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Juan Wang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Juan Wang Works 9 ,And Feature 4 ,Comedy 3 ,Costume Drama 2 ,Sci-Fi 2 ,Romance 2 ,Family drama 2 ,Warm blood 1 ,Spy war 1 ,Suspense 1 ,Urban drama 1 ,Love 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,权谋1 。

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Juan Wang Filmography(9)


庆余年 (TV)[2019]


某大学文学史专业的学生张庆熟读古典名著,但他用现代观念剖析古代文学史的论文命题不被 Ye JiaoShou 所认可。为了让 Ye JiaoShou 成为自己的研究生导师,张庆决定通过写小说的方式,进一步阐述自己想要表达的观点。 在他的小说中,身世神秘的少年—— Fan Xian ,自小跟随奶奶生活在海边小城澹州,随着一位老师的突然造访,他看似平静的生活开始直面重重的危机与考验。在神秘老师和一位蒙眼守护者的指点下, Fan Xian 熟识药性药理,修炼霸道真气并精进武艺,而后接连化解了诸多危局。因对身世之谜的好奇, Fan Xian 离开澹州,前赴京都。 在京都, Fan Xian 饱尝人间冷暖并坚守对正义、良善的坚持,书写了一段光彩的人生传奇。

大宋少年志 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《大宋少年志》剧情介绍:大宋少年志庆历年间,北宋貌似繁华安定的景象下暗潮汹涌,周边各个割据政权的细作潜伏于汴京城内,窥探大宋军政秘事。北宋为免除战事,维护各民族间的和平与稳定,借秘阁之名,培训少年暗探。经过严密的选拔和审查,诡诈聪慧的 Yuan ZhongXin 、美貌机敏的 Zhao Jian 、从不杀生的小景、绝不说谎的 Wang Kuan 、不爱交流的 Xue Ying 、喜欢美女的 Wei YaNei 六位少年,因为种种原因,或情愿或被迫,组成了秘阁第七斋。入学之初,少年们心里都有着自己的小算盘,学习的同时也把学斋闹得鸡飞狗跳,让学官们头疼不已。然而在经历了一次次生死相关的任务后,曾经年轻懵懂的少年们逐渐成长,他们互相团结,用自己的热血和忠诚,为保卫和平献身。在历史的长河中,他们隐姓埋名,成就无人知晓的暗影传奇 。


Nanchong mechanic hero biography (TV)[2014]

Feature: The war started, the Japanese blockade our transport routes, the critical moment of God on the Burma Road props up the logistical supplies of the war, this magical highway since Nanchong mechanic prequel to write a legend. Due to the shortage of drivers and mechanics, more than 3,000 overseas Chinese from the South China Sea returned to their country without regard to their hardships and difficulties and went to the national crisis. Fang brothers are typical of these overseas Chinese. Fang TianHai, an eldest brother, is ostensibly a traitor who joins the Japanese army. In fact, he is an underground worker lurking inside the Japanese army. Fang TianHai has always tried his best to endure the misunderstanding of all his relatives and friends and walked between life and death for his own conviction . Fang QianShu, my younger brother, was a fool of myself and my understanding of the motherland was weak. However, during the war, Fang QianShu felt Fang QianShu felt that he had been killed by the Japanese bombing and died in the pain of illness Unparalleled shock, let him understand: In order to the nation and the country's hope, he must rediscover the direction and meaning of life. Nanchong mechanic heroes pass high-definition stills

WuYueChuanQi (TV)[2013]

Feature: AD 801, Datang Zhenyuan 17 years, the king of the country Yong Qiang sent the prince Shu NanTuo led the country orchestra, leaving the Royal Benedictine absurd city, traveled thousands of miles, went to Datang, Shu NanTuo after thousands of miles, finally arrived Datang capital Chang'an, and in AD 802 in the first month in Chang'an City, offer national music, chang temporary vibration, cited as a fairy tale. However, behind this cultural event, but hidden in an unknown and magnificent story. Yong Qiang let Prince Shu NanTuo lead a delegation to Chang'an. In addition to his dedication and cultural exchange, he hopes to take advantage of this opportunity to build mutual support with the eternal life of the Tang Dynasty. Since ancient times, all the small countries around the Central Plains have been deeply influenced by the culture of the Central Plains , Competing to follow the imitation. These small countries voluntarily joined hands with Datang and achieved prosperity in an atmosphere of equal exchange based on culture. At the same time, there are many crises in the country. General Guo Luo is ambitious and wants to send his men to assassinate him, sever the inheritance of the royal family, and then usurp the power and usurp the throne. Ga LuoNa did not think his adopted son Su Jue and prince Shu NanTuo as a brother, Su Jue father plan to tell Shu NanTuo, Shu NanTuo So set under the cover of the sea, let Su Jue pretend to follow the band, and Bai Nan himself Please come out once the Xia YunXian Datang Ranger, and the dignity of the female burglar Ye ShaLuo, accompanied to protect their own soul dancer Lan MaShanDi band, to avoid a few ambush and Ga LuoNa. Looking for the Southwest Silk Road that has been handed down by the Han Dynasty, secretly went to Datang to complete his mission of pursuing peace. However, this line has not completely escaped the tracking of Ga LuoNa. Ga LuoNa found Shu NanTuo another way, so he sent his men to follow him and kill him. Shu NanTuo escaped death by time under the supervision of Xia YunXian and Ye ShaLuo. At the same time, Shu NanTuo also met Guardian members of the Great Tang Hongtang Temple and Lingerie of the young woman. At the same time, she also learned that there were also secret killings in the Datang Nei Wei because of the Kuomintang orchestra, The members of the Internal Security rushed to kill, the purpose is to stop the band after the news to Chang'an. The orchestra behind the team involved so many forces infighting, and this small team internal relations, also complicated and confusing, Tang Yun Xia YunXian loyalist bloodthirsty, but always refused to disclose his own pursuit of Shu NanTuo Changan purpose, the female snitch Ye ShaLuo deceit Cunning, greedy indifference, bones and righteousness with a trace of goodness, this strange female burglar privately without the knowledge of Shu NanTuo secretly contact with some mysterious forces, intelligence transfer, her purpose is unknown. In addition, Lan MaShanDi, the soul dancer of the China National Orchestra, is a beautiful and pure lotus-like woman hidden behind her gentle and tranquil hideaway secrets. More importantly, Shu NanTuo was horrified to find that in addition to Ga LuoNa, there was another eye on the band. Orchestra and his entourage reached after Changan, Shu NanTuo has found more conspiracy this has just begun, and actually someone would like to use the band to assassinate Emperor Tang, the mastermind is to make him unexpected.

Nie Yuan (TV)[2010]

Feature: "Nie Yuan" mainly tells the story of human paranoid, every character in this story, stirring place is crazy. Dark humanity, crazy struggle, crazy beauty, crazy tenacious, led to the tragedy scene staged. Beautiful college girl, all the envy of loved ones, a woman like a fairy-like intelligence, sea spirit. Raped by a villain named Liu DuoGui. What makes Hai Ling indignantly is that Liu DuoGui was actually the unmarried boyfriend of Yu Mei, his best friend. Fate sent a sudden blow to the unimaginable blow of the sea, the tenacious girl did not collapse, she wanted to alarm, want to let Liu DuoGui be punished. However, Hailing's parents can not understand their own daughters, this sudden bad news so that the two elderly can not afford, or even spilled anger on her daughter. The sea Ling's brother also retaliation for Liu DuoGui, missed it wounded, beaten into jail. At the same time, Hai Yuen's friend, Yu Dui, Liu DuoGui's fiancée, kept her husband to be married. Betrayal of the sea Ling, false testimony for Liu DuoGui. Let Liu DuoGui escaped punishment, even more frightening is that sea spirit pregnant. Social public opinion, passers-by's whisper, are unable to bear the sea Ling, she left her hometown, the turning point where their own destiny. In the most difficult moment, a man named Li BaoQuan appeared in front of Herning, a man with a broad mind. He did not care about the past of the sea spirit. Despite all the opposition in the family, he decided to walk to the edge of the sea and use his own Pure heart, opened up the sea of ​​ice in her heart, so she finally willing to accept once again be able to understand themselves and warm their hearts. As long as there is Li BaoQuan around, even if Liu DuoGui is still entangled, Hailing no longer panicked and she finally finds a harbor for her to moor. The relationship between Li BaoQuan and Hailing is getting better and better, which helps a lot of good people People, including a worker named Guo HaoDong, grateful to Guo HaoDong for leaving two people before leaving. At this moment, Liu DuoGui was also arrested for smuggling counterfeit cigarettes. As a result, Herring relieved that the misery should have passed and the happy future was already beckoning to her. However, it did not last long. After two years, Liu DuoGui was released from prison and smoked cigarettes again. Unexpectedly, it was discovered again by Li BaoQuan. Liu DuoGui was infuriated and ordered Li BaoQuan to be seriously injured and become a vegetative state. To make matters worse, the facts of the rape of the sea and the sea prevented the preserved mother from accepting the sea. Again and again to the fate of the Hayling heavy blow. Hai Ling is still no regrets keep in Li BaoQuan side, she firmly believes Li BaoQuan will wake up waiting for Li BaoQuan wake up, the sea spirit is also slowly growing, a few years later Li BaoQuan woke up However, with the help of her own efforts and the help of Guo HaoDong, she has become a host of the new section of television stations and gradually becomes a household name. The first case I came into contact with was one The girl raped, in order to save this one-begged girl, Hayling decided to put their own past in front of the public, one by one talk.This is an extremely difficult decision for the sea spirit, but she did, in the face of the status quo after years of fame, she did not back down, said everything bravely, the public opinion of society has been unable to change the mood of the sea spirit, She has learned to face everything and learn to be strong in adversity. At this moment, Yu Mei, a friend, died because of Liu DuoGui's unkindness. For his own good friend and for the sake of justice, in order to be late for years of trial, Hailing decided to turn the record and sued Liu DuoGui. At this time, the only thing that made her hesitate Ke Ke, her own child, is afraid of her children being too pressured by society to live prematurely. However, her children understand that she supports her and unlocks her final heartache. Hailing finally calmly face the past, to begin this final trial, but over time, Liu DuoGui is now a status person, to have the evidence to tell Liu DuoGui, is simply difficult to ascend to heaven. However, she did not back down. She just insisted on her own justice. She believes that suffering will eventually pass. She believes that crime will eventually be punished. As long as you face bravely, the world will surely give you a fair answer. At this juncture, the setbacks of adversity caused the puppet to become a strong fate, and her kindness and sincerity touched everyone. At the last minute of the trial, miracles finally took place.

BeautyofChongqing (Movie)[2009]

Feature: Recently, Yoo In-na starring urban comedy movie "Chongqing beauty" grand opening in Chongqing, the film main Chongqing unique food, beauty, beauty of the three elements. Through a series of humorous and witty events caused by the secret recipe of hotpot, Chongqing's features are fully displayed. In addition to native born Chongqing beauty Yoo In-na starring, the film also brought together a group of idol artists Jerry Yuan, Qi Wei, while Hong Kong comedian Law Kar-ying will also star in the film, playing Yoo In-na's father. Urban comedy movie "Chongqing beauty" the day before yesterday in Jiefangbei boot. The film director Yang Tzu, the main actors Yoo In-na, Jerry Yuan, Qi Wei, Ran Tingting, etc. all appeared, failed to attend Law Kar-ying, Xiao Ke also sent through the VCR "Chongqing beauty" blessing. The film director, "Chongqing beauty" in addition to the film title of Chongqing's "beauty" business card, will also be fully demonstrated the food and beauty of Chongqing, together with urban comedy films will be a flavor of the visual flavor feast. The beauty of the film, in addition to the "Yoo In-na", as well as Sichuan sister Qi Wei and major beauty film school junior Ran Tingting, the whole "beauty threesome." And Ran Tingting is from more than 200 ...

Alien home (TV)[2009]

Feature: Home Alien Stills This is a peculiar story of a family of four: a simple, kind-hearted father, a crazy madness and always out of condition alien mom, a seemingly small adults, especially the idea of ​​son , A cool and intelligent alien daughter in a rebellious period. Aliens come from "flash stars." The original vast universe, there are many planets with intelligent creatures, the earth is not lonely. One of the planets with intelligent creatures, Starbucks is also one of the five permanent members of the Milky Way Star Alliance, located at 4.37 light-years Centauri from the Earth. Due to the natural conditions of the "flash star" is better, science and technology and developed, so the people on this planet are very beautiful. However, people on this planet are very realistic, over-exaggerated comparisons between people. Therefore, as time goes by, everyone feels the lack of affection and therefore the population is also on a downward trend. Mei LiGuo is a very, very typical "glittering star" character, fascinated by all the beautiful things, especially glittering. So she is also "glittering" in her own dress. At the same time she is very passionate, simple, never give up, has a strong sense of justice, helping the poor, from the distant "flash star" to bring the baby, one day she piloted her own overdue broken spacecraft to earth on the way, Spacecraft too worn-out, forced by the Star Police to speed up the engine overheating, she only make-up and reconciliation led to the spacecraft crashed. Fortunately, by the Earth - Department Store Security Manager Tang Chao on the way to the blind date from a big tree was rescued. Tang Chao is a single father, simple-minded, developed limbs, tall and mighty, cool and handsome, is a type of man, woman and child, people say: "No opening is a millionaire." Despite a series of shortcomings such as the mind is too simple, no idea, the ear is too soft and so on, Mei LiGuo right or love him at first sight, and do everything possible to live Tang Chao home. Tang Bu's son, Tang BuKu, is precocious, sensitive, and has been dependent on his "low-energy" father for his life. Forced to forget their children's identity, shoulder the task of stewardship, daddy. How can he tolerate an extra-curricular person outside the home? And this "outsider" soon won the favor of Dad. He tried every means to get rid of Mei LiGuo, did not expect to eventually be touched by Mei LiGuo, and alien Mei LiGuo during the move, was her enthusiasm, get back the joy of doing children. At the time of the Tang BuKu and Mei LiGuo wars, there were a new addition to the family. Mei LiGuo's daughter, Ke Er (Mei LiGuo), born in the genius of Mercury, Girl). Ke Er has a beautiful appearance and rebellious personality, at the same time proficient in a variety of inventions and innovations, today to create a smart medicine, invented a portable pusher tomorrow, the day after tomorrow and tossing undead out ... ... her invention is simply better than the cat To be more, but also incredible! ! Her bizarre invention to help families solve the problem again and again, will be kind-hearted to help down, the already not calm home made out of conditions.The families of two Earthmen and two "glittering stars" are already lively enough, but one person does not stop them. That is, high school student Chang Shou (who is said to be the Nth generation descendant of Xu Xian and the White Snake! He was a high school student, but also always dressed in high school uniforms (because of learning too well, so after graduating from junior high school was star coordination away, so no high school became his heart forever pain ) In fact, Star Aliens Management Office managers. He was serious and resolutely following the "Handbook" and was a headache for both Mei LiGuo and Tang BuKu. Chang Shou often comes in trouble because Mei LiGuo took a short-term business visa. In order to stay on earth, Mei LiGuo and Tang Chao "get married" and get a permanent resident status. I did not expect Chang Shou to come and visit their home more frequently and at the same time in order to verify what they said was true or false ...... In addition there is the gossip girl Lin ZhiLing and her gossip daughter Lu Lu from " Of the world Wu ShuangGongJue, Ming as selling pork, but in fact the leadership of the top management of the Board of the Star Management Division (that is, Chang Shou's leadership) Zhang WangCai et al figures in the play full stage, in a period of exaggerated alternative plot Mei Li Guo and Ke Er realized what is real emotion and realized that human emotions are more important than the beauty and wealth they had been pursuing before, and they all grew unknowingly ... In this story, outside Gradually, the stars love this "backward science and technology" earth, fell in love with the "IQ low" Earth people, because here let them feel the "Flash Star" does not have the warmth and happiness!

Putting a holiday on the marriage (TV)[2007]

Feature: Lin Dong primary school student in the first day before the start of the summer assault beat classmates, then disappeared. Lin Dongyuan parents in Shenzhen, Lin Yin wind and Li Jia, respectively, were informed, are anxious, have thrown the hands of busy preparations for their home to find his son. When they were about to leave Shenzhen, they got the news that Lin Dong had come to Shenzhen. There came a beautiful little girl named Shi Xiaoqing with Lin Dong. Lin Dong intends to give parents a special wedding gift, a computerized wedding photo, because Li Jia and Lin Yinfeng go to Shenzhen early marriage struggle, did not leave a wedding photo, but this photo was classmates smear Lin Dong anger hit people and fled to Shenzhen. In the car to understand the parents divorced girl Shi Xiaoqing, Shi Xiaoqing's mother ready to go abroad, should send Shi Xiaoqing to the father of Shi Yun on the premises. Shi Xiaoqing claimed to have strange magic in front of Lin Dong, Lin Dongxin believes that Shi Xiaoqing at the request of Shi Xiaoqing back to their parents. Shi Xiaogong sit on the sidelines found that Lin Dong's parents Lin Yin wind and Li Jia behaved somewhat eccentric to remind Lin Dong, Lin Dong disagree, he did not know, his parents have long been divorced for a long time, but because of the identity of Li Jia psychiatrist, worried Lin Dong So psychologically abnormal, so hide the son. Today, Lin Dong suddenly killed Shenzhen, Lin Yin and Li Jia no choice but to pretend to play a happy family, Lin Yin wind to move back to Li Jia Department, and the two abnormal behavior can not escape from childhood to stay home divorce sensitive Shi Xiaoqing. Shi Xiaoqing's parents finally got away from Shi Xiaoling, but Shi Xiaoqing's father, Shi Yun accidentally found himself and Lin Yin of the original mutual understanding, Lin Yin wind is a unknown lawyer, home to retain a lot of work-related disabilities, migrant workers, including One is just off the stone in the factory off the hand of the old, now Linyin Feng Shouson for the old and hit the compensation lawsuit. Although Shi Xiaodong exhausted organs, the mother still left Shenzhen, Shi Yun very much love his wife Luo Shan, but did not tell his wife Shi Xiaoqing things, and now had to hide Shi Xiaoqing in a guest house, and invited to the rural mother Come to take care of the young Shi Xiaoqing very indulge in the grumble in the grumble of grandmother. Grandma did not mind, and bit by bit in the heart of Shi Xiaoqing. In Shih-Ching's experience and help, Lin Dong found his father's girlfriend Donna, as well as her mother's boyfriend photographer Duanmu, do not know the truth of the parents divorce Lin Dong listen to the idea of ​​Shi Xiaoqing, to maintain the marriage of parents, did not expose the situation of parents , And in the Qing advice, came up with the idea of ​​remake wedding photos in order to allow parents to reconcile. Unexpectedly, all the plans one by one, Lin Dong finally ruthless, decided to rainstorm, I hope my illness can be able to recall their parents' family concerns. Shi Xiaoqing also stood the same result in the rain, the original Shi Xiaoqing has been brought back to his home by his father, and his stepmother Luo Shan get along, Shi Xiaoqing always looks clever, private vicious, bent on destroying his father's marriage, but at this time came Luo Shan News of pregnancy, his father no longer pay attention to Xiaoqing, Xiaoqing extremely sad, so I decided to accompany Lin Dong rain, hoping to save his father.Results under the rain Shi Xiaoming fell to the ground, Lin Dong was shocked, found that Shi Xiaoqing found leukemia, no life, Shi Yun did not dare tell the truth Shi Xiaochun, we are deceiving in good faith and decided to meet Xiaoqing desire to Her mother recovered as soon as possible Shi Xiaoqing same room of patients happened to be the father of Li Jia, Duanmu Duanmu Daduan. Duanmu Daddy for care is Shi Xiaoching idle grandmother, the elderly and children in the ward is always in conflict. In the intervention of Xiaoqing, the two widowed elderly are aware of each other, and mutual goodwill. But two people each have their own difficulties insurmountable, always afraid to come together. In the meantime, Lin Dong, who sent Shi Xiaoqing to the hospital, and Donna Lin, a new girlfriend nurse with his father, Lin Yinfeng, crashed into anger. Donna became furious when Lin Yinfeng was tearing himself off from Lin Dong. Lin Yin wind at this time also encountered a crisis in the cause, but Shi Yun in order to meet Xiaoqing desire to find her mother is also a struggle. The families of two marriages each have their own situation in crisis. Lin Yin wind and Li Jia until this time also thought that the son did not know the truth, but Lin Dong is still trying hard to move their parents and good. Shi Xiaoqing's mother was finally found back, in order to comfort Shih-Ching, Shi Yun pretend to reunite with her, to understand her husband's feelings Luo Shan sad, but secretly with the two. Shi Xiaoqing's condition worsened, but suddenly disappeared in the ward, we are very nervous. With the ward Duanmu Daddy courtship to courtship, grandmother was the same without saying goodbye. Lin Yin wind surprised to find the disappearance of Xiaoqing and his son Lin Dong have a lot to do. The crisis is imminent. Duanmu Dad chased the country, and finally saw my grandmother, the two old people break through all the psychological barriers, finally get together, and Xiaoqing and Lin Dong's whereabouts also been found, two children's farce Shi Shi Yun Shi Shi felt again The feeling of the family, in all when everything is a turning point, Xiaoqing died in this world. Summer has passed, Lin Dong left Shenzhen, set foot on the train back home, until now he has found the fact that parents divorced, but Lin Dong and parents are not broken each other, both sides are trying to maintain the illusion of a beautiful family. Only a summer vacation, all adults in love are more aware of their own mind, but when it comes to a naive child Lin Dong, and now have matured .........

Confused little angel (TV)[2007]

Feature: "Confused Little Angels" stills story takes place in a city in a villa. The basic story is a lovely and confused beautiful angel came to earth, and lived in an apartment with three different personality men live together, her role in a muddlehearted fairy, their lives have a laugh, There are realities, there are tears ... ... IT industry engineer David originated urban civilians, people are handsome, very good face life, and his ex-wife Ai Ma lot of broken links; clerk Fu Min has been doing career dreams, a chief position Let him tea is not fragrant, and the villagers Tsui Tsui girl's perseverance stalker let him both proud and distressed; wealthy stuff is a nothing to do with "eating the old tribe," because nothing is missing so I feel myself The days of boring empty no content, the pursuit of love repeatedly failed, the only hobby is shouting to be a pop icon pop class singer. Bland and troubled life, due to the emergence of fairy has been completely changed ......

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