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Bin Yu TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Bin Yu Works 3 ,And Costume Drama 1 ,权谋1 ,Xian xia 1 ,科幻修真喜剧1 ,Idol drama 1 ,Suspense 1 。

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Bin Yu Filmography(3)


归还世界给你 (TV)[2019]


《归还世界给你》讲述了 Shen YiEn 和男友 Xie QiLei 携手创业,大学刚毕业就事业起步、走上正轨。但商场诡谲、人心险恶,对手为争夺利益,导致了 Xie QiLei “意外身亡”。痛失爱人的沈亦恩并没有一蹶不振,她一方面独自扛起事业重任,将公司打造成知名时尚品牌;一方面追寻 Xie QiLei 的下落。 Xie QiLei 并没有死,他被人所救,因伤势严重不得不改头换面,在异国他乡恢复休养,死里逃生的他重新回国,成为时尚总裁“ Lu Zhun ”,决心查出当年他出事的真相。 Lu Zhun 和沈亦恩在亦敌亦友亦相识的危险气氛中再次相爱,沈亦恩有青梅竹马的追求者 Qin Ye ,她的闺蜜 Cen Wei 则爱上了英俊帅气的 Lu Zhun ,四个年轻人的友情和爱情微妙失衡。面对复杂的感情问题和事业的坎坷,沈亦恩和 Lu Zhun 终于在困难中找回了彼此的初心,携手并肩,真爱不灭 。

The untamed (TV)[2019]


电视剧《陈情令》剧情介绍:讲述了十六年前,天下五分,姑苏蓝氏,云梦江氏,清河聂氏,岐山温氏,兰陵金氏共治天下。温氏一家独大,其余四家均受其苦。众家青年中,江氏故人之子 Wei WuXian 性格开朗,和以雅正闻名的姑苏蓝氏弟子 Lan WangJi 相识并引为知己。一次偶然的机会,二人发现了蓝氏一直以来守护的秘密,二人继承遗志,为苍生消除隐患。但没想到一切的幕后黑手正是温氏家主 Wen RuoHan 。众家不堪其辱,合力讨伐温氏。温氏覆灭后, Wei WuXian 却为保护温氏无辜之人不惜与众家对立,最终被奸人所害酿成大祸,误害师姐 Jiang YanLi ,自己也不知所踪。十六年后,消失已久的 Wei WuXian 出现在莫家庄,偶遇故人 Lan WangJi 。莫家庄一桩桩诡异的凶案显得扑朔迷离。随着真相一步步揭开,身处幕后的 Jin GuangYao 渐渐难以隐藏。最后 Jin GuangYao 身死, Lan WangJi 承担起了匡扶天下的使命,而 Wei WuXian 不忘初心,最终潇洒世间。


The Last Throne of the Pharaoh (TV)[2017]

Feature: Gu Family wealthy, history has been unable to get rid of single-handedly curse, the only heir Gu Rui only know eating and drinking, working hard to make Father Gu very anxious. Gu Rui was kidnapped by the underworld to kill and inadvertently break into the spacecraft, released alien life imprisoned for millions of years, and get the mankind summoned mana and combat pet. End of the throne Aliens to dominate the earth, parasitic on the human body, find ways to get rid of the biggest obstacle - the man who has the last mana on Earth - Gu Rui. Gu Rui was forced into a battle with aliens, a variety of wonderful opponents one after another. In response to evolving aliens, Gu Rui called the point of cultivation called Mana, and successfully captured the Green Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku, basaltic four capable cadres & nbsp ;. As the situation progressed, Gu Rui found that his most thorny enemy was not Earl E, but his most trusted person ... Gu Rui would count the meter in an attempt to destroy the Earl E and save the people around him, but he did not entertain himself into the dead Gu Rui into trouble, the crisis moment, called away to give up the last trace of spiritual energy rescues ... ... E count loss of soldiers will be wounded, temporarily retreat, but he did not despair, because his "seed" has been implanted Gu Rui Fiancee Qian BaiYin body, until the time is ripe, he can reproduce the world before. Gu Rui battle with aliens is far from over ... ...

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