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Wei Gu TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Wei Gu Works 10 ,And Historical play 6 ,Revolution 3 ,抗战2 ,Feature 2 ,Romance 1 ,革命历史1 ,Reality show 1 ,War 1 。

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Wei Gu Filmography(10)


永远的战友 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《寻找 Deng YingChao 》剧情介绍:讲述了 Deng YingChao 是我国近现代史上伟大的女性革命家,把一位为共产主义奋斗终身的革命者、在工作中独当一面的知识女性、把全天下孩子当成自己孩子的慈母、与丈夫一起追求梦想同甘共苦的贤妻呈现出来。在革命道路上, Zhou EnLai 在前方与敌人斗争, Deng YingChao 在后方做宣传工作、妇女工作、救助难民、儿童,危险关头他们经常擦肩而过,共同的信仰支持他们无畏一切艰难险阻在革命的道路上继续并肩前行。 Deng YingChao 并不孤单, Song QingLing 、 Cao MengJun 、 Chen TieJun 等一批优秀女革命家相伴而行,她们都有心怀祖国、奉献人民的心。 Deng YingChao 的母亲 Yang ZhenDe 不惧艰险一直陪伴左右,几度被捕入狱,默默地为革命、为女儿无私地付出。她们都是今天我们应该歌颂并尊敬的女性。 Deng YingChao 一生的足迹踏遍祖国各地,现在她走了,我们要寻找她把一切献给祖国的优秀品质,为共产主义奋斗终生的革命信仰 。

外交风云 (TV)[2019]


该剧以新中国诞生为起点,以 Deng XiaoPing 访美及中英香港回归谈判为终点,主要记述 Mao ZeDong 、 Zhou EnLai 、 Deng XiaoPing 、 Chen Yi 等老一辈无产阶级革命家在新中国外交事业上的杰出贡献,他们以超高的外交战略思想,灵活的外交技巧,独有的外交风格,超人的天赋才华,为新中国赢得了巨大的荣誉和崇高的国际地位。该剧全方位展现了日内瓦会议、亚非会议、 Zhou EnLai 访非、恢复联合国席位等一系列波澜壮阔的外交史实,展现了新中国外交历程的艰难曲折 。


Changed the world (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Changing People's World" shows, from a magnificent historical perspective, a complete and true and vivid picture of the earth-shaking changes in the course of the Chinese revolution and the revolution in China from 1949 to 1945. Demonstrating the peaceful liberation of Peiping, the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the CPP, the Kuomintang-Communist peace talks, the Dujiang Campaign, the Shanghai Financial War, the signing of the Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance, the peaceful liberation of Xinjiang, the liberation of the southwest, the Chinese People's Volunteers Army Go to the Korean battlefield, the peaceful liberation of Tibet and a series of magnificent revolutionary history picture. It demonstrates the comprehensive contest between the KMT and the KMT in various fields such as military affairs, politics, economy, united front and the secret front; celebrates the great strength that the masses of the people wholeheartedly support the revolution and advances the history; praises the special contributions made by the patriotic democrats for the Chinese revolution . Demonstrating the great accomplishments of the revolutionary leaders led by Mao ZeDong, especially Mao ZeDong's vision of the world, the magnanimity of achieving national unity and the diligent civilians consciousness and leadership.

Flying Tigers (TV)[2015]

Feature: The "Flying Tigers" recounted a group of coal miners and railway workers headed by Liu Hong and Wang Qiang in the Zaozhuang mining area in southern Shandong province during the Anti-Japanese War. They were secretly bullied under the leadership of the Communist Party of China for being unbearably bullied by oppression and photos. Set up a short guarded guerrillas. The guerrillas experienced a series of fights such as flying a machine gun, blood-stained foreign exchange, smart-ticket-making vehicles, night attacks on the city walls, fighting Gang Cun, intelligence gathering, seizing cloth trucks, going to Ji'nan and then to Xuzhou, The lifeblood of the main railway of the war - Jinpu line of Shandong along the way, known as the "Flying Tigers." Lu Han, Lin Zhong and other railway guerrillas gradually grew up in combat and sacrificed their lives for the country; Liu Hong and Fang LinSao also made love during the battle. In order to eliminate the sufferings of the henchman, the Japanese aggressors brutally raided and strangled the railway line and used various schemes to put the railway guerrillas at risk. In 1945, the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, railway guerrillas in the people's support, deal with the railway and Weishanhu, caught the run away Kobayashi and his remnants defeated, and gradually grow up & nbsp ;.

Five-star red flag fluttering in the wind 2 (TV)[2012]

Feature: The "Five-Star Red Flag Fluttering in the Wind 2" tells the story of October 1, 1949, with Comrade Mao ZeDong's voice saying, "the Chinese people have stood up since then." The Chinese nation has regained its vitality and has stood tall in the world's forests of nations. The unprecedented history of the world's attention kicked off. In the early 1950s, to help North Korea and defend China's security, the Chinese People's Volunteers Army formally started the campaign of resisting U.S. imperialism and aid the DPRK. On July 16, 1960, Sino-Soviet relations broke down and the Soviet Union unilaterally detained 600 contracted countries with China and removed experts assisting China in all fields. On October 16, 1964, our country's first atomic bomb was successful. In January 1991, Ni Ke Song began his ice-breaking tour of China. On August 14, 1971, Mao ZeDong plans to start using Deng XiaoPing. On March 10, 1973, the CPC Central Committee issued a decision to resume Deng XiaoPing's position as vice premier of the State Council. On February 22, 1974, Mao ZeDong met with Zambian President Kaunda and proposed three theories of world division. On August 4, 1977, Deng Xiaoping, who went through three levels and three levels, re-elected as vice premier of the State Council. He first arrested the system of resuming the college entrance examination by pushing down the principle of "sixteen characters." At the same time, practice is the sole criterion for testing truth. Emancipating the mind and breaking through two cases of imprisonment and rehabilitating of unjust and false cases, a large number of veteran cadres re-entering the workforce, and the trend of reform sweeping over the vast land of China. On October 1, 1984, another 25-year-long National Day ceremony was staged again. Deng XiaoPing looked down at Tiananmen Square with a deep glance in the frame of a freeze on Tiananmen Square. He seems to recall the past scenes. At present, the continuous development of China's national strength and playing an increasingly important role in the international arena can not be separated from the contributions made by the older generation of revolutionaries such as Mao ZeDong, Zhou EnLai and Deng XiaoPing.

GuTian1929 (Movie)[2011]

Feature: The film mainly reflects the history of the ancient history of the fairy-tale held that year, Mao Zedong, Zhu De, Chen Yi and other older proletarian revolutionaries led the Red Army, with the support of local party organizations in Fujian and the cadres and masses, to carry out the glorious history of the revolutionary struggle.

BeyondScaredStraight (TV)[2011]

Feature: TV series "The East" stills On October 1, 1949, this is the first calendar in the history of new China, Mao ZeDong in the Tiananmen Square watch tower to the world announced the establishment of the People's Republic of China. Four hours later, the Soviet Union first recognized the People's Republic of China and severed diplomatic relations with the Kuomintang government. In succession, some Eastern European countries also recognize that the People's Republic of China is a legitimate government and that the new China will stand on the world stage with a brand new look. Standing on the Tiananmen Square, Mao Ze Dong stood up in the sky with an upsurge of heavens. The Chinese Communist Party armed with Marxism-Leninism will certainly accomplish the glorious mission that history has given him and will certainly find a socialist road with Chinese characteristics so that An ancient nation stands in the forest of peoples of the world and lets China stand in the east of the world. In 1949, there was not enough liberation and even more than half of China's military liberation. China, on the other hand, was experiencing a crushing economic crisis. One of the most profound oppression in China has come to the brink of collapse. Politics In the various forms that the domestic bourgeoisie and reactionary forces have united to suppress the newborn red regime, the imperialists and the reactionaries have challenged the just-ruling Communist Party in China. The imperialist prophets in Shanghai said that the Communist Party was not out in three months The red came in and out, they hoarding, driving up prices, making rumors, moving riots. Using the Marxist-Leninist theory and decades of experience in domestic struggle, Mao ZeDong and other first-generation leaders made insight into the situation. On the one hand, they actively deployed their domestic military struggles and, on the other hand, conducted a "battle of Huai Hai" in Greater Shanghai on the economic front. The new China that was just born was also a new topic for the Chinese Communists. The Soviet Foreign Ministry issued an invitation to Mao ZeDong to celebrate the 70th birthday of Si DaLin and the Chinese Foreign Ministry issued a note to the Soviet Union, the Chinese government agreed to attend. When the imperialist reactionaries learned that Mao Zendong was going abroad, a concerted battle was launched. With the careful arrangements of other comrades Zhou EnLai, the plot of the enemy was smashed and Mao ZeDong successfully arrived in the Soviet Union. After Mao ZeDong arrived in the Soviet Union, Mao Zedong received a warm welcome and thoughtful reception from the Central Party Central Committee headed by Comrade Si DaLin. During the Soviet Union, Mao ZeDong, apart from conducting various negotiations and meetings, managed non-stop all manner of domestic affairs and worked day and night with all due consideration and determination to win over thousands of miles. Mao ZeDong directed four fields to attack Hainan in the Si DaLin villa of the Soviet Union; approved the plan for the peaceful liberation of Tibet; and controlled Shanghai's economic struggle. The performance of Mao ZeDong leader of the style. During his visit to the Soviet Union, Mao ZeDong repeatedly met with the top leaders of the CPSU, won the dignity of New China and won the international space for the construction of New China. After Mao ZeDong returned to China, the situation in New China is still grim, the counterrevolutionaries can not be reconciled to failure, the counterrevolutionary riots in many places and the suppression of counterrevolution by the Central Government. June 1950 North Korea war broke out. The situation in the world suddenly changed. The situation in the Taiwan Strait also experienced a crisis. The United States sent the Seventh Fleet to the Taiwan Strait. The new China in the cradle was surrounded by the bourgeoisie and imperialism.A very severe test was placed before Mao ZeDong and the Chinese Communists, in the face of the newly established nation, overcoming a so-called "United Nations" army and requiring too much, but Mao ZeDong knew that he was the first What is needed is the courage to dare to defeat any enemy without being overcome by the enemy. Mao ZeDong decided to send troops. A generation of military personnel have invited one after another, hundreds of thousands of troops together to the northeast, a nation is still in its infancy to assume the mission of safeguarding justice and peace, fully demonstrated the Chinese people's dignity, Mao ZeDong also show courage and courage . The Chinese People's Volunteers conducted an arduous war in North Korea. Various domestic reactionary forces were rampant. The bourgeois ideology in the party was breeding and spreading. The imperialist prophets made a speech and the CPC was unable to build a new China. Mao ZeDong decisively decided to shoot Liu QingShan, Zhang ZiShan. Clean up the body of the party. May 1, 1951 Mao ZeDong met with Tibet representative at Tiananmen Square and announced the peaceful liberation of Tibet. At this point, China is completely liberated except Taiwan. 1953 Korean Armistice. As early as the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central People's Congress decided to formulate a new constitution, Mao ZeDong took a writing team to Hangzhou and drafted the constitution. Preparation for the First National People's Congress. The calendar of the Republic was turning hard. Mao ZeDong walked the land of New China. He went down the Huaihe River, went to the Yellow River, crossed the Yangtze River, went to factories and visited peasants. To make every effort to find a socialist road, make every effort to spare no effort. In the development of the socialist cause and in the building of the armed forces, there has been a very good situation. The Chinese People's Liberation Army has adopted the rank system. Mao ZeDong has given the title to the ten marshal. The Chinese People's Liberation Army strides forward in the process of modernization. Mao ZeDong came to the Soviet Union for the second time in 1957. Participate in the World Congress of the Communist Party and Workers' Party. The Chinese delegation's gift to the General Assembly is: China's first five-year plan model, which shocked the world. Mao ZeDong met Chinese students in Moscow and uttered ancient words: the world is yours and ours, but in the final analysis it is yours, young people, thriving and prosperous, like the sun at eight or nine in the morning , I hope pinned on you. New China, such as a red-hot day out.

Five-star red flag fluttering in the wind (TV)[2011]

Feature: October 16, 1964, China's first atomic bomb in the Lop Nur Mo cloud clouds, the world was shocked; June 17, 1967, is again in Lop Nor, the sky appeared two sun, one of the sun is China Made in the East a loud noise, hydrogen snapping in front of the French; April 23, 1970, dragon flying, a dragon ball travel in space, China's satellite Dongfanghong the "Oriental Red" music sing The universe This is China's two bombs and one satellite. Based on historical facts, the play shows a little-known history in all aspects: the leaders of the older generation such as Mao ZeDong, Zhou Enlai and Nie RongZhen strategists, wise decision-making, Qian XueSen, Deng JiaXian and other outstanding scientists in the extremely difficult Under the conditions, independent research and development of two bombs and one satellite, creating the Chinese nation standing in the east of the world abundance of Albert & nbsp ;.

TheFoundingofARepublic (Movie)[2009]

Feature: The "Founding of a Republic" tells the story of a series of stories that took place from the end of 1945 to the eve of the founding of 1949. The main theme of the film's preparation reflects the period of time before the founding of new China. The film than the previous theme film has a new breakthrough, some of the little-known stories are mining, performance. Among them there is a deep description of the relationship between father and son.

Founding leader Mao ZeDong (Movie)[1999]

Feature: For the first time on the screen, this drama shows the first generation of leading collectives with Mao Ze Dong at the center as the center for creating an epic chapter of New China and building a new China. Through a series of historical events such as visiting the Plenary Session of the 7th Central Committee of the Party, winning the victory of the entire nation, triumphing the course of the 5th round and peacefully liberating Tibet, Xinjiang, Mao ZeDong and the war on aiding the United States and aid the DPRK, the drama vividly demonstrated Mao Zedong's magnum opus Great style, as well as the first generation of founding fathers great achievements.

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