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Junjie Qin TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Junjie Qin Works 19 ,And Costume Drama 9 ,Romance 6 ,Martial Arts 3 ,Historical play 3 ,Fantasy 3 ,Suspense 2 ,Adventure 2 ,Thriller 2 ,Feature 2 ,Criminal investigation 1 ,缉毒1 ,Action 1 ,Comedy 1 ,大型青春古装武侠剧1 ,Xian xia 1 ,Fantasy film 1 ,Palace 1 ,Settle a lawsuit 1 ,legend 1 ,Spy war 1 ,War legend 1 。

Works Index

Junjie Qin Filmography(19)


天衣无缝 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《天衣无缝》又名《猎谍者》剧情介绍:讲述了1931年春天,中共中央在上海、广东大浦、哈尔滨等城市建立了红色交通站,交通站直属中央交通局。红色特工“烟缸”与“青瓷”一组人马试图在西欧建立一条地下新航线,建立秘密仓库,护送中共中央重要物资及护送地下党重要情报人员抵达目的地。“巴黎”临时红色交通站遭到叛徒出卖,“烟缸” Gui Wan 牺牲,小组成员一一被设计清换。 Gui Wan 同父异母的弟弟 Zi LiPing 精心策划了一个复仇大计,设局引其兄 Gui Yi 入局,借 Gui Yi 之力破解谜团,真正的“叛谍”浮出水面,兄弟同心铲除叛徒,重建红色交通站。生死迷局一旦揭晓,石破天惊 。

听雪楼 (TV)[2019]



拜月教荼毒众生、为祸江湖, Wu Lin 三大高手 Bai Di 、 Xue Gu 、血魔携手听雪楼楼主 Xiao ShiShui 对战拜月。拜月教主 Hua Lian 与大祭司联手,用圣物护花铃,侵入血魔心神,令其杀妻自刎。血魔女儿 Shu JingRong 被 Bai Di 收入门下,与师兄青岚青羽、 Xue Gu 爱徒 Xiao ShiShui 之子 Xiao YiQing 一起长大。师兄青岚和师父 Bai Di 的相继离世,令 Shu JingRong 发现自己是不详之身的预言,自责不已。 Shu JingRong 拿走父亲血魔留下的血薇剑加入听雪楼,与少楼主 Xiao YiQing 携手剿灭霹雳堂,对抗不断作恶的拜月楼,维护百姓平安。拜月教护法 Gu Guang 被策反,帮助 Xiao YiQing 解开 Xiao ShiShui 留下的无字之书,获知当年父母死因的 Xiao YiQing ,立誓要为父母报仇。 Xiao YiQing 和 Shu JingRong 联手,铲除了拜月教,还世人以太平江湖。萧舒二人终不离不弃,生死相许。

善始善终 (TV)[2019]

Feature: 卧底 Luo Fei ,是在 Fang Han 从小失去父母双亲之后,处处呵护、帮助、启发他的青梅竹马女友、优秀的党员特警尖子。 Fang Han 因卧底女友牺牲,得到一个只有自己能看懂的密码,并接受了缉毒组长 Han ChuDong 的任务。随后,在组织上的严密安排之下, Fang Han 化名方末开始混入以 Gu Tao 为首的当地最大的贩毒团伙中,并以他表面的天真莽撞,敢冲在最前面替毒枭挨刀档枪等行为,渐渐获得了 Gu Tao 的信任。他和目标毒贩 Gu Tao 还有 Qi Xia 共同经历了种种危险直到接触到了贩毒组织的核心。

Summer's Desire (TV)[2018]

Feature: Summer's Desire episode:Yin XiaMo (Zhang Xueying), who had lost her parents since childhood, has her acting dream, but she also shoulders the responsibility of treating her brother. She signed an acting company to become an intern, and later in the newcomer selection contest, overcame the public can not sing obstacles, get the runner-up, get a record of the opportunity. The success of her work has helped her win the Newcomer of the Year award, making her a head start in the industry. Xia Mo's acting talent was discovered by a game company founder, Ou Chen (Qin Junjie), so the company's first film and television actress invited Xia Mo to act as a heroine. Xia Mo with superb acting and good reputation has been a great success, and in fierce competition in the market, Ou Chen companies have encountered operational difficulties. On the brink of bankruptcy, Xia Mo sticks to the beginning, and Ou Chen together to weather the storm, the ultimate achievements of both the cause, but also the harvest of a happy love.

Changan (TV)[2017]

Feature: The end of Sui and Tang Dynasties, & nbsp; Chinese history has experienced a period of turbulent fighting between the masses. During this period, Li Yuan's father and son, whose national title "Tang" stood out, occupied Guanzhong and capital Chang'an, defeating other anti-queens and defending the Central Plains one by one, thus opening the prosperous Tang Dynasty during the peak period of Chinese civilization. Li ShiMin made a great contribution to the rise of the Tang Dynasty, but his father, Li Yuan, never gave Prince Li ShiMin, which led directly to the deteriorating relations between Prince Li JianCheng and Li ShiMin, eventually forcing Li ShiMin to launch "Xuanwumen Change, "killing Li JianCheng, forcing Li Yuan to abdicate. Wei Zheng, a representative of a large number of intellectuals in the late Sui and Tang dynasties, witnessed the hardships of the people in Lebanon and people with ambitious aspirations and ambitions. He hoped that he would help the Ming emperor consolidate the Central Plains and create the prosperity of Datang. Many fate, Wei Zheng three lords of the adjutant later life Chang An. However, open-minded Li ShiMin still reuse Wei Zheng, learn from history, monarch and minister work together to achieve the "world Changan."

Datang Glory (TV)[2017]

Feature: Shen ZhenZhu was born, was chosen as Princess Guang Ping Wang Li Chu, gave birth to the eldest son of Tang Dezong Li, Li was chased after the Rui Regent. She just introduced a southern woman, good heart, surviving Sajik and goodwill, in Anshun chaos only willing to stay in Changan and common people advance and retreat, as Changan people respect. Though dispersed among the generals, Mo Yan Chuhu, pursued it, he still held his love for Li Chu. After the Tang Dynasty recuperates to Changan, the diaspora can not enter the palace, but Li Chu is determined to pick up the pearl back. The pearl takes the prince Li Chu as its priority and returns to the folk. After Li Chu looks for many places, the pearl is always reluctant to enter the palace. Wish to fulfill Li Chu. She won Li Chu's life unforgettable by her knowledge of Darjeeling's knowledge and the excellent quality of having both ability and political integrity. And she is not a luxury to coordinate the harem with a word to know the sufferings of the common people. Shen ZhenZhu, a generation of talented women, made certain historic contributions to the development of the mid-Tang Dynasty.

Datang Glory 2 (TV)[2017]

Feature: Emperor Su-tsung during the royal family internal and external problems. The prince Li Tan was framed by the Queen to die, and the eldest son Li Chu grieved. Chaotang above, Zhang Huang and Shi Siming slander Li Chu, led to Li Chu military power was seized. In order to cheer Li Chu, Du GuJingYao proposed to marry into the palace to assist Li Chu. In the face of Du GuJingYao kindness and love of his wife Pearl, Li Chu into a dilemma. For the future of Li Chu and Datang dynasty, Pearl Chu Li volunteered to marry Du GuJingYao voluntarily, after which Li Chu was established as a prince. The wiles of Zhang Queen and Shi Siming became ruthless as Li Chu stepped forward to the throne. Shi Shiming torn the mask of conspiracy. Chaotang, Zhang Empress Prince another set of tricks has also been loyal leader Li Ying see through, Prince Edward's place was Paul. The emptiness of Queen Zhang desperately struggled trying to kidnap pearl Li Xu Li Chu, exposing the Emperor in front of the emperor Zhang Zhang's trick, the Queen's final food. With the help of all loyal admirals and Du GuJingYao, Li Chu successfully defended himself. Datang Jiangshan finally solid, experienced ups and downs ups and downs of the Li Chu, boarded the throne, the continuation of Datang glory.

Tong Ren Di RenJie (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Di RenJie" tells the story of Yan LiBen (Jingrong Li) encountering Di RenJie (Jia Lun Ren) for wrongdoing in the Tang Emperor Gaozong years. After helping his self-help, he found him a broken-line Wizards. Coincides with the emperor sent him to the Yewu Temple investigation, then decided to take Di RenJie together. In the temple of sensation, Di RenJie detected a strange case, defused a Buddhism robbery and became attached to Wu MeiNiang (Jiao Junyan). Di RenJie blockbuster, was sent to the emperor and the state during this period, he repeatedly broke the odd cases, known as the Divine sentence. At the time, there was a former ghost troop killings. Di RenJie went to see and was found to be related to the excesses of the former treasures and Pu WangLiTai's intentional rebellion but was destroyed and could not be continued. At this time, Wu MeiNiang killed her relatives and women and wronged Wang HuangHou. The Emperor called Di RenJie back to Chang'an for investigation. According to the clues provided by Wu MeiNiang, Di RenJie cracked the case and found the former treasures in the residence of Li Tai, which proved to be evidence of the rebellion of Pu Wang. And Di RenJie also know that in the process of solving the case in the process of bottleneck when confused every one actually was Wu MeiNiang, Wu MeiNiang feel unpredictable, ambitious even more than their own imagination. Sure enough, shortly afterwards, Tang Gaozong was attacked by wind disease and allowed Wu MeiNiang to go to the DPRK together.

Dragon Ball Legend of Infernal Affairs (TV)[2017]

Feature: Li YiHuan (Zi Yang), the last child of Yong Ming, formerly known as Ming Li Li, grew up in Ming Zhu Valley, a group of former Ming dynasties, who joined Zhu CiXuan (nicknamed Li Jianqing) (Zijun Mao), Shu Chang (actress )), Ye MoSheng (Han Cheng Yu ornaments), Fan QianYing (Sun Wei ornaments) and other siblings along with the masters martial arts learning. When he grew up, Yi Huan and his entourage left Ming Zhu Valley, trying to get closer to Kang Xi (Qin Junjie) at the behest of Master, in an attempt to find an opportunity to report hatred of the family. Yi Huan and juvenile Kang Xi From happy lovers to mutual feelings and then to the last had to turn their heads against enemies, sincere feelings and family hatred became the biggest contradiction between them, the rest of the boys and girls are also responsible for the teachers Duty at the same time also experienced their own love and hate. And Kang Xi eventually led Yi Huan with the idea of ​​"ruling the country by virtue," and she gave up her hatred and tried to persuade her friends to stop fighting for selfish hatred and endangering people. Huan eventually decided to marry Kang Xi. Kang Xi promised to be a generation of Mingjun and eventually lead the people of the world and created a healthy and prosperous history of Kang & Qian.

神风刀 (TV)[2017]


《神风刀》又名《唐朝少年》讲述了年少的 Shui Ge ,突遭灭门之灾,成了“漏网之鱼”。“漏网”的 Shui Ge 受高人指点,来到京城长安避祸,寻找安身立命之所,与金银铜铁四位混世少年不打不相识结为生死兄弟,以少年侠客自诩。又与波斯少年 Sai Ma A BoDou 结为生死之交。五少年想谋取一个好的前程,不料阴差阳错,误入西北地区黑恶势力总后台王御史家。他们不知王御史正是导致 Shui Ge 遭受灭门之灾的罪魁祸首。为将“漏网之鱼” Shui Ge 斩草除根,王御史以建功立业之名将五少年送往西北边陲,打算借他们之手劫取贡品而后栽赃陷害将其一网打尽。五位少年不知是计,满心欢喜奔赴“地狱之门”。 Jin Ge 、 A BoDou 和 Sai Ma 相继喋血大漠。血债必须血偿, Shui Ge 的神风刀终于愤然出鞘。几兄弟在戈壁大漠匡扶正义,血溅刺史府,追杀 Mao LiQiu ,夺回贡品,洗刷罪名。复仇除恶的怒火从瓜州一直烧到京城长安。

Drunk + partner (Movie)[2017]

Feature: Movie "drunk + partner" boot in Beijing, the film will be served as director and producer, served as director. , Starring. It is reported that "drunk + partner" story revolves around the topic of "drunk driving" and is expected to meet with the audience in summer 2017. The story of the movie "drunk + partner" begins with a drunk driving incident: Qiao DuoDuo, played by Qin Junjie, falls into a scheme designed by the boss. In the drunk driving school, Qiao DuoDuo met several "Gao FuShuai" drunk driving points; RachelMomo played a capable Nv JiaoJing because of a car accident more than a dozen years ago, but also with the two had an intersection. In order to avoid traffic police and the boss's double attack, but also to achieve his promise to his wife, Qiao DuoDuo and Gao FuShuai set foot on a common dream journey.

Qingyun Zhi (TV)[2016]

Feature: Grass Temple Village Shao NianZhangXiaoFan, after experiencing the massacre of the tragedy in the village, was Albatron door to the door. In return for teacher grace, Zhang Xiaofan diligently study, but because of their blunt, nothing achieved. Into confusion and loneliness in his life, fortunately Gui Wang's daughter Bi Yao and friend Lin JingYu comfort accompanied, through the most ignorant phase of life. Zhang Xiaofan and Lin JingYu, Lu XueQi, Ceng ShuShu and other good and passionate teenagers to help good, demon evil. Zhang Xiaofan again and again in the ups and downs of suffering gradually grow, and the feelings with Bi Yao, but also in the affair with the growing depth. However, Gui Wang set up a chain plot to revive the Beast God and overturn it. Zhang Xiaofan brazenly meet the enemy, on the moment hanging life, Bi Yao demeanor as he stormed the deadly sword, seriously injured Coma, Xiaowan sleeping Sleeping world. Gui Wang gave up and made a comeback. In the end, Zhang Xiaofan defeated Gui Wang with great courage and conviction. He eliminated the festivals and years of struggle between the pros and cons and completed the agreement with a group of Bi Yao and Lin Jing Yu colleagues. Under the joint efforts of the young people, the mountains and rivers are finally replaced by beautiful picturesque stretches of fertile land.

Beautiful country long song (TV)[2016]

Feature: During the new DPRK years, Liu Xiu met Deng Yu, Liu Xuan and Feng Yi, as well as juvenile Yin LiHua when they were too busy with school in Chang'an. A few years later, the reckless tyranny of New Zealand and the turmoil in the world led thousands of other people, such as Liu Yan and Liu Xiu, to formally rise up in Qiongling. Yin LiHua also alias Yin Ji, follow left and right. After Liu Xuan was Green Lin Jun as the emperor, because of fear of Liu brothers brother, designed to kill. Liu Xiu married Yin LiHua wife, keeping a low profile, make Liu Xuan relax vigilance, put it on a holy festival, reviving. There are many crises in Hebei Road. Fortunately, Deng Yu, Feng Yi, Wu Han, Geng Yan and other former newcomers come and go unpunished. Forced by the current situation, Liu Xiu and Wang Liu Yang marriage alliance, married his niece Guo ShanTong wife. At the beginning of the founding of Liu Xiu, Yin LiHua and Guo ShanTong are honored persons. Guo ShanTong is the queen because of the Yin Clan. Liu Xiu fought shoulder to shoulder with all his fellow men who belonged to liver and gallbladder and finally took the test of the world with unremitting efforts for the past few years. China once again fell into unison. The intensification of contradictions between the Queen's Party and the Gui-ren party led to the death of Liu Xi, the nine princes born by Yin LiHua. Liu Xiu eventually became angry and wasted, and Yin Li-hua was later. Crown Prince Liu Jiang resigned on the table, changing Liu Yang to Prince Edward. Liu Xiu's "Worthy as a government official and Yin LiHua as a wife" was rewarded at the same time.

Qingyun Chi 2 (TV)[2016]

Feature: Albatron Battle, Opposition Devil, Queen's daughter Bi Yao sacrifice Albatron disciple Zhang Xiaofan, was punctured Sword Shattered soul, leaving only a ray of soul locked into Jin Ling sleepless. Zhang Xiaofan extremely hurt because of the matter of Bi Yao, Albatron doorway reversed Wang Zongwang, become Wang Wang deputy. For more than a decade, Xiaofan bent on awakening Bi Yao, exhausted all kinds of ways but invalid. In the meantime, Emperor Wang attempted to awaken the animal beings without the knowledge of Zhang Xiaofan, and used the strength of the beast gods to help hegemony. Under the King's use, save the bored Cheung Zhang Xiaofang Bi Yao, went to the death swamp, explore the world treasure, brave incense Valley, explore the southern Xinjiang hundred thousand mountains, look for the beast to awaken the beast. The decent school to stop the devil conspiracy also resolutely sent his disciples and devotees to deal with. Zhang Xiaofan and former friends Lin JingYu, Ceng ShuShu, Lu XueQi and others met one after another and worked together to jointly confront the problems they encountered along the way. Once again, the tribulation witnessed the strength of friendship and solidarity. Zhang Doufan gradually realized the true meaning of righteousness, evil and life in his repeated choices. In his second choice, he followed the principle of choosing guardian justice and protecting all beings.

Tomb notes Genting Temple (TV)[2016]

Feature: "The Tomb of Genting Notes Temple" also known as "Tomb Notes 2" tells the story of Wu Xie and Zhang Qiling and other partners adventure journey. Ten years ago, Junichi's father led a group of mysterious people into the vast Snow Mountain, breaking into the dangerous inexplicable underground palace burial chamber and discovered numerous gold and silver treasures. Instead of leaving behind these treasures, they were trapped here, Almost all die. Ten years later, "us" and a straight line of pedestrians once again set foot in Genting Highlands, but also encountered an Ning company led a group of people also came to the snow-capped mountains, this is even more thrilling death toll: Kunlun Tire, wall string , Monster dragons and other strange things to take over the emergence of hidden, corpse corpse, Passageway, crater, door hall, sacrificial canals and other strange terrifying brought by the super-sensory stimulation ... ... "Tomb Notes Genting Heaven Temple" Is a mysterious cyber drama made by Penguin Film in 2016. Works by Penguin Pictures, Huanrui Century Media Co., Ltd. jointly produced.

Qin Shi Mingyue (TV)[2015]

Feature: The late Warring States Period, Jing Ke Ci Qin sacrifice sacrifice. The best in the world Gai Nie Jing Ke entrusted by the guard Jing Ke son Jing TianMing escape the Qin Shi Huang chase. In the Moon Valley on the Qin border, Gai Nie repels three hundred Qin cavalry, Qin Shi Huang fury, life prime minister Li Si must eradicate the two. Li Si visited the Gai Nie sibling Wei Zhuang under the guidance of Yin and Yang emperor Dong Guan Tai Wei Wei, who has always been under Gai Nie. To win the name of the best sword in the world, Wei Zhuang promised Li Si Requirements, everyone knows they have fallen into the traps of the East Imperial too. When the original dawn was born, the body was secretly planted by the yin and yang, "Qianyuan Yu evil," "Qianyuan Yu evil" is related to a huge conspiracy. On the flight path, Gai Nie and Tian Ming met with Mexican masters, as well as Xiang ShaoYu, a descendant of the Chu nationality, and Gao Yue, a Mexican girl. Under the guidance of their fate, pedestrians entered the city of Mohism, the last Pure Land in the world. Guancheng hiding in the Ridge between the Xiongfeng, assembled the profound wisdom of Mohist, is the last bastion of all anti-Qin forces in the world, it is also the last refuge of Mohist disciples. In the face of the impregnable Mozambican government, Zhao Gao, once again provoked Wei Zhuang's resentment by using the excuse me, then using his power to lure Wei Zhuang into believing that Wei Zhuang could own the power she had always wanted and long as Hu Hai ascended the throne status. In order to break through the official city, Qin Shi Huang sent a huge elite division. Wei Zhuang found Gong ShuChou, head of the transport family, and Gong ShuChou fought with the Moh generation. The strict defensive work of the government agency city was challenged with unprecedented proportions. Several experts in the Wei Zhuang assassin group also dispatched one after another. For a time, authorities in the city murdered one after another, and the undercurrent surged.

GuJianQiTan (TV)[2014]

Feature: During the Tang Dynasty, Zi YinZhenRen disciple of Barry Tu Su body has a mysterious evil spirits, by burning silent sword ancient sword Qi Tan stills suppression. He met Ou Yang ShaoGong and Fang Lansheng when they turned bandits to kill bandits. Less Gong is a saint jade altar disciples, elders Lei Yan usurped the throne, less Christine fled to find "Yu Heng" whereabouts. Due to less Christine refining refining immortality immortality, Tu Su feel hopeful rescued mother, easy to Gong Gong colleagues. On the way to find Yuheng, Tu Qingxu fled to Feng Qingxue and fox Xing Ling. Hong Yu was sent by Zi YinZhenRen, secretly protecting TuSu and resolving the crisis many times. Less Gongming into immortality, Tu Su's mother also woke up, so Tu Su learned that the mother was OuyangShaoGong harm. Lei Yan sent people to take less Gong, and instigated its complicity. Less Gong used Lei Yan's trust to kill Lei Yan, while secretly planning to use the Yukon uniform Tuzhu to restore Penglai career. Fang Lansheng found Christine's conspiracy, Tu Su lift the seal, and less people to Penglai and Christine duel, less Christine was killed. Finally, Fang Lan-sheng and Hong Yu et al. Found their own places of destination. Tu Su also formed a connection with Feng QingXue.

Different town (TV)[2013]

Feature: As the blacksmith Chang Hu slept the wine shopkeeper Xiao Yue's wife Shen YueHong, adulteress adulteress was seduced in bed; young pedantic, but because of Japanese can become the mayor of Li CongWen decided to preside over the verdict. The final results of the public judgment were finally implemented by the residents' laughter; at this moment, a Japanese squadron came to inspect it! Japanese squad accidentally discovered for themselves brought the killing of disaster. In the early hours, the town residents actually turned into murderous weapon. Japanese army detachment of 9, completely evaporated within a moment - an amazing secret surfaced: all the town's adults, all military agents. The accidental disappearance of the squadron caused the attention of the Japanese army, and Yamada squadron leader personally took over the case. After contact with the inhabitants of the tyrants, Yamada realized that the tyrant was a bad thing, so that he would temporarily stay in the town and continue his secret investigation. Japanese detachment outspoken, rushed to the fastest speed and surrounded the town. In desperation, tycoon town agents Li CongWen and Xiao Yue conspiracy leader conspiracy: things are noisy, in addition to do everything to kill the Japanese army, has no alternative. The destruction of the Yamada detachment disguised itself as a raid by the Communist Party's enemy and after-care workers. However, both Li CongWen and Xiao Yue realized that the misfortune had risen and it was hard to end the fight. If the secret is not eventually opened, the only way is to change the current pattern of the war and make the area where the town belongs to the military's sphere of influence. As a result, Li CongWen and He YouZhen led the difficult mission of ascension. The town agent is not allowed to take the initiative to contact the organization, so only a bet in this situation: shock on the peak, forcing its decision! Finale, or success, or be killed invisible. Li CongWen and He YouZhen successfully upset the peak with self-infiltration. However, whether to change the strategic pattern to hide the secret or use the method of killing to secrete secrets, the two opinions in the senior level can not be sustained. Li and He At the same time, commander Zu ChengWu will be killed by the two men because of love, so he will be red-eyed to dismantle them. On the summit to make a decision, the town received a secret order: Xiao Yue, Chang Hu, Shen YueHong and others in collaboration with Li CongWen, He YouZhen, managed to penetrate the Japanese army, the Kuomintang strategic offensive should be combined; this decision means that the strategic change is about to change . Soon afterwards, the people converged in the enemy-occupied areas and immediately concocted an incident of rebellion to turn Chang Hu into a traitor to the KMT at bloody cost. Chang Hu was therefore reused by the Japanese authorities. Since then, agents have begun to penetrate all aspects of the hostile camp. The strategic offensive on the front of the Kuomintang front began. The agents infiltrating all aspects of the camp quickly destroyed the communications and launched a series of assassinations and vandal movements. Japanese Ministry headquarters a chaos, deliberately defend the opportunity to lose the opportunity to aid, so hegemony and the surrounding area was quickly led by Zu ChengWu troops capture. Secret successful hiding, the town restored calm, however, since the agents are more than a loss of indomitable indulgence. The town of infectious diseases, the town's atmosphere began to become weird. Shi Lan, an old lover of Xiao Yue, came to the order of superior command. Li CongWen ponders on his suspicions: Shi Lan had been trained with Xiao Yue in the same period, but she was not simply a CDC staff member. In fact, Shi Lan's other identity is the organization of special correspondents, the spread of infectious diseases is her masterpiece.And Shi Lan's actions stem from the peak of the order: the extermination of town agents, and all the town staff to exchange blood. In the face of desperation, everyone once again defeated the oath of "the task is scheduled to die." Produced by Xiao Yue, Li CongWen as the representative of the two programs: 1, desperate revolt, the survivors were hidden from each; 2, forcing the abolition of extermination order. Stubborn occasion, Li CongWen, He YouZhen forced to enforce the second program. Under the bloody cover of Xiao Wu at the expense of sacrifice, the two broke out of the blockade and escaped from the town. The troops brought by Zu ChengWu were elite troops who responded promptly after Li CongWen and He YouZhen broke out of the blockade and pounded the two into the desperate hunted. In the areas of the KMT and the KMT, senior military officials were also divided into conservatives who maintain the status quo and extermination camps to divert their treasure in their own respective interests. The map of the treasure lies in the hands of the conservatives. When Shi Lan learned the secret of the treasure, she volunteered to take the map and take the killings as the leader in hosting the treasure business. Desecrated loyal agents decided to dig out and divide the treasure, from then on, their seclusion. They captured Li CongWen and Xiao Yue, and did not hesitate to use various means to pry open their mouths to find out where the treasure buried. Their methods of torture are extremely professional and extremely brutal. In fact, Xiao Yue is the only one who knows the location of the treasure. Therefore, Li CongWen is firm and only tries his best to convince each other. However, insiders did not open their mouths, but Secret Agents found their own treasure through sophisticated analysis. The treasure must be recovered; the rebels must silence. But now, only Li CongWen and Xiao Yue can find the rebel who have fled, desperation, the summit can only make Shi Lan together with them to kill the decision. Immediately, Li CongWen, He YouZhen and Xiao Yue, Shi Lan form two groups, separately to kill. Separately, He YouZhen warned Li CongWen that if there was a half-hidden treasure falling into the hands of the CCP, she would have to kill her. Shi Lan would comfortably tell Xiao Yue that she is now in a camp and she will not be restrained anymore The emotion, meritorious deeds, they will share the splendor. The task is harsh because the rebels are hiding in the enemy occupied areas for safety and secrecy. The task is cruel. The rebels are doomed to fail to live their desired life. Mei GuaFu "Reincarnation" became tofu Xishi, She loves the puppet army Wu SiLing come together, but she thought she was safe to be found soon by He YouZhen, she chose to commit suicide for the peace of mind; He DaYe ready to go abroad, dependent on foster grandchildren, but met He After YouZhen died to cover her. He YouZhen foster young son foster home, absolutely out of tears. Xiao Yue and Shi Lan slowly began to become bloodthirsty in the process of running and killing. Murder, is no longer a task, but has become a way to enjoy pleasure. They mutinically killed the rebels, the evil in human nature, like the Pandora's Box opened, and beyond repression. Shi Lan pleased to see that Xiao Yue is under his influence to grow into a cold-blooded person, which is an important quality to enter the high-level later. On the other hand, He YouZhen collapsed under the guilty sense of guilt after the unexpected death of several rebels.These rebels, who embraced the ideal of embarking on the military unification, have since regained their privileges. He YouZhen discovered that the cold-blooded self has become vulnerable because of the emotions that have been associated with the hunted for many years. She is no longer in conflict with Li CongWen "killings for transformation" will! After that, the rebels were secretly taken away after they were hijacked in the hands of the deceased. Chang Hu escaped, but the treasure was finally recovered. According to the plan, these treasure will be shipped to Wuhan on the secret. Until then, He YouZhen calmly questioned the purpose of Li CongWen. Li CongWen truthfully told: he did report this problem. The reply from the organization is: The national security is not damaged by the dispute of attribution. He YouZhen has finally taken a firm stand in the face of the high ethos of the Communist Party. Shi Lan and Xiao Yue ascertained Li CongWen's identity, chasing Li CongWen and suspended animation agents. Communists struggled to rescue and helped Li CongWen and others escape at the expense of several comrades. Soon, the treasure was hidden in several car goods, under the escort of Xiao Yue, Shi Lan prepared to be removed to Wuhan. Unexpectedly, on the way, Chang Hu, who has been completely disorganized, came around with the Japanese troops and tried to rob him. Li CongWen and He YouZhen arrived to want to help Shi Lan Xiao Yue protect the national treasure, but was held by two people. Under the firepower, Shi Lan dropped the wounded Xiao Yue and detonated the bomb on board. In her view, Xiao Yue wasted the moment it faced the death of the moonlight. In the explosion, He YouZhen Pushed Li CongWen off the boat and gave him the opportunity to survive. On the eve of the liberation, Xiao Yue, who was disabled during the blast, became the battalion commander of the Kuomintang stationed in the town. Surviving Li CongWen came to tyrants town want to influence Xiao Yue, but inadvertently found the shaking secrets. It turned out that the sacrifice of his former comrade in arms all died in vain, the treasure bombing incident is the KMT upper peak in order to deceive the public, deliberately misappropriating treasures of the drama of the KMT has been peaked with the US military observers reached a deal: Take these treasure exchange His own residence in the United States and asylum. Shi Lan learned the contents of the transaction, out of selfishness, she treasure map in hand as a bargaining chip, darkness positions; and privately negotiated with the US military observatory, the peak kicked out of their own, instead of the peak to get all the benefits available in the US military. Afterwards, Shi Lan hired the culprits to kill the peak, monopolizing the ownership of the treasure. The emergence of American soldiers in the tyrant town made Xiao Yue wonder for his mission for the first time. Li CongWen asked Xiao Yue for help, Xiao Yue agreed. When Li CongWen and the suspended animation agents of the year fully dispatched, they found everyone was betrayed by Xiao Yue. None of the agents survived. Li CongWen witnessed He YouZhen killed by Shi Lan in front of her. Xiao Yue was shocked by He YouZhen's last words and death, conscience finally aroused, with Li CongWen run away. Li CongWen and Xiao Yue organized the final act, and they both broke into the enemy camp alone. Use the bombing of a national treasure to threaten the U.S. withdrawal. Shi Lan see Li CongWen heart of national treasures, will not pull the bomb, Li CongWen was captured. Shi Lan, disappointed with Xiao Yue, dug up and insulted Xiao Yue, the little North's body as a paternity. Shi Lan's insane behavior led Xiao Yue to finally recognize her true face.When their lives were suspended, the top Communist Party was also working hard to cooperate with people of insight within the Kuomintang. Lu Hongshan Martial Arts team Jiang Hongying persuade Zu ChengWu sent troops. Zu ChengWu arrived in time and Xiao Yue and Li CongWen were rescued. Shi Lan defeated, grabbed Li CongWen body bombs, with all the people and the national treasure. However, the lead opened, the bomb did not sound. Li CongWen dumps gunpowder for the sake of national security. Shi Lan is dead, still not repented, and killed by angry Xiao Yue. On the occasion of liberation, Xiao Yue did not travel to Taiwan but lurked in the mainland. Xiao Yue personally saw that the Chinese people really enjoyed freedom and democracy. So they appeared before Li CongWen and surrendered the list of KMT agents voluntarily and accepted the transformation consciously.

Painted Skin: The Resurrection (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Xiao Wei fox fox violates the rules of the world because of being saved, was frozen in the cold hell spent five years, painful. In the face of fate, Xiao Wei fled the ice cave has only two options: either by cold ice hell tongue back, or get a "voluntary sacrifice" of the people really adult. Xiao Wei looks for the target until Jing GongZhu encounters the escaped marriage and is disfigured by accident. Xiao Wei quickly discovers that the princess has a distinctive heart, and she places all the dream of becoming a man on the princess. The Princess appeared in Baiceng surprised Huo Xin, who once again had a childhood feeling of guilt. In the face of the princess, he could not accept the princess fled marriage and ready to run away with their sudden reality. Xiao Wei discovered the subtle psychological state of Jing GongZhu and Huo Xin, and her plan came into being. She instilled into Jing GongZhu that man's love for women is only love of color, which implies that the princess's ugliness is the only reason why Huo Xin can not accept the princess's love. When Wei's skin seduces Huo Xin and she first experiences physical pleasure, she begins to believe Xiao Wei's beautiful power. At this point, Sirius country intends to marry step by step approaching, Huo Xin trying to resist the only redemption of love. The crucial moment was rescued by Jing GongZhu, all of which greatly stimulated Huo Xin. He understood what love is, in the name of love together, even if it is dead together, this is the true meaning of love. The fate of death dramatically changed the attitudes of the two women's life. The relationship between Xiao Wei and the princess turned from seduction and coercion to conspiracy. Huo Xin blindfolded his eyes after learning of the truth of two people's heart-switches. Use your own heart in exchange for the princess's heart. The determination of the princess to die for love, the courage of Huo Xin to fight for her sincerity, Xiao Wei's efforts to change her destiny and eventually to a miracle at the moment of the eclipse.

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