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Bosco Wong TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Bosco Wong Works 39 ,And Comedy 12 ,Romance 8 ,Feature 7 ,Costume Drama 5 ,警匪4 ,Action 4 ,Suspense 3 ,Motivational film 2 ,Urban drama 2 ,Year 2 ,Crime 2 ,当代涉案1 ,Myth play 1 ,Solve crimes 1 ,创业1 ,Business War 1 ,社会1 ,地产1 ,股票1 ,理想1 ,时装1 ,现代都市1 ,权谋1 ,War 1 ,破案1 ,金融1 ,Family ethics 1 ,Warm blood 1 ,Youth drama 1 ,时装警匪1 ,历史传奇剧1 ,Family drama 1 ,海关行业剧1 ,Sports 1 。

Works Index

Bosco Wong Filmography(39)


Another century (TV)[2018]


"Another century" tells the story of He TianSheng, a multi-faceted figure who is capable of work but also extremely selfish. When He met his equally astute wife Zhang MingXi, the two of them set off a big storm in Hong Kong's financial circle in order to succeed. On the contrary, Zhuo DingYao, a daughter born with the golden keys, had to hold up the family flag from resistance to doing business. Gao Zhe, helmsman of bally fund, Zheng SiYu, planner of ecological community planning; The talented inventor Cheng Kai, Fang ZeYu and many other financial people will appear in this financial storm and family competition. .

I know your secret (TV)[2018]

Feature: "I Know Your Secret," tells Gu Chu, a medical school student who had to interrupt her studies because of her family's accident, returning to school after several years of social experience in order to complete her studies and her first dreams. During her internship, she met Lu Beichen, chief examiner of a forensic medical center, and Lu Beichen's other identity was a twin brother of Gu Chu's deceased boyfriend Lu Beishen. Gu Chu with complex emotional efforts and Lu Beichen peace to live, and Lu Beichen was dedicated to the death of his brother Gu Chu heart of prejudice. When the two men came together to detect one case after another, they gradually laid down the knot. When the two men thought they could start over again, the conflict between their brotherly family and the two families lay in front of both. Ultimately, justice overcomes evil, love everything, the truth let the murderer nowhere to hide, two people's love is also repaired. "I Know Your Secret" is a cybercrime suspense super-web drama led by the fantasy star Sheng Yuan, gold medalist Chen Jianzhong. Starring Bosco Wong, Qing Ye, Hutchison 3G and others. "I Know Your Secret," adapted from the power of the suspense romance writer Yin Hsu's work "He Heard Your Voice," as one of 2016's most popular works of suspense, combining romance with suspense, reasoning and psychology, Plot from the forensic point of view through the clues for the audience to rip off the layers of case suspicions, to restore the truth of the incident.

The starry night,the starry sea Ⅱ (TV)[2017]

Feature: Datang prosperity, beautiful and prosperous. In the coastal town of Changle, where the shipbuilding industry is developed, human beings Lu Li (Bea Hayden) disguises himself as a man in a shipyard, hoping to make a name for himself at the shipyard to realize his dream of sailing and voyage. Jiao RenWuLan (Feng Shaofeng) Ornaments) also came to the shipyard with a mysterious mission, the two do not know each other, resulting in a pure love. With the love of Lu Li and Wu JuLan, the conspiracy behind them gradually surfaced, and Lu Li struggled between her affection and love. In the end, Lu Li and Wu JuLan resolved their hatred with love. At last, human beings and benevolent people finally lived together in peace and prosperity.

Heart Storms 3 (TV)[2017]

Feature: Continuation of the series of family struggle in the first two issues of the subject, with the tea family Huang and the clan in the upper-class society after the merger of the contradictions and conflicts as the background, tells the story of the yellow eldest son Wong Wai Wong (Wong Kong) actor) and his uncle Ling (Bosco Wong) discredit his ideas and trigger a "family" war of rights. The two families appeared on the scene of the conference. The Huang representatives made their debut featuring Summer Rain, Louise Lee, Hong Kong actor Vincent Wong, Susanna Kwan and Michelle Yim, Joseph Lee and Eliza Sam. In the play, Huang WeiJia fell in love with Xu Bei Er (Eliza Sam ornaments), but his family members were hindered by the important emotional conflicts that promoted the development of the story. The two families also restored the scene on the spot. Michelle Yim, as Xu Jia Pian, strongly opposed and staged A love stage show like Romeo and Juliet. Like Romeo and Juliet-style love stage play. The story describes two families with Hong Kong characteristics. On the other hand, they are "grassroots" affixed to the rich, on behalf of them is the "Hong Kong-style milk tea" of the common people . In the case of fate, the two need to conduct business merger, each other's foolhardy jokes, but also 尽显 human ugliness. Finally, the "affixed to the family" headed down, uncle confrontation set off another greater storm. However, there is still love in the world. After the storm, we turn back to shore and everything is attributed to the purpose of this drama. Heart storm 3 stills

皓镧传 (TV)[2017]


《皓镧传》讲述了战国晚期,秦赵争锋,战事迭起。赵国邯郸,御史李赫的女儿李皓镧因继母的陷害,家破人亡、身败名裂,甚至被卖出。遇不得志的 Lv BuWei 把她买下,用奇货可居的计谋将皓镧献给了当时在赵国皇宫当人质的秦王孙异人。李、吕二人一同入赵宫,凭智慧击退了种种阴谋,化解了公主雅因爱慕异人而对二人的陷害,受到赵王的青睐。皓镧下嫁异人,秦国坑杀赵军四十万,异人的质子身份让他生命受到威胁,公主雅陷害皓镧不成反丧命,让二人之间产生嫌隙。宫中人人自危, Lv BuWei 利用皓镧挑起事端扰乱赵国内廷,借机带秦王孙异人逃离赵国归秦。秦国有奸人散播谣言说皓镧之子嬴政的父亲不是异人而是 Lv BuWei 。而此时异人病重不治,嬴政登基,认为 Lv BuWei 与父亲之死难逃关系,同时忌惮吕的权利过大而把他流放。皓镧请求儿子饶吕一命,最后俩人像相识的最初一样重会洛阳。

My real life girl (TV)[2017]

Feature: Five brothers in the university for four years had a profound deep play still brotherhood. One day six years later, the brothers gathered for provocation by their alumni and found that they both lived an ordinary life and none of their ideal had ever been realized. Five brothers bought a lottery at the roadside after dinner to commemorate this "unforgettable" long-awaited reunion. Lottery in a month after the first prize, five brothers suddenly get rich. With money, life more directly tested the five brothers of human nature and character. Five brothers, their careers and ideals, love and marriage, brotherhood and even affectionate family have experienced changes in the cold war. Five brothers and their loved ones, relatives grow together. One day two years later, because of this growth and maturity of the five brothers in order to celebrate the return of love and brotherhood, once again gathered in the roadside shop, filled with emotion: happiness and money are not necessarily related, if Germany is not worth Choi But happiness will be even more distant, only a serious life, to grow their own is the best of themselves, the best of us.

Flying tiger very war (TV)[2017]

Feature: The Flying Tigers Extremely Fighting tells the story of the Flying Tigers who will wrestle with gangsters in the face of many serious crimes in Hong Kong and across borders. The Flying Tigers will once again face a number of serious crimes in Hong Kong and transnational areas to show their exciting battle against bandits. At the same time, the play will also be integrated into the hands of fellow Tiger Feelings, affection, love and other emotional conflicts & nbsp ;. "Flying Tigers" is jointly produced by Youku and Shaw Brothers International Pictures, with Li Huimin as producer and director, Miao Qiaowei, Bosco Wong, Ng Cheuk Siu, Cheung Siu-fai, Wang Min Tak, Ho Pei Yu, Hugo Ng, .

Flying Tigers Sneak Pole Warfare (TV)[2017]


The "Flying Tiger's Stealth Extreme War", also known as "Flying Tiger Extreme Warfare", tells how the Flying Tigers will once again face a number of serious crimes in Hong Kong as well as cross-border crimes, demonstrating stimulating scenes with savage fighters and combatants. At the same time, the play will also integrate the relationship between the brothers and children of flying tigers, affection, love and other emotional conflicts.

For the Shaw Brothers to build a super-television show, Yang Weidong, president of Alibaba.com, has expressed that Youku has always been the exclusive partner of TVB in the Mainland. Together with the Shaw Brothers, the super-telecom series "The Flying Tiger's Stealth Extreme Battle" was created. It is not a simple copyright cooperation, but rather a deep involvement of Youku in project preparation and IP development.

According to information, the super-television "The Flying Tiger's Stealth Pole" is an upgrade of TVB's classic "Flying Tiger" series. The former has a large number of loyal fans in the Mainland. This time, the Flying Tigers will once again face a number of serious crimes in Hong Kong as well as cross-border situations, demonstrating the stimulating scenes of fighting against the gangsters and fighting with live weapons. Thanks to the full support of the Hong Kong Federation of Flying Fighters, "The Flying Tiger's Stealth Pride" will be the first time in the history of Hong Kong TV that a large number of helicopters and small aircraft will be on the alert. At the same time, the drama will also be integrated into the tiger's brotherhood, affection, love and other emotional contradictions, can be described as full. In addition to the "Fighting Tigers", TVB's other classic "Hunting for the Qin" was also recreated by Youku to create a super network drama. It was started in February and will be broadcast at Youku by the end of the year.


BuddyCops (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Chen Jianfei and Johnny are two young police officers from single-parent families, with a police force in common. Often, Mars collide with the earth and dislike each other. Arranged in the public by the boss as a group of mutual surveillance, privately due to sudden marriage fell in love with each other's parents, but also live under the same roof, fighting for the dauntless fight, the family makes a lot of hilarious joke. In an investigation into the accidental death of brother Liu Jing, Chen Jianfei discovered that the former Bei Qian () boss Kong XiangXing (may be behind the scenes and involved a major case.) While the investigation gradually became clear, Chen Jianfei was attacked Kill, implicated in family injuries .Junny just to save the "brother", put aside preconceived ideas, even against Kong XiangXing .A justice and evil struggle, earthshaking, and this struggle, but also let the two brothers feel more and more deep .

Lonely empty court spring night (TV)[2016]

Feature: Qing Kang Xi eight years (AD 1669), Ao Bai was captured, the massive remnants of the Party Clean-up began. Loyalist A BuNai Injured innocent victims, Liang Er, a teenager, saw her family slaughtered and escaped. Encountering Shao NianKangXi on the road to escape, both of them experienced a life-or-death robbery without knowing each other's identity, impressed each other and promised to meet again. Then LiangEr ran to Na LanRongRuo cousin, but accidentally lost memory. Rong Ruo to protect Liang Er renamed Wei LinLang, stay in Fuchu care. Time 荏 苒, if the capacity to grow together with the dough, childhood sweetheart, deep feelings, but Na LanMingZhu fear dilemma led to disaster, secretly sent her into the palace for 婢. Lin Lang thought this life so silent in the deep palace, the emergence of Kang Xi disrupted her life, and her reunion with Rong Ruo let her light the hope. Kang Xi recognizes that she was a girl she had always dreamed of, and did everything possible to remind her of the old promises, while Rong Ruoyan secretly tried to take her away. One is overbearing king, one is childhood sweetheart, the two interlaced offensive and beloved, so that Lin Yu unprepared, so dilemma. Just when Kang Xi deeply rooted in love, only to find that Lin is a good brother Yungruo sweetheart. To reluctantly cut off love, fulfillment of the two, but repeatedly fate tease, a mistake and wrong. Experienced numerous twists and turns, finally see their own love, love Kang Xi, that you can begin to enjoy the sweetness of love, but at this time restored the memory. On the one hand is blood-vengeance, on the one is infatuating lover, inexplicable choice, has been lurking in the palace of the elder brother Chang Qing recognized at the moment, forcing the family to achilles. Kang Xi and the dazzling entanglement of a unforgettable era of unforgettable love.

Behind the scenes player (TV)[2016]

Feature: The three brothers have their own strengths in a joint PR Triangle & nbsp; Reporter Qin ShengHai origin, and You TianHeng, Feng XiRan love brothers and sisters, joined the public relations firm The Rainmakers has been seamlessly integrated to the PRTR vertical and horizontal public relations. Three brothers have their own strengths in the work, but different concepts of wealth. Gu FuSheng, chairman of the wealthy and resurrected real estate group, has one son and two daughters. Gu ChengXun, the eldest daughter of his wife, has the character of a man. On the contrary the only male Gu ChengXi family ignorant and ignorant, idle all day long, nothing happened, the resurrection of imperial power will be attributed to all. Military ambition to hide the wolf insanity into the king of no return into the Xi and sister sister into a pair of two-bedroom were born, a pair of unwilling to yield Cheng Xun, at the same time they can not bear to see a desolate life, through the acquisition of her husband Shidan PR The company took the opportunity to raise the sea and other three people proposed to transform into Xi, hoping to use the PR triangle's ability to make the younger brother to regain the family status, become the successor of the Group. Shenghai see through the Gu situation, insight into double thoughts. He not only to transform into Xi, but also control Cheng Xi, in order to become more detrimental than the king of the king. Ascended the throne of the sea gradually set foot on the trick of playing no return. The second generation of the stills rejuvenates their confidence and becomes a tool of struggle. With the support of the sea, the natural environment and the constant presence of heaven, the sunrise has regained its confidence and has repeatedly built outstanding achievements in the activation of old buildings. Body young talent. Dawn regained his father's resurrection attention and entrusted with the task, unfortunately, unable to withstand the sea continue to push the valley, facing the pressure explode. Cheng Hsun saw the successful transformation into a twin camp into Xi, while the rebirth of tenants tended to cultivate the only male family successor to the family business, then struggling to reverse the universe, vowing to regain control of family property. Fighting between the two camps in the family makes Dawn form the same puppet. Xi sit on the sidelines Xi Cheng situation, surprised to know a good brother and married his wife into a double the same day the motivation to transform Cheng Xi is not simple. PR PRD because of the occasion, opened the door of the rich society of high society, the sea authorities do everything in order to make the king step by step attitude ascend to heaven, but the more climbing, losing more family, lover, friends, Even dignity & nbsp ;.

Police dog bar (TV)[2016]

Feature: Communication - Hot Police Vs Police Dog Punch "Police Dog Punch" Poster Li YiJiao (Bosco Wong) decorated his father as a child when he was drug addict, resulting in the death of the family, and the three sisters dependent. The spill was attached to the Kwun Tong precinct police station and was later transferred to a trained dog-marketer. The quasi-police dog, "Batam", was assigned to fight with him during the past overflowing Field watchdog. Pakistan hit hostile Yi Yi, Yi Yi do not know how to get along with the animals, one dog and one dog can not cooperate, but fortunately the dog team veterinarian Ma ZhiHao (Linda Chung) decorated help overflow Yi learn to get along with the Palestinian way, the release of the hatchet. Overflow 湫 with Pakistan's tacit understanding has become more mature, but unfortunately pound fear of height, spill 湫 exhaustive efforts have failed to make it overcome psychological barriers. Compromise - Indifferent Veterinarian Vs Superintendent Tiger Ma Zhihao was hen-nurtured by his mother, Zhong HuiJian (Rebecca Chan), and lost the opportunity to learn to get along with others. Over time, Zhihao because of their own conceits, refused to interact with others, except with animal companionship. Huijian arrangements Zhihao to the United States to read a doctor, Zhihao Zhongduanke to read the veterinarian, Huijin know after anger, mother and daughter from then on. After Zhi Hao met Yi Yi, under the persuasion of Yi Yi, the tense relationship between mother and daughter began to ease. Yi Yi and Zhi Hao also got closer and closer. Values ​​- calm courage Vs Bay Gold Hong Kong female Fei SongLian (Raymond Wong Ho-yin ornaments), listed Diet Group Prince Edward, Yukio good brothers. Yi Shu's sister, Shu-Li Li (Tracy Chu), was a member of Prince Edward's association with Prince Edward and often asked her to resign to take over her family business. The two often quarreled. "Police dog bar" stills do not know each other, a rich son suddenly enthusiastic pursuit of Shu Zi, Shuzi decided to break up with Chung Lian. Chung Lian was emotionally attacked, sentient to work, and even gave false testimony at all in order to convict the drug lord Lei JinDang (Jerry Ku). Admission - pure kindergarten teacher Vs Lai Pei small mixed Lei JinBo (Jerry Ku ornaments), a pawn in rivers and lakes, his twin brother Jindang as the shocking rivers and lakes drug lords. Eight years ago, Jinbo was forced to give a hiding place to the spill, and his cup was brought to justice. After JINANG is released from prison, he will kill Jinbo for revenge. Jin Bo seek help in Yiyue, encounter overflowing sister Li ShuZhu (Kayi Cheung ornaments). Jinbo see Shuzhu thought simple, want to take advantage of opportunities to cheat her fishing. Kusu still care about him, Jin Bo was very moved, determined to accomplish the dream for the beads, the two so closer. Spill 湫 misunderstood Jinbo 癞 frog want to eat swans, Jin wave overflowing 湫 despise him, angry and anti-head. "Police Dog Barbeque" character relationship growth - unruly wife Vs fun people overflowing the Sanmei Li ShuFen (Angel Chiang ornaments), from the very beginning he will be done brother and sister love, develop their playful wayward personality. Later, Su-Fen encountered like-minded Ma Zhihong (Oscar Leung ornaments), lightning married. Helpless two people can not stand on their own life, had to seek overflow Yi 湫 admission. Shufen no change after unruly marriage unruly character, often with Zhichong disputes will clamoring for a divorce, can not think of a day actually get a fake come true, Shu Fen pregnant, began to understand the future plan, Zhi-Chong is still in place. Faced with the difficulties of unemployment at the same time, unable to bear the responsibility as a father, Chi Chong's choice is to evade.Break-in - Pakistan (brother) Vs wire spill 学 training Pakistani learn to be patient and considerate. Jinbo set foot on the right under the influence of Shu-chu, Yi Yi also give two opportunities for development. Huijian that overflow Yi not match her daughter, decided to stick great ducks, finally repaired the relationship between mother and daughter once again caught in the ice, overflow Yi into a dilemma. Song Lian was found guilty of fraud to save Shu Zi accused of being obstructed justice, life drop valley. The sacrifice of grace, but also let the one married into a wealthy Shu Zi hesitate. Shuken October pregnancy eventually gave birth to a child, she can reorganize the relationship between Chi Chong, shared responsibility of their parents. In the end, Pentecostal cooperation with Barclays is strong. However, Barbarism has become a stumbling block to the two people in trying to catch drug gangsters. One man and one dog will eventually become the best partner in the Police Force & nbsp ;.

Detective Yang JinBang (TV)[2016]

Feature: Yang JinBang was determined to become a judge who upheld justice since childhood and left overseas for Sun Yat-sen's "nation-building strategy of self-improvement." Is preparing to learn to return home, suddenly received a sudden death of his father's bad news, but that weird message and hide the reporter's father's death was questioned. Yang JinBang resolutely dropped out of school, vowed to find out the truth. Confronted by the opponents' misunderstandings, Yang JinBang revealed the truth with scientific evidence and strict logic, and he has since embarked on a path of exploring the worldly justice. And even break "theater shooting" and several other fans case and fame. Three years later, the biggest puzzle of his true cause of death surfaced. However, when he filed a complaint against Killer Johnson with conclusive evidence, the British consulate used the foreign citizens to enjoy "extraterritorial" rights in China and allowed the murderers to board the returned cruise. Finally, Yang JinBang is awakened. He is determined to devote his entire life to pursuing the legal fairness of the people in his real life & nbsp ;.

DestinedToLoveYou (TV)[2015]

Feature: Still life In 1916, Qian BaoBao (Joe Chan), a civilian girl, rescued ill mother as a replacement for Xiao Han (Zheng Shuang (actress, born 1991), an accidental death of foreign nationality doctor), while Shen WenTao (Bosco Wong) and Xiao Han's fiance Xiang Hao (Jia Nailiang) on ​​one side. In order not to reveal the true identity, Qian BaoBao should evade the growing feelings with Xiang Hao and dispel Shen WenTao's doubts and temptations. Under the emotional entanglements, the crisis emerged. It turned out that Xiao Han did not die. Her return brought Qian BaoBao a conscience torture. Japanese dark forces are eyeing the dragon city, military academy into danger. Qian BaoBao and a group of blood-loving men in the military academy smashed the enemy's conspiracy again and again for the sake of the great national and ethnic righteousness, united, and made ends meet to successfully resolve the crisis. Eventually Qian BaoBao and Xiang Hao have lovers married. poster

Guys With Kids (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Daddy Daddy" tells the story of Gao Han, a loyal and kind-hearted man who failed in his war with his ex-wife for daughter custody. At this time, the son of Guan Lingling, the first girlfriend killed in a car accident, was taken to his home. In desperation, Gao Han and his two occupants, Wang DongYang and Yu Bo, each worked hard to become three unique dad because of a car accident that was irrelevant to their own affairs. They not only had to take care of their children Little trouble, but also to take care of Du Du's sister Auntie Shanshan this big trouble. Together with raising their children, the three also strive to find the mystery of Du Du's life experience. After experiencing a series of embarrassing events such as the loss of children, the return of Liu Min's ex-wife, the bankruptcy of Guan ShanShan, the fight for custody and so on, Gao Han and Guan Shansheng became sentimental, while Yu Bo also had a soft spot for Shanshan. One side is a gentle uncle, the other side is a nagging god, eventually Gao Han and Shanshan come together & nbsp ;.

loveonthebreadfruittree (TV)[2015]

Feature: Cheng Yun, who has been longing for Shanghai, was born in exchange for becoming a student at a prestigious university in Shanghai, meeting and being a best friend with a local Shanghai-based Brightwife with a still-university-run HD still still, Mind. Light-hui to see her uncle aunt on the sick bedridden, this never-ending love made her touched, but also inspired her longing for beautiful love and yearning. Di is a like chasing people, she always chasing his love and bread. Her daring personality led her to fall in love with Cheng Chu, a young coach at Cheng Yun School Volleyball Team, but her weakness and instinct led her to lose her passion for life. She started looking for an excuse to stay away from Deng Chu, to pursue another free-for-freedom blue sky - Wei An, a TV stuntman. Guangliao full of filial piety, victorious, she declared to be a woman by their own efforts to make money to buy bread. Wang Hui Cheng Weng's mother can not wait to give light Lo arranged for blind date, hoping to see in the lifetime of light Hui married a good family. In order to be a filial daughter, Guang Hui always try to meet the wishes of his mother. Cheng Yun discovered the crisis between her brother Cheng Hao and her sister-in-law, Meilun, and for the sake of her family's harmony and stability, she tried her best to reconcile it. After some hard work, Cheng Hao and Meilun got along well. Cheng Yun himself and therefore has caused all sorts of funny misunderstandings with his classmate Lin FangWen, misunderstanding has not been lifted Lin FangWen has been away from the United States to study. Then Guanghui, Di and Cheng Yun graduated, Guanghui became an investment company's white-collar workers, Di continued to pursue their love, Cheng Yun became a newspaper reporter. A year later, Cheng Yun helped out with his brother Cheng Hao's son and met Lin Fang-Wen, both of whom eliminated misunderstandings and expressed their feelings. Everbright always be urged by the mother to find a good destination, overwhelmed by my colleagues Wei Lian posing as her boyfriend confused mother audio-visual. Under the pressure of light to go to the Foot Massage LOH decompression, met the pedicure pedicle An XiaoLu, two people gradually began to secretly sprouted after the exchange of love, until the light Wai mother's sudden visit to the two loved ones exposed to the sun under. The feelings of Di Wei and Wei An are also getting more and more heated. When the two are in love and ready for engagement, they encounter various obstacles and obstacles. Wei An and Di are reluctant to let go of each other, after careful consideration they both made the right decision, and find their own life. Because of a chance meeting, Cheng Yun met Xu QiFei and became his "Cantonese class student." Inadvertently, Cheng Yun talks to Xu QiFei about Lin FangWen's song. Xu QiFei not only adopted Cheng Yun's recommendation but secretly signed Lin FangWen's company. For Cheng Yun, Lin FangWen's sex scandals have always brought her a lot of insecurity, whether feminine Fei AnNa or passionate Le Ji, Cheng Yun felt Lin FangWen erratic. The feelings of the two people also gradually raised the issue of distrust in numerous human feelings and twists and turns. The sudden arrival of Fang Wen's sister Lin Ri made her a lot of friends and gave Cheng Yun a deep understanding of Lin Fang Wen's hidden story. After learning of Lin Mu and Lin Mu, Cheng Yun did not feel sorry for Lin Fang Wen.She volunteered to be the lubricant between Lin FangWen and Lin Mu to defuse misunderstandings and convey a message that neither of them had the courage to say. In the face of Cheng Yun mediation and persuasion, Lin FangWen due to his boy face, not only did not accept the but on Cheng Yun tantrums, and finally chose to flee again. Cheng Fang Yun Fang Wen run away to know what to do, she did not think her kindness will let Lin FangWen refused. She recalled every little place she had been with Lin Fang Wen, trying hard to find Lin Fang Wen's whereabouts. In response to her mother's wishes, Kuan Hui re-handed a doctor's boyfriend Sun WeiDong and took him back to her hometown to visit her parents. Sun WeiDong did not get used to the ruins of the country houses, and she did not like the way her medicine was given to Sun WeiDong at first sight, but she loved it very much. She thinks the doctor is an identity and promising career, the daughter married a doctor is equivalent to have a good destination. Sun WeiDong's mother met Guanghui in Shanghai and loved Guanghuan very much, hoping Guanghui could marry him early and hand her home-made bracelet. At that time, Di and his sister, the United States live together to take care of each other; Kwong Hye also found his wife's wish to meet her mother's boyfriend and get the support and blessings of both parents, be found their own happy life; only Cheng Yun is still upset about Lin FangWen's flight and she does not know how he and Lin FangWen's future will be. Xu QiFei considerate and meticulous care Cheng Cheng's heart much more stable, and even often think if Xu QiFei is Lin FangWen how good, perhaps not so embarrassed, so uneasy. The relationship between Xu QiFei and Cheng Yun is getting closer during the absence of Lin FangWen. Cheng Yun can feel Xu QiFei's feelings, but he has been waiting for Lin FangWen, should not love Xu QiFei while loving Lin FangWen. In order to continue waiting for Lin FangWen, Cheng Yun rejected Xu QiFei and decided to return to his parents. Cheng Yun promised to go before leaving with light Hui and Di New Year's Eve with them, New Year's Eve full of New Year's Eve accidentally met Lin FangWen. Lin FangWen affectionately expressed his love for Cheng Yun, hoping every night on New Year's Eve will be accompanied by Cheng Yun, and send a New Year's Eve song "Amidst the Rain." Touched Cheng Yun sweet to enjoy the true happiness of their own time.

Bible spectrum (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Unparalleled spectrum" tells the Buddhist cloud "all legal forms, called the phase", but all the hues are false, the table is in the heart and heart. Although the same appearance of people, but also because of different mind to make a completely different things, experience a completely different life. The two brothers and sisters, "Yi Chai," are the fate of the Song Emperor, aged and infirm. They have the right to minister to chaos, while others have powerful enemies to attack the country. Duan FengSan (Kristal Tin), the son of Hou Ye, was entrusted by the prince to go deep into the Liao nation and collect evidence of Sang De's pass. In order to avoid arousing his suspicions, Fung Sam arranges his sister Sisi (Kristal Tin), whose appearance resembles that of his fox. He disguised himself as a refugee and left the capital to deceive others. Just as the fourth prime minister appeared in Fong's third place, he unexpectedly met his sweetheart Ruan XinRang (Raymond Wong Ho-yin). Two people agreed to elope many years ago, but the heart is due to cowardly and covenant, and later more family relocate his hometown, the audio cut off. Let the heart to return home and rebuild their homes, the original has been due to accidental loss of memory. As a result, she is a female worker, helping her to reply slowly and recover her and her past. At the same time, Fong Sam stole a letter from Sang De to Liao Wang and was ambushed by Sang Lie's son Sang Lie (Raymond Chiu) on his way back to Beijing. He was severely wounded and rescued by scholar Zhang Zhen (Bosco Wong) Be back to Beijing. Sister Prime Minister Sang De recalled the letter of confidentiality from the detention house of his elder brother to Zhang Zhen, but the plan was probed by Sang De and his son. Fung three plans to succeed, Su Si and heart let it be able to get married. At the time of the ups and downs of the "Lu Pan" official country, Zhu ErDan (Wayne Lai), a scholar with a dome, is preparing for the exams in Beijing. Once, Er Dan drunk to the Temple of the Shrine worshipers Lu Pan like asking to kill the master of his make all sorts of trouble, unexpectedly the next day the Master suddenly fainted, Erdan Lu Pan see experience, surprised, often find Lu Pan (Ka-Hung Wai Decorated) talk heart. One day, the flood disaster in the capital and the Temple of the Ten Kings, Erdane struggled to save Lu Pan like this, the gods from the result of indissoluble bond. Erdaneh returned to town for missing the sick wife She HaiZhu (Sonija Kwok ornaments), but Pearl accused Erdan of not pursuing her fame. Later, Daniel met a gentle and considerate courtesan Yi PinXiang (Sonija Kwok ornaments), consciously regain self-esteem, so all the way to brothels. Erdyn wondered if he would ask Lu Pan to swap her head with Yi PinXiang to "wife" and Yi PinXiang to become a true wife. Once Dan had obtained his wish, he found that the wife who changed his head did not feel as good as he thought and regretted it. Er Dan pleaded Lu Pan shot again, everything back to the status quo, was also revealed during his suspected murderous wife was arrested, Lu Pan can help Seoul save everything. "Pursuit of fish" music companion sinful hard-way scholar Zhang Zhen's father saved Hong TaiShi many years ago, so that the history of the Taiwanese pulp marriage, promised to allow the daughter Xu Zhen. Jane family Road, but see the agreement asymptotic, then bite the bullet to Suzhou to Taishi Shi account, but was regarded as a white hit. Later, Jane got the help of Fong San, a court official, who had to admit his parents.Tai Mu Qian Jin Hong MuDan (Eliza Sam ornaments) suspicion of Jane no wealth, in order to get rid of Jane secretly poisoned, leaving the poisoning Jane moved to the haunted waterside living alone. One day, Jane inadvertently saved the car Yu Jing (Eliza Sam ornaments decorated) a life, Lei Yu Jing see Jane love. Tortoise Jiu QianSui (Joseph Lee ornaments) and carp Yu Jing with his father and daughter, afraid of Shemale love will be days off, strongly obstructing carp Yu Jing Xiangzhen show love. However, carp Yu Jing has deep affection, actually turned into a peony look, came to the waterside to take care of Jane, secretly help him out of the fraudulent. Jane with Peony carp Yu Jing get along with each passing day, feelings of a thousand miles. Jane later discovered that the water pavilions in the past tragedy is the power of elite, justice for the victims to recover, the court was promoted. The real peony saw Jane Huang Huang Tengda immediately show Jane good, coincidence Yu Jing at the same time to peony appearance, making two Hong MuDan farce. Taishi difficult to distinguish between true and false, want to Bao Gong with the demon to slash the sword to dominate the overall situation.

Golden hand winner (Movie)[2014]

Feature: This play, based on the background of the financial industry and the current affairs and daily life, has described his struggles through the creation of Zhuo Jie (Bosco Wong), as well as his collaboration with two women, Ziya (Kate Tsui), Fang Mingyu ) Tangled the fate of hard-won, revealing the antagonism of human nature, metamorphosis distorted outlook on life, the drama atmosphere heavy, Hong Kong version of China.

Golden hand winner (TV)[2014]

Feature: In the financial world, many people see "greed" as their positive energy. In order to greed more and even advocate "greedy", some black sheep of horses have resorted to unscrupulous techniques and fraudulent means to plunder other people's wealth, thereby causing commercial crime and disrupting the general public. As ordinary citizens, how should we face the temptation to confront this "greedy" world? Finance and technology power won the fierce arbitrariness Financial Group Chairman and CEO Zhuo Yu (Bosco Wong ornaments), known in the business sector with superb financial skills, under his leadership, the Group has built a solid strength in just a few years. However, his means have been on the slant in the pursuit of greater good. Stills ENGOLA multinational companies in a deal suspected of being deceived, the Commercial Crime Bureau (CCB) after investigation that the sharp Rui Financial Group, the largest suspicion, then focus on the firepower to step by step. In the meantime, Zhuo Yu faces hostile takeover by rival rivals. Enthusiastic and interdependent perseverance In the investigation of the case of ENGOLA, Commercial Crime Bureau Sergeant Zhou XinYong (Huang Zhixian ornaments) was extremely persistent on the attack on Zhuo Yu. Originally Xin Yong, Zhuo Yu got acquainted with his friend Jiang Zhicheng (Huang Zixiong) in the early years. After Xin Yong's sister, Zhou XinLi (Jacqueline Wong), became Zhuo Yu's wife. Since then, Zhi Cheng and Xin Li have passed away successively. Xin Yong found Zhuo Yu's greed was the main cause of death and decided to join the Commercial Crime Bureau and vow to bring Zhuo Yu to justice. For the purpose of giving up everything Xin Yong has an outstanding disciple Zi Ya (Kate Tsui ornaments), and with her talent, and finally successful detection of ENGOLA case. However, the development behind the case was actually led by Zhuo Yu, with the aim of eliminating Law Lok-lam, vice chairman of the Stock Exchange Advisory Committee (SAC). After the incident, Chai Pei Xun (Elena Kong), chairman of the Stock Exchange Advisory Council, blocked Zhuo Yu as vice chairman and a power struggle between the two was unveiled. Zhuo Yu was also hit hard by pressure and was in trouble. At this point, Zi Ya assisted Zhuo Yu in her smooth removal of risks. She even left the Commercial Crime Bureau and gave up everything to join the Angry Financial Group. After many incidents, Zhuo Yu trust Zi Ya, but the real purpose of Zi Ya is to attack Zhuo Yu internally, leaving him nothing ... because of love and hatred of husband and wife confrontation figure diagram Zhuo Yu's Two of his wives, Fang MingYu (Nancy Wu), have been working with her husband to manage their business. As Zhuo Yu fights with Pao Hsun, Ming Yu fully supports Zhuo Yu in plotting a series of counter-offensive plans and trying to find out from Pei Xun's hand Take over the right to help Zhuo Yu climb to the top of his career. Because Ming Yu's personality alert, will not allow ordinary women easily approached Zhuo Yu, and Zi Ya also know that before dealing with Zhuo Yu, first to remove Ming Yu, then try to get Ming Yu trust, then from her relationship with Zhuo Yu's husband and wife , So Ming Yu defeated against Zhuo Yu. He ShuangYi (Sharon Chan) is the inspector of the Commercial Crime Bureau and has a relationship with her boyfriend, Xin Yong, as a subordinate. However, the two have become increasingly contradictory in their values. A chance, Double Yi re-examine the relationship between the two, and eventually reconcile Xin Yong good old, but also because of unplanned pregnancy and planning to get married.In the meantime, Shuang Yi pursued Zhuo Yu and eventually forced the other party to set up the bureau. As a result, Shuang Yi was not only injured and aborted, but also was dismissed by the police because of being vilified. At this point, Shuang-ying met the same frustrated Ming Yu, the two hit it off, decided to jointly deal with Zhuo Yu. Enthusiasm and hatred Finally, liquidation shopping malls such as the battlefield, everyone has his own mind, but how can things be satisfactory? As different forces open up confrontations, things get out of control. Endless greed and ambition, can help Zhuo Yu win the world? Can humanity's glory and righteousness finally be demonstrated? .

Junior Detective Di RenJie (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Di RenJie juvenile detectives" tells the story of the Tang Dynasty, Di RenJie years 20 to Beijing to participate in the test, Empress Wu personally proctor. A disguised as a candidate of the assassin suddenly spit out the examination room chaos, Di RenJie hunt mysterious assassin, accidentally found assassin is a disguised as men, assassins fleeing. Empress Wu Di RenJie continue to trace the origin of the assassin, Di RenJie found each other's assassination is carefully and carefully deployed. Young Di RenJie determined not to pursue in the end do not give up. Di RenJie talented, but also protect the meritorious deeds, soon became a Dan Zhuo Zhuo. In Danzhou, Di RenJie met his first love Chu Yun. Chu Yun Di RenJie was five years older, Chu Yun, like sister, take care of Di RenJie. Later Chu Yun married Zuo Shilang Wang Benli's second son Wang Yan, Wang Yan wedding night accidental death. Di RenJie met again at this time, two already heartbeat, but experienced great changes Chu Yun has been wise to know she and Di RenJie no future, and Di RenJie found Wang Yan's death is not an accident, the tragedy happened one after another, a Few of the royal family died in life, the murder scene beautiful and weird, and Di RenJie and Chu Yun underwhelming emotions for the case even more mysterious.

2012我愛HK 喜上加囍 (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Guo Jing (Stanley Fung), a weather broadcaster, is about to retire and her desire to become a newscastist has never been realized. The three children below her knees also have their own troubles: Guo MeiMei (Teresa Mo) Ming (Eric Tsang ornaments) simple and honest, the relationship between husband and wife in the wife and the weak is gradually unbalanced; the second daughter Guo JingJing (Denise Ho) and subordinate Lok Yi Bo (Bosco Wong ornaments) playing underground love, unscrupulous but subject The welcome boyfriend made her insecure; her youngest son, Guo FuCheng, was a otaku who hoped to rescue Vivian (Viann), her goddess, from the billionaire Roberto (William So). When the family was in trouble, Guo Jing, who finally found the truth in the end of the 2012 rumors rumors, decided to stop Roberto's acquisition of the television station and calm down the panic of Hong Kong people. Guo Jing finally realized his aspiration to broadcast important news. The film is the sequel to the third installment of the "I Love Hong Kong" Lunar New Year series, namely "72 Tenants" and "I Love Hong Kong Happy Time!"

Woman on bread tree (Movie)[2012]

Feature: The story will start with the reunion of Lin Fang Wen and the two after breaking up - the third anniversary of graduation, the emergence of Lin FangWen broke the peace, three years ago has been "dead" Lin FangWen still alive. That year, she thought that love is all life, is a deep sleep of the sea, covering you whole body. That year, he became her everything, woke up only to find that love has passed. That year, she thought he was dead, she had her own dream, began another life. Only to understand the best love is still on the way, the way of arrival is unpredictable. The transition of life, then all sorts of difficulties, one day suddenly glanced back, the original flight across the mountains. It turned out that after the growth of love, with a beloved man measure a size with a tape measure is picking a lamp, is to choose a beautiful curtain original, after the growth of love, is more mature love. It turned out that growth, is the woman's final destination. This is the story of Cheng Yun and Lin FangWen.

LoveInTime (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Hong Kong downtown streets, youth Qiu Bing (Bosco Wong ornaments) and friend Da Pi (Mori ornaments) co-operate a mobile ice cream truck, two cool to sell handsome, lifeless incomparable reality, love God has never favored the business light No hope of the grassroots class, they can only look beauty disappointment. Jing Jing (Ke Zhao), a girl from downstairs small shop, crush on Qiu Bing, giving her time and again and again, all but dumbfounded. A pouring rainy night, Qiu Bing from Guangzhou, the dry sister Zhu Di (Stephy Tang ornaments) came to defection, but who was known to be dry as a salesman outside the door. Zhu Di clever mix of Da Pi into the room, launched a woman and two men living together. In the process, full of poets, strange and interesting youth stories and love pieces gradually staged ...

Racecourse (TV)[2012]

Feature: In the spring of 1913, Yuan Shikai, who stole the fruits of the Revolution of 1911, assassinated revolutionary leader Song Jiaoren. The incident aroused strong indignation among the people throughout the country. Some radical revolutionaries gathered to conspire to assassinate Yuan Shikai in retaliation. One of them was the rebellion of the royal family and the nephew of the Prince Gong Puwei, who was Prince Tusuli. The assassination failed because of the leak and many people involved in the operation were killed and Suri escaped with injuries. Since then, he plunged into a double hunt: Yuan Shikai considered him a rebel party, and the Revolutionary Party considered him a traitor. At the foot of Tarzan, the dying Tuusuli was rescued by hunting house daughter Zuo XiaoMei. Surrey has since renamed Zuo TianYi. Yuan Shikai sent troops to catch up with Mount Tai to find Zuo TianYi hiding place. Critical moment, Zuo XiaoMei father and daughter come forward, killed chase soldiers, rescued Zuo TianYi again. After rough and hardships, Zuo TianYi fled to the German colony of Qingdao. Zuo TianYi arrived in Qingdao by the German police as a blind flow caught the military fortress of Qingdao Fortress to build the underground fortress. Zuo TianYi unwilling to sacrifice their lives for the Germans, planning a mass exodus. Escape was perceived by the Germans, Zuo TianYi was sentenced to death. Life hanging on the occasion of the occasion, at the invitation of the Governor of Germany to visit the Prince of St Paul Prince Feng Wei recognized Zuo TianYi. Prince Gong rescued Zuo TianYi from the gallows and immediately put him into a special battle to represent a horse race that determined the ownership of the Qingdao Racecourse on behalf of the rider of the Qing Dynasty, . Zuo TianYi and Zuo TianLiang with superb riding start life and death contest, since then, Qingdao Racecourse to become a special battlefield.

72 tenant 2 (Movie)[2011]

Feature: "72 Tenants 2" is a Hong Kong-Taiwan comedy film directed by Chung Shu-kai, Raymond Lam and Bosco Wong.

ILoveHongKong (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Wu Shun (Tony Leung Ka-fai) and Toto (Eric Tsang) were originally brothers who grew up in the estates. But thirty years ago, the caretakers who kept the money raised by the neighborhood were in the making Night guarding theft, then no news. Time flies, thirty years after the bankruptcy of Wu Shun family led back to the estates soon, the caretaker appeared unexpectedly. The two memories of the past together, filled with emotion, Wu Shun heart also gradually removed. Wu Shun For Aaron's own years of bizarre experience, only to be a joke. Su Zhen (Anita Yuen), who was a childhood friend of Wu Shun, was also returned to the estate. The old couple met naked late at night and was hit by a misunderstanding by Shun Sao (Sandra Ng). However, the two soon released ice, the family together again. Toto water dragon initiated the "Estate Activation Plan", so that the estates in the estates in the supermarkets, shopping malls caught the hope of survival. However, just as the neighbors participated in the activation plan full of confidence, Aaron vanished again, comprehending the emergence of the group and driving off the streets. Aaron in the end what happened in these years, housing estates can weather the difficulties, Aaron will not appear again, the answer to all questions will be presented at the end of the film one by one ...

TurningPoint2 (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Undertake "" drama ending, Laughing Su Xing Bai murder found, sentenced to life imprisonment. Laughing is a prison professor in prison who knows drug trafficking. Professor Sven, with no competition, but it can take the psychological war to take revenge evil prison tyrants Juchuan. The original professor is a high IQ criminal psychologist. In the meantime, there are mysterious women visiting jail for Laughing, a woman under a higher security guard than the police force. It turned out that Laughing imprisonment is once again playing undercover role. On the same day, Su Xingbo was killed by someone else. The Deputy Secretary for Security suspects that the whole incident was related to the black police who lurk in the police force and wanted Laughing to go to jail for investigation.

LivesofOmission (TV)[2011]

Feature: Laughing Restoration of Police Identity Liang Xiaotang - "laughing" (Michael Tse ornaments) smashed the community "into the Hing" seemingly sacrificed, in fact, death only cover up, in the past few years he lurking in the country, continue to be undercover. Tongliang, together with the domestic public security authorities, smashed a Guangdong-Hong Kong criminal syndicate and resumed police identity. CIB's Criminal Intelligence Officer was appointed to identify and train undercover officers. Tong is an alternative instructors who arrogantly, exaggeratedly and did not act according to the rules. His style of doing everything in his works was not easily accepted by the trainees and he also aroused his dissatisfaction with his colleagues and superiors. To break the case and then break into the underworld gang roll in the triad circle, can not stand disciplined police life, become a "stealth sniper" stills rogue police, so that the boss is very headache, he also received the young and the stupid Su Xingbo - "lame" "Lame co" (Bosco Wong decoration) for the informant. Bo is about 20 years old, turning the corner, but the action is very agile, cypress surface is a shabby and nothing to do with the young and old inside, but it is extremely clever and full of confidence. Parkway Road was forced to drop out of school, into the underworld because of extreme exposure to the same door as the lesson, not only changed the cripple, sitting a few years prisoner, since the cypress has become low-key, but secretly deployed master plan. Tong and Bai, one is the police, one is the informant, on the one hand, mutual benefits, on the one hand and avoid each other, there is a period between the two true brotherhood. However, Bai is unwilling to be an informant in Tang and eventually betrayed Tong to the next level. To cope with rampant underworld Sheng Tang, resolutely apply for undercover, into the New Territories as a young and avant-garde. Mo YiLie - "Liege" (Cheung Kwok Keung ornaments) is the sitting hall of Bai Yi's club "Yihung Fung". New Territories North is his sphere of influence. Tang gathered enough evidence to bring him to justice, suddenly strong assassination killed. Tang seems to be behind the lofty layout, so continue to hide identity, want to pull out behind the scenes, he found that he has been telling his brother's cypress is murderous behind the murderer, Bo and become the last sitting hall! And tit for tat against. Iron Man Benevolent Tang and QIB Senior Inspector Zhou WangQing - "Jodie" and "Madam Jo" (Fala Chen) develop a love affair between black and white. Qing is the boss and liaison Tong (English name for the Handler). Qing looks like girlfriend Karen death, North character North Toru. Clear moving, it is a tough female dry exploration, with Tong by joy lovers, evolved into a couple. One is a female inspector and the other is undercover. Their love can only be sneaked, but they are also full of contradictions and tests. In particular, Tang is a superior in the northern part of the New Territories. He started to do his own thing and even concealed it from the sun. On the one hand, we should trust Tong, but on the other hand, we must supervise him. If Tang passes the bottom line, he must be ordered to deal with him if necessary. Feelings of cypress and Yao KeKe - "Paris" (Kate Tsui ornaments) is childhood sweetheart junior high school classmates, and later one is young and old, one is a lawyer. Bai because criminals have become crippled, Yao broke up with the future for the Parker.Yao's parents died young and yearn for their best. In order to be successful, they also took shortcuts. As a result, they graduated from Feng YingJu (Yu Yang ornaments) As a result, the triads have been fooled by the lawsuit because they can not let each other down in their hearts.

72TenantsofProsperity (Movie)[2010]

Feature: Sai Yeung Choi Street in Mongkok, Hong Kong, shops everywhere, an endless stream of tourists. Ha Gong (Eric Tsang ornaments) and Shi Jian (Jacky Cheung ornaments) cell phone stores across the street, the two for the business of trying to surprise each other, each other. In fact, two years ago this is a good friend, when the story of two wise match charter is still a legend, the result was finally for Xiao TaoHong (Anita Yuen ornaments) against each other. Today, Xiao TaoHong and Ha Gong, Ha-Sao, have been in love with each other, but in the bottom of my heart Shi Jian, once a good friend, is still very much in love. The two sons and daughters also have their own personal contacts, and gradually mutual goodwill. Large homeowners rent to triple, businesses are scratching their heads. There are frequent mysterious people throwing sulfuric acid water from the heights, people living in the streets into panic. In order to safeguard the rights and interests of survival, in order to restore the streets of Sai Yeung An, businesses have decided to unite and jointly defend their own home ... ... The film by the Shaw and TVB shooting, because the assembly of more than 100 stars across the Taiwan Strait participating , So Hong Kong version of "Founding of a Republic" said.

Mind reading (TV)[2010]

Feature: Yao XueChen (Bowie Lam) is a detective, his father is a liar, to kill the enemy to flee their homes, swindle to death. Xue Chen married his mother into the hotel Shaodong, but not happy for their families, life's distress. Until met a memory of outstanding girls, the church's memory method, and gradually learn to take care of their "Mindshelf" stills and become a good policeman. Xue Chen later went to the United States to study criminal psychology, and combined the Chinese concept of surgery with criminal psychology, used in the investigation, but because Yao Xue Chen too sensitive to the truth, too understand to see through other people's inner thoughts, so the feelings On the twists and turns heavy. As a reading psychic who is good at body language, he often reads the hidden facts of each other through the subtle body language. When he looks through each other's real side, combined with subtle observation, Repeated breaking odd cases. Since his childhood, Xue learned to learn from his father Yao TianBao (Felix Lok). In fact, Tian Bao wanted him to learn from him. Therefore, his father can be regarded as his enlightenment teacher. However, one day, Tianbao brought Xuefei to fishing and unexpectedly happened and died before Xuexue. This caused a great shadow in Xuezhe's mind and the fear was always lingering. After the death of God Paul, Zhong XiuXian (Susan Tse ornaments) and Xue Chen two mothers, survived Cheng ZhaoKang (Yu Yang decoration) to lend a helping hand, to help the two men tide over the crisis, Siu Hong sympathy gradually produce feelings, the final decision to access The two go home and live together. Show Xianxiao in order to repay Zhaokang's kindness, since then wash their heads, devote themselves to the godfather. However, Zhao family unhappy with his family, "buy one get one free," the woman went home, so everything for learning Chen and Xiuxian. Xue learned because of keen sense of touch, coupled with the cultivation of nature protection, not only to understand these so-called relatives of the chord, but also often insight into their tactics, will not be fooled. Xue learned that in order to survive in this home, we must know how to observe their brows and avoid them, or to fight back. Over time, Xue learned to gradually learn the art of viewing. In this family, Cheng BeiEr (Aimee Chan), who is good at learning, is only a half-sister. Xue Chen joined the police force after graduating from college, because of good color appearance, detection rate is very high, won the bosses, is the limelight of the police force. However, two new guys in the group, He LiXian (Bosco Wong) and Ye ZhanTing (Kristal Tin), were skeptical of the academic well known for reading the mind and Righteous considered it a mere luck and see Xue learned smooth handling, more people feel very hypocritical. He LiXian one against Xue Chen, with his usual investigation of the traditional way of investigating. Later, after many times of cooperation, Ryeh Yin became more and more convinced of the viewership of Xue Chen, but he did not admit it. All my colleagues looked at the confrontation between the two, feel helpless. The two who broke the deadlock were actually children. Belle in order to understand Xue Chen's daily work, do everything possible to finally find a job close to Xue Chen, so know Rhen. Rhymee soon Belle passionate, Xue learned Belle and Rhyming contacts, the heart very much opposed, that ritual bad habits. However, the family did not buy or not, Xue Chen only served as jealous father.In addition to being busy dealing with Belle and Ruth's feelings and relationships, he has to deal with his feelings. Before he went to Japan for further studies in Japan, he had been in contact with a girlfriend, but his girlfriend believed that Chen Chen broke up on his own reservations. Later, when Xue Chen met her childhood friend, Liao MeiShi (Tan Xiaoyuan), the poem at that time became the headmaster of a well-known memory school. But at this time, the poem's admirer hits Hung, making her a suspect, Xue Chen determined to find evidence, but also a clear poem. Who knows, the truth has made Xue Chen marvel. At this point, the same group of Zhan-Ting Chen Xue has implicated students! Exhibition Ting experience marriage failure, and living together, this marriage has no vision. However, the work of cooperation between the two sides, and in the difficult time Xue Chen care for themselves, let Ting Ting quite tempted. But Ting-ting heart understand that their own conditions in general, and is a married woman, so just the feelings in mind. Later, when Cheng was involved in a fraud case, Xue Chen was troubled both at home and emotionally. Zhan-Ting took over the investigation, but has been silently supporting Xue Chen, to help him through the storm. At this point, learn Chen's knot untied, understand the root causes of their feelings of failure, with the encouragement of Zhanting, Xue Chen decided to recover his girlfriend. However, at this time Xue Chen found that his body language reflected the real thoughts in the subconscious. When Xue Chen tried to read himself, he found his favorite impressively and supported his exhibition on his side.

Growingthroughlife (TV)[2009]

Feature: Hai Xing (林峰 饰) was born in the Regal House, the son of well-known industrialist Hai Yang, who has always admired his father, who has been chasing his father as the goal. But he has always been regarded as idol Hai Yang, suddenly fell! He was severely beaten down by his brother Hai Liang (Liu Song Ren). Hai Yang defeated not reconciled, finally more depressed and finally. Hai Xing so hate Hai Liang, determined to knock down Hai Liang, regain their possessions! However, Hai Xing's "Star Trek" official screenshots limited capital, had wanted to leave his father only one of the electronics company as a counterattack base, but unfortunately under the repeated chase Hai Liang, even the electronics company has also been Hai Liang Acquired, has become a subsidiary of the new Hai Group. Hai Xing frustrated in the initial battle, but he did not give up, humiliation, weight, stay within the Hay Group, an opportunity to counterattack Hai Liang. Zhong LinDa (Bosco Wong) has her friend Lin Hai alongside. Although Zhong LinDa came from the grass-roots level, she is never inferior in self-confidence. Two people strive to show that Hai Xing's position in the group is increasingly important, but the relationship between the two is slowly changing. Conflict between two friends, all due to emotional relations. Hai Xing and Ming Yao daughter Zhu YaoQun (Song Wenfei) have already engaged in an engagement. However, Yao Group still has not yet forgotten her feelings for Lin Tai. The relationship between the three people is complicated, and Fang LiJing (Ziqi Zhao) is still to be added later. Li Jing is Hai Xing's assistant to Hai Xing. Hai Xing has always been a guard against Lijing. Li Jing is Hai Liang's spy. She often fights and the two become flirting lovers. At the same time, Lin was also attracted by Li Jing's straightforwardness and simplicity. However, Li Jing unknowingly fell in love with Hai Xing while Hai Xing continued to vindictive with Hai Xing, and only Hai Xing in Li Jing's eyes, Did not mind. This complex relationship between the four corners of the world, so that Hai Xing and Lin's comrade-in-arms relationship, there cracked "The Star Trip" official drama marks. A chance, Lin found a striking fact: the original Hai Liang actually turned out to be biological father! Lin by Hai Liang and Hai Xing to their trust, rebellion. He has been sowing between the two, so that the two fought in the group intensified, the two fight a lose-lose. At the same time, he began to pursue Hai Liang's daughter Hai MeiSi (Toby Leung ornaments) to win the trust of Hai Liang. At this time suddenly suddenly another big forest, the joint fund to the already frail Hai Group made a full acquisition. Hai Xing This know that they have been used by Lin, but also found another amazing fact, Hai Liang turned out to be their own biological father! Hai Xing knows that he has always targeted the attacker, who is actually a pro and regretful. Fortunately Hai Xing there are still many people around the support, Li Jing had always vied with Hai Xing, but when Hai Xing depression, Lijing never stop, has been in support of Hai Xing around. Although Lin Da world, but unpopular, and even his father, Zhong JianCheng (Dominic Lam ornaments) have to abandon him, betrayal of their relatives. Lin Xing collapsed, but instead got more support, even more resentful, so fiercely beating the dog, everywhere difficult to retake Hai Xing. Lin everywhere to attack Xing Hai, vowing to Hai Xing's acquisition of enterprises, to Hai Hai stampede at the foot, to dismiss hate. However, Hai Xing has shrunk now, how can we stand still, Lin Hai stepped down Hai Xing, Hai Xing and why do not want to take back the Hai Group. One of the largest acquisition war in history, opened the war mantle

TheLukiestMan (Movie)[2008]

Feature: People called gambling king He BiFa (Natalis Chan ornaments) to start the mahjong Museum, now has fame, wealth and prosperity, become a generation of celebrities in Hong Kong. As he grew older, Ho that throwing wealth has become the focus of competition for their relatives. To this end, He BiFa's wife Man Na (Monica Chan ornaments) and what the two sisters Su Fei (Yuen Qiu ornaments), Ling Jie (Pinky Cheung ornaments) to start a series of complicated evidence, they all want to make their own Child title legal heir. But their trio of children are not too device, so that He BiFa can not help but love. Tired of quarrels with their loved ones, why quietly came to Dongguan, looking for lovers of the year. Surprisingly, the old lover has long passed away, leaving only one son, Lam Chi-chung. How to bring Ah Hui back to Hong Kong? This is a further intensification of the legacy of the family.

WarsOfInLawsII (TV)[2008]

Feature: Ge Bi (Liza Wang) is the editor-in-chief of a successful women's lifestyle magazine who is unscrupulous, overbearing and overbearing. Nothing to do with the boss; no flirting with the enemy; no feeling about subordinates, so many enemies. But also because of the tough people, so many people in this large organization management, including subordinates Gao JiaBao (Joyce Tang ornaments), Wang ZhongXiang (Derek Kok ornaments), Li De will (Nancy Wu ornaments, Cheng ZhiShang (Stefan Wong ornaments, Liu Qingshan (Deng Jianhong decoration), Carol (Yao Yingying ornaments) and so on. And Ge Bi unique aesthetic vision of the pursuit of lifestyle, keen on the market is also an important factor in the success of its business. Ge Bi is a strong woman in business and has no choice but to decide what to do at home. Ge Ge has a son Ge De (Bosco Wong ornaments), a man of intelligence and talented, but grown up under the control of a strong woman, from time to time depressed his thoughts to move to meet her aunt, and from time to time for the harsh made her atonement , Is a humorous good gentleman. Ge De's hobby is to make short films on his cellphone and share it with others. Ge Bi felt so bored that she arranged for her to work in the Advertising Department of the magazine in the hope of cultivating him. Ge De looks handsome, there are many women around the pursuit, and Zhou LiMin (Myolie Wu ornaments) is one of them. Limin is a brave, enthusiastic and cheerful Oolong policewoman, as long as you recognize the goal will be perseverance and courage. Limin encounter Germany, love at first sight, in order to fight for their own happiness, a strong pursuit of Germany, Germany on the Imominance. Once, the magazine bombs, because Ge Bi flirting with a star dress, the mad fans to Ge Bi revenge, the troubles magazine, but also to force the gun Ge Bi, fortunate that Li Min, regardless of body salvation. Because Li Min was Ge Sav's life-saving benefactor, Li Min asked Ge Bi for not stopping her from dating Germany, and Ge Bi did not think she would love Alvin, so she agreed. Noble and tasteful Ge Bi flirtatious and mediocre Limin did not like the favor, bent over the bridge pumping board, the surface does not stop Levin pursuit of morality, but introduced better conditions girlfriend to Germany, and make every attempt to Levin know Difficult to quit. Who knows Limin's fighting spirit is very tenacious, with Ge Bi Ming infighting, hundred tolerance into gold, Germany was finally touched, and finally became a real "true and false" couple, more registered, Ge Bi frustration was forced to accept this new daughter in law. Then, Minnesota lost her job as a policewoman and was taken to Ge Bi's magazine, where she worked as a subordinate, and her two in-laws had a big fight with her in the country. At the moment, Bi PingFan (Hui Shiu-hung), who just released the supervisor, came to find Ge Bi at a media prize where Ge Bi was elected and a consortium of international consortia planned to fund the magazine for Ge Bi. Limin found that her grandmother is very much averted.At the same time, my grandmother's right-hand man, Gao JiaBao, constantly uses Li Min to destroy Ge Bi's cause. Li Minming investigated the unannounced visits and thought that her grandmother was the mastermind of the single major case of the year and made many misunderstandings and jokes. Less than, but revealed a grandmother in the past a period of unknown past, the original Po and Ge Bi are inextricably linked ... New wife revealed grandma secret, the relationship between mother and daughter worse, and Germany because of this relationship with Limin freeze. Germany once again met former dream lover Song Zhiqiao (Vivien Yeo ornaments), Germany face a great temptation. Li Min in the relationship between mother-in-law and husband and wife are a mess, so passionate work, Po also sow discord, the same front line with Li Min Ge Bi. Newly appointed young boss and boss son Mark (Wang Haoxin ornaments), want to reform the magazine content, bold use of Limin's idea, and entrusted with the task, Ge Bi feel shaved eyebrows, angry! Ge Bi finally resigned from the magazine to avoid the outlying islands, because of Bi PingFan and all kinds of life experience, people have changed. Chicago shoved Mark to sell the magazine and dismissed the crowd. Ge De went to Chicago and begged her to abandon it, but Chi Joe threatened Ge De with compounding. Ge De refused, Chi Chiao angry, lobbying Mark as soon as possible the sale of the magazine. In another disappointment, Li Min returned to the company and found that the first issue of the company was charged with the unauthorized distribution of unobtrusive movie costumes. The original buyer refused to buy the magazine, Mark strongly accused Lim. Li Min apologized to find Ge Bi, claiming that she could not survive her effort. Ge Bi listened to the solution afterwards, but both eventually settled. Everything was originally Ge Ge and Jiabao's strategy, the purpose is to make Ge Bi successful acquisition, the final success of the magazine once again published. At the time, Ge De traveled as a volunteer in Guangxi, but there was a sudden landslide in the area. Ge De He was ...

Dicey Business (TV)[2006]

Feature: Stills 2 Qi HuanChang (Ouyang Zhenhua), who has a lot of gifted athleticism, is one of the most popular poker World Champions at the age of 18. Unfortunately, young and fit, at the juncture before the game, by the opponent Qiao ZhengChu (Miao Qiao Wei) girlfriend Lan XiaoYin (Guo Shaoyun ornaments) temptation, temporary distractions, even lost 3-year-old brother happy Qi (Bosco Wong decorated ). The results of the final time, Imitation uneasy, bet no go, the event announced the suspension. No effort at the beginning, hit a lot of smooth. Since the beginning of the fall, to bet on anesthesia, and pay "bad luck", every bet will lose, resulting in a bet gambling debut, traveled Philippines, fortunate to meet enthusiastic people Zhou FuRong (Hui Shiu-hung ornaments ). Rong use bitter meat to help quit gambling, Chang moving, decided to make a new life. Cheong and Rong relations, re-encounter the beginning of the resentment. In the beginning, it was not surprising that arrangements should be made for smooth work to help him earn money and pay off debts. Chang, Chu, Rong become more friends.

AuRevoirShanghai (TV)[2005]

Feature: In the 1930s, Nie Jin (Michael Miu), who spent 20 years in shanghai gangster backstabbing his front line, ran a small dumpling shop and hired He ShuiXiu (Anne) Heung ornaments). Nie Jin's retirement, desperation to follow his Shi ShiJiu (Bosco Wong ornaments) endless. Nie Jin did not intend to reappear, but when he knew that gang Daocheng Jin DaChuan might be related to the death of his wife and seeing the other brothers killed one by one, he knew that all things were to be done by all means. Nie Jin and Jin DaChuan thus started a series of slaughter; however, after a series of events, called Nie Jin suspected black hand behind. On the other hand, he was even more shocked by the fact that his biological father, Shirley Yeung, turned out to be Gu ChangCheng (Eddy Ko), a man who loved him.

My savage grandma (TV)[2005]

Feature: "My Brutal Grandma" tells the story of a savage grandmother who is scared of horror in the play. Thalaster was the single favorite in Jia Qing during the Qing Dynasty. She is critical of the people, barbaric, but everyone still sealed her as a model lady. Why does everyone unconsciously say unpleasant? Because of Shuoran character overbearing, unforgiving, and she is today's Huang Hou's cousin, even the emperor bogey her one-third. Shuo Lan side of the person is not to gather her, is afraid of her majestic, she swam by fooling around, dare to say anger, the princess has been kept in the dark, but also naive to think that all people respect themselves, love yourself , Self-righteous country treasure. One such self-righteous personality, married to the famous businessman Ning FengDe embroidery, naturally feel respect your dear, her husband was fortunate enough; if not relying on their own fame, her husband's embroidery will not be known throughout the country, his Xiao Jing and her husband have been respectable, but the surface of the harmony, in fact, is built inrush, because the simple and honest virtue of the past 20 years still can not learn to understand the woman's mouth is the wrong thing , Do not know how to forbear wife. When Shuo Lan gave birth to his son Ning MaoChun almost dystocia, so as the lifeblood of spring. Spring surface "skirt", the only life of the mother, but the opposite character and father, noodles. Cottage king daughter top bag married into the main character of Princess House, said the spring has reached the age of married family, Princess's wife to marry, of course, is a major event in the world, orchid into the palace, rob the emperor's show of women, the emperor also screamed. Lan thought he could find a happy lady as a wife, who knows she was the king of cottage daughter Tian Li. Saying the date of marriage, Xiushuufu book escaped marriage, Tian Li and his father Tian Man is evading the government hunt, Tian Li panic flew on the sedan chair, was sent to the grid house when a wife. Tian Li only plan to count, hoping to use the advantages of the grid, an opportunity to save the father captured by the government and the other brothers in the cottage. False Phoenix, true and false couples opportunity has finally arrived, the force called for some to flee the house, intend to rob the father, but unfortunate accidental missed, just about to capture, the Grand Theft does not appear suddenly, to save go. Since then, the force has been grateful and admired for not being a celebrity. However, the force can not think of dreaming, the Grand Theft is not actually the name of the fog around her husband Ning MaoChun, the original face of the heart of the spring, from the young you can see but expensive luxury life, so secretly martial arts, determination Xingxia Generous, robbing the rich and the poor, the painstaking show of spring sympathy for women, there is no knowledge of the top package thing, but gradually fell in love with force. Just as Shuo Lan revealed force is not a true show of women, but the daughter of the cottage king. Shuo Lan furious, trying to pull the officer, spring to save his wife, lied to have their own flesh, Shuo Lan for Ning family a little blood, was forced to accept the power to do a wife. A self-proclaimed example of a lady in the capital, one is used to drink dog drink shochu chicken iron Tsui, the two hit the Earth Mars, daughter-in-law, since no peace day. My Brutal Po Po Stills The law of women and her husband are not as peaceful as the spring. In order to prevent her husband from being a man or woman, she gives up her vindictiveness with her grandmother.Forces more discovered, the old lover Long QiaoQiao day, is now the amount of Ning FengDe for you. Forced by aunt nurturing care, the two of the feelings of deep, so force against Lan resentment, vowing to revenge aunt, everywhere deliberately against the blue. On the other hand, the skillful encounter Germany, the condition actually improved, not drug and more. However, it is clever to know Germany has a wife and children, only a small embroidery Zhuangzai love work, but in fact, the two still unresolved, but forcibly suppress their feelings. As for Lan, knowing that her husband reunites with her old lover, she insists that the two have ulterior relationship. Blue never suffered a setback in his life, of course, can not accept her husband is unfaithful to her, blue grandfather Granville, unreasonable, always catch up Qiao, power never mind the eyes to support his aunt to deal with his grandmother. Lan face lost, more angry and clever, a fire, accidentally killed in the fire field, everyone misunderstood Lan Gongbao revenge, to pretend to death, the concubine was mistakenly in the fire, died on the spot. Germany think so really frenzied orchid, intolerable, big Zhen Ke Gang, and blue eyes, ran away from home. Force also argued that the establishment of arson set fire, the emperor lost Ai Fei, Long Yan was furious, and finally blue was the title of the seal, Feng Phoenix Embroidery Zhuang was seized. Gege stumble, a sinking hundred orchid this want to make a catastrophe, Huang Hou pleading with the emperor to turn the case, Unexpectedly, Huang Hou afraid of being involved, and Lan cut seats. We see Lan lost power, took the opportunity to sink a hundred tread. Lan rebel relatives, began to recognize the reality that he had so gods hate ghosts, began to self-examination, understand the wealth and glory, fame and power, are nothing more than elusive, the most important thing is the family and a warm and harmonious family. Regardless of his face and life, Shuo Lan started to work in a down-to-earth manner, more understanding of people's imagination, take the initiative to repair the relationship with everyone. Shuo Lan eventually compound with her husband, feeling more wins in the past. Instead, her son, due to misunderstanding, used her feelings to avenge his revenge and break up with cruelty and force. Mother-in-law and good, polo ralph lauren, the court spring in order to cleanse her mother for charges, and finally found out the day a fire, because Qi hit broke uncle Yan Shikuan and Royal adultery, the uncle to borrow a knife to kill, Unexpectedly, the victim eventually victimized the deceased, handcuffed Concubine, not to be named on the occasion of the arrest of uncle, the National uncle unclear death, not to be arrested on the spot, but also refers to the murderer, but unnamed Identity was also exposed at the same time, it is Ning MaoChun. The emperor furious, the spring closed into prison, waiting for the fall. Lan and force together to play the brutal true nature of the daughter-in-law, whether they can rescue the spring camp. Spring and power will be reconciled. Grandma and daughter-in-law how to move each other, kill a twilight to the dark, sun and moon light.

Grind (Movie)[2003]

Feature: The old airport area is where the story owner Tang YiChen grew up, and Yichen was infatuated with the plane passing overhead every day. Since then, because of the incompatibility of parents, the mother suddenly left home away from home, so that Yichen has always had a wish that one day be able to personally fly and pick up her mother a family reunion. The family background has also been clever clever Chen also more self-discipline, the younger age already know how to take care of his father in turn. Step by step efforts along the wish, also Chen finally become a pilots. Yichen, a senior vice-captain, has been waiting for the first Chinese captain, working earnestly and with high self-esteem, so he has been highly regarded in his work. For Yichen, it is not hard to grasp the technology of flying an airplane according to every procedure and procedure. Whenever there is accumulated experience, it will be able to reach its fullest; on the contrary, in the communication between people It is rather hard for Yi Chen to grasp the situation. Especially in the area of ​​emotional life, the impact of the divorce between parents is indeed very far-reaching. Ling YunZhi, who became a pilots together with Yi Chen as a buddy since becoming a friend, was fascinated with the plane and had another set of emotional philosophy. However, it will not be as stepping on foot as Yichen, and he will, in a fair and complete sense of error, adopt a positive and open attitude. Although regarded by other people as a romantic pilots, , Yun Chi for this "reputation" is pleased to accept the drop. In the same airport, stewardess Le YiShan also with the pursuit of romantic dreams, but the fate of the arrangements for the time being they did not encounter three. Until Shan in the work of a nail, simply quit the job, to travel abroad to relax, she and Yichen, Yun Zhicai in the arrangement of God of Destiny, they pursue the journey of true love ... ... Italy - Rome, A warm and romantic city, hidden implies a romantic love is about to happen. He also came to Rome for his work-related relations. The Chinese people were profoundly impressed by each other's appearances. In addition, Chen and She-Shan met each other in such a way that the sensual recognition of Shan as a fate came to pass. To Shan also has a special favor. In a warm and romantic foreign atmosphere, the two ignited a hot love fire, the first taste to concentration difficult to self-sustaining taste, promised a promise of love. However, a major misunderstanding caused both Yitz-chen and Islam to feel cheated and believed to have fallen by the sky, but it has become a great deal of harm. Yi Chen also brought the pain with the return trip to Hong Kong staff, and the fragile Shan is still alone in different places, feeling particularly desolate. Fortunately, at this time encountered the cloud Chi later, in the pursuit of the enthusiasm of cloud Chi, to Shan just slowly heal the pain over. In the case of Yun Chi, the appearance of Isan was a grace, and one affirmation quickly fixed the target and regarded Isan as the only object of life-long companion. Also Chen in Rome in a short period of time, the most memorable to him in addition to Shan outside, is the youth ─ Xing Feng. An incident, Chen also Xing Feng has deep prejudices, that Xing Feng is full day, just let go of people. To sum up, this journey to Rome can be a bitter experience for Yichen, but that major misunderstanding resulted in the friendship between Yizhi and Isan.The combination of parents made Yi Chen understand that his mother left that day with his brother Tang YiFeng. What is even more surprising is that the wind was exactly what Xing Feng knew in Rome a year ago. Yun Chi in order to Susan Australia base transferred back to Hong Kong, and the first time to share the good news and Yichen to Shan to Yu Zhi fiancee also Yichen, has forgotten the past passion and hurt and then stab the heart of two people , Chen also Yunzhi to Shan vote with heartfelt blessings, so Shan Shan into love cloud Chi love. At the same time with the wind also vote for the pilot there is full of confidence, just outside the soft Tong XiXin. There is a feeling of love in Shin Xi, a lack of trust in men, and even a rebellious psychology. Things must be done better than men, making them and their foes vying for competitive vindictiveness. Wan HaoCong, a son of the chairman of the transnational big group favored by his parents, is a love at first sight to Shixin. Shixin's resistance to Haocong makes Haocong even more determined in pursuit of the end, and even pursues Shixin Only test the pilots post. After many difficult exam examinations, just as she was waiting to be admitted to flight training courses in Australia, sheeh found out who her father was. She traveled to Hokkaido, Japan to look for a biological father. Hao congratulations to Greek hospitality, together with the friendly to go, but also because of the relationship with his family is still bad, but also decided to take the couch with the public to go to Japan. It was thought that after the wedding of Yun Chi and Isanor, the mistakes and wrongs of the past of Rome should come to an end. However, it seems that some people are playing with two people somewhere. It seems that the march to a perfect wedding turned out to be the intricate triangle. The damage was found on the same day was a misunderstanding, but also Yun Chi first discovered. It was decided by Yun Chi to let Yi Chen and Shan know the misunderstanding of the day so that Yi Shan could make a choice between him and Yi Chen. The decision of Shan to make Yun Zhisong breath, but despite the affair, but in the heart of three people still hidden a thorn, only to be sensitive to assassinate, but in the future, Yun Chi It is the sensitive person. After the incident, Chen Triangle, Yun Chih, and Susan Triangle became more subtle. In the mean time, Shan and Yun Chi accidentally summed up the love between Su Yi and Yi Chen. With Su Yi, these four are another subtle relationship. During their training in Australia, Yichen and Yifeng brothers formally started a fraternal and mentoring relationship. Also Chen returned to Hong Kong to continue his flight work, and Yifeng brothers have more opportunities for cooperation, a group of young pilots energetic, so also Chen, Yun Chi also infected, Qi Qi to become the captain of the key moment for the final sprint . The most important moment in his life, however, was that he and his wife were found to have problems with their bodies. In the meantime, he was most likely to lose his flying status. To decide whether to give up his flight business, he was also in hesitation and contradiction. He also saw the clue and finally discovered the condition of Yichen. He felt that things could not be dragged on any longer and that the purpose of flight safety was directed at Yichen's inability to continue flying. While everyone was the first Chinese pilots to celebrate Yunzhi, Yi Chen also announced that he will accept the internal transfer and serve as a guest service.The ups and downs of a plane are like human beings. They also have their own ups and downs. At the bottom of the valley, they can still work hard to achieve their goal. I believe there will be a day when they will fly high again. He also positively and optimistically faced the challenges of new life and new life. At this time, the care and encouragement of Su Yi Jean-Jacques moved even more, more positive on the love of Su Yi. It was also Yichen and Su Yi exchanges, is the cloud wish and to Shan's wish, but to see when Shan Shan and Su Yi sweet together, actually unconsciously showing the acidity, so sensitive cloud Found. In the end, Yun Zhi decided to go back to his hometown in Australia, hoping to make another choice with Shan. On the other hand, the friendship of wind, shixin and ho-tsung also faced the test. Ho-tsung has been living on the Greek love Hsinsi, and Hsien on the wind but also by vindictive enemies gradually subtle emotional progress, the formation of ambiguous triangular relations. An incident was also clear that the wind is far less than Hyun Joong's concern for Xi Xin, Ho ho unpredictable invisible pressure, then ordered the wind decided to retreat alienated, alienated. At this time, it seems that the road to Israel's love should be smooth and smooth, but the more I found out, the more I paid, the more I showed the great love of that day. . Who is the favorite, who is the favorite, Shan and Yichen love finally what kind of result? Is also the wind looked at Su Yi sacrifice himself, in the Yichen and Yishan retire, he and Yichen's brotherhood will once again set off a contradiction? Yi Feng, Xi Xin, ho Cong three love friendship dilemma, there will be new developments.

TriumphintheSkies (TV)[2003]

Feature: Old Airport District is where the story owner Tang Yi Chen (Francis Ng ornaments) grew up hour by day, flying over the overhead of the plane so that Yichen deeply fascinated. Since then, because of the incompatibility of parents, the mother suddenly left home away from home, so that Yichen has always had a wish that one day be able to personally fly and pick up her mother a family reunion. The family background has also been clever clever Chen also more self-discipline, the younger age already know how to take care of his father in turn. Step by step efforts along the wish, also Chen finally become a pilots. As a senior vice captain, Chen Chen, the poster of "Rushing to the Sky," has always been waiting for the first Chinese captain. His work is rigorous and self-demanding. Therefore, he is highly praised for his work. For Yichen, it is not hard to grasp the technology of flying an airplane according to every procedure and procedure. Whenever there is accumulated experience, it will be able to reach its fullest; on the contrary, in the communication between people It is rather hard for Yi Chen to grasp the situation. Especially in the area of ​​emotional life, the impact of the divorce between parents is indeed very far-reaching. With Yi Chen became friends since childhood, fascinated with the aircraft, together as a flight engineer Ling YunZhi (Joe Ma (actor) ornaments), but there is another set of emotional philosophy. However, it will not be as stepping on foot as Yichen, and he will, in a fair and complete sense of error, adopt a positive and open attitude. Although regarded by other people as a romantic pilots, , Yun Chi for this "reputation" is pleased to accept the drop. In the same airport, stewardess Le YiShan (Flora Chan ornaments) also with the dream of pursuing romantic love, but the fate of the arrangements, not for the time being the three of them met. Until Shan in the work of a nail, simply quit the job, to travel abroad to relax, she and Yichen, Yun Zhicai in the arrangement of God of Destiny, they pursue the journey of true love ... ... Italy - Rome, A warm and romantic city, hidden implies a romantic love is about to happen. He also came to Rome for his work-related relations. The Chinese people were profoundly impressed by each other's appearances. In addition, Chen and She-Shan met each other in such a way that the sensual recognition of Shan as a fate came to pass. To Shan also has a special favor. In a warm and romantic foreign atmosphere, the two ignited a hot love fire, the first taste to concentration difficult to self-sustaining taste, promised a promise of love. However, a major misunderstanding caused both Yitz-chen and Islam to feel cheated and believed to have fallen by the sky, but it has become a great deal of harm. Yi Chen also brought the pain with the return trip to Hong Kong staff, and the fragile Shan is still alone in different places, feeling particularly desolate. Fortunately, at this time encountered the cloud Chi later, in the pursuit of the enthusiasm of cloud Chi, to Shan just slowly heal the pain over. In the case of Yun Chi, the appearance of Isan was a grace, and one affirmation quickly fixed the target and regarded Isan as the only object of life-long companion. Also Chen in Rome in a short period of time, the most memorable to him in addition to Shan outside, is the youth ─ Xing Feng. An incident, Chen also Xing Feng has deep prejudices, that Xing Feng is full day, just let go of people.To sum up, this journey to Rome can be a bitter experience for Yichen, but that major misunderstanding resulted in the friendship between Yizhi and Isan. The combination of parents made Yi Chen understand that his mother left that day with his brother Tang YiFeng. What is even more surprising is that the wind was exactly what Xing Feng knew in Rome a year ago. Yun Chi in order to Susan Australia base transferred back to Hong Kong, and the first time to share the good news and Yichen to Shan to Yu Zhi fiancee also Yichen, has forgotten the past passion and hurt and then stab the heart of two people , Chen also Yunzhi to Shan vote with heartfelt blessings, so Shan Shan into love cloud Chi love. At the same time with the wind also vote for the pilot there is full of confidence, just outside the soft Tong XiXin. There is a feeling of love in Shin Xi, a lack of trust in men, and even a rebellious psychology. Things must be done better than men, making them and their foes vying for competitive vindictiveness. Wan HaoCong, a son of the chairman of the transnational big group favored by his parents, is a love at first sight to Shixin. Shixin's resistance to Haocong makes Haocong even more determined in pursuit of the end, and even pursues Shixin Only test the pilots post. After many difficult exam examinations, just as she was waiting to be admitted to flight training courses in Australia, sheeh found out who her father was. She traveled to Hokkaido, Japan to look for a biological father. Hao congratulations to Greek hospitality, together with the friendly to go, but also because of the relationship with his family is still bad, but also decided to take the couch with the public to go to Japan. It was thought that after the wedding of Yun Chi and Isanor, the mistakes and wrongs of the past of Rome should come to an end. However, it seems that some people are playing with two people somewhere. It seems that the march to a perfect wedding turned out to be the intricate triangle. The damage was found on the same day was a misunderstanding, but also Yun Chi first discovered. It was decided by Yun Chi to let Yi Chen and Shan know the misunderstanding of the day so that Yi Shan could make a choice between him and Yi Chen. The decision of Shan to make Yun Zhisong breath, but despite the affair, but in the heart of three people still hidden a thorn, only to be sensitive to assassinate, but in the future, Yun Chi It is the sensitive person. After the incident, Chen Triangle, Yun Chih, and Susan Triangle became more subtle. In the mean time, Shan and Yun Chi accidentally summed up the love between Su Yi and Yi Chen. With Su Yi, these four are another subtle relationship. During their training in Australia, Yichen and Yifeng brothers formally started a fraternal and mentoring relationship. Also Chen returned to Hong Kong to continue his flight work, and Yifeng brothers have more opportunities for cooperation, a group of young pilots energetic, so also Chen, Yun Chi also infected, Qi Qi to become the captain of the key moment for the final sprint . The most important moment in his life, however, was that he and his wife were found to have problems with their bodies. In the meantime, he was most likely to lose his flying status. To decide whether to give up his flight business, he was also in hesitation and contradiction. He also saw the clue and finally discovered the condition of Yichen. He felt that things could not be dragged on any longer and that the purpose of flight safety was directed at Yichen's inability to continue flying.While everyone was the first Chinese pilots to celebrate Yunzhi, Yi Chen also announced that he will accept the internal transfer and serve as a guest service. The ups and downs of a plane are like human beings. They also have their own ups and downs. At the bottom of the valley, they can still work hard to achieve their goal. I believe there will be a day when they will fly high again. He also positively and optimistically faced the challenges of new life and new life. At this time, the care and encouragement of Su Yi Jean-Jacques moved even more, more positive on the love of Su Yi. It was also Yichen and Su Yi exchanges, is the cloud wish and to Shan's wish, but to see when Shan Shan and Su Yi sweet together, actually unconsciously showing the acidity, so sensitive cloud Found. In the end, Yun Zhi decided to go back to his hometown in Australia, hoping to make another choice with Shan. On the other hand, the friendship of wind, shixin and ho-tsung also faced the test. Ho-tsung has been living on the Greek love Hsinsi, and Hsien on the wind but also by vindictive enemies gradually subtle emotional progress, the formation of ambiguous triangular relations. An incident was also clear that the wind is far less than Hyun Joong's concern for Xi Xin, Ho ho unpredictable invisible pressure, then ordered the wind decided to retreat alienated, alienated. At this time, it seems that the road to Israel's love should be smooth and smooth, but the more I found out, the more I paid, the more I showed the great love of that day. . Who is the favorite, who is the favorite, Shan and Yichen love finally what kind of result? Is also the wind looked at Su Yi sacrifice himself, in the Yichen and Yishan retire, he and Yichen's brotherhood will once again set off a contradiction? Yi Feng, Xi Xin, ho Cong three love friendship dilemma, there will be new developments.

AMatterOfCustoms (TV)[2000]

Feature: 1999 Stills In June, the Customs Task Force was formed and oversight led by Lv FuMing. Fu Ming to join the customs more than twenty years, outstanding performance, deeply loved, but unfortunately her husband twenty years ago, accidental car accident Wang Kong, so that the childhood vision of immortal dependents become out of reach. Unexpectedly, entering the age of 50, its love career has changed. The emergence of Tu LingShan, Bao JiJun, Lin ZhiGang and Feng ManFen made the life of Fu Ming rise again. Tu LingShan was unbelievably furious. After ten years of absence, he met Bao JiJun and Lv FuMing, causing him to change his concept of "love." Chief Inspector Lin ZhiGang lives with Lin YiBin, the father of a health helper. Bin and his divorced wife, Chen Jiayi, are loving couples. However, in a dispute that year, he was unlucky to leave home and he was fooled into bed. After the divorce, Jiayi development of personal beauty career, so that one Bin more ashamed, often take their son Zhigang's achievements compared with his younger brother Zhijie, Zhigang Gang and Zhijie have had healthy competition since childhood. "Thunder first pass," a piece of film since childhood, was severely punished by his father, not feel the formation of radical character, join the customs, in an operation in a crisis of emergency, fortunate that colleagues in time to save, so Chi just realized he was Demons trapped. Fu Ming insight into everything, Zhigang patient persuasion, the ultimate solution to their knot. Feng ManFen, a new member of the contingent, has determined to join the Customs since her childhood seeing Fuqin, a relative of the distant family, dressed in customs uniforms. During the training, Fen outstanding performance, was transferred to the contingent to follow Fu Ming, was arranged to take the logistics work, so she was disappointed, seeing colleagues Xiao YuGui due to hospitality and were Fu Ming mention, and thus even more dissatisfaction with Fu Ming.

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