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Xiaowei Yu TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Xiaowei Yu Works 33 ,And Romance 11 ,Feature 9 ,Urban drama 7 ,Family drama 4 ,Costume Drama 4 ,Love 3 ,Contemporary 2 ,Comedy 2 ,Workplace film 2 ,Spy war 1 ,时装1 ,青春偶像剧1 ,都市情感剧1 ,创业1 ,历史传奇剧1 ,年代传奇1 ,War legend 1 ,Historical play 1 ,legend 1 ,Sci-Fi 1 ,权谋1 ,Ethical play 1 ,Republic of China 1 ,Biopic 1 ,War 1 ,Action 1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Suspense 1 。

Works Index

Xiaowei Yu Filmography(33)


秀才点兵 (TV)[2020]


电视剧《秀才点兵》剧情介绍:讲述了坊间出现了一名专门劫富济贫的女飞贼侠盗飞鹰——金英。耿直不阿的良才县神捕陆战,奉命捉拿飞鹰中,发觉二人理念一致,渐被她的正义所吸引。一次,飞鹰潜入太保万镇方府邸偷窃,陆战捕飞鹰而误堕山崖,幸得飞鹰及时相救,陆战表白心迹,飞鹰大受感动,毅然退出江湖,用金英的名字,委身下嫁神捕,后来更诞下一名女儿,改名为陆拾义,喻意以义字做人。飞鹰的名字从此在江湖销声匿迹,而陆战在一次衙门失火中殉职。 十多年后,金英已是药膳汤铺的老板娘。陆拾义亦女承父业,成为一个神勇女捕快,人称拾义妹。水东楼新官上任,立意整顿衙门内贪风,与刑名师爷史其旺等,产生利益冲突。后旺佩服楼的智能,二人成为“最佳拍挡”。抚台之子马立光自恃权贵身份,奸污民女,东楼誓依法惩办。结果惹来抚台震怒,众官为求自保请皇上发下圣谕,钦点东楼主理此案,又荐东楼为“清廉第一官”,东楼的风头一时无两。拾义妹的姑姐陆秀姑虽然嗜赌成性,廖氏为报恩,又可怜秀姑,所以对秀姑极好。后其旺始得悉她的坎坷身世,助秀姑争回儿子的抚养权,其旺的师爷事业更上一层楼,与秀姑成为一对。拾义妹升为“马快”,可以策马穿州过省,缉拿汪洋大盗。金英为怕爱女出事,决定暗中保护。一次,金英为救爱女,使出飞鹰的独门绝招“流云斩”,引起“侠盗飞鹰”重出江湖的传言。金英不得不坦认自己是侠盗飞鹰的身份。

流金岁月 (TV)[2020]

Feature: 二十世纪九十年代的上海,朱锁锁和蒋南孙家境不同,性格不同,但同样美丽、聪慧。年少时,锁锁家境不好,南孙家收留、帮助过锁锁,因此她们结下了深厚的友谊。步入社会后,朱锁锁在职场中起伏,凭着才智和优秀的条件很快发达起来,蒋南孙则继续追求学业,谈起恋爱,变得更加知性。后来,蒋家落难,朱锁锁帮助南孙走出校园,为其提供住处和工作,蒋南孙亦靠努力和学识,逐渐成为一名出色的白领丽人。朱锁锁结婚,看似风光,婚姻却不被丈夫的家人认可,夫妻关系亮起红灯时,蒋南孙帮助她照顾孩子,料理她的生活,直到朱锁锁有勇气走出困局。人事沧桑,岁月无情,她们遍尝了生活的个中滋味,却互相扶持,同甘共苦,不仅将生活经营出多彩的模样,亦各自成为最成熟的女人,拥有自己的流金岁月。定档海报

庆余年 (TV)[2019]


某大学文学史专业的学生张庆熟读古典名著,但他用现代观念剖析古代文学史的论文命题不被 Ye JiaoShou 所认可。为了让 Ye JiaoShou 成为自己的研究生导师,张庆决定通过写小说的方式,进一步阐述自己想要表达的观点。 在他的小说中,身世神秘的少年—— Fan Xian ,自小跟随奶奶生活在海边小城澹州,随着一位老师的突然造访,他看似平静的生活开始直面重重的危机与考验。在神秘老师和一位蒙眼守护者的指点下, Fan Xian 熟识药性药理,修炼霸道真气并精进武艺,而后接连化解了诸多危局。因对身世之谜的好奇, Fan Xian 离开澹州,前赴京都。 在京都, Fan Xian 饱尝人间冷暖并坚守对正义、良善的坚持,书写了一段光彩的人生传奇。

第二次也很美 (TV)[2019]


一毕业就结婚、一结婚就生子的“毕婚族”90后萌妈 An An ,在儿子5岁的时候被迫终结全职太太的清闲生活。她没能逃脱“毕婚族”大多失婚的诅咒,成了单身妈妈,被打入谷底。一场车祸,把还没结过婚的律政界翘楚 Xu Lang 变成了80后单身爸爸,他本想一辈子守住车祸的秘密,带着5岁的女儿过平静的生活,却意外结识了 An An 母子,曾波澜不惊的生活变得鸡飞狗跳。截然不同的两个家庭在误会和和解之间互相治愈, An An 实现了成为漫画家的梦想、成为了儿子的榜样。 Xu Lang 建起了属于自己的律师楼,成为了女儿心中满分的爸爸。最终,两家人变成了一家人,收获了全新意义上的幸福人生。他们经历过许多次第一次挫折后,爬起后,成长后,才发现第二次也很美。

谍战深海之惊蛰 (TV)[2019]


1941年上海,混迹江湖靠贩卖情报为生的街头小混混 Chen Shan 因长相酷似军统特工肖正国,被日本梅机关特务头子 Huang MuWei 意外看中,从此卷入一场腥风血雨的地下战争。 Huang MuWei 挟持了他的妹妹 Chen Xia ,逼迫 Chen Shan 成为日本间谍。为了营救妹妹,具有特工天赋的他只能接受秘密特训,冒名顶替肖正国前往重庆潜伏到军统内部,准备窃取重要情报。潜伏生涯惊心动魄,然而作为一个中国人, Chen Shan 并不想真的背叛祖国,在共产党员 Zhang Li 和 Qian ShiYing 对他的不断影响下, Chen Shan 逐渐成长,毅然站到了抗日的阵营。之后,为粉碎日寇阴谋, Chen Shan 和 Zhang Li 冒着生命危险再次回到上海,反潜伏进入汪伪特工总部,他们一次次携手合作,生死与共,在与敌人的斗智斗勇中, Chen Shan 最终树立了信仰,成长为了一名真正的战士,并成功粉碎了侵略者的险恶阴谋 。


Geek rivers and lakes (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Geek Rivers and Lakes" tells of the lack of communication skills of the young girl Fu Jiao (Jing Tian ornaments) in the field of computer has a superb ability to participate in her new game research and development, found that game industry giant Teng Yue Group released a new game even with her The same development. After confusion, Fu Jiao was taken as the "inner ghost" of the company and was evicted from her home. After several unsuccessful interpretations with the company, she decided to go to Prance headquarters to make it clear ... A series of blows put Fu Jiao in the bottom of her life at Under the arrangement of destiny, Fu Jiao lived in the ancestral home of Wang Yang (Aarif Rahman), which was brought under the same roof by the loving enemies of the earlier enemies of "hatred" and became born in conflicts and crises. In the end, in the entrepreneurial dream and cruel reality intertwined space, created a myth!

Remarriage equation (TV)[2018]


TV series “Remarriage Formula” Plot Introduction: It tells about Yang Xi and Tong Xin’s marriage for eight years. Different values ​​and outlook on life drive their relationship further and further, until the divorce. After the divorce, Yang Hao did not seek to make progress. Tong Xin succeeded in his own efforts and achieved success. He also became a marriage partner with Mai Tian, ​​who is deeply in love with her program director for many years. Yang Yang, the son, could not accept her mother's marriage with other men and used radical measures to stop marriage. Yang Yang and Tong Xin, who had already become strangers, had to stage a farce of fake remarriage. The event finally revealed, and both parents learned the truth. I was deeply shocked and finally realized that I should not interfere in the emotional life of young people. In the life of false remarriage, Yang Hao was cheered up by Tong Xinzheng's emotions. His work achieved results. At the same time, the two sides re-acquainted each other and Tong Xin returned to Yang Xuan’s arms.

Remarriage equation related information:

The 48th episode of Modern City Emotional TV Drama “Remarriage Formula” shot by Kunshan Chang Fanbo Film & TV Culture Co., Ltd. in Kunshan was launched on the 14th in Kunshan, Jiangsu Province. Xu Qing, Calvin, Siqin Gaowa, Zheng Guolin, Period, Guo Kaimin and many other film and television stars will Take part in the filming.

The play uses humorous expressions to revolve around the contradictions of the “seven-year itch” in modern marriage and family. It tells the story of a dramatic remarriage event that drastically regroups a divorced couple. Rediscover the true meaning of love and marriage, profoundly understand the meaning of love, responsibility, and family, and finally reunite the story.

屏幕快照 2018-05-18 上午9.14.06.png

The main creative team was interviewed by the media. Siqin Gaowa hopes that the audience will watch the show and have a deeper understanding of love, responsibility, and family.

The strength actor Siqin Gaowa said in an interview with the media that the theme of the play attracted her and gave her a lot of inspiration. “I hope that the audience will have a better understanding of the marriage when they watch this play. When they have problems in marriage, they will learn to think and solve it better.”

Siqin Gaowa defined his mother’s role as a “cute character” and looked rather tossing. But in fact, she is a catalyst for the family’s emotional sublimation. "She is a traditional Chinese mother who wants her daughter to enjoy a good life. She is also a wife's wife's mother-in-law. She is also a grandmother who loves her grandmother very much. She works tirelessly for the family and the beauty.”

The play will be directed by Hu Mingkai, a well-known Hong Kong director who has directed "Youth Bao Qingtian", "Heavenly Sword of the Dragon", "Sui Tang Heroes" and other plays. He said that the show has been prepared for more than three years, the script has also changed the tenth draft, the characters outline more full and true, the audience can find their own shadow from these roles, is a very modern urban air show. Everyone has more or less personal sacrifices for "home peace," but in the end he will be happy.

“The audience will be very enjoyable, the actors and characters will be highly fit, the performing artist will be a 'comedy', and the show will have the oldest acting, with Xu Qing and Siqin Gaowa’s opponents, Calvin and Zheng Guolin. The 'deep play', what sparks will be played out by the old and young players will be worth looking forward to," said Hu Mingkai.


Datang Glory (TV)[2017]

Feature: Shen ZhenZhu was born, was chosen as Princess Guang Ping Wang Li Chu, gave birth to the eldest son of Tang Dezong Li, Li was chased after the Rui Regent. She just introduced a southern woman, good heart, surviving Sajik and goodwill, in Anshun chaos only willing to stay in Changan and common people advance and retreat, as Changan people respect. Though dispersed among the generals, Mo Yan Chuhu, pursued it, he still held his love for Li Chu. After the Tang Dynasty recuperates to Changan, the diaspora can not enter the palace, but Li Chu is determined to pick up the pearl back. The pearl takes the prince Li Chu as its priority and returns to the folk. After Li Chu looks for many places, the pearl is always reluctant to enter the palace. Wish to fulfill Li Chu. She won Li Chu's life unforgettable by her knowledge of Darjeeling's knowledge and the excellent quality of having both ability and political integrity. And she is not a luxury to coordinate the harem with a word to know the sufferings of the common people. Shen ZhenZhu, a generation of talented women, made certain historic contributions to the development of the mid-Tang Dynasty.

Datang Glory 2 (TV)[2017]

Feature: Emperor Su-tsung during the royal family internal and external problems. The prince Li Tan was framed by the Queen to die, and the eldest son Li Chu grieved. Chaotang above, Zhang Huang and Shi Siming slander Li Chu, led to Li Chu military power was seized. In order to cheer Li Chu, Du GuJingYao proposed to marry into the palace to assist Li Chu. In the face of Du GuJingYao kindness and love of his wife Pearl, Li Chu into a dilemma. For the future of Li Chu and Datang dynasty, Pearl Chu Li volunteered to marry Du GuJingYao voluntarily, after which Li Chu was established as a prince. The wiles of Zhang Queen and Shi Siming became ruthless as Li Chu stepped forward to the throne. Shi Shiming torn the mask of conspiracy. Chaotang, Zhang Empress Prince another set of tricks has also been loyal leader Li Ying see through, Prince Edward's place was Paul. The emptiness of Queen Zhang desperately struggled trying to kidnap pearl Li Xu Li Chu, exposing the Emperor in front of the emperor Zhang Zhang's trick, the Queen's final food. With the help of all loyal admirals and Du GuJingYao, Li Chu successfully defended himself. Datang Jiangshan finally solid, experienced ups and downs ups and downs of the Li Chu, boarded the throne, the continuation of Datang glory.

The most beautiful is you (TV)[2016]

Feature: Li SiJin married Zhang Wei, an ordinary family, despite the opposition of his mother and ex-girlfriend Chen JiaZi. Under the pressure of her mother-in-law, Zhang Wei is still an adventurer with low platelets. Zhang Wei exhausted several abortions. Li SiJin distressed Zhang Wei To immigrate with her, Zhang Wei filed a divorce for infertility owed to Li SiJin. Li SiJin still loves Zhang Wei deeply, but under the mother's strong intervention, the two are hard to compound. Li SiJin misunderstood Zhang Wei's frustration with Gao Xiang's wing drunk, Chen JiaZi came to look after him and let Li SiJin misunderstand the two, and married Li SiJin on the pretext of pregnancy with the support of Wang XueMei. Gao Xiang wing proposed to Zhang Wei, Zhang Wei but found that pregnant with Li SiJin's children. Gao Xiang said generously willing to raise children. Li SiJin divorces Chen JiaZi after knowing the truth. Chen JiaZi and his uncle who kidnapped Zhang Zhang kidnapped and forcibly aborted them, eventually thinking about and rushing to save Zhang Wei. Chen JiaZi also pays for selfishness & nbsp ;.

OhMyGod (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Chen Mo and Mo Han, Le Yi and Lu MiJia are two pairs of lovers, each other are close friends, four young people live in an apartment as a grown-ups as casual life, the game world. Suddenly a meteorized day came to them as a lovely baby, a child of four who does not know who it is. Surprised I rush to the Nai Ba wet nurse who were almost crazy, find any. Gradually, they found that this is named "Ye Xing" baby actually has incredible special features. Followed by a variety of events after another. In the course of the response, this weird "Family of Five" became well-tempered, changing the chaos of the past, as though everything was directed by the little baby in the dark. The two young men have also grown from boys and girls to men and women, know the true meaning of love, understand the adult play. When everything seemed perfect, a dashing truck crashed into a family of five traveling by car. In a violent crash, "Ye Xing" showed a naive smile.

Spirit and Meat (TV)[2015]

Feature: The play is based on Mr. Zhang Xianliang's novel "Spirit and Flesh". On the eve of the birth of New China, the father of a capitalist abandoned Xu LingJun, 11, to the United States. In the early 1960s, Xu LingJun (Calvin), who had been wrongly labeled as a rightist because of his father's capitalist, placed the teamwork of He Lan Shan's seven work teams and married the beautiful and kind-hearted Li XiuZhi (Sun Qian). In the face of various unfair conditions for up to 20 years, Xu LingJun did not give up his dreams, cultivated a group of rural children as artistic talents and affected honest and kind-hearted seven teams of workers. After the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, Xu LingJun transferred Yinchuan to engage in cultural studies. In order to prove the value of the culture, Xu LingJun established a film and television company to develop the Zhenbei Fort and built it into a famous movie location in the country, led by cultural forces Farm workers get rich together. He used culture to turn the ruins into spectacle, using art to elevate the realm of the people, and writing the legendary tale of the new generation of Chinese intellectuals sticking to their faith and realizing their dreams.


Feature: Stills Song Nuan, Zhou GeGe, Gao WenRuoHan and NingBara are dormitory roommates and classmates, graduating, all four have entered a large enterprise internship. Rich second generation Zhang Sheng under the pressure of his mother, but also had to be an intern. Zhang Sheng is cracking down on Song Nuan, but Song Nuan takes everyone with his strength and resilience. Zhao XiaoChuan falls in love with Zhou GeGe, but painfully finds out that his secret party is Zhang Sheng. A few 90 are growing up, their parents are also subjected to shocks. Song GuangMing, Song Nuan's father, was unemployed, hoping to find a job without telling his wife and daughter. Chen AiLian, bent on raising her daughter Zhou GeGe, was laid off by her daughter's student Ning Bala. Children grow into cocooning butterflies on their way to growth. Parents are also reborn in the process of social reintegration. Zhang Sheng's entrepreneur mother died of business failures, leaving the world, Zhang Sheng has experienced the most significant test of life, Song Nuan never betray company, the two gain growth, but also the most pure love.


Feature: Stills Song Nuan, Zhou GeGe, Gao WenRuoHan and NingBara are dormitory roommates and classmates, graduating, all four have entered a large enterprise internship. Rich second generation Zhang Sheng under the pressure of his mother, but also had to be an intern. Zhang Sheng is cracking down on Song Nuan, but Song Nuan takes everyone with his strength and resilience. Zhao XiaoChuan falls in love with Zhou GeGe, but painfully finds out that his secret party is Zhang Sheng. A few 90 are growing up, their parents are also subjected to shocks. Song GuangMing, Song Nuan's father, was unemployed, hoping to find a job without telling his wife and daughter. Chen AiLian, bent on raising her daughter Zhou GeGe, was laid off by her daughter's student Ning Bala. Children grow into cocooning butterflies on their way to growth. Parents are also reborn in the process of social reintegration. Zhang Sheng's entrepreneur mother died of business failures, leaving the world, Zhang Sheng has experienced the most significant test of life, Song Nuan never betray company, the two gain growth, but also the most pure love.

War beacon spread (TV)[2014]

Feature: Hundred regiments on the eve of World War II, North China on earth flames throughout the war. Xiu Fu, supreme commander of the Yuncheng Japanese army, was a war madman. He made a vow to destroy the will of all resisters. In a battle to clear up, he noticed that after killing Noda underestimated encirclement Gan Yuan, vowed to seize this person. Gan Yuan survived and met the brother of the Eighth Route Army squad, Gengxin, who was carrying out his duties. Unexpectedly encountered another ambush Xiu Fu, brother Gan new squad soldier all sacrificed. In order to complete his brother's wish, Gan Yuan replaced his brother to Yuncheng and underground party joints, and the use of migrant workers to set up an anti-Japanese unit under the leadership of the underground members of Choi Wan, blasting copper, fried railway, pull the turret, The robbery of the train team, completed a number of tasks assigned to their superiors, becoming the crux of Xiu Fu. After many tests of war, each member of the detachment gradually grew into a qualified Eighth Route Army fighter and finally completed the seemingly impossible task of rescuing the anti-Japanese martyrs in the prison. Independent regiment commander gave squad commendation, boast they are soldiers who grew up in the war & nbsp ;.

Food to pregnant turn (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Food to Pregnancy" tells the story of the family feast, the unique connotation of the Chinese tradition, and profound connotation. Shen Jiazheng is such a typical family with the standard of family dinner. Her father Shen Qizheng is the defender of all traditional things. Zhao Jinghua, in accordance with the standards of Michelin, is definitely a Chinese chef Samsung; son and daughter a total of three people, although the names are taken by the birth of solar terms, seemingly unmotivated, but in fact all the high-pressure nursing parents Full of difficulties. What makes Shen even more upset is that all three children have entered the age of childbearing one after another. The eldest son Shen LiDong and his wife Su Qiao married for five years, failed to fulfill their wishes. The task of passing on the lineage is like a nightmare filled with tension in this home. The rough road raises many ridiculous stories. Shen LiDong belonged to the appearance is quite good, brain Emmanuel, is not always on the right place, as many as thirty nothing. Before the parents are over the protection and control of life, still a "big boy", unrealistic and immature factors. As the boss of Shen's family, Genghis Komachi is more important than the cause of success is to send an indirect reference to Shen Chuanzong, at the age of 25 was forced by the family at home to marry his wife and children first in life, Not up to speed, in the interpretation of a dumbfounding out of feelings after the farce, all the way to 32 years old "big male wedding" age finally married his wife. The age of the Ben career used to find a wife in this matter, the result is "thirty and not stand." Heart than heaven, life than paper, in the arrangements for the parents to arrange an editor mixed live, to work a relaxed picture, in order to engage in some friends and "sideline", always think that they have extraordinary ability to be post and friends to post From the piracy business, and ultimately learned a lesson, in the mother Zhao Jinghua fell ill and life frustrated, and finally learned as a man to grow up a son, and ultimately took the mom's skill, palm up the spoonful of Shen, completed A man's history. Su Qiao, a big daughter-in-law, is definitely a good daughter-in-law in the traditional sense of the world. She has always waited for her to be good, but has also waver in the face of the pressure of her reproductive problems and has tried to give up. Inclusive of her husband, understanding of the mother-in-law, stick to their own small home. Second daughter Shen GuYu executives, and her husband Du YiMing called fairy tale marriage, but in the workplace women's balance of work and family eternal problems, time and time again tested the firmness of marriage. Gu Yu and her husband Du YiMing really count on fairytale marriage, the two fairly educated, like-minded, taste no difference, earn a salary, wearing a new, living in the city center, absolutely middle class, envy others. However, as the saying goes, happy marriages are similar. Each day of happiness is even more similar. All these years of enjoyment are enjoyed. The romance is romantic. When people are watching the next generation have their children's problems Can not escape. As an account executive for an advertising agency, she is strong and dictatorial, capable and comfortable, and her family is becoming less and less dependent on her career. Even if she seems to have more autonomy, she can no longer escape when children and promotion opportunities come at the same time , How to choose, a direct result of the marriage encountered the first major crisis!While solving the problems, they are also reexamining themselves and examining their attitudes toward marriage. When they finally reach the edge of divorce, they can understand what is more valuable. Shen XiaoMan, a small daughter graduated within a year, that is, the process of getting married and having children in love is completed, and she is still an unbridled elder child stage. She and her classmate Ma Rui quickly entered lactation, Realistic life is the daily necessities of daily life, such as daily necessities, and two people who have no sense of responsibility can appreciate the pain of growing up in the process. Coupled with extremely mother and her mother wrapped in the middle, so that the two little parents daily wonderful life, holding a child playing games, shift system, escape home, the two staged a new rookie raising children The ultimate event, Ma Rui Ma eventually with a fleeting accident accident, all innocent days abrupt end, the two children finally found their own life to face and bear the responsibility, began to face growth & nbsp ;.

Pass through the east pass (TV)[2013]

Feature: In a village in Shandong province, Guan Liang (Calvin ornaments), Guan Shui (Yi Zhao ornaments) and Guan Ying (Xuejing Yan ornaments) struggled to survive the dilemma. Guan Shui Wanted to kill because of bet, Guan Liang Guan Shui was wanted. The two fled to the site to work, leaving a good impression to the general manager Li Jintao. To kill the martyr at this point, Li Jin 镛 dry daughter Jiang XueZhu (Xu Cuicui ornaments) to help escape. They were enlisted on the way north by Oroqen, chasing soldiers and fighting, the two were separated. Guan Liang started his career in gold mining. Gold was collected as state-owned, Li Jinxuan Ren office, snow bamboo together. Guan Liang is brotherly league president. Snow bamboo show love for him, Guan Liang politely refused. Li Jintao died of illness, Guan Liang and Zhou GuangZong were in such situation. Xie LieJin attacked gold mine and Guan Liang defeated and was saved by Oroqen people. Guan Shui took part in the Boxers and mistakenly burned Guan Ying's winery in Harbin. Three siblings gather Guan Ying home. At this point Guan Ying is a local wine merchant, and Lang Da Ming endless infighting. Guan Shui was forced to work hard for Lang Da, Guan Liang helped Guan Ying defeat Lang Da. Xuezhu took Guan Liang's son back to Harbin, fell in love with the revolutionist Yu JianFei, Yu JianFei, Xue Zhu arrested and Guan Liang rescued in life and death. Brothers and three eventually make their way to the great cause of East Gate.

Family status (TV)[2013]

Feature: "The first door" tells the story of a winter year, Luo YiCheng got a daughter Luo XiaoBei. Because Luo YiCheng's wife Zhang Yin did not have any milk, her children cried all day, and He Ping knew something about his wife, Tang LiHua. Luo YiCheng fumbled, He Ping jumped into the ice hole Luo YiCheng pushed up, did not think He Ping was drowning death. On the same day, Tang LiHua, a victim of bereavement, was prematurely sent off and gave birth to son He ChunSheng. This tough woman is very generous, I heard the cries of the neighboring daughter, came to hold the child over, nurturing her with her milk. He Ping non-official died, superiors do not agree to report martyrs, Luo YiCheng up and down fruitless, self-blame, and determined, in any case have to take care of the life of old widowed mother and son, and insisted on chatting with Lao Ho on the ice That half is a joke promise, so that this new born man and a woman married. He asked the two mothers to hug their newborn child and shoot "Engagement Photos" & nbsp ;.

ToForgive (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Heart surgery surgeon Gu Jie received a mysterious phone call at his father's funeral, cursing his father "to die". Mysterious disappearance of ashes, a sudden car accident, before he recovered, he has been thrown into an island surrounded by the sea. Followed by the endless panic, inexhaustible mystery. Who is manipulating the fate of Gu Jie? Shabby hotels, mysterious keys, ghostly shadows, a non-existent sixth man, countdown to the ultimate trial, the seemingly clear clues not only did not make Gu Jie step by step close to the truth, but gradually became a marionette, Involved in deeper and deeper vortex. What happened on this island? This father and in the end what kind of relationship? The arrival of Gu Jie, makes the originally calm island undercurrent surging. Silenced and overwhelmed by the death of the widow (), well-behaved but unidentified daughter (), face scars, whereabouts of Yan Shu (Law Kar-ying ornaments), as well as a simple, simple and honest little tailor (), When the insiders one by one adventure appeared one by one miserable end. "What kind of pain did I suffer in that year, and you are to suffer the same bitterness today" - it is a nightmare spell that is difficult to get rid of. Confusing events are revealed in a recurring reincarnation. For a moment you will ask yourself: Seeing is real? Is there any murderer? When you do not believe in yourself - "No such person" will tell you the sad but touching ultimate answer.

I love you only for life (TV)[2012]

Feature: In 1974, shi XiaoQing (Miao Fu), an 18-year-old practitioner from Ding County, Hebei Province, and Liu Sheng Li (Calvin), a 19-year-old Beijing educated youth, were selected by force brigades. The train is about to start the occasion, Xiaoqing was called off, from a pair of mandarin duck was opened. Li ZhiGao, deputy secretary of the county government, took possession of Xiaoqing drunk and pregnant her. When she was abandoned, her daughter was abandoned and her suicide was rescued twice. Victory knew nothing about what happened and both passed by on many occasions. 20 years of spring and autumn, Xiaoqing has its own business, internally condemned Li ZhiGao finally found the chance of redemption, driving a car to Xiaoqing confession died in a car accident. After two decades of separation, Victory renounced the frequent show of love by his comrades, Mei Hong and his colleague Shen Hong. After some twists and turns, they found Xiaoqing's daughter. Xiaoqing finally saw her daughter, also saw their own unwavering victory.

Perfect happiness (TV)[2010]

Feature: Seventies a northern air division. At a loss at first sight, Chen DaHu, a staff adviser in the military affairs department, told nurse Li Jing, who had just been assigned to a teacher's hospital. Liang Liang, the guerrilla guard of Chen DaHu, was also attracted by Li Jing. The arrival of Li Jing transformed Chen DaHu and Liang Liang, who were already unconvinced, into two potential lovers. Zhu DaJu is a martyr orphans. Daju's father entrusted her daughter to Chen DaJu's father, Chen FuJunZhang, before her sacrifice. To fulfill his promise, Chen FuJunZhang tried hard to get married with big tigers such as brother and sister. Song ZhuRen, Chen DaHu's mother's hospital inpatient unit, strongly opposed the marriage. Song ZhuRen in order to stop this marriage, find objects for his son. Teacher Li Gong Ma LiSha into her field of vision. Li Jing was seen as "poison book" was approved, big tiger Li Jing has been very concerned about, adventure to help her find many books. Li Jing discovered the true feelings in the heart of the tiger, and also saw the uniqueness and delicacy he masked under the appearance of a crude and happy drama of a perfect TV series. The boy entered his heart with his unique flavor and became a powerful spiritual pillar in her helpless life. Li Jing was sent out to follow the medical team to perform the task, she took the tiger deep and hazy love on the road. Big chrysanthemum Liang Liang's love did not get a response, it is sad. However, she was still unwilling to continue to be concerned about Liang Liang. Liang Liang just wanted to keep her regular comrade-in-arms relationship, and her emotional expression was deaf and dumb. Chen DaHu was sent to the grassroots for one year and once lost contact with Li Jing. Ma LiSha writes a hot love letter to the tiger. Big tiger turned a blind eye, disregarded from no interest. Big tiger wrote many letters to Li Jing, but did not echo. He did not believe that Li Jing would be so indifferent and continue to express his strong love in letters. Medical team finally returned to the division. Li Jing also reaped all the letters that big tigers had written to her. The long-awaited love finally erupted as a flame underground. Song ZhuRen forced the tiger to marry Ma LiSha until she discovered that the tiger had quietly fallen in love with Li Jing without telling her. Song ZhuRen and Madsha obstruct the destruction of love between Tigers and Li Jing. Tiger and Li Jing vowed to be loyal to each other. With the power of love, in the face of the pressure around Li Jing calm calm. The mother's blockage to the tiger in all sorts of trouble, he went to the juju drinking boredom. Just meet Ma LiSha. Ma LiSha designed her "lost body" to the big tiger, and the big tiger had to marry Ma LiSha under desperation circumstances. He has no face to explain why Li Jing. In Li Jing's mind, he became a passionate person. Li Jing hit the loss of the courage to survive. She was saved by Liang Liang in an attempt to commit suicide. He is very considerate to Li Jing. Li Jing difficult to get rid of big tiger infatuation. She thanked Liang Liang for her help and concern, but she could not accept his love. Ma LiSha got the tiger, but did not get the tiger's heart. Big tiger has been looking for a variety of reasons not to go home, and later the big tiger's mom to find the tiger, the tears gathered to tiger and mom's face to consider for a moment, the tiger promised to go back to her mother, deliberately in front of parents and performance Ma LiSha relationship ease, however, or continue to sleep separately, until it was discovered by the mother accidentally entered the door.Ma LiSha found that she had an unexpected abortion after pregnancy, and the big tiger did not come back to visit at all. Ma LiSha completely give up the tiger. Resolutely filed for divorce. Army reorganization, Li Jing resignation. Liang Liang was finally moved by the pursuit of his big chrysanthemum, which is also a promising consideration and married Daisy, who has a very common relationship with the commander-in-chief and Fan Fu Shi-zhang, the second successor of Chen's happy television series. Li Jing after graduation has not been married, the tiger's heart is still an unhealed wound in her heart. Liang Liang attempted to be a good husband after her marriage, but her habit of letting her upset her again. He tried his best to restrain himself. My heart began to miss Li Jing again. Liang Liang and big chrysanthemum friction after marriage. Daju care, Liang Liang always disdain for her. Born after his son, the fatigue of marriage is to make Liang Liang very tired. Liang Liang interviewed after resignation. Due to the large number of retired military personnel and lack of skills, the work was not easy to find. After returning to temper for a long time, Dai Chrysanthemum lost his temper and was interviewed one day and found Li Jing and Li Jing Recorded Liang Liang, Liang Liang Thanksgiving Report Please Li Jing eat, ask why Liang refused to courtship that year, Li Jing said the past, do not mention, cherish the immediate happiness of it, Liang Liang also suddenly wake up Daisy is real Love yourself. After the divorce Ma LiSha choose to go to South development. Back to specifically find Li Jing to tell her how wishful love of the tiger, and the tiger that unfortunate marriage, Liang Liang Li Jing know the infatuation, more understanding of the tiger's mind. In his matchup, the tiger and Li Jing finally made another ten-year appointment. At this point, a group of young people in that era interpretation of love story finally came to an end. Their interpretation of life on love also let us understand the romantic and pure beauty of that era.

La felicidad perfecta (Movie)[2009]

Feature: Seventies a northern air division. At a loss at first sight, Chen DaHu, a staff adviser in the military affairs department, told nurse Li Jing, who had just been assigned to a teacher's hospital. Liang Liang, the guerrilla guard of Chen DaHu, was also attracted by Li Jing. The arrival of Li Jing transformed Chen DaHu and Liang Liang, who were already unconvinced, into two potential lovers. Zhu DaJu is a martyr orphans. Daju's father entrusted her daughter to Chen DaJu's father, Chen FuJunZhang, before her sacrifice. To fulfill his promise, Chen FuJunZhang tried hard to get married with big tigers such as brother and sister. Song ZhuRen, Chen DaHu's mother's hospital inpatient unit, strongly opposed the marriage. Song ZhuRen in order to stop this marriage, find objects for his son. Teacher Li Gong Ma LiSha into her field of vision. Li Jing was seen as "poison book" was approved, big tiger Li Jing has been very concerned about, adventure to help her find many books. Li Jing discovered the sincere feelings in the heart of the tiger and also saw the unique exquisiteness that he masked under the crude madness. The boy entered his heart with his unique flavor and became a powerful spiritual pillar in her helpless life. Li Jing was sent out to follow the medical team to perform the task, she took the tiger deep and hazy love on the road. Big chrysanthemum Liang Liang's love did not get a response, it is sad. However, she was still unwilling to continue to be concerned about Liang Liang. Liang Liang just wanted to keep her regular comrade-in-arms relationship, and her emotional expression was deaf and dumb. Chen DaHu was sent to the grassroots for one year and once lost contact with Li Jing. Ma LiSha writes a hot love letter to the tiger. Big tiger turned a blind eye, disregarded from no interest. Big tiger wrote many letters to Li Jing, but did not echo. He did not believe that Li Jing would be so indifferent and continue to express his strong love in letters. Medical team finally returned to the division. Li Jing also reaped all the letters that big tigers had written to her. The long-awaited love finally erupted as a flame underground. Song ZhuRen forced the tiger to marry Ma LiSha until she discovered that the tiger had quietly fallen in love with Li Jing without telling her. Song ZhuRen and Madsha obstruct the destruction of love between Tigers and Li Jing. Tiger and Li Jing vowed to be loyal to each other. With the power of love, in the face of the pressure around Li Jing calm calm. The mother's blockage to the tiger in all sorts of trouble, he went to the juju drinking boredom. Just meet Ma LiSha. Ma LiSha designed her "lost body" to the big tiger, and the big tiger had to marry Ma LiSha under desperation circumstances. He has no face to explain why Li Jing. In Li Jing's mind, he became a passionate person. Li Jing hit the loss of the courage to survive. She was saved by Liang Liang in an attempt to commit suicide. He is very considerate to Li Jing. Li Jing difficult to get rid of big tiger infatuation. She thanked Liang Liang for her help and concern, but she could not accept his love. Ma LiSha got the tiger, but did not get the tiger's heart. Big tiger has been looking for a variety of reasons not to go home, and later the big tiger's mom to find the tiger, the tears gathered to tiger and mom's face to consider for a moment, the tiger promised to go back to her mother, deliberately in front of parents and performance Ma LiSha relationship ease, however, or continue to sleep separately, until it was discovered by the mother accidentally entered the door.Ma LiSha found that she had an unexpected abortion after pregnancy, and the big tiger did not come back to visit at all. Ma LiSha completely give up the tiger. Resolutely filed for divorce. Army reorganization, Li Jing resignation. Liang Liang was finally moved by the pursuit of his big chrysanthemum, which is also a promising consideration and married Daisy, who has a very common relationship with Chen FuJunZhang and Fan FuShiZhang. Li Jing after graduation has not been married, the tiger's heart is still an unhealed wound in her heart. Liang Liang attempted to be a good husband after her marriage, but her habit of letting her upset her again. He tried his best to restrain himself. My heart began to miss Li Jing again. Liang Liang and big chrysanthemum friction after marriage. Daju care, Liang Liang always disdain for her. Born after his son, the fatigue of marriage is to make Liang Liang very tired. Liang Liang interviewed after resignation. Due to the large number of retired military personnel and lack of skills, the work was not easy to find. After returning to temper for a long time, Dai Chrysanthemum lost his temper and was interviewed one day and found Li Jing and Li Jing Recorded Liang Liang, Liang Liang Thanksgiving Report Please Li Jing eat, ask why Liang refused to courtship that year, Li Jing said the past, do not mention, cherish the immediate happiness of it, Liang Liang also suddenly wake up Daisy is real Love yourself. After the divorce Ma LiSha choose to go to South development. Back to specifically find Li Jing to tell her how wishful love of the tiger, and the tiger that unfortunate marriage, Liang Liang Li Jing know the infatuation, more understanding of the tiger's mind. In his matchup, the tiger and Li Jing finally made another ten-year appointment. At this point, a group of young people in that era interpretation of love story finally came to an end. Their interpretation of life on love also let us understand the romantic and pure beauty of that era.

dong fangs or (TV)[2008]

Feature: Han WuDi Liu Che, adolescents ascended the throne, ambitious, since he changed Wenjing "Huanglaozhizhi" nonsense, since the "Emperor Wu." And under the purview of virtuous, broken with real talent to learn talent. Shandong Qi Dong Dong Shuo, proficient in the history of literature and comic, resourcefulness, the call came, volunteered. He presented his two-car bamboo slips and his articles and articles on military affairs and proposed complete proposals governing the country, diplomacy and Anbian so that Han WuDi could not disregard his opinion. However, Dong FangShuo has never been seen. Han WuDi seems to see him nothing. Neither promotion, nor his foreign office. Just keep him around, day and night. Dong FangShuo hard-won determination, long difficult to show, and puzzling. Deliberately ridiculed the comrades of the courtesy of funny funny behavior, never violated the Emperor inverse scale. Wudi strong personality, the imperial very strict, but Dong FangShuo has chosen to open one side, a smile set. This pair of monarchs in this wonderful relationship, get along for a dozen years. In the meantime, Dong Fang Shuo helped Han WuDi to clear up the chaos of the harem in its own unique way, attacked the separatist princes, decided to hand over the western region's policy, changed his kin policy and made major decisions against the Huns. Han WuDi used Dong FangShuo as an inexhaustible think tank and made his 200,000-word book a medical secret. But still do not upgrade, do not reuse. Use their tactics without their own people. This put Dong FangShuo in a painful and happy contradiction. He knew that Han WuDi had his heart and soul for every victory, but he could only hide behind the scenes and could not show his talent. Dong FangShuo in the sinus of neutral neutrality, was sealed by the emperor Taizhong doctor. Dong FangShuo simply come out funny, gossip, are all articles. And the mighty monarchs fight right and wrong, and the emperor to be joking. Unexpectedly, Han WuDi also simply included him as a jester, as a joke. He laughed in his face, bitter in his heart. As the victory over the Huns was overcome, Han WuDi self-inflated, ordering a sweeping of the pits and expanding the territory. The endless war has brought a heavy burden on the people. And Dong FangShuo's advice has become a whisper, Han WuDi never heard it. Dong FangShuo Reflect on yourself: Just as his ideal of "eternal kings and emperors" coincided with Han WuDi in his youth, he could only listen to his ideas and his mature thinking was not accepted by Han WuDi. At present, the suffering of the people in the world, initiator who also has its own! The Northern War is cruel. Huns North escape, star Huo QuBing also died in the last battle. This did not disenchant Han WuDi but allowed Dong FangShuo to make a decision - he quietly left the glorious court that had filled him with hope and finally disappointment.

Modern Lady (TV)[2007]

Feature: Still three modern beauty of different personality, but it is a harmonious relationship "girlfriends." Yu Han (Wang Xi instrument decoration), Department of Journalism origin, with strength on television for many years. Lin ZiQi (Kristy Yang) graduated from the Enterprise Management System returned from studying abroad and worked as a cosmetics group supervisor. Zhu Yun (Lai Xuan decoration) hosted the weather forecast. TV camera photographer Xiao Jie (Calvin ornaments) secretly photographed Ziqi's "BABY" fake cosmetics company's production line. As a result, an uproar was triggered - Lin ZiQi was blamed by the company and forced to resign. Yu Han had a crisis of confidence in Lin ZiQi. Contradictions and conflicts ensued. Magazine editor Yang Guang (Wallace Huo ornaments) encounter Lin ZiQi in the wind, at first sight. Lin ZiQi frustrated nothing to go to Yang Guang's cafe to learn to make cakes and flower arrangements, once again with his chance encounter, Zi Qi traveled to Hainan alone travel sentiment has been sub-Qi deep impression Yang Guang keep up After that. Romantic encounter, the two actually decided Lightning married! Ziqi returned to Shanghai new unit inauguration, but unexpectedly found the top boss turned out to be Yang Guang. How to treat each other's relationship, the two men face the test of marriage. Yuhan see friends have been married, his heart more lost, university love boyfriend Zhoumai three years was originally because of a "career first love" has left her away. Zhou Mai finally revealed to her the intention to let go of determination, Yu Han was hit. Xiao Jie always encouraged her, deep in the emotional whirlpool of rain Han, hesitate in hovering. Zhu Yun fell in love with TV station technician Huo JingSheng (Jiejun Road) for seven years but was unable to marry because their parents disliked Zhu Yun being an outsider. The Huo JingSheng nothing, all day addicted to computer games and programming, it is to let Zhu Yun love and hate for him, this tangled feelings and what should go from here.

Rouge snow (TV)[2007]

Feature: Poster Early Republic of China, a town in southern China. Bai YiLing's husband died on the eve of the wedding and she was spoiled by her father and was sent to her husband for custody. She has no news since then. Xia YunKai came to the innocent for her sweetheart Bai YiLing and won the appreciation of her family's wife, Ning MoXin, with her ability. When she became a housekeeper of the Koo family, she started her secret search for her lover. Wen YuHe, a town gentleman, failed to meet her father's business and marry her as a bargaining chip to the Koo family, but failed because of the appearance of Xia YunKai. As a result, her emotional entanglement started. Yu Wo married Gu family, Huangru exposure to a mysterious strange land - do not learn without skill husband Shao Tang, wily mother-in-law Lee, quietly widowed mercenary silent heart, the goddess Shouzhen and villain maidservants A Tao, with all sorts of weird legends and forbidden doors that never sealed her, breathe her out of breath. Only the cloud to accompany is her only comfort. Hidden in the Koo "section filial Liu Fang" under the face of the secret, a little show in front of Yu Wo: Often out of the innocent little tailor Gu's husband is widowed mercenary relative good, banned from time to time the ghost is whereabouts unknown Second wife, widowed for many years her mother-in-law has a delicious taste of the altar sauce, delicious and the innocent of the innocent and has an inalienable relationship, under the arch of chastity hidden a creepy murder case. In such a large house, the fate of Yu Wo I do not know where to go.

Peacock (Movie)[2005]

Feature: In the ancient city of Henan in the seventies and eighties of the last century, Zhang Jingchu, brother (Feng 瓅) and younger brother (Lv Yulai) of a family of five set foot on different paths of life in Anyang, an ancient Henan city. In her early twenties, though she looks thin and quiet, her heart is stubbornly stubborn. She can save himself for realizing her dream. She is relentlessly relentless in reality. After many defeats, she learns to live in desperation. Brother, 23, Brain disease, his parents are more than one layer of his love, after the introduction and savvy crippled girl married, he lived a very happy day; brother at the age of eighteen, sensitive, melancholy, inner world is too rich, because a When Fu Qin was driven out of her house, she began to look outside for her own life. However, it was only time to transform her beyond recognition.

THE PROMISE (Movie)[2005]

Feature: A little girl looks for food on the corpses of the battlefield. An honorable boy said he would give her a little if she agreed to be his slave. The little girl accepted it but quickly ran counter to the promise and escaped with food to find her mother. When she ran into the darkness, the little girl met a beautiful witch. The witch asks: "You want to be a princess that men all over the world want to pursue, but the price is that you will never experience true love and joy.You accept?" "I am willing," the girl replied. In the meantime, the General wore his shining, embroidered full-bodied red armor and was preparing a heroic fight that could turn out to be the first defeat in his life. Incredibly, the newly recruited young slave is decisive in the outcome of the fighting. Thanks to the extraordinary talents of young slaves - "beyond the speed of the wind"; the great general once again experienced the taste of victory. During the celebration of the army, there was news of the Duke rebellion in the imperial city. General Guang Ming must immediately return his troops to the country Wang from the enemy invaders. He ordered young slaves to accompany him, but the two were mysteriously separated as they passed through a dark forest. At this time the witch appeared in front of the generals, opened the map of destiny, the figure shows a general wearing armor killed the country Wang. The general did not believe in the power of fate, longing to laugh after he sword pointing witch, when the witch disappeared. It was at this very moment that a mysterious killer in a black cloak suddenly and brutally attacked the Grand General. Young slaves rescued the severely wounded general from the enemy's hands, and although the killer's facial outline was not too clear, his physical characteristics were quite familiar. Black cloak killer staring young slave for a long time, like a whirlwind away. The wounded general ordered the young slave, "Put on my embroidered armor, and hurry to the imperial city to save the nation." The young slave came to the imperial city besieged by troops led by the Duke of the North. Standing on the roof of a stormy wind, the little girl who has really become a princess of beauty is defeated by her beautiful soldier. Wang sold the princess, at the request of the Duke of the North, dedicated the little girl to the Duke. But the princess is not from, Wang pulled out a sword to threaten her. At this time, the young slave in a general's armor came and saw the princess suffered without realizing that the mastermind was the instinctive sword that pierced Wang's chest. As the sorceress predicted, the young slaves killed Wang without knowing anything, exactly in line with the omen of the map of destiny. The young slave grasped the princess's hand and began a thrilling flight, but at the end of their dramatic flight, the dukes of the north trapped them in the dead end. The duke promised that if the general agreed to jump into the Great Falls, he could put the princess away. "Hold on, you must live," this is the last sentence the slave said to the princess before jumping into a waterfall. Wang died of the rumor of wearing an embroidered armor, and General Guang Ming's men began to believe that their leaders had killed Wang and all had disgustedly left him.The young slave survived and survived the icy water of the waterfall. He remained loyal to the General, and the general ordered him to rescue the princess from the Duke of the North. The princess was kept in a giant golden cage. In the ducal palace, the slave suddenly dropped from the top of the golden cage, hugging the stunned princess. The generals also killed the palace to help the princess escape, and the princess with a ride finally escaped. However, the slave was captured and, after torture, the Duke ordered the masked assassin to kill him. Assassin is not an opponent of young slaves, the two then truce. After gaining freedom, the slave returned to his master and general, but found that both he and the general fell in love with the princess. Because they can not control their feelings, the slave finally chose to leave. At this moment, slaves and assassins meet again unexpectedly. However, this time the assassins arrived with slaves and show them that they are from the same race and are all people of Ice Land. The race is characterized by speed beyond the wind. After the duke massacred the entire race, the assassin, the last surviving tribe, became a servant of the Duke of the North. In the meantime, the Duke managed to abduct the great general from the princess and detain him. Once again, the slave returned to the host station, only to find the princess alone. The princess sent the slave to find the general, and he became alone, and the prince took him again. In the interrogation room, the Presbyterian Church will adjudicate the crimes committed by the great general. The princess and the slave were discussing the guilt of slaves to kill Wang. However, during the trial, the princess realized that their "story" was real. Finally, she understood that the underpaid slayer saved her life. As the court declared the Generals innocent and sentenced to death, the princess realized that she had always loved this sinful person from beginning to end. When the dukes saw the dramatic scenes of the courtroom, he ordered to his men, "Grab them all!" But when the last battle was imminent, a resourceful general fooled the trust of the Duke. After being freed from shackles, the Grand General began the final battle to save the princess and the slave. The duke, who was completely defeated, self-identified himself as the young boy when the princess broke his promises. Suffered a fatal injury, the generals urge her princess "to live, must live." Slaves also admitted that he fell in love with the princess, as he embraced the princess, and began the future - perhaps The journey of the past, the spell of destiny is finally broken.

Forensic Heroes (TV)[2005]

Feature: Daxinanling hinterland ditch gold rich town, rich products. Yang Zong, the eldest son of Yang YuTian, ​​the richest man in the area, is the bodyguard of Zhang Shuolin, the famous guerrilla of the famous Zhang Shuolin. Missy is a progressive female student. Yang Zong marries daughter-in-law Ju, ChangQing asked for a paycheck and a wedding ceremony. Lu Da, a longtime employee of Yang's family, was injured in helping Yang Zong and was in a dying condition. Yang Zong secretly escorted Lu Da to the clinic of Japanese Bei ZeHao without the help of Yang YuTian, ​​arousing Yang YuTian's dissatisfaction. Because he would rather allow a permanent worker to die, nor allow the Japanese to intervene. Lu Da's brave daring won the show's love, but the couple's fate was soon discovered by Yang YuTian, ​​who hit Lu Da half-dead and threw him into the barren hills where Lu Da was beard-rescued. Yang YuTian sent the show to Fengtian to study, Lu Da in order to marry the show, the top braising can not move Yang YuTian, ​​but to his life, Lu Da heart-dead, then up the mountain to become beard leader, and Yang since hatred. Yang Zong's daughter-in-law Ju know general knowledge, forbear kindness, and Yang Zong loving plus, but the father Yang YuTian overbearing arbitrary, absurd and abusive of the new wife. Soon after the wedding, Yang Zong served as commander in chief of the marshal to perform official duties in the days of Mogadishu. Prior to his departure, she resigned with Ju Yiyi. Japanese Reclamation Group bought a house under the leadership of Bei ZeHao gold mining, smoking pavilion, brothel. Yang YuTian watched Daikin ditch the land trampled by the Japanese, my heart vigilant, he paid the money to please help with Chang Chang Chang family leaders, the two were able to force the Japanese out of Daikin ditch. Chang Tso-lin was killed by Japanese at Huanggutun, Yang Zong was unknown, and Yang's compound became the target of everyone. Zhu ChangQing hijacked Yang Li's nephew Yang Li and asked for 30,000 oceans. Yang Li father Yang LaoWan Please Lu Da help Lu Da take this kidnap Ju, take Ju hostage to attack Yang Courtyard, Yang YuTian deadly temper, to protect the "red kiln" Ju Ju life and death, but also that Ju let Yang Jiameng Ashamed, the two sides are tense, Yang Zong cursory back, Yang YuTian said to his son, beard insulted Ju, his son off Ju, Yang Zong refused to help Ju shot, Lu Da protect themselves Ju. Ju despair, want to die, by the town doctor Bai BanXian rescued, Ju left Daikin ditch, no news. Yang YuTian is aging, soon to die. Yang Zong reported Lu Da's hatred of his wife, leaving his family fortune to exterminate Lu Da by Zhu ChangQing, who was completely defeated by Yang Zong. After the country was destroyed, the spirit of Yang Zong completely collapsed. He spent all his life drinking alcohol and drinking alcohol. On New Year's Eve in the snowstorm, a military vehicle drove into Daikin ditch. Bei ZeHao, who was Japan's big brother, returned to Daikingou with his devils. The lost mountain village lost joy and tranquility, and catastrophe ensued. A few years later, the missing Ju dusted heavily back to Daikin ditch, but also with a four-year-old boy sunspots. Ju has become a fan of ten thousand kinds of style, for the money, she hooked with the Japanese, and the relationship between Bei ZeHao ambiguous, but she always remembered Yang Zong mind, she constantly redeemed Yang industry, and continue to fund the impoverished Yang Zong, hope he cheer up. But she lets sunspots say Lu Da is the father, and Yang Zong is embarrassed by Lu Da.Yang YuTian's younger brother Yang LaoWan was a pseudo-chief and his son Yang Li was captured by Bei ZeHao to help Yang Zong take a gun to Yang's courtyard. Bei ZeHao, a bestial animal, wanted Yang Li to face all the rape Mother, Yang Li not from, the Japanese assassinated the mother and son duo. Yang LaoWan from crazy crazy Britain, in the dead of night he slipped to the Japanese barracks cut off one after another devils head, life-long Yang LaoWan dying before the Japanese finally stood up. In an attempt to escape the killing of Bei ZeHao, Yang Zong, with the help of Ju, fled into the deep mountains, merged with the Zhu ChangQing Department in the mountains and trained troops to attack the Japanese. Bei ZeHao ordered the Japanese troops to encircle the armed forces in the mountains. Zhu ChangQing retained a large force for Yang Zong in order to conserve power and surrendered a handful of people. Bei ZeHao ordered Zhu ChangQing's guerrillas to suppress Yang Zong and Zhu ChangQing to let all officers and soldiers stand overnight in the snow and ice and all of them would catch a cold and rather die than fight Chinese people. Zhu ChangQing, who lived for a lifetime, bravely died in Japan Bullets down. The underground party identity show has been ordered to return to the Daikin ditch. Her mission is to destroy the "rattlesnake" plan of the Kwantung Army headquarters and to unite the local people, the Northeast Army and the beard to fight the Japanese. The show liaised with the local underground party, did not expect the joint actually Bei ZeHao translator. Ju's relationship with the Japanese made the people of the Daikin ditch anger and saw her as a traitor to the laughable dog. The show set off a hooliganism in the Daikin ditch. Ju was beaten and scolded by the villagers and Ju silently endured because she understood My own mission. The Japanese lab virus leaked and Bei ZeHao's troops were infected with the virus. Bai BanXian was treated by Bei ZeHao. However, Bai BanXian actually poisoned the Chinese medicine and the Japanese soldiers were slowly poisoned. Bai BanXian laugh at devils calmly die. Lu Da and Yang Zong continued their grudges, but for the nation's righteousness, under the persuasion of the show, they joined the Alliance again and again joined Longtan and sneaked into the experimental base of the Japanese army to staged a scene of duo in the battle to destroy the magic cave Yes, at the last moment of life, Yang Zong gave birth to Lu Da. The large number of ammunition buried in the gold mine in Daikingou became the largest ammunition depot for Japanese troops in northern Manchuria. In order to prevent the Japanese from transporting ammunition, the people of Daikingou dared to die heroically under the leadership of the show. On August 15, Ju Daogou, who was infected by the bacteria, happily twisted Yangko. There was absolutely no fear of death on their happy faces. Ju plunged into the gold tunnel and lit a fuse, Daikin ditch, ushered in a jubilant atmosphere of a loud noise. When the rivers and lakes are quiet and flowers bloom, the vast land of China rises from a hymn of heroes, an anthem of the ordinary Chinese who perseveringly defends the Japanese invaders.

Paris fairy tale (TV)[2005]

Feature: "Paris Fairy Tales" tells the story of fashion designer Lana and her two model friends Yu Jia, spruce came to Paris for a year. At the beginning they were full of ideals in the Paris fashion world flex its muscles, but the brutal reality almost dismissed all their hopes, and even they have to worry about rent. Qi Xiang is a studio photographer wedding photo shoot for the studio, and occasionally he was involved in the life of the three sisters, Blue Niuni can not afford to use all kinds of small Xiang Hun's bully habits, and Qixiang hit since these three sisters are also upside down Bad luck, two people make a lot of awkward trouble, but also make a lot of jokes.Qi Xiang clever move to the next three girls.Li Ni hates Qi Xiang but do nothing.Yukai came to China from China, his Mission is the acquisition of the prestigious fashion industry in Paris, Louis Fives fashion company, Louis Feis boss Hans and his wife Anna to buy a matter, resulting in huge differences, Louis Vuitton is Hans founded clothing brand, like a biological flesh, now Be acquired, Hans heart all sorts of natural unwilling. Anna Bryant more clearly understand the company's operating conditions, if not acquired, there is only one dead end. Three was a fashion college fashion students, and Anna is falling in love with his girlfriend, Anna rich rich son Hans, and abandoned Yu Kai to follow Hans to Paris fashion development, as Yu Kai heart forever pain. Mercuria Paris mergers and acquisitions, was actually for the sake of an affair.Removed the matter once again set off the emotional waves of three.The daredevil rain good offended the underworld, Qi Xiang finally find ways to get rid of the three girls, but also to establish a friendship with them. Qi Xiang finally came to Louis Vuitton to find Yu Kai, the original Qi Xiang's father is Yu Kai's boss, Yu Kai is the life of Qi Xiang's father to buy Louis Vuitton Paris, and want to help Each other's design strength, the introduction of a world brand, and then brought back to China.Yu Kai has been counting Qi Xiang back to work, or complete the wish of the father.However, Qixiang leisure cloud Ye Hao used to be happy, do not want to go to work to be bound, this time for the three girls, he actually promised to return to the company acting director, as Conditions, Yu Kai promised Lan Ni into the company as his secretary, spruce and rain into the company to do full-time model.Li Niun disillusioned Qi Xiang, under this even more to accept the reality of the two work together.And Qixiang But also a belly grievances, their own ideas to help the three sisters, but people do not know their own force, but also ironically sarcastic, the two are naturally flamboyant, but also in the contact established an inexplicable love .Lanni at work Is being moved by Yu Kai's dedication, but also touched with his dedication to Anna, the two live in full bliss.Qi Xiang on the surface andLini for the enemy, in fact, already fall in love withLini, suffering from no confession, and compared to Yu Kai himself is dwarfed.Only through the feelings of a more vindictive way to express. Paris Fashion Week imminent, Hans and Yu Kai escalation of conflict, depressed mood in Hamburg, a car crashed into the Seine, Lannie destined to get Wish willing to serve Division designer, Lan Ni's conference was a great success, just near the end Lanny received a call, that his father's death, blue ni almost fainted.Lanni to Beijing funeral, Yu Kai but she left , Because there are many publicity programs, Qi Xiang and Yu Kai for the first time a dispute, Yu Kai suddenly excitedly said: When my dad died, I flew to Paris, and even his last one did not see, I can do Why can not you? I am also human! Yu Kai's opposition, so that Blue ni very understanding of the two have a fierce conflict.However Qi Xiang accompany blue ni back to Beijing.Lanni returned home that his father was pushed to the floor to death, the case is under investigation. Blue ni heartbreak, almost collapsed, and in her most painful times are accompanied by Qi Xiang, and Yu Kai also aware of their own human error, returned to Beijing, hoping to start with Lan Ni. Completely involved in the emotional vortex of two men in the blue ni she decided to vote Yu Kai arms, Anna appeared, lost her Hans, has long been schizophrenic, Yu Kai can not be cruel to her aside. On the other side, Qi Xiang finally resolved his father's resentment, ready to rekindled to take over the company's cause, and the Blue ni back from the hands of Yu Kai Unexpectedly, Hou Wei Bai Wei did not want to let family business into the hands of Qi Xiang, already carefully Qi Xiang arranged traps fall trapped Qi Xiang and even more accidentally discovered that the latter is the case behind the murder of Lennie the case behind the scenes an elaborate struggle for the soul, a naive romantic fairy tale, will be in Paris and Beijing flyover !

Just like a beautiful butterfly flying (TV)[2004]

Feature: As the top ten young fashion designer, Korean girl Jin ZhiXiu, a red-haired Taekwondo master, embarked on a journey to China in search of his father. Hit a positive, and this version of the mainland's "Young and Dangerous", was actually his own boss, the Chinese fashion brand "Victoria America," the company's general manager! Do not hit do not know each other, home-hing on the wisdom of a show at first sight, let the whole process fly! CEO Cheng JingXiong complain about anger, his mother ZhouWeiMei repeatedly rage rose the wall, falling out of indignation; it is Sister Dream Dreams secretly evolved into a full-time think tank Hing, Yamaguchi Miyuki has become a deteriorating brother on the decline. Jiaxing repeated defeat but infatuation does not change.

Talent (TV)[2003]

Feature: "Men and Women" tells of Su La and Yan RuYu, graduates of a history major of a prestigious university in Shanghai, both of whom suffered setbacks in their love and career. In the face of double pressure, the two good friends encouraged each other and vowed to break some ground in Shanghai, so they both came to a travel agency job. By chance, Su La became acquainted with Qiu Shi, a promising young CEO. Qiu Shi was attracted to Su La's pure mellow temperament and fell in love with her, thus beginning a variety of pursuit. However, with strong self-esteem and emotional injury, Su La did not want to open her heart to Qiu Shi and was determined to devote all her enthusiasm to assisting travel agency owner Liu HaoDong in her career in Shanghai's tourism industry. Su La and Yan RuYu have been repeatedly frustrated in their work in the face of fierce social and work competition, and have chosen two very different paths. Yan RuYu violated professional ethics, betrayed travel agency information and blamed on Su La, Su La so again unemployed, so the friendship between the two rupture, eventually parting ways. Unemployed unscrupulous Su La, not only did not slump, but also with the former travel colleague Jing Sa ran a women's bar, during which experienced a booming fireworks from twists and turns. In the face of weak appearance but strong heart Su La, Qiu Shi put aside the CEO's arrogance, again and again to help La La a helping hand, a pair of bumpy lovers to get married. Yan RuYu through the disgraceful means temporarily as a travel agency boss, but the final outcome has made her unexpected. After reflection, she finally chose a correct path of life and started her own efforts in Shanghai to find self ... ... The show aims to showcase the modern city, different life experiences, different personalities and different experiences of young people, how to properly sway Their youth and enthusiasm, positioning the context of the public on the historical background of the "men and women women" concept of the audit standards.

Hotelier (TV)[2001]

Feature: Seoul Hotel is famous for its beautiful natural scenery and more than 30 years of tradition of super-class hotels, all of which are made by Cui, president of "Smiling Service". However, with the changes of the times, the hotel also faces the challenge that it must survive the competition by expanding its investment. Cui, who is about to start the reform, suddenly died of a heart attack. The hotel is under pressure from creditors and shareholders as well as operational difficulties. Cui's wife, Yin DongShu, overcame the pressure of transferring hotels and took over the hotel. She did not want to give over to her the restaurant her husband had run throughout her life other people. However, the operation of the hotel is getting harder and harder, staff confidence is shaken, customers are less and less, and Jin FuWan (Han Jin-hee), who originally wanted to buy Choi's longtime Seoul hotel, is coming The more direct his conspiracy. He even invited American-born Korean Shen DongXian (Bae Yong-joon) to help him achieve his plot. Shen DongXian is an expert specializing in the acquisition of restaurants. He is a pragmatic businessman, but his cool appearance hides childhood pain and loneliness. As a think-tank of Jin FuWan, who wanted to buy a hotel, and as a VIP customer of Seoul Hotel, he began to feel love after seeing Xu ZhenYin (Song Yoon-ah), manager of the VIP customer department at Seoul Hotel. Before Xu ZhenYin and Han TaiJun (Kim Seung-woo ornaments) although noisy, but all have the admiration of each other's hearts, but both sides do not say it. "Essence Hotel" stills Yin DongShu, the new chairman of Seoul Hotel, decided to recall Mr. Han TaiJun, former hotel manager, to solve the crisis in the hotel. He was an expert in hotel management. Before he took responsibility for an unpleasant event, he went to a hotel university in Las Vegas, the United States. However, after knowing the difficulties of Seoul Hotel, he returned to the hotel desperately. There is a non-ordinary staff in the hotel staff, she is Song Hye-kyo, the only daughter of Jin FuWan. In fact, she grew up in a wealthy family is very lonely heart. After quarreling with her father and running away from home, she went to work in the restaurant of Seoul Hotel and gave him an admiration for him in contact with Taejun.

how far is Forever (TV)[2001]

Feature: Bai DaSheng grew up in the alley in the capital, compared with many girls: she is pure, innocent and innocent, with no competition. Her hard working, has been taking care of the hemiplegia grandmother, neighborhood neighborhood praise is a good girl. Bai DaSheng has her teenage idol-actress Zhao DaAn, yet Zhao DaAn did not pay attention to her because he fell in love with the beauty of the alley: Xi DanXiaoLiu. Xi DanXiaoLiu and Bai DaSheng completely different, she is free, realistic and open. Men living in the alley are attracted to her beauty. But her love affair with Zhao DaAn was opposed by her family because Zhao DaAn had no money. Helpless Zhao DaAn left the capital, before leaving he entrusted to Bai DaSheng Xi DanXiaoLiu: waiting for him back. Before graduating from college, Bai DaSheng began her first true love. He is a classmate of Bai DaSheng: a handsome and determined urban intruder - Guo Hong. Guo Hong, in order to stay in Beijing, broke up with his girlfriend for four years to pursue Bai DaSheng because Bai DaSheng's grandma could keep Guo Hong in Beijing through the relationship. Bai DaSheng understood Guo Hong's intention, but she was kind and innocent and accepted Guo Hong and loved him deeply. However, Guo Hong met Xi DanXiaoLiu. He abandoned Bai DaSheng and mixed with Xi DanXiaoLiu; and Bai DaSheng was abused in public. Bai DaSheng was totally disappointed. After entering Kailun Hotel, Bai DaSheng met a simple, hardworking big boy - Guan PengYu. He stands in contrast with Guo Hong, who speaks eloquently. He always used the action to help Bai DaSheng, encourage her to live or full of hope, Bai DaSheng was deeply attracted by his point. From acquaintance, knowing each other to love two people more and more understanding, Bai DaSheng also found his real life Son of Heaven. However, the appearance of cousin Xiao Bin changed everything that was originally beautiful. She lives in Bai DaSheng's home, eat Bai DaSheng, with Bai DaSheng, Bai DaSheng does not care about her. But in the end, she took Guan PengYu away and made his bride. After the success of Zhao DaAn back. He came to Xi DanXiaoLiu, ready to marry her, in fact, Zhao DaAn did not forget Xi DanXiaoLiu. The wealthy Zhao DaAn made Xi DanXiaoLiu more motivated, she immediately dumped Guo Hong, and Zhao DaAn together. Guo Hong lost a Japanese woman met, he wanted to go abroad. Zhao DaAn full of hope and imagination, gradually found that Xi DanXiaoLiu has changed, no longer that love for the past, all at Xi DanXiaoLiu. He found Bai DaSheng kindness and innocence in the twilight, known by all over the world, this is what he wants to find. However, Bai DaSheng did not accept Zhao DaAn because now Zhao DaAn is no longer her idol. Xia Bai entered her life at the time of Bai DaSheng's loss. He and Bai DaSheng grew up in the alley together as a self-employed. His cleverness and informality add a lot of happiness to Bai DaSheng's lonely life. Xia Xin borrowed money from Bai DaSheng to run a factory and sent her wealth manager to not only return the loan to Bai DaSheng but also show her love. Bai DaSheng envy by everyone. Guo Hong, a very different man, was eventually abandoned by the Japanese woman and left Guo Hong, an under-aged child.Guo Hong wants Bai DaSheng to return to him and commit suicide.

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