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Zhongzhong Yu TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Zhongzhong Yu Works 18 ,And Romance 10 ,Urban drama 7 ,Comedy 3 ,Youth drama 2 ,Motivational film 2 ,Idol drama 2 ,Funny 1 ,Warm blood 1 ,Costume Drama 1 ,Action 1 ,Love 1 ,现代都市1 ,时尚都市剧1 ,Crime 1 ,青春爱情偶像剧1 ,Suspense 1 ,Sci-Fi 1 ,Feature 1 。

Works Index

Zhongzhong Yu Filmography(18)


我不能恋爱的女朋友 (TV)[2019]


《我不能恋爱的女朋友》讲述了 Ding XiaoRou 是一个很普通的女孩子,机缘巧合下遇到了 Chi Xin ,两人之间误会连连,都时分讨厌对方。万万没想到,接下来两人又因为各种事情总是能够遇到,随着接触的增多,两人发现对方的闪光点,逐渐放下心中芥蒂,互生情愫,最终他们走在了一起。

没有秘密的你 (TV)[2019]


该剧讲述了因一场车祸而产生交集的 Lin XingRan 与 Jiang Xia ,十年后再次重逢,拥有“读心术”的高能少年和“废柴女律师”上演一场爱和守护的动人故事 。

从前有座灵剑山 (TV)[2019]


灵剑派几千年来始终致力于培养人才,为进一步扩充门派力量,补充新鲜血液,召开资质选拔大会,诚邀各路精英前来。因彗星陨落,末法大劫而降临的奇才 Wang Lu ,怀着千年未有的空灵根,带着现代人思维,踏入灵剑派山门,凭借科学知识和超级情商碾压异界,走上成为绝世强者的反套路之路的故事。


Summer's Desire (TV)[2018]

Feature: Summer's Desire episode:Yin XiaMo (Zhang Xueying), who had lost her parents since childhood, has her acting dream, but she also shoulders the responsibility of treating her brother. She signed an acting company to become an intern, and later in the newcomer selection contest, overcame the public can not sing obstacles, get the runner-up, get a record of the opportunity. The success of her work has helped her win the Newcomer of the Year award, making her a head start in the industry. Xia Mo's acting talent was discovered by a game company founder, Ou Chen (Qin Junjie), so the company's first film and television actress invited Xia Mo to act as a heroine. Xia Mo with superb acting and good reputation has been a great success, and in fierce competition in the market, Ou Chen companies have encountered operational difficulties. On the brink of bankruptcy, Xia Mo sticks to the beginning, and Ou Chen together to weather the storm, the ultimate achievements of both the cause, but also the harvest of a happy love.

夏日心跳 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《夏日心跳》又名《花样跳水少年》剧情介绍:讲述了为增强学生体质,青叶大学决定组建跳水队,并向全国跳水大赛发起冲击。态度冷漠的校草 Xia WenXi ,桀骜不驯的跳水高手修野,一起加入了跳水队,两人关系紧张。家境贫寒却活泼开朗的 Tao LeSi 也加入了跳水队,与 Xia WenXi 成了欢喜冤家。跳水队在助教玲美的带领下,在磕磕绊绊中展开训练,队员们逐渐相互理解,团结在一起。 Xia WenXi 青梅竹马的好朋友 Gao GongPing 偶遇 Tao LeSi ,对这位逆境中不服输的善良姑娘,渐渐产生好感,但 Xia WenXi 似乎也喜欢上了 Tao LeSi ,而在此时 Xia WenXi 和 Gao GongPing 儿时的好友 Sen NaiYi 也加入了三人的情感僵局。最终,在全国跳水大赛上, Xia WenXi 终于正视了自己的内心,向 Tao LeSi 表白,两人跳进泳池,相拥在一起。


Dear prince adult (TV)[2017]

Feature: Stills Sun XiaoTao (Zhang Yuxi ornaments) carefully planned a perfect trip to Okinawa concert, her greatest wish is to see his idol Zhouyi Ran (Mens) and personally told him that he completed the original agreement . Until her concert tickets were accidentally met prince ginger (Melvin Sia ornaments) Hao ripped into pieces, blew out, the fate of the two have been linked together.

End Brain (TV)[2017]

Feature: -family: arial, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; text-indent: 28px; background-color: rgb (255, 255, 255); "> The telencephalon tells Xia Chi was born in an ordinary Family, hobby reasoning, after entering college, Xia Chi was enthusiastically introduced into the basketball club by his roommate Meng Qin, and both became good brothers. With the help of Meng Qin, Xia Chi started a fierce pursuit of Qing Zhi at love at first sight , And later because of the love of Chun XuXiang to Xia Chi, allowing Qing Zhi to misunderstand and make the two separate again. Qing Zhi left the city and feelings of Xia Chi and Chun XuXiang kept warming. A few years later, the seemingly calm life was attacked by Qing Zhi's return to break, and the change of friend Meng Qin and the sudden death also makes Xia Chi has a new perception and understanding of life, Xia Chi is no longer that love for the sake of sacrificing everything young, and finally and Qing Zhi A plain and happy life.

Summer of foxes (TV)[2017]

Feature: "The Summer of Foxes" Gu ChengZe is the president of Gu's department store group and the adoptive son of Gu Gu Tai Tai. Gu TaiTai hopes to have Gu JinYun as his grandson while Gu JinYun is careless. So Gu TaiTai arranged Gu ChengZe task: guide Gu JinYun office. During this time, Gu ChengZe met fashion designer Li Yan Shu and unexpectedly learned that she had had an affair with Gu JinYun and had a profound influence on Gu JinYun. Gu ChengZe will Li YanShu as a breakthrough, hiring her into the company, the two in the process of getting along with each other's feelings. Gu JinYun See Li YanShu induction, determined to pursue Li YanShu again, but Li YanShu has no feelings for him. Gu TaiTai was strongly opposed to the incident and asked Gu ChengZe to separate two people, bringing Gu ChengZe and Li YanShu together. Finally, accompanied by Li YanShu, Gu ChengZe spent all her life and found her own biological mother. At the same time, Gu JinYun also grew up after going through many things and successfully took over.

Complex Master (TV)[2017]

Feature: Complex master Li Duan dedicated to helping the emotional breakdown of the couple or couple regrouped. Breakup master Mei YuanGui is inspired by his career is also a competitor. For a variety of reasons, the composite master oath will eliminate the break-up master, and lead the team to create a composite firm. The rich second-generation girl Zhou Mo was dumped by Li Duan. Inauguration compound office, half-sister on the wrong track on Monday, inheriting the mantle of breaking up masters, took over the brokerage firm. In all kinds of emotional events, the two firms have been fighting for one another, love and hate, divided into groups, and staged a good show.

The Foxs Summer Season 3 (TV)[2017]


"Fox's Summer Season Three" was adapted from the youth love novel "When the President Loves," a youthful love idol drama produced by penguin film and television, Sinotrans, and Kangye Film, etc., as directed by China, Tan Songyun and Jiang Chao. Zhang Xin and Wang Xizhi starred together. The drama was broadcast on Tencent video in 2018.

The "Fox's Summer Second Season" starring Tan Songyun and Jiang Chao has officially come to an end. As a drama with a broadcast volume of over 500 million yuan, this is a very remarkable result, and it once again proves that Tan Songyun and Jiang Chao's Popularity, of course, the performance skills of the two are also unquestionable, then "Fox's Summer" there is the third quarter? Is it the original team? It is reported that this news has not yet received an official response. We have the latest information on the third quarter of "Fox's Summer" and we will also inform you as soon as possible.

If the "Fox's Summer" has the third quarter, then the story of the third season must be about the various twists and misunderstandings experienced by Han Junyao and Gu Kai together. Of course, the contradiction between the two will be very large, and even possible. It will slap to break up, but in the end of the third quarter, the two have finally solved their misunderstanding. Once again, they may hold hands. It is also possible that they will get married in the third quarter. The specific story can only wait until the third quarter. Got it.

Are you looking forward to the third quarter of "Fox's Summer"? I very much hope to see the update of the third season a little faster, and I hope that the feelings of the men and women will really come together in the third quarter.


Dear, princess disease (TV)[2016]

Feature: The story begins with a Super Platinum Academy - Four Leaf Academy of Arts. It is built for the delivery of talent at the top art schools in the country, and graduates enter prestigious universities such as St. Martin and Parsons, Maryland. Four leaves Art College is naturally full of famous children of chaebol, in this group of handsome handsome girl, one day, came like a small white flower kind of grass-roots naive woman, but not surprisingly, this little white flower from into From the very first day of school, he was bullied by evil forces on campus.

Behind the Secret (TV)[2016]

Feature: In 1942, a woman tragically died under the wheel, the perpetrator was Jiang YiPing, a sensation hit the beach. The deceased's lover was Dong ZhiPeng, the son of tycoon Dong ShiJun, who vowed to take revenge on the deceased. Shen Lan, Dong ZhiPeng's fiancée, hated teeth. Prosecutor of the case is Jiang YiPing's boyfriend Cui JunJie, Cui JunJie law enforcement, Jiang YiPing was sentenced to jail. Jiang YiPing was released early due to good performance. Dong ZhiPeng monitored Jiang YiPing's every move and tried to torture her. At this time, Cui JunJie has been detained in the upper class officialdom and fell in love with Shen Lan. Cui JunJie broke up with Jiang YiPing. With the contact of Dong ZhiPeng and Jiang YiPing, we discovered the accidental case many years ago and revealed the truth: the perpetrators were Cui JunJie and Jiang YiPing, prosecutors voluntarily made scapegoats and Dong ZhiPeng found that he had fallen in love with this goodness Woman. Cui JunJie In order to cover up the truth for many years to make any evil, Jiang YiPing finally accepted the love of Dong ZhiPeng.

Miss match and Mr. Yummy (TV)[2016]

Feature: Ruan Tang is a superb food with great skills. Not only can crack any secret of food; but also within a radius of ten miles with the nose on the food Dingshouzhao, the most powerful should be installed to sell Meng Meng nirvana. She had been living in a well-to-do house that operated a small restaurant. Because she was involved in a food competition, her taste buds beyond the ordinary people were searched by Internet users and became the target of many food groups. But Ruan Tang just wanted to be quiet Eat goods. Chen MoYu is a face of double business arrears, but in fact the belly black god chef, dormant for many years the Avengers. With the bite it can be copied over the magical cooking, there are comparable Oscars actor God acting nirvana. Ruan Tang Encounter Delicious, Imported, Delicious Mr. Chen MoYu, the collision of eastern and western food culture sparked two people, the ultimate PK of mouth skills and cooking skills to make love, but gay grudges and Ruan Tang Bizarre world let them sweet love unusual bitter, thousands of turns, the final taste of the sweet bitter into the palate, the grudge turned into chicken soup, gummy and Mexican squid also looking for food on the road to encounter a sweet romance Food Affair & nbsp ;.

Shiny Ming days (TV)[2015]

Feature: When Du Xin Yu (Feeling ornaments), a young girl selling pottery eggs, gave a takeaway, all her boiled eggs were accidentally knocked over by cynical Tang Zhenghao (Zixiao Zhu), planting the seeds of the two loving friends. Feeling witness to Master A Fei's superb tea art, arousing the deep love of tea art in his heart, Wang Zhi, a mother who wished her to return to school, enrolled in the Tang Tea Garden and hoped to become Master A Fei's master. Unexpectedly, in Tianfu tea garden once again encountered forced to come Tang ZhengHao, feather helpless and ho become teammates. In the training process, Yu aversion to the traditional tea ceremony has always been contempt Hao, the two gradually mutual affection. Feather and Hao love initiation, blocking one after another. Cheng Ho, a brother of unrelated brotherhood, was an admirer in college. He frequently disrupted their feelings. Ding YiRou, who has a similar life experience with Hao, plays a small obsession with love and hates feather naturally. During the training and competitions, he kept playing with his means and bent on winning the feats. However, Ding YiRou was counterproductive and heightened his love and protection for feathers. Far away from their own Hao. Feather under the framed by the soft, failed to become A Fei's apprentice, but A Fei's recommendation and Hao love inspired, finally became a famous female tea teacher & nbsp ;.

Dragon Gate (TV)[2013]

Feature: The story From a bombing case, the day before the national day, Shou Xiang suddenly disappeared, and finally contacted him Security Secretary Qiu QiXian became suspects. Qiu QiXian's daughter, also a member of the Security Bureau, Qiu MoYu, in order to wash his father's innocence, took Ai Xin from Shou Xiang to Longmen Walled City in the hope of finding evidence to prove his father's innocence. Qiu MoYu's childhood sweetheart Zhou HuaiAn originally trained abroad, for which the same return to the "Dragon Gate Walled City." The owner of the walled city of Jin XiangYu, a coquettish passionate woman full of secrets, together with the western detective Xiao Dao, gathered in the "Dragon Gate Walled City," and the fate of the four young men and women endlessly entangled.

LoveForward (TV)[2012]

Feature: Ceng AiXing and Meng JingJing, a generous, straightforward, a proud and beautiful; a faith in money, a pursuit of true love. She grew up in different worlds. The only thing in common is that they are willing to dream, desperate. When two girls mistakenly became friends. Jing said: "I want to love, a truly great love." Love line said: "I want money, I want to make big money." Only the sky, and they each other, know each other this childish and full of ambition dream. Until, love broke into their world. Du TianZe, first-rate university law school ruffian male. He is superb and has been withdrawn from school. Instead of not examining, he just wants to get angry at his lawyer's father and let him know that he will never walk the way he wants. And Ren Wei is in love and shopping Hunting master. Just depressed appearance, hidden never want to be found lonely. Jingjing quickly understand Tianze hippie skin smiley appearance, and their loneliness emptiness, she and Tianze attract each other until the home of the accident, let her grow, to re-recognize the importance of bread, she was in the mother's Arrangements to become a family business a move.

TheExes (TV)[2011]

Feature: A rainy summer afternoon, when the girl's spring Jiao came to the room Zhiming, opened the door of the spring Jiao met Chi Ming kissed with another girl, Chi Ming's face, Spring Jiao has not remember very much, Just remember, when the side of the CD PLAYER also placed the damn Mayday "Chi Ming and Spring Jiao." Earth is round, one day you meet, independent, excellent temperament girl - Lin ChunJiao, working in the eyes of outsiders, love, life goes well. Spring Jiao thought he can put aside the past, master the life, the pursuit of happiness. One day, but before the first love of her boyfriend - Lai ZhiMing, ten years after the accident reunion, was so scared and find anything. When "Chih-Ming and Spring Jiao" re-meet again, what exactly will happen sparks.

Symphony of Destiny (TV)[2011]

Feature: Symphony of Destiny tells the story of love and redemption. An Qi and Anna two sisters childhood dream is to be an outstanding designer and model, but the fate of get people, a complicated life experience for the two sisters to go their separate ways, while the two sisters at the same time fall in love with the same man - Liu Taixi Hate each other. 17-year-old Anna went to Shanghai to study, but did not get admitted to the University of An Qi coincidence fashion designer Zhao Yingyou. Three years later, because of jealousy, Anna replaced Angel with various means to become a Master of Study abroad and well-known model, Angel became a messy living cleaner. Kind Angel did not hate her sister because of Anna's ignorance, regardless of her fate in her heart, Anna is her indispensable sister. However, full of hate Anna heart, but never relieved to my sister. However, after continuous efforts, Angel's designer dream once again been encouraged by Chiu Young-woo, Anna as a model is constantly against her sister, the two sisters in the T stage fierce battle, and ultimately ended in Anna's failure, Anna's From this life has undergone enormous changes. In Angel's understanding and tolerance, Anna finally solved the misunderstanding with Angel for many years, she frankly admitted that she did all the wrong things, the two sisters eventually broken through the mirror, and found their true happiness & nbsp ;.

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