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Ke Su TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Ke Su Works 13 ,And Feature 4 ,Costume Drama 2 ,Suspense 2 ,Martial Arts 2 ,Spy war 1 ,农村建设1 ,Urban drama 1 ,Year 1 ,legend 1 ,Reality show 1 ,Crime 1 ,Romance 1 ,Thriller 1 ,Historical play 1 ,Action 1 ,Adventure 1 。

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Ke Su Filmography(13)


大明风华 (TV)[2019]


明永乐元年,靖难之役,建文帝削发入山,行踪遂成千古之谜。建文旧臣,尽遭屠杀,御史大夫 Jing Qing ,夫妻罹难,长女若微,被 Fu Jiang Sun Yu 所救,次女蔓茵,为太子 Zhu GaoChi 所救。骨肉同胞,一在宫中,一在江湖,同时长大。十年之后,若微图谋刺杀 Zhu Di ,妹妹蔓茵嫁入宫中,若微在刺杀中,遭遇皇太孙 Zhu ZhanJi ,目睹了金陵城波云诡谲的政治叛乱,苍茫暮色中,曲折隐微的帝王心事,国家正在从乱象中恢复,平关外,迁首都,通运河, Zheng He 下西洋,扬威海外,编撰《永乐大典》,盛世将成。最终若微决心放弃个人仇恨,辅佐登上皇位的丈夫,为天下人谋取最大的幸福和安宁,她历经了五帝六朝,以自己的气度和智慧,数度救大明王朝于危难,在历史洪流中,孤身一人,溯流而上,见证了一个伟大时代的诞生 。


ANIMAL WORLD (Movie)[2018]

Feature: Actor Zheng KaiSi, who owes millions of debt to his friends for money. In order to repay the arrears, in order to depend on the dead mother of plants, childhood sweetheart Liu Qing, he was forced to go on a ferry named "destiny number" in order to participate in a mysterious gamble, once won, will be able to write off a sum of arrears, Life will change. The rules of the game seem simple. Participants are required to use poker, marked "stones, scissors, and cloth" as their props to capture the stars' signs on their opponents. However, in front of a group of desperate gamblers, any glitches in the bet can be exploited. Opened a series of magician Zhang Jingkun come down, get money friend Li Jun, temporary partner Meng Chubby, private with diamond admission Scar face and others. Bureau Central Bureau, in the count, continuous reversal Zheng KaiSi difficult to parry. In the meantime, human cruelty reflected in it is like a microcosm of society. The gamble eventually becomes a hunt. Zheng KaiSi is at the end of the road every moment, and by his wisdom, he toughens the edge of human good and evil and extricates himself from adversity. To open a company, we must survive ... He wandered around in front of hell waiting for his "moment of grace."

创业时代 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《创业时代》剧情介绍:讲述了在一次偶然的机会中,软件工程师 Guo XinNian 找到了新的灵感,他决心开发一款新的手机通讯软件,可以将手机短信以语音的形式在用户之间传送,这个想法让 Guo XinNian 激动不已,他怀着一腔热血,走上了创业之路。在天使投资人和旧日朋友的支持下, Guo XinNian 经过艰苦的研发,终于令手机软件诞生,起名为魔盒,并获得了巨大的成功,同时也与投资分析师 Na Lan ,成为了莫逆之交。然而创业的道路并非一帆风顺,在激烈的市场竞争和技术更迭中,同行的竞争,技术上的难关,种种问题纷至沓来, Guo XinNian 经历了一次又一次磨难,终于令新技术得以推广。在 Guo XinNian 最艰难的时期,他收获了 Na Lan 的爱情,在爱人的鼓励下,他意识到,眼下的困难并不是终结,而是新的开始,最终, Guo XinNian 和 Na Lan 一起携手,继续走上了创业之路。


Womans sky (TV)[2016]

Feature: Lan Xin, a female college student village official, takes the building of a new socialist countryside as her pursuit of life and marries young peasants. A few years later, with the help of Wu XueMei, head of the village committee and her husband, the photo is ready to run for the new village director. It was at this time that the family suffered a tremendous change. Lan Xin and Wu XueMei fiercely clashed about the future development plan of the well-to-do Baihe village, where her husband had to divorce Lan Xin in order to leave the country. Wu XueMei suspended Lan Xin until it was driven out of Baihe village. In such a difficult predicament, Lan Xin, who can go back to a big city to open up a new life, persevered in her tenacity and eventually broke a new path of development for her beloved Baihe Village.

Lurking before dawn (TV)[2016]

Feature: In the summer of 1947, the People's Liberation Army moved into a strategic counter-offensive and the Kuomintang army was forced to shrink southwards in an attempt to conduct a total decisive battle with the PLA. Zhan ShouAn, a brother of Zhan ShouPing, has long been lurking in the Special Supervision Office of the Secret Service of Operation Camp. He was persecuted by the Zhan ShouPing uprising and forced to flee to Guangzhou. Fortunately underground party members Qin Feng and Liu YiXiong were able to turn their back on life with their cover. In order to restore the downtrend, the KMT hid a net of espionage in the upper army. Zhan ShouAn, who was informed of the incident, returned to the camp as a double agent to continue his underground work and crack down on this covert espionage network and his "strike plan" , Playing against Lv YaoTing, KMT agent under the guise of patriotic merchants. What Zhan ShouAn can most unexpected is that his brother Zhan ShouPing was a step forward in the "strike plan." He clearly planned to liberate the PLA and covertly attempted to undermine the People's Liberation Army's cross-river decisive battle internally. In the face of the biggest and last enemy, facing his most trusted brother-in-law, Zhan ShouAn righteousness was justified and finally moved Zhan ShouPing to kill the dam at a crucial time.

A Hero (TV)[2014]

Feature: Twenties of last century, Fenglei town in southwest Shaanxi poverty and backwardness. He FuTang reported for revenge, Revival finally killed. Wei ZhengXian, former head of the "Generation Heroes" stills, is the enemy of He FuTang. He FuTang assess the situation, pretend to go to the huge bandits Wang SanChun. In a multi-lateral struggle, He FuTang took the liberty to save the innocent Wei ZhengXian's wife Cheng LiXue. Cheng LiXue felt the beauty and backwardness of Feng Lei and decided to stay in Fenglei to teach and open up her wisdom. However, "Wei Han's hatred" even made Wei ZhengXian intolerant. Using the name of "bandit bandit", he provoked the Kuomintang army stationed in Hanzhong to invade the fierce winds and thunder town. He FuTang took the opportunity to dedicate Wang SanChun, a mighty bandit, to the government of the Republic of China disaster. Wei ZhengXian is determined to desperately attempt to flatten Aoki River. At a critical juncture, He FuTang resolutely defected to the PLA and ushered in the peaceful liberation of Fenglei. With the efforts of He FuTang, Fenglei was relieved of the turmoil in the stormy times.

BeyondScaredStraight (TV)[2011]

Feature: TV series "The East" stills On October 1, 1949, this is the first calendar in the history of new China, Mao ZeDong in the Tiananmen Square watch tower to the world announced the establishment of the People's Republic of China. Four hours later, the Soviet Union first recognized the People's Republic of China and severed diplomatic relations with the Kuomintang government. In succession, some Eastern European countries also recognize that the People's Republic of China is a legitimate government and that the new China will stand on the world stage with a brand new look. Standing on the Tiananmen Square, Mao Ze Dong stood up in the sky with an upsurge of heavens. The Chinese Communist Party armed with Marxism-Leninism will certainly accomplish the glorious mission that history has given him and will certainly find a socialist road with Chinese characteristics so that An ancient nation stands in the forest of peoples of the world and lets China stand in the east of the world. In 1949, there was not enough liberation and even more than half of China's military liberation. China, on the other hand, was experiencing a crushing economic crisis. One of the most profound oppression in China has come to the brink of collapse. Politics In the various forms that the domestic bourgeoisie and reactionary forces have united to suppress the newborn red regime, the imperialists and the reactionaries have challenged the just-ruling Communist Party in China. The imperialist prophets in Shanghai said that the Communist Party was not out in three months The red came in and out, they hoarding, driving up prices, making rumors, moving riots. Using the Marxist-Leninist theory and decades of experience in domestic struggle, Mao ZeDong and other first-generation leaders made insight into the situation. On the one hand, they actively deployed their domestic military struggles and, on the other hand, conducted a "battle of Huai Hai" in Greater Shanghai on the economic front. The new China that was just born was also a new topic for the Chinese Communists. The Soviet Foreign Ministry issued an invitation to Mao ZeDong to celebrate the 70th birthday of Si DaLin and the Chinese Foreign Ministry issued a note to the Soviet Union, the Chinese government agreed to attend. When the imperialist reactionaries learned that Mao Zendong was going abroad, a concerted battle was launched. With the careful arrangements of other comrades Zhou EnLai, the plot of the enemy was smashed and Mao ZeDong successfully arrived in the Soviet Union. After Mao ZeDong arrived in the Soviet Union, Mao Zedong received a warm welcome and thoughtful reception from the Central Party Central Committee headed by Comrade Si DaLin. During the Soviet Union, Mao ZeDong, apart from conducting various negotiations and meetings, managed non-stop all manner of domestic affairs and worked day and night with all due consideration and determination to win over thousands of miles. Mao ZeDong directed four fields to attack Hainan in the Si DaLin villa of the Soviet Union; approved the plan for the peaceful liberation of Tibet; and controlled Shanghai's economic struggle. The performance of Mao ZeDong leader of the style. During his visit to the Soviet Union, Mao ZeDong repeatedly met with the top leaders of the CPSU, won the dignity of New China and won the international space for the construction of New China. After Mao ZeDong returned to China, the situation in New China is still grim, the counterrevolutionaries can not be reconciled to failure, the counterrevolutionary riots in many places and the suppression of counterrevolution by the Central Government. June 1950 North Korea war broke out. The situation in the world suddenly changed. The situation in the Taiwan Strait also experienced a crisis. The United States sent the Seventh Fleet to the Taiwan Strait. The new China in the cradle was surrounded by the bourgeoisie and imperialism.A very severe test was placed before Mao ZeDong and the Chinese Communists, in the face of the newly established nation, overcoming a so-called "United Nations" army and requiring too much, but Mao ZeDong knew that he was the first What is needed is the courage to dare to defeat any enemy without being overcome by the enemy. Mao ZeDong decided to send troops. A generation of military personnel have invited one after another, hundreds of thousands of troops together to the northeast, a nation is still in its infancy to assume the mission of safeguarding justice and peace, fully demonstrated the Chinese people's dignity, Mao ZeDong also show courage and courage . The Chinese People's Volunteers conducted an arduous war in North Korea. Various domestic reactionary forces were rampant. The bourgeois ideology in the party was breeding and spreading. The imperialist prophets made a speech and the CPC was unable to build a new China. Mao ZeDong decisively decided to shoot Liu QingShan, Zhang ZiShan. Clean up the body of the party. May 1, 1951 Mao ZeDong met with Tibet representative at Tiananmen Square and announced the peaceful liberation of Tibet. At this point, China is completely liberated except Taiwan. 1953 Korean Armistice. As early as the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central People's Congress decided to formulate a new constitution, Mao ZeDong took a writing team to Hangzhou and drafted the constitution. Preparation for the First National People's Congress. The calendar of the Republic was turning hard. Mao ZeDong walked the land of New China. He went down the Huaihe River, went to the Yellow River, crossed the Yangtze River, went to factories and visited peasants. To make every effort to find a socialist road, make every effort to spare no effort. In the development of the socialist cause and in the building of the armed forces, there has been a very good situation. The Chinese People's Liberation Army has adopted the rank system. Mao ZeDong has given the title to the ten marshal. The Chinese People's Liberation Army strides forward in the process of modernization. Mao ZeDong came to the Soviet Union for the second time in 1957. Participate in the World Congress of the Communist Party and Workers' Party. The Chinese delegation's gift to the General Assembly is: China's first five-year plan model, which shocked the world. Mao ZeDong met Chinese students in Moscow and uttered ancient words: the world is yours and ours, but in the final analysis it is yours, young people, thriving and prosperous, like the sun at eight or nine in the morning , I hope pinned on you. New China, such as a red-hot day out.

hu o yuan J IA (TV)[2007]

Feature: Ekin Cheng version of "Huo YuanJia" stills In the late Qing dynasty, Britain, France, Russia and other eight countries hardest pressed China, Japan also invading China continuously. Tianjin Huo YuanJia was born in martial arts family, suffering from wheezing hours, the father refused to grant him martial arts, but ambitious him, secretly practice a good kung fu! Huo YuanJia has two close friends, his article is a small Nong JinSun, he studied in Japan, knowledgeable, domestic situation, foreign aggression know everything, profound influence on Huo YuanJia. Wu is Beijing Shun Escort Dart Wang Da DaoWangWu, Wang Wu often discuss martial arts with him, Huo YuanJia benefit a lot! Three face the beautiful rivers and mountains, have their own ambitions, Huo YuanJia that "want to make the country strong, non-everyone martial arts." Huo YuanJia parent Horn and Zhao ShengXian but because of the "secret boxing" authentic, thirty years away Come over, the two fights continue, Huo YuanJia and Zhao daughter Zhao QianNan, but also because of the family's grudges, forced in the emotional situation had to put an end! Huo and Zhao contend for the "authentic" title of "Colonel" at the annual competition of the two parties. Both parties struggled to find their way out of Cheng TianXiao, a large arm of the one-armed man, who turned out to be Horn's and Zhao ShengXian's elder brother. Chen Zhen, an apprentice with a second degree, came back to the spoiler, and when Huo YuanJia was in a critical state, he suddenly shot and knocked Cheng TianXiao away. Cheng TianXiao extreme personality, can not stand to lose in the hands of a younger kid, again with Huo YuanJia three times, and finally use the final three-block of the mysterious boxing Cheng TianXiao killed. Chen Zhen Pledges Huo YuanJia for revenge! Huo YuanJia after several induction, the final solution and Chen Zhen's hatred, also received him and Liu ZhenSheng as a disciple. Ekin Cheng version of "Huo YuanJia" Highlights Zhao QianNan cousin Long HaiSheng Department of the clan, the father Long Siu Kyi has married Qing Wang Mei sister and Zhao ShengXian wife and wife, Long HaiSheng that he has a royal origin, returned to Japan after his arrogant Expect Japan membership, Japan can boarded the big treasure! He spotted Jingli's coastal interests and offered his marriage to his uncle, intending to control Jinghai. As a base for his accident, Zhao QianNan was frustrated with Huo YuanJia and forced to marry him. Long HaiSheng gained the trust of Uncle, wantonly opium business, raise money for his supremacy, life-long Zhao ShengXian anxious with him, but was Long SiSheng conspiracy to kill, Zhao ShengXian sons do not know where, but also heart-following Long HaiSheng .... Huo YuanJia was poisoned by an opium populus and then she was opium, so he complained to Long HaiSheng that Long HaiSheng conspired to leave Huo YuanJia. Avoiding Tianjin and Reuniting with Zhao QianNan Again, the two have also been dissolved because of their hatred of family members. In 1909, Huo YuanJia saw Wang Wu, a close friend, desperately murdering foreigners and his national consciousness was getting stronger when he was inspired by Nong JinSun. Long HaiSheng Due to Zhao QianNan into Huo YuanJia embrace, deeper hatred, membership and Tianjin Ax help smuggling arms relations, want to Huo YuanJia set to death! However, Wang Hai-wen, the chief of the Japanese secret service who had been secretly joining Long HaiSheng for secretly informing Huo YuanJia not only saved Huo YuanJia from escaping but also helped the ax to help understand the national integrity. Long HaiSheng exposed the conspiracy and had to clamp the tail Escaped.Originally wedded to Chinese silk merchants, Wang Xiwen had been preparing for the Japanese imperialists' invasion of China. He was friendly with Huo YuanJia and used his martial arts to get rid of the foreigners who suppressed their grand invasion of China. Huo YuanJia moved to Shanghai to develop, he founded "fan zongquan faction." To defeat the "Russian Sick Man" who humiliated the Chinese people with his skills. He is famous, but also subsided the martial arts portal view. Under the help of Nong JinSun, Zhao QianNan, Liu ZhenSheng, Chen Zhen and others, the "China's Jingwu Gymnastics Association" was set up so that people in the country could understand that "martial arts should not seek to infringe upon the masses but to strive for self-improvement." Wang Xiwen finally understand that Huo YuanJia is a national hero in the minds of the people, it is difficult for themselves to use, then has always wanted to set Huo YuanJia together Long HaiSheng death, membership for Huo YuanJia treatment, accompanied by chronic poison poison him, Long HaiSheng The challenge of the master of the four countries Huo YuanJia, the day of the decisive battle, Huo YuanJia war suddenly to the last virus, fell in the ring, a generation of master died. Chen Zhen discovered the poison of the Japanese and went straight to Hongkou Dojo to meet Yi Teng who ducked Huo YuanJia in the arena. Chen Zhen, with his grieving indignation, finally knocked down Yi Teng and killed Wang Xiwen. At the same time, Long HaiSheng People also wanted to seize the "Legend of the Will", but by Liu ZhenSheng, and Qianna block, Long HaiSheng Liu ZhenSheng them down, seriously ill. Chen Zhen, Chen Zhen Willing to sacrifice himself to protect the "Legend of the Will" people safe, the mayor agreed to his request, Chen Zhen resolutely stepped out "fine Wu will be "dead under the chaos gun. "The Great Wall will never fall, and the Yellow River floods forever." Five years later, Chen Zhen was seen in Shanxi, accompanied by a little boy called Huo Dongge. Finally, Chen Zhen, and Huo Dong Court, Liu Zhensheng, Lu Da'an, created the Fist of Fury.

Someone behind (TV)[2005]

Feature: Doctor Wu XiaoZhou from Heyuan Psychiatric Hospital had a habit of sitting against the wall forever because he was afraid of someone suddenly rushing behind him and grabbed his neck. Newly-assigned medical graduate student Meng XiuWen has a memory gap in her mind. She is often troubled by intermittent amnesia. However, she does not know that the danger has been approaching from the back. Meng XiuWen volunteered to work at Heyuan Psychiatric Hospital after graduation. On the way to the hospital, Meng XiuWen was in a car accident, and the person who died was the patient who escaped from the mental hospital that night. That night, Meng XiuWen temporarily resides in the doctor's lounge and is taken aback by Yan YongQiao, who shelters in the window. Yan YongQiao introduced himself as a bridge engineer and husband of nurse Dong Feng. He told Meng XiuWen that Dong Feng had recently seen a ghost in the deceased 219 ward and was therefore very unstable. But the next day, Dong Feng said he did not get married at all, and the deceased was killed by a car accident Yan YongQiao. Is Meng XiuWen also met a ghost, Meng XiuWen participated in the mysterious death of Yan YongQiao's memorial service, at the memorial service, the faith of the pursuit of truth led her to do a case investigation. She asked Wang Ying, the wife of Yan YongQiao, and Xu Hong, a former girlfriend and bridge company cartographer, who found Yan YongQiao a former victim of sexual abuse. Nurse Dong Feng finally collapsed because of the "hell" at 219. Meng XiuWen learned that 219 wards had lived with a female patient suffering from depression and later became self-willed in the ward due to illness. It is said that Doctor Wu XiaoZhou has had feelings for her. It is her ghosts. When Wu XiaoZhou was hospitalized, the patient was a businessman named Xia HongYu. He was suffering from delusional disorder and always saw dead friends appearing at home. This dead friend was Yan YongQiao, who died in a car accident recently. It turned out that Yan YongQiao's memorial service is sponsored by Xia HongYu. Wu XiaoZhou suggested that Xia HongYu be hospitalized, but Fu XiaoYa, Xia HongYu's wife, was very hesitant. Zhao Gongliang, vice dean of psychiatric hospital, ate the tender money of the bidding company on the construction of the hospital's new building, and got the handle by Wu XiaoZhou. The legal representative of the company is Xia HongYu. Xia HongYu went to the hospital to find the vice president about the details of the cooperation. When Dr. Wu XiaoZhou was met, he was stimulated and drove in distress that night and was hospitalized. Meng XiuWen treated a patient named Zhang Jiang in the clinic, and she felt that Zhang Jiang was very familiar, but did not remember where she had seen it. People in the nearby village came to the hospital to find a missing person, a solitary man who bought scrap. The village recognized that among the people wandering around the mental hospital, some were wearing old man's clothes. Meng XiuWen suddenly remembered that there were many inconsistencies between Yan YongQiao's appearance and the deceased person in the car accident. She began to suspect Yan YongQiao was not dead, and the deceased was the missing elderly person. She put this view once again on Wu XiaoZhou doctor talked about, Wu XiaoZhou doctor use her understanding, hypnosis to her, for the time being forget it all. In fact, Yan YongQiao is still alive. He was kept in the dark room of his own home by doctor Wu XiaoZhou, and his condition was bad. What made him puzzled was why Wu XiaoZhou did not hesitate to go to war and detained him in solitary confinement.Meng XiuWen found that Zhang Jiang, a patient, has been fooling around for a long time, and she first met him, even at Yan YongQiao's memorial meeting with Xu Hong. The purpose of Zhang Jiang's admission is to monitor Xia HongYu. It turned out that Xia Hongyu and Yan YongQiao had illegally raised funds for an infrastructure project. Zhang Jiang's father, one of the insiders of the incident, was framed and under pressure to commit suicide. Xu Hong, an insider, was spattered with sulfuric acid, threatening to lose her sense of security to the outside world. In order to be fair to his father and Xu Hong, Zhang Jiang did not hesitate to infiltrate the mental hospital to collect evidence. Meng XiuWen finally discovered the secret of Wu XiaoZhou's imprisonment of Yan YongQiao. And at this time, Yan YongQiao escaped again. 219 room again "ghost", Meng XiuWen get "ghost" blood samples, laboratory tests confirmed that it is Yan YongQiao. He had a transvestite, like wearing a wig put on a woman's clothes, imagine themselves as a woman. The rumor of the "ghost" lingering in the hospital for a year was finally punctured. Nurse Dong Feng finally recovered slowly under the care of Meng XiuWen. She told Meng XiuWen that he had seen Wu XiaoZhou holding a rope into Yan YongQiao's ward at midnight and also heard the entire process of hypnosis he was treating him. The incident involved a rape case fourteen years ago. One of the rapists is Yan YongQiao, while the second rapist is Xia HongYu. Meng XiuWen Back to Medical School Investigating the Rape Case 14 Years ago: A girl student raped by criminals across the wall leading to panic-stricken schizophrenia, untreated psychiatric hospital and finally glass suicide. The victim's lover, is Wu XiaoZhou. For fourteen years he had been thinking of vengeance, turning vendettists into patients and devastating their spirits. Xia HongYu After having witnessed the obituary of the girl student's death, she experienced mental disorders and became incompetent. To exterminate, Xia HongYu killed Yan YongQiao. Doctor Wu XiaoZhou struggled with conscience and revenge, finally surrendered. The recurrence of an old injury while fighting Yan YongQiao led to his blindness. At this moment, Xia HongYu already borrowed Zhao Gongliang's hand, washed his money, and smoothly transferred the money abroad. Then he wanted to take advantage of his overseas medical treatment to escape. Inspired by Meng XiuWen et al., Zhao Gongliang rejoiced. The crowd stopped Xia HongYu at the last moment. Xia HongYu was sentenced to medical treatment for mental illness and returned to Heyuan Psychiatric Hospital. One day he escaped from stealing the hospital car and was found dead the next morning. His face condensed the expression of the moment before his death, that is clearly in vain - fear.

Final diagnosis (TV)[2004]

Feature: Shen ZhiYu, a professor of neurosurgery at returnees, came to work at a large local hospital. On the first day, he completed a number of extraordinarily complicated operations and was therefore taken over by Ye NanShan, director and dean of the outside world. He was also entrusted with the task of being the deputy director of God and won the honorary title of Ye RuQin Heart However, all this also caused dissatisfaction with Ma PeiDe, another deputy director outside God. Ye NanShan, a horse student, has been perseveratively pursuing Ye RuQin for years, seeing everything at his fingertips is about to be easily owned by Shen ZhiYu, who hates Shen ZhiYu. Interpol Hao Min and bus driver Tian Dayu childhood, is preparing for marriage. Tian was checked at this time with a slight brain tumor, the operation for him is Shen ZhiYu. Unexpectedly, this simple operation was started by Ma PeiDe after surgery, triggering complications that led to Tian's death. Hao Min grief, Shen ZhiYu also feel guilty. Although the committee of experts decided that Shen ZhiYu did not make any mistakes during the operation, the hospital still lost money in order to calm down the incident and stopped Shen ZhiYu's prescription right. Shen ZhiYu suddenly fell from height, apathetic. Hao Min used to hate Shen Zhiyu, but gradually she and her cops instincts convinced her that Shen Zhiyu was a good doctor and she told Shen Zhiyu that your hands should not be used for drinking but should be used to save those painful lives . Shen ZhiYu cheer up, the two men have a hard to name but doomed to difficult feelings. Also at this time, he found Tian Danyu's death actually have no hidden feelings, insiders seem to be Nurse Du Juan. Ma PeiDe did not expect Du Juan's hand to have his evidence. Du Juan lives with her 5-year-old son, Tintin, after divorcing. She always loves Ma PeiDe, but she likes Ye RuQin because of Ma PeiDe. Ma PeiDe at this time in order to temporarily stabilize Du Juan turn to pay homage to her, and said she was to marry. But Du Juan eventually could not stand the torture of conscience, decided to tell the truth to the hospital. Ma PeiDe was forced to decide to take the risk and took advantage of the physiological characteristics of Du Juan's penicillin allergy to create the illusion of Du Juan's asthma attack that killed him. Everyone thought Du Juan's death was an accident, only Shen ZhiYu linked everything, pointing out that it was two murders. But nobody except Hao Min can trust him. Shen Hao both experienced ups and downs in this chase. In the process of tracing the truth, the two also slowly hit the spark of love. Due to memories of the pain caused by the past, the two had to avoid each other. Ye RuQin gave Shen PeiDe's courtesy to Shen ZhiYu and Hao Min, feeling sorry for her. Ye RuQin, a married couple, learned of Ma PeiDe's secrets from a key Dunedin left to Du Ding. She denounces Ma PeiDe. Ma admits she has made many mistakes because she is jealous. Just as Shen ZhiYu learned all the truth, he was in a car accident. Ma PeiDe personally surrendered him, but Shen Zhiyu lost his memory. In order to redemption, he tried his best to help Shen ZhiYu restore memory, just think of Shen ZhiYu moment at all ...

hu o yuan J IA (TV)[2001]

Feature: Tianjin Grand Challenge, tens of thousands of people witnessed the father of a yuan Horn defeated Japanese masters, however, the Chinese win a contest, but lost a war "Jiaoyu war, Chinese navy annihilated! The weakness of the court made Huo YuanJia realize that "the rise and fall of the nation is responsible for everything", so he came to the capital to find Da DaoWangWu ...... never wanted to be involved in the "six gentlemen" incident. Huo YuanJia and Wang Wu took prison, Field, and finally witnessed the blood of the "six gentlemen" washing the bench, killing five Wang ... ... Eight-nation coalition forces attacked the capital, Yuan Jia to find the daughter of Wang Wu to leave Beijing, coincides with Chen Zhen, Chen Zhen know little time to come back from Japan, is Horn brother to find revenge for his father! Unexpectedly, his brother was dead and his father also had a debt. Chen Zhen and Yuan Jia duel ... Although a generation of martial arts masters, Yuan Jia is an expression of feelings but he rescues Qi YunGeGe, the daughter of Rong QinWang, Qiyun love at first sight of him, but Yuan Yuan wants to love but can not ... Shanghai Shang woman Nong JingQiu crush on Yuan A, Yuan A can only refuse to confess ...... to save Yuan A, Qi Yun finally had to marry Watanabe ... ... In order to get all of Qiyun, Watanabe to the ultimate yuan a war ... ... A yuan a war Russian Hercules, World War II English boxing champion, the three wars Japanese masters, four wars Taichi, Wu Qin Rong QinWang ...... Cast a generation of martial arts master! Huo YuanJia spirit spirit, forever immortal!

Romance of The Three Kingdoms (TV)[1994]

Feature: "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" stills The Eastern Han Dynasty, mountain and river turmoil, Liu Han dynasty will do its best. There are ten regular paternity upside down black and white, calamity toward the Gang; outside Zhang brothers shouted "Heaven should die, when the sky stands" slogan, setting off a vast peasant uprising. For a time, everywhere, the war was raging, Liu's court would like the building will be tilted, precarious. Is called the hero of the world, Cao Cao, Gong SunZan, Yuan Shu, Yuan Shao, Lv Bu, Liu Bei, Sun Ce, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhu GeLiang and other highways continue to emerge from the warlords to Red Cliff battle, from Wei Shu Wu Sanguo unanimously to the one-third unified, the grand curtain of the Three Kingdoms era slowly opened ... ... (part of the source of the stills)

A Hero (TV)[1986]

Feature: Twenties of last century, Fenglei town in southwest Shaanxi poverty and backwardness. He FuTang reported for revenge, Revival finally killed. Wei ZhengXian, former head of the "Generation Heroes" stills, is the enemy of He FuTang. He FuTang assess the situation, pretend to go to the huge bandits Wang SanChun. In a multi-lateral struggle, He FuTang took the liberty to save the innocent Wei ZhengXian's wife Cheng LiXue. Cheng LiXue felt the beauty and backwardness of Feng Lei and decided to stay in Fenglei to teach and open up her wisdom. However, "Wei Han's hatred" even made Wei ZhengXian intolerant. Using the name of "bandit bandit", he provoked the Kuomintang army stationed in Hanzhong to invade the fierce winds and thunder town. He FuTang took the opportunity to dedicate Wang SanChun, a mighty bandit, to the government of the Republic of China disaster. Wei ZhengXian is determined to desperately attempt to flatten Aoki River. At a critical juncture, He FuTang resolutely defected to the PLA and ushered in the peaceful liberation of Fenglei. With the efforts of He FuTang, Fenglei was relieved of the turmoil in the stormy times.

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