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Zhong Ren TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Zhong Ren Works 43 ,And Urban drama 13 ,Feature 12 ,Love 10 ,Romance 8 ,Comedy 6 ,Ethical play 4 ,Family drama 4 ,Costume Drama 4 ,Contemporary 3 ,Motivational film 3 ,Year 3 ,Historical play 3 ,Suspense 2 ,题材1 ,Drama 1 ,Love drama 1 ,Business War 1 ,Reality show 1 ,都市励志轻喜剧1 ,轻喜1 ,Biopic 1 ,Crime 1 。

Works Index

Zhong Ren Filmography(43)


小欢喜 (TV)[2019]


北京某中档住宅小区顶楼,有三户人家的子女都进入了高考备战期。因抱着“一考定终《小欢喜》剧照身”的想法,三个家庭都陷入了无比焦灼的备战状态,由此引发的问题也接踵而至。“恨铁不成钢”的妈妈 Tong WenJie 和“没有压力”、热爱自由的儿子 Fang YiFan 之间因为成绩矛盾重重,爸爸 Fang Yuan 不得不化身“仲裁者”左右调停;拒绝前夫 Qiao WeiDong “入侵”母女生活的单亲妈妈 Song Qian ,对女儿 Qiao YingZi 的生活展开了“全包围”式关切,误解和矛盾不知不觉悄然爆发;“空降父亲” Ji ShengLi 和妈妈 Liu Jing 的突然关怀,让从小养在舅舅 Liu Zheng 身边的 Ji YangYang 无所适从,父子之间小心翼翼的相处并没有为这段关系换来“和平”。第一次做父母”的家长,和刚刚迎来成年的孩子,因为爱而联结,也因为难以把握爱的边界而产生误会,但正是这些“历不完的试炼”让每个家庭都在爱与理解中学会成长 。

青春斗 (TV)[2019]




Xiang Zhen 、 Qian BeiBei 、 Jin XiaoNi 、 Ding Lan 、 Yu Hui 五个性格迥异的女孩相识于大学,志趣相投,结为闺蜜。毕业后,她们留在北京,立志奋斗。然而,年少激进的她们时常碰壁,考研失败、被传销组织骗、失业、失恋、做生意惨败、被父母勒令回老家、几个女孩的友情也经历了无数的纠葛和考验。面对这些问题,她们有过顽强坚持亦动过放弃的念头,但最后 Yu Hui 勇敢站出对自己的错误负责, Ding Lan 收获真爱, Qian BeiBei 出国学习, Xiang Zhen 更是经历磨难还能保留纯粹和热情继续生活。人生十字路口,她们探索寻觅,最终明白要通过自我斗争改变命运。

精英律师 (TV)[2019]


Luo Bin 是全景律师事务所资深合伙人, Dai Xi 为了闺蜜的一场官《精英律师》定妆照司去律所找 Luo Bin 理论,误打误撞,机缘巧合成了 Luo Bin 的助理。在共事过程中,俩人因在为人处世上的见解差异,频发冲突。同时,出于对律师这个职业的热爱, Dai Xi 把过多的时间和精力投入到工作上,最终引起男友的不满,二人分手。在经过几个项目上的相互协作后, Dai Xi 和 Luo Bin 对对方都有了更多的了解, Dai Xi 由最初讨厌 Luo Bin ,逐渐对他产生尊敬,而 Luo Bin 也受 Dai Xi 感染,不仅在关心输赢,也变得去关爱他人。历经磨炼, Dai Xi 最终成长为一个优秀富有正义感的律师,在工作上,和 Luo Bin 也有了更多的默契,两人成了一对颇得业界认可,所向披靡的最佳搭档。


City of desire (TV)[2018]


"City of desire" tells the story of his wife, Qiao Na, who beats off their children in pursuit of her dreams.Jiang NianHuaTherefore, he suffered a lot. After divorce, he fought hard and finally got rich, but unfortunately suffered from depression. When he decided to give up his life, he met smart and kind young professional womenLin Li,. Not long after meeting Jiang NianHua,Lin Li,and her "" elite boyfriend" "Wang Yang,Emotional crisis. They are in the same company, and because of the increasing conflicts at work, they often start a "fight" mode. Like all young lovers, they argue with each other after a single word. Finally,Lin Li,felt unable to stay together with Wang Yang, feeling depressed and despondent, and planned to resign.Jiang NianHuaencouraged her to be a better self. Lin Li finally became the person she wanted to be because of Jiang NianHua.Jiang NianHuahas completely walked out of the gloom of anxiety and depression and rekindled his passion for life with Lin Li. The two of them are each other's fire of life, lit up, healed, lit up each other's life.

Xuanwumen (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Xuanwumen" tells the story of Li TianShun (Zhong Ren), a jade carving artist in Beijing's Old Street. In order to protect an emerald pomegranate symbolizing the prosperity of the country, with the full support of the neighbors, Li TianShun (Zhong Ren) is fighting against the evil forces of several dynasties. Countless difficult twists and turns and disaster, and even facing the destruction of their families. But he never gave in. He believes that evil will not be corrected and that the day the Chinese nation will prosper will come sooner or later. He used the unique toughness and stubborn streets, protecting the national treasures, protecting the dignity of Niujie. In the meantime, both the Beijing opera actress Yang ShangDe (Jingrong Li), Li Lianzhang (Xin one ornaments), Ding Guangyuan from Camel, Mad Hill selling barbecue, antique businessman Jin ZhaoJi, Man WenKui from the mosque, . Faced with one after another of the national crisis, are all artistic virtues; for the business of the road; man's fundamental. Showing a unique Niujie thousand years of historical and cultural heritage. Ding YuLan, a communist who went out of the main street, finally returned to Old Street, bringing hope and hope to the street for the future and lighting a lantern for the pre-dawn streets.

Ji Dang (TV)[2018]


The plot of the drama "Ji Dang" tells the story of lu jiangtao lost in wealth, his pragmatism seems to have a smooth road in the real society, and he himself gradually loses the bottom line in the capital feast, which is doomed to his tragic fate. Lu jiangtao's lover and sister were used by lu jiangtao several times in the process of starting a business in a cruel shopping mall. Wealth did not bring them a little happiness, but brought more harm. Lu haibo, as the big brother of this family, insisted on good thoughts, valued family loyalty and business ethics, and made progress in the struggle of wealth. He seemed to give up when he suffered losses, but became the ultimate winner. After the loss of his family, lu jiangtao finally repented and made concerted efforts with the help of his brother and sister to overcome the difficulties in the enterprise, and finally found the lost happiness. .

City of angels (TV)[2018]


TV drama city of angels, also known as city of desire, tells the story of his wife, Qiao Na, who beats off their children in pursuit of her dreams. Jiang NianHua suffered a lot from this. After his divorce, he fought hard and finally got rich, but unfortunately suffered from depression. When he decided to give up his life, he met Lin Li, a smart and kind young professional woman. Not long after meeting Jiang NianHua, Lin Li and her "" boyfriend" "Wang Yang suffered an emotional crisis. They are in the same company, and because of the increasing conflicts at work, they often start a "fight" mode. Like all young lovers, they argue with each other after a single word. Finally, Lin Li felt unable to stay together with Wang Yang, feeling depressed and despondent, and planned to resign. Jiang NianHua encouraged her to be a better self. Lin Li finally became the person she wanted to be because of Jiang NianHua. Jiang NianHua has completely walked out of the gloom of anxiety and depression and rekindled his passion for life with Lin Li. The two of them are each other's fire of life, lit up, healed, lit up each other's life.

Desire to live (TV)[2018]


TV drama "longing for life" tells the story of his wife, Qiao Na, who beats off their children in pursuit of her dreams. Jiang NianHua suffered a lot from this. After his divorce, he fought hard and finally got rich, but unfortunately suffered from depression. When he decided to give up his life, he met Lin Li, a smart and kind young professional woman. Not long after meeting Jiang NianHua, Lin Li and her "" boyfriend" "Wang Yang suffered an emotional crisis. They are in the same company, and because of the increasing conflicts at work, they often start a "fight" mode. Like all young lovers, they argue with each other after a single word. Finally, Lin Li felt unable to stay together with Wang Yang, feeling depressed and despondent, and planned to resign. Jiang NianHua encouraged her to be a better self. Lin Li finally became the person she wanted to be because of Jiang NianHua. Jiang NianHua has completely walked out of the gloom of anxiety and depression and rekindled his passion for life with Lin Li. The two of them are each other's fire of life, lit up, healed, lit up each other's life.


Nothing gold can stay (TV)[2017]

Feature: In 1884, Zhou Ying, along with his adoptive father Zhou LaoSi, came to Guanzhong. Zhou Laoshi, who lost his money, sold Zhou Ying to Shen Jiandang. Zhou Ying escaped to hide Wu Jia Dongyuan Grand Master Wu Pin's sedan, quite commercial Zhou Ying has been Wu WeiWen's appreciation, was allowed to stay in Wu. Shen XingYi Suspected Shen young master was assassinated by Wu Pin, shot to be wounded. Wu Pin to save unconscious, Zhou Ying married Wu Chong-hi. Wu Pin was killed, Wu home embarrassed, Zhou Ying decided to revive Wu Jiandong hospital. Zhou Ying shares in Shaanxi weaving layout, but suffered the imperialist opposition to the Westernization Movement forces crackdown, Shaanxi machinery weaving layout is facing reconstruction. In order to save the prisoners Zhou Ying, Wu Jia hand over all the shares of Shaanxi Machine Weaving Board and the exchange contract with the foreign exchange business Zhou Ying a life. Zhou Ying after the release of fighting spirit to build Jingyang cloth factory,

Full love (TV)[2017]

Feature: Four boys who grew up together since childhood - Lotte, Tan ShaoYu, Lei Lei, and Li Peobao are all over the age of 26, and marriage is imminent. Li Tao Bao finally put aside the family bondage, rejected the blind date object Xue Meng, chose the dumb girl Xia Dan. Lei Lei without a car without a room had to help Li Tao Po rehearsal Xue JingJing, the two fell into real love. In order to save his father's business, Mei LanNi is interested in getting close to the second generation of Rakuten. As a result, Rakuten did not think that Rakuten had already broken the relationship with Regal and Dad. It was a very poor man. However, Mei LanNi and Lotte had fallen in love with each other and were unable to extricate themselves . Rich young master Tan ShaoYu eight years ago and first love girlfriend Yi Ran love, but was severely dismantled the family. Yi Ran secretly gave birth to daughter Yi Lian, and said that she is her sister. Tan ShaoYu came back from the United States, met Yi Ran accidentally, produced no small misunderstanding, and Tan ShaoYu was found to have advanced cancer, the two eventually return to good, enjoy the final happiness & nbsp ;.

Will marriage be in the end (TV)[2017]

Feature: The elder girl Jiang YiFan (Qian Wan) married technology boy Wang YuMing (Zhong Ren), his father Jiang MinKuan and his sister Jiang YiLin finally relieved. Wang will marry in the end the stills Yu Ming career blocked, decided to start their own business, who knows the difficulties, the two living in trouble. Jiang YiFan found that there was a problem with the breast during the physical examination. However, Wang YuMing did not dare to tell Wang YuMing whether she was uncertain whether Wang YuMing would never stop giving up and decided to take on stress and pain alone. At the same time, Wang YuMing ex-girlfriend Xiao 菡 injured hospitalized, unattended around, Wang YuMing take the initiative to take care of the work, this move Jiang YiFan and Wang YuMing's feelings even worse. Jiang YiFan wants to propose a divorce, but found that the divorce will only be more dilemma, decided to return to marriage, self-salvation. With the gradual dissolution of the misunderstanding between Jiang YiFan and Wang YuMing, Wang YuMing's relentless love for justice allowed Jiang YiFan to re-touch the warmth of marriage. "There is no perfect beginning, only perfect persistence", Jiang YiFan abide by the concept of marriage, and successfully he and Wang YuMing these two marriage rookie "half-married" to a warm and bright future & nbsp ;.

Why marriage (TV)[2016]

Feature: Atlas a birthday party, the so-called "love at first sight" Da Lie, alcohol has become the body's owner. Da Xia, Lao Diao woke up to find married. Seven years ago, rice meal first love, share of beautiful and pure love eventually graduated with college can not. Seven years later, Zheng Yan, the "perfect" boyfriend of rice and his mother's approval, fell in love for three years. However, overnight life completely derailed, rice meal happens to hit that she never want to remember and see people, ex-boyfriend Wang LuYi, and the two received a permit. Fellow chefs did not escape the joke of fate - Da Xia chases Shi Yan, a hapless all-around man, and Lao Diao, the Marriageist, has just hit the head of the Burson-Marsteller Gu NianPing . As a result, the wedding certificate from the sky completely disrupted the six people just started and established career.

Mr.Six (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Liu Ye, an old artillery gun that once used to show the city in 1949, was hard to adapt to social changes, dormant in the depths of the alley, and lived a boring life with sloppy birds and negligence. One day, a huge emotional clash between Liu Ye and Xiao Bo, son of "Squadron", led the Squad to run away from home without being subject to any illegality and was illegally detained by newly rising generation Xiao Xiao. In order to save his son, and to repay their guilt of the son of the year, Liu Ye came back. With his own rules, Liu Ye tried to settle down the incident but found it frustratingly that this era, or his own body, has long gone. A parent-child hatred, old and new forces showdown can not be avoided. In the process of resolving the mess, the old gun found itself in problems, really powerless. But at the same time, they also grasped the handle of "Tricyclic Xijiro" in the process of inquiring about the cliches, and they both decided to come forward with a single challenge in the war.

Daretolove (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Lei Lei (Zhang Meng ornaments) and Luo Yonghao (Renzhong ornaments) is a pair of couples envy in college, two people choose to stay in Shanghai after graduation. Luo Yonghao in Lei Lei mother Shen Man forced to Lei Lei in order to happiness, eager to start a business, but ended in fiasco. Lei Lei but at work with their own strength has been appreciated by the leadership, her promotion.

JuniorParents (TV)[2015]

Feature: Mo Fan and Jian Dan These 80 couples in Shanghai who are self-proclaimed petty bourgeoisie "hot mom tide", and the first year of their never appreciate the real "old and young have small" troubles, Instead, all the burden will be passed on to both parents. Until Jian Dan's mother Liu YunYing was diagnosed with rectal cancer, the collapse of the family trapped in the Tian Collapse still caused the two men to say goodbye to the comfortable and comfortable life. In the process of seeking medical advice, the young couple have experienced the hardship of seeing a doctor, and realized that they had to face the predicament and actively nurture them. The efforts of the young couple did not restore the lives of their loved ones, Liu YunYing's death, Mo Fan's father's heart attack, a series of more difficult problems such as home care, children's education and other issues come one after another. To take care of the whole family, Jian Dan, once a boring life of two years of a full-time wife, also once separated from her husband and longed for marriage. However, her daughter, Mauch's autism, gave trouble to the young couple in a dilemma. With her family's efforts, Mo Fan and Jian Dan, the once-victorious marriage ship, finally returned to a loving harbor.

Do not call me brother (TV)[2015]

Feature: Han ZiHui and Tong HaiTao share the same hand and foot, both fell in love with the same girl Ye XiaoXiao, they all want and Ye XiaoXiao admitted to the same university, but the entrance, two people have failed. Han ZiHui misfortune at home, his father died in a car accident, the burden of feeding all on his shoulders. Tong HaiTao Parents want their son good news, do not like him with Han ZiHui Scrapping in every day, to delay the future. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Tong Jiazhu Bureau forced the Tong HaiTao to Hong Kong, which created a deep misunderstanding between Tong HaiTao and Ye XiaoXiao. Han ZiHui won the love of Ye XiaoXiao, but Luo XueJuan crush him very sad. Luo XueJuan creates contradictions between Han ZiHui and Ye XiaoXiao, leaving Ye XiaoXiao sad to leave, Luo XueJuan taking advantage of it. Just as Han ZiHui and Luo XueJuan were about to get married, Han ZiHui discovered the real situation. Han ZiHui to find Ye XiaoXiao, both released before the release of Wang Luzhi, a pair of lovers eventually get married.

Weareinlove (TV)[2015]

Feature: "We love each other," Star TV is the reality reality show produced by Jiangsu Satellite TV. "We love each other," including "we love it the first season," "we love it the second quarter," "we love it the third quarter." "We love each other in the first quarter," guests as Ruby and Ren Xin, Cui Siyuan and Liu Wen, Qiao Renliang and Xu Lu. The season premiered on the Jiangsu Satellite TV at 22:00 on each Sunday from April 19, 2015 and closed on July 17, 2015. "We love each other in the second quarter," guests are Chen Bolin and Song Zhixiao, Shawn Yue and Zhou Dongyu, Wei Daxun and Li Qin. The season begins on March 20, 2016 at 21:10 a.m. on Sunday evening and begins on the Jiangsu Satellite TV. The broadcast time on March 27 is changed to 20:20 a.m. on Sunday, June 5, 2016. "We love each other in the third quarter," guest Zheng Cheng and Cheng Xiao Yue, Ming Road and Wang Ou, Wilber Pan and Wu Xin. The season premiered on the Jiangsu Satellite TV at 22:00 on Sunday, June 4, 2017. "We love each other's love is God willing" also entered the second half, in the seventh program, three groups of CP issued a "high-energy warning." Zheng Kai, who was considered "pet mad" potential by fans, "lost" his girlfriend Cheng Xiaoyue; and Pan Wilber and Wu Xin, as jokes on the show, broke the first quarrel.

yongbuditou (TV)[2015]

Feature: The story occurred in the Republic of China Jiangnan Jiaqing county. Lin ZhengYuan Lin Jiaqing is the largest silk Union Union. Lin ZiQing is Lin ZhengYuan's own son, Hu GuoFu is the righteous son, and Wu ChongDa is his apprentice. Hu and Wu are both entrusted with the task. Lao Lin efforts to the entire Jiaqing Street have become their own industry. When his photo was crazy acquisition, Bo CangHai, Jin WanChen and other businesses desperate boycott, but also pulled Lin family's grievances. Hu GuoFu betrays the Lin family because of his fathers' hatred, conspiring to dispose of Lin and Lin ZiQing to death, and Wu Chong Da insuring Master, but also stir into the gang and give more trouble. Lin ZiQing, a young man who had the slightest interest in saving the country and saving the nation, was fought by life and death by the fate and the times into commercial assets. Three brothers intertwined throughout life, Zi Qing was "killed" by Hu GuoFu and Wu ChongDa each time, but a strong rebirth. Enemy resentment between the three brothers fiercer. Fair people, Lin ZiQing become the final winner, although paid a heavy price, but he preserved the old Lin family name, rekindled the hope of Everbright Lao Lin family name.

Dare to love (TV)[2015]

Feature: Lei Lei and Luo YongHao are the envy of a couple in college, two people choose to stay in Shanghai after graduation. Luo YongHao Lei Lei's mother, Shen Man, was forced to work under the photograph in order to give Lei Lei happiness, eager to start a business, but ended in fiasco. Lei Lei, however, got the appreciation of her leadership with her strength at work. Her promotion made her and Luo Yonghao's economic power even more disproportionate. Luo YongHao struggling with inferiority and self-esteem, re-choose to start a business, hoping to reverse the situation of the two, but eager to succeed the mentality Luo YongHao again failed. Lei Lei Mother's pressure, the emergence of good suitors, so that the feelings of the two towards the brink of crisis. Two young people, in the hardship persist in love and trust & nbsp ;.

Heyday of peace (TV)[2014]

Feature: Peaceful heyday He DaPing plans to buy a house to reconcile the contradiction between the mother-in-law Li WenZhu and her stepmother Ge HongMei and marry his girlfriend Luo YiKe, but his mother, Ding YuLan, disrupted his plans with the nanny Bao XiaoDou. Li WenZhu urged He DaPing to remarry with Luo YiKe, Ge HongMei to be outdone to introduce He DaPing to Du Weiwei, and Ding YuLan introduced Nanny Bao XiaoDou to He DaPing to get married. After a wave of twists and turns, He DaPing and Bao XiaoDou accomplish positive results, really love each other. A beautiful life is about to begin. Ding YuLan's overseas stepfather, Mai Ke, arrived with a conspiracy. He joined hands with Luo YiKe to break up He DaPing and Adzuki Bean, and find the legacy that his father left for Ding YuLan. Luo YiKe in order to recover He DaPing, made a series of crazy moves, almost let the family company collapse, eventually let Li WenZhu also disappointed her, in favor of He DaPing with adzuki beans, also appointed adzuki bean when the company CEO. A search for a person, solved the mystery of the legacy of Mai Ke's father's legacy, but also let the He DaPing family finally passed the storm of life, back to calm, meet a new life.

TheYoungDoctor (TV)[2014]

Feature: Publicity Poster Cheng Jun grew up to see the hard work his parents had in the medical professions. But Cheng Jun, who loves medicine, decided to become an emergency doctor. Doctors work under pressure, but Cheng Jun of Lotte can still find happiness. When she was suddenly diagnosed with a late-stage liver cancer from a small grandmother, Cheng Jun was already suffering. As a doctor, she could not save her grandmother's life. Cheng Jun likes to work with Ouyang Yuuu, a doctor in his department. Shen QingChuan, a big brother returning from studying in the United States, joins the heart surgery department of Xihua Hospital and has launched a strong offensive against Ouyang. Shen QingChuan to join, Ouyang, Cheng Jun are caught in the whirlpool of feelings. The three newly assigned interns in the emergency department also brought a lot of trouble to the emergency room and added a lot of stories to the group. Cheng Jun and the emergency department, the small group, overcome difficulties and constantly dig themselves and practice medical ethics in the course of treating patients. They persist in exploration and protection on the road of occupation and find the meaning of emergency room guarding their lives.

Lady (TV)[2014]


The sentimental drama “The Adopted Girl” tells the family emotional stories of the two generations of adoptive daughters in Xi’an in the ancient city from the 1990s to the present. By portraying a group of honest and kind Xi’an citizens, it reflects the tremendous changes in Xi’an after the reform and opening up, and at the same time shows the customs of Xi’an. The play will show the national audience the unique charm of the ancient city of Xi’an and the honest and optimistic attitude of the Shaanxi people. In addition, the show featured Xi'an attractions such as Daming Palace, Xi'an City Wall, and Qujiang. At the same time, a large number of folk customs embodying Xian's unique culture were interspersed in the plot.


FallInLove (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Su XiaoBei (Wang Ziwen) works for an advertising agency because her new colleague Wu TianLang (Zhong Ren) is rescued by the rescue of a sudden-onset old man. Wu TianLang has always kept in mind the unexpected sudden disappearance of his fiancee three years ago, while at the same time hard to understand this love unforgettable. Day and night so that he decided to start life and Beckham exchanges, but unexpectedly encountered in the florist search for unsuccessful amnesia fiancee for three years, so Beckham's love affair without end, forced to embark on the journey of seeking love. Si Song (Wallace Chung) is a dentist who has been in love with Li Li (Li Zhang), a highly-esteemed girlfriend who has been in love for five years. Although his work as the center of his girlfriend, but Si Song is infinitely tolerant of her, do her career the most warm stick. In the crisis of his girlfriend career, Si Song proposed to his girlfriend, but eventually his girlfriend chose to go abroad for her career. Si Song ended the love of long-distance running encounters Beckham re-embarked on a journey of love, a series of chance coincidence so that the two wipe out the spark of love ...

Lovelorn 33 days (TV)[2013]

Feature: "Lovelorn 33 days" tells the story of a 25-year-old girl working in a wedding company in Shanghai. Huang XiaoXian Liya Tong, Chen Si-cheng and Zhang Xin-yi, who had been in love and friendship, joined the double betrayal. Four-year boyfriend and girlfriend, Together, Huang XiaoXian's life once fell to the bottom. The arrival of a new colleague, Wang XiaoJian, made the life of Xiao Sin worse. Little base is Beijing Film Academy graduated from the top students, there is plenty of talent and can not afford the frustration and life frustration, gave up the Beijing screenwriter came to Shanghai to earn money to support their families. Love and marriage company's work as the stage of modern emotional and marriage shows, staged a day of different values ​​and the concept of love and marriage fierce collision scenes, for the small fairy and Xiaoban presented a difficult problem. During the working process of the two partners, conflicts and conflicts broke out and they gradually came to understand each other and help each other. In the strong suppression of each other even when the head and drank, Huang XiaoXian went from romance to emotional recovery, Wang XiaoJian also from frustration to confidence reconstruction. In two young people together to accomplish the heart of the process of growth, the spark of love began quietly germination.

BeijingYouth (TV)[2012]

Feature: Four cousins ​​who are born and raised in Beijing He Dong, He Xi, He Nan, He Bei have different family backgrounds and different ambitions. He Dong originally had a virtuous girlfriend, a steady job. At the time of marriage registration, he suddenly regretted that he broke up with lightning and "Beijing Youth" stills resigned. He suddenly felt that his life was arranged. This life is not his own life, but the life expectancy of others. He Dong thinks this state is wrong. He wants to take a youth back and find his real life goal. He re-recognized his youth on the way back, changed his mind, ushered in the new peak of life. Second child He Xi is a young and promising doctor, in order to love unreasonable. He Xi, a good orthopedist, has never been in love, and he's been looking forward to having a girl who can not help but feel excited. He met a girl who was mentally disturbed because of her romance. He saved the girl with his own truth and gained his love. He Nan with his own hard work in Canada, among the four brothers seems to be the most promising one. "Returnees" identity could have let him grandiose, a capital no two veins, young people full of ups and downs of the road to business. He Bei is a fat father's heart disease. His father had his own family business, but his son was a cynical crook. In the face of his father's iron hatred, he also had his own ideas and hoped to make his own career. But what he has to do is to change his character before he can make a difference. He Bei, played by Du Chun, is also a big part to play with Yao Di (actress). The four Beijing youths, working hard for their own ideals, can only change themselves and grow faster if they recognize their own problems.

BeiJingLoveStory (TV)[2012]

Feature: Cheng Feng, Wu Di and Shi XiaoMeng are college classmates who once organized a band during college to work hard for musical dreams. Their common interest makes them good friends who share their hands and feet. Three people have different family backgrounds and different personalities. Cheng Feng, a wild bohemian, Wu Di, a loyal, and Shi XiaoMeng, a pragmatic, hard-working Shi XiaoMeng, after graduating from college and several girls, Lin Xia, Yang ZiXi, Shen Bing and others Young people's growth, love, work problems one after another in front of them. Into the community, for these young people is a new course. Sometimes painful, sometimes sweet, but waiting in front of them is still a brand new life.

DiorsMan (TV)[2012]

Feature: Reeling men are not traditionally sitcoms, with fixed durations and single scenes, as well as simple life details. But a distinctive network features a full sense of the stage, the overall story without the convergence of fixed actors interpretation of the role is not a fixed set of jokes. Filming the original intention of Filial Piety men's shooting concept, first of all stems from the "Silk Culture" blowing in China's phenomenon-level spring breeze through the sky, the whole of China can be described as no one does not reeling, no one does not love reeling. And just then, a series of German drama starring actress Martina - Hill, with its madness absurd, since high and cheap, three vulgar no limit performance style, made great success in China, Booming far more than Germany. Not only among the various domestic video sites download list and on-demand list high, and in the Weibo and media, triggered a heated discussion and topic communication. Netizens even more vividly translated it as "Remy lady", very keen on it. So we decided to start making a "reeling man" who belonged to a Chinese with strong reluctance.

Spy (TV)[2012]

Feature: "Spy" International Energy Conference will be held soon in Binhai, in order to undermine the conference, disrupt China's energy strategy for the future deployment. Shi QingZe, Deputy Director of the Reconnaissance Department of Binhai Municipal State Security Bureau, led a subordinate to launch a high-end psychological warfare and technology warfare with the espionage organization. "Fan YiPing, the" Yellow Butterfly ", is the backbone of the espionage organization. At the same time he deployed the terrorist destruction program Shi QingZe launched a psychological war: send Ji quarter to Shi QingZe's girlfriend - newspaper columnist Xiao ZiRu, through Ji Shaofeng's younger brother - computer A Lun frequently send Shi QingZe harassment intimidation SMS, from the emotional and spiritual Shi QingZe deliberately leaked some misleading clues in an attempt to mislead the national security investigation work. Shi QingZe decided by rational analysis to count on the plan .. Shi QingZe insight into the final conspiracy of the espionage firm, pointing to the "red" ready to start the explosive device butterfly"…

BeginningofTheGreatRevival (Movie)[2011]

Feature: In the winter of 1911, returning from overseas, he became Provisional President on January 1 of the following year. At the same time participated in the recovery of the new army. Soon, with the strong military power and prestige in the royal family, the identity of Grand Marshal was taken from Sun ZhongShan and the government of the Northern Republic of China was established. In October the same year, the Kuomintang was established. The outbreak of the summer of 1914, 1915 Yuan ShiKai and Japan set a twenty-one secret and change the state, self-styled as the Chinese Emperor, since embarked on a road of no return. Sun ZhongShan and Cai E set up to protect the national army, to discuss the yuan. Yuan ShiKai soon died in an all-out denouncing. After that, with the failure of restoration, China entered the melee situation of warlords. While Mao ZeDong ,, and others, although living in different places, are pondering over the road to national salvation and national salvation, and the fate of the meeting is coming.

Looking for You to the End of the World (Movie)[2011]

Feature: In the late 1990s, when Ningxia and Gao Jiaxiang and Ning XinRan were immersed in the joy of wedding photography, Ning XinRan's father, who inadvertently bought antique counterfeits, went bankrupt overnight. Ningbudao's defiance of counterfeit goods to go to the antique market to find sellers, unfortunately, a car accident, bid farewell to the world. Ning XinRan's mother, Zhao HuiFang, thinks Gao's father had persuaded Ninh's father to buy antiques and cause the death of his father. He was unhappy with Gao and prevented Ning XinRan from engaging with Gao Jiaxiang. In order to get out of the way of their parents, Gao Jiaxiang and Ning XinRan decided to go abroad for further studies. Ning XinRan and Gao Jiaxiang's agreement was opposed by both parents. Gao Jiaxiang had to go alone to the United States waiting for Ning XinRan. Later, Ning XinRan and Xiang JieWen got the chance to exchange and study in the United States. The two went to the hospital to exchange and study, but saw a familiar figure, this person is Gao Jiaxiang. Two years ago, the original high Jiaxiang came to the United States, for being bravely beaten by criminals, became a vegetative state. Under the care and call of Ning XinRan, Gao Jiaxiang finally woke up.

Man help (TV)[2011]

Feature: This is a story about the emotional journey of three metropolitan men. They are talkative good men. They are all well-established single good men, but they have very different emotions. Gu XiaoBai is a melodrama writer. In the magazine emotional column to teach others how to fall in love, but in reality he often make a mess of his feelings. Mo XiaoMin is the first woman he really fell in love with because of different ideas and break up. Although Shan Li older than him, but Gu XiaoBai decided to seize the opportunity to let true love leave. Luo ShuQuan is a training center computer teacher, dedicated to love rationality. AMY did not love him when he married AMY. He decided to let go of love, but still give AMY a perfect wedding, the two eventually peacefully parted. PR client account director Zuo YongBang, typical diamond bachelor. He tried to tie the woman around with money, but his machismo still caused Mi Qi to leave. When he realized the mistake of trying to retain true love, everything was too late. Three men running in their love on the road, for us to start a different picture of love.

A Xi (Movie)[2010]

Feature: Aixi is a young man of only nine years old IQ, the mother A Ping concealed the fact that the father abandoned Aixi alone to earn money to raise Aixi, although life hard, under the care of her mother, Aixi lived a happy life. Aixi's favorite is a "grass root" plant called forget-me-not, representing his love of people's concern. A Xi..

Marital defense war (TV)[2010]

Feature: "Marital Defense War" tells Li Mei and Lan Xin. Yang Dan is a college classmate and three female working women. Marriage is at the moment of "seven-year itch." Yang Dan brilliant career but divorced suddenly, on Li Mei, Lan Xin great vibration. Yang Dan regroups after taking over her husband's company. Li Mei resigns her job as a securities firm by pursuing self-worth and quality of life. She joins Shanghainese and heads up Yang Dan's company as chief financial officer. , Soon threatened the family status of her husband Guo Yang, Guo Yang can not adapt to the conversion of husband and wife roles in family life, the two caught up in the brink of collapse. Lan Xin's husband, in order to maintain the balance of the family, take the initiative to take care of the house and take care of her daughter. When Lan Xin was seriously ill, she took full stock to solve the company's difficulties. Wives are getting stronger and stronger. Under the shadow of the strong women, the husbands are under unprecedented pressure. They are forced into a marriage and defense war and recognize their double responsibilities to the community and their families in the midst of slapstick. Love life, the courage to pursue the workplace Women with the support of her husband, eventually achieving the family and career "and eat it all" dreams & nbsp ;.

End of the World (TV)[2008]

Feature: Main characters In the thirties of the last century, China was in a precarious and difficult time. Long XiaoZhi ethnic capitalists, one hand, carefully operating the largest shipping company on the beach - Long Chuanghong, one side should be a good head of a propped up a big dragon home. After the fall of northeast China, the situation in north China was not stable. Long XiaoZhi Lin HuiRu, a longtime wife who lives in Peking, had to relocate to Shanghai. The story begins here. Although Lin HuiRu ladylike, doing things carefully, but did not give the Dragon brought the slightest quiet. Although Qi GuanNan, a pianist who is a pianist, respects Lin HuiRu very much, she has won the favor of Lin HuiRu. However, Tang NaYing, the third wife of Huanghua Hua, is anxious and fiddled with new forces. For a time, dragons up and down, chicken fly dog ​​jump. In the face of chaotic home affairs, Long XiaoZhi had laments: modern civilization should be monogamy! Feudal family system is really exhausting. In the same year, Long XiaoZhi, 17, married Lin HuiRu, a five-year-old princess who grew up as a parent, and has two sons, Long GuanYi and Long MingEr. At the age of 20, Long XiaoZhi, a mature intellectual, was studying in France and met Qi GuanNan, a Shanghai girl studying art in Paris. They fell in love and got married. After studying both returned to Shanghai, and gave birth to a son and a daughter: Long ZunSan and Long SuSi. At the beginning of the venture in Shanghai, Communicative Flower Tang NaYing helped Long XiaoZhi to socialize and get acquainted with the political and business circles on the beach. After her homeless gangster Liu RongGui was displaced by the other gangs to flee Shanghai and was displaced, she pleaded with Long XiaoZhi to take her residence. Long XiaoZhi took her as her third wife and gave birth to a son, Long Shou Wu, for her loyalty. Today, the eldest son Long GuanYi has followed his uncle to become a national revolutionary officer; second son Long MingEr is a profit wise businessman, and father-in-law to run their own business; Long ZunSan love the movie, the pursuit of his director's dream; Long SuSi, like her third brother, loves art and specializes in photo photography. The younger son Long ShouWu, who is young but shows extraordinary business skills and enjoys his father's appreciation, helps his father run a family business. Stills (a) Tang NaYing repeatedly rude and provocative, Lin HuiRu no retreat. In desperation, Lin HuiRu designed to Shanghai to run over to their poor relatives, half-sister Lin HuiShan, and the drunken Long XiaoZhi relations. Lin HuiShan pregnant with Long XiaoZhi children, Long XiaoZhi under pressure, had to marry her into the door. Lin HuiShan's door, so domineering Tang NaYing speechless, jealous. And Lin HuiRu after sacrificing her sister's happiness and consolidate their position, but dejected, did not get any joy of victory. The worst injury is Qi GuanNan. Long XiaoZhi, the most beloved and most knowledgeable person in the world, can not believe how long it is. Qi GuanNan and Long XiaoZhi have become strangers to each other since then. Long XiaoZhi, a hundred-unscrupulous advocate, can only suffer enormous pain alone. Stills (b) With the gradual southward forces of the Japanese people, Jiangnan people have taken precarious parents in the short, entangled.The same applies to the Long family. They need to put aside their grudges and unite to move forward and retreat with the entire country. At this point, Lin HuiShan married Dragon House also been exposed the truth. In the face of facts, Lin HuiRu and Lin HuiShan have no recluse; Qi GuanNan gave sympathy and understanding to the situation of Lin's sisters and also dispelled her misunderstanding with Long XiaoZhi; but Tang NaYing could not accept the result, Son of Long MingEr partnership hoard rice, plan to earn gold bullion to go to the United States. Due to his integrity, patriotic Long XiaoZhi refused to please the Japanese and offend Guo Haifeng, a big traitor who had been helping Japanese people for their lives. In retaliation for Long XiaoZhi, Guo HaiFeng sacked the room and instigated Long MingEr, his son-in-law, to resemble an arms sale to the Japanese. After the incident broke out, Long XiaoZhi became furious. He tried his best to kill off his relatives and sent Long MingEr to the police station. He also punished Tang NaYing for his collaboration with Naruto. At the same time, all the ill-gotten gains they have gained are donated to the country and the two parties serve as funds for resisting Japan and saving the nation. Stills (c) "8.33" After the Battle of Japan and Shanghai, Shanghai fell. For family safety, Long XiaoZhi sold all his belongings and took the family to take Chongqing by train to Hong Kong. Unexpectedly on the train accident, Long XiaoZhi and his family were lost, no news. Qi GuanNan with the whole family back to Shanghai has no place to stand. Without Long XiaoZhi, Qi GuanNan became the homestay. She firmly believes that there is a home in the country, so she encouraged her children to join the ranks of the War Rescue nation, and she and Lin HuiRu et al together started a hard life of self-help life: four sneakers, Lin HuiShan dead heap Pick up trash. Lin HuiRu and Tang NaYing also realized that the age of fame and fortune has long passed and that only when families trust and support each other can the difficulties be overcome. In order to maintain the life of this big family, Tang NaYing had to repeat her old career and once again became a dancing girl. Over time, the Dragon family gradually believed that Long XiaoZhi was no longer in the world. At this moment, Long XiaoZhi appeared as a Japanese in front of his family. This scene is like a bolt from the blue, let the dragon family completely unbearable. The dragon home into a great deal of grief. It turned out that Long XiaoZhi lost memory in the train accident, after being Japanese officer Hashimoto's sister Taro Hashimoto saved. Enjoying Long XiaoZhi's long-time Keiko, in order to leave Long XiaoZhi with him, he fabricated the lie that Long XiaoZhi was a Japanese and married to himself for many years. Long XiaoZhi regained his memory. In order to eventually destroy the enemy by his own identity, and at the same time to protect his family, he did not rush to meet his wife and daughter in Shanghai. He can only secretly win the help of Keiko and hopes that through his own efforts, she will join the torrent of anti-war peace. In 1945, the war victory. However, the Dragon Family still experiencing all kinds of hardships: one has been sacrificed, Ming II guilty of death, three to follow the director's dream, and the producer's niece Yao FengE away from Taiwan, Su-4 marry the United States, keep five and Lin HuiShan Sub-Po six live in Hong Kong. Grandmother Lin HuiRu has been blind, Third wife Tang NaYing died of tuberculosis, Fourth wife Lin HuiShan remarried and went to Yan'an. At this point, although everyone has been a party, but Qi GuanNan heart firmly believe:As long as there is love in our hearts, even if separated by ocean, each other's heart will always be "End of the World"!

Guangyindegushi (TV)[2008]

Feature: Time story poster "Republic of China" 59 years, the first TV series in Taiwan's history drama "Jingjing" came out, one beauty and grandmother get hooked 20 minutes a night playing solo girl Jingjingxu mother's story plot, everything absolutely Can not interrupt their "crystal", so even his brother column, ready to rush to the world to see his mother, can not interrupt a beauty mother and daughter on the Jingjing love! Because of this, a United States mother in the hospital's delivery room for a long time before they successfully gave birth to the column. One beauty at home even because they can not find a mother, but also mistakenly thought they would like with the "Jingjing" destiny, began to look for mom ... and a beauty has always been that the United States and the mother of 20 minutes "crystal Crystal ", does have a secret that is inseparable from their own, quietly brewing ...... A beauty of love Tao FuBang freshman two years old, the village children head. Why does Sun YiMei like Tao FuBang? Thanks to a stone smashed her head, and the heroic spirit of Fanbang to stand up and wonderful stills save a beautiful, so a beauty on the complex "like", so has been extended to her Mood for Love Has not changed. However, since the appearance of the beautiful Wang QianQian, a United States is doomed to eat Cici's life boring loss. Girl's friendship Wang QianQian Her family was later moved to the village. The stories that come together from the gossip of various moms are as follows: Wang Mama - No, it should be "Zhang" mother, the first husband of the beautiful "Zhang Mama" is sick and sick, after the remarriage, in order to avoid gossip "Zhang Bobo, Zhang mother and stepfather of Cissy, moved the village from Taichung with four drag bottles. Cici is like a ghostly soul behind the same beauty, a beauty in Cici's "shading", I do not know how much scolded, how much to play, how much smirk, plus Sissi personally destroy the beauty of the first love ...... Can a United States do not know whether it is as Scythe enemy or a friend? The real beginning of their friendship should be due to the disappearance of Zhang Bo-ship. At that time, Ccy's homework all the way among the best, if no accident, the National University is absolutely not run away. But unexpectedly it was an accident, it is not the time to come forever, Zhang Bobo ship accident, but the whole United States to accept all the Scythe character in all the strange, unruly, overbearing, harsh. She hopes Sisi cry, but Sissi did not cry, she did not hesitate to give up the entrance exam, into the processing zone as a female worker. Boys friendship Tao family is a loud voice of the family, it is said that "Tao mother" used to sing, every morning while holding the throat throat while chopping vegetables; Uncle Tao floor, big bone soup bottom, , A bowl of five yuan; big and fat cabbage dumplings, a five cents. Tao brothers on the two brothers, the complex is the boss, very 屌, very cool and daring, plus a long handsome, he did not hands-on, there are a bunch of trouble, so complex three days linked to color. Taobo often shouted at him in his voice, did not become a rogue complex, it is thanks to Taub Bo sent him to the military academy. He is not only the pride of Tauber and Tao mother, but also the mother of the village who beat his children. Hua's children are not good, elders are extremely good.Time finale Photographs Snapshots Although Fubang is a "non-filial son" in Tao Bobb's eyes, the children in the village all admire Fubian. Among them is Feng Pai Xiong, who actually was called "Feng Boyi" Can Feng uncle is illiterate, reported when the account has been written Bei Baoxiong, and has since laid the male comic fate! Feng Bobo opened the bus early and late, glamorous Feng Ma came home to Taiwan, gradually getting mad, she is always dressed in a beautiful sitting at the mouth of the village back home boat. Encounter some did not mind good bachelor, satyr, will be cheated away a few days, shoot the male went crazy to find Feng Ma. However, with the most congenial Panjinandang, should not be strangers to meet the "base pull" - Xu YiYuan. "Yi Yuan", "Yuan", Taiwanese "Yuan" made "base pull", so we all call Xu YiYuan "base pull." Originally Fubang intends to block the dark alley blocking the base pull, seeing the two will come to the field you die, but the frame has not opened the fight, ringing around to catch the thief's call, but why that 邭 獠 magic 畹 male ⊥ rice system 霈 F in him In front of both ......... So, the next day's newspaper, Tao FuBang, Xu YiYuan two juvenile has become a thief! Since then, the two good to have nothing to say, you set me up, I am your brother Tacitre: Fubon to fight, Yiyuan Ma; Yiyuan accident, rescue complex Zhang Zhangluo. Elderly love Sun YiMei's father big her mother 20 years old, naturally it is a pity, not only that, Mr. Sun is also a matter of the United States and her husband's family. Although the face of Taiwanese who only speak Taiwanese, always listen to thunder duck. However, Mr. Sun is also sincerely filial piety with this age in fact, almost father-in-law. Mr. Sun, who has lost his income, has always secretly given his two younger brothers, Mrs. Sun, money assistance and made him work both day and night. Tao Mom and Tao Dad are happy lovers, two couples "speech" outsider sounds called "fight"! Tao Dad's face is like saying "fuck," but it is simply a bluffing, in fact, an iron man. You can stand straight to the complex state hanging up and make a half dead, but also for the study of the complex situation of the story propaganda activities arrogant teachers arrogant. Sissy her mother is a very different character. Although the first husband died young, but met a second husband, Mr. Zhang, bright smile, a white tooth, with Ray-Ban sunglasses, British pressing. In order to make a living for everybody, it is rich in ocean-going merchant ships, although often not home, but once he comes home, there is fresh goods in his home. The first color TV, refrigerator, air-conditioner and stereo in the village ... are all Mr. Zhang The credit! Although the filming male his mother crazy, Fudan University did not know what to do, the key words often, so that everyone surprised and sigh. Hao boss of the village grocery store, petty bargain, flattering Kung Fu completely inherited to his son Hao XiaoDong, but the village something, he is by no means dead, occasionally a shot, but also moving people stunned! This group of people, love and justice, feelings like a family. The only misplaced is the home of the largest, most beautiful, the most arrogant Zhu TuanZhang home.When the United States dad came to Taiwan, he was Zhu TuanZhang's messenger. Even his mother-in-law's mother-in-law and relatives, or Zhu Tuan Zhang's face, did not hesitate. One beauty and sister's beauty and brother's pillars were followed by "strong ethical concepts Zhu's mother, "said Zhu Lei and Zhu Hong, is" young master "and" miss. "Those beautiful memories exist in the heart of everybody who has cried and smiled in the village. These past ones, perhaps in you and me, are things of yesterday. Today, everybody, we must reunite ...

ShadowPuppet (Movie)[2007]

Feature: The story is based on the first batch of China's intangible cultural heritage - Haining shadow creative creation. Haining. Kunqu Opera "Wu wind class", the simple River has been in love with the Sister Tian Yin, but unfortunately the sound of day has been allotted to brother Changhong. Oe has a special sensitivity to light and shadow, facing the "Lantern" in the hand image. Once inadvertently got a mysterious wooden box, which is filled with a box of shadow drama characters and props, as well as a play test: "Hibiscus", Omi fascinated ... ... Changhong ready to go to Shanghai with the development of Wu wind classes, Farewell to the performance of "Palace of Eternal Youth," the same day, Fan Changhong voice lost, can not play, into trouble. Unexpectedly, the river came to "save the field", instead of Fan Changhong performance, a solution to the threat of the sky. Tengen grateful to the river, and went to the countryside to watch his shadow play. Was seen by others, causing gossip. Oe can not stand the torment of love, but also do not want to undermine the relationship between brothers and sisters, suddenly quit without saying goodbye. Tianyin had no alternative but to go to Shanghai and Changhong development. With the help of an uncle, Dajiang came quietly to Guanchao Resort: Yanguan Town, living in an abandoned big ship and continuing to grudge his shadow to ease his pain. Oe decided to revive Haining traditional shadow play, want to ...

Blue sky Yamen 2 (TV)[2006]

Feature: Qingtian Yamen stills "Qingtian Yamen 2" Throughout the main characters or Fuxiang Zhong plays Tan Gong, Sze Yu plays Bao DaoDe, Jianfeng Bao plays Kang Xi, Jun Guo plays the father of Qu Jifi, only Xiaoyu by the Shanghai newcomer Qian Wan starred. In addition to continuing to expand the "housework" of Emperor Kang Xi, the comedy story of the story also adds comedy stories such as Tan Qing's first love lover and pulp marriage wife. "Stone Forest" turned funny chef.

The best matchmaker in the world (TV)[2006]

Feature: Since ancient times, tens of thousands of Chinese medicine practitioners have actually popped a really incapable of doing this. The wonderful stills, but the odd woman who became the best matchmaker in the world, is the spicy matchmaker Song ShuangShuang. Song ShuangShuang originally housed in Qingzhou City Wells, to sell Cuihua for the industry, actually running back and forth, the income is only for subsistence, can be extremely ordinary. What's worse, she's still a big tongue that does not even talk. Her husband is an excuse for trying it out repeatedly. Zheng WanJun, who has never met her sincerely, gave up on her own and took the responsibility to support her family. She usually indulged in gambling and squandered both hard-earned money . And both are grateful to Zheng WanJun do not give up her looks ordinary, talking stupid, willing to marry her as a wife, so on Zheng WanJun, according to no objection. After her husband exams the fame and fortune, climb another tall branch, put both to rest. In ancient times, a woman who had been absent was discredited and almost never married again. In order to livelihood, both choose the matchmaker this line. At the beginning of his career, both of them were ridiculed and distracted by Tang DanDan, an industry overlord. However, as they have been rolling for years at the bottom of society, they have both gained insight into human nature and gradually gained public praise. Although Tang DanDan around has been to make the bad, this natural stumble Song ShuangShuang or go through hardships, break a world, from "Qingzhou first media" into "the first media in the capital", and finally even got "the best matchmaker in the world" Reputation. Secondly, she most hated the scholar, because abandoning her husband is a scholar, so she has a class hatred of smelly nine. As long as she works as a literary man, she wants to sabotage or try her best to extort money. She is the kind of ugly, inner Huo hot people, relying on a mouth to go the horizon, invincible in the men's array. Until one day, she met a real man, a man she tempted, but the doctor called Le LianCheng happens to be a "smelly nine." She had taken her as a disciple, and she wanted her to never remarry for a lifetime, so she treated her as her daughter. Which think of this female apprentice, often do not listen to her control, to start the media, full of loopholes, she painstakingly to teach Xiar tricks, XiEr all anti-. What made her more unbearable was that she was very smart and very popular with guests. She was much more than Maid of the Maid. She was unable to hold her face, making her clash with Xi'er and became a habit The drama of a feeling line. But she absolutely did not expect, she vowed not to marry again, but to help her complete life-long matchmaker, it is her disciples cultivated out of hand. Speaking of Huai Xi Er's life experience, it is more standard "three-dimensional Eve", both mysterious and complex. Debut at the debut, she claims to be the ruin of the family, civil and civil servants and women. In the chase of her imperial benevolent mouth, she is a tyrant evasive maiden, heinous court tyrant. However, under some inducement, she transformed again and became the Secret History of the Secret of the Secret Palace in the Great Wall, thus ending the persecution of the fallen princess. However, after careful examination, her seniority in life can actually be higher than today's Huang Di, are eligible to order Sannomiya Hospital, seventy-two concubines.However, all this also brought a lingering nightmare to her and those around her, involved Song ShuangShuang and others in a long-held palace dispute, and experienced a wave of overwhelming waves .

Who testify for you (TV)[2006]

Feature: 110 alarm center received reports of private transport boss Song Weijun, his son was abducted, kidnappers offer 50000, overdue do not pay the assured vote. Xing Jun captain Bai Tiejun led a group of people arrived at the zoo, easily captured the suspect Xie Chun. This is a glamorous young woman, and what makes the police unbelievable is that she is still the current wife of Song Weijun. In a routine search, Interpol discovered a 9.5-million deposit certificate of Xie Chun, which Song Wei-jun said was property owned by the couple and Xie Chun firmly denied it. Entering the Public Security Bureau, Xie Chun discovered that the problems she faced were not that simple. It turned out that Xiong Zao, former director of the original land bureau, was sentenced to life imprisonment and confiscated all illegal gains because of collecting huge amounts of bribes from various land deals. In spite of this, there are still a million stolen money can not be recovered. In addition, Xiong Zao has abused his power and illegally transferred a mistress holding a false academic certificate to a subordinate department. She is Xie Chun. In a sense, Xie Chun, who "kidnapped children" after two years, happens to be "self-criticism." Soon, the Procuratorate prosecuted Xie Chun on suspicion of abducting the kidnap and unclear sources of huge property. The bank's Xie Chun account opening date and a deposit of 950,000 records happened just after she resigned from the Land Bureau. After several twists and turns, Xie Chun found the famous female lawyer Chen Wei, hoping her suspicions would be scrubbed and her savings would be repaid. Xie Chun told her that if one wishes to do so, one must be able to prove the true origin of the one hundred and five million. Xie Chun handed Chen Wei a list - the men of the above different identities and backgrounds, is one of the nine hundred and fifty thousand one by one. Chen Wei inevitably stole an incredible "hornet's nest" in the process of finding witnesses and obtaining evidence. Xie Chun's twists and turns are revealed in layers by flashbacks. She is a beautiful and honest southern rural girl who fled the village to the city for her unlucky marriage arrangements. Initially, she believed in and insisted on hard-working to make a living, from nanny to canteen domestic helpers, all without exception, diligent and earnest. But the life spell of "Beautiful Woman is a Trap" got another kind of modality fulfillment on her body. Her desire for sincere love, but in the passion of breaking the moral bottom line, but to bring their own great harm. She counted on achieving a real stability and peace through a more reliable man, but opted for a ridiculous way to "borrow one's belly." Of course, she can not escape the "retribution" and "retribution." Her repeated defeats, the initiation of such a belief: Money is the blessing and foundation of happiness, anything else can not rely on. So, she set himself a very absurd life planning - before the age of 30, earning a million, and then "pots wash their hands," re-man. She then packs itself at her own expense and learns and masters the fur skills of so-called "white-collar women," thereby falling into the abyss of fate - a tool she acquired as a bribe in an important transaction at Wanda Corp. Million commission; she was willing to act as a lover of underground space for a social borers in order to gain the identity of the city. As she grows older, the capital she dreams of is also decaying year by year.Finally, she was reluctantly married to Song Weijun, the owner of a private transportation agency who looked "disgratmed at a glance." In this way, marriage is distorted by desire, and they become each other's prey. Chen Wei's difficult and winding evidence-gathering process is actually a process of gradually revealing and analyzing Xie Chun's distorted soul. Because of his own degeneration, Xie Chun has lost the most precious years of a woman's life, especially the loss of The dignity of a woman's most precious life, she paid a heavy price. The so-called "hornet's nest" is actually the desire and taboo of some men. After Chen Wei opened up this "hornet's nest", he also caused serious damage to himself. As a result of her professionalism, she offended her chief customer, Yang XinWei, the chief executive of Wanda Group. Yang XinWei started her business with Xie Chun, the fateful business contract. However, Yang XinWei, now a successful one, demanded and even forced Chen Wei to erase his "original sin" and allow him to pass the asset restructuring safely. He even exchanged the agency business of the entire Wanda Group. Jin XiaoJie, a partner at Chen Wei, also persuaded Chen Wei to take advantage of his car, which was very happy. However, Chen Wei, who is upright and stubborn, is not motivated by interests, is not bewitched by his own personal interests, and carries out his mission in a dedicated and solid manner. Eventually, the partners who had been partners for many years parted ways with her, and the resulting domino effect left Chen Wei, a painstaking entrepreneurial law firm, struggled with. Although this is not her wish, but she has no regrets. Because she firmly believes that a woman's value is self-reliance, self-improvement, she lost only yesterday, she can calmly create a better tomorrow. In the end, Xie Chun received a fair judgment of the law. Xie Chun, once inextricable in the quagmire of morality and ethics, was inspired by Chen Wei to resume a just and healthy life. Two years later, Xie Chun was released from prison for commutation of charges. She gave Chen Wei all the deposits she held under her name. She wanted Chen Wei to once again be a lawyer for her, and she wanted to go back to her own son.

Han Wu Da Di (TV)[2005]

Feature: The second century BC, in the east of the world. The Han Empire, initially heading toward prosperity, faced the dual threat both inside and outside of China: the princes in the country have become incapacitated, vainly attempt to detach themselves from the Central Government and implement local separatism; and the Huns outside the north often crossed the Great Wall of Defense and invaded the Central Plains seeking to open up a living environment. Han dynasty had to implement the "and pro" policy, plus extramarchions of the princess, dedicated tributes, bear the great national honor. "Han Wu Great" Stills need a giant situation to support. Due to chance reasons, history chose a 16-year-old to assume a great job. His name is Liu Che. Liu Che ranks in the tenth king, had no chance to inherit the throne, but because of the supremacy of talent, with the careful planning of his mother and uncle, after a complicated palace struggle, he proudly ascended the throne. Liu Che made the emperor after showing extraordinary courage, immediately decreed, seek advice, try to reform. However, his assumption was suppressed by the powerful and powerful foreign representatives represented by his grandmother, Dou TaiHou, and suffered the first setback in the first year. But Han WuDi is by no means a person who gives up. He was good at waiting for the opportunity to renounce the arrogant and arrogant noble after the death of the empress dowager and resolutely replaced the principle of ancestors worshiping the old Huang and doing nothing by governing and reformed the ideology and unified the guiding ideology of the empire with the Confucian slogan of " . He implemented the inspection, breaking the employment, setting the governor, Ren Li, Yan Xun, tax salt, a currency, are losing accurate, count 缗 adultery. Do everything possible to weaken local forces and strengthen centralization. He used the will to mobilize the whole people to conquer the Huns for more than ten consecutive years and expelled the Hun from the Hexi Corridor; and let the Vietnamese people in the south and the Min Yue people in the southeast merge with the mainstream culture of the Han people. Formerly, he used the courage of the ancients to drill through the Western Regions and put the flag of the Han Empire for the first time on the Xuefeng Peak in Pamir, letting the camel ringing in the desert announce the establishment of the earliest land exchange channel between East and West. He penetrated into Asia, Nanping and Baiyushan, opened the Silk Road and opened up the territory extensively. He laid the magnificent territory of the Great China Empire and realized the great impact and fusion of Eastern and Western cultures. He pushed Han Empire to its peak. Up to 54 years of iron fist rule, casting Liu Che-hung only a rough personality and tall image. History has proven that he is one of the greatest politicians and strategists in Chinese history. At the same time, he is also a romantic poet, a dull but changeable person. Long lock Gillian, and Mrs. Lee, Wei ZiFu and other sad stories touching. Han WuDi is a giants in the history of the Chinese nation, however, any giants are not perfect saints. Years of expeditions, exhaustion of China's national strength, he happened in his later years cult evil chaos "witchcraft curse." After the civil unrest was settled, he had the courage to admit its mistakes, comprehensively reviewed his own life, and asked his son to take the peaceful route out of hegemony and consulted with his son, Jin Ri Di, a returning Hunanese prince.

Blue sky yamen (TV)[2004]

Feature: "Qingtian Yamen" stills 1 Songjiang County magistrates Tan ZhenYing Bu Bu count past life extraordinary ability to predict the future, whenever a murder occurred there are mysterious, so determined to be reincarnated from "childhood". When Emperor Kangxi Kang Yixun disappeared as the father and battered, Tan left pinch right operator not only helped Kangxi survived assassination and succeeded in digging behind the hidden facts bigger killer, so get Kangxi trust; Emperor Kangxi respected Fifty-year-old Longevity out of a very bizarre strange things, one after another frequent frequent stranger drums, but drums thundered, death hauling Tan ZhenYing opened a dead life of more than ten life, the truth is implicated Emperor Kangxi feelings; Kangxi clothing tour patrols a street to sell themselves "Long Er" "Long Er" won Huang TaiHou favorite has led to their own mother and mother were hunted down in the face of adversity Tan exorcising actually kicked off a moment Kangxi civil affairs; North Korea, a military commander in charge of winning a son innocent daughter of beauty innocent daughter of a prince to death, Tan was ordered to investigate the investigation but found the son of the generals is the prince and the boss's bastard, all this is actually a proprietress revenge plan; Mother and brother-in-law at a loss, causing Tan suspicion secretly found a big conspiracy.

Ren Zhong (TV)[2004]

Feature: A group of young people who grew up in the ancient town of the mountains aspire for urban life. Under the leadership of the young leader of the town, Yuan Zi, they embark on a dream of changing their destiny into the big cities to pursue the urban dream. Star of the city Jiadong Xing decorated Tui Zi's stills Teenager, passionate Yuan Zi to fight in the city a piece of their own world, and his brother Tui Zi's classmate, urban young businessman Hu Xuebing clashes constantly, desperate, finally Embark on a road of confrontation with the city. Tui Zi navy veterans to save Yuan Zi into the city looking for his brother, want to stop the younger brother's confrontation, but not for the acceptance of Yuan Zi, resulting in the twin brothers twilight, both hands and feet. Young and beautiful mountain village female teacher Lu Xiaomi to lose the right to teach in the town to discuss, step by step into the city's mainstream life; for how to survive in the city, with the perfect match Yuan Zi desperate, old love is still, Add new confusion, caught in the emotional disputes with Tui Zi and the teacher, the ups and downs, Fang Fei uncertain. Qiao Xiao Yang, an enthusiastic and persistent girl, was pregnant with Zhao Lin, a child of urban people. She went deep into the city looking for Zhao Lin and finally found Zhao Lin. Sentimental little town poet Lin GongSheng do not want to be the land rich man, flee the wealthy family, weak outside, he carelessly abandoned by the little Joe, Joe little do not buy it, the two talked, refused to do not want to Enemies born, suffering finally formed a pair of life and death of lovers. Beautiful and kind city girl Sang Hong more life, lost his father's mother, hogan, brother to protect her accidental wounding, into prison, after being released from prison and terminally ill, two little guess lovers Hu Bing for the happy life all day busy busy making money, no heart Taking into account, Sang red brother can not rely on, with lovers and can not rely on, overcast and bad, caught in love with Tui Zi between love and hate, was snow soldiers and Sang Yong both blocked. Young people in the town struggle with fate in the dream city, gradually divided, some disappear in the city, and some toward the real city life.

it has to be you (TV)[2001]

Feature: Stills Beijing early summer, young and handsome Ke Lei drifting in the boundless coastal city. Two years ago, when my friend Da Zhong became mentally disturbed in an accident, Ke Lei lived under tremendous pressure and self-blame. In order to make more money, Ke Lei almost self-flagellation in the car wash, "Equestrian club to do" young master ", in the bar is an outspoken be beaten servant, and occasionally to all Like a company to do odd jobs. In the eyes of others Ke Lei is humble or humble, living without living. Only a woman named Su Yan knows his secret. Ke Lei has always been in love with this quiet and beautiful female doctor, can not have time without energy and ability to pursue a fiancé Su Yan. Su Yan's fiancé is a classmate from primary to university, working in the same hospital. There's an unknown embarrassment deep inside Su Yan for such an obstetrics and gynecology fiancée destined to get married. Su Yan believes he will not betray many years of love, just take Ke Lei as a friend, but a hard-to-get-away thing always dominates her "average friend" and can not accept this " "Who's unruly. She treats her foolish Da Zhong as her sole listener, pouring heart trouble and anxiety to him. On normal afternoon of ordinary summer, Ke Lei poses for the DreamWorks posters looking for a star, but does not get a penny to get hot, upper body female classmate Si JiaYi met in panic. Si JiaYi has always loved unruly Ke Lei from high school, and the unexpected reunion convinced her of her fate: When she looked at the pieces of posters flying in the sky, she told me that the days of summer flying should fall in love! Then she saw Ke Lei once she turned back. And female doctor Su Yan left a note in the hospital for Ke Lei "Would you like to marry me?" The afternoon of this summer became unusual for all three. Married note is only a misunderstanding, but opened the Ke Lei has been strongly suppressed the situation, he found that he has long been a love for Su Yan, absolutely nothing else. Su Yan also horrified that he did not want to marry a boyfriend who was destined to get married for many years. Su Yan can not accept such a feeling and desperately warns himself: Ke Lei is just a relative of one of his patients, absolutely nothing else. However, when a young adolescent such as Si JiaYi appeared beside Ke Lei, she was in painful distress. Su Yan gradually managed not to feel good about her in considering the season of marriage with her boyfriend. When Siri was indifferent to the efforts made by Su Yan for thousands of miles, Si Lei was surrounded by happiness and joy that he could never refuse. This seemingly heartless girl moved into Ke Lei's apartment after a strange kiss in Ke Lei. "Living together" made Ke Lei helpless and heartbreaking Su Yan, who was thus misunderstood. Si JiaYi still knew no regrets about Ke Lei's attachment to Su Yan and even helped Ke Lei to pursue Su Yan. She thinks: Love will make people who love you be happy. In order for Ke Lei to give Su Yan a long, smooth phone call, she was able to wait out of the phone booth with a full bag of coins in the rainstorm. Si JiaYi wishful close to and care for Ke Lei, did not realize she had invaded Ke Lei's life.Ke Lei becomes increasingly disgusted and begins to alienate her. Although everyone can see, Si JiaYi is the most suitable Ke Lei girl, but young teens do not know how to hold the love in the hold. Si JiaYi frustration is that every girl will experience, and only mature, only to find the most cherished inadvertently have been missed. Si JiaYi tangled in the middle of Ke Lei and Su Yan, Miss also hurt the middle-aged man who loves her deeply, Jiang HaoLin. Unreachable is always the best. The more retreat Su Yan, the more Ke Lei feels such a woman is what they really need. Su Yan's resistance is getting weaker. Su Yan was the kind of woman who, once tempted, died of a heart attack. When she did not show her selfish dedication to the boy she loved, she should have said "The woman just wants to start and the man decides to end". Ke Lei looks no relatives, in fact, his mother Ke Qin is in Beijing, and will always be able to find him anywhere. Ke Lei does not like his mother interfering in his way of life. She does not like her mother's life as a celebrity, and she also hates the stage. He confused Da Zhong, a music school student, with a stingy idiocy attributed to Ke Qin for a moment, with faint grudges. In fact, he was deeply in my heart love Ke Qin who brought him bumpy from an early age. One day, Ke Lei's musical genius and background were glimpsed by DreamWorks' factory-elite characters and with Mo DunBai, Ke Ambiguous's early ambiguous producer, and his days grew agitated. Ke Lei uses music as his only corner to get drunk and dodge and does not allow anyone to disturb him. Mo DunBai discovered the value of Ke Lei and decided to train Ke Lei to package him as a singer. This, for Ke Lei, was unbearable, but reality made him no choice but to follow Mo DunBai to climb his vines. Ke Lei Become a remarkable singer in the process, career, love and get along with the mother become chaotic. Su Yan has been dressed in a wedding dress as Ke Lei knows how to really love a girl. When Jia Lei tasted the hurting pain, Si JiaYi was mature and learned to hide the wounds. Mother gradually left his life as Ke Lei gradually learned how to love her mother. Luo XiaoZhong and Fei Yuanyuan is a pair of celebrity lovers. The love between the two is as full of speculation as all the people in love, full of twists and turns, easy to get over too hard, easy to get along with love is too difficult. The two were divided, tangled. When Luo XiaoZhong was fed up with her "torture" and really left her, Fei Yuan Yuan realized from his growing hate psychology and malicious vengeance that she could not distinguish clearly from her of. Luo XiaoZhong looked at the phone has been ringing on the escalator thrown away, saying "I can not bear to go so far," thrown into the fountain, Fei Yuanyuan tears poured. Eventually did not walk into Xiaozhong, but a new round of disputes has begun. Similarly, the sweet and bitter love of love is more than just them. Ke Wei's good friend Zhi Wei is an ordinary person. There is absolutely no public figure's distress and he will not be affected by being over-concerned with love, but men and women are So troublesomeZhi Wei has been persuading Ke Lei with "re-supreme love," as if it was not easy to live a living. It is hard to say which of his three girlfriends will come back and live with him. If all of this is because of a juvenile ignorance, then Mo DunBai misinterpreted middle-aged mistakes: when he really moved to marry a woman like Ke Qin, she was forever withering away from the lonely old song Two people who love. Repentance is the story of the late Mo DunBai.

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