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Jun Guo TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Jun Guo Works 35 ,And Costume Drama 21 ,Martial Arts 9 ,Romance 8 ,Comedy 4 ,Feature 4 ,War 3 ,Historical play 3 ,Suspense 3 ,Action 2 ,Fantasy 2 ,Family drama 2 ,警匪1 ,古装神话剧1 ,Sci-Fi 1 ,惊险1 ,Myth play 1 ,Classical history 1 ,Legendary action 1 ,抗战1 ,Year 1 ,美食1 ,Campus drama 1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Republic of China 1 ,Love 1 ,历史传奇剧1 ,Terror 1 。

Works Index

Jun Guo Filmography(35)


绝代双骄 (TV)[2020]


剧照十余年前 Yan NanTian 是强绝天下的武者,江枫是世上第一大好人, Yan NanTian 以剑术独步武林,而江枫以相貌倾倒众生。那时候的江湖中江海珠玉的「玉郎」江枫被誉为天下第一美男子与冰山寒玉号称江湖第一美人的「玉娘子」张三娘并列为天地双玉。秀外张三娘,深宫 Yao Yue 色。张三娘是江湖第一美人,而 Yao Yue 是世间第一绝色,前者常露面于人前,后者则常在深宫之内。十余年后自称“天下第一恶”的魔星江小鱼自小生活在恶人谷,在十恶李大嘴等人的抚养下,终日好整蛊恶搞,油嘴滑舌,却心地善良、纯真可爱。 Xiao YuEr 行走江湖,与英气逼人的无缺公子 Hua WuQue 不打不相识。随着接触深入, Xiao YuEr 和 Hua WuQue 变成一对亦敌亦友的朋友。原来 Hua WuQue 从小被移花宫主 Yao Yue 收养,授其武功,其实 Yao Yue 为了报复 Hua WuQue 和 Xiao YuEr 的生父江枫,当年故意将二人分开抚养,待二人长大相互残杀。与此同时, Jiang BieHe 、 Jiang YuLang 两父子正谋划着一场更大的武林阴谋,螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后,一场事关武林生死存亡的腥风血雨旋即展开。 Xiao YuEr 与 Hua WuQue 终于识破了宫主的阴谋和诡计,携手平息了江湖的恩怨与挑战 。


暗恋橘生淮南 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《橘生淮南·暗恋》剧情介绍:讲述了北大校草 Sheng HuaiNan 偶然认识了同校平凡女生 Luo Zhi ,,两人一见如故,但前女友的短信让他怀疑, Luo Zhi 可能是破坏自己上一段感情的“元凶”。在追查真相的过程中,他却发现 Luo Zhi 对自己的暗恋史。故事里,女主名叫 Luo Zhi ,十几年来,她在自己的世界里演着这场暗恋的独角戏,对男主 Sheng HuaiNan 感情复杂,既因他的优秀而被吸引,又因别的一些原因而嫉恨他。因为 Sheng HuaiNan , Luo Zhi 一路追随,考上了最好的大学。因为各种机缘, Luo Zhi 和 Sheng HuaiNan 终于走近。但成长的过程和现实的压力,让两人接受了很多考验,两人是否能走到一起? Luo Zhi 的日记本到底是被谁捡取? Sheng HuaiNan 的家庭是不是有变动? Luo Zhi 对 Sheng HuaiNan 的爱,到底在面对现实的考验时,会不会坚持下去?在家庭和爱情的面前,这一场暗恋,会不会无疾而终。

Relying on Heaven to Slaughter Dragons (TV)[2019]

Feature: The story of the new version of "The story of the new version of "Tulong Ji by Heaven" in 2018 tells us that in the late Yuan Dynasty, natural disasters happened frequently and people did not have enough time to live, so Wulin was in turmoil. Rumors from rivers and lakes have it that those who have slaughtered dragon knives and leaned on the sword of heaven can become the supreme commander of Wulin and command the world. Wudang faction Zhang Cuishan and Yin Susu of Eagle Religion fell in love with each other for slaughtering dragon knives, and were finally forced by decent people to commit suicide. When their son Zhang Wuji grew up, he carried the national hatred of the Yuan Dynasty and the family hatred of rivers and lakes, and practiced martial arts. By coincidence, he was elected as a Ming Catholic master, carrying the task of expelling Taro. Zhang Wuji is kind and generous, kind and thoughtful. On the one hand, he makes countless heroes willing to listen to his drive, on the other hand, he inadvertently captures the hearts of countless beautiful women. Hanshui is a small, exotic County lord, a mixed-race Persian maid, and a disfigured cousin. Zhang Wuyi is wary of the fact that Zhao Min, who was born in the imperial court, is not conducive to the cause of the anti-Yuan Dynasty, but can't help falling in love with him. On the contrary, Zhou Zhiruo, who was sent by the famous gate, deceives him in the end. All the girls were infatuated with him. However, after many hardships, Zhang Wuji finally saw his true aspiration, succeeded in retirement, and retired with Zhao Min as a couple of fairies." in 2018 tells us that in the late Yuan Dynasty, natural disasters happened frequently and people did not have enough time to live, so Wulin was in turmoil. Rumors from rivers and lakes have it that those who have slaughtered dragon knives and leaned on the sword of heaven can become the supreme commander of Wulin and command the world. Wudang faction Zhang Cuishan and Yin Susu of Eagle Religion fell in love with each other for slaughtering dragon knives, and were finally forced by decent people to commit suicide. When their son Zhang Wuji grew up, he carried the national hatred of the Yuan Dynasty and the family hatred of rivers and lakes, and practiced martial arts. By coincidence, he was elected as a Ming Catholic master, carrying the task of expelling Taro. Zhang Wuji is kind and generous, kind and thoughtful. On the one hand, he makes countless heroes willing to listen to his drive, on the other hand, he inadvertently captures the hearts of countless beautiful women. Hanshui is a small, exotic County lord, a mixed-race Persian maid, and a disfigured cousin. Zhang Wuyi is wary of the fact that Zhao Min, who was born in the imperial court, is not conducive to the cause of the anti-Yuan Dynasty, but can't help falling in love with him. On the contrary, Zhou Zhiruo, who was sent by the famous gate, deceives him in the end. All the girls were infatuated with him. However, after many hardships, Zhang Wuji finally saw his true aspiration, succeeded in retirement, and retired with Zhao Min as a couple of fairies.

Eagle Shooting Heroes (TV)[2017]

Feature: During the Southern Song Dynasty, Guo Jing and Yang Kang, who suffered tragically, were adults under the guidance of Qiu ChuJi, a teacher from the south of the Yangtze River. Eighteen years later, Guo Jing went down with his life. Yang Kang is greedy of wealth, thieves father. At a glance, Guo Jing and Huang Rong saw each other heartily. However, due to many factors such as Hua Zheng's marriage contract and the opposition from the south of the Yangtze River, the feelings of both were mixed. Five Master were killed in Peach Blossom Island, Guo Jing angrily left. This young man, who enjoys mutual aspirations, has experienced hardships before he turns into a positive one. Yang Kang, who is evil and evil, can not escape the fate of being killed in the Jiaxing Iron Gun Temple. Guo Jing traveled all over the country with Huang Rong and traveled to all over the world to ascend to martial arts day by day. Finally, he was able to report his revenge on his father and revenge and eliminate grudges against his own. , On Huashan swords, save Xiangyang national disaster. The original simplicity simple and honest, stiff dull Eagle Shepherd, become a country for the people, compassion for the great man who & nbsp ;.

Beauty private dishes (TV)[2016]

Feature: During the Northern Song Dynasty, Prince Zhao YuanQing, the prince who came to Hangzhou to supervise the delivery of forage grass, even met Cui Ju to know Song YuDie, a beautiful chef in Tianxiang House. At this time, Yu Dies was planning to marry Li Ma, a mean brother who had returned to school. Wan YanZeLi sent Wan YanZeLi to track Zhao YuanQing, and Wan YanZeLi set fire to Tianxianglou when it was killed. In the meantime, Li Ma was jailed for injuring a chief food officer who nearly tarred Lin Ji Er. Jade Butterfly rescue Li Ma failed, but saw the sweet ashes of the floor, went straight to the capital to find Zhao YuanQing said. Zhao YuanQing learned that Yu-fei suffered extremely guilty and promised to rescue Li Ma. Soon, Qin GuiFei accidentally discovered Jade Butterfly was actually her missing daughter 18 years ago. At this point, Wan YanZeLi took the opportunity to propose to the court to be "married" with Yude. Li Ma rescued himself in the Jade Butterflies at Wanyan Camp, self-destructive appearance, mixed with Wanying Camp, and should eventually co-operate with Wan YanZeLi et al wipe out. The battle subsided, Li Ma to return to Hangzhou Tianxiang House, everyone knows, Zhao YuanQing has already opened Tianxiang Building. Since the opening of the new store, Yudeng et al. Have suddenly appeared. Since then, Song YuDie and Li Ma, the chef in the United States, have enjoyed a long-term relationship.

Jagged military songs (TV)[2016]

Feature: "Jagged military songs" tells the story of Gao Chang, the eldest son of the rich family, unsuccessful in courting Su WanTing, a woman's teacher. However, she did not intend to bring Su WanTing into the enemy's mouth but also caused her family to incur the brutal persecution of the Japanese army. In order to avenge, Gao Chang and Zhou ZeXi, the son of nanny, formed a consortium of anti-Japanese salvoes with several band friends and designed to assassinate several Japanese leaders and rescued Su WanTing. To escape the Japanese hunt, several young men, led by Su WanTing, a CCP underground member, went to Yan'an, a revolutionary shrine. However, they eventually parted ways of believing differently: Zhou ZeXi joined the KMT army and Gao Chang joined Su WanTing to join the Communist Party. However, Su WanTing of the Japanese army had a great misunderstanding and had an emotional dispute with Zhou ZeXi's girlfriend He Chen that the two brothers opposed each other. Eventually, Su WanTing completed the task and returned to Yenan, while Zhou ZeXi joined hands with others with the joint efforts of He Chen and Gao Chang to join the PLA Military Band and serve as commanding officer to complete the founding ceremony & victory with all of them. & Nbsp ;.

CreationofTheGods (TV)[2015]

Feature: Shang Dynasty at the end of the shoot, monsters in power, people live in trouble. Jiang ZiYa (Sammul Chan ornaments) and other justice rise to the public, and Wen Taishi led the demon demons fight, lose both. Yang Gong (Wu Zhuo Han ornaments), Zhibi (Li Yixiao ornaments), Shen GongBao (Ming Ming Zhang ornaments) and so on that since Xiqi stagnant, all day drinking pool Lin, excessive cruelty, and even killed Jiulong Island Saints, designed to framed Yang Jian and Golden Virgin , Abetting Sanxiao swagger of the Yellow River for revenge Zhao citizens, totally ignoring the safety of people in Lebanon, the survival of the country's boat. At this time Western powers increasingly powerful, Zhou Wen Wang Jia collapse, his son Ji Fa (Zhang Di ornaments) succeeded to become King of Zhou. Wu Zi worship Jiang ZiYa for the relatives, Ziya officially assisted King Wu, starting a traitor to discuss business Shang. In order to confront Jiang ZiYa, Ji himself, Shen GongBao big Zhu Xian array, put the demon community seven strange help 纣 abuse, and West Qi off a fierce battle. In the face of evil forces, Jiang ZiYa, Yang Jian (Li Jinrong ornaments), Lei ZhenZi (Zheng Pengfei ornaments), Ne Zha (Zhang Zhuo Wen ornaments) and other heroes unite to kill seven strangers. Eventually, Xiqi triumphed over the Chaoju Song, Emperor Wang Xingxinglou set himself on fire and the Zhou dynasty was established. Jiang ZiYa returned to seal the god of Xiqi. So far the world peace, harmony of the common people in the world palatial Datong, a peaceful way.

Dreams stay (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Dreams of Long Dreams" tells the story of a small town in the early Republican China. Two pregnant women with difficult jobs experienced a completely different fate in the hospital, causing a series of serious consequences. Shu Man was born as a still-born baby girl accompanied by the pain and the tragedy of the death of a coachman Du Jia, was known as the "stars." She grew up full of kindness and love, she bent on resolving the grievances and grievances of the two families, but repeatedly involved in family disputes; she felt Lin Ran, Lin ChangFeng, Ye GuanYu three different Life-long man's love, but again and again into pain. Shu Man grows into a new woman who is strong in character and able to dominate her career in the country. Japan's invasion of the three northeastern provinces in the "September 18" incident posed a serious threat to the country's future and the family business. The small town also set off a wave of resistance to Japanese goods. Shu, Lin both in the face of national righteousness, finally put aside many years of misunderstanding, joint efforts to revitalize the national industry & nbsp ;.

War bandits (TV)[2015]

Feature: In 1941, Japan raided Pearl Harbor and the U.S. Pacific Fleet suffered heavy losses. In order to report the enemy of Pearl Harbor, Japan also formed a sustainable strategic bombing of the soil of this drama. The Allied Army decided to cooperate with the KMT government and sift through various parts of China to build a bomber airport. The remote mountain town of Wanghai as one of the construction site, is about to usher in this survey of foreign experts. Chen Yu, a special agent in Chongqing, appointed a special agent and headed for Wanghai to take charge of the top-secret operation codenamed "Strangling Wolf Point." During the operation, Chen Yu set aside his personal grudges against Xiao Nong Shanzhai, owner Liu Nian Bei, and gradually became sympathetic to communist Lin Feng. The people have not only got rid of the party's ill order but also unite the forces of all quarters and jointly cracked down the traps and valiant warriors of Japan's Tirta and others. Chen Yu and Lin Feng came from the smoke and two armies of different faith helped each other. The cry of national interests above all resounded Castle Peak & nbsp ;.

Liao Zhai new series (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Liao Zhai New Edition" is based on Pu Songling's short story collection "Strange Tales from Liao Zhai", composed of six separate articles, "Lu Judge" Tao YueMing love over death and death to engage in marriage, "heaven and earth" in the Xie LingEr and Xi Fangping break the devil's domain. Heng Niang, who is demon-bewitched in Heng Niang's love for hate, Lian Suo, a gossip in Lian Suo, loves Hong Kong, and cats and queens in Ye Sheng Passionate love blood, "green women" Yu Jing fell in love with beauty mantis Lv Zhu & nbsp ;.

Stepmothers spring (TV)[2014]

Feature: "The Spring of Hou Ma" tells the story of the twenties twenties, the young girl Chun-Wan in pursuit of his love, breaking through all obstacles, and eventually sweetheart Fang HaoMin became law firm. Unfortunately, unfortunately, the death of Hao Min, Chun-Yun resolutely confronted Hao Min left behind the difficulties, taking care of several children with no blood at all. With her kindhearted heart, she teaches these children how to behave and grow up with them. Children were not sensible at first, often displeased with the spring clouds, and they gradually grew up in Chunyun's tireless teaching. However, nothing Hechunchun uncle did not learn without skill, teach one of the children Zhiqiang bad. Chun Yun Zhi Zhiqiang in order to turn around, desperate to help him, at the expense of his own life, taught him the truth of life. In the end, the family gathered around Chunyun's sick bed and took good care of her mother.

Sui and Tang Dynasties (TV)[2013]

Feature: "Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties" tells the story of Qin Qizhen Qin Qiong (Yan Yi Kuan ornaments) grew up together with the Cheng bingjin (Jiang Wu ornaments), with a martial arts was promoted to a lower rank by the government officials, a day Qin Qiong met Lintong Hill Li Yuan was killed by Golden Snake, rescuing Li Yuan from his family alone. Later, when Luzhou was injured and had to sell his horse for his livelihood, he was fortunate enough to be helped by Dan XiongXin. Sui and Tang dynasties Cheng bing gold robbed Yang Lin in Changye Lin 480000 two silver silver outline. Qin mother longevity day bite gold was arrested for the bail-out process bite gold, Jialiu shop sworn brothers (Jia House forty-six friends) planning rebellion and robbery, by chance coincidental binging done Wagangzhai leader Monster devil. Emperor Sui (emperor Dragon ornaments) go to Yangzhou to see Qionghua, Wawangzhai united with other rebel forces gathered in the Simingshan intended to kill Emperor Sui Yang, overthrow the Sui Dynasty. Emperor Sui Yang for the anti-anti-Wang placed bronze flag array. Li Shimin (Du Chun ornaments) due to Emperor Sui emperor subordinates to send troops to go before the array, forced to rebel. Lee Mi fled to Wagang and welcomed by the crowd and said Wei king. After Emperor Sui Emperor was killed. Wei Wang Jade Seal in exchange for Xiao Mei Niang, the corrupt government gradually, Wagang mountains and rivers will be for animals and birds scattered. Qin Qiong rate bite gold, Luo Cheng (Zhang Han ornaments) cast under the command of Li Shimin, Li Li repeated the exploits, eventually helping the Tang Dynasty dynasty down to the world & nbsp ;.

Razor action (TV)[2013]

Feature: "Lee Tachien Action" tells the story of the summer of 1941, Japan's Fengcheng Military District commander in Tokyo Songjing assembly forces on the Phoenix Mountain Eighth Route Army launched a frenzied lefty action screenshot encirclement and suppression, our army led by Commander Pan ZhongHe tough resistance, war guerrilla warfare , But also sent out a bombardment of Japanese ammunition cartridges by the "Lehman Corps" composed of seven people headed by Li Jian and blocked the enemy's arms transport line. Soon Matsui planned a large-scale campaign to destroy the Eighth Route Army and declared a failure. Matsui harshly accused Feng Shishui guard captain Qing ShuiGuangYi, Qing Shui greatly annoyed, retaliation, brutally killing Li Jian's parents and the village villagers. Li Jian went down to greet Liu ZhengWei in Yan'an, but was trapped in heavy rain and stayed at Yuliang Inn. Everyone was gathered at this inn - Zhang YunFei from Nanjing, Zhang Zhi from the Uprising, and Zhang Zhi from Japan. Of the 45 brigade CPL Brigadier Lin XiaoYu and the maintenance of traitors and so on. Zhang Wei mistook Li Jian for Zhang YunFei and Zhang YunFei stole Liu ZhengWei's briefcase. Li Jian recovered the briefcase and captured Zhang YunFei. However, Chen Qi, the assistant brigade commander of the 45 brigade coming to Nanjing, took the injured Liu ZhengWei. Li Jian, who did not complete the task, thought of himself in order to save Liu ZhengWei. He persuaded Ronaldinho to prepare for the 45th Brigade under the guise of Zhang YunFei. Lin XiaoYu, a underground party who had just arrived at 45 Brigade, went to work with Feng Li underground party leader Li Ling, who was Li Jian's sister. When the two joints were betrayed, Li Ling to cover Lin XiaoYu heroic sacrifice. Li Jian just entered Fengcheng, then see the sister's body was suspended above the city wall, Li Jian to the overall situation, to resist the pain of losing loved ones, into the 45 brigade. Li Jian, who entered the 45 brigade, has been questioned by many people and is in danger of being at risk all the time. Zhang Zhi pressed harder and harder, to take its life hidden in the 45 brigade military agents Xiao Yan was also ordered to investigate Zhang YunFei, and even the use of seduction means. Several crises were cracked by Li Jian. After many twists and turns, the intelligence of Li Jian Liu ZhengWei was sent out and handed over to Commander Poon. Liu ZhengWei see intelligence has been sent, fear of squad to rescue themselves and then casualties, biting tongue choke the blood to death. However, Li Jian is facing even more severe tasks. The Japanese invaders bought gasoline from Germany to solidify petrol bombs and prepare to send them to the mountains and annihilate the Eighth Route Army base of Fenghuangshan. Li Jian's tactics of turning east and west successfully succeeded in destroying solidified gasoline bombs. Lee Arrow special clan began hoeing campaign, and the other Fengcheng traitors fearless, water use to maintain the president Li Mohai and kill the kitchen knife set a trap, cited the Limits special troop hook. Li Jian came to the rescue and succeeded in resolving the crisis. However, Wei ShiKun, who died, was resurrected, destroying Li Jian's plan and surviving Zhao ChunSheng. Water run out of torture, Zhao ChunSheng Ningde unyielding, at the same time the special forces team launched Zhao ChunSheng thrilling rescue eventually rescued. Just as the Arrow special troop rescue Zhao ChunSheng, a fierce competition for Wen XiangNan's password book exploded. Japanese special courses leader Ling MuQinMei, Xiao Yan, Lin XiaoYu several forces involved, Wen XiangNan in their chaos of competition took the opportunity to escape, missing. In order to find Wen XiangNan, won the password book, occupy the forefront of combat operations in North China, superiors decided Lin XiaoYu and Lee Arrow connector.Two poster stills know each other at this time, the two tacit cooperation, deepening friendship. However, Zhang YunFei escaped luckily, escaped from the base of the Eighth Route Army, came to Fengcheng, and wanted to expose Li Jian to Qing Shui. Li Jian was in great crisis. Relying on his wisdom and careful layout, Li Jian forced Qing Shui to personally shoot the real Zhang YunFei, but in reality he concealed Zhang YunFei. Qingshui to Nanjing secret newspaper, Nanjing sent special correspondent Cheng Peng came to check the authenticity of Li Jian designed to deliberate out of the city to meet, want to create Cheng Peng killed by the Eighth Route Army at this time, but only Cheng Peng wearing a body armor, he hit Li Jian shot twice, Li Jian Jedi counterattack, hit Cheng Peng head. In the rainy night, Lin Xiao Yu and Xiao Yan saved Li Jian from life and death. Lin XiaoYu use of drugs induced Peng suffering from mania, eventually removed by Zuo GuangZong. Li Jian was seriously injured in bed, Zhuo Jiu instead of Li Jian and Wen XiangNan trading password, in case of Qin Mei, water and others red impulse to stop, under the command of Li Jian finally get the upper part of the secret code. At this point, extra-high school lesson plan inserted inside the Eighth Route Army spy "Bobcats" continue to convey information to the water. Both sides fight for the password to start life and death battle. In desperation, the special forces of Lebanon rely on wisdom and courage to win all the secret code, the secret code was sent to the Lawrence over there, played a significant role in the fighting in North China theater has been reversed. Li Jian, in order to make Zhuo Jiu safe delivery of secret code, took the initiative to hostage, was tortured by water. Finally, Li Jian, who was starved for three days, defeated Shimizu and managed to get out of the guard. Clearwater on the Rift Troops hated, in addition to Rittal special forces he sent Takeda et al fake, Li Jian designed to get rid of it, water loss of love Takeda. Underground party traitors betrayed Lin XiaoYu, Lin XiaoYu was arrested and jailed. Shimizu, Qin Mei tortured Lin XiaoYu, Lin XiaoYu clenched their teeth, did not disclose any intelligence. Li Jian and Zuo GuangZong forcibly broke into prison and asked for clean water. At this moment, Li Jian and Lin XiaoYu started the anti-counterwork work against Zuo GuangZong. Commander Pang Ling even came down to the 45th Brigade to work hard to oppose the work. Zuo GuangZong hindered his decision by disagreement within the brigade. Matsui dissatisfaction with water, ordered Hirose kamikaze to lead the invincible team, came to FENGCheng destroy militia team. At the same time, the military sent police to come forward and oppose the two groups, and Hirose wiped out allied forces. Then Li Jian and Pan Commander cooperation, the use of the Bobcats Kwong Lee arrow action drama stills into the ambush, the Kamura unit. Subsequently, Li Jian and clear water wits, each set of snares, and ultimately water loss soldiers will be folded, Qin Mei also died in the hands of Chen Qi. Matsui defeat, carrying the team retreated Fengcheng. In addition to Zuo GuangZong et al., The two placed bombs in the name of a banquet in an attempt to annihilate 45 brigades and officers. Li Jian Demolishes Bombs in Crisis and Prevents the Life of Zuo GuangZong et al. Chen Qi to save Zuo GuangZong, pregnant with explosives and Matsui go all out. Finally, under the leadership of Li Jian and Zuo GuangZong, the 45 brigade uprising struggled with the Japanese troops. Under the attack of Panjin Command and Zuo GuangZong Uprising Troops, Qing Shui defeated and was killed by Wei YiDe, the father of Wei ShiKun.Lehman Corps successfully completed all the tasks of "Lean Arrow Operations" and liberated Fengcheng. They again received orders from their superiors and rushed to the next theater to carry out even more arduous tasks.

Racecourse (TV)[2012]

Feature: In the spring of 1913, Yuan Shikai, who stole the fruits of the Revolution of 1911, assassinated revolutionary leader Song Jiaoren. The incident aroused strong indignation among the people throughout the country. Some radical revolutionaries gathered to conspire to assassinate Yuan Shikai in retaliation. One of them was the rebellion of the royal family and the nephew of the Prince Gong Puwei, who was Prince Tusuli. The assassination failed because of the leak and many people involved in the operation were killed and Suri escaped with injuries. Since then, he plunged into a double hunt: Yuan Shikai considered him a rebel party, and the Revolutionary Party considered him a traitor. At the foot of Tarzan, the dying Tuusuli was rescued by hunting house daughter Zuo XiaoMei. Surrey has since renamed Zuo TianYi. Yuan Shikai sent troops to catch up with Mount Tai to find Zuo TianYi hiding place. Critical moment, Zuo XiaoMei father and daughter come forward, killed chase soldiers, rescued Zuo TianYi again. After rough and hardships, Zuo TianYi fled to the German colony of Qingdao. Zuo TianYi arrived in Qingdao by the German police as a blind flow caught the military fortress of Qingdao Fortress to build the underground fortress. Zuo TianYi unwilling to sacrifice their lives for the Germans, planning a mass exodus. Escape was perceived by the Germans, Zuo TianYi was sentenced to death. Life hanging on the occasion of the occasion, at the invitation of the Governor of Germany to visit the Prince of St Paul Prince Feng Wei recognized Zuo TianYi. Prince Gong rescued Zuo TianYi from the gallows and immediately put him into a special battle to represent a horse race that determined the ownership of the Qingdao Racecourse on behalf of the rider of the Qing Dynasty, . Zuo TianYi and Zuo TianLiang with superb riding start life and death contest, since then, Qingdao Racecourse to become a special battlefield.

TheStoryofMulan (TV)[2011]

Feature: Hua MuLan (Ho Meng-yao ornaments) is an ordinary weaver girl in Wuwei Fung Valley of the Northern Wei Dynasty. While her predecessors were falling, she was appointed to death and finally completed the task of embroidering and parenting. JianRen Prince (Jianze He) occurred a moment of unforgettable love. The main force of Rouran brazenly launched the war, Mulan also disguised as a man dressed for his father in the army for twelve years, to overcome numerous hardships and dangers, with great wisdom and tough tenacity, in order to pacify the long war between the Northern Wei and Rouran and promote the Northern Wei and soft However, the eventual peace and national integration have made a significant contribution. After the accomplishment of retreat, Hua MuLan declined the emperor's rewards, returned to the civilian community to be an ordinary weaver, and her love with Rouran Prince also achieved a satisfactory result.

Strange guy a plum (TV)[2011]

Feature: "Strange Guy a Mei" tells the Ming Dynasty Zhongye industry, natural disasters, disaster victims in northern Hunan, the court paid 300,000 two relief, help. Three hundred and twenty thousand gold to go to transport, but the TV series posters were taken away by the mysterious man, I do not know whereabouts, the whole incident shocked both the ruling and opposition parties. My fellow sufferers are in dire straits and take the lead in the evildoer's evil intentions. At that time, I was able to turn the tide. Li GeXiao, unemployed, down, drunk all day long. Who do not know the vicissitudes of the man is the year to help the five lakes and sixteen are fearless "Kam Yi Wei first God to capture." Righteousness at present, song and laughter promised not to see friends for many years to find relief Ji Jin comeback. Singing and laughing act decisively amazing, with the help of the meter was actually three people avoid the background, the mysterious suspicion of the mysterious "strange man": "Swallow Thief" Yan SanNiang, "Thousand Faces" He XiaoMei and "turn River thief "Chai Hu. Now the government was dominated by traitors, deluding the king to disrupt the Gang, rivers and lakes sinister and traitor right, song and laugh can be well-known rivers and lakes, but failed to guard his wife, such as memories, seeing such as memories of his betrayal and traitors poisoned him died. Since no one credible North Korea, it is better to build another master rivers and lakes. And Yan SanNiang, He XiaoMei and Chai Hu three helpers, how can not think of the appearance of song and dance, with amazing wisdom, excellent insight, is a natural leader. Three people for singing and charisma charm of the admiration, in cooperation to find new goals: join forces, punish evil. Plum trees, four oath: Grand Theft "a plum" was established. Since then, the four people of "Yi Jimei" have been living and death intersecting each other. Taking the plum blossom as their memorial, they hold to justice, are active in the private sector and solve difficult incidents for the people. They have successively experienced "the strongest weapon", "pest suffering", "battle Emei" Taming animal record "," Kashii mantra "," forget can not forget "," conspiracy "," Yang policy "and other major events, a lot of deeds pass for the United States & nbsp ;.

DaGuoShouZhiQiXingJiangHu (Movie)[2010]

Feature: The first year of Qianlong Wanshou Festival, Qianlong Ye gifted in the Baiguan, found Qi Chao and its fellow door fan Fan XiPing is the real ascendant. Qianlong knew that Shi Xiangxia made a tie with him in order to take into account the dragon and the saint face of his emperor, and Shi Xiangxia and Fan XiPing were lower and higher, Qianlong wanted to arrange a game to see what happens. Emperor Qianlong's will, who once wanted Fan XiPing to resist the imperialism and escalation of the imperial court, escaped from the capital to escape the imperial court, all the way to incoherent detour to return to their hometowns by way of Zhuozhou City leads to a story. Fan XiPing dwells on FengYue in Zhuozhou City and Fan XiPing's attention has not been heard until Fan XiPing settles down. Fan XiPing walked downstairs, rescued the woman who flirted upon him, but let the thief took the opportunity to stole the room, the Emperor Qianlong gave him an onyx jade pendant. While Fan XiPing was being stolen, Fan XiPing followed suit and a stranger dressed in a business man stole the two hundred and two silver coins he had with her. A jade pendant, two hundred and twenty silver, caused suspicion between Fan XiPing and a man who claimed to be Wu WenYu. After the suspicion, Fan XiPing jade pendant was finished Bi Zhao, and thieves back to Wu WenYu, it is a bag of rocks. Wu WenYu penniless, out of the inn can only be accompanied by a smile, cling to the self-declared Fan XiPing. Fan XiPing decided to win some silver coins from Wu WenYu at Wuhu Chess Building across from the inn. As a result, Wu WenYu found cheat landlord Sun Sun cheating. Wu WenYu toss the kung fu and Sun boss comparable, two people move upstairs to decide on the board level. Wu WenYu upstairs and Sun boss Sun ZaiDao chess, Fan XiPing walked in the chess floor, so that a young beggar entangled to discuss a "life and death theme." Fan XiPing won the young man who called himself San Bao. San Bao is willing to gamble, defending Fan XiPing as a teacher. San Bao chasing the inn, Wu WenYu defeat, Qi Qi Promise is the famous Fan XiPing, Wu WenYu immediately reported the true identity of the disciples, as well as ordered to track down the thieves, "match-ups" purpose of this trip , With Fan XiPing righteousness Jinlan. Wu WenYu and Fan XiPing knot as brothers, disguised as men's clothing San Bao Fan XiPing secretly own, Wuhu Chess floor owner Sun ZaiDao Fan XiPing set a game this time. Fan XiPing I do not know is a measure, in a paradise for Sun ZaiDao concubine fluttering agate jade brand. Fan XiPing, who knows the story, decided to stole a fool 's lie and lessons learned Sun ZaiDao. San Bao girl Sun ZaiDao fiasco in the "cheat cheat" designed by Fan XiPing. Lessons learned Sun ZaiDao, San Bao In love with Fan XiPing, leaving a ray of farewell. Fan XiPing farewell to Wu WenYu, leaving Zhuozhou with thoughts of San Bao.

Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber (TV)[2010]

Feature: "Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber" tells the story of the late Yuan Dynasty, Wudang disciple Zhang CuiShan and Yin Ying Su Yin Yin, the leader of the Falun Dafa, was involved in the scramble for a dragon knife and drifted into the desert island with Xie Xun. Zhang CuiShan and Yin SuSu combine two children, named Wuji. Ten years later, Zhang CuiShan and his wife returned to Turkey, but because of their connection with Tulong Dao, both were forced into self-sufficiency, leaving only an orphan Zhang WuJi. By chance, Zhang WuJi practiced masterpiece martial arts, and saved Christianity in peril, was elected as the leader. After several rounds of confrontation with Christianity, Yuan Min, Zhao Min, fell in love with Zhang WuJi and broke off with his father and sister in the name of eventually abandoning him. In addition to Zhao Min, Zhang WuJi is inextricably linked with Zhou ZhiRuo, cousin Yin Li and Xiao Zhao, the holy daughter of Persia. Zhou ZhiRuo first of all know the secret Heaven Sword and Dragon Sword knife hidden inside the sword, but martial arts Cheats map. She steals her sword, kills Yin Li and blames Zhao Min. Zhang WuJi unknown truth, hate hearts. Zhao Min was unable to refute his argument and could only watch Zhang WuJi marrying Zhou ZhiRuo. However, the news about Xie Xun interrupted the wedding between Zhang WuJi and Zhou ZhiRuo. Zhang WuJi has finally confirmed that Zhao Min is the beloved of his life. Zhang WuJi, who deeply understood the true meaning of martial arts, rescued the place of the leader of the Confucianism and rescued Zhao Min from her reincarnation after her siege on the Shaolin Temple.

Ghost Story (TV)[2007]

Feature: There are two big historians in the village of Liao Zhai Qi and two battles in the town. The only daughter Lian Cheng and Shi TaiShou, the only daughter of Shi TaiShou, has also become a fight against everything The enemy. By chance, two women encounter scholar at the same time. Qiao Sheng Talented, kind-hearted. Both women invariably secretly promised. Qiao Sheng admires both Lian Cheng's leisurely and tender gentleness and admires Bin Niang's cleverness, but as a responsible person, he can not marry two women at the same time and is hard to choose from! At this point, Wang HuaCheng, the son of Jagal in the city, actually married Lian Cheng as wife. History test William willing to climb right expensive promise. Lian Cheng, who is not married to Qiao Sheng, is therefore depressed. After diagnosis, the chest of a man who loves her needs medicine to be able to recover. Wang HuaCheng refused to flesh, but Qiao Sheng willing to sacrifice themselves, but this was Bin Niang learned that after getting sick, with the same illness with Lian Cheng, the results of her father to save his daughter, the Qiao Sheng meat for go with. Lian Cheng on the day of his marriage and depressed. After Lian Cheng's death, Qiao Sheng is very sad. Bin Niang often accompany comfort, Lian Cheng is both dead, Qiao Sheng will naturally go closer with Bin Niang. Lian Cheng, who was dead, still remembered Qiao Sheng, and then borrowed from Bin Niang's body and went into Bin Niang's body every night to win the love of Qiao Sheng. Later, Lian Cheng learned that on the same day, Bin Niang killed her indirectly and decided to take revenge on him. As Bin Niang showed her love for Wang HuaCheng and vowed to break up Qiao Sheng and Bin Niang! A disturbing, Bin Niang finally learned that Lian Cheng make trouble! Bin Niang apart from anger, afraid Lian Lian ghost hurt Qiao Sheng, one ghost of a big fight! Qiao Sheng can not stop it, and eventually lose both. Bin Niang injures oneself and ends up killing oneself. However, even if made a ghost, two women still have to fight endlessly! The two ghosts reluctant to stay alone Qiao Sheng between the sun, could not help but appear in the evening, met with Qiao Sheng, causing his apathetic. At the same time, the two ghosts enraged Wang HuaCheng, suffer the family. Qiao Sheng denounced the two women harm themselves, decided to leave the two women! Lian Cheng, Bin Niang Both live to death, all for love. Now not only lost their lives, but also lost their love. Sadness, but also have to support each other, unconsciously, has gradually established a subtle friendship can not be found in life. Qiao Sheng original Qiao Sheng Qiao Sheng is the opportunity to secretly find the two ghosts of the sun again! Qiao Sheng to find out that the two historians, because of frequent fighting and waste of money, can remedy the two women if they can remedy the situation. Qiao Sheng on behalf of the two historians to do good, plot Yin. Fortunately, the emperor pays off, and finally for the two women seeking "still Yang Fu." However, there is only one copy of "Huan Yang Fu". In the meantime, Wang HuaCheng learned that the two women should return the sun and let the Dao Shi set fire to the bodies of the two women, so that the two women will never be able to survive! Fortunately, life and death, Lian Cheng, Bin Niang do not remember each other in advance. For the first time, Qiao Sheng did not hesitate to make a bold decision: he would rather sacrifice himself, so that the body of Lian Cheng and Bin Niang can be preserved. After the death of Qiao Sheng, the two daughters realized their dreams and resolved to eliminate the disagreements between the two great historians. Two historians moved deeply, and eventually the daughter of a dead enemy as a friend. Wang HuaCheng self-burned corpse failed, they suffer from a strange disease, sunshine will do, evil retribution.Lian Cheng, Bin Niang finally understand that to love someone, not owned, but to pay! Only one of the Yang Fu also decided to give Qiao Sheng, let him be a man again! Xin ShiSiNiang Xin ShiSiNiang, Shi Bai Niang, elegant and refined, although as fox demon, but kind-hearted, and fox father and eighteen sisters together in the wilderness dilapidated Among the Buddhist Temple, because of the fourteenth sisters ranked in nineteen, named fourteen mother. Fourteen mother does not like her 18 sisters in general, selfish obedience in order to draw the yang of the world to enhance their magic, deliberately good deeds, to help others, to cultivate immortality aspirations, the pursuit of spiritual level of detached. One day, Xin ShiSiNiang see sisters seduce the gentleman of Ping Sheng, Ping Sheng is not for beauty, fox demon sister even resorted to the means to take Ping Sheng pure yang, Xin ShiSiNiang save Ping Sheng, the destruction of a sisters good deeds , Saved Ping Sheng and escaped, and sewed out feelings for Ping Sheng. Ping Sheng was a beautiful and kind-hearted Xin ShiSiNiang, dedicated and in love with fourteen mothers. Ping Sheng does not mind the identity of the fourteen god foxes. Under the unification of the uncles and the wives, she finally married her fourteen mother-in-law. One day she came to realize her immortality. She had always resisted human love. However, she found hell with Ping Sheng After the couple, fourteen mother for Ping Sheng true love touched, eventually willing to give up practicing immortality, want to fell in love with Ping Sheng. At the same time, sinister treacherous Chu Gongzi in order to get more power, with the help of demonic help, become Chai LangYao things, ambition overbearing, injuring the world and killing a flock of Fox, sister and fourteen to uphold the spirit, and To fox group sisters hate, justice, angrily Chu Gongzi, Chu Gongzi awakened, but helplessly Chai LangYao in turn control. The final fourteen mother decided to sacrifice love and life, set a hundred years of skill and one day, and bent over Chu Gongzi Chai LangYao things and atrocity battle. Finally save Chu son, kill the aunt and Chai LangYao. "Xin ShiSiNiang" Chu BanShan Chu Gongzi After the war, Xin ShiSiNiang regardless of the former victims of magic cast porridge, the final ash-flying extinct into a fairy. Ping Sheng and the Fourteen Mistresses Can Only Seek True Loves from Expectations but Faced with Fighting Fighting Things and Knowing Fourteen Motherlies to Exterminate Demons and Protect Peace between People, Ping Sheng Wishes Willingness to Complete Wives, Opposing Popular Customs, Sacrificing His Personal Love and Supporting His Wife . Fourteen Mother finally demons demons, and Chai LangYao things and demon Road to the end, in the ashes, Ping Sheng for the love of his wife sacrificed heartache, but for the righteous behavior proud, respectfully, finally moved Heaven and earth, the ultimate Tao immortality. "Xia Nv Gossip" Xia Nv childhood love martial arts, heroic and heroic character, father Yamen patrol, Xia Nv secretly help his father from time to time to arrest the assailants, the line of chivalric! Xia Nv saved the only daughter of the prefect, two women into friends. And Xia Nv was incarnated by Nan Hu incarnation of plucking wounded, to find a young caregiver treatment, mistakenly looked under the care of Dr. Gu, although the two became vindictive enemies, but Xia Nv heart secret ! However, Gu doctor fell in love with the innocent and incurable disease prefect daughter, prefect doctor for medicine, actually listen to witch doctor's words, to live human blood for medicine primer! Therefore, the city appeared vampire murder.Under the investigation of Xia Nv and his father, the revelations were made by the prefect and the daughter of the chief prefect was hit and thus died! Too saddened, and therefore to kill Xia Nv family, Xia Nv dedication to protect their loyalty, to escape! Xia Nv injured hiding in the mountains, Gu Gu doctor to help cure, and caregiver because the chief defender daughter is dead, and have the feelings of Xia Nv, the two interdependent life. Xia Nv hurt, kill the death guard down for the father! At this moment, the abbot woman remarried and seduced confusion to Dr. Gu. After Xia Nv learned prefectural daughter Bai Hu is the upper body, everywhere, confused to kill Zhuangnong, Xia Nv angrily Bai Bai, thus moving the fetal gas. Xia Nv painful experience, that the love of men and women, such as over the eye clouds, so cheat Dr. Fu fetus has been lost. Rescued afterward the woman, and the child to pay her and caregiver support. Finally decided to learn art on the mountain, in order to cut the evil demon, defend the world as its own responsibility! "Huan Niang of Liao Zhai Qi Woman" Zhao Huan Niang is a daughter, fell in love with popular young gentleman Wen RuChun, Wen RuChun talented, the daughter of opera class owner Ge Liang Gong also loved, but as spring only love Huan Niang, two Make a marriage vow. However, Huan Niang's father, playing the mandarin duck on the grounds of 'ruthlessness in the play' and jointly pursuing the design of Huan Niang's rich kin, made him owe huge debts. Huan Niang sought help from his father, As the spring repayments, as soon as the spring was discovered, the silver was sent back to the brothel for the redemption of Huan Niang. The two were in disarray, desperation, and finally decided to sacrifice their lives. Huan Niang drank poisonous alcohol. However, as the spring was in its survival, Sick parents, suddenly put away the idea of ​​seeking death, spit out the toxic liquor contained in the mouth, leaving Huan Niang alone to go to Huangquan Road. If the spring did not die, but was not guilty of Huan Niang's affidavit, the only motivation for survival was taking care of older parents. Such as the performance of spring plummeted, opera audience gradually diminished, Liang Gong has been around like Spring support, but also to help spring care parents. A year later, the parents of the Spring Festival passed away one after another. If they want to honor their promises made to Huan Niang on that day, they will go to death. Liang Gong painstakingly advised him to make him understand his own love, knowing that the deceased had passed away, and that he was moved by emotion as a spring to abandon death. Liang Gong, another rich family, had a soft spot for Liang Gong. However, when Liang Gong was as good as spring, Qian Gongzai promised to rebuild the play building and Liang Gong to marry him when he was facing a bankruptcy. Ge BanZhu a promise of marriage. Liang Gong is not from, Qian son threatened to his father to recover the huge amount of money to build theater. If the spring in order to keep Liang Gong, cheer up, make money for the troupe, repay money son debt. Qian Gongzi also assigned to kill such as spring, so that Liang Gong give up. Such as spring panic fall into the sea, I do not know whereabouts. Liang Gong firmly believe that the spring is not dead, defying hardships finally recovered like spring. But as the spring turns into a thunderous nerd at the moment, even the former memories are all lost ... Qian Gongzi thinks that her talent will be as good as her spring, Liang Gong will turn to her embrace, Liang Gong insists on her Spring remembers everything you get along with yourself. But if Spring can not remember a relationship with Huan Niang, Liang Gong feels it will be a good deed instead of a conscience, and deliberately fails to mention the previous events of Spring and Huan Niang.However, at this time, Huan Niang's ghost returned to the Yang room. On the day Huan Niang thought he was in love with his own life as a spring, but he found hell in the underworld. Later, he learned from the ghost he did not die like a spring, Huan Niang did not Solutions, back to the sun looking for the whereabouts of spring. Huan Niang hides in the attic of the playhouse, singing the tracks she made for her during the middle of the night in the middle of the night, causing haunted anecdotes in the theater. If Honda honets her piano playing skills, Huan Niang's songs can be accompanied, Huan Niang appears before the spring, but Huan Niang can not remember Huan Niang. She does not know if she is a ghost or a stranger . Liang Gong thought that Huan Niang deserved as a spring into a formidable ghost. Huan Niang said frankly not to claim a life just to prove that the spring is as true as others said. Why the day abandoned his food alone to go to Huang Quan? Theater haunted business plummeted. As the spring gradually remembers a passing affair with Huan Niang, it is a matter of sorrow and guilt. However, Liang Gong has the same affection for herself. If he is in love with Huan Niang, she will suffer Liang Gong and struggle like a spring. Huan Niang has the heart to accomplish such as spring and Liang Gong, making the illusion that the class teacher promised to allow Liang Gong to grant such as spring. At this point money son to make plans to put this ghost lover burned together. Liang Gong blazes fire to rescue him. Huan Niang looks at Liang Gong as if he saw his former self. After the fire, everyone thought both were burnt to ashes with Huan Niang. It was later discovered that on the very day of the fire, Huan Niang rescued him from spring and Liang Gong without hesitation, and smiled away with a smile of blessing. Sky gray, Qian Gongzi finally arrested Fa-rectification. From then on, Huan Niang's portrait was hung inside the house as a spring, playing a prelude to the portrait from time to time. Spring has never forgotten Huan Niang, Liang Gong also respects appreciation of Huan Niang, such as the spring of this affectionate, as long as the companion in the spring has been satisfied.

Blue sky Yamen 2 (TV)[2006]

Feature: Qingtian Yamen stills "Qingtian Yamen 2" Throughout the main characters or Fuxiang Zhong plays Tan Gong, Sze Yu plays Bao DaoDe, Jianfeng Bao plays Kang Xi, Jun Guo plays the father of Qu Jifi, only Xiaoyu by the Shanghai newcomer Qian Wan starred. In addition to continuing to expand the "housework" of Emperor Kang Xi, the comedy story of the story also adds comedy stories such as Tan Qing's first love lover and pulp marriage wife. "Stone Forest" turned funny chef.

Mother after spring (TV)[2006]

Feature: This is a story full of tears and sadness, tenacity and struggle but interesting "spring mother" figure is a sense of heaven and earth about the desolation of the destiny and exciting writing, is a filled with China's ancient and vibrant masterpiece of traditional virtues. Xiu E, the center of this drama, excused her husband to go to sea to fish for a sea of ​​stupid deaths and a butcher who was deceived by his uncle to marry his widowed wife. Zhang BaoDe takes two children and one father with Alzheimer's disease to kill pigs. After Xiu E married two children with Zhang BaoDe, kind-hearted Zhang BaoDe retrieved a wandering little bearded Da Long in the street. Zhang BaoDe died of the illness when the family of this combination just started to integrate and harmonize from the contradictions. Xiu E, strong personality without losing hope and courage in life, alone, shoulders the burden of a special family. There are children from different kinship families and father-in-law with dementia like children. A strong mother educated these children alone in this troubled, chaotic era, full of laughter and laughter. Through this role shaping, we are more able to refute women's family, social relations, construction, and make some thorough anatomy and confession. In our play, the woman who creatively innovates and adheres to virtue is celebrated. Through her she praises the greatness of her motherhood, and uses this character to hold the audience's heart and let the audience experience the joys and sorrows of life as the story fluctuates.

Dark Tales II (TV)[2006]

Feature: The stills "Yan Zhi of Liaozhai II" tells about EzChuan and Yan Xia and their relatives, Yan Zhi, who depend on their own life to jointly manage the restaurant left by their father. But the true power of sisters finally defeated the evil demons. Ying Ning, a scarecrow peeking at Peach Taoyuan, is longing for the world to pursue beautiful love. It is decided that one day he will definitely experience the taste of love in the world. However, her sincere desire was not accepted by the world. A good love finally came to an end and she met a royal love affair (Zhao Yi) and performed a true and touching love story. "LIAO ZI II the meaning of the dog" Strange Studio series (Yi dog) about the businessman Jia De by the grace of the beaver, will eat it. Ten years later, the ghost did not hesitate to escape heaven to Jia Jia revenge. Jia's daughter both accidentally rescued the roar day dog. Dogs in order to prevent the raccoon raging, launched a war, the beaver finally volts. Both for the redemption of sin, together with the dog, medical treatment for the world. "Liaozhai two of the Fen Die" tells the story of artist Yang YueDan and Princess Fen Die in love, was malicious blocking by the bee king. Fen Die in the closed eyes are Xianxian do not know, into the dream Valley of the Valley, witnessed a Holocaust, Fen Die horrified. Yang YueDan passed the test of fairy with the great sentiments of sacrificing oneself and won true love. "Lian Zhai II of Lian Xiang" posters about the ghost king want to snatch, the use of monks relics to achieve their ambitions. Kind of arctic fox Lian Xiang help justice Paladin - the mighty dart board general head Sang Xiao, the ultimate surrender of the devil story. "Liaozhai two of Rocha sea" about the genius Ma Ji pregnant and never reclusive. Occasionally saved the dragon girl Xiao Qiao. Having undergone numerous tests such as fame and fortune, she has finally lived a real paradise with the Dragon Girl.

The Story Of Han Dynasty (TV)[2006]

Feature: In the late Qin Dynasty, Xiang Liang had Xiang Liang and Xiang Yu (Hu Jun ornaments), both nephew and niece. After they became famous in Chu State, they cast their own money in the anti-Qin ambitions. Yu Ji (Kristy Yang), a beautiful girl in the same county, met and made a good impression of being rescued by Qin Yu and Xiang Yu. There is a Liu Bang (Rongsheng Xiao ornaments) in Peixian not far from the prefecture. Married at the end of the 37th and the end of the eight years, they are idle but make a group of fellow Xiao Xiao. After becoming a pavilion, he married Lv Zhi (Jacklyn Wu). Shortly after Chen Sheng's uprising, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu took turns fighting against Qin during their ride. They first met outside Xiangyang City, saw the same, respect each other. Xiang Ziang, Counselor Fan Zeng said, "Chu Chunshou heart is Chu HuaiWang. Liu, a total of Yong. After Xiang Liang was killed by Qin Zhang Han, Xiang Yu took revenge and led the Northern Expedition. Julu a war, Xiang Yu breaking Qin Bing. Zhang Han More than 400,000 essences die or drop. But then Xiang Yu pit killed more than 200,000 surrendered Qin Bing, leaving a cruel fame. While Xiang Yu attack Qin Bing main force, Liu Bang first scored Guanzhong, Qin Wang Ying surrendered, Liu Bang Xianyang removed the capital. Because in the former Chu HuaiWang had first entered the Qin customs seal king of the contract, Liu Bang and Lv Zhi want to become Guanzhongwang and princess. Fan Zeng knows Liu Bang has a great ambition to persuade Xiang Yu to kill Liu Bang. Xiang Yu surface violent, but in fact loyal, banquet bankers could not bear to harm, Liu Bang escaped a life. Xiang Yu and Yu Ji have long been both heart and soul, just because of Xiang Liang's death and the delay of marriage. Xiang Yu broke the Qin, Yu Ji was captured into the Qin Palace, until after entering the customs still do not know their whereabouts. Therefore, Yu Yu huffed, burned Qin Palace, but inadvertently rescued Yu Ji. Reunion after the robbery, two very pleased. Xiang Yu hopes to be hometown, do not listen to Fan Zeng remonstrance, self-styled Xi Chu Bawang, Du Pengcheng; and seal Liu Bang Han Wang, Du Xushu; and Zhang Han and other three points Wang Sanqin, anti Liu Bang east. Liu Bang into Shu, Lv Zhi was held hostage in Chu, so Liu Bang heart resentment. She met with Xiang Yu and Yu Ji. After being married, they became jealous and suppressed the love and hate of Xiang Yu. Xiang Yu unmoved. Han Xiang, a subordinate to Xiang Yu, refuses to reuse and renounces Chu. As recommended by Xiao He, Liu Bang thanks Han Xin as general. Han Xin to "clear path along the cliff, steal the coffin," total capture of the Three Qin, and move eastward. While Xiang Yu Northern Expedition Qi State, Liu Bang took Pengcheng first, but an instant Pengcheng battle, the army annihilated Pengcheng lost. Xiang Yu came back to exile, and took Lv Zhi and Liu Bang's father-in-law to save Yu Ji. The two armies confronted each other for a long time in the Xunyang area and won each other's victory or defeat. In the meantime, Fan Zeng has offered to kill Lv Zhi and her beloved Liu Bang excuse, while Liu Bang answers "I share a cup of tea." Xiang Yu can not bear to kill Lv Zhi and grandmother. After Liu Bang escaped from Yangcheng City, Zhang Liang counted Zhang Xian and Fan Zeng as relatives. Yu Ji persuaded no, Fan Zeng died with anger. Liu Bang uses both Han and Xin. Han Xin broke the Wei, Zhao, Qi three countries, after being sealed as Qi Wang, led to aid. Han army and Chu army strength or weakness. Both parties said peacefully, with the return of Lv Zhi and his grandfather as the conditions, draw Chuhehanjie, retreat each other. Lv Zhi detained Chu camp for many years, Liu Bang unkind, and has Naxao girl, Princess, Qi female Princess. To this end she heart to heart and Shen ShiQi had been stolen love. At the time of returning to China, she even liked the Chu camp and Xiang Yu.After Liu Bang returned to his father and his wife's family, they broke the treaty again and made the war on Chu. Han Xin defeated Xiang Yu with "ambush" and immediately followed by Han Han Zhang Chu's "becumbent" count, leaving Chu to flee. When Xiang Xiang's closest Xiang Bo, Zhong LiMei, Ji Bu and others also left, Yu Ji and Wu Juma accompanied him. Xiang Yu touched no one, he thought life no regrets. Yu Ji song strike away, Xiang Yu cut-off to death. Xiang Yu broke out to the edge of the Wujiang River. Wujiang Pavilion drove the boat and asked Xiang Yu to cross the river. Xiang Yu said that without seeing the father of Jiangdong, he had died after he died of what he called Liu Bang. Liu Bang is about to set off as Lv Zhi will also round the Queen's dream, burying Xiang Yu and Yu Ji. On the day of funeral, Liu and his wife recalled the scenes of their relationship with Xiang Yu and Yu Ji in the past and could not help but feel mixed with some feeling of loss. But all of this was quickly obscured by the cloud of history.

Condor Heroes (TV)[2006]

Feature: "Condor Heroes" tells the story of the Southern Song Dynasty, Chilian fairy Li MoChou (Jessey Meng ornaments) in the area to find former lover Lu Zhanyuan (Hu Dong) revenge. When Guo Jing (Luoyong Wang) and his wife Huang Rong (Kong Lin) help rescue Lu Ziyuan, Yang Pei, a beggar's boy, was discovered as the son of his brother Yang Kang, who led him back to Peach Blossom Island Sent to the whole teaching art. As an adult, Yang Guo (Xiaoming Huang) suffered bullying in Quanzhen and thanks to the rescuing of the ancient tomb faction Xiao LongNv (Liu Yifei), after which Yang Guo worshiped Xiao LongNv and married her Undertaking a period of never-ending love. In the meantime, Guo Guo's two daughters, Guo Fu (Chen Zihan) and Guo Xiang (Mini Yang), were overwhelmingly attracted to Yang Guo, but brought different fates to Yang Guo. At the same time, the Mongol armies were eyeing the Southern Song Dynasty mountains and rivers. In the face of national hate and hatred of children and children, Yang Guo finally turned her boyhood into a generation of Shen Diao heroes. After 16 years of hard work, Xiao Guo and Xiao LongNv finally achieved good results.

The new strange stories (TV)[2005]

Feature: The Strange Tales of Liao Zhai consists of the six most representative stories, including "Xiao Cui", "Lu Xiu", "Xiao Xie" and "Qiu Rong" and "Xiaoqian" of Qiu Rong, each with different characteristics and styles . Lu Pan replaced the storm, the scholar told the world to celestial officials, for justice. Ke Ke plays Xiao Man and Huang Xiaoming's scholar and doctor Bai Yang started a period of life and death, even if Xiao Man died into a ghost, Bai Yang also chased into the prefectural to meet with them. Painted Skin This is a story about the revenge of ghosts: Mei SanNiang and Chen ChuHui were killed by their beloved. On the evening of the marriage of her husband Wang AnXu and Ming XiaGongZhu, they became ghosts and came to life. Xiao Cui Ling fox gratitude, playfulness to defuse the crisis, crazy children, make laughter every day. The mother of Xiao Cui, a fox girl, repayed a benefactor Wang YuanZhi and married Xiao Cui with Wang YuanZhi, a silly boy, and a silly son, Wang YuanFeng, to deduce a funny and playful story. A Bao sincerely, stone open. About infatuated celebrities Sun ZiChu (Yuan Hong ornaments) love talented A Bao (Rainie Yang ornaments), the embodiment of the spirit of the birds convey love, finally got his wish story. Sun ZiChu, a veterinarian with six fingers in her left hand, treated Miss Zhao's A Bao's parrot and fell in love with A Bao at first sight. A Bao refused to petite Chai ShaoAn's relatives, evil looking for someone to A Bao curse so that it was "amnesia", depending on Chu as a stranger. Zi Chu touched A Bao with his true feelings every day, but was killed. A Bao died in love and Yan Wang let them return to earth. The final son Chu test to fame, a lover eventually get married. Xiao Xie Shusheng Chuang haunted house, coincidentally encountered two mischievous ghosts, experienced many ups and downs of life and death, took a romantic love story: TAE scholar Tao WangSan lived in a haunted house, met Huo Siyan played Qiu Rong, Hong Kong actor Downing plays Xiao Xie and other gangs of ghosts, but she and her become friends after being shocked. These ghosts helped Tao WangSan defeat the literary champion at the petitioning ceremony. Seeing Tao WangSan can marry Miss Fu, Xiao Xie fell in love with Tao WangSan. Xiaoqian takes you into a fantastic world and experiences a memorable love story: Nie XiaoQian wants to seduce Ning CaiChen's soul and unconsciously becomes a prisoner of love, but the Millennium Tree demon will not let them easily escape.

Dumb bride (TV)[2005]

Feature: Lin JingYun (Yue Ling) ten years old witnessed a thrilling tragedy, from speechless. Eight years later, in order to pay off the debt, Jingyun married into the Zhou family. It was unexpectedly Zhou Zhouji's younger brother Zhou ShaoBai (played by Sun Peng), but her real husband was Zhou ShaoPu (William Hsieh plays). Kind Zhou ShaoPu knows that he has only eight months left in his life. He loves Lin JingYun. He even feels that this should not be the cause of her. She has tried her best to torture Lin JingYun and tortured her in every possible way. Jing Yun Zhou ShaoPu know the true intentions, but also feel the love of her. Lin JingYun hopes to fly with her husband. Although Lin JingYun won the trust of her mother-in-law, but also because of the jealousy of cousin Liu XiangJun made her into crisis again, coupled with Zhao TianLin (Jun Guo), the mysterious businessman who returned to Suzhou, there are ulterior conspiracies and involvement The tragedy a decade ago.

Three Jie Huang list (TV)[2005]

Feature: "Three Jie Huang Bang" drama In the Ming Dynasty Wanli years, although Wei ZhongXian (Wang Gang (actor) ornaments) was born poor, but gambling sex, in order to gambling dandies, murder in the casino to escape, after a clean cast to the palace , Happened to meet the old lover, expensive Crown Prince Nanny Ke YinYue, the two act in horror, all the way fortune. However, Wei ZhongXian absolutely can not think of his abandoned son in the cake shop is actually a star, was born as a flour doll cage cooking actually undefeated, the consequences and then blessing. Fu YingXing (Xu Zheng (actor) ornaments) born like "croutons", face good heart soft, jealous of revenge, but happens to be a trifling person, State heavy illness cure, three Jiemen border and Manchuria negotiations. Yingxing is a blessed person, no matter where there are confidante all the way. Hangzhou Zhi Fu Zhou adults' daughter Zhou YunShang (Bowie Tsang) Corresponds to the stars can be described as deep affection, but concubine affectionate, Lang no intention, a period of hard-nosed only without illness eventually. However, Ms. Zha Jiang had long been cousin scholar of Xu LiNiang (Yan Qi), and sour scholar once again made a fuss about her and tried her best to win the beauty of her. Has been entrusted to the "stupid blessing" should star, originally added to the excitement of the day, the chaos of the corners of the corner seem more and more fun. He also said that although Emperor Xi Zong was an emperor, he was illegitimate, the potentate was Wei ZhongXian and his feudal lord. Xi Zong and should star very much, much appreciated, for its seal Jue Jue, favorite plus. Precisely because of this, Wei ZhongXian depending on this several times to do with their own right, do not know the lifting of the croutons little boss nosy, want to be removed soon. But in a fortuitous opportunity to learn that this "meat thorn" was actually his own flesh and blood. For him who has become a eunuch is simply a big joy, he finally has a descendant. But no matter how well-intentioned Wei ZhongXian, in the eyes of the unknowing Yingxing, this is a murderous, ruthless factory East Devils, so full of hostility to him. By the chance, the father and son became a rival and unclear enemy. This way, it is even more dangerous. Should star and his three close friends and sinister Wei ZhongXian wits, the future is unpredictable, the plot more retrospective. (Above information source)

Blue sky yamen (TV)[2004]

Feature: "Qingtian Yamen" stills 1 Songjiang County magistrates Tan ZhenYing Bu Bu count past life extraordinary ability to predict the future, whenever a murder occurred there are mysterious, so determined to be reincarnated from "childhood". When Emperor Kangxi Kang Yixun disappeared as the father and battered, Tan left pinch right operator not only helped Kangxi survived assassination and succeeded in digging behind the hidden facts bigger killer, so get Kangxi trust; Emperor Kangxi respected Fifty-year-old Longevity out of a very bizarre strange things, one after another frequent frequent stranger drums, but drums thundered, death hauling Tan ZhenYing opened a dead life of more than ten life, the truth is implicated Emperor Kangxi feelings; Kangxi clothing tour patrols a street to sell themselves "Long Er" "Long Er" won Huang TaiHou favorite has led to their own mother and mother were hunted down in the face of adversity Tan exorcising actually kicked off a moment Kangxi civil affairs; North Korea, a military commander in charge of winning a son innocent daughter of beauty innocent daughter of a prince to death, Tan was ordered to investigate the investigation but found the son of the generals is the prince and the boss's bastard, all this is actually a proprietress revenge plan; Mother and brother-in-law at a loss, causing Tan suspicion secretly found a big conspiracy.

Juvenile king (TV)[2003]

Feature: "Teenager King" into the phantom of the phantom, Barry Du Juan, Red Rock bible, blue love fans four units. Four sections of time and space ethereal, such as real magic adventure, love story, by a group full of passionate passionate youth through them. In the early days of the Republic of China, the warlord Sun ShiZhang began to steal the ancient tombs of the Qing dynasty and grab the jade. Mu TianEn, a man who kept his tomb, brought a series of adventure stories from Wei SiLi to Wei Bao, Wei SiLi. Bai Su, the founders of Bai LaoDa, the eldest son of Soy QiuYu and Bai Su, the fiancée of Sang QiuYu, with his brother Bai QiWei, Wei SiLi and good brothers in Harajuku Compound, to recover jade pieces and jade pieces. Ling Er helped reveal the hypocrisy of Sang QiuYu, find the secret of the sarcophagus, Sang QiuYu first into the sarcophagus, was actually thrown into the space at the end, a group of wanton smuggling warlord Sun Yat-sen, also buried in the tomb. Wei SiLi In order to explore his own life background, he traced a golden ball with superb ability to come together with the Harajuku partners and the brothers Bai Su and Bai QiWei to a secluded "Silver Moon Village" Shan closed into the cave, equipped with a giant generator in the cave and a variety of mechanical equipment, can create an earthquake and tsunami, sounded the bell, fabricated miracles, and all the behind-the-scenes manipulation Mo Shan, his All design, only to help his beloved woman Du Juan, control silver moon village. Repeated death escape, and finally saved a superstitious control of the village. Yuan JiaoShou, an archeologist from Harajuku Hospital, helped some old friends to save some unknown information. At this time, a glamorous woman who claimed to be a praying for a defiant girl came to see him and asked Yuan JiaoShou for the information. A special Zhi Ma, leader of a headhunting organization, also came to the town to look for Wu Qun, a gangster who sold or sold Chinese nationals abroad. Things got complicated and Wei SiLi went through further investigations. Wei SiLi knocked back the Japanese ronin , Found the so-called "eternal temple." Da Qiao abducted Bai Su's father and black-and-white Bai LaoDa, who became famous for her ambition to take over the chief helm of the nineteen associations. Wei SiLi and Bai Su and Xiao Qiao, Da Qiao's sister, joined forces to attack Da Qiao headquarters and save Bai LaoDa. Xiao Qiao Under the auspices of Yuan ZhenXia, Wei SiLi and Bai Su have been tested and finally proved that they belong to each other today.

Heavy six groups 2 (TV)[2003]

Feature: "Heavy six groups 2" tells the public security police Yang Zhen into criminal groups to do undercover suddenly faced with the danger of being identified, Ji Jie, Zheng YiMin case of serious crime six Interpol to rescue. In the face of a series of high-tech crime cases, the Crime Group conducted a full investigation and the truth surfaced step by step. Through experiencing the test of life and death, Chang Bao-le and his investigators deepened their friendship. Ji Jie became more and more pregnant with Yang Zhen and Ding Jian began to crush on Tian Rui.

Liancheng tactic (TV)[2002]

Feature: Di Yun and Shui Sheng Di Yun and Qi Fang are passionate lovers as Master Qi ZhangFa and Shibao Wan ZhenShan are involved in the monumental government for the acute contradiction of "Lian Shui Jue". Wan ZhenShan's son Wan Kyu won the Qi Fang, framed Di Yun jail, becoming Di Yun's main vengeance. Ding Dian and Ling ShuangHua are in love, but Ding Dian's bodyguard "Liancheng Jue" was held in prison by Ling ShuangHua's father Lingzhi and became a friend of Di Yun at the turn of life. Di Yun escapes after encountering Xue DaoLaoZu and Shui Sheng. Was involved in the snow hub and the "fall, flowers, flow, water" four warriors in the snow, resentment Di Yun accidentally kills Xue DaoLaoZu. Di Yun and Shui Sheng were trapped in the rock cave for six months under the snow rock, and rose to learn the heart of the knife, plus God according to internal strength, technology cover rivers and lakes. Out of the snow-capped mountains, embarked on his way to revenge revenge experienced too many tribulations and out of the arena he mature and solemn, using various means, one after another mystery was opened. Di Yun revenge, will Wan ZhenShan, Wan Kyu sealed into the wall, but Qi Fang softhearted, opened the wall put her husband Wan Kyu, but was Wan Kwai killed. Di Yun killed Wanjue and Wan ZhenShan with great pains. Qi ZhangFa and Yan DaPing et al. In the series of tracking and help of Shui Sheng, Di Yun's heart was her warm. Both hand in hand into the snow hub, to find a clean warm world.

Knight line (TV)[2000]

Feature: The new version of the knight row solitary overseas knight Island, sent out every ten years to reward good and evil second came to the Central Plains, forcibly invited all major leaders in kailin to go to the island to drink Laba. All those who do not accept the invitation are all besieged by two to kill, and went to the head of Knight Island and a little beyond belief. Thirty years have passed, and the second to reproduce the arena of the day, Divine Wulin talk of change, people panic. The stray dog ​​hybrid (Jian Wu) was accidentally won by the Darksteel and was grabbed by the Yan Xiezhuo Xie YanKe (Batu). Nine years later, he was mistakenly mistreated by Changle gangster Bei HaiShi (You xun Tong) as a master stone (Jian Wu ornaments). Stone broken nature simple, honest and honest, the rivers and lakes sinister and unpredictable people unaware. Black and white Shuangxia jade and stone looks exactly the same, but flirtatious nature, mannerism, tongue-joking, due to tease the snow-capped mountains and head of the granddaughter, broke through the disaster, around the snow-capped mountains to kill. The same appearance of both of them is often confused, resulting in many misunderstandings and conflicts. Around the two surrounded by a group of beautiful girls of different temperament: rivers and lakes brave Ding BuSan's granddaughter tinkling, snow mountain head Bai ZiZai's granddaughter Axiu, Changle to help maid Shi Jian (Jiajia Deng), shadow art Huan HuanLeLe, they or gentle tenderness Roubaixing, or playful creativeness go its own way, or weird eccentric behavior, or snow smart clever insight, or dedication to heart secret. Boys and girls romance deeply trapped in careerists and conspirators of the trap, martial arts martial various vital interests and pure emotional entanglement, interpretation of the world of tragedy and comedy, love and hate, blood and tears, Life and death, in the end good good, bad evil, big fool is the original wisdom, dignity but into a humble, loss of the original is a blessing. With the nature of being pure and perfection, the male hero is not where it is, but can only begrudgingly ask: "Who am I?" Only won the true love, at the same time eventually solved the mystery of Knight Island, but I never know biological parents.

Journey to the West sequel (TV)[2000]

Feature: "Journey to the West" sequel Tang Seng mentoring four people to carry forward the Dharma, Purdue sentient beings, after the difficulties and difficulties to go back to the Western Scriptures Scriptures story. Describe a number of vivid characters, showing a weird demon world. The mentality of mastering disciples over nature and overcoming difficulties is in harmony with the distinctive style of romanticism. The image of Sun WuKong and Zhu BaJie has long been popular among the people. The texts of "Havoc in Heaven," "Sanda," "Daoist State," and "The Girl's Country" have become eternal stories , In the play has a perfect interpretation. TV series << Journey to the West >> Wu Cheng'en under the eponymous literary classics adapted. Extremely personal Sun WuKong, Zhu BaJie, Sha Seng Fuguang Datang monk Xuanzang to learn from the West. Master and apprentice four, all the way to seize the risk involved, drop monsters, after eighty-one difficult, get back the Scriptures, and finally correct the result. "Journey to the West sequel" tells the Tang Seng master and apprentice rotation Changan, Tang Wang ardently asked for experience. Tang Seng described the hardships to the Tang King. This drama complements the "Journey to the West" in the ninety-eighty-one difficulties difficult, and more gorgeous fighting scenes, more full-featured characters & nbsp ;.

The Water Margin (TV)[1996]

Feature: CCTV version of "Outlaws of the Marsh" Thirteen years later to gather in the late Northern Song Dynasty, Song HuiZong reign, the world plague epidemic, the government no way, the official forced the people against. Gathered in Liangshan Park, headed by Song Jiang, came from all walks of life. Dazhou robbery, poverty alleviation for the poor, seriously shaken the Northern Song dynasty's dominance. The play describes the tragedy of Liangshanpo peasant uprising from the polygamy to the failure.

TheLegendoftheCondorHeroes (TV)[1983]

Feature: Snow night, the Southern Song Dynasty officer Duan TianDe at the command of Dai Jin Guo Zhao Wang Wan YanHongLie, led his troops raided the Niujiacun outside Linan suburbs, fleeing from Shandong Guo XiaoTian (Tiwo Ju ornaments), Yang TieXin (Patrick Tse Decorated) two tragic accident, the family was killed, pregnant pregnant Guo, Yang two ladies, one fled to the desert in Mongolia, one was hijacked to the Royal Palace, from day to day. Quanzhen Taoist Qiu ChuJi (Xia Yu ornaments) and the southern seven strange agreement, separately looking for and teaching the two descendants Guo Jing, Yang Kang, eighteen years later in Jiaxing drunk Xian floor. After that, the south of the Yangtze River tracked thousands of miles away and went deep into the desert. After six years, Guo Jing and her mother who had settled in the grassland finally found Guo Jing, who was stupid. Eighteen years later, Guo Jing (Felix Wong) flies to the south. Witnessed the protracted Yang TieXin a rehearsal stills, but Yang Kang (Michael Miu ornaments) refused to recognize the father, Yang TieXin and his wife barely escaped from the palace, eventually forced to both beaten on the streets. Yang Kang, who suffered a tremendous change in her life, has also had a heart-stirring and swaying motion. However, she still loathes her wealth when she finds herself suffering. At last she pleaded that the thief was the father, and Jing and Kang brothers had to part ways. Later, Yang Kang kept playing tricks and hurting people, but Yang TieXin's adoptive daughter, Mu NianCi (Sharon Yeung), was still bent on following him until Yang Kang was overwhelmed by fantastic fortunes and died in Jiaxing Iron gun in the temple. Guo Jing and Huang Rong (Barbara Yung ornaments) saw at home in Zhangjiakou, good-hearted in all. But Hua Zheng, the daughter of Genghis Khan, married earlier, Qiu ChuJi was Mu NianCi, and Guo Jing was hard pressed to make a difference between morality and emotion. OuyangKe's uneasy endless struggle with Huang Rong brought endless troubles to Guo Jing and Huang Rong. And then seven strange exclusion of the East evil daughter, Huang YaoShi (Kenneth Tsang ornaments) but can not look stupid Guo Jing, between the two close to the horizon. Five masters were killed on Peach Blossom Island, forcing Guo Jing and Huang Rong to turn their backs. The appearance of Hua Zheng in Samaihan and the desperation of Huang Rong, the consequent youth of two sentiments, finally went through a series of ups and downs of ups and downs and ups and downs in frustration. Guo Jing With Huang Rong's hometown of thousands of miles, the mountains, rivers and lakes, pro-China culture, influenced by culture, and then all over the world martial arts expert; worship North Beggar (Liu Dan ornaments) as a teacher, and the old urchin (Wong Chun ornaments) To seize righteousness and listen to the evil voice of the evil deities of the East, see the kung fu (Siu-Ming Lau ornaments) to save lives and to death, and countless times and West poison (Chak Lam Yeung ornaments) desperate fight, making Guo Jing's martial arts, mind, people Products keep pace with the times. In addition, they reported that they had taken revenge on their father and taken revenge on their own. They had taken the "Wushi Mu" and led the army to march westward. The simple simple and honest, stiff dull Eagle sculpture hero has finally become a country for the people, the compassionate great man.

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