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Wenkang Yuan TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Wenkang Yuan Works 50 ,And Feature 24 ,Romance 15 ,Costume Drama 7 ,Urban drama 5 ,Suspense 4 ,Historical play 4 ,Family drama 3 ,Action 3 ,War 3 ,Love 3 ,抗战3 ,Comedy 3 ,Biopic 3 ,Motivational film 2 ,Revolution 2 ,Martial Arts 2 ,青春悬疑1 ,Crime 1 ,Idol Play 1 ,Republic of China 1 ,命运1 ,Business War 1 ,都市女性1 ,Myth play 1 ,legend 1 ,Workplace film 1 ,青偶1 ,Magic 1 ,Solve crimes 1 ,Terror 1 ,Struggling Play 1 ,Spy war 1 ,Fantasy 1 。

Works Index

Wenkang Yuan Filmography(50)


我和我的祖国 (Movie)[2019]


七位导演分别取材新中国成立70周年以来,祖国经历的无数个历史性经典瞬间。讲述普通人与国家之间息息相关密不可分的动人故事。聚焦大时代大事件下,普通人和国家之间,看似遥远实则密切的关联,唤醒全球华人共同回忆。为保障开国大典国旗顺利升起, Lin ZhiYuan 争分夺秒排除万难,用一个惊心动魄的未眠之夜确保立国大事“万无一失”;为研制中国第一颗原子弹, Gao Yuan 献身国防科技事业,奉献了自己的青春和爱情;为确保五星红旗分秒不差飘扬在香港上空,升旗手 Zhu Tao 刻苦训练不懈怠、女港警 Lian Jie 兢兢业业守平安、外交官 An WenBin 与英国人谈判16轮分秒不让;喜迎奥运之际,出租车司机将自己视若珍宝的开幕式门票送给了远赴京城的汶川地震孤儿。一个个鲜活生动的普通人的奋斗故事,勾连起一段段难以磨灭的全民记忆。

亲爱的新年好 (Movie)[2019]


离乡打拼的 Bai ShuJin 早年间为了有个更好的生活,放弃了向往的图书行业,转行成为地产经纪,不想工作成果惨淡,职场遭遇劲敌。到北京的第十个年头, Bai ShuJin 屡遭挫折,面临事业停滞、情路不顺、房租暴涨、母亲病情加重等多重打击,此时初到大城市打工的合租室友女孩突然闯入她的生活,在这个女孩的身上 Bai ShuJin 似乎找到了十年前的自我,同时她也遇见了小七岁的同事仲要,渐渐地她开始有了变化……


Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" tells the story of Qianlong (Wallace Huo) ascended the throne in 1735 AD. Since then, the two in the court interpretation of a period of love and acquaintance to lost lost marriage process. New Emperor ascended the throne, such as Yi and Qianlong childhood sweetheart became Xian Fei, which was crowded by the crowd, and Empress Dowager (Vivian Wu ornaments) and the Yi family have feuds, such as Yi crisis. At this time, Qianlong also faced the same problem of Empress Dowager in power and the veteran's domination of the government. In the process of power change, Qianlong and Lu Yi supported each other and jointly tide over the storm until the two cleared out the obstacles. After many years of hard work, Emperor Qianlong also made her wish to push her to Queen's position, sharing the world with him. However, as the queen did Yi found that Qianlong had grown from a young man to a mature emperors, his misgivings and fickleness and self-esteem constantly revealed, the emotional trust between the two gradually shattered. However, such as Yi still stick to good memories, abide by the Queen's duties, until death .

Dream partner (TV)[2018]


Dream partners talk about Guan XiaoChun , Wei WenBin , Jia Lei Three people are good brothers who live in a dormitory with the university. The three brothers are very different in character, one is publicity, one is reserved, and one is pure. From the University era, three people began to co-found and succeeded. After graduation, three people entered their respective positions. However, Guan XiaoChun was reluctant to be bland, resigned from his own business and devoted himself to Internet e-commerce. Over the past few years, Guan XiaoChun’s career has grown up and down with the development of the Internet, and Guan XiaoChun’s life has also fallen. With his longtime girlfriend Li Wei and his best brother Wei WenBin, his career has fallen to the bottom Once again, the brothers returned to their lives. Because of misunderstandings, the partners had betrayed and the competitors had suppressed them. This series of incidents did not defeat Guan XiaoChun. They always adhered to their dreams and went all the way. In the end, Guan XiaoChun's company was successfully listed, and the three brothers abandoned their previous concerns and came together again. 

悍城 (TV)[2018]


The TV series “Fan City” introduces the story: It tells the growing madness of international drug trafficking organizations. At the request of Cankang, China established a joint action team to assist in the drug trafficking organizations. At the same time, Luo Jia, a mysterious man with multiple identities, appeared in the Cankran Kupa city for the sake of his brotherhood and joined the Southeast Asia Gangster Seven Stars Club alone. He was deeply in crisis but not afraid of evil forces, under various extreme challenges. Still insisting on justice, seeking truth. Bai ZhenHe, a prison guard of Lankupa, was born in the private armed forces of the governor of Lanka, and retired to serve in the Seapa prison. Bai ZhenHe and Luo Jia accidentally met in Xipa Prison and learned that Luo Jia knew his younger brother, Bai Zhen. Then they switched from hostile to cooperative. Under various extreme conditions, Bai ZhenHe and Luo Jia have gone deeper and deeper, becoming the brothers of life and death, groping at the edge of crime and the limits of life, and making desperate breakthroughs to overcome difficulties and continue to approach the truth. However, a series of exquisite investigations and thrilling conflicts continue to change things. The surging tides of overseas forces are surging. Whether love is genuine or not, whether brothers are miserable, and the constant suspicion and trials make the protagonist fall into deep encirclement. "Land of earth is isolated from the city, and it is born of death." The truth is gradually surfacing at the cost of life.

find you (Movie)[2018]


According to the plot of the movie "find you", lawyer Li Jie is in the process of divorce, fighting for the custody of his daughter with his ex-husband. Working hard is the best way to give his children the best life. After work one day, Li Jie found that Sun Fang, a nanny, and her daughter disappeared without warning. Her greatest fear became reality. In her search for Sun Fang and her daughter, she received criticism from her family and even suspicion from the police. Li Jie, who almost broke down, embarked on a journey of searching alone with amazing courage. In the process, Li Jie gradually approached the life story of another woman, the nanny Sun Fang, whose identity was originally a lie, and the truth will surface.

You are my hero (TV)[2018]


Introduction to the TV series you are my hero: Tells the story of a perennial, suspension and unsolved girls serial as the background, tells the story of "instructor" Si TuKun to cultivate a group of elite Interpol to form a special experimental classes, 20 years old genius "reasoning" Li JunCheng and super intuition gifted girl Lin Xi, abdomen black gold Qin Chuan, iceberg beauty LanHui, intelligence of his batman and others together with wisdom and superb reasoning skills step by step through several rounds of assessment, with strong faith, pulling the dark outrageous, carry justice mission, In a series of cases, the torrent of dark and mysterious cases gradually grew into a capable and capable front line criminal police.



Feature: Seven days tomorrow, Shen Lian, a Fushin worshipers at Beizhen, cleared out Bei Zhai, an artist, in an effort to clear up the party and sacked his colleague Ling Yun-kai. After that, on the one hand, he should get rid of questions and investigations from Lu WenZhao and Pei Lun, and on the other hand, set fire to the experience division of Jin Yiwei under the threat of the mysterious woman to find out the truth. In a chaotic world, Shen Lian and Bei Zhai are in a deep depression. And behind all this, the huge conspiracy is secretly laid out. Shen Lian in the troubled times in the late Ming dispute, in addition to facing challenges Lian Lian new challenges in life, love, brotherhood or the fetters of his more crisis Shura field.

An Oriental Odyssey (TV)[2017]

Feature: Master Tang SanCang is dead, leaving behind a series of Jiuxing Tianzhu inscribed with the ancient nine-nation exquisite spells. Two disciples Tian Qiao and Tianshu seized the heavenly beads. . Nine Tianzhu scattered, Tian Qiao Sanqizhidan rescued the body for meritorious dedication, but also to the emperor to contribute to help the Tang army achieved great success in the battle, was named Datang Division, and Tianshu was intended to seize the beads, betrayal division door Crimes became the first-class wanted criminals. Nineteen years later, the Gaozong and Wu Hou Dynasties under the rule of the Tang Dynasty era, prosperous and charming Luoyang, continue to lively strange event. True and upright, probationary minister Assistant Minister Ye YuanAn spent together in Quebec, and cold and capable, martial arts superior county governor Zhao LanZhi do not know each other; and out of sympathy, from the ghost market On the purchase of a strange physique, powerful Amnesia small slave, received as a servant, named Mu Le. Unexpectedly, a rib Mu Le absolute loyalty to the Yuan, and gradually sprouted lovesickness. Mu Le in Yuan's mind did not know it and favored Zhao LanZhi, causing great dissatisfaction with Mu Le. Yuan An, Zhao LanZhi and Ming Hui also love and hate each other. After experiencing the story of angry Thousand-end House and burning Luo Tian-dong, in the secret room of the South King's palace, in the magnificent mansion of General Guo's house, in the rugged Mount Huodu, Control of the colorful lottery division, cunning fierce mountain thieves take turns. Yuan An, Mu Le, Zhao LanZhi three closely cooperate, repeatedly breaking odd cases, continue to be strong in the battle again and again, and Tianshuanyuan behind Tianan also see the hidden behind these cases, Ming Hui Lord for the country Master Tian Qiao collected the secrets of Jiuxing Tianzhu and exposed the truth about the fire at Ci'en Temple. Mu Leo, who grew up as a great master, remembers fragments of his former life from time to time. What is his real identity? Ming Hui governor to get Zhao LanZhi, did not hesitate to propose a future marriage proposal. Feeling lost Yuan, angrily to marry Mu Le, but also lead to misunderstanding again and again. Mu Le sad, actually restored the memory, stole Jiuxing Tianzhu. After days of raging anger, Yuan An, Zhao LanZhi and Ming Hui had to follow the path and went to the mysterious Miluo State. Behind all this, there seems to be a bigger conspiracy waiting for them ...

Fei brother clan (TV)[2017]

Feature: High-level Japanese troops stationed in Jinan hated Liang Fei for repeatedly destroying the Japanese army. In particular, he transferred Yamamoto, who had combat experience, to Jinan to set up a special operations team and set up a combat plan to fight Liang Fei and the armed forces. Eighth Route Army Jinan Wugong team informed of this intelligence, Liang Fei mobilized all the mobilization of the resistance forces, the establishment of a corps, the purpose is to crush Japanese devils conspiracy. However, the formation of clan Liang Fei have their own ideas, expensive and not more than fine. Each team member must have its own operational characteristics. Liang Fei led the Turks and Gendarmes in a fierce struggle against the Japanese detainees to rescue miners rescued by the Japanese kidnapped chemist Ye XiaoXian, each battle Liang Fei are leading soldiers, infected every team comrades. The Japanese army stole a large number of fake French coins to undermine the rear of the economic order. My Eighth Route Army was wronged when it purchased war medicine. Liang Fei led the dive into the counterfeit currency manufacturing base, successfully destroyed the counterfeit currency pad. Finally Liang Fei hand blade Yamamoto, revenge for sacrificing comrades & nbsp ;.

Look at you across the sea (TV)[2017]

Feature: Su Mang, head of MG Travel Group, a British husband and her husband, begged Chen Jingming, her husband, who could not "see you through the sea" and her husband Chen JiaMing, who had posed for the poster. Unexpectedly discovered by her husband and was split, the two divorced. Su Mang, a highly self-respecting, desperate for love and marriage, decided to leave sad to return to China but was informed of her pregnancy success by her doctor. She decided to give birth to her child alone, with a small belly of life back to the head office of MG Tourism in Shanghai. At this time, Zheng Chu, a travel experience specialist in Shanghai headquarters, proposed to her girlfriend Chen ShanShan that she was rejected by her as an excuse for turning iron and steel into steel and falling into a predicament of career and feelings. Airborne boss Su Mang was lonely in the new environment for all sorts of anecdotal evidence but zealous Zheng Chu entered her life. Two from the lovers to each other, from the joy, "the devil head" and the subordinate from the "ice and fire" confrontation to love. Office romances and children of unknown origin test a lover of renewed hope of love. Zheng Chu Su Mang face of good lies, from confusion to determination, and Su Mang together experienced numerous twists and turns, for the lovers to bear all the questions and misunderstandings, tireless perseverance finally make a lover & nbsp; & nbsp ;.

Shanghai Womens Guide (TV)[2017]

Feature: Adapted from "Tokyo Girls 'Guidebook", "Shanghai Girls' Guide" is starring Toby Lee with Wang Zhen Er and starring Li Xian. Sheng Yuanren plays a role in starring Yuen Weng Hong, Yao Hsuan, Ma Dezhong, Liu Zi and Jin Sha. To magic all Shanghai as the story background, concerned about the growth of women, depicting urban people chasing desire groups.

Breaking silence (Movie)[2017]


In the Silent Storm, in the winter of 2004, in a northern mining town, the shepherd boy walked in the mountains with his own flock and stopped in shallow river channels. Two days later, the miner Zhang BaoMin heard that the news of his son's disappearance rushed home, three days later. The daughter of the lawyer Xu WenJie also disappeared. He picked up the phone and called the only suspect he could think of, the black-and-white coal-owner Chang WanNian < /a>. As a result, two cases of disappearances that had otherwise been unrelated were accidentally linked to each other.


NewYorkNewYork (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Shanghai in the 90s of last century, many people are fanatical going abroad. Lu Tu (Ethan Juan) is the youngest five-star hotel foreman who is well-versed and skilled, whether it's a younger brother like A Kun (Yang Xuwen) or Jin XiaoJie (Cecilia Yip ), All trust Lu Tu. Mi XianSheng (Michael Miu), an elite businessman who returned from the United States, even paid him fancy and invited him to head the new New York hotel. In order to go to New York, many people approach Lu Tu with different ends, including the girl Juan Du (Juan Juan) who is fascinated by Lu Tu. New York dream can get it? Where will Lu Tu and Azalea go? A period of love in the desire of cities on the entanglement of choice, to start ...

RookieAgentRouge (Movie)[2016]

Feature: In 1937, the Japanese launched an all-out war against China, arousing the strong patriotic enthusiasm of the Chinese nation. Shanghai Progressive Youth Blues and her college classmates took to the streets together and called for a boycott of Japanese goods in solidarity with frontline officers and men. However, because of a propaganda event, Rouge was co-routed by Japan in confrontation; she ignored her own safety as a war plot.

The Founding of An Army (Movie)[2016]

Feature: In 1927, on the occasion of the Great Achievements of the Northern Expedition, the "Right" of the Kuomintang launched a frenzied "communist" campaign to seize power and revolt revolution. In just a few months, nearly 310,000 advanced compatriots were brutally killed and the whole country was shocked. China, hopeful, is about to fall into the abyss once again of warlord turmoil and dictatorship. Without its own armed forces, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), set up less than seven years ago, has almost suffered a devastating blow under the crazy attack of the Kuomintang "right". The lessons of blood have made Mao Zedong, Zhou En Lai and other party progressive elements realize the absolute principle of "giving power to the gun." On the occasion of their survival, they died in danger and went to places such as Hunan and Nanchang. They joined forces with a number of patriotic generals such as Zhu De, He Long, Ye Ting and Liu Bo Cheng to launch an uprising and vow to form an army that truly belonged to the people. Cast Juggernaut soul, self-preservation Paul family.


Feature: Late Tang, Chang'an City, a strange series of murder occurred. Down artist Du GuZhongPing involved in solving the case. Wei RuoZhao, a girl who escaped from home, has astonishing memories. She was deeply attracted by the solo photo Zhongping and decided to study with him. Li XiuYi, a young and passionate private detective, came to Chang'an at this time to look for opportunities. Three characters and extremely different "geeks" began their journey to eradicate evil. In the process of going through a variety of odds and ends together, the feelings among the three people also created various disputes. Li XiuYi and Du GuZhongPing were both enemies and friends. Wei RuoZhao also had a heart of love for Du GuZhongPing. Under the investigation of Li XiuYi, Du GuZhongPing's past also surfaced. He turned out to be a member of the "Qian MianFu" criminal gang, and later repented. After some soul-stirring contest, Qian MianFu eventually died in front of Du GuZhongPing, and Du GuZhongPing finally learned of his own life experience.

PrincessJieyou (TV)[2016]

Feature: The drama is based on the Han WuDi period, the Han Dynasty sent to the Western Regions Wusun country and pro Princess Jie You as the protagonist, portrays Feng Liao, Han WuDi, Li Ling, military photo extravagant, Weng Gui and a series of historical figures. Princess Jie You's true love between Wusong and Weng Gui and her sister-like friendship with Feng Liao made her one of the most dangerous steps in the harem's political struggle. The most valuable thing about Princess Jie You is that she has won the admiration of the people of Wusun with her own great love and wide-mindedness, and also reduced the power of the Huns in the Western Regions. As a princess, Jie You, not only became the "first generation mother of the mother" in the hearts of people of all nationalities in the Western Regions, but also spread the culture and influence of the Central Plains to the Western Regions, bringing about real peace in the Western Regions. It even created ethnic integration and ethnic groups in the Western Regions Unity epic page.

Long live the wife (TV)[2016]

Feature: The professional women in several contemporary cities, represented by Ye ShuXin, cling to happiness in their own love, career, marriage and family. Ye ShuXin, beautiful and capable advertising industry elite; Lan Shan, Feng Lin's girlfriend, married to the "rich and handsome" at the same time also undertake the duty of the stepmother; Chu ShengNan, in pursuit of true love, and impulsive objects impulsive marriage, but two A married life after 90 is not easy. After thousands of sails have passed, these wives have accumulated more commitment to marriage, saved their own marriage and love, and finally gained happiness.

Female doctor Ming Fei Biography (TV)[2016]

Feature: The prosperity of the Ming dynasty, but it is harsh ethical education, low status of women, not from the doctor, hidden disease refractory. Tan family medical family, generations of ancestral physician, because of being framed by the treacherous victims, leaving ancestral training, future generations can not practice medicine. But bright Tan YunXian from childhood, secretly learning Chinese medicine with grandmother knowledge, not only Xuanhujijian, skilled hand benevolence, has been praised and supported by ordinary people, and gradually save the world's women's heart. As a result, Yun Yin not only faces numerous difficulties and obstacles in the path of medical study, but also faces the impact of feudal ethics and secular ideas. However, Yin Yin overcomes all kinds of difficulties with his obsession and love of medical science. He not only absorbs and integrates medicine in his own way, but also breaks through the harsh legal and religious restraint. He has created and established a system of female doctors, The body to save the soul, and then by saving people to save the country, spread and carry forward the medical culture of the motherland, eventually becoming a generation of women's medicine, famous world.

rouge (TV)[2016]

Feature: In 1937, the Japanese Army launched an all-out war on China and aroused the strong patriotic enthusiasm of the Chinese nation. Lan Yanzhi, a progressive young woman from Shanghai, and her college classmates went onto the streets together and called for a boycott of Japanese goods to support front-line officers and men. However, because of a preaching event, Rouge was co-chalked into the confrontation between China and Japan. She took the initiative to serve the country without regard to her own safety and actively run after the war. After joining the Kuomintang, rouge has gone through the size of the battle, but found the Kuomintang internal negative and corrupt. When the faith was shaken, the guidance and encouragement of the Communist member Zhou Yu-hao joined the Communist Party and continued the anti-Japanese journey. In the arduous struggle, rouge grew up and finally became a qualified communist & nbsp ;.

Happy Mi Tan (TV)[2016]

Feature: Shun Zhi years, Niu DaBao bent on founding a family with sweetheart Yuan YuE, during the course of the pursuit of error and error became a member of the Imperial City post Huang Hua station, and Yuan YuE is a member of Hong Bang. In order to protect his sweetheart Yuan YuE, Niu DaBao won the trust of post director Long DingHai with wisdom, and secretly made efforts to resolve the contradiction between Hong Bang and the Qing court. In a series of events, while protecting Chun Hua, a kind-hearted brothel woman with his own knotty misunderstanding, and rescuing the simple and honest gunner Tie QianJin, he also made full use of his resourcefulness to undermine the series of intrigues of HuangHuaYi and get rid of Guilty sinister cunning Sun ZhiLan, Mao Gang, Yi KouNiao, etc. Mi Tan. After a bout of trials and hardships, Niu DaBao finally grew up from a common market man to a resourceful, courageous and righteous righteous. With his efforts, Niu DaBao prevented ordinary people from suffering from a war.

Through the mystery (TV)[2016]

Feature: Rong Rong, who was immersed in the happiness of being engaged with her boyfriend Hao Hao, suddenly learned that she had grown up with her and Si Ning, a brother and sister, died. Sad, she found Si Ning's phone even in the hands of a strange man Ma Dong. In order to protect Si Ning's mother Zong Feng from being harmed, Rong Rong decided to investigate Ma Dong. After unremitting exploration, Rong Rong found a hidden years of truth: the original Ma Dong is Zong Feng's own son. Ma Dong and Zong Feng experienced tangled and suffering, the mother finally agreed. As Rong Rong and Ma Dong explored the truth, two young people unwittingly had feelings. Rong Rong apologized to Hao Hao and made a breakup; Hao Hao was deeply humiliated and repeatedly targeted at Ma Dong. Ya Ling also opposed two people because she could not face Ma Dong. Zong Feng finally fell ill, Hao Hao at the last minute chose to admit mistakes, and successful treatment of Zong Feng. The truth is clear, people who rebuild trust continue their new life, and Rong Dong and Ma Dong, determined by the trials and tribulations, are also determined to join hands to face future life & nbsp ;.

Snow sea (TV)[2016]

Feature: Wang Tienshan anti-guerrilla captain Lin TieShan origin hunter, his gun excellence, martial arts Gao Qiang, good at jungle war, called the perfect warrior. His personality is open-minded, but one thing has always been to his heart, that is, his son Lin Hai "too disappointing." Lin Hai is a very shameless mountain boy, he did not like to kill, nor the use of force, for Lin TieShan painstakingly completely interested. His dream is to make a living. Lin TieShan is very pleased with his son's goodness, but also worried about him. He was worried that one day he would die if he was killed in battle in this jungle. Lin TieShan this fear eventually became a reality. In 1932, the Japanese troops started to completely enclose Kuwanshan. The Japanese forward army officer is a jungle master known as "Lin Ghost," and he is called Zhong Shan Wu. This person has a mild history of mental illness and sent her own mother to feed the wolf in her infancy. Zhong ShanWu led the Japanese and Lin TieShan guerrillas launched a life-or-death showdown, eventually Lin TieShan died in battle, Zhong ShanWu seriously injured, almost Wang Ya-Shan guerrillas annihilated. In this campaign, Lin Hai, who lost her parents, fled into the original jungle of the Greater Xing'an Mountains and became a savage. Six years of jungle life, Lin Hai in order to survive, began to learn hunting, learning to endure loneliness and fear, learn how to be king of beasts. In the end, he became a ghost-like person. One day, Lin Hai grew tired of the days of survival in order to survive, and he initiated the idea of ​​retaliation down the hill. From then on, he went through jail years, experienced countless deaths and deaths, and also underwent supremacy. In the end, he incarnated "Zhong Kui" and launched a terrifying revenge on the Japanese. Zhong ShanWu When he was wounded by Lin TieShan and was mentally disturbed, he wounded the hospital doctor and soldiers in the morgue. The Japanese hated his existence and sent him to a mental hospital. Zhong ShanWu's honored person is a virologist, Dr. Matsumoto, because Zhong ShanWu is the only survivor of his experimental subjects. Matsumoto sees Zhong ShanWu as his most satisfying work, giving Zhong ShanWu freedom. Returning to society Zhong ShanWu decided to find Lin TieShan again, even if colleagues told him that Lin TieShan is dead, but paranoid he still believes Lin TieShan is still alive. Zhong ShanWu did not find Lin TieShan, but learned of Lin Hai's existence. To this end, a fate of the war began, the two fight from the king of Medicine Hill to Shahe City, fighting from Shahe to Montenegro fortress. Several times close to each other several times, several times almost died in each other's hands. This duel of death not only decided the fate of the two men, but also changed the situation in Shahe, sparked a riot in the prison and accelerated the anti-UN backoff.

Plastic surgery season (TV)[2016]

Feature: Cosmetologists of both China and South Korea have operated a mysterious plastic surgery hospital to meet the aspirations of all people and demonstrated the friction between human nature and society, the awareness and the normal state through a special client who welcomed them. When people face the desire to hurt Indulge and avoid pain.

New York New York (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Shanghai in the 90s of last century, many people are fanatical going abroad. Lu Tu is the youngest five-star hotel foreman who is well-versed and committed. Lu Tu is trusted by all his younger brothers, such as A Kun and Jin XiaoJie who intend to play in the entertainment city. Mi XianSheng, an elite businessman who has returned from the United States, even considered him and invited him to head the new hotel in New York. In order to go to New York, many people approach Lu Tu with different ends, including the girl Azar who is fascinated by Lu Tu. New York dreams can get one's wish, Lu Tu and Azolla love will go from here.

head towards happiness (TV)[2015]

Feature: Ren YiFan, a girlfriend Chen Qing, a creative man in Imagination Advertising Company of the century, goes without saying a word. Every night, she goes back to Chen Qing, where they had been dating. Three years did not wait until Chen Qing returned, instead waiting until a looming woman Chen Yang had similarities - Ye Lin. Ren YiFan decided to start a new life, the two saw it. Unexpectedly, Ren YiFan arrived at the company the next day and found Ye Lin a new boss for his company. Even more unimaginable is that Chen Qing, the half-sister of Ye Lin, reappears in the life of Ren YiFan in retaliation for Ye ShuangCheng's father, Ji XuGang reached a tacit understanding. Ren YiFan experienced confusion and growth in this complex emotion, founded his own company and successfully helped Ye Lin defeat Ji XuGang. Along the way, Ren YiFan and Ye Lin finally realized that each other is true love. After Chen Qing lost everything, she realized that love can resolve grievances. There are too many beautiful things in life that are much more important than hatred.

TheGoldenEra (Movie)[2014]

Feature: In the 1930s, the 20-year-old Zhang Weiying (Tang Wei) escaped from marriage and was abandoned. Zhang Nai-ying, who flies to his fiancé Wang EnJia (Wenkang Yuan ornaments), still can not escape the fate of abandonment. Fortunately, he met Xiao Jun (Feng Shaofeng), a progressive youth working for the newspaper, and both loved each other. By Xiao Jun Zhang Naiying met literary writers such as Bai Lang, Feng Zu and Nie GanNu, renamed Xiao Hong, and got Lu Xun (Wang Zhiwen) Xu GuangPing (Ding Jiali), and later met Hu Feng (Lei Feng), Mei Zhi (Quan Yuan), Jiang XiJin (Yi Zhang), Ding Ling (Hao Lei ), Duan Mu Hong Liang (Zhu Yawen ornaments) and others, under the encouragement of contemporary writers, Xiao Hong gradually moved toward the "golden age" of creation despite the constant fighting and displacement.

The Golden Era (Movie)[2014]

Feature: In the 1920s and 1940s of last century, China was an era of full of personality and broad-mindedness. A group of young people went through a period of laissez-faire, freely pursuing their dreams and love. Some were carving their loved ones in the midst of displacement and some were fighting Look forward to the future of the home country. Xiao Hong, a maverick woman, exiled all the way from north to south, from Harbin to Hong Kong, and escaped war while experiencing the saddening and painstaking love and life. Struggling against the strong and dead of her life pierced through the pages of her paper, as was her life.

TheMerchantsofQingDynasty (TV)[2014]

Feature: The Qing Salt Merchants took the background of the Qian Long Emperor's fifth southern tour as the background of the times and described the intricate relationship between a generation of Yangzhou salt merchants represented by Wang ChaoZong and Qian Long, officials, literati, salt workers, actors and even rivers and lakes Describing the joys and sorrows of several large salt merchants in Yangzhou during the Qian Long period in life and business, painstakingly managing and cheating, by depicting the rise and fall of Yangzhou Salt Industry, portraying the salt merchants and landscape architecture in Yangzhou, Food culture and other inextricably linked the history of Yangzhou to show the bustling, panoramic Yangzhou salt merchants for China's economy plays a decisive role, influence and historical contributions, a vivid reproduction of the Qing Dynasty Qianlong Yangzhou folk customs and scenery. The play, which begins around a secret account, describes the intricacies of the generation of salt merchants represented by Wang Chao-Zong with Qian Long, poster bureaucrats, saltmakers, and even Heaven and Earth during the Qian Long years. Salt merchants in Yangzhou, an inexhaustible money bag owned by Emperor Qian Long, can not afford to pay the salt merchants when war rates are needed in the south-west war. Both Salt and Pepsi commit suicide. A KeZhan obeys the purpose of dunning and found that the salt merchants had the secret account books in hand and recorded the salt merchants' accounts for many years. Among them, the silver used for connecting drivers and salt officials was over 10 million taels. Salt merchants as amulets, salt officer is scared. A KeZhan decided to urge donation to lose again to find the books, all kinds of people around the books on stage. Yangzhou salt merchants four major business partners have their own interests in the cooperation between the rivalry, but Wang ChaoZong has not put books, he did not want to let the Salt Lake plunge into a bloody, in order to keep the salt industry foundation, will be built in Yangzhou City of the Moon to Salty both good world. Eventually, Wang ChaoZong handed over the books to Qian Long. Qian Long decided not to tour the south for future generations.

Tang Shan earthquake (TV)[2013]

Feature: The Tangshan earthquake tells the story of Wan DaCheng and his wife Li YuanNi in the summer of 1976, living with their lovely children Wanda and Wan Deng in a small room. As the head of the family, Wan DaCheng devoted her best to protecting his family. He cares about his wife, takes care of children, envies others. However, unexpected events occurred in Tangshan. The 7.8-magnitude earthquake broke out in Tangshan. In the face of the dilapidated buildings that are going to collapse, Wan DaCheng chose to travel to dormitories to save his friends and died. After the earthquake, Li YuanNi discovered that a pair of children were trapped under a concrete slab and would have to sacrifice one for rescue. In desperation, she chose to save her brother sacrificed sister, resulting in the family portrait of Wan Deng's soul suffered heavy losses. False positive and false, Wan Deng was Wang DeQing couple collected and raised. However, Wan Deng's life was entangled and tormented in "aftershocks." In the meantime, Li YuanNi also failed to meet happiness because he could not resolve the guilt in his heart. 32 years later, after a series of hardships such as the defeat of marriage and psychological barriers, Wan Deng finally got the courage to return to her long-separated home from the other side of the ocean. When she saw her mother repaid her indebtedness for the rest of her life in a self-punishing manner, Wan Deng mixed feelings and decided not to flee anymore. She wanted to open her arms to all her relatives.

Happiness (Movie)[2012]

Feature: 2012, are you happy? Dream in the choice and temptation to stretch between desires, affection between the merging and gains and losses, love in the only love between the lost and reality. As a Chinese version of "Sex and the City," the film sketches the reality of materialistic sexuality in urban and rural areas by describing the stories of urban Jinling, fashion stars, big-name celebrities, startup youth, career rookies and retired seniors. Different in the lost and confused. Without exception, they suffered a stormy and bumpy journey on their way to happiness: marriage derailed, friends betrayed, business failed, and their loved ones alienated ... Movie boss Song Hao (Yi Sha) married his wife Hu Fang (Aya Liu) for many years , Housewife Hu Fang always wanted a child, helpless but confused husband refused to cooperate, but also with her star actress Mises (Monica Mok ornaments) one night stand after life. In order to make up for her son's mistakes, Song Hui (Kara Hui) had to hurt two women in a row. Song Hua (Joe Chan), the daughter of Song Hua (actor), learned that the incident was almost completely cut off from her son and that her daughter, Qiqihar (Joe Chan), who had been injured while traveling to Europe, was still worried about her. Song Qi boyfriend Fang Lei (Shao Bing ornaments) found the cause after losing love ...

HappinessMeToo (Movie)[2012]

Feature: 2012, are you happy? Dream in the choice and temptation to stretch between desires, affection between the merging and gains and losses, love in the only love between the lost and reality. As a Chinese version of "Sex and the City," the film sketches the reality of materialistic sexuality in urban and rural areas by describing the stories of urban Jinling, fashion stars, big-name celebrities, startup youth, career rookies and retired seniors. Different in the lost and confused. Without exception, they suffered a stormy and bumpy journey on their way to happiness: marriage derailed, friends betrayed, business failed, and their loved ones alienated ... Movie boss Song Hao (Yi Sha) married his wife Hu Fang (Aya Liu) for many years , Housewife Hu Fang always wanted a child, helpless but confused husband refused to cooperate, but also with her star actress Mises (Monica Mok ornaments) one night stand after life. In order to make up for her son's mistakes, Song Hui (Kara Hui) had to hurt two women in a row. Song Hua (Joe Chan), the daughter of Song Hua (actor), learned that the incident was almost completely cut off from her son and that her daughter, Qiqihar (Joe Chan), who had been injured while traveling to Europe, was still worried about her. Song Qi boyfriend Fang Lei (Shao Bing ornaments) found the cause after losing love ...

Taichi II (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Yang LuChan and the great joy of the day, missing many years of Chen's eldest son planted (decoration), suddenly with a daughter-in-law (ornaments) appeared, and with "unpredictable profound" martial arts to deter people. Not long ago, hanging in the Chen family ancestral hall of the bell Zhongfa, suddenly landing in the middle of the night rotation, the sound can not be interrupted. Villagers commotion, they say night bells is a precursor of genocide, the elders believe that income surnamed entry, violated the ancestors taboo bronze bell. Even Yuk Niang how to defend, can not change the determination of family members to expel Yang LuChan. When all the spearheads point to Yang LuChan, Chen ChangXing, a far-sighted chief, personally dismantled his son's seedling trick: he disguised himself as a mastermind of martial arts with a variety of scientific techniques. And allow children to create riots and confusion, confusion, the purpose of sowing inter-family harmony within the family, and Fang ZiJing should be in foreign cooperation, Chenjiagou not break. The essence of Taijiquan has eliminated the loin of Yang LuChan and won Chen YuNiang's love for him. However, Fang ZiJing, wanted by the court, has fled, and another change seems to be happening.

BeiJingLoveStory (TV)[2012]

Feature: Cheng Feng, Wu Di and Shi XiaoMeng are college classmates who once organized a band during college to work hard for musical dreams. Their common interest makes them good friends who share their hands and feet. Three people have different family backgrounds and different personalities. Cheng Feng, a wild bohemian, Wu Di, a loyal, and Shi XiaoMeng, a pragmatic, hard-working Shi XiaoMeng, after graduating from college and several girls, Lin Xia, Yang ZiXi, Shen Bing and others Young people's growth, love, work problems one after another in front of them. Into the community, for these young people is a new course. Sometimes painful, sometimes sweet, but waiting in front of them is still a brand new life.

Our time in France (TV)[2012]

Feature: The internal and external problems in China in the early twentieth century have been extremely tragic. A group of Chinese progressive youths began to turn their attention to finding a path to save the nation to Europe and took part in the work-study program in France. A large number of progressive youth came to France one after another, witnessing the revolutionary movement of the French Communist Party and the underprivileged, seeking survival In the process of seeking truth, a series of patriotic movements such as "Anti-Hunger Conference", "Refusal Conference" and "Lyon University Incident" were organized and finally gathered under the banner of communism to set up the China Communist Youth League Trip to Europe Branch, Deng Xixian was elected to the Secretariat at the Fifth Congress and set foot on the Soviet Union with the help of the Comintern. The vigorous French years have forged the souls and ideals of this group of young people. The fate of China in the future will be drastically changed by them.

China 1921 (TV)[2011]

Feature: "China 1921" tells the story of the end of World War I on October 13, 1918, when China became the victorious nation and excited people went to the streets and riddled the Kremlin representing humiliation. Into four characters: axiom victory. Chinese people all think that from this day the "victorious country" will no longer be subjected to humiliation. From "Anfu Club" by Xu ShiChang to "Sun Yat-sen's reorganization of the" Chinese Kuomintang "by the" Revolutionary Party, "to the birth of the Communist Party, China Of the political parties gradually toward the modern political parties, while China's society is trying again and gradually fostered the birth of the Communist Party of China. The birth of the Chinese Communist Party is the inevitable choice of history, both in theory, organizational and personnel, have experienced all sorts of Preparation and choice, one big, just experienced a lot of trouble after the twists and turns & nbsp ;.

New capital four little (TV)[2011]

Feature: "The New Beijing Four Sects" tells the story of the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China. General Huo Gang was framed by De Yang Zhong, a pro-court nobleman who was cut off from the house and cut off by a young girl named Huo Xiaochai. Later renamed Yin BaiXue, he became a Beijing theater famous actress. In the midst of his transfer to Beijing, Tong Shan's friend Tong Shan was robbed by bandits and the only clues left by Tong YuGuan, the four young children of the child's home in the fight, were left unidentified. The only clue they left was that Group and Tian Baoyu. Twenty years later, four young boys and girls, who grew up in the capital, met each other in various coincidences and pursued different life goals. Gu RenJie boss Gu QingSan adoption, and Gu QingSan is the first robbery of the first Hu Xiaotian. Gu QingSan colluded with De YangZhong, doing bad things, but both covet coyotes beauty, for their own possession, causing conflicts. After Gu RenJie learned the truth, the four brothers joined forces to revenge their children and their families. Gu QingSan and De YangZhong were finally rewarded and four were reunited with one family.

SideASideB (Movie)[2010]

Feature: Xiao Chunlei is the owner of a supplements shop, he and his ex-wife's daughter suffering from uremia in urgent need of his help. His current wife, Liu Yue, was so anxious about the incident that he feared that the resurgence of Xiao Chunlei and his ex-wife's affair, together with the pressure of work, would lead to insanity. He was taken to a psychiatric hospital where her ex-husband Liang HaiChao was working. Liang HaiChao has always kept his ex-wife Liu Yue in her memory. So she pityfully revises Liu Yue, along with Chen CongMing, a university professor disguised as mentally ill in a scientific investigation. Two people and thus there have been subtle emotions, Liang HaiChao want to remarry with Liu Yue, but Liu Yue also had no direct promise to Xiao Chunlei's marriage, making Liang HaiChao more resentment Xiao Chunlei. He directed Liu Yue to doping in Xiao Chunlei's soup, and Xiao Chunlei was sent to a mental hospital as a neuropathy after the drug's onset. Xiao Chunlei in a psychiatric hospital always showed that he was not ill, but no one believed it. Later, the whole matter was known by Chen CongMing and decided to help him. In the end, Xiao Chunlei successfully escaped from the hospital and saw his daughter. Confirmed by the university, Chen CongMing regained her freedom and started her own psychiatric clinic. Liu Yue learned that after the onset of depression, admitted to the hospital for treatment. Dean Zhao was dismissed from the mental hospital, Liang HaiChao conspiracy to expose neurological disorders, was shut into a mental hospital. Xiao Chunlei finally left the hospital to see his daughter.

Death and Glory in ChangDe (Movie)[2010]

Feature: October 1943, the Japanese military by Shashi, Yueyang, crossing the Yangtze River and the Xiangjiang River encircled Changde. Army 74 Army 57 division code "Tiger Ben" ordered defensive. Holding the secret of "cohabiting with the city," the commander, Yu ChengWan, knew it was a battle that had no way to retreat. Changde full withdrawal of people is tantamount to a "solitary city", gunfire did not sound, the public service is already "dead." Company Secretary Feng BaoHua stick to the forefront. Tight war to let him and his wife Wan Qing wedding night after separation, franklin marshall pas cher, read the Qing Wan Qing Wan following, to become a war nurse. The brave and brave Feng BaoHua is the soul of a soldier, under the age of 16, the militias and two tigers regard him as an example and sacrifice their lives ... "The battalion commander died on the company commander, company commander died on the platoon leader and platoon leader died Squad leader! "Two tigers in the dead pile loudly repeated Feng BaoHua words. The Japanese army did not think of this attack without breaking the dead city, only the resistance but only a hundred soldiers. hold fast? Kill an agent of the law is not mortal; retreat? Will bear the name of defeat. Under a dilemma, Yu ChengWan has excellent handwriting

DownWithLove (TV)[2010]

Feature: Yang Guo (Ella), an ordinary Taiwanese girl, has no outstanding family background, no beautiful appearance and no outstanding talent. She has only good and innocent, warm and cheerful, appreciative of gratitude, and cherish the Lotte personality in front of her. Xiang YuPing (Jerry Yan), with Lv Shi licenses on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, is best at fighting divorce cases and fighting over her legacy. Some people may use indifference to selfishness, bitter mean to describe him, but no one can deny that in the professional field, he always invincible, always good. This seemingly irrelevant, completely different character of men and women, but because they want to rely on the Hangzhou press conference a child was fate miraculously tied together. When Xiang YuPing's brother died in a car accident, Xiang YuFei and Xiang YuTing left a pair of unreliable children. Although they are young, they are even weird even Yu Ping can not parry, even more irritating is that Xiang YuPing invited nanny is not scared to run away by the two children crying, or somehow fell in love with Xiang YuPing. Xiang YuPing had no choice but to entrust his secretary Yang Duo (Kelly Huang) to find a nanny who could meet his requirements, the extremely lucrative salary. Yang Duo is Yang Guo's sister. She and Yang Guo used to be affluent daughter-in-law when she was a child. However, her darling father soon lost her fortune after the wise mother died. Leaving two young daughters, fled to the field alone to hide debt. From then on, the sisters were dependent on each other, the hardships of life to develop their independent and strong personality, and therefore develop the Yang Duo thrifty stingy, in order to make money at life personality. When Yang Duo knew that owner Xiang YuPing had offered such a good job opportunity, he naturally would not let go, so he did not hesitate to recommend his sister Yang Guo to be a nanny, and in order to rest assured Xiang YuPing, Yang Guo would not divorce him Think, still lied boyish sister did not like boys. Yang Guo and Xiang YuPing had long had a very unpleasant first encounter because of some chances of overcast errors. This made Xiang YuPing even more convinced that Yang Guo could not like him, so Yang Guo successfully became the au pair of Xiang YuFei and Xiang YuTing . Despite being seven children and eight vegetarians by two children, Yang Guo struggled with sincere care to slowly melt the lonely heart of two children with indomitable and aggressive personality. From morning till evening, Yang Guo also found that the cold-looking Xiang YuPing has a kind, lovely side and can not help but secretly love him. Unfortunately, Xiang YuPing has long had a girlfriend, she is popular in both sides of the well-known actress Ding HuiFan (Chen Zihan ornaments). Ding HuiFan is glamorous and noble, and Xiang YuPing started her career as a college student. Later, Ding HuiFan became popular in showbiz. Her love affair has never been disclosed. Because Ding HuiFan has long been filming in the Mainland, her work is busy, less. Xiang YuPing was unhappy with the relationship that they were not exposed to, and Ding HuiFan also broke up with Xiang YuPing in order to make her work without any worries.Xiang YuPing Xiang YuFei, Xiang YuTing is very sad, and later relies on Yang Guo to try hard to repair the relationship between the two sides, so that the situation will be improved, and I have never enjoyed it Xiang YuPing, a warm family, tasted the taste of family for the first time. Xiang YuPing moved unconsciously to Yang Guo, and began to notice the subtle affection around her, but she always felt warm and happy, and the delicate feelings gradually emerged between the two. Only Xiang YuPing always thought that Yang Guo would never like him, so he could only hide this feeling. At this time, after breaking up, Ding HuiFan finally could not let down Xiang YuPing and asked for compound again. However, she found that Xiang YuPing actually had no feelings for her and actually liked his nanny - Yang Guo. Ding HuiFan arrogant simply can not accept this fact, decided not to have to regain the price of Xiang YuPing heart. Handsome and refined interior designer Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang is a university friend of Xiang YuPing and Ding HuiFan. He also loved Ding HuiFan, but sadly exited because of Ding YuFan's lover, Xiang YuPing He has been indelible to Ding HuiFan. As Qijia in Hangzhou, Shanghai has a very strong asset, Qi Kezhong itself successful career, the appearance is Yushu Linfen, is the eyes of the gold bachelor. Ding HuiFan spotted this and asked Qi to pursue Yang Guo, trying to dismantle Yang Guo and Xiang YuPing all possible. In order to prevent Ding HuiFan from grieving, Qi K'ai, a kind-hearted man, consented to this unreasonable request. Ding HuiFan's scheme succeeded. Yang Guo really thought that Xiang YuPing and Ding HuiFan had already compounded and were sad and slowly impressed by Qi Kezhong's tender and thoughtfulness. Xiang YuPing learned that his friend Qi Keizhen actually started interacting with his favorite Yang Guo. Although painful, he still hopes Yang Guo can be happy. Yang Guo may be invited to serve as his assistant in his studio, and with Yang Guo to work in Hangzhou, take her home and see her mother. Snobbbing mother Yang Guo picky, often make Yang Guo embarrassed, Yang Guo suffered grievances, but in order to prevent Qi in the face of difficulties, still smiling. Xiang YuPing uncontrollably missed Yang Guo. He deeply understood that Yang Guo had an irreplaceable position in his mind, and rejected Ding HuiFan's repeated initiative and disregard of his work. He just wanted to go to Hangzhou Confirm Yang Guo is really happy. Seeing Yang Guo 's unjust treatment of Qi' s family, her painful tenderness, gentle comfort Yang Guo, and his idea for Yang Guo, Yang Guo tried hard to play her true character and finally touched Qi mother and accepted this future from her heart Daughter-in-law Ding HuiFan finally found out that she could not win back Xiang YuPing's heart by exerting her best effort and hurt Yang Guo by destroying Yang Guo and Qi Kezhong's feelings. When Yang Guo learns that Qi Keizhong's pursuit of her was a lie and deception, she was lost in consternation, but at the same time she noticed that Xiang YuPing, who had been with her for her care, had loved her deeply. Affection always go through tempering, only know cherish.Yang Guo has always believed that there is an unconditional love in the world. She has finally realized the fruit of "invincibility of true love." Xiang YuPing and Yang Guo confessed their love heart to each other and won their greetings with the best wishes of all. And Qi Ke also lost in Yang Guo, suddenly glanced back and found himself around there is still a wait and go Yang Duo.

Tian Shi Zhong Kui (TV)[2010]

Feature: Zhong Kui tells the story of Zhong Kui, the god of exorcism in ancient Chinese folklore. Allegedly everyone knows the story of Zhong Kui playing the master demon Zhong Kui. Very deep and wide. According to ancient classics records, Tang Xuanzong ascended the throne that year, Zhong Kui went to Chang'an examination, was the examiner official reputation as "Wizards", take the first of the tribute. However, when the temple test, the villain Lu Qi actually appearances, Diego into words, so that the champion election. Zhong Kui huff, head hit the temple column and died, shocked both the ruling and the opposition. Xuanzong Xia Zhao Zhong Kui as "Exorcism God", traveled the world "demon exorcism." Yu Di Feelings of Zhong Kui In order to strive for fairness, he did not hesitate to die in martyrdom. So Zhong Kui led his knot brother Liu HanYan, Wang FuQu began their soul-stirring, epic quest for justice.

Spy war rose (Movie)[2009]

Feature: During the war of liberation, Li Na, the stenographer who went into the Kuomintang inside our party, had a strong shorthand skill and collected a lot of important intelligence for our party. Her husband also entered the Kuomintang interior, the two initially fake marriage, and later had a real feeling, married.

Flames (TV)[2009]

Feature: "Flames" tells the story of the 1930s, the turmoil in the declining state. Shanghai progressive film director Ou Yang PuSheng (Zhu Yawen ornaments) and others shooting film progress was persecuted by the Kuomintang government. Ou Yang PuSheng et al. In the dark hard to find a bright. Ouyang PuSheng and screenwriter Meng Qiushui (Haiqiong Luo ornaments) misunderstood to know each other, love each other. Songhu Battle broke out, OuyangPuSheng and Meng Qiu Shui and others actively involved in the fight to defend Shanghai. Under the call of the party, Ouyang PuSheng and Meng Qiu-shui and others came to Yan'an to participate in Yan'an Film Troupe. After the baptism of war, they gradually matured and shot a great deal of valuable shots of the aggression of the Eighth Route Army and the broad masses of the people against the Japanese aggression . The Japanese bandits attack on the border area authorities and Meng Qiu Shui met. Meng Qiu Shui ring grenades and the Japanese go back to the deadline, the border agencies to the police. Ou YangPuSheng to endure the tremendous suffering of losing lovers, continue to be put into battle shooting, the ultimate honor to join the Chinese party, to become a real cultural fighter.

Golden Earrings (TV)[2008]

Feature: Lu BaoLiang (Huang Ming ornaments) childhood was happy, proud of his father for the country is a land captain Kam Ning City Public Security Bureau of Criminal Investigation Brigade, he still tender loving mother and a very beautiful and very loved his Sister Jane (Likun Wang ornaments). At the age of 10, Baoliang emulated his father's best friend, Liu Cun Liang (Gaowei Qu) and Li Chen, and bowed their heads. My father's brotherhood power has always been good with the Lu family. The righties of the righties have been fighting and beating into the bureaucracy for three times. All of his father came forward to get him out. At the age of 11, at the age of 20, his father took a car accident on the road where he took the right shot and became a cripple. He was transferred to the local public security school from the criminal investigation brigade and police unit, and the title of deputy headmaster was hung. Originally, the silent father became more silent, and his expectation of his son Baoliang was even higher and more urgent. He hoped that he would inherit his father's will to be an outstanding police officer. Baoli accidentally discovered that her sister was secretly in love with Quan Hu (Wenkang Yuan), the son of the family. My father resigned from the post of public security school and went to the uncle's company after her father had talked with the public security bureau colleague less than uncle. After her sister and Quan Hu's affair were known to her father, she was strongly opposed by her father. The couple finally chose to flee, before leaving his mother will be a white gold earrings to Pauliang, let him take it to my sister. On the 52nd birthday of his power, his sister and Quan Hu returned to their hometown with their newly born son. That is, on that day, because of suspected illegal fund-raising and triad crimes, power and his subordinates were caught by the Public Security Bureau. Power was sentenced to death, disappeared after Quan Hu and Bao Zhen were acquitted. Father made a great contribution because of the power of the case, his family moved to the provincial capital. However, because of her mother's mother leaving the increasingly haggard, a few years later, it ended in depression. When she died, the mother handed over another platinum earring to Baoliang and told him to find her sister. Since then, find my sister has become an open Paulina heart. His father was married again, and from there, an extra stepmother, Yang aunt, and Du Du (Wang Shasha), a sister he did not like. Then, his sworn brothers Liu CunLiang and Li Chen came to the provincial capital, Po Leung also recognized the girl Liu CunLiang girlfriend Fifi (Li Qian (actress) ornaments), have a significant impact on his life. Paul finally got his wish to the public security school in the provincial capital, where he met a lifelong learning sister Xia Xuan (Li Zhang). Li Chen, who works at the "Fireworks Capital" nightclub, heard the word "Quan Hu" from the mouth of a horse owner. Baoliang sees this as the only clue to finding her sister. He repeatedly find the horse boss, the other refused to disclose any information to him, and even sent his hands to beat him. Just as Paul was frustrated, horse boss mistress "gold earrings" stills found him, promised to help him find her sister, but the condition is to accompany her to "play." In order to find her sister, Baoli was forced to accompany her to some ecstasy party. At the last ecstasy party, the police who broke into the scene arrested them. Paul was expelled from school. After the baby once tasted ecstasy, the fall suicide, asked a friend before his death to a business card to Baoliang.With this business card, Paul found an old courtyard that Mr. Ma had previously rented with Quan Hu, but unexpectedly saw the three shots right there. Baoliang three shots go home to see his father, did not expect to lead to a tragedy. Intention of retaliation right shot shot dead three Auntie Yang and Du Du, Baosteel fled, rushed to the report. Under his father's grief, Paul will be driven out of the house. Baosteel reluctantly voted in the two brothers, and lived with Fifi who has always loved him. Baoli got a job at a cleaning company and got to know Zhang Nan (Yuanke Wang), a beautiful and elegant white-collar girl. Love arose between the two, but opposition from Zhang Nan's parents because of their social status and age disparity led to a fierce dispute between Baoliang and Fifi. Just as his relationship with Zhang Nan changed a bit, Fifi's mother needed a large sum of money to get sick. To prevent Fifi from acting as a Taiwan lady, Zhang Nan borrowed ten thousand bucks. Although Zhang Nan lent him money, but also began to doubt the purity of the love of Po Liang, the feelings of the two fell into a deadlock phase. Pauliang lost the original job, in order to make a living, worked in the car wash factory hard and tired of work, a serious illness, almost a life. With Fifi's meticulous care, Baoliang recovered day by day and got a job as a receptionist at the hotel. And Zhang Nan little reunion, the two love again hot. In the blessing of happiness, Baolong was bitterly "gold earrings" stills found Fifi in order to cure his mother being someone else package, in order to help Fifi, Pauliang went to the subway station begging, and last resort, had to Zhang Zhang tube borrow 50,000, Zhang Nan also suspects that Baoliang was with her for money. Just as Paul Baolian swears herself sincerely, Zhang Nan saw the intimate photos of Baoli and Xiao'ai in the little beloved's room. With great indignation, Zhang Nan quietly left. Liu Cun Liang and Li Chen bought fifteen lottery tickets, and Baoliang helped them to make a first prize, but did not expect Li Chen to flee alone. A few days later, Baoliang returned to his hometown for identification. Both brothers had already asked for court order for the lotteries. Both sides requested that Baolong appearing to testify for himself. Once again, Baoliang felt the fragility of human nature. After all kinds of hardships and pains, Baoli finally found his elder sister in Fushui, but his efforts to promote sisterhood and father failed. He himself was also expelled from the unit for a long time due to absenteeism. In order to cooperate with the public security organs to find out the case of three shots, Baoliang again came to Fu River. In an unexpected battle, Baoliang personally shot and killed three shots. Pauliang, who became a hero, was not only accepted by the original unit, but also made his father's understanding. Quan Hu was sentenced to life imprisonment for her right to three shots and her infirm sister was sentenced to five years in prison. Paulie adopted his sister's son, Rayleigh, in order to take care of Rayleigh exhausted, and even live sculpture in the night market square. One night, he unexpectedly met Zhang Nan who had another lover. Looking at his sculptures, Nan Zhang said to his partner "is a real person", he floated away, leaving behind a broken heart and two lines of clear tears.Sister was outpatient care because of serious illness, Pauliang not only to sister treatment, but also to take care of Rayleigh, too busy, but also Fifi's affair and her lover Laochuang bucket. In the emergency, his father entrusted to Pauliang sent fifty thousand dollars in life-saving. But my sister finally died of illness, left the world. Aspiring her elder sister's ashes to be made in two parts, part of which is put together with her mother and part of which is brought back to her hometown to scatter in the riverbank where the setting sun will fall. Twenty-one-year-old Baolian still kept a drop of tears that had not been erased, but his face showed all settled smile. He took Lei Lei's hand and walked down the hill. Under the hillside was a small courtyard where he lived in childhood , The yard is vaguely rising a ray of smoke.

Assembly (Movie)[2007]

Feature: The assembly number tells the story of the unprecedented fierce fighting with the Kuomintang troops in 1948. Nine company commander to accept a task of blocking the war, he and the head agreed to the assembly as a retreat order, if the Assembly does not sounded, the whole company must adhere to the last minute. In an abandoned old kiln, 47 soldiers courageously fight, after all, lack of fire disproportionate, Gu ZiDe watched his comrades one by one but can not do anything. Pai-chang, Jiao DaPeng, a right-hand man of Gu ZiDe, said before he died he said he heard the buzzer ring and Gu ZiDe retreated with only a few remaining brothers. Some of the warriors were opposed and everyone disagreed. At this moment, Gu ZiDe discovered that the neighboring troops had already retreated. He suspected that he had neglected the sound and caused his comrades to sacrifice their lives. Strongly shocked and guilty, he carried a dynamite bag and ran out of the kiln field to the enemy's trenches alone. The rest of the soldiers eventually killed. Gu ZiDe was taken prisoner by the People's Liberation Army as an enemy soldier after his injury. In the back of the hospital, he learned that his original unit number had been canceled. He not only failed to prove his true identity, but even the 47 brothers who died fighting would be regarded as missing. Gu ZiDe tried to join the PLA Artillery Corps, following the pace of the team south of the North war, his only motivation to survive just for the dead comrades to get back the due honor. Even if the passage of time flies, even though history has gradually been forgotten, the unforgettable brotherhood has not diminished. In Gu ZiDe's mind, the images of his brothers are always alive. Wang JinCun, Jiao DaPeng, Jiang MaoCai, Lv KuanGou and so on. Poor boundless riverside bone, is still a dream girl in the mansion. The same as Gu ZiDe is still looking for the wife of Sun GuiQin, Zhi DaoYuan Wang JinCun. She did not believe her husband was dead until she met Gu ZiDe. The two who were wronged shared common sadness and conviction, and they embarked on a journey of proof together. Gu ZiDe introduced Sun GuiQin to his friend Zhao ErDou, a close friend of the artillery units, who testified to their popularity. When they finally returned to the old kilns where the bloody battle took place, they found that the battlefield sites had been totally blamed on coal mines. No one except Gu ZiDe knew or even believed that there were dozens of heroic sacrificial soldiers lying beneath the kiln. Gu ZiDe furiously digs like a mountain of coal mines, no matter what he must let the truth. The last Wenhe Xiushui found this kiln, which remains 47 confirmed that the only two divisions nine one nine nine regiment nine of the soldiers. Finally, Gu ZiDe was honored with his 47 comrades.

Love me and give me a home (TV)[2006]

Feature: Reporter He Ru and her little sister Yilan and Xiao LaJiao three provinces girls floating love for different reasons I gave me a home park in the South Bank. Yilan spit out the truth, she fell in love with Wang HaiTao HTC CEO, she let Wang had been interviewed Wang HaiTao help from the side of its good, for the sentimental Yilan, He Ru find reasons to meet Wang HaiTao. Wang HaiTao drove He Ru to the island away from the city and prank He Ru on the island overnight, He Ru was involved in the resulting conflict, in the face of Ylang-Lan's misunderstanding He Ru has a mouth to face defense, friendship cracks. Although they are drifting at the same time on the beachfront, they are totally different in attitude and fate to life. They experience unforgettable love affair. They experience tears of tears and contradictory friendship with their laughter. They are experiencing changes in the confusion and death of unknown places.

The Magic Touch of Fate (TV)[2005]

Feature: Magic Romance TV stills In the bustling city streets, in front of the city's landmark buildings, the most famous magician of the country, Cai FeiHong, is here to prepare for his great magic show that has hit the national magic circle - The magic that vanishes in front of everyone. His daughter, Lin XiaoMei, and Wu JunAn, an aide to his performance, are also intensely prepared to welcome this historic moment. Almost all of them are full of expectations at this moment, looking forward to the miracle. However, on the other side, in a room in a high-end office, an individual is angered. His handsome and beautiful face twisted with anger. This man is the prince of magic - Jin Xiu. He shouted, pointing at Cai FeiHong in the television that he had stolen his own magic. What exactly is going on? Time back 20 years ago. Twenty years ago, Cai FeiHong did not have such a fame now. Together with his magic partner Lin Shu-yi, Lin XiaoMei, a trilogy of young children, has been running as a wandering magician in various shabby clubs in small cities Magic show to survive. However, because of their poverty, the two men finally decided to risk study and practice a rather dangerous magic. Although both tried their best to protect them, they went out of their way and the tragedy of Lin Shu-yi died. Can not do anything Cai FeiHong Xiaomei only started a new life. Twenty years later, Cai FeiHong has become the country's leading national magician, he started a magic club called Clover, and Xiao Mei, as his daughter, is already the club's chief magician. Clover Magic Club is a magic cafe located in the bustling streets, the club is full of magical charm, where people can fully feel the magic to bring people a good imagination. In the club, there is also a chief magician, Jin Xiu, a talented magician who is young, handsome, and personable, coupled with the rare magic of the magic show The stock particularly appeals to the charm of young female audiences. Lin XiaoMei is also impressed by his special charm, has always loved him deeply. Wu JunAn, from the impoverished fishing village, assisted the Chinese restaurant where he was staying as a temporary take-away member while preparing for the examination of the University of Political Science and Law. One day, as usual, he took a take-away on the road and was almost hit by a car started by Jin Xiu and Lin XiaoMei. In a panic, Xiaomei and Jun An met for the first time, and they both had a wonderful feeling in their hearts , While Jin Xiu is full of hostility to this suddenly emerging person. This is the first time for three people to meet. Clover Club boss Cai FeiHong In order to change the magic of the downturn, planning to organize a magic magic make you a millionaire novel magic show to attract viewers. To this end, a take-away box full of cash was prepared as the key prop for the magic show. On the day of the show, when the club was in a hurry to prepare for the show, Jun An took back the chopsticks from the last take-out. In the absence of any attention to him, Jun An-mistakenly put the item takeout box as the take-away box for his restaurant Go back.Jun returned to the store finally found himself took the wrong box, was the box of fifty thousand yuan scared Six Godless. This is why he later became involved with Clover Magic Club and into the magic world. On the other hand, on the same night Jin Xiu and Xiao Mei performed on the same stage as Jun An took away the props box, resulting in a great defeat of magic and people angrily destroying the club. Watching the beloved magic club so ruined, the magic paradise it was hard to build was distrusted and Jin Xiu was angry and hated the thief who stole the props. Although Junan used the money in his chest, he eventually came to the club to admit his conscience and admitted his mistake to Cai FeiHong. And asked to learn magic in the club to make up for their fault. Cai FeiHong set a test, Junan passed, so Cai FeiHong received Junan as a disciple. However, in the club, Jun An and Jin Xiu were hostile emotions facing each other because of the initial evil. Pu YuLa, a daughter of a branded apparel company, was spoiled when she was young. She was fascinated by Jin Xiu's cool magic technology while watching Clover's magic show, deeply in love with Jin Xiu. In order to stay with Jin Xiu often, she used her power to hire Jin Xiu for her company's image as spokesperson, regardless of her father's opposition. Jin Xiu wholeheartedly wanted to develop Clover Club. Especially after the last show failed, the club suffered a considerable blow. He promised Jade invited him to do the image endorsement and started to slowly contact with Jade. Xiaomei was sad about Jin Xiu and Yura's dealings, though Jin Xiu comforted her by saying that she had done everything for the Clover club, but Xiaomei was still very frustrated. Jun-Ann XiaoMi saw such a very poor girl. For club development, Cai FeiHong arranged a seaside training program for all of the club's magician. Magician trained hard, Jade Chasing Jin Xiu also came to the sea. Jade pull, Jin Xiu When walking and Xiaomei, Junan accidental encounter, Yula relying on the protection of Jin Xiu Xiaomei high-spirited looks so Xiaomei heartbroken. Jun An very sympathetic Xiaomei, kept comforting her next to. End of the island and his party, Feihong also more clearly the despicable Jin Xiu. He was soon driven out of the club. Angry Jin Xiu completely defected Yura. However, possession of a very strong Yu-pull Jin Xiu after they feel boring, want to get the peace of love, unsuccessful, they Junan and club hate, unscrupulous to collapse the club. Also found witnesses proved that the tree is Feihong killed, how the fate of Feihong sentencing? At the same time, Ann always care for the injured Xiaomei, they are also growing sentiment between day and night. However, just as the two people survived the storm and each other and their feelings were stable, they found that the two were likely to be biological siblings.

Stories of youth (TV)[2002]

Feature: Beautiful, quiet Mo Nan was diagnosed with congenital heart disease at the age of eighteen. Doctors assert that she can only live to 25 years old, and warned her father, Mo Nan from the mood swings, but can not marry, have children. Mo Nan's half-sister, Mo Bei, is equally beautiful and generous, her personality is quite different from her sister. Mo ..

Stories of youth (TV)[2002]

Feature: "Youthful Fairy Tale" is a youth idol drama produced by CCTV, directed by Xiao Feng, writer Lin Haiou, Li Xiaolu, Ren Si Lu, Yueming Pan, Wenkang Yuan and other stars. The play tells the story of a very different sisters, in the family, friendship, love intertwined life, marriage, disease, family, love in front of different deductive youth journey.

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