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Jianing Xue TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Jianing Xue Works 34 ,And Romance 14 ,Comedy 9 ,Costume Drama 8 ,Urban drama 4 ,Feature 4 ,Love 3 ,Business War 2 ,Youth drama 2 ,Suspense 2 ,Adventure 2 ,Year 1 ,反特1 ,Criminal investigation 1 ,创业1 ,Adventure film 1 ,Republic of China 1 ,Funny 1 ,Ancient 1 ,Palace 1 ,年代喜剧1 ,行业1 ,近代革命1 ,军事1 ,Spy war 1 ,Idol drama 1 ,游戏秀1 ,Reality show 1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Martial Arts 1 ,Magic 1 ,Animation 1 。

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Jianing Xue Filmography(34)


光荣时代 (TV)[2019]


辽沈战役前夕,隐藏在北平警察局里的地下党员 Zheng ZhaoYang 因叛徒出卖不得已紧急撤退。同时带走了国民党精心准备的地下潜伏名单。 Zheng ZhaoYang 来到西柏坡参加了接管城市的学习班,而他历尽艰险带回的名册则给北平地区潜伏的国民党特务毁灭性的打击。国民党不得已启动了全部由“冷棋”特工组成的特别行动小组,代号桃园。而 “桃园”的负责人,是 Zheng ZhaoYang 的哥哥,北平青年促进会总干事,著名医生 Zheng ChaoShan 。北平和平解放, Zheng ZhaoYang 重返北京城。他面对的不仅仅是残存的潜伏特务和数万国民党散兵游勇,还有神秘的“桃园”行动组,和代号凤凰的哥哥 Zheng ChaoShan 。兄弟两人各自代表自己的阶级开始了针锋相对的对抗。两人明里是好兄弟,暗中使出浑身解数,对抗不断升级。最终,桃园行动组彻底覆灭。北京城发生了翻天覆地的变化。每个人都像是浴火重生一样,眼中充满的希望 。


Ten thousand years of love (TV)[2017]

Feature: Hundreds of years ago, five hundred years ago, Zixia descended to find Z.TAO, a Zijin (Z.TAO ornaments) with a purple-green sword, but destroyed the purple-green sword. Zixia in order to repair the sword, use the moonlight box through. Five hundred years later, the Supreme Treasure lost the memory of past lives, reincarnated as an ax to help the Lord, and the good Bai JingJing mutual benefit in day and night. However, Bai JingJing was tricked by the Spring of 30 Mother (Ruoxi Du ornaments) sword, in order to save Bai JingJing, the Supreme Treasure use Moonlight Box, actually crossed back five hundred years ago. Pan-hole hole two meet, Zixia shocked in front of her is five hundred years ago, the most precious treasure, but found he has fallen in love with others. Niu MoWang (Yang Juncheng ornaments) covet beauty to the extreme treasure of life threatening, to marry Zixia. In confusion, the Supreme Treasure delivered to the modern and the future by the moonlight treasure box, through the journey to see the treasure of his own heart. Extreme treasure to save Zixia and Niu MoWang war. Crucial moment, Zixia forbidden treasure blocked Niu MoWang's fatal blow. At this point, the young girlfriend Qingwan (Swan), who agreed with Liu ErMiHou, agreed on a schedule of days to change the fate of Zixia and Supreme Treasure. Chaos eventually all belong to you, Zixia and the ultimate treasure also finally has a happy ending. Westward Journey Love you ten thousand years

Choice of mind (TV)[2017]

Feature: Too early first year, God stone fall from heaven, scattered around the world. Legend has it God stone inscriptions secret machine. Stone has since become the world's sacred objects, the world so chaotic for a long time. Until Terran United Western Yaozu, the Mozu will be driven to the polar prairie, the beginning of peace. Juvenile Chen ChangSheng (Lu Han) mysterious life experience, in his midst of being Master Ji DaoRen saved from the gold dragon mouth, received as close disciples. Ten years passed three thousand volumes. However, Chen ChangSheng physique-specific, unable to practice, the number of live, but twenty years old. Chen ChangSheng, a teenager, went down the mountain to go to the gods of the Zhou Dynasty to seize the first name of the "dynasty test" in order to view the gods and change their lives. Wind from the tiger, the cloud from the dragon. Due to its interdependence with its own efforts, Chen ChangSheng has resisted the suppression of various forces and has passed through the path of practicing Buddhism. Also met the juvenile genius Tang SanShiLiu, the Yaozu Princess Bai LuoHeng, Yaozu generals Xuan YuanPo these best friends, with their help, in the strong hand of the "DPRK test" come out on top. After entering the goddess Mausoleum, night view of the monument before the tomb, attracted astronomical vibration. However, everything was just the beginning. As the world changed, Chen ChangSheng had to get involved.

Fly! Show year (TV)[2017]

Feature: Rich affluent Zhejiang businessmen are proud to own their own private jet, and huge markets have drawn private jet suppliers around the world to divide the cake. Xu DaZhi, the chairman of Perak Condor, has been flying in his hobby since childhood. He hopes to join everyone in contributing to the cause of private flight in China. Ji HaoWei is the general manager of Perak Condor identity please major manufacturers submitted within three months of the plan by the selection of the best partners Condor. However, the appearance of Kuang MeiYuan made him and Gu Jie, the general manager of Angelwing Group, plunged into an inseparable love affair. Kuang MeiYuan, Ji HaoWei and Gu Jie, the upstart of these three enterprises, each with a different style of shopping mall. They embrace life and enjoy life with young people's enthusiasm. They fly to explore, go to school, rescue the sick in the village, go to the desert to find the missing college students, and so on. They gain different love & nbsp ;.

Star Age (TV)[2017]

Feature: In Shanghai in the 1930s, Gao Jun returned from Europe and was ambitious. Instead of inheriting the family business, Gao Jun set up his own movie company "Entrepreneurial Age" without ever thinking of it. Under the infection of the underground party member Zhen Xiang of the CCP, Gao Jun realized that the movie won the approval of the community only when it was voiced by the working people. Gao Jun's father told him to be a clean person. However, in such a situation, it would be very easy for the people to think clearly about acting in a clean and honest manner. The triad minions, the tabloids and the various elites all regarded the "pioneering age" as a fat you Contend for me, Gao Jun is exhausted. The most heart broken Gao Jun is that he successfully nurtured a number of young entertainers, but it is difficult to stop the social abuse of their erosion. In the end, Gao Jun and Zhen Xiang went along the right path to resisting Japan and the nation.

Through the mystery (TV)[2016]

Feature: Rong Rong, who was immersed in the happiness of being engaged with her boyfriend Hao Hao, suddenly learned that she had grown up with her and Si Ning, a brother and sister, died. Sad, she found Si Ning's phone even in the hands of a strange man Ma Dong. In order to protect Si Ning's mother Zong Feng from being harmed, Rong Rong decided to investigate Ma Dong. After unremitting exploration, Rong Rong found a hidden years of truth: the original Ma Dong is Zong Feng's own son. Ma Dong and Zong Feng experienced tangled and suffering, the mother finally agreed. As Rong Rong and Ma Dong explored the truth, two young people unwittingly had feelings. Rong Rong apologized to Hao Hao and made a breakup; Hao Hao was deeply humiliated and repeatedly targeted at Ma Dong. Ya Ling also opposed two people because she could not face Ma Dong. Zong Feng finally fell ill, Hao Hao at the last minute chose to admit mistakes, and successful treatment of Zong Feng. The truth is clear, people who rebuild trust continue their new life, and Rong Dong and Ma Dong, determined by the trials and tribulations, are also determined to join hands to face future life & nbsp ;.

To single men and women (TV)[2015]

Feature: Cheng ZiXin grew up in Suzhou in order to follow her university boyfriend came to Beijing, but her boyfriend cheated feelings. Sad child Xin met the financial talent Zhang photo Shen Ran and young architect Fang QiHong. In the perseverance of the pursuit, Zi Yan try to accept the new feelings, at the same time Kai-hsin found that Zi Yan is his childhood neighbors in Suzhou. Because of suffering from Alzheimer's disease, Kai Hong knows not happy to sub-Yan, although the sub-Xin intentionally, Qi-hong can only be buried in the heart of the feelings, silently guardian Yan. Shen Siu's younger sister, Lu Si, misconstrued Shen as caregiver for love and deliberately sabotaged the relationship between Shen and Zi Yan, causing the two to break up due to misunderstanding. Affectionate child Yan Xin Qi Hong led and taken care of out of the bottom. Sure enough to make Lu Si know possession is not true love, Lu Si let go. Misunderstanding was finally clarified, and I hope with the children rejoice old repair, sub-Xin but found himself in love with Kai-hong, Kai-hwan, but at this time without saying goodbye. The original Kai Kai aggravated, do not want to drag Zi Yan, silently left. The face of emotional choices, sub-Yan courage in the pursuit of true love. In the blessing, the son of Xin choose to keep around Kai Wang, spend the last moments with him & nbsp ;.

Snowy Eagle (TV)[2015]

Feature: This is a group of distinctive personality, family scene after 90 different. They carry different dreams and purposes, starting from all corners of the globe, came to the Tibetan Plateau, came to the limit of life, the top of the earth 8848. This magical land, brought them unexpected growth and harvest. Rong Ning from one heart to pursue the mystery of the world of rebellious boy, grow into a wise and bravish kill the wolf assault team leader. Qiao Er from a helpless childless brother, transformed into a hero who died for the country. Zuo Zuo, the wayward girl who always loves the supremacy of love, knows the military love and begins to express her dance with her life and soul. They collapsed again and again, and stood up again. Has endured the test of ice and snow, the most harsh heartless thrashing and sharpening of the limits of life. They finally became a real soldier, inheriting the will and spirit of the Tibetan military and standing at their highest peak of 8848.

Tip (TV)[2015]

Feature: In 1940, as one of the most important battlefields in the anti-Fascist war, the battlefield in China entered into a phase of stalemate between China and Japan. To exacerbate its aggression against China, the Japanese military is planning an appalling germ warfare, so the Japanese army decided to speed up the study of bacteriological weapons. Jin ShenShui, a doctor who escaped from Nanjing massacre alone, went to Peach Blossom Town, the "Baojia Model Zone" set up by the Japanese army. Jin ShenShui inadvertently saved biochemistry expert Bai Dayi, unexpectedly it is the beginning of a series of incoherent events. Peach flower town veil of peace was gradually opened, inhuman bacterial human experiments, horrible and deadly human brain control drug experiments one by one surfaced. Under the guidance of the party organization, Jin ShenShui skillfully deal with the cunning fox foes, several times from birth to death. Finally, under the cover of the sacrifice of life by Lin YingYing, a Japanese female doctor who also had national hatred, he joined forces with the New Fourth Army and the guerrillas to eliminate the Japanese army in Peach Blossom Town completely. At the same time, he unveiled the Japanese army's use of human experiments in bacteria offense. Jin ShenShui even grows from an ordinary patriotic youth into an outstanding communist & nbsp ;.

天涯女人心 (TV)[2015]


《天涯女人心》讲述了民初福州, Lu YaQing 被表哥 Zhao TianLai 卖与赌场,后转至酒楼,因缘遇到佟家公子佟绍伟。在绍纬和青梅竹马的 Wang ChangRong 帮助下,雅卿得保清白。绍伟不顾 Tong Mu 阻挠迎娶雅卿。管家 Yang KaiTai 勾结绍伟指腹为婚的对象 Li NianZhen 加害照片雅卿。 Tong Mu 听信谗言,在雅卿诞下一女后将母女二人赶出佟府。尔后绍伟迎娶怀有 Yang KaiTai 孩子的念珍。雅卿被 Zhao JiuMa 收留,发现自己又怀了绍伟的骨肉。念珍产下一女, Yang KaiTai 为了自己女儿的地位派人追杀雅卿。雅卿逃至厦门避难,一躲就是五年。长荣发迹后在厦门遇到雅卿。两人重返福州时,发现开泰已经夺得佟家财产,并赶走佟氏母子。雅卿不计前嫌,照顾绍纬和 Tong Mu ,并开始对抗开泰。念珍良心发现,交出开泰犯罪证据。开泰伏法。雅卿帮佟家争回财产与地位,无悔地报答绍纬曾经的恩情,最后在 Tong Mu 的祝福下,正式成为绍伟的妻子 。


Iamawolf (Movie)[2014]

Feature: The story takes place in a secluded paradise, where lovely rabbit ears live and his good brother and white wolf. Although the white wolf is a wolf, but has been living with the rabbit family, not only that, he himself does not know his true identity. One day, the village priest accidentally discovered the identity of the White Wolf, making him the village's biggest security risk. In order to expel white wolves, the priest handed him the task of taking the life to Huolongshan and, in the opinion of the priest, it was bound to be a journey full of danger without any return. The white wolf and his ears started together, waiting for them after another unexpected and countless troubles. The two men worked together and passed one difficulty after another, eventually standing under the fire dragon mountain. Waiting for them, what will be the adventures?

Beauty made (TV)[2014]

Feature: Beauty Made in the Tang Dynasty Empress Wu ZeTian period as the background, the Tang Dynasty beauty man male doctor He LanJun (Jin Shijia ornaments) in the hospital too to make all the ladies in the palace for the pleasures of the moon. He LanJun Outstanding medical treatment was bitch jealous jealous, framed, leaks every night, He LanJun found that their children are not born, but his wife Xue Ji and children of other children. He LanJun abandoned by his wife, desperation, on the streets. Su LianYi (Yang Rong (actress)), who is loving and righteous to get him a lifelong target. He LanJun, a man of abjection, did not degenerate because of this series of changes. He uses his wisdom and medicine to make a lot of lovers get married. He LanJun also possesses the slightest pretense to help Pei YunTian, ​​who has always been a vicious person, get his real life daughter and bring him to justice. After experiencing many thrills, He LanJun realizes that the beauty of the mind is really beautiful, and that kindness loves Su LianYi, who has been with her sincerely, is the incarnation of the true, the good and the beautiful, and finally the two are married. & Nbsp ;.

That love thing (TV)[2013]

Feature: "The Love Story" tells the story of Yu HuXin (Liya Tong), a Beijing girl, who has become an eldest daughter and has undergone countless blind dates at her mother's urging but without success. In the ex-boyfriend's wedding, Yu HuXin met with CES Group Vice President Lin ZeFeng (Du Chun ornaments), after going through several twists and turns, the two people getting into the situation. Lin ZeFeng, who was betrayed by his ex-girlfriend Yuan Ai, no longer believed in love, but once again met Yu HuXin, he believed in love again. However, because of Ai Ai's disagreement, Lin ZeFeng fell into stalemate. Yu HuXin into the CES group as a doctor, but inadvertently involved in group gossip. Yu HuXin not discouraged, coupled with Lin ZeFeng secretly help eventually get the group awards with outstanding results. The feelings of Yu HuXin and Lin ZeFeng heat up again. At this time, Yuan Ai suddenly appeared and hoped to reunite Lin ZeFeng. However, financial scientist Dou Nan (Yiwei Zhou) started to pursue Yu HuXin in a frenzied pursuit. In the face of the ensuing crises, Yu HuXin takes on the challenge with his kindness and love, not only succeeding in his work but also gaining true love.

Io e Te (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Ming XianSheng is a heavily indebted businessman. When her mother died, he wanted him to help fulfill his wish. When she was young, she led a music teacher and spent the most difficult time together with many people who were singing and forgetting Pain, firm confidence. After they were banned from chorus, they still came up with a way to sing without sound. They used to agree that they would sing together again in the future. If they were gone, they hoped future generations could continue their chorus. The mother hoped that Ming XianSheng would help him fulfill his wish. Again revisit the unforgettable years. Ming XianSheng a promise. At this time, Ming XianSheng because of extramarital affairs and his wife Ai LaoShi has a great contradiction and hatred. Ai LaoShi, out of respect for her mother-in-law, promised to help rebuild the choir, but privately purchased a pack of explosives to hand down Ming XianSheng. Helpless Ming XianSheng is on the brink of economic collapse, in order to meet his mother's wish, looking shave Ai LaoShi help raise money to form a choir, but the money was DeCom embezzled home to his aunt for treatment . In order to cope with Ming XianSheng, De Hua brought Lao Wang, a makeup artist in the funeral home, to come to mainland China for a suicide attempt in search of a broken girlfriend. Lao Hei, a taxi driver, and Fei FeiMa, a beloved singer, pretended to be a singer. A group of people waiting together to rehearse chorus for Ming Mu. Conflicts and deception continued to occur between each other, but in the end comfort and encouragement found the chorus charm. In particular, Ya Nv accidentally discovered the secret that old people could sing silently that year, and everyone found Ya Nv's grief life experience. Shocked, each have to find what they need. The old lady died of illness, did not see their singing. Finally, Ai LaoShi finally failed to put down the hatred his husband had betrayed. With his own terminal illness, he started to implement his own plan with Ming XianSheng. However, he did not expect the kit to be drummed by Xiao Tie. After all, the absurd choral experience did not make a formal concert after all, but in life they found hope and wonders. Xiao Tie went to jail. Ming XianSheng ended his extramarital affair and began to reflect on it. Looking for Ai LaoShi. Ai LaoShi at the last minute put down hatred, get a new life.

IDo (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Wang Yang and Tang Pico are young college lovers. Like many lovers of their young age, they encounter the clash of dreams and reality as they enter society. Tang Pico quickly find their place, but Wang Yang because they refused and do not understand the compromise and often run into a wall. Tang often "educates" Wang Yang, hoping Wang Yang will be "realistic", and Wang Yang will feel more inferior in his heart. He will eventually leave Tang for a moment and leave without hesitation. A few years later, Tang slightly experienced as the bones of the workplace, but the ups and downs of ups and downs, solitude. His girlfriend Jin Xiao Ling to help her online marriage, but not upright, has not encountered the right candidate. When Yang NianHua appeared in front of Tang slightly, she was a middle-aged man with QQ turned on. Although Tang slightly favored Yang NianHua, Yang NianHua did not consider her as a candidate for marriage. Just then, Wang Yang appeared, as the bachelor of diamonds - the chairman of a diamond sale. In order to retrieve, Wang Yang deliberately held a grand press conference, trying to pose before Tang slightly to show off their wealth while attending the press briefing Don slightly after years on this occasion "reunited" in this way instead Excited morale, she knew it was intentionally Wang Yang, the purpose is to make her regret, but she did not. Don slightly immediately rejuvenated, extraordinarily elegant and extravagant, both meet, as did not talk about love, very business, gentlemen, women's pride. Wang Yang did not make up for the bout this time. He decided to simply talk to Tang about the contract - Tang Wei talked to me and I talked to you. They were deliberately very professional, as if the two had not passed. This can not stand Wang Yang. Wang Yang simply decided to take money to hit, Tang also slightly picked up. Wang Yang to pick up a little after get off work, way off the mall shopping mall, Wang Yang show off, Tang slightly education Wang Yang, wanton shopping, and finally bought a giant diamond, Wang Yang brush burst the card, to the company's financial and friends hit Phone, raise cash around. Twilight, Tang slightly leisurely drinking pearl milk tea. After a few bouts, Wang Yang finally could not stand it. He asked Don slightly for his love. Tang slightly said: You finally asked me this question. Wang Yang asked Tang Pico how it has become so now? In the past she is not like that. Tang slightly tit for tat: credit card swipe, and you have to even overdraft the money with interest in order to brush. Emotional overdraft, the same. You now have a negative credit limit here. Wang Yang was timidly embarrassed by the Tang. He said that the reason why Tang did not marry him was because of her personality. She did not like it. This poke Tang slight weakness. Tang pondered demonstrations at Wang Yang, where Yang NianHua was invited to attend as a boyfriend on a business occasion. Yang NianHua saw Tang slightly wrestling with Wang Yang's wits and saying that she had broken the slight mind of Tang. For many years she had worked hard to help Wang Yang. She worried that he would be off one day, so she bought a house, To that day, she accepted him. Tang slightly touched by the words of Yang NianHua, because he is to understand her, to see her heart. Wang Yang secretly investigated Yang NianHua and found that he even opened QQ, but also rented a house.Wang Yang immediately told Tang Pico he was afraid that Tang was slightly fooled, but Tang slightly used Wang Yang's kindness as donkey liver and deliberately told Wang Yang that he liked Yang NianHua because Yang NianHua could give her the feeling of love. Exasperating Wang Yang, he had to go to Yang NianHua and ask Yang NianHua to add a check to the number, leaving Tang slightly. Yang NianHua rejected Wang Yang and both fought, but Yang NianHua fell in love with Tang Pico. Tang slightly used Yang NianHua initially to cheer on Wang Yang, but in the process of making contact, he found himself really in love with Yang NianHua. Yang NianHua humorous and optimistic warm and thoughtful, but no money. Wang Yang saw Tang slightly with Yang NianHua more and more close, stopped and stopped, simply to Tang slightly propose. However, Tang slightly heard Wang Yang's proposal and immediately took out a marriage agreement from Wangang to sign Wang Yang. This agreement states that Wang Yang is almost stupid if he is divorced and Tang laughed loudly. Go out. Wang Yang was slightly conquered by Tang and he was determined to snatch Tang slightly. Tang slightly apologized to Wang Yang, like "Saint Seiya," who was very mired in high spirits. However, in the presence of Yang NianHua, he completely dismantled the "defensive device." Yang NianHua saw Tang's slightness and she was drawn to it. In fact, Yang NianHua is a middle-aged rich, because of betting on people, disguised himself as a nameless absent-minded middle-aged to see if any woman will really fall in love with their own. Results Yang NianHua and Tang Pico online acquaintance, slowly Tang was slightly impressed by Yang NianHua's patience and thoughtful temperature, so hard to get used to Tang has a rare sense of being protected, revealing her soft, more Like the female side, this feeling is the workplace Saint fighter Tang has been secretly longing for. Yang NianHua was touched by the slight personality of Don who had "suffered bitter, lonely, sad, struggled, but still did not give up her dream". Up until this time, Wang Yang found himself still in love with Tang Pian. He always thought that feeling had passed, but when he wanted to lose, he realized that it was the "love" he had been looking forward to. Wang Yang re-pursue the Tang slightly. Wang Yang originally thought he was rich and young. At least, he had an advantage over Yang NianHua. At this moment, the financial crisis quietly came. Wang Yang had to sell the company and the diamond store. However, At the ceremony, Wang Yang was surprised to find that the person who acquired his company turned out to be Yang NianHua, his former rival. Yang NianHuaHuaHua wealthy identity exposed, he gave tang slight gift is the entire diamond company.

I Do (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Wang Yang and Tang Pico are young college lovers. Like many lovers of their young age, they encounter the clash of dreams and reality as they enter society. Tang Pico quickly find their place, but Wang Yang because they refused and do not understand the compromise and often run into a wall. Tang often "educates" Wang Yang, hoping Wang Yang will be "realistic", and Wang Yang will feel more inferior in his heart. He will eventually leave Tang for a moment and leave without hesitation. A few years later, Tang slightly experienced as the bones of the workplace, but the ups and downs of ups and downs, solitude. His girlfriend Jin Xiao Ling to help her online marriage, but not upright, has not encountered the right candidate. When Yang NianHua appeared in front of Tang slightly, she was a middle-aged man with QQ turned on. Although Tang slightly favored Yang NianHua, Yang NianHua did not consider her as a candidate for marriage. Just then, Wang Yang appeared, as the bachelor of diamonds - the chairman of a diamond sale. In order to retrieve, Wang Yang deliberately held a grand press conference, trying to pose before Tang slightly to show off their wealth while attending the press briefing Don slightly after years on this occasion "reunited" in this way instead Excited morale, she knew it was intentionally Wang Yang, the purpose is to make her regret, but she did not. Don slightly immediately rejuvenated, extraordinarily elegant and extravagant, both meet, as did not talk about love, very business, gentlemen, women's pride. Wang Yang did not make up for the bout this time. He decided to simply talk to Tang about the contract - Tang Wei talked to me and I talked to you. They were deliberately very professional, as if the two had not passed. This can not stand Wang Yang. Wang Yang simply decided to take money to hit, Tang also slightly picked up. Wang Yang to pick up a little after get off work, way off the mall shopping mall, Wang Yang show off, Tang slightly education Wang Yang, wanton shopping, and finally bought a giant diamond, Wang Yang brush burst the card, to the company's financial and friends hit Phone, raise cash around. Twilight, Tang slightly leisurely drinking pearl milk tea. After a few bouts, Wang Yang finally could not stand it. He asked Don slightly for his love. Tang slightly said: You finally asked me this question. Wang Yang asked Tang Pico how it has become so now? In the past she is not like that. Tang slightly tit for tat: credit card swipe, and you have to even overdraft the money with interest in order to brush. Emotional overdraft, the same. You now have a negative credit limit here. Wang Yang was timidly embarrassed by the Tang. He said that the reason why Tang did not marry him was because of her personality. She did not like it. This poke Tang slight weakness. Tang pondered demonstrations at Wang Yang, where Yang NianHua was invited to attend as a boyfriend on a business occasion. Yang NianHua saw Tang slightly wrestling with Wang Yang's wits and saying that she had broken the slight mind of Tang. For many years she had worked hard to help Wang Yang. She worried that he would be off one day, so she bought a house, To that day, she accepted him. Tang slightly touched by the words of Yang NianHua, because he is to understand her, to see her heart. Wang Yang secretly investigated Yang NianHua and found that he even opened QQ, but also rented a house.Wang Yang immediately told Tang Pico he was afraid that Tang was slightly fooled, but Tang slightly used Wang Yang's kindness as donkey liver and deliberately told Wang Yang that he liked Yang NianHua because Yang NianHua could give her the feeling of love. Exasperating Wang Yang, he had to go to Yang NianHua and ask Yang NianHua to add a check to the number, leaving Tang slightly. Yang NianHua rejected Wang Yang and both fought, but Yang NianHua fell in love with Tang Pico. Tang slightly used Yang NianHua initially to cheer on Wang Yang, but in the process of making contact, he found himself really in love with Yang NianHua. Yang NianHua humorous and optimistic warm and thoughtful, but no money. Wang Yang saw Tang slightly with Yang NianHua more and more close, stopped and stopped, simply to Tang slightly propose. However, Tang slightly heard Wang Yang's proposal and immediately took out a marriage agreement from Wangang to sign Wang Yang. This agreement states that Wang Yang is almost stupid if he is divorced and Tang laughed loudly. Go out. Wang Yang was slightly conquered by Tang and he was determined to snatch Tang slightly. Tang slightly apologized to Wang Yang, like "Saint Seiya," who was very mired in high spirits. However, in the presence of Yang NianHua, he completely dismantled the "defensive device." Yang NianHua saw Tang's slightness and she was drawn to it. In fact, Yang NianHua is a middle-aged rich, because of betting on people, disguised himself as a nameless absent-minded middle-aged to see if any woman will really fall in love with their own. Results Yang NianHua and Tang Pico online acquaintance, slowly Tang was slightly impressed by Yang NianHua's patience and thoughtful temperature, so hard to get used to Tang has a rare sense of being protected, revealing her soft, more Like the female side, this feeling is the workplace Saint fighter Tang has been secretly longing for. Yang NianHua was touched by the slight personality of Don who had "suffered bitter, lonely, sad, struggled, but still did not give up her dream". Up until this time, Wang Yang found himself still in love with Tang Pian. He always thought that feeling had passed, but when he wanted to lose, he realized that it was the "love" he had been looking forward to. Wang Yang re-pursue the Tang slightly. Wang Yang originally thought he was rich and young. At least, he had an advantage over Yang NianHua. At this moment, the financial crisis quietly came. Wang Yang had to sell the company and the diamond store. However, At the ceremony, Wang Yang was surprised to find that the person who acquired his company turned out to be Yang NianHua, his former rival. Yang NianHuaHuaHua wealthy identity exposed, he gave tang slight gift is the entire diamond company.

Palace lock bead curtain (TV)[2012]

Feature: Yong Zheng years, alternate four products Code Ling Zhu Lian Lian Lian Fu father made acquaintance with the Seventeen Prince Yun Li HD stills - palace lock bead curtain, the two are two lovers, I want to be married, I did not expect Yun Li to save A LingA, a teacher, was forced to marry Jia Ling, a daughter of A LingA. Lian Er, a heartbroken man, was walking in the palace for a long time and was eager to get out of the ordinary palace. She did not want to be exploited by various forces in the palace. Li Wei wants to form an alliance with her. Tai Jian Su PeiSheng To give her a gift, Yu Shu, a sister-in-law, betrays her. There are all kinds of secrets hidden in the harmonious palace. When Lian Er is breathing out, she accidentally Yong Zheng Fancy, has become a favorite of all kinds of Xi Fei, but at this moment, she suddenly found that all things are complicated at once, stopped to be persecuted, go down may not even myself Know yourself, at the fork in the road, she chose to believe the sun, I believe the storm will always be past, so in her perseverance, finally for their own break a piece of heaven.

Trial officer (TV)[2012]

Feature: Song ShiJie resided as a retired teacher since childhood Jiang Xue Confucianism, due to innate stuttering, although full of talent, but never revealed because of inferiority. Shijie saved the cottage daughter of the only daughter of Wan ZhongWuYi, then for the owner Wan RenDi litigation. Do not want his life's first lawsuit to win the brothers Zuo ChengFeng. This lawsuit not only won the favor of walled-in and Jiang ShangZhu, but also let Zuo ChengFeng grudges at him. Song ShiJie growing fame, experienced "to win a lawsuit and then to win the lawsuit for conscience" growth. Unexpectedly, an old case involved Jiang Xue-ru and Shi-Jie as the master to fight with extraordinary tactics. The new official who presided over Jiang Xueru is Zuo ChengFeng, who uses his official authority to retaliate against Shijie. Fortunately, the confidante's support of two confidante, Shijie finally elution, Zuo ChengFeng jail. Just before the sunrise, Shijie plunged into another larger conspiracy. He relied on his self-trial of the dead drama TV series, Great day.

Big time (TV)[2012]

Feature: "The Great Times" tells a phone call from a Shenzhen detention center and completely changed the fate of Chen DingTian, ​​a graduate student. When Chen DingTian first met his girlfriend, Wang QingYue's parents, and was toasting the future father-in-law, there came a shout from classmate Feng Jie in the televised photo: The sky, come and save me! Chen DingTian to save people, leaving the Wang QingYue one, rushed to the airport. It turned out that Feng Jie suffered a polygamy owner Hai GuangDa conspiracy. Hai GuangDa gave Feng Jie three million cash, let him into a batch of printers can make money, Feng Feng impatient Feng Jie mistook the market, the purchase soon suffered price cuts, resulting in inventory backlog, lose everything. Hai GuangDa angrily Feng Jie fraud, Feng Jie into prison. When Chen DingTian arrived in Shenzhen, he could not cross the border for failing to get a permit. He had to spend 200 bucks in a chicken-in-cart mixed with the SAR. When met Hai GuangDa, Chen DingTian asked him to bet that if he could sell Feng Jie's overstocked printer for three million, he had to be released. Hai GuangDa appreciated Chen DingTian's arrogance and accepted Chen DingTian's bet. This gamble, showing Chen DingTian's business skills, of course, also got the beauty sales director Liang HongYu the utmost help, not only rescued Feng Jie, but also made Hai GuangDa made money. Hai GuangDa is eager to include Chen DingTian, ​​Chen DingTian has to go back to Beijing to continue his graduate studies. Airport, Sending Goodbye Chen Guang LingDa told Feng Jie I believe he will be back. Sure enough, Chen DingTian came out from the airport. It turned out that Hai GuangDa impressed him with a special plane to impress Chen DingTian, ​​a move that deeply shocked Chen DingTian and changed his values. As confirmed by Hai GuangDa, Chen DingTian stayed in Shenzhen. In the eyes of other people, Chen DingTian was fainted by Hai GuangDa's money. Only he understood that he saw the place in Shenzhen before realizing his dream. Chen DingTian was heavily weighted by Hai GuangDa and put into one of Hai GuangDa's grand projects. Gradually, Chen DingTian found that the beautiful blueprint portrayed by Hai GuangDa was based on an illusion or even a lie. Chen DingTian did not forget his dream. He wanted to write software and he wanted to write down the best software in China. Finally, Chen DingTian and Hai GuangDa quarreled, angrily Hai GuangDa let men clutching Chen DingTian and Feng Jie tooling, the rain, the brothers walked shoulder to shoulder singing away from the big waves. If Feng Jie is Chen DingTian's left wing, Liu XianWu from Shandong to create the world is his right arm. On this passionate land in Shenzhen, Brother Hsu set up an "Infinity" software company and soon, Liang HongYu joined "Infinity." All the way to clutter and love and hatred, everyone gets at the same time, also lost a lot of & nbsp ;.

TheSingleLady (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Wang Yang and Tang Pico are young college lovers. Like many lovers of their young age, they encounter the clash of dreams and reality as they enter society. Tang Pico quickly find their place, but Wang Yang because they refused and do not understand the compromise and often run into a wall. Tang often "educates" Wang Yang, hoping Wang Yang will be "realistic", and Wang Yang will feel more inferior in his heart. He will eventually leave Tang for a moment and leave without hesitation. A few years later, Tang slightly experienced as the bones of the workplace, but the ups and downs of ups and downs, solitude. His girlfriend Jin Xiao Ling to help her online marriage, but not upright, has not encountered the right candidate. When Yang NianHua appeared in front of Tang slightly, she was a middle-aged man with QQ turned on. Although Tang slightly favored Yang NianHua, Yang NianHua did not consider her as a candidate for marriage. Just then, Wang Yang appeared, as the bachelor of diamonds - the chairman of a diamond sale. In order to retrieve, Wang Yang deliberately held a grand press conference, trying to pose before Tang slightly to show off their wealth while attending the press briefing Don slightly after years on this occasion "reunited" in this way instead Excited morale, she knew it was intentionally Wang Yang, the purpose is to make her regret, but she did not. Don slightly immediately rejuvenated, extraordinarily elegant and extravagant, both meet, as did not talk about love, very business, gentlemen, women's pride. Wang Yang did not make up for the bout this time. He decided to simply talk to Tang about the contract - Tang Wei talked to me and I talked to you. They were deliberately very professional, as if the two had not passed. This can not stand Wang Yang. Wang Yang simply decided to take money to hit, Tang also slightly picked up. Wang Yang to pick up a little after get off work, way off the mall shopping mall, Wang Yang show off, Tang slightly education Wang Yang, wanton shopping, and finally bought a giant diamond, Wang Yang brush burst the card, to the company's financial and friends hit Phone, raise cash around. Twilight, Tang slightly leisurely drinking pearl milk tea. After a few bouts, Wang Yang finally could not stand it. He asked Don slightly for his love. Tang slightly said: You finally asked me this question. Wang Yang asked Tang Pico how it has become so now? In the past she is not like that. Tang slightly tit for tat: credit card swipe, and you have to even overdraft the money with interest in order to brush. Emotional overdraft, the same. You now have a negative credit limit here. Wang Yang was timidly embarrassed by the Tang. He said that the reason why Tang did not marry him was because of her personality. She did not like it. This poke Tang slight weakness. Tang pondered demonstrations at Wang Yang, where Yang NianHua was invited to attend as a boyfriend on a business occasion. Yang NianHua saw Tang slightly wrestling with Wang Yang's wits and saying that she had broken the slight mind of Tang. For many years she had worked hard to help Wang Yang. She worried that he would be off one day, so she bought a house, To that day, she accepted him. Tang slightly touched by the words of Yang NianHua, because he is to understand her, to see her heart. Wang Yang secretly investigated Yang NianHua and found that he even opened QQ, but also rented a house.Wang Yang immediately told Tang Pico he was afraid that Tang was slightly fooled, but Tang slightly used Wang Yang's kindness as donkey liver and deliberately told Wang Yang that he liked Yang NianHua because Yang NianHua could give her the feeling of love. Exasperating Wang Yang, he had to go to Yang NianHua and ask Yang NianHua to add a check to the number, leaving Tang slightly. Yang NianHua rejected Wang Yang and both fought, but Yang NianHua fell in love with Tang Pico. Tang slightly used Yang NianHua initially to cheer on Wang Yang, but in the process of making contact, he found himself really in love with Yang NianHua. Yang NianHua humorous and optimistic warm and thoughtful, but no money. Wang Yang saw Tang slightly with Yang NianHua more and more close, stopped and stopped, simply to Tang slightly propose. However, Tang slightly heard Wang Yang's proposal and immediately took out a marriage agreement from Wangang to sign Wang Yang. This agreement states that Wang Yang is almost stupid if he is divorced and Tang laughed loudly. Go out. Wang Yang was slightly conquered by Tang and he was determined to snatch Tang slightly. Tang slightly apologized to Wang Yang, like "Saint Seiya," who was very mired in high spirits. However, in the presence of Yang NianHua, he completely dismantled the "defensive device." Yang NianHua saw Tang's slightness and she was drawn to it. In fact, Yang NianHua is a middle-aged rich, because of betting on people, disguised himself as a nameless absent-minded middle-aged to see if any woman will really fall in love with their own. Results Yang NianHua and Tang Pico online acquaintance, slowly Tang was slightly impressed by Yang NianHua's patience and thoughtful temperature, so hard to get used to Tang has a rare sense of being protected, revealing her soft, more Like the female side, this feeling is the workplace Saint fighter Tang has been secretly longing for. Yang NianHua was touched by the slight personality of Don who had "suffered bitter, lonely, sad, struggled, but still did not give up her dream". Up until this time, Wang Yang found himself still in love with Tang Pian. He always thought that feeling had passed, but when he wanted to lose, he realized that it was the "love" he had been looking forward to. Wang Yang re-pursue the Tang slightly. Wang Yang originally thought he was rich and young. At least, he had an advantage over Yang NianHua. At this moment, the financial crisis quietly came. Wang Yang had to sell the company and the diamond store. However, At the ceremony, Wang Yang was surprised to find that the person who acquired his company turned out to be Yang NianHua, his former rival. Yang NianHuaHuaHua wealthy identity exposed, he gave tang slight gift is the entire diamond company.

Bullet hole (TV)[2011]

Feature: The bullet hole tells the story of the long march of the Red Army when the international radio station set up by the Central Party's Central Government in Shanghai was destroyed by the enemy and the CPC Central Committee lost its contact with Moscow. In order to restore contact quickly, the Chinese Communist underground party assembled its own high-power radio stations and special primary passwords And secretly repatriate the party's Central Committee under the Long March. On the way to the secret far away, the "Green Snake Project" was designed by the traitors to betray and the enemy broke radio stations. Using secret agents hidden for many years as snowmen and robbers, they designed "Green Snake Project" in an attempt to destroy the Central Government. Disguised as the underground party's enemy squad and the Red Army was dismembered guard troops met on the way, both wits and brave. However, many evidences have become solitary and can not prove authenticity. The extremely sinister water grasslands became the screening battlefield. The enemy doubled down before the Red Army supported by the no-win zone and the revolutionary victory belief of life, and was eventually eliminated. The spirit of the Red Army has made history a key factor in the choice of the Communist Party.

LingleiCunGu (Movie)[2010]

Feature: A large-scale color feature film "Alternative Village" jointly produced by Shouguang City, Shandong Province and Beijing Double Banyan Film and Television Company was shown on the evening of August 4, 2010 at 7:30 pm The background of the film is a story about a female college student returning to his hometown. Entrepreneurship story, all the scenes from the film scene in Shouguang, is a rich regional characteristics of light comedy. Prosperity Literary and artistic creation is one of the important contents of the integration of urban and rural culture in Shouguang City. The Propaganda Department of Shouguang Municipal Party Committee constantly innovates measures to strengthen the foreign-couple nexus, expand the creative forms and enrich the creative themes. Last year, the United Farm Logistics Park, Beijing double banyan tree film company to shoot this theme film. After pre-creation and preparation, the power-on ceremony was held in October last year and took on-site shooting at such places as Sanyuan Zhucun in Shouguang City, Yinjiacun in Daotian Town, High-tech Vegetable Demonstration Garden in agriculture and agricultural products logistics park. The characters in the play are respectively played by Jianing Xue, a famous girl singer in the "Pink Girl", famous singer Sun Hao and famous actor Shen Danping. The film with its attention to "San Nong" new perspective and vivid and touching storyline, successfully landed on CCTV, and soon issued in the country. The filming of the film will showcase the new image and new look of urban and rural residents in Shouguang City from the updated channels, reflecting the persistent pursuit and innovative spirit of the grassroots people in their undertakings and promoting the image of Shouguang City in a broader context to create a city and cultural brand ...... Wangjiazhuang girl graduated four years of college, is to continue to do in the city to do "Pteris", or back to the village hard to do "chicken head", Wang Bo has his own idea. Wang Bo did not father since childhood, grew up to help pull the big two when the village chief, Wang Bo's college tuition is also encouraged by two villagers to raise funds. Therefore, Wang Bo girlfriends in the two recruits often applied, after repeated failures, the idea set back to the village to do "chicken head." Wang Bo know can not go back empty to see the two uncle, but can not go back empty-handed support for her, sponsor her, send her hope in her blind date. As a result, Wang wave whim, posted on the Internet a salary of 500,000 career news, really recruited long queue of candidates. In the strict control of two girlfriends, Wang Bo Wanli pick one, the final short-listed only two people, one is "melon Dr.", the other is successful business people. "Guabu" Xie Wen is distraught for finding partners in his research direction, while Wang Bo conquered Xie Wen not only with temperament and beauty but also with "1,000 mu of arable land, 2,000 mu of paddy fields, 500 employees and 500,000 Annual salary "condition lifted Xie Wen" heart is both, people go "appetite. For successful people Zhao Ning, Wang Bo grateful, but politely refused. Wang wave with Xie Wen returned to her recruitment in the "company", let Xie Wen shouted cheated. The face of almost poorer Wangjiazhuang, Xie Wen turn around and will be back to the city. Wang Bo since the "melon Dr." Xie Wen to lie, there is a way to keep him. Xie Wen signed the contract with Wang Bo on the second day. Wang Bo, who was registered by Wang Bo, was formed as the chairman and general manager of Wang Po. The first meeting emphasized that employees should have a sense of awe.During the initial stage of the company, Wang Bo took over several important positions in the company and became an assistant to Xie Wen only on Wednesday. Monday to Friday four belong to Wang's own working day, Wang wave mobilize the masses, engage in market research, running bank loans, enjoying themselves. Xie wen in accordance with the division of responsibilities, with the help of the village two uncle, engage in research projects gold melons nursery, greenhouses, Wang Jiazhuang for a very busy time, even the old couple in the village also under the influence of Wang Bo began to dress themselves . There is hard work, there are gains; success, there is failure. Hard sweat, experiencing numerous setbacks, Wang Bo and Xie Wen finally planted more than 16% of the sugar content of gold melons, won the Shandong (International) Shouguang Vegetable Expo Silver Award. The market opened, Wangjiu ushered in the snow-like orders, and then removed a poor two white hat. Wang Zhuang's "alternative village girl" Wang Bo even more Xie Wen's sincere love, the two together describe the scenery of Wangjiazhuang.

Perfect happiness (TV)[2010]

Feature: Seventies a northern air division. At a loss at first sight, Chen DaHu, a staff adviser in the military affairs department, told nurse Li Jing, who had just been assigned to a teacher's hospital. Liang Liang, the guerrilla guard of Chen DaHu, was also attracted by Li Jing. The arrival of Li Jing transformed Chen DaHu and Liang Liang, who were already unconvinced, into two potential lovers. Zhu DaJu is a martyr orphans. Daju's father entrusted her daughter to Chen DaJu's father, Chen FuJunZhang, before her sacrifice. To fulfill his promise, Chen FuJunZhang tried hard to get married with big tigers such as brother and sister. Song ZhuRen, Chen DaHu's mother's hospital inpatient unit, strongly opposed the marriage. Song ZhuRen in order to stop this marriage, find objects for his son. Teacher Li Gong Ma LiSha into her field of vision. Li Jing was seen as "poison book" was approved, big tiger Li Jing has been very concerned about, adventure to help her find many books. Li Jing discovered the true feelings in the heart of the tiger, and also saw the uniqueness and delicacy he masked under the appearance of a crude and happy drama of a perfect TV series. The boy entered his heart with his unique flavor and became a powerful spiritual pillar in her helpless life. Li Jing was sent out to follow the medical team to perform the task, she took the tiger deep and hazy love on the road. Big chrysanthemum Liang Liang's love did not get a response, it is sad. However, she was still unwilling to continue to be concerned about Liang Liang. Liang Liang just wanted to keep her regular comrade-in-arms relationship, and her emotional expression was deaf and dumb. Chen DaHu was sent to the grassroots for one year and once lost contact with Li Jing. Ma LiSha writes a hot love letter to the tiger. Big tiger turned a blind eye, disregarded from no interest. Big tiger wrote many letters to Li Jing, but did not echo. He did not believe that Li Jing would be so indifferent and continue to express his strong love in letters. Medical team finally returned to the division. Li Jing also reaped all the letters that big tigers had written to her. The long-awaited love finally erupted as a flame underground. Song ZhuRen forced the tiger to marry Ma LiSha until she discovered that the tiger had quietly fallen in love with Li Jing without telling her. Song ZhuRen and Madsha obstruct the destruction of love between Tigers and Li Jing. Tiger and Li Jing vowed to be loyal to each other. With the power of love, in the face of the pressure around Li Jing calm calm. The mother's blockage to the tiger in all sorts of trouble, he went to the juju drinking boredom. Just meet Ma LiSha. Ma LiSha designed her "lost body" to the big tiger, and the big tiger had to marry Ma LiSha under desperation circumstances. He has no face to explain why Li Jing. In Li Jing's mind, he became a passionate person. Li Jing hit the loss of the courage to survive. She was saved by Liang Liang in an attempt to commit suicide. He is very considerate to Li Jing. Li Jing difficult to get rid of big tiger infatuation. She thanked Liang Liang for her help and concern, but she could not accept his love. Ma LiSha got the tiger, but did not get the tiger's heart. Big tiger has been looking for a variety of reasons not to go home, and later the big tiger's mom to find the tiger, the tears gathered to tiger and mom's face to consider for a moment, the tiger promised to go back to her mother, deliberately in front of parents and performance Ma LiSha relationship ease, however, or continue to sleep separately, until it was discovered by the mother accidentally entered the door.Ma LiSha found that she had an unexpected abortion after pregnancy, and the big tiger did not come back to visit at all. Ma LiSha completely give up the tiger. Resolutely filed for divorce. Army reorganization, Li Jing resignation. Liang Liang was finally moved by the pursuit of his big chrysanthemum, which is also a promising consideration and married Daisy, who has a very common relationship with the commander-in-chief and Fan Fu Shi-zhang, the second successor of Chen's happy television series. Li Jing after graduation has not been married, the tiger's heart is still an unhealed wound in her heart. Liang Liang attempted to be a good husband after her marriage, but her habit of letting her upset her again. He tried his best to restrain himself. My heart began to miss Li Jing again. Liang Liang and big chrysanthemum friction after marriage. Daju care, Liang Liang always disdain for her. Born after his son, the fatigue of marriage is to make Liang Liang very tired. Liang Liang interviewed after resignation. Due to the large number of retired military personnel and lack of skills, the work was not easy to find. After returning to temper for a long time, Dai Chrysanthemum lost his temper and was interviewed one day and found Li Jing and Li Jing Recorded Liang Liang, Liang Liang Thanksgiving Report Please Li Jing eat, ask why Liang refused to courtship that year, Li Jing said the past, do not mention, cherish the immediate happiness of it, Liang Liang also suddenly wake up Daisy is real Love yourself. After the divorce Ma LiSha choose to go to South development. Back to specifically find Li Jing to tell her how wishful love of the tiger, and the tiger that unfortunate marriage, Liang Liang Li Jing know the infatuation, more understanding of the tiger's mind. In his matchup, the tiger and Li Jing finally made another ten-year appointment. At this point, a group of young people in that era interpretation of love story finally came to an end. Their interpretation of life on love also let us understand the romantic and pure beauty of that era.

La felicidad perfecta (Movie)[2009]

Feature: Seventies a northern air division. At a loss at first sight, Chen DaHu, a staff adviser in the military affairs department, told nurse Li Jing, who had just been assigned to a teacher's hospital. Liang Liang, the guerrilla guard of Chen DaHu, was also attracted by Li Jing. The arrival of Li Jing transformed Chen DaHu and Liang Liang, who were already unconvinced, into two potential lovers. Zhu DaJu is a martyr orphans. Daju's father entrusted her daughter to Chen DaJu's father, Chen FuJunZhang, before her sacrifice. To fulfill his promise, Chen FuJunZhang tried hard to get married with big tigers such as brother and sister. Song ZhuRen, Chen DaHu's mother's hospital inpatient unit, strongly opposed the marriage. Song ZhuRen in order to stop this marriage, find objects for his son. Teacher Li Gong Ma LiSha into her field of vision. Li Jing was seen as "poison book" was approved, big tiger Li Jing has been very concerned about, adventure to help her find many books. Li Jing discovered the sincere feelings in the heart of the tiger and also saw the unique exquisiteness that he masked under the crude madness. The boy entered his heart with his unique flavor and became a powerful spiritual pillar in her helpless life. Li Jing was sent out to follow the medical team to perform the task, she took the tiger deep and hazy love on the road. Big chrysanthemum Liang Liang's love did not get a response, it is sad. However, she was still unwilling to continue to be concerned about Liang Liang. Liang Liang just wanted to keep her regular comrade-in-arms relationship, and her emotional expression was deaf and dumb. Chen DaHu was sent to the grassroots for one year and once lost contact with Li Jing. Ma LiSha writes a hot love letter to the tiger. Big tiger turned a blind eye, disregarded from no interest. Big tiger wrote many letters to Li Jing, but did not echo. He did not believe that Li Jing would be so indifferent and continue to express his strong love in letters. Medical team finally returned to the division. Li Jing also reaped all the letters that big tigers had written to her. The long-awaited love finally erupted as a flame underground. Song ZhuRen forced the tiger to marry Ma LiSha until she discovered that the tiger had quietly fallen in love with Li Jing without telling her. Song ZhuRen and Madsha obstruct the destruction of love between Tigers and Li Jing. Tiger and Li Jing vowed to be loyal to each other. With the power of love, in the face of the pressure around Li Jing calm calm. The mother's blockage to the tiger in all sorts of trouble, he went to the juju drinking boredom. Just meet Ma LiSha. Ma LiSha designed her "lost body" to the big tiger, and the big tiger had to marry Ma LiSha under desperation circumstances. He has no face to explain why Li Jing. In Li Jing's mind, he became a passionate person. Li Jing hit the loss of the courage to survive. She was saved by Liang Liang in an attempt to commit suicide. He is very considerate to Li Jing. Li Jing difficult to get rid of big tiger infatuation. She thanked Liang Liang for her help and concern, but she could not accept his love. Ma LiSha got the tiger, but did not get the tiger's heart. Big tiger has been looking for a variety of reasons not to go home, and later the big tiger's mom to find the tiger, the tears gathered to tiger and mom's face to consider for a moment, the tiger promised to go back to her mother, deliberately in front of parents and performance Ma LiSha relationship ease, however, or continue to sleep separately, until it was discovered by the mother accidentally entered the door.Ma LiSha found that she had an unexpected abortion after pregnancy, and the big tiger did not come back to visit at all. Ma LiSha completely give up the tiger. Resolutely filed for divorce. Army reorganization, Li Jing resignation. Liang Liang was finally moved by the pursuit of his big chrysanthemum, which is also a promising consideration and married Daisy, who has a very common relationship with Chen FuJunZhang and Fan FuShiZhang. Li Jing after graduation has not been married, the tiger's heart is still an unhealed wound in her heart. Liang Liang attempted to be a good husband after her marriage, but her habit of letting her upset her again. He tried his best to restrain himself. My heart began to miss Li Jing again. Liang Liang and big chrysanthemum friction after marriage. Daju care, Liang Liang always disdain for her. Born after his son, the fatigue of marriage is to make Liang Liang very tired. Liang Liang interviewed after resignation. Due to the large number of retired military personnel and lack of skills, the work was not easy to find. After returning to temper for a long time, Dai Chrysanthemum lost his temper and was interviewed one day and found Li Jing and Li Jing Recorded Liang Liang, Liang Liang Thanksgiving Report Please Li Jing eat, ask why Liang refused to courtship that year, Li Jing said the past, do not mention, cherish the immediate happiness of it, Liang Liang also suddenly wake up Daisy is real Love yourself. After the divorce Ma LiSha choose to go to South development. Back to specifically find Li Jing to tell her how wishful love of the tiger, and the tiger that unfortunate marriage, Liang Liang Li Jing know the infatuation, more understanding of the tiger's mind. In his matchup, the tiger and Li Jing finally made another ten-year appointment. At this point, a group of young people in that era interpretation of love story finally came to an end. Their interpretation of life on love also let us understand the romantic and pure beauty of that era.

Family (TV)[2007]

Feature: Photo Willow lived in a small two-story yard, is a big family. Liu almost all intellectuals, his father Liu ShuTian is a prominent professor, mother Qin ShuJuan is a retired nurse. Liu Cheng is the boss, Liu Cheng is the boss, sister Liu Meng is Liu ShuTian academic research assistant; third brother Liu Zhen is a master, is now in Shanghai to open a company; Sister Liu Fang is studying university; only Liu Cheng culture The lowest, junior high school did not graduate to join the army, as a taxi driver, so the feelings between Liu ShuTian and the coldest. Sixtieth birthday of Liu ShuTian is celebrating his family feast. Hu Yi, a friend of Qin ShuJuan, was involved in an accident. Due to the intense conflict between her daughter Hu QingQing, she was severely stabbed by her daughter. The news came, family ban interrupted. In order to prove Hu QingQing innocent, Hu Yi said she was a minor, and asked Qin ShuJuan to go to the Zhouzhen hospital for Hu QingQing's birth certificate. Liu Cheng Finds Birth Certificate for Hu QingQing at Zhouzhen Hospital. Unexpectedly, accidentally found his sister Liu Meng's birth certificate, which clearly reads: Mother Yang Shu Qin, the first child. Liu Cheng strange, why the mother is Yang Shu Qin? Is the first child? He and Liu Meng doubt their own origins, he was asking: Who am I born? How come to this family? Although his parents gave him an explanation, apparently this far-reaching explanation can not make him feel relieved. Liu Cheng determined to thoroughly figure out who they really are? He began to secretly investigate his own life experience. As the investigation progressed step by step, Liu Cheng found that her own mother was actually the "mother" sister now. But she died shortly after she was born. And death is unknown. How is the dead mother? Who is the murderer? This question has been entangled with Liu Cheng. He found that his father always maintained a rogue called Li Hedong. This rogue seems to have something to do with her mother's death. Liu Fang and her sister Liu Meng fall in love with a man named Gao Ming. He is an assistant to the chief executive of a bio-engineering company in the northwest. As for the boss, he is similar to Liu ShuTian. Liu ShuTian's research topics have a strong interest. His name is - Yan MengZe. The topics studied by Liu ShuTian and Liu Meng are now the projects they have collaborated on. Originally, when Liu ShuTian and Yan MengZe were fellow students, Liu ShuTian and Yang Shu-Qin married and later gave birth to Liu Cheng. Yan MengZe also fell in love with Qin ShuJuan. However, suddenly Yan MengZe exiled Northwest China due to political issues and Qin ShuJuan was pregnant. Liu Meng was borrowed from her name Yang Qin. Qin Yang Qin died accidentally, and came the death of Yan MengZe, so Qin ShuJuan married Liu ShuTian. His wife now became Liu ShuTian's wife; originally her daughter, now called Liu ShuTian "Dad"; his youth to study the subject now become the result of Liu ShuTian ... Faced with such a take away so much of the original Yan MengZe also have to cooperate with him, what does he think? But for such a sudden appearance of "old classmate", how should Liu ShuTian face it? The emergence of Yan MengZe pushed Liu's crisis to another climax. When Liu Cheng found his tracing would bring good mother, he tried hard to stop the police from continuing the investigation, but it was too late. The court found Qin Shu's death indeed related to Qin ShuJuan.The court issued the evidence provided by Liu Cheng. Family members complain about Liu Cheng. Liu Cheng though difficult but can not tell, painful he chose to be free from death. The nick of time, arrived family members understand the insider arrived in time. Liu ShuTian and Liu Cheng hugged beside the train tracks. Liu ShuTian can no longer stay silent as the house is on the brink of collapse. He called his children to the side, ready to say what they were doing ...

Blue sky Yamen 2 (TV)[2006]

Feature: Qingtian Yamen stills "Qingtian Yamen 2" Throughout the main characters or Fuxiang Zhong plays Tan Gong, Sze Yu plays Bao DaoDe, Jianfeng Bao plays Kang Xi, Jun Guo plays the father of Qu Jifi, only Xiaoyu by the Shanghai newcomer Qian Wan starred. In addition to continuing to expand the "housework" of Emperor Kang Xi, the comedy story of the story also adds comedy stories such as Tan Qing's first love lover and pulp marriage wife. "Stone Forest" turned funny chef.

you must be happy (TV)[2006]

Feature: Qin MingZhen, a 15-year-old girl, lost her team's parents because of a landslide, and she was adopted by Ye PeiDe, the person responsible for the accident. Unexpectedly, being imperiled by Ye PeiDe's wife Hu MeiLi in Ye's home, her indifferent family environment caused her to feel deeply sympathetic to Lin Zhen, who also lost her father in the mudslides. Lin Zhen has also been deeply affectionate to this little girl. In her common life, Ming Hui, the son of Ye Jia, turned his heart to the truth while his sister Pearl loved Lin Zhen because she was jealous of the truth. Like her mother, she did not give a good face. Ming Fai and Lin Zhen fought a fierce dispute over their pursuit of fame. In a fierce fight, Lin Zhen was fumbled off the cliff by Ming Fai. Ming Fai, who thought he had committed murder, ran away from home and unexpectedly encountered a car accident. His family thought he was killed in a car accident. Lin Zhen, who dropped the cliff, however, did not die but was turned away because of the guilt of Minghui's death. A few years later, the university graduation of the self-study side, while working in a computer company. However, at this moment, chancely met with Lin Zhen. A few years of separation did not let Ming Zhen and Lin Zhen's feelings dwindled, but more to determine each other's heart. At the same time, however, the pearl they were entangled once again obstructed them and designed to undermine their feelings. Make Mingzhen and Lin Zhen misunderstand, separated again. After a lapse of three years, it was discovered that Lin Zhen was not dead, Minghui renamed the text to return to Xiamen, and acquired the computer company where Ming Dynasty is located, intending to pursue the truth with a new identity and image. Unexpectedly, Kai Wen hired engineers is Lin Zhen. Lin Zhen reappears in the real life, the two rekindled love, but misunderstandings have not been lifted, the window paper between the two has not been able to pierce. At this point, everyone found that pearl run away from home for three years already crazy. In order to give pearl cure, Gao YunLong likes pearl go bankrupt try everything possible, but was used by Kai-wen, designed to Lin Zhen leak business secrets. Lin Zhen was taken away by the police at Lin Zhen's solemn engagement ceremony.

Heavenly Sword Quxia (TV)[2006]

Feature: Qin world first set, that brings together the world five Master Sword, in order to the world Qi sword. Skyshine sword has just emerged, the king of Qin that 薨, Sky Sword also will be missing. Hundreds of years afterwards, the slaughter for Sky Swords continued. Until the New Moon was found in rivers and lakes, Archbishop King Apollo learned that one of the "Five Swords of the Heavenly Sword," which was related to the whereabouts of the Heavenly Sword, was hidden in Tang's Tongguan and sent to Hei QiLing, one of the four major laws. Down's door was killed, leaving only daughter Tang RuoXuan blind "Wenjianwu scholar" Xiao Ting saved, but also to keep a piece of Heaven Sword and five knights. Tang RuoXuan The fiancée's fiancé, Gu HanYang, learned about the Tang Men tragedy and went to help him. However, if Xuan had disappeared upon arrival, Huang Xiang, an expert in medicine and eccentric, had come across. Two people each other, looking for Ruoxuan together, all the way to continue to misunderstand, but to enhance their understanding. At this point, if Xuan escorted Xiao Ting to Ping Jing Da Shih, the master was assisted by Xiao Ting and could not help but conceal his love. Ping JingDaShi convened martial arts conference, everyone together. Hanyang see if Xuan's friendship, take the initiative to retire marriage. While Huang Xiang urged, while self-contradictory heart. Xiao Ting said "Sword five knights" one can find Sword, he and Joshua each one. Ping JingDaShi tried to make concerted efforts among martial arts factions to find five knights and to fight the crescent moon with a sword. At this time, King Apollo led the New Moon Education to teach the four major law enforcement came after the calamity, the sectarian casualties, Ping JingDaShi wounded, all of them to stay home PingjiDaShi Zhangjia Village. Inadvertently, the third Tianjian five seniors were found, but did not want to immediately teach the crescent to kill, to the lake flooded Zhang Village, Ping JingDaShi force died, told Jiao Xuan if a piece of five counties appear Jiangnan. If Xuan and Xiao Ting break out, both Gu HanYang and Huang Xiang are knocking down the cliff. Hanyang and Huang Xiang did not die, because of the magic books, martial arts greatly improved. If Xuan and Xiao Ting search the five knights in the south of the Yangtze River and get to know the beggar's beggars. A nursery rhyme to guide you to find the fourth Jazz, but did not want to immediately pull away King Avro Wang Ruoxuan Huang Xiang, forcing us to surrender five knights. One of the four major Protestant Crescent Law Phoenix secretly put Huang Xiang and if Xuan, the original Huang Xiang is the four law enforcement Huang Kongling. Fire Phoenix more inadvertently discovered the secrets of King Apollo, the result was poisoned by King Apollo. Definite makeup according to the death of the crowd eventually found Huang Xiang's head of the Chai hairpin is the fifth Jazz, Sky Sword finally come out. Xiao Ting, who had a sword in his hand, suddenly started to laugh at him. It turned out he was the evil King of Abyssinuo. His hand-held sword to kill all people, if Xuan to a secret about the Heavenly Sword in exchange for everyone's departure, he was taken away by King Apollo. The original sword in possession immortality immortality, must medicine destroyed sword, King Apollon hesitated. In order to save more if Xuan justice, Hanyang set a date about war king Avro. Huangshan top, Sword dazzling eyes in the sun, Hanyang eyes can not look straight, but because of Blind King blind but not limited, Hanyang danger similar. Temporary solar eclipses to Hanyang to wheeze, but also if Ruoxuan found ways to reduce the power of Heavenly Stems, in the king of Abyssinia want to kill Hanyang, if Xuan Ying sword, with their own blood red sword Body, erase the light of Sky Sword. If Xuan also told King Apollo himself have been pregnant with his children.Under a series of battles against King Beelung, like a mad king, he was finally killed by Hanyang. A generation of devil eliminate, Hanyang and Huang Xiang both left. From here on the rivers and lakes spread a pair of chivalrous couple, sword maintenance justice story.

Swing girl (TV)[2005]

Feature: Married Cheng TianShu on the road to see the TV wall diamond ads, but also received her boyfriend Frank's phone, mistakenly think they will propose to him. PR firm manager Lin Haitian for the purchase of diamond rings and marriage mad conflict, and again in the real beer press conference a problem. Giant Yao Yao Man as a contract, do everything possible to find really cool beer boss Zhen YouQian. Unexpectedly, she met Xin XiYa, a woman who wanted to cheat Zhen YouQian and trusted Lin Haitian. Color landlord's 500,000 winning lottery, actually flew to the top floor of the hotel, when he risked his life to pick up when the hotel PR manager marry madly strongly discouraged, the two touched the alarm in the dispute, the news conference suddenly chaos . The innocent sister is very sympathetic to a married maniac, trying to pull her together with a single father and think it is appropriate to marry them. Marriage mad to change their status, bought himself a ring, did not expect lucky touched the award: two-week trip to France. Married very happy, hope this trip let her find a good husband. Xin Lin Hai Xin TianYaa heart still, but Xin XiYa replied altogether, completely rejected him. The reason why she approached Zhen YouQian was for his money. Lin Haitian do not understand Xin XiYa Why do this, he asked the fans, Xin XiYa and Zhen before that day in the end what happened between the million people morale silence, ask the beauty and money together what happens, Lin The weather is gone, crush on his man's heart is not happy, so she and the fans and friction. Marriage wants to go to France, and change the dress looking for opportunities to know the rich man. Color landlord and innocent sister feel she is really crazy. However, Married really met in the first class French An DeLu, very touching, but unexpected Zhen YouQian in the middle of them. On the way to the situation, the plane returned home, marriage mad is arranged to rest in the same room with pregnant women, the most unexpected wedding is unexpected, her unmarried husband was her predecessor boyfriend. For the comfort of marriage mad, color landlord, naive girl invariably buy 鮟 鱇 fish to send her. Marriage still think this fish is too ugly, not good. Naive sister shyly said that in fact, love is not beautiful, but people's expectations of it too high. Married mad to help color the landlord with glasses, the two walked back all the way, the original quarrel they always say their own truth, but more and more speculation. Suddenly, marriage madness, in fact, the love of two beautiful people can also be very sweet. Color landlord stared, hugged her deeply kiss her. However, at this moment, a girl suddenly came from the United States. She is called A Jiao, is the landlord's daughter when the color landlord travels to the United States. A Jiao sudden visit, color room eager to prepare meals for her, so negligent innocent sister, man and woman. A Jiao finally said he was opposed by parents, she was in love with TOM went to China. Tie Dan came to the man-in-law's younger brother, led by Tie Dan, who went shopping, bought food and bought lottery tickets for Tie Tie's lucky draw. He thought there would be no color, but why he won the award. Swinging Girl Stills A marry mad with Tie Dan to the playground, a roller coaster ride, and Tie Dan dazed in the past, anxious for her to send him to the hospital. The man-in-law got the message and rushed to the emergency room.Yu GenBao said after the doctor said the child was congenital heart disease, hospitalization immediately surgery, about fifty or sixty thousand costs. Surprisingly, Xin XiYa learned the matter, take the initiative to come to donate money. The matter touches the color landlord, finally took out a passbook, to see a doctor for the child, in order to show atonement. The annual beer tenders will start, Zhen YouQian think there is a risk, do not want to win the bid. Lin Haitian had long been concerned, naive girl to intervene from, so her father do not want to win the bid. Zhen YouQian promised her daughter. Unexpectedly, suddenly a million fans suddenly wear a wedding fan, saying she and Lin Haitian have been pounding. Zhen YouQian listened to a fire and decided to play on his own. Naive girl run away from home angrily. The innocent girl came off the street and met Dai Wei, but he did not have the money to make a living by selling things. The money was not enough for the innocent girl to buy clothes and flowers. He also did not have a house, Quickly be driven away. The innocent sister said that he should work with him and feed himself. Glamorous, man-in-law with their own purpose to find a doctor, you can play are concerned about the naive girl's banner. But Yu GenBao's heart is Xin XiYa, who has to be rejected for her birthday. After Yu GenBao was rejected, only the wedding fanatic gave him this comfort, and he decided to invite her to eat at home to express her gratitude. Zhen YouQian depressed hearts, drink alcohol worry, marriage mad learned and million people rushed to the hotel, the color of the landlord, the man-in-law to find innocent girl. Dai Wei high fever, naive sister back to the hospital, just Lin Haitian, man and woman arrived. Lin Haitian naive girl rushed to the hotel. Zhen YouQian climbed the top of the barricade, marriage mad difficult rescue him. Naive sister arrived at the moment, father and daughter meet each other cry. A returnees real estate owner Lu Peng pursuit of fans, but let a house boiling up. Lu Peng chase after thousands of people lost, but also hired color landlord, man and woman to be close to the glamorous, have been rejected. Millionaire to tell the story of her painful experience of love. And this time a woman named Jin XiangYu hit the door to cause public anger. Lu Peng kneeling in front of thousands of fans, asking for forgiveness. But things do not go so smoothly, Jin Fu forcing Lu Peng early marry them. Jin XiangYu dragged Lu Peng troubled New Year's home, saying that selling the house's money is her, count given to her, on condition that thousands of people away from him. Giant fans leave angrily. Jin XiangYu unexpectedly invited everyone to France to attend her wedding with Lu Peng. Marriage mad, the man-in-law knows that the heart of people is very painful, have to comfort her, but even more surprising, glamorous decided to accept the fate of the challenge to France to attend the wedding. When they finally left, Lin Haitian took them to the airport by car and unexpectedly met Yu XiBao at the parking lot. Xin XiYa also hinted that Lin Haitian, must seize the opportunity to pursue marriage mad. People suddenly said to the colorist, she wants to marry him in the same place on the same day they were married, to do for them to see. Although the real color landlord understand that this is a fake marriage, but grateful to her trust. Wanted to marry Mad them with her to buy wedding. Only a naive sister wandering alone in the street, walked into the church, met a middle-aged woman called gorgeous in France. Gorgeous said she also had a daughter as big as her, and invited her to visit her house.Naive girl feel something unexpected, she also has a daughter called the heart. In fact, the innocent sister met her mother, Mei Wah, Zhen YouQian called, just the United States in the two decades after the phone recognize, the United States and innocent girl to mother and daughter Recognize. Surprise for everyone, cried. Color landlord, geek costumes appear in the hotel, Jin XiangYu angrily to get out of her, go up in love is two slap in the face, that is to give them two to a broken, the scene suddenly chaos. At this very moment, Lin Haitian also came to France for the wedding fanatic, unfortunately, he was wounded thrown by a wedding fanatic. But after this accident, marriage mad, Lin Haitian came together, everyone happy. Lin Haitian told the doctor sick and Xin XiYa story. Marriage can not forgive myself, let Xin XiYa suffer her on her behalf. Lin Haitian a listen, think she is unreasonable, angry to go back. At the moment they were on their way to the airport, Ya Dang, a man-and-woman suitor, was again angered and indignant. Girlfriends They returned to the villa, marry unexpectedly proposed to be scattered, then glamorous, men and women have to leave, although the color of the landlord to retain, their attitude is still firm. Color landlord said he likes geeks, do not think he likes to do whatever they want, since you want to go, then go its own way forward. Instead, everyone looks at each other. Married mad at the villa burned meal Sanfan, who can not eat, in fact, no one wants to go. Man and woman vomit truth, her favorite actually is that the French named Ya Dang; asked the most favorite wedding favorite hate, although she said a lot, you can always say no one. Innocent sister, men and women spot wear him on the spot, this person is Lin Haitian. Lin Haitian, color landlord just heard at the door, they apart from anything else, one hugged the marriage crazy, one picked up the fans, ran into their own room, the next day the man-woman also received Ya Dang From the letter from France, in order to live up to her, she decided to fly to France. Just as they sent her to the airport, the innocent sister unexpectedly found her father going to France, and she also went to see her with him. Finally, all people have a wonderful ending.

Be Happy (TV)[2004]

Feature: Pig friend dog Lei Lei Gong a pair of black deer originally in love in Montenegro, the man because he wants to save his mother from the pain of indefinable hell, decided to get immortality, the woman in order to follow the love Lang, also immortal with him; as a result, The male dog demon becomes Xiao TianQuan (Calvin Li) around Er LangShen, while the female dog demon is the Shih Tzu (Han Xue (actress)) in front of the imperial black empress. Although they already fall in love with Montenegro as early as in Montenegro, they are really startled and startled after their immortality. Lei ZhenZi (Yi Zhao ornaments) vicious revenge, in the heaven specialist divination demon devil, the only Thunder Gong demon more, belching heavier, in order to overcome Er Lang Shen (Zhong Chao ornaments) . Xiao TianQuan pleaded guilty to court and was punished to guard the court of heaven. Results Lei Gong was King of God, high-spirited, high earthquake master. In order to destroy the monster, Mang care people life and death, and even Zhu BaJie was Lei Gong dead, the results of Journey (Gao Hongxian ornaments) and the king of heaven to court, Lei Gong dead do not repent, mistakenly hit and beat, , Forced into the Buddha light practice. Xiao TianQuan Stills, even ascending three, defending North Tianmen. Dogs and Xiang Si loving, provoke the jealousy of the mother-in-law niece Nyonya (Tian Jia Yi), Xiang Si is designed to framed, almost killed the mother, fortunate dog to Yu Di (Huang Haibing ornaments) Death penalty, but to blink the mortal world. Xiang Si begged the dogs to go down together, not to be immortals, but the dogs in order to save the nuns; and fulfill their promise to not kill Xiang Si Di Yu, reluctantly refused to Xiang Si, and Xiang Si thought the dog merciless heartache. To help her and the dog together, in the Leiyin Temple steal the Buddha lamp, save Xiang Si, down to Montenegro, to use the hands of the Buddha lamp, according to the dog's past smell bag, let him return to the bag In, so Xiang Si and canine phase habitat. Journey to Xiangshan and Xiang Si came to Montenegro, met Hei ShanLaoXie (Hu Dong ornaments), the old evil fans down Montenegro, who I do not know was Xiang Si fans. Xiang Si is to escape the old evil demon wrapped around, mistaken Buddha lamp to break, the release was sealed inside the lamp of the Thunder, more completely I do not know rushed between the wrong seal of Thunder's lamp, Xiang Si think it a big deal, How do you know Lei Gong became only six-year-old IQ, calling Xiang Si as his dear. Ezekiel met in Montenegro only appeared at night, specifically for the dead to reach the wishes of the snow female (Yang Minna ornaments), the two planted sentimental. Hei ShanLaoXie To seize the heart of Xiang Si, looking for the old yin and yang (Touwa ornaments), want to use the tyrannical reincarnation to change, the result can not be changed at this time, the old evil lost youth, but also makes himself and Snow female belong to one, Therefore, see the old evil during the day, night can only see the snow female. At the same time, Xiao TianQuan accepted the orders of Yu Di, Xiang Si, Ba Jie, Lei Gong and others. The dog took advantage of bitter meat to capture the Thunder Gong, and then heartlessly crushed Xiang Si. Xi Wang concealed Yu Di from this, Xiang Si rebirth. Everything seemed to be going well, just as the dog was going to reincarnate Xiang Si, the old evil thought the dog was unfavorable to Xiang Si and plugged it in. As a result, Xiang Si missed the chance of being born again. Old evil is guilty of guilt, regardless of their own life once again promote the tyranny, shake the time and space, change the fate of Xiang Si rebirth, but the price of the old evil is his life.Old evil and snow female with the same, the old evil to do when the lamp is dry, that is, when the snow female incense eliminate jade, the results of the Journey finally with snow on Montenegro, before she dies, she saw the sunrise of Montenegro dream. Yu Di sent four darumang to catch Xiang Si, dogs and javelin to save Xiang Si, the result evolved into trouble. Yu Di furious, lifting the seal for the thunder, the use of thunder to deal with three dogs. Lei Gong was unsealed, reply originally IQ, but forgot a section with Xiang Si mother and child love, Xiang Si I do not know where, "mother and son" reunion, I realized that was Lei Gong heng into a serious injury, Xiao TianQuan and Ba Jie furious pig Friends Peng Lei Lei friends. However, the power of pig friend friends far away from Thunder, they are not competitors. Lei Gong fight pig pig dog friend again, can stop Thunder's method is seriously injured Xiang Si can recall the six-year-old memories of Lei Gong. Emotional daughter country All daughter country is a woman, but they are a group of special women, a group of women without love, they will never fall in love with any one man, because their affections were taken away. The daughter of the city gate is the famous beauty off, as long as a man even if he is immortal, in order to pass through the daughter of the country, it will immediately become a stone, take a hundred years to change back to the original. Women's daughter country born with a magical charm, men just look at them will be infected with love, love at first sight. If you do not get the love of each other's body love man, soon heartbreak and die. Because they have no affection, I do not know the love of men and women, so absolutely no love for any man. Tie Sao (Yanmin Zhang), the seven princess in heaven, has long been in love with Zhu BaJie. Tie Sao decided to steal the water of her daughter's country in order to gain the love of Zhu BaJie. According to the "last page" to provide reliable information, the magical water of hope can make love dreams come true. Tie Sao met and became friends with her daughter State Guo Jin Jin ZhiYuYe (Wu Xiaomin) while stealing water, while Tie Sao found the woman here very special. Zhu BaJie is eager to participate in the peach assembly for three hundred years. However, due to the absence of invitations, Tie Sao has surprisingly helped him to win an inviting invitation that belongs to hennai. In order to reclaim the invitations for my husband, Zhu BaJie was lied to him and cheated him into her daughter's country. The magic turned into a stone in the lower body of the Americans. Tie Sao Qiao Mi Mi meter, by Jin ZhiYuYe hand unlocked the magic, Zhu BaJie back into people but Jin ZhiYuYe fall in love at first sight, deep love can not extricate themselves, but this is not true love, but in love. If Zhu BaJie can not get Jin ZhiYuYe's love, her heart will soon die, but now Jin ZhiYuYe does not know what it means to love men and women. Zhu BaJie met Ha MaJing (Liu Xiaoxia), who also had the same love in the body. He just changed back from a rock, but he became a stone for exactly a hundred years. Hong Mei dark eldest daughter of the country's elders Hong MeiAoXue (Jin Qiaoqiao ornaments) for hundreds of years, had three times courageous beauty turned into stone three times. Because of common goals that make them friends, together seeking the hearts of lovers, but almost once again become a stone. In order to see the dreaming of Jin ZhiYuYe, Zhu BaJie would rather become a woman.With the help of a gourd, Zhu BaJie became Tie Qin's sister Princess Tie Qin (Xie Na). Tie Sao inquired of forgetting Dan to dissolve Zhu BaJie's drug, so he and Zhu BaJie worked together to take away Dan Qing from Hong MeiAoXue. However, the god Dan hand Zhu BaJie refused to take because of the great side effects of forgetting Dan, once taken, there will never be any emotion. Private Jade Emperor Hong MeiAoXue was cold reception, Zhu BaJie et al. Inadvertently discovered a major secret, the original daughter of a woman was taken away by love, so I do not know what the feelings of men and women. As a result, several people carried out their actions to regain their feelings for their own purposes. Tie Sao to save Zhu BaJie's life, Jin ZhiYuYe want to get back their own things, toad addition to Hong MeiAoXue to recover affection, but also to find Yu Di revenge in order to eliminate "wife's hate." Love silk was taken away by Yu Di's mother, Wang Wang Mu. In those days, Yu Di and Hong MeiAoXue really love each other, but not for the old Wang Mu, Yu Di to give up the throne threat, the old Wang Mu under the secretly smuggled their love, so that they lose the love of men and women. Ha MaJing mixed into heaven, force hijacked Wang Mu troubled heaven finally captured. Yu Di urges the old woman to repay the love thread was rejected, at the same time mistakenly thought that she had taken the forgotten love Dan will lose the memory. In order to preserve her affection for Hong MeiAoXue, Yu Di has no choice but to exchange with the shabby Ha MaJing and become Ha MaJing of Yu Di and fierce protest against the Empress Dowager. Tie Sao and Zhu BaJie finally found that love was locked in an ice forest, they did everything possible to melt the ice forest. At this point, Zhu BaJie has been on the verge of death, life hanging. Tie Sao in order to save Zhu BaJie, decided to give his love to Jin ZhiYuYe. When Zhu BaJie got the love of Jin ZhiYuYe and survived, Zhu BaJie suddenly realized that her true love was Tie Sao, but Tie Sao had become a ruthless person because she had lost her love. Yu Di melted the ice tree forest with the sincere fire of Hong MeiAoXue. Love silk finally returned to her daughter country, turning them into lovers again. Zhu BaJie also took the opportunity to get back the feelings of Tie Sao, rushed back to Tie Sao, halfway accidentally fell, love silk was a wildflowers away. Just as Zhu BaJie grieved, Bodhisattva told Zhu BaJie that Tie Sao has stood the test and has been practicing Buddhism. Zhu BaJie frustrated had Chuaizhe love wildflower sad to go. Moving Shan Keji Zhu BaJie repeatedly made mistakes in the courts and was finally taken to immortal cards and relegated to Tu Di Gong. Zhu BaJie grudge haha ​​2 will secretly mischievous, will Zhu BaJie issued to rampant monsters, poor environment of Mount. Zhu BaJie all the lost skill, only Tu Di Shui and immortal robe two escape cents. Wushan mountain demon flooding, causing the growing mountain. A group of mountain monsters headed by Gui Hu ate Tu Di Gong, wantonly endangering people everywhere. Willow Village suffered the worst, not to talk to students, then sent messengers to the age of Yugoslavia's foolish village for help, because the road will be through the mountains, the messenger was blocked by the mountain Yao died, over the years, no one reached the foolish village. This time, the willow village invites seven warriors again escort the messenger set off, the route of troops was attacked by the mountain demon killed and wounded.Villager Xiao Qi (Li Peng) was rescued by Ye ZhuGongZi (Xu Zhen) and fled to foolish village. In fact, foolish people have long been removed Osan plan, only foolish eighteen on behalf of a good skill. Xiao Qi arrived, foolish family held a swearing-in assembly to proceed to Wu Shan. Xi Wang (Johnny Chen ornaments) has been voted the leader of the move mountains. Bu Zui (Deyi Liu), an older generation of folks, trained her daughter Bu He (Jianing Xue) to explore mountain ranges as a result of her drunkenness in the mountain that year, which resulted in her being a boy. Let Bu He join the team to make up for their merits. Bu Zui did not hesitate to cheat Bu He became the pioneer of the move. Bu He had to cut off the mountain before removing it. Bu He, an expert in exploring mountains, knew he was responsible, but she was so timid that she did not have enough confidence after starting her departure and Bu Zui had been secretly protecting it. Foolish family into the mountains. Elf fight. Xi Wang With the ancestral can demon hoe demon mountain axes beat Gui Hu (Zhang Jianli ornaments), the first victory. Bu He was teased by his companions and ran counter to the team and met Zhu BaJie who took over. Bu He robbed Zhu BaJie's celebrity gown and rushed back to Mount Wushan to confront the foolish people with flowers headed by Pu GongYing (Yang Minna). Bu He survived the rescue and the foolish family fled. Although the flower demon defeated Pu GongYing Xi Wang love at first sight. Wushan mountain demon deliberation, only to win the mountain ax to win. Pu GongYing war to steal the mountain ax. Pu GongYing alone sneaked into the foolish family camp, magic control Bu He's hand to get the ax. Just at this time, Zhu BaJie to discuss the robes, chaos, the ax was thrown Bu Bu Cliff, Bu He and Zhu BaJie escape together. The monster took advantage of stupid fools clan, Bu Zui fools and other people were taken prisoner. Xi Wang and others were rescued by Ye ZhuGongZi, "kind", and hid in the wild boar's cave. Zhu BaJie learned from Bu He that the Foolish family wanted to remove Osan and was surprised to see that as a new Tu Di public, he could stand by. Zhu BaJie boasted to drop the mountain demon also Wu Shan peace. Zhu BaJie with Bu He to find Tu Di Temple, shook the loud bell called the mountain demon meeting, but was sent to the demon Gui Hu repair meal. Wushan mountain demon doubt Ye ZhuGongZi eat crawl, harbor fugitives. To prove its authenticity, Pu GongYing offered to the tree king to turn himself into a false mountain ax, managed to mix into the remnants of the foolish family and clean it up and clear the traitor. In order to make the fake drama true, they want to use the new Tu Di Gong Zhu BaJie. Pu GongYing pleaded guilty to Zhu BaJie and all the guilty consciences were committed by Gui Hu, requesting that Zhu BaJie Baoshan Mount Peace. As long as he can be fair, the mountain ax can be returned to the foolish family, and the two sides work hard to make the goblet. Zhu BaJie regain his face natural joyful, mouthful of promised, then according to Pu GongYing said the place to get "mountain ax." Ye ZhuGongZi save lives, easy to get foolish people trust. When Zhu BaJie got the ax and Ye ZhuGongZi flashed Zhu BaJie and Bu He on the occasion of Zhu BaJie's blessing, Bu He was lucky enough to die in a Shang Pao over Zhu BaJie. Zhu BaJie's two cents All damaged. Ye ZhuGongZi get back the "mountain ax" returned to Xi Wang. In the dead of night, Pu GongYing enters the dream of Xi Wang with the "escape dream method", letting Xi Wang embrace his own love.Zhu BaJie and Bu He fall, Zhu BaJie know Bu He was a girl, the two feelings have developed. Bu He accidentally found Wushan Mountain and discovered a bigger secret - Ye ZhuGongZi is planning a shaking plot with his father inside the trapped mountain. Pu GongYing not only captures Xi Wang's heart, but also leads the foolish family to a bigger trap. Xi Wang learned that the "mountain ax" was originally changed by Pu GongYing, foolish people are toward danger. In order to retrieve the mountain ax to complete the move to the mountain, he bite the bully to the mountain demon fraud, promptly the Yu Gong family rescued from danger. Xi Wang into the black monster and pretend to Pu GongYing and "good." Zhu BaJie and Bu He meet with folks. Bu He encourages everyone to morale, continue to find the mountain ax, not move Osamu, vows never look back. In order to test Xi Wang, Gui Hu ordered him to drink the demon blood. In order to complete the relocation of the mountain, Xi Wang sacrificed his life to drink demon blood. Before completely becoming a monster, he must give the ax to the foolish family. Pu GongYing actually saw that Xi Wang did not love himself, but she was willing to stay awake for this short, fickle, beautiful love. Wu FaWuTian immortal Buddha Buddha into Buddhism, sentimental desire to be driven to read, the formation of an immaterial demon. Claiming Wu FaWuTian (Elvis Tsui). He hates the heart of Buddha's stone and hates the heart of Buddha. Hating the righteousness and will of the Buddha dominates the flesh that is still in common with all kinds of emotions. Wu FaWuTian decided to revenge Buddha, decided to regain the flesh. Because he was born with the Buddha, he became a god with the enlightenment of the Bodhi Tree. Therefore, Wu FaWuTian also has the power of the Buddha. However, since ancient times, Wu FaWuTian heart magazine chaos, repeated defeat in the Buddha, decided to find the legendary closed with 81 fairy magic box and open spell. To this end he slaughtered creatures, put a plague to force a Guo Wang to hand over the magic box spell, Buddha ancestral Wu CheWuTian's intention to send the dragon (Humans decorated) Fu Hu (Zhanwen Kou ornaments) Wu FaWuTian. Dragon Fu Hu a violent, a timid, a heroic, a stingy. Natural cooperation less than a child, along the way, Fu Hu crying mother and child, so that the dragon is distracted. Fortunately, before Wu FaWuTian get the spell, Dragon Fu Hu arrived in time, into a dragon tiger King Kong, Wu FaWuTian played a romance. And the spell is also a newborn fetus, in order to once again remove the spell, unless the fetus when the sacrificial offering, due to the two people can not reconcile the views of the Dragon Fu Hu, led to Wu FaWuTian's escape, while the body of the dragon in the Wu FaWuTian green poison. Can not return to the West Paradise, Buddha believes that the two people are not honest Buddha, not to let the two back to life, re-enlightenment. Unexpectedly, the most terrifying thing happened Dragon down, Fu Hu actually gave birth to his house next door, and the spell combined with the fetus was born at the same time. Zhu BaJie received the praise of heaven because of the good works of Tu Di God and sent the lower bound of Tai BaiJinXing (Golden Grain Decoration) to the ascended letter of appointment. Telling Zhu BaJie to be promoted as the mountain god of the Dragon and Tiger mountains and Zhu BaJie happily going to work, Tai BaiJinXing told him that the mountain god's order has been taken away to a band of robbers and called Zhu BaJie himself.Zhu BaJie arrived at the Dragon Tiger Hill was robbed of the naked light, but also storms flat meal, grievances want to return to the temple of the mountain, issued a mountain has been occupied by a child, because Zhu BaJie was beaten , Can not make the spell, causes the human to deceive, was finally closed by Xiao Long inside the box. There are people who can not go to hell and can not be reincarnated after death. Therefore, they have immortality, and these people are gathered together as robbers. The leading bandit called Zhu FengChun (Gao Hongxian). He has a wife named Xiao Die (Zhang Danlu), and Zhu FengChun is the owner of Zhu BaJie. Because Zhu BaJie occupied Zhu FengChun's body so much that Zhu FengChun could not live forever because there was no death record in hell. Zhu FengChun had no idea who killed him. When Zhu BaJie came to Mount Longhu, Zhu FengChun Zhu FengChun decided to seize the piglet, to revenge the blood of hate. At the same time, Xiao Die inquired about the four stupid demon world with a box through the Dragon and Tiger mountains, and heard that the four individuals have a magic box, the box can satisfy everyone's wishes. So this group of pirates decided to grab the magic box from the four stupid hands of the demon world, but they do not know the demon world four stupid lift that box filled with Wu FaWuTian "spirit" has not been restored, Zhu FengChun and Xiao Die When Zhu FengChun was eaten by Wu FaWuTian, ​​Wu FaWuTian walked the world with the appearance of Zhu FengChun, and kept them locked in the box by Xiao Long Zhu BaJie carried away. Because Zhu BaJie and Zhu FengChun grow exactly the same, so that Xiao Die Zhu Zhu BaoJie as Zhu FengChun coincides with the indolent rebellion, Xiao Die and Zhu BaJie almost killed those rebel people, Zhu Zhu Zhu Zhu Zhu Zhuchui trickery, Zhu BaJie with Xiao Die escaped from the thief nest, Zhu BaJie in the process of expedition with Xiao Die understand what happened to the former owner Zhu FengChun, in order to save the soul of Zhu FengChun, Zhu BaJie with Xiao Die began a series of plans . Wu FaWuTian only the last root of a mountain will recover the original skill, with the exception of the mountain tiger Zhu BaJie but disappeared, that he could not get the roots of the Dragon and Tiger mountains, so he also tried every means to find the Dragon and the Mountain God Zhu BaJie. Xiao Hu (Chen Ting ornaments), the reincarnation of the reincarnation of the Dragon Dragon Fu Hu and the spell also lives in the Dragon and Tiger, Xiao Long became a bully of the Dragon and Tiger, Fu Hu is a mountain The temple monk, and Xiao Yue has always been in love with Xiao Long. While Wu FaWuTian irreconcilable when the mighty Dragon and Tiger Mountains, suddenly found the Dragon Fu Hu is here, when he was smashed Dragon Fu Hu. At this time, the narrow road meet, Wu FaWuTian become timid as a rat, see Xiao Long ran. Zhu BaJie and Xiao Die understand that they want to save Zhu FengChun unless they get the tears of Buddha. In order to find the tears of Buddha Zhu BaJie after untold hardships, and finally learned that only by letting Dragon Fu Hu Buddha, Zhu FengChun reincarnation Xi Wang. So Zhu BaJie everywhere looking for the embodiment of the Dragon Fu Hu, Wu FaWuTian is angrily looking for the mountain tiger Zhu BaJie, to complete the last pass, but he was again Xiao Long tiger tightly entangled.In this weird and funny cycle, there are all kinds of pirates gagging all kinds of joke. A new story unfolds.

Pink girl (TV)[2003]

Feature: The "Pink Girl" is an investment by Huaxia Audio-Visual Media (Beijing) Co., Ltd., directed by Wu Chung-te, and starring Rene Liu, Yan Zhang, Chen Hao (actress) and Jianing Xue. The play tells the story of "Jie HunKuang", "Nan RenPo", "Wan RenMi", "naive sister" four single women's men and women friendship, love, marriage, family, outlook on life and in the face of business competition story. The drama premiered on Shanghai TV series on April 30, 2003.

TheBachelorette (TV)[2003]

Feature: The "Pink Girl" is an investment by Huaxia Audio-Visual Media (Beijing) Co., Ltd., directed by Wu Chung-te, and starring Rene Liu, Yan Zhang, Chen Hao (actress) and Jianing Xue. The play tells the story of "Jie HunKuang", "Nan RenPo", "Wan RenMi", "naive sister" four single women's men and women friendship, love, marriage, family, outlook on life and in the face of business competition story. The drama premiered on Shanghai TV series on April 30, 2003.

Clever little Bu Dong (TV)[2001]

Feature: Family fortune An accidental opportunity, Bu Dong helped Husuo had a difficult time. Somehow, somehow, a little inexplicable intimacy. Bu Dong went to Gangnam to search for someone who would have a good Camellia because the other person might have been a loved one. A very dilapidated small temple in Jilong town, "Golden Pavilion Temple," housed the monk Wu Xiu who had already been investigated by Xiao Zong. Wu Xiu suffers from mild Alzheimer's disease. His memory is not good. Bu Dong often makes it ridiculous. Bu Dong just wants to get things done quickly and return to Kasyapa Temple for his previous life. Wu Xiu, a noble college in the area, felt that Camellia came into the back of the academy. Therefore, suspecting that the plantation was a student in the academy, he sent Bu Dong to the academy to play the role of teacher and professor of German drama. Bu Dong was assigned the most troubling class in the academy. The students in the class all have different kinds of problems. Among them, the first is the son of the academician's daughter. Bu Dong pays great attention to all the students in order to investigate Camellia. Bu Dong teaches students one by one with all sorts of bizarre teaching methods. Bu Dong began to meet, and he even liked to be a spring teacher. There is a student in the academy Zhu Zheng, though talented, but very lack of confidence. Bu Dong always had an inexplicable intimacy with him, not only helping him to regain his confidence, but also helping him catch his beloved woman Li FengJie into his hand. However, it turns out that Zhu Zheng is now the prince, son of filial piety. At this time, filial piety was seriously ill and Bu Dong and Wu Xiu were not able to find any clues yet, and they were forced back to their posts. When filial piety was in jeopardy, he suddenly sealed Bu Dong as a tutor and a bachelor, a product of worship, a rate of six, and the promotion of the new emperor. Bu Dong stayed, just about to push the occasion, filial piety has dumped collapse. Prince ascended the throne, change the title Masanori. It turned out that all deliberate arrangements Xiaozong. At that time, they were dispatched internally and in their own hands and they wanted Bu Dong to be able to stabilize the Masanori throne in a curious way. Bu Dong did not live up to the expectations of Xiaozong, and slowly began to see results, and the officials finally settled down. Just then, Bu Dong and Masanori found a big secret; it was Bu Dong himself who was the son whom Bukchon wanted Bu Dong to find. If age, he is more than Masanori, according to the law, he is the real son of Heaven.

The Peach Blossom Fan legend (TV)[2000]

Feature: Outlines a lawless princess, a clever tricky girl, under the guidance of a love poem written for others, into the rolling red earthly world, staged a epic love melodrama comedy. "Peach Blossom Legend" a new interpretation; Ming dynasty love elegy, soul-stirring, "Titanic" into the Qinhuai River; students leave, but Romeo and Juliet changed its name.

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