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Junjie Mao TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Junjie Mao Works 31 ,And Comedy 9 ,Romance 9 ,Feature 7 ,Crime 4 ,Costume Drama 3 ,Contemporary film 3 ,Urban drama 2 ,Historical play 2 ,Family drama 2 ,War 2 ,Action 2 ,Suspense 2 ,Love 1 ,人物传记1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Reality show 1 ,Martial Arts 1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Adventure 1 ,Thriller 1 。

Works Index

Junjie Mao Filmography(31)


幸福还会来敲门 (TV)[2019]


Huang ZiLi 在经历人生事业、爱情的双重打击后跌入谷底,他走过悲伤迷茫,也曾浑浑噩噩,甚至成为派出所的“常客”。但最终能在艰难逆境中拼搏向上,在人性的抉择中迸发光彩,无怨无悔的带着前妻留下的一老一小走过人生风雨,蜕变为一个敢于担当的成熟男人,并收获了浓浓的亲情和爱情,最终赢得了美好的人生。全剧以充满喜剧和温情的手法表现了历尽苦难痴心不改的人生价值观,传递向上、向善、向美的正能量,对当下的浮躁的社会风气具有参照意义 。


Flying armor at dragon gate (TV)[2018]


The plot of the TV series "flying dragon gate" tells the story of the Ming xian zong years, eunuchs monopolized power, harm loyalty. Chivalrous manZhao HuaiAnIn the rescue operation zhongliang, brought east 2015 TV drama "flying armour" role picture factory ownerWan YuLouAnd west plant bossYu HuaTianThe mob.Zhao HuaiAnand other people lost their lives, the dragon gate inn again. At the dragon gate inn, which was destroyed by fire years ago,Zhao HuaiAnrecognized the new ownerHu ZhongYu.Yu HuaTianwas the owner of the west factory when the soldiers arrivedJin XiangYuCome to my rescue.Jin XiangYuhoped thatZhao HuaiAnwould stay away from the worldly strife with her, whileZhao HuaiAnthought about Hu ZhongYu. In fact,Yu HuaTianand Hu ZhongYu's mother were secretly rescued from the palace in the court struggle, andYu HuaTianwas raised disguised as a woman. After knowing his birth, Yu HuaTian's ambition was to overcome all obstacles to win the throne and force the constitutional emperor to make a decree. A fight to kill, Ming xianzong hand blade Yu HuaTian, eliminate crafty sycophants, world peace. Outside the gate,Zhao HuaiAnandJin XiangYuled their horses away to return to the river.

如若巴黎不快乐 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《如若巴黎不快乐》剧情介绍:讲述了身为律师的 Ruan ManJun ( Qingzi Kan 饰)因为感情用事帮助男友渡过公司的经济危机,不慎触犯法律入狱,并被吊销律师执照。哪知在她刑满出狱的那天,却是男友与他人结婚的日子。万念俱灰的 Ruan ManJun 终究为自己的年少无知付出了惨痛的代价。就在 Ruan ManJun 人生最灰暗的时候,遇上同样受过感情之伤的 Tong ZhuoYao ( Hans Zhang 饰)。 Tong ZhuoYao 事业有成,想帮助 Ruan ManJun ,哪知 Ruan ManJun 却将其拒之门外,坚持从最底层的外卖员做起,并进入了外贸公司任职。凭着自己的努力与知识背景, Ruan ManJun 一步步成长为公司的主干业务人员。就在大家以为 Ruan ManJun 会就此满足时,她却毅然决定放弃已获得的一切,重新考取律师执照,回到律师行业,用法律去帮助那些真正需要帮助的人,重新找回了自我,并以独立自强的人格魅力赢得了 Tong ZhuoYao 的爱情 。

《如若巴黎不快乐》是国龙影业、DMG印纪娱乐、一画开天影业、童乐影视联合出品的都市情感剧,由张博昱执导,饶俊、王超编剧, Hans Zhang 、 Qingzi Kan 领衔主演, Lin Yu Shen 、 Ying Li 、 Chang Kuo-Chu 等主演。

Happiness is coming (Movie)[2018]


The film “Happy Comes Right” introduces the story: Ma ShangLai is known locally as “Media Superman,” but at the ceremony of his mediation studio, he encountered the “Music of the media” Mao Xuewang, and they played in the game. Value, intelligence, eloquence, match popularity, two people leading their own mediation days in the process of solving several disputes tricks, the PK battle in the scene of intense feeling staged intensely... Facing Mao XueWang's fancy In the dark strokes, Lama leads apprentices to start hilarious fights, using their unique art of mediation to solve the problems one by one, and tit-for-tat and laughter-inflected people are greeted with laughter. At the same time, the old man who really serves the people also uses his wisdom. And sincerely warm everyone.


TheGolden Monk (Movie)[2017]

Feature: During the Southern Song Dynasty, monsters in Hangzhou City raging, people in distress. Xuan Guang Temple barrier monk (Zheng Kai ornaments) Down the mountain demon demons, encounters female down magic teacher Jing Jing (Zhang Yuqi ornaments). It turned out that the past two days of heavenly golden boy and girl, because of atrocities were devalued, so far has been reincarnation, but has failed to recognize each other. Unable to work with Jing Jing to eradicate the Tianshan Laogong, and met on the way to the exotic sword God Du GuWuBai (Evonne ornaments), three likeminded and become close friends. At this very moment, the enemy poison dragons that surrendered thousands of years ago came home again with the demon dragons, and the world is about to face a catastrophe hitherto unknown. Duron in the end brewing what kind of shaking conspiracy? Golden Tongyu girl can live together in this life? Exceptions of good and evil forces, the imminent war of demons and devils, justice can overcome evil?

The Chinese Widow (Movie)[2017]

Feature: After the Pearl Harbor incident, in order to boost morale, the United States then president ordered the bombing of Tokyo. After the mission was completed, Captain Jie Ke Turner and his team were forced to land in Zhejiang Province, China, due to depletion of fuel. Ying Zi (Liu Yifei) and her daughter inadvertently found unconscious Jie Ke (Emile Hirsch) in spite of the great danger of life, Ying Zi still did not give up the American in need of help. Although they do not speak the language, but this relationship is doomed to affect their lives.

摆渡人 (Movie)[2016]


酒吧老板 Chen Mo ( Tony Leung Chiu-wai 饰)和合伙人 Guan Chun ( Takeshi Kaneshiro 饰)就是这座城市的“金牌摆渡人”,他们平时看起来吊儿郎当,却从不对每位需要帮助的人说拒绝,只要你“预约摆渡”,刀山火海都会“使命必达”。邻居女孩 Xiao Yu (杨颖 饰)为了偶像 Ma Li ( Eason Chan 饰),预约了他们的服务,但在帮助 Xiao Yu 挑战整个城市的过程中, Chen Mo 和 Guan Chun 也逐渐发现了自己躲不过的问题。从欢天喜地的生活,到惊天动地的疯狂,摆渡人最辉煌的篇章,从这里开启。

The Chinese Widow (Movie)[2016]

Feature: After the Pearl Harbor incident, in order to boost morale, the United States then president ordered the bombing of Tokyo. After the mission was completed, Captain Jie Ke Turner and his team were forced to land in Zhejiang Province, China, due to depletion of fuel. Ying Zi and her daughter accidentally discovered unconscious Jie Ke, despite risking great lives, Ying Zi still did not give up the American in need of help. Although they do not speak the language, but this relationship is doomed to affect their lives.

MissionMilano (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Bao Ye (Andy Lau) and the robber Luoyang Hao (Xiaoming Huang ornaments) join forces to seize the "seeds of God" with the world's terrorist organizations. The so-called "God of Seeds" is a magical seed, no matter where it is lost, Only need a little water, you can quickly grow towering trees. The horror organization that fears that the world is not chaos actually got this magical "seed of God" and tried to change or even control the world. In order to safeguard world peace, Bao Ye and Jia Hao took the lead in saving the world with the help of A Meng (Wong Cho-lam ornaments) and Luo JiaXin (Ouyang Nana ornaments).

Number one ex-wife (TV)[2016]

Feature: Lin DuoYu, Ji Qin, Yan Ying are university classmates. They once had happiness separately. However, they were all in their thirties. Marriage was a problem because of their notions of life, children and values. Lin DuoYu and her ex-husband ignored the communication of affection, leaving them unfamiliar with their career. Ji Qin's ex-husband did not understand the relationship between widowed mother and wife, and she had a wife-in-law conflict at home. Yan Ying Child, her husband derailed, divorced, she and her ex-husband's feelings linger. Three "ex-wife" experienced the storm, but also achieved growth. For them, the most sad than the former wife of this identity, but it is this identity who made them. They tenaciously walked out of the predicament of ego denial brought by the failure of marriage and actively started a new life: Lin DuoYu regained her understanding with her elder husband and her elders; Yan Ying and her ex-husband were facing each other's unfulfilled feelings and working together Solve problems; Ji Qin also found the existence value as a career woman. Faced with the heavy blow of life, they recovered the happiness & nbsp ;.

Mi Yue Biography (TV)[2015]

Feature: Mi Yue Biography, posters During the Warring States Period, Mi Yue was the most beloved princess of the King of Chu Wei. However, his position as a king of Chu Wei had plummeted. His mother Xiang Shi was expelled from the palace by Chu WeiHou and returned to the palace after many years Life revenge, as a disaster and crisis. Mi Yue and Huang Gong childhood lover, sincerely in love, in order to run smoothly with Huang Xie, so volunteered as a princess Mi Shu's dowry married marry Qin State, on the way to the Qin Mi Mi, Mi Shu support each other, In the middle Chu State limousine was robbed by the armies led by Yi Di Wang Di Li on the way to Qin State. Huang Xie, who had to save Mi Yue, fell into disgrace and was discouraged by Mi Yue's death, Mi Shu into Qin Palace, Mi Shu became the queen of Qin, Mi Yue due to the fratriculation of Wei, his beleaguered brother Wei Ran kidnapped, had to help the Qin Wang become a pet concubine. The original sisterhood gradually split after Mi Yue gave birth to Ying Ji. Fight for the philosophers, Qin Ying Si Si regret died. Mi Yue and his son were sent to distant Yan country. Unexpectedly, Qin Wu Wang Ying Dang Ding Ding died, Qin chaos. Mi Yue went back to Qin State by virtue of his righteousness and drained the Qin civil strife. Mi Yue son Ying Ji as the king, known as the king of Qin Zhao Xiang. Mi Yue became the first Queen Mother in history, known as Qin Xuantai Hou & nbsp ;.

Cucumber (TV)[2015]

Feature: Ling Xiao, Tan Yue, Rao ShiKai, Ning Xue, Ning Yu et al. After graduating from college, they embarked on a path of struggle for their respective careers. When Ling Xiao met Wei Wei, Tan Yue met Chen QianQian and Rao ShiKai met Ning Yu, they started to get a new understanding of love and career. Under his father's firm opposition, Ling Xiao insists on working part-time and wants to make his own dream come true. Ling Xiao wealthy family background has become a stumbling block in his love when knocking on love. Ling Xiao introduced classmate Tan Yue to 4S shop, and Tan Yue cried on director Chen QianQian. And Chen QianQian wants Tan Yue to create opportunities for her to be with Ling Xiao. Ling Xiao's cousin Zhao ZhenNan has been a well-known head of the family business after returning from studying abroad, so he began to indulge himself. What surprises Zhao ZhenNan is that no matter how excellent his own condition, how rich his family life, and his experience of leaving the United States, he can not attract Wei Wei, an ordinary girl whom he thinks normal. Wei Wei and cousin Ling Xiao simple and simple love, let Zhao ZhenNan have a new understanding of love and understanding. Ultimately these young people have their own career, love and happiness.

Fireworks (TV)[2015]

Feature: Ling Xiao, Tan Yue, Rao ShiKai, Ning Xue, Ning Yu et al. After graduating from college, they embarked on a path of struggle for their respective careers. When Ling Xiao met Wei Wei, Tan Yue met Chen QianQian and Rao ShiKai met Ning Yu, they started to get a new understanding of love and career. Under his father's firm opposition, Ling Xiao insists on working part-time and wants to make his own dream come true. Ling Xiao wealthy family background has become a stumbling block in his love when knocking on love. Ling Xiao introduced classmate Tan Yue to 4S shop, and Tan Yue cried on director Chen QianQian. And Chen QianQian wants Tan Yue to create opportunities for her to be with Ling Xiao. Ling Xiao's cousin Zhao ZhenNan has been a well-known head of the family business after returning from studying abroad, so he began to indulge himself. What surprises Zhao ZhenNan is that no matter how excellent his own condition, how rich his family life, and his experience of leaving the United States, he can not attract Wei Wei, an ordinary girl whom he thinks normal. Wei Wei and cousin Ling Xiao simple and simple love, let Zhao ZhenNan have a new understanding of love and understanding. Ultimately these young people have their own career, love and happiness.

Fireworks (TV)[2015]

Feature: Ling Xiao, Tan Yue, Rao ShiKai, Ning Xue, Ning Yu et al. After graduating from college, they embarked on a path of struggle for their respective careers. When Ling Xiao met Wei Wei, Tan Yue met Chen QianQian and Rao ShiKai met Ning Yu, they started to get a new understanding of love and career. Under his father's firm opposition, Ling Xiao insists on working part-time and wants to make his own dream come true. Ling Xiao wealthy family background has become a stumbling block in his love when knocking on love. Ling Xiao introduced classmate Tan Yue to 4S shop, and Tan Yue cried on director Chen QianQian. And Chen QianQian wants Tan Yue to create opportunities for her to be with Ling Xiao. Ling Xiao's cousin Zhao ZhenNan has been a well-known head of the family business after returning from studying abroad, so he began to indulge himself. What surprises Zhao ZhenNan is that no matter how excellent his own condition, how rich his family life, and his experience of leaving the United States, he can not attract Wei Wei, an ordinary girl whom he thinks normal. Wei Wei and cousin Ling Xiao simple and simple love, let Zhao ZhenNan have a new understanding of love and understanding. Ultimately these young people have their own career, love and happiness.

Ying Huan Zhi Zhi (TV)[2015]

Feature: The biography of Ying Huan tells the story of Xu JiShe's compliance with the precepts of the ancestral home and his entry into career as Mu Zhang's recommendation as a merchant shipping dispute. Xu JiShe and Yanbolong of the same middle school handled the matter properly, avoiding a diplomatic conflict. Xu JiShe, a secret light art dealer, dealt with the problem of tax revenue and bad loans. He uniquely discerned the culprits and organized the merchants to jointly open the ticket numbers. Xu JiShe traveled to Guangxi Inspector Salt Squad and investigated the evidence to eliminate the salt troubles and opened the channel for maritime trade. Daoguang appreciated the wisdom of Xu JiShe, making it even ascending to three levels, as Fujian governor went to Fujian to deal with barbarians and non-smoking matters. His policy of strictly prohibiting opium denied the interests of the Murat Party, resulting in a relative struggle between the pinnacles. In dealing with the busy administration, Huang Yao Xuan influenced the book to discuss the Western countries and a touching love story took place. Daoguang collapse, Xianfeng ascended the throne, Xu JiShe was removed due to conspiracy to field. In his later years, Xu JiShe and Yan Bolong opened schools to train their descendants.

Daughters nanny (Movie)[2014]

Feature: IT otter Jiang MinLiang His new "nightmare" began when his new boss, his childhood playmate Xue Jiabao, appeared. Xue Garbo has the goddess's face, the devil's heart, wherever he went, numerous casualties. The "Goddess God" summoned him to the company's first day, the content turned out to be - forced marriage. Even if Jiang MinLiang could not resist her, she could not agree with Garbo's seventy-two forced marriages and finally reached a contractual marriage. The male version of "Cinderella" happy life has not yet begun, but the bride and groom in the bridal chamber of mysterious missing. In chaos, he became Acting Chairman, involved in the company's various power struggles. Sensitive while struggling to find the missing bride, while on various concerted plans to recruit demons. On the other hand, in the handsome little express delivery company An Kang, his "old enemy" Garbo fell from the sky to the barbarian little nanny Garfield in their hometown, and they gradually began to feel good at Garbo and An Kang's acquaintances . However, Min-liang also met a small nanny Garfield, Minnesota found himself falling in love with Garbo-like Garfield, while looking for missing wife Garbo clues gradually clear.

ShenZhenHeZuJi (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Song Xiaolei (Luo Zhixiang ornaments) came to the metropolis after graduation struggle, three years without success, still on the same day because of the company lost his job, his girlfriend was taken away by the high rich handsome. Song Xiaolei had to call his best buddies, desperation can only defected to the situation is not better than where he died Huaqiang (Ao dog ornaments), and Huaqiang is also a mistake.

Clear net action (Movie)[2014]

Feature: In order to strengthen team building, Liaodong Public Security Bureau has set up a "clean government office" led by the supervision department and has gathered elites from various departments including criminal investigation, supervision and investigation and technical investigation. Feng Hongtao is the protagonist criminal investigation detachment captain. He is rigorous in work, careful in thinking, and has extraordinary investigative skills. In this "net action" he cast.

Shenzhen sharing record (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Shenzhen Sharing Letters" tells the story of Reeling Song XiaoLei came to the metropolis after graduation. After three years of success, she lost her job on the same day because her company collapsed. Her girlfriend was taken away by Gao Fu-shuai. Song XiaoLei had to call his own buddy, desperation can only defected to the situation is not better than where he's best friend Huaqiang, and Huaqiang is also a mistake for Song XiaoLei found what he considered a paradise on earth , One-and-three-room apartment for single and single women. Outsiders seem to be the land of immortal paradise, but really live in to know where the gods, simply miserable than hell, living here three sister paper of different personalities: "Royal sister" fox body demon, indifferent arrogance; "Royal Female" Bai JingJing Knife mouth tofu heart; "Lolita" the United States is to hide the white Fu Mei, life more naive ideal. Of course, all this is not a matter for the male leader, just in the apartment when it is not very simple, we all have their own habits, but fortunately Song XiaoLei this undead Xiaoqiang, through their diligence and enthusiasm to win The acceptance and adoration of three goddesses. Song XiaoLei quickly got a job and fell in love with the "fox," but "fox" was the pursuit of successful person Ren Yuan. However, because of her dependence on Song XiaoLei, Song XiaoLei just used her as her sister, Girlfriend Lin XiaoRan and rich second generation George together, and not very happy, and the time can not forget the feelings of Song XiaoLei.

OnceUponATimeInShanghai (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Ma YongZhen, who has been practicing kung fu since childhood, came to live in Shanghai on the shores of the Yangtze River. Here, he met the rise of the rise of the new Long Beach Beach (Shanghai), the two dreaming young people at a loss, after suffering into brothers and sisters. From then on, the two brothers worked hard to break the enemy countlessly, in one fell swoop to the largest gang at the time - step on foot, Megatron on the beach. In the meantime, Ma YongZhen also got the help of the retired kung fu master Tie ZhangMen (), to jointly fight the enemy. Ax help and its behind-the-scenes forces are not willing to fail, for Ma YongZhen and Long Qi has been emboldened, the idea tries to eradicate them. Long Qi was sacked by the killer and his life was in jeopardy. Ma YongZhen decided to embark on the road with his own eyes watching the loss of his brother.

Bachelorslove (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Yao BuTong (Chen Hao) 's tragedy of childhood experiences clouded the lingering shadow, because this shadow, even if they have grown up, Yao BuTong still can not naturally face the opposite sex, his emotional life and therefore It is still a blank. By chance, Yao BuTong rubbed her shoulders with a girl named Xin XiaoRan (Zhi Zhou), and it was a hurry to see Yao BuTong fall in love. Ka XiaoRou (Jill Hsu) hopes Yao BuTong's experience will be made into a movie, giving Yao BuTong a chance to show his heart to Xin XiaoRan. Yao BuTong's gentle and thoughtful Xin XiaoRan moved, so they come together. However, Yao BuTong was shocked that Xin XiaoRan was inextricably linked to his childhood shadow, meanwhile, Xin XiaoRan also broke up with Yao BuTong because of his family's misfortune.

MarryingMrPrefect (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Ye XinRong, a nearly thirty-year-old Beijing girl, wants to find the other half she really loves, but it often fails. Hong Kong tycoon Gu XuRen doing ruthless business, romantic but also want to meet really like their girl. Gu XuRen Acquired Ye XinRong due to acquisition company in Beijing, during the interaction, the two people gradually have a good impression on each other, Gu XuRen eventually found her true love was Ye XinRong, then painful change, go right and Ye XinRong Finished Ye XinRong was abandoned by her boyfriend who has been in love for seven years. Suddenly, she turned her into a remarried daughter until she became married. She was hopelessly married but she mistakenly hit her boss driver Gu XuRen. She did not know that Gu XuRen turned out to be a fake replacement Hong Kong boss, because of too many enemies, forced and Guan Guan Ren identity exchange. Faded away the aura of broad master, has not been true love Gu XuRen found in Rong Rong who feel, but also because of exchange of identities, Guan Ren Rong Rong know girlfriends Nikki, at first sight, Nikki worried about her office boss sexual harassment, Everywhere preparedness, making a lot of jokes. Gu XuRen and Rong Rong gradually fell in love helping Guan Ren pursue Nikki. Gu XuRen unofficially promotes Rongrong to go to Hong Kong to be top. Rong Rong experienced a fantastic journey, private aircraft, luxury cars, watches, designer costume jewelry, social communication, everything makes Rong Rong feel untrue. When Gu XuRen got the courage to show his true identity to RongRong and expressed his affectionate confession, he let RongRong feel him a lie and rejected him, but Gu XuRen, who decided to wash his face at this time, was no longer willing to let go. Although Rong Rong has been around, he still abide by RongRong and his love agreement.

zhihun (TV)[2012]

Feature: After the 1980s, "urban girl" Gu XiaoYing was "courageous" and married Guan Tong, an officer of the "Fenghuang Male" (a poor but higher social status male). After the marriage, Gu XiaoYing found that both the living habits of rural in-laws and ways of thinking, the hobby of Guan Tong as a government official, the shooting habits, and even the attitude towards career and family relations have all emerged The more differences. Get used to the sweet love of two people, began a difficult run-in period. Guan Tong went to different places to exercise, Gu XiaoYing's ex-boyfriend appeared from time to time, the two married lives are faced with multiple tests. Again and again quarrel and reconciliation, the two gradually understand that guarding a harmonious family life, the need is a lifetime endeavor. This after 80 couples in the "paper marriage" period began to learn to treat happiness, cherish the love.

LostInPanicCruise (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Liu FeiYun, a mystery novelist, was invited to attend the luxurious honeymoon cruise by friend Dong Lei and met the sweet bride Su JingJing on the boat and her beautiful and charming three colleagues, Xiao Yang, ), Sexy Zhu Di (play), elegant Han FeiFei (play), a full of ambiguous sexy journey started. During the day, the cruise ship, sexy beauty, wine, blue sea, white clouds, like a paradise far away from Paradise; night masquerade, ambiguous flirting play, carnival all night long. However, under the magnificent paper gourd, but underminded the dark conspiracy. No one expected that this night's Merry would be the last carnival. At midnight, a corpse was found on the deck. Soon after, another beautiful girl died in a secret chamber. Darkness away from the coast of the sea, such as "" general cruise ship with waves, people panic, who do not know this carrying joy and murder of the cruise ship can still dock safely. And Liu FeiYun in all sorts of strange things, clues, looking for clues, even dig out a surprising truth over the years pending.

WindSong (TV)[2011]

Feature: "Wind Sect" starring role modeling Liu Bang became the emperor, the northern Huns continue to harass a strong, according to the Lingnan Zhao Zhao from the self-control to the establishment of the South Vietnam country. However, most of Liu Bang's suspicions are the eight surnames Wang, headed by Han Xin, half of the Western Han Dynasty. As a result, he took office at the beginning of sending Lu Jia to South Vietnam to appease Zhao Xun. Following the Royal Expedition, the Northern Expedition did not expect the defeat of the Northern War and was beaten by the Duke of Mount Duin for seven days and nights. Policy and the Huns concluded "brotherhood." Beginning of the border smooth, he waved inward again, Jianfeng directed at Gong Xin Han Xin. He Han Xin Xiang Xiang Yu harboring generals to leave the premise, the first soft-shelved Changan, after Lu design cut. Following Seoul, cut Ying Bu, chop Peng Vietnam. Except for Wu Rui, who lives in Changsha, he has seven of the eight surnames Wang. Later, Liu Bang sealed his six nephews as the king and completely established the Liu surname dynasty. During this visit, Liu Heng, a son of Bo Ji who had been left out by Liu Bang, was also a generational king at the age of six. Liu Heng, who is naturally good and who believes in Huang Lao's doctrine, has always been cautious, courteous, and concessionist as a standard practitioner. You NianLiuHeng, on the one hand, During the generational Wang's career, with the help of his mother and uncle Bao Zhao, they solidly promoted the policy of governing the country by frivolously superfluously, rejuvenating agriculture, developing population and rest with the people, thus accumulating abundant experience for the subsequent management of the Han . After the death of Liu Bang, Lu Ying and Liu Bang, born by Liu Bang, succeeded Han Ying-hui. The political spicy, resolute and resolute Lv pheasants, who had been spooked with hysteria in the early years, were wimpy and tyrannical, killing them with cruel means until they forced the emperor to marry his in-laws Zhang Yan Afterwards, on the other hand, Liu Bang and his people took a break with the policy of running the country and prospered the economy. Hui Di unhappy, died after seven years in power. Lv empowerment more inflated, while Liu Lu marriage by eating Liu power, while a large seal Lu clan, solid Liu Lu world. After Lu's death, the surnamed Wang and the military veteran were unbearable, and there was another bloody war of "punishing Lu," another war of kings against the emperor. At this moment, the decision-making power has been held in the hands of Zhou Bo, Chen Ping and Guan Ying, ministers of the DPRK and Central China. It is the stability of Liu's country and the interests of their military elders. They selected the politically moderate experience of governing the border kingdoms Liu Heng for the emperor. Liu Heng was in the inner trouble (dissatisfaction with the same surname Wang) and the foreign plague (the attack by the Huns and the independence of South Vietnam). In order to consolidate the whole world, he relied on the powerful military and veteran. For this reason, he would rather sacrifice his relative uncle Bao Zhao. On the other hand, he comforted the surnamed Wang with brotherhood and kindheartedness. However, with the surname Wang refused to accept the first, the desire to be the first to punish the largest and most ambitious Lu Zhang Liu Wen, emperor to rewards him as a reward for the city of Wang Yang, he said Liu Heng sinister cunning, is to ask him and his brother Liu Xiang And his six sons to disperse their powers. At last he did not hesitate to raise troops and seek rebellion. Liu Heng was unbearable and eventually the army was besieged. Liu Zhang himself was fugitive; Wang Wenhua, governor of Huainan, rebuffed again and again because of his arrogance and domineering, In disregard, grass-roots life, deliberate rebellion, and was sent to go on hunger strike in Sichuan;When the kings and sons of Liu Qi, Liu Wang, the younger brother and the prince, were killed by Liu Qi, they were not killed in 30 years. The Emperor Wen always comforted and softened his heart with no complicated contradictions and struggles Ups and downs, showing Liu Heng succession at the beginning of the difficult. At the same time, since the emperor himself took the throne, he started a series of policies of reforming the state and governing the country. Naturally, he can not but relied on military and veteran officials. However, he deeply felt that they had formed a huge interest group. They were proud of themselves and enjoyed pleasure. Doo rich, comparisons, palace, than the cemetery, car ride. They gather in Chang'an, the extravagance of the wind onwards. In order to reform the old Ding, the emperor advocate the recommended talent, young Confucian students such as Jia Yi, Chao Cuo, he boldly enabled; which is not only where the royal family as the Queen's brother Changjun, Shaojun, he did not give half Official post. This naturally enjoys popular support. However, the measures that Jia Yi advocates for the reduction of privileges by bureaucratic groups, the relocation of fiefs, the extravagant style of the monarchy violate the vested interests of the veterans, and therefore the monarchy also has to compromise Jia Yi transferred out of the capital and first served as the leader of Changsha Taifu, then as the leader of Liang Taifu. Later, due to the sudden death of Liang Wang, Jia Yi became depressed and left the world at the age of 32; in order to develop agriculture, he pioneered the development of agriculture field. Henan Naohuang disaster, he publicly praised the locust hero Lingshi County Order Chen Xian; a few years later, Lingshi County was another drought, Chen Xian will only leave the grain for the elderly and the elderly, the rate of young farmers to go Wu Zhao flee to work for dinner, because of dissatisfaction with the package and complacent Bao Bao took the opportunity to exploit the famine in Lingshi County, overhaul in his hometown, Chen Xian angrily play the newspaper Emperor, the emperor in recognition of Chen Xian's disaster relief innovation, one side to send People rebuked Bao Zhao, Bao Zhao, killing Chen Xian, Emperor Wen Zhenzhao, had to give up tears. In order to flourish commerce and promote trade, he issued a lawsuit; in order to demonstrate human rights, let the offender also Can be changed, he ordered the waste meat punishment, resulting in the composition of the Ti Ying on behalf of the father told the Imperial Court, the famous doctor Chun wishful to rehabilitate the famous drama. On the frontier, he sent two other factions to Lu Jia, who conscientiously enrolled Zhao Zhaoxian; on the Huns, he practiced the strategy of stationing garrisons, strengthening the border by solidifying the border and keeping the country strong. When the Huns were too rampant, he had held a large-scale pro-levy drive, causing the Huns to retreat for thousands of miles. In the last battle, Zhang Wu was determined and determined to act razor-sharply so that the Huns broke down and entered the city. The Emperor Wen steadfastly won the command and executed Zhou YaFu and Li Guang, finally exiting the Huns for a thousand miles. At this time, Emperor Wen due to heart failure, died young, only 46 years old. In the occasion of dying, he repeatedly asked him to make a funeral by changing the three years of Shouxiao to three days. So far, his grave is still the youngest of the Han tombs in the Western Han Dynasty. There are only pottery in his tomb, no gold, He took the initiative to open a pioneering diligence and love people.

Antecedent Trial (Movie)[2010]

Feature: Police officer Ma GeFei is quite talented in the pre-trial, but his wife, Shao Jing, always stays strong at home because of business and financial conditions, and the two are often in the cold war. On the 1st, they encountered young police officer Li Xiaoyang. However, Li Xiaoyang died in an accidental gunfire in the subsequent gambling operation. Ma GeFei secretly resolved to bring the murderer to justice and justice. Five years later, Ma GeFei has been overconfident, but his business has made little progress. On the contrary, Shao Jing's business is getting bigger and bigger. The concept and life of the two seem to be alien to each other. At this point, Li Xiaoyang's case finally came up with clues - Ma GeFei found a string of wind chimes that were lost along with Li Xiaoyang in his home during an arrest of Wang Mingli, a criminal suspect of the small-scale economic case. In the subsequent investigation, Ma GeFei and the suspect's wife Jia Ying had the admiration, and he was led to suspect the motive of the investigation of the case. Just as the clues of the case were not yet clear, Wang Mingli's attempt to commit suicide in a detention center turned the case into the focus of the investigation. After some interrogation and investigation, Ma GeFei and the suspects wiped their wits and finally dug up the murderer who killed Li Xiaoyang. However, the fact that a Ma GeFei could not believe also surfaced at the same time.

Ugly invincible third season (TV)[2009]

Feature: Tip left the concept, An Rui made the concept of president, and Tang YaJun died, want to get genius in their own hands, Anne left in the concept to help Anrui, in the treatment of some corporate issues always peace Rui runs counterreinantly, the family can not stand the decision of An Rui decided to leave, Xian Qian retain, others in the concept is pathetic, a bit miss the management of tip. Tips to realize that they should rise, should not always rely on the help of others, so he wanted to start their own business, ready to truly compete with An Rui, but sometimes inevitably a little depressed, so when you go to the bar to drink To invincibility, he was surprised. Invincible him to resume the pursuit of his invincible confession, said his love for her, but Invincible does not accept, and pulled Lei Jiong next to be his boyfriend, called the tip do not think about myself. Invincible injured, proposed to break up with Lei Jiong, Lei Jiong explained, invincible tell the truth, even if Lei Jiong did not cheat himself, and he also broke up with him, because he never liked Lei Jiong, she has been like people Are tips, Lei Jiong decided to let go invincible, and decided to help live invincible to get true love. Wu Yong was evacuated because of the loss of the concept shares. The Ugly Club people were very sympathetic, but they did not dare say anything. However, Shatha and others said to Wu Yong that they would do their best if they could help in the future. Pei Na was often late for being laid off by Anritsu. Wu Yong took her as a poor and collected her as a secretary. Pei Na was touched and decided to wash her head and work hard with Wu Yong. Invincible this time encountered later Lei Jiong, Lei Jiong is a rich son, brother, but do not want to inherit his father's legacy want their own hard work, so he went to the bar as a bartender, you want to make ends meet Lei Jiong at the bar Met Fei DeNan hurt invincible, invincible exchanges and invincible invincible character, like Invincible, began a fierce attack, but the invincible love is still Fei DeNan, but by Fei DeNan Broken heart, the pursuit of others have lost their confidence. Lei Jiong knew it was pity after invincible encounter, he decided to change the invincible, vowed to let everyone see Invincible are so surprised, so he invincible to the image stylist there to change her, Invincible in his change under a new look , Became very beautiful, she is also very grateful to Lei Jiong. Ms. Ahn still did not give up on Fei DeNan and wanted to save Fei DeNan's love and promised that Fei DeNan would help regain the company as long as Fei DeNan was with her but Fei DeNan's love was still invincible and he did not agree Anne's request. Fei DeNan realized he should rise, should not always rely on the help of others, so he wants to start their own business, ready to really compete with An Rui, but sometimes inevitably a bit depressed, so when going to the bar to drink Invincible, he was taken aback, he invincible re-started the pursuit, he invincible confession, said his love for her, but Invincible does not accept, and pulled next to Lei Jiong said his boyfriend, called Fei DeNan stop thinking about yourself again.Fei DeNan was wounded, drunk, intoxicated, invincible help called An Qian's cell phone, let her come to Fei DeNan, Annie rushed to the scene, only to see Fei DeNan called invincible name lying on the table, Fury away, then the bar people called Wu Yong again, Wu Yong hurriedly took Fei DeNan. And at this moment Lei Jiong was very happy. He thought that Invincible really liked him, and invincible at this moment Fei DeNan, still worried and intoxicated, was in pain because she obviously still loves Fei DeNan. Invincible In order to be able to forget Fei DeNan, I would like to reciprocate promised to deal with Lei Jiong, to do Lei Jiong's girlfriend, and Lei Jiong introduced to their father and mother, Lin Lin Mom very happy. Once the invincible computer was broken, the runner-up was absent. Therefore, Lei Jiong helped invincibly repair the computer and saw the invincible log. He saw the invincible feeling of Fei DeNan, and his heart was very tangled. Lei Jiong's father in order to allow his son to come back to inherit the cause, and know Invincible and his son, sent a secret investigation Invincible, knowing all before Invincible, he found invincible, invincible Lei Jiong identity, and advise invincible Leaving Lei Jiong, because the invincible identity is not worth Lei Jiong, and invincible, Lei Jiong will not like her, he is just for the family's interests to overthrow the day material deliberately seduce invincible. Invincible injured, proposed to break up with Lei Jiong, Lei Jiong explained, invincible truths, even if Lei Jiong did not cheat himself, and he also broke up with him because he had never liked Lei Jiong, she has been like people Are Fei DeNan, Lei Jiong decided to let go invincible, and decided to help invincible to get true love. Fei DeNan and Wu Yong decided to re-establish a new company. They needed manpower and money, so Wu Yong found him invincible, hoping Sky would lend him money, and told all of the ins and outs of Fei DeNan's invincibility, And tell invincible, Fei DeNan is really in love with her, invincible to see forgive Fei DeNan in their own face.

MingYunHuJiaoZhuanYi (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Chen DongShiZhang, Dr. Sun, and Zhang DaTou belong to different life coordinates, each with his own heart. Once in the airport, they mistakenly took the other cell phone and the subsequent stories became confusing. Chen DongShiZhang, who took the wrong cellphone, into a private club where Dr. Sun secretly gave a patient psychological treatment did not realize that this patient was the wife who had suffered and suffered from his affair. In an instant, his marriage crisis was presented. Sun DaFu, a psychiatrist, was inexplicably brought into the black nest of the fake drug group. It was mistaken for his accomplice Zhang DaTou, Ji Sze Chih-chung and wanted criminals, and notified Jing Cha using the mobile wireless positioning system. Take the wrong handset Zhang DaTou, Chen DongShiZhang tryst into the netizen's high-level hotel, enjoy a Yan Fu, just want to enjoy the bulk of the time, peach blossom has become a peach robbery. What is the fate of the three individuals, who will ultimately rescue them? Yue Wei is in love with Ning Can, who wrote her song in Ning Can with her feelings, and Ning Can disappeared on the concert day. Ning Can was found suffering from cancer, will soon be dead, she did not want Yue Wei to see her painful side so I chose to leave forever. The struggling Yue Wei pain, sink, completely lost the desire to create, drinking day by day. Until one day, an identical girl appears with Ning Can, the girl rescues him as a mysterious SMS message. Who is she? Lao San likes the village girl, in order to guard her, looked at her, has not go to the city to work, all day wear aunt to give him a matchmaking media, the whole village regarded as a spoiled child. One day, when the painter came and left, he left a cell phone for Lao San. At first, Lao San used the mobile phone as a showcase of capital. Later, the small mobile phone really did a great job ... Lao San's fate was dragged by the mobile phone. Many changes took place. Love, life, the fate of the whole village suddenly And cell phone linked together. Teng ShaoYan is a liars profiteers profane, deceive customers, deceive friends, but also the elderly father and gentle wife as the object of deception. When he was short of money, he was swindled from others; he and his lover rendezvous, deceived his wife went to Japan; he also sent his own buddy to seduce his wife, hoping to add some stains to his wife, so that he can feel at ease in an unexpected mountain Difficult, he is on the brink of life and death, when he called for help, he knew how hurt their loved ones, because no one has believed him, and he is going to die ... ...

The marriage of both of us (TV)[2007]

Feature: Beginning of the new century, a big city in the north. The two of us got acquainted with a new cellphone dropped below the theater seat. Nearly thirty museum researchers, Qin Yan, graduated for many years without being married. Xia XiaoNing, who works on television, is in a weary period in love with long-distance running. His cell phone seems to imply a certain kind of life mystery to both. In excitement and anxiety, They quickly approached, love suddenly and seems to be reasonable. Like the vast majority of love, this love in order to achieve good things, must enter the city of marriage. On the eve of her wedding, Qin Yan learned that there was another man in Xia XiaoNing's mind. A family conflict in the Qin family also let Xia XiaoNing first understand the unusual majesty and weight of Qin Yan's mother before her children. The storm thus ensued from all directions and parallel staggered: between husband and wife, mother and daughter, husband and wife and two loved ones, between husband and wife, between life and career. Two people's character, accomplishment, heart and mind, two people are not aware of the nature of the two people inadvertently hidden in the soul of the self, numerous "events" after the marriage, showing also exposed, At the same time accept the consideration, questioning and temper ... ... "I did not intend to live with your mother for a long time!" Intelligent sensible and independent modern woman Xia XiaoNing completely unaware that her sentence even brutally opened two People in the initial stages of marriage prelude to family conflict, and Qin Yan placed in the mother and child love and the love of the couple can not be the pain of suffering from the drama. Conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law This ancient mystery hidden in the thousands of families in the whole society makes Qin Yan, who lacks adequate psychological preparation for her own role in marriage, left Benben right between her mother and her wife, and experiences time and again from emotion to soul Purgatory. In her marital life, Xia XiaoNing has several pregnancies, several miscarriages, and the unfortunate death of her new life, making Xia XiaoNing deeply in the dilemma of career and family. Unconsciously, from the temperament to the values, both Qin Yan and Xia XiaoNing are undergoing changes, and the relations between the two people also have subtle and definite changes. At this time, the birth of Qin Yan's nephew stirred up a profound clash in Qin's blood. In the end, the birth of a life created a miracle that everyone was stunned. In the face of the miracle of life, inspired by the closer affinity of blood, the love of nature, Xia XiaoNing and Qin Yan are rekindled. Together, they both sowed the seeds of their dreams in the stream of life into the heart of the Qin family, Qin Yan's nephew. Xia XiaoNing is finally more and more eager to be a mother. In the marriage between Xia XiaoNing and Qin Yan, Hu Xiao, an old friend of Xia XiaoNing, has always played the role of a witness and arbiter. Xia XiaoNing also needs a close friend to share the gully of his life. After an emotional accident, Xia XiaoNing had to reexamine the position and weight of friendship in marriage as well as the quality of marriage itself and the mutual loyalty of husband and wife. At the same time, Xia XiaoNing and Qin Yan suddenly found that the romance and passion that had ignited when they first fell in love had already disappeared. The same tenderness and same speech gave the two their own taste and feelings, and more Disregard, intentional or unintentional injuries, and endless suspicion. The two marriages inevitably get into trouble.No matter which side, any attempt to improve the relationship leads to counterproductive effects, an invisible force secretly promote the two farther and farther. Finally, no one thought, a trivial life lit ignited the two men in the history of the largest outbreak, under the wrath of the two at the same time that did not want to face the reality that has not dared to face the word "divorce" No drama needed to kill the photo by his or her say, "Our marriage" seems to come to an end. Incredibly, the sudden and clear idea of ​​divorce suddenly cooled Qin Yan and Xia XiaoNing. It was only then that they found out that although their heart was already scarred and thwarted by their desire to freedom, although the dawn of hope had not yet been revealed, In fact, two people who can not do without whom, husband and wife love afflictions inextricably linked, not a divorce can be cut across the knife! As a result, Xiao XiaoNing and Qin Yan finally regained their seat together and cleansed love, marriage, husband and wife, mother-in-law, bloodline and friendship with the unprecedented sincerity. The most essential content of these lives is in another dimension Pick up the feelings of a couple, willing to work hard again for a common marriage, do insist once again. At this time, the nephew of Qin Yan urgently needed kidney replacement due to uremia. As a result of the matching, Xia XiaoNing and Qin Yan were put in a dilemma. Among all the relatives, only Qin Yan was the only candidate who met the kidney-kidney matching requirement. Xia XiaoNing know Qin Yan donate kidney to their fatal impact on the little life, more aware of their own powerlessness nor the right to stop Qin Yan this time to pay. She quietly donated kidney to Qin Yan doing all kinds of preparations, quietly chewing life bring yourself bitter sweet and sour. Maybe there is a natural eye. Just before Qin Yan donated his kidney, Xia XiaoNing accidentally learned that he was pregnant. As the wife of Qin Yan, as the future mother, she immediately realized that Qin Yan's mother had had a picture of her children for years Painstakingly, unconscious guilt suddenly poured out, remorse and repentance - all of this, into silent tears, she could hardly help to Qin Yan embrace. With warmth and tranquility, the whole family enlightened a new life to come upon earth.

Step brothers (TV)[2006]

Feature: The summer of 1962, the stormy night. Sun five couples have passed away. Miners Chen ZhongShi will be friends Sun Lao five under the age of orphans Bao Bao home. By coincidence, Wang GuiLan, Chen Zhong Shi's wife, gave birth to one night. Chen Zhong Shih renamed Dabao Chen TianYu and named his biological son Chen TianLei. Guillan fear outsiders say they are eccentric, more love to the mother of Tian Yu. Young Tian Lei jealous brother, Guillen is even more strongly against. At the age of seven, the brothers Chen ZhongShi retained Ma WeiWei, the daughter of the right horse and the couple Liu Yun and his wife. In 1976, Shu Ying was severely wounded. Yu Long, Yu Feng, a pair of children entrusted to Guilin. In 1980, on the eve of the college entrance examination, Chen Zhong Shi died in order to save the twelve miners. Tian Lei has been doubting his mother asked about the inside story after deliberately failing to work for Tian Yu to go to college. In 1984, Tian Yu graduated as a reporter for a television station. Tian Lei, Yu Long contracted a restaurant. Ma WeiWei became a "non-brother" drama doctor. At this point, four young people love sinus have fun. Yu Feng loves Tian Yu, Tian Yu loves Ma WeiWei, and Ma WeiWei loves Tian Lei. But life is always bad and wrong. The night before the wedding, Tian Lei drink to worry about. Clashed with Hua XiaoJun, the son of Hua DaJun, a famous waiter at a game show, and killed a small army. Yu Long to save Tian Lei, the hotel was cheated; Tian Lei was sentenced to death in the first instance; Guilin suffering from cerebral hemorrhage, life is dying, Xu San will hide the truth for more than 20 years told Tian Yu. Tian Yu learns that he orphaned in life, determined to repay all loved ones with life. During the rescue of Tian Lei, Tian Yu touched Hua DaJun with her true feelings. The storm of life made Yu Feng know the true meaning of love, and she volunteered to divorce Tian Lei. Ma WeiWei and Tian Lei love each other. Tian Yu also expressed love to Yu Feng. In 1987, Tian Lei suddenly vomit blood and was admitted to the hospital. Because Tian Lei wrestled with jailbreak criminals before being released from prison, he was wounded by the chest. Other hospitals checked Tian Lei liver damage, he has been dying. Tian Yu immediately decided to change the liver Tian Lei, save brother's life. After ten hours of operation, the operation succeeded. This pair of non-brothers finally flesh and blood. A year later, the unfinished weddings of Tian Yu and Tian Lei were held in Hua DaJun's restaurant. Tian Yu and Tian Lei, both brothers, enjoyed the miracle of life and the bright future of happiness.

Home and everything is pleased to look up (TV)[2006]

Feature: This year's "Home and Everything Hing" We are talking about a wedding company story. Is the story carrying the "feeling of happiness, sweet taste, exciting experience, festive atmosphere"? - Please wait. "Lookup happy" in the plot design is determined by our several scrutiny, using a layer of promotion, suspense cluster phenomenon. So in the end there are a few suspense? How many weddings? How many couples? The ending of the final story explains what is the taste of happiness? - Please wait. New Year's film is the best summary of the past year. Lunar New Year TV shows this form of entertainment there for ten years, this year has done a summing up the extreme, so plot settings which into the most typical examples of 2006? How much craze? How many of the most influential movies, activities, buzzwords? - Or please wait and see. We are going to say that the design of the actor who is "looking up" should be described as "tailor-made" to be the most accurate. Fortunately, we have chosen the most suitable performer to cook our 2007 with such "raw materials" New Year feast is the blessing of the audience, but also our blessing. Appropriate actors to perform their own suitable performance characteristics of the role, will undoubtedly add a lot of drama. Liang Guanghua's Cheng Jidong, because Zhang Da-min's deep penetration of this role, has brought us a lot of fixed audience. 2006 The most popular Huang Shengyi and Yang Zi to join, so that a couple in life in the film and television works to become a couple. Ni Hongjie, one of the female lead actors of the most popular TV sitcom "Wulin Gaiden" in 2006, has become the most beautiful landscape in this series. Liu Hua made wonderful performances in the most spectacular film "Crazy Stone" in 2006, making Become a lot of people after a gossip topic, in addition to Guo Da, Ying Zhu and other traditional comedy star join, so that the drama really become a galaxy of galaxy! With so many "enigmas", with so many "most" and so many "hi", the rest depends on how our screenplay tells the story of "happiness." The only thing the audience has to do is, in the 2007 Spring Festival - "you're on the right bar"!

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