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Jiajia Deng TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Jiajia Deng Works 44 ,And Romance 22 ,Comedy 13 ,Feature 13 ,Costume Drama 7 ,Suspense 6 ,Crime 4 ,Urban drama 3 ,Martial Arts 3 ,Thriller 3 ,Youth drama 2 ,Family drama 2 ,Action 2 ,惊险1 ,Love 1 ,Campus drama 1 ,Youth inspirational 1 ,Myth play 1 ,罪案1 ,抗战1 ,Contemporary 1 ,生活1 ,Short 1 ,Erotic 1 ,War 1 ,Sports 1 。

Works Index

Jiajia Deng Filmography(44)


爱情公寓5 (TV)[2020]



猎狐 (TV)[2020]


《猎狐》讲述了东江市刑警队警员夏国雄是警队名副其实的明日之星。然而,他意气风发的人生却在经济发展的大潮面前遭遇了巨大冲击,股灾中发生的克瑞案牵涉出经济犯罪领域,让他的专业侦查技能哑火,陷入困境。由此,夏国雄也遇到了与他周旋十年、老奸巨猾的劲敌 Wang BoLin 。克瑞案爆发后不久,东江市经侦支队正式成立,夏国雄凭借过硬的侦查功底和数学天赋,很快成为经侦支队的骨干力量。但 Wang BoLin 却成了夏国雄的一个心结。 Wang BoLin 的商业帝国不断扩张,夏国雄嗅到了他的背后一定隐藏着巨大的阴谋与犯罪事实,然而 Wang BoLin 如同狡猾的狐狸,屡屡总能顺利逃脱,最后移民海外。2014年公安部正式展开“猎狐“专项行动,夏国雄被上调参与,开始了境外追逃之路。最终,在历经了险象环生的跨国追缉、艰苦卓绝的自我突围后,夏国雄带领猎狐队员,将潜逃多年的经济罪魁们缉拿归案


大明风华 (TV)[2019]


明永乐元年,靖难之役,建文帝削发入山,行踪遂成千古之谜。建文旧臣,尽遭屠杀,御史大夫 Jing Qing ,夫妻罹难,长女若微,被 Fu Jiang Sun Yu 所救,次女蔓茵,为太子 Zhu GaoChi 所救。骨肉同胞,一在宫中,一在江湖,同时长大。十年之后,若微图谋刺杀 Zhu Di ,妹妹蔓茵嫁入宫中,若微在刺杀中,遭遇皇太孙 Zhu ZhanJi ,目睹了金陵城波云诡谲的政治叛乱,苍茫暮色中,曲折隐微的帝王心事,国家正在从乱象中恢复,平关外,迁首都,通运河, Zheng He 下西洋,扬威海外,编撰《永乐大典》,盛世将成。最终若微决心放弃个人仇恨,辅佐登上皇位的丈夫,为天下人谋取最大的幸福和安宁,她历经了五帝六朝,以自己的气度和智慧,数度救大明王朝于危难,在历史洪流中,孤身一人,溯流而上,见证了一个伟大时代的诞生 。


iPartment (Movie)[2018]


"Love Apartment" movie version back, the original class tears reunion. Return to all, familiar scenes and familiar people, laughing and joking, noisy, laughter never stopped. The old friend's story will continue to unfold, confirming the subject line of the TV series: “The best friends are around, and the most loved ones are opposite”. But this time, they plan to make a big deal.


I am not the elite (TV)[2017]

Feature: My childhood sweetheart Mi Yang and Wei Jing have been secretly in love for some time. The reason I want to hide my parents is because Mi MaMa, a white collar worker of foreign-owned enterprises, always dismisses Wei Jing, who is not a serious graduate. However, with the exposure of love affair, the two clashes broke out. Mi MaMa Mi Yang possesses an excellent and handsome poster, looking for a "highly educated, high IQ, high emotional business" of the "Three Highs" girlfriend. In order to preserve her love and become a successful person in Mi MaMa's eyes, Wei Jing decided to venture into "foreign companies." Yin and Yang errant, she actually went into the work of a hundred foreign enterprises in a world, became a "Western" white-collar workers. However, Mi Yang, who was originally an excellent Interpol, was transferred to the community as an IPTV because of a job mistake. The identity of the two completely reversed, this gap also let their love full of tests. Two young people while trying to adjust their mentality, while hard work, in the face of life's hardships and work-related troubles, they use love to give each other courage. In the face of the ups and downs of life, no one dares to claim that it is successful. Only strong and optimistic can we gain happiness.

Most loved favorite person (TV)[2017]

Feature: Young girl Zhen Jie University graduate after a webcast company as department manager, and surgeon Yang ZiXuan identified the relationship between love, can be described as successful business, sweetheart. Just as she married her boyfriend, a woman named Zhang JinPing suddenly came home to identify her relatives. Originally, Zhang JinPing fell in love with college students Guanshan young, unmarried first gave birth to a daughter, forced last resort. Today, Zhang JinPing is suffering from pulmonary heart disease and needs her daughter to donate the lungs to continue her own life. In the face of the falling birth of the mother, Zhen Jie suddenly troubled. The adoptive father Zhen Yulong Huang Ying has been as Zhen Jie as a few out, with a lot of love, strongly disagree with daughter Zhen Jie to give birth to the mother who has not fulfilled her obligations. Yang ZiXuan's mother, Sun Huayuan, learned that Zhen Jie would donate her lungs to her mother and force her son to break up with Zhen Jie. Zhang JinPing family at this moment also turned upside down. Her husband, Lu Guangan, learned that his wife, who had been married for more than 20 years, turned out to be a "second-hand goods." He even had an illegitimate daughter before her marriage. She instantly broke down and divorced Zhang JinPing. Zhen Jie overcome difficulties, carefully handle the relationship, patiently persuaded communication, and finally obtained the support of adoptive parents and Yang ZiXuan in preparation for donating blood to her relatives. However, after examination, the doctor found that her lung capacity was not enough to support the donation of lung. In the face of worsening mother's condition, fainting again and again, Zhen Jie implemented "iron man plan" to increase lung capacity, start the race with death.

Unlawful crime (TV)[2017]

Feature: Yan Liang (Qin Hao), a police officer with a foul gas band, was tentatively assigned to unlock the mystery of the series of murders by the "Snowman" and dig out the truth. In the meantime, Zhu HuiRu (Jia Jia Deng), who took care of his brother Zhu FuLai (Jing Hao), and Guo Yu (Dai Xu), who took part in a whirlpool to save his beloved girl, were involved one after another in successive confrontations , The instinct of survival makes humanity continue to enlarge. Tear off the reality and beat everyone in real life with a whipping of humanity & nbsp;

LostInWhite (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Ten years ago, four partners set up a chemical factory in a beautiful village. To save costs, they directly discharged toxic and effluent water into the river. This caused many newborns in the village to have congenital disabilities. In order to deal with the issue of toxic and effluent treatment, the four partners turned away, two of whom were killed and the other two missing. A stereotyped old police and a miserly young police became partners, composed of "chaser" into the glacier, chasing the murderer to find the truth. In the murderous glaciers of the murderers, the immediate cause of their deaths and unrestrained movements is that everyone is inevitably involved in a field complex and becomes a member of "chasing fierce". The ultimate truth under the glacier subverts all the imagination.

Luck and happiness (TV)[2016]

Feature: He Mu (Tianyu Ma), an extraordinary swinger, decides to escape from marriage at the last moment before his wedding due to the refusal of the marriage matrices his father has arranged; Su XiaoXiao (Jiajia Deng), a grassroot longing for a happy marriage, Before that moment I found myself encountering fraudulent marriage, lost the truth and saved for many years. Two people who had never met in the same class even went to the public relations firm where the perfect female Xie ZiQi (Jiarong Lv ornaments) was located. They became the happy lovers and working partners of the same enemy and friend, Project, and Su Man, Ma Da, Qiao Bu et al., Become a laughing buddy of the buddhists. He Mu more with Su XiaoXiao dismantling each other, and slowly found each other's bright spots and become lovers. However, He Mu's half-brother, He Han (William Chan), long ago hatred for this generous family with his parents' grudges and conspired to try to overthrow the family's property. When the Ho group was in crisis, He Mu returned to the origin of the family fortune - wine estate to start working again. After many twists and turns, He Han finally understood the misunderstanding of the year and regretted her actions. He Brothers once again join forces to make the group comeback, He Mu, Su XiaoXiao and others, but also experienced the growth difficulties, and reaped their love and happiness.

웨딩바이블 (Movie)[2015]

Feature: The Diary of the Wedding tells the dream story of two young men and women living in Shanghai about feelings and entrepreneurship.

Foolish Plan (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Melancholy casino washing code Mei DaZhi Hao DongDong and Guo Guo owe huge gambling debts due to his wife An Jing and honeymoon couples who meet again, and because An Jing's sister An Ning and her pupils are involved in a piece of value Citylink's Dragon and Phoenix mirror of the competition for life and death. In the meantime, Che JiFan, Hong Kong underworld businessman Bai ChuXiong, Black boss thirteen unitary, Jeju Island Korean gangster, and gambling indebted amateur killer Che JiFan joined the whirlpool of destiny, people began a round mirror full of absurdity Indiana War.

I want to understand remarrying (TV)[2015]

Feature: Beijing Youth Long Xia and Yu XiaoYu, white-collar workers in Qingdao, suffered a betrayal over the same period. Two disheartened people met in Beijing and became co-charitable friends. During the sharing period, they helped each other and had a profound feeling. Under the forced marriage of both parents, the two entered without noticing the slightest, The marriage hall, Yu XiaoYu after marriage found that he and Long Xia are not all the way, first of all, "values" there is a world of difference. Yu XiaoYu pragmatic, a clear goal of life; Long Xia retreat, buddy loyalty. Long Xia before the advantages of all become a disadvantage in marriage. The fish fell into confusion He thought the marriage was too hasty. Long Xia and the growing conflicts fish In the marriage of the castle is about to collapse, the fish and Long Xia finally want to understand the true meaning of marriage: Marriage needs to stick to, after a lot of emotional test Long Xia and fish in life Growing up, they begin to learn to embrace and understand each other and learn to change for each other, marrying is not child's play to understand remarried! Ultimately stick to the love of the two or come together to live their happy married life.

Anger hero (TV)[2015]

Feature: During the isolation period in Shanghai, Japanese spy agent Shi Yuan secretly implemented the "poison policy" of dumping opium into China by "fighting the poison with poison and using it to poison China." He cleverly used Gangster gangs from the beach gang to stir up gang gang fights with Yuan's feuds, and he could smoothly take over the gang to screen the sale of opium. Yuan brothers suddenly plunged into national hate and family enemies, dignity and money choice. With the help of Xue LiQun, an underground party member, Yuan Shuai understands Shi Yuan's conspiracy and is determined to join the fight. However, Yuan Ye pursued money and social fame and became an accomplice of Shi Yuan drug trafficking. He insisted on impending the death of Xue LiQun and his mother, Yang CaiXia. Yuan Shuai vowed to take revenge on her, and since then her brother has become a rival to be riven by kinship ties. Yuan Shuai, a bloodless youth who has become a wealthy drugstore who swore to death without drug trafficking, formed a syndicate of secret codetors known as "Magistrates," secretly attacking opium factories, sales outlets and transport channels, Paralyzing Yuan Ye and Shi Yuan, for which they endured innumerable humiliations by the enemy and finally cooperated with the New Fourth Army to destroy the enemy's opium transport train & nbsp ;.

Love is also included (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Love is also free shipping" tells the story of an orphan Lin XiaoHe became the wife of Zhan Feng, president of Merrill Lynch, but witnessed Zhan Feng derailment and family breakdown shortly after his marriage. Has been pregnant Lin XiaoHe desperation chose self-reliance, rely on the meager income of the cake shop to support Mo Mo. Lin XiaoHe lost his job to take care of sick Mo Mo who was hospitalized and was forced to go to the online shop and reunited with Chen Xi, a courier who had been her help, to get family-like warmth and high-definition stills Mo Mo soon Like Chen Xi. With the encouragement of Chen Xi and Mo Mo's support, Lin XiaoHe finally became the next generation of dessert goddess after several ups and downs. Her online shop was enthusiastically sought after. Lin XiaoHe stepped out of the haze of the past and became an inspirational example for everyone to worship. Zhan Feng encountered Mo Mo, shocked, and finally learned that everything was derived from the Qian NingHui conspiracy, he asked Lin XiaoHe's forgiveness. However, Lin XiaoHe is no longer the pursuit of fantasy girl in the past, she chose Chen Xi painstaking work together and love. Love is also free shipping is a love inspirational drama produced by China Media Network Limited in 2015 by Zhang Bo Yu. Joo Won, Jiajia Deng, Qiao Zhenyu, Monica Mu, Hang Qi, Ice Gao, Hui Shiu-hung, etc. Starring.

Liao Zhai new series (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Liao Zhai New Edition" is based on Pu Songling's short story collection "Strange Tales from Liao Zhai", composed of six separate articles, "Lu Judge" Tao YueMing love over death and death to engage in marriage, "heaven and earth" in the Xie LingEr and Xi Fangping break the devil's domain. Heng Niang, who is demon-bewitched in Heng Niang's love for hate, Lian Suo, a gossip in Lian Suo, loves Hong Kong, and cats and queens in Ye Sheng Passionate love blood, "green women" Yu Jing fell in love with beauty mantis Lv Zhu & nbsp ;.

Winter flowers will be open (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Winter flowers will be open" tells the story of two girls with similar faces, one by one into the Ying HaoDong life. The former, like her name, has been blinded in an epilogue, the latter, like her name, warmth Haosong's heart with her own fragrance. When Lan SuXin, an 18-year-old girl, was looking for a job, she met Ying HaoDong, whose mental photo was depressed because of her girlfriend's death. As a caretaker's wishfulness for Hao Dong bear relatives and friends a lot of misunderstanding and divergence, however, she was able to treat and resolve all this in a sunny mood. In the prime Xin and Hao Dong mom and others efforts, gradually restored the memory of Hae Dong, haunted body in that mysterious cloud of doubt finally clouds open, Su Xin with Haodong and all the relatives and friends finally to the sunny Xintiandi & nbsp ;.

iPartment Season 4 (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Love Apartment 4" stills Hu YiFei and Nuo Lan because of a tennis injury sprained foot, Ceng XiaoXian make the trick of losing coins to decide who to save. But this time, his luck did not seem to participate in "who can become a millionaire," so good. On the one hand is the lovely Nuo Lan, while a domineering self-confident Philippine, who will come together with Ceng XiaoXian? Xiao Yin's decision surprised everyone's surprise ... ... Tang YouYou accepted Guan GuShenQi's proposal, but Gu Tan found that long and not pregnant. In a small apartment, who is pregnant? Who is the child's father? Love reasoning of the Valley began clues investigation, but his face before the fog. Long found that there are countless things to do before marriage, such as stubborn Guan GuShenQi and his more stubborn father Guan GuJianCiLang and harmony, such as buying a house, buying a car, engagement ceremony, of course, the final single party ... ... Merry yuppie Lv ZiQiao continue to live an unfriendly happy life, he even created an unprecedented new job. But the rumor that someone in the apartment was pregnant also got him involved in the whirlpool. After a series of turmoil, Zi Joe realized Chen MeiJia's position in the heart, but it was too late, and the new competitor started a crazy pursuit of MEGA ...... Lin Wan Yu's departure made Lu ZhanBo unforgettable. He Occasionally discovered a green organization to save the world, the exhibition in the heart of the dream and ambition be activated again. But his sister Hu YiFei and other small partners do not support him ... ... "Legal pioneer" Zhang Wei also returned to the love apartment. As always, he was unlucky and optimistic. Pretty but frigidity Gossip Girl, super hard beat one after another from the sky, Zhang Wei can Hold live?

Romantic kitchen (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Romantic Man Chef" tells the story of an ordinary ordinary girl chase the dream to find true love. Shui RuoBing eldest daughter is an ordinary taxi driver, the mother arranged blind date for her all day, hoping she can marry a good people as soon as possible, Shui RuoBing hoping to inherit his father's wishes and become a good chef. Shui RuoBing arrears a million debts due to an accident involving the album's dear ones, and Shui RuoBing had to apply for the food group executive chef in order to pay off his debts. In order to apply for success, Shui RuoBing chef Mi Qing as a teacher, began a period of ordinary and gorgeous life. In the process of learning arts, both from the estrangement to nothing to talk about, time-honored. At the same time, Tang Dong, chairman of the food group, was also attracted to Shui RuoBing's character and started his pursuit of him. Shui RuoBing impressed everyone around her with her true love and sunshine smile, but the pursuit of her by two good men made her dizzy. Ultimately, good and simple Shui RuoBing chose the same simple, and love Mi Qing. Unlucky mall Tang Dong also proud of the mall began to understand the importance of love and affection, a different way to embrace life, and in the end he would eventually end & nbsp;.

Where is the happiness (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Where is happiness" tells the story of 1978, the high-spirited Xiang Yuan and educated youth to return to the city of Tian MaiQiu met and fell in love, but rival pit damage, parents objections, the ideal difference between the two, so that they love the rough but affectionate Jin Jian, experienced a break up, imprisonment, the ideal disillusionment and so on; resolutely decided to hold the rest of his life, but also know the huge hatred between the two parents; In addition, rival Han JiangChuan secretly cheating; not only to Tian MaiQiu University dreams, but also make her relationship with Xiang Yuan even worse.

SilentWitness (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Lin Tai (Honglei Sun), a local name-behind rich, has recently been preparing another major event in his life to marry his beloved girlfriend for many years. Unexpectedly, bad news came from this time and the bride was killed in the apartment's underground parking lot, where Lin Tai heard the news. Police sneaked their suspicions at his only daughter, Lin MengMeng (Jiajia Deng). After prosecutors filed a lawsuit, Lin Tai spent heavily to hire prominent lawyer Zhou Li (Yu Nan) to defend his daughter. Zhou Li has worked for many Well-known cases as agents, full of confidence in winning this case, before the trial, did a lot of desk work. The public prosecutor sent the famous prosecutor Tong Tao (Aaron Kwok ornaments), his prosecution sharp sharp, in the phrase. After the trial started, both the prosecutor and the prosecutor drew on Zhang Jian and the gunpowder tasted full. However, as the trial progressed further, the crimes were more complicated and confusing and seemed to enter into a margin of incompatibility.

YeDianGuiTan (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Halloween night, a few young people gathered in a bar. Di An, Elle, fawn, Li Wei, aster is a colleague. Everyone should meet at Di An's nightclub party with Di An's invitation. Among them, Li Wei likes Allie, Aster and Alli love Di An, and Di An likes the deer. Unfortunately, the deer has a boyfriend Xiaoliang. However, small light six months ago in the nightclub disappeared, resulting in the deer has been unhappy. Di An called for everyone to solve the deer, I hope the deer can come out. Five people each have their own feelings, silence is silent. Then, when the five men talked of the darkness of the mind, Li Wei published his opinion of psychic obscurity and then traveled outside the world. The first story appeared: Missing. Her husband, Di An, was away from home for business. Elderly paralyzed elder sister Alan was eager to find her sister, Alice, who had disappeared for a week, hiring private detective Li Wei to investigate. In the thunderstorms thunderstorms night, the murderer has quietly approached. Allen sitting in a wheelchair, and the killer in the villa to start a wily war game. When she thought out of life and death crisis, the murderer has just revealed its true colors. The first story is over, the camera back to the nightclub. Alice took a photo of Li Wei. Next is the crush on Di An aster, who turns the album in her hand and offers the audience a second story: one-way street. Reporter Di An reluctantly in the middle of the night went to an interview for a science fiction bestseller, had to go with her daughter. According to the novelist, Di An drove into a one-way street and encountered a passerby suddenly on his way. When he recovered, daughter Tingting disappeared. He went into a room in search of the missing daughter. Outside the house he picked up a phone call, the results crossed to the road a dozen minutes ago, and then was hit by their own, that time he is the passerby. Look for women eager, he drove away the car, they came to the house. Suddenly saw her daughter ran toward the house, he caught up, saw her daughter in the house drawing, can flash God daughter disappeared. Suddenly, he was attacked by corona. When he woke up and saw a woman, the woman was studying how to cross time and space. Finally, at the lightning thunder, the woman said she could only carry one person at this time, so Di An returned to his original world. The second story is over, the camera back to the club. After they talked a few words, the deer with a necklace in thought, so the third story: night sick. Fawn is a new nurse in psychiatric hospital. On the first day she arrived, she met a man who lost his necklace. Fawn Hu Shi Zhang under the leadership of the hospital has a preliminary understanding. The first day of night shift, Fawn find a nurse to help guide the way, the nurse's reaction a bit strange. Di An, the attending physician, led the deer to the ward and told that ward No. 13 was abandoned. When the Fawn played Plants vs. Zombies on duty, the man encountered during the day appeared, and he called Xiaoliang. Xiao Liang gave the deer necklace, saying that as long as the necklace that can unlock the hospital's secrets. What time also said not much time, and then was Hu ShiZhang called away. Fawn holding a flashlight to check the ward. Into a ward, the deer saw a name on the brand name of small light.The deer picked up a headphone and began to listen, the dean appeared on television. The dean said they are conducting a hypnosis on psychiatric patients to cure them. However, when the research failed by half, the doctor Xiaoliang volunteered as a research subject, but the research failed. There was a disagreement between the teams at this moment, and the president decided to stop the study, and Dr. Di An remained silent while Hu ShiZhang was determined to continue. Hu ShiZhang appeared when the Dean told the camera to find the key to shut down the system and the video was interrupted. The fawn also passed away. At this moment, the patients in the hospital began to have abnormalities. Dr. Di An woke up the deer and told the deer's hypnosis system out of control that he had to go off to the rooftop. The uncontrolled patients are now only the first level of the symptoms that dance. Hu ShiZhang desperately obstructs Di An and the deer. Finally, Dean, Xiao Liang's help, the deer closed the system. The third story is over. Lens back to the nightclub. At this moment, the deer seemed to see the figure of Xiao Liang and rushed out. Di An deer Fetal also followed out. Aster, Allie chase out to find Di An. The rest of Li Wei shouted: "Why is me pay me again" and rushed out. And the individual who rushed out to find that they seemed trapped in three stories. One page of comics turned over, the final shot is Di An is calling, saying that his new comic has ended, invite friends to go to the butterfly.

DoubleTrouble (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Half of the "rich mountain landscape" is treasured on the mainland and the other half is at the National Palace Museum in Taiwan. This is the first time that it is being exhibited at the National Palace Museum in Taipei. International thieves have heard the news. International Pirates from across the Pacific sent two beauty thieves posing as security guards into the Forbidden City to steal the picture. Rogue happened to hit the young security guard Xiao Jie, both sides fierce fighting. Justly extraordinary skill Xiao Jie finally gained the upper hand to capture the thieves occasion, a visiting Chinese tourists in the Forbidden City Da Hai hero rescue the United States let go of the beautiful thieves but subdued Xiao Jie. When dressed in casual clothes, Xiao Jie finally convinced each other that they are security guards, the beauty is the thieves, this tourist regrettable. Originally named Da Hai tourists is a cell security from Beijing. At the same time, something more damaging than mishandling the thieves took place. Xiao Jie was considered by security headquarters to be the intrusion of the theft syndicate. Da Hai discovered that the tour bus had disappeared long ago and left its own regiment. Xiao Jie not only has to avoid the pursuit of police and must personally retrieve the picture in order to prove his innocence; unaccompanied Da Hai has also become Xiao Jie's accomplice, he is to find his tour to prove his identity . As a result, the two security guards from both sides of the Taiwan Strait embarked on a journey of desperation.

ShangHaiGuShi (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Bar manager has been deeply in love with a girl who craves love, the girl is also somewhat emotional for him. The girl had told him that he felt he could not match the girl. By chance, he learned the girl's unfortunate experience, decided to walk into the girl's world, God will give him this opportunity?

IPARTMENTseason3 (TV)[2012]

Feature: Love Apartment 3 An unconventional apartment, two common suites, with seven young men and women of different backgrounds, different identities and different ideals. It is here that daily humorous stories that appear to be ordinary but fun. Sometimes funny, sometimes bizarre, sometimes romantic, sometimes touching. Xiao Xian finally gave up 500 million bonus, returned to everyone's side, because he found that friendship is their most valuable asset. Everyone's old friend Monica returned to the love apartment at this time, but also brought back a new boyfriend. Although finally broke up, but she gradually understood what kind of talent is suitable for themselves, but also found a new job, started a new life. A Philippine became a university teacher, career slowly started, but emotionally still stumbling. Exhibition Bo and Wan Yu returned to the end of the trip back to the apartment, but Wan Yu dream to leave the exhibition Bo, sad no harm, because they had really love each other. There are sad as well as joy, Sekiya and long relationship long time, finally began to prepare to enter the hall of marriage. Although son Joe has been shown as a dandy, but when he found the heartbeat girl, it gradually become mature. Everyone is still in the apartment interpretation of the legend belongs to them, continue to ridicule, continue to face all the uncertainty in life, but also continue optimistic in the face of all this. Everyone's story continues ...

I Phone You (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Mountain Ling Ling girl volunteer to become a stewardess, in order to achieve this goal she worked hard in Chongqing clown flower shop to save money. Occasionally, Ling children and German Chinese Yu GuangHao have a dew marriage. After that, the two often talked and talked about love through their mobile phones, just like a couple in love. This hot sister can not stand the pain of Acacia, and finally flew to fly to Berlin to find lovers. However, not to greet her Yu GuangHao, but claimed that the remaining subordinates Ma Ke. Ma Ke for Ling children and lovers to meet the reasons to push the three resistance four, did not elaborate. Linger had to take the opportunity to run away, alone on the journey to find, but found that not only the addresses described by lovers, even their seemingly good romance is like the moon in the air, such as dreamlike.

IPARTMENTseason2 (TV)[2011]

Feature: Love apartment 2 drip bright and sturdy big sister Hu YiFei (Lou Yixiao ornaments), "human slut love" good man Ceng XiaoXian (Chen He), the incredible beauty of Lv ZiQiao (Sun Yizhou ornaments), as the Roost The manga artist Guan GuShenQi (Eric ornaments), as well as the adorable exhibition Bo, elegant Wan Yu, cute Monica, this familiar name formed the city's most legendary apartment ─ ─ love apartment. In the second season, their bustling family welcomed another newcomer: actor You Jia, Jiaxing Deng, a young man with persistent personality but always troubled - Zhang Wei Li Jia Hang ornaments), and a typical urban white-collar workers - Qin YuMo (Zhao Wenqi ornaments), and none of them are "fuel-efficient lights." This has caused the troubled apartment set off one after another new storm. The times are changing, the ideas are changing, the topics are changing, but the constant change is the sincere feelings among friends and the sunshine in youth. Note: Diversity plot source

SideASideB (Movie)[2010]

Feature: Xiao Chunlei is the owner of a supplements shop, he and his ex-wife's daughter suffering from uremia in urgent need of his help. His current wife, Liu Yue, was so anxious about the incident that he feared that the resurgence of Xiao Chunlei and his ex-wife's affair, together with the pressure of work, would lead to insanity. He was taken to a psychiatric hospital where her ex-husband Liang HaiChao was working. Liang HaiChao has always kept his ex-wife Liu Yue in her memory. So she pityfully revises Liu Yue, along with Chen CongMing, a university professor disguised as mentally ill in a scientific investigation. Two people and thus there have been subtle emotions, Liang HaiChao want to remarry with Liu Yue, but Liu Yue also had no direct promise to Xiao Chunlei's marriage, making Liang HaiChao more resentment Xiao Chunlei. He directed Liu Yue to doping in Xiao Chunlei's soup, and Xiao Chunlei was sent to a mental hospital as a neuropathy after the drug's onset. Xiao Chunlei in a psychiatric hospital always showed that he was not ill, but no one believed it. Later, the whole matter was known by Chen CongMing and decided to help him. In the end, Xiao Chunlei successfully escaped from the hospital and saw his daughter. Confirmed by the university, Chen CongMing regained her freedom and started her own psychiatric clinic. Liu Yue learned that after the onset of depression, admitted to the hospital for treatment. Dean Zhao was dismissed from the mental hospital, Liang HaiChao conspiracy to expose neurological disorders, was shut into a mental hospital. Xiao Chunlei finally left the hospital to see his daughter.

Love (TV)[2010]

Feature: "Love in no time" tells the story of the end of the Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, that era, no father did not mother, relying on begging for extended living children are all over the street. Suffering not only taught them to put down their dignity, but also forced them to abandon their conscience. Eight-year-old Feng Yi curled up in the street, seeing it was to be eliminated by this brutal survival game, but fortunately he knew love each other a "predecessor" - Liu YiKui beggar. Feng Yi and Liu YiKui experienced a period of survival on the streets, suffering and sharing their lives. In the chaotic world, rare friendship is extremely precious. ... Finally, a character who changed their destiny appeared. Yu XianSheng is an important leader of the "Patriotic Association," and takes "devotion to overthrowing the corrupt government and establishing a new China." He took Feng Yi and Liu YiKui as their mothers, and cultivated them as national salvation elites: cowardly Feng Yi was taken to the mountain for exercise, and Liu YiKui was taken to a military academy abroad. The time came in a hurry, and as the two grew up, China at that time was also going through an important shift! After the Wuchang uprising, the southern provinces announced their independence one after another. The Northern New Army, led by Yuan Shih-kai, oppress the South's revolution by force and on the other hand secretly negotiate with the revolutionaries. On January 1, 1912, the "Republic of China" was established in Nanjing. One year later, in 1913, when greedy Yuan Shikai was the second provisional president, he plotted to sell and land the country with one heart and one mind. At that time, the situation in various quarters was chaotic and the warlords were divided. However, at this time and time after time after another group of patriotic revolutionaries, they ruined their youth and sacrificed their lives just to "save China!"

TheMessage (Movie)[2009]

Feature: In the spring of 1940, the former vice-chairman of the Kuomintang of China joined the Japanese government and set up a new "national government" in Nanjing. Since then, the war of resistance against Japan entered a new "Three Kingdoms" period - Wang Jingwei's Nanjing National Government, Chiang Kai-shek's Chongqing National Government, and the government led by Mao Tse-tung became a trio of parliament, working independently and mutually restraining each other. After Wang Jingwei took office, he embarked on three major policies: launching a military campaign within the sphere of influence and clearing up the communist party with Chiang Kai-shek and at the same time inducing Chiang Kai-shek and his party members into the Cabinet. On October 10, 1942, the Wang puppet government held a grand ceremony to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of the National Government. A key member of the puppet government was shot dead, arousing great attention from Japan. Wu Tian, ​​the spy agency chief, suspects the series of assassinations were planned by "underground" gunmen, hoping to seize this opportunity to crack down on his organization. Wu Tian investigated that the "old devil" who was responsible for sending instructions lurked in the bandit headquarters and brought the five suspects most likely to touch the telegram to the closed Qiuzhuang-puppet bandit leader Wu ZhiGuo, Bai XiaoNian, Commander of the Puppet Bandit Corps, Li NingYu, head of the translation unit of the Puppet Army Bandit Command, Gu XiaoMeng, chief executive of the Puppet Bandit Command, and Director of the Military Aircraft Division of the Puppet Bandit Corps. The deadline for the investigation is only five days. Wu Tian has to resort to various means, even brutal torture, to find the "elder ghost." In order to protect themselves, the five individuals who were under house arrest also looked around with anxiety and anxiety and looked forward to pulling out the "old ghost" as soon as possible so that they could safely leave Qiuzhuang.

Visitors From The Sui Dynasty (Movie)[2009]

Feature: The story begins with the short-lived dynasties and Sui dynasties in Chinese history. The eminent emperor Emperor Sui Xuan was a beautiful woman. At the instigation of Yu WenHuaJi, a traitor, she held a contest of Miss Sui. For a time, women in strange shapes and felicitations went to bedlong. Yu WenHuaJi took the opportunity to get the job done, will send a bribe non-destructive woman Zhu XiaoXiao default. Yao YingYing, another daughter of a woman, also came under pressure from her stepfather. Yu WenHuaJi banged her for her own enjoyment. Unexpectedly, some people reported to him that the imperial edict had a sudden drop, For the championship, rushed to Beijing. Yu WenHuaJi frustration, a plan of life, let Zhu XiaoXiao Yao YingYing, but also deliberately chosen kind but honest martial arts bodyguard Xiong JiuJiu escort, and then sent people away fake big Miss Sui, let Xiong JiuJiu top cylinder. Poor Xiong JiuJiu, all the way though it has found Ya-ying team Yao YingYing identity strange, and secretly emotionally moved, or in a rascal. For the perfect, Yu WenHuaJi turn pickles traffickers Niu ChuChu () also labeled as Xiong JiuJiu Tong, ready to kill together, deceived emperor. At the close of the moment, Yao YingYing and his wife went to the cell and ran away. Trying to pursue the soldiers until the two were desperation, plunged into a cave, who knows this hole is actually a thousand years of ice, the two were rapidly frozen. Time and space change, blink of an eye is already 1,411 years and three months and eighteen days twenty-one hours later (March 1431, 18 days, after 21:00). Ice cave was excavated, overcast and under the sun, Xiong JiuJiu, Niu ChuChu two from the melting ice in the resurrection, came to the now bizarre Beijing. The magic is that there are exactly the same looks of Zhu XiaoXiao and Yao YingYing. Only two are now avant-garde network writer, one is self-contained shy ordinary white-collar workers. And the two supreme vowed Sui Dynasty past memories. Yao Yinging, a well-intentioned white-collar worker, has taken homeless people and taught both modern society. Still ungauged Zhu XiaoXiao gave the two a candid photo, blackmail the victim's work. Xiong JiuJiu, Niu ChuChu had to integrate into this society. However, out of the ancient Yao YingYing never forget, Xiong JiuJiu always thinking of returning to the Sui Dynasty, the opportunity finally arrived, they met a mad scientist invented time shuttle. On a sunny morning, the white - collar Yao Yinging received a heart - warming blood book from Xiong JiuJiu left by her and a ring of ancient Yao YingYing 's falling bells. The trance she had never believed had a close relationship with her past lives. At this moment, Xiong JiuJiu and Niu ChuChu and Zhu XiaoXiao whom they said moved back to the Sui Dynasty with the magical time shuttle.

Lock clear autumn (TV)[2009]

Feature: "Lock Qing Qiu" tells the story of the late Qing Dynasty, Ping Town. In the sound of firecrackers, a caravan was carried into the Du Family of Tea House and Du Duo continued to play the strings. When the wedding was underway, Du Lao Lock kept the poster of Qiu Qiu's poster. Fifteen-year-old daughter Lan Yan did not show up. Du had to find her daughter Yu Nu standing in the hall of the bride and full house guests, turned away, so Yu Nu feel more grievances. Lan Yan holding her mother made a doll to hide in the wishing tree to cry, only the next man Leng Yun know whereabouts. He hugged her and comforted her, hoping she accepted the fact. When he took her into the wedding, everyone finally relieved, but Lan Yan stubbornly called Yu Nu aunt, not called the mother; because in her heart she had only one mother, Yu Nu face could not hang, heart Hate tooth itch. Lan Yu's stepmother Yu Nu after two looks like the former, before the people of Lan Yan, such as biological, people continue to abuse Lan Yan, she told Lan Yan - if you say out, your father will be angry, the house will be scattered Are you willing? So Lan Yan forbearance again and again, grievances, but fortunately Leng Yun has been taking care of, let her feel there is a trace of human warmth. Du master went to delivery on the road robbery, died in infancy, Yu Nu at home without money on the grounds, want to sell blue Yan brothel. The occasion of the crisis, Leng Yun put Lan Yan, Yu Nu chase out, Leng Yun missed her killed. Five years later, Lan Yan in the herbs shop owner Zhou ShiAn home to do maidservants, because she was glamorous, repeatedly Zhou ShiAn molested, Lee's wife is more regarded as she thrashing. Lan Yan went out to purchase, occasionally lame Lu DaYou, Lu DaYou Lan Yan scared as Heaven, I do not know very much asked her redeem money is how much, Lan Yan's good sister Su XinHe could not stand him entangled, expect him to have no money, Deliberately said that three hundred oceans, Lu DaYou I do not know live, happy to leave. Zhou ShiAn heart color big heart, hard to plug a bracelet to Lan Yan, promised to marry her as a concubine, did not expect to be jealous of Lan Yan's maidservants see, Chun mud secretly told Lee. Lee jealous, deliberately said that the family was a thief, to search, the results found to the bracelet, beat Lan Yan, Lan Yan said the bracelet for Zhou ShiAn sent, but because of fear of Shi ShiAn defy his wife and denied. Lu DaYou took out ten years of money to matchmaker nine mother, asked her to help her own rendezvous. Lee in order to break her husband's idea, the owner will marry Lan Yan great, Lan Yan wanted one heart and death, but for the benefit of Lee's nourishment, let her feel peace of mind, promised to marry Lu DaYou. Zhou ShiAn will see everything in the eyes, lock the autumn drama still secretly meet a lot, threatening him not to touch Lan Yan. Wedding night, Lan Yan decided fate, with Lu DaYou good life, did not expect to come to the room actually is Zhou ShiAn. Lan Yan struggling to save her a lot, but Lu DaYou but fear of power, secretly left, Lan Yan bitter teeth endured humiliation, a drop of tears slowly dripped down. Shen ChaoZong is Zhou ShiAn's strongest business opponent. Over the years, the two companies have been constantly trying their best to monopolize medicinal herbs. This time, in order to obtain the support of the National Government, they took over the medicinal herbs business in Nanjing and were overwhelmed by fire. Shen ChaoZong went to Daxing Bank to borrow money with Jiang YuPing in order to win the world security. Jiang YuPing has always been in favor of the DPRK. However, due to the fact that the wife's status can not be more or less determined, he deliberately made a bet with the DPRK and asked him to seduce Lan Yan.Tanabata night, North Korea suddenly appeared in front of Du LanYan, the two saw it at first glance, especially speculation in the process of getting along, the DPRK really fell in love with Lan Yan, and to rescue her, designed to lead the World into a trap, bankrupt. But Lan Yan has been unable to let Leng Yun, treat him as the best friend. Lan Yan finally from the claws of Zhou ShiAn, decided to go with Leng Yun, not out Lu DaYou will be forced to her down on the ground - the original Lu DaYou could not stand the villagers repeatedly ridiculed, decided to be the real couple with Lan Yan. Lan Yan refused, Lu DaYou Leng Yun lying, Leng Yun left Lan Yan, Leng Yun must have a great promise to be blue Yan, a great deal of promise. Annie Yi plays Li YueE Lan Yan Wa Leng Yun a day at the pier, Leng Yun did not come, he left a letter drifting away, Lan Yan disappointed, began to give up. Zongzong see state, slowly approached her, comfort her, pet her, Lan Yan first taste was the taste of love, bent toward Chaozong. The two were stolen soon discovered a lot, there is a great need to call the villagers will be executed two, the crisis, Lan Yan picked up the wave drum will be a big hit on the ground, Jiang YuPing jealous Zong Zong love Lan Yan, kill Big dead to blame Lan Yan. Great dead, Shen Changzhang but Lan Yu and Zhengzong correct things, should Lan Yan Shen Tong. Leng Yun found out the truth, confirmed that Lan Yan and Chaozong did not kill, Jiang YuPing had to design people scapegoat, and finally Lan Yan was sentenced to Shui Moan nun. Lan Yu, Lan Yun was saved by Leng Yun, Zong Zong thought Lan Yan died, desperate, holding "Lan Yan" body murmured to himself. Jiang YuPing threatened his mother, making her a scapegoat. Lan Yan thought she was arrested and hurried to see her. Chaozong has embarked on the ship to Hangzhou stock, see Lan Yan, a time dreamlike. He jumped off the boat and hugged Lan Yan together. Both of them decided to marry immediately. Lan Yan married into being Shen concubine as he had hoped. Yu Ping was frenzied and killed Zu Zongsheng mother and Zhao Zong in revenge. Jiang Yuping was deliberately framed and his family was killed. Jiang YuPing kill less swim, use heart Wo to achieve their own purpose of revenge, the last few people's fate in the end how.

Love Apartments (TV)[2009]

Feature: "Love Apartment" tells the story of Hu YiFei, a hot-tempered, outgoing, careless and envious girl; Ceng XiaoXian, a lover of love apartment; a Wanted Lin WanYu who lives in a quiet place and escapes from a wealthy family; There is no proper hobby, there is no serious work, known as the most unlovable love apartment man Joe and other contemporary young people facing family, friendship, love and interests, status and other issues arising from misunderstandings and contradictions, Also tells people that daily life is like a mirror, you can enlighten people to learn how to live, how to appreciate those in life, the true and the beautiful & nbsp ;.

JuFengZhiWu (Movie)[2008]

Feature: Returning home rich girl drifts to his father's investment racecourse holiday, made the club's signature horse hurricane and character weird grooms high, in order to be able to participate in the competition hurricane, coach and drizzle for a war between hurricanes, Hurricane gradually abandoned in the final two compete in the face of the failure of the hurricane, the two young people to re-examine themselves. High is a very promising equestrian athlete, a national team trials and strikes injured, since then sluggish, self-esteem, he alone hid in this rural club, anonymity made a groom, light rain like it High, and began to work hard with learning basic skills for equestrianism. One day, high on a business trip, the club's fat manager nephew Seremban took over the hurricane, but the hurricane suddenly suffered from intestinal obstruction, by everybody's rescue, life at stake, at a time when everyone lost hope, high for the final did not give up, and finally rescued back The hurricane's life, also gave myself a new commitment. Club invitational tournament to begin soon, coach Hu competition in order to compete, destructive power, the results of beloved Paris perfume fell to death in training, he also suffered injuries, a life away to everyone's sad meditation, because of high ...

Eighteen years of hostile camp (TV)[2008]

Feature: "Eighteen years in the enemy's camp" tells the story of the "April 15" counter-revolutionary coup in Guangzhou in 1927 and the massacre of a large number of Chinese Communist Party members. Whampoa Military Academy 6 students, secret Communist Party member Jiang Bo caught in grudges. Somewhere in southern Jiangxi Province, Jiang Bo's newlywed wife Kang Ying, a member of the peasant association, was hunted and murdered by the White Bandit army. While pregnant, he flew to Guangzhou to flee to Jiang Bo. However, Jiang Bo was imprisoned and was not allowed to see each other. fruit. Party organizations promptly started Jiang Bo's rescue work. The young female party member Fujoyu Lin was bailed out as a lover by warlord Brigadier Xuan ZiQi and Jiang Bo was placed in the Xuan ZiQi army following the party's instructions. After a long period of hostile camp, Jiang Bo was promoted by a second lieutenant to at least general public. After being exposed to risks, Jiang Bo acquired a great deal of important military and political intelligence and became a senior red agent. In the meantime, He Kun, formerly a member of the 6th issue of the Whampoa Military Academy and former friend of Jiang Bo, took a long-term struggle with Jiang Bo as a military spy agent.

Except 무산 (Movie)[2007]

Feature: A "" make the limelight, the theme of the movie also. The movie "Apart from Wushan", starring in "Little Zhou Xun," is being shot nervously in Shanghai. "Excluding Wushan" has aroused the concern of all parties since it was started. Gay theme film "Wushan except", the film focuses on the young woman writer Liu Yin and young college girl between a ups and downs of love story, can be said that China in recent years the most classic female version of "" works. There are many similarities with the talented women in the Tang Dynasty. "Everything is based on a purely emotional basis, there is no precept of descendants of desires, nor sexual indulgence," the classic lines may be the audience when the movie was discussed topic! Has become a lesbian spokesman, Jiajia Deng has its own understanding: "In fact, they are very grateful to me for their concern, filming really tired, but with their support, everything is worth I always think of any human A feeling is worthy of respect, the feeling between lesbians is more respectable, and I am happy to have the opportunity to play such a movie. I really hope people will pay more attention and tolerance to lesbians. "In Liu Yin, a woman writer in The Wuling Mountain, is a modern intellectual intellectual with a high IQ and high emotional intelligence. She is also plagued by the same work stress and feelings as the nowadays bosons with good senior education who work in noble office buildings . From the ballerina - the beauty pageant - Hong Kong celebrity - red artist Diana Pang, with a dramatic and legendary performing arts experience, this time it is all-encompassing and returning to nature, impressing everyone with plenty of delicate emotions. In the words of director Qiang Jiang and the producer, "Diana Pang is too malleable and her performance is very tense." Diana Pang said frankly that she was the first film artist to work with lesbian subjects for many years, but she sacrificed more for the sake of the audience and the arts.

ShiQuanJiuMei (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Prince Ming Zhu XiaoTian prefer wooden arts, bent on becoming like that top. In order to reach this goal, he secretly went to the palace to look for Lu Ban's wooden art study. "" There are legendary people who hold the book, ranging from unscrupulous, lacking in eyesight, to breaking their legs and even losing their lives. In short, they are not unlucky, they are relatives Suffer, so the book is called "". Zhu XiaoTian met Tang XiaoDie while searching for books, and along with her found Tang XiaoDie's brother Jiang NanHe, who was imprisoned by dry-cleaners and Jiu Bao, Jiang NanHe, who told her two people before her death secret. In the meantime, Hong GaiTian, ​​the imperial court, investigated the loss of the mausoleum map and mistreated Zhu XiaoTian and Tang XiaoDie as grave robbers under the guise of Zhi Fu. Zhu XiaoTian and Tang XiaoDie According to my brother's brother, I learned that Jiu Bao and the proprietress who were hiding in Longmen Town came to Longmen Town. Nan Gong Yan, daughter of Nan GongAo, throws a hydrangea hit. At this moment, Hong GaiTian, ​​the secret agent of the court, also followed up. An open fight between children and children in the wild unrest started. Only who did not think, Sven's Tang XiaoDie heart also hides another purpose. In the end, Zhu XiaoTian get the world, get "" art, but lost the favorite. Confirmed the lack of a legend.

Legend of Chu LiuXiang (TV)[2007]

Feature: Crescent Legend: southeast coast of the pirates often pirate invasion, the court appointed a middle-aged and elderly woman known as Du XianSheng eliminate the bandits, but the Kou River thieves and other gradually be settled, a more powerful Pirates of the history of the king did not Rise. Scoop king history said that only the daughter of the court envoy jade princess married to him as a truce condition. Chu LiuXiang intervened in this incident by accidentally saving the princess's father's father. The Du XianSheng Chu LiuXiang this side of the new biography, the designated Hu TieHua escort Crescent Princess to the thieves cave. Noodles spread, flowers aunt found Huang sick husband, Hei ZhuGan, Yuan Lei assassination of the king of history. Jiao Lin entrusted Chu LiuXiang to find her daughter she had never met before, and only knew that her daughter had a crescent birthmark. Chu LiuXiang received the sign of Hu TieHua's distress and went to the tree house for Hu TieHua. In the tree house, Hu TieHua was a painter of four women, but their layout was seen through by Chu LiuXiang and they escaped. Hu TieHua was invited to escort Princess Jade Sword and Shi Tianwang, Chu LiuXiang decided easy to follow. Chu LiuXiang found a female ninja in the inn Ying Zi, Xue ChuanXin to Ying Zi to discuss the woman in the box, who knows the box was Chu LiuXiang pre-emptive take away, the box turned out to be Jiao Lin's daughter. Chu LiuXiang handed the box to Wanxing Escort He Yulin custody, to find Hu TieHua. See Hu TieHua out of danger, Chu LiuXiang go back to find He Yulin, only to find a dead body and sitting on the box Xue ChuanXin. Chu LiuXiang came to Yujian Villa and did not expect Du XianSheng turned out to be a woman. Later she learned that Princess Yujian was not only the daughter of Jiao Lin but also the daughter of Du XianSheng, the former wife of Jiao Lin. The original coastal area along the southeast coast often pirates piracy harassment, the court sent a special envoy to the identity of rivers and lakes, contact the Quartet hero, to deal with bandits, the envoy's daughter was also booked as a princess, Du XianSheng is one such. Du XianSheng clear the shore, King of history dominate the sea, the two potential is over. Japanese pirates also hope that the two sides Rush, sit income harvest. Hu TieHua realized that Chu LiuXiang wanted someone to deal with the king of history. Chu LiuXiang was assassinated by the Ninja Spring Thunder Iraqi, who committed suicide in the midst of an unchanging routine. Shi TianZhai lured Chu LiuXiang to kill Shi Tian Wang with money but was rejected by Chu LiuXiang. In conversation with Ying Zi, Chu LiuXiang learned that Shi Tian Wang had taken Shi TianZhai's concubine, so Ying Zi would steal the princess of Jade Emperor Sword. Ying Zi actress princess maid Hong children, the princess out of Yu Jian Villa. Bai YunSheng used Chu LiuXiang's old acquaintance as bait, with Chu LiuXiang see the history of the King. Two Generals Panther because fear Jiangya Princess pet, sent four Tian Tian assassination protect the princess Hu TieHua, and Shi Tianwang sent to protect the princess Bai YunSheng also been plot. Leopard Ji asked Chu LiuXiang to choose between the three items of treasure, food and water, and Bai YunSheng. Chu LiuXiang unexpectedly chose Bai YunSheng, who was on the verge of death. Chu LiuXiang successfully arrived at the fishing village where the king of history was. Who knows the king of history turned out to be exactly the same seven people, even Chu LiuXiang did not start the opportunity. The marriage between the king of history and the princess of jade sword was held as scheduled. In the fishing village by the sea, Chu LiuXiang learned that Princess Jade Sword had already cut off the head of history king!Chu LiuXiang suddenly realized that can kill the king of history only King's wife, this is why the princess jade sword must marry the true purpose of the king of history. Legend of a ghost romance: a wise Chu LiuXiang met a life never encountered before, the most absurd, the most bizarre, the most mysterious, but also the most terrible thing. He never believed that this happened in the world. The original two pairs of Wulin family lovers forced to flee their parents forced marriage, pretend to exchange the soul after a serious illness in order to seek peace and love of people together. Chu LiuXiang made it clear at the end and gave them blessings. Chu LiuXiang (Biography of Zhang Zhiyao) "in the play of" The Rebel of the Dead "in the East meets with the modern western detection technique. It seems complicated and turbulent. In fact, it is only the natural desire of human beings. Several pairs of young men and women take the initiative to fight for love and marriage, very anti-feudal breath, Chu LiuXiang here, it seems like pulling the red line "moon." Chu LiuXiang visits his friend Zuo QingHou and learns that Zuo QingHou's daughter Zuo MingZhu is seriously ill, and even the doctor Zhang Jianzhai can not be cured. Soon after Zuo MingZhu died, Zuo QingHou heartbroken. However, Zuo MingZhu suddenly resurrected that night, resurrected Zuo MingZhu claiming to be the daughter of Mrs. Jin Gong, but also the use of Mrs. Jin Gong's home martial arts "Kitty Hawk." When Shi Yin was found in Chu LiuXiang in ShiJiaZhuang, she had just passed away and the furnishings in her boudoir were exactly the same as described by Zuo MingZhu. Chu LiuXiang was discovered by Hua JinGong and Xue HongHong inadvertently as Ye Shenglan seducing Shi Yin. Xue YiRen invited Chu LiuXiang to visit his sword room. Chu LiuXiang revealed her intention was to trace the occupational assassins that appeared a few years ago and suspect Xue YiRen, the leader who now lives on top of her. Shi Xiuyun revenge for the sister to find opportunities to assassinate Xue Bin, Xue Bin often come to snatch the news because her sister dying. Coincidentally, Shi Fengyun's death time and Shi Yin, Zuo MingZhu's death time is almost the same, and the second day hurried burial, the person who handle Shixiu Yun's uncle. In Shifeng Yun's tomb, a teenager is wearing plutocrats kneeling in the tomb crying, this person was actually Xue Bin's book lean sword, the original Shifeng Yun Zhang Zhiyao version of "Chu LiuXiang New Biography" still lover actually reliance sword. Black people suddenly stabbed Chu LiuXiang, Chu LiuXiang with pollen posing ecstasy Hong deceived people, but he was seriously injured, was here after two small flowers saved. Chu LiuXiang let beggar help him find the whereabouts of Ye Shenglan. Three more hours, Chu LiuXiang dig Shifeng Yun's grave found actually actually empty. Shi Xiuyun found lying in the coffin of Shi Yin turned out to be his sister, it is her uncle to replace the body of her sister Shi Yin. In Tsing Yi Lane, Ye Shenglan and Shi Yin were seized by Chu LiuXiang. Shi Yin used Shi Fengyun's body to pretend to cheat and die with the help of Liang Ma and escape her engagement with her second son, Xue Jihuang. Chu LiuXiang accidentally found Xue XiaoRen loaded crazy, and is the best cold-blooded killer in the world. Xue XiaoRen plain revealed, angry to Chu LiuXiang shot. Xue YiRen suddenly appeared, admitting that he is the leader of the assassin organization, just because of their own retirement, need extra money to maintain their livelihood. Xue XiaoRen In order to protect his brother committed suicide.Chu LiuXiang with Zuo MingZhu arrived Xue XiaoRen practice before the cabin, and has long been waiting here Xue Bin meet. Xiao TuZi recognized Xue Bin and Zuo MingZhu once met and gave him the money. Zuo MingZhu do not recognize the face, face Escape met Shi Yin real. The truth, in order to escape marriage and eloquence, Xue Bin find Shi Fengyun body posing as Shi Yin, Shi Yin and Ye Shenglan escape. Zuo MingZhu pretend Shi Yin, escaped marriage with the help of the doctor Zhang Jianzhai. Chu LiuXiang exposes the secret and completes two pairs of lovers. Chu LiuXiang fell in love with Shi Xiuyun, but eventually ended with Shi Xiuyun's departure. Bat legend: Chu LiuXiang and Hu TieHua tracking Huashan School Master Wu Mei dock, but suffered in the river plot, young Ding Feng and Master Mei Mei leave with the ship. "Quick Web" Zhang San stole the pearls from Jin LingZhi's head and led Jin LingZhi to kill him. In fighting, Jin LingZhi even resorted to the Huashan School's secret "Breeze Thirteen" Sword Act. Ding Feng Wu Gong Qi Gao, who is also a number of peerless martial arts, but happens to refer to the deer as a horse, rescue for Jin LingZhi, "Breeze style" as Emei sent "Cattail Sword Act," and Jin LingZhi seems to Ding Feng heart has Dread, all this makes Chu LiuXiang very curious. Several Fung Mei help people were killed. After investigation, Hu TieHua considered that several Bangzhong were killed by the strong bow of Wuwei Yang. Chu LiuXiang was aware of the fact that someone deliberately made a decision to help Fung Mei to help Wuwei Yang and Wuwei Yang must have been poisoned. Behind the scenes, Chu LiuXiang and others just needed to prove Wuwei Yang was still alive. His deep-seated demeanor, Astounding Chu LiuXiang, Hu TieHua came to Sanhe upstairs, and Wu Weiyang, who was found dead by Chu LiuXiang, was also present. Dragon help gang main cloud from the dragon and Wuwei Dong SanNiang Yang war, was killed on the spot. Dragon to help comply with the wishes of their helpers, read the letters in public, the contents of the letter was actually the two mergers, Wuwei Yang for the Lord. On top of the ship, everyone went to the sea looking for gold cave, ugly appearance Miles Miles also accompanied apprentice white candles. There are six coffins placed in the warehouse, turned out to be unwittingly placed before the voyage, meaning there are eight of ten people on board to die. Deck helm to the Flying Man has disappeared, leaving only a pool of blood. The next day, the vast sky disappeared, the six sailors are also one by one cinnabar palm strange death, people tracing a long time still fruitless. Ying Miles, hook long toast to ease the atmosphere, did not expect Dingfeng drunk actually poisoned. Chu LiuXiang said the poison was smeared on the glass when the crowd was in a hurry. When Hu TieHua think the murderer is Ying Wanli, Ying Wan showed his true identity, the god of white clothes, the best in the world to capture the "Condor" Miles, hook long is the real Jiang Yang bandit. Chu LiuXiang found a straight passage through the cargo hold, where Ding Feng's coffin was empty and he drank the "flight" wine cheat. Beside the other coffins, the names of these people have already been engraved on them, and Chu LiuXiang concluded that the length of the hook and Ding Feng are collusive. At this point the water tank on the ship has been pierced, Ding Feng want to thirst for everyone. Hook long left the box is puzzling, who knows there was explosives, the ship blew up, six people can only sit in a coffin to escape.According to Chu LiuXiang's judgment, six people were living on an island. Chu LiuXiang et al. Conclude that Ding Feng killed the vast sky by resorting to his vessel. The unified two gang Wuwei Yang is only a fickle easy to cloud the dragon from the dungeon has been given hint. The real Wuwei Yang and Yun from the dragon together, have been killed, the Yangtze River basin from Ding Feng to grasp. The map of the cloud leaving from the dragon was recognized by Jin LingZhi, which is a map of Pinnacle Cave, also known as Bat Island. Chu LiuXiang After going through this series of inexplicable things, go to Bat Island for answers. Who knows more conspiracy conspiracy, more shady behind the scenes, numerous mist behind the truth was Chu LiuXiang, who gradually unveiled the original original villager Yuan SuiYun undisputed Hill smart and studious, quite good qualifications, but unfortunately due to illness Blind, so in order to search for wealth, set up a trading site in the island of bats, specializing in rivers and lakes can not buy a variety of products. There is no curiosity, there is no wine pool Lin, but there are more than these things are precious. In order to ensure the secrecy of the transaction, the cave is not allowed to have a little light, which is undoubtedly beneficial to his late childhood "Bat Son" Yuan SuiYun beneficial, but unfortunately, the matter was Chu LiuXiang found clues, so Hu TieHua Buddy came to the island, revealing the true face of Yuan SuiYun. Yuan SuiYun martial arts high, could kill Chu LiuXiang et al, but his lover Jin LingZhi like Hu TieHua, so to protect the crowd safe, Jin LingZhi design and Yuan SuiYun die, the weird bat island since then ceased to exist. Legend of Peach: There is a mysterious family martial arts, no one knows where they come from. They believe in a kind of gods and religions, the selected woman as a virgin, must be devoted to the family and religion, can no longer have a mortal life. Wanfu Wanshou Park coincides with the death of Aunt Jin, Hu TieHua drunk, Chu LiuXiang rescue Ai Qing. To thank Chu LiuXiang's rescue, Ai Qing and Chu LiuXiang met each other more and gave him 500 silver. At this point out of a female back rockery, named Zhang JieJie. Chu LiuXiang was assassinated by Ai Hong, sister of Ai Qing in the small shop. Three more hours, Chu LiuXiang Wanfu Wanshouyuan in the back garden to see Ai Qing is not, but Zhang JieJie. Zhang JieJie pointed him to Ai Qing's position and reminded him to pay attention to the earrings. Ai Qing wants to kill Chu LiuXiang, but heartbroken. A hand appeared in the window, Chu LiuXiang chased out and realized he was counting, returned to the house found Ai Qing disappeared, but also left a broken hand. Xia Qing decorated Zhang JieJie Chu LiuXiang frequently plot, Cheng Gong Tuo Po, Bo DanFu father and daughter, pub Lao BanNiang, have been Chu LiuXiang 11 resolved. Zhang JieJie With Chu LiuXiang Looking for the owner of the mysterious arm, Chu LiuXiang enters a high wall and enters the room of the girl, who acknowledges she is the behind-the-scenes assailant to Chu LiuXiang. Suddenly a burst of gong sound outside the room, the room was surrounded by Jin SiYe. Jin SiYe is Miss King's father, Chu LiuXiang said he is among other people's trap. Jin SiYe do not believe, and Chu LiuXiang fight, but can not help but Chu LiuXiang nothing. Jin SiYe admits that her daughter is about to die, and her illness can not be cured until she is married. Zhang JieJie accidentally left, Chu LiuXiang looking for unsuccessful.While Chu LiuXiang did not do anything, a Hei YiLaoYu appeared unexpectedly. When she learned of Chu LiuXiang's determination to find Zhang JieJie, she instructed Chu LiuXiang to seek out the altar in the cave. Chu LiuXiang was taken to the altar, where Hei YiLaoYu, who gave him advice, appeared here. At a crucial moment, Chu LiuXiang untied the acupuncture points and set off the mask of the goddess to teach the goddess, and found that the saint actually was his dream of Zhang JieJie. The original Hei YiLaoYu is the mother of Zhang JieJie, all the previous arrangements for her. According to the doctrine of Mai teach, as a saint Zhang JieJie no love the right to marry, in order to avoid his daughter embarked on the loneliness of the previous generation crazy old way, Hei YiLaoYu fancy Chu LiuXiang, step by step with the beauty "Please enter the urn" , Designed to love Chu LiuXiang and Zhang JieJie, and to allow Chu LiuXiang to remove the mask of God from the altar to gain the approval of the tribe. A month later, Zhang JieJie became pregnant. Chu LiuXiang decided to take the ladder in order to take his wife and children out of the dead cave. Chu LiuXiang's character is always most interested in fresh, dangerous and exciting things. Although he has given birth to Peach Blossoms, Chu LiuXiang's character has been repeatedly robbed. True love, false love, tenderness, net, all this make Chu LiuXiang difficult to extricate themselves. This time Chu LiuXiang is more like a "mortal" than a "hero." He talks about a real love. He is not only in love but even married and has offspring. "Peach Legend" peach, refers to a brilliant smile like peach Zhang JieJie, while metaphor Chu LiuXiang's peach blossom, and their love story peach robbery. The three levels of peach blossom images unfold in sequence, culminating respectively in Chu LiuXiang's euphoria and the last two deaths.

lucky person (TV)[2006]

Feature: One in today's fiery reality show variety show "lucky" in the story. Around the show, a group of young people associated with the program faced emotional struggles and life struggles in the space-time interwoven with the real world and the virtual world, thus deducing a true love story and a touching love story. The show will travel through both real and virtual worlds, so there will be real-world living space during the episode's 15-minute, 20-minute television show's "Fortune" show. The play is based on the "lucky" broadcast time, set a day, creating a feeling of synchronization. Our protagonist is Dai YuTong, a 25-year-old Latin dance teacher at an awkward age. She and game software designer Cho Young-You are lovers who are about to register for marriage. They would have been able to marry and have children peacefully without this "lucky" show. Dai YuTong saw Jiang HaiBin, who had a chance encounter a month earlier on the "luckiest" TV reality show, and also saw his shot in the trailer. This sudden change of television programs changed their life and destiny, and a chain reaction took place. First, she had a direct impact on her marriage to Zhao Youyou. On the one hand, Dai YuTong felt guilty about Zhao Youyou and felt perplexed at the same time. Zhao Youyou calm performance, secretly vowed to investigate this matter. In the "lucky" program, Jiang HaiBin won the ultimate decoration of "hunt her heart" by virtue of his honest and somewhat shy personality and thus won a set of one-room refined decoration commercial housing. He and his girlfriend Tang Jie decorate and enjoy the new home, it seems that he has forgotten about the girl he met on the show. Dai YuTong, two early in the new home began to enjoy the program broadcast, Tang Jie shouted, conceal excitement. Two lovers at the same time looking at this show, but the mood is the difference between heaven and earth. During the program's recording, Jiang HaiBin and three other group leaders, Chen XiaoYuan, Wang Zhendong, and a deaf girl, He JingJing, fought a fighting friendship. Although the recording was completed, everyone cherished this fate. Under the inspiration and organization of Wang Zhendong, they set up the "Starlight" choir in their spare time. Everyone rehearsed each other while rehearsing. Instead of singing, it was better to relieve stress and loneliness. Wang Zhendong is a music fan, home filled with vinyl records, but it is a fake expert. During the day to learn music arts academy ridiculed by classmates, now learn to sell now, teach Ge practice a few voices. Wang Zhendong in the "lucky" program is Jiang HaiBin's last opponent, he is hiding the marriage to participate in the program, wanted to and his father is the chairman of the wife Lv Wenyan divorce, did not think Lv Wenyan secretly helped the choir performance, we found Lv Wenyan Sincere and lovely, began to help Wang Zhendong and Lv Wenyan and finally, Wang Zhendong and Lu Wenyan eventually deduced the modern version of the first love story after marriage. In a secret investigation, Zhao Youyou met Tang Jie, the director of the game site. She decided to help Zhao Youyou to improve the game software that he designed and eventually sold the game software designed by Zhao Youyou. Zhao Youyou's career has also been a success, big selling software.Two pairs of lovers, with the program broadcast, the heart has stood the test and confused, began to subtle changes. Tang Jie decided to marry Zhao. Dai YuTong won the Latin Dance Championship with the help of Jiang HaiBin. Jiang HaiBin also wants to truly love Dai YuTong at this moment. He revealed his true thoughts to Tang Jie and did not expect that Dai YuTong did not readily agree with him. The "lucky" program is over, but the story is still going on.

Legend of Paladin (TV)[2005]

Feature: Legend of Paladin is a series of computer games distributed by China Taiwan Daewoo Information Co., Ltd. ("Daewoo Information" or "Daewoo"). Legend of the Immortal Sword In the ancient Chinese fairy demon ghost legend as the background to martial arts and Xian Xia as the theme, has so far issued eight single role-playing games, a derivative business simulation game, two online games, a social networking game and a Derived mobile phone game. The first series of works was released in July 1995, won numerous countless games awards on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and was praised by many players as "masterpieces of the world". "Paladin" series has now become a major IP brand in Daewoo, which has become a staple of manga, novels, dramas, stage shows, seiyuu and cards.

The new strange stories (TV)[2005]

Feature: The Strange Tales of Liao Zhai consists of the six most representative stories, including "Xiao Cui", "Lu Xiu", "Xiao Xie" and "Qiu Rong" and "Xiaoqian" of Qiu Rong, each with different characteristics and styles . Lu Pan replaced the storm, the scholar told the world to celestial officials, for justice. Ke Ke plays Xiao Man and Huang Xiaoming's scholar and doctor Bai Yang started a period of life and death, even if Xiao Man died into a ghost, Bai Yang also chased into the prefectural to meet with them. Painted Skin This is a story about the revenge of ghosts: Mei SanNiang and Chen ChuHui were killed by their beloved. On the evening of the marriage of her husband Wang AnXu and Ming XiaGongZhu, they became ghosts and came to life. Xiao Cui Ling fox gratitude, playfulness to defuse the crisis, crazy children, make laughter every day. The mother of Xiao Cui, a fox girl, repayed a benefactor Wang YuanZhi and married Xiao Cui with Wang YuanZhi, a silly boy, and a silly son, Wang YuanFeng, to deduce a funny and playful story. A Bao sincerely, stone open. About infatuated celebrities Sun ZiChu (Yuan Hong ornaments) love talented A Bao (Rainie Yang ornaments), the embodiment of the spirit of the birds convey love, finally got his wish story. Sun ZiChu, a veterinarian with six fingers in her left hand, treated Miss Zhao's A Bao's parrot and fell in love with A Bao at first sight. A Bao refused to petite Chai ShaoAn's relatives, evil looking for someone to A Bao curse so that it was "amnesia", depending on Chu as a stranger. Zi Chu touched A Bao with his true feelings every day, but was killed. A Bao died in love and Yan Wang let them return to earth. The final son Chu test to fame, a lover eventually get married. Xiao Xie Shusheng Chuang haunted house, coincidentally encountered two mischievous ghosts, experienced many ups and downs of life and death, took a romantic love story: TAE scholar Tao WangSan lived in a haunted house, met Huo Siyan played Qiu Rong, Hong Kong actor Downing plays Xiao Xie and other gangs of ghosts, but she and her become friends after being shocked. These ghosts helped Tao WangSan defeat the literary champion at the petitioning ceremony. Seeing Tao WangSan can marry Miss Fu, Xiao Xie fell in love with Tao WangSan. Xiaoqian takes you into a fantastic world and experiences a memorable love story: Nie XiaoQian wants to seduce Ning CaiChen's soul and unconsciously becomes a prisoner of love, but the Millennium Tree demon will not let them easily escape.

winter jasmine (TV)[2005]


"Spring Blossom" describes the Jiaodong Peninsula during the Liberation War. The wind is high and dark, the Shanhecun District Commissioner and the district chief are assassinated by the sneaked gangsters, and his wife Cao ChunMei 和 a 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 滔 Chun Chun Chun Chun Chun Chun Chun Chun Chun Chun Chun Chun Chun Chun Chun Chun Chun Chun Chun Chun Chun. Chun Mei's sister Chun Ling and her brother mourned to his brother-in-law before the grave. The struggle in Shanhe Village is very complicated. The dagger Wang HuaTang and others hide in the reeds to observe the village's every move, in the shadow of the joint village. Jiang DianRen , etc., intends to anti-communism. Wang Hao nephew Sun ChengZu falsely claimed to have sacrificed on the battlefield, lurking in the village to engage in sabotage, his wife Wang ZhuoZi was involved with Wang Hao, and he also attempted to seduce Zhang. Sun poses as a single-handed hero Jiang ShuiShan touches the genus Gui Hua ________________________________________ ______________________________________ __________ ____________________ 387592/"> Sun JunYing took the opportunity to instigate crowds, and her husband Jiang ZhongTing to " The deserter "identity returned to the village to engage in secret activities. All kinds of relationships are complicated. Chun Ling took the lead in mobilizing her fiancian RU Chung to join the army and cited everyone to respond. Although Chun Ling liked Shui Shan, it still contributed to the marriage of Shu Xian and Shui Shan.The sun dangles from the sun, the village of Shanhe covers an unknown cloud, and the enemy’s organization adds a professional killer Lao B as Wang Assistant, crazy assassination of Shanhe village. Lao B was first dressed as a young soldier and wanted to kill the new mayor Jiang ShuiShan. Because of Jiang's vigilance, he was forced to sneak into the village after posing as Sun JunYing's sister and killed Xuemei's father, Cao Zhende. The front situation is grim, and the rear enemy is rampant. The district committee allocated bullets to arm the female militiamen in the Shanhe village. They trained well in Shuishan, and they were heroic and brave. They held up half the sky. Ru Chun was seriously wounded in the fighting and was in danger. Chun Ling tearfully kissed her fiance. In order to cover her husband, Shu Xian also sacrificed his life. She suffered from sorrow without wanting to live. He led the military team and large forces to besiege Wang Hao, killing the deceitful opponent. Chun Ling finally wrote a letter to Shui Shan expressing his long-standing unforgettable attachment. Spring back to the earth, beautiful spring flowers bloom in the wilderness.


Knight line (TV)[2000]

Feature: The new version of the knight row solitary overseas knight Island, sent out every ten years to reward good and evil second came to the Central Plains, forcibly invited all major leaders in kailin to go to the island to drink Laba. All those who do not accept the invitation are all besieged by two to kill, and went to the head of Knight Island and a little beyond belief. Thirty years have passed, and the second to reproduce the arena of the day, Divine Wulin talk of change, people panic. The stray dog ​​hybrid (Jian Wu) was accidentally won by the Darksteel and was grabbed by the Yan Xiezhuo Xie YanKe (Batu). Nine years later, he was mistakenly mistreated by Changle gangster Bei HaiShi (You xun Tong) as a master stone (Jian Wu ornaments). Stone broken nature simple, honest and honest, the rivers and lakes sinister and unpredictable people unaware. Black and white Shuangxia jade and stone looks exactly the same, but flirtatious nature, mannerism, tongue-joking, due to tease the snow-capped mountains and head of the granddaughter, broke through the disaster, around the snow-capped mountains to kill. The same appearance of both of them is often confused, resulting in many misunderstandings and conflicts. Around the two surrounded by a group of beautiful girls of different temperament: rivers and lakes brave Ding BuSan's granddaughter tinkling, snow mountain head Bai ZiZai's granddaughter Axiu, Changle to help maid Shi Jian (Jiajia Deng), shadow art Huan HuanLeLe, they or gentle tenderness Roubaixing, or playful creativeness go its own way, or weird eccentric behavior, or snow smart clever insight, or dedication to heart secret. Boys and girls romance deeply trapped in careerists and conspirators of the trap, martial arts martial various vital interests and pure emotional entanglement, interpretation of the world of tragedy and comedy, love and hate, blood and tears, Life and death, in the end good good, bad evil, big fool is the original wisdom, dignity but into a humble, loss of the original is a blessing. With the nature of being pure and perfection, the male hero is not where it is, but can only begrudgingly ask: "Who am I?" Only won the true love, at the same time eventually solved the mystery of Knight Island, but I never know biological parents.

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