. Zheng QianFang and Liu Chuang squatted in the cemetery of Qian Shuangquan's father and mother, awaiting the arrival of those who paid homage to the Buddha. Er YaTou asked Aunt Song, who for so many years did not know why her mother died and her mother's death left a hard-closing wound in her heart, but Aunt Song did not say it.Tramp wake up, Zheng QianFang et al. With him to identify behind the scenes the Lord made him, in the farmer's market, tramps recognize the figure behind the scenes, Zheng QianFang et al. Zheng QianFang et al determined that Wencheng Lin was most likely an invisible elephant. Although it was impossible to reconcile this enigmatic figure with a small old man in front of him, all the evidence seemed to point to Wen Cheng-lin. Recall the coincidence happened before, Zheng QianFang speculated that the taxi driver motor may be Long ZaiTian. Er YaTou finds Ye Bei chatting about his mother's death, telling his boyhood, his father's fortune and the confusion over his mother's death ... Wen Cheng Lin, Er YaTou once again asked his father's mother's death, Wen Cheng Lin just In the face of an invisible plaque written in a daze ... ... mysterious woman repeatedly called to talk about their own experiences, her story gradually Er YaTou into their own lives. Finally one day, the mysterious woman said his name - Xie Lan Yin, nicknamed Sangu. And admits that she is the money and the mother ... ... Xie Lan Yin living in the highest and most luxurious residence in Shifang City, Wencheng Lin came to visit her, chatting about his use of several major groups to capitalize on the operation of the chain ...... City Bureau of Interpol, police The officers detected about 80% of the shares in the four major group companies in Shifang City, which means that nearly 12 billion yuan of funds are in the hands of one of the leading American Avenue companies, and the owner of the company turned out to be Wendy Ya! The person who took the place of holding and operation was the son of the party secretary of Shifang City. Taking into account this situation, the Council decided to ask the superior after the action. Er YaTou found Xie Lan Yin, Xie Lan Yin told her about her mother's death, her relationship with Wen Cheng Lin, paternity, and Wen Cheng Lin is full control of the game ... ... by telephone records, etc., Zheng QianFang found mail anonymous letter Turned out to be Song aunt, they visit Song aunt, Song aunt even admitted very frankly to them about a miserable love story, and that the hero of the story is Xie Lan Yin and Wen Chenglin ... ... Xie Lan Yin and Wendia tears, pay homage to small money After that, they returned to Xie Lan Yin's residence, but at this time Zheng QianFang and Song aunt and others also came here waiting for them. Xie Lainin obsessed watching the room 28 sets of gorgeous wedding dress, so Song Yi help choose to put on a piece of tail jade to Wendy Ya, smiling and leaping down as many as tens of floors of the building ... ... Zheng QianFang intention Comfort Er YaTou, Er YaTou just joking smile, "In fact, the need to comfort not me, but we are in this era .Nothing wrong, change is inevitable.When the great China by a thousand almost overnight Years of farming culture, the transition to the era of great business, will certainly change out of character, the wake of the wake-up, the numbness will remain numb, the confusion will be confused, in short, everything is changing. Become monotonous, there is a word - money.In the fourteen years since I left the motherland, I came back in two hurdles but all came in a hurry. Only this time happened to you, I came into contact with the concept of Long ZaiTian and further collided with the money and the money. A huge mystery snatched cocoon, we saw what? We saw the original faces of so-called billionaires. From Zhang Xiuchen onwards, to the so-called wealthy Mei QiuXue, the most mysterious thing is that during this period the city's billionaires carry disposable syringes with them to prove that they have nothing to do with money. Why should the billionaires fear that? Because their hearts are extremely weak, they fear the sunshine and fear the forces of justice. In this environment, it is normal for an elephant to appear invisible. It should be noted that the elephant is his father invisible, his behavior is despicable, and his soul is evil. I will not defend him because he is my father, but he will still be my father. I can What is done is to be shunned so that he may receive the judgment of the world. I do not think I am noble, just know how to distinguish between good and evil nothing more ... Er YaTou chose to leave, as she was about to leave, Qi Hai laugh jade will hand jade hands to her, and the tail phoenix jade synthesis is a pair . Qi Hai laugh to Er YaTou talk about the pain hiding in their hearts, want her help to get rid of demons, Er YaTou as a psychiatrist advised Qi Hai laugh: take the initiative to stand up as Long ZaiTian, ​​you defeated the control Your demons, and then get the liberation of the soul. Er YaTou mouth remembered the words, Qi Hai laugh Honda cars, rapid driving, and gradually disappear in the midst of the night. Ye Bei in her new home has a wedding at home and is looking forward to the return of Zheng QianFang, thinking of starting a new life with Zheng QianFang, starting her normal life and enjoying her life as a woman. Qi Hai laugh to express objects, two sweaters. One is a dark gray sweater for men and the other is a pink, sweater for women. There is also a happy bouquet of the third anniversary of the wedding, plus a military boots, just Zheng QianFang that it is only a pair of hands. At this point the phone rang: Hello host! I am Long ZaiTian. If you remember correctly, tonight should be the third anniversary of your marriage, here I would like to bless you. Long ZaiTian has been tired, he was suffering, he wanted to relieve, he is waiting for you, invited to the suburbs West Sanzhuang flowers and trees base. Ye Bei flirtatiously came to the base of flowers and trees, she always could not believe that in front of this often sweater, wipe the car, to change gas, through the sewer driver, Zheng QianFang best friend, turned out to be her husband away from her hands Long ZaiTian who takes his own life ... An upcoming train is parked on the platform. Qi Hai wore a camouflage uniforms that year's Marine Corps, carrying a camouflage large luggage, holding train tickets, sandwiched between passengers, is the ticket, boarded the train ... ... Ye Bei home, Zheng QianFang looked military boots in a daze. The candle on the small table is gone. Zheng QianFang lying on the table, writing to stay ... ... "Bei, for your happiness, but also because of my happiness, please cool, I can only choose to go to life in the most ardent place to find Back to me before the injury.Zheng QianFang, the day of departure. Zheng QianFang has been wearing military camouflage pants and high cylinder boots, upper body is wearing the same blue and white navy shirt, he put on the camouflage outfit, back camouflage line, picked up Ye Bei sat alone on the small table with Zheng QianFang's note in his hand Ye Bei lit the candle and she lit the stick and placed it in the glass of wine in front of her, The "bride" flower, put into the wine glass in front of them, and later she put that flower "groom" flower into the opposite glass, lit ... ... Xie Lan Yin home where the dark, then Twenty-seven white wedding gowns are still dancing in the wind Ye Bei standing in front of the large glass curtain wall, staring at the city night ... Empty shot: the classic European clock is ringing. Display: midnight at midnight. Empty shots: a huge, brilliant, colorful stream of night city night ... ... Ye Bei Voiceover: Beijing at twenty-four in the dead of night, similar to the Radio Station in Shifang City art stage, large Variety live show Money is not money "to enter on time.I am your old friend, host" heart chicken soup. "First of all, we are not part of the rich, we are concerned about things other than money.Autumn: A few months later, the United States Boulevard International Investment Corporation Miss Wendia, a legal entity, donated all its assets to Shifang City, amounting to nearly 10 billion yuan, and Wen Shulin released her four-bird cage from her death in that ordinary little courtyard house.

conquer (TV)[2003]

Feature: After investigating a group of black gang members who crossed Heng Hsiang, police learned that conquering the stills took the head of the gang of black forces in the vicinity of North Qilu. Liu HuaWen, Liu HuaWen's younger brother, was recently seriously wounded, For another triad, Feng Biao, Liu HuaWen remained silent while investigating Liu HuaWen. At this time, Liu HuaQiang had been absconded for hurting others two years ago. Feng Biao was also After Wu Tian was killed and fled the city, Xu GuoQing made Liu HuaQiang a priority and started hunt down. At this moment, in the suburban song and dance hall in front of Song YunLai commonly known as the Song Tiger was shot in the same way. Song YunLai is a famous local underworld figure, one of the only remaining members of the dark forces who started his own career in the seventies of the city. He just released his sentence to concentrate on playing in the dance halls and never stopped talking about things in rivers and lakes. Wu Tian and Song YunLai heard each other, but without any contact. And the two have the meaning of retirement in the past two years, many of them are a few years ago. According to the investigation, Wu Tian and Song YunLai fought with Liu HuaQiang and Liu HuaWen, Liu HuaQiang's younger brother, had been wounded and had sneaked back to the city. Xu GuoQing is keenly aware that Liu HuaQiang is gradually implementing his plan of revenge while he continues to investigate and control the other side. As Xu GuoQing expected, Liu HuaQiang and his mistress Li Mei, two young killers rented in a district, peeped the police action and continued the long-awaited revenge plan. The pursuit of police and anti-chase between the police, revenge and prevent revenge from the contest.

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