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Yi Zhang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Yi Zhang Works 58 ,And Feature 29 ,Romance 7 ,War 6 ,Action 6 ,Comedy 6 ,Urban drama 4 ,Historical play 3 ,Costume Drama 3 ,Biopic 3 ,Family drama 3 ,Criminal investigation 2 ,Crime 2 ,Family ethics 2 ,Contemporary film 2 ,Suspense 2 ,Terror 2 ,Short 2 ,Year 1 ,反特1 ,Adventure 1 ,Marriage and love 1 ,Countryside 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Light comedy in urban life 1 ,Drama 1 ,Love drama 1 ,Family marriage 1 ,Contemporary life light comedy 1 ,Anti-corruption 1 ,Love 1 ,Urban emotion 1 ,Fashion 1 ,Business 1 ,Modern 1 ,Revolution 1 ,Martial Arts 1 ,Child 1 ,Westerns 1 。

Works Index

Yi Zhang Filmography(58)


八佰 (Movie)[2020]


《八佰》是由华谊兄弟电影有限公司和北京七印象文化传媒有限公司出品,腾讯影业文化传播有限公司、北京光线影业有限公司和阿里巴巴影业(北京)有限公司联合出品,导演管虎执导, Huang Zhizhong 、 Tony Robbins 、 Oho Ou 、 Cheng Zhang 、 Qianyuan Wang 、 Jiang Wu 、 Yi Zhang 、 Du Chun 、陆思宇、 Youhao Zhang 、 Vision Wei 、 Li Chen 、白恩、 Ailei Yu 、 Haoming Yu 、 Ryan 等主演的战争题材影片。



重生 (TV)[2020]



一秒钟 (Movie)[2020]


二十世纪七十年代中期,看电影是人们重要的精神享受。西北某地,没赶上场次的 Zhang JiuSheng 怅然若失,他悄悄从农场溜出来,就是为了看一场电影,那是一盘宣传性质的新闻胶卷带,他相信在那盘胶片中有他已经去世的女儿的“一秒钟”影像。为了找到这胶片,他开始疯狂起来。此时他恰逢流浪儿 Liu GuiNv ,冤家路窄的两个人,原来同是天涯沦落人。一个是失去女儿的父亲,一个是失去父爱的女儿;一个想要看某一场电影,一个想要12.5米废胶片。目的完全相反,最后却殊途同归,因为一场电影结下了不解之缘。


攀登者 (Movie)[2019]


1960年,中国登山队向珠峰发起冲刺,完成了世界首次北坡登顶这一不可能的任务。15年后, Fang WuZhou 和 Qu SongLin 在气象学家 Xu Ying 的帮助下,带领 Li GuoLiang 、 Yang Guang 等年轻队员再次挑战世界之巅。迎接他们的将是更加严酷的现实,也是生与死的挑战。

我和我的祖国 (Movie)[2019]


七位导演分别取材新中国成立70周年以来,祖国经历的无数个历史性经典瞬间。讲述普通人与国家之间息息相关密不可分的动人故事。聚焦大时代大事件下,普通人和国家之间,看似遥远实则密切的关联,唤醒全球华人共同回忆。为保障开国大典国旗顺利升起, Lin ZhiYuan 争分夺秒排除万难,用一个惊心动魄的未眠之夜确保立国大事“万无一失”;为研制中国第一颗原子弹, Gao Yuan 献身国防科技事业,奉献了自己的青春和爱情;为确保五星红旗分秒不差飘扬在香港上空,升旗手 Zhu Tao 刻苦训练不懈怠、女港警 Lian Jie 兢兢业业守平安、外交官 An WenBin 与英国人谈判16轮分秒不让;喜迎奥运之际,出租车司机将自己视若珍宝的开幕式门票送给了远赴京城的汶川地震孤儿。一个个鲜活生动的普通人的奋斗故事,勾连起一段段难以磨灭的全民记忆。

光荣时代 (TV)[2019]


辽沈战役前夕,隐藏在北平警察局里的地下党员 Zheng ZhaoYang 因叛徒出卖不得已紧急撤退。同时带走了国民党精心准备的地下潜伏名单。 Zheng ZhaoYang 来到西柏坡参加了接管城市的学习班,而他历尽艰险带回的名册则给北平地区潜伏的国民党特务毁灭性的打击。国民党不得已启动了全部由“冷棋”特工组成的特别行动小组,代号桃园。而 “桃园”的负责人,是 Zheng ZhaoYang 的哥哥,北平青年促进会总干事,著名医生 Zheng ChaoShan 。北平和平解放, Zheng ZhaoYang 重返北京城。他面对的不仅仅是残存的潜伏特务和数万国民党散兵游勇,还有神秘的“桃园”行动组,和代号凤凰的哥哥 Zheng ChaoShan 。兄弟两人各自代表自己的阶级开始了针锋相对的对抗。两人明里是好兄弟,暗中使出浑身解数,对抗不断升级。最终,桃园行动组彻底覆灭。北京城发生了翻天覆地的变化。每个人都像是浴火重生一样,眼中充满的希望 。


我的亲爹和后爸 (TV)[2018]


《我的亲爹和后爸》又名《亲爹后爸》讲述了大学教授 Li Liang ( Yi Zhang 饰)的新书签售会上,消失多年的亲爹 Li YiSheng ( Guoli Zhang 饰)突然出现打乱了 Li Liang 一家原本平静的生活, Li Liang 和妹妹 Li Nan ( Chen Pan 饰)视养父 Li DongShan ( Jianyi Li 饰)为亲爹,并不承认眼前这个没有参与过他们成长的 Li YiSheng , Li YiSheng 自觉对 Li Liang 兄妹亏欠太多却并不介意,他努力渴望参与到子女的家庭和生活中却频频捅娄子,子女还要为他处理后事。 Li YiSheng 打年轻就女人缘极好,甚至连 Li DongShan 家的保姆也莫名其妙地爱上了他,还闹出了一段夕阳红三角恋。就在此时, Li YiSheng 另外的一个儿子 Li Zhuang ( Zhenjia Guo 饰)刑满释放,他为救身患尿毒症的女友小慧而四处筹钱,甚至花样频出地去找 Li Liang 要钱以至招来 Li DongShan 全家对这对父子更深的误解,当真相大白,所有人都原谅了 Li YiSheng , Li YiSheng 也因病住院,回想往昔种种画面, Li Liang 终认亲爹 。

Daddy daddy (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Daddy daddy" tells a series of interesting stories that happened when one son faced two daddy whose personality was different. Sudden appearance of Li Yi Sheng (Guoli Zhang), a longtime disappearing professor at university professor Li Liang (Yi Zhang), disturbed Li Liang's original quiet life. Li Liang and sister Li Nan (Chen Pan Li YiSheng (Jianyi Li ornaments) as his dear father, do not recognize that this did not participate in their growth Li YiSheng, Li YiSheng consciously owe too much to Li Liang brother and sister do not mind, he is eager to participate in their children The family and life are frequently poke Louzi, children still have to deal with the funeral for him. Li YiSheng playing young women on the edge of the very good, and even nanny Li DongShan home also inexplicably fell in love with him, but also downtown for some red triangle love. Just then, another son of Li YiSheng, Li Zhuang (Zhenjia Guo), was released from prison. He raised money for Xiao Hui, a girlfriend who saved uremia, and even frequently went to Li Liang for money and even Li DongShan attracted a deeper misunderstanding of the father and son, when the truth, everyone forgave Li YiSheng, Li YiSheng also hospitalized due to illness, recalling the past all kinds of pictures, Li Liang eventually recognized his father? & Nbsp ;. "Daddy Daddy" is produced by Zhejiang Changsheng Film and Television Production Co., Ltd., Beijing Changsheng Film and Television Communication Co., Ltd., Shandong Film and Television Production Co., Ltd. and Beijing Anrui Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd., directed by Chen Guoxing and screenwriter Zhao Dongling, Yi Zhang, Guoli Zhang, Jianyi Li starring, Mai Hongmei, Sophie, Yuan Yao, Zhenjia Guo, Chen Pan, Haozhen Li starred in the family drama.

Ash Is Purest White (Movie)[2018]


The movie "Ash Is Purest White" introduces the story: In 2001, the cities outside the city of Seo in Shanxi. The model Qiao Qiao and the taxi company boss Bin is a pair of lovers. Bin brother calls friends outside every day and Qiao Qiao hopes to enter marriage as soon as possible. Bin brother was attacked by competitors in the street. He discovered in a panic that he had homemade firearms in Bin’s briefcase. She shot in the air. Qiao Qiao was sentenced to five years. After his release from prison, Qiao Qiao began to look for his brother to start again, but things happened unexpectedly.



Feature: The story takes Yemen evacuees and protect the interests of Chinese nationals as background. Outside the Somalia waters, Chinese merchant ships were hijacked and all crew members were taken prisoner. The dragon commandos calmly settled and sneaked into the merchant ships to successfully rescue the entire hostages. On the way back home, the political situation in the Republic of Ivory in northern Africa was volatile. Terrorist organizations along with rebel forces scored the capital. Local overseas Chinese were at risk and the naval warships ordered them to change their course to carry out their mission. Eight dragon commandos, ready to go. Under the grand principle of "evacuation of overseas Chinese and possible counterattack on the contrary, cross-fire must be avoided to avoid any diplomatic conflicts." Under the grand principle of naval warships and dragon-based commandos penetrating into Iraq, Equipped, the success of the transfer of Chinese expatriates waiting in the dock, and intense

Yao Yao bell (Movie)[2017]

Feature: Unscrupulous traders father and son Xu Dafu (Shen Teng ornaments) and Xu Tianyu (Yue Yunpeng ornaments) bent on the luxury CBD in a dilapidated residential building, "Meng Gui Fang," the property, but there Meng Meng Gui still four weird Would like to move out - God doctor Wang Baojian and his son Jidin (Lee Yi Hang ornaments), folk inventors couple Li Chrysanthemum (papi ornaments) and Kim Sam (Pan Bin Long ornaments), network red anchor A Ping (Jiao Jun Yan ornaments), and Aiguille (Fang Zhongxin ornaments) and Amin (Wu Zhenyu ornaments). A month of dark and stormy night, strange things happen one after another, zombies, zombies, vampire baron, red ghost followed, into panic, "Stay Frankie" please come to rivers and lakes who called "universal master" Decorated) help them to resolve the crisis, but did not think bell sister has brought greater trouble ...

Bell bell (Movie)[2017]

Feature: Unscrupulous traders Xu DaFu (Shen Teng) and Xu TianYu (Yunpeng Yue), unscrupulous property developers, wanted to fight for the property rights of "Meng Gui Fang," a dilapidated residential building in the luxurious CBD, Reluctance to Move Out - The Divine Doctor Wang BaoJian (Yi Zhang) and his son Ji Ding (Li Yihang), folk inventors Li JuHua (papi ornaments) and Jin San (Binlong Pan) Junyan), and A Ren (Alex Fong (actor)) and A Ming (Francis Chan). A month of dark and stormy night, strange things happen one after another, zombies, zombies, vampire barons, red ghost followed, into panic, "stay strange" Please come to rivers and lakes who called "universal master" Ring sister (Sandra Ng decoration) to help them to resolve the crisis, did not think Bell sister has brought greater trouble ...


Feature: Seven days tomorrow, Shen Lian, a Fushin worshipers at Beizhen, cleared out Bei Zhai, an artist, in an effort to clear up the party and sacked his colleague Ling Yun-kai. After that, on the one hand, he should get rid of questions and investigations from Lu WenZhao and Pei Lun, and on the other hand, set fire to the experience division of Jin Yiwei under the threat of the mysterious woman to find out the truth. In a chaotic world, Shen Lian and Bei Zhai are in a deep depression. And behind all this, the huge conspiracy is secretly laid out. Shen Lian in the troubled times in the late Ming dispute, in addition to facing challenges Lian Lian new challenges in life, love, brotherhood or the fetters of his more crisis Shura field.

Feather to heaven (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Flying chicken feathers" tells the story of Chen village villagers in the snow picked up a wandering orphan, who did not expect this named feather actually took them to fly to heaven, become a local legend. Growing young adults Feather for sugar, learn how to quickly assess the value of the exchange, the best interests. The villagers were arrested for their livelihood, and the feathers were burnt to save the villagers. Instead, they were forced to leave their hometown to seek refuge. Before leaving, Jinshui named him Chen JiangHe and placed infinite hope on it. Chen JiangHe traveled south and traveled over half of China, overwhelmingly encountered a lifetime love Luo YuZhu. They are not optimistic about the romance of two people, and even deliberately created by Kim Shui-shu to create contradictions, playing Yuanyang, Luo YuZhu sadly away from home, poor bureaucrats pour married, married and married with others. Chen JiangHe while working hard to keep her eight years. Excuse me, Luo YuZhu with his son clenched forward, staggered train and Chen JiangHe meet again, decided never to separate this life. Husband and wife joined hands to march into the sea of ​​merchants, sold their children to sell hardware to sell department stores, and cut off five fights to overcome the crisis of honesty, which has won market trust and made their own brand of goods. E-commerce, adding to the national strategic all-the-way flood of business in the world. At the same time, they face emotional choices, changes in the relationship between husband and wife, the departure of their loved ones, and their relationships with their children. It is also a snowy night, the couple embarked at the same time toward Siberia, towards the train in Europe, the next stop waiting for them to pass after & nbsp ;.

Guardian beauty (TV)[2017]

Feature: At an early age, Lin JiaYi was brought home by her father, Lin ShiYuan, because of her family affair. Lin JiaYi grow up especially self-willed, work regardless of the consequences. Stills Lin ShiYuan aware of her daughter's problem, to save her daughter, be driven out of the house, let her start from the grass-roots workers to accept social exercise and transformation. Lin JiaYi, who lost her wealthy life, was left on the street and was rescued by Chen Xi, a native courier in Beijing's Hutong. Lin JiaYi common people's life can not adapt, but also provoke a lot of trouble. The face of hard work together Chen family, Lin JiaYi heart kindness is excited. Chen Xi's sense of love and family taught Lin JiaYi how to reinvent himself and led Lin JiaYi to create value through labor. Chen Xi changed his impression of Lin JiaYi in day and night, and they fell in love with each other. At this time, Lin JiaYi former boyfriend Huang ZaiYuan shot again to pursue the resurgence of Lin JiaYi, Lin JiaYi's natural mother also came home from the United States and tried to make Lin JiaYi back to life without work, Lin JiaYi and Chen Xi The feelings have become precarious. In the end, Lin JiaYi overcome obstacles, and strive to grow to be useful for the community of positive energy girl, but also reaped Chen Xi's love & nbsp ;.

National Action (TV)[2017]

Feature: "National Action" tells the story of Mianyang 1.10 was not broken in four years. He Yanling (led by Huang Zhizhong) led the detection team to a secret investigation in Binjiang. Under the illusion of 1.10 the murderer brought his case, He Yanling concluded: There is an evil gang of unscrupulous criminal gangs in Mianyang. Liu Tang (He Ping) is his first criminal. Department where not, as its umbrella. The leaders of the Central Government and the Ministry of Public Security were shocked by this and instructed the political and legal organs to go all out to eliminate all resistance and destroy this gang of black gangs. They must abide by the law and respect the umbrella regardless of their positions and powers. The Central Political and Law Commission quickly mobilized troops from all over the country to set up a task force headed by He Yanling to tackle triad criminal gangs and their umbrellas. Liu Tang escaped blows by all means, murdered witnesses and insiders, and took the deputy director of Binjiang Public Security Bureau Xu WangDong (Yi Zhang) as an accomplice and used a powerful network to pressure the detection team. He YanLing and the task force, withstood the pressure and threats, fought the criminal syndicates and opposed each other, holding the spirit of sacrificing everything for the sacred mission and eventually smashing the syndicate & nbsp ;.

EverybodysFine (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Guan Qing (Yao Chen) Although in the workplace all-powerful, but encountered in the marital life of the problem, often think of the gap between career marriage, Guan Qing always secretly sad. Guan Chu (Yiyun Ye) is in a foreign country, with a beautiful dream of ballet dancing in her heart. However, she can only live as a waitress at a restaurant. Guan Quan (Shawn Dou ornaments) in order to start doing everything, but failed to get the desired result. Guan Hao (Chen He) is a freelance photographer caught in the confusion of life. Butler's four siblings, who flow the same blood, but under the guidance of destiny scattered around, gather together more. As their father, Guan Guoguo (Guoli Zhang) until after the death of his wife gradually discovered the importance of the family and the maintenance of difficulties, once poor words did not understand the expression of his decision to take the initiative to embark on a trip to visit four children .

COCK AND BULL (Movie)[2016]

Feature: A murder occurred in a small town in the southwestern border of China. A motorcycle driver was brutally murdered. His money, cell phones and motorcycles were snatched away. Song Lao Er, a car-repair shop owner with a simple and honest character, Grievances become the object of suspicion by the police and villagers. At a police clueless situation, Song LaoEr can only rely on his own strength to start tracing the murderer, washing his innocence. He found the upstart Wang YouQuan following the stolen motorcycle tire imprint. When Wang YouQuan suddenly broke up with innocent girlfriend Yang ShuHua, he found Wang YouQuan a murderer and wanted Wang YouQuan to be sent to justice. However, When Wang YouQuan recounted how he had steal the motorcycle, Song LaoEr began to discover that there was another murderer and a huge conspiracy behind the murder. Dong XiaoFeng, a nightclub foreman who was released on jail, Ping Jie go fly to do the final preparation. Because of this murder, the lives of three people, Song LaoEr, Wang YouQuan and Dong XiaoFeng, have completely changed. The fate of the three people is implicated in each other and an atrocious play is staged in the Wild West.

Embroidered spring knife: Shura battlefield (Movie)[2016]

Feature: The story of the film tells the story of North Town Fusi Jin Yi Wei Shen Lian traced cases in a conspiracy, in order to prove innocence, Shen Lian and girl Bei Zhai, colleague Pei Xu to find out the truth.

RunForLove (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Su LeQi (Zhang Ziyi ornaments) and sushi master Feng YuJian (Eddie Peng ornaments) met in Otaru, Japan, just breaking up the music can cure the wound? Conflicting couples Zhou HongYi (Yi Zhang) and Tang Jing (Liang Jing) traveled to Istanbul with their daughter (Li Yiqing), leaving her little girl aware of each other's preciousness. False married Lu Jie (Qianyuan Wang ornaments) and Guan Yue (Wu Mochou ornaments) before the onset of the U.S. Route 66 "runaway" journey, the real love of fake couples saddened. In order to heal the wound Li Li (Michelle Chen ornaments) came to the town of Jjork in Norway, like Norway winter dusty heart can be a ray of artificial warmth warm? Back to the love of Saipan to end the love of Ye YiYi (Liya Tong ornaments), how to deal with her husband's lover Bai QieZi (Zhou Dongyu ornaments) entangled?

IAmNotMadameBovary (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Li XueLian (Bingbing Fan), an ordinary rural woman, has spent 10 years dealing with all walks of life in order to correct one sentence. In dealing with the process, she did not think one thing into another thing, then became the third thing. Ten years later, she did not correct this sentence over, but she has tasted the world's human well-being, Wu understand another truth. Li XueLian to correct this sentence is her ex-husband said. Her ex-husband said: Are you Li XueLian it? I think you are Pan Jinlian it? Li XueLian want to tell you: I am not Pan Jinlian.

TheNewYearsEveofOldLee (Movie)[2016]

Feature: The film talks about the generation gap between three generations of grandparents and grandchildren. After 14-year-old daughter of North drift heard of the precursor of Alzheimer's disease in Fu Qin, her granddaughter returning to study in the United States returned to her hometown and went to Beijing to live with her students who heard the news. Only elderly people living alone can see the daughter of "North drift" and their granddaughters studying abroad in the United States. Hope the stars hope the moon looking forward to a reunion, but also looking forward to the granddaughter's ABC Peng Peng You did not expect ridiculous story also started from this reunion.

Eight hundred (Movie)[2015]

Feature: The story of the film chose the 1937 Battle of Shanghai and Shanghai. In October 1937, our nation experienced the most traumatic disaster, which is closely related to each of us today. The film adapted from the anti-Japanese classic campaign, is a "born as a man, death is also a ghost" tragic story. In the face of the brutal war and national righteousness, Hunan recruits Erdogan and Xiao Changsha accidentally met with KMT troops left in Suzhou. All of them abandoned the avengers and united themselves to resist the aggression of the foreign enemies.

CrazyNewYearsEve (Movie)[2015]

Feature: The film consists of six different styles of story, about a group of people on New Year's Eve, a series of adventures happened. On the eve of the New Year, reunion or traveling, people choose different ways to spend this moment full of sense of ritual. However, the protagonists in the play encounter various accidents during the journey, A foreign land, but also forced outfit forced "mine split". After a series of hilarious journey accidents, the answers to life are full of hope in front of them, behind the story of laughter and tears accompanied by a sincere surprise.

Mr.Six (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Liu Ye, an old artillery gun that once used to show the city in 1949, was hard to adapt to social changes, dormant in the depths of the alley, and lived a boring life with sloppy birds and negligence. One day, a huge emotional clash between Liu Ye and Xiao Bo, son of "Squadron", led the Squad to run away from home without being subject to any illegality and was illegally detained by newly rising generation Xiao Xiao. In order to save his son, and to repay their guilt of the son of the year, Liu Ye came back. With his own rules, Liu Ye tried to settle down the incident but found it frustratingly that this era, or his own body, has long gone. A parent-child hatred, old and new forces showdown can not be avoided. In the process of resolving the mess, the old gun found itself in problems, really powerless. But at the same time, they also grasped the handle of "Tricyclic Xijiro" in the process of inquiring about the cliches, and they both decided to come forward with a single challenge in the war.

MountainsMayDepart (Movie)[2015]

Feature: In 1999, Shen Tao, a Fenyang girl, fell in love with Zhang JinSheng and Liang Jianjun, a young man from the town. She eventually chose Zhang JinSheng for chasing money, and Liang Jianjun left alone. In 2014, Shen Tao divorced Zhang JinSheng, Zhang JinSheng remarried with her son Dollar and went to Shanghai for living. Liang Jianjun returned to her hometown for terminally ill and found Shen Tao borrowing money for medical treatment. Since Shen Tao's father died, Dollar returned to Fenyang to attend the funeral. Shen Tao deeply felt the son's change and knew that he could not stay with her and only gave him the keys of the house. In 2025, Australia, Dollar grew up, studied at a Chinese school, got to know Sylvia Chang as a teacher. After divorcing her teacher, her teacher was also in a state of restlessness, just as Dollar The same mind, the two occurred a year-long love, although Dollar has been hanging the key mother gave him, but he could not remember the name of the mother, just remember her name is Tao, wave meaning.

ThePromisedLand (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Seemingly happy life happy yoga teacher Ai Ling (Jiajia Wang ornaments) suddenly dropped everything in Beijing back home town, became a "mysterious person." There is nowhere to show her talent, and her boyfriend Jiang He (Yi Zhang ornaments) difficult to let go of love, and his father Ai ZhongHua (Wang Zhiwen ornaments) between the age of her out of town and seem out of place. Faced with various emotional confusion and hardship in life, through the metropolis and her hometown, love and affection passed through several times, Ai Ling left Beijing gradually emerged ... In reality and memories, Ai Ling completed Own growth proposition, for all choices have a more relaxed state of mind, from looking for "every day was loved", has become a hug "love every day."

Jia (Movie)[2015]

Feature: A husband and wife, son lost, embarked on a journey to find their children, a series of touching things took place, all in order to reunite, to a "home." It is reported that director Peter Chan starring Kaneshiro Takeshi's new film, for special reasons, joined by the Golden Horse actor Huang Bo, and starring. Huang Bo starred in several films in 2013 at the box office sales, the important thing is Huang Bo himself acting, impeccable. Director Peter Chan said that very much in line with the character's temperament. Zhao Wei, the popular female actress who has locked up the film early on, has achieved great success in 2013 with the admiration of director Zhao Wei in his early years. In addition, popular niche, Tong Dawei has just co-starred with the director also has a starring, the specific roles and plays are not clear. In addition to the three heavyweight movie actor outside, there is a mysterious guest to join, is not clear, but there may be Sandra Ng. The film will be launched in Shenzhen in April and is scheduled to release in late 2014.

Tiger Mom (TV)[2015]

Feature: Tiger Mother Cat Bi ShengNan and dad Luo Su Like many young couples, like small, even with the poster-year-old daughter, also lived a simple easy life, until the Bi ShengNan suddenly found around mothers already extremely busy, but herself and her daughter Also ignorant, and finally face the child's education. Bi ShengNan, while returning her daughter from her mother-in-law, was busy with her daughter's schooling. Bi ShengNan and Luo Su went to school for the daughter to go to school, but the second year was delayed because of various reasons, Bi ShengNan resigned to go home with her daughter for one year. Luo Su first girlfriend, returnees education expert Tang Lin suddenly returned home, and take the initiative to chase Luo Su, Luo Su heart swaying. Bi ShengNan and his boss, Du Feng, who returned to the workplace, were reconciled by the confrontation and reconciled to understanding the difficulties behind Dufeng's wolf-style education. The tiger mother and cat dad, there is a crisis of education differences and marriage. In the end, Luo Su dialed her father and understood that Bi ShengNan was the forever lover of life, and understood his own mind and responsibility as a man and father. Under the sunshine children happy laughter, a family of three grow together.

My wife is 80 after adults (TV)[2015]

Feature: However, by accident, Wang XiaoLu discovered the "shameful secrets" of Lv BuFan and ex-girlfriend Tang Yuan. Formerly happy marriage was found in Wang XiaoLu Lv BuFan love affair to slide into the abyss, the two eventually divorced under the impulse. However, because of the family's accident, had to re-pretend husband and wife. One of the girlfriends, Wu Yu, has innumerable unreliable parents who should set an example for Wang Xiao Lu to set an example. However, just as Wu Yu is determined to sacrifice himself, Fang Xiaoyu, the blind date, showed his true face. The battered Wu Yu and Wang XiaoLu's uncle, Yu ZhiHeng, had a curious taste of hangover, causing the "great friendship" of both men to turn sharply down. Bai SuXian, a girlfriend, is married to Dong JingHui, a 60-year-old wealthy. Behind the seeming success is to endure empty loneliness and wrestle with her 16-year-old stepdaughter until she regains her dream of dancing Self, but triggered a crisis of marriage. Three girlfriends, uphold their completely different view of love and marriage, after experienced ups and downs and ridiculous understanding of life.

Female is not powerful (TV)[2015]

Feature: In his middle age, Zheng YuQing, director of the Metropolitan News Agency, concentrated on caring for his daughter over half the day before his retirement. He did not expect the unexpected situation of the newspaper, and she was appointed editor in chief. After Zheng YuQing came to office, she found that there were serious problems in the newspaper industry and there was also great resistance to change. Zheng YuQing, with her own abilities and her passion for blood, has finally turned the newspaper business into a turning point with the softness and tenacity of women. However, a new wave of mobile Internet wave has come in turmoil, so that the impact of traditional paper media, the newspaper is facing a new crisis. In her relationship with her daughter and her 90s, Zheng YuQing gradually realized that she should change her and try to learn something new. Zheng YuQing began his transformation, and eventually out of a new world together with the team & nbsp ;.

Marry a husband to live (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Marrying a Husband to Live" tells of a beautiful stewardess from Taipei, Chen JiaYu (Joe Chan) and a native Beijing guy Zhen Hao (Yi Zhang) fell in love and married to the Beijing Sihe family. Cai Ming (actress) as the head of Beijing's 100-year-old Xingyuanzhai, the 17th generation, opposes the marriage with her parents. Hair small Beijing alley girl Song XiaoZhuang (People also ask decoration) silently crush on Zhen Hao, and Chen JiaYu is a competitive relationship but shows the free and easy kindness of a feminine man. The cultural differences between the two people in different places are not in line with the objections of the family members, and "Zhen Hao" as the inheritor of the old restaurant "Xingyuanzhai" has also been infected by Chen Jiayu and infected by her unique nature to help Zhen Hao find it again Their own life positioning and goals, after the joint efforts of the two eventually run a family business booming, but also get the recognition of family and everyone, really can be described as a career double happiness harvest & nbsp ;.

TheGoldenEra (Movie)[2014]

Feature: In the 1930s, the 20-year-old Zhang Weiying (Tang Wei) escaped from marriage and was abandoned. Zhang Nai-ying, who flies to his fiancé Wang EnJia (Wenkang Yuan ornaments), still can not escape the fate of abandonment. Fortunately, he met Xiao Jun (Feng Shaofeng), a progressive youth working for the newspaper, and both loved each other. By Xiao Jun Zhang Naiying met literary writers such as Bai Lang, Feng Zu and Nie GanNu, renamed Xiao Hong, and got Lu Xun (Wang Zhiwen) Xu GuangPing (Ding Jiali), and later met Hu Feng (Lei Feng), Mei Zhi (Quan Yuan), Jiang XiJin (Yi Zhang), Ding Ling (Hao Lei ), Duan Mu Hong Liang (Zhu Yawen ornaments) and others, under the encouragement of contemporary writers, Xiao Hong gradually moved toward the "golden age" of creation despite the constant fighting and displacement.

The Golden Era (Movie)[2014]

Feature: In the 1920s and 1940s of last century, China was an era of full of personality and broad-mindedness. A group of young people went through a period of laissez-faire, freely pursuing their dreams and love. Some were carving their loved ones in the midst of displacement and some were fighting Look forward to the future of the home country. Xiao Hong, a maverick woman, exiled all the way from north to south, from Harbin to Hong Kong, and escaped war while experiencing the saddening and painstaking love and life. Struggling against the strong and dead of her life pierced through the pages of her paper, as was her life.

Blind Diamond (Movie)[2014]

Feature: "Blind Diamond" by the mainland power actor Zhang translation, starring Liang Jing starring. Tells a story of morality and deception. Unusual afternoon, the makeup of a single woman, an empty mansion, an unexpected plumber, a missing diamond hide a dangerous ... ... In the suspense, thriller commercial shell, the director He Wenchao trying to go Explore the perplexity of people in the modern society, the gap between people. In just 20 minutes, she tried hard to percuss the ubiquitous fear in daily life of the city and her efforts and futility in getting rid of this fear all the time. She carefully portrayed the weakness of human nature, Control of the general strength.


Feature: "Good guy" is a name for himself by a group of revolutionary men who borrowed their name from unknown fighters because they also dubbed the enemy a "bad guy." Stills In 1940, after the Southern Anhwei Incident, these determined and determined good guys were ordered to cover an important comrade in Shanghai, but they did not know which important comrade was one of them. From the northwest to the greater Shanghai, along the way encounter bandits, Kuomintang, traitors, Japanese, and so bad guys of all kinds of attacks. And good guys this time not only escort their comrades with life, wisdom, dreams and remorse, but they are also protecting and saving the country's hope - the anti-Japanese united front. On the way to escort, the bad guys intercepted from the desert in the northwest to the bustling Shanghai. They intercepted in the Tia Wai Mountain, intercepted in the Yellow Sands, intercepted in the Guotong District, intercepted in the Zhan Zhan area, and intercepted in the boat gang and intercepted in the Tianmu Mountain. Some of the good guys have been sacrificed. They use their wisdom to eliminate all kinds of difficulties and complete the tasks entrusted to them by the party organizations. At the same time, good guys used their own actions to educate their diehards and made the utmost of their national cause, and they all unanimously opposed the Japanese aggressors.

A servant two main (TV)[2014]

Feature: Middle-aged Yang Shu is a private driver of single female boss Tang Hong, with 18-year-old daughter Yang Shu-Miao, adolescent her wayward and aggressive, and Yang Shu's clash. Tang Hong has not been married, although there is a local owner Meng LaiCai pursuit, but she loves Yang Shu, Yang ShuMiao also love. Due to identity considerations, honest and honest Yang Shu has always been unwilling to accept Tang Hong's love. Under her daughter's design, Yang Shu met Gu JingJing, a young girl who resembles ex-wife. Yang Shu is thus sandwiched between Tang Hong and Gu JingJing, staged comedy stories. Later, the ex-wife returned to China, leaving Yang Shu to put down his obsession with his ex-wife. Yang Shu saw her feelings and met her love with Tang Hong. The two finally came together. Meng LaiCai acquaintance, the two people have a genuine dedication and sincere feelings, the final four belong to their own affiliation. A servant two main stills

Good man emotional care (TV)[2014]

Feature: Hao YouWang from the countryside tells the story of Hao YouWang from the countryside. With a sincere and sincere heart, he went to the big cities to break into the world. In order to keep up with the times, he was renamed Hao Nan Er. Hao NanEr apologize for the company as a salesman, self-proclaimed emotional care division, with sincere heart, in his way, to ease the pain of the customer. Hao NanEr Occasional acquaintance with his own surname boss Hao YouWang. Hao boss married his wife than his 10 years old, his wife passed away to leave a large legacy, sister Chen YunZhu in the fight against the idea of ​​estate, wills stipulate that the boss can not continue the string within five years, or half of the inheritance Chen YunZhu. Hao YouWang would like to marry Xiao Dan immediately, do not want to be separated from the heritage, the use of the same name Hao NanEr surname, so that Hao NanEr to help themselves in the middle. Hao NanEr was involved in the competition for the legacy, with frank and calm heart, slowly around the person. He helped Hao boss understand the money is not a panacea; help Chen YunZhu recover lost self; help Xiaodan find true love. Hao NanEr felt that he had done what he did, he quietly left, and jokingly told his colleagues and co-workers had a rich and powerful story of his name & nbsp ;.

Lovelorn 33 days (TV)[2013]

Feature: "Lovelorn 33 days" tells the story of a 25-year-old girl working in a wedding company in Shanghai. Huang XiaoXian Liya Tong, Chen Si-cheng and Zhang Xin-yi, who had been in love and friendship, joined the double betrayal. Four-year boyfriend and girlfriend, Together, Huang XiaoXian's life once fell to the bottom. The arrival of a new colleague, Wang XiaoJian, made the life of Xiao Sin worse. Little base is Beijing Film Academy graduated from the top students, there is plenty of talent and can not afford the frustration and life frustration, gave up the Beijing screenwriter came to Shanghai to earn money to support their families. Love and marriage company's work as the stage of modern emotional and marriage shows, staged a day of different values ​​and the concept of love and marriage fierce collision scenes, for the small fairy and Xiaoban presented a difficult problem. During the working process of the two partners, conflicts and conflicts broke out and they gradually came to understand each other and help each other. In the strong suppression of each other even when the head and drank, Huang XiaoXian went from romance to emotional recovery, Wang XiaoJian also from frustration to confidence reconstruction. In two young people together to accomplish the heart of the process of growth, the spark of love began quietly germination.

Rag girl also has spring (TV)[2013]

Feature: "Rag girl also has spring," tells Luo XiaoCong, the daughter of Shoe Store, 4S shop auto mechanic, a non-contrived, not worshiped, simple and straightforward "big girl." Luo XiaoCong became a heroine in the story on the tail of her youth - abandoned by her ex-boyfriend Zhang Hua and then errantly married an unemployed grassroots comic guy. This semi-true marriage in Luo XiaoCong hard-won efforts, and finally the two symbols on the marriage certificate into a genuine couple, how also slowly adapted to marital life, but sweet has just begun, the new But the challenges come one after another. "The wiping cloth girl also has the spring" Poster Wu Tong encounters Zhang Hua in the new company, the literary youth pays attention to the male account, the answer is self-evident. In order to assist her husband to survive in the wolf tiger leopard, Luo XiaoCong put down a skilled wrench to manipulate the rustle of OFFICE started office white-collar workers. Every day stepping on abusive high heels, but also forced to die against rival Jiang Dai middle school welcome, even worse, he fell into the bickering boss Lin Feng and his own "rekind" Zhang Hua double attack , Luo XiaoCong belated Peach Wu Tong feel pressure. In the workplace, although the couple are both thin and thin on the ice, they share the same joy and happiness. However, the smoke at home never stops: the powerful big sister knocks on the shrewd mother-in-law Song MeiYu and makes some ridiculous waves. However, Luo XiaoCong really helpless is married almost a year has actually emerged a lady woman Sun XiaoYa. Although Luo XiaoCong repeated efforts, the couple's feelings are still cracked down again and again under attack, Wu Tong's first love Na Yang's repeated provocation to crush the last straw in their marriage, all this makes Luo XiaoCong aware of their absolute not Like her mother, Song MeiYu, does the kind of old rag woman who is blindly giving up her destined abandonment, she has to wipe her husband's future and polish her own life. Brave Luo XiaoCong Luo XiaoCong want to come to a big reversal of life style, messy wife can not fall, Luo XiaoCong is not rub peach is wiping the villain on the road, she is denied an era when the old rags a new era rag woman, Also convinced that will be able to find belongs to rag woman's own spring.

Hot Mom (TV)[2013]

Feature: "Freaky Mom" ​​tells the story of Xia Bing, 26 years old would have wanted a few years later, single life, but because of pregnancy and her boyfriend into the marriage hall. Li MuZi, 35, is the owner of Xia Bing. When he was young, he missed the best growth period for his work and learned that the subordinate Xia Bing became pregnant. Li MuZi has succeeded in seeking truth through scientific means, and the whole person has become a lot softer. She and Xia Bing also become friends because of their common mothers. Xia Bing does not want to spoil her fashion beautiful appearance because of pregnancy, every day because of dressing and eating and other trivial matters with her husband and wife. Li MuZi is too bloated because they want their children to cooperate actively with their families and doctors. Two mothers in the shape, attitude and other aspects of the formation of strong contrast. The two shared a series of processes such as pregnancy, childbirth and confinement. They took on the responsibility of being a wives and mothers in the process of raising children to take care of their families. As the children grew up, they gradually matured & nbsp ;.

CaughtintheWeb (Movie)[2012]

Feature: The "human flesh" technology of the Internet age is usually a weapon to entertain the public, but unfortunately it can also become a killing tool. Ye LanQiu (Gao Yuanyuan), chairman of the board of listed companies, was depressed after learning of her own cancer. She got into a bus and was immersed in astonishment and fear. She refused to give her seat to the grandfather of the car, causing The public meeting, this process by the television intern reporter Yang JiaQi (Luodan Wang ornaments) with a cell phone shot positive. Jia Qi promptly handed the news on the bus to Chen RuoXi (Yao Chen), a prospective sister-in-law. With the keen sense of smell of the chief editor, if Xi scorned this news maliciously, it triggered a mass search and massacre of Ye LanQiu Moral bankruptcy. In the midst of public accusations and illness, Ye LanQiu completely lost its play with the $ 1 million lent to her by owner Shen LiuShu (Wang Xueqi). Unexpectedly, it even made her the title of "little three". If Xi photographer boyfriend accidentally been involved in the world of Ye LanQiu, in order to get a high salary, he was hired to accompany the leaves around. And he never imagined that this was the last time in the lives of this accusated woman. Ye LanQiu's suicide, completely subvert the love and life of Chen RuoXi, ...

AnInaccurateMemoir (Movie)[2012]

Feature: During the Anti-Japanese War, a group of desperadoes gathered in the northern plains. Led by the leader Fang YouWang (Xiaoming Huang), they established an underground kingdom for a living on a daily basis. On the 1st they kidnapped Gao DongLiang (Yi Zhang), a bridegroom who is going to meet his relatives. Surprisingly, Gao DongLiang is a tough guy who quickly conquered the entire bandit with his own bloodyness and wisdom and became "two masters" Who had feelings with Fang ZiZhen (Zhang Xinyi), the sister of the leader's sister, and convinced Fang YouWang to go against the Japanese invaders starting with the "Emperor Brother" who kidnapped front-line inspections. After some careful planning, these gangs of undercooked villains took up the responsibility of "everybody" and, with the arms and flesh in their hands, sneaked into the Japanese camp and tried to make a big deal as ...

LaoRenYuan (Movie)[2012]

Feature: When the pursuit of love, the Chinese girl Zhou Shuang (Wang Luo Dan ornaments) and his father Old Week (Wu Tianming ornaments) a fight after the door, went to Japan Toyo. After years, Zhou Shuang in Japan by virtue of their own power have a decent life, his son is also wise and sensible. One day, his son found the ants gathering in the apartment next door, and was found dead in the process of being alone. This incident gave Zhou Shuang a tremendous touch, she repeatedly called at home, but has never responded. Anxious she took her son by plane to return home after many years of absence. She was surprised to find that the old house of the year had become ruins. From his father's apprentice, who was also a half-lover of her time, Xiao Cui learned that his house was demolished four years ago and that his father also found himself suffering from cancer and was admitted to a nursing home. It is the tree to static and the wind more than ... ... The film is Zhang Yang feature film "over the elderly homes" extra-curricular.

Angry Kid (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Sun XiaoAo is a weird naughty bag. Dad Sun JianYe and mother working in Russia, proud little has been taken care of by the deaf grandfather. The holiday is approaching, grandfather sick into the hospital. Little proud birthday party, who had long been eager for parental love, was rebuffed by his father on the grounds of his work again. Little proud to find the little girl Lan Lan in the moving car accidentally. Little proud to Lan Lan from the tracing her stupid rescued with a slingshot that Lan Lan turned out to be a small beggar used by criminal gangs. Lan Lan wants to flee the criminal gangs and return home to find treasure and go global. Xiaomin suddenly nowhere to go interest, determined to walk with her. Lan Lan reluctantly promised two angry children embarked on a journey away from home and go home.

BeiJingLoveStory (TV)[2012]

Feature: Cheng Feng, Wu Di and Shi XiaoMeng are college classmates who once organized a band during college to work hard for musical dreams. Their common interest makes them good friends who share their hands and feet. Three people have different family backgrounds and different personalities. Cheng Feng, a wild bohemian, Wu Di, a loyal, and Shi XiaoMeng, a pragmatic, hard-working Shi XiaoMeng, after graduating from college and several girls, Lin Xia, Yang ZiXi, Shen Bing and others Young people's growth, love, work problems one after another in front of them. Into the community, for these young people is a new course. Sometimes painful, sometimes sweet, but waiting in front of them is still a brand new life.

Wenzhou family (TV)[2012]

Feature: The Wenzhou Family tells the story of an ordinary peasant family leaving their hometown in Wenzhou in the early 1980s to work hard in various parts of China and Europe. Described in Wenzhou, Wenzhou, a family drama still weeks Zhou shun, his wife Zhao YinHua, his son, dog and daughter A rain, borrow money battles, daughter was sent to Italy, Zhou Laoshun and his wife scavenged from picking, salesman, son, the dog Selling glasses began, step by step to dig wells, buttons, experienced numerous failures and all kinds of ups and downs, the final transformation into a modern enterprise process. His daughter, Ayu, also started her studies and work as a 13-year-old girl and eventually became the boss of multinational corporations and became the representative of Chinese overseas businessmen in Italy. This is the history of the struggle of Chinese businessmen in the past generation and the result of 30 years of China's reform and opening up The show.

BeginningofTheGreatRevival (Movie)[2011]

Feature: In the winter of 1911, returning from overseas, he became Provisional President on January 1 of the following year. At the same time participated in the recovery of the new army. Soon, with the strong military power and prestige in the royal family, the identity of Grand Marshal was taken from Sun ZhongShan and the government of the Northern Republic of China was established. In October the same year, the Kuomintang was established. The outbreak of the summer of 1914, 1915 Yuan ShiKai and Japan set a twenty-one secret and change the state, self-styled as the Chinese Emperor, since embarked on a road of no return. Sun ZhongShan and Cai E set up to protect the national army, to discuss the yuan. Yuan ShiKai soon died in an all-out denouncing. After that, with the failure of restoration, China entered the melee situation of warlords. While Mao ZeDong ,, and others, although living in different places, are pondering over the road to national salvation and national salvation, and the fate of the meeting is coming.

RevivingofBeikhuan (Movie)[2011]

Feature: A bus driving on the rugged mountain road in Kitagawa, people at noon drowsiness, Song Geng hurried back to his daughter's birthday desperate, and her daughter suddenly landslides, just flat road Instantly into a cliff, the bus hovering over the cliff, Song Geng jumped and flew, the phone has no sound, behind the bus crashed into the cliff. A rare Richter 7.8 earthquake struck, Beichuan and other places into ruins. With the recovery of live television signals, the tragic scenes and relief images of the beichuan plague area are presented in front of tens of millions of viewers. The work of aiding and building aid to counterparts across the country started soon. Li ZhenHe, a city cadre in the north, did not have time to bid farewell to his mother and set foot on the reconstruction aid project in Beichuan. Wang Jing's violation of regulations that did not allow lesbians to participate in the reconstruction was also on the team of his counterparts. The hardest hit Xianggui Township is the counterpart of a city to aid the construction of township, township head Han Hui led cadres at the airport to meet the crowd, the Song Lei ran to the airport store bought a Barbie doll, Li ZhenHe puzzled. On the way to Xianggui Township, Li ZhenHe met Cheng Liang, a township secretary who is organizing villagers to go home and rebuild their homeland. We are busy claiming relief supplies, but an old grandmother indifferent, just staring at the ruins trance. The old man was Jim, all the family members were killed in the quake. Li ZhenHe promised to carry out the filial piety of the children. Aid cadres Sun Xvwen in the process of bringing people to build board room encountered again in the earthquake lost their spouses and other siblings four siblings, for ease of care, put their boarding house next to their tent, the children kindly called He aided his uncle. Li ZhenHe accompanied the experts to examine and reconstruct the new site of Beichuan County and saw that the Qiang compatriots were very optimistic and cheerful despite the death of their loved ones. To help people in the village, Li ZhenHe transferred Wang Jing to set up a temporary clinic in the township resident. Encounter aftershocks on the way to the site, Li ZhenHe and other people finally escaped, but found that the township resident has been destroyed by the dammed lake. When everyone thought that Wang Jing was in distress and desperation, Wang Jing was dressed in a Qiang costume and turned out to be a local young man named Lin Qun who burst into the water to save her. Sun Xuewen treats his spouse like a splendid sibling like his own child. Ronghua sang the song of Qiang with his younger brother and sister and gave the only piece of bacon to Sun Xuewen. Sun Xuewen understood that it was a heart of the Qiang people. Li ZhenHe and Cheng Liang disagreed on the aid construction plan. It turned out that local cadres insisted on building an embankment on the basis of the original one, but the funds for construction are far from sufficient. After reading the terrain, Li ZhenHe understood the insistence of local cadres and decided to go home and get married. Seeing the more old mother with more eyes, Li ZhenHe used the media to tell the citizens about everything in Beichuan. The citizens fought for donations and soon filled the vacancies. Once again, the disaster stricken areas encountered mudslides. When the masses were mobilized, they found that Jim Mum had not escaped. Li ZhenHe struggled to find Jim Mum who had died together with his relatives. In order to complete preparations for reporting to the State Council as soon as possible, Li ZhenHe demanded that all cadres give up overtime on weekends and holidays. Song Lei did not buy it and insisted on returning home to see her daughter.Li ZhenHe furious, blame Song Lei, but provoked Cheng Liang's strong opposition. Cheng Liang Li ZhenHe rushed to the house where Song Lei lived, but found that Song Lei is about to commit suicide, the original his beloved daughter was killed in the earthquake as long ago. Li ZhenHe understand why Song Lei always buy new clothes for her daughter to buy toys, my heart suffered a great impact. Li ZhenHe persuaded Song Lei wife to regenerate a child. Cheng Liang has been a strong guy finally could not help but burst into tears, he had lost in the earthquake seven loved ones. The construction of the new county approved the program down, on the big screen in the area showcase the Metro animated renderings, fascinated by watching countless people, his face full of hope. As soon as possible to complete the quality and quantity of construction tasks, so that the masses live in a new house as soon as possible, life returned to normal, aided cadres and masses to forget the work of forgetfulness, Mid-Autumn Festival can only use television cameras to greet their loved ones peace. Han Hui is the university's son David has been unwilling to forgive his father did not go to save him first, Han Hui heart very bitter, after the earthquake disaster everyone has a variety of psychological shadows, the northern aid to build a city invited to fight in the reconstruction of the front line The disaster area cadres came to the north to recuperate. Han and his mother and son found Li ZhenHe's home, catching up with Li ZhenHe's mother for 80 years. Han Hui's mother and son lovingly presented a song of Qiang. David has also been touched. After the reconstruction project of Xianggui Township was over, Li ZhenHe handed over the caddy's key to the new life to the local cadres who assisted them and declined the local request to support the construction of the new building. New county aiding task. It is already the third year. Li ZhenHe has always felt sorry for not giving her mother the 80th birthday. After everyone's persuasion, she decided to take two days to return to her mother to leave her life. Upon her arrival on the plane, she received the mother's death Bad news. Li ZhenHe into deep self-blame and suffering among the unable to extricate themselves. Jim's mother told Li ZhenHe that his mother, like her own children, did not go away and looked in heaven and lived a good life. Li ZhenHe rekindled. Aid to build cadres Sun Xuewen rehabilitate old diseases, fell on the construction site, and Song Geng's second son accompanied by loud crying was born into this new world. The completion ceremony of the new county invites the aid workers and their families to join together to witness the moment of history. In the province, they sent a plane to pick up the mercenaries and went home. Li ZhenHe asked everyone not to tell the local cadres to leave quietly. Wang Jing chose to stay because she found her true love during the reconstruction. Before going to the plane, when Li ZhenHe and everyone finally looked back at this beloved land affectionately, Cheng Liang and local cadres came and reluctantly farewell.

Behind the gunfire (TV)[2010]

Feature: In May 1949, when the People's Liberation Army liberated Shanghai, the actors behind the shootings by Ye ZhengLong, the head of the underground party in Shanghai's Communist Party, were shot behind the scenes. The Kuomintang spy organization tried to blow up Shanghai Hujiang Power Station in an attempt to be named " Firefly plan. " In order to smash the firefly plan, Shanghai Public Security Bureau reconnaissance division led by Chief Ye ZhengLong and the Kuomintang spy organization wits, launched a series of detection work, and actively design and construction of underground emergency power generation group. During the course of his work, there were incidents of sabotage plotted by Kuomintang spies. After some hard work, Ye ZhengLong met all expectations and eventually uncovered a KMT secret agent code-named "Eagle" hidden inside the Shanghai Public Security Bureau and smashed the "firefly plan" of the Kuomintang spy organization.

Behind the black gun (TV)[2009]

Feature: In May 1949, when the People's Liberation Army liberated Shanghai, the actors behind the shootings by Ye ZhengLong, the head of the underground party in Shanghai's Communist Party, were shot behind the scenes. The Kuomintang spy organization tried to blow up Shanghai Hujiang Power Station in an attempt to be named " Firefly plan. " In order to smash the firefly plan, Shanghai Public Security Bureau reconnaissance division led by Chief Ye ZhengLong and the Kuomintang spy organization wits, launched a series of detection work, and actively design and construction of underground emergency power generation group. During the course of his work, there were incidents of sabotage plotted by Kuomintang spies. After some hard work, Ye ZhengLong met all expectations and eventually uncovered a KMT secret agent code-named "Eagle" hidden inside the Shanghai Public Security Bureau and smashed the "firefly plan" of the Kuomintang spy organization.

My leader my group (TV)[2009]

Feature: In a place not far from the Sino-Burmese border, called Chanda, a group of people and civilians from different corners of the world who came from all corners of the country with different identities and even different political views met here because of the fate of various factions: Meng FanLe, Peking Yi Zhang, Jingmin Luo, Hunan Hunan Bu La, Wang Yi, Shanghai Military Officer Yi Long, Kwok Keung Cheung, Dou Bing, , Snake ass, Kang Ya, Chuan Mei Zi Chen XiaoZui. The suffering of the war and physical injuries left them with a hopeless day. They are both disgusted and dependent on each other, and they are the ultimate goal of their everyday existence without starving to death. In order to survive in a harsh war environment, they have no choice but to abandon their former enemies, their grievances, their prejudices, narrowly and unite to form a small contingent. In the real predicament, they have realized the righteous cause of national survival and thus have no return We will work together to write a tragic battle song of a country full of blood and blood in the struggle for justice against Japan's aggressors, defending their homeland, defending their dignity, and sacrificing their lives for the victory of the war. After a battle, the small contingent suffered heavy casualties and suddenly broke into the air with smoke. The strange man who killed the five Japanese soldiers who were blocked outside the warehouse claiming to be the chief of the Sichuan Army, Long Wen Zhang (Duan Yihong) To Zena, Long WenZhang was arrested by the gendarmes, so he was not a leader. He was just a lieutenant who had picked up the regimental rank of the regiment to hang himself after the regiment's death. When other people were detained at the shelter, just as many people speculated that Long WenZhang, an extremely frustrated life experience, had been shot, a new headmaster, Jiadong Xing, was appointed to appoint Long WenZhang as head of the delegation. Time, Jedi survival of a red tendency of their encounter with a student, Long WenZhang and his hatred late my head my group highlights, in the ideals and soul of the debate red-hot, and finally Long WenZhang said meaningfully We are too old, they are too young. Shortly after that, Long Wen Zhang pulled out a 13-man commando to rescue Meng FanLe's parents from a cold flow of Gulfstream that had not been monitored by the Red Army. The sores and wounds in the occupied area made the people feel guilty and Long WenZhang turned what he called a rescue into a cross-river reconnaissance during which he met a Communist guerrillas. The red students who had debated Long WenZhang were already Communists, The commando was successfully withdrawn on the east coast, and the Communist guerrillas were annihilated to prevent the Japanese army from discovering the cross-river passage. Yu XiaoQing is preparing for a massive cross-river attack and plans to win over Nantianmen, a well-heeled enemy. For more than a year the Japanese have transformed the whole mountain into a huge fort, and from the cannon fodder there, Experience, such an offensive must be a failure. Long WenZhang stopped, Yu XiaoQing give him half a month to find evidence to give up the attack. Long WenZhang and Meng FanLe were forced out of the West Bank to draw the Nantianmen fortifications under the Japanese Army's eyes.While Long WenZhang collected unassailable evidence, he also found a way to capture the Nantianmen, but he could not say "that terrible way" because he cherished the life of everyone, dubbed the cannon fodder, in his heart Clearly what that mean by that extremely tragic method would mean. This is a war, a fierce battle that has fodder the cannon fodder deeply on the long axis of history from now on, weeping ghost god's battle of death.

Life and death line (TV)[2009]

Feature: "Life and death line" tells the story of the late 1938 Xuzhou Battle, the Japanese surprise attack on Qu Ning Port, the move was lurking for many years underground members of Europe forever Si DaoFeng Yang Shanchuan insight, but unfortunately he could not be deterred alone, Finally occupied. Under the leadership of Si DaoFeng, a proletarian proletariat with a special status, Ouyang ShanChuan formed the anti-Japanese organization "Si DaoFeng." This highly personalized anti-Japanese organization of romantic and romantic feelings embraces the various forces in all walks of life. After the Pacific war broke out in 1941, Gunin experienced the two most difficult years of armed hostilities during the Sino-Japanese War. "Si Dao Feng" was ordered to send Atomic Physics physicist He MoXiu to the U.S. navigating ship at all costs. During the long break-up war, Si DaoFeng led the guerrillas to eliminate Li LiuYe, a traitor from the city of Gulin and his elder brother. He MoXiu, who was swallowed but full of blood, was eventually infected and decided to stay and become a member of "Si DaoFeng." The sky of the four men In the end of the war of resistance against Japan in 1945, the defeated Japanese army built the airport in Gurin and left half of Gurin's people as human resources in the work site. He MoXiu, who has always been regarded as a coward Occasionally, Ouyang dignified the backbone, directing the resistance movement both inside and outside the site. Under the guidance of the guerrillas, the national army captured the most threatening airport. For the first time, the Chinese gathered outside of Putin without a partisan class. All-round victory in the war, Ouyang will be the most brilliant time of his life and his most precious things are left in the Gunning. The anti-Japanese organization "Si DaoFeng" has always had only one or two dozen people. However, over 600 people were sacrificed as members of the "Si DaoFeng" throughout the war.

Special warfare DR division (TV)[2007]

Feature: Our army has actively promoted the military reform with Chinese characteristics and secretly organized a number of high-tech special forces units, code-named DR divisions, which were mixed with more troops in the southeastern military region of China. This is a tentative, mythical "ace force" that has a huge appeal for every soldier longing for success. Under the leadership of leader Hu Yang, Chang HePing, code-named "Little Sichuan", Zhao Song, "Fat Man" Jiang ZhiGuo, "Wet Man" Liu FuGang, "Gao HaiTao", and "Hacker" Gao HaiTao broke through military training and science Technology and advanced knowledge after stationed in the DR force ...... Stills All kinds of difficulties and contradictions ensued, twists and turns, the eve of military exercises, DR military mysterious disappearance of scientific and technological achievements within the military, but also suffered a brutal provocation A State Special Forces ...... During the actual combat confrontation exercises with the Red Army and the Blue Army, from the premeditated exercises to the confrontation without back-to-back plans and the four larger-scale exercises with long-distance, three-dimensional follow-up attacks, Hu Yang and his DR But successively frustrated ... ... Commander of the military overview of the overall situation, firmly support the reform of the armed forces, Hu Yang from the actual combat rehearsal units, bold tactical put forward a series of "strange move", equipment updates, high-tech computer system gradually Perfect, DR division is also gradually mature ...... Sea and air force exercises held as scheduled, again stood up and Hu Yang led his DR division is invincible ...

Soldiers Sortie (TV)[2006]

Feature: "Soldier Assault" Poster Xu SanDuo (Wang Baoqiang), who was not a soldier in the posters, drew the "surrender of the hands" when seeing the tank to the company named "Steel Seven Company" When Cheng Jin (Yi Zhang) became his reliance, Wu LiuYi (Jiadong Xing), a vice-class curator and fellow squad leader, was treated as a barbed thorn in his clumsiness. After the recruit training, Xu SanDuo was assigned to five remote maintenance training camps, accompanied by Cheng Cai (Chen Sicheng), a unit of the army, went to Steel Seven. Five classes squad leader, Lao Ma (Lei Fan), who was defeated by reality, was accepted as an order by Xu SanDuo. With a simple and honest attitude, he took six months to complete an impossible task for all. Completed the task, so that the whole five classes were moved, the spirit of a new look, so he came to ten years to look back at steel seven, see class monitor Shi Jin. After the joy, one by one seemingly impossible to cross the threshold of his word lined up. In the process, he learned a lot from Shi Jin, Wu LiuYi, Gao Cheng, old A Yuan Lang (decorated by Duan Yihong) and Wu Zhe (Li Chen (actor)). From a " Become a "good soldier."

Jstars courtyard (TV)[2006]

Feature: In the early years of Xianfeng in the Qing Dynasty, Qiao ZhiGuang, a generation of Qiaojia Fortress in Qixian County, Shanxi Province, failed in business and died seriously ill. When Qiao ZhiGuang headed, Joe home in Baotou because of rival Qiujia Zheng dominate the business led to a loss of silver, the goods slow sales. Shareholders, businesses have come to discuss the shares of silver and payment. The occasion of the crisis, not only no business is willing to spend money to help Qiao Guo tide over difficulties, but all peep Qiajia industry waiting for an opportunity. Mrs. Qiao immediately ordered a person to recall Qiao ZhiYong, a young master who took part in the imperial examination in Taiyuan, and forced him to renounce Jiang XueYing, a daughter of Lu DaKe, nicknamed "Shanxi First", and took over Lu Yu Joe became the new family as a big house. Qiao ZhiYong not willing to do business, but do not want to marry the rich lady Miss Lu Yukun, but in the face of Qiao Qi Qiaoqiu and ardent hope of this gold list, but in order to give up the imperial examination, Qiao home courtyard of the rise and fall of honor, Qiao ZhiYong reluctantly agreed. Sun MaoCai, a seasoned scholar of excellence. Qiao ZhiYong Qiao ZhiYong have had a number of fate in the examination of Taiyuan, but also with the Qiao ZhiYong tongue in the Dragon Gate examiner, this time he learned that Qiao Jiazhai difficult, but also to go to Joe home to help. Qiao ZhiYong arrived in Baotou in a timely manner, temporarily stabilizing the chaos. Baotou in the eyes of all puzzled, Qiao ZhiYong Bingxingzhaozhao, under immense pressure orderly brewing their own plans. Lu DaKe unexpectedly once again by the silver make Qiao ZhiYong defeated Tatsu Shengchang, and due to the leniency of Qiao ZhiYong, Qiao and Da Sheng Changhua as the cause, as in this battle reached Shengchang Cui MingJiu large treasurer was arrested, His brother Cui MingShi Qiao ZhiYong very resentful. Qiao ZhiYong Baotou Baoliao Baotou for the conduct of conduct such as swagger personnel changes and drafted a new store rules to ensure the stability of Joe's business is also gradually established a "good faith" headed by the commercial order. Qiao ZhiYong won the support and trust of Baotou Public Merchants and shareholders with "righteousness, trust and profit", and Qiao's business started to regain its vitality. Qiao ZhiYong back Qixian, Lu Yu 菡 gentle virtuous moved Qiao ZhiYong, the couple finally gluey. Jiang XueYing at this time because of over-sad, serious illness can not afford. Qiao ZhiYong A man named Hanako accidentally bought a map of a hundred years of business, with painstaking research and found that the Taiping For chaos and blockade of the tea road for many years there is a huge business opportunity. Qiao ZhiYong despite strong opposition from his family, with the merchants unprofitable shares of silver south go tea production - Wuyishan. Six months later, just as everyone rumored Qiao ZhiYong died on the way south, ready to carve up Joe's family property, Qiao ZhiYong returned to Qixian with tea bought for each family. Subsequently, Qiao ZhiYong went north to Chkatu until the Sino-Russian border and signed a long-term cooperative trade contract with Russian traders on the basis of "righteousness, trust and profit". At this point, south to Wuyishan, north of this blockade of Chkatu for many years the tea road was Qiao ZhiYong clear, millions of tea farmers are saved. Qiao ZhiYong has a strong interest in the ticket number in the process of tea exchange and exchange of silver tickets.After some understanding, regardless of Sun MaoCai strongly oppose Sun MaoCai go to Beijing, Qiao ZhiYong force all sorts of difficulties, opened a ticket number, put forward the "Huitong world, goods through the world," the slogan. Then went to the four southern provinces opened a ticket number and hope to help the court exchange official silver. Sun MaoCai gradually contradicted Qiao ZhiYong due to differences in business opinions. Jiang XueYing at this time has long been married and in charge of any home, on the Qiao ZhiYong passionate hate. Jiang XueYing's maid Cui Er accidentally saw Qiao ZhiYong secretly buried the Taiping generals things, Jiang XueYing learned that the latter paper sued Qiao ZhiYong into jail. Joe helpless from top to bottom, the court ordered the jail and asked for a huge amount of silver two, since then Qiao ZhiYong frustrated, lying at home is a decade. Sun MaoCai convinced the eldest son Cao, want to replace Qiao ZhiYong in charge of Joe family business. Thinking again and again, can no longer be patient, Sun MaoCai out. Ten years later, the Taiping Forces were annihilated and the court banned Qiao ZhiYong's blockade. However, due to the current turmoil, Qiao ZhiYong still can not afford to go out of business and can only keep a low profile. In a flood of floodwaters, Qiao ZhiYong resolutely decided to go bankrupt and open a conch field for one hundred thousand hungry people. When Hu ShuChun arrived, Qiao ZhiYong hid. In another ten years, the imperial court dispatched troops to the Northern Expedition. The high left of the left represented the court hopes of borrowing silver to Qiao ZhiYong and Qiao ZhiYong, a longtime home, readily agreed. The war ended, because Sun MaoCai's framed, the court turned out to rely on this silver. Qiao ZhiYong gas, however, discussed in Beijing, once again arrested and jailed. The court was somewhat embarrassed about how to dispose of Qiao ZhiYong and transferred Sun MaoCai, who had been the home of Qiao ZhiYong 20 years ago, as the trial for the case. He tried to push Sun MaoCai to commit the blame. Sun MaoCai and Qiao ZhiYong meet in prison, feeling a lot, SunMacCai murmured that you and I really like two grasshoppers tied to a rope ah. 1900 AD, the Eight-Power Allied Forces captured Beijing, Ci Xi Queen Mother and Guangxu empire fled. Qiao ZhiYong donated money to the court to flee despite all opposition. Ci Xi Queen Mother lifted the ban on foreign exchange bankers everywhere, and Joe's business boomed. Decades passed, Lu Yuzuo died, Qiao ZhiYong and Jiang XueYing is already old age, the two meet again, life's grudges and sorrows, even in a few words to disintegrate.

Migrant workers (TV)[2005]

Feature: Ju GuangDa (Fan Ming ornaments), a middle-aged farmer who is still optimistic about migrant workers, is one of millions of migrant workers in China. In order to improve his life, in order to let his son concentrate on reading a person, he is diligent in the field, hard working. Although save a lot of money, but the bitterness of several people know? The vast majority of son dual (Chen Sicheng ornaments) three years college entrance examination, three years off. Love known to work hard in the majority of the city severely forbidden son embarked on this hard road, but the duality of academic disappointment finally stampede bound for the county train. Outside the world of flowers that always hold the dual in the country at a loss, he accidentally helped a man beaten old Zang, for the table of gratitude, Zang introduction of dual into a site. The so-called innocence book, the majority also work in this site. Father and son quarrel with the workforce, or even cut off the relationship. Soon, the dual encounter also came from rural woman Li Ping (Yuchen Pan). Li Ping, who has an unlucky love experience, walks slowly into love with the dual element of longing for love, but then a good love must face the cruel reality of the test.

Jianghuernu (Movie)[1952]

Feature: Zhongyi Technology Group operating hard, still meals not to follow, the teacher Xiao ZhongYi forced a living, and his daughter He Hua moved to dance hall performance. Ballroom Tang JingLi too Loyalty Technology Group unexpected, to loyalty changed its name to "He Hua Technology Mission", soon after asked He Hua dressed in perspective. All groups are opposed to the big table, and finally away from the ballroom. He Hua fell in love with Tie Zhu, a knot. After loyalty was informed, he Hua and Tie Zhu were forced to clash with Loyalty and Loyalty, He Hua ran away from home. Loyalty deep since regret, He Hua also end up reluctant to return because of his father, father and daughter meet, before the hatchet release. At this moment, Tang Jingli sent people to investigate loyalty and breach of contract, and took away the props and instruments used by the technical troupe. Loyalty and others decided to go to the streets to play arts, intends to accumulate enough entangled that trip back home. Technical troupe Liu Meng blackmail protection costs, Tie Zhu angry resistance, was stabbed in the chaos. Tie Zhu can not perform, He Hua is pregnant, barely debut, resulting in movement of the fetal position, to be hospitalized surgery. Tie Zhu promised Tang Jingli for dangerous performance in order to raise operating costs. He Hua gave birth to a baby and was discharged. Chung Yee Technology Troupe also ended his journey back to China.

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