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Roy Chiu TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Roy Chiu Works 24 ,And Romance 13 ,Comedy 5 ,Feature 5 ,Suspense 2 ,Youth drama 2 ,Motivational film 2 ,推理1 ,Action 1 ,Urban drama 1 ,Family drama 1 ,Workplace film 1 ,轻喜剧1 ,Urban emotion 1 ,单元剧1 ,Modern opera 1 ,内地都市言情剧1 ,Contemporary film 1 ,Business War 1 ,Idol drama 1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Terror 1 ,Sports 1 ,Short 1 。

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Roy Chiu Filmography(24)


唐人街探案3 (Movie)[2021]


继曼谷、纽约之后,东京再出大案。唐人街神探 Tang Ren 、 Qin Feng 受侦探 Ye TianHao 的邀请前往破案。“CRIMASTER世界侦探排行榜”中的侦探们闻讯后也齐聚东京,加入挑战,而排名第一Q的现身,让这个大案更加扑朔迷离,一场亚洲最强神探之间的较量即将爆笑展开。


唐人街探案 (TV)[2020]


光怪陆离的泰国,接连发生多起奇异的案件,“唐人街第一神探” Tang Ren 的徒弟 Lin Mo ,野田昊的弟弟 Ye TianHaoEr ,纷纷陷入探案的谜团之中。死者妻子IVY、酒吧歌手 A Wen 、五大灵童战队成员 Lu JingJing 、初出茅庐的女警 Sa Sha 也悉数登场,错综复杂的线索背后,藏于黑暗的真相正慢慢浮出水面 。


幸福一家人 (TV)[2018]


《幸福一家人》讲述了单亲爸爸 Fang YongFu 和守寡妹妹永芬扶养三儿女长大,但三儿女却越来越无视他这个老爸的存在,且越发不尊重姑姑。大女儿 Fang TianXin 作为大集团总裁秘书长,重视总裁比自己父亲更多,在和总裁儿子 Wang Shuo 的争锋相对中成为欢喜冤家,最后走在一起;大儿子 Fang TianYi 作为医生原本是父亲的骄傲,但他却越发瞧不起经营小面店的父亲,为谋高升娶了院长女儿,最终被妻子的爱感化;小儿子 Fang XiaoLong 最不成气,事业无成偏偏情路春风得意,最后为爱承担起责任,成为父亲面店的继承者。 Fang YongFu 在得知自己患癌,生命只剩下三个月的时候,自责儿女们日趋自私,不懂感恩的个性是自己养育的失败,于是下定决心向子女提起“不孝诉讼”。父亲是希望借助法律的力量唤醒孩子们真正懂得尊重家人,这也是他能送给子女最后的礼物。最后,儿女们都学会了尊重和感恩,也陪伴父亲度过最后的美好时光 。

《幸福一家人》是由 Li-Chun Lee 、 Tianlin Zhai 、 Jie Dong 主演的都市情感剧。

Because it's family (TV)[2018]


"Because I'm family" tells the story of Fang TianXin's successful career as chief secretary to the chairman of the jiangong group, which came to an abrupt end after Wang Shuo parachuted in. Tianxin was misunderstood and had an affair with the chairman, so under the deliberate action of Wang Shuo, the two became new working partners, while Wang Shuo intended to keep her close watch and close surveillance, tianxin naturally rose up against. A love match between the wheat and the needle began. Meanwhile, Fang TianYi, the family's eldest son, and Fang XiaoLong, the younger son, are also experiencing their own emotional tests. While the three were struggling, they unexpectedly received a special "gift" from their father. Has been put up adult single parent to raise a child Fang YongFu, deep remorse children's indifference and selfishness in the final analysis is the result of their parenting failure, and so on the final journey of life, he will choose the child, on the last day for the children "love education", this is their final gift, the relationship between the two generation to comb again.


Let me understand your language (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Let me understand your language" tells the story of Xu HaoNing (Roy Chiu), a Shanghai second-generation youth who graduated from university and went abroad for two years. In order to avoid the troubles he caused and his father's reproach, he alone came to Xishuangbanna Defending former girlfriend Zhang MeiJia and brother Zhang ZeShang, he met the pure Dai girl Yu Bo and his son Yan Long and was deeply attracted by the vast tropical rainforests of Xishuangbanna, the ancient Dai villages and the kind Dai people And fell in love with Yu Bo. However, Yu Bo and Yan Long had booked baby dolls at an early age, and Yan Long was also relieved of his own kindness, feeling entangled among his brothers. At this point, always wanted to reunite with Xu HaoNing good ex-girlfriend Zhang MeiJia, Yuan Yi-hsiung are all kinds of obstruction Xu HaoNing, Yu Bo two contacts. The play is dominated by the love of Xu HaoNing and Dai girl Yu Bo. Returning from overseas study, Hao Ning came to Xishuangbanna to start his own business, and eventually paid huge sums of compensation to seek for the protection of the original ecology of Xishuangbanna. Road, and fell in love with Yu Bo, devoted themselves to the Dai Zhai and rainforests, the story of rare animal protection, showing the love of Xishuangbanna's hometown landscapes, the pursuit of ideal life, the ecological concept of protecting nature, national harmony Development of the good wishes. Taiwan popular actor Roy Chiu plays the male lead in the play, interpreting a wealthy second generation in order to avoid their troubles and father's blame came to Xishuangbanna, the pure Dai girl Yu Bo at first sight, but also with the Dai guy Yan Long by Lovers become good brothers, harvest love, friendship and career story. Roy Chiu said: "From the Dai people in this drama, I saw the simplest power. I have started to fall in love with this precious land and colorful ethnic culture in Xishuangbanna." Once With sweet and fresh temperament popular network, much like the majority of users People also ask, play the female number one Yu Bo in the play. In order to be able to integrate with the character Yu Bo, she entered the crew ahead of schedule and went to bed with a Dai girl in Dai Village to experience firsthand the life of Dai women. She said: "How many colors are there in the forest? How many colors are there in the skirts of a Dai girl? Here, I read the Dai girl in the language of nature, read the peacocks, read the elephants, and read Know the magical beauty of Xishuangbanna. "Lee Chun-kwan plays a passionate Dai girl according to the single. From an early age to love dancing, in an accidental performance, met his sweetheart, knowing each other in love. However, according to the law in the pursuit of love in the process of twists and turns, let her become scarred, gradually mature.

Rolling Stones love story (TV)[2016]

Feature: Everyone's crush on life, first love, love, romance, there is an exclusive theme song. Triggered by the classic love songs stills, said contemporary love story is the characteristics of these twenty stories. Different types of love (youth campus, social mature men and women, Jiedi love, old and young love, etc.), in the story to show the pulse of life in contemporary society, emotional outlook, a new generation of values. Classic love songs once for everyone to bring salvation and healing power of these twenty plays, to re-examine each person's love may encounter stumble, give positive support for those on the edge of lost lovers to give warmth & nbsp; .

AnAccidentalShotofLove (Movie)[2015]

Feature: In a blind date, Lan Tian (Hongjie Ni) was a webcast and was accidentally diagnosed as pregnant by Roy Chiu, an obscure obstetrics and gynecologist. The child's father, Huang Dou (Entai Yu), a young actor, has now parted, with Huang Dou and a girl named Ju Zi (Zhao Wenqi) coming together. Huang Dou, who was born and raised, was determined to take responsibility for the news of Lan Tian's pregnancy. He left Ju Zi and returned to Lan Tian's side. The two men temporarily incapable of raising the child decided to destroy their children, but the accident was over Lan Tian hesitated. When Huang Dou learned that the crystallization of love between two people was still waiting for Lan Tian's belly, he decided to walk down well with Lan Tian. However, at this juncture, accidents and troubles came one after another, Lan Tian disappeared, overwhelmed Huang Dou do not know where to go.

RomanceOutOfTheBlue (Movie)[2015]

Feature: The new stewardess, Sha Sha (Xiaotong Guan), was very much awaited with a bit of nervousness about the upcoming mission. On the plane, she inadvertently offended a man named Lin ZiDa (Xia Yu decorated). Lin ZiDa has a handsome handsome appearance and extravagance to do the pie, is a typical diamond bachelor. What is more valuable is that he is very considerate and kindhearted. With the passage of time, Sha Sha and Lin ZiDa attract each other and have a sincere feeling. The unbelievable crew chief Bai JingJing (Zi Liu), romantic director Hu YingJun (Roy Chiu), astute flight attendants Jia SiWen (Cui Baoyue) and the famous star You Li (Left stand), small In the small cabin, the men and women with very different personalities have had a violent collision and what kind of comic whirlwind will be induced?

Luxury era (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Age of Luxury" is a theme of a youth idol drama that tells the story of the rich second generation in love and after marriage, bringing you endless joy and heartache.

Cold love love (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Cold Love" tells the story of Chen Ming, a long-time manager of a sudden stroke in the coastal city of Nanchuan, a foreign-funded company that owns the Down Group. The Group took control and the group was precarious. Down's love love boot photo Tang Na hurriedly boarded the returned aircraft, a medical doctor called Liang XiaoDong vagrant into her life, more unexpectedly became a security guard under her. The huge dislocation of identity and role of the two in the coincidence of conflict, misunderstanding again and again. Chen Ming is determined to make the ultimate dismemberment of the group by using Tang Na's helplessness. Using Liang XiaoDong to contain Tang Na is a part of his plan. Yang Dukang Mike, God count the Finance Lotus, the old pimple Iron Uncle, Hacker witch Xiaoqi and other people have attempted to debut, the situation is more complicated. Liang XiaoDong and Tang Na had to attract mutual exclusion and suspicious side by side. With love and affection, career and moral tests, the two eventually came together.

Du QiHua girl (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Du QiHua gave up the happiness she deserved to support her family and did not live a life as a young man after a while. She is not very clever and not highly educated, but fortunately her optimism, hard working. As she grows older, Du QiHua is about to step into the thirty-year-old female left-behind army. However, her selfish Du family does not consider her lifelong happiness. She would not mind her being an old girl for the sole purpose of making money at home. Incompetent and confused father owed more debt, stepmother asked the family to hire a nanny, my brother dreams to act as an actor. QI spend those pitiful salaries simply can not meet these "vampire", she had to hide the money to hide. Fortunately, good Qi hit the fallen Li Feng Feng prince, a reluctant to take over his father and only want to do the doctor's wealthy second generation, in the bumpy joy lovers found each other's strengths, they face together A lot of difficulties, and ultimately all who are not optimistic about them bless them.


Feature: Working girl Lin Xuan went to Shenzhen to search for Zhao Xi, only to find Zhao Xi and wine giant alone Shen YiMan together. Lin Xuan was inadvertently involved in the battle of Shen YiMan and the photo-mother Dan Li's liquor agency. Lin Xuan met with Shen ZiMan's cousin Shen ZiHao. Shen ZiHao was kind-hearted. He helped Lin Xuan stay in Shenzhen and indirectly made Lin Xuan an employee in Dan Li's winery. Shen ZiHao went bankrupt while Lin Xuan became a top sommelier. Lin Xuan and Shen ZiHao share their passion in helping Shen ZiHao. Zhao Xi and Shen YiMan have a marriage change. Dan Li was caught in jail by Shen YiMan. Lin Xuan, reluctantly turned to Shen YiMan, took an indictment to try to erase Dan Li. Finally, Shen YiMan found the truth of his father's death, repentance and decided to surrender.

I'm fine just you don't know (TV)[2014]


The TV series “I'm fine but you don’t know”, also known as Du QiHua Girl, introduces the story: Du QiHua gave up the joy he had to support his family and he hadn’t had a day as a young man’s life. She is not very smart and does not learn Du Qi Huaa girl photo calendar. Fortunately, she is strong and happy, and works hard. With age, Du QiHua is about to step into the 30-year-old woman army. However, the selfish Du family did not consider her lifelong happiness. She wished that she would be an old girl only to make money for her family. The more incompetent and confused father’s debt, the more he owes more, the stepmother asked the family to hire a babysitter and the younger brother dreamed of being an actor. The pitiful wages earned by Qi Qi could not satisfy the group of 'vampires'. She had to hide the money to hide it. Fortunately, Qi Qi encountered Li Feng, the prince of the disaster, a wealthy second generation who did not want to take over his father’s company and only wanted to be a doctor. In the encounter, the happy family discovered their advantages and they faced each other. There are many difficulties. In the end, all those who are not optimistic about them are blessing them.


MissRose (TV)[2012]

Feature: A kind of woman, the appearance of ordinary humble, because over 30 years, the desire for the future of the target began to become blurred, and we call her "Miss screw." Luo SiYi (Megan Lai ornaments), she never thought he would become a screw lady, hurt thinking so decided to bury his head, in the light of the LED company Secretary from the young to do a senior secretary, no longer have expectations of love and the future Only hope that everything is safe. Under the crowd's intimidation, Steven decided to follow his friend Zhong XiaoKe's instigation and seek for supernatural power. He did not expect the fortune-teller Lili to insist that his character was far away from the earthly world. According to photos, the next sharing of love will be a century of chaos. Stager could not stand this humiliation, giving Lili a million-dollar bets as Lili did not get married within a year. If married, please Lili wedding day, big pole dance. However, the love has not been negotiated, the work of the first out of the situation. When Miss Screws is to be married to workday, Gao ChengKuan (Roy Chiu) announces to the public that she is the newly appointed Deputy Chief Executive. Thought instrument did not expect previously encountered unlucky actually new vice president. Thinking incredible look at the prime minister, but I do not know the name of another prime minister abacus. Dong ShiZhang Jiang ChuLian Xiang Zhong Cheng Cheng as a successor, I hope the prime minister and married baby Wei Jiang WeiAn. The final test of Chu-cheng to Chu-chuen was to showcase Checheng's strength and strength. Prime Minister found that thinking is an available talent, all kinds of close to thinking, so think of heart elated. What will happen to Zenit? Celestial bravery once again for the true love adventure? Regardless of the conclusion first, the screwdriver prophecy of the goddess screwdriver in the mouth of a screwdriver started long ago.

Summer home three thousand gold (TV)[2011]

Feature: Xia ZhengSong and Yu Jing married for thirty years, having two stills, family harmony. But as daughters step into marriage age, parenting troubles ensue. The eldest daughter, Yu He, met his favorite object, Chingtien, but his girlfriend, who was already a childhood sweetheart, was really innocent and was firmly opposed to her daughter's involvement in the emotional relationship of others. Rainie hoped to have the freedom to pursue true love and conflicts between her father and daughter. Little daughter summer love also encountered difficulties. As a father, shengzong soothe the wounded summer, while earnestly persuading the rain to return to the brink of closure, and her marriage is gradually falling into crisis. Heavy wave hit, with the help of his father is loose, the daughters finally put aside all resentment and estrangement, lovers get married, the family reunited.

The love is waking up (TV)[2011]

Feature: Liu XiaoBei (Tiffany Tang) is the musician's dream of round peach Lee children's school. She enrolled in "My Princess" organized by Heriot-Watt Group and woke up the drama with the aim of winning only one prize. Piano, music teacher in Tao Li Primary School. Liu XiaoBei's performance was endorsed by judges and audience. Only objection Mu ZhiQing (Qi Wei), wife of Xiang TianQi (Roy Chiu), general manager of Hermes Group. Xiang TianQi was plotted for memory by Chou Yan (James Wen), thanks to Liu XiaoBei's rescue, and named him Liu Fish. Their romantic time did not last long, and Xiang TianQi, who recovered his memory, quickly forgot the previous What happened. Returning to reality, Xiang TianQi and Mu ZhiQing are about to marry, leaving Sadly Rui Wen (Jones Xu), Mu Hsing song singer. Xiang TianQi To demolish peach Lee Village, would like to build a resort, Beckham advised him not to do this short-sighted action, a moment, once the memory of the influx of Xiang TianQi mind & nbsp ;.

The girl in blue (TV)[2010]

Feature: Female student You JiaQi and Meng HePing met, fall in love, but Meng HePing "good dream" stills mothers firmly opposed. Meng HePing proposed to break up, Meng HePing angrily went abroad. Ruan ZhengDong, a rich family member who met during the festival, was accidentally hospitalized and went to visit during the good times and reunited with Meng HePing at the hospital. The original Meng HePing is Ruan ZhengDong's hair small. In order to avoid Meng HePing re-emergence of the pain brought by, and Ruan ZhengDong beautiful dealings. Ruan ZhengDong sudden stomach spasm admitted to the hospital, even found out is advanced gastric cancer. He was determined to complete Meng HePing and best sellers and chose to quietly leave. Good times began to find hard to find whereabouts of Ruan ZhengDong. The festival finally found Ruan ZhengDong and told him that she had fallen in love with him. Zhengdong knew he was running out of time and wanted him to help him recover a set of properties that had a memorable value for him. Good times to the destination, found that Zhengdong to her, she has been eager to get back the old house keys. Good times to open the door, see the table has the east of the note: "good times, and finally until you go home." East. "You JiaQi tightly holding the note, burst into tears.

Ghost Story (TV)[2010]

Feature: "Painting wall" stills "Strange Stairway" Storms night, Lanruo temple suddenly appeared two painting fox demon desperate help to send three paintings after the wall collapsed, Su Ning and Zhu XiaoLian with a newborn child back world. Meng LongTan and Meng Fan stay together in the painting wall. Qing Shui one in order to eliminate Hei ShanLaoYao, two in order to draw the imaginary wife and daughter of the wall, return to stay in the painting wall. Pan XueMei, a girlfriend of Liaozhai Samume Girl, was killed in death by Wang ZhengXiong, an altar of history. Tears of death caused the death of a mortified demon. Although Pan XueMei was able to reincarnate after her death, she was not willing to kill Wang ZhengXiong nor was she still living in the Pan family. Twenty years later, scholar Feng YunTing was admitted to Panjiayuan on his way home, fell in love with Pan XueMei and helped to fulfill his wish. Pan XueMei instructed Feng YunTing to find the one who casts his baby and renews the unfinished relationship. Who would like to muddy bullies Tim disaster, so that the two romance twists and turns. Fortunately, evil is positive, lovers get married. "Jiangcheng" stills "Gossip Sanjiang City" Jiangcheng adolescent orphan Lin Feng, a day in the mountains next to save a wounded rabbit, and bring it home treatment, and then released after injury, since then, rabbits Often take the initiative to appear accompanied by juvenile, so happy lonely Raymond, but good long-term, one day, the white rabbit was killed in the python, Raymond see the case will be shot dead, but the rabbit has died. Decades later, the former juvenile reincarnation, experience the hardships of Jiang and Gao Fan restored a sweet and loving life. Bai QiuLian about trains Bai QiuLian Bai QiuLian about the trader's son Mu ChanGong tragically childhood Tong XiaoMei refused to marry his family to avoid the evil, the road occasionally rejected the Long TaiZi sturgeon Bai QiuLian engagement, the two fell in love. Mu ChanGong did not know Bai QiuLian actually fish essence, until Long TaiZi et al. However, Bai QiuLian was moved by Mu ChanGong's belief that both parties decided to live together. However, Long TaiZi's chase, the family's succession have failed to make romance repeated hardships, and ultimately one person a demon, overcome all difficulties, forever dependents. Geng Niang, who died in the tragedy of the "Bai QiuLian" stills, "Goshang Giang," touched the bottom of the lake at the moment of death and eventually passed away Geng Niang's husband, On the other hand, the brother of the enemy is reporting revenge on Geng Niang after he learned the magic and Geng Niang knows that the deadline has finally expired. When Geng Niang's husband passed away, Geng Niang endured the pain of death Black Dragon avatar. "Gong Zhai Gong SunJiuNiang" Xian Ling Hu XiaoTian relied on the official fish and meat villains, in seven with the division sister Gong SunJiuNiang organized rival protest, both died in a heroic sacrifice, scholar Du HuaiSheng went to friend Zhu Kang about Laiyang, but mistaken Black shop, insurance was killed, was a woman saved, it is Gong SunJiuNiang, heroic sacrifice in the anti-riot operation, is still running Xiaoyongyi justice, to set a vicious Hu XiaoTian death, killing people, Du HuaiSheng to Zhu At Kang's office, she noticed that Zhu Kang had gone to find her friend's death in order to find her friend Zhu Family, which happened to have hit her own Gong SunJiuNiang. Later, they started to make frequent contact with each other and staged a ghost scene Unpredictable story.

L-O-V-E (Movie)[2009]

Feature: An elderly mother sitting quietly on the couch and bowed his head, and suddenly the phone rang, the mother picked it up, the phone was actually dead son of seven years, his son to take care of her mother, appointment to avoid the next day to call Japan go home . Originally Aged seven years ago, A Zheng happened to be suffering from terminal illness in the hospital. When A Road found that their voices were abnormally similar, the growing number begged A Zheng to plead A Zheng after he passed away. Call home, so lonely mothers do not have short search for ideas. For seven years, A Zheng has been carrying on this task. However, A Zheng, who is facing a major operation, has also recorded his own voice on the Internet, hoping to be as fortunate as Alu to find people who are very much like his own voice in order to protect his lover. A coincidence, in the famous art district in Taiwan, "Huashan" as commentator heart You, became the young singer Lens (ornaments) MV actress, but the director is precisely Lan Cheng-lung. Encounter again, the heart put a long time do not know the dragon is the expression, and before and after the lens with me and Lens Qingqing me. Heart leisurely attitude, forcing the dragon is finally intolerable, took out a photo of two people, revealing the couple's former relationship. At this point, Xin heart suddenly face full of tears, pull out crazy run, so that everyone is very puzzled. Originally, the two used to be a pair of sweet lovers, just because of the relationship between the two countries, the two quarrel, heart out of a car accident, impaired forehead, selective amnesia, for her, the sweetest and most painful VINS I deleted it from my memory After all the big white, the two decided to start this love again. Better ambitious stuntman and Kong Jie's girlfriend is working in the Cold War, so much that they fell in love, as it has been hurt each other. Once, Nguyen to go out to deal with a high-speed dodge stunt scene, they quarrel again, his girlfriend stormed away, Nguyen hurt the left hand more. Nguyen sitting in the driver's seat, take a look at his left hand is aching, and then start racing high-speed forward. Suddenly a man broke into his lane, he immediately brakes, the car issued a sharp and sharp brakes. He punched the man to get off a punch, while picking up the phone call his girlfriend's number, but did not respond. He ignored the work of the scene and drove the motorcycle to the airport, hoping to have time to say sorry to her. Running wildly along the road, he finally admitted that she was a girl equal to the rest of the world. An ugly and unhealthy girl fell in love every day, and finally one day she received instructions from a numerologist telling her she would meet six men who dialed the sea and the sixth would be her Real life son. She really encountered in the road every day really touched five handsome guy who sent the sea, although they are handsome, but each always have shortcomings or flaws, prohibitive. When five Liu Hai men passed, she was looking forward to the sixth finally appeared. She is full of joy that she found the real life of the Son, but missed the most important decision in life. He ran to her, and both hugged and kissed.

WoodySambo (TV)[2008]

Feature: Invincible Shan Po Shan Shan Po childhood wish is to want to talk about a sweet love, after marry as a wife, shame on the whole chard ashamed, but unscrupulous Shanbu efforts to hide the charcuterie flavor and strange power, continue to love forward, But the object is always because of the discovery of astonishing divine power and covered with cheese taste and scared away. Susan was extremely troubled by this, life volunteer let "Guangji" collapse, from far away from pork, but because it was shot a "horror roasted meat shop" movie is teasing "Chestnut." Since then, Shan Po life need to overcome one more difficulty. Shantou to be the first love lover Amin abandoned Sambo gave way to a young boy, but was kidnapped, hungry, "Tien Hsiang House" a small open Sun enemies, after many years met two met, but has become A pair of lovers. Because the first encounter misunderstanding, making Shantao believes that the only green is the only one who does not mind the body with the charcuterie taste and biceps real life, that only green have a good impression on their own, not only for the performance of different people only show the way of love, More on the only pay unconditionally. But for the only green, Sapphire is only a crazy Fans. Not really like Shanbao, although the only green is not good for Shanbao, but Shanbao still journeying for him, because she thinks it is true love. There is a different logic from ordinary people. Although it is absolutely sincere, it often makes people weird by making strange and extreme actions. It makes life a joke, but it keeps wiping away tears forever.

WindWarrior (TV)[2005]

Feature: An unnamed soldier, Yang MuFeng, who carries the stigma of his father as a murderer, has just conquered the school's taekwondo during the first week of his college exam, setting off a whirlwind on the campus. A series of clashes between Yang MuFeng and university Taekwondo members led Yang MuFeng to oppose Taekwondo, and Wei TingJun, the national-level Taekwondo president, was shocked by the awesomeness of Yang MuFeng's Taekwondo and tried his best to win over Yang MuFeng Joined Taekwondo, between the two, to develop a friendship also Yizhuyou. Lao Yang just released from prison received a notice from the school, I do not know his son was only for his own reputation before the shot, actually denounce Mu wind, and repeated tricks forbid him to join the Taekwonsun or participate in any competition. Father and son caught between the tension, and Mu wind do not know, behind the father's blessing actually hidden some unwanted secret and pain. People involved in the whole process also have a small building, originally she accidentally detonated the two made the conflict. To this end, she became the enemy with Mu wind, they often meet each other on a narrow road, the battle is constantly. However, at the time of their confrontation reached their peak, they actually found themselves in astonishment, each other as a lover of childhood in their hearts. For a time, the past two sweet scenes overturned my mind, in a "wind will dance place." Rejuvenation, Mu wind with the settlement after the reunification of the plot, the two again set his affection. However, this sudden love affair, but caused no small storm. Yan Yin is Mu wind neighbor, has been and Mu wind has a deep feeling, for this innocent girl can not see the eyes, Mu wind has always been like their own sister to treat the same, both talk about it. Inaction inconvenience, life is also very dependent on Mu wind. Until Mu Fu personally told Yan Yin and his small romance, Yan Yin began to alienate the Mu wind, indifferent attitude, silly Mu wind did not think of blind eyes, the blind eye of the blind to myself, has been hidden The indescribable love affair, he and the love between the small building, so Yan Yin suffered great harm. Mu wind always thought that he was ashamed of Tingjun, because the small building is Tingjun pursuit of a long time object. The relationship between the two men and their enemies and friends is one more layer and becomes the competitor in love. Mu wind has been to avoid Tingjun challenge, for his father's opposition, he even wanted to leave the community, but Ting Jun not only allowed him to leave, but also forced him shot counterattack. Mu wind in order to boil out of the right to participate, suffered so much, suffered torture, he endured it down. Mu wind and Tingjun know that the two competitions in love and taekwondo, and finally a day of the showdown, but also by coincidence, the two became competitors in love, but also because of the grudges between the elders of the previous generation Affection, so that this group of young people involuntarily involved in a storm, unable to extricate themselves ...

Basketball Tribel (TV)[2004]

Feature: In China's territory, there is a city called basketball tribes. Here, everyone is talking about the ball, watching the ball, practicing the ball, the game of basketball, basketball fanatic filled the city, so the city is full of passion and vitality, never give up fair and impartial basketball spirit to become everyone in the town follow unshakable Creed The biggest thing in the basketball tribe than the annual competition tournament, just in the city's highly anticipated match hegemony when the advent of an 18-year-old boy, to the entire basketball tribal brought an unprecedented shock. The boy named Gao Fei, his parents premature death let him a sad life, he used to walk all over the country to appease his inner pain, but lost because of the lost into the basketball tribes. Gao Fei, who has never been in contact with basketball, occasionally exposed extraordinary bouncing and reaction ability and caused the competition among basketball team tribes. Unknown Gao Fei fled in panic, all walks of life on the street started a crazy chase him, in the panic Gao Fei from a speeding Mercedes jumped over, the crowd exclaimed, "is it a Feng XueXin ? " Gao Fei did not think of himself, this leap not only changed his life, but also changed the entire basketball tribe.

Summer (TV)[2003]

Feature: On the outskirts of Penghu, with a blue sea, a salty wind and bright sunshine, Xia Ri, 21, and his relatives and friends are facing a series of new starring makeup tests. Grandpa's eight centimeters of blue is facing financial crisis, may lose everything at any time. Xia Ri and Xia En, who are dependent on grandpa, helped to run the business of B & B on the one hand and meditarily awaited the early return of their departing mother. All the changes must be from the beginning of the emergence of the goods with Jiajun Speaking of secret mission to the island even Jiajun even in this important moment into the emotional difficulties, the business trip to come to the flowers and Xia Ri Spread a brief love song. No one wants to get the loving pursuit of this corner of the four corners of the relationship, which will actually involve the compassion and hatred between the two generations of Xia Wu. And this battle of the island defensive battle with love.

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