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Yao Tong TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Yao Tong Works 29 ,And Feature 11 ,Romance 11 ,Costume Drama 5 ,Urban drama 3 ,Year 3 ,Love 2 ,Family drama 2 ,Adventure 2 ,Martial Arts 2 ,Comedy 2 ,Fantasy 2 ,女性1 ,Contemporary film 1 ,Fashion 1 ,现代都市1 ,Contemporary 1 ,Fantasy film 1 ,Struggling Play 1 ,Action 1 ,Thriller 1 。

Works Index

Yao Tong Filmography(29)


三十而已 (TV)[2020]


电视剧《三十而已》剧情介绍:讲述了 Zhong XiaoQin 是标准化的大多数,嫁给事业单位铁饭碗的老公,自己保有一份普通工作,安心做一个平凡妻子。却因写作爱好偶然卖出高价版权,夫妻的经济地位和社会地位一夜之间发生倒置,女强男弱的婚姻瞬间失去了平衡。 Zhong XiaoQin 面临抉择。 Gu Jia 是令人艳羡的金字塔上层,她把老公从烟花编程师打造成了“许总”,也把自己打造成了里外一把手的全职太太。然而当这个家有了入侵者, Gu Jia 没有逃避,而是用自己的方式让丈夫回归家庭,弥补裂痕。 Wang ManNi 则是特立独行的叛逆者,深信自己既有颜值又有脑子,永远值得更好的,然而她也有自己的烦恼,在遭遇 Jiang Chen 后,闪婚又闪离。三位女性,三种代表,无畏前行,三十而已 。

不完美的她 (TV)[2020]


剧照处事果敢、智商超群的网络安全调查员 Lin XuZhi ,在就职的公司是元老级人物,自大学毕业到现在,十几年间,都是以四处游荡的方式,完成自己的每一项工作。她有着近乎完美的记忆力,生命中每一次喜悦与悲伤,都镌刻在脑海里,无法遗忘,唯独失去了五岁之前的记忆,哪怕一点一滴,都无法忆起。这个记忆的黑洞,造成了 Lin XuZhi 对未知的恐惧。当老板兼好友高山委托她处理一宗有关客户的网络泄密事件时, Lin XuZhi 和“泄密者” Tian Fang 在大连狭路相逢,二人从各自不同的角度,被裹挟到一件失火诱拐案件中。而在不断追寻事件真相的过程中, Lin XuZhi 也意外的揭开了自己那个记忆黑洞的面纱 。


Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" tells the story of Qianlong (Wallace Huo) ascended the throne in 1735 AD. Since then, the two in the court interpretation of a period of love and acquaintance to lost lost marriage process. New Emperor ascended the throne, such as Yi and Qianlong childhood sweetheart became Xian Fei, which was crowded by the crowd, and Empress Dowager (Vivian Wu ornaments) and the Yi family have feuds, such as Yi crisis. At this time, Qianlong also faced the same problem of Empress Dowager in power and the veteran's domination of the government. In the process of power change, Qianlong and Lu Yi supported each other and jointly tide over the storm until the two cleared out the obstacles. After many years of hard work, Emperor Qianlong also made her wish to push her to Queen's position, sharing the world with him. However, as the queen did Yi found that Qianlong had grown from a young man to a mature emperors, his misgivings and fickleness and self-esteem constantly revealed, the emotional trust between the two gradually shattered. However, such as Yi still stick to good memories, abide by the Queen's duties, until death .

Ever Night (TV)[2018]

Feature: “Ever Night” told a legendary of Ning Que. An ordinary civilian’s struggle history. Original novel is based on a cultivation world,but more than cultivation stories. There is a prediction in this cultivation world”Ever night comes,human hell arrived”. Fresh soldier Ning Que wanted to find out and revenge the murderer who killed his family. Take his childhood friend Sang Sang to the capital. After his hard working,he became a general and leading the army defeat enemy country’s invasion.Then he found out the black hand kill his family,the boss Hao Tian planed all the stuff and robed Sang Sang away. He told Ning that Sang is the host of Ever Night, the most important part of Ever Night project. Hao Tian wanted to control Sang active Ever Night destroy the world and rebuild it to be new world’s lord. Ning Que had a duel with Hao Tian and beat him save the world. There is no Ever Night anymore, Ning and Sang left together and had a happy end.

大江大河 (TV)[2018]


《大江大河》讲述了 Song YunHui ( Kai Wang 饰)天资聪颖,却出身不好,一直倍受歧视,但是他把握住了1978年恢复高考的机会,抓住机遇,勤学苦干,当上了国企的技术人员,一步步晋升,奠定了成功人生的基础,但也在新时代的变革中逐渐迷失。与 Song YunHui 不同的是他的姐夫 Lei DongBao ( Yang Shuo 饰)。他出身贫寒、属于苗正根红的“大老粗”,行动力十足。在乡村改革的浪潮中带领村民紧跟政策,一直走在时代的前沿。但由于自身文化水平不高,眼界不够开阔,最终绊倒在新事物脚下。如果说 Song YunHui 和 Lei DongBao 的经历是国营经济和集体经济的缩影。那么个体户 Yang Xun 无疑就是个体经济的典型代表,在翻滚向前的时代中,他手忙脚乱抓住过商机,也踩踏过陷阱,生意场上几经波折,最终拥有了自己的产业,成为了那个时代个体经济的典型代表 。

Cheng Zhong Tang (TV)[2018]


"Cheng Zhong Tang", also known as "The Path of Brightness in Qiao Family Courtyard", tells about the day when the 1911 Revolution broke out. Qiao YingJi, the fifth generation descendant of Qiao Family, came to Wuchang from Guangzhou and went to the battlefield to become a revolutionary party. One of the league stills. After the revolution was successful, Qiao YingJi invested in the Shanxi Merchants' bank account number to restructure the system. Using Qiao's financial strength and goodwill, it collaborated with Shanxi officials to rebuild Shanxi Guanyin, in order to achieve unified Shanxi currency. Without thinking, he was attacked by the Shanxi civil administrator Jin Yong, and Cui Wangbai, who was desperate to put Qiao home to death. The two men made every effort to force Qiao YingJi to turn the Shanxi official silver number into a tool for plundering Jin merchants and civilians. In an attempt to use this black silver to fund Yuan Shikai's dream of imperialism. When Qiao YingJi understood that the bank restructuring he was promoting was about to be stolen and became Yuan Shikai’s tool to open a historical reversal, he resolutely sacrificed the determination of Qiao’s 100-year foundation to instigate the disappearance of 50 million silver in the Shanxi official silver number. The thrilling silver case shattered Yuan Shikai’s restoration of Huang Yu’s dream.


Joes Courtyard of the bright road (TV)[2017]

Feature: On the eruption of the Revolution of 1911, Qiao YingJi, the fifth generation of Qiao Jia, came to Wuchang from Guangzhou and went on a bloody battle pro on the battlefield and became a member of the Revolutionary League. After the success of the revolution, Qiao YingJi put into commercial banks to reorganization of the votes, using Joe's financial strength and goodwill, with the Shanxi government to rebuild the Shanxi government silver number in order to achieve the reunification of Shanxi currency. Did not envision, was commander of Shanxi Jin Yong, and bent on Qiao home death Cui Wang hundred calculations, the two make every effort to persuade Qiao YingJi the Shanxi government silver into tools plundering Shanxi merchants , Trying to use this black silver to finance Yuan Shih-kai to realize the imperial dream. When Qiao YingJi understood that the banking reform that he had promoted would soon be stolen and turned into a tool for reversing Yuan Shikai's history, he resolutely sacrificed the determination of Qiao Jia's 100-year-old foundation to scuttle Shanxi Guan Yin No. 50 million in silver. Shaking the silver case, crushed Yuan Shikai restoration Huang Liang dream.

Qiao House 2 (TV)[2017]


The "Qiao Family Courtyard 2", also known as "The Path of Brightness in Qiao Family Courtyard", tells about the 15th generation of Qiao family descendants Qiao YingJi came to Wuchang from Guangzhou, went to battle on the battlefield, and became a revolutionary party league stills. After the revolution was successful, Qiao YingJi invested in the Shanxi Merchants' bank account number to restructure the system. Using Qiao's financial strength and goodwill, it collaborated with the Shanxi authorities to rebuild the Shanxi official silver number to achieve unified Shanxi currency. Without thinking, he was attacked by the Shanxi civil administrator Jin Yong, and Cui Wangbai, who was desperate to put Qiao home to death. The two men resorted to the means to force Qiao YingJi to turn the Shanxi official silver number into a tool to plunder the merchants and civilians. In an attempt to use this black silver to fund Yuan Shikai's dream of imperialism. When Qiao YingJi understood that the bank restructuring he was promoting was about to be stolen and became Yuan Shikai’s tool for reversing the history, he resolutely sacrificed the determination of Qiao’s 100-year foundation to instigate the disappearance of Shanxi’s official silver 50 million silver. The thrilling silver case shattered Yuan Shikai’s restoration of Huang Yu’s dream.


TheNewYearsEveofOldLee (Movie)[2016]

Feature: The film talks about the generation gap between three generations of grandparents and grandchildren. After 14-year-old daughter of North drift heard of the precursor of Alzheimer's disease in Fu Qin, her granddaughter returning to study in the United States returned to her hometown and went to Beijing to live with her students who heard the news. Only elderly people living alone can see the daughter of "North drift" and their granddaughters studying abroad in the United States. Hope the stars hope the moon looking forward to a reunion, but also looking forward to the granddaughter's ABC Peng Peng You did not expect ridiculous story also started from this reunion.

God dog little seven second season (TV)[2016]

Feature: Poster Stray Dogs Seven reported the year's saving grace into the benevolent Ou Ye (Yang Wang ornaments) where the pet resort, but can not think of Ou Ye already do not remember the small seven. The "confirmation" action of Xiao Qi brought endless troubles to Ou Ye, and under the pressure of Dai Wei, the dog's resort president, Ou Ye had to try to get along with Xiaoqi. Seven was jealous of her pursuit of Bao Yu (Zhang Yunlong), a resort search and rescue operator, against Bao Yu. With the efforts of Little Seven, Ou Ye finally remembered it and helped realize the dream of performing on the same stage with Mary, a star-bearer in the pet park. Small seven and Bao Yu gradually become good friends, Bao Yu found seven small search and rescue dogs potential, began training seven small search and rescue. With the connection of Xiaoqi, Ou Ye and Bao Yu have feelings. An international group of underwater cultural relics theft would like to steal artifacts from shipwrecks in the waters of the resort. Seven other Ou Ye, Bao Yu and other pet parks were wiped with the thieves who entered the resort and succeeded in defeating each other. Small seven joined the search and rescue team, eventually becoming an excellent search and rescue dog.

Custom happiness (TV)[2016]

Feature: Tian XiaoNi is the first fashion designer, she follows the principle of "perfect self + perfect gentleman = perfect life". Therefore, she vowed to fight himself as a "goddess of 100" in the mind of a man, while the other half must pass her "perfect gentleman 18". She put the perfect custom fashion and the attitude of the perfect copy, replicated in the perfect love she imagined. Zhan Wang's study experience, as well as senior driver, car modification division identity, let him always with luxury cars, celebrities, high-end clubs linked together. That Tian XiaoNi mistake Zhan Wang mistaken for his "perfect gentleman", take the initiative to start the pursuit. When Tian XiaoNi found Zhan Wang a "counterfeit", she decided to break up and continue to search for "Mr. Perfect," even though she found herself in love with him. However, when the goal is achieved, Tian XiaoNi found that everything that seems perfect actually runs counter to their original intention, and she finally understands the essence of a perfect life & nbsp ;.

BoystoMen (TV)[2015]

Feature: Li Chen (actor), Sun Qiang (Jing Hao), Song DaNan (Li Feng), an old friend from high school, are now all dad but have not really matured. Tiffany Tang guest "father grows fast" his wife's departure so that the bank deputy director Cui Hao battered, without the help of his friends, he may not be able to pass this Kaner, the character of Wang ShanShan's appearance is even more surprise him; Sun Qiang handsome narcissism, good at ambiguous, often to provoke his wife Feng JingJing angry, but he has always had a way to save; big Nan is "economic control", the successful brainwashing his wife Xiao Ting do not love to spend money Yin Huizhu, both in the experience Career change after the partnership venture. Cui Yong face the presence of rival and Shan Mu's opposition to parole; Sun Qiang because divorced wedding ring almost divorced; Nan Nan neglect of the family because of career take-off. In the face of an unprecedented crisis, the trio took their courage and played the role of salvage their own happiness. Experienced a career change together, the family turmoil, the three eve of the men have become more mature.

My spicy girlfriend (TV)[2015]

Feature: Young hot mom Wan XinXin unexpectedly pregnant, and the second generation of Qin Gang flash marriage, is preparing to live an honest young lady, the two actually flirtatious and flicker. Qin Gang Gives Wan XinXin a Reliable Material Life As a foundation of love and marriage, Liu Wei, a former girlfriend who returned to China for a while, suddenly caught up with Wan XinXin in the emotional crisis, the relationship between mother and daughter and the difficulties of raising children. Wan XinXin resolutely ran away with her baby in her midst to escape the pressure she could not bear. On the way out, Wan XinXin encounters Hua Ming, an unfriendly man and aunt. The so-called non-enemies do not gather. The emergence of Wan XinXin reversed the life of Hua Ming by 180 degrees. The quiet life was like the fireworks that were ignited. Hu hit, so Hua Ming know what to do - the car hit, the house flooded, the ticket gone, the child had to help him with the band. In the days of being "forced" to spend together, Hua Ming gradually changed the devious girl, and Wan XinXin's forthright sincerity rekindled the hope of Hua Ming. From regrettable to heart pity, introverted and calm Hua Ming always give Wan XinXin meticulous care, to Wan XinXin gloomy life brought slogan. Meanwhile, in order to inherit the mother's family business, Qin Gang was asked by her mother to recover Wan XinXin and her children, triggering a "contest" between two very different men, Gao Shuai Fu and Arboretum. Qin Gang's mother intervened to fight for her grandson and Qin Gang's lover Liu Wei was outdone. Hua Ming's ex-wife Xia Qing returned with her adolescent daughter and hopes to restructure her family with Hua Ming to give Wan XinXin a blow. The mysterious hidden behind the warm man in the past, Hua Ming has also been opened one by one, so that this "double two marriage" family once again caught in the contradictions of the mud. The more complex situation, test the growth and choice of Wan XinXin.

TheWhiteHairedWitchofLunarKingdom (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Zhuo YiHang (Xiaoming Huang), the grandson of Zhuo Zhonglian, Governor of Sichuan and Shaanxi Province, has just become the new head of the Wudang school. Taking this opportunity, he went to the capital to enter Hongjin pill by order of Zi YangDaoZhang. Who knows giant eunuch Wei ZhongXian (Ni Dahong ornaments) stems from it, with the death of the poisonous death of the Red Crescent Ming Guangzong, and then took control of the government, sent Jin Yiwei chase Zhuo YiHang. Meanwhile, deputy chief of Sichuan and Shaanxi Province Jin DuYi (Vincent Zhao ornaments) plot to kill Zhuo Zhonglian, evil demon woman Yoshiaki (Bingbing Fan ornaments). Jade Brake and Zhuo Yi Fan met once again in a melee and fell in love. However, the good news is not long, the clutches of Kam Yi Wei, respectively, stretched to the moonlit temple and the Wudang Mountains, where the loving people were forced to separate. In order to avoid the wuddles of destruction, Zhuo YiHang had to humiliate the weight-shifting eunuchs. Know that Zhuo YiHang married his wife, Jade Brakes overnight. Chaotic autumn, the legend of men and women spread throughout the ages ...

ToLoveSomebody (Movie)[2014]

Feature: "The courtship of marriage" tells the story of four pairs of men and women who went to Hainan for wedding photographs, and the emotional stories of men and women who helped others to get wedding photographs. Each of the five pairs of men and women had their own unique and wonderful emotional state. A pair of middle-aged men and women ready to divorce, but intended to take a group of divorced. A pair of men and women about to get married, but always do not know if they are the other person has always wanted. Another pair of men and women about to get married, the woman received her fiance on the wedding day is marrying others. A pair of loving men and women, was photographed wedding photographer throwing round and round, there is a pair of conservative women met prodigal seemingly no result of the encounter. Each love affair can make people see the different emotional states of different age groups, especially the men and women who are about to face the marriage. They can find more sympathy in the film. What kind of talents worth living together in the face of marriage and love? In the end how to make a relationship has been fresh, I believe after watching the movie, different people will have different answers.

The new friend year (TV)[2014]

Feature: "New Girlfriend Era" tells the story of Zhou XiaoBei, Wang Yuan, Han WenJing three are college classmates and girlfriends, after graduation with a city work and life. Born in the traditional family Zhou XiaoBei, after years of marriage and fell in love with her boyfriend Fan Bin and found married life is not so satisfactory, the new girlfriends era stills after a series of changes, the two divorced. Eventually she got along with Li Li, who cried for years. Wang Yuan, born of poverty, relies on self-reliance and hard work to eventually become an urban white-collar worker, changing the dilemma of the entire family. After experiencing the ups and downs of emotion, she finally accepted the love of the fat man she paid in silence. Han WenJing, a family-run home, runs a studio. After experiencing the combination of emotional life and separation, she met the doctor Cheng XiaoFeng and tried his best to catch up with countless sharpening and finally get married. Through a series of twists and turns, the three young women encouraged each other and comforted each other. The trio gradually became mature because of their life temperament and their social roles and life direction were also clearer after they lost themselves.

DayofRedemption (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Zhou Ting, a young entrepreneur and beauty boss, led the three sisters in a brainstorming acquisition war. Once the school first love for their position have to fight near field, can not be concessions - However, the old situation is over, the balance of feelings, the new haunting, villains spoiler, more reluctant to bury the rich man, darkness rich position, riding a tiger difficult ... This is full of business and war love the first act of jealous, and see the beauty of the boss is the result of personal debt, fame and fortune, but also the situation break, return to the origin? All suspense to do all day in the 9 hours to come ......

ABigDeal (Movie)[2011]

Feature: God wants to make people rich, we must first make it crazy! Wang YunPeng, Zhang Ze, Liu YiJun are the three who have just been chosen by God. Wang YunPeng unexpectedly got the opportunity to go to Dubai and Wenzhou real estate giant merchants to sell, so coincided with the layoffs and forced by her girlfriend, Zhang Ze, unemployed at home and holding ancestral baby Liu YiJun decided to leave his girlfriend, sell the baby, follow Big Brother join the golden wave of silver ocean US dollar struggling to grab money! Dubai, the golden paradise, the capital of luxury, everywhere is the dollar, the streets are opportunities, grab money threesome dazzling, just want to flex its muscles on the occasion, but waited for a sunny thunder: Wenzhou boss's funding chain fracture, the gap is 2000000000! Must not be lost when no longer looking for starving Wang Xiaopeng, daring to lead the two younger brother decided to face up, to cast empty gloves White Wolf flirtatious, On this 2 billion super hole! In the flicker of the glamorous real estate tycoon Huang Zong, the mysterious arrogant former leader Sun total, and finally exhausted the wealthy husband Fu Po and psychic than the deposit less Shanxi coal boss Qian DuoDuo defeat after the trio Found that the original money such as running water, Zhaqian such as heaven. Tight front, the backyard also began to catch fire: Wang YunPeng's XiaoJiao XiaoJiang every day urging her husband, when the dollar carry her home? Zhang Ze girlfriend chose a more money way boyfriend. Frustrated, Zhang Ze met the gift shop, beautiful and tender Zhou Yun, two people fall in love. Zhou Yun is carrying an overwhelming past, but precisely because of this past event, the dejected trio found that 2 billion of them were overwhelmingly smashed into them.

WINGS (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Shichahai under the night, full of thoughts of the small North (ornaments) decided to jump lake suicide, jumped into the lake in the moment, another figure with her sinking into the lake, and soon I saw the shadow of the lake gradually float Water surface, a small north head raised from the water, mouth breathing, she discovered at this time, as she jumped into the lake to save her is a disabled boy Miyake Ping (ornaments). Not only that, Miyagi in the next few days, again and again to prevent her from committing suicide, so that the North is almost crazy. She angrily discharged all the grievances she had suffered at Gong Ping and her mother Tian Xiuli, cracking down on Gong Ping's dreaming efforts in music. Gong Ping is not angry, he silently help Xiaobei, to find a small North to regain the power of life. Small North gradually into the palace life. She Gong Ping from grudges to understand to respect, Gong Ping from her understanding to sympathy sympathetic. Xiao Gong found Gong Ping although lost his hands, but with strong perseverance and excellent musical talent, practicing his feet playing piano ability; Gong Ping found that although small North lost trust around people, but in front of children, recovery Innocence, and in order to help orphanage children to improve their living, raise money everywhere, has caused trouble. In the affliction, they support each other, love quietly produced. When the children's dreams and their dreams are all fulfilled, they embrace each other tightly, and at this moment they finally understand that the connection of the soul is the longest embrace in the world.

Home cooking (TV)[2011]

Feature: Home cooking tells the story of a city in the early 1980s. Liu HongChang, an elder-age working in a state-run Canteens, fell in love with Wen Hui, who abandoned her chance to attend college due to her poor family. Liu HongChang was still married to Wen Hui, despite being stopped by Liu HongChang's mother and brother. Wen Hui's brother Wen Tao and sister Wen Yuan are also hostile to this brother-in-law. Wen Hui after the second pregnancy, steep disaster at home. The 17-year-old Wen Yuan, who had left his home with Liu HongChang, was spoiled by the little bullhorn cat on the street. In order to avenge his sister, the 16-year-old Wen Tao assassinated the big yellow cat. Wen Hui died in the hospital with this intense stimulation. A series of family repercussions caused Liu HongChang to depress his grief only in heart and carry the precarious home. Over the years, Wen Da admitted to college; Yu QiuHua was killed in an accidental car accident. In order to fulfill his promise of the last moment of Yu QiuHua's life, Liu HongChang guarded a small house and waited silently for the return of his relatives.

Man eating grass (Movie)[2010]

Feature: "Herbal Grass" is a Chinese movie released in 2010, directed by Money Loan. Xu Shao Yang, nursery rhyme starring. "Man eating grass" tells the story of two single young men and women - small and white, a couple - Chu and package ambitions, a pair of siblings - the monkey and Mo Mo. A few people traveling on different occasions met and walked together in a small town in the border town but unexpectedly encountered a group of drug traffickers in Southeast Asia. In order to escape to the secluded lake island for shelter, The disaster came - the piranha in the lake began to attack. People in desperation struggled to escape ...

Snowfall in Taipei (Movie)[2009]

Feature: Female singer May (Tanya) from Qingdao, who suddenly disappeared from the record company and the media due to misfortune, met Mayor Xiao Mo (Chen Bolin) in the strange town of Jingtong and Xiao Mo resigned. , Helped pick up May and found her temporary home. May found a temporary job in Xiao Mo's friend's shop. Although occasionally she was identified or harassed, the job was eased May miss the producer A Lei (Yang Youning). On the other hand, A Lei's concern with the disappearance of May soon swallowed up by his busy work. Tabloid reporter Jie Ke accepted the peak mission, all the way to track the whereabouts of May and gradually approached the refuge in May. Xiao Mo and May are in love, but he finds out that the meaning of this trip makes May hard to reach ...

JiuLongPei (Movie)[2008]

Feature: Jia Lian You Wen You ErJie is a beautiful woman who met You ErJie during his funeral and praised You ErJie in front of Jia Rong. Jia Rong knew his mind, then came up with ideas to match up. With the agreement of Jia Zhen, You Yiangniang and You ErJie, Jia Lian bought a place in the small twig near Rongguo to take You ErJie. In the newlyweds, Jia Lian decides to send a letter to the government.

Buganshuoaini (Movie)[2008]

Feature: Li HeiZi, the last two years is still a pauper to fix a bike, because of the love of a woman had never wanted to go, Li HeiZi vowed to be rich. The sunspots relying on fashion boutiques have no longer believed in love since then, but since they met Lan Xin, the sunspot indifferent heart began to feel a little bit warmer. Just missing people in the store, Lan Xin learning is marketing, people also look young and beautiful, if you wear the store's fashion, the equivalent of a free look Finlander model. Opened early one day to open the door to catch up with the business assault inspection, a group of counterfeit clothing stores on the shelf the first day to finish. If at this time Lan Xin does not enter the store, everything will be fine. In order to divert business people's attention, sunspots just went into the store Lan Xin out of the store, in front of industrial and commercial law enforcement officers, forcibly kissed his "girlfriend." Sudden change led Lan Xin to feel disgusted. Lan Xin angrily left, but a crisis resolved immediately. Lan Xin's school on Lan Zi's apology to find Lan Xin, a similar event staged again, Lan Xin take the initiative to "pull match", took the opportunity to get rid of her fathers who hate. Misunderstanding between the two flattened, Lan Xin back to sunspot fashion shop. Not long after Lan Xin came back, not only did Xiao Cui, a sunspot employee, become competitive, but also envious of Xiao Cui, Lan Xin had taken the limelight of her love. Beautiful young Lan Xin to the Kuroko fashion store trouble, sunspots are "untapped unconventional" unconventional means to turn troubles into available human resources, has become Da LinZi a group of people take the lead Brother . Kuroko decided to expand the business, Lan Xin has inadvertently discovered only the secrets of the sunspots and Xiao Cui know. In order to prevent the secret of tax fraud, Lan Xin made an announcement that the sunspots brought Lan Xin two months' salary ahead of schedule to let Lan Xin leave. Kuroko's business bigger and bigger, Lan Xin uninvited. Bar push cup, drunk tincture, sunspots at this time to know the heart of Lan Xin pain. Between seeking help from Lan Xin's resentful father and a cumbersome contractor, Kuroko generously assisted Lan Xin in completing his graduate studies. The generousness of the sunspots to Lan Xin made Xiao Cui betrayed by amateurs and sold the sunspots to the industrial and commercial law enforcement authorities. As a result, the sunspots were impoverished and impaired in the bar. Half a month later, Kuroko walked out of the detention center and the caretaker told Kuroko that it was a two-hundred-thousandth fine paid by a girl for him. Sunspots while asking for him to pay a fine, while setting up a repair car from scratch. When I learned that Lan Xin sell kidney to redeem him, sunspots do not want to be born, strong heart love fire, but not bold confession. Kuroko chose to leave. The train bound for the distance is about to start, when the station broadcast: Somebody is waiting for sunspots in the No. 8 compartment.

Hurt (TV)[2008]

Feature: In the 20th century, the 1920s patriotic movement in full swing, Qinghua student Ning PeiWen and classmate Yao Zifan break through the heavy resistance fell in love. Ning Yuan's student, Xia YuanXi, also loves Yao. Ning PeiWen and Yao Ziyuan were finally forced to break their hatred in the summer's provocation and Yao's intervention. Ning PeiWen went to the United States. Twenty years later, Ning PeiWen, a famous lawyer, was married and returned to Nanking after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. However, he was inadvertently involved in the defense of a "murder case." He impressively found that the so-called murderer is the old classmate Zhang ShuYang! And his wife, is searching for Yao Yizhi twenty years! As the case progresses, Ning PeiWen feels that his feelings for Aster are more and more unavoidable. Two middle-aged people make painful and difficult choices between morality, emotion and justice. In the end, Ning PeiWen devoted her thoughts to her lover to the torrent of working for the happiness of more people.

Rape (TV)[2007]

Feature: Xizi University spent a lot of flowers Rui won the campus classic drama "in the name of love" actress, which makes at the same time love the small core Risen and Zhang Yang actor battle, became a love battle. Never imagined is that this led to the father of a dusty 20 years of love and hate. Linsen mother Xiao Mei accident in the drama.

Walking duster (TV)[2005]

Feature: The early Republic of China, Xiangmuk town. Xiangmuxiang west side of Xiangxi Geng family as the first family, Geng home known by dusters. Duster with feather bar, ordinary craft, by Geng's hand out of the way. During the reign of Emperor Guangxu, Geng's red shining treasure, actually let the palace spent two hundred thousand two hundred silver. Geng PeiQi Geng reached the hands of God, the world has changed, but the reputation and value of dusters have not changed. Geng every year only a duster, fifty thousand oceans, mountains and dignitaries have to lined up to please. Can go to Geng Jiabao Shan, is the glory of the world, it is the glory of Hongmu town. So Geng Jia Xiang is the town's glory. But Geng's family empty, empty feather duster. Every spring dividends Shan, dusters disembark from Qibuli, two boxes of ocean ashore is only a scene. The duster is still a treasure Shan, there is no ocean in the box. Hill warlords melee flames, who have the mood to Xiangmu town please a feather duster. May incense town people have feelings. The annual equinox is a big festival in the town. People from both sides of Xiangxi need to go to the empty court on Geng Family Courtyard. This year, Geng master also rolled out a good Shan, Erotic photo soul, called Molong. Geng Mrs. Zhou ShuXian does not allow such an empty platoon to persevere, saying that the world has changed, it should be a real man. Duster no past value, Geng is not shameful. Geng Lord do not want. A stormy night, there is a woman named Ming Feng, from the Xiangxiang Xiangmi town to vote pro, living in Geng home. Before the vernal equinox, a soldier named Jiang KeRu asked Ming Fong and a verbal conflict was called out. This year's vernal equinox accident, Molong lost in the downstream, Zhou ShuXian shot Jiang KeRu. Jiang KeRu and his men had directed at the two boxes of silver. But the box is two boxes of stone. Ming Feng will be Zhou ShuXian back to the compound. Shuxian said before his death, so Ming Feng stay Geng family to do his wife. Geng Yuan Zi, a young man from Geng, fell in love with San Fu, a treasurer in town, and Guo Fu, treasurer of the town. Mother is dead, Yuan Liang vowed to attack enemy Jiang KeRu, single shot to kill the town. Jiang KeRu this heartless wounding, but no mood to nostalgia Xiangmu town. Ming-feng is his favorite woman, while Ming-feng but avoid his fear. Soulless Dragon handle more, this handle so that the town of incense wood gods dusters, Jiang KeRu only in the hotel for a drink money, arrived at a fair girl Xiu Yu. Geng eldest son Hanliang independent end of the crisis, quietly looking for the whereabouts of Molong, the next will be Jiang KeRu's life, to avenge his mother. Jiang KeRu from the whereabouts of Molong aware of Geng's secret. White town long 觊 觎 Geng Shan duster gain a long time ago, the figure is only how to control Geng Lord, the duster's glory as his official glory. Guo HongXiao Geng dusters love the bones, hesitant to help Geng home to maintain this shaky myth. Fortunately, overcast mistakes in the wrong daughter San Fu married Hanliang, rather than he Yuan Yuanliang, my heart fairly balanced. Yuanliang marriage, found that the bride is not San Fu, but Xiu Yu. Indignant burning room, ran away from home. Geng PeiQi is paralyzed. Xiu Yu sticks out a duster that can not reach Geng PeiQi, pure and pure, called Rabbit. The coming year equinox, but also Geng family Shan days.Jiang KeRu vows to expose the secrets of the Geng family duster in front of all the Xiangmizhin people and let the world know that Geng's dusky myth is nothing but a foolhardy joke. But broke the box, Jiang KeRu silly. Valuable points, Geng no longer out Shan. However, open the door Geng homes, the square is still a sea of ​​people like waves. Xiangmu town people in their own way to celebrate the heart of the festival.

Junior Yang Jia will (TV)[2005]

Feature: In AD 980, the Liao Army constantly attacked the song "Young Yang Jialing" Shiro and his wife as they headed toward the border. There was no peaceful day in the Song Dynasty, and Yang Ye, the brave and invincible Taizong school, kept guarding Yanmenguan. Yang seven son, Zhiyong Shuangquan, all loyal courage. Xiao TaiHou sent 100,000 troops to win the Yanmenguan. Yang Ye led thousands of Yang Jiajun to make a defeat by the enemy and the Liaodong defeat. Yang Rokuro (Hugh ornaments) met the snow smart Chai JunZhu (Chia-Yu Lin ornaments), two people in order to detect the three mysteries spread among the family, made it a mystery. Li Lang met Pan RenMei's daughter Pan Ying by coincidence, and Pan Ying fell in love with the Rokuro. In order to seize the heart of Rokuro, Rinpoche tried his best to separate Rokkom and Chai JunZhu's relationship. The relationship between Taizong and Yang gradually appeared across the nuclear, pay more attention to traitors Pan RenMei, estranged Yang. Taizong alienated from the Yang family, intended to rely on Pan RenMei, Pan RenMei took the opportunity to the only child Pan Bao (Jianze He ornaments) Zhao Zhaozhong, Pan Bao dedication, arbitrary Mang, lawlessness, but also set the ring against the Yang contest Sons, Shiro Zhongji, Qilang to save Shiro, manslaughter Pan Bao, Pan RenMei vow to hold to the end, Yang Ye tied to the temple, Qilang was held in jail pending trial. The death of Pan Bao makes Pan RenMei and Yang more grudges! Pan Bao stills of Pan RenMei Pan Bao stills (Jianze He) In the meantime, Shiro (Peter Ho) returns to Yang's house to become the star of Yang Ye. Goro (Johnny Chen ornaments) juvenile deign, married with Guan Hong. Qilang (Eddie Peng ornaments) and Kim E privately set up marriage union. Xiao TaiHou deliberately negotiated with the Song chamber, Yang Jiajun led to Golden Beach, Liao Dynasty, thousands of troops already ambush, under the Pan RenMei and Liao Jun conspiracy, Yang will be a heroic, but the enemy Liao Jun tide Surging, Golden Beach Battle, Dalang, Erlang, Saburo tragic death, Shiro I do not know the whereabouts of heavy injuries, Goro see through life and death, a monk as a monk, Yang Ye to protect the public named life, break out, bloody battlefield, and finally for the Liao Jun prisoners , Finally fucking Li Ling monument to protect the name section. In the end, Yang family will be in the Jinshatan battle nearly annihilated, only Yang Luolan Bao lives on the return, and Chai JunZhu lover get married. Tianbo House suffered every robbery, as the only male Yang Yang, Yang Lulou since then assume the task, hard work to complete the Yang Ye's last wish, to protect the family.

Dragon and Tiger Life (TV)[2005]

Feature: In the most difficult years of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Yang Guan Yu (Wang Zhiwen) of the Jiangmen came to the drama behind the scenes. (1) Yu Song, Vice Mayor of Yucheng County Du SongShan (Zhifei Wang) became his first patient. Yang GuanYu insisted stubborn like water, Du SongShan vigorous like fire, put together should not be over. A stone can change the waterway of a stream and life is always composed of countless chances. The fate of Yang GuanYu and Du SongShan shared a lot of experience ... ... They started at the same starting line of love, in the bloody battlefield pass, they started a crusade against evil, and death race against time. They used to be doctors and patients, rivals, rivals, two men in love with a woman, two pillars in a small town, a maker and a savior of disaster, a plaintiff and defendant in the judgment of the soul, and two children father. They used to suspect each other, but often helped each other and eventually became friends and most loyal comrades in arms. Their love and hate, blood and tears flowing into the shining star in memory, are recorded in the "Dragon and Tiger".

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