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Ping Hao TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Ping Hao Works 30 ,And Feature 9 ,Urban drama 8 ,Romance 7 ,Suspense 4 ,Love 4 ,Motivational film 4 ,Comedy 4 ,Family drama 3 ,Action 2 ,Contemporary film 2 ,Youth drama 2 ,Workplace film 1 ,Crime 1 ,公路1 ,近代革命1 ,Year 1 ,年代励志传奇剧1 ,Costume Drama 1 ,Historical play 1 ,Idol drama 1 ,Campus drama 1 ,Sports 1 ,Adventure 1 ,Thriller 1 ,Documentary 1 。

Works Index

Ping Hao Filmography(30)


安家 (TV)[2020]


房似锦年纪轻轻已经是安家天下中介公司的金字招牌,她在上司翟云霄的授意之下,空降静宜门店担任双店长。门店原生店长徐文昌是个“高贵的人”,他推崇“人性流”管理方式,也不屑对付手段卑鄙的对手。到任后房似锦施展雷霆手段坚壁清野,对外辣手反击,对内冷血整肃。虽然在房似锦的铁血管理下众人苦不堪言,但是业绩的提升的确振奋了门店士气。房似锦的管理方式和处事之道与徐文昌截然相反,而业务员们也在两位“神仙”的较劲中左右为难。身为房产中介的他们不仅要帮助客户买房卖房租房,还时常被裹挟着卷入他们的人生,见证他们生活中的歌舞升平与一地鸡毛 。


一场遇见爱情的旅行 (TV)[2019]


《一场遇见爱情的旅行》讲述了当代都市上海,普通白领 Li XinYue 以千万重金拍下大画家 Chu HongFei 的画作《宝贝》,这个奇怪的行为引起了警方的注意,被卧底警察 Jin XiaoTian 像影子一样追踪。俩人阴错阳差地一起上了 Chu HongFei 之子 Chu ZhiHan 的创业项目直播旅行房车,开往心月想念又害怕的故乡香格里拉。在风景如画的旅途中, Li XinYue 与一直保护她的 Jin XiaoTian 互生好感,但 Jin XiaoTian 碍于卧底的身份一直不能表白。为保护画作《宝贝》的真迹,心月被贩毒集团绑架, Jin XiaoTian 只身营救,在生死的考验下, Jin XiaoTian 终于向心月表明心迹,两人立誓同生共死。当贩毒集团与 Chu HongFei 联合导演的所有丑恶在香格里拉的阳光下曝光后,心月为画家父亲讨回了公道。而小天也圆满完成了任务,成长为一名优秀的人民警察。

深夜食堂 (Movie)[2019]


在上海一条不起眼的小弄堂里,有一家只在深夜营业的小餐馆,老板是一位50岁左右的 Da Shu ,他会为每个到访的食客做一份只属于他的食物。生活在弄堂里的钟伯和 A Long 都是食堂的常客,每当夜幕降临,这座繁华都市中便有各色孤单灵魂在此相遇。广告公司的加班三人组便是这般偶然登场,被美食洗去满身疲劳的同时,也邂逅了更多身怀故事的朋友,夜班出租车司机 Tang Song 即是其中之一。 Tang Song 是在接醉酒的音乐人 A Xin 时发现了食堂的存在,从此他就会在清晨带青梅竹马的 Si Si 来吃家乡的蛋饼。但是 Tang Song 渴望安逸的生活, Si Si 却有梦想要追寻。在机会繁多的大城市中,两个年轻人的结局会像蛋饼一样圆满吗? 很多人在深夜食堂相遇、相知,也学会成长。 Xiao Mei 是一个调香师,她喜欢在食堂诉说自己的喜怒哀乐,尤其是和初恋学长的往事。面对这段遗憾的青春, Xiao Mei 也在食客们的帮助下逐渐释怀。 “老牌绅士”的钟伯与菜场的海鲜老板 Lian Shen 最终相依为伴。 Lian Shen 的儿子 Kai Yuan 为人老实憨厚,在食堂偶遇了带女儿来吃糖藕的单亲妈妈 Ming Yue ,爱慕就此在心中萌芽。而“海漂女孩” Xiao Xue 的出现,也让 A Xin 终于等到了音乐路上的知音。 Da Shu 随着食堂的夜晚一起经历人来人往,满足食客们的味蕾,也见证了各式人生。而无论夜多深、路多远, Da Shu 还会在食堂里继续倾听大家的故事。

The counterfeiter (TV)[2019]


涉案超级网剧《伪钞者之末路》是由高翔执导, Wu Ta-You 、 Li ZhuoYang 、 Ping Hao 、 Palace waterfront 领衔主演的犯罪动作悬疑剧。该剧是中国国内首个从伪钞的来源、流通,再到警方的侦破和终结,以“伪钞案”系列案件为主来叙事的连续剧。该剧于2019年9月3日在爱奇艺播出。


Peoples Army soldiers (TV)[2018]

Feature: After the Lugouqiao Incident was described, "The People's Army Soldiers" made the Japanese invasion of Hebei. Under the leadership of the party, Liu JiWen, a farmer's younger brother in Pishan County, Hebei Province, unite with Pingshan children and form the poster 359 Lopingshan Group of the 120th Eighth Route Army in the Eighth Route Army. They went to the anti-Japanese front line. Since then, in the bloody battles with Japan and the Puppet, Pingshan Mission repeatedly made meritorious service, and gradually grow into the main force of the Eighth Route Army. Jin Cha Ji commander Nie RongZhen praised Pingshan regiment as "soldiers on the Taihang Mountains iron." Later, Pingshanuan with 359 Brigade back to defense of northern Shaanxi, led by Brigadier-General Wang Zhen, stationed in Nanniwan, carried out a vigorous mass production campaign, effectively supporting the border war zone. On the eve of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Liu JiWen has grown to be the company commander. At this moment, the 359 Brigade also ordered the Central Committee to form a detachment southward and successively experienced the Southern Expedition and the Northern Expedition, hovering at the edge of life and death for several times. Under the leadership of Liu JiWen, a detachment of the South Detachment has undergone various difficulties and difficulties and finally completed its mission and returned to Yan'an.

li lei 和 han meimei (Movie)[2017]


运动全能的中学女汉子 Han MeiMei ,各项成绩尚可,但一提起英语就头疼得要命。在结束了快乐的初中生活后, Han MeiMei 和 Wei Hua Lin Tao 等一起升上了高中,同时还有 Li Lei 。如今的 Li Lei 已是脱胎换骨,从一个不起眼的小男生变成了又高又帅的男神,还有一口英伦范的纯正英语。 Han MeiMei 也是不知不觉地喜欢上了 Li Lei ,却迟迟不敢开口,于是古灵精怪的她制定出各种作战计划,意图攻陷 Li Lei 。

Our Juvenile period (TV)[2017]

Feature: Our Juvenile period plot:In the face of the seedlings of Ya-Lin secondary school baseball team, Iowa High School defeat. Watching the inelegant Yinghua players and the careless coach Tao Xi, the young and passionate freshman Ban XiaoSong Chong (Roy Wang) went on the court. This do not know where the fool boy actually with their own power for the British won a point. However, just as Ban XiaoSong vowed to "revive Ying Hua," Wu Tong (Karry Wang), who had been sleeping in Ya Lin's lounge area, walked round the court with a one-run homerun and hit Broken all the fantasy of Ban XiaoSong. IAC not only lost the game, even the team are facing the danger of dissolution. The coach Tao Xi actually raised his hands support the dissolution of the baseball team. In order to save the baseball team, Ban XiaoSong disregarded Wu Tong's cynicism and bent on cooperation. Coupled with Yin Ke's addition, Tao Xi promised to rebuild the baseball team. But at this moment, the very severe An Mi suddenly airborne became the director of Ying Wah. He rectified the school affairs in every possible way and blocked the establishment of the team. Eventually, through the united efforts of three classmates Ban XiaoSong and Tao Xi, Once again boarded the stage of the national contest.

World grain field (TV)[2017]

Feature: Eight years of Qian Long, a "Golden Bird" led to a huge disaster in greed. The crisis exposed the shrinkage of grain crops in the Qing Dynasty and the shortage of granaries. Liu TongXun, who returned home due to illness, was ordered to go out into the mountains and lead Gu Shan and Du Xiao to launch new career as a young cadres. After two years of hard work, the grain field turned crises and the economy gradually recovered its strength. However, corrupt forces led by Khan, Pan and Fazai openly challenged the newly-revised law of "forbidding husbandship", and resorted to the name of barren land to raise tax revenue and cruel exploitation of land and resources to make Qian Long's reclamation work a success. At this moment, more than half of the 18 provinces in the country were hit by a hundred years of natural disasters. The national food crisis broke out again and the country was shaken. As a result, the government and the opposition were fiercely turbulent. Liu and Gu Zhongchen were on the verge of death. Taking the hardest hit of Zhejiang as a breakthrough point, they persisted in governing the fields by law and carried out life and death struggle against the evil forces in the ruling and opposition areas and finally saved the red line of arable land in the Qing Dynasty. Food security was established as the top priority of the country. However, the new policy just came out, but it faced even more acute challenges. The ecological disaster triggered by the overthrow of the open land followed. Liu and Gu Zhongchen once again went out of their tricks of fire.

In the spring (TV)[2017]

Feature: Tie ZhenGuo (Zhixin Gu) and Gao Tie (Guan Xuan), their cousin Gao Zhong (Yuxuan Li), went home to work in Beijing to survive and dream. At the construction site, Tie ZhenGuo, who has no foundation on any building, has trained and trained her skillfully. She grew up to be a good construction worker under the guidance of Ma Yifang and her own refinement. However, an accident caused him to almost lose his ability to work from the peak of his career plunged into the bottom of his life. All his dreams were on the brink of collapse. Gao Zhong re-entered the city through university entrance exams and became an architect. He has a bright future but is tempted by fame and fortune to step into a path of no return, even at the expense of Tie ZhenGuo. After experiencing emotional blows and fraternal reactions, Tie Zhen Guo, relying on his unconsciousness and strength, returned to Beijing, which once caused him great pain. He led a group of hometown people to start a pioneering and arduous pioneering course and wrote a generation of Iron Army chase Dream trip & nbsp ;.

mid night canteen (TV)[2016]

Feature: This is a special canteen open from midnight to seven in the morning. Lao Ban here, not very talkative, but always let people eat tears. Here, the inferiority of the dancers encounter recess retirement for many years dance predecessors, predecessors at their own pains to inspire young people, eventually make it regain confidence; quiet girlfriends must eat their favorite food recalled Friends of the past, returned to good; optimistic patients with terminally ill met the same girl, the two love each other and give each other the strength to accompany each other perfectly through the last mile; success blind pursuit of career white-collar workers, made here Real warmhearted friend, found that the truth is more meaningful than success. The food, the story, the truth, brought together the theme of the show, taught the people to confront the pros and cons and full of hope and enthusiasm for life. Behind every story are full of affection, the plot ups and downs, it is unforgettable forgotten & nbsp ;.

Mao Yaya by marriage to remember (TV)[2015]

Feature: Mao YaYa can only live to forty because of her genetic diseases. Her mother concealed her from her condition and actively urged her to get married. Originally this goal will soon be reached, but at the wedding, fiance Xiang Hui was derailed. Mao YaYa chase down and run "Mao YaYa be married" stills news of the groom momentarily popular network, Yang Zhanying excavations and create a star reporter. Liu Huo, the son of Yang Zhanying and a divorced photographer, fell in love during the interview, but was opposed by his mother and mother Liu Huo. Shu Hua, Liu Huo's ex-wife, wants to remarry with Liu Huo, who stops it when he learns about the relationship between Mao YaYa and Liu Huo. In addition, Liu Bao, who was under pressure from her in-laws and returned to her mother's home without her mother's spiritual support, also joined the camp for Mao YaYa out of jealousy. The trio did not intend to unite, but in fact they made a series of misunderstandings together, causing Mao YaYa and Liu Huo to work together and get things done. Despite the difficulties, Mao YaYa still persisted to the last minute and, with her own confidence, goodness and courage, won the support of those who had opposed her. The two eventually come together.

Father is a dragon (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Dad is a dragons," tells the story of a humorous Wang DaLong 40-year-old met supermarket supervisor, more embarrassing than unemployment is the new boss is his little Peng Fei, Lin JiaoYang was his father was a stalker stills High School Dark goddess. Wang DaLong never give small hair work, anxious to find work and always laughing and joking, went to commit suicide and accidentally saved Peng Fei's son. He forced his work under the pressure of his wife and daughter and at the same time set foot on the battlefield: the two sent small battles for money and moral contests, while Gao CaiYun, a sanitation defender of Wang DaLong, and several women of lawyer Lin JiaoYang were entangled. Wang DaLong supported three families and a company and created his "good dad" theory: If you are unfortunate enough to become a sand, do not grudge and try hard to build yourself Into a pearl, is worthy of the title of a man & nbsp ;. The above content source

Late night cafeteria (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Chinese lights early, drunk blurred. Red men and women who ended the day of hard work, marching or staggering or tired pace, Xun patrolling the streets in the drunk, looking for a place to be able to talk about ease, big thirsty haven. The late night canteen, which opened from midnight to close early the next morning, or just satisfied the urban people's desire.

DatingHunter (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Dating experts" tells the story of a group of "dating clients" who love for leftovers and leftovers. Pu Bian was a beautiful public relations leader, sitting beauty charming wife, but after the failure of entrepreneurship not only the company closed down, both of his wife away from him. Pu Bian as the opposite of Ding Yu, known as the walk a flowering plum, soaking up to people, never lost his hand, the beauty around the uninterrupted. But Pu Bian has never won in any other area, he is a war-torn defeat, defeats and defeats, only to surpass Pu Bian. Liu Lin, an innumerable man who has read numerous articles from the International Model, can not even catch up with one event. In addition, he has been planning to join in with the talented housewife Su HangHang, Open a domestic most cattle public relations company, who knows unconsciously business deviation, becoming the most cattle emotional commissioner. The four young people with different personalities have gradually grown up in quarrels and laughter, solving a variety of emotional needs for clients who are attracted to them, and creating one after another "perfect date." While helping others to find their feelings, they also found their own destiny.

Big boss (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Big Bangdang" tells about Tang's accidental rescue of Cheng Yue Liang, who has since become the friend of his mother, and made the acquaintance with Liu ChuanYi, a banker and owner, and Cheng YiFei, a banker. In 1937, the war of resistance against Japan broke out in an all-round way. Tang Lan and Cheng Yue Liang were involved in Gui HuaXiang's Japanese life-threatening case. Cheng YueLiang, an emerging buddy, was seen by Cheng YiXiang as a stumbling block to his property and wanted to get rid of it. In the meantime, Tang Lan was arrested by the Japanese army for donations, Liu ChuanYi was killed in flight, Cheng YiFei was deadly and Cheng was at risk. At the turn of the century, Tang Lan and Cheng YiFei fake married protégés, but I do not know that her husband Liu ChuanYi actually returned in a mysterious status. In the wake of the national crisis, Cheng YueLiang saved thousands of refugees from escaping the Japanese in large-scale raids and penetrating into enemy intelligence agencies Adventure to save the dying father. In this crisis of national hardship, everyone is trying hard to grow and change.

Best meet (TV)[2014]


The best met, aka Mao YaYa married, tells the story of Mao YaYa, a woman obsessed with love who is forced to marry by her family, but who is being battered by the breakup of her boyfriend Xiang Hui, who has been in love for six years. Mao YaYa took pains to redeem the relationship, even holding up the words "Xiang Hui, please come back to me." A moving sign by Xiang Hui stood in front of the company, attracting the attention of handsome young architect Liu Huo. Mao YaYa's move has been hailed as a "love warrior" by struggling young men and women in the workplace, and has been controversial. However, it was Mao YaYa's dedication and dedication to love that attracted Liu Huo to her. Liu Huo was abandoned by his girlfriend of seven years, He YuQi, who no longer believed in love, while Mao YaYa woke him up. To Mao YaYa out of the brokenhearted of pain, at the same time, in order to deal with family strongly urge marriage, Liu re-arrest -- with Mao YaYa went into the marriage, and in this way gain a new understanding of love: love is not only passion and romance, more important is to stick with each other, go further, always stick to loving heart home.


DrugWar (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Zhang Lei, a chief of Jinhai Narcotics Control Unit, successfully completed an undercover task and successfully captured a group of drug traffickers inside the body. However, he met a doctor who was injured in the accident and crashed Cai Tianming. With its keen professional sense of smell, Zhang Lei identified Cai TianMing as suspected of making a poison and found the poisonous dens spot that had been blown into a mess. In the meantime, two anti-drug police guards Guo WeiJun and Chen ShiXiong in Guangdong Province followed the trucks transporting drug materials. Zhang Lei learned that the drug was originally from the big drug dealer Li ZhenBiao and that the receiver was Cai TianMing! In the face of criminal facts, Cai TianMing confessed, for the sake of death, expressed his willingness to assist the police and arrest Li ZhenBiao, wearing criminal merits. Li Lei and Li ZhenBiao drug trafficking gangs headed by Zhang Lei led by Tianjin police officers and Guangdong purchasers posing as a risky competitor. At the same time, they should guard against Cai TianMing's escaping and righteous efforts. In the end, Zhang Lei discovered the secretive secrets of Li ZhenBiao and more closely related to Cai TianMing. Zhang Lei was surprised to find that Cai TianMing might not be his own piece, and perhaps the other side was himself on his chessboard . Did not start a shot, poisonous war has already begun.

Family portrait (TV)[2013]

Feature: Family portrait tells the story of three families in a small courtyard in Beijing: carpenter Wang Man Tang, widow Liu Jie and doctor Lao Zhou. Wang ManTang carpenter for the next project to compete with Lv Ye, although won this single large but owed the debt, prompting his wife Da Niu noisy. Seeing to be copied, Wang ManTang into despair. Thanks to Beijing's liberation, he escaped. Seeing flourishing days, grandson but let him scratch the scalp. Widow Liu sister expect the son of Fu Lai promising, but Fu Lai just married the drum artist, which makes Liu sister before the lift can not afford to start. After the liberation, due to daughter-in-law can not have children, law-abiding daughter-in-law constantly. The same old house for the Liu family to help Liu sister heart waves. "Right" Lao Zhou did not want to hurt her, ran to the northwest, the two began a tortuous course of emotion. The three people who came from old China, after sixty years of trials and hardships, finally reunited their homes at the opening night of the Beijing Olympic Games. They looked up to the fireworks rising from the sky and showed a happy smile. Family portrait

Who is scared of love in front of (TV)[2013]

Feature: "Who are afraid of love in front of people" By Yu XiaoYu, Luo MeiQi, An Ye, Tong Tong four different age girl's experience, expand a map of urban women. "Rookie" Yu XiaoYu career turnaround, finally let her win the dignity and love. Luo MeiQi love in front of the workplace, love is skilled in the calculation, and ultimately let her people make the best. Naive An Ye after flash marriage flashed out to understand that marriage is not a child's play, nor is it vacuum packaged "food." Tong Tong's obsession with fertility issues has given her puzzled over the issue of "Who is my future for the child's career?" The story is based on life, radiating the workplace, refraction of the family. When the four actresses experienced different emotional struggles, after marriage in the marriage, finally realized that any additional conditions attached to love are a yardstick, women want to be strong in life only self-improvement, dignity to live More exciting.

Under the eaves (TV)[2013]

Feature: "Under the Eaves" aka "Letting Love Come Home" recounts that Li WanTing, who grew up in a single-parent family, met Tian JiaWei, a high-quality male who came out from a small county town by coincidence opportunity. The young married couple and Qiu Feng, Live together, but unfortunately has been infertile, in-laws (Tian ZuDe and Chen Ping) continue to urge the pressure, the two decided to artificial insemination, happy one child, named Dragon, live a quiet sweet little day. Sudden death of my in-laws broke the original quiet days of Wanting, relatives live under one roof under the constant contradictions, so Wanting Jiawei sandwiched between the middle of the dilemma, before the two sides were the winner, an accident to the two Suddenly plunged into the abyss of pain. Experienced so many things, Jiawei always put Wanting, and Wanting also still love Jiawei. Ten anniversary of the arrival of wedding anniversary, Waiting family warm one, Jiawei kneel down once again to Wanting marriages, then Chen Ping, Qiu Feng, together with the dragon, Chen Ping, Qiu Feng phase as laughter, large Dragon bouncing joyously. At this moment, Jia Wei and Wanting's face filled with a very happy smile.

TheBrother (Movie)[2012]

Feature: In a noisy, noisy disco, a group of young men and women dressed in fashion shows are taking drugs and the men and women behave even more upheaval with the onset of the drug effect. But in this group of people, a melancholy youth Lin Yu (Quan Ren ornaments) is smoking a thoughtful smoke. At this time, a large number of police raided the disco, Lin Yu struggled to run out in chaos, hurriedly laid a cop in front of him down to the ground ... ... Dawn, Yu Lin was shaken into the East Wing detention center , Jian jian Lu JianJun (Jinglin Guo ornaments) on the sidelines, but let him unexpected is that a period of more than two decades of hidden secrets, will be between him and the young man jailed.

Under the eaves (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Li WanTing, who grew up in a single-parent family, got to know TianJuWei, a good-looking male who came out from a small town by chance. The married couple lived with Qiu Feng, but she was infertile. In Tian ZuDe and Chen Ping Under constant urging pressure, they decided to artificial insemination, a happy child, named Dragon, from a stable sweet little day. Sudden death of my in-laws broke the original quiet days of Wanting, relatives live under one roof under the constant contradictions, so Wanting Jiawei sandwiched in the middle of a dilemma, before the two sides were the winner, an accident to the two Suddenly plunged into the abyss of pain. Experienced so many things, Jiawei always put Wanting, and Wanting also still love Jiawei. Ten anniversary of the arrival of wedding anniversary, Waiting family warm one, Jiawei kneel down once again to Wanting marriages, then Chen Ping, Qiu Feng, together with the dragon, Chen Ping, Qiu Feng phase as laughter, large Dragon bouncing joyously. At this moment, Jia Wei and Wanting's face filled with a very happy smile.

Studio (TV)[2012]

Feature: Time back to the 1950s, latitude 36.55 degrees north latitude, longitude one hundred and fifty-six degrees east, Qinghai Province, China, Haibei state, there is a vast gold steppe steppe, floating tentacles available, green grass A boundless. At this very moment, top-notch scientists and technicians from different fields across the motherland come together to carry out their national mission in the mysterious 221 base. Youth and blood are gathering at this moment into a powerful force that is about to shake the world and is quietly sprouting here. Wei MingHua, engineer from base 221 in the hinterland of the plateau, Shen Ming, captain Shen Wen, assistant Lin WenHao and Soviet experts and pedestrians are exploring the best place for outdoor high-explosive experiments in the future. At the same time in Beijing, Lin WenXao, sister of Lin WenHao, ended a day's work as a university lecturer and was preparing her to get off work. She was informed that she was selected by the organization and was assigned as Science and Technology Talent Base 221 to be the top one in the field Lin WenXin was very excited when she got the news. At the moment, she knew her younger brother was in Qinghai but did not know that she was working at 221 base. She felt she was one step closer to fulfilling her dream of serving her motherland, and she came back home , Told all of her mother, but was strongly opposed by his mother, Lin WenXin very hard to figure out, this is why. Shen Yi led a team of Soviet experts, such as Wei MingHua and Lin WenHao, in a storm that hit the plateau. Soviet experts were seriously injured and everyone was trapped. In times of crisis, Tibetan girl Zhuo Ma and his father helped them Out of the woods, Soviet experts wounded in the drama worsened and must be sent back to Beijing for treatment. This time, the task of escorting them naturally landed on Lin Wen-hao, who was living in Beijing. Lin Wen-Hao escorts Soviet experts to Beijing, settles the Soviet experts and does not go home directly because his visit to Gobi Desert has been so unpleasant at home that he is reluctant to see the mother who used to stop him because, at His heart, his mother's negative make him feel difficult to understand. However, Lin WenHao met his sister, Lin WenXin, after they basically understood the situation at home. They talked about going to Qinghai. My brother encouraged Wen Xin not to be fettered by the family, to dare to pursue his own ideals, and to exchange siblings Further inspired Lin WenXin to go for the ideal of fighting the idea, but the contradiction between brother and mother also makes her dilemma, on the one hand, his brother's strong support, on the other hand, his mother's hysterical opposition. Lin WenXin still did not understand the reason why her mother so decisively. Lin WenHao back to the base with the expectations of my sister put into trial. However, that is the grazing place of herdsmen of their ancestors. At the moment, Wei MingHua at the base and head of the delegation, Shen Yi, needs to try to solve the problem of herders' relocation. The task of building a test site is imminent. At this moment, the Sino-Soviet relations deteriorated. The Soviet Union withdrew all the aid experts from China. They took away all the experimental data and important information until the experiment was stalled. The final study decided that we respond to calls for self-reliance.Lin WenHao Following the drawings left by the Soviet experts, he continued to study. Who knows, this drawing is the erroneous data left by the Soviet experts. During the experiment, Lin WenHao's sample made according to the erroneous data unfortunately exploded halfway and several experimental groups Members unfortunate sacrifice, so that the team paid a heavy price. Zhuo Ma and her father witnessed the tragedy. With a vast territory and safe observing facilities, a sacrificial site can be avoided. They fully understand the tasks and responsibilities of the base and take the initiative to lead the herdsmen out of the base. . Everyone sacrificed for the comrades held a small ceremony, no flowers, no newspaper on the hero, there is no honor ceremony, silently away comrades, the rest is a more determined determination and will. The bad news spread to Beijing. Lin WenXin came to Beijing from Qinghai to find out why his brother died not long ago. She stood in front of the base for the first time and watched everything in front of her. She understood that this was not a plot in the movie, She can feel the younger brother's mission, but can not believe it. It's like a dream. She just wants to know the truth. Wei MingHua, the head of Lin WenHao, is guilty of conscientious and conscientiously accompanies Wen Xin, but he can not tell anything about the principle of confidentiality. But Lin WenXin is also an expert in this field, she vaguely clues to know the reasons for his brother's sacrifice. The news came to Beijing, Lin WenXin mother grieved, she could not believe that fate was so joke with himself, in her heart is all this curse, Lin WenXin but firmly their own ideas, because she understood , My brother is alive for the motherland, for this great cause, if his own flat numbness of withdrawal, that brother really died in the heart, she must not go in the brother's way, continue, so brother Live forever. She could not tell her parents about all this, after all, they were hit too hard. My father took the initiative to do two people's work in support of Lin WenXin to base work. Lin WenXin wondering why all this, the father told the reason, since then, Lin WenXin learned through his father that he and his younger brother are half-aged relationship. 36 years, then because of Wangluobin "in that faraway place" smash hit, the mother and classmates from the Mainland to take music, know herdsman is their own father Shen Yi, after the vagaries In the mother's pregnancy, the couple separated Dispersed, finally did not converge. Reluctant mother brought Wen Xin to return to the Mainland and today's father married to give birth to his brother Lin WenHao. Negative heart deeply branded in the mother's heart, Qinghai in the mother's heart is always a sad place can not be mentioned. Lin WenXin seemed to understand what she had been talking to her mother all night long, and eventually her mother acquiesced to her wishes and hoped that her daughter would come to Qinghai and try to find her own biological father. She had already told Lin WenXin all this and had to let it All of this has a conclusion. Since then, Lin WenXin shouldered the organization's earnest expectations, his brother's last exhortations, with the wish to find his own father, Lin WenXin 221, to complete the important mission of the country.Wei MingHua et al. Although hardworking, the cause of the explosion has not been found. All the problems seem to have no clue. Inadvertently, a member of the Soviet Union who was left in Haibei Prefecture due to the style of work was found to have asked for this In the end, after going through the twists and turns, Wei MingHua finally found Zhou ShuPing, an educator who lives in poverty in the pastoral areas through Zhuo Ma. He really taught his children here and took care of a Tibetan mother and her grandson, Self-esteem, easily refused to "go mountain." Although Wei MingHua and Zhuo Ma, after seeking and convincing themselves, Zhou ShuPing, a self-proclaimed businessman who is full of intellectuals, is reluctant to return to scientific research once or twice, twice or twice. Zhou ShuPing, who refused to go out, was finally touched by the sincerity of Wei MingHua and Zhuo Ma and joined the experimental team. Zhou ShuPing really shot extraordinary, a glance that the drawings left by the Soviet experts data error. Lin WenXin, along with other young people who are ready to work at the base, first started working and living in a confidential manner and worked with herdsmen. Also coming to the base are CNC Machine Tool Engineer from Shanghai Xu ZhongHai, Russian Translator Pan QiYue. They were assigned to work in Zhuo Ma's home. Three years of natural disasters have also seriously affected the life of experimental bases and social education bases. Experimental base staff had to put down the hands of the trial, came to prairie dig wild vegetables, hunting, but still difficult time. Fortunately, the local government and pastoralists used the bonito gang to carry the most hunger period. Labor base here, there are suffering, we read the book "how the steel is made of" the book, Paul's passage to everyone left a deep impression that we sit in front of a campfire, watching endless Of the prairie, Haoyue empty, holding a book for everyone to read: people are the most precious life. Life is only once for each person. He should spend his whole life: when he recalled past events, he would not regret it because he was dead, nor would he be ashamed of his mediocrity; on dying, he could say: "My whole life and all my energy Have been dedicated to the world's most magnificent cause - the struggle for the liberation of mankind. "After reading, we all looked at the campfire silently, Lin WenXin silently asked: Why do people want to live? Everyone fell in thought. The favored days of these big cities are slowly adapting to the harsh environment, but it is still enjoyable, that sometimes they can not stop their mouths, and the occurrence of the toffee event on Lin WenXin in the midst of extreme hunger Pan QiYue of "Principles of Being" stared at Xu ZhongHai and Lin WenXin on "Eyedrops". Later, when Lin WenXin was physically weak, Xu ZhongHai got a frozen goat to eat and Pan QiYue understood to be stolen Sheep home, there was a "death event", because Xu ZhongHai Lin WenXin love at first sight, so when Pan QiYue come up with these two things Lin WenXin embarrassment, Xu ZhongHai are trying to help Lin WenXin excuse. In particular, "milk sugar incident", "Death Sheep" Xu take the initiative to assume responsibility. Lin WenXin actually understood all this and had a difficult feeling for Xu ZhongHai, but she thought of her intentions to do so and concentrate on her own affairs.On the contrary, Xu ZhongHai intensified the offensive against Lin WenXin. In addition, Lin WenXin forget to find her own biological father anytime, anywhere, she saw Zhuo Ma's father, think of the mother and her some of the details, but also once thought Zhuo Ma's father is his own father, because according to the mother , His body has the typical characteristics of his own father: also a herdsman, the same guidance to the Red Army. The research on the base is still going on intensely. The German-language information sent by the intelligence office urgently needs accurate translation. Most of the base understands Russian and English, while few understand German. Pan QiYue learned German exactly. Zhuo Ma, who is in charge of sending ingredients to the social education base, brought Pan QiYue in front of Wei MingHua and Wei MingHua found Pan QiYue for help with the translation. Then he met Lin WenXin, who had a foothold. Both smiled awkwardly and said nothing, as if everything had a tacit understanding. Pan QiYue's translation has been a big obstacle, some of the basic terminology in her expertise is almost zero, Lin WenXin pro-actively helped Pan QiYue, technical terms with Lin WenXin support, Pan QiYue to chopper test, the successful completion of the task, Some small friction the two people have been since then to resolve, became a good sister to say nothing, Lin WenXin also learned during this period the base of the secret task. Social education life is over, everyone is gearing up for a big fight, can not wait to be put into work as soon as possible. Lin WenXin was assigned to the "High Explosives" research group to begin the "Explosives Section" study under the leadership of Wei MingHua. Xu ZhongHai In the machine tool group, responsible for the design and so on. Pan QiYue became the factory secretary, responsible for translation and other work. As work and life gradually settled down, Xu ZhongHai continued her pursuit of Lin WenXin. In view of the troubles in the teaching and social education, everyone mistakenly believed that the two were thinking about the development of their lover. Xu ZhongHai did not hide behind others' Showing Lin WenXin in front of his own girlfriend, these words make Lin WenXin very uncomfortable, Lin WenXin repeatedly goodwill to escape Xu ZhongHai, Xu ZhongHai is more and more energetic, more inch by inch. Zhou ShuPing is a tough opponent of scientific research. The explosives used to detonate nuclear bombs have developed very smoothly. However, cracking problems often occur in pouring explosive briquette, which increases the danger coefficient. After several dozens of tests such as density, temperature and humidity After discovering the problem, he finally added 1% of the MNT component to the explosives. Finally, he successfully solved the problem of crack in the explosive blocks and made outstanding achievements in the explosives test. However, on the issue of emotion, the former "style of work" has always caused it to have no confidence and had to pretend to be noble and noble. Xu ZhongHai often teaches his girlfriend skills with Wei MingHua Zhou ShuPing in the same dormitory. He created the illusion that "Lin WenXin is his girlfriend." He did teach some nerd Zhou ShuPing some love skills and eventually helped Zhou ShuPing found his girlfriend, Xie LiFang, but she did not understand that Lin WenXin did not like her.A very important experiment, Lin WenXin put forward a completely different view of others, Lin WenXin found in the experiment has been neglected issues, she put forward at the seminar, but not taken seriously, the results of the test failed , Which gives all people in the base their admiration for Lin WenXin. Wei MingHua added an emotional stir to her not only business admiration. She and Lin WenXin devote themselves to tackling this unprecedented scientific problem, from morning till evening. Xu ZhongHai Due to a business trip, Wei MingHua instructed Lin WenXin to help take a look at Lin WenXin before going on behalf of Lin WenXin. It is a disgusting act against Lin WenXin. During this period, Lin WenXin and Wei MingHua conquered new theoretical difficulties, aroused the great attention of the leaders of the bases and continuously won the test. The feelings of Lin WenXin and Wei MingHua also began to become clear with the continuous contact of two people. Lin WenXin also gradually became infused with Wei MingHua's work and his own attentiveness, taking the initiative to express his intention to Wei MingHua. Wei MingHua but due to Xu ZhongHai, some dodge. Xu ZhongHai After returning, Lin WenXin expressed his attitude toward it. Xu ZhongHai thought Wei MingHua was a stalker and kept complaining about Wei MingHua. He also said that Wei was Zhuo Ma, chasing Lin WenXin, and went to Captain Shen Yi to sue Think Wei is morally corrupt. Wei MingHua Hundreds of Difficulties In fact, Zhuo Ma's heart is really like Wei MingHua, and often make delicious or bring good Cordyceps from home to Wei MingHua, until Wei told her that she has been a good sister in their hearts, Zhuo Ma tears of resentment by default This relationship. After that day, the experimental groups tackled one technical difficulty after another such as "crack incidents" of explosives installations. The simple emotion was unstoppable. After the blackout of the base, all of them were mobilized to cut firewood in the mountains. , Lin WenXin was injured and Wei MingHua took care of her. When Xu ZhongHai came back on business, Wei MingHua and Lin WenXin had fallen in love and established a love affair. Xu ZhongHai certainly can not wait for everything calmly, he broke up with Wei MingHua, did everything possible to save Lin WenXin, he gave him food and drink, he helped Lin WenXin to do all sorts of things, but all this is for Lin WenXin hard to accept, Lin WenXin eventually severely rejected Xu ZhongHai all her good, Xu ZhongHai fell into emotional depression. A regular political trial, let Wei MingHua uneasy, he always worried about their true identity exposure. Just as the feelings of Lin and Wei went well, suddenly a "sister" fell in the sky. Where is my sister? Wei MingHua baffled. The original brother of the battlefield, really Wei MingHua home has a small finger pulp married fiancee. This is the sister to find the base came. Wei MingHua, who has not returned home in 15 years, has let Tong SuYun wait her for 15 years at home. That day, her brother and brother's life and death support on the battlefield will soon become their own nightmare. Wei MingHua exhausted all the rhetoric and finally made Tong SuYun, then young, and did not question Wei MingHua's identity.All this was Xu ZhongHai know, this incident was an instant uproar, Wei MingHua pulp marriage married fiancee come, for Xu ZhongHai, Lin WenXin is a golden opportunity to save, so Xu ZhongHai When people meet people, they say it, for fear that we do not know about it. Lin WenXin heard it all very sad, the important thing is, Tong SuYun kind nature, at home and take care of Wei MingHua's mother for many years, so a status quo, if you are Tong SuYun, and how to do, she can not think about it All this, she understood, Wei MingHua did not like Tong SuYun, and Tong SuYun did not have any feelings at all. However, she could not bear to see Tong SuYun such a pure and kind-hearted girl who was hurt by Wei MingHua. Shen Yi could not stand it anymore, Xu ZhongHai over and over again to blow his side of the wind, he let Wei MingHua handle properly. Wei MingHua is very helpless, while he was overwhelmed by the sister of this home, for fear of identity breakdown, while the frigid Lin WenXin bruised, but can not explain. Under her sister's request, Wei MingHua sent her sister home in Shandong. Speaking through the night with Wei MingHua's mother, Ming Wah also started to disguise himself as the mother-in-law's comrade-in-arms, explaining that Hua is working outside the country and can not come back for him to come back to see if his mother believes it. When the next day Ming Wah prepared to quietly leave Tong SuYun blocked at the door. Had to face the "mother", this time his identity can no longer hide things From the Korean battlefield, the original Wei MingHua own name Li Qun, in the Korean battlefield know the real Wei MingHua, that is, the mother Son, the two became the most, Wei MingHua got the university notice but responded to the national call for volunteers. And Li Qun is an orphan, admitted to university but unable to continue reading. Wei MingHua, who was wounded in the battle, delivered the notice to Li Qun at the last minute, letting her finish her university and take good care of her mother. At the very moment Wei MingHua finished her sacrifice, Li Qun buried her comrades and from At that moment, the alias Wei MingHua, who used the name of Wei MingHua to read the university and sent money to Wei MingHua's mother on time, wrote a letter every month, but never returned home and never did. He kept his promise and hoped that such a state would last until the old man was a hundred years old, be comforted to his comrades-in-arms's soul, and his mother always thought his son was still alive. At that moment, he knew that he had always taken care of his own son's comrade Li Qun . In this scene, although the elderly grief, but can not be remembered, she recognized the son, and for his identity as confidential. Lin WenXin gradually discovered the clues of his biological father through an elderly man in the pastoral area. Unfortunately, he was unable to speak because of the hemiplegia. Lin WenXin and his own father, Shen Yi, staggered several times and could not recognize each other. Wei MingHua came back from her home and properly handled things like Tong SuYun. Lin WenXin saw the result she wanted, but at this moment, she still does not know about the life of Wei MingHua.They both got back to good and were even better than before. He understood that all he knew was how hard he was to never occupy Wei MingHua's place in Lin WenXin's heart. He took a step back and found Wei MingHua and Lin WenXin, gave her own blessing. Xu ZhongHai was sent to Shanghai to find the necessary machinery for the base, met the operator of the machine Yang Xiao Europe, two people because of the technical operation of a big argument, broke up. Fate day is doomed, coincidentally Xu boss boss age, the parents for her marriage is very anxious, so Xu ZhongHai's parents arranged for a blind date, who knows the object is just Yang Xiao Europe, two people come to me, in the debate gradually With the tacit understanding of loving friends, Yang Xiao Ou came home with Xu ZhongHai. Yang's mother appeared to be quite utilitarian for the happiness of her daughter. She felt that Xu ZhongHai's work place was not good. She gave Xu ZhongHai "acupuncture treatment" and Xu ZhongHai do not tell weakness. In desperation, Xu ZhongHai blurted out the secrets of the atomic bomb and let everyone stunned. Following this, Xu was arrested and detained by the Public Security Bureau. Some translation terms Pan QiYue often need to consult Zhou ShuPing, did not expect to cause envy and dissatisfaction with Xie LiFang, Zhou ShuPing explained several times, Xie LiFang constantly warning. Base to report an important experimental parameters, the parameters related to the overall project, the base sent Lin WenXin and Pan QiYue went, but Zhou ShuPing calculated with the results of others are different, they are very tangled in how to solve this One found. Originally, Lin WenXin went to verify the explosion data. Zhou ShuPing felt that he would take the initiative to ask if there was a problem with the nuclear explosive base and did not want the accident to fall down. Both were bravely sacrificed when Pan QiYue died , This scene let Xie LiFang and Shen Yi et al anguish, mistakenly thought it was difficult to die, but when the doctor separated their bodies and found the information they hold intact, we immediately sworn to protect the spirit of their data Shocking Lin WenXin should have been to perform their tasks in the face of this sad news, painful, into a deep remorse. There are two other comrades sacrificed, in the face of sacrifice, these young people have been afraid, even in the face of hardship, these young people have complained, but at this moment in front of such two tombstone, except the tears left All people are very firm clenched fist, all of this into a spirit, a kind of courage, a force. Before dying, they held together, protected their body with the data, they must be smiling, but also determined to look at each other, with a definite look, nodded understanding, they must have seen mushroom mushroom cloud that the East, that It is a hymn written in life on this great land. When Xu ZhongHai returned to base, Shen Yi scolded him for not knowing the secrets he had inadvertently leaked. He even more comforted him because there was no fear of death in the face of death. Only we had known why people alive. Grief can not defeat anything, but it gives us determination and courage. Zhuo Ma has been responsible for delivering the necessary vegetables to the base to ensure the base meal, there is a good opportunity to train chefs to Xining, Shen Yi Zhuo Ma to attend.The machine shipped from Shanghai over, did not expect that, together with the machine, as well as Yang Xiao Europe. Yang Xiao Ou met Xu ZhongHai, staring at her eyes. Xu ZhongHai looked half-opened with a look of consternation. In the days to come, the two argued noises and became little lovers of joy. Lin WenXin looking for biological father Although there are eyebrows, but still not clear. However, Wei MingHua and her feelings seemed to fall into place, the two submitted to the captain Shen Yi marriage application. Tong SuYun was previously married to Wei MingHua, but now she can not get married. She could not face the villagers' remarks and returned to base. Wei MingHua and Shen Yi arranged her to go to base cinema as a projectionist. Lin WenXin's adoptive father was seriously ill. After receiving the telegram, Lin WenXin got home quickly and her adoptive father's condition was stable. She was ready to come back and her mother handed her a Tibetan knife, which was an important clue left by her biological father . Lin WenXin found his father, Shen Yi, through a bracelet and a mother's own hide, Lin WenXin in anger reluctant to admit this fact, constantly questioning Shen Yi's behavior, and later learned that Shen Yi was invited by the Reds After the guide was dispersed in the war, followed by the Red Army went to Yan'an all the way, did not expect to return when no longer see the forest mother, vowed to wait here, then went to the base work, but also think of one day Mother will definitely come. Shen Yi did not expect people who would be their own daughter every day, Shen Yi and Wei MingHua are very sad. Lin WenXin's fathers died seriously ill. At the urging of his daughter, Lim came to the base and eventually joined with Shen Yi. Xu ZhongHai and Yang Xiaoou happy lovers get married, two people married well, after marriage, loving Canada, not long before Yang Xiao Europe pregnant. Xu ZhongHai more love for Yang Xiaoou, but Yang Xiaou insisted on returning to work up, on that day, Yang Xiao Ou almost died in an accident, after the rescue pregnant with a small gull lost one arm, fortunately mother and child safe and sound. The development of the warhead inner explosive has achieved a stage victory. The feelings of Lin WenXin and Wei MingHua have also been consolidated in the development of selfless work, completing the mutual acceptance and trust between the two hearts. The two plans to get married after the approval of the organization, but their marriage application has not been approved, both very anxious. General Assembly battle heavy tasks, Lin WenXin and Wei MingHua mutual care. Faced with a beloved woman, Wei MingHua several times to say Lin WenXin own identity, can always be silent, I do not know where to start, afraid of forest misunderstanding. However, several review and marriage certificates issued by the organization have not been approved yet so that Wei MingHua realized he had to explain his situation to Lin WenXin in time. Lin WenXin heard Wei MingHua's explanation that it was hard to accept the fact that he could not believe it. Shen Yi was surprised to hear the fact that Wei MingHua himself said that he himself could not afford this major "identity issue." As a leader, he had to report this situation to his superiors. Seniors quarantined Wei MingHua, Shen Yi and Lin WenXin were implicated. The issue of identity is of great importance. The organization attaches great importance to this situation. Although he did not find out the essence of Wei MingHua, he could no longer engage in experimental work and was sent to the canteen for cooking. Together with the learned Zhuo Ma, he was responsible for the canteen jobs.Wei MingHua is mentally prepared and said he will do his job wherever he goes. After introspection, Lin WenXin came to comfort Encourage Wei MingHua, but this time Wei MingHua, has plunged into a self-made paradox, he felt his vow has been unable to achieve, and now in the canteen is doing this Sub-work, not worthy of their own Lin WenXin, not to mention dead comrades, to achieve his dying wish, he has no longer dare to pick up this heavy feeling. Wei also found in the loss of emotional Suyun, to marry him, Su Yun know Wei Fang Wen Xin, refused to agree. Metal ball cutting technology can not find a suitable candidate in the whole plant, dangerous and difficult. As a design engineer, Xu ZhongHai understands this technology, and none other than Yang Xiaoou, he recommended her to the organization without hesitation. Yang Xiaoou, who lost her arm, made a great contribution to the base at a crucial moment. She was bravely responsible for the task of cutting metal balls that no one was able to play at that time and tried its best to accomplish her mission. Lin WenXin several times to appease Wei MingHua unsuccessfully, deeply physically and mentally exhausted, with regret came to Jiuquan test base is responsible for the maintenance of key nuclear components, but unfortunately in a power outage by radiation exposure, hair loss, anemia, etc. Radiation complications Constantly hit her. She understood that all would be irreversible. In the face of Wei MingHua and her dead brother, she told myself that I had to stop at the end. Wei MingHua was the best candidate to assemble the nuclear components in his last key simulation test because he knew best how the ignition works and it was a dangerous and important job but he was under investigation. Lin WenXin organize the organization to play the leading role, Lin WenXin dragged his tired body barely promised. Wei MingHua know this situation and actively seek. He feels Lin WenXin is not the best candidate, in addition also knows the danger of this task. Wei MingHua was right to find Shen Yi and the investigating team and asked to complete the experiment on their own. Say this to yourself for an account and proof, to give an account of the organization, to give an account of Lin WenXin. Moreover, this test is very dangerous. Only by participating in all previous auxiliary tests, we have some experience, show that only by ourselves is the greatest chance of success, that we are willing to bear all the risks of testing and that we are willing to keep this secret for the country forever. Came to the Jiuquan base, Wei MingHua test was successful, but in the accident occurred. In an emergency, Wei MingHua left the danger to himself and tried his best to protect Lin WenXin and the other three workers. Wei MingHua suffered serious radiation. In the hospital, Shen Yi let the doctor try her best to rescue Wei MingHua. Wei MingHua asked to see Lin WenXin, alone and Lin WenXin to say a few words. He said that his life was worth it and that he had completed a great undertaking for the country. The last regret is to deceive the organization, I'm sorry Lin WenXin, I hope Lin WenXin future can be cured, a good living, Lin WenXin love difficulties ... ... At this moment, Wei MingHua remembered the childish and energetic Lin WenHao reminds me of Zhou ShuPing, a self-styled, bookish man who recalled Pan QiYue, full of courage and straightforwardness. He looked out of the window and Haoyue was empty. In front of Lin WenXin, has burst into tears.The leaders indicated that Lin WenXin must be taken to Beijing and fully rescued. On the stretcher in front of the plane, Lin WenXin finally stared at the experimental base and made a sudden decision to decide to accompany Wei MingHua here and finish her life on this sacred land. Why do people want to live? This is Lin WenXin, Wei MingHua, Xu ZhongHai, Pan QiYue and Yang Xiaoou. They have asked their own questions more than once. They know that if one dies, but lives, one spirit must exist. There is a force, alive, there must be an ideal, a mission. The flowers of Qinghai, which bloom year after year, are only the ring of those years and record their passionate passionate youth. In such an era of true truth, they will set foot on the hot springs of the West again, and they will understand in their minds that in the east of the world they have sounded loud assembly numbers.

TheBund (Movie)[2010]

Feature: The Bund is not only a symbol of Shanghai, but also a microcosm of China's modern history. The well-known documentary director Zhou Bing led the "Forbidden City" team and Shanghai Documentary channel cooperation, will be the film and television version 2 "The Bund." In the opinion of director Zhou Bing, if the Forbidden City is a national public memory, the "Bund" should be a parable full of many kinds of dreams. There are many memorabilia in the 5-episode TV version, and in the 90-minute movie version, there are stories surrounding the fate of the fate. "Selected historical figures such as Zhang Ailing, Zhou Xuan and Hurd are the protagonists of the documentary and are invited to act as actors , Becoming the "Bund" is different from the previous domestic documentary new attempt. The British and French documentary film pre-planning, franklin marshall, from the French National Academy of audio-visual research and exclusive high-film company to obtain exclusive video data, but also for the "Bund" into the international market value of the elements. Documentary channel director Ying Qiming said that the documentary also needs to value the market. The "Bund" invested by 13 million yuan is one of the largest documentary projects in China. While insisting on approaching the historical facts and completing the documentary mission, he hopes to enter the hospital Line, a Chinese movie documentary market-oriented trial flights.

Dwelling (TV)[2009]

Feature: "Dwelling" tells the story of Shanghai housing prices soaring, my sister Haiping aspire to have their own house, around the fund-raising down payment, and her sister and seaweed work and life from her buy a house began to change. Hai-Ping withstand a variety of stubborn and sturdy support, and seaweed has plunged into betrayal of lovers and mature Song SiMing secret relationship feelings quagmire. The ordinary days of the two sisters are now full of accidents, quarrels, troubles and conflicts. All this and finally in Haiping's tireless efforts and seaweed in a sudden wake up gradually subsided, life continues.

Putting a holiday on the marriage (TV)[2007]

Feature: Lin Dong primary school student in the first day before the start of the summer assault beat classmates, then disappeared. Lin Dongyuan parents in Shenzhen, Lin Yin wind and Li Jia, respectively, were informed, are anxious, have thrown the hands of busy preparations for their home to find his son. When they were about to leave Shenzhen, they got the news that Lin Dong had come to Shenzhen. There came a beautiful little girl named Shi Xiaoqing with Lin Dong. Lin Dong intends to give parents a special wedding gift, a computerized wedding photo, because Li Jia and Lin Yinfeng go to Shenzhen early marriage struggle, did not leave a wedding photo, but this photo was classmates smear Lin Dong anger hit people and fled to Shenzhen. In the car to understand the parents divorced girl Shi Xiaoqing, Shi Xiaoqing's mother ready to go abroad, should send Shi Xiaoqing to the father of Shi Yun on the premises. Shi Xiaoqing claimed to have strange magic in front of Lin Dong, Lin Dongxin believes that Shi Xiaoqing at the request of Shi Xiaoqing back to their parents. Shi Xiaogong sit on the sidelines found that Lin Dong's parents Lin Yin wind and Li Jia behaved somewhat eccentric to remind Lin Dong, Lin Dong disagree, he did not know, his parents have long been divorced for a long time, but because of the identity of Li Jia psychiatrist, worried Lin Dong So psychologically abnormal, so hide the son. Today, Lin Dong suddenly killed Shenzhen, Lin Yin and Li Jia no choice but to pretend to play a happy family, Lin Yin wind to move back to Li Jia Department, and the two abnormal behavior can not escape from childhood to stay home divorce sensitive Shi Xiaoqing. Shi Xiaoqing's parents finally got away from Shi Xiaoling, but Shi Xiaoqing's father, Shi Yun accidentally found himself and Lin Yin of the original mutual understanding, Lin Yin wind is a unknown lawyer, home to retain a lot of work-related disabilities, migrant workers, including One is just off the stone in the factory off the hand of the old, now Linyin Feng Shouson for the old and hit the compensation lawsuit. Although Shi Xiaodong exhausted organs, the mother still left Shenzhen, Shi Yun very much love his wife Luo Shan, but did not tell his wife Shi Xiaoqing things, and now had to hide Shi Xiaoqing in a guest house, and invited to the rural mother Come to take care of the young Shi Xiaoqing very indulge in the grumble in the grumble of grandmother. Grandma did not mind, and bit by bit in the heart of Shi Xiaoqing. In Shih-Ching's experience and help, Lin Dong found his father's girlfriend Donna, as well as her mother's boyfriend photographer Duanmu, do not know the truth of the parents divorce Lin Dong listen to the idea of ​​Shi Xiaoqing, to maintain the marriage of parents, did not expose the situation of parents , And in the Qing advice, came up with the idea of ​​remake wedding photos in order to allow parents to reconcile. Unexpectedly, all the plans one by one, Lin Dong finally ruthless, decided to rainstorm, I hope my illness can be able to recall their parents' family concerns. Shi Xiaoqing also stood the same result in the rain, the original Shi Xiaoqing has been brought back to his home by his father, and his stepmother Luo Shan get along, Shi Xiaoqing always looks clever, private vicious, bent on destroying his father's marriage, but at this time came Luo Shan News of pregnancy, his father no longer pay attention to Xiaoqing, Xiaoqing extremely sad, so I decided to accompany Lin Dong rain, hoping to save his father.Results under the rain Shi Xiaoming fell to the ground, Lin Dong was shocked, found that Shi Xiaoqing found leukemia, no life, Shi Yun did not dare tell the truth Shi Xiaochun, we are deceiving in good faith and decided to meet Xiaoqing desire to Her mother recovered as soon as possible Shi Xiaoqing same room of patients happened to be the father of Li Jia, Duanmu Duanmu Daduan. Duanmu Daddy for care is Shi Xiaoching idle grandmother, the elderly and children in the ward is always in conflict. In the intervention of Xiaoqing, the two widowed elderly are aware of each other, and mutual goodwill. But two people each have their own difficulties insurmountable, always afraid to come together. In the meantime, Lin Dong, who sent Shi Xiaoqing to the hospital, and Donna Lin, a new girlfriend nurse with his father, Lin Yinfeng, crashed into anger. Donna became furious when Lin Yinfeng was tearing himself off from Lin Dong. Lin Yin wind at this time also encountered a crisis in the cause, but Shi Yun in order to meet Xiaoqing desire to find her mother is also a struggle. The families of two marriages each have their own situation in crisis. Lin Yin wind and Li Jia until this time also thought that the son did not know the truth, but Lin Dong is still trying hard to move their parents and good. Shi Xiaoqing's mother was finally found back, in order to comfort Shih-Ching, Shi Yun pretend to reunite with her, to understand her husband's feelings Luo Shan sad, but secretly with the two. Shi Xiaoqing's condition worsened, but suddenly disappeared in the ward, we are very nervous. With the ward Duanmu Daddy courtship to courtship, grandmother was the same without saying goodbye. Lin Yin wind surprised to find the disappearance of Xiaoqing and his son Lin Dong have a lot to do. The crisis is imminent. Duanmu Dad chased the country, and finally saw my grandmother, the two old people break through all the psychological barriers, finally get together, and Xiaoqing and Lin Dong's whereabouts also been found, two children's farce Shi Shi Yun Shi Shi felt again The feeling of the family, in all when everything is a turning point, Xiaoqing died in this world. Summer has passed, Lin Dong left Shenzhen, set foot on the train back home, until now he has found the fact that parents divorced, but Lin Dong and parents are not broken each other, both sides are trying to maintain the illusion of a beautiful family. Only a summer vacation, all adults in love are more aware of their own mind, but when it comes to a naive child Lin Dong, and now have matured .........

Life and death bridge (TV)[2007]

Feature: Beijing in the late Qing Dynasty was noisy, chaotic, and Huaiyu and his friend Chigo, who grew up in the corps, grew up wantonly. Orphans Huai Yu love play as life, horns, is a firm belief in his young mind. However, Li ShengTian, ​​the teacher who raised him, always obeys Huai Yu's mother's wishes and refuses to learn from him, leaving him no father-son. "Bridge of Life and Death" Shooting Highlights Chi students to impoverished. Hong Lian, the mother of a sex worker, raised and raised him. The only dream was to make his study a horrible one. It is said that Hong Lian is said to be a prostitute, Chigo continued her miss for the famous child. On the bustling flyover, they met Dan Dan, a girl from Beijing, who learned the story and sworn into brother and sister. In the backyard of the Lama Temple, three partners came to a mysterious, predictable future of the old eunuchs seeking their fortune. However, the three lives of "dead before death" and "dead after death" were actually knocked out by the black eunuch of the old eunuch, and the life sign was like a mantra and mystery on the head of the three men, shrouded their lives . On the eve of the demise of the Qing dynasty, the children of Yusheng Tang entered the palace for the first time and changed their dynasty when it was dawn. Beijing was in an uproar. Uncle Li Shengtian, at this time, consented to the request of Huai Yu, Shao NianHuaiYu began the journey of realizing the dream of an angler. On this day, Dan Dan left Beijing with Master and failed to say goodbye to Huai Zhizhi. Seven years later, Huai Yu and Chigo, who grew up as handsome juniors, reunited Dan Dan on the bridge. Both Huai Yu and Zhigao love Dan Dan, Dan Dan also has different attachment to the two brothers. The course ends. Huaiyu anguished the road exceptionally difficult, fortunate to master and Chi high partner backing, as well as in the heart of Dan Dan, Huai Yu has been very hard. Unlike Huai Yu and Zhigao Dan Dan's love of law, is a plain pursuit of high, and Huaiyu arrogant, he valued fratricidal friendship, he still want to cast aside ambition, he hesitated. This makes Dan Dan, who is in love with Huaiyu, scurrying. Early Republican, warlord melee. Male Dan Jin Bao offended a warlord, Huai Yu reached out to help, but was beaten with my colleagues. In order to retreat, with the help of a friend Shi ZhongMing, Huai Yu to go to Shanghai. Parting, Huaiyu implicitly expressed his feelings to Dan Dan, Dan Dan threw his heart to make Zhi Gao understand Dan Dan does not belong to himself. Shanghai in the 1930s, dazzling, bizarre. Huai Yu became a hit in Shanghai. "Cover" with Huaiyu, is the beach boss. Jin XiaoFeng In addition to the entertainment industry and media power in Shanghai, Shanghai's entertainment paradise - Le world, in addition, he secretly doing a lot of fearsome business. However, Huaiyu stabbed inadvertently Jin XiaoFeng - Huaiyu accidentally met a film star named Duan Ting and got the love of Duan Ting, Huai Yu also unable to extricate themselves. He did not know, Duan Ting Ting, it is Jin XiaoFeng woman. Jin XiaoFeng jealous Huaiyu had to leave the stage, life full of crises. Fortunately, the paragraph 娉 Ting Huai Yu help enter the film industry, in the case of Shanghai movie industry, cut off his head. Dan Dan went to Shanghai looking for Huai Yu, but saw Huai Yu and Duan Ting Ting intimate look, very desperate.Dan Dan stubborn for dignity, demonstrations to the rival, removed met Jin XiaoFeng. Dan Dan Just like Jin XiaoFeng first love face made him feel like a man, he promised Dan Dan all the requirements, Dan Dan made a big hit. After fame, many manufacturers began to support her in the movie, the acquisition Huai Yu Duan Ting where the movie company vainly crowded them. Between them, staged a grudge contest. Jin XiaoFeng once again lost her precious girl. When he learned Dan Dan and Huaiyu emotional entanglement, the hatred at Huai Yu. At this time, Chigo in Beijing has become famous, and Dan Dan's former friend Xiao Alice put out right. Jin XiaoFeng Zhigao go to Shanghai to perform, arranged for two brothers in the same stage performances, plans to chaos Tang HuaiYu. However, peers Li ShengTian came to Huaiyu died. Sheng days before his death, the call of the Chigo, let Huaiyu learned that Li ShengTian is a natural father who missed many years. Huaiyu could not forget the holiness of his first love, and he went to Dan Dan for a letter. They agreed to give up their own wealth and fled to Hangzhou. However, on the road, Mr. Kim sent the kidnapped Tang HuaiYu, to make him worse off, Jin XiaoFeng with a lime, destroyed Huaiyu's eyes and face. Huaiyu finally knew that stick "dead" deadly sign is his fate. He and Duan Ting Ting, the former star, retired to Hangzhou. Jin XiaoFeng's business fell into a full-blown collapse. Shi ZhongMing ruined this arrogant man with a meter. Jin XiaoFeng ended up only having Dan Dan in his possession, but he dumped himself on the island where Dan Dan was alone. When Chigo approached Dan Dan, the girl she had seen was scared silly. After the blood, at peace. Chogo "dead and alive" returned to Beijing. A few years later, Chigo married Alice, when the father, take care of her mother. He became the same corner with his father, holding a play troupe. Paragraphs Ting Yu accompany Huai Yu back to Peking. Flyover is no longer available. He went to the playhouse, blind he sat under the stage listening to the performance of the Chigo. After the show, Chigo received a note, the above name let him a tight heart: Huaiyu. He chased it out. In the Beijing alley in autumn, there was only a touch of sunset hanging from the sky to the west and a long, deja vu shadow.

Twenty days critical (TV)[2005]

Feature: Wang JunRu open identity is the backbone of the Wang pseudo-secret service; his comrade in arms is also his lover's Attendant Song Nan public identity is a dancer; Liu Zhenquan is Wang JunRu's single-line connector, but the play was suspicious of Zhu Zheng Was arrested by the Chongqing elements and subjected to torture and lying to the outside under the guilty conscience of Qiao Sen; Wang JunRu was glimpsed by Zhu Zheng while she was in the joints - leaving a curse! Still, Qiao Sen is a veteran pro-Japanese activist, but the release of Potsdam's announcement made him feel terrified - so much better than others that when arrested Liu Zhenquan might be "a member of the Chongqing" When Zheng Zheng safeguarded the life of Liu Zhenquan, as Zhu Zheng suspected Wang JunRu might be Liu's alma mater, he was more intent on speculating on Wang JunRu and leaving behind a path for himself. Gao Ping is a rogue, greedy greedy, knowing that the overall situation has to go to life and dream of death. Only Zhu Zheng was a dead man, and he was closely watching Wang JunRu. After that, he found out the relationship between Song Nan and Wang JunRu and suspected that both were "Yan'an elements" and took a "first strike and then" action. And Zhang YunXia, secretary of Qiao Sen, a beautiful woman who not only proactively favors Wang JunRu, but also cares more for Wang JunRu's "work." - Wang JunRu walk with these wolves every day! Wang JunRu every day in Secretary Zhang such a "gentle trap" inside! Death threats can be threatened every moment. He also faces his neighbor, Kang Lan, a once perverted but exalted Kang Lan, who sees himself as a shameless Japanese lackey. He also has to face Song Nan, Song Nan know Wang JunRu around there is a "secretary", this person in the end how "dangerous"? Is the most people anxiety! - Wang JunRu To complete the "impossible task" under the enemy's eyes, including obtaining Qiao Sen's top-secret document, rescuing Zhang Shicheng, a leading underground party underground organization who was once "missing" and secretly detained at Qiao Sen's hands, Liu Zhenquan, who was lied to by his enemies and suddenly "escaped", protected himself from being exposed and intercepted by the enemy for trial as Song Nan, who identifies himself as a true identity. Later, he went to the Japanese military hospital to rescue Zhang Shicheng alone. Finally, Wang JunRu finally has a "Showdown" with Zhang 's secretary - Zhang YunXia What kind of person? Wang JunRu With his loyalty to the party, its loyalty to his comrades-in-arms, his loyalty to the cause of the struggle against Japan and his loyalty to the people, he relies on his hatred and contempt for the enemy, on his grasp of the situation and his calm judgment The brave Superman courageous, deal with each, all break.

Swing girl (TV)[2005]

Feature: Married Cheng TianShu on the road to see the TV wall diamond ads, but also received her boyfriend Frank's phone, mistakenly think they will propose to him. PR firm manager Lin Haitian for the purchase of diamond rings and marriage mad conflict, and again in the real beer press conference a problem. Giant Yao Yao Man as a contract, do everything possible to find really cool beer boss Zhen YouQian. Unexpectedly, she met Xin XiYa, a woman who wanted to cheat Zhen YouQian and trusted Lin Haitian. Color landlord's 500,000 winning lottery, actually flew to the top floor of the hotel, when he risked his life to pick up when the hotel PR manager marry madly strongly discouraged, the two touched the alarm in the dispute, the news conference suddenly chaos . The innocent sister is very sympathetic to a married maniac, trying to pull her together with a single father and think it is appropriate to marry them. Marriage mad to change their status, bought himself a ring, did not expect lucky touched the award: two-week trip to France. Married very happy, hope this trip let her find a good husband. Xin Lin Hai Xin TianYaa heart still, but Xin XiYa replied altogether, completely rejected him. The reason why she approached Zhen YouQian was for his money. Lin Haitian do not understand Xin XiYa Why do this, he asked the fans, Xin XiYa and Zhen before that day in the end what happened between the million people morale silence, ask the beauty and money together what happens, Lin The weather is gone, crush on his man's heart is not happy, so she and the fans and friction. Marriage wants to go to France, and change the dress looking for opportunities to know the rich man. Color landlord and innocent sister feel she is really crazy. However, Married really met in the first class French An DeLu, very touching, but unexpected Zhen YouQian in the middle of them. On the way to the situation, the plane returned home, marriage mad is arranged to rest in the same room with pregnant women, the most unexpected wedding is unexpected, her unmarried husband was her predecessor boyfriend. For the comfort of marriage mad, color landlord, naive girl invariably buy 鮟 鱇 fish to send her. Marriage still think this fish is too ugly, not good. Naive sister shyly said that in fact, love is not beautiful, but people's expectations of it too high. Married mad to help color the landlord with glasses, the two walked back all the way, the original quarrel they always say their own truth, but more and more speculation. Suddenly, marriage madness, in fact, the love of two beautiful people can also be very sweet. Color landlord stared, hugged her deeply kiss her. However, at this moment, a girl suddenly came from the United States. She is called A Jiao, is the landlord's daughter when the color landlord travels to the United States. A Jiao sudden visit, color room eager to prepare meals for her, so negligent innocent sister, man and woman. A Jiao finally said he was opposed by parents, she was in love with TOM went to China. Tie Dan came to the man-in-law's younger brother, led by Tie Dan, who went shopping, bought food and bought lottery tickets for Tie Tie's lucky draw. He thought there would be no color, but why he won the award. Swinging Girl Stills A marry mad with Tie Dan to the playground, a roller coaster ride, and Tie Dan dazed in the past, anxious for her to send him to the hospital. The man-in-law got the message and rushed to the emergency room.Yu GenBao said after the doctor said the child was congenital heart disease, hospitalization immediately surgery, about fifty or sixty thousand costs. Surprisingly, Xin XiYa learned the matter, take the initiative to come to donate money. The matter touches the color landlord, finally took out a passbook, to see a doctor for the child, in order to show atonement. The annual beer tenders will start, Zhen YouQian think there is a risk, do not want to win the bid. Lin Haitian had long been concerned, naive girl to intervene from, so her father do not want to win the bid. Zhen YouQian promised her daughter. Unexpectedly, suddenly a million fans suddenly wear a wedding fan, saying she and Lin Haitian have been pounding. Zhen YouQian listened to a fire and decided to play on his own. Naive girl run away from home angrily. The innocent girl came off the street and met Dai Wei, but he did not have the money to make a living by selling things. The money was not enough for the innocent girl to buy clothes and flowers. He also did not have a house, Quickly be driven away. The innocent sister said that he should work with him and feed himself. Glamorous, man-in-law with their own purpose to find a doctor, you can play are concerned about the naive girl's banner. But Yu GenBao's heart is Xin XiYa, who has to be rejected for her birthday. After Yu GenBao was rejected, only the wedding fanatic gave him this comfort, and he decided to invite her to eat at home to express her gratitude. Zhen YouQian depressed hearts, drink alcohol worry, marriage mad learned and million people rushed to the hotel, the color of the landlord, the man-in-law to find innocent girl. Dai Wei high fever, naive sister back to the hospital, just Lin Haitian, man and woman arrived. Lin Haitian naive girl rushed to the hotel. Zhen YouQian climbed the top of the barricade, marriage mad difficult rescue him. Naive sister arrived at the moment, father and daughter meet each other cry. A returnees real estate owner Lu Peng pursuit of fans, but let a house boiling up. Lu Peng chase after thousands of people lost, but also hired color landlord, man and woman to be close to the glamorous, have been rejected. Millionaire to tell the story of her painful experience of love. And this time a woman named Jin XiangYu hit the door to cause public anger. Lu Peng kneeling in front of thousands of fans, asking for forgiveness. But things do not go so smoothly, Jin Fu forcing Lu Peng early marry them. Jin XiangYu dragged Lu Peng troubled New Year's home, saying that selling the house's money is her, count given to her, on condition that thousands of people away from him. Giant fans leave angrily. Jin XiangYu unexpectedly invited everyone to France to attend her wedding with Lu Peng. Marriage mad, the man-in-law knows that the heart of people is very painful, have to comfort her, but even more surprising, glamorous decided to accept the fate of the challenge to France to attend the wedding. When they finally left, Lin Haitian took them to the airport by car and unexpectedly met Yu XiBao at the parking lot. Xin XiYa also hinted that Lin Haitian, must seize the opportunity to pursue marriage mad. People suddenly said to the colorist, she wants to marry him in the same place on the same day they were married, to do for them to see. Although the real color landlord understand that this is a fake marriage, but grateful to her trust. Wanted to marry Mad them with her to buy wedding. Only a naive sister wandering alone in the street, walked into the church, met a middle-aged woman called gorgeous in France. Gorgeous said she also had a daughter as big as her, and invited her to visit her house.Naive girl feel something unexpected, she also has a daughter called the heart. In fact, the innocent sister met her mother, Mei Wah, Zhen YouQian called, just the United States in the two decades after the phone recognize, the United States and innocent girl to mother and daughter Recognize. Surprise for everyone, cried. Color landlord, geek costumes appear in the hotel, Jin XiangYu angrily to get out of her, go up in love is two slap in the face, that is to give them two to a broken, the scene suddenly chaos. At this very moment, Lin Haitian also came to France for the wedding fanatic, unfortunately, he was wounded thrown by a wedding fanatic. But after this accident, marriage mad, Lin Haitian came together, everyone happy. Lin Haitian told the doctor sick and Xin XiYa story. Marriage can not forgive myself, let Xin XiYa suffer her on her behalf. Lin Haitian a listen, think she is unreasonable, angry to go back. At the moment they were on their way to the airport, Ya Dang, a man-and-woman suitor, was again angered and indignant. Girlfriends They returned to the villa, marry unexpectedly proposed to be scattered, then glamorous, men and women have to leave, although the color of the landlord to retain, their attitude is still firm. Color landlord said he likes geeks, do not think he likes to do whatever they want, since you want to go, then go its own way forward. Instead, everyone looks at each other. Married mad at the villa burned meal Sanfan, who can not eat, in fact, no one wants to go. Man and woman vomit truth, her favorite actually is that the French named Ya Dang; asked the most favorite wedding favorite hate, although she said a lot, you can always say no one. Innocent sister, men and women spot wear him on the spot, this person is Lin Haitian. Lin Haitian, color landlord just heard at the door, they apart from anything else, one hugged the marriage crazy, one picked up the fans, ran into their own room, the next day the man-woman also received Ya Dang From the letter from France, in order to live up to her, she decided to fly to France. Just as they sent her to the airport, the innocent sister unexpectedly found her father going to France, and she also went to see her with him. Finally, all people have a wonderful ending.

Red carnation (TV)[2001]

Feature: "Red Carnation" stills Sheriff Liu ZhiMing was brought to court on suspicion of rape of his relatives, and young lawyer Zhou RuoBing continued to receive an emergency call from his cousin Xu XiaoQing when Liu ZhiMing was suspected. Just as Zhou RuoBing decided to withdraw from Liu ZhiMing to see Ching Ching, Xu XiaoQing suddenly died in a steel ingot dropped by a disk trip. The report from the UOB scene was immaculately determined to be an accident at work. However, under the watchful eyes of others, even some people put Zhou RuoBing white chrysanthemum on the deceased body replaced with red carnations. The mysterious appearance of this red carnation, activation of Zhou RuoBing heart was lost by the guilt of the cousin lost the doubts, why as UOB Group finance cousin body is not cold, the equipment chief because he refused to admit the accident was removed from the country . Why UOB Group just filed for the bankruptcy petition of 3.7 billion acquisitions, the group vice president in charge of financial fraud absconded. Why Zhou RuoBing was just beginning to approach the reality of Xiao Qing's death was accused of ventilation for the absconded. In order to clarify the white for the preservation of fame, Zhou RuoBing was forced to resign with her respected teacher Luo JiaPing courtesy. At this time, electrician roots found the power cord that was corroded by sulfuric acid and proved Xu XiaoQing was killed. When Zhou RuoBing and his lover Yang YuanHui rushed to the scene to obtain evidence, they were protected by the security minister Mo Ming. Witness was knocked down and the evidence released by UOB urgently shows that Xu was blindly deliberately murder. This message is like Zhou RuoBing thunderstruck, cousin did not take good care of their own turned out to be spy commercial secrets. The mysterious carnations in an email warned her to guard against the side of the flames of beauty snake. Whether Yang YuanHui is true or false to himself? Xu XiaoQing in the end clean or 龌 龊. Is there any problem with a bankruptcy application? Who is the culprit in this invisible murder, who is the mastermind, although the carnivorous hidden always at a critical juncture, but Zhou RuoBing still feel deep grief fear. Seems to be getting closer to the truth, and seems to be farther away from it.

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