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Mantang Gao TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Mantang Gao Works 21 ,And Feature 8 ,Family drama 3 ,Countryside 2 ,Romance 2 ,近代传奇剧1 ,Year 1 ,legend 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Comedy 1 ,史诗1 ,历史传奇剧1 ,Historical play 1 ,故事1 ,War 1 ,Modern 1 ,Suspense 1 ,Biopic 1 。

Works Index

Mantang Gao Filmography(21)


老酒馆 (TV)[2019]


1928年到1946年的东北,“闯关东”来东北的小人物 Chen HuaiHai ,老酒馆杀青在东北深山老林里挖参讨生活,却意外地遭受了一双儿女失散,媳妇被骗走的磨难,只好来到日本殖民统治下的大连开酒馆谋生计。老酒馆由此成了八方信息、各色人等汇聚的舞台。仁义坚韧,嫉恶如仇的 Chen HuaiHai 利用这个舞台,保护了杀日本宪兵的“ Lao BeiFeng ”,劝说了东北军 Ma LvZhang 重回抗日战场、痛斥了粉饰伪满洲国的满清遗老,与日本浪人决斗,为中国人撑腰提气。中共地下党组织派 Gu SanMei 打进老酒馆,把这里变成了党的地下交通站。在 Gu SanMei 的影响下, Chen HuaiHai 的女儿 Xiao MianAo 成了抗日交通员。大连解放前夕, Chen HuaiHai 帮 Gu SanMei 粉碎了日寇破坏城市的计划。他们共同迎来了大连解放,也收获了真挚的爱情 。


浴血三兄弟 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《浴血三兄弟》又名《大连故事》剧情介绍:讲述了北洋水师旗手 Lu ChangFeng Qi FeiYun ,经历了甲午海战、旅顺大屠杀,在大连开埠初期艰难生存,被俄国当局流放。回大连后,在国破外辱的剧照殖民者铁蹄下,怀着振兴民族工业之梦,凭借坚韧和忠义壮大事业。经历了60年生离死别和大悲大壮的跌宕人生,终于迎来民族独立和走向富强的曙光。 Lu ChangFeng 与 Xiao JinZi 的旷世之恋和 Feng Qin 的生死相依是感情戏的主要脉络,与生死兄弟 Qi FeiYun 不“人”不“鬼”的人生选择、恩怨情仇是戏剧冲突的情节支点,小人物的光亮划破了大连被殖民时期黑夜里的天空。


老中医 (TV)[2017]


《老中医》讲述了20世纪初,“孟河医派”传人沈蘅之,博采众家之长学习中医,先在家乡孟河开诊,后到上海行医。他以高尚的医德和精湛的医术,成为沪上名医。1920年,上海流行传染病“烂喉痧”,洋人医院趁机诋毁中医,提高药价,沈蘅之潜心研究出中医疗法,救治了大批贫苦病人,提振了中医声誉。 1929年2月,国民政府通过了“废止旧中医案”,沈蘅之为了保存国粹进行了顽强的抗争。上海沦陷后,沈蘅之因为帮助共产党领导的茅山游击队购买药品被日军追杀,被迫隐姓埋名回到家乡孟河,继续为游击队救治伤员。新中国成立后,沈蘅之回到上海重开中医诊所。国家重视中医药的政策,使这名老中医终于获得了新生。

Last Visa (TV)[2017]

Feature: In 1937, Pu Ji Zhou, a fallen diplomat and a diplomat in Shanghai, was married to Yao Jiali for his dissatisfaction with the wedding at the wedding. He fled to the Chinese consulate in Austria and met with the idol woman violinist Helen Rain. In 1938, when Austria was annexed by Germany and the Nazis persecuted the Jews, the Jews could only flee Austria if they had obtained a foreign visa. However, all countries were afraid of Nazism and refused visas on all pretexts. Only the Chinese consulate in Vienna opened the door to the Jews. Pu JiZhou upholds the consul general will, under tremendous pressure, at great risk, together with the consular colleagues to handle for the Jewish refugees to Shanghai, China visa, especially in the implementation of the "seven-person list" top-secret tasks, and Han Si as the representative The German Nazi wiped out and wronged. With the cooperation of the Jewish resistance organizations, the Nazi army has gone through numerous hardships and broken numerous obstacles to find and rescue large scientists. It has demonstrated the glorious humanity of the Chinese nation in perfect harmony.

Frontier of love (TV)[2016]

Feature: The Frontier of Love tells the story of the late 1950s when Wen YiQiu, a female college student at Beijing Broadcasting Institute, fell in love with Vicench, a spokesman for the Soviet Union, and got married in Beijing. Vicat was forced to leave China after Soviet withdrawal. Wen YiQiu volunteered to work in Heihe, a border city, as a radio announcer, just to be closer to Vicat. Later, Vikar also came to Blagoveshchensk across the Black River as an announcer, who actually soothed the pain by listening to the other party's radio, talk to miss. After 20 years of long wait, Wen YiQiu can not help but get married with his colleague Song ShaoShan. After the relations between China and the Soviet Union improved, songs of friendship between China and the Soviet Union came from the radio. Song ShaoShan was also touched by their love story, helping Wen YiQiu to cross the narrow boundary and meet with Vika. When Wen YiQiu and Vicat met again in Beijing, Wen YiQiu talked to each other again in broadcast tone, touching all the people present.

Grand Canal (TV)[2016]

Feature: The Grand Canal takes real historical stories as the prototype, develops the good family style and inherits righteousness as the breakthrough point. Through the disputes over the officials, merchants, civilians, soldiers and bandits along the Grand Canal, through the ups and downs of the protagonist Huang ZiRong Personal and family fate of the show, around the Grand Canal tells the story of officials, business, literature, civilians, soldiers and bandits. It tells the story of Huang ZiRong, the protagonist of the early Republic of China, who upholds the story of the ups and downs of official duties and the ups and downs of official training during the official period when officials and fighters are unreasonable and official incompetence. He then led you to join the ranks of the anti-Japanese contingent, highlighting the nationalist heroism and hot patriotism. The Grand Canal is jointly produced by Shandong Film and Television Production Co., Ltd. And Qilu Communications Culture and Media Co., Ltd. The epic drama is co - produced by Zhang Xinjian, Gao Manteng, Shu Wenjiang and Wu Xuesong, Gong Zheng, Liang Linlin, Naiwen Li, Jialun Song, Yuanke Wang and other stars.

Foreverlove (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Wang XiaoMo (Sun Yizhou ornaments) is rich young master with a golden spoon was born, was young and was sent abroad to study art design, after returning from studies, Wang XiaoMo into the company's work, hoping to break a position in their own The world. However, Wang XiaoMo did not think that he should have been assigned to the work of Li Baotian. The main job was to take care of his diet. Shi ChangGong's personality is weird and harsh, and there is no shortage of Wang XiaoMo on weekdays. However, in the process of getting along, Wang XiaoMo found Shi ChangGong's heart hidden in the hottest path under the indifferent appearance of Shi ChangGong. Shi ChangGong also had a feeling of trust in Wang XiaoMo, a patient and kind-hearted man. Wang XiaoMo has a strong curiosity about Shi ChangGong's past. The romance between Shi ChangGong and technician Xue YaLan (Joe Chan) has gradually surfaced.

IntheSilence (TV)[2015]

Feature: In 1983, the "Blue Fish" project of the military was leaked. The headquarter of the State Security Administration, which was just established, has instructed the security department of J Province to investigate. Ma Xiaodong, the young scout, entered the 202-line reconnaissance as a security guard. Feng Shuya, who had a chance to meet one side before her, had to give up this feeling due to her mission. Internally and externally, our country cracked the spy organization in one fell swoop. However, Chen QiQian, an engineer who helped Ma Xiaodong, has been killed by an espionage group because of an accidental disappearance. Chen QiQian just married Fengs Shuya shortly before his disappearance. Ma Xiaodong moved Feng Qiya to Chen Qiqian's love for leaving the belly Chengzhi, and the two formed a family. In 2013, Cheng Zhi returned from studying abroad and Feng Shuya also became chief engineer of 202 Factory, shouldering the project of "big ship" project of military industry. At this point Chen QiQian "resurrection", has become a spy he will Cheng Feng, Feng Shua involved in espionage. Ma Xiao-dong broke into espionage under the arrangement of the national security. With the wits and wars against former friends and espionage organizations, Ma Xiaodong accomplished the task with victory and love and loyalty to the country and family, protected the "small home" and protected everyone ".

Wenzhou two families (TV)[2015]

Feature: After China's accession to the WTO, Hou SanShou of Wenzhou Garment Factory and Huang RuiCheng of Shoe Manufacturing Co., Ltd. are facing the dilemma of the enterprises that must be transformed and upgraded to be bigger and stronger. Huang RuiCheng has always admired Hou SanShou, a flexible-minded man who has repeatedly proposed cooperation. However, Hou SanShou did not look down upon him. The two fiercely contested the invitation of the former president to purchase hotels and develop the Xichuan River Industrial Park. Hou SanShou is growing fast, blindly developing and expanding blindly. As a result, in the severe impact of the financial crisis, the capital chain broke down and was severely hit by bankruptcy. While Huang RuiCheng seized the opportunity of development, expanded its business and expanded its market share, Keep vigilant at all times, seek steady and truth-seeking, smooth response to hedging when the financial crisis comes. Hou SanShou, who is in an adversity, has still not forgotten to turn over its debts and after twists and turns. Finally, with the help of Huang RuiCheng, the failed enterprises were brought back to life and began to repay debts and reshape the spirit of "integrity". Their descendants, Huang XiaoWei and Hou XiaoFan, have also all grown into a new generation of entrepreneurs in Wenzhou and have become the new forces for rejuvenating Wenzhou's enterprises.

TheChineseFarmers (TV)[2014]

Feature: As the new China was founded, poor peasants led by Niu DaDan were assigned to the land, while Ma Ren Li, the landowner son returned from Peiping, left nothing overnight. Niu DaDan and Ma RenLi, a daring, culturally benevolent and partner, led the villagers in Mai Xiang Village to overcome natural disasters with diligence and wisdom and achieve a great harvest of food. A new generation of farmers, represented by Gou Er, not only did township and village enterprises run in full swing, but also led villagers to rent land in Russia and truly realized the peasants' fortune. The abolition of the "Agricultural Tax Regulations" in 2006, the complete abolition of agricultural taxes and the further liberation and freedom enjoyed by peasants. Niu DaDan looked McCormick green fields, eyes burst into tears, my heart full of hope.

Pass through the east pass (TV)[2013]

Feature: In a village in Shandong province, Guan Liang (Calvin ornaments), Guan Shui (Yi Zhao ornaments) and Guan Ying (Xuejing Yan ornaments) struggled to survive the dilemma. Guan Shui Wanted to kill because of bet, Guan Liang Guan Shui was wanted. The two fled to the site to work, leaving a good impression to the general manager Li Jintao. To kill the martyr at this point, Li Jin 镛 dry daughter Jiang XueZhu (Xu Cuicui ornaments) to help escape. They were enlisted on the way north by Oroqen, chasing soldiers and fighting, the two were separated. Guan Liang started his career in gold mining. Gold was collected as state-owned, Li Jinxuan Ren office, snow bamboo together. Guan Liang is brotherly league president. Snow bamboo show love for him, Guan Liang politely refused. Li Jintao died of illness, Guan Liang and Zhou GuangZong were in such situation. Xie LieJin attacked gold mine and Guan Liang defeated and was saved by Oroqen people. Guan Shui took part in the Boxers and mistakenly burned Guan Ying's winery in Harbin. Three siblings gather Guan Ying home. At this point Guan Ying is a local wine merchant, and Lang Da Ming endless infighting. Guan Shui was forced to work hard for Lang Da, Guan Liang helped Guan Ying defeat Lang Da. Xuezhu took Guan Liang's son back to Harbin, fell in love with the revolutionist Yu JianFei, Yu JianFei, Xue Zhu arrested and Guan Liang rescued in life and death. Brothers and three eventually make their way to the great cause of East Gate.

Old disease number (TV)[2012]

Feature: "Old disease" refers to the small people Cheng DaYuan admitted to the hospital due to a car accident, amnesia forgot the safe password, which led to the company's corruption cases, several discharges can not, met in the hospital a group of different shapes and colors Old and new patients. Cheng DaYuan, a patient who has become ill for a long time and who is committed to helping others, used his "little wisdom" to help patients overcome their physical and psychological problems. They found that these diseases are actually "social diseases" and "age diseases". "Urban disease", thus summarizing the positive and upward attitude toward life that "people should live well, live warmly and live earnestly." The play is superbly made by Dalian Tiange Media Co., Ltd. and Xi'an Tian Sheng Film and Television Co., Ltd., starring Yongjian Lin, Xuejing Yan and Gang Yao, starring in "Gold Medalist", and Yan Bingyan, Rina Sa, Da Ying, Xiaoli Wang, Li Yugang, Gong Hanlin, and other stars join forces. Cheng Daoyuan, chief of the finance department of the company, had severe concussion in a car accident. The brain showed intermittent amnesia and admitted to the integrated ward. Cheng Danyuan brazenly exposed the corrupt practices of Pang Zong et al. And was set up as an anti-corruption hero by the newly appointed leaders. He gave a great reward and Tai Yuen suddenly fell to the ground and foamed it at the mouth. An excited epilepsy, and admitted to the integrated ward. Cheng Dayuan in the ward to the patient pulse, scared patients that their limit is approaching, was nurse Peng RuiYun scolded a pass. An SuZhen, a grumpy ex-wife, wants to remarry with Tai Yuen and send his son Da Long to be identified by Tai Yuen. An SuZhen do not give up, repeatedly came to the hospital ChengDuYuan compound, head nurse Peng RuiYun help stopped her, Tai Yuan heart a little grateful. Patient Niu Shunji son Niu Dasheng twice for the unit to ask the mother for money to clear the relationship between the masses, Cheng Taiyuan saw the immediate shot stop. Organizational unit sent to understand the situation, Niu Dasheng pretend to be filial to take care of his father meticulously, Cheng Taiyuan led the patients in front of the media interviewed pierced the mask of his hypocrite, Niu Dasheng finally prodigal son back to the family to regain the warmth of family. Wang XiaoHu all the family savings bought a lottery, but never once had, over a month crying heaven days, several cardiac arrest. He found himself in the hospital after the first prize of 5000000, not only playing gambling debt owed gambling, outside the also dwindling, his wife Qiu XiaoMei angrily lottery, but the winning lottery hidden under the Wang XiaoHu insoles ... ... Cheng Dayuan Do not agree with An SuZhen remarry, the two broke up, sentimental seizures. Peng RuiYun's lover Haitao is a vegetative state, one night suddenly opened his eyes ... Nurse Xiaoqi unilaterally spotted Su YiSheng, nurse Peng RuiYun remind Su YiSheng attention to the rhetoric in the hospital to help him introduce several objects, Xiaoqi mix blowing. Peking Opera Master Qiu HongTu late cancer, the only wish is with the little girl Liu Yanchun lost for many years to sing a "Farewell My Concubine." Ye ZhiQiu, a young patient from the same hospital, is very gifted with Beijing opera. Under the guidance of Qiu Lao, Ye ZhiQiu took part in the Peking Opera Fame Contest and won a gold medal. Cheng Dayuan multi-party asked Ye ZhiQiu actually Ye Yanchun's son!Autumn finally finally want to look forward to years with Liu Yanchun chorus of a "Farewell My Concubine", regretfully closed his eyes. Tai Yuan wrote this touching story as "Farewell My Concubine" to contribute to "Informed" magazine and published it. Fan Yingchun, a farmer-worker schoolteacher, was out of her home because she could not stand the abuse of her husband and never met her son, Wu Fei. Now she wants to see her son witness blindness before, Cheng Da-yuan through Su YiSheng classmate help, please press 60 minutes reporter interviews, new arrivals to the hospital to do care workers JIA Ming Although the patient's caregiver's identity to stay in Fan Around, but do not want to forgive the mother. Fan teacher will be the last trust Taiyuan transferred to his son, Jia Ming finished tears burst into tears, and finally shouted the "mother" ... ... Yang Gong found the liver and lung cancer, half-way husband Song ZhiLin go all out He must cure his illness. Yang Gong, knowing he did not have much time, decided to tell Rinpoche about the secret he had buried: he had an affair with a woman named Qidan Na. Yang Gong regret not to tell the secret of Lin, and Lin to divorce Yang Gong! Yang Gong had to distress ... ... General ward staged a day of the world's mixed-race, scenes The story shows the inter-human family, love, friendship ... ... near the end of the story when his ex-wife An SuZhen was found hyperthyroidism, Cheng Dayuan no longer complain about her, An SuZhen's surgery was very successful, his temper has become better, the family enjoyable ; Tai Yuen to help Peng RuiYun "treatment" Haitao disease, is a mistake or accidentally touched, or kindly moved God, Haitao finally woke up, Peng RuiYun go all out to Tai Yuen; Old classmates got married, ushered in the happy ending of the whole story.

Wenzhou family (TV)[2012]

Feature: The Wenzhou Family tells the story of an ordinary peasant family leaving their hometown in Wenzhou in the early 1980s to work hard in various parts of China and Europe. Described in Wenzhou, Wenzhou, a family drama still weeks Zhou shun, his wife Zhao YinHua, his son, dog and daughter A rain, borrow money battles, daughter was sent to Italy, Zhou Laoshun and his wife scavenged from picking, salesman, son, the dog Selling glasses began, step by step to dig wells, buttons, experienced numerous failures and all kinds of ups and downs, the final transformation into a modern enterprise process. His daughter, Ayu, also started her studies and work as a 13-year-old girl and eventually became the boss of multinational corporations and became the representative of Chinese overseas businessmen in Italy. This is the history of the struggle of Chinese businessmen in the past generation and the result of 30 years of China's reform and opening up The show.

GuoMingYi (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Thirty-three years of work, dedication 33 years. From the army to the place, from the driver of the car to the party committee officer, the highway administrator who translates from the work of a foreign expert to the wind and goes to the wind to treat each work conscientiously and conscientiously, did her utmost, asked him why, and his reply Is: "What do organizations do?" He used a high degree of responsibility and dedication to find out the quality problems of imported electric wheel cars, allowing foreign companies enjoying international reputation to recognize shortcomings and recover 10 The loss of 10,000 U.S. dollars won the highly praise of foreign experts and said he is the most "axis" person in China. In order to ensure the smooth flow of the highway, he insisted on getting out of work for two hours early each day and two hours late in construction for a period of fourteen years, and completed the work of fifteen years in ten years. No matter when and where, Guo MingYi always give the warmth to those who need help most. In order to help leukemia-bearing Miao Miao to find the right match, he splashed his staffs in the staff's pool to promote the significance of donating stem cells. In order to find a special stem cell match for a boy, he spent three years persistently, With a sincere and dedicated to save a young life. Guo MingYi made room three times, fifty-six times, and donated a total of 120,000 yuan for the Hope Project all the year round. He sent his family's television to others several times. In Guo MingYi's eyes, always see more difficult than their own people. However, the holiday gift he gave to his wife, who lives more than twenty years, is a ring worth twenty-eight yuan. A business owner asked him why he did this: "Is not the party constitution unchanged? Communists are the first to suffer and enjoy the following demands?" Guo MingYi is great because he always puts others at heart , The party's purpose in mind; Guo MingYi is very common, because everything he does seems ordinary people can do ordinary trifles. He used the spirit of sand into a tower, erected a monument of the spirit of contemporary Lei Feng. Guo MingYi touched everybody with the spring rain realm of "moisten things silently". Guo MingYi Love team has grown, active in Anshan, active in the country, his spirit like a ray of strong spring breeze, with the devotion to sow the truth of the world.

Pass through the East 2 (TV)[2009]

Feature: Taking the experience and destiny of Shandong Pingdu Songjiatianhao, Tianxing, Tianyue and his younger brother Tigers northeast as the main line of story, they experienced several events such as the September 18 Incident and the July 7 Incident, the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, the surrender of Japan and the liberation of the Northeast China stage. Under such complicated historical conditions, Song's siblings experienced the difficult process of finding their fathers. After seeing their fathers, their fathers died in martyrdom because of Japanese beatings and betrayals. After losing the protection of their loved ones, Song siblings began to wander the streets, begging for a living. In the war-torn days, siblings separated, Dalian, Shandong compound houses sister and sister, brother Hu Zi trapped in the devil go astray. The eldest sister and two younger sisters received the care of the common people in the courtyard of Shandong Province and met the underground workers of the Chinese Communist Party and obtained revolutionary enlightenment. In pain, the eldest sister took up the task of raising her younger sister in search of a younger brother. After the search for a loved one in Shenyang, the reclamation of Jilin Province, the escape of the Horqin grassland, and the army of the peasants and the Kuomintang troops of the Japanese aggressor and Japanese colonization group Relentless protest.

Break through the gateway (TV)[2008]

Feature: In 1904, the land of Shandong suffered floods, banditry rampant, hunger everywhere. Zhu received a letter from Zhu KaiShan who had earlier made her pass to Guandong and brought them to the town of Yuanbao in the northeast. Zhu family decided to embark on the sea from the gateway to the east. After nine deaths, in addition to biography, Zhu finally meet in the town of ingot. In order to survive, Zhu KaiShan decided to go digging gold in the mountains of gold, Jin BaTou and bandits, government officials suffered various tribulations, Zhu KaiShan finally succeeded in carrying a bag of gold fled the gold mine, and use the money to buy a house to settle down. On the way Xian Er and the spread of the essay, the text also found the family reunification ingot town. Zhu KaiShan in the town opened a Zhu Kee restaurant, by the local people make things difficult, with the unique feelings of Shandong touched opponents. In the nearby Jiazi ditch, coal mines were found. In order to compete for the mining rights, Zhu KaiShan, a coalition of patriots and Japanese, waged wits and finally returned the coal mines to the Chinese people. Japanese soldiers siege Harbin, Zhu three generations went to the forefront of the anti-Japanese.

Wrong love (TV)[2006]

Feature: The first story of "Wrong Love" takes place in a seaside city. Nurse Zhou JiaLi (Fan Xu) and Zhang Mei (Heidi Wong) are good siblings to talk about. What makes Zhang Mei unimaginable is that Zhou JiaLi actually became a rascal with Xie JiWen (Feng Yuanzheng), her husband's surgeon. Angry Zhang Mei angry from the heart, stabbed Zhou JiaLi, because of his own intentional injury to jail. Xie JiWen was rewarded. He died shortly after his marriage with Zhou, leaving him with Jiang Yiyan and Xiao Tao (Lin Xiaofan), a pair of children with Zhang Mei. Zhou JiaLi remarried accidentally discovered, Xiaotao actually was the illegitimate child she abandoned when she was lined up. Because of a major medical accident, Zhou JiaLi was expelled from the hospital, and she felt it was God's retribution. Just as she wanted to be honest with her son, Xiaotao was killed in a car accident. In her despair, Zhang Mei was finally released from prison. Zhang Mei, who was released from prison, will also be filled with hatred to Zhou JiaLi. Zhou JiaLi personally cares for Zhang Mei, who is terminally ill. Eventually, the hands of two elderly people are brought together under the daughters' mediation.

Big artisan (TV)[2006]

Feature: "Big craftsman" stills In the 1950s, the factory's super-skilled workers were known as "big craftsmen." There are two skilled craftsmen in a steel plant in northeast China. Brother Xiao ZhangGong (Peiqi Liu) is upright and can not rub sand in her eyes. Her young brother Yang LaoSan (Honglei Sun) is naturally active and fearless . In order to build a new socialist China, fiery forgings, sincere heart, the slightest bit brothers between heaven and earth. Although Xiao ZhangGong knew that her sister Xiao YuFang loves her master Yang LaoSan and is pregnant with Yang's children, Xiao ZhangGong suspects Yang LaoSan's disdain for style and even doubts that Xiao YuFang's ass was taken by Yang LaoSan , So to say nothing agrees to let Xiao YuFang marry Yang LaoSan. In this way, the brothers and sisters worked hard but sympathetically and helped each other through the fiery fifties and passed through the painstaking three-year natural disasters and turbulent Cultural Revolution. During the years, Xiao Zhai took away their children's mum, sacrificed her daughter-in-law, and her second son became mentally ill. However, Xiao ZhangGong still does not allow her sister to marry her younger brother. Entering into the reform and opening up, the next generation has grown up and their families have families. Together with the older generation, they have met the destiny of laid-off workers.

Often go home and see (TV)[2006]

Feature: Wind instrument Stills Mother Yao Granny has seven children at home, her husband has been going through many years, and she has had a hard time, going through the ups and downs and pulling seven children as adults. Nowadays, kids are all grown up, they have established themselves and their families, and they have found their own careers. They are trying their best to strive for it. In a word, they all have their own lives. Boss is nearly fifty years old, seven have gone to thirty on the run. Live at home, only the fourth, fifth and seventh. The fourth and fifth are busy with work, so often around, only the old one one seven. Mothers heart of a world: can not wait children to keep around all day just fine. She also knows that this is impossible. Social competition so powerful, have to run their own days, children who are not easy. Children are good children. Boss in a big factory children as a teacher, a thought to comment on a senior title. Daughter-in-law has been laid off, do a little business; second child is a construction contractor, to be honest a contractor. A mind to take a big project, earn some money to mom build a new house. Two daughter-in-law opened a hair salon, but also a small business; the third is an organ cadres, has done the Deputy Director-level, another mind go up, get a right place. Three daughter-in-law is a primary school teacher. The fourth opened a taxi, a thought of the car into their own, to their own work. Xiao Qin but his girlfriend was quarreling with him to the house, get married, both big boss. The fifth and fifth daughter-in-law to work in a factory, a thoughtful wife working as a good worker, but the fifth day is doing a rich dream, let us listen to exasperating and ridiculous. Sixth boom, graduate students in the provincial capital, the future did not say. All are good, but they each have their own difficulties. Every night the mother sat under the lamp, breaking the finger count, palm back, all have to worry about. But this is nothing, after all, there is a landing. The most concerned mother, is the old seven. Old seven is a fool. Mid-Autumn Festival is the mother's birthday this day. Good morning everyone, at home to the mother had a decent seventieth birthday. Booth to the second head of two things: First, arrangements for the family and guest guest high-profile video. Second, responsible for the day's seafood on the banquet. The second one should bear. Also catch up clever, and often his wife and nuisance recently he quarreled with him, the second heart plugged, as if the world's women believe that the men doing business all have an affair. The second child with the contractor drink bath, bite the bullet to pay, but forgot his mother's birthday. When he returned to his home with his drink, he found the table full of food and wine, and the brothers glared at him. He could not remember why he was today. To be broken older boss, he quietly Dawu, his video and seafood are soaked. Brothers quarrel, her mother is guarding her second child, I know the second child is not easy. Nobody wants to buy a cake for her mother during the rush, but the old fool has brought out a big cake magically. Mother's birthday broke up, her mother is not angry, quietly go back to bed and sleep. My son and daughter-in-law like a tip over the bottle of flavors, Zi taste. Father left a word before his death, saying that the old house left for the grandson. This sentence became a big daughter-in-law a heartbeat, she was always afraid that the old lady would not honor, but also afraid of other brothers fight this house. For this, she sum other people bumps.Boss title is not on, depressed hearts, two often mix mouth. Second daughter-in-law Lie Lie, and the second child after falling out, I returned to her parents. Second child to divorce her. The third boss all day making ass shit, but not essentials. Three daughters are very indifferent, do not ask him to get rich promotion. Another Mid-Autumn Festival. Five married. Brothers busy up and running. The seventh has drilled a horns, ran to a new house in the bed does not come out, afraid of Bei Got married no place to live. Then joke also marry a wife. All sorts of coaxing his mother, took him to Tang uncle home. More children, it is inevitable that all pregnant things, coupled with the daughter-in-law, come together, always give birth to something. Fourth, the marriage should have been married in the fifth, but Xiao Qin did not want to live in her mother's home, to live in new houses. The fourth heart is also blocked, open rent crazy running in the street, can not wait to get money out of tomorrow morning. Lao Liu to attend the brother's wedding, rushed back from the provincial capital, but reclaim the angel-like girl said to be a girlfriend, the mother looked dizzy. The mother feared that such a girl might not be able to get into the yard of this yard. Uncle Tang and her mother for many years, the sons know. Uncle Tang helped the family for many years, and the sons also knew it. But they just do not know because they can not make up their mother and grandpa Tang together, mother eyes see the children see a translucent, but only sigh in my heart. When Mom can always have children. The wedding is not over, a big event. Uncle Tang hurriedly came, fool lost the old seven. Old seven lost a year, his mother's white hair half. My brothers looking for a year, are also exhausted. The second project almost dismount, no money to work wages, migrant workers live in his home, my mother rushed to cook cooking for migrant workers, touched migrant workers, for the second child rescue. Serious mistakes made the third child, not to mention the place, almost lost even Deputy Office. The fourth was involved because of injustice, fled without a trace. Lao Wu and wife both laid-off, suddenly faced with the lifeless test. The elders heard the profiteers, took the only laid-off fee ran to the northeast to do timber business, but lost. In the help of the third child, Lao Wu couple to buckle the greenhouse planting vegetables in the countryside, began to do things in a down-to-earth manner. Five vowed, do not mix out, do not go home to see my mother worked hard, the old seven get back. Mother began to target the older seven. She had this wish for a silly boy. It is not smooth, met one after another. When almost desperate, finally illusory, to the old seven married a good wife. The mother has experienced a vicissitudes of the face with a smile, such as Mu Chunfeng. Lao Wu but out of a major event, a stormy, blowing the fifth of the shed. Folks who have no complaints, help the fifth recruit. Fifth suddenly fell to the hospital found cirrhosis. The cost of liver replacement is sky-high, five daughter-in-law distraught. Critical moment, the brothers fight for the elder for the liver. Lao Liu rush back from the provincial capital, is about the operating table, the fourth has emerged, his injustice has been clarified. He resolutely went to the operating table for the eldest son for the liver. The whole family was deceiving the mother, but it was said uncle uncle Tang, his mother stumbled rushed to the hospital, wanted to ask her son why not tell her, but see their brothers unselfish help, thicker than water, affectionate. Daughter-in-law are also released in the past, give money, my mother can not help but tears.Five for liver success. The sons began to marry his mother and uncle Tang. The whole family beaming Mid-Autumn Festival.

Jiufeng family (TV)[2005]

Feature: There are nine home TV drama Pingyao ancient city, listen to the rain floor, the Spring Festival. The first lady (Mingqi Li) with her eight daughters are eating reunion dinner. Eight years in the countryside after leaving home for the past seven years, the Qifeng (Zhu Yuanyuan ornaments) to jump into the queue suddenly returned with conceited pregnant, listening to the bombing of the rain building. Seven Phoenix refused to say why the child's reason. Yang WeiJian (Jiang Wu), who later met the pig slaughterhouse in the affair, formed the family. Sanfeng (Li-li Liu ornaments) and eight phoenix in the street to do business, reselling the food stamp was captured by the street care leader Wufeng (Liu Jia ornaments). Bafou hit a coalition firefighter, fled to Guangdong Erfeng (Ke Gai ornaments) home. Since then, the three sisters made a grudge. Listen to the rain floor, the first home of eight daughters in order to live constantly contradictions and stories. Reform and opening up has just begun, people are anxious to lead a pedestal comedy show comedy.

WeiNiHeCai (Movie)[2004]

Feature: Yuhua is a feature, childhood she likes to listen to comic dialogue, usually no matter how hard life, or what bothering me, do not affect her and others joking. In Yuhua own opinion, this is born with the nature, that is, can not control myself this love pleasures mouth. To this end, Yuhua has been fired for the third time. However, in order to accumulate money for his son to nursery school and for her mother-in-law, Yuhua in her husband Yongqiang also laid off the point of view, had to dry up two live at the same time, during the day at the food stalls to help the kebab kebabs, at night to Qianxiang Yi Wen Yuan for people to do some cigarette, water, cleaning health miscellaneous living. Qianxiang Yi Wenyuan is a teahouse, but also a bookstore. The old folks here are all neighbors who are looking for fun. Although working hard, money is not much earned, but to listen to comic for Yuhua is a big good thing. Yuhua was originally a joke, and in the past will be so few small pieces, so in the Qianxiang benefits Taiwan's Pillar Mr. Ni can not be on the stage because of health reasons, after Qianxiang Yiwen Yuan Yuhua self-motivated volunteered, volunteered for Mr. Ni Save the field. To the surprise of Mr. Ni, Yuhua's first performance won the acclaim with the encouragement and support of veteran patron Wan Ye. something unexpected may happen any time. Yu Huaihua humbly ask for advice to Mr. Ni, and began compiling crosstalk Duan "couple", carrying Yuhua to the grain warehouse anti-baoqiang Yongqiang was found to have a malignant advanced brain tumor. It was learned that her husband, Yu Hwa, who had been living in the world for so long, decided to give up the good situation that Qian Hsien-hsiang has now created and wiped away tears and smiles, bringing her husband endless life courage and taking care of him with his meticulous care. And cheerful laughter to stay with her husband's short time to accompany life.

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