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Yongteng Zhu TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Yongteng Zhu Works 49 ,And Romance 13 ,Feature 9 ,War 8 ,Costume Drama 7 ,Urban drama 5 ,legend 4 ,Love 4 ,Workplace film 3 ,Year 3 ,Historical play 3 ,Suspense 3 ,Comedy 2 ,Myth play 2 ,Crime 2 ,抗战2 ,Historical legend 1 ,都市情感剧1 ,爱情谍战剧1 ,TV 1 ,亲情1 ,Spy war 1 ,军事1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Modern legend 1 ,Republic of China 1 ,Romantic drama 1 ,Settle a lawsuit 1 ,都市情感励志1 ,Resistance against Japanese aggression 1 ,Modern city 1 ,Idol drama 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Animation 1 ,Documentary 1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Ancient 1 ,Sci-Fi 1 ,Palace 1 ,Action 1 。

Works Index

Yongteng Zhu Filmography(49)


三生三世枕上书 (TV)[2020]


《三生三世枕上书》讲述了青丘国少女 Feng Jiu 在山间修行时被一头妖兽攻击,危急时刻被路过的天国帝君 Dong Hua 所救,从此铭记在心。为报恩 Feng Jiu 执意跟随 Dong Hua 与作乱世间的妖君渺落战斗。在相处中她发现自己的报恩之情已转化为爱慕之意。但 Dong Hua 在千百年与邪恶的斗争中,已经忘却了“情爱”二字。为保护 Feng Jiu 安全, Dong Hua 将她送到人间,却不幸令朋友为保护她而死。 Feng Jiu 为找到传说中能起死复生的仙果,进入翼族公主阿兰若的幻梦之境,重历阿兰若的坎坷一生。 Dong Hua 历经艰辛救出 Feng Jiu ,发现自己已爱上了她。此时 Dong Hua 重伤发作,自觉命不久矣,只能将对 Feng Jiu 的爱埋在心底,把对她的思念写成枕上之书。本已心灰意冷的 Feng Jiu 发现了枕上书,感悟到 Dong Hua 对自己深沉的感情,于是毅然赶赴战场,燃烧生命的力量,战胜强敌,帮助 Dong Hua 维护了世间和平。最终正义战胜邪恶,光明战胜黑暗, Dong Hua 与 Feng Jiu 得以有情人终成眷属

安家 (TV)[2020]


房似锦年纪轻轻已经是安家天下中介公司的金字招牌,她在上司翟云霄的授意之下,空降静宜门店担任双店长。门店原生店长徐文昌是个“高贵的人”,他推崇“人性流”管理方式,也不屑对付手段卑鄙的对手。到任后房似锦施展雷霆手段坚壁清野,对外辣手反击,对内冷血整肃。虽然在房似锦的铁血管理下众人苦不堪言,但是业绩的提升的确振奋了门店士气。房似锦的管理方式和处事之道与徐文昌截然相反,而业务员们也在两位“神仙”的较劲中左右为难。身为房产中介的他们不仅要帮助客户买房卖房租房,还时常被裹挟着卷入他们的人生,见证他们生活中的歌舞升平与一地鸡毛 。


The general is up (TV)[2017]

Feature: During Song RenZong years, general Ye Zhao's daughter Ye Zhao, dressed in a man's costume, excelled in martial arts and energetic. General in the stills 16-year-old court was appointed to the task, put on battle, killing numerous enemies on the battlefield, well-known. Because Ye Zhao led Ye Jiajun won the border victory, the emperor sealed the Ye Zhao generals. Ye Zhao is actually playing on the emperor himself is a girl, the ruling and opposition to whom the shock. Liu TaiHou, who drafted the curtain of government, has been worried that Ye Zhao has taken a heavy hand to deter imperial power and that Yi Zhao has given Ye Zhao the right to marry the emperor's nephew to the emperor's nephew Zhao YuJin. One is the battlefield to kill winking living hell, majestic generals, one is a spoiled childhood since childhood Prince Jun, eager to pull the mountains and rivers of men and women, the two opened the couple between the main War.

Phoenix Warriors (TV)[2017]

Feature: Phoenix Star, due to over-armed destruction of ecology, into a glacier. Virgo Ji RouSang (MIYA ornaments) with energy stone "tears of the day" to escape, the country division ghost Jiao (Guan Xuan ornaments) and half man and half machine Jiao Tong (Royi ornaments) chase, fled to another blue planet. This is exactly the chaotic after-North-South split that broke out in the Wei and Jin Dynasties. When the phoenix appeared and the five-light gem fell from the sky, it was the "Supreme Treasure". Nan Liang Emperor Siu Yu (Yongteng Zhu ornaments) hunting, case Ji RouSang, scared to Heaven, and gave birth to five Xiao XiaoQing (Joe Zheng). Ji RouSang to escape the ghost Jiao follow, suspended animation suspended, the "tears of the day" to a girl of five years old drowning Miao 芊 芊 (Likun Wang ornaments). Two decades later, Miao 芊 芊 was extinguished, after the fall of the river by the Southern Liang Rui Xiao FengQing rescued, "tears" and then

My little aunt (TV)[2017]

Feature: In the early 1960s, Qiu Hong, who was in his early twenties, was a rising star of Beijing Opera deeply loved by audiences. She was in love with his childhood friend Sun ZhaoLong. In a time of smooth sailing, a series of accidents suddenly came. My sister, Qiu Xia, gave birth and gave birth to her son, Qiu Shan. She gave her three young children entrusted with the care of Qiu Hong before her death. Xu MoFei, a brother-in-law who was far away from the suburbs, went back to funerals and suffered a paraplegic high in a car accident. For her sister's promise of dying, Qiu Hong resolutely takes on the responsibility of taking care of the family. In order to raise children, Qiu Hong could not normally participate in the troupe's performance, had to interrupt the thriving business. In the meantime, Qiu Hong burst into tears and broke up with Sun ZhaoLong in order not to cause a career for Sun ZhaoLong, his lover. Xu MoFei, a brother-in-law, could not bear to drag Qiu Hong, sending two older children back to the country to send their new-born child to others and be ready to commit suicide. In a critical moment, Qiu Hong rescued her brother-in-law and returned the children one by one. She made a determined effort not to bow to misery and must raise her three children as adults. However, as to how easy it was for her family, her eldest daughter, Qiu Yun, became withdrawn from the original lovely girl. Qiu Feng, her second child, resented her newborn brother Qiu Shan for her mother's death. In the face of all this, Qiu Hong cried out with her little Qiu Shan, who had just lost her mother's life. Fortunately, with the help of her young painter Su Qing, Qiu Hong grew up and gradually learned how to be a mom. After being rejected by Qiu Hong, Sun ZhaoLong, frustrated and angry, married the rural girl Ma GuiLan. With a shrew-like wife, Sun ZhaoLong lives in dire straits. Ma GuiLan eat Qiu Hong's vinegar, often have to give birth to right and wrong, making Sun ZhaoLong miserable. Qiu Hong, Su Qing, Sun ZhaoLong Three people in this mutual staggered emotions cling together, and finally toward a different path of life, unconsciously, the time came in the eighties of last century. Three children grew up, brother-in-law Xu MoFei also died. Qiu Hong is still supporting this home. Her husband's legacy "autumn" to go to the exhibition, but at this time bizarre lost. The emotional life of Qiu Hong also waves, once loved her two men Sun ZhaoLong and Su Qing, making her difficult choice. Qiu Yun 's marriage, her elder son Qiu Feng' s solitary selfishness and the younger son Qiu Shan 's drop out of school all overreacted Qiu Hong' s heart. She has always been calm, swept the tide of life, overwhelmed. And Sun ZhaoLong and Su Qing two men are inseparable, gave her the strength and courage to face all the sudden. Qiu Hong, a middle-aged man, has undergone numerous hardships and finally has the wisdom to solve one of the problems of his family. Her personality charm has also deeply influenced the children. Daughter Qiu Yun experienced twists and turns and finally found true love; Qiu Feng experienced confusion and depression, but also understand the aunt's painstaking; Qiu Shan in order to find his father lost painting after hardships, after life and death, the initial mind does not change. Qiu Hong himself, in the age of perplexity, finally realized the true meaning of life, made a choice, and reap the sweet love. The growth of children makes Qiu Hong happy.She propped up a day for the family, and the children gave her the most sincere return.

Tong Ren Di RenJie (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Di RenJie" tells the story of Yan LiBen (Jingrong Li) encountering Di RenJie (Jia Lun Ren) for wrongdoing in the Tang Emperor Gaozong years. After helping his self-help, he found him a broken-line Wizards. Coincides with the emperor sent him to the Yewu Temple investigation, then decided to take Di RenJie together. In the temple of sensation, Di RenJie detected a strange case, defused a Buddhism robbery and became attached to Wu MeiNiang (Jiao Junyan). Di RenJie blockbuster, was sent to the emperor and the state during this period, he repeatedly broke the odd cases, known as the Divine sentence. At the time, there was a former ghost troop killings. Di RenJie went to see and was found to be related to the excesses of the former treasures and Pu WangLiTai's intentional rebellion but was destroyed and could not be continued. At this time, Wu MeiNiang killed her relatives and women and wronged Wang HuangHou. The Emperor called Di RenJie back to Chang'an for investigation. According to the clues provided by Wu MeiNiang, Di RenJie cracked the case and found the former treasures in the residence of Li Tai, which proved to be evidence of the rebellion of Pu Wang. And Di RenJie also know that in the process of solving the case in the process of bottleneck when confused every one actually was Wu MeiNiang, Wu MeiNiang feel unpredictable, ambitious even more than their own imagination. Sure enough, shortly afterwards, Tang Gaozong was attacked by wind disease and allowed Wu MeiNiang to go to the DPRK together.

Weekend parents (TV)[2017]

Feature: Yu ZhiYuan, Zhao JiaNi Five-and-a-half year old married son Yu ZhenXuan lives in her grandmother from Monday to Friday. The couple only bring their children home on weekends and enjoy a short parent-child time. They are commonplace in this city. "Weekend Parents." By chance, Zhao JiaNi realized that "parents are valid." In order to be able to participate in the growth of their son, the couple began to work hard and strive for an early end to such a life. In the process of struggle, Yu ZhiYuan grew up from a lurking reporter to a clan chief editor, while Zhao JiaNi also promoted himself from a mediocre little woman to a unique foreign employee. In this process, the young couple face the temptation of the rapid development of society, one after another hold the bottom line, toward the goal. Ultimately, they stick to the values ​​of the times, never give up each other, and finally understand that companionship is the deepest love of the child & nbsp ;.

The first shot (TV)[2017]

Feature: During the War of Resistance Against Japan, the northeast anti-Japanese contingent led by our party conducted an arduous struggle with the Japanese troops in the three northeastern provinces. Japanese troops as the leader of the anti-Japanese contingent leader Yang ZhenShan as the biggest enemy, that as long as the elimination of Yang ZhenShan, the Northeast will be peaceful. As a result of the traitors' suicide, Commander Yang ZhenShan died in a heroic sacrifice. The Japanese Chief won the war of resistance against Japanese aggression and the northeast people's anti-Japanese morale with his top leader as a spoil of war, and delusiled his attempt to bring about an overthrow of the anti-Japanese will of the people in spirit. The anti-Japanese warrior Yang BaoZhong took revenge on the Founder, led a handful of fighters and, in the face of the enemy's weakness and weakness, we broke through all the difficulties and achieved amazing feats. At the cost of life and tenacious will, Yang BaoZhong regained dignity. In the meantime, in the battle to regain the heroic "widow", the anti-Japanese warriors launched a large number of patriotic and civil society groups and aroused the national sentiments of various forces in northeast China. Local armed forces and ordinary people all started the unyielding struggle against the Japanese invaded one after another, Punished the traitors, recaptured the leader, and infringed on the aggressor.

She is very pretty (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Zhang XiaoNa, an urban elite called "Na son," rose to vice president just over thirty. Workplace proud, can be a barren field of love, even a true love never had. Xiao Na, a younger brother who took Xiaona's life as her own responsibility, gave her the VIP for her marriage at a prestigious marriage ceremony. The story of her selection of her husband kicked off. This pair of siblings, one is a successful business but has a girl's feelings of 30-year-old unmarried women, one is a 22-year-old computer wizard, which the wonderful siblings, which launched a comedy show of love and marriage. God pays off, Xiao Na finally ushered in the inflection point of love, because a blind date affiliate phase of the site, Xiaona accidentally get to know returned overseas study Chang Qing, the fate of the two fickle thus started, Victoria also found their own Happiness.

Im Du LaLa (TV)[2016]

Feature: I am Du LaLa, a 30-year-old working-class elite Du LaLa, who will soon be on the rank of director. And she and Wang Wei's love affair is also ripe, get married and lead a happy life. Unexpectedly, the company suddenly appeared airborne Bingui Kai Xi, the same personnel manager, and Larra competing personnel director. Kai Xi Bilala young, but in no way inferior ability. Two people in the company's personnel recruitment, annual programs and other work in close combat, several times Lara almost defeated. Lala feel pressure, director of the place is also crumbling. However, Lala did not expect that Kai Xi and Wang met for a long time, especially loved by her mother Lu AiHua. Kai Xi deeply influenced by Western culture, taken for granted, and the Royal family to go very close to Lala to bring a lot of trouble. Although Lara is the workplace elite, but it is a family rookie. At first she ran out of work in balance between workplaces and families, which caused a lot of controversy. Atlas had even contradicted Wang Wei. But pulling the bones of good persistence, let her gradually grow. In the end, Lara won my mother-in-law's love of being a good wife and a happy wife with her own efforts and true love of the family.

Girlfriends marry (TV)[2016]

Feature: Xia Qing and Gao XinYa This is a pair of inseparable good girlfriends, good neighbors. Xia Qing's parents divorced, and soon the summer father married Gao XinYa's mother, the two relations have become tense. Xia Qing and Gao XinYa also changed their rivals from their friends. However, they were actually married to a pair of brothers - Zhong JiaChen and Zhong LiYang. They also became supervisors at work. Since then, the relationship between the two has become more subtle. Due to various reasons, two new couples had to live under the same roof and live under the pressure of her mother-in-law Zhang YingHong. Xia Qing and Gao XinYa solo from planning, to swear away each other, bite the bullet to fight secrets, the rivalry between the two often spread to the bell brothers, the two brothers dilemma. After a long run, the two girls who experienced the ups and downs have their own growth, they slowly realize the strengths and strengths of each other, rely on each other, fight side by side. Eventually, at the critical juncture of the crisis at home, the two joined hands and helped each other out of the storm.

Lemon early morning (TV)[2016]

Feature: Zuo ZaiJun and Zheng Lei are college buddies, but both men share a common eight-year-old non-biological "daughter" Miao Miao. Little Lemon is Re Chun and Zheng Lei college adore object, but also Miao Miao's mother, eight years ago, Little Lem went to the United States to study after the sound. Eight years later, a small lemon appears again, and then there are too many uninformed disasters. The small lemon is moved by another action. Then Jun finally agreed to let Xiao-Miao Miao Miao back to Shanghai. After returning to Shanghai, Zheng Lei and Xiao Le walked very close, and then made a big splash of jealousy. They also came to Shanghai shortly afterwards. The two dads became lovers of rivalries and each started their offensive with a great amount of jokes. Chun accidentally met college students Sun Ni, Sun Ni bold pursuit of love, small lemon vinegar but did not dare to look squarely at the activities of the heart. Zheng Lei see through the heart of the small initiative to exit, and met the hot maid flowers Tong Dan, Tong Dan, moved by the really cheerful moved. The final secret of the little lemon was slowly opened, then Jun Chun sincere ad campaign touched the little lemon, no matter what happens in the future, both decided to go firmly.

Hakka situation (TV)[2016]

Feature: "Hakka situation" tells the story of Zhu Yan because of his father was killed in the engraving technology known Tang family, from this huge family together, Zhu Yan experienced emotional entanglement with the British collectors, Master Tang's bitter love The misfortunes of family misfortunes and the impact of the turmoil from the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China. Zhu Yan relies on his tenacity, industriousness and openness to avenge his father, raise children of Tang children, reform the carving skills of the Tang family, and help an ancient family support hardships in the historical turmoil and turmoil, and ride through difficulties one after another . At the crucial moment of her time, she resolutely embarked on the road to revolution and honored her honors with engraving techniques. She showed her heartfelt and ordinary Chinese feminine righteousness.

她很漂亮 (TV)[2016]


电视剧《她很漂亮》剧情介绍:讲述了都市精英、人称“娜公子”的 Zhang XiaoNa ,刚过三十就荣升为副总裁。职场得意,可情场一片荒芜,连一场真正的爱情都没有过。以晓娜人生大事为己任的弟弟小维,在著名婚介所给她办理至尊VIP,一场遴选姐夫的故事拉开序幕。这一对姐弟俩,一个是事业成功却拥有少女情怀的三十岁未婚女、一个是二十二岁电脑奇才,这对奇葩姐弟,由此展开了爆笑的婚恋之旅。上天不负有心人,晓娜终于迎来了爱情的拐点,因为一次相亲网站的相亲舞会,晓娜意外结识海外留学归来的 Chang Qing ,两人奇妙的缘分由此展开,小维也找到了属于自己的幸福。


GoodbyeMr.Loser (Movie)[2015]

Feature: At the wedding of Qiu Ya (Zhi Wang), the first student of the student age, Xia Luo (Shen Teng), who reared soft rice after graduation, faked his money and made the most of his ugly appearance. His wife, Ma DongMei Decorated) piercing violent hammer. Chaos, Xia Luo accidentally across time and space, back to the 1997 student times classroom. He was sloppy and thought it was a highly realistic dream, so he beat Wang LaoShi and Qiu Ya and tried to jump off to wake himself up. When he was wounded he woke up from his bed, he realized that he really crossed time and space. Since there is a chance to come back, it is better toss a back. He bravely pursued Qiu Ya, taunting Yuan Hua (Zheng Yin), and rejected Ma DongMei's stalker. Later Xia Luo by virtue of "creation" Hackberry, Dou Wei et al famous song into the entertainment. His life has undergone tremendous changes, but somewhere in his heart is more and more emptiness ...

Smile (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Xia Qing and Gao Xin Ya this is a pair of inseparable good girlfriends, good neighbors. Xia Qing's parents divorced, and soon the summer married his father to the heart of the elegant mother, the two relations have become nervous. Xia Qing and Gao Xinya change friends from friends. However, they were actually married to a pair of brothers, Zhong Jialin and Zhong Lanyan, who have also become up and down in their work.

The crisis of your legend (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Crisis" stills In 1931, Japan invaded and occupied the three northeastern provinces of China. The fall of the northeast gave the people of the country a heart-felt tragedy and a frenzied anti-Japanese patriotic trend of thought was set off across the country. Ye ZongShou, a martial arts mastermind in the martial arts town of Cangzhou, Shenzhou Martial Art Museum knows Yeongju well, and hates Japan for invading China. She devoted her entire life to the anti-Japanese armed donation in Northeast China. The magical effect of Kim Chong-San has aroused the great attention of Japan's Kwantung Army. Shortly after Ye ZongShou was assassinated, his will was made public at the funeral, Ye ZongShou handed the martial art to the beloved Wei HongSheng and split the Jin Chong San prescription into two for Wei HongSheng and eldest son Ye ShanQun. The original two incompatible, each holding half of the prescription to continue the pharmaceutical, but unfortunately the efficacy is far worse. Japanese Yamamoto and Nakamura colluded with Yang ShiXuan, the police chief, in an attempt to seize the prescription. Finally, both Yeh and Wei finally unite with each other in order to hold their own Chinese medicines and conduct a just and evil battle of life and death with the Japanese. Eventually, Yamamoto killed, Nakamura and other fled, Yang ShiXuan also get due punishment.

Out of the Moon Island (TV)[2015]

Feature: Photo After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, the Chinese armed forces persisted in protracted war of resistance, smashed the Japanese dream of "three months of demise of China", and after they were mired in the quagmire of the war and depleted their national resources and resources, the Japanese army headquarters proposed to the Japanese troops in the Chinese theater that they should fight war and self- Self-sufficient frustration requirements. According to the requirements of the base camp, the northeast Japanese troops secretly built a labor camp on Moon Island and arrested more than 3,000 people and prisoners of war to serve as laborers. Under the inhuman supervision of the Japanese prisoners, 3000 workers struggled to death in hell. In the face of death, workers spontaneously escape from prison, failed. The jailbreak organizers with Liu MoYang and Lu Gang as the core realized that they must organize the entire workforce and unify their actions. A "jail" in the name of jailbreak plan quietly started. In the face of prison officials' supervision of dripping like metal drums, Liu MoYang and Lu Gang worked tirelessly to find minor leaks and weaknesses in the iron drums. Qiu TianHong, a woman prisoner of the Eighth Route Army, heroically sacrificed for the escape. , A pool of casual workers quickly gather to break through the prison guard, the success of jailbreak, played a soul-stirring symphony of life.

Wild geese (TV)[2015]

Feature: In the spring of 1948, Li Mei, head of the two detection and prevention departments at the Nanjing Station of the Security Bureau, in a single operation, suffered some amnesia and forgotten his identity as a communist. CCP intelligence agents pretend to betray design to revive Li Mei's memory. Li Mei, who has resumed contact with the party organization, collaborates with the organization to complete the task and finds time to gather Gao Feng, tactical instructor at the Army University. Hu YiFu, head of the Nanjing Bureau of the Security Bureau, has been secretly monitoring Li Mei and Li Mei for several times. During her life with Gao Feng she died, wiped out a spark of love, and married. Finally, Li Mei assisted Gao Feng in announcing the uprising, and the PLA's million-strong army crossed the river and Nanjing Liberated.

Jagged light Jones (TV)[2015]

Feature: In 1944, the New Fourth Army won the Battle of the Axle Bridge. Subsequently, the Japanese troops successively occupied the main thoroughfares along the Yangtze River in an attempt to stop the growth and development of the New Fourth Army. The Chaoyang City, the main town, fell into the hands of the Japanese army. The division dispatched headed by Nie Tianming Of the New Fourth Army assault squad rushed to Chaoyang City, rescue and transfer of personnel and supplies have been exposed troops station, the squad learned that the Japanese military secretly and Chaoyang City Yokota Dojo and Toyo Co., Ltd. as one in an attempt to Chaoyang City Development Into the Japanese military important intelligence stations and supplies base. The division decided not to let the devil succeed. When the unit entered Chaoyang City and started an investigation, it was found that Chen Hancheng, who was originally an object of reprisal, was actually an anti-Japanese heroes. In the ensuing battle, Nim Tianming led the assault squad to destroy the secret chamber of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and intercepted a great deal of valuable intelligence and joint Four Seas Martial Arts defeated Yokota Dojo. Experienced a series of wits and wars, and finally matched with the large forces, annihilating the enemy and liberating Chaoyang City.

Painful 17 (TV)[2015]

Feature: 17-year-old painful tells the story of Qiu ShuangYi, founder of the island of safety, became a celebrity because of a program focused on adolescent growth. The mysterious girl Wu XiaoMeng came to the island as an Qiu ShuangYi fan and was assigned to work with Li DaLe and Li DaLe. Not on the Wu XiaoMeng, that she is just a brainchildren, in dealing with young girls two different ways of doing things, often tit for tat. The island's customers are a group of parents and teachers helpless girls - the mother had six times marriage heart machine girls Kui Zhi, sent by their parents to go to school innocent, raised by his father's mistress Li WeiXi, was detained in the detention center A Meng, a brainchild of a rural girl, has a small family love. In the process of contact with these problem girls, Wu XiaoMeng and Li DaLe gradually discovered that it is not just children who need psychological counseling. While helping the teenage girl, the three Islanders also face their own troubles. Qiu ShuangYi and her husband, Li DaLe, have no relationship with their fathers. Wu XiaoMeng, who never mentioned her life experience, seems to have taken another purpose.

Hong Kong big rescue (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Rescue in Hong Kong Harbor" tells the story of Ye JiaTong (Jingjian Hou), the secret agent of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) secretly hiding in Hong Kong before and after the fall of Hong Kong in December 1941, With the help of his superior leader, Zhang MingShen, stick to Hong Kong and rescue hundreds of patriotic cultural elites and democrats from leaving Hong Kong. Xue YingTi (Yongteng Zhu), a former student of Ye JiaTong, who followed Wang Ching-wei's surrender to Japan after being betrayed by the party, was ordered to take charge of the arrest and screening of cultural people, posing a major threat to the rescue work. Ye JiaTong's former lover, Liang Liang-yeh, who has been renamed "Ge Lu", has been involved in the wise-brave showdown in order to help Ye JiaTong accomplish his rescue mission and proactively approached Xue YingTi, who loved her. Due to the betrayal of the traitors, the CPC underground in Hong Kong was devastatingly destroyed. Ye JiaTong was in no danger of endangering. The enemy's weakness was used to start the "Crash Plan" and continue to rescue him. Between Xue YingTi and Japanese agent Chuan QiZhiZi (Song Jialing) Cleverly dealt with, and finally won the victory of the province of Hong Kong full victory & nbsp ;.

XingFuQingNiDengDengWo (TV)[2014]

Feature: Publicity According to Wang CaiHong, a capable barber shop owner, she lives thrifty on weekdays, plan carefully. Originally living in accordance with her track orbit design smooth, do not want to, her husband suddenly disappeared into the rainbow into endless panic and confusion. Niu YiYi, a capable company white-collar worker, married Wang CaiHong's brother Wang ChaoHui and resided at the door of Wang CaiHong before divorcing Wang Zhaohui. After the divorce, Wang CaiHong and Niu YiYi continue to live in the door, do not want to deal with are immune, not to mention they also have their own troubles and troubles, involuntarily, two different personality women had to start mutual support and mutual assistance Life, face the difficulties of life together. The experience of the past so that they find that love and marriage how important to them, so they decided to rekindling their heads, starting again, looking for a happy life, a beautiful love and marriage. Those who sincerely treat life must be blessed. After multiple sharpening, Wang CaiHong finally got the return of life, the kind of real life and sincere love. Finally Niu YiYi also increased her experience of this period of life, found her own flaw, she with a new look and body and mind, pack up, set foot on the road to happiness. The above information source

My war 2 (TV)[2014]

Feature: In 1942, when the war of resistance against Japan was proceeding to the stage of death-death showdown, a 20-member Japanese Red Detachment team led by Jie Li, a top student in the Japanese army officer's school, The anti-Japanese armed forces frequently used their hands. In the face of sudden attacks, the New Fourth Army immediately called back Nie TianMing (Yongteng Zhu), Bai San (Wei Chunuang) and others formed the "New Fourth Army Cheetah Commando" and took a big battle with each other. Cheetah commandos first with the special battle of the Chiron team successfully seized the town of Xianghe military town, followed by the successful rescue of two Japanese pilots captured by the Japanese army. In a counter-offensive mission, two commandos unfortunate enough to fall into the trap of being locked in a concentration camp tortured, the commando after fierce fighting destroyed the concentration camp and rescue all held. Dragon and other people into shame, planning to lead a group of armed attack on the hook. Cheetah commandos team up with the final blow up of all arms, and captured a group of Japanese experts finally destroyed the Japanese special forces. However, the war is not over, Nie TianMing and his comrades will continue to usher in a new battle.

My grandpa and grandmas story (TV)[2014]

Feature: My grandfather and grandmother's story describes a love story of a young man and woman who fell in love with each other and finally took the road to revolution together. My grandfather and grandma met half a century ago because of their different backgrounds and family background. To love is hit out. In my grandmother's performance, drunk my grandpa to trouble, they are so acquainted. To this end my grandmother especially look down on my grandpa. At that time, my grandma was young and beautiful. Often there are some frivolous children and officials and wealthy come to provoke trouble, a coincidence opportunity, my grandfather went to struggle with my grandma's rogue broke out and this gang of criminals flirted, from me Grandma began to have a good impression on my grandpa. As the years went by, my grandfather fought with my grandmother, divided the points, but they could not be separated from each other. According to my grandfather's words, this is called love & nbsp ;.

Happy bloom (TV)[2013]

Feature: "Happy Bloom" tells the story of the late seventies of the last century, the force propaganda team sisters Qi Wen, Xiao TongHua also fell in love with the military Zhong JianMin, but the bell has a soft spot on the Qi. When the army was streamlined and adapted, Zhong JianMin faced a turning point. Qi Wen made a miscarriage to complete his love. After returning to the city, Zhong JianMin became an official doctor thanks to Xiao TongHua's father's help. At the moment, however, Qi Wen, who is still in the army, is suffering from the pain of Acacia and destroying its future and voluntarily demands that he be transferred back to the city. However, he faces the marriage of Zhong Jianmin and Xiao Tonghua. Shortly after Xiao TongHua gave birth to twins, her daughter was born with congenital leukemia. Zhong JianMin gave her daughter because of fear. Kind Qi Qi quietly adopted the child, marry driver Xia YuanChao and away from home. A few years later, Qi Wen returned to town, raising daughter Xia Fei and her brother Zhong Yishan to become the best classmate. And then because of a sudden death of leukemia leukemia, unable to bear the pain of Xiao-sonHua learned Xia Fei's life experience, vowing to regain her daughter Xia Fei. Xia YuanChao In order to retain her daughter, suffered a car accident into a silly. At this point, the summer Fei leukemia relapse, mother Tong Tong Xiao TongHua bone marrow success. Qi Wen returns to Xiao TongHua and Zhong JianMin for her daughter's future, leaving Xia YuanChao again. Eighteen years later, Xia Fei grew up, abandoned by their parents heart knot has not been solved. Xiao TongHua Death Margin Say Xia Fei seeking mother. Big crowd, Xia Fei never thought, Qi Wen and Xia YuanChao never left, they have been quietly guarding her daughter Xia Fei's side. This is a story about friendship, love and struggle and life. It contains the selfishness and goodness of human nature, and it has the helplessness and surprise of fate. It inspires and impresses.

Black Roses Iron Cavalry (TV)[2013]


The story of the Jagged Black Cavalry Cavalry takes place on the second battlefield of the Anti-Japanese War in the west of Yunnan, The Lan Me (Miao Fu) family died under the bayonet's bayonet. In order to take revenge, Lan Me was alone in preparing to assassinate the division head of the 18th Division. Just as Lan Me continued to fight the sundial, he met three other girls, Yin BiXia , Luo Yong and Qing Feng , the four-person Yi Jinlan, spontaneously formed an anti-Japanese towel “Death Squad” and composes a ode to the spirit of national spirit that runs through Changhong.


AMY GO (TV)[2012]

Feature: Ai Mi is an optimistic girl who interviewed Chen Yan while she was interviewed by the actress Zhao Yan. Director Zhao Lai chose Ai Mi for her eyeballs. Chen Yan was very active and was eliminated. Ai Mi, who was a pioneer in the company, was under pressure to meet Zhang HePing by chance. Ai Mi got help from Zhang HePing and Zhao Lai, and gradually came to prominence through unremitting efforts. In contrast, girlfriend Chen Yan career development is in trouble. When Ai Mi and Zhao Lai walked from the workplace to the emotional relationship between men and women, Chen Yan was unacceptable, though she was surrounded by her childhood friend Zhao Sicheng.

Wishful (TV)[2012]

Feature: In the early years of a Republic full of tea town, there Tan, Tong two big family. Tan MingKai rushed back to inherit the family business while Tan LaoYe was on her deathbed. The return of Tan MingKai brings young people in town not only progressive ideas but also the courage to pursue equality and love. Miss Tong, Miss Silk If you are looking forward to becoming a bride of Tan MingKai, but hope he hopelessly fell in love with her good sisters, daughter of tea farmers wishful! As a result, Tong SiRuo became a hatred of a wishful friendship and, together with Gao QiuLang, who was supposed to be a master of Tan II, destroyed Tan. Gao QiuLang Tan family calculations step by step, and wishful and Tan MingKai's love has also been him as a bargaining chip. Wishful suffering from the torture of Tan FuRen and Gao QiuLang trick. Gao QiuLang hopes to get Tan family, plans to let Tan FuRen get killed, but will own mother forced into despair. Wishful and Ming Kai also suffered because of the fire away from death. After experiencing all sorts of catastrophes, all have set aside old complaints and started new life.

SpeedAngels (Movie)[2011]

Feature: "Speed ​​Angels" About Rene Liu and Cecilia Cheung was the soul of the speed of the speed of the team, the two partners made countless championship. However, in a key match, the sudden disappearance of two led to the defeat of the team and thus dissolved. A year later, Streamers coach Han Jae-suk decided to reorganize the team. Tang Wei, a cab driver, was excavated by Han Jae-suk and Hussein trained him as a first-class driver and partner with Rene Liu and Chie Tanaka The leading Japanese racing team launched a battle of life and death. Speed ​​Angels poster This is a group of fashion, maverick urban girl's story, from speed to effort, the perfect showcase of urban girls fever project - racing, extreme sports and other activities in the real world and fantastic world extraordinary performance, clever Fusion series from a competitive, inspirational story, is a modern race car, extreme sports of the culmination of the racing led the first Asia Pacific action film girl. Outstanding driver Han Bing (faction) was fueled by her fiancé abandoning her and choosing to play hand in hand with You Mei, the club partner of Mega Speed ​​Racing. Today, Yan Feng Speed ​​coach Coach Gao Feng finds Han Bing, who indulges in alcohol again, inviting her to the Asian Cup competition and bringing in a new player from a taxi driver. Little Yin due to psychological stress and can not enter the state, this time You Mei relegation and Han Bing partner again. The team's elite rival Sakura Netelsov made a high profile appearance under the auspices of Han Bing's former fiancé Tsukizu and led You Mei to his command so there was no time to find players. Streamer only Han Bing and Xiaoyi partner to launch the only option, while the small car was injured in accordance with the accident, how the speed of flow breakthrough a lot of obstacles to reproduce the glory.

Undercover (TV)[2011]

Feature: TV drama screenings In 1945, when Japan surrendered and World War II came to a close, the Japanese imperialist ambitions were eventually smashed. However, the troubled Chinese nation has yet to reach the end of victory. With the retreat of foreign enemies, the civil war spirals. In order to steal the fruits of the victory of the war, the Kuomintang planned the war on the Chinese communists. Kuomintang security agents inserted inside the Communist Party Meng ZhaoYang identity exposed and died, but at the same time Communist Party members inside the KMT list was betrayed, the communist intelligence front is facing a crisis! Gao ZhiHua, the secretary secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, was mortally attacked and pretending to be Meng ZhaoYang "returning" to the Kuomintang Telecom Office to lurk inside the Kuomintang to obtain the confidential intelligence of the Kuomintang, code named "Venus." Unexpectedly Gao ZhiHua just entered the military unification, it is dangerous to be seen. The first one who suspected him was a translator named Gong Li. Gong Li, a returned female officer who returned from Yang Yang, was unruly, indulgent and unrivaled. However, she had superb skills of deciphering her, and she was the target of Kuomintang's key development. Conflicts between Gong Li and Gao ZhiHua continue. Gong Li questioned the identity of Gao ZhiHua because of the different frequency of the report, when Gao ZhiHua escaped his finger and ran away, but Gong Li still had a heart attack on him. Gao ZhiHua was gradually reused by Director Liu MingYuan and became the immediate supervisor of Gong Li. Gong Li could not be controlled by him at all and did his best. Gong Ming, Minister of Telecommunications, Development Liu MingYuan Development Gong Li joins the KMT unsuccessfully and secretly abducts Gong Yu's sister Gong Yu. Because her sister was taken away, Gong Li left the military unwillingly, and got along well with Gao ZhiHua, a true and frankly optimistic person. Gong Li looking for his sister still failed to find short-sighted, but accidentally saved Gao ZhiHua, into the hospital. Gao ZhiHua accidentally discovered that Kang JingJing, her lover in Yan'an, was lurched in a hospital by the party organization. She usually takes the doctor's status as a cover and when necessary, coordinates Gao ZhiHua, codenamed "Sea holly". KMT Operations Pan JiuYang and Zhao Nan still doubt the status of Gao ZhiHua, so Meng ZhaoYang's law student Guan Qun got a certificate confirming Gao ZhiHua's true identity. Critical moment, Kang JingJing successfully assassinated Guan Qun, temporarily lifted the crisis. Pan JiuYang to heart. As soon as the negotiations began in Chongqing, Gao ZhiHua successfully handed out the KMT's important report on the decision of the Communist Party to "pacify and suppress bandits" first through Gong Li's ballpoint pen tube so that Gong Li knew the identity of Gao ZhiHua's Communist Party, but Gong Li already had a good impression of it , Did not make it to the world. As a result, Pan JiuYang became more suspicious of Gao ZhiHua within the Kuomintang and soon set off a new round of investigation. At this moment, the Telecommunication Office came over with a new colleague, Han XiaoXi. Gong Li likes to be her sister. Liu MingYuan claiming to be specially with Gong Li, but she is actually the exclusive lover Liu. Gao ZhiHua Liu MingYuan was kidnapped Gong Yu in the morning. After dark investigation, the fruit was found by Gao ZhiHua Liu MingYuan imprisoned Gong Yu's stronghold, he quickly passed the information to Kang JingJing. Kang JingJing successfully rescued Gong Yu with several comrades and was safely delivered to Yan'an. Because of this, Gong Li strengthened his love for Gao ZhiHua.When the KMT-CPC clashed in Chongqing, the Communists received news that the Kuomintang warlord Wang Xiao Shan was heavily fortunate to assassinate Chairman Mao and Xiao-Shan Wang was successfully defused by Gao ZhiHua. At this moment, a comrade of the Communist Party was assassinated and sacrificed to make the Communist Party aware of the remaining spies inside the ranks. Gao ZhiHua was then sent to find out the list of Kuomintang agents harboring inside the Communist Party. However, Pan JiuYang has long been prepared against Gao ZhiHua's telecommunications office, the task naturally not so easy to complete. In addition, Pan JiuYang also began to doubt the identity of Kang JingJing, sending Zhao Nan to check her details. In an emergency, Kang JingJing cover Gao ZhiHua issued a list of spies, but lost the opportunity to escape, Kang JingJing chose to commit suicide. After Gao JingHua's death, Gao ZhiHua desperately wanted to destroy Zhao Nan, desperate. Gong Li did a good job for Gao ZhiHua, created a puzzle and succeeded in blaming Zhao Nan as a underground party. Although Gong Li more than once expressed his love to Gao ZhiHua, he has repeatedly been rejected. In order to be able to come together with Gao ZhiHua, Gong Li applied to join the Communist Party, but Gao ZhiHua thinks she is motivated and has no firm revolutionary ideal and has been unwilling to agree. Renegade Li GuoSheng pitched to the Kuomintang, Pan JiuYang decided to give the "star" a fatal blow. Seeing Gao ZhiHua identity exposure, at stake, Gong Li assist Gao ZhiHua successful assassination of Li GuoSheng, saved the day. I thought the action foolproof, but eventually discovered by Pan JiuYang clues. Gong Li carefully laid the curtain, Pan JiuYang's vision lead elsewhere, thanks to Gong Li's meticulous and rigorous, Pan JiuYang can not grasp Gao ZhiHua's handle. However, whether the paper could not contain fire, Pan JiuYang passed the evidence analysis of the expert on shell identification in the United States and locked Gao ZhiHua as the "star of the stars." In the final battle, Gao ZhiHua sacrificed to cover Gong Li, and Pan JiuYang also died under the gunpoint of Gao ZhiHua.

cover (TV)[2011]

Feature: "Covering" tells the story of Japan's surrender in 1945 and the conclusion of World War II. The Japanese imperialist ambitions were finally crushed. However, the troubled Chinese nation has yet to reach the end of victory. With the retreat of foreign enemies, the civil war spirals. In order to steal the fruits of the victory of the war, the Kuomintang planned the war on the Chinese communists. Kuomintang security agents inserted inside the Communist Party Meng ZhaoYang identity exposed and died, but at the same time Communist Party members inside the KMT list was betrayed, the communist intelligence front is facing a crisis! Gao ZhiHua, the secretary secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, was mortally attacked and pretending to be Meng ZhaoYang "returning" to the Kuomintang Telecom Office to lurk inside the Kuomintang to obtain the confidential intelligence of the Kuomintang, code named "Venus." Unexpectedly Gao ZhiHua just entered the military unification, it is dangerous to be seen. The first one who suspected him was a translator named Gong Li. Gong Li, a returned female officer who returned from Yang Yang, was unruly, indulgent and unrivaled. However, she had superb skills of deciphering her, and she was the target of Kuomintang's key development. Conflicts between Gong Li and Gao ZhiHua continue. Gong Li questioned the identity of Gao ZhiHua because of the different frequency of the report, when Gao ZhiHua escaped his finger and ran away, but Gong Li still had a heart attack on him. Gao ZhiHua was gradually reused by Director Liu MingYuan and became the immediate supervisor of Gong Li. Gong Li could not be controlled by him at all and did his best. Gong Ming, Minister of Telecommunications, Development Liu MingYuan Development Gong Li joins the KMT unsuccessfully and secretly abducts Gong Yu's sister Gong Yu. Because her sister was taken away, Gong Li left the military unwillingly, and got along well with Gao ZhiHua, a true and frankly optimistic person. Gong Li looking for his sister still failed to find short-sighted, but accidentally saved Gao ZhiHua, into the hospital. Gao ZhiHua accidentally discovered that Kang JingJing, her lover in Yan'an, was lurched in a hospital by the party organization. She usually takes the doctor's status as a cover and when necessary, coordinates Gao ZhiHua, codenamed "Sea holly". KMT Operations Pan JiuYang and Zhao Nan still doubt the status of Gao ZhiHua, so Meng ZhaoYang's law student Guan Qun got a certificate confirming Gao ZhiHua's true identity. Critical moment, Kang JingJing successfully assassinated Guan Qun, temporarily lifted the crisis. Pan JiuYang to heart. As soon as the negotiations began in Chongqing, Gao ZhiHua successfully handed out the KMT's important report on the decision of the Communist Party to "pacify and suppress bandits" first through Gong Li's ballpoint pen tube so that Gong Li knew the identity of Gao ZhiHua's Communist Party, but Gong Li already had a good impression of it , Did not make it to the world. As a result, Pan JiuYang became more suspicious of Gao ZhiHua within the Kuomintang and soon set off a new round of investigation. At this moment, the Telecommunication Office came over with a new colleague, Han XiaoXi. Gong Li likes to be her sister. Liu MingYuan claiming to be specially with Gong Li, but she is actually the exclusive lover Liu. Gao ZhiHua Liu MingYuan was kidnapped Gong Yu in the morning. After dark investigation, the fruit was found by Gao ZhiHua Liu MingYuan imprisoned Gong Yu's stronghold, he quickly passed the information to Kang JingJing. Kang JingJing successfully rescued Gong Yu with several comrades and was safely delivered to Yan'an. Because of this, Gong Li strengthened his love for Gao ZhiHua.When the KMT-CPC clashed in Chongqing, the Communists received news that the Kuomintang warlord Wang Xiao Shan was heavily fortunate to assassinate Chairman Mao and Xiao-Shan Wang was successfully defused by Gao ZhiHua. At this moment, a comrade of the Communist Party was assassinated and sacrificed to make the Communist Party aware of the remaining spies inside the ranks. Gao ZhiHua was then sent to find out the list of Kuomintang agents harboring inside the Communist Party. However, Pan JiuYang has long been prepared against Gao ZhiHua's telecommunications office, the task naturally not so easy to complete. In addition, Pan JiuYang also began to doubt the identity of Kang JingJing, sending Zhao Nan to check her details. In an emergency, Kang JingJing cover Gao ZhiHua issued a list of spies, but lost the opportunity to escape, Kang JingJing chose to commit suicide. After Gao JingHua's death, Gao ZhiHua desperately wanted to destroy Zhao Nan, desperate. Gong Li did a good job for Gao ZhiHua, created a puzzle and succeeded in blaming Zhao Nan as a underground party. Although Gong Li more than once expressed his love to Gao ZhiHua, he has repeatedly been rejected. In order to be able to come together with Gao ZhiHua, Gong Li applied to join the Communist Party, but Gao ZhiHua thinks she is motivated and has no firm revolutionary ideal and has been unwilling to agree. Renegade Li GuoSheng pitched to the Kuomintang, Pan JiuYang decided to give the "star" a fatal blow. Seeing Gao ZhiHua identity exposure, at stake, Gong Li assist Gao ZhiHua successful assassination of Li GuoSheng, saved the day. I thought the action foolproof, but eventually discovered by Pan JiuYang clues. Gong Li carefully laid the curtain, Pan JiuYang's vision lead elsewhere, thanks to Gong Li's meticulous and rigorous, Pan JiuYang can not grasp Gao ZhiHua's handle. However, whether the paper could not contain fire, Pan JiuYang passed the evidence analysis of the expert on shell identification in the United States and locked Gao ZhiHua as the "star of the stars." In the final battle, Gao ZhiHua sacrificed to cover Gong Li, and Pan JiuYang also died under the gunpoint of Gao ZhiHua.

Wrangler (TV)[2011]


The Wrangler tells Lu ZhiQiang, a knowledgeable youth with a lofty ideal who was born into a military family and brought him to the Hongshan Army Racecourse due to his father's fate. In this beautiful, vast and severe nature, he met his older brother BatEr, who had never known before, and the beautiful, individual Mongolian girl Wu Yun. From then on, he and his companions began to raise the life of a military horse. . During the laborious struggle with nature and thieves, Lu ZhiQiang had an affection for Wu Yun, and Ba TeEr and Wu Yun were childhoods. The story of a touching Mongolian-Mongolian love triangle was between three people. Expand. In the end, Lu ZhiQiang and his companions faced severe nature. Under the semi-militarized preparation environment, they experienced the fierce conflicts and contests between the characters derived from farming civilization and the nomadic peoples. The Mongolian and Chinese cultures learned from each other and merged. Finally, through the spiritual nomads of the generation of educated young people, they have grown up and they have forged bonds with the grasslands.


Three Kingdoms (TV)[2010]

Feature: Eastern Han Dynasty, North Korea chaos. There Dong Zhuo (Xiaohe Lu ornaments) adulterer right and wrong, dominance; domineering outside the Yellow Turban, shake the boat. Sometimes Cao Cao (Chen Jianbin ornaments) hiding a low profile, want to harm the country. After he escaped from the capital, Cao Cao and Dongzhao, together with local giants such as Yuan Shao (Wenguang Xu), Liu Bei (Hewei Yu) and Sun Jian (Yulin Fan), fought against Dong Zhuo. After several campaigns, Dong Zhuo finally died in the hands of Lv Bu (Peter Ho). At this point the number of big man approaching, the heroic hero is all over the world, so staged a crowded hegemony theater. Zhou Yu (Weide Huang ornaments), Xia HouYuan (Li Qin Long ornaments), Lu Xun (Feng Shaofeng ornaments), Zhang Fei (Kai Kang ornaments), Zhu GeLiang (Lu Yi ), Jiang Wei (Peng Ye ornaments), Si MaYi (Ni Dahong ornaments) and other influential people have joined the WTO, Wei, Shu, Wu one-third of the world, the legend of the ages so far.

Mask (TV)[2010]

Feature: On the first day of the twelfth lunar month in 1948, Li ChunQiu, a KMT agent lurking in Harbin Public Security Bureau, was awakened and asked his superiors to make bombs to help tie in with the top-secret Black Tiger Plan. However, Li ChunQiu, who had been on a lapse of ten years, has quickly forgotten his mission. He is unwilling to throw his wife out of a happy and ordinary life. He began to try every means to escape the control of the Security Bureau. In addition to dealing with cruel and cruel former comrades in arms, Li ChunQiu is still being questioned and tempted by his current colleague to scout Coding's warring states. Li ChunQiu inside and outside the pressure of heavy pressure. In the process, we witnessed details of the Kuomintang's corruption and bloodshed, as well as the desperation of the former organizations, Li ChunQiu, and renounced the Chinese Communists. Eventually, on the first day of the thirtieth day, Li ChunQiu hit back with the victory of our party in defeating the "Black Tiger Project" of the Kuomintang and reunified with the happiness of his family.

My war (TV)[2010]

Feature: Shooting the TV series "My War of Resistance" Anti-Japanese War period, Shenzhou Escort received a group of cultural relics, to be sent to the revolutionary base area, as eight military routes to the military. Escorting Miao Feng, an old hero with his daughter Miao XiangEr, and a group of passionate men escorting cultural relics, they not only encountered Japanese interception but also fierce bandits. Miao Feng unfortunately died after some fighting wits. The treasures were taken away by the Japanese. Miao XiangEr turned to the monk at Dafa Temple and got help from Lu YouWei, a master student who is a WTO member. This time, Nie TianMing led the brave Eighth Route Army squadron to meet and met Miao XiangEr this road. The white bandits and other bandits also took righteousness as the most important thing and decided to re-establish themselves and join the detachment. They applied their skills and eventually regained the cultural relics. Formed a Nie TianMing as the center, the Phoenix Hill anti-Japanese armed detachment, continue to fight with Japanese devils.

Shanghai, Shanghai (TV)[2010]

Feature: Shanghai, Shanghai, tells the story of Liu GongZheng, a young man who returned home from his father's family business after the outbreak of the Wuchang uprising in late 1911, and Tong GuangFu, a revolutionary who returned to China with a mission to Shanghai Denton, a young British who made a living, arrived in Shanghai on the same boat. From the beginning of their life in Shanghai and the East of Paris and struggle. The highly entrepreneurial Liu GongZheng started his career as a Taiwanese company by successfully setting up the Grand Playground and becoming a premier entertainment tycoon in Shanghai. Tong GuangFu, deeply influenced by western financial thought, started a small bank and later became a famous financial financier and national government financial officer. He ErMan, an upright and straightforward man, was "comprador" of a Chinese businessman like Liu GongZheng after being dismissed by a British-held customs house and became a foreign businessman who was based in Shanghai. Han RuBing is a chivalrous Rouchang, but the perverse bizarre curious woman, peculiar life cast a peculiar personality and fate of the album. Love to ecstasy, hate eclipsed. Liu GongZheng success in the abstract, fall into the muddle, largely because of her presence. She can not marry Liu GongZheng, but deeply in love with him, because of deep love, so I hate it. Whenever Liu GongZheng is at a critical juncture of rising or falling, it is often her behavior that determines the success or failure of Liu GongZheng.

Fengshenbang2 (TV)[2009]

Feature: About 3,000 years ago, the merger charter broke out in the Central Plains earth shaking a war of God's man. It was only because of Ray Lui's dereliction of duty and cruelty that he even held up the demeanor of Hu LiJing, such as Ruby Lin and jade pipa, Princes around the corner, towering Shang dynasty dynasty no guarantee. In order to overthrow the king's rule, Zhou WuWang Ji Weifang worship (worship) Jiang ZiYa (Roy ornaments) for the father, the rate of all the mighty army to the North Korean dynasty song.纣 Wang, I have been unwilling to fail, one side to send loyal veterans to resist, while inviting invincible mountains and valleys help. Mortal shopping, immortal fighting law, confusion of a new dynasty is about to be born. Hu DaJi, a tragic defeat, lost Hu DaJi at the same time. After losing his face to the emptiness, he hurried back to the dynasty song. He hysterically scolded the mother and daughter of Hysteria - he thought she ruined his country Beauty, Nuwa out of the real body, and turned into innumerable gods will be King's face Peckshen beyond recognition - I hope he can cleanheaded, re-man. Hu LiJing Yin Hung hung over the mirror cover live, not survive. After he learned the real identity of his self, the king eventually turned his heart into tears and knew that the other party was a thousand years old or was rushing to rescue him.纣 king to father and son's feelings, the courage of the emperor, saved from the hands of Yin Hung Hu LiJing, and Hu LiJing fall into the unlucky love between man and the demon. Da Zhou WuWang Ji fat on behalf of the day, worship Jiang ZiYa swept into Tang Tianbao Grand Marshal, the formal military attack 纣, all the way massive, vibrating North Korea. Hu LiJing offer advice to the king, please Deng JiuGong command, you can break Zhou Bing. Shen GongBao Also capable of people Tu XingSun. Tu XingSun buried potential diverted to West Qi, Jiang ZiYa designed by Qiaoqian, go Jiang ZiYa, but also co-designed to deceive Deng ChanYu married, anti-Deng JiuGong. Guang ChengZi knew Jiang ZiYa headed eastward and sent his disciple Yin Jiao to go down the hill. Yin Jiao once again turned his back and went down for the week. Wen Liang and Ma Shan from Bailong Mountain were taken over and enemies of the Great Week were received. Guang ChengZi urged Yin Jiao to turn around and Yin Jiao used treasures to fight against each other. Yang Jian won the battle with Ma Shan. Under the command of Zhou WuWang Jiang ZiYa went to the Kunlun Mountains to take a photo of the demon mirror. Under the illumination of the demon mirror, she found that Ma Shan was actually a wicker, and this time she found the wicker lamp loaded with wick and took away Ma Shan. Before Jiang ZiYa ordered the breaking of Yin Jiao's former camp, Yin Jiao died under his hands. The plow plowed his head from Yin Jiao. Yin Jiao should vow himself to die under the plow. Yin Hong has been looking for his brother, learned compatriots Yin Jiao is dead, hanging beam himself, Zhou WuWang so painful, more aroused the hatred of the Shang king of Shang. Shen GongBao Toxic plan to kill Wu Ji Ji hair. Da Zhou army attack Jiamenguan, Hu brothers and joint camps, Zhou Jun suffered heavy casualties, King Wu disappeared. Jiang ZiYa returned to Jia Mengguan, ordered Yang Jian to change into Wu Wang, in order to stabilize the morale, while sending Lei Zhenzi and other vigorously looking for Wu Wang Ji hair. Since then, Ji fell into the private sector, with the poor body, and rustic Zi Yu girl met, suffering together, and gradually produce love, experienced a lot of hard work, both returned to the two battalions Zhou Ying. Battle of Dragon Pass, Deng JiuGong was beheaded by Chen Qi.Wu Wang intends to marry his wife's wife thing, reached the ears of Ji Fat grandmother, the old grandmother is very unhappy, everywhere for his grandson's favorite, provoke a lot of misunderstanding. Wonderful stills (1) Zhou Jun to the licensing gate off, Laojun and other four immortals on the too, with the help of Zhou WuWang and Jiang ZiYa Zhou Jun broke Zhu Xianzhen, Tong TianJiaoZhu fled, the door scattered. Jiang ZiYa soldier to break the boundary card, Xu Gai week. Plague Lv Yue placed a large array, Jiang ZiYa trapped in Plaguexian array, the cloud neutron command confrontation. Lv Yue retreat back into battle. Chi JingZi sent his disciples Yang Ren Xiaoshan blast blast cents array, Jiang ZiYa rescued, defensive coach Xu Fang committed suicide. Luoshenhuo fire, display their skills, set fire to Xiqi City. Guang HanXianZi flew from the moon palace, exposed the net with heaven and earth, and extinguished the fire of Xiqi. The Guang HanXianZi, its predecessor is a selfish, which evoke the heart of Wu King Ji has long been lovespots of his dusty, wronged King Wu began to pursue the fairy, causing Zi Yu quietly left Zhou Jun to leave. Tongguan coach of the rest of the first four, trying every means to force Zi Yu made his concubine, resulting in Zhou WuWang lifelong regret! Until the Tongguan City break the day, Zi Yu Yuanshen first spoke before he committed suicide. Zhou WuWang decreed immediately attack Mianchi County, soldiers under the city. Under the City of Mianchi County, Jiang ZiYa Ming Chong HeiHu, Wen Pin, Cui Ying, Jiang Xiong, Huang FeiHu "The Five Sacred Mountains" are both gone. Tu XingSun was also killed by Zhang Kui, Ji Fei and Jiang ZiYa grieved endlessly. On the day when the city was broken, Zhang Kui was running out of control and was killed by Wei Hu.下 king purpose, the best job. Hu LiJing has invited Yuan Hong, Wu Long, Chang Hao, Jin DaSheng, Yang Xian, ZiZhen ornaments), wild dog fine (wearing ceremony ornaments), let them into the human form went to expose the list, Wang Tai upstairs. Feng Yuan Hong as generals, Yu as deputy, Yin PoBai for the army, Shen GongBao as jianjun. Mengjin City, Ji hair for the king, Jiang ZiYa to command the Grand Marshal, North Korea toward the song.纣 Wang prodigal unparalleled, the uncle Ji Zi hair cut, imprisoned as a slave. All ministers have fled Chao Zhao Song.纣 king smell furious, under the purport to keep four! Wonderful stills (2) Shen GongBao invited Tong TianJiaoZhu, placed thousands of immortals array, Zhou WuWang defeat army blocked. The cents came to help break weeks. Zhongxian into battle, are defeated. Yuan Tianzun personally came out, Shen GongBao won, into the cage, sink into the sea. After breaking the million immortal, the immortal immortal Pitt circulated animal beast! Zhou WuWang Ji fat rate troops encircled Chao Zhao, Hu LiJing decided to desperate struggle, Wang Ji and Ji hair to meet and.执 Wang insisted on dichotomy, Ji Fa refused. They meet, the two armed forces do not use any divine power to make a decisive battle, so in the pastoral land outside North Korea, a never-ending battle of the Makino opened the battle ... ... 纣 Wang defeated the palace, the palace , Hu LiJing and Wang Wang mutual vindictiveness, Hu LiJing want to take the king to escape, the great future of Japan, King vowed to co-exist with Shang Yin. Hu LiJing leave human flesh. Wang Wang cried, took place in the stars down burning himself.Lost his way, and betrayed the nine pheasant essence Feng Lai of the king of the king, in order to evade Hu DaJi's chase, has been sheltering in the Wu Yingzhang among Zhou Ying, she wants to be able to repeat the love affair with Wu Wang, after the dream burst, Was still reluctant to leave after the death of the king of Zi Yu sincerely moved, and finally helped Wu King, guarding the real yuan Zi Yu, Nv WaNiangNiang determined to find Nv WaNiangNiang, pleading Nu Wa Zi Yu to recreate the body. Nu Wa was the sincerity of three people, pinch of jade mud, Zi Yu resurrection, the world then have a clear and jade said. Deep love with Feng Lai, already understand their own and Wu Wang Ji Fat, will never be able to achieve marriage, seeking Nv WaNiangNiang shelter, is willing to immortality. Nv WaNiangNiang merciful, to take her in front of the mountain, heard far-sounded law, after eight robbery, remove the eight heads, will eventually accomplish its immortality. Ji pro-DPRK, Baiguan celebration, the Western Zhou dynasty officially established. In front of the gods, Jiang ZiYa holds the list of all the gods and releases all the evil gods. From then on, all kinds of injustice in the world were smoothed out, and man and God worked their own ways. Zhou WuWang Ren Junming sealed Jiang ZiYa Lord Lord, The world peace, harmony.

Foggy (TV)[2009]

Feature: In 1950, the beautiful cloud mountain. The new regime of the Sifang station was just established, and Chen YuanDe, a military doctor, was temporarily blind after being brutally crippled by bandits on his way home. From the county armed commander Li HongHe received a secret newspaper that; enemy special collusion with the bandits trying to find the Japanese left a huge arsenal of theater stills, to take to undermine the nascent government. On the secret recipe handed down by Chen YuanDe, there are important clues to finding arsenal. While seeing the county Zhang ShuJi used his blood and life for his own life and important news, Chen YuanDe, a weak scholar, firmly took the trust and grew up into a steel warrior in the cruel and fierce contest. In the end, he and Li HongHe together uncovered enemy specialties, eliminated bandits and used blood and lives to protect the well-being and happiness of the country and its people.

Lotus Lantern prequel (TV)[2009]

Feature: The Legend of Lotus Lantern tells the story of Yang TianYou, a private mortal scholar who is the sister of Jade Emperor Yao Ji, and gave birth to three children, Yang Jiao, Yang Jian and Yang Chan. After the Jade Emperor learned that he sent Tianbing Tian to the lower bound, he killed Yang TianYou and Yang Jiao and pressed Yao Ji under Momoyama, while Yang Jian and Yang Chan escaped with the help of Ne Zha and Marshal of Canopy. Since then, Ne Zha and Yang Jian brothers and sisters to become the target of the three circles wanted. Tianbing siege Chen Tongguan, Ne Zha indignant, parents to nourish the grace. Tai YiZhenRen Ne Zha reshape the gold body with a lotus lotus lamp, in order to control Ne Zha, Tai YiZhenRen will be handed over to Paul Chan Linden custody. Yang Jian worship Yu DingZhenRen master, learn skills, and even has followed his Xiao TianQuan also swallowed the Dragon Ball into a human form. Yang Jian Chopped Momoyama finally rescued his mother, did not expect Jade Emperor actually sent ten sons - ten sun shaved Yao Ji. Yang Jian grieved hard and killed nine suns and stopped the last sun under the blockage of Chang E. Yang Jian Seek revenge on the sky and dismantle the Nantianmen. Jade Emperor ordered the watering of Yang Jian to the Tianhe River, causing the Tianhe water to flow to the lower bound, causing flooding. Later, Yang Jian was trapped in Si Tian by Queen Mother. He began to suspect that his mother chose the correctness of her father. His suspicion of mother made him lose his power. Thanks to Yang Chan and Ne Zha arrived, Yang Jian was rescued. Under the persuasion of Chang E, Yang Jian gave up seeking revenge on heaven and decided to go with the lower bound of Yang Chan to rule the Tianhe Ruo Shui. Yang Jian brothers and sisters while water, while dealing with heaven to kill, while making Meishan six brothers. At this time the three princess of the West Sea would like to go up to Yang Jian, Yang Jian indifferent to her pursuit, because his sweetheart is Chang E. Tian Ting agreed with the conditions of the Milky Way in Tianhe, with the help of Yang Jian and Yang Chan and the Lotus Lantern, Ruo Shui was smoothly sent to the Milky Way. However, Tian Ting was reckless, and after Yang Jian learned that Sammy was threatened by heaven, she decided With the battle of heaven, about to enter the heaven, the Jade Emperor adopted the proposal of the Queen Mother, seal Yang Jian was significant San Jiro Zhenjun, Yang Chan was named the Third Virgin, stay Huashan. In order to avoid the people's disasters and to bring peace to the lower classes, the Yang brothers and sisters reluctantly accepted the title of the heaven, but Yang Jian refused to go to heaven and remained in his own home in the estuary. The contradictions between Yang Jian's brother and sister and heaven were temporarily alleviated. Yang Jian was finally touched by the tender feelings of the three princesses. It was also to confront heaven and heaven, and he married three princesses. But who knows after the marriage three princess temperament change, preoccupied, unreasonable. Yang Jian into the pain of marriage. Erlang once again on the "love" had a doubt. Sun WuKong Havoc in Heaven, Jade Emperor helpless, to adopt Guan Yin's suggestion, to help Erlang God. Erlang God does not want to really fight with Sun WuKong, did not expect Sun WuKong not leave Germany, opened his mouth and stabbed to the pain of Yang Jian, Yang Jian finally helped Sun WuKong heaven. When Sun WuKong escaped from the gossip furnace and Yang Tian stopped asking for help again, Yang Jian had regretted his actions. On the streamer peach banquet, the glass curtain that mistakenly destroyed the jade emperor was shattered, and the canopy was drowned. Chang E was hit by Yang Jian. Yang Jian was furious, and the canopy was tied to heaven. The canopy was relegated Under mortal.Yang Jian has always been plagued by the problem of her mother, who never got the answer. The canopy made him feel that her mother was wrong. When Qi XianNv was an ordinary man, he was arrested and her sister, Eight Sisters, came to turn to Yang Jian for help. Yang Jian did not help him. He wanted to see if Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother touched the day with their own daughters What kind of response? The royal mother thought that Yang Jian had already realized the "love", and that Heaven really lacked a sufficient deterrent force of the god of justice. Thus, he played Mingyu Emperor and planned to seal Yang Jian as the judicial god. For a thousand years, while Wu Ge and Hu Mei practiced their success in cutting the sky, Wu Ge could not stand the temptation of immortality and would go to Tang Sanzang who had studied in the West. Sun WuKong falls Wu Wu with the help of the Patriarchal Lamp of Three Holy Madrasas. Hu Mei, pregnant, listens to Wu Ge's rhetoric and helps him escape Sun Wu-kong's control. Sun WuKong killed Wu Ge and accidentally injured Hu Mei. Hu Mei finally glanced at her newly born child and closed her eyes. Wang Mama persuaded Yang Jian by offering his own horse, and as long as he promised to serve as Judicial God, the royal mother would help him lift the marriage contract with the three princess of the West Bank. Yang Jian believes that without the distress of "love," it may really be possible to avoid a repeat of the love tragedy. What's more, if he holds the power of the Judicial God in his hands, he will be able to smoothly adjudicate many injustice and help many people who have suffered. So he resolutely with the three princess dismissed the contract, accepted the appointment of heaven. After being a god of justice, Yang Jian helped the people in the lower part of the world flee the unreasonable censure in heaven by helping them to help the sister-in-law to marry Ba TeEr, a grassland eagle, and help to rehabilitate many injustices ...... At this time, Could not live alone, private with Liu YanChang. Yang Jian, a god of justice, was so painful that she forced her sister under Huashan. From the nephew, Chen Xiang, Yang Jian saw his shadow. He finally realized that "love" is not wrong, the wrong in the top. In order to make everyone have the right to love, in order to betray the tragedy of love is not repeated, he finally moved to modify the idea of ​​the day.

Mask (TV)[2008]

Feature: On the first day of the twelfth lunar month in 1948, Li ChunQiu, a KMT agent lurking in Harbin Public Security Bureau, was awakened and asked his superiors to make bombs to help tie in with the top-secret Black Tiger Plan. However, Li ChunQiu, who had been on a lapse of ten years, has quickly forgotten his mission. He is unwilling to throw his wife out of a happy and ordinary life. He began to try every means to escape the control of the Security Bureau. In addition to dealing with cruel and cruel former comrades in arms, Li ChunQiu is still being questioned and tempted by his current colleague to scout Coding's warring states. Li ChunQiu inside and outside the pressure of heavy pressure. In the process, we witnessed details of the Kuomintang's corruption and bloodshed, as well as the desperation of the former organizations, Li ChunQiu, and renounced the Chinese Communists. Eventually, on the first day of the thirtieth day, Li ChunQiu hit back with the victory of our party in defeating the "Black Tiger Project" of the Kuomintang and reunified with the happiness of his family.

Peiping (TV)[2007]

Feature: Kuang MeiJiao, Yuan HanXue, Tao JinMei is a student of Sacred Heart School. Three of them are good friends, no matter what they are. In the same clothing store to do the same clothes, wear the same day, the same back of the same bag, wear the same shoes, hair band also be consistent, who is wrong is a violation of the "agreement." In the three girls world, these have become a big problem in life. Zhang GuoWen, an underground party member of the CCP, often publishes anti-Japanese and patriotic articles under the pseudonym Qi's name. It was deeply loved by three girls and had a profound impact on their outlook on life. Before and after graduation, the three girls entered the society with their longing for beautiful love and the illusion of their own destiny. The original Agreement no longer existed. In the face of family, lover, country, they are out of a different way.

Happiness trap (TV)[2007]

Feature: "Happiness Trap" tells the story of the protagonist Wu Dong is a general secondary finance teacher, middle-aged people, life is dull, law-abiding. Suddenly one day "big drop", as Wang Mei's recommendation, in one fell swoop boarded the envy of all the chief accountants of the Thai Fung Group throne. So wealth, power come one after another, no longer restricted to life, but also "life committed peach blossom", a well-arranged "happy life" overnight in front of him. From poverty to luxury and from plainness to illustriousness, Wu Dong did not realize that such a change that never made him psychologically prepared turned out to be a trap. Wu Dong enthusiastically devoted himself to the struggle to realize his own worth and devoted himself to realizing the dream of a happy life in his heart. However, he was frustrated with all the incongruity he faced. Embarrassed by a loss of life, Wu Dong began to fall into hesitation, struggling, and family life. When Wu Dong climbed all his hardships out of the mud, he found that the so-called happiness was originally trapped in the neighbors.

Pink collar family (TV)[2004]

Feature: Young Talent Wang DaWei works for an advertising agency. One day, he hurriedly and accidentally collided with Liu MengJun, a farmer in Hong Kong, while he took the copy to the company to meet advertisers. Hurried because the two packages are almost the same, so they took the wrong package. When Wang DaWei arrived at the company, the bags were full of model clothes, advertisers walked away and Wang DaWei was expelled from his employer and lost his job. Liu MengJun rushed to the scene when the same extremely embarrassed, Meng Jun ruthless cruel, cut their own clothes cut into the model installed did not delay things. This day happens to be the dream cousin Xin XiangXiang from the field to defeat cousin's day. And Meng's cell phone in Wang DaWei's bag, Xin XiangXiang temporarily unaccompanied, but with Wang DaWei dramatic unexpected encounter. On the way, Xin XiangXiang picked up a wallet and immediately returned it to the owner, Xia Jia Liang, president of Fulong Multinational Enterprises. Finished a good thing, the two have been hungry, Wang DaWei with Xin XiangXiang Rolling came to a restaurant, the boss Chen Hao see is a pair of young men and women, they are very enthusiastic to the most expensive dishes recommended to them. Helpless both are cash-strapped, can only tolerate Chen Hao's ridicule. Fortunately, many years of friend Lian Zhuang came to rescue. Lian Zhuang is currently working as an assistant to Xia JiaLiang. Meng Jun received a phone call after thinking rushed to see the cousin think about it. Restaurant boss Chen Hao Although attentive, but kind-hearted, for a long time has always admired the beauty of the restaurant to buy dreams, so can not withstand the gentleman's hard and soft foam, put his house at a very cheap price Leased to the dream king, but the dream room is sub-leased to the cousin of the spare room, so great. Although depressed, Chen Hao has no "resistance" to the dream king. A group of energetic young people embarked on a haunting love story and a hilarious story. Think and do not face the dilemma of temporary work, they are preparing to set up a special for others to solve problems everything OK company. Is worried that no business, the great friend Lian Zhuang at the right time came an "order", Lian Zhuang's boss in order to avoid friends and family to their own media, you need to find a temporary girlfriend to rescue for himself, In order to decline the kindness of the matchmaker. And this top boss is Xia Jia Liang. Dream king think this is a chance, maybe fake real play, the sparrow becomes Phoenix? So they tried to match. Although I think about it with a long time ago, my dream friend is not admitting that I am a boyfriend, and many ridiculous joke has been made. Xin XiangXiang was not impressed by the wealth and prosperity, she would rather be a happy sparrow. Xin XiangXiang very discreetly declined Xia JiaLiang's pursuit of himself and also joined forces to relieve Xia JiaLiang of an ingenious administrative assistant inside his company from the careful arrangement of his "pink snare" and the rescuing of Xia himself Company's reputation and image.Xia JiaLiang, though wealthy, has no alternative but to deal with her own young daughter. When Xia JiaLiang's daughter is bizarre "missing" and extortion threats come one after another, she faces a complex situation, Cocoon spinning, calm and witty for Xia JiaLiang safe to recover her daughter, so that the attempt to extortion black-collar television production in Hong Kong TV series pink collar fall into the net. Justly thought and love after this test began to heat up, greatly rescuing a little girl in a car accident, but also triggered a more tortuous story, which evoke A reign of old age not only misunderstood the greatness and the remembrance but also nearly destroyed the relationship of love between Meng Jun and Lian Zhuang. When the little girl needs blood transfusion, we find that both big and little girls belong to the same rare blood type, which has to arouse suspicion and conjecture of people like Meng Jun and others. In addition, Chen Hao et al. Was put on "courtroom" interrogation, helpless not only "confessed" had talked with the little girl's mother Huang Yi (actress), but also "for" out of Lian Zhuang and the matter also good, think deeply Righteous, finally resolved the crisis. However, Lian Zhuang was relieved from the misunderstanding and Huang Yi (actress), the little girl's mother, sent a call for help to Lian Zhuang. The original girl's father, Liu Guoping, had a girlfriend who was mentally ill, not only harassing her family from time to time, but also directly threatened their personal safety by "cheating on death". The great, think of, Meng, Lian Zhuang and others, not only for their relief from the crisis, but also through their own internal fund-raising way, raised a sum of money to the female mental patient was sent to the hospital. Another spring season, Wang DaWei was entrusted with the task of finding a benefactor for a chairman of a well-established company today. The process of finding it was not complicated, but finding things for the future became a reality "Knot". It turned out that the company's chairman is Lian Zhuang's father, Lian Jun, benefactor is the father of Xin XiangXiang, although think of his father died young, but benefactor's daughter Xin XiangXiang unexpectedly received the huge beneficiaries of the year In return, this would have been a delightful good thing. What troublesome the two seniors was that they had the same status as their brothers and sisters. They once promised to commit "pulp marriage", which means they must marry Lian Zhuang. Lian Jun, the father of Lian Zhuang, is a stubborn old man. In return for the reincarnation of grace, he insisted on fulfilling the promises of the year, or he was his friend who lost his trust in the benefactor without seeing the ground. It happens that Meng Jun was again checked out by the hospital suffering from breast cancer, the love of two young people facing a huge test of the elusive Chen Hao in order to achieve their dream of pursuing love, but also choose the opportunity to cross into , For a time stirring upside down. One side is holding his fathers and seniors who keep their promises, the other side is young people who hold the position of love, the other side is aroused by the help of Chen Hao and came to help her mother, a full of comedic conflicts began, and in comic The transition completed the happy mission.

Eighteen-year-old sky (TV)[2004]

Feature: Jiaying Middle School principal Xiong Bo decided to teach in small classes in the third year of high school. In order to let the children really understand the quality education of Jianfeng Bao, the eighteen-year-old sky, bring happiness to the children, Xiong Bo hired a teacher from a middle school YueTao. At the opening ceremony, Gu YueTao and Pei Pei were surprised to find out that when the other party turned out to be teaching in the same school, Pei Pei could not believe that Gu YueTao was the teacher who was the myth of everybody. Besides, she was full of personality, innocence and love to show. Gu YueTao realizes that Pei Pei, like himself, is also a teacher employed at Jiaying High School. At the opening ceremony, Gu YueTao made the most of the teachers and students feel disappointed. Gu YueTao's behavior so that teachers and students scratching their heads, after the placement, because the elite of the class are gathered in Gu YueTao class, really make the new class teacher miserable, the first test of his class At the end of the whole year, he took the first-year full-time Chinese course. Children's faith in the eighteen-year-old sky shot down to freezing. In the face of Shi YanFeng's attack, in the face of the show off competition among female students, in the face of the problem of Wu DanDan who just transferred, in the face of the consequences of the deteriorating relations between Wang Chen and her mother and the face of Lan FeiLin and Wu DanDan Due to the contradictions caused by the drama protagonist, in the face of Wang JunZe overly arrogant personality, Gu YueTao euphemism patience as a friend of their students, successfully adjusted the children's mentality. The non-existent classes have been adjusted to a sunshine team, and with a step-by-step approach, the entire class of children can truly feel that quality education is sunshine education. He let the children experience and embraced a quality education model that he had practiced. Graduation exams, children with astonishing achievements in the character of this cool teacher. He conquered the people who had doubted him with facts. At this moment, Pei Pei finally entered his heart. The students are going to break up with him, explaining to his children the philosophy of his own unique approach to education. He said he will always be a friend of the children rather than a teacher. He hopes all children have their own space to study in a relaxed environment. He hopes every child will be a sunshine boy and he will use his own actions Give the children an 18-year-old sky. The above comes from

Four famous catch (TV)[2004]

Feature: Huizong years of the Northern Song Dynasty, Zhenyuan general stone and collapsed when the culprits Cai Jing, act in horror, resulting in North Korea corrupt, the country declining. Lingwu, who is also the vice-chief of the Wulin Major League League, is even more likely to die because of the throne of martial arts. While the chief regretfully lives his life, he will be killed and replaced by Leng Xue, GeShenHou adopted to grow up in the wolves, Zhu GeShenHou against the martial arts high, sinister sinister Lingshi, in addition to imparting Leng Xue martial arts, but also to train three other highly qualified potential blood and youth: Zhui Ming, Wu Qing, Tie Shou, respectively, conferred the martial arts, success, in a split-point attack, launched a series of assaults Lingdian the arduous task. Among the four disciples of Zhu GeShenHou, the elder brother Wu Qing, with both legs disabled, is resourceful and skillful in making a hidden weapon and takes wheelchair operations on weekdays. Tie Shou, a talented young man, , Make first-hand soft whip on weekdays, whip law superb. And dude Du GuYiRen poison has a lingering love; but eventually found the heart of love is Shui FuRong. And spend a lifetime. The third Zhui Ming, longer than the dodge, foot unparalleled, cynical personality, good wine to drink, but the more drink the more brave. Shui FuRong best, treat her like a sister. Leng Xue was ordered to assassinate the eclipsed rock and get acquainted with Ling Luo Shi, a pearl of the palm of his hand. After a series of twists and turns, Leng Xue found that his father and his foe had fallen unconscious, , Tie Shou and Zhui Ming, together with the task of sparring and eliminating evil to complete the task. (Above information source)

Gege wants to marry (TV)[2002]

Feature: Qing Shunzhi Emperor Fu Lin young succeeding, crush Jin Chan, but did not dare Xiao JinChan directly revealed affection. Jin Chan personality free and easy, do not understand Fu Lin to her mind. Tai Hou Jin Chan promised to eleven brother Bo MuGuoEr, Jin Chan found eleven brother and brother different, people unscrupulous, unwilling to marry, feeling troubled. Duo LuoJunZhu Dali envoys, but feel Jade Lin heart secretly, the two wits Doro's mother, finally into a positive result. Nurse Ma Gu told her the death of Jin Chan's father's secret told her Jin Chan Duo ErGun seek revenge, but inadvertently found Duo ErGun and Tai Hou's adulterous assassination DuoErGun failed, but at risk, Feel Yulin, save everyone and meet Duo ErGun struggle. After a series of hardships, Jin Chan eventually understood Fu Lin's mind, but because of their identity, they could not be together and decided to go back to the steppe. In order to fulfill her mother's wishes and her own emperor's mission, Fu Lin sealed Fu ChaZhenEr as the queen and obtained the right to visit the country and had one son. He climbed into the Buddhist temple on the day of the production of Fu ChaZhenEr.

Talented and romantic scholar Ji Xiaolan (TV)[2001]

Feature: Merry genius Ji XiaoLan posting Thirty-five years of the Qing Emperor Qianlong, the general Zhao Hui Hundred centennials and Tianshan South Road back to the emperor Huo JiZhan dead battle. The cause of the war lay in the beautiful wife of Huo JiZhan, Xiang Fei, a natural beauty and fragrance. Hexi County Xianxian, Ji XiaoLan, born unique, but the character of arrogance. At this time he is sitting idle at the restaurant, heard the soldiers on the west of Tianshan heard Xiang Fei legend and legend, can not help but call a song, and music for people to sing, and soon, this song will be introduced into the Forbidden City. Emperor Qianlong Emperor was furious, and decreed to arrest the author of Fa rectification. At the same time, he came out together, asking the ministers on the outgoing couplets. Hongli and Huang Hou were not in harmony, mentioning different scents between the Tianshan Mountains, the Empress Dowon denounced evildoers, who ended up without good results. Four Worlds out of the court notice, the emperor to seek good on the couple into the palace, but the harsh conditions, no one dared to expose the list, Ji XiaoLan read the bully curse dedication. Tianshan battlefield, Huo JiZhan small entrusted to Xiang Fei, Huo JiZhan died, Qianlong rush delivery purposes, need to capture Xiang Fei into Beijing, Xiang Fei for the sake of safety, had to go to Beijing with Siu Hui, the way and four maids decided An opportunistic flight, and trying to cover up Xiang Fei is Ji XiaoLan. Hongli learned regrettable, did a bold measure, decided to alone find Xiang Fei whereabouts. Ji XiaoLan teach Xiang Fei to Qinling Honglian find a Laoni, discuss shelter. Xiang Fei rewards Ji XiaoLan with a personal jade card, giving prominence to each other. Mrs. Ji XiaoLan, Ma Yue Fang, a very outgoing character, smells big. Hongli Longjia disappeared, Empress Dowager, more than 100 people were subject to whipping, Hongli to "high godsend" in the name, went straight to the west, along the way to allow the stolen Zhou RiQing eye. Xiang Fei found Hong Lian Temple, Lao Ni warm reception, Xiang Fei, etc. into the Central Plains, temporary shelter. Hongli met with Ji XiaoLan and asked for information about Ji XiaoLan. It was not surprising that Ji XiaoLan pushed all of a sudden and cursed the atrocities war in Hong Kong today. Figure Di Gong surrounded Hong Li, saved Xiang Fei. Tu Di Gong recognized Hongli. When Xiang Fei was known as an enemy and stabbed his sword to Hongliu, Ji XiaoLan learned that Gao Tianci was the present emperor. He started an argument to Xiang Fei's brother and sister and convinced Xiang Fei's brother and sister to go to Beijing with Hong to negotiate prosperity for the peoples of Xinjiang. Way, Ji XiaoLan escaped overnight to save their lives. After Hongli returned to Beijing, Xiang Fei, a stranger in a foreign land, was trapped in the tragedy of nostalgia and war. Princess Fei jealous of Xiang Fei, the palace defense led by Huang Hou quickly started. Huang Hou and Prince Dorothy dealt with Xiang Fei in full swing before returning to Beijing to Hong Kong. As a result, she continued to fight with blows. Xiang Fei desperately swallowed the souls of reincarnation to temporarily stop her breathing. Pulse of seven days and nights. Ji XiaoLan advised Xiang Fei to transform itself into an opportunity to exchange ideas with Central Plains and seek mutual understanding and solidarity. Ji XiaoLan also proposed to Hong Li that Baoyue House should serve as a complete Hui tribe and be a government official And guards, all units within the palace, whether close or unwilling, not allowed to enter the Po Moon House, offenders by heavy penalties, to make Xiang Fei have a sense of belonging and security, to stay and receive Central Plains culture. Hongliu Ji XiaoLan more favoritism, but Ji XiaoLan do not appreciate, he said bluntly:I did this not for your own personal experience of Xiang Fei's selfishness, but for the Hui nationality to have the opportunity to integrate with the Central Plains culture, saying that the silver was returned, and Hongli was angry at him. Hongli lost control and perish in the confusion, Ji XiaoLan and Hongli serious talk about this, but useless. Not only take the initiative to protect her, but also can be seen, in many places is Xiang Fei actively attract Hongli. Due to Lang ShiNing's print spread in Europe, many kings and aristocrats knew that China had a country full of beauty in Xinjiang. Intelligence came, the first tempting is the Empress Dowager Lu Shi, she does not allow Hong Li and then for Fei Fei time-consuming and labor, so the use of blood dripping son. Hong Li learned that Xiang Fei died, a few days and nights, dripping has not yet entered, if the gas gossamer. Hongli gradually suspects that the Queen's Strangulation Xiang Fei and Ji XiaoLan, ordered to exile Ji XiaoLan, may not be admitted to Beijing for a lifetime, Ji XiaoLan indisputable, wearing a lock, walking westward. Two years later, Hong Li learned that Xiang Fei did not die. Instead, he pulled out of Kyoto and returned to Tianshan to make Hongli wholeheartedly govern the government and resist foreign aggression. Hongli and Xiang Fei reunion after the robbery, do not want to go back to Beijing, and to be the life of the manger. This decision dismayed Ji XiaoLan, making it difficult for Tudi Gong to make Xiang Fei the path of choice without any choice. When Hongli took off the emperor's crown and bowed east, Xiang Fei had fallen in the woods. He asked Ji XiaoLan to go back to Wenlan Pavilion with them and discuss the Manchurian governance with them. They should work together with the Xinzheng civilians to complain. Together they compiled the long history of the Sikuquansu.

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