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Hai-Qing TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Hai-Qing Works 47 ,And Feature 22 ,Romance 13 ,Family drama 9 ,Comedy 6 ,Urban drama 5 ,Costume Drama 4 ,Historical play 3 ,War 3 ,Suspense 3 ,Action 2 ,Love 2 ,Workplace film 1 ,Military 1 ,亲情1 ,Family ethics 1 ,都市生活1 ,Ethical play 1 ,家庭伦理剧1 ,Modern opera 1 ,医疗1 ,Light comedy in urban life 1 ,家庭温馨情感剧1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Urban emotion 1 ,Fashion 1 ,Thriller 1 ,Crime 1 ,Documentary 1 。

Works Index

Hai-Qing Filmography(47)


安家 (TV)[2020]


房似锦年纪轻轻已经是安家天下中介公司的金字招牌,她在上司翟云霄的授意之下,空降静宜门店担任双店长。门店原生店长徐文昌是个“高贵的人”,他推崇“人性流”管理方式,也不屑对付手段卑鄙的对手。到任后房似锦施展雷霆手段坚壁清野,对外辣手反击,对内冷血整肃。虽然在房似锦的铁血管理下众人苦不堪言,但是业绩的提升的确振奋了门店士气。房似锦的管理方式和处事之道与徐文昌截然相反,而业务员们也在两位“神仙”的较劲中左右为难。身为房产中介的他们不仅要帮助客户买房卖房租房,还时常被裹挟着卷入他们的人生,见证他们生活中的歌舞升平与一地鸡毛 。


小欢喜 (TV)[2019]


北京某中档住宅小区顶楼,有三户人家的子女都进入了高考备战期。因抱着“一考定终《小欢喜》剧照身”的想法,三个家庭都陷入了无比焦灼的备战状态,由此引发的问题也接踵而至。“恨铁不成钢”的妈妈 Tong WenJie 和“没有压力”、热爱自由的儿子 Fang YiFan 之间因为成绩矛盾重重,爸爸 Fang Yuan 不得不化身“仲裁者”左右调停;拒绝前夫 Qiao WeiDong “入侵”母女生活的单亲妈妈 Song Qian ,对女儿 Qiao YingZi 的生活展开了“全包围”式关切,误解和矛盾不知不觉悄然爆发;“空降父亲” Ji ShengLi 和妈妈 Liu Jing 的突然关怀,让从小养在舅舅 Liu Zheng 身边的 Ji YangYang 无所适从,父子之间小心翼翼的相处并没有为这段关系换来“和平”。第一次做父母”的家长,和刚刚迎来成年的孩子,因为爱而联结,也因为难以把握爱的边界而产生误会,但正是这些“历不完的试炼”让每个家庭都在爱与理解中学会成长 。



Feature: The story takes Yemen evacuees and protect the interests of Chinese nationals as background. Outside the Somalia waters, Chinese merchant ships were hijacked and all crew members were taken prisoner. The dragon commandos calmly settled and sneaked into the merchant ships to successfully rescue the entire hostages. On the way back home, the political situation in the Republic of Ivory in northern Africa was volatile. Terrorist organizations along with rebel forces scored the capital. Local overseas Chinese were at risk and the naval warships ordered them to change their course to carry out their mission. Eight dragon commandos, ready to go. Under the grand principle of "evacuation of overseas Chinese and possible counterattack on the contrary, cross-fire must be avoided to avoid any diplomatic conflicts." Under the grand principle of naval warships and dragon-based commandos penetrating into Iraq, Equipped, the success of the transfer of Chinese expatriates waiting in the dock, and intense

mid night canteen (TV)[2016]

Feature: This is a special canteen open from midnight to seven in the morning. Lao Ban here, not very talkative, but always let people eat tears. Here, the inferiority of the dancers encounter recess retirement for many years dance predecessors, predecessors at their own pains to inspire young people, eventually make it regain confidence; quiet girlfriends must eat their favorite food recalled Friends of the past, returned to good; optimistic patients with terminally ill met the same girl, the two love each other and give each other the strength to accompany each other perfectly through the last mile; success blind pursuit of career white-collar workers, made here Real warmhearted friend, found that the truth is more meaningful than success. The food, the story, the truth, brought together the theme of the show, taught the people to confront the pros and cons and full of hope and enthusiasm for life. Behind every story are full of affection, the plot ups and downs, it is unforgettable forgotten & nbsp ;.

ALoveForSeparation (TV)[2016]

Feature: The hearts of Fang Jia, Fang Yuan and Tong WenJie are firmly tied to the achievements of their daughter Fang Duo Duo, which make him suddenly and suddenly fall. The causes of various undertakings, life, family and school make the couple choose to go abroad indecisive. After experiencing a series of school and family size incidents, Fang Yuan's couple chose to flee their blossoms abroad, but did not expect to bring the family almost into disintegration. Finally, the blossoming abroad has chosen to go back to continuing education in China bravely, and Fangjia also ushered in the hope of rebuilding happiness. Jin Qin Qin as a "learning God", this is the least need to go abroad, but Qin Qin's mother Wu JiaNi want to Qin Qin so-called "good education", just want to Qin Qin study abroad, so with Jin ZhiMing husband constantly contradictions. Qin Qin, caught in the middle of her parents' dilemma, aunt Antony staged a "counter-measure" and finally turned her back to understanding that a good education is not only a school education but also a parent's love and family "education." As a big boss Zhang LiangZhong rich, outside the scenery of the infinite, at home by the worldly devils Zhang XiaoYu and young contradictions Di Na contradictions tossed over. Originally just wanted to find a way out at school where she was not able to score anything but Zhang LiZhong accidentally discovered that Xiaoyu grew up on her way to study abroad and became excellent, sensible, and Di Na's conflict is also gradually resolved. Small leave HD poster

Da MaoEr chasing love (TV)[2015]

Feature: The story takes place in Beijing. A group of young people who grew up together grew into the society full of confidence and dreams. Beijing big photo girl Da MaoEr, determined to become a top creative ad. She relinquished her lucrative sales efforts and entered the creative department as an intern. Just reported, the female boss gave Da MaoEr a blind date, the object Pei Ge is a "high handsome rich." Da Mao Er's life is like sitting on a roller coaster. Da Mao Er's girlfriends also face emotional problems: Xiao Qiao and her boyfriend Qi Jiang fell in love for 10 years, but learned that his mother does not like himself, and young entrepreneurs He Yi enthusiastic pursuit of themselves; Ying Zi and her boyfriend Kuan Ge after the break up , Inadvertently met with the boss Lao Fan, leads to a period of wonders. But Da Maoer, who is in a dilemma for her work, has been pursuing her childhood friend Lin MangMang while cultivating her feelings with Pei Ge. One side is childhood sweetheart, while a caring man, Da Mao Er heart difficult choice. In the course of life, several young people have tried their best to find their own life direction and true love.

Female is not powerful (TV)[2015]

Feature: In his middle age, Zheng YuQing, director of the Metropolitan News Agency, concentrated on caring for his daughter over half the day before his retirement. He did not expect the unexpected situation of the newspaper, and she was appointed editor in chief. After Zheng YuQing came to office, she found that there were serious problems in the newspaper industry and there was also great resistance to change. Zheng YuQing, with her own abilities and her passion for blood, has finally turned the newspaper business into a turning point with the softness and tenacity of women. However, a new wave of mobile Internet wave has come in turmoil, so that the impact of traditional paper media, the newspaper is facing a new crisis. In her relationship with her daughter and her 90s, Zheng YuQing gradually realized that she should change her and try to learn something new. Zheng YuQing began his transformation, and eventually out of a new world together with the team & nbsp ;.

NoZuoNoDie (Movie)[2014]

Feature: In 2005, "Super Girl" popular in China, it is a crazy era of all people. That year, we remembered Li YuChun, Zhou BiChang and Jane Zhang. That year, we witnessed the youngest and most unbridled time when we had quietly passed the decade. In 2013, 12 young people embarked on this stage with their dreams. They had experienced the same ten years as us and now they are the protagonists of this stage. The film tells the story of the most real story behind the stage of the draft. They are no longer packaged "idols." They face negative reactions from the adult world, get angry, rebellious, play crazy, play Trouble, you want to get recognized by others, they are just a group of ordinary and real young people. If you are young, it is a mirror that allows you to see yourself. If you're young, it's a time machine that will get you back to that presumptuous "ZUO," wantonly crying, lashed out of your arms, wantonly making mistakes, and wantonly boiling.

Second gunner (TV)[2014]

Feature: When her parents died in her childhood, Zhang San was sent to help the squire Li Renhe's family home. Later, the bandit leader Xie Xiedao skimmed the mountain stills and became Xie disciple. In a Japanese encirclement campaign, Xie Laozui was killed by Japanese snipers. Zhang San hated the atrocities of the Japanese army and participated in the ranks of the Eighth Route Army. Eighth Route Army instructors Qi ZhiWu Zhang San care, to many times despite the safety of rescuing Zhang San. Zhao Chen, the veteran commander, not only ventured to find medicine for Zhang San's illness, but also sacrificed himself to cover him. Big touches Zhang San firm belief in the Eighth Route Army, with its superior gun method and flexible tactics to the Japanese for a time fear. Zhang San destroyed the enemy's offensive again and again, accomplished various tasks well, and eventually recaptured the city of Zhaoyang that was occupied by the Japanese troops. Zhangsan also grew up as a true Eighth Route Army soldier in the hail of bullets.

A servant two main (TV)[2014]

Feature: Middle-aged Yang Shu is a private driver of single female boss Tang Hong, with 18-year-old daughter Yang Shu-Miao, adolescent her wayward and aggressive, and Yang Shu's clash. Tang Hong has not been married, although there is a local owner Meng LaiCai pursuit, but she loves Yang Shu, Yang ShuMiao also love. Due to identity considerations, honest and honest Yang Shu has always been unwilling to accept Tang Hong's love. Under her daughter's design, Yang Shu met Gu JingJing, a young girl who resembles ex-wife. Yang Shu is thus sandwiched between Tang Hong and Gu JingJing, staged comedy stories. Later, the ex-wife returned to China, leaving Yang Shu to put down his obsession with his ex-wife. Yang Shu saw her feelings and met her love with Tang Hong. The two finally came together. Meng LaiCai acquaintance, the two people have a genuine dedication and sincere feelings, the final four belong to their own affiliation. A servant two main stills

FindingMr.Right (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Wen JiaJia, a former gourmet food editor, is full of romantic fantasies like the movie "Sleepless Seattle". In reality, because there is no way to issue a birth certificate at home, she traveled alone to the center of the moon in Seattle to be born. In the center of the month, Wen JiaJia style of show off the rich triggered aversion of the landlord and other pregnant women, feeling lonely she can only talk to the driver FranK voices. FranK is not a mediocre man looking honest, however, and was once a first-rate doctor of cardiovascular disease in China. In getting along, FranK's thoughtful tolerance gradually melted Wen JiaJia's unruly self-willed. When Wen JiaJia's wealthy boyfriend suddenly disappeared, overnight became Wen JiaJia poor people with FranK meticulous care, with FranK and his daughter live together, so that Wen JiaJia find the warmth of the home. Day and night get along, had a delicate feeling. Wen JiaJia's child was born, rich boyfriend appeared again and returned to China and marry him. Although life as luxurious as ever, Wen JiaJia often miss Frank. At this moment, she found out what love she really pursued. Leaving Seattle does not mean ending, leaving is the beginning of the next encounter.

2013FirstYoungFilmFestival (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Wen JiaJia, a former gourmet food editor, is full of romantic fantasies like the movie "Sleepless Seattle". In reality, because there is no way to issue a birth certificate at home, she traveled alone to the center of the moon in Seattle to be born. In the center of the month, Wen JiaJia style of show off the rich triggered aversion of the landlord and other pregnant women, feeling lonely she can only talk to the driver FranK voices. FranK is not a mediocre man looking honest, however, and was once a first-rate doctor of cardiovascular disease in China. In getting along, FranK's thoughtful tolerance gradually melted Wen JiaJia's unruly self-willed. When Wen JiaJia's wealthy boyfriend suddenly disappeared, overnight became Wen JiaJia poor people with FranK meticulous care, with FranK and his daughter live together, so that Wen JiaJia find the warmth of the home. Day and night get along, had a delicate feeling. Wen JiaJia's child was born, rich boyfriend appeared again and returned to China and marry him. Although life as luxurious as ever, Wen JiaJia often miss Frank. At this moment, she found out what love she really pursued. Leaving Seattle does not mean ending, leaving is the beginning of the next encounter.

Rag girl also has spring (TV)[2013]

Feature: "Rag girl also has spring," tells Luo XiaoCong, the daughter of Shoe Store, 4S shop auto mechanic, a non-contrived, not worshiped, simple and straightforward "big girl." Luo XiaoCong became a heroine in the story on the tail of her youth - abandoned by her ex-boyfriend Zhang Hua and then errantly married an unemployed grassroots comic guy. This semi-true marriage in Luo XiaoCong hard-won efforts, and finally the two symbols on the marriage certificate into a genuine couple, how also slowly adapted to marital life, but sweet has just begun, the new But the challenges come one after another. "The wiping cloth girl also has the spring" Poster Wu Tong encounters Zhang Hua in the new company, the literary youth pays attention to the male account, the answer is self-evident. In order to assist her husband to survive in the wolf tiger leopard, Luo XiaoCong put down a skilled wrench to manipulate the rustle of OFFICE started office white-collar workers. Every day stepping on abusive high heels, but also forced to die against rival Jiang Dai middle school welcome, even worse, he fell into the bickering boss Lin Feng and his own "rekind" Zhang Hua double attack , Luo XiaoCong belated Peach Wu Tong feel pressure. In the workplace, although the couple are both thin and thin on the ice, they share the same joy and happiness. However, the smoke at home never stops: the powerful big sister knocks on the shrewd mother-in-law Song MeiYu and makes some ridiculous waves. However, Luo XiaoCong really helpless is married almost a year has actually emerged a lady woman Sun XiaoYa. Although Luo XiaoCong repeated efforts, the couple's feelings are still cracked down again and again under attack, Wu Tong's first love Na Yang's repeated provocation to crush the last straw in their marriage, all this makes Luo XiaoCong aware of their absolute not Like her mother, Song MeiYu, does the kind of old rag woman who is blindly giving up her destined abandonment, she has to wipe her husband's future and polish her own life. Brave Luo XiaoCong Luo XiaoCong want to come to a big reversal of life style, messy wife can not fall, Luo XiaoCong is not rub peach is wiping the villain on the road, she is denied an era when the old rags a new era rag woman, Also convinced that will be able to find belongs to rag woman's own spring.

Loveis ... Pajamas (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Underwear designer Spring () and daughter Qiushui () have been working as designer and sundry supervisor on the underwear brand founded by Uncle Hugo (). The old lover, internationally renowned designer Mousse () sent a gift to Hugo's rekindling. Hugo fraud that the company is facing bankruptcy, hoping to ask Mousi out of the mountains to help supervise a fashion series to tide over the difficulties, Mau Si then "men as clothes" as the theme of women's fashion series to make things difficult for Hugo. Hugo in order to complete the design, please come and goose-headed Jo Jo () and spring and autumn two people in the design of "men as clothes" series contest, hoping to promote the level of healthy competition. The winner will be the head of the new series. In the spring and autumn when there is no solution, the fall encounter temporary actor Fei (). Afae decided to use low cost, with the experience of life extras and skills, so that spring understand what is "man as clothes" attitude to life. In the meantime, Afae and the autumn water wipe out the emotions, but in the spring they want to stick the mandarin ducks ... In order to make the spring and autumn water to reverse the disadvantage, they dispatched their cousin, the former fashion photographer Owen (), but Owen and Jo Jo had a little misunderstanding.

TheCookKitchen (TV)[2012]

Feature: The play tells the chef's joys and sorrows in the kitchen of the Grand Hotel, personal worries, the ideal of life, and the little secrets of their posters. When she came back she found a new chef Shi HuiBao. So they began the infighting between chefs and chefs, between the hotel and the restaurant also started a cooking contest, also played a pot of scoop spoon accompanied by love sonata.

intention (TV)[2012]

Feature: "Heart Surgery" tells the story of Huang JingJing (Yugin Han), who was hospitalized by her mother, when the neurosurgeon Huo SiMiao (Wu Xiubo) was in a delicate mood with her colleague Mei XiaoHu (Hai Qing) because of her busy schedule and her girlfriend. Hospital, Huo SiMiao love her at first sight, Mei XiaoHu hid the true meaning of the heart, to help Huo SiMiao advice. To help Huo SiMiao pursue Huang JingJing, her younger brother Zheng AiPing (Tianlin Zhai) examined the mother Huang JingJing and did not want to detect the tumor in her brain. On the other hand, Liu ChenXi's daughter was long-term dialysis due to renal failure, but he insisted on professional ethics, and several times missed the kidney . Liu ChenXi's daughter eventually came to the kidney and Huang JingJing's mother's surgery made Liu ChenXi aware of his misunderstanding of Huo SiMiao and sincerely apologize. The medical doctors and nurses' medical skills and ethics have grown up in the hospital, which has perfected the "benevolent technique" of the medical profession.

Next miracle (TV)[2011]

Feature: The Next Miracle tells Liang KaiEn came from a family of teachers. When he was a child, he was considered a problem student in school. His father's simple and rude way of education and the abandonment of his first girlfriend made him suffer from severe depression, but eventually out of the patient. Since then, Kane put on a stand, courier job, fast food shop attendant, in the hard work continue to grow. A handicapped by a disabled person speech Caine infection, so that he suddenly, more actively manage their own lives. Kane has always wanted to do their own company finally said his friends set up beyond the limits of the company, a group of enthusiastic, hard-working and tough young people to speech-based training industry in Beijing and Shanghai to promote their sales philosophy model, through unremitting Efforts and perseverance, Kane finally won the career success, get the recognition of his family's affection, but also rewarded his own love & nbsp ;.

please forgive me (TV)[2011]

Feature: "Please forgive me," tells the system of state resumption of college entrance examination in 1977. The five young people Xu Tian, ​​Wu Qing, Lu QinSheng, Fei Bing and Mei Guo became members of the college entrance examination. Xu Tian, ​​educated youth in the countryside and Wu Qing, a factory worker, decided to get married. Two people who were originally happy because of Xu Tian false political information was canceled college entrance examination results and the emergence of the girl Mei Guo regretfully broke up. Wu Qing went to medical college to go to college with Xu Tian's children and Lu Guang-hu who loved her. Xu Tian took his father's class and went to work as a factory worker. Mei Guo, a girl helped by Xu Tian, ​​was spirited for failing to sit on the college entrance examination. Fei Fei, who loves her, helped with the help of Xu Tian and delayed her college entrance examination. Four years later, Wu Qing married Xu Qin's child to Lu QinSheng. Mei Guo went to the United States with Xu Tian's love. Fei Bing was admitted to the archeology department and Xu Tian opened a home audio-visual club. These young people continue to grow and mature with too many missed and too many regrets as the times change. After the baptism of feeling, career and even death, they finally found their place and realized their dreams when they were young.

BeforeDawn (TV)[2010]

Feature: In the autumn of 1948, under the secret help of Liu XinJie, an underling Communist Party member who was under the leadership of Duan HaiPing, the underground party organization under the leadership of "seaman" Duan HaiPing, in order to obtain the Kuomintang's latent plan, he wrestled with the secret service of the eighth intelligence corps headed by Tan ZhongShu , Launched a contest of life and death. The underground party organizations have been destroyed in succession, the men of the sailors have been arrested and sacrificed. Liu XinJie was also suspected of being arrested and ordered to conduct repeated arrests and was at risk. Eventually, Duan HaiPing designed anti-meter, using his arrest and lots of details to convince Tan ZhongShu to destroy the enemy's Trojan horse at the cost of his life, and Liu XinJie continued to fight in the enemy's heart to welcome the dawn.

A good wifes life (TV)[2010]

Feature: "The Good Times of Daughter-in-law" tells the story of Mao DouDou, an emergency room nurse and Yu Wei, a photo studio photographer who met blind date first-time lover Li RuoQiu of Mao DouDou. The blind date of the two fellows. In the evening, Mao DouDou's younger brother, cutting-edge magician Mao Feng, went home with his girlfriend, Qin SuSu, and announced the imminent wedding of the two men. Mao DouDou's parents took this son without any means, the wedding held as scheduled, but unexpectedly the wedding the groom announced the fear of marriage the next day, self-serving disappeared, and proposed to divorce, the prime of helplessness, proposed to be 7 years old Daughter stay in Mao DouDou family to take care of as a condition of divorce. The day's marriage is over. Mao DouDou started one after another blind date. The inconceivable fact is that every time the audience introduced by different people is Yu Wei, Mao DouDou and Yu Wei, they are not allowed to seriously examine each other. Yu Wei confessed to the purpose of a series of blind date, the original he has been posing as a drowning small partner to his companion's grandma send photos for many years, and grandmother now because of age, hoping to see his "grandchildren" to find Daughter-in-law, Yu Wei is to meet the wishes of the elderly. The kind-hearted Mao DouDou was moved, and the two gradually became emotionally charged. Soon after arriving at the stage where both parents saw each other, Yu Wei had "two dads, two moms, a sister who married on the second day of marriage "Mao DouDou told complex family situation, he said that after the divorce, the father and mother remarried respectively, and the two mothers were irreconcilable. Mao DouDou hesitated, or courage enough Yu Wei arrangements for the meeting of both parents, the situation can be imagined, Mao DouDou caught in the middle of the dilemma. Yu Wei and Mao DouDou finally got married, and after returning to the house after the wedding, Yu Wei's widow's sister had formally informed them that she would live with Yu Wei's husband and wife, and both had to smile and smile. shape. Married life is quite calm, although the eccentric Yu Wei sister Yu Hao continue to prick, the accident, but both because of the tolerance of Mao DouDou and Careless past. The existence of the two mother-in-law actually made Mao DouDou embarrassed. Even the number of visits by Mao DouDou, the number of gifts bought, etc., would be taken as evidence of their own merits. Mao DouDou's younger brother, Mao Feng, was again abandoned by Long Jin when he was preparing to marry a wealthy woman named Long Jin. He was frustrated because only he had never wanted a woman to appear without a woman. Frustrated, met the rural girl Pan MeiLi, he called Pan MeiLi "original" girl. Two people get married quickly in everyone's dumbfounded. Not long after the premarital Pan MeiLi various "primitive" rustic performance gradually become Mao Feng can not be tolerant, born again and again and Jin Jin inextricably entangled, but Pan MeiLi but, as always, with simple love to him. Yu Wei's stepfather was suddenly diagnosed with cancer, and stepfather's son Yang YiFan rushed back from the island, a soldier guarding the island. Yu Hao, who was so proud of Yang YiFan, was tempted. Because Yang YiFan's work is important and busy, you can not stay long at home. Yu Hao and Mao Dou Dou and others volunteered to take care of Yang's mission.Yang YiFan back to the island, the train started but did not have time to get off, followed the train to the next stop, Yang YiFan do not trust Yu Hao go back by train and gave her a trip on the road two people have more exchanges, There are a few special things in the eyes of both when they parted. Over there, Mao Feng, who has been entangled with Long Jin, listened to Long Jin's plan of making a fortune and encouraged relatives and friends around to invest in the so-called project of Long Jin. He deeply loves his trust in Pan MeiLi and encourages his parents. Wife is involved in the investment. While everyone was doing a fortune dream, Long Jin was gone, and Mao Feng realized he was being fooled by Long Jin again, feeling extremely depressed. At this point Pan MeiLi never hesitate to tell him that he is willing to start all over again. Mao Feng was touched. Although Yang father under the care of everyone, the mental state has been good, but the disease is ruthless, Yang father critically ill, he hopes to see his son again. Yang YiFan hurried back, but still could not see his father again. Only saw his father's suicide note, the contents of the suicide note let everyone was shocked, Yang father hope died and Yang YiFan's mother, Yang Shu's ex-wife buried, we did not dare to tell the story of Yu Wei's mother . Yang YiFan soon returned to the army. Yu Hao sent him again. The train was on. Yu Hao still did not go off the train, but she wanted to stay this time. She bravely declared to Yang YiFan, Said he is willing to be a soldier's wife. Yu Wei's mother soon learned that Yang's dad's final wishes were unacceptable. At first, she felt that she was in such a bad mood that many of her children's unintentional actions, such as Mao Dou Dou, became the point of criticism. However, in children's comfort and tolerance, she finally relieved, fulfill the wishes of Yang father. Yang YiFan because of their perennial stationed in the island, do not want to drag Yu Hao, but Yu Hao at this time was unusually firm. Yang YiFan met at the station because of the two cadets. The train started and Yu Hao jumped onto the train again. She married the soldier. At the wedding of Yang YiFan and Yu Hao, Mao DouDou's two grandma-in-law were also encouraged by a group of young people. Three daughters confidently face future life & nbsp ;.

Hunt (TV)[2010]

Feature: "Hunting" tells the thirties, Shanghai. Lan XinRu, a hospital surgeon who lives alone with her 6-year-old nephew, is based on the principle of medical treatment and rescue, but politics. However, by accident, she accidentally pushed her to the cusp, This quiet introverted woman will face a sudden choice of life and death. Qi YuZhen, a colleague of Lan XinRu and an underground party member of CCP, mobilized Lan XinRu several times to join the Communist Party. Lan XinRu laughed aloud with a smile, but the two remained as good friends without any questions. One day, Qi YuZhen, who had gone to deliver intelligence, was severely wounded. She told Lan XinRu with her last strength and let her help send out an intelligence Lan XinRu promised. Lan XinRu went to the connector, but found that the comrades who came to contact had been arrested. Lan XinRu slowly draws up the clue of "chasing" the stills through the reasoning of the known situation: When the underground party organization in Shanghai was destroyed because of the traitor, the KMT Shanghai Police Commander Chen ZhanHao captain flew away from the underground station Walked a Buddha statue. And that statue of Buddha hidden in my full list of underground members of Shanghai, Chen ZhanHao once found, underground party organizations will suffer heavy losses. Now that all the insiders are sacrificed, Lan XinRu does not know who the Communist Party is. In order to save people, she has made a major decision: find a Buddha statue, take out information and give it to the Communist Party. This female doctor with no agent experience began to accomplish an impossible task. At the same time, the Wuhan party organization sent agents Huang WeiJun to Shanghai to search for the missing list. Lan XinRu sent her child to the country for a hospital and started to observe the whereabouts of Chen ZhanHao. She found that Chen ZhanHao's underground lover was actually her middle school classmate, Xiang XiuJuan and Xiang XiuJuan, committed to Chen ZhanHao in order to cure his younger brother. Xiang XiuJuan began helping Lan XinRu after the two women were released. Traitor Liu TianShu, a man at both ends of the first rat, only wanted to get away with the bounty. He found his girlfriend Lan XinRu suspicious and started to follow up. Lan XinRu while looking for opportunities, while a doctor's vocation to save the patient, the boss to help the number knife in the red, life-threatening female patients, the old lady does not leave the hospital. And these people, all in her fugitive career after giving great help. When Huang WeiJun found clues and prepared to steal Buddhist statues under the pretext of painting the building, Lan XinRu took the first step when he started. With the help of all the people, Lan XinRu made panic with some pungent, non-toxic gas, Dressed as a gas poison expert into the police station building, the way to adjust the package, the Buddha into the front line to the suppression of the Communist Party of China military fire column, and then to Jiangxi delivery, Chen ZhanHao after a night of deep thought, broke through Lan XinRu's trick, he flew to Jiangxi , Go to intercept. Lan XinRu got the information, but she could only return to Shanghai because she knew the Communist Party was looking for her in Shanghai. Chen ZhanHao also decided that going back to Shanghai was the only option for Lan XinRu. He laid a heavy hand on Shanghai's traffic arteries and sent Lan XinRu's All friends and family monitor, waiting for the arrival of Lan XinRu.Lan XinRu is far from Chen ZhanHao's cleverness. Her ignorance and pure help her escapism, but coincidence will not happen again. In the face of police police chase, Lan XinRu inexperienced moment into despair, she She would not use guns and would not disguise. She hid in sick women's homes, brothels, churches and other places and spent her days in fear. She even thought of withdrawing and intending to leave Shanghai. However, the communists disrupted the gunshots of the enemy and sent her a clear The Communist Party is looking for her all the time. In order to promise, in order to save people, she bite the teeth stayed. The Communist Party was indeed looking for her. Huang WeiJun attacked Chen ZhanHao and even traitor Liu TianShu in order to intercept the arrests. Chen ZhanHao's police searched hotels, dance halls, cinemas, and smoky halls. All parties are looking for it, but Lan XinRu has evaded from time to time. At this time, Lan XinRu has now entered the Infectious Diseases Unit as a safe place for the moment. By chance, Chen ZhanHao learned that his underground lover Xiang XiuJuan and Lan XinRu had secret contacts. He moved in his heart: Will Xiang XiuJuan provide information to Lan XinRu and can use Xiang XiuJuan. At this moment, Lan XinRu also combed his thinking with the calm and wisdom of the doctor. Now there are two people who are most anxious to find the Communist Party, one is himself and the other is Chen Zhan Hao. Can he get the Communist Party's information from Chen Zhan Hao? In the crucial moment, Xiang XiuJuan exchanged the fate of Lan XinRu with flesh and blood and the identity of Liu TianShu traitor. He visited layers by level and kidnapped Lan XinRu's nephew, in order to Child safety, Huang WeiJun followed, kill Liu TianShu. Liu TianShu sent a sign to Lan XinRu asking Lan XinRu to exchange information with her children. Lan XinRu sent a letter to Huang WeiJun in hopes of getting help. Huang WeiJun was dealing with Chen ZhanHao. A large-scale battle was launched on the waterfront and after a close combat After Liu TianShu shot, escaped again. Lan XinRu took the intelligence and followed Huang WeiJun onto the journey to the Soviet area. Lan XinRu rejected Huang WeiJun's suggestion that she arrange a stable job for her. She arranged the nephew for Huang WeiJun without hesitation, and at the same time disappeared, she also had her own pistol. What is the plan for this quiet female doctor? Soon, Huang WeiJun has the answer, they get on the train, chase to Shanghai.

Flowers blossoming (TV)[2010]

Feature: Blossoming Flowers tells the story of Mu Qin, who came out of the war flames. There are two men in his life: old black and white, all of whom are her beloved, and she is warm and pure. And her seven daughters' emotions and life are like blossoming flowers blossoming, following the trend of the times and equally colorful. The story emphasizes the four strong and caring, she sympathized with Da Duo's patience, respect Er Duo to save the children sacrificing noble, merciful San Duo's secular, dissatisfaction with Wu Duo's material, helpless Liu Duo be emotionally dominated, respect From childhood to the old white seven resolutely Tibet to teach, because of their different personalities and outlook on life caused a different situation, played a mixed feelings of fate and love changing song & nbsp ;.

Sacrifice (Movie)[2010]

Feature: "Orphan" tells the story of Spring and Autumn Period, Jin LingGong disliked Tu AnJia in power, and disgruntled prime minister Zhao Dun arbitrary. Zhao Shuo, a son of Zhao Dun, is not only successful, but also his wife, Zhuang Ji. Tu AnJia as a big trouble, designed to poison in the hall, by Ling Gong mouth, off Zhao nine people. Zhuang Ji saw the death of her husband Zhao Shuo when she was diagnosed with Cheng Ying. In her grief she decided to give birth to a baby. At this point, Tu AnJia's Han Jue came to kill. On the verge of danger, Zhuang Ji entrusted the baby with Cheng Ying and asked him to hand over Gong Sun Chuhu, after which he pulled himself up. Han Jue was stabbed by Tu AnJia, who ordered Feng Cheng to search the house door-to-door. In desperation, Cheng Zhao wife to hand over. Cheng Ying went to claim Zhao and Cheng to see Gong SunChuJiu. Due to the closure of the city, Cheng wife and son were hidden in the shadow wall. Tu AnJia set bitter meat, forced Cheng Ying said the whereabouts of the baby, one after another to kill Gong SunChuJiu and his wife and son. Cheng Ying endured grief and raised Zhao alone. Han Jue learned the truth while seeking medical treatment and formed an all-life Alliance with Cheng Ying. Cheng Ying takes Zhao to the Tu AnJia door and makes Tu AnJia recognize Zhao as a son. Since then, launched a 15-year revenge plan.

Dwelling (TV)[2009]

Feature: "Dwelling" tells the story of Shanghai housing prices soaring, my sister Haiping aspire to have their own house, around the fund-raising down payment, and her sister and seaweed work and life from her buy a house began to change. Hai-Ping withstand a variety of stubborn and sturdy support, and seaweed has plunged into betrayal of lovers and mature Song SiMing secret relationship feelings quagmire. The ordinary days of the two sisters are now full of accidents, quarrels, troubles and conflicts. All this and finally in Haiping's tireless efforts and seaweed in a sudden wake up gradually subsided, life continues.

Wang Gui and An Na (TV)[2009]

Feature: An Na from An Na tells the story of An Na, a superior family born in Shanghai who became a tannery worker in the provincial capital after returning to the city. Wang Gui is a "countryman" who enters the city from rural areas. However, this "countryman" was hopelessly in love with the pretentious An Na. An Na not only does not love him, and even disgust. However, it is such a pair, but the wrong mix came together. Surrounded by love, two people survived difficulties one after another under the responsibility of the family. The hands of each other fell in love with the passing of time.

Landing, please open the phone (TV)[2008]

Feature: "Landing, please open cell phone" poster flight at high altitude. A guest must call, but flight attendants Li XiaoWan stopped suddenly edema died, the phone was put into Li XiaoWan luggage. The deceased Wang Qi is a researcher in the field of confidential units, suspected of stealing confidential documents and overseas transactions. National Security Bureau sent a investigator to his brother "Wang Hao" identity undercover, intended to sweep the criminals. The arrival of Wang Hao aroused overseas waiting for the attention of Wang Qi trading spy organization, has sent Wang Hao lover and enemy trial Wang Hao authenticity. Plane calls on the phone is an important clue for the phone Li XiaoWan and Wang Hao first grudges, and then get married. As the investigation mission to the core, Wang Hao aware of the dangers of their work, but he decided to do his utmost to protect lover safety. Wang Hao watched Li XiaoWan continue to be used by the enemy but can not tell the truth, like a knife. He clearly knows that his task is to defend national security. Fortunately, before the big deal, Li XiaoWan chose national interests. Three years later, Wang Hao received a new order, the password is "landing boot." At the airport, Wang Hao saw Li XiaoWan models come from the figure.

Red Pine Hill (TV)[2007]

Feature: In the early years of Eastern Jin Dynasty (317-420 years), Qing officials were framed and Huang ChuPing took the risk of presenting "10,000 People's Folders." Hu YongJiang adults for the victims clean up the family. At this point offended Liu Zhixian and bullied local government officials Zhang million, two wicked battles in the face of some people set up drug fraud Huang ChuPing. Huang ChuPing wisdom Superman attacked the evil forces, touched the villagers with good deeds, led the people to overcome the natural disasters, promoted good and punish the evil, ridiculously good for the people, medical treatment and disaster relief, loved by the support of the common people.

Where is my home? (TV)[2007]

Feature: Qin Yue, a professor of history, can not afford the fanatical pursuit of law teacher Ye TianJin, who divorces his first wife, his wife Han RuSu, and remarries Ye TianJin. Qin Yue started her remarriage life with her dreams of romance, but her days were calmed down. Her habits had begun to stubbornly disturb him. ... It is impossible for an adult to marry a child and both remarried But all of them demanded that the other party pay 100% of their own sum, and Qin Mu strongly dissatisfied with the new-born daughter-in-law. Contradictions and conflicts emerged in the remarried families. As an abandoned one in life, Han RuSu fell into a marriage crisis. In the face of a strong blow she almost lost her faith in survival. Good friend Yao Xuefei helped her through the most difficult period after the divorce psychology, when she reappears gracefully before the crowd, there is no shortage of suitors, she knows, women should learn to love themselves more ... ... this era, all Of people are struggling in their desires, regardless of divorce or remarriage have to accept the polish of life, no matter how polished, the final can not afford is the people's love of life and humanity in the good, good ... ...

Double-sided adhesive (TV)[2007]

Feature: "Double-sided tape" tells the story of the Shanghai girl Li Juan married to a northeast guy who stayed in Shanghai after graduating from college, Yaping. Yaping bought a house in Shanghai as a home with the help of her mother-in-law. Double-sided adhesive poster Yaping in Shanghai before her parents came to Shanghai is a standard husband of ordinary, warm greetings to his wife, Duancha poured water, the husband and wife intimate, extremely loving. However, after the arrival of her mother, a warm little home life began to qualitative change. The traditional thinking of her mother-in-law is serious. She hopes her own way of life will affect the transformation of Shanghai's wife-in-law. These ideas completely conflict with the modern life style of Li-Juan. The conflicts between her-law and in-law are increasing day by day. After Yaping's father was hospitalized due to illness, the law-breaking relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law broke down completely and the two became incompatible. The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has not been eased even after the Reed-Azalea gave birth to Yapin's son. The little guy's "mother bad" pushed the family to the edge of the cliff. Li Juan furious rhetoric, the Yaping mother and forced to go homeless situation, Yaping instigated by his mother, the loss of reason, crazy fists hit the Li Juan.

Chengdu, please forget me tonight (TV)[2007]

Feature: "Chengdu, Please Forget Me Tonight," recounts Chen Zhong and Zhao Yue, who have been married for seven years. Zhao Yue is still tirelessly verifying the safety of marriage through all the details of life. What she needs is meticulous care and absolute loyalty. However, Chen Zhong still desired the same fire-like love, just as he graduated from college and graduated in order to find Zhao Yue from Beijing to Chengdu and gave up his parents and future. After an accident, Chen Zhong met Ye Mei. He opened a green light on the policy for this bright, passionate female client. At Ye Mei's thank-you party, Chen Zhong was drunk, and after waking up he realized he was lying on the bed of Ye Mei. Chen Zhong, who was calm, did not think about it. The rings of loops had been waiting for him for a long time.

Chengdu (TV)[2006]

Feature: The stills Chen Zhong and Zhao Yue have been married for seven years. Zhao Yue is still tirelessly verifying the safety of marriage from all the details of life. What she needs is meticulous care and absolute loyalty. However, Chen Zhong still desired the same fire-like love, just as he graduated from college and graduated in order to find Zhao Yue from Beijing to Chengdu and gave up his parents and future. After an accident, Chen Zhong met Ye Mei. He opened a green light on the policy for this bright, passionate female client. At Ye Mei's thank-you party, Chen Zhong was drunk, and after waking up he realized he was lying on the bed of Ye Mei. Chen Zhong, who was calm, did not think about it. The rings of loops had been waiting for him for a long time.

Family Day (TV)[2006]

Feature: A 35-episode TV series "Family Time" co-produced by the Chinese TV production center and Beijing Jinbang Zhongshi Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. is a realist drama with a comedy style that is adapted from Liu Zengxin's novel "The Capital Man" . The story tells the story of Pimiya salt, parents in the short, contains a thick brothers and sisters Wife and mother and child: Aunt and mother of aunt and son proposed to take turns to their children's home for some time, the arrival of her mother caused a series of waves ... ... Finally, her mother with her Generosity, kindness and wisdom to resolve the contradictions, support the spiritual world of children.

one kid big l IU luo (TV)[2006]

Feature: Stills born with a small humpback Liu Xun and beautiful young boy He Shen with Haian official disciples, He Shen always mocking the physical defects of Xiao Liu, but was clever little Liu 墉 the opposite. However, one thing down, in front of He Shen to deal with the flow of Xiao Liu Zhen is the father of Liu TongXun adoptive daughter, known as his "big daughter" Jin DuoEr only non-stick promise. Jin DuoEr was flirtatious and avenge. Due to Qian Long's earnest remarks in his early years, Jin DuoEr vowed to have a common hatred with Qian Long. It was even more hostile to the court and the people in the palace. Jin DuoEr adventure assassination Qian Long, but due to the sudden appearance of He Shen and 小刘 只 only fled. He Shen has been loved by her because of his meritorious dedication by Qian Long. Xiao Liu 墉 due to save the simple Yu GeGe two acquaintances, breaking the emperor's IOU, promised to be fulfilled when asked by Xiao Liu. Yu GeGe wholeheartedly want to walk rivers and lakes, Xia Yu Ge line of power can not be used to He Shen's sleek, independent of Liu's "Crooked path" a soft spot, where expected Jin DuoEr everywhere at the two people's friendship. Liu Tong's father, Liu TongXun, an honest, loyal and treacherous Ying Lian, is a DPP. Ying Lian makes use of his powers and interests for personal gain. Liu TongXun, who is perceived by Liu TongXun and keeps on playing, is in a dilemma. Instead, Liu Xie, who is "good at" dishonest, can see Ying Lian's tricks. Ying Lian took a fancy to He Shen's potential to nurture the sleek He Shen as a successor and take He Shen a step into the dark bureaucracy. Liu's father and son found that the price of silk in the capital was abnormally high. According to the investigation, it was found that Wu RiTai, a royal uncle, set up a private checkpoint in Shandong Province and collected heavy taxes. At this point, Emperor Tai Hou hand-picked Wu RiTai son Wu Ri map for Yu GeGe 驸 horse. Suddenly Wu RiTai was prominent and nobody dared to stop it. Wu Zhaoxiang, a silk merchant in Shandong Province, was assassinated because of a secret book on the matter and his brother Wu Linfeng was forced to flee. Liu TongXun once again reported Qian Long's case, that Ying Ying, who received large sums of money and money, actually said that peace and prosperity are pure and prosperous. Qian Long micro-service private visit, ghost of He Shen ahead of RBI, resulting in Qian Long believed that the oblique stab out of a small Liu 墉 silky recovery of the original price, that is, drank passers-by to buy, silk immediately snapped up ... Qian Long amnesty Liu Father and son, decided to kiss Liu House Liu TongXun birthday. Ying Lian jealous of Liu TongXun "invitations to look for reward", conspired with He Shen maid Jin Zhi Yu Ye sent to Liu House for undercover, which expected the two women learned that Liu TongXun is the diamond bachelor, forget about business . Inspired Qian Long did not break the cause of the occasion, or to Liu TongXun life. The occasion of the occasion of the glass of wine, a sudden assassin so sudden the scene chaos, the assassination of Liu's father and son safe hidden vengeful of Jin DuoEr unbelievable, Liu TongXun immediately relegated to Shandong home. Crafty Ying Lian suspect the emperor false derogatory Liu TongXun, in fact, the investigation of silk case, placed in the vicinity of Liu Xuan Luo network, it is expected to help Liu Xia in the fight against the style of escape, see the trick, one by one escaped, books matter Gradually clues. He Shen in search of Yu GeGe name, but also to Shandong, but struggling to cope with Xiao Liu Kui's ideas, and ultimately fell out of land. Ying Lian rhetoric makes Qian Long decree finalized.At this moment, the people of Nan'nan Prefecture suffered another embankment of the Yellow River, and Liu TongXun was appointed to investigate and investigate what actually happened to the local corrupt officials who swallowed the banks of the dike. Under the implication of Ying Lian, two corrupt officials exchanged huge bribes for He Shen Assured and Litigate Ying Lian again abetted two corrupt officials to disrupt Liu TongXun's trip and used Qian Long to deceive Qian Long, causing Liu TongXun to be relegated to being the chief inspector when he assumed office. Little Liu Huan also learned at this time that the father of the gauze cap does not guarantee that several people rushed to Shandong, on the way to save the country folk bullied Pan Nong Chun, Shun Tenggu melon, but found the key figure of the dike case Niu Wu, what material Sudden killing of Niu Wu led to the cessation of the newly emerged clues. In his investigation of the murder case, Xiao Liu discovered the intricacies of Ying Lian He Shen. The case of Jin DuoEr's life is gradually revealed at this time. Yu GeGe insisted that his dearest Wong Ama would not make mistakes. Xiao Liu was designed to teach Gege a lesson that she understands the grievances of innocent people. And Qian Long is also aware of the mistakes he made in that process. Qian Long decided to re-examine the case, slightly under the south. Ying Lian, who had framed Kim at the hands of Qian Long, was shuddering. Just at this time, Feng DiChen, an escaping Jin DuoEr who had risked his rescue in the early years, lured Qian Long to "disappear" with the beauty of Yue Gui, a twilight fantastically named figure, Very embarrassed. Liu and his son looking for Qian Long in two separate ways, without retreating Ying Lian conspired to force the Emperor Tai Hou, a new owner, hesitant He Shen see themselves difficult to rely on the Liu and his son, Jin DuoEr saw the opportunity to revenge hatred sword Refers to Ying Lian. A larger conspiracy and assassination brewing is imminent.

I can not lose you (TV)[2006]

Feature: "Can not lose you" This is a very special family. It has only two long-time members - Lao Duan, retired theater gaffer, and daughter-in-law, a 25-year-old repertory youth actor. A lot of 22-year-old married into Duan. The second year of marriage, her husband Shaogang began a long journey of stay abroad, has become the home always hurried "passing." Much more than Shao Gang's marriage is more like "Love," Lao Duan is more like roommates and buddies under the same roof. Lao Duan is living with a lot of tacit understanding. Lao Duan, who has never achieved any accomplishments in his career, has shown his unique style and style of music in life. Lao Duan, who never excludes modern stuff, is surprisingly in tune with the many who take turns riding the "value date" and take turns doing Rice, rewards and punishments. In Lao Duan and a lot of life, two people have to say. One is "Chou Hu" and the other is "Chou Hu", a "freelance worker" that is often the first one to come to life with Lao Duan. The second is neighbor Wang DaMa. This is Wang DaMa, a lot behind Lao Duan and called "Little Trumpet," who has always been in love with Lao Duan. Lao Duan is not interested in Wang DaMa. A lot of thought is a modern, conservative girl. And Shao Gang's marriage, love is her heart proud page. Calm life is broken with less return. Less just quietly returned to Beijing without telling a lot. Lao Duan, who received a call from his son, came to his son's apartment and found that he had an affair. A lot less aware of the less affair. Late night can not sleep. Quietly told the father, married less just their own pride, he is not an affair because of women and give up the proud to operate for many years. Lao Duan with a lot of coincidental decision to destroy less than just extra-affair. A lot to find less sought after woman, but found that his love was so light as paper. Repertory Theater began the last low-cost public funding to buy a house. Most know that Lao Duan, who no longer has contact with his son, can not get any money and finds "Chou Hu," a deputy director, asking him to help him and Lao Duan find small roles to save the missing 30,000 yuan within half a year. Night scene of the corner. Tell Lao Duan a lot, he has already signed the divorce book, is not his daughter. A lot of play by the "Chou Hu" played a play through, the old Shanghai's debauchery women, paid generous. A lot of hard to let go constantly criticized. Ji XiaoDong came to inspect the investor informed the director changed a lot. A lot to catch up with Ji XiaoDong, was pleaded but was rejected. A lot of angry replaced costumes, but was informed that you can try again. Tell Lao Duan a lot, the crew signed with him. You can go to pre-house deposit. Lao Duan wrote an IOU, much surprised to find that Lao Duan actually wrote 300,000. Filming the scene, a lot and advertisers representatives Lao Duan saw with investor Ji XiaoDong unexpectedly Shao Gang. A lot of drama finished. The house is down. Lao Duan discovers that Ji XiaoDong has officially begun to "approach" a lot more. Lao Duan warned a lot about "that kid." And Ji XiaoDong grew more emotionally courage finally told Ji XiaoDong own and Shao Gang once the marriage. "Chou Hu" summoned a friend to give more banquet.Rushed to the hotel lot saw Ji XiaoDong sitting there, mistakenly think Ji XiaoDong is waiting for themselves, sitting in front of Xiaodong. The conversation is awkward. "Chou Hu" brought the cake to the crowd, found Ji XiaoDong cake is not prepared for her, followed by "Chou Hu" sat a lot away to see the belated lately surprised girl opened Ji XiaoDong Birthday cake. A lot of divorce still quickly spread in the yard. Too much to tell Lao Duan that he should leave the house. Chou Hu found a rental lot for Totoro. Tell Lao Duan a lot, it is estimated that six months can be moved out of rental housing, married into a big house. And Ji XiaoDong another dramatic accident, so a lot of love seems to see the sun again. Lao Duan once again handed over the keys to the new house, lied to a lot that Shaogang had bought a house for himself, that he had to move to Shaogang, and that the house owned a lot. Lots of meetings with Lao Duan resumed. Lao Duan, who knows a lot of feelings and frustrations, found Ji XiaoDong and Ji XiaoDong a touch of emotion. A lot of emotions and Ji XiaoDong getting better. Wang DaMa's visit, surprised a lot. Wang DaMa asked a lot to tell his address of Lao Duan, a lot to Shao Gang called and found Shaogang did not know Lao Duan's whereabouts. The days of the meeting, followed by Lao Duan, looked as if the old Lao Duan tumbled into the main entrance of a nursing home. Sadly, "Daddy" called, Lao Duan turned around. Ji XiaoDong a lot of angry questions, how many things to hide with yourself, a lot of dumb. Ji XiaoDong left in anger. Nursing home gave a lot of phone calls, told Lao Duan heart attack admitted to the hospital. New home, a lot to rewrite the rewards and punishments set in front of Lao Duan, and according to the charter Lao Duan immediately start cooking. - Once upon a time life seems to be back, stole into the kitchen Lao Duan tears. Tell her that, no matter he is away, a lot must be guaranteed happiness. Karaoke, Toto took Mike and told Lao Duan, promised Lao Duan himself. Pleased Lao Duan felt discomfort, and landed on the ground under the umbrella of Lao Duan, who used to leave the toilet. The hospital, many with tears, watched Lao Duan wake up. Lao Duan stretched her little finger weakly, knowing that Lao Duan was going to pledge himself to stay still a lot and pull the hook with Lao Duan. Lao Duan sleepy with satisfaction. Lao Duan departs in the midst of a bird's cry. Home, took a lot of TV series, to leave Beijing, the house's key to the property, the past events back. A lot of picked up the photo placed on the corner of the table, but found the back of the frame exposed a letter, a lot of open the photo frame, the envelope reads "girl, do not forget this." A lot of open the envelope, which is Lao Duan wrote a lot of that 300,000 IOU. Much seems to have stumbled upon Lao Duan's busy figure in the kitchen at that time. A lot of tears. A year later, I returned to Beijing a lot to the hotel, once again saw a familiar figure - Ji XiaoDong. Ji XiaoDong once again put a big birthday cake. The two embarrassed eyes meet. Ji XiaoDong told a lot, in his own eyes he is not qualified. Ji XiaoDong also came a lot closer, saying "but he felt I qualified."A lot of angry annoyed, Ji XiaoDong truth revealed "I said he is - your dad." A lot of eyes suddenly wet, tears slipped a lot of face & nbsp ;.

YuanWeiDeHunYin (Movie)[2005]

Feature: Yuan Wei, who worked in the publishing department of the publishing house, proposed signing a contract for not having children before getting married. Cui Dalin, a boyfriend who presided over the emotional hotline of the radio station, deeply loved Yuan Wei. After several struggles, she finally agreed with Yuan Wei's request. This contract tosses a traditional home.

Men and women go forward (TV)[2005]

Feature: Yi Pin and his 20-year-old writer Ding Qi love long-distance running ten years, finally got the promise of marriage. Wedding day, unbearable groom left his ex-wife's daughter Strawberry and publishing company boss Zhuang Yan draft of the ultimatum, and played missing. Yi Pin near collapse, college students Chu song, Baimang, light rain Yi Pin for stills, planning a "friendship chase." After twenty-five times of lovelorn, Pak Mong just found the cherry girl Xinyi, but for the sake of friends, Baismaal took a heavy burden. In the process of "Friendship Chasing", all efforts of White Mansions continued to joke. Yi Pin finally got out of the shadows, and strawberry also accepted Yi Pin. White Man lost because of the misunderstanding of "Friendship Chasing" cherry, lost in the online games met the girl in the fragrance. A chance encounter, Chu Song fell in love with the commercial fiancee Jiang Shanshan, a short love affair Chiang Shanshan to leave the end. Has been crush on the song of the rain is hard to open. Chu song, Baimang barren in the bar for romance, met with her boyfriend just broke up Yi Xin, Chu Song and Yi Xin passion dance, drizzle inexplicable objection to the Chu song puzzled. Baimang to Guanghai find fancy, found that everything is a test of their own fragrance, resolutely go home. User leaves broke into the White House, and White Man began a period of dumbfounding "living together." Hot-tempered Yi Xin always bullied the White Man because of the washing machine repair, and Baimang found himself in love with this seemingly savage but intractable girl. Yi Xin and romance of romance came together, Baimang only their own feelings on the bottom of my heart. Leaves admit that they are aroma, frankly frankly two people can only be friends. Zhuang Yan, a publishing company boss, and his lawyer, are betting on Yi Pin, the modern Liu Hulan, but Yi Pin's impeccable manner failed all of Zhuang Yan's tricks. Zhuang Yan threatens Yi Pin with his own personal assistant. Zhuang Yan, who fell in love with Yi Pin, sent a book to let her run and decided to quit Yi Pin's life. Yi Pin is also somewhat contradictory, do not know how to choose. A couple of kidnappers abducted Strawberry and Yi Pin. Zhuang Yan went crazy looking for Yi Pin, and Yi Pin was impressed by Zhuang Yan. Yi Pin received the news of Ding Qi's death, took back Dingji's legacy, and accepted Zhuang Yan. Yi Xin interviewed host Ren Qian and found that she was actually the wife of Zhuang Yan. Yi Pin's life was once again caused an uproar. Chuge and Yi Xin love affair rapidly warming, rain is very disturbed. Yi Xin and the rain because of the song of the band clashes, the rain finally admitted in front of everyone has always been like to love, and then disappear. Chu song in the light of the rain and Yi Xin frequently contradictory, began to search for light rain. In a deaf elementary school, Chu song found and finally touched the light rain. Baimang Misunderstanding rain suffering terminally ill, Chu song aware of their love is light rain, rain and decided to marry. Wedding, rain learned Chu song misunderstood himself had a terminal illness, sad leave. Bai Mang accompanied Yi Xin on the day of her wedding and finally told Yi Xin. Yi Xin but because Bai Mang misunderstood their own angrily left angrily, at the same time lost lover's song, Baimang two fellow sufferers set foot on the road to find lover.

Meet you (TV)[2005]

Feature: This is a very special family. It has only two long-time members - retired retired lighting division teacher and daughter-in-law - 25-year-old repertory theater a lot of young actors. A lot of 22-year-old married into Duan. The second year of marriage, her husband Shaogang began a long journey of stay abroad, has become the home always hurried "passing." More and less just the marriage more like "love", the old section more like roommates and buddies under the same roof. Old paragraph and a lot of tacit understanding of life. Life has no achievements in the business of the old section of his life has emerged in his unique concept and music school, never exclusion of the old section of modern stuff and a lot of surprisingly in line - two people take turns, "Value Day" take turns doing Rice, rewards and punishments. In the old paragraph and a lot of life, two people have to say. One is "Qiu Hu", "Qiu Hu", is a lot of life and the old paragraph, often the first one will think of "free permanent workers." The second is neighbor Wang DaMa. Wang DaMa, who is often called the "trumpet" behind a lot and the old paragraph, has always been in love with the old paragraph. The old section is not interested in Wang DaMa. A lot of thought is a modern, conservative girl. And Shao Gang's marriage, love is her heart proud page. Calm life is broken with less return. Less just quietly returned to Beijing without telling a lot. Received the son of the old paragraph came to his son's residence, but found that less just had an affair. A lot less aware of the less affair. Late night can not sleep. Quietly told the father, married less just their own pride, he is not an affair because of women and give up the proud to operate for many years. The old section and a lot of coincidental decision to destroy less than just extramarital affairs. A lot to find less sought after woman, but found that his love was so light as paper. Repertory Theater began the last low-cost public funding to buy a house. A lot of know the son no longer contact the old section can not get the money, find a lot of vice director of "Qiu Hu", asked him to help themselves and the old section to find some small role in less than half a year to save enough to 30,000 dollars. Night scene of the corner. Lost a lot to tell the paragraph, yesterday, he already signed a divorce book, and now is not his daughter. A lot of "hatred Tiger" told a play through, old Shanghai's debauchery women, paid generous. A lot of hard to let go constantly criticized. Ji XiaoDong came to inspect the investor informed the director changed a lot. A lot to catch up with Ji XiaoDong, was pleaded but was rejected. A lot of angry replaced costumes, but was informed that you can try again. Tells us a lot, the crew signed with myself. You can go to pre-house deposit. The old section wrote an IOU, a lot surprised to find that the old section actually wrote 300,000. Filming the scene, a lot and the old section to see with the investor Ji XiaoDong advertisers representatives actually Shao Gang. A lot of drama finished. The house is down. Old paragraph found that Ji XiaoDong also officially started "close" a lot. Old paragraph caution a lot of "kid." And Ji XiaoDong grew more emotionally courage finally told Ji XiaoDong own and Shao Gang once the marriage. "Qiu Hu" convened a friend to give more banquet.Rushed to the hotel lot saw Ji XiaoDong sitting there, mistakenly think Ji XiaoDong is waiting for themselves, sitting in front of Xiaodong. The conversation is awkward. "Qiu Hu," carrying the cake rate appeared, and found Ji XiaoDong cake was not prepared for her, to follow the "Qiu Hu" sat a lot away to see the late be surprised girl opened Ji International Birthday cake. A lot of divorce still quickly spread in the yard. A lot of sad tell the old section, they should leave this home. "Qiu Hu" for a lot to find a rental room. Tell us a lot of old paragraph, it is estimated that six months can move out of rental housing, married into a big house. And Ji XiaoDong another dramatic accident, so a lot of love seems to see the sun again. The old section once again the key to a new house to a lot, to a lot of lies less said has just bought a house for themselves, they have to move to less just where the house owned a lot. Lot and the old section has resumed the meeting. Ji XiaoDong know a lot of emotional frustration found, Ji XiaoDong a trace of moving. A lot of emotions and Ji XiaoDong getting better. Wang DaMa's visit, surprised a lot. Wang DaMa seeking a lot more to tell his old address, a lot to Shao Gang called and found that Shao Gang did not know the whereabouts of the old section. Days to meet a lot more with the old paragraph, looking old part of the stumble into the door was actually a nursing home. A lot of sad cry, "Dad -", the old section turned around. Ji XiaoDong a lot of angry questions, how many things to hide with yourself? A lot of dumb. Ji XiaoDong left in anger. Nursing home to a lot of calls, told the old section of heart attack admitted to the hospital. New home, a lot of rewrite the rewards and punishments set in front of the old paragraph, and according to the charter section to immediately start cooking. - Life once seemed to be back, stole the old section of tears hiding in the kitchen aspect. Tell her that, no matter he is away, a lot must be guaranteed happiness. Kara OK, Mike took a lot to tell the old paragraph, he promised the old paragraph requirements. Happy old section but felt uncomfortable, excuse the old section of the toilet to leave the seat one fell to the ground. Hospital, a lot of tears with the old paragraph wakes up. Elderly stretch out the little finger weak, know that the old section is to promise a lot of non-stop stretch, pull the hook with the old paragraph. Old satisfied sleepy sleep. ... The old paragraph left on a bird's crying morning. Home, took a lot of TV series, to leave Beijing, the house's key to the property, the past events back. A lot of picked up the photo placed on the corner of the table, but found the back of the frame exposed a letter, a lot of open the photo frame, the envelope reads "girl, do not forget this." A lot of open the envelope, which is the old paragraph to write a lot of that 300,000 IOU. A lot seems to see the old paragraph at that time busy in the kitchen figure. A lot of tears. A year later, I returned to Beijing a lot to come to the restaurant and saw a familiar figure again. Ji XiaoDong once again put a big birthday cake. The two embarrassed eyes meet. Ji XiaoDong told a lot, in his own eyes he is not qualified.Ji XiaoDong also came a lot closer, saying "but he felt I qualified." A lot of angry annoyed, Ji XiaoDong truth revealed to the "I said 'he is - your dad' a lot of eyes suddenly wet, tears slipped a lot of face.

A famous physician song Lian-S Heng (TV)[2005]

Feature: The photo story took place in Shun Zhi during the Qing Dynasty. At that time, the ideology of anti-Ching Ming was still strong. The forces of Nanming, represented by the Donglin Party, have always been the targets that the rulers should not ignore and try to eradicate. As the southern city of Changsha, away from the capital, Changsha is a great place for the hiding of Donglin Party members. Song LianSheng is a rivers and lakes Lang, came from Nanjing to Changsha for medical treatment. The first day came to Changsha City, met a number of things, let him quickly into the city of Changsha at the same time unknowingly fall into the all kinds of right and wrong. Fan Ru has become a widow childbirth, the city can not be saved. Song LianSheng ordered. Immediately, delivery is smooth, mother and child safety. Song LianSheng character and medicine has been affirmed by everyone, the city of Changsha, the major pharmacies have invited him to sit down, so that Song LianSheng very embarrassed, but no one did not agree. Subsequently, in order to get close to embroidered Zhuang Warriors and two to maintain their livelihood, they opened the clinic in front of embroidered Zhuang. In the process of embroidery Zhuang Zhuang such as Hong SanYan, Er TaoZi and other women gradually changed his view. Fan family has been very close personal friendship with the Nanming party. Soon, out of ethics, Song LianSheng was also involved, was also arrested and brought to justice. Fan Ru is guilty of going to prison to visit Song LianSheng, but it was unparalleled, Hong SanYan hit. For a long time Warriors favorite Song LianSheng no explanation for a time, it touches Hong SanYan Song LianSheng sudden love, but later rejected it, with great sorrow. Endless was transferred to the Nanming party incident, was also imprisoned into the jail face death penalty, Song LianSheng although peach blossom, but why not laugh, but only helpless face. Fortunately, Jiuzhitintang boss Mr. Wan as a native, very understanding of official temperament, to figure out the trick. Song LianSheng just been able to protect themselves. In return, Song LianSheng sitting in a hall in Jiuzhitang. Yue Xuan was an unparalleled savior, because of the massive amount of money and shelter needed. In desperation had to live in embroidered Zhuang. And unparalleled relationship has become increasingly close. Song LianSheng uncomfortable but also helpless. Not long afterwards, Hong SanYan discovered that Yue Xuan was the one who rescued her from the bandits on the same day. She was more excited and rewarded with joy and decided to invite Yue Xuan to fly away, but Yue Xuan did not make an appointment. Has been rejected by two men, Hong SanYan only to die knot, taking drugs himself. After Song LianSheng first aid, Hong SanYan back to life. At the same time, it also caused the resignation of Wen Shitang fame. Local riffraff Qi DaTou and Wen Shitang unite in an attempt to crush the Jiuzhitang, and Song LianSheng dug up Wen Sitang sitting. Embroidered Zhuang, Yue Xuan has always cruised between two women, the Warriors has long been identified, but still misunderstood by Song LianSheng. In order not to implicate Jiuzhitang, and secondly to the unparalleled treatment of Yue Xuan extremely disappointed, Song LianSheng decided to leave Changsha City. Suddenly found on the way the local plague spread to Changsha. They immediately hurriedly informed Jiuzhitang large purchase of medicinal herbs for emergency use. In addition to the entire Changsha City, Mr. Wan unexpectedly no one believed the plague said. Later, Song LianSheng learned that embroidered Zhuang was already occupied by Qi DaTou, and that he was going to bet with the imminent plague to try to redeem it. Qi DaTou readily agreed. A few days later, the plague really spread in Changsha, the city panic. Jiuzhitang become the most sought-after drug store.Song LianSheng strictly controls the sales of medicinal herbs to ensure the availability of medicines. Mr. Wan strongly supports Song LianSheng and also assigns to others on the streets free of drug soup to prevent the plague. The epidemic was under control and Zhi Fu received his consent that the holy will give Tangtang the pharmacy to sweat the epidemic. . At this point Jiuzhintang has become famous, access to the Church of the Church can be described as the majority expected. Wen Tai Tong's Wu TaiYi is very worried, it touches on his niece Ru Yue think. The treatment of Qi DaTou selling charms has a negative impact on society and has been linked to Song LianSheng's persuasion of people's embroidery to achieve a reputation as a deterrent. Sure enough, in discussing the sanctity of the Hall number, Wen Shitang took the lead. Unexpectedly, Qi DaTou will spearhead directly to Wen Shitang. The title had to run aground. Jiuzhitang is a shortage of herbs, unparalleled and seriously ill. Song LianSheng had to resort to Wen Shitang. Ru Lian took the opportunity to compromise Song LianSheng in the pharmacy for title decipher, and then to pay his money to repay the drug money, unable to repay, Song LianSheng had to be expelled from Changsha City. After being exiled, Song LianSheng alone set foot on the road back to Nanjing. Warriors also inadvertently stay in Changsha City, bring Er TaoZi also toward his hometown of Nanjing. I met Song LianSheng again because of a misunderstanding. En route, meet a self-proclaimed blessed child, constantly provoke trouble. Song LianSheng very disgusted him, unparalleled but think this person is very cute, then invited him to go together. Later learned that this person is now holy, and received the holy will, special approval for the establishment of Jiuzhitang pharmacy in Changsha City. Returning to Nanjing, both parties learned that their parents had been killed and that the enemy was Yue Xuan. Song LianSheng immediately accompanied the Warriors return to Changsha City, avenge their families. Back later learned Yue Xuan and seclusion in the embroidered Zhuang house. Yue Xuan will be designed to dizzy, then put it to death. No hands soft, let Yue Xuan ran to find three Yan. Three Yan husband Tian YouSan newspaper officer. Capture Yue Xuan. Yue Xuan mistakenly believed that Hong SanYan betrayed herself and killed her under uncontrollable circumstances. After the Tian YouSan and Warriors are considered Hong SanYan's death related to their own, endless remorse. The two of you come to me to comfort each other, so that Lian LianSheng unbearable, and no match-ups over. Warriors feel that they did not promptly kill Yue Xuan led to hurt Hong SanYan, negative to Tian YouSan, and decided to marry him, to apologize. This move is to Song LianSheng unacceptable. Two completely no longer coming and going. In order to match the two, Er TaoZi had installed Song LianSheng cheat embroidered Zhuang and unparalleled meet, but also no good. Changsha City seems to have become sad Song LianSheng, he finally decided to leave. Soon, the Warriors will also sell embroidered Zhuang Jiu Tang, also left the city of Changsha. A few days later, met in a pub Song LianSheng, the two embraced and wept. Finally, or returned to the city of Changsha City set for life. At the wedding, Xiu Nv once again sang a ballad song specially written for Song LianSheng.

Im a soldier (TV)[2005]

Feature: "I am a soldier," with a few ordinary representatives of a communications company, tells the story of the link between the cadres of the modern barracks and their company, even between the cadres and the soldiers, between the soldiers and the soldiers in the special troop. Faced with the different understandings of the sensitive issues such as friendship, love, money, career change, demobilization and the military academy and the resulting life values, conflicts and conflicts, they reveal the noble sentiments that contemporary military personnel are willing to sacrifice and outline a color. Gorgeous green barracks picture.

Sea Gate (TV)[2005]

Feature: In the early 1980s, Taiwanese businessman Lao BaGu traveled to mainland China to explore the path of searching for the lost son Mao Han and the adopted daughter Nu Nu, who was adopted during the war. The orphan, . She "scattered baskets scattered money" to folks, like a bomb to shake the hearts of people in Haizhou. Under the influence of the shrimp shrimp Jiu ShuGong, Xia YiJiang and Shi YiJiang, determined to get out of poverty, want to create a "common people" car. The first test drive smashed the girl loquat. The unlucky "two rivers" Take care of her in turn. Yu YiJiang gave the iron rice bowls of the state-owned factories to the orphaned Yeh who organize their own "paramilitary" militia building corps and kill them from the countryside to the cities. After several changes, young bosses suffered setbacks in their respective businesses. Shi YiJiang's car dreams hit the wall; Xia YiJiang sewing machine lack of competitiveness; sister was assassinated, loss of foreigners money, Hengxin Yaotake apologize. Jiu ShuGong shrewd and unscrupulous, so that Yu YiJiang gave up hundreds of millions at a crucial moment, to a state-owned small plant on the verge of collapse. Private sector head of a state-owned factory manager, he bought a new drug for the treatment of hepatitis, so that the "mountain god" back to life; Jiu ShuGong and sent by the party secretary to the office of the Mao Han Jin party learning. So that both of them are protected in advance in the campaign of rectifying the economic field spread all over the country. However, Mao eventually could not stand the punishment of Jiu ShuGong's "old hen" generation. Sad Jiu ShuGong gradually revealed his political report negative, and mystery of young people's life experience. Small bosses came to 1992, ushered in "as a collective" joint-stock cooperative private-owned enterprises, the development of another spring. Lao BaGu to return to the mainland mysterious, complex. She loves the motherland, loves her hometown and invests in the Mainland. However, Mao Han, son of Mao Zedong who lost her father's seat in Taiwan when she was defeated in "One Jiangshan Island" that year, has always been emboldened. Yu YiJiang several catastrophes, mostly because she secretly. However, foreigners want to bring down the "mountain god" and make Uchu absolutely intolerable. Subsequent to the election, Jiu ShuGong suffered a cold reception; when the loquat cured his illness and returned to the country, unable to balance it, the "emotional bonds" of Xia Erjiang and Jiang's benefactors tended to gradually become Yea's who have become underworld figures. People in their affiliated enterprises from "collective" to private, from family to shareholding system transformation, in the redistribution of interests and emotions, the pain of re-combination, suffering and honed. In 1997, the financial crisis in Southeast Asia coincided with the worldwide economic downturn, and the Lao BaGu business was on the verge of collapse. One of the stills of her portraits of the sea was haggard, confidant, and wanted to force Mao Han, who became the mayor of Haizhou, to step down from her family business. The result is counterproductive, mother and son are like ice. Enter 2000. Mao Han took office as Secretary of Party Committee of Haizhou and outbreak of a large counterfeit banknote that shocked the whole country. His wife was killed again. Mao Han nightmare go hand in hand. "International Seminar on Automotive Safety Technology" to be selected car, Tsinghua University Automotive Laboratory and Germany's "Benz" comparative impact test. Chinese and foreign manufacturers have retreated. Shi YiJiang with "Time" brand car to come forward. "The collision of the century" to "era" car fame overnight. Xia YiJiang's sewing machine won first prize in international bidding because of two "human holes."However, Yu YiJiang listed for the "mountain gods," who repeatedly fall into the trap of Yea, the final insolvent, was closed down by the inspection authorities. Shuangmei with Yu YiJiang has a kinship and suspicion of "help", deep into them. Eventually she completely understand Ye is using her, only time and again to the desperation. She picked up the "Japanese command knife" alone into the leafy who heavily guarded "palladium plant." Tai Tai, Lao BaGu's assistant, always has an unrequited love for Yu YiJiang. Critical moment, she wants to mobilize all the funds, once injected into the mountain god. Lao BaGu was strongly opposed. Shuangmei's "Kao" under the "Dong BeiPao" left and right blind expansion, complete bankruptcy. Lao BaGu surface acquisition of "Kao", but in fact the concentration of power in an attempt to control the Haimen Chaoyang business "Haimen shipyard." This intention was Jiu ShuGong et al. All relatives in the play are involved in economic lawsuits and face the big choices of "justice", "interests", "causes" and "affection." Lao BaGu fall back to roots. In court, Lao BaGu scared four and insisted on taking up the entire debt of Kao and gave up all his power. At the same time, she reimbursed "heart debt" she had owed A Nu for half a century. Yeh who desperation, inspired by Jiu ShuGong, surrendered to the public security organs. Over the past 20 years, a generation of young people accompanied the opening up of their motherland to a great era, battling growth, becoming rich with the grassroots, and making mistakes. Mao Han together with his juvenile friends at the seaside is amazing: in any case, it can not be distorted or alienated by the material world. The story of people, one on one pair of the final love have their own. Five bookstores working in Haizhou gathered in Haimen, cut the ribbon for the launching of the Great Wall and made suggestions for the take-off of Haizhou. Haizhou people with the same broad-minded mind, courage and boldness, open the door to the sea. Whistle blowing, a brand new modern wheel out of Haimen Hong Kong & nbsp ;.

Lingyun Zhuang Baoqingtian (TV)[2004]

Feature: Bao Zheng, a young and prosperous, who was unintentionally offended when posters of the Taishi era were framed and involved in a shocking murder case. Pang Tai Shih was sentenced to death and Ba XianWang was executed. Bao Zheng woke up, knowing that being psychedelic has long been robbed from prison. In order to repay the life-saving grace, Bao Zheng explores the real image of Wu He's bloodless case. At that time, the suspicions of the capital city doubled. Wang Xian from Bao Xianwangang looked up the Bao Zheng trail and did not understand Pang TaiShi, Once again danger. Ba XianWang learned of the burglar, the palace late at night to impose the imperial edict, once again save Bao Zheng under the knife. In the face of a sinister and sinister crime, Bao Zheng led the delegation to Bao Zhan Zhao and Gong SunCe. Bao Mu loves her heart and went together. However, all the clues were taken by the people one by one. Bao Zheng arranged a search for the people around him. As a result, Bao Zheng was scared and was able to provide a messenger for the murderer but not Ba XianWang. Princess Ao Xue of the Liao Dynasty disappeared in the Central Plains, Prince Ye LvJingLei would like to provoke a war. On the way, Bao Zheng and Ao Xue met unexpectedly. Ao Xue, who lost his memory, fell in love with Bao Zheng at first sight. Wu He was full of jealousy. Heroes Zhan Zhao enamored of Ao Xue, Bao Mu opportunistic into the whole month under the good, but unexpectedly a "pull Lang match." Pang TaiShi personal guard Ma Han re-ordered in the Chamber of Secrets, Ba XianWang that Bao Zheng difficult line, urgent Wang Chao led the team to the escort, the extremely intelligent Bao Zheng cleverly designed mystery, black and white undercover exposure to the broad daylight. Wang Chao and Ma Han's personal grievances were resolved when Bao Zheng was at great righteousness and both were willing to act as Bao Zheng. As a result, Pang TaiShi colluded with foreign nations in their attempt to usurp the imperial clan. Bao Zheng has a long history, unwilling to leave any doubts. As a result, Ba ZhengWang, who was the initiator of Bao Zheng's original case of shocking murder, was forced to attack Bao Zheng by cracking the plot of Pang TaiShi and had to "rule evil." At this time, Bao Zheng faced Ba XianWang, who had the grace of saving lives, and at the same time had to face the heroic spirit of her compatriots, .

Plum file (TV)[2004]

Feature: In the early 1950s, Long Fei, clerk of the archives bureau of the Public Security Bureau, moved into an old house with the archives bureau. Soon, a series of bizarre and horrible things happened around Long Fei. As a result, many years of gossip about the old hometown bloomed. Long Fei did not believe in ghosts in the world. Through the convenience of living alone in the old house, he should check on the haunted things. With the investigation of the plum archives of the two bizarre murders that occurred in the old home, young criminal police unit Xiao Ke also lived in his old home. Long Fei and Xiao Ke, the two young men joined hands to find out the truth of this murderous home, but did not expect to be involved in a major spy case. It turned out that the last owner of the old house is the former KMT senior official Bai Jingzhai. Bai Jingzhai was responsible for the potential spy network in the region during the liberation, and the top secret services organization that has drawn the top secret is the Plum Blossom Organization. Plum financial trade complex system, hidden operations, members of long-term potential, once the organization has action, they embroidered shoes number, wake up members. The organization is invisible and destructive and is an extremely dangerous spy organization. However, at the beginning of liberation, Bai Jingzhai, the leader of the organization, was secretly reported as a bandit, and subsequently the government was rectified. Bai Jingzhai died, the Plum Blossoms of the Pratt - Plum Aoxue map - whereabouts unknown, Plum organizations, the public security departments are trying to find this map, but did not expect to be Long Fei crooked hit the trail, but also unknown so he Missing burned. According to the clues on the plum map, Long Fei met the second daughter of Bai Jingzhai, Mei Xiang, and then won the trust of the incumbent leader of the plum bloc, former KMT commander Huang FeiHu, step by step into the plum blossoms Inside, becoming undercover. In the plum organization, Long Fei is a valuable dual spy, and Long Fei's true identity is only known by his good friend Xiao Ke and boss Zhao Chu Zhang. This is a dangerous front and no special experience Long Fei, with his own intuition and bold, with the help of friends and superiors, a little closer to the day spent plundering the organization. During the Plum Blossom operations targeting radar stations, Long Fei caught sight of major secrets inside the spy and he knew it was far from collecting the net. Because he did not report to the top, Long Fei can only make his own case, follow the plum organization retreat, and in the process of retreating in order to ensure the overall situation and wounded Xiao Ke. Since then, Long Fei has lost the trust of his friends and superiors, lurking alone in the tens of thousands of mountains in the secret service camp, rely on his faith to support themselves, played a non-black and white days. It is in these days in the mountains, plum network organizations gradually surfaced, shown in front of Long Fei. The top plum group is the five women called "Five Plum Blossoms", the three daughters of Bai Jingzhai - Bai Wei, Bai Qiang, Bai Lei, daughter Huang Fei Huang, and a mysterious woman Zhu Na. The five women who are stamped with plum mark, one of them is tattooed "Plum Aoxue map", the key for the organization of the most critical. Five plum body carrying the responsibility of the back can not afford, without exception, fate.White Qiang always remember father and hatred, but also entangled in the complex feelings with Long Fei, and finally became a pawn of the organization, do not know who died to himself. Bai Wei was trained as a top spy since her childhood. She has been faked forging anonymity until she meets someone who can help her to change the past - Long Fei. But their love has been hovering between right and wrong, hovering between two hostile beliefs. This love is doomed to death as the outcome, Bai Wei with the body of the plum map, and the father of the enemy to die. Bai Lei is the most innocent person, she grew up in New China, the ideal is that when the police catch a spy, but never imagined he is a spy, she emancipated the innate reputation of life, she achieved the ideal, She was a martyr at the expense of the spy. As Bai Jingzhai arranged that year, when the five plum blossoms disappeared, the most ambitious agent Ye Feng finally appeared. Long Fei and Xiao Ke never imagined that such a large spy case could be solved in their hands. Although after some hardships in life they finally won.

Jade Guanyin (TV)[2003]

Feature: "Jade Goddess of Mercy," the classic drama by friends Liu MingHao introduction, Yang Rui participated in the Beijing Sports Taekwondo training courses, where he met An Xin dry handyman. An Xin pure appearance, melancholy eyes, fans of the same life deeply attracted by Yang Rui. As their interaction increases, Yang Rui gradually learns about An Xin's rough and complicated experiences. An Xin's hometown won the provincial Taekwondo female champion when she went to Qing Mian in Yunnan Province and was admitted to the provincial Taekwondo female champion in high school. After her entrance examination, she was admitted by Guang-Guang Public Security College for the first time, accompanied by his son Zhang Tie Jun Reporter) acquaintance, fall in love. After graduating from college, by their own strong demands came to the grass-roots level of South Germany Public Security Bureau exercise. Mao Jie, who was handsome and passionate because of an accident, derailed her marriage with Tie Jun because of her derailed behavior. In a mission, she discovered Mao Jie was actually a drug traffickers. The anti-drug brigade annihilated the drug trafficking stronghold headed by Mao Jie's parents. After Mao Jie knew the true identity of An Xin, he started a frantic retaliation and Zhang Tie Jun died in Mao Jie's hand. Organized out of a love and care for her anonymity to help her in Qiu Bei City, a building materials company to find a job, however, because the manager of the unreasonable entanglement An Xin had to leave this place with their children came to Beijing, "Jade Goddess of Mercy" stills introduced by an acquaintance in the capital Taekwondo Club became a handyman. After being falsely accused forced to leave, first in a small restaurant for two days, and finally came to Sanhuan Furniture City to help people sell furniture. Yang Rui is responsible for a capital construction project at Guinness Company and was arrested on suspicion of taking bribes. An Xin up and down RBI, running around, and finally to the plaintiffs accused of evidence was found guilty. Yang Rui, who never took any responsibility for love, was impressed by An Xin's personality. He deeply fell in love with An Xin and they decided to get married. Mao Jie met again when she went to Yunnan to marry him. The Nande Public Security Bureau killed Mao Jie with the help of An Xin, but Mao Jie had killed the hijacked bear. An Xin and Yang Rui returned to Beijing. Yang Rui believed the time would have aroused the pain in An Xin's heart. Their happiness sooner or later will come. However, An Xin left the letter a few days later and disappeared. The letter says she is responsible for the dead husband and son. Yang Rui found a drug enforcement unit in Nande Public Security Bureau, and Pan DuiZhang told him that An Xin was doing what she was willing to do for her. This was her own wish. Before breaking up, Pan DuiZhang handed out the piece of jade avalokitesvara that An Xin was carrying around to show his kindness, ideals and motherhood to Yang Rui.

a family of scholars (TV)[2003]

Feature: In the early 1980s, Yan WenDe (Komei), a famous professor of economics at North China University, finally survived a decade of jail and returned to his home courtyard. Wang YuMei (Kuier Zhao) Suddenly saw the husband who came back from prison, while a sudden surprise fell to the ground. The bizarre and mysterious story woven by Professor Yan WenDe's family and the lives, career and love of all the people around him reflects the fate of Chinese intellectuals in 20 years of brand-new twists and turns.

Making a star (TV)[2002]

Feature: The capital and the capital showbiz strange phenomenon after another, Shen Xiaoyan smart, kind hearted, dream came to Beijing, into the actor training class. But was pulled to shoot nude photos; Mai Gao was forgotten, still everywhere. Want to help Xiaoyan, but every case goes its own way; roommate Yu Jie confusion, extreme selfishness and tyranny. Zhao Yi, a boy from a neighboring house, is also a kidnapper who lives in Beijing after he blends with the DJ. When DJs love to fight, they are embarrassed but fall in love with their dedication while sleeping on a bed with Yu Jie. Diligent looking for his father both fame and fortune, but cynical. Refused to recognize; the big star Deng Qian hand sky, love but countless injuries, and face the emerging threat of newcomers. Shen XiaoYan starred in the TV series won the award, becoming a smash hit star, but was photographed in the early years of the threat of nude photos and curse Zhao Yi and Mai Gao. Difficulties with the love of lovers, friends and friends are faced with the test of innocence; Xiaoyan will go from here? Everywhere there are difficulties, but there are also kind-hearted, friendship in. Shen XiaoYan finally found his dream and understood his dream.

Fall in Love at First Sight (Movie)[2002]

Feature: Excellent foreign white-collar workers have had a night's love with her girl Jiu Jiu never forget, infatuatedly identify the girl is the only true love of his life ... ... With the help of the newspaper reporter, Lu Yi (actor) finally found that girl. However, in the face of the indifferent attitude of the girl at this moment, the emotional sustenance of Lu Yi (actor) loses the balance of the past. Is his own judgment error, or his outdated "fashion" love of contemporary youth, Lu Yi (actor) into deep confusion. Is he the only true love of his own in the end?

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