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Nailiang Jia TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Nailiang Jia Works 33 ,And Romance 9 ,Feature 7 ,Urban drama 6 ,Love 3 ,Comedy 3 ,Family drama 2 ,Costume Drama 2 ,Suspense 2 ,Action 2 ,Military 1 ,空战1 ,抗战1 ,Spy war 1 ,Urban emotion 1 ,古装爱情浪漫武侠大戏1 ,War 1 ,Idol drama 1 ,Workplace film 1 ,Ethical play 1 ,Contemporary film 1 ,都市青春剧1 ,Reality show 1 ,综艺1 ,Year 1 ,Warm blood 1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Martial Arts 1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Short 1 。

Works Index

Nailiang Jia Filmography(33)


推手 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《推手》剧情介绍:讲述了酷爱摩托车的 Liu QingYang 在一次赛车中救了 Chen YiFan ,两人因此结识。同时 Liu QingYang 家糟变故和母亲搬到工地居住,因为学业无成只能从体力劳动开始打工还债。 Chen YiFan 出手相救,把他招到明德房地产集团。在一心要照顾好母亲、还清债务责任心的驱使下, Liu QingYang 努力学习、拼搏慢慢成长。明德集团受到四大房地产集团公司的排挤而岌岌可危, Liu QingYang 请 Mei DaoYuan 出山拯救明德集团, Mei DaoYuan 选择 Liu QingYang 为自己的代言人, Mei DaoYuan 一边教 Liu QingYang 太极推手让他从中感悟做人之本,经商之道。最终 Liu QingYang 和 Chen YiFan 凭借诚信、专注、正义掌握了太极推手的精髓运用到商战中,救明德公司于危难之中。这场经历让他认识到错过的学业一定要补回来,他回到大学重新开始求学之路并继续传播太极推手文化, Chen YiFan 用自己的商海经历来传授年轻人,两人也最终走到了一起 。

特警队 (Movie)[2019]



空降利刃 (TV)[2019]


在改革强军大背景下,以 Zhang Qi 、 Qi XiaoTian 等空降特种兵为代表,讲述了剧照在战斗力生成模式改革探索中,为培育空军官兵全球化视野、信息化能力和实战化水平,进一步激发研究强敌、战胜强敌的血性忧患,将组建一支全新的、全要素、体系化专职蓝军“锅盖头”。经过一段时间的适应和磨合,“锅盖头”开始了征战南北、挑战四方的魔鬼生涯。历经一系列的战斗演习、行动,“锅盖头”部队的战士再次被分配到各部队,他们成为王牌部队的骨干教员,星星之火已成燎原之势,在坎坷中前行,在磨练中成熟的战士们开始了新的任务 。


Nineteen generations of ancestors (Movie)[2018]

Feature: The ancestors of the nineteen generations are starred by Guo Degang, starring Yunpeng Yue, Wu Jing (actor), Wu Xiubo, Jing Boran, Lin Chi-ling and Wang Baoqiang and are scheduled to be released on February 16, 2018 . Bei XiaoBei (Yunpeng Yue), determined to become a writer, has repeatedly hit the wall due to the appearance of reasons and later inadvertently found a long-awaited genealogy. He accidentally crosses all ages to meet his ancestors and laughter and personally deploy his own genes

oath (TV)[2018]


The TV series "Oath" is also known as "Under the Brigade ". Introduction to the plot: During the War of Resistance Against Japan, Yan ShaoBai , the mathematical genius who carried the hatred of the family and hated the sun , met the officer Xiao SiYu and the gangster Thunder Tiger in a coincidence, forming a different surname. brothers. In one battle, Xiao SiYu's head entered the shrapnel, affecting his ability to perform as a "war chess deduction" expert and finding Yan ShaoBai as his successor. Yan ShaoBai used his mathematical talents and Xiao Siyu's help to become a master of war. After a series of reviews by Ono, he finally joined the Japanese army and cooperated with expert Jia TengBoWen to complete the development of the weapon system of the “Black Dragon” program. He successfully saw the insidiousness of the Japanese. The combat plan disturbed the careful deployment of the Japanese military. During the period, Yan ShaoBai and Han Yixuan were sympathetic to each other, but due to misunderstandings they could not be together. Xiao SiYu also died from year-round injuries and overwork. The younger brother Lei Hu cooperated more and more with the Japanese and the road became more and more biased. At last, he went back to the right path with the advice of his two brothers and died when he rescued Han YiXuan . Yan ShaoBai and Han Yixuan resolved their misunderstanding and became lifelong partners.

Oath related information:

Mawei Weining served as the chief supervisor, Yuan Junping, Zhang Jun directed, and Jia Nailiang, Li Sheng, Yijun Liu, Qin Hao, Wei Liu, Li Jing (actor), La belle ferronnière, Qiu Shijian, Li Jiahang, etc. The big play "Bing Lin Bian" officially changed its name to "Vow", and the schedule was formally launched on May 7. The play was produced by Qixin Century Film Co., Ltd., Beijing Heqingqingmu Film & Television Culture Communication Co., Ltd., Tianjin Tongle Film & TV Culture Co., Ltd., Haining Xinding Ming Film Culture Investment Management Co., Ltd., Beijing Changjiang Culture Co., Ltd., and Shanghai III. Celljing Culture Communication Center, Beijing Huashan Fanjian Film & TV Culture Media Co., Ltd., Wentou Holdings Co., Ltd., Huangshi Yujia Film Group Co., Ltd., and Zhejiang Dongyang Guowen Film Co., Ltd. jointly produced the war through "Warrior deduction." Elements and perspectives tell the story behind the war and perform the best match between the "Most Powerful Brains" of the Republic of China.

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"Under the Brigade" renamed "Oath" Warm blooded oath to show patriotic feelings

The story took place during the period of the Republic of China. Nan Shaoyan, a businessman with a mathematical talent, Yan ShaoBai ( Jia Nailiang). The family was turned back to Shanghai and made contact with warrior master Xiao SiYu (Qin Hao). At the same time, Japanese intelligence expert Jia TengBoWen (Yijun Liu) is trying his best to capture the Chinese war chess master "whale". The two sides are diametrically opposed to each other and die each other. In black and white, Yan ShaoBai teamed with Xiao SiYu, and Jia TengBoWen launched a summit match between China and Japan.

The story of the patriotic war with the background of war chess deductions was made by China’s combat chief and founder Yang Nanzheng as the general military advisor, which made up for the blank of the theme of war chess in the military drama. Different from the previous military perspective, the play combines the elements of war chess for the first time with the film and television works to give viewers unique visual brainpower to enjoy the creation of tension and suspense. Through the film-level texture special effects CG, human brain complex operations and war chess deductions are interactively displayed. The audience creates a suspenseful, patriotic quality drama.

Renamed "Oath", as the name suggests, with words and deeds, swear by heart. At the time of the national crisis, the patriotic patriots set their minds on the hearts of the impunity, and they are proud of their grandeur. As in the play, Yan ShaoBai was originally a small person under the great flood of the times but he did not intend to be involved in the whirlpool of Sino-Japanese war. In the ups and downs, Yan ShaoBai gradually faded and became awkward, sprouting his aspirations to make the country a reality and set an oath to “strive for the country and the people and go all out.” Reproduce the vastness of the heroes of the nation and inspire the audience to love and be proud of the motherland. The feeling.

The strength and the old opera bones together with Taiwanese opera gold medal creation team strongly blessed

In addition to a strong spiritual core, the play's leading lineup is also an absolute highlight. Jia Nailiang, Li Sheng, Yijun Liu, Qin Hao, debuted for several years and shaped countless disparate and deeply rooted characters. The four powerful actors and performers will collide with a surprising chemical reaction. . In addition, the show assembled the acting roles of the old, middle, and young generations of the performing arts. Labelle ferronnière, the old opera bone Wei Liu, and the famous host Cao Kefan also joined the play. The super lineup. Strong eye catcher.

What is more worth mentioning is that this drama was produced by the Fei Tian Award “Best Director” Mao Weining as director, and Yuan Junping and Zhang Hao were jointly directed by the two directors and invited to the Chinese TV Drama Director’s Working Committee “Best Photography” Wang Yiwei, “Best Art "Wang Gang, Golden Rooster Award for Best Costume Design by RU Meiqi, Chinese TV Drama Directors Working Committee "Best Lighting" Song Guanghui, "Best Recording" Mao Qinruo, "Best Music" Hu Xiaoou, "Best Makeup Model" Wang Arts, "best special effects" Zhao Wei, composed of gold medal production team, escort the quality of the play. Making a strong team together will demonstrate the subtlety and atmosphere of the “battle chess deduction” in all directions, return to the depths of history, and portray an eternal national hero.

The war is imminent and blood is boiling! What kind of excitement will be brought to the audience with the "warm oath" of military warfare, movie-grade texture, power and old-fashioned drama, and gold medal production team blessings? On May 7, let's wait and see.


Love under the stars (TV)[2017]

Feature: Super idol Su Xing and the town pungent girl Sun XiaoAi met. Later, Sun XiaoAi mistaken cousin Zhu Li's rhetoric, as Su Xing personal nanny post. Day and night get along, Sun XiaoAi found a lot of the other side of Su Xing unknown, he helped out-of-school children, caring for sick fans, preferring to bear infamy but also to preserve the reputation of sister and other activities, so Sun XiaoAi unwittingly love him meaning. However, Su Xing was framed by Zhu Li et al., Losing everything overnight and Sun XiaoAi stood behind him. Su Xing brave the face of adversity, determined to return to the beginning Heart from a qualified actor to start, Sun XiaoAi also assume the re-appointment of brokers, the two emotions in the struggle is heating up. Su Xing to Saburo Saburo won the industry's unanimous praise, the negative images of the past by their dedicated, diligent attitude instead of return

What winter, how cool summer (TV)[2017]

Feature: Jian AnJie, the daughter of a Shanghai-based family, was found to be the culprit after her mistreated mother because of her cousin, Shen Xianyu, except Xi XiChen, her stepmother's nephew, believed her. In order to stabilize the security of the emotions, Xi XiChen missed a slap in the face, this is slap in the face, the safety of the entire family no longer nostalgia for Xi XiChen full of hatred. First love boyfriend Ye Lin is a popular big star, the two broke up because of anger, Ann disillusioned disappeared for six years. Mother summoned, Ann again returned to Jane family six years later, she and Xi XiChen feel very subtle, but at this time Ye Lin also always wandering around Ann. Eventually, her closed heart door was finally opened, a heart to Xi XiChen slowly closer, the two finally came together & nbsp ;.

Complex Master (TV)[2017]

Feature: Complex master Li Duan dedicated to helping the emotional breakdown of the couple or couple regrouped. Breakup master Mei YuanGui is inspired by his career is also a competitor. For a variety of reasons, the composite master oath will eliminate the break-up master, and lead the team to create a composite firm. The rich second-generation girl Zhou Mo was dumped by Li Duan. Inauguration compound office, half-sister on the wrong track on Monday, inheriting the mantle of breaking up masters, took over the brokerage firm. In all kinds of emotional events, the two firms have been fighting for one another, love and hate, divided into groups, and staged a good show.

Bingqing chess (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Under the Bingqi" tells the story of Yan ShaoBai, a genius of mathematics who took revenge and hated the invaders during the War of Resistance Against Japan. They met Xiao Siyu, a military officer, and a thunderstorm, and formed a brother with the same surname. In a battle, Xiao SiYu head into the shrapnel, affecting his acting as a "chess push" solipsistic war drama based ability, so find Yan ShaoBai to be his successor. Yan ShaoBai became a master chessman with the aid of his own mathematical talents and Xiao SiYu. After a series of reviews by Ono, he finally mixed with the Japanese army and collaborated with the expert Jia TengBoWen to complete the development of the weapon system of the "Black Dragon" project and successfully discovered the sinisterness of the Japanese The plan of operations disrupted the careful deployment of the Japanese troops. During the meeting, Yan ShaoBai and South Korea exchanged their feelings with each other. However, Xiao SiYu was also killed because of misunderstandings and injuries. Third brother Lei Hu and the Japanese cooperation more and more, the more the more the more the road, and finally under the advice of two brothers to return to the right, in the rescue of Han YiXuan sacrifice. Yan ShaoBai and Han Yuxi resolve misunderstandings and become lifelong companions.

NorthEastPast:PoMaZhangFei (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Cheng LiBing, Zhuang JiaoAo and Wu Liang, Lao PaJi and Li JingRu, young men of grass-roots town, were adopted by the nursing home and grew up together. Hong Kong black forces real estate business name of the name of the transformation of the old people's homes, want to do real estate unjust act, orphan no intention to fall into the trap of Hong Kong villains vowed to guard the elderly homes. Off the meter, bitter meat dollars, the United States dollars, a series of dollars, a series of ironic, wits and brave story turns staged. Grassroots youth to reverse the universe, guarding their homeland.

Wonderful time journey (TV)[2016]

Feature: Ten years ago, food and beverage group less Dong Peng ZhenDong (Kim Seongju ornaments) and popular female star Xie JiaXin (Ruby Lin ornaments) met in Japan, the two fell in love at first sight and lightning get married. However, a cruise bombing caused Peng to collapse overnight, after which Xie JiaXin died in an accident. Ten years later, the resurgent Peng ZhenDong returned to Han RuoFei (Jia Nailiang) to return. He got a time camera and got a chance to go back to the same place ten years ago by taking a self-portrait camera. In time and time again shuttle, Han RuoFei save his wife Xie JiaXin, and step by step unveiled the truth of the accident a decade ago & nbsp ;.

DestinedToLoveYou (TV)[2015]

Feature: Still life In 1916, Qian BaoBao (Joe Chan), a civilian girl, rescued ill mother as a replacement for Xiao Han (Zheng Shuang (actress, born 1991), an accidental death of foreign nationality doctor), while Shen WenTao (Bosco Wong) and Xiao Han's fiance Xiang Hao (Jia Nailiang) on ​​one side. In order not to reveal the true identity, Qian BaoBao should evade the growing feelings with Xiang Hao and dispel Shen WenTao's doubts and temptations. Under the emotional entanglements, the crisis emerged. It turned out that Xiao Han did not die. Her return brought Qian BaoBao a conscience torture. Japanese dark forces are eyeing the dragon city, military academy into danger. Qian BaoBao and a group of blood-loving men in the military academy smashed the enemy's conspiracy again and again for the sake of the great national and ethnic righteousness, united, and made ends meet to successfully resolve the crisis. Eventually Qian BaoBao and Xiang Hao have lovers married. poster

DadCameBack (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Daddy came back in the second quarter" is a star and son interactive live show launched by Zhejiang Satellite TV, produced by Zhejiang Satellite TV Program, a total of 12 programs. Five pairs of guests are Jia Nai Liang and Jia Yunxin father and daughter, Li Xiaopeng and Li Xinqi father and daughter, Du Jiang and Du Yuqi father and son, Zheng Jun and Zheng Xiyue father and son, Tang Zhizhong and Tang Yujia, Tang Haiyun father and daughter. Program to star father and child get along the main line, from year-round father, the wife is not at home in 48 hours, take care of children alone, faithfully present the dad and the child during the interactive process of all the conditions. Program on May 9, 2015 from 20:20 every Saturday night, "I see you play" premiere in Zhejiang Satellite TV. It closed on July 25, 2015.

Ice and fire youth (TV)[2015]

Feature: In 1998, at the outbreak of the financial crisis, Jiang ZhangEn, who was in charge of Kangrong Enterprises, took the opportunity to acquire Gao Enterprises, resulting in Gao Qi Liang, the helm of Gao Enterprises. Fifteen years later, son of Gao Qi Liang, who was renamed Luo Hao, sneaked into Kangrong. The son of Jiang ZhangEn Jiang Yan suffered one after another in prison, Jiang bankruptcy, the reality of his mother fell ill, overnight fell into the fate of the ice cave, had to enter Hong Rong Securities, from the grassroots stock brokers start. For the first time, Jiang Yan, who had run across the wall, experienced the pain of warmth and growth. On the surface of the cold, heart-kind Xia Bing gave Jiang Yan Yan in the face of adversity help, the two hearts getting closer and closer. At this time, Jiang Yan's friends are also experiencing brilliant but realistic youth, divisions and combinations, robbery experienced, experienced a crisis of life and death, a natural disaster, finally understand the meaning of life, know how to cherish the immediate happiness . Jiang Yan and Xia Bing renewed the front line, Jiang Yan and Luo Hao also smiled and resented. A group of young people are working together to write the most brilliant regretless memories.

Housewife Detective (TV)[2015]

Feature: Photo Early Republic of Shanghai. Housewife Gou JiXiang suffered an unfortunate death when her husband passed away and was mistreated. To find out the cause of death of her husband innocent, auspicious to become female detectives. Mao RuYi is auspicious partner, kind-hearted, but arrogant. Detected in the case, they both make many contradictions. With the deepening of cooperation, they came to a tacit agreement, under the pressure of the leader Fu LanKe, to crack many suspicions, not only to punish the wicked, but also to help many of the bottom poor people. Auspicious by the loss of self-housewives transformed into a new self-confidence and independence of women, Confucianism by the unarmed son of brother brother into a responsible brave detective. While both cherish their love, they also understand the meaning of life: they are determined to help more ordinary people in need of help. In the handling of the case, auspiciousness and Confucianism saw the true colors of the imperialist colonists and exposed the panic of Fu LanKe and his profiteers. They left the patrol room and opened the auspicious detective agency dedicated to serving the people, writing justice with youth and blood. & Nbsp ;.

Anti-Japanese hero Qi JiGuang (TV)[2015]

Feature: Since the 13th century, Japanese pirates have been suffering from China and the Ming dynasty was the hardest hit by the Jiajing period. Shooting Trailer Yan Song father and son dominate the government, the army incompetent. Japan Kyushu fan recruit samurai ronin, colluding with the massive invasion of pirates, slightly massacre; the Chinese Empire is facing the most stringent maritime power challenge ever. Qi JiGuang was born in the gate house, young rebel unruly, often troubled, lucky father and mentor to follow the example of temptation and became civil and military all-rounder; he marries his wife, but to develop his extraordinary patience; Zhang JuZheng, the future good man, jointly raised the national maritime strategy in political disputes. He met Hu ZongXian, the governor of Zhejiang and Fujian Province, and assisted him in completing the plan of preparing sea charts for China's first defense map of Haiphong. In the reign of terror, he wrote down the art of war, innovated weapons, broke the traditional anti-Japanese war tactics, forged Qi Jiajun, won the first national war to wipe out Japanese pirates and recast the backbone of the Chinese nation in the sword.

Obstetric male doctor (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Ryan Hospital Obstetrics and Gynecology former director of the left for the old obstetrics and Gynecology devoted his life, and obstetrics and gynecology in the son or so do not like their own work, not only with his father constantly contradictory conflicts, but also with his father's Zheng Zheng, a female graduate, has its own way. The new director, DONG Si-hsien, welcomed the work of others in his beloved job.

Daughters nanny (Movie)[2014]

Feature: IT otter Jiang MinLiang His new "nightmare" began when his new boss, his childhood playmate Xue Jiabao, appeared. Xue Garbo has the goddess's face, the devil's heart, wherever he went, numerous casualties. The "Goddess God" summoned him to the company's first day, the content turned out to be - forced marriage. Even if Jiang MinLiang could not resist her, she could not agree with Garbo's seventy-two forced marriages and finally reached a contractual marriage. The male version of "Cinderella" happy life has not yet begun, but the bride and groom in the bridal chamber of mysterious missing. In chaos, he became Acting Chairman, involved in the company's various power struggles. Sensitive while struggling to find the missing bride, while on various concerted plans to recruit demons. On the other hand, in the handsome little express delivery company An Kang, his "old enemy" Garbo fell from the sky to the barbarian little nanny Garfield in their hometown, and they gradually began to feel good at Garbo and An Kang's acquaintances . However, Min-liang also met a small nanny Garfield, Minnesota found himself falling in love with Garbo-like Garfield, while looking for missing wife Garbo clues gradually clear.

Obstetric male doctor (TV)[2014]

Feature: The Obstetrics and Gynecology Male Doctor tells the story of Zuo You, former director of obstetrics and gynecology at Shui On Hospital. She devoted obstetrics and gynecology to his obstetrics and gynecology career. Zuo You, son of obstetrics and gynecology, did not like his work. Not only conflicting with his father constantly, but also with her father's Zheng Zheng grudges. The new director, Dong SiXian, welcomed one after another his new life in his beloved job, and Qian Lei, his wife, was never able to welcome his own children. They even ended their marriage in a hurry. However, as Zuo Lao believes, obstetrics and gynecology is a place where life is born and a place for miracles. Zuo You gradually fell in love with this work, gaining love with Zheng Zheng, but also more understanding of his father. Dong SiXian is still concerned about Qian Lei, who is actively looking for new love affair. Both of them can not afford to give up each other. Qian Lei accidentally conceived and inadvertently removed the hat of infertility for Dong SiXian. Finally, Dong SiXian ushered in her daughter's birth in obstetrics and gynecology. Break up the couple back together again. Obstetrics and gynecology physicians continue their story of love and responsibility, understanding and growth.

Home have hi women (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Family Love Woman" tells the story of a daughter-in-law Ni Hao graduated from college and worked in Huizhong Law Office where her mother-in-law Xu HuiZhong is a lawyer. Later, her mother in secret secretly for his son Man Yi matchmaking, sister-in-law turned into a mother-in-law daughter. After Ni Hao and Man Yi married, the feelings between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law increased unabated, while the son and daughter-in-law emerged in a crisis of love due to the contradiction between ideal and reality. Just as divorce is a foregone conclusion, there is a problem with her body. Suspension of divorce has given way to this contradiction. As a result, the family staged one after another episode. The wisdom game between mother-in-law finally made her wife realize that happiness is just around and has never left & nbsp ;.

StrivinginBeijingWithLove (Movie)[2013]

Feature: At the age of 28, Sheng Chao (Chen Ji), a young boy from Changsha, rented a two-bedroom home purchased for the loan to Li Xiao Wen (Ke Zhao), who grew up as a boy and worked with Shanghai Boy Wang ZiXiu (Li Jiao Xiao) spends renting a two-bedroom apartment while Li XiaoWen becomes a two-bedroom owner, renting another room to her college roommate, Mei ZiSu (Yang Yang), a Beijing-based DJ. Sheng Ma officially retires and wants to stay in Beijing Jan's news caught Sheng Chao unprepared. In order to prevent Sheng Ma from worrying about renting out the house to himself and another male friend living in another house, Sheng Chao decided to withdraw his House, helpless Mei ZiSu do not agree to move, eventually, Li XiaoWen think of a "good policy", change room. As a result, Sheng Chao moved back to her house and moved in to the room where Li XiaoWen lived before, while Li XiaoWen moved into Sheng Chao's room and became a temporary "gangster" of Wang ZiXiu. Since then, a series of ridiculous, sad and joyful story is about to sth

the most beautiful time (TV)[2013]

Feature: Su Man (Chun-Ning Chang), a foreign-owned company, met Song Yi (Jia Nailiang), a talented Tsinghua genius who had spent many years with him in a HD blindfold. In order to close Song Yi, Su Man did not hesitate to give up their own good future, came to the MG clerk as a clerk, began a vigorous female chase man Road. The only one who knew Su Man was Lu LiCheng (Wallace Chung) was her top boss at MG and a competitor to Song Yi. Lu LiCheng fell in love with Su Man as she started her bit by bit with each other and started to attack Su Man. Su Man did not mind Lu Li Cheng's pursuit, and still "planned" to step into Song Yi's emotional world, unexpectedly disrupted by Lu LiCheng, so Su Man regarded him as a thorn in the back. Hard work pays off, and Su Man ends up getting Song Yi's attention and confessing him on a rainy day. Lu LiCheng, who got the news, got depressed for a while and no longer appeared in front of Su Man. Song Yi traveled miles to the United States and sweetheart Su Man on a business trip. When Su Man on his business trip back home, did not expect to pick her up is Lu LiCheng. Everything turned out to be dead. Xiting Han is no longer the undisputed girl she knew, and Song Yi became a spicy boyfriend, what love is, maybe Su Man And Lu LiCheng day and night get down bit by bit, rather than Su Man on Song Yi quiet crush and waiting. The ensuing accident falls on Su Man, Song Yi, the past of Mala Tang has gradually surfaced.

ZuiMeiHaoDeShiGuang (Movie)[2011]

Feature: The film tells the story of 5 time, 5 clips, 5 of the most beautiful story. The twists and turns of the story twists and turns, contains many life philosophy and experience.

What to take to save you, my love (TV)[2011]

Feature: A murder occurred in Xiamen's Baochun Pharmaceutical Factory. The victim, Zhu SiPing, was a migrant worker on the site. Interpol leader Yao DaWei found a bloody shirt in the room of Zhu SiPing's ex-boyfriend Long XiaoYu. After laboratory comparison, the captain Yao lock the suspect Long XiaoYu. At this point, Long XiaoYu has disappeared, while the pharmaceutical company chairman Luo BaoChun died of a heart attack, Bao Chun Pharmaceutical Factory later declared bankruptcy. Luo JingJing, who is the model's daughter, was so sad she did not know that her boyfriend Long XiaoYu had absconded at this time. Han Ding is a lawyer just graduated from university, he received the first case of the client is Luo JingJing. As a result of the bankruptcy of her father's factory, she invited Han Ding to transfer the property of her father to her name and the old house that had been seized was rewarded by law. Because Luo BaoChun suspected of the transfer of property, the case eventually lost. Han Ding has a pity on Luo JingJing's encounter. Han Ding also learned some of her feelings with her boyfriend Long XiaoYu in her conversation with Luo JingJing. Some time after he returned to Beijing, he accidentally saw Luo JingJing, who made a living in osl flowers and plants at a mall in Beijing. Han Ding broke up with An Po and turned to Luo JingJing for an offensive. He invited Luo JingJing to live in his home in Beijing, and the two of them decided on a relationship of love. Han Ding discovered Xiao Xiao, who came to Peking in search of Luo JingJing by chance. Long Xiao Yu was captured by Yao DaWei. Han Ding learned from Luo JingJing that Long Xiao Yu was going to carry Luo JingJing to Xinjiang. At the request of Luo JingJing, Han Ding finally agreed to serve as Long XiaoYu's defense lawyer, although there was a lot of resistance in the legal profession. The two came to Xiamen to live in the home of Luo JingJing's friend Cheng Yao. Han Ding saw Long Xiao Yu at the detention center and learned from him what happened on the night of the incident. The original Long XiaoYu in order to get rid of the entanglement of Zhu SiPing and ready to use the money to break the relationship between two people, in Si Ping's request, he and Si Ping the last time a relationship. When Long XiaoYu go out but found the phone forgot to stay in the room, back to the room, he saw Zhu SiPing has been in the knife, so hurriedly escaped. Han Ding listened carefully in the next time he and Luo JingJing, Zhu SiPing, who relations. Han Ding learned that Zhu SiPing and Long XiaoYu were native villagers. Two people grew up in the troupe from childhood and childhood. Long XiaoYu's mother and others emancipated, his father also died of illness in his high school, is a four-Ping paid factory work Long XiaoYu reading until Long XiaoYu sophomore year, Siping's mother fell ill, Long XiaoYu dropped out to help take care of her mother. Later, two people came to work in Xiamen again. Under the leadership of Zhang Xiong, a foreman in the village, they met Luo JingJing in the manner of "touching porcelain." The original plans of Zhu SiPing and Long XiaoYu are close to Luo JingJing, and then Long XiaoYu get financial benefits by fake marriage, but Si Ping did not think Long XiaoYu really fell in love with Luo JingJing. Han Ding also learned that Luo JingJing and Long XiaoYu are loving each other. From a deeper conversation, he found that Long XiaoYu is not sincere and can even say that he is a shameless and selfish person.Ding An Photo With the help of An Po and her colleague Lao Lin, Han Ding and Luo JingJing collected a lot of clues in favor of Long XiaoYu case. Han Ding always feared that if Long XiaoYu was really acquitted, it would certainly jeopardize his feelings with Luo JingJing. However, he still tried his best to gather evidence for Long XiaoYu and did not forget the lawyer's duties because of his personal circumstances. Due to a problem with Zhang Xiong's work, during his detention, he disclosed to his inmate his own assassination attempt with Zhu SiPing, which was best described by Han Jing as his prison inmate to the Public Security Bureau evidence. After all efforts, the final Long XiaoYu was acquitted. As Luo JingJing and Han Ding together, gave Long XiaoYu no small blow. Han Ding did not want Luo JingJing to forcibly love himself because he helped Long XiaoYu defend his success. He respected the choice of Jingjing. Luo JingJing choice and Long XiaoYu returned to Xiamen, Han Ding sad for this. Long XiaoYu narrow mentality also let him hate Han Ding. Zhang Xiong's wife found Han Ding in a Beijing office, and at her request, Han Ding looked carefully at the material she was preparing. Immediately afterwards, he found some truths that were not investigated clearly. He decided to take over and defend Zhang Xiong's case. Han Zhang met Zhang Xiong at a Xiamen detention center and Zhang Xiong also explained to him his relationship with Zhu SiPing and Long XiaoYu. He acknowledged that he was impatiently pounding Zhu SiPing with a fruit knife, but both Not at the crucial point. Han Ding clearly recognized the problem of the case. The most deadly of Zhu SiPing is the fourth knife. Since Zhang Xiong is not the assailant, it is impossible to rule out the possibility of being executed by Long XiaoYu. In addition, so far no weapon has been found and Long XiaoYu has given Zhu SiPing The whereabouts of that bank card He informed Yao DaWei of the situation and requested a review of the case. Long XiaoYu at this time through financing in Xiamen, successfully became the company's general manager, he tried hard to say goodbye to the poor day, he thought he can bring happiness to Luo JingJing. He was prepared to buy Lao Lin and Han Ding's firm at a price of one million to have them stop Han Ding from investigating himself, but Lao Lin told Han Ding about it, making Han Ding aware of Long XiaoYu and the case. related. Long XiaoYu at this time driving a luxury car with Luo JingJing came to their hometown and Si Ping, visit Pingping's parents, and to clarify their innocence folks innocent, but Si Ping's cousin Zhu QiGui always his words do not do Bother This time, Yao DaWei found the fruit knife as a weapon on the roof of Luo's old house and found the fingerprint of Long XiaoYu on it, then ordered the arrest of Long XiaoYu. What is the new dragons to save you, my love stills Kohane in their hometown was escorted by surprise police investigators on the police car, which led Luo JingJing suffered no small blow, Han Ding Long XiaoYu was taken at the same time came Jingjing's side, in his sincere words and comfort, Jingjing no longer sad. Siping's sudden onset of illness at this time was taken to the hospital because of serious illness. Zhu QiGui surprised them by telling them the facts of the case before Han Ding and Luo JingJing left. Prior to the incident, Zhu QiGui owed the debt because of gambling, is preparing to go to Siping's room to find her for help.He heard the conversation between Long XiaoYu and Zhu SiPing outside the door. Long XiaoYu go after seven expensive to find four-ping, Zhang Xiong was talking to the four-ping room, helpless seven expensive hide in bed. She was still awake after she was in Si Ping. She insisted on sending her to the hospital, but she was so infatuated waiting for Long XiaoYu to come back. Long XiaoYu back to take the phone, Siping asked him if he still loves himself, after getting the negative answer, she ended his life with a fruit knife. Long XiaoYu saw, picked up a fruit knife rushed out in a hurry, all seven expensive look in the eyes. Subsequently, seven expensive hurriedly picked up the bank card on the ground, hurriedly walked out of the site. Zhu QiGui told Jing Jingjing again about the things that Zhu SiPing and Long XiaoYu plan to cheat Luo JingJing's money, which makes Jingjing feel sad. Long XiaoYu was released again, Jingjing no longer have any relationship with him. Han Ding returned to Beijing, inadvertently saw in the mall dressed in wedding dress to do the model. Two people looked at each other across the glass window, tacit understanding each other was wet eyes wet. Because they know that they have experienced the cruelty of love, and now it is the most precious harvest of happiness & nbsp ;.

Burning roses (TV)[2009]

Feature: Yang Lin, a student at the British School of Economics, suddenly one day received news of his father's death from a jab in which he committed suicide. When her poster of "Rose of Burning" hurried back to a funeral for funeral, he found his mother Li YuHua also going crazy. What was more tragic was a huge debt She is waiting for her to repay. Yang Lin, who did not believe his father would commit suicide, concealed his true identity and successfully recruited through Tung Cheung Shipping Company. She suspected her father's death was related to Luo DongXiang, chairman of the company. When she entered the company and secretly investigated the confidential business data between her father and Dongxiang Shipping Co., Ltd., she was almost certain to be seen through several times but was saved repeatedly. During this period, two men, Jiang HaiYang and Luo Zheng, spontaneously fell in love with Yang Lin, leaving her with work and love dilemmas. The accident happened one after another. Yang Lin's crazy mother suddenly disappeared. Jiang HaiYang not only failed to blame Yang Lin for breaking the marriage with Zhao MingYue, but also helped her find her mother. This made Yang Lin very touched, and in the process of searching, she gradually developed her feelings. Finally, when Yang Lin recovered her mother, her heart was stolen by Jiang HaiYang. However, the appearance of mother Li YuHua not only failed to solve the problem of Yang Lin, but triggered another greater crisis, that is, the mystery of Yang Lin's own life experience. Yang Lin found that his father's death cause was not only simple but also implicated Maybe mother Li YuHua is also hard to suspect. It turned out that Luo DongXiang turned out to be Li YuHua's ex-husband, and with the layers of secrets uncovered, Yang Lin had to face such a finding - mother Li YuHua conspired with her ex-husband Luo DongXiang to kill her father, Yang Wenhao. Because of the deeper and deeper hatred of Yang Lin and Luo DongXiang, the struggle between Zhao MingYue and Yang Lin is also intensifying. Zhao MingYue not only wants to take Jiang HaiYang back from Yang Lin , And defended her father, Luo DongXiang, so her unscrupulous retaliation against Yang Lin also gave Luo Zheng a dilemma because he still loved Yang Lin, but at the same time hoped his mother, Zhao HuiLan, would forgive Father, let Luo DongXiang and Zhao MingYue back Luo family. Yang Lin, like being in the center of a storm, loves her at all costs to protect her, supporting her, while those who hate her are constantly vicious revenge, love and hate How many torn her mind and body! She finally discovered impressively that all the black hands behind all this incident turned out to be the man who protected her and loved her very much.

Life and death bridge (TV)[2007]

Feature: Beijing in the late Qing Dynasty was noisy, chaotic, and Huaiyu and his friend Chigo, who grew up in the corps, grew up wantonly. Orphans Huai Yu love play as life, horns, is a firm belief in his young mind. However, Li ShengTian, ​​the teacher who raised him, always obeys Huai Yu's mother's wishes and refuses to learn from him, leaving him no father-son. "Bridge of Life and Death" Shooting Highlights Chi students to impoverished. Hong Lian, the mother of a sex worker, raised and raised him. The only dream was to make his study a horrible one. It is said that Hong Lian is said to be a prostitute, Chigo continued her miss for the famous child. On the bustling flyover, they met Dan Dan, a girl from Beijing, who learned the story and sworn into brother and sister. In the backyard of the Lama Temple, three partners came to a mysterious, predictable future of the old eunuchs seeking their fortune. However, the three lives of "dead before death" and "dead after death" were actually knocked out by the black eunuch of the old eunuch, and the life sign was like a mantra and mystery on the head of the three men, shrouded their lives . On the eve of the demise of the Qing dynasty, the children of Yusheng Tang entered the palace for the first time and changed their dynasty when it was dawn. Beijing was in an uproar. Uncle Li Shengtian, at this time, consented to the request of Huai Yu, Shao NianHuaiYu began the journey of realizing the dream of an angler. On this day, Dan Dan left Beijing with Master and failed to say goodbye to Huai Zhizhi. Seven years later, Huai Yu and Chigo, who grew up as handsome juniors, reunited Dan Dan on the bridge. Both Huai Yu and Zhigao love Dan Dan, Dan Dan also has different attachment to the two brothers. The course ends. Huaiyu anguished the road exceptionally difficult, fortunate to master and Chi high partner backing, as well as in the heart of Dan Dan, Huai Yu has been very hard. Unlike Huai Yu and Zhigao Dan Dan's love of law, is a plain pursuit of high, and Huaiyu arrogant, he valued fratricidal friendship, he still want to cast aside ambition, he hesitated. This makes Dan Dan, who is in love with Huaiyu, scurrying. Early Republican, warlord melee. Male Dan Jin Bao offended a warlord, Huai Yu reached out to help, but was beaten with my colleagues. In order to retreat, with the help of a friend Shi ZhongMing, Huai Yu to go to Shanghai. Parting, Huaiyu implicitly expressed his feelings to Dan Dan, Dan Dan threw his heart to make Zhi Gao understand Dan Dan does not belong to himself. Shanghai in the 1930s, dazzling, bizarre. Huai Yu became a hit in Shanghai. "Cover" with Huaiyu, is the beach boss. Jin XiaoFeng In addition to the entertainment industry and media power in Shanghai, Shanghai's entertainment paradise - Le world, in addition, he secretly doing a lot of fearsome business. However, Huaiyu stabbed inadvertently Jin XiaoFeng - Huaiyu accidentally met a film star named Duan Ting and got the love of Duan Ting, Huai Yu also unable to extricate themselves. He did not know, Duan Ting Ting, it is Jin XiaoFeng woman. Jin XiaoFeng jealous Huaiyu had to leave the stage, life full of crises. Fortunately, the paragraph 娉 Ting Huai Yu help enter the film industry, in the case of Shanghai movie industry, cut off his head. Dan Dan went to Shanghai looking for Huai Yu, but saw Huai Yu and Duan Ting Ting intimate look, very desperate.Dan Dan stubborn for dignity, demonstrations to the rival, removed met Jin XiaoFeng. Dan Dan Just like Jin XiaoFeng first love face made him feel like a man, he promised Dan Dan all the requirements, Dan Dan made a big hit. After fame, many manufacturers began to support her in the movie, the acquisition Huai Yu Duan Ting where the movie company vainly crowded them. Between them, staged a grudge contest. Jin XiaoFeng once again lost her precious girl. When he learned Dan Dan and Huaiyu emotional entanglement, the hatred at Huai Yu. At this time, Chigo in Beijing has become famous, and Dan Dan's former friend Xiao Alice put out right. Jin XiaoFeng Zhigao go to Shanghai to perform, arranged for two brothers in the same stage performances, plans to chaos Tang HuaiYu. However, peers Li ShengTian came to Huaiyu died. Sheng days before his death, the call of the Chigo, let Huaiyu learned that Li ShengTian is a natural father who missed many years. Huaiyu could not forget the holiness of his first love, and he went to Dan Dan for a letter. They agreed to give up their own wealth and fled to Hangzhou. However, on the road, Mr. Kim sent the kidnapped Tang HuaiYu, to make him worse off, Jin XiaoFeng with a lime, destroyed Huaiyu's eyes and face. Huaiyu finally knew that stick "dead" deadly sign is his fate. He and Duan Ting Ting, the former star, retired to Hangzhou. Jin XiaoFeng's business fell into a full-blown collapse. Shi ZhongMing ruined this arrogant man with a meter. Jin XiaoFeng ended up only having Dan Dan in his possession, but he dumped himself on the island where Dan Dan was alone. When Chigo approached Dan Dan, the girl she had seen was scared silly. After the blood, at peace. Chogo "dead and alive" returned to Beijing. A few years later, Chigo married Alice, when the father, take care of her mother. He became the same corner with his father, holding a play troupe. Paragraphs Ting Yu accompany Huai Yu back to Peking. Flyover is no longer available. He went to the playhouse, blind he sat under the stage listening to the performance of the Chigo. After the show, Chigo received a note, the above name let him a tight heart: Huaiyu. He chased it out. In the Beijing alley in autumn, there was only a touch of sunset hanging from the sky to the west and a long, deja vu shadow.

Rape (TV)[2007]

Feature: Xizi University spent a lot of flowers Rui won the campus classic drama "in the name of love" actress, which makes at the same time love the small core Risen and Zhang Yang actor battle, became a love battle. Never imagined is that this led to the father of a dusty 20 years of love and hate. Linsen mother Xiao Mei accident in the drama.

w u shi Lang (TV)[2007]

Feature: In the early period of the Republic of China, Wu DingDang, a martial arts master, gave birth to nine girls in succession with his wife. For the fear of her husband, she married another wife in order to find a male and a female behind the incense light. Shi Lang, who, Wu ShiLang from small to large over women disguised as men's life, regardless of demeanor and personality like a boy. Juro, who has done his father's martial arts, has inherited the personality of his father's martial arts. His favorite line is chivalrousness and weakness. Juro even fell in love with the little orphan Li YaShou who feels like a brother. However, Yushou does not know her secrets. Only when Juro is a good brother and a man thinks highly of money, he just wants to climb a dragon with a phoenix and marry a rich girl Have fun days. One day, the town came to the rich households held a lei hometown contest, Aasu bent to win the ring to win the beauties and gold, Juro in order to prevent Aksu marry wealthy daughter, actually took the stage and beat Asia, so mistakenly hit Ray has become the quasi-son-in-law. Lei Xiao Miss Lei Xiao thought Juro is a boy, love at first sight, and he is determined not to marry. Lei ShengDa coincidentally met Juro female makeup, just shines, scared to Heaven, vowed not to marry non-Qing. The two sisters did not know Selang's secret, so for Juro who belong to fight a crack collapse. Juro see misunderstanding more and more trouble, but had no choice but to frankly frankly himself is the secret of the girl's life, Jingleng at this time was aware of his son was actually a daughter, which stunned. Even more surprising is the Lei family's owner Lei LaoHu, was actually the year of Wu DingDang bitter fruit, martial arts brutal evil woman. Tiger met the most beloved Jindang, bent on with the Jeddah to the front edge, while Jingle heard "tiger" color change overnight with the armed families to leave the town to avoid Lei LaoHu. Jiro Abandoned life, before leaving to admit that he is his daughter's identity, but also to show his love for him. Asian life unhappy Juro bad things are good anger beyond his anger, the secret of life and love of Jiro is unacceptable, the two hadtily ... ... After all the people to the town of Jingwu, Ding finally accepted the fact Juro is a girl, And later she wanted to behave like a daughter's house, and she was not allowed to dance with her sword any longer. However, Juro's accusation against her was that she was bitter, but Juro became aware of her makeup as her first cousin, A Hao, in the city Dress, and slowly like the girl's identity. Lei family of three are passionate and mad delusion, knowing that everyone overnight after the military escaped, had no choice but to find the whereabouts of four consistent. Asia Life to please light rain, but also with the drizzle to go to Jingwu find Juro, bent on recognizing Juro is a girl, the switch to the embrace. Asia life and thunder family finally found in Jiuwu town Juro and other people, Unexpectedly, the rain knew Jiro afterlife, but did not switch to the Asian life embrace, but fell in love with A Hao group under the minister Lin Chi, Asia life frustrated. Pure and infatuated voice of Juro can not live on the pursuit, Juro did not like the sound of Johnson spoiled, often to avoid it. A Hao, who had been longing for marrying rich people, was impressed by his gentleness and prominent family background. Even though Lin Chi's childhood friendliness and considerateness, A Hao still tolerates Lin Chi's feeling, Determined to make loud like yourself, with its rich dreams.Ping Jian, a villain in the city, often gets angry at public life. Only love Jibing's weakening Juro and Yasuharu only carry Jang Dang against him. Juro is even more martial art. long. Light rain see Yasu many lives and save, actually fell in love with the Asian life, and played fiery, Juro big hair, Ya know Shou Lang mind, often avoid everywhere, the two make a joke. Juro and Yasushi defeated Ping Jian in the lion dance competition and asked Lion King Shang Zhong for help. Unexpectedly, Shang Xi, a daughter of Shang Zhong, fell in love with Yasuhiro again, breaking the gap between Yasuko and rain. Juro thought Yasuoch saw his own way, disappointed, see the rich son of self-improvement and courageous, and all the way to make ends meet, can not help but secretly excited. When Juro and Yasu beat Ping Jian, the courageous and pervert martial arts legend Bai QiuFeng appeared in Jingwu. Bai QiuFeng's strong, so Lei LaoHu and Shang Zhong also could not, Bai QiuFeng favorite trickery, the town was hesitant, Juro and Asian life had to exhaust him, but unexpectedly Bai QiuFeng original Asian life is closely related to the dead father ... ... many experiences, Asia Life began to understand the love than money, began to pay attention to Jiro, Juro Although interested Yasukatsu, but the heart has gradually been impressed by the loud and clear, the three feelings Ambiguous, delicate relationship, has always been strong Juro, the first taste of the pursuit of boys, heart like deer hit, I saw Juro suddenly fallen heart, determined to be moved by the sincerity; Another was sumptuous, but true feelings Cut love touched tears. Juro for the election loud, or choose to love Asia and endless annoyance, had to come up with a ring to determine who is the heart ... ...

Hong Funv (TV)[2006]

Feature: Hong FuNv Zhang, name of the early dust, holding Hong Fu, accompanied by Sui Dynasty Sagong Yang Su side, so as "Hong FuNv" name. Not only is she the intelligent and powerful martial arts talent of Hong FuNv, she makes her stand out from all her servants in Yang Su's family. Du GuCheng is Hong Fu's first man. He saved her life and made her a dark man. As Hong Fu grows up and matures, all her teenage feelings are placed on Du GuCheng. The silence between two people was destroyed after Hong Fu was reached. Hong Fu was sent to serve her first man, Hong Fu, without any knowledge, dressing himself up with the affections of Du GuCheng. However, the last man to take her virginity was Yang Su, the second man in his life. Hong Fu has since Du GuCheng back to go. She could not forgive his favorite man to devote himself to others, thus ending the relationship between Du GuCheng and Hong Fu. TV drama promotional activities According to a large Sagu Recalling General Assembly, Hong Fu's third man, Li Jing, was the best. Not only did he break Yang Su's self-designed array, he also won the favor of Hong Fu. Yang Su saw Hong Fu's appreciation of Li Jing, decided to kill Li Jing, and deliberately assigned Hong Fu to perform the task. She interviewed Li Jing overnight and advised him to flee. How do you know, but Yang Fu of Hong Fu, after Hong Fu, sent Bao Qin and Lv Yu to kill Li Jing. Hong Fu had to show his presence to defend Li Jing, breaking away from his former partners and formally embarking on the road of no return from the underground palace. Du GuCheng with Bao Qin was ordered to chase Hong Fu to kill Li Jing. Bao Qin has always been in love with Du GuCheng, Wallace Huo Hong FuNv stills, she understands Du GuCheng's love affair with Hong Fu. However, Du GuCheng is with the intention to cause Hong Fu to chase her. He understood, Hong Fu left, will never go back to the ground. He has long lost Hong Fu, he can not let her belong to another man. Hong Fu and Li Jing escaped Du GuCheng and Bao Qin's chase and killed many times in the face of life and death. Both of them worked in concert and gradually developed their emotions. Li Jing decided to marry Hong Fu and they married at the shabby inn in Lingshi Town when Qiu RanKe, the fourth man of Hong Fu, appeared. Qiu RanKe, Hong Fu and Li Jing saw the same. Qiu RanKe found that Hong Fu and Their own surnamed Zhang, so the two sworn brothers and sisters, Qiu RanKe home ranked three, Hong Fu called him "Third Brother," and Hong Fu line one, Qiu RanKe call her "a sister", brother and sister know each other sympathy, the difference is , Qiu RanKe to Hong Fu's brother and sister are also mixed with a little bit of throbbing and can not help but the situation.In order to avoid chase, Hong Fu a pedestrian to Wagangzhai line, was Du GuCheng, Bao Qin catch up, this Fighting, Li Jing and Hong Fu fall into the mountains. Li Jing was Jianshui rushed to the shore, saved by Ping YangGongZhu. See Li Ping Junxiu Pingyang, resulting in the meaning of love. Hong Fu sank in the stream water and was rescued by a fisherman and met the fifth man in his life - Li ShiMin ... Li Jing and Hong Fu are bitter mandarin ducks and they do not meet each other in the same city. They can only meet With faith in love, convinced that the other party is still breathing in another corner for themselves, one day, they will meet again, love, hold your hand.

Beautiful decibel (TV)[2006]

Feature: Li HuiEn inherited the mother's singing talent, love singing, dreams become singers. Small families grow up in the middle and lower, parents are workers, I hope she lived a simple life. Huin childhood aspire to brilliant singer, one day hope to step onto the stage, sing her heart ideal. Inspired by her boyfriend Zheng YuTai, she resolutely gave up her stable life and competed on the road to starlight. However, she had to fulfill her dream under the financial pressure of the family and her father's opposition. Ling XueQiao entrepreneur Ling Xingyun daughter, her own excellent qualifications, but rely on the wealth at home, childhood victories, in the eyes of no one. Teacher Cheng Nguyen Wen Yan teacher, in fact, is Rong ShengNan's sister, sweet singing intoxicating. When she knew she was a male participant, she was instigated by Song TianSun, a childhood friend and friend of her childhood friend, who was determined to compete with her for the true successor to Rong's couple. position. Rong ShengNan is a singer-songwriter who was born in a singer-songwriter family. He is a stubborn character who inherited the singing talent of his parents. He was the champion of the singing contest since he was young. After singing a song at the age of 16, he lost his home. The contest is to compensate for his own mistakes, and in order to be fair and generous back to her parents, she promised himself, do not take the championship vowing to rest. The three were good friends during the race, they also got acquainted with the love of rock and roll and Zhong Ai, Lu Yao with excellent dance potential, Tang Fei with straightforward dance and Yang Qi with the youngest competitor In the process of chasing their dreams, they support each other. Cheng Lang is the "super girl" master plan, known as the "genius" in the circle, the character resolute and decisive, upright, extremely tough on the participants. Because in the past has neglected to discipline a powerful singer, resulting in this person broken off the stars, so the encounter with the same great potential Li HuiEn, super-urged very rigorous, aroused resentment. Cheng Lang to see the generous potential of grace, but Hui Eun mother's old-fashioned singing and her boyfriend Zheng YuTai jazz style is too deep influence, not to let her give up the past study, out of their own style, so grace and Cheng Lang and more Fan conflict. In fact, there are a lot of problems with other people. The winning man, who has been exhausted for living for two years, is in a very unstable state. On the surface, Xue Qiao is arrogant and arrogant. Their shortcomings and deficiencies, under the guidance of Cheng Lang, gradually corrected. On the way to dream, nor calm. When she was overwhelmed, Yutai and her dear friend Zhong Qing, feeling ill and hurt, fell to the bottom with Joyce, who was caught up by Huynne and triggered Song TianSun's framing of Huin. The state gradually reply, began to ignore the people around, ignoring the pain of others ... ... Finally, at the critical moment of the competition decision, the choice of life, continue to emerge in front of girls, they were forced to face everything, In fact, life growth can not escape the issue. Although not every one can win in the competition, but they all use their own will to choose their own way, choose the way out of the problem, learned to pay the price in exchange for growth. "Super Girl" this splendid stage, put on the joys and sorrows of these girls, the so-called chase behind the dream, in fact, is the full growth of life.

Emerald on the roof (TV)[2006]

Feature: "Emerald on the Roof" tells a tangled family background, derives a few paragraphs of love but can not be combined with love, the previous generation of unpleasant grudges, leading to the joys and sorrows of the next generation, the cycle of love this entangled track, the story From the friends of Zhou NianZhong and Nie Kai of Hainan Island, they kicked off - Zhou NianZhong and Nie Kai, though not brothers, grew up with an affectionate relationship than their brothers. They found the friendship forever, and until this day a girl named Mo JiaQi entered their life, they opened another window of their emotions. The emergence of Mo JiaQi, so that these two boys had a pale life, an instant burst of colorful flowers, love the beginning of the two people, invariably had a good impression on Jia Qi. Jia Qi father before his death, leaving two emeralds necklace, one gave the home Qi Liang Rui mother, a gave Jia Qi. Liang Rui often told Jia Qi that if a person really loved once in his life, holding such a memory is enough to face the ups and downs of the next life. Therefore, when Jia Qi decides that he falls in love, he selects Bai Lu The first moment of sunrise, this emerald secretly read into the pocket, but, read in order to take into account his relationship with Nie Kai's brother, chose to escape. When the family Qi and secretly feeling budding sprouting, read the mother Bixia because of serious illness, say in mind and force him to return to Bi mother's side, the other, the distance between the two, from heaven to earth. Reluctant to accept the love of Pik Wan, and Pik Wan's husband Tang QiShan and his son Shijie is not right this day, taking advantage of Qi's birthday, he stole Hainan, can not find the Bixia, but accidentally hit Nie Kai Is helping home Qi birthday, Nie Kai even Jia Ji confession, dreams broken dream, back to Shanghai, walking dead him, accepted the proposal of Pik Wan, to study in the United Kingdom, he left the place where there is no happy memories. Remembered in the UK, met Ling PeiYu. Pertulun unruly Pei 妤, in a read in the rescue, read the remembrance of the two men get along, day of the New Year's Eve, read in the cooked dumplings, actually let Pei 妤 shed tears of homesickness; one by one, Pei Wei had feelings in reading, but read the center, always miss the home Qi in Hainan Island, Wallace Huo plays Zhou NianZhong often want to think of that beautiful time. However, I did not know that Jiacheng and Liang Rui also came to the UK because her stepfather Mo Guangliang had some misgivings about Jiaqi. Liang Rui was angered in her anger with her family. Doing hard work, while Liang Rui is addicted to gambling, relying on alcohol and tobacco to worry about. Until this day, read in and home Qi finally met in the streets of the United Kingdom - read in and home Qi reunion, ignited a brief past feelings, but also let Pei no longer restrain the feelings of the heart, this time In reading, relying on Peijie's support, relying on helping others to get money back to confidence, but the spread of a triangle affair, has led him to showdown with Peijin, to make the heart of the real decision!Pei Wei in order to read, change the wayward past, but still not for the mind in mind, seeing the feelings of the foreseeable situation, unexpectedly, Liang Rui owed gambling debts must be away, Peijie kind offer tickets, home Qi too late and Remembered bid farewell to the airport, but this plane crashed, Jia Qi and Liang Rui's name impressively in the passenger list. Pei 妤 extremely blame, but they have to courage to comfortably read, read Institute graduation, the two returned to Hainan, read was Peijie touched, and she got a marriage contract, and formally stationed in the hotel work, read Surprised to find that Nie Kai was also employed here, but the most shocking to him is not this, but Jia Qi did not die, she did not catch the plane, she was hurried to take away her and read the letter , Escaped the crash, but could not hide a car accident, she re-appearance, sitting in a wheelchair, her legs paralyzed. Nie Kai do not care about all this, but instead take care of Jia Qi, and read the old love is difficult, in the face of Pei gentle, flirting with fate, coupled with Shijie did not give up on Peijie, the five young people Love tangled here set off a climax, and Tang Ling two battle brought to the table.

The Three Winds of Hong FuNv (TV)[2006]

Feature: Hong FuNv tells the story of Hong FuNv, whose first name is Zhang, whose name is Dust Dust and holding Hong Fu. Not only is she the intelligent and powerful martial arts talent of Hong FuNv, she makes her stand out from all her servants in Yang Su's family. Du GuCheng is Hong Fu's first man. He saved her life and made her a dark man. As Hong Fu grows up and matures, all her teenage feelings are placed on Du GuCheng. The silence between two people was destroyed after Hong Fu was reached. Hong Fu was sent to serve her first man, Hong Fu, without any knowledge, dressing himself up with the affections of Du GuCheng. However, the last man to take her virginity was Yang Su, the second man in his life. Hong Fu has since Du GuCheng back to go. She could not forgive his favorite man to devote himself to others, thus ending the relationship between Du GuCheng and Hong Fu. TV series promotional activities At the recruitment ceremony of the Grand Sai Kung House, Hong Jing's third man, Li Jing, showed his limelight. Not only did he break Yang Su's self-designed array but also won the favor of Hong Fu, Yang Su saw Hong Fu's appreciation of Li Jing, decided to kill Li Jing, and deliberately assigned Hong Fu to perform the task. She interviewed Li Jing in the evening and persuaded him to flee. How do you know, but Yang Fu of Hong Fu, after Hong Fu, sent Bao Qin and Lv Yu to kill Li Jing. Hong Fu had to show his presence to guard Li Jing, breaking away from his former partners and formally embarking on a road of departure from the underground palace. Du GuCheng with Bao Qin ordered to chase Hong Fu to kill Li Jing. Bao Qin has always been in love with Du GuCheng, Wallace Huo Hong FuNv stills, she understands Du GuCheng's love affair with Hong Fu. However, Du GuCheng is with the intention to cause Hong Fu to chase her. He understood, Hong Fu left, will never go back to the ground. He has long lost Hong Fu, he can not let her belong to another man. Hong Fu and Li Jing escaped Du GuCheng and Bao Qin's chase all the way, facing many times of life and death, and two people worked together to gradually develop their emotions. Li Jing decided to marry Hong Fu and the two held a wedding in the shabby inn in Lingshi Town. Qiu RanKe, the fourth man of Hong Fu, appeared. Qiu RanKe, Hong Fu and Li Jing saw the same. Qiu RanKe found that Hong Fu and their surnames Zhang, so the two sworn brothers and sisters, Qiu RanKe home ranked three, Hong Fu called him "third brother," and Hong Fu line a, Qiu RanKe call her "a sister" Is that Qiu RanKe's love affair with Hong Fu's siblings is also mixed with a little bit of throbbing and unforgetable feelings.In order to evade the pursuit of murder, Hong Fu pedestrians went to Wagangzhai to go by Du GuCheng and Bao Qin, This fight, both Li Jing and Hong Fu fall into the mountains. Li Jing was washed away by the shoreline for Ping YangGongZhu. See Li Jing Junxiu Pingyang, resulting in meaning of love. Hong Fu sank in the stream water and was rescued by a fisherman. She met the fifth man in her life - Li ShiMin ... Li Jing and Hong Fu, the bitter mandarin ducks, found themselves in the same city but did not meet each other. They only Can rely on the belief in love, convinced that the other party is still breathing in another corner for themselves, one day, they will meet again, love, hold your hand.

ShadowlessSword (Movie)[2005]

Feature: "Shadowless Swordsman" depicts the love affair and fate of troubled men and women. It is a martial arts film that depicts the story of three heroes on the background of the Bohai Sea era. Li Ruizhen plays a role in which the country is facing the demise of the two princes, "Dazheng Yin," who were unjustly exiled from the political struggle and are ready to dedicate themselves to the reconstruction of Bohai State, the motherland threatened by Khitan. In the process, he was involved in love in four corners. In the film "Alorhan Zhang Fengzhanzhan" in the show brilliant force Yin Yinyi will play the first female warrior in Bohai Sea "River Su River" corner, she wandered between the two men, the interpretation of the tragedy of love. After their parents were killed by Khitan invaders, they were brought up and raised by the secret organization of martial arts. Her martial arts and martial arts distinctive. Endangered ordered to find exiled prince. In order to protect the prince, she took out the shadowless sword. In more than a decade of exile, Dzong-hsien was a civilian who rescued the stolen stolen goods. Because of the tremendous changes in destiny he had to face and the exile in life for decades, he did not hold the position of Yan Suhe and did not trust what she told him so he chose to flee. On his way to escape, he met a group of assassins sent by the aggressors. Fortunately, with the help of Yan Suhe, he struggled to escape ...

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