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Jun Cao TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Jun Cao Works 20 ,And Feature 5 ,Comedy 5 ,Costume Drama 5 ,War 3 ,Sci-Fi 2 ,Romance 2 ,抗战2 ,Action 2 ,Suspense 1 ,Through 1 ,轻喜1 ,Myth play 1 ,大型青春古装武侠剧1 ,Historical play 1 ,Romantic drama 1 ,Crime 1 ,年代传奇1 ,Ancient legend 1 ,Fantasy 1 。

Works Index

Jun Cao Filmography(20)


狼殿下 (TV)[2020]


《狼殿下》讲述了唐朝末年,梁王 Zhu Wen 篡位称帝,建立后梁。后梁奎州城主马瑛之女 Ma ZhaiXing ( Qin Li 饰),结识了自小生长于山林间的野少狼殿下年( Darren Wang 饰)。不谙世事的野少年为救幼狼遭到追杀,失足坠崖,被 Zhu Wen 收为义子,封为渤王。十年后,渤王偶遇并救了摘星。他心动于摘星的聪慧与勇敢,摘星也发现,出身草根的渤王虽然已经身居高位却依然保有着天性中的善良和正义感。在摘星的感化和支持下,渤王反对苛政、扶助百姓、匡扶正义、阻止兄弟相争,在这个过程中两人的感情也在不断加深。虽然此后也有过争执和误会,但是二人始终怀揣良善之心,坦诚相待,不离不弃。在历经重重磨难和考验之后,渤王和摘星秉持善良和正义战胜了各种危机与挑战,最终也收获了属于自己的幸福 。


遇见你真好 (Movie)[2018]


一群正值青春性格迥异的复读男女,在火爆教头和冷面宿管的高压管理下,上演了三重爱情趣事:呆萌男 Zhang WenSheng 与鬼马女珊妮就差一层窗户纸等待戳破的“纯”,闪电男 A Hu 为保护“哑”校花 Ling CaiCai 敢同校霸决斗的“躁”,痴情男 Xie Lun 奋不顾身治愈爱作女 Zhou XiaoMi 的“作”。他们共同诠释了最美好的青春——在人生的旅程中,遇见你真好。

long tan (TV)[2018]


Long Tan , also known as "Long Tan Society", tells about 202 BC. Xiang Yu, the King of the West Chu-yu, squatted on the Wujiang River, leaving countless people to sigh. After 2000, a man who had lost all memory walked down the street and saved a woman who was chased by a black man - Yu Xin . Yu Xin took this man for thanks and named him Long Tan. Yu Xin, Long Tan, and a rich man who is keen on the investigation established Du Yuan together. Tan Society." The spirit of the help of the three dragons and three people helped the strangers to complete the large and small request. However, they did not know that the three of them were being quietly involved in the whirlpool of cross-border smuggling artifacts. The three people waiting for them were More dangerous and difficult situation. In the face of numerous dangers, the Dragons and Dussians took to the top three. After experiencing various trials, they learned more about the friendship, affection, and preciousness of love.


Snowy forest (TV)[2017]

Feature: In the winter of 1946, the Kuomintang set up a "Central Pre-war Cell" composed of puppet officials, landowners, bullies and bandits in the northeast region. These gangs of Uzbekistan continued to carry out military harassment of our army. Among them, bandits Xu DaMaBang (Weidong Qin), Zuo ShanDiao (Ni Dahong) and Ma XiShan (YongDai Ding) and others gathered in the mountains and forests, Long-term assassination and destruction, the means cruel. For a time, banditry in the northeast region caused great threats to the work and life of local people and severely damaged the achievements of the land reform. In order to clear the banditry, the leaders of the military region decided to change tactics and organized a detachment of 36 personnel. Under the leadership of chief of staff Shao JianBo (Ray Chang), Yang ZiRong (Guangjie Li), Sun DaDe (Solution Teng) and Gao Bo (Zhang late Italian) Wisdom Take Tiger Hill, encirclement large pot helmet, and these "shark sex, mahjong-style" brutal enemy wits, desperate struggle. After timeless and arduous fierce battles, the criminals were eventually wiped out and the unit made the full victory of banditry.

神风刀 (TV)[2017]


《神风刀》又名《唐朝少年》讲述了年少的 Shui Ge ,突遭灭门之灾,成了“漏网之鱼”。“漏网”的 Shui Ge 受高人指点,来到京城长安避祸,寻找安身立命之所,与金银铜铁四位混世少年不打不相识结为生死兄弟,以少年侠客自诩。又与波斯少年 Sai Ma A BoDou 结为生死之交。五少年想谋取一个好的前程,不料阴差阳错,误入西北地区黑恶势力总后台王御史家。他们不知王御史正是导致 Shui Ge 遭受灭门之灾的罪魁祸首。为将“漏网之鱼” Shui Ge 斩草除根,王御史以建功立业之名将五少年送往西北边陲,打算借他们之手劫取贡品而后栽赃陷害将其一网打尽。五位少年不知是计,满心欢喜奔赴“地狱之门”。 Jin Ge 、 A BoDou 和 Sai Ma 相继喋血大漠。血债必须血偿, Shui Ge 的神风刀终于愤然出鞘。几兄弟在戈壁大漠匡扶正义,血溅刺史府,追杀 Mao LiQiu ,夺回贡品,洗刷罪名。复仇除恶的怒火从瓜州一直烧到京城长安。


Behind the Secret (TV)[2016]

Feature: In 1942, a woman tragically died under the wheel, the perpetrator was Jiang YiPing, a sensation hit the beach. The deceased's lover was Dong ZhiPeng, the son of tycoon Dong ShiJun, who vowed to take revenge on the deceased. Shen Lan, Dong ZhiPeng's fiancée, hated teeth. Prosecutor of the case is Jiang YiPing's boyfriend Cui JunJie, Cui JunJie law enforcement, Jiang YiPing was sentenced to jail. Jiang YiPing was released early due to good performance. Dong ZhiPeng monitored Jiang YiPing's every move and tried to torture her. At this time, Cui JunJie has been detained in the upper class officialdom and fell in love with Shen Lan. Cui JunJie broke up with Jiang YiPing. With the contact of Dong ZhiPeng and Jiang YiPing, we discovered the accidental case many years ago and revealed the truth: the perpetrators were Cui JunJie and Jiang YiPing, prosecutors voluntarily made scapegoats and Dong ZhiPeng found that he had fallen in love with this goodness Woman. Cui JunJie In order to cover up the truth for many years to make any evil, Jiang YiPing finally accepted the love of Dong ZhiPeng.

Swing corps (TV)[2016]

Feature: In early 1938, the Japanese army invaded Shandong Peninsula. A box possessing important military secrets of Japan passed Yidou County and was taken away by Koshien Sun Yat-sen, so he was hunted down and killed by a Japanese agent. Before his death, he entrusted the box to Yang BaoGuo, the owner of Yongxing Martial Art Museum, This box, was killed by the Japanese spies. Yang ErHu, who is a national enemy of hatred, vows to avenge his father and defends his family. Under the inspiration of Yang DaLong, a pro-brother underground party member, and progressive students Xia Ling and Gong SunYu, he gradually realized that the individual's resistance to Japan is weak. Only by relying on the Communist Party can he save China. Two tigers inherited the father's anti-Japanese national salvation and Szuoka village wits and waged a battle for the boxing contest and gradually opened the Japanese attempt to develop a secret chemical and biological weapons secret plan eventually defeated the Japanese plot to successfully destroy Sheshan Japanese biochemical weapons research base. Yang ErHu further strengthened his determination to defend the homeland and defend the country, and continuously grew up on the road to resisting Japan and saving the nation. He joined the Communist Party of China gloriously and became a true revolutionary warrior.

Militia Kang Bao (TV)[2015]

Feature: In the early days of the Anti-Japanese War, the Japanese invaders waged a frenzied raid on our anti-Japanese base areas and implemented the three-light policy of "killing the light, grabbing the light and burning it." Kang Bao, a young villager in Kangjiazhuang, took her example of her heroic heroic sacrifice in anti-raid and determined to become a militia hero. Under the guidance of Qin Zhong, secretary of the district party committee, conducted a desperate contest with Japanese military officer Ben Tian in a unique grass-roots manner. After experiencing the painful tests of the Japanese Tucao village and the loss of his relatives and teammates, Kang Bao accomplished the outstanding combat tasks entrusted by his superiors successfully and successfully rescued the defeated National Army pilots and won his sincere admiration and respect. The Kangjiazhuang militia team was successfully established and the sincere love of progressive youth Yang XiaoTang was obtained.

Magic phone 2 (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Tells the magic phone silly girl from the future through to help the boy Lu Dongyu find mothers and stop the evil magician Ma Lei turmoil time turmoil, the conspiracy to destroy the earth.

In full bloom (TV)[2014]

Feature: In 1925, Zhao GuanKe was founded by Sichuan Army and became head of an independent delegation. He bloody battlefield, tough. His path of growth is full of hardships, and his love is endured countless tests. He falls in love with nurse Luo Mai, but Luo Mai loves Zhou ZhenQiang. Through experiencing a field of life and death, Luo Mai gradually became acquainted with Zhao GuanKe. When the Kuomintang and the Communist Party jointly committed themselves to the great cause of the Northern Expedition, the political ideas of the Qing government became more and more obvious. This makes Luo Mai with the love of doubt and shaken. Luo Mai starts to approach underground party organizations. Inspired by the revolutionary forces, Zhao GuanKe embarked on the right path and went to Nanchang to join the uprising. Luo Mai also falls in love with Zhao GuanKe in the constant process of knowing. Zhou ZhenQiang farther and farther, and finally died under the gun of Luo Mai. On the way to Nanchang Meeting, Zhao GuanKe unfortunately suffered a serious injury. Luo Mai took Zhao GuanKe and walked toward the crowd who cheered the victory.

In full bloom (TV)[2014]

Feature: In 1925, Zhao GuanKe was founded by Sichuan Army and became head of an independent delegation. He bloody battlefield, tough. His path of growth is full of hardships, and his love is endured countless tests. He falls in love with nurse Luo Mai, but Luo Mai loves Zhou ZhenQiang. Through experiencing a field of life and death, Luo Mai gradually became acquainted with Zhao GuanKe. When the Kuomintang and the Communist Party jointly committed themselves to the great cause of the Northern Expedition, the political ideas of the Qing government became more and more obvious. This makes Luo Mai with the love of doubt and shaken. Luo Mai starts to approach underground party organizations. Inspired by the revolutionary forces, Zhao GuanKe embarked on the right path and went to Nanchang to join the uprising. Luo Mai also falls in love with Zhao GuanKe in the constant process of knowing. Zhou ZhenQiang farther and farther, and finally died under the gun of Luo Mai. On the way to Nanchang Meeting, Zhao GuanKe unfortunately suffered a serious injury. Luo Mai took Zhao GuanKe and walked toward the crowd who cheered the victory.

Sui Tang hero 4 (TV)[2014]

Feature: Tang Zhenguan years, Xiliang rebellion, Li ShiMin Yu Jia pro-levy, the enemy Shuai Su BaoTong besieged in the lock city, coach Xue RenGui Su BaoTong also poisoned the knife, life and death. Xue DingShan, son of Xue RenGui, learned that his father was killed and took part in the 2nd Army, where he went to save his father. Along the way, Xue DingShan overcame the thief Dou YiHu, Su BaoTong, eventually rescuing Xue RenGui and Li ShiMin from Lions. Li ShiMin class teacher back to North Korea, leaving Xue's father and son to continue the chaos. Su BaoTong moved to rescue and sent his general Fan Hong to challenge. Fan Hongzhuan Fan LiHua Xue DingShan fall in love at first sight, at the expense of his family, sacrifice Guan Xue. Xue DingShan, however, listens to precepts and mistakes Fan LiHua, an unrighteous person who killed his eldest brother and brother and expelled Fan LiHua from Tang Ying. Later, with the help of Cheng YaoJin et al., The touching story of "Fan HuHua" was released. After the final couple, Xue DingShan and Fan LiHua finally married. Under their joint efforts, Tang Junping set Xiliang upstairs.

Magic phone 2 silly girl back (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Magic phone 2 silly girl back" tells the time in the laboratory inside, time roulette in the time tunnel in order to run. Just then, the evil Mo Fa Shi Ma Lei outstretched hands of sin trying to disrupt the time roulette in an attempt to destroy the earth. A mysterious time guard blocked his conspiracy and destroyed part of his mana, yet the earth was still without danger of destruction. Silly girl with a mobile phone silly Lu DongYu with a boy back to the modern one to help him find his mother, another more important task is to stop stirring the time dial plot. Ma Lei magically learns that Lu DongYu's mum is the time tunnel guard, and follows Lu DongYu, who can use it to find his mom and thus remove her, then churning out the time roulette to destroy the earth. In order to save the earth, Lu XiaoQian only to restore the silly girl's new system, can stop Ma Lei plot to destroy the earth. Ma Lei detected this situation and tried to isolate Lu XiaoQian from a stupid girl in order to realize his evil conspiracy. Slow recovery of the silly girl in the magic phone, Lu XiaoQian and his friends through the space and time with the help of stupid girl, to overcome all kinds of difficulties. In the end, Ma Lei's plot was smashed to protect the earth upon which mankind lives.

ChengChengFengHuoZhiJueSha (Movie)[2012]

Feature: In 1942, the Japanese invaders launched an unprecedented "big raid" against the Da Qingshan Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Base Area. Liu ZhenHe led the cavalry unit was ordered to block the enemy, cover large forces retreat. The Japanese army assembled superior forces and aircraft and artillery bombarded our positions in a series of ways. As a result, the Japanese Ministry of Defense has greatly injured and wounded, and has had to disperse and retreat in order to preserve its strength. On the way to retreat, the unit led by Liu ZhenHu stormed the artillery positions, killed the Japanese army, Black Rock, exploded the artillery positions and obtained important Japanese intelligence. Liu ZhenHe From the Japanese telegraph captured by telegraph operator Chen Bo, he learned that the enemy dispatched a special unit to deal with himself. Their commander was Gui Tian. Both sides wihtongyong, Liu ZhenHe finally out of the woods. Finally got the news of a large counterattack. After careful consideration, Liu ZhenHe decided to take advantage of the anti-emptiness of the Japanese army and mix it with the code book inside the enemy to crack the code and issue erroneous information that would interfere with the enemy so as to tie in with the large army attack. After arduous fighting, Liu ZhenHe Department successfully deciphered the secret code. Under their policy, the Eighth Route Army Daqingshan troops should cooperate with each other to smash the so-called "enemy defense" strategy of the Japanese base area to me.

Lotus Lantern prequel (TV)[2009]

Feature: The Legend of Lotus Lantern tells the story of Yang TianYou, a private mortal scholar who is the sister of Jade Emperor Yao Ji, and gave birth to three children, Yang Jiao, Yang Jian and Yang Chan. After the Jade Emperor learned that he sent Tianbing Tian to the lower bound, he killed Yang TianYou and Yang Jiao and pressed Yao Ji under Momoyama, while Yang Jian and Yang Chan escaped with the help of Ne Zha and Marshal of Canopy. Since then, Ne Zha and Yang Jian brothers and sisters to become the target of the three circles wanted. Tianbing siege Chen Tongguan, Ne Zha indignant, parents to nourish the grace. Tai YiZhenRen Ne Zha reshape the gold body with a lotus lotus lamp, in order to control Ne Zha, Tai YiZhenRen will be handed over to Paul Chan Linden custody. Yang Jian worship Yu DingZhenRen master, learn skills, and even has followed his Xiao TianQuan also swallowed the Dragon Ball into a human form. Yang Jian Chopped Momoyama finally rescued his mother, did not expect Jade Emperor actually sent ten sons - ten sun shaved Yao Ji. Yang Jian grieved hard and killed nine suns and stopped the last sun under the blockage of Chang E. Yang Jian Seek revenge on the sky and dismantle the Nantianmen. Jade Emperor ordered the watering of Yang Jian to the Tianhe River, causing the Tianhe water to flow to the lower bound, causing flooding. Later, Yang Jian was trapped in Si Tian by Queen Mother. He began to suspect that his mother chose the correctness of her father. His suspicion of mother made him lose his power. Thanks to Yang Chan and Ne Zha arrived, Yang Jian was rescued. Under the persuasion of Chang E, Yang Jian gave up seeking revenge on heaven and decided to go with the lower bound of Yang Chan to rule the Tianhe Ruo Shui. Yang Jian brothers and sisters while water, while dealing with heaven to kill, while making Meishan six brothers. At this time the three princess of the West Sea would like to go up to Yang Jian, Yang Jian indifferent to her pursuit, because his sweetheart is Chang E. Tian Ting agreed with the conditions of the Milky Way in Tianhe, with the help of Yang Jian and Yang Chan and the Lotus Lantern, Ruo Shui was smoothly sent to the Milky Way. However, Tian Ting was reckless, and after Yang Jian learned that Sammy was threatened by heaven, she decided With the battle of heaven, about to enter the heaven, the Jade Emperor adopted the proposal of the Queen Mother, seal Yang Jian was significant San Jiro Zhenjun, Yang Chan was named the Third Virgin, stay Huashan. In order to avoid the people's disasters and to bring peace to the lower classes, the Yang brothers and sisters reluctantly accepted the title of the heaven, but Yang Jian refused to go to heaven and remained in his own home in the estuary. The contradictions between Yang Jian's brother and sister and heaven were temporarily alleviated. Yang Jian was finally touched by the tender feelings of the three princesses. It was also to confront heaven and heaven, and he married three princesses. But who knows after the marriage three princess temperament change, preoccupied, unreasonable. Yang Jian into the pain of marriage. Erlang once again on the "love" had a doubt. Sun WuKong Havoc in Heaven, Jade Emperor helpless, to adopt Guan Yin's suggestion, to help Erlang God. Erlang God does not want to really fight with Sun WuKong, did not expect Sun WuKong not leave Germany, opened his mouth and stabbed to the pain of Yang Jian, Yang Jian finally helped Sun WuKong heaven. When Sun WuKong escaped from the gossip furnace and Yang Tian stopped asking for help again, Yang Jian had regretted his actions. On the streamer peach banquet, the glass curtain that mistakenly destroyed the jade emperor was shattered, and the canopy was drowned. Chang E was hit by Yang Jian. Yang Jian was furious, and the canopy was tied to heaven. The canopy was relegated Under mortal.Yang Jian has always been plagued by the problem of her mother, who never got the answer. The canopy made him feel that her mother was wrong. When Qi XianNv was an ordinary man, he was arrested and her sister, Eight Sisters, came to turn to Yang Jian for help. Yang Jian did not help him. He wanted to see if Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother touched the day with their own daughters What kind of response? The royal mother thought that Yang Jian had already realized the "love", and that Heaven really lacked a sufficient deterrent force of the god of justice. Thus, he played Mingyu Emperor and planned to seal Yang Jian as the judicial god. For a thousand years, while Wu Ge and Hu Mei practiced their success in cutting the sky, Wu Ge could not stand the temptation of immortality and would go to Tang Sanzang who had studied in the West. Sun WuKong falls Wu Wu with the help of the Patriarchal Lamp of Three Holy Madrasas. Hu Mei, pregnant, listens to Wu Ge's rhetoric and helps him escape Sun Wu-kong's control. Sun WuKong killed Wu Ge and accidentally injured Hu Mei. Hu Mei finally glanced at her newly born child and closed her eyes. Wang Mama persuaded Yang Jian by offering his own horse, and as long as he promised to serve as Judicial God, the royal mother would help him lift the marriage contract with the three princess of the West Bank. Yang Jian believes that without the distress of "love," it may really be possible to avoid a repeat of the love tragedy. What's more, if he holds the power of the Judicial God in his hands, he will be able to smoothly adjudicate many injustice and help many people who have suffered. So he resolutely with the three princess dismissed the contract, accepted the appointment of heaven. After being a god of justice, Yang Jian helped the people in the lower part of the world flee the unreasonable censure in heaven by helping them to help the sister-in-law to marry Ba TeEr, a grassland eagle, and help to rehabilitate many injustices ...... At this time, Could not live alone, private with Liu YanChang. Yang Jian, a god of justice, was so painful that she forced her sister under Huashan. From the nephew, Chen Xiang, Yang Jian saw his shadow. He finally realized that "love" is not wrong, the wrong in the top. In order to make everyone have the right to love, in order to betray the tragedy of love is not repeated, he finally moved to modify the idea of ​​the day.

Chicken auspicious (TV)[2005]

Feature: Huang Shang, a Ming dynasty, likes chickens to realize the mightiness from the image of chickens. Some courageous and unyielding are some highbrows. Son and Yao Chengxiang think the view is a bit far-fetched, too much in order to discourage his father's cock actually love chicken "Phoenix" stole out of the palace, the result so that Huang Shang can not afford the illness test. Chicken Cheung wishful stills 2 Subsequently, Huang Shang Chuanxiu determined to check the chicken thieves, cherished suspicions Shi TaiShi took the opportunity to Tai Zi and Prime Minister launched an attack. Stealing house to go chicken actually gone, love chicken stolen Huang Shang feel sad, decided to organize "chicken king contest" find another new chicken. When a business man was defeated and unable to raise San Lang, he was asked to find a friend in his capital, Jin Er. Two people were pulp that year as a marriage, have adopted the agreement of children and family. So San Lang hunt only called "handsome" chicken as a bride price to find the gold home. Jin Er is too poor and rich, see San Lang home down will be shut out. But San Lang did her best to stay home and had many fun things with Xing Er, two twin daughters of Jin Er. At this moment, Jin Er was very much in the mood to prepare for training a "King of Chickens." He did not think that San Lang's chicken was actually a brave fighting cock. One day, the chicken suddenly plunged into the cockfighting ground and everyone found it. Chickens can earn the title of an unfortunate war. Chicken Cheung stills 2 San Lang became paternity chicken, and made friends with Tai Zi and the princess, but also became the target of attack. San Lang's fate has changed. Fate suddenly become dangerous, suddenly become full of hope. Shi TaiShi father and son 觊 觎 觎 驸 horse and second-grade chicken king title, unscrupulous steal Grandpa. Romantic emotion of young people, middle-aged people make a dream lovely cute funny. Complex and changeable use of chicken fortune, the use of chickens to revenge, the use of chickens to express love ... ... Only San Lang obfuscated, stumbled, but is this simple and persistent comic character makes cute, ridiculous. Finally want to get the chicken did not get, but do not want to get but by selling fried chicken became a big rich man. Huang Shang also found out from the process of rooster that others saw her and decided to give up Tai Zi Dengji abolished the cockfighting and dismissed Shi TaiShi. The last new Huang Shang to marry Xing Er, give thanks to San Lang fried chicken shop "chicken auspicious", San Lang and month child also get married.

Lotus lamp (TV)[2004]

Feature: Chen Xiang (Neil Cao ornaments) and his father Liu YanChang (Liu Xiaofeng ornaments) still have a very quiet life until one day, Chen Xiang accidentally found himself actually contains "magic power" Can pass through the wall effortlessly. After his father learned that he told Chen Xiang to hide for many years the truth is that Chen Xiang's mother is actually the heavenly San ShengMu (Park Mi-xuan) because he violates the rules and marries himself as a mortal and is captured by the heaven. I do not know where to go. Chen Xiang was shocked to know the truth and decided to rule out the million years to rescue his mother. Er Lang Shen (Vincent Chiao), Chen Xiang's uncle, decided to stop Chen Xiang's saving his mother's journey. As a result, this difficult-to-mother trip kicked off by Er Lang Shen. During the journey, Chen Xiang met many kind people, encountered various resistances, and even wanted to give up. But in the end arrived, however, the determination to save the mother.

A foot Jiangshan (TV)[2001]

Feature: A foot Jiangshan posters Guiqiang honor team leader Yue E, beautiful and generous, straightforward nature, the renewal of a dedication. But the resurrection father's high hopes, depending on football as the first life, hope - North Korea to become the top players, the love of the moon did not understand only as sister. On a chance occasionally, Yue met some young soldier Zhang Jun, who was born on a frightening moon, at first sight of Yue'e, openly defying his mother, Yun Jie, who was absolutely unable to play football. In pursuit of Yue'e, he tried his best to join Taihe Although the floor, Jun love Cuju, but in the face of rigorous training feel miserable, Yun Jie know Jun joined the club, it Wo Tai Wo House, unexpectedly with the year crush Yun Jie Fan LaoEr re-encounter. A foot Jiangshan stills Fan LaoEr Tai Wo House player because of age is not light, rebirth for the ball and Jun jun sub-ball, but the resurrection that nature is fun, difficult to major event, and Jun is also only for the pursuit of Yue, fundamental Uninterested in the game, the two did not cooperate with each other, the result defeated the game, Tai Wo House was bigger clubs Fengle House acquisition, the resignation of the heart extremely regrettable, Fan LaoEr enlighten, and finally understand that football is stress unity and cooperation It is not a personal performance. Fengle House asked Tai Wo House players and guard of honor to pass the examination screening, and even Fan LaoEr is no exception, the successful return of life, Jun resurrection to help, lucky selection, Yue E also strength to enter the Fengle House, the three young people together Together, finally settled in Fengle House. In the subtle relationship between the two men and a woman triangle appears subtle, the fourth person, the capricious character, the mighty Huang BaoZhu suddenly killed, Bao Chu and the resurrection had a marriage contract, this arrival, in fact, is reminding marriage, to see Yue, eat Its vinegar, take the initiative to challenge. Repeatedly under the Competition, Yue Eqian, books, paintings are not as good as the Pearl, but fortunately, Zhang Jun encouraged to encourage the month E revitalized. Rejuvenation of the betrothal arrogant, very unhappy, frankly I just want to play football, will not think of anything else. At this point, Po Chu said his father Huang JinFu interested regret marriage, forcing her to marry Wang Zhao Ji as concubine Wang, Panlong attached Phoenix. Resurrection for the righteousness of marriage, decided to justice Zhao Ji, Zhao Ji appreciate the courage to return to life, put forward to compare each other to determine who belongs to the treasure; rebirth in the Calligraphy Zhao Ji lost, Baozhu hearing the news, in fact, Zhao Ji did not intend at all to save her back to life. Baozhu away, anti-revival can then concentrate on things, and finally admitted to the national well-known superstar clubs - Qi Yun Society, while the winners still have the future Song Dynasty Tai Wei - Qiu. Gao Qiu superb skills, but unscrupulous, in order to be a positive position, he did not hesitate to use tactics to maim his teammates, resurrection one by one in the eyes, and Jun set his own law and order, and finally Gao Qiu was expelled Qi Yun Society, from the two grudges . Baozhu accidentally stolen by the robbers bandits, sold into the brothel, Jiqizhisizheng, disguised as an actress, Li ShiShi was collected as a niece; Baozhu Li ShiShi make talent fame, become a timeless two courtesan. Qiyun agency, round society, the two ball club is about to face confrontation, much attention of the community, unjust to manipulate the results, involving a huge amount of money, the city rich and powerful son, tyrant or gentry, either plain or dark are involved.Resurrection of the name of profit and Jun, and finally tasted the match-fixing foul ball black-whistle crisis, the rehabilitation of awe-inspiring, because it does not play black ball, Huang JinFu people to interrupt the leg, Zhang Jun is in the glory and wealth and sportsmanship Both ways; in a fortuitous opportunity, Jun met Li ShiShi and Baozhu. Resurrection in the Fan LaoEr and Yue E Thousands under the care of a good leg injury and was touched by the moon E, and the monthly moth heart, Jun and the Pearl of love, join hands on the resurrection and the feelings of E sabotage, the final two Gao Qiu sees the heart of the heart, chasing the Yue E many times, but fortunately Yue Zhao use Zhao Ji maintenance, it will not be bullied by Gao Qiu, Jun and Baozhu Inadvertently, grow love in noisy. Soon Song and Jinju Ju competitions, the national team for the emperor's Zhao Ji, was selected by both student and student member Gao Qiu. Huang JinFu and Gao Qiu together decided to help the Song defeat the Kingdoms and Jun in a critical state of affairs because he wanted the Song to lose in order to win a lot of wealth and send people to kill him and Fan, . Yun and Fan together to study the "Cursory Heart Sutra" tactics, hoping to find out the road to victory; during which the two old and the relative overnight, old love incandescent, but due to face, still cover up with noisy. Contest kicked off, Gao Qiu and Huang Yijun Jun has been bought, making big gambling business, can not think of the stadium Jun but brave, using the teachings of Fan LaoEr Heart Sutra tactics, coupled with the ghost of the idea of ​​change all the way and gold team Clenched, but the gold team is full of strength, but also play tyrannical, Jun is difficult to turn the tide, emergency Liu, the rebirth of the Song team, Huizong, E, Fan, cloud and even all the audience are full of vigor, resurrection and Jun clever With the victory, defeat, the Song dynasty, the country jubilant, emblem of the best golden boots to the resurrection and Jun. In all the people indulge in the victory, the resurrection and Jun with Fan E, clouds and beads to escape Gao Qiu chase, quietly leave the country, away from the Western Regions will be the Chinese Cuju play, broadcast in the world.

Chivalrous break (TV)[2000]

Feature: In the Ming dynasty, the emperor of Ming Emperor Ming Cheng Cheng WangYe and the new subject champion Lu DingWen entered the imperial mausoleum of Taizu in search of Taishun Book which can govern the country. The royal tombs must be opened with three keys. Ding Wen and princes each have a hand. The third hidden in the royal mausoleum. However, after dealing with the Japanese ninja followed, the two sides almost killed and wounded, the prince suddenly turned his face and raised his sword. Fortunately, the tomb of Lin JiLi shot saved, both for the pulp that married. Eighteen years later, Lu Jianping, Lu DingWen's daughter, repulsed no evil and saved Shui RuoHan, a killer dressed as a scholar, with Xiao Long and Shi XiaoFu, who passed by Xiao Ding and Shi XiaoFu. Zhu YuLong travel two princes note that since then, everyone formed an irreversible. Unexpectedly, Lu JianPing has the "man and sword" ability to coax the emperor big music, the purpose of marriage to the two princes Princess. Jian Ping I do not know two princes is Zhu YuLong, always hate the relatives of the relatives of the sword with Wu Ma fled Shaoxing Shanglin. Jianping met Zhu YuLong on the road, Yulong wanted to move with the truth, decided to go with Shaolin. Shui RuoHan again robbed the keys on the road. So three thanks to Shaolin door. A group of young people to establish a deep friendship. Bai RuiXue, also a killer in the east factory, also sheltered near Shaolin. She has been adored in her heart. (2) Cao YouXiang, the East Eunuch's eunuch, found that after the escape of Jianping, Lu DingWen will be cut. The day of the robbery was rescued under the help of Xiao Long's mother, Heron and others. Lu DingWen found that if Han Yu hung a piece of jade Juan, it was Dingwen and Tomb of those who believe. Jianping learned that if the cold is his fiancé, joy endless, Yulong regret their loss of competitive qualifications. Unexpectedly, the hidden key to come up with the second key, in fact, the wife of the tomb, when the jade was killed by enemies captured, so if the cold if the murderer is also associated with the enemy. If the cold finally found the whereabouts of the second key, held hostage Dingwen managed to get away, and meet Jianping kill, Xiao Long and Jianping in the melee into the blue cold pool, encounter expert advice. Cao YouXiang told Yulong he was born by his mother-in-law and Cheng WangYe. Jade Dragon mother to prove, Rong Fei actually took out the third key as evidence. Jian Ping and Yulong's royal wedding held on schedule, Shui RuoHan rushed to prevent Jianping married. The emperor lowered Jianping's second offense of escaping to Lu DingWen and ordered him to be beheaded. Around. Xiao Long Shaolin and then continue to practice martial arts. Zhu YuLong cover Jianping with cold, and ordered the guard release release. Three keys have been Qi, Jian Ping and others finally open the organs, remove the God of Heaven, the tomb, the crowd some fight, Cao YouXiang finally been deadly self-wicked martial arts. Finally, Wu Ma scrapped Bai RuiXue's martial arts and stayed on the horseshoe of Song YinNiang forever. Jianping and Joan walked all the way in the wagon.

Real life little monk (TV)[1997]

Feature: Shaolin Temple live in a naive and lively little monk still still, called Kai Xin (Neil Cao ornaments), at the age of eight. He is clever, won Fang Zhang favorite, the only desire is to meet with his mother. Emperor critically ill, called Fang Zhang into the palace for medical treatment, and Li Zhi Biography Li located in the eleven prince. Fang Zhang was surprised. As a result, Xiao Xin was an eleven prince. Because of the seven-nevus on her feet, seven-star folklore, ten thousand soldiers, the eminent name of ten thousand soldiers, the emperor's taboo, he secretly asked Fang Zhang to take care of him. The princess did not know the secret, mistakenly thought his son was dead. Left a problem, Fang Zhang do not know how to be good. Ten princes ambitious, but An GuoGong great power, ten princes in a difficult situation, forced to leave the palace, to rivers and lakes school, hoping one day to get imperial power. To this end, he met other disciples Yun JianFei disciples such as martial arts. An GuoGong daughter Anyang County nature is unruly, she and Jianfei, Xiaofeng, Kai Xin monk to get acquainted with Jianfei more vindictive enemies, but each other is attracted to each other. She understood that after her father's atrocities, she stood on the side of justice. Finally, Jian Fei and Kai Xin worked together to eliminate An GuoGong. Kai Xin gave her brother and asked him to be a good emperor and return to the Shaolin Temple. Jianfei fly with the owner lover married, wandering horizon.

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