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Chen Ji TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Chen Ji Works 37 ,And Costume Drama 16 ,Romance 16 ,Feature 9 ,Comedy 6 ,Martial Arts 5 ,Fantasy 4 ,Suspense 3 ,Adventure film 2 ,Through 2 ,Ancient legend 1 ,Republic of China 1 ,推理1 ,God monster 1 ,Urban drama 1 ,Family drama 1 ,Diamond solo theater ancient martial arts drama. 1 ,Magic 1 ,Love 1 ,War 1 ,Ancient 1 ,Youth drama 1 。

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Chen Ji Filmography(38)


清平乐 (TV)[2020]


北宋皇帝赵祯得知将自己养大的当朝太后 Liu E 并非亲生母亲,而自己的生母乃是太后当年的婢女李兰惠,深感愧疚。为了报答李家,赵祯将自己最心爱的女儿徽柔嫁给了李家的子孙 Li Wei 。朝堂之上,庆历新政大臣和老派权臣之间针锋相对,斗争风起云涌,赵祯治国如执秤,权衡各方势力,为国事殚精竭虑。徽柔与陪伴自己长大的内侍怀吉建立了深厚的感情,对志趣不和又木讷平庸的 Li Wei 万般排斥,终于与婆家起了冲突,不顾一切地夜扣宫门,打破帝国最严苛的规矩,引发滔天非议, Si MaGuang 甚至要在大殿之上“碎首进谏”。赵祯一生悉心呵护的“言路通畅”、“监督国君”的风气,使得他在爱女之情和维护治国理念之间挣扎得遍体鳞伤。最终,公主以半疯狂的抗争,始终未屈服于“成为 Li Wei 真正妻子”的命运,却与怀吉永生不得相见 。


爵迹·临界天下 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《爵迹·临界天下》剧情介绍:讲述了公元前15世纪,商王祖丁的后人与商王南庚的后人经过激烈的王位争夺,最终由祖丁的后人阳甲得即王位,此时的商王朝内忧外患,动荡不安。传闻得到战神蚩尤的后人的辅佐就能得到天下,各部落对此深信不疑。息慎族隐士殷骋为了避免更多纷争,决定先一步找到蚩尤后人并将他带回商王朝廷。来自临界小镇的平民 Qi Ling 在一次偶然的机会下成为了殷骋的徒弟,从此踏上新的旅途。 Qi Ling 先后认识了少女 You Hua 和瑰山兄妹,几人并肩作战,最终查出原来所有的传闻都是商王南庚的后人为夺王位而编造的。殷骋想尽快告知阳甲,却陷入了更大的阴谋当中,阳甲被奸人操控,危在旦夕。在 Qi Ling 等人的帮助下,殷骋以生命为代价,彻底粉碎了篡位阴谋。不久,阳甲病逝,其弟盘庚继位,终于结束了自商王仲丁以来的“九世之乱”。而 Qi Ling 也成长为新一代隐士,守护这得来不易的和平。


Grandmaster Returns (Movie)[2018]

Feature: In this mixed bag and flourishing as a pot of chaos stew in the Chinese movie market. Li Sihai, CEO of Tianzhu Entertainment, Tang SiLi, Pan Asia International's top executive, and Yue XiaoKang, chairman of Clear Sky International, which has 5,000 screens across the country, were the miracles of the three most influential super-captains in the world of film and television The same broken plant, just because, the owner of this plant - Tian XingJian! The old leader, today's super IP owner. In the intersection with the three authorities, Tian XingJian discovered the dilemma of "art is oppressed by money". For a time, the environment around the big guide becomes bizarre, colorful people laughing and joking began to linger around Tian XingJian. This intricate commercial interference and marijuana movie creation environment, finally let him upright, rise up! In the break from the search, awakened to dream. In the end, he was still using his own methods to start a campaign with comedy against those film makers who were stunned and distracted at the box office.

Sand (TV)[2018]


Introduction to the plot of the TV series "shahai" : about ordinary high school studentsLi Cu(Lei Wu) gets caught up in a massive project aimed at the state of the world, and then gets to know the person behind it all, coming as a travel photographer named guan genWu Xie(Qin Hao).Wu Xiehas scaled back his naivete and, with his unusual intelligence, has begun to declare war on the destiny that was set thousands of years ago. .

Shahai is a modern adventure TV series co-produced by penguin TV, nan pai pan yu and ciwen media, starring Lei Wu, Qin Hao, Yang Rong (actress-actress), Alina Zhang, Mingen Zhang, Petrinovich Pugh & Co LLP: Zhu Jie CPA.

Legend of Kaifeng House (TV)[2018]

Feature: In the Northern Song Dynasty, Bao Zheng went to Beijing to take the test, and was inadvertently involved in the rebellion of the Eight Kings. With his brilliant talents, Bao Zheng exposed the necromancer of the Eight King's stills trying to murder Song RenZong, seize the throne and protect the country Safety. Because of the crackdown, Bao Zheng was promoted to be a supervisor of the Censor, and was ordered to trace the murderer who tried to assassinate Liu Fu, a relative of the empress dowager Liu Fu, brother of the late Empress Dowager Liu E, who always dominated with power and oppressed people. Assassination of the case, and opened many of Liu Fu evil, Liu Fu eventually rude and selfless. Because of Liu Fu's case, Bao Zheng was deported to Duanzhou. A few years later, a mysterious fire suddenly broke out in the palace. Renzong almost died of a fire. Bao Zheng returned to Kaifeng and was appointed to investigate the fire. After a difficult investigation, Bao Zheng finally ascertain the truth of the fire case, and thus the opportunity to return to Kaifeng, to help Renzong rule the world. Bao Zheng assists Renzong to defeat the powerful officials and the Queen Mother who are despotic, and ushers in a prosperous life & nbsp ;.

Exploration (TV)[2018]


The TV series “Douxiu” introduces the story: It is a folk detective Luo Fei who is eccentric but has high IQ. One is Qin XiaoMan, a bloody police detective who is young but has a superior combat force. The other is a handsome forensic expert, Ben JieMing. How to use a triangular combination to detonate reasoning sparks in a thrilling reconnaissance environment.

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The hidden crisis behind the most meticulous + most bizarre mysteries

The story of "Survey" took place in Shanghai during the Republic of China. Although the city was prosperous and prosperous, it continued to carry out all kinds of crimes, and the road to solving the case of "Survey" began slowly in this city. Different from other single case-solving suspense reasoning dramas, "Survey" not only contains suspense, horror elements, but also set action, adventure and other types in one. The bizarre cases are often accompanied by superb inquiries. In the probe, the final truth of the case often makes you feel unbelievable, but in order to taste the reasoning process of the protagonists in detail, you find that such results are unexpected and reasonable. It is reported that, from the preparation to the opening of the film, the “Survey” took more than four years, and it took more than three years for the script to be polished. It strived to create a suspenseful, logical and high-quality reasoning drama for the audience with plenty of preparation. In addition to the bizarre and rigorous case, rigorous and reasoned plots, the mysterious mastermind behind the unconstrained case is buried behind unrelated ordinary cases. What hidden conspiracy behind the intricate case? I look forward to the surprise of the audience in the future. In addition, the visual effect of “Survey” is also expected. It is learned that the “Probing” crew has carefully tailored the highly reputable costumes of the Republic of China for the protagonists in the drama and strives to use the special effects and high-quality details for the audience. Love enters the country and shares with the characters in the drama.

屏幕快照 2018-05-24 上午9.50.03.png

High Energy Lineup: Yu Bai, Jing-ru You, Chen Ji

One is Luo Qi (Yu Bai), a quirky and highly intelligent civil detective. One is Qi Xiao Man (Jing XiaoMan) who is a fledgling but highly effective detective, and the other is a handsome forensic expert Ben Jie Ming ( Chen Ji, how does a seemingly inconvenient triangle combination detonate the spark of reasoning in a thrilling reconnaissance environment? Many netizens expressed their expectation.In the play, the corner of the hero “Lo Fei” is both a stranger and a graceful gentleman. Although he is a genius and a character is eccentric, it is very difficult for the two extreme characters to play together, and the actor Yu Bai has not only appeared in the criminal investigation. The suspense drama "Beauty is the stuffing", the uncle's uncle in life coincides with Luo Fei's Luo Fei, who eventually became the role of Luo Fei. In the play "Qin XiaoMan", Jing-ru You played the role of female squad leader Zhao Yingnan in the role of "Better than You in the Spring Breeze," and Zhao Yingnan's cool character and superior combat effectiveness Qin XiaoMan are exactly the same. At the opening ceremony, Jing-ru You also expressed his confidence in the role of policewoman Detective Qin XiaoMan. On the same day, Chen Ji, who played forensic Ben Jie Ming, also attended the ceremony. Chen Ji, who once played the three princes Yuanji in “Drunk Exquisiteness”, has a clear temperament. Although he is dressed in civilian clothes, he can give a sense of the role of “Ben JieMing”. At the opening ceremony, Yu Bai, Jing-ru You, and Chen Ji three people interacted with each other frequently. It seems that the “tricks of the crime scene” was unveiled for the first time.


New Dragon Inn (TV)[2017]

Feature: The Ming Dynasty, internal and external problems. Crown Prince over the dispute between the ruling and opposition parties, there are piracy rampant southeast border, Wala West Lake rise. Shooting Photos Wei HuaiAn (Ma Ke ornaments) although no interest in the political struggle, but the factory is also abhorrence, in the teacher's advice, he did not confrontation with the East factory. In order to protect the only son Ying GuanZhen (Liu Yao Yuan ornaments), the eldest son of the elite, he stood opposite the East Plant; later, to give the old King name, become the first rebel against the dark forces in East Factory; experience After the adventures of the islands, Zhou HuaiAn not only promoted martial arts, becoming the island's island leader who was respected by the island forces, but also broadened his horizon and became the great man of the country. King of the King, King of the King, who finally exerted all manner of spicy means to finally ascend to the throne, finally realized that it was the road to monarchy for the elders of the nation to rehabilitate and insurre the insurgency and boldly opened up the "sea ban" In the preface, the Maritime Silk Road took shape and opened its markets on the northwestern frontier, restoring the ancient Silk Road. And Zhou HuaiAn resigned at this time and traveled with Jin XiangYu (Qi Wei) to the northwest for Qiu MoYan (Shen Mengchen), who reopened the gantry inn after disarray.

Drunk exquisite (TV)[2017]

Feature: Feng QingChen (Liu Shishi ornaments) is a witch clan holy witch, in charge of the witch tribe nine turn exquisite stone, can predict the future and even reverse the universe. Occasionally save the hunted down Emperor Yuan Ling (William Chan ornaments), both gratifying. Yuan Ling wants to marry Feng Qing Chen, but according to the ancestral system, the witch clan may not marry the royal family. Yuan Ling, in spite of all the opposition from the world, married Qing chen and caused shocks. Qing coffin was expelled by the witch and clan. The emperor Xu Haiqiao took the opportunity to launch the mutiny. Seeing Yuan Ling because of their own was forced to the brink of life and death, Qing cynic launched Wuxiu banned nine sharp turn to break the real world to reconstruct a new world. After coming to the reconstruction of the world, Qing Chen found everything around him was non-human. The Wins bear the case of conspiracy to invade. Yuan Ling's life is also foggy. In the face of Qing Chen, Yuan Ling has been completely stranger. Fate let them meet again, Qing Chen had to hide their deep feelings of Yuan Ling, secretly guarding, supporting Yuan Ling. But they do not dare to fall in love with each other, but their relationships are long and bumpy.

Turn the emperor back to the modern (TV)[2016]

Feature: Feng Feng to maintain the common memory of Li Huan and defend, alone to support "one person" restaurant, but did not expect to wait for the loss is the forced acquisition of Li Huan amnesia. Feng Feng desperation and warm man Huang Hui began a new romance, but do not want the ancient maid Liu Er and the little emperors came to modern times with the help of Feng Feng, the emperor and his father Li Huan reunite. However, the inherent dependence of the little emperor on Feng Feng made Li Huan have to deal with Feng Feng again. Feng Feng, if he could help take care of the little emperors, would not take back her shop. In the darkness of the little emperors, Feng Feng and Li Huan gradually put aside their grudges and contradictions and regained their memories.

Bad guys 2 (TV)[2016]

Feature: Li XingYun struggled to find Ji RuXue, while continuing to trace the whereabouts of the Longquan treasure. Rivers and lakes factions seize the ghost of possession of the treasure, respectively, to send personal implicated trace calculations Li XingYun, Zhang ZiFan, Lu LinXuan et al. Lu LinXuan Accidental poisoning caused amnesia, Zhang ZiFan heartache, decided to Lu LinXuan married. On the day of his marriage, Zhang ZiFan suffered another plot, and Lu LinXuan was poisoned again and was taken to a magic square treatment. Lu LinXuan was nurtured by Nv Di to revise his memory and become a killer. Injured Zhang ZiFan was wounded by Uncle Jiu Shu and stunned again. At the moment, Ji RuXue that mysterious life experience, Li XingYun away from the Longquan treasure nears, just as the heroes build Longquan treasure, another shocking secret to deter people & nbsp ;.

Nirvana in Fire (TV)[2015]

Feature: Mei ZhangSu (Hugh ornaments) Mei ZhangSu (Hugh ornaments) far in the arena, but the name emperor. Rivers and lakes rumors: "Jiang left the Mei Lang, unicorn only, have access to the world." As the world's largest gang "Jiang Zuomeng" leader, Mei ZhangSu "Mel Lang" reputation. However, Mei Zhang Su, who has the highest status in all corners of the country, is a frail young man. Despite the treacherous grudges and bloodshed brought to us a dozen years ago, even the hidden secrets behind his lifetimes are hidden. It turned out that twelve years ago, Nan Liang Chase years, the Northern Wei Xing soldiers south, Chiyan Marshal Marshal Lin Shu expedition, the rate of 70,000 officers and men to fight the enemy, unexpectedly, seventy thousand soldiers due to misconduct buried bone Meiling. Lin Shu picked up his life from the door of hell, after the loss of pro-pro-loss, cut the pain of easy-dressing, incarnate the world's largest gang Jiang Zonghui leader. Twelve years later, Mei ZhangSu relied on the opportunity of recuperation to return to the imperial capital with a whitish coat of arms and set foot on the path of vengeance, sorrow and contempt. In the face of the engagement of Ni HuangJunZhu (Tamia Liu ornaments), the old friend Jing Wang Xiao Jingyan (Kai Wang ornaments) and all the familiar in the past, he can only quietly endure everything, in the seemingly casual, with the weak body Hands off the wave of blood stunned, assisting Ming Wang Jing Wang ascend the throne, for the seventy flames loyal soul wash snow stigma. However, due to the dynastic rule of Emperor Liangdi in his later years, the territory in the south was full of chaos. The Eastern Wei Dynasty, which stood on its own in the Northern Wei Dynasty, took the opportunity to start its army southward. In order to resolve the national crisis, Mei ZhangSu decided to arm her armor in defiance of its physical weakness. In only three months, the military led the arm and beam to calm down the northern border and set the beam at peace and stability. Mei ZhangSu at this time, also suffered a last-ditch effort, finished his life on the battlefield.

BanShuLegend (TV)[2015]

Feature: Ban Shu (Jing Tian), daughter of the super-guarding class in the Eastern Han Dynasty, grew up alone in the grasslands after he was young and separated from his parents. In the eve of recognition of father and daughter, Ban Chao died of illness. Ban Shu tried to get into the palace in recognition of the Bancai tribe, and successively worked as a woman's master in the school of the aristocracy and the palace school of the boys' school founded by the Empress Dowager. Open her chivalrous heart, but the Central Plains poetry unreasonable, a lot of jokes inside the school, but she did not follow the conventional, ingenuity in reform but let the original dull school atmosphere as a new one. During the teaching process, Ban Shu fell in love with the vicissitude of Wei Ying (Zhe-han Zhang), a man of palace who can not forget the tragic death of fiancee with a passionate and bold heart. While their feelings were getting stronger, Ban Shu's sister returned unexpectedly, and Ban Shu and Wei Ying fell into tangles. In the end, Ban Shu joined hands with the students to make the magnificent culture of the Han people deeply rooted in the hearts of people with his own intelligence. Ban Shu eventually grew up in the dual experiences of business and emotion.

Six doors (TV)[2015]

Feature: The middle of the Ming dynasty, the old Huang Di unconscious, the establishment of the matter pending, Huang Zi and Qi Wang 觊 觎 throne, infighting. At this time the capital Jing Xian serial murder case, instructed the capital six cases to handle the case, six giants with Shen ZiMu (Howie Huang ornaments) and mud, but did not want his son Shen LiXing (Lin Feng ornaments) could not bear to be buried, Gifted and talented, he opened the door to the struggle of the court by opening up the heavy fog to the individual, but after the case was solved, he was drawn into the struggle for greater power.

Beggar emperor and big foot queen legend (TV)[2015]

Feature: Yuan Dynasty, the official corruption, people live in abyss, intensified class contradictions. Juvenile Zhu beggar emperor and the big footsteps of the legendary emperor According to the death of his parents and brothers died of poverty and plague, Yuan was forced to go to the royal temple monks, became beggars, became well versed in civilian suffering. A few years later, the revolt of the Red Turban rebels against the tyranny of the Yuan Dynasty broke out. Zhu YuanZhang decided to join the rebel forces and quickly revealed his outstanding military capabilities and became the chief of the rebel forces. "To win the hearts and hearts of the people", Zhu YuanZhang has won the hearts and minds of his countrymen, capable and capable of running the army, protecting the common people and cracking down on the corrupt officials and the benevolent people. Finally, with the assistance of his wife, Ma XiuYing and others, Zhu YuanZhang overthrew the decadent rule of the Yuan Dynasty, established the Ming dynasty, completed a legendary transformation from a beggar of abjection to a founding emperor who was brave and mighty, and Ma XiuYing also moved from an informal Big feet girl section becomes a generation after virtuous.

Longtimenosee (TV)[2015]

Feature: The drama Fang Hui (Wang Mengli) disappears on the campus of the university. After she left, she experienced the growth and met again. Her feelings with Chen Xun (Zehao Jin) and Qiao Ran (Vin Zhang) swirled again Open, the company boss Ceng WenHui (Yong Liang Sui) as a new role in the emotional battle. Zhao Ye (Chuan Li ornaments) and Lin JiaMo (Jing-ru You ornaments) The feelings of loving friends and career cut, chaotic, and the story of Shen XiaoTang (Yue Yu ornaments) and Wang SenZhao, respectively, embarked The road to their own destiny paved.

Supporting Counter-attack firm (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Supporting counterattack firm" tells the story of the fate of the unrelenting abandonment of the supporting staff, in a strong unwilling to lead some of the energy, have entered a special firm and become the principal, in the firm two mysterious person in charge of black and white Under impermanent guidance remodeling self-reborn, together with the black and white impermanence back to their original story to find the protagonists of the golden fingers, the implementation of counterattack plans, step by step to reverse the outcome. The protagonists under the escort of Su DaJi, the second-dimensional storyteller, will not abandon their own legends nor will they take part in the wonderful story. They gradually find their intervention caused the chaos in the second world .

PerfectBeyond (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Hotel Sales Staff Li XiaoLi is a straightforward, careless single mother. Due to poor working communication skills, but also to raise children, life difficult. With the help of the real estate agency, Li Xiao Li accidentally discovered that Cao Yang, who had just gone bankrupt and was in dire need of accommodation, liked children very much and could never have lived with a two-person contract under one roof. Hotel manager was furious when Li XiaoLi missed his client, and with the passing of Li XiaoLi decided to dismiss him. In order to restore job opportunities, Li XiaoLi volunteered to replace the default violinist for the client dinner. Unexpectedly, at the dinner Li XiaoLi broke a bottle of valuable wine priceless, it is very embarrassed she decided to help customers sell wine debt. Li Xiao Li, who used to know nothing about selling wine, sold his red wine not only everywhere, but also caused a lot of trouble for himself and at the same time left his daughter even more cold. Seeing the wine sales deadline approaching, Cao Yang decided to let Li XiaoLi play his wife into the upper-class lady circle, to help him create more business opportunities, and promised to buy Li XiaoLi all the wine once the business is successful. Cao Yang stunned that Ms. Cao Yang's wife had a liking for Li XiaoLi since Li XiaoLi's sincere and straightforward character not only helped Li XiaoLi to rescue but eventually changed her career to become a wine business and Cao Yang lonely. Li XiaoLi A sincere, simple character, unwrapped and unscrupulous sales mentality saved the wine company dragged down by the luxury brands during the financial crisis, giving the manager of the wine company quite mixed feelings. A year later, Li XiaoLi, with the help of Cao Yang's clients, ran a warm little shop that sensed the truth of life and slowed down his life by paying the debt. On the birthday of her daughter, Cao Yang sent a gift to congratulate her, and the three men continued their happy future.

Turn a emperor back to the modern (Movie)[2014]

Feature: The play tells the story of an orphan Feng Feng (Yuan Zhongfang ornaments) crossed by an accident to the ancient times, became the emperor Li Huan (seasonal decoration) of the concubine Fengmiao Lin, and the king Li Huan and national division Kasyapa (Guo Jiahao ornaments) between Experienced two emotional entangled story. Young actor Lu Ji Yi played in the play Liu Er is a lively and clever and clever.

Shanshan came (TV)[2014]

Feature: Shanshan came the stills despite their dreams, through their own efforts to achieve a success, good nature of the Shanshan is because they have a rare blood was recruited into the wind, but the Shanshang not forget the beginning, has been fighting! Sister sister transfusion Shanshan was praised for eating pig liver rice, and slowly evolved into Feng Teng's exclusive picker. Feng Teng change the way to torture kind of Shanshan, and Shanshan several times to resist, but each time lost to the superior skill of Feng Teng. Later, Feng Teng made a comeback to express his love for Feng Teng and started a campaign against Shanshan, while Feng Teng's good man Zheng Qi, having fallen in love with Li, had to fight against Shanshan Under, but even more so that the two were determined together, the experience of all sorts, Shanshan and Feng Teng accomplish a positive outcome, though happiness is late, but also finally came! And Shanshan in the harvest of love, but also because of their own The continuous efforts in the cause has also made no small achievement, completed his dream!

Turn a emperor back to the modern (TV)[2014]

Feature: Feng Feng passed through ancient times as an orphan, Feng Miaolian, a concubine of the emperor Li Huan, complicated calculations of the court, and the torment of the Emperor against her, leaving Feng Feng deeply desperate. Become a kid, she fell in love at home temple remembered mentor pure Gaya, all this makes her again rekindled the hope of life. The two elope, Gallo was personally killed by the emperor, and Li Huan Feng Feng and he was brought back to modern times. Feng Feng, unable to get rid of Li Huan, can only live with Li Huan. From the gradual adjustment of the life of ordinary people to the flourishing of life, Li Huan gradually began to learn to love from an emperior who did not love. But Ye Jia appeared, and the man with the fragments of the previous memory finally took away Feng Feng. However, it was not over. One after another, Ye Jia's childhood and reincarnation of the previous entangled three princes and queens appeared in their lives and started a love-hate dispute.

Condor Heroes (TV)[2014]

Feature: The Legend of the Condor Heroes paired Yang Guo's son Yang Guo, who had been in his childhood and was taken over by Guo Jing and sent to Quanzhen for training. Rebellious Yang Guo could not stand the torture, escaped from Quanzhen teaching into the tomb faction, was retained by Xiao LongNv, with martial arts. After Li MoChou scored the tomb of life and death, the two from the mentoring of friendship developed into an unforgettable love. As Mongolian cavalry is about to go south and Guo Jing et al. Are unmatchable, at a crucial moment, Xiao LongNv and Yang Guo are inadvertently involved in the fight to defeat Jin LunGuoShi. However, there were many good things and many bad things. As Yang Guo and Xiao Long Nv gathered again and again, after experiencing the perilous conditions such as the Wulin General Assembly, the Xiangyang soldier, the unforgettable valley and so on, they left their lives for more than 16 years. Yang Guo, who possessed the posters of the Condor Heroes for 16 years, finally found Xiao LongNv in the fiery valley and returned to the world. At that moment, Mongolia was mobbing Mengli and attacking Xiangyang. Yang Guo defeated Jin LunFaWang and killed the Mongolian Emperor Meng Ge with a flystone to set the first victory for the victory of Xiangyang Battle. The war ended. Guo Guo et al. People, with God carving, leisurely far away nbsp ;.

Beauty made (TV)[2014]

Feature: Beauty Made in the Tang Dynasty Empress Wu ZeTian period as the background, the Tang Dynasty beauty man male doctor He LanJun (Jin Shijia ornaments) in the hospital too to make all the ladies in the palace for the pleasures of the moon. He LanJun Outstanding medical treatment was bitch jealous jealous, framed, leaks every night, He LanJun found that their children are not born, but his wife Xue Ji and children of other children. He LanJun abandoned by his wife, desperation, on the streets. Su LianYi (Yang Rong (actress)), who is loving and righteous to get him a lifelong target. He LanJun, a man of abjection, did not degenerate because of this series of changes. He uses his wisdom and medicine to make a lot of lovers get married. He LanJun also possesses the slightest pretense to help Pei YunTian, ​​who has always been a vicious person, get his real life daughter and bring him to justice. After experiencing many thrills, He LanJun realizes that the beauty of the mind is really beautiful, and that kindness loves Su LianYi, who has been with her sincerely, is the incarnation of the true, the good and the beautiful, and finally the two are married. & Nbsp ;.

Home have hi women (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Family Love Woman" tells the story of a daughter-in-law Ni Hao graduated from college and worked in Huizhong Law Office where her mother-in-law Xu HuiZhong is a lawyer. Later, her mother in secret secretly for his son Man Yi matchmaking, sister-in-law turned into a mother-in-law daughter. After Ni Hao and Man Yi married, the feelings between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law increased unabated, while the son and daughter-in-law emerged in a crisis of love due to the contradiction between ideal and reality. Just as divorce is a foregone conclusion, there is a problem with her body. Suspension of divorce has given way to this contradiction. As a result, the family staged one after another episode. The wisdom game between mother-in-law finally made her wife realize that happiness is just around and has never left & nbsp ;.

StrivinginBeijingWithLove (Movie)[2013]

Feature: At the age of 28, Sheng Chao (Chen Ji), a young boy from Changsha, rented a two-bedroom home purchased for the loan to Li Xiao Wen (Ke Zhao), who grew up as a boy and worked with Shanghai Boy Wang ZiXiu (Li Jiao Xiao) spends renting a two-bedroom apartment while Li XiaoWen becomes a two-bedroom owner, renting another room to her college roommate, Mei ZiSu (Yang Yang), a Beijing-based DJ. Sheng Ma officially retires and wants to stay in Beijing Jan's news caught Sheng Chao unprepared. In order to prevent Sheng Ma from worrying about renting out the house to himself and another male friend living in another house, Sheng Chao decided to withdraw his House, helpless Mei ZiSu do not agree to move, eventually, Li XiaoWen think of a "good policy", change room. As a result, Sheng Chao moved back to her house and moved in to the room where Li XiaoWen lived before, while Li XiaoWen moved into Sheng Chao's room and became a temporary "gangster" of Wang ZiXiu. Since then, a series of ridiculous, sad and joyful story is about to sth

Legend of the Tiger (TV)[2012]

Feature: Warring States Period, the heroes and together. Qi Chu Yan Han Zhao Wei Qin seven countries and the world, constitutes a colorful, magnificent historical picture. Among them, the four eldest son headed by Xin LingJun occupy an important historical position at that time. Xin LingJun Li Xiaxian Corps, very prestigious in Wei. Ru Ji, the only daughter of Chang TingHou of Wei State, was eventually married to Wei Wang under both circumstances. Changping battle Zhao defeated, Zhao situation at stake. Shy of the power of Qin, Wei Wang does not move, non-Wei Wang's tiger can not send troops. At a critical juncture, Mrs. Ru Ji stole a tiger to rescue Zhao and he was in danger. Pingyuan couple has been trying to intercept Xin LingJun's life blood war art book, Nian Nu finally died to protect the secretary. After experiencing untold hardships, Xin LingJun and Ru Ji finally met again. However, they never expected that the crystallization of their love and youth came to protect their mother. Ru Ji fell into a pool of blood to save Xin LingJun.

ContractAboutInterchangeStatus (Movie)[2008]

Feature: Mai ZheLun, a rich man, turned into a security guard, Huang XiaoQiang, and ended up tearing the story of his girlfriend Mao LaLa, cleaning lady Tang Xin and his company's business. "Transfiguration" tells the story of two different status of great differences between the young lovers find their true love each encountered difficulties, to get rid of trouble completely, they are fantastic, exchange of identities, began to integrate into completely different lives and emotions, until later in the body By their own, unable to extricate themselves, their love and life become more self-defeating, embarrassed embarrassed ... ... When the successor of the Maxwell Group's future successor, young talent Mai ZheLun transformed into a guardian of the weak, lack of confidence, "Huang XiaoQiang" when When Huang XiaoQiang transformed into "Mai ZheLun" of the McGonagall Group and represented the group in financing negotiations, when the rich girl Mao LaLa fanatical pursuit of long-held invitations "Mai ZheLun" dinner, when self-esteem hurt When female Tang Xin ran to the warehouse looking for "Huang XiaoQiang" complaining and saw the birthday cake prepared by "Mai ZheLun" for her ...

CrazyinLove (Movie)[2007]

Feature: A Kang, Xi Ge, Feng Zi and Ayong are some of the very best guys. Xiao Ran, Xiao Zhen and Hao Hao are close friends in a house. A Li is a colleague of Xi Ge . They know because of the natural attraction of young people. Because A Kang liked Xiao Ran's first glance, and while Xiao Ran was wounded by her ex-boyfriend's irresponsibility, A Kang illegally possessed Xiao Zhen's "first" instinctive impulses, Deep in the heart of the love of Xiao Ran, A Kang then fell into the emotional conflict between Xiao Ran and Xiao Zhen. Hao Hao and Feng Zi have become "related" from the beginning of the "insulated" state. Just as the loving love in a calm story grew clearer and clearer, an anonymous sms changed the original track. Inadvertently, people in a lost mood gradually found their way out, but did not expect another The accidental event once again changed the original emotional trajectory. Confused again and again, again and again to gain growth, until finally found the password of emotion.

ILoveYanggeDance (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Drum Yangko in Shanghe County of Shandong Province has a long history and has a long history and has been included in the State List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Li River Village, Shandong Shang River Drum Yangko known in succession from generation to generation. Drum Yangko spread to the village director Li Xiaoshun this generation, not only became the villagers gossip cultural entertainment activities, but also in the promotion and development of Li Xiaoshun, a village tourism resources, attracting numerous tourists, driving the village economy Healthy development. The villagers twist their yokes Yangko out of neighborhood harmony, slander pockets, but also out of a good day for a booming day. Heart Qi Qi, the days are good. Young village director Li Xiaoshun and his girlfriend Qiu Hua picked a good day, without the knowledge of a small Shunde go to the town for marriage registration. Small Shun father learned the news, hurried busy riding a motorcycle to send him to the town. Busy to know Little Shun father frantically for what, on the half deliberately rub, however, rushed to the town when the little Shun daddy Shun and autumn flowers in the marriage registration center. Little Shunde firmly disagreed with the marriage of Xiaoshun and Qiuhua, because the daughter of an enemy man could not enter this door of his own, Li Youfu. On the night of registration, Xiao Shun gave the father a sweeping floor. Xiao Shun Li Fu-fu is not born, ten ...

Maharadhi (Movie)[2007]

Feature: A Kang, Xi Ge, Feng Zi and Ayong are some of the very best guys. Xiao Ran, Xiao Zhen and Hao Hao are close friends in a house. A Li is a colleague of Xi Ge . They know because of the natural attraction of young people. Because A Kang liked Xiao Ran's first glance, and while Xiao Ran was wounded by her ex-boyfriend's irresponsibility, A Kang illegally possessed Xiao Zhen's "first" instinctive impulses, Deep in the heart of the love of Xiao Ran, A Kang then fell into the emotional conflict between Xiao Ran and Xiao Zhen. Hao Hao and Feng Zi have become "related" from the beginning of the "insulated" state. Just as the loving love in a calm story grew clearer and clearer, an anonymous sms changed the original track. Inadvertently, people in a lost mood gradually found their way out, but did not expect another The accidental event once again changed the original emotional trajectory. Confused again and again, again and again to gain growth, until finally found the password of emotion.

Talk about love (TV)[2006]

Feature: Teleplay Liu DeHua, a homophone but different character from the superstar of Heaven, is a junior college student who comes to Binhai from a foreign country. Like any 21-year-old boy, he is full of adolescent agitation and fanaticism, but as a CN (the so-called virgin), he can not help but betray what he sees before girls. Forced to livelihood issues, Liu DeHua decided to rent a rented one-bedroom house to earn some extra income. To his surprise, renting a house is none other than his admiration for a long time, but also make the whole school coveted the boys, beeing sought after girls Lin QiaoEr. Although Lin QiaoEr is a devastating incarnation of Liu DeHua, she is a beautiful angel full of unselfish love in the orphanage in front of those sick, mentally retarded children. Gradually, Liu DeHua suffered from flesh and blood from time to time while Lin QiaoEr with the establishment of a friendship a little more than love a little less than their own feelings can not be said. Lin QiaoEr gone, Liu DeHua painful, he finally tasted the bitter love of love, but also finally understand the meaning of Lin QiaoEr in his life. In search of memories, he came to the orphanage where they used to go and looked for the silhouettes they had been together. Liu DeHua got 10,000 yuan, but donated it to the sick clown friend. But unexpectedly, Feng BaoChai bought the dress and asked Liu DeHua to give Lin Qiao Er, but Lin Qiao Er told them she wanted Married Feng LongZan. The grand wedding is imminent, and everyone who knows Liu DeHua and Lin QiaoEr deeply regrets that even Feng BaoChai is desperate to encourage Liu DeHua to fight for the last chance. The wedding is going on, and the trouble-making group headed by Wang DaTou and Cheng Bo is acting in secret. The Three Musketeers desperately vomit Feng LongZan in the crowd. All the champagne is labeled "toxic" and the orphanage's children Directed at Feng LongZan called "father", Xiao Fang first stood up against new couples. At this moment, the white-headed fortune-teaser was rushing in and said Liu DeHua had just had a car accident and was unconscious. Scene of a car accident, Lin QiaoEr dying Liu DeHua dying. It turned out to be looking forward to being able to die in their own arms and treat it as the greatest happiness Lin QiaoEr watched Liu DeHua dying in her arms, and finally, for the first time and last time, Lin QiaoEr in front of everyone Face released a long-suppressed feelings, affectionately made the final statement to Liu DeHua.

The new strange stories (TV)[2005]

Feature: The Strange Tales of Liao Zhai consists of the six most representative stories, including "Xiao Cui", "Lu Xiu", "Xiao Xie" and "Qiu Rong" and "Xiaoqian" of Qiu Rong, each with different characteristics and styles . Lu Pan replaced the storm, the scholar told the world to celestial officials, for justice. Xiao Ke, played by Ke Hu and Bai Yang, a scholar and doctor practicing Xiaoming Huang, started a series of life and death love. Even if Xiao Man died and became a ghost, Bai Yang also pursued into the prefectural government to meet with him. Painted Skin This is a story about the revenge of ghosts: Mei SanNiang and Chen ChuHui were killed by their beloved. On the evening of the marriage of her husband Wang AnXu and Ming XiaGongZhu, they became ghosts and came to life. Xiao Cui Ling fox gratitude, playfulness to defuse the crisis, crazy children, make laughter every day. The mother of Xiao Cui, a fox girl, repayed a benefactor Wang YuanZhi and married Xiao Cui with Wang YuanZhi, a silly boy, and a silly son, Wang YuanFeng, to deduce a funny and playful story. A Bao sincerely, stone open. About infatuated celebrities Sun ZiChu (Yuan Hong (actor) ornaments) A Bao (Rainie Yang ornaments), the embodiment of the spirit bird to convey love, finally got his wish. Sun ZiChu, a veterinarian with six fingers in her left hand, treated Miss Zhao's A Bao's parrot and fell in love with A Bao at first sight. A Bao refused to petite Chai ShaoAn's relatives, evil looking for someone to A Bao curse so that it was "amnesia", depending on Chu as a stranger. Zi Chu touched A Bao with his true feelings every day, but was killed. A Bao died in love and Yan Wang let them return to earth. The final son Chu test to fame, a lover eventually get married. Xiao Xie Scholar Yong Chuang haunted house, coincidentally encountered two mischievous ghosts, experienced many life and death difficulties, took a romantic love story: TAE scholar Tao WangSan lived in a haunted house, met Huo Siyan Qiu Rong Hong Kong actor Leila Tong Xiao Xie and other gangs of ghosts, after a few frightened but they became friends. These ghosts helped Tao WangSan defeat the literary champion at the petitioning ceremony. Seeing Tao WangSan can marry Miss Fu, Xiao Xie fell in love with Tao WangSan. Xiaoqian takes you into a fantastic world and experiences a memorable love story: Nie XiaoQian wants to seduce Ning CaiChen's soul and unconsciously becomes a prisoner of love, but the Millennium Tree demon will not let them easily escape.

The new strange stories (TV)[2005]

Feature: The Strange Tales of Liao Zhai consists of the six most representative stories, including "Xiao Cui", "Lu Xiu", "Xiao Xie" and "Qiu Rong" and "Xiaoqian" of Qiu Rong, each with different characteristics and styles . Lu Pan replaced the storm, the scholar told the world to celestial officials, for justice. Xiao Ke, played by Ke Hu and Bai Yang, a scholar and doctor practicing Xiaoming Huang, started a series of life and death love. Even if Xiao Man died and became a ghost, Bai Yang also pursued into the prefectural government to meet with him. Painted Skin This is a story about the revenge of ghosts: Mei SanNiang and Chen ChuHui were killed by their beloved. On the evening of the marriage of her husband Wang AnXu and Ming XiaGongZhu, they became ghosts and came to life. Xiao Cui Ling fox gratitude, playfulness to defuse the crisis, crazy children, make laughter every day. The mother of Xiao Cui, a fox girl, repayed a benefactor Wang YuanZhi and married Xiao Cui with Wang YuanZhi, a silly boy, and a silly son, Wang YuanFeng, to deduce a funny and playful story. A Bao sincerely, stone open. About infatuated celebrities Sun ZiChu (Yuan Hong (actor) ornaments) A Bao (Rainie Yang ornaments), the embodiment of the spirit bird to convey love, finally got his wish. Sun ZiChu, a veterinarian with six fingers in her left hand, treated Miss Zhao's A Bao's parrot and fell in love with A Bao at first sight. A Bao refused to petite Chai ShaoAn's relatives, evil looking for someone to A Bao curse so that it was "amnesia", depending on Chu as a stranger. Zi Chu touched A Bao with his true feelings every day, but was killed. A Bao died in love and Yan Wang let them return to earth. The final son Chu test to fame, a lover eventually get married. Xiao Xie Scholar Yong Chuang haunted house, coincidentally encountered two mischievous ghosts, experienced many life and death difficulties, took a romantic love story: TAE scholar Tao WangSan lived in a haunted house, met Huo Siyan Qiu Rong Hong Kong actor Leila Tong Xiao Xie and other gangs of ghosts, after a few frightened but they became friends. These ghosts helped Tao WangSan defeat the literary champion at the petitioning ceremony. Seeing Tao WangSan can marry Miss Fu, Xiao Xie fell in love with Tao WangSan. Xiaoqian takes you into a fantastic world and experiences a memorable love story: Nie XiaoQian wants to seduce Ning CaiChen's soul and unconsciously becomes a prisoner of love, but the Millennium Tree demon will not let them easily escape.

Lost Love In Times (TV)[2005]

Feature: Posters Feng Qing Chen (Liu Shishi ornaments) is a witch clan holy witch, in charge of the holy relics nine to exquisite stone, can predict the future and even reverse the universe. Occasionally save the hunted down Emperor Yuan Ling (William Chan ornaments), both gratifying. Yuan Ling wants to marry Feng Qing Chen, but according to the ancestral system, the witch clan may not marry the royal family. Yuan Ling, in spite of all the opposition from the world, married Qing chen and caused shocks. Qing coffin was expelled by the witch and clan. The emperor Xu Haiqiao took the opportunity to launch the mutiny. Seeing Yuan Ling because of their own was forced to the brink of life and death, Qing cynic launched Wuxiu banned nine sharp turn to break the real world to reconstruct a new world. After coming to the reconstruction of the world, Qing Chen found everything around him was non-human. The Wins bear the case of conspiracy to invade. Yuan Ling's life is also foggy. In the face of Qing Chen, Yuan Ling has been completely stranger. Fate let them meet again, Qing Chen had to hide their deep feelings of Yuan Ling, secretly guarding, supporting Yuan Ling. But they do not dare to fall in love with each other, but their relationships are long and bumpy.

New Strange Studio (TV)[2005]

Feature: New Strangers from the Stories by the Six most representative, including "Painted Skin" "Xiao Cui" "Silly" "Lu Pan", "Xiao Xie and Qiu Rong" "Xiaoqian", each with different characteristics With style. Lu Pan replaced the storm, the scholar told the world to celestial officials, for justice. Xiao Ke, played by Ke Hu and Bai Yang, a scholar and doctor practicing Xiaoming Huang, started a series of life and death love. Even if Xiao Man died and became a ghost, Bai Yang also pursued into the prefectural government to meet with him. Painted Skin This is a story about the revenge of ghosts: Mei SanNiang and Chen ChuHui were killed by their beloved. On the evening of the marriage of her husband Wang AnXu and Ming XiaGongZhu, they became ghosts and came to life. Xiao Cui Ling fox gratitude, playfulness to defuse the crisis, crazy children, make laughter every day. The mother of Xiao Cui, a fox girl, repayed a benefactor Wang YuanZhi and married Xiao Cui with Wang YuanZhi, a silly boy, and a silly son, Wang YuanFeng, to deduce a funny and playful story. A Bao sincerely, stone open. About infatuated celebrities Sun ZiChu (Yuan Hong (actor) ornaments) A Bao (Rainie Yang ornaments), the embodiment of the spirit bird to convey love, finally got his wish. Sun ZiChu, a veterinarian with six fingers in her left hand, treated Miss Zhao's A Bao's parrot and fell in love with A Bao at first sight. A Bao refused to petite Chai ShaoAn's relatives, evil looking for someone to A Bao curse so that it was "amnesia", depending on Chu as a stranger. Zi Chu touched A Bao with his true feelings every day, but was killed. A Bao died in love and Yan Wang let them return to earth. The final son Chu test to fame, a lover eventually get married. Xiao Xie Scholar Yong Chuang haunted house, coincides with the two mischievous ghosts, experienced many life and death difficulties, took a romantic love story: Tae Suttawat scholar Tao WangSan lived in a haunted house, met Huo Siyan Qiu Rong, a gang of ghosts such as Xiao Xie, starring Hong Kong actor Leila Tong, became friends with them after being frightened. These ghosts helped Tao WangSan defeat the literary champion at the petitioning ceremony. Seeing Tao WangSan can marry Miss Fu, Xiao Xie fell in love with Tao WangSan. Xiaoqian takes you into a fantasy world and experiences a memorable love story: Nie XiaoQian wants to seduce Ning CaiChen's soul and unconsciously becomes a prisoner of love, but the Millennium Tree demon will not let them easily escape & nbsp; .

Legal and Beauty (TV)[2004]

Feature: Legal and Posh Posters Each of the four young and well-experienced female lawyers, each with a full range of looks and looks, sets out to defend each one of the typical representative cases. It also mainly shows how their love, money, power, fashion, , Sexual, moral, beauty, AIDS, marriage, honesty and other issues of confusion and thinking. During the day, they went out into the company and the court in suits, courts, courtrooms to show their talents and hard-line style in the courtroom. After get off work, they emerged as trendy urban women, lingering in bars, restaurants, all kinds of parties, etc. Fashion occasions and outstanding men dating from all walks of life. They are a group of fashionable women with distinctive personality and independent economy. The harder they work, the more they yearn for the nourishment of love. But in the cold real world, they often get wounded, and for men they both love and hate.

Condor heroes (TV)[2001]


The royal couple matched Yang kang's son Yang Guo From childhood to the lake, by the deceased Guo Jing After receiving and sent to the quanzhen teaching training. Rebellious Yang Guo can't bear the torture, escape from the whole truth into the tomb faction, by Xiao LongNv Take in and teach kung fu. after Li MoChou Entering the tomb and facing life and death, two people from the friendship developed into a deep love. Because the Mongolian steed is about to go south, Guo Jing and others are hard to match. At the critical moment, Xiao LongNv and Yang Guo are unwittingly involved in the dispute and defeated Jin LunGuoShi . However, the good things are always going on. Yang Guo and Xiao LongNv have met and separated for many times. After the wulin conference, xiangyang's fierce battle and dangerous situation, he was separated for 16 years. After 16 years, the infatuated Yang Guo finally found the doomed Xiao LongNv at the bottom of the desperate situation, the two returned to the world. At this time, Mongolia is mobilizing troops, xiangyang, Yang Guo defeated the king of the golden wheel, and killed the Mongol emperor with flying rocks Meng Ge Yang Guo Xiao LongNv said goodbye to Guo Jing and so on. With the divine carvings, it is a long way to go & NBSP; .


Condor heroes (TV)[1998]


It is a martial-arts drama produced by Taiwan television, directed by Raymond Lee, lai shuiqing, and starring Richie Jen and Jacklyn Wu.

该剧根据金庸的同名武侠小说改编,主要讲述了南宋末年, Yang Kang 之子 Yang Guo 和其师父 Xiao LongNv 经历了一番江湖恩怨,终成眷属的凄美爱情故事。

The show premiered on August 25, 1998 at 8 p.m.

Condor heroes (TV)[1998]


The condor heroes is an ancient martial arts drama produced by Singapore new media production private limited. It is directed by ma yuhui and zhang longmin, and starred by Christopher Lee (flight actor) and Fann Wong. Based on jin yong's novel of the same name, the play mainly tells the story of Yang Guo and Xiao LongNv experienced a sad and beautiful love and vendetta in the late southern song dynasty. It was broadcast on channel 8 of new media on 2 June 1998.

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