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Weimin Sun TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Weimin Sun Works 24 ,And Feature 13 ,Historical play 7 ,War 7 ,Suspense 2 ,Modern opera 1 ,抗战1 ,重大革命历史谍战剧1 ,革命历史1 ,Revolution 1 ,Modern legend 1 ,Reality show 1 ,Costume Drama 1 ,Action 1 。

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Weimin Sun Filmography(24)


外交风云 (TV)[2019]


该剧以新中国诞生为起点,以 Deng XiaoPing 访美及中英香港回归谈判为终点,主要记述 Mao ZeDong 、 Zhou EnLai 、 Deng XiaoPing 、 Chen Yi 等老一辈无产阶级革命家在新中国外交事业上的杰出贡献,他们以超高的外交战略思想,灵活的外交技巧,独有的外交风格,超人的天赋才华,为新中国赢得了巨大的荣誉和崇高的国际地位。该剧全方位展现了日内瓦会议、亚非会议、 Zhou EnLai 访非、恢复联合国席位等一系列波澜壮阔的外交史实,展现了新中国外交历程的艰难曲折 。

古田军号 (Movie)[2019]


庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年献礼影片。以一个红军 Xiao HaoShou 的视角,讲述了红军从井冈山突围到闽西期间,年轻的革命领袖带领年轻的红军,在绝境中探索真理,开辟了中国革命成功的非凡历程。


特赦1959 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《特赦1959》剧情介绍:讲述了1949年新中国成立,党中央指示将关押在全国各地的 Jiang JieShi 集团的高级战犯转入北京功德林集中关押。其中有国民党将领 Du YuMing 、 Wang YaoWu 、 Ceng KuoQing 、 Huang Wei 等人。起初他们对共产党的改造政策采取抗拒的态度。在改造和反改造的艰难博弈中,他们的灵魂在悄悄的发生着变化。毛主席肯定了国共合作期间国民党将领在抗日战场上的功绩。功德林的战犯如沐春风深受感动,开始主动交待自己的历史和罪行。1959年国庆前夕,共和国主席刘少奇发布了对 Jiang JieShi 集团和伪满洲国战争罪犯的特赦令。这一天, Du YuMing 、 Wang YaoWu 等人依次从共和国法官的手里接过了特赦书。这是一段脱胎换骨的经历,1949年被共产党在战场上打败,1959年被共产党在心灵上征服。


Battle Of Xiangjiang River (Movie)[2017]

Feature: From November 27 to December 1, 1934, the Central Red Army struggled for five days and nights in Xingan County, Quanzhou County and Guanyang County, Guangxi Province, on the upper reaches of the Xiangjiang River and finally crossed the Xiangjiang River between Quanzhou and Xing'an to break through The KMT's fourth blockade smashed Jiang Jieshi's attempt to surround and annihilate the Central Red Army to the east of the Xiangjiang River. However, it also paid an extremely heavy price for this. The number of people leaving the long march dropped from more than 80,000 to more than 30,000. The defeat in Xiangjiang directly led to the convening of the Zunyi Conference, reaffirmed Mao ZeDong's military strategy and established Mao ZeDong's leadership in the party and the Red Army.

Begonia still (TV)[2016]

Feature: According to Zhou Enlai, Zhou Enlai's niece, Zhou BingDe, "My Uncle Zhou EnLai," an adaptation of Zhou BingDe, who grew up at the prime minister's age and witnessed and heard many little-known and touching things about Zhou Enlai, including early Into the Zhongnanhai, West Flower Hall of the brothers and sisters, respect for the elderly is Zhou EnLai's family style, occupation selection criteria is to look at the needs of the country and other stories. Looking at Zhou EnLai from an ordinary perspective, Zhou EnLai saw Zhou EnLai's mission of "the rise of China" all his life. What he saw was that Zhou EnLai "spared no efforts and died" for the Chinese nation. It saw Zhou EnLai's lofty but Great "no-self" spirit; looking at Zhou EnLai from a family perspective will reveal his noble charisma. Si people passed away, Begonia still.

WhoisUndercover (Movie)[2014]

Feature: In 1946, in order to avoid civil war and strive for democratic peace, the Chinese Communist Party held an arduous negotiation with the Kuomintang and the U.S. representatives at Nanjing Meiyuan New Village on the basis of Comrade Zhou EnLai. An inadvertently lost notebook by Zhou EnLai alerted the U.S. five-star general Ma XieEr to putting gold agent Xiong XiangHui in danger. The CPC delegation in Nanjing is surrounded by plum trees, with eyeliner and stumps everywhere, each of whom is under close surveillance. Zhou EnLai quietly with each opponent for a thrilling game. Negotiating table, lips and tongue sword; street lane tail, heavy shadow. Ma XieEr, Jiang JieShi, Song MeiLing, He YingQin, Chen Cheng, Hu ZongNan and many other masters come on stage, concealed in the hidden murderous. Meiyuan female journalists confront Security Bureau female agents, rivals, smiles revealing the cold. Zhou EnLai Theater Bureau, a "Jiang Gan Pirates of the book" so that Ma XieEr suspicious. Hangzhou in distress, the crisis was unexpected. Heavy siege Plum Park, but could not stop the plum Park's heroics will be the truth of the civil war in the world. Laughter, Zhou EnLai strategizing, graceful, no matter where he went, he is the spotlight the first goal.

Legend of the last emperor (TV)[2014]

Feature: "The Last Emperor Legend" tells the story of the legendary and upheaval of the last emperor Ai Xinjueluo in China. From the Emperor to the Head of State, from the war criminals to the new citizens, after the Forbidden City's last glory, Emperor ", Japan was captured in the defeat of the Soviet Union for five years after its defeat, as an extradition for prisoners of warrant extradite obtained amnesty. The brightest and hopeful days of his life came, working and voting as an ordinary citizen, eventually bathed in the dawn of a new age, with a farewell to a new life & died. & Nbsp ;.

GuoHui (Movie)[2012]

Feature: In June 1949, the solemn voice of Beijing Xinhua radio broadcaster spread the news that the preparatory conference for the new CPPCC of China would like to seek the national emblem pattern and the opening speech of the national anthem throughout the country. The story begins. Architect Liang Sicheng Lin HuiYin, master of Chinese painting Zhang Ding, sculptor Gao Zhuang and others were involved in the design of the national emblem creation. The highly respected Zhu commander also contributed actively to the national emblem program, they carefully scrutinized and carefully polished Their own design, Premier Zhou (Sun Weimin ornaments) came to the office of the sixth group of CPPCC Preparatory Committee in busy schedule, personally and the leader Ma Xulun review, draft. Workers at Shenyang No.1 Machine Factory wrote a book of determination under the leadership of the chief Jiao Bai Shun and hoped that they could mold the national emblem. Clerk GU Zhong-ming with the determination to report to the leadership, has been affirmed and supported by the leadership. In Beijing, the design of the emblem design focused on two programs of Zhang Ding and Liang SiCheng, and they selflessly argued about whether to put Tiananmen into the national emblem. Late at night, Liang SiCheng couple is still discussing the emblem of the red gold decoration scheme. 1949 national day emblem did not hang on Tiananmen Square, all the designers into deep remorse. Shenyang Machine Factory workers also remember when the emblem Shashi design can be completed. Floating snow covered the land of the North, but also covered the Forbidden City in Beijing, Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou specifically guided the Tiananmen Square into the national emblem of the design, finalized by Liang SiCheng. Gu Zhongming brought back the good news that the first national machinery factory molded the national emblem. The workers were excited and heartily shouted the long live the new China. In the process of graphic design of the national emblem to the three-dimensional gypsum model, sculptor Gao Zhuang bravely revised and eventually shaped the three-dimensional gypsum plaster of the national emblem by overthrowing the final version of the culprit adopted at the highest-level meeting. At this time, the workers in Shenyang were risking the heat to cast the emblem into the hearth to clean the walls. Qi Youfu, a good but not good attorney, was frustrated by his failure to enter the research team, but did not affect his contribution to the national emblem. Heavy rain on the way to transport the national emblem wooden model, truck full of national emblem wooden mold into the mud, came to pick up the workers took off their clothes pad wheels, everyone naked launch of the mud truck together. Next, they brains to do the crucible, meticulously repair Sha-type, wind and sumptuous salad sand, do not eat or not to change the nozzle. When the first national emblem was successfully born, all those involved in the production were very much encouraged and excited.

Five-star red flag fluttering in the wind 2 (TV)[2012]

Feature: The "Five-Star Red Flag Fluttering in the Wind 2" tells the story of October 1, 1949, with Comrade Mao ZeDong's voice saying, "the Chinese people have stood up since then." The Chinese nation has regained its vitality and has stood tall in the world's forests of nations. The unprecedented history of the world's attention kicked off. In the early 1950s, to help North Korea and defend China's security, the Chinese People's Volunteers Army formally started the campaign of resisting U.S. imperialism and aid the DPRK. On July 16, 1960, Sino-Soviet relations broke down and the Soviet Union unilaterally detained 600 contracted countries with China and removed experts assisting China in all fields. On October 16, 1964, our country's first atomic bomb was successful. In January 1991, Ni Ke Song began his ice-breaking tour of China. On August 14, 1971, Mao ZeDong plans to start using Deng XiaoPing. On March 10, 1973, the CPC Central Committee issued a decision to resume Deng XiaoPing's position as vice premier of the State Council. On February 22, 1974, Mao ZeDong met with Zambian President Kaunda and proposed three theories of world division. On August 4, 1977, Deng Xiaoping, who went through three levels and three levels, re-elected as vice premier of the State Council. He first arrested the system of resuming the college entrance examination by pushing down the principle of "sixteen characters." At the same time, practice is the sole criterion for testing truth. Emancipating the mind and breaking through two cases of imprisonment and rehabilitating of unjust and false cases, a large number of veteran cadres re-entering the workforce, and the trend of reform sweeping over the vast land of China. On October 1, 1984, another 25-year-long National Day ceremony was staged again. Deng XiaoPing looked down at Tiananmen Square with a deep glance in the frame of a freeze on Tiananmen Square. He seems to recall the past scenes. At present, the continuous development of China's national strength and playing an increasingly important role in the international arena can not be separated from the contributions made by the older generation of revolutionaries such as Mao ZeDong, Zhou EnLai and Deng XiaoPing.

TheRoadOfExploring (Movie)[2011]

Feature: In 1918, the Chinese warlord separatism, chaotic clusters. Mao ZeDong, Xiao ZiSheng, Cai HeSen and a group of passionate Hunan youths came to Beijing with the ideal of saving the country and the people and preparing for going to work-study programs in France. Under the introduction of teacher Yang ChangJi, Mao ZeDong served as a temporary assistant manager at Peking University Library. Here he got acquainted with Li DaZhao, Chen DuXiu and others who are the centerpiece of the new cultural movement. For the first time, they came into contact with Marxism. Soon, His thoughts have entered a vast new world. In the northern winter, he and Yang KaiJi daughter Yang KaiHui heart, a pure and beautiful love quietly germination. Mao ZeDong gave up studying in France and said he wants to stay and study "China's problems." Returning to Changsha, Mao Zedong established his "Xiangjiang Review" with the support of the Xinmin Society and formed a massive patriotic movement in the wake of the May Fourth Movement and the alliance of all circles in Hunan. Mao ZeDong supported the Beijing Students Movement. Zhang Jingyao, governor of Hunan Province, turned his back and used violence to suppress the patriotic people. Mao ZeDong and other members of the Xinmin Society have liaised with members of all sectors of society and openly displayed the banner of "drive for expansion." Although the campaign of "expelling tension" has achieved a formal victory, it can not be fundamentally changed because there is no realistic solution to the reality of military corruption and bureaucratic confusion under the dictatorship and autocratic regime. Even if "Hunan Autonomy" is proposed, status quo. What is an effective way to save the country and save the people? Mao ZeDong is thinking hard. Reformism, anarchism, Marxism and various currents of thought confront members of the Xinmin Society, and their members have also gradually developed their own ideological fission. Finally, Tao SiYong, who advocated for education and saving the nation, chose to leave. Xiao Zisheng, who came back from France, became more faithful in anarchism. The radical Peng Huang ran into trouble. Mao ZeDong and He ShuHeng decided to embark on a journey to Shanghai to attend the "big one" of the CCP. . They are like the water of the Xiangjiang River billowing northward, bringing in the vast stream of history.

DaJieJu (Movie)[2011]

Feature: The "Grand Layout" commemorates the 90th anniversary of the Communist Party of China and the gift drama of the 40th anniversary of China's return to the United Nations. It narrates those soul-stirring dusty memories from 1969 to 1972 between China and the world. Much of the story of the streets and even the little-known secrets will be revealed in this film. Many of them are raiding military affairs such as the one million troops stationed on the island of Jumbo, and Mao Ze Dong and Nixon handshake history of the moment A Two-Way Perspective Focusing on the Historical Scene of U.S. Harmony Reappearing That Year "Let the Bullets Fly". The film will be shot in Beijing and Shanghai, and also went to the United States, France, Pakistan and other countries framing. It is reported that producers have been the United States Hollywood actor brokerage firm's strong support, foreign actors may also be involved.

LoveOnGallervBridge (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Love in the Covered Bridge recounts a poignant love story that took place in Shouning County, Fujian Province, home to the world's Culvert Bridge. A car accident pinned the only life in the town - North Road was a dead end, many performers died, the opera class teacher Lin Fu Kun disappeared, only the actress Yi Mei was crushed by her chef A Wang rescued, survived . Twenty years later, Yi Mei's childhood sweetheart, a member of the former troupe, suddenly returned home to paint and paint on the bridges. It evoke the memories of Yi Mei's past thoughts on his beloved Fu Kun. Although she is deeply loved by A Wang, she is hard-hearted to loathe with her eldest son, Fu Kun, and wander in reality and in the past. So she began to North Road drama as a carrier, in the town re-circulate. Fu Kun finally appeared, but died; the longevity for her happiness, also choose to stay away from her life. She eventually married A Wang, and her memories of the past years continued in the North Road drama sung by children.

BeyondScaredStraight (TV)[2011]

Feature: TV series "The East" stills On October 1, 1949, this is the first calendar in the history of new China, Mao ZeDong in the Tiananmen Square watch tower to the world announced the establishment of the People's Republic of China. Four hours later, the Soviet Union first recognized the People's Republic of China and severed diplomatic relations with the Kuomintang government. In succession, some Eastern European countries also recognize that the People's Republic of China is a legitimate government and that the new China will stand on the world stage with a brand new look. Standing on the Tiananmen Square, Mao Ze Dong stood up in the sky with an upsurge of heavens. The Chinese Communist Party armed with Marxism-Leninism will certainly accomplish the glorious mission that history has given him and will certainly find a socialist road with Chinese characteristics so that An ancient nation stands in the forest of peoples of the world and lets China stand in the east of the world. In 1949, there was not enough liberation and even more than half of China's military liberation. China, on the other hand, was experiencing a crushing economic crisis. One of the most profound oppression in China has come to the brink of collapse. Politics In the various forms that the domestic bourgeoisie and reactionary forces have united to suppress the newborn red regime, the imperialists and the reactionaries have challenged the just-ruling Communist Party in China. The imperialist prophets in Shanghai said that the Communist Party was not out in three months The red came in and out, they hoarding, driving up prices, making rumors, moving riots. Using the Marxist-Leninist theory and decades of experience in domestic struggle, Mao ZeDong and other first-generation leaders made insight into the situation. On the one hand, they actively deployed their domestic military struggles and, on the other hand, conducted a "battle of Huai Hai" in Greater Shanghai on the economic front. The new China that was just born was also a new topic for the Chinese Communists. The Soviet Foreign Ministry issued an invitation to Mao ZeDong to celebrate the 70th birthday of Si DaLin and the Chinese Foreign Ministry issued a note to the Soviet Union, the Chinese government agreed to attend. When the imperialist reactionaries learned that Mao Zendong was going abroad, a concerted battle was launched. With the careful arrangements of other comrades Zhou EnLai, the plot of the enemy was smashed and Mao ZeDong successfully arrived in the Soviet Union. After Mao ZeDong arrived in the Soviet Union, Mao Zedong received a warm welcome and thoughtful reception from the Central Party Central Committee headed by Comrade Si DaLin. During the Soviet Union, Mao ZeDong, apart from conducting various negotiations and meetings, managed non-stop all manner of domestic affairs and worked day and night with all due consideration and determination to win over thousands of miles. Mao ZeDong directed four fields to attack Hainan in the Si DaLin villa of the Soviet Union; approved the plan for the peaceful liberation of Tibet; and controlled Shanghai's economic struggle. The performance of Mao ZeDong leader of the style. During his visit to the Soviet Union, Mao ZeDong repeatedly met with the top leaders of the CPSU, won the dignity of New China and won the international space for the construction of New China. After Mao ZeDong returned to China, the situation in New China is still grim, the counterrevolutionaries can not be reconciled to failure, the counterrevolutionary riots in many places and the suppression of counterrevolution by the Central Government. June 1950 North Korea war broke out. The situation in the world suddenly changed. The situation in the Taiwan Strait also experienced a crisis. The United States sent the Seventh Fleet to the Taiwan Strait. The new China in the cradle was surrounded by the bourgeoisie and imperialism.A very severe test was placed before Mao ZeDong and the Chinese Communists, in the face of the newly established nation, overcoming a so-called "United Nations" army and requiring too much, but Mao ZeDong knew that he was the first What is needed is the courage to dare to defeat any enemy without being overcome by the enemy. Mao ZeDong decided to send troops. A generation of military personnel have invited one after another, hundreds of thousands of troops together to the northeast, a nation is still in its infancy to assume the mission of safeguarding justice and peace, fully demonstrated the Chinese people's dignity, Mao ZeDong also show courage and courage . The Chinese People's Volunteers conducted an arduous war in North Korea. Various domestic reactionary forces were rampant. The bourgeois ideology in the party was breeding and spreading. The imperialist prophets made a speech and the CPC was unable to build a new China. Mao ZeDong decisively decided to shoot Liu QingShan, Zhang ZiShan. Clean up the body of the party. May 1, 1951 Mao ZeDong met with Tibet representative at Tiananmen Square and announced the peaceful liberation of Tibet. At this point, China is completely liberated except Taiwan. 1953 Korean Armistice. As early as the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central People's Congress decided to formulate a new constitution, Mao ZeDong took a writing team to Hangzhou and drafted the constitution. Preparation for the First National People's Congress. The calendar of the Republic was turning hard. Mao ZeDong walked the land of New China. He went down the Huaihe River, went to the Yellow River, crossed the Yangtze River, went to factories and visited peasants. To make every effort to find a socialist road, make every effort to spare no effort. In the development of the socialist cause and in the building of the armed forces, there has been a very good situation. The Chinese People's Liberation Army has adopted the rank system. Mao ZeDong has given the title to the ten marshal. The Chinese People's Liberation Army strides forward in the process of modernization. Mao ZeDong came to the Soviet Union for the second time in 1957. Participate in the World Congress of the Communist Party and Workers' Party. The Chinese delegation's gift to the General Assembly is: China's first five-year plan model, which shocked the world. Mao ZeDong met Chinese students in Moscow and uttered ancient words: the world is yours and ours, but in the final analysis it is yours, young people, thriving and prosperous, like the sun at eight or nine in the morning , I hope pinned on you. New China, such as a red-hot day out.

Five-star red flag fluttering in the wind (TV)[2011]

Feature: October 16, 1964, China's first atomic bomb in the Lop Nur Mo cloud clouds, the world was shocked; June 17, 1967, is again in Lop Nor, the sky appeared two sun, one of the sun is China Made in the East a loud noise, hydrogen snapping in front of the French; April 23, 1970, dragon flying, a dragon ball travel in space, China's satellite Dongfanghong the "Oriental Red" music sing The universe This is China's two bombs and one satellite. Based on historical facts, the play shows a little-known history in all aspects: the leaders of the older generation such as Mao ZeDong, Zhou Enlai and Nie RongZhen strategists, wise decision-making, Qian XueSen, Deng JiaXian and other outstanding scientists in the extremely difficult Under the conditions, independent research and development of two bombs and one satellite, creating the Chinese nation standing in the east of the world abundance of Albert & nbsp ;.

Battle of Nanjing (TV)[2010]

Feature: "Decisive Battle in Nanjing" tells the story of the Nanjing Battle that took place between August 1945 and April 1949 during the Anti-Japanese War. Liang YiTong, chief of staff of the new two divisions, accepted the special mission of the organization and concealed his wife Gao LiangHua's infiltration into the Kuomintang's undercover. In order to gain the trust of the Kuomintang, Liang YiTong, engaged in bitter fighting and bitter humiliation, engaged himself with Yang ZiYue, the female military general of the commander in chief of the garrison of the capital, secretly cooperated with the new secretary of the Nanjing underground to carry out underground work, including the revolt of the anti-B-24 bombing crew, Kuomintang naval warship "Chongqing" uprising, Jiang JieShi Guards of the Imperial Guard capital of the uprising, as well as the organization of students, the Workers' Movement, the rescue of political prisoners, to defend the city of Nanjing, for the victory of the Dujiang Campaign and the liberation of Nanjing has played a crucial role . In order to protect the anti-ferry anti-war map Jiang Yi, Liang YiTong gave his precious life.

WhoRulesOverTheDestinyOfChina (Movie)[2009]

Feature: "Who Domineering" adopts the comparative structure of the two Supreme Commandments of the CPC and the Kuomintang in the historic battle of fate of China, and refined and sublimated the theme of "the rise of popular confidence toward backwardness" in a relatively panoramic narrative way of pursuit of morality and philosophy , To show a picture of history ... ... "Who is the main ups and downs" is an epic style with the main theme of the film. "Who is the main ups and downs" in the context of the three campaigns, New Year's Day in 1949 as the starting point to create Mao ZeDong image as the center, the art center to select the CPC Central Committee during the Xibaipo period of important historical events, Mao ZeDong concentrated reflection of the people Incomparably affectionate ... Through the comparison of the two camps, it shows the unity, wisdom and determination of the Chinese Communist Party and the liberation of all of China and the helplessness and frustration of Jiang Jieshi Shi ... Multi-dimensional manifestation of Xibaipo Years, Mao ZeDong and other leaders calmly and diligently guided the three battles in an arduous environment, sympathized their feelings and made all preparations for building a new China ... Interpreting why Mao ZeDong put forward "two A must-thinking "deep thinking ... ..." Who is the ups and downs, "vividly portray Mao ZeDong vision, the decisive battle of the courageous ...

Dongfanghong 1949 (Movie)[2009]

Feature: Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Ren Bishi and other embankment down from. Ordinary people, both men, women and children, have embraced it. Zhang Xuan guard anxious around in front of Mao Zedong push the crowd. Mao Zedong stared at Zhang Xu, Zhang Xu reluctantly flashed to the side.

West wind fierce (TV)[2008]

Feature: Late Warring States, Qin Zhao Zhengfeng, duel confrontation, war to Changping, Qin unified world at a dawn. The play from the thrilling and Bi Bi complete home to start, launched Lin XiangRu. Through the attack on the stone city lead Bai Qi. Later, Chi Chi Chi Chi, phase, such as worship, Lian Po "negative Jing invited." Qin LinRu Qin mission, Zhao won the country a chance to recuperate. Zhao Kuo speaks very eloquently, favored by the Prince, his father Zhao She deep hidden, 阏 and beat the Qin army world famous. Qin ZhaoXiangWang dominated the world and abandoned his mother Wei Wei Ran phase, thanks to Fan Ju for the phase, the near success has been repeatedly successful. Qin defeated the party, Lian Po refused to keep the Qin army dilemma. So Fan Ju bought Miaoxing Yin, with the anti-meter so that the king of the king changed hands, enabled the talk of military law, no practical experience Zhao Kuo. Bai Qi divides and wiped out Zhao Kuo, killing over 400,000 Zhao prisoners of war overnight. Zhao shocked, though Lin XiangRu was called to stand up, so that the Soviet Union lobbying Fan Ju, Chi back Qin Bing. Bai Qi triumph, angry and go. After the king awakened and sent troops to attack Zhao, Zhao has become a general public, vowing to keep the capital. Qin teacher long offensive, Bai Qi refused to lead the army, combined with Fan Ju and Chu Ji 谗 言, Qin Wang furious, resulting in Bai Qi hate death. Lin XiangRu and Lian Po unity, Qin defeated, Handan victory. Chang-ping battle, the collapse of the strength of the state of Zhao, strength was injured, Handan defeat Although the victory, but clearly aware of the unification of the Qin trend irresistible, if not expected, twenty-seven years later, Six countries, finally completed ancestral Qin ZhaoXiangWang dominate the world's long-cherished wish!

Prairie spring come early (TV)[2006]

Feature: Stills After the "September 18 Incident" broke out in 1931, 12 Kwan Imjin military forces launched the "evil plan to conquer China and will conquer Manchuria." They wanted to split Manchuria from China and establish 12 puppets manipulated by them. regime. The Japanese spy lurking in Sunett Right Banner, Inner Mongolia, started to stir up fire at the flag king, Demutzkomudupu. At the same time, Wang RuoFei, secretary of the Northwest Special Committee of the CPC, came to Inner Mongolia to meet with Wu LanFu (Hui WangFu), CPC's Simon Work Committee, and instructed the Inner Mongolian Communist Party to mobilize the Mongolian and Chinese people, establish armed forces and smash Japanese imperialism Conspiracy. KMT officers and men received intelligence and arrested Wang RuoFei. Yunze and other comrades tried every means to rescue Wang RuoFei and Yunze alone to break through the tiger's lair. When they met General Suzu Governor Fu ZuoYi and Xiaochuan National Victories, they finally explained Fu ZuoYi, rejected He YingQin's order to escort Wang RuoFei to Peking, secretly protected Up De Wang (Xiu Qing ornaments) went to Nanjing to attend the Mongolian Assembly, proposing the "Inner Mongolian Autonomy," the main strength, was Jiang JieShi's refusal. Renaissance agency special agent Dai Quan placed inside the side of De Wang. Yun Shih-tseh met secretly with Zhu ShiFu, an underground party member of De Wang's security team, and instructed him to develop underground party organizations, keep the team in our hands and transform the Mongol anti-Japanese armed forces. De Wang's cronies have a suspicion of cloud Ze, intends to arrest, under the cover of Zhu ShiFu et al, cloud Ze escape from danger. After De Wang hit a wall in Nanjing, the Japanese Kwantung Army stepped up its pulling of him. Japan's special agent Soil and Natural Element II came to Su Qi, secretly supported him to engage Inner Mongolia independence and autonomy, Pu Yi second alone. Soon, De Wang and other Inner Mongolia princes organized an independent "self-government in Mongolia" government in the Temple of the Brahmin and were severely challenged by the Kuomintang government and Fu ZuoYi army. De Wang sent someone to the Japanese Consulate in Peiping for help and was shot dead by Dai Quan. De Wang completely relied on Japanese imperialism, met the Kwantung Army commander, planning independence in Inner Mongolia. Cloud Ze went to the temple, regardless of personal safety, see De Wang, discouraged him not to split the country, endangering the interests of the people of Mongolia. Discouraged invalid, cloud Ze also urgently met with underground members of De Wang's security team, planning armed riots, the security team away from the temple. Insurgency wind leaks, De Wang anxious to the palace cheongsam robber team attacking the security team. The Uprising was held in advance and the stubborn De Wang officers and men were withdrawn from the Brahmin Temple to meet with the troops of Fu ZuoYi and defeat the robe's offensive. Hui Wang De Wang formed the pro-Japanese pseudo-regime "Mongolian military government." He secretly believed, sneaked into the uprising security team, curse the soldiers mutiny, killed the uprising leader Yun Jiguang. Yunze arrived in time and saved the team with the help of Fu ZuoYi and later reorganized as the "Mengqi Independence Brigade," Yun Chak, and other Communists in which they hold the post to change the team to war, Mongol anti-Japanese armed forces controlled by the party. Soon after the Long March of the Red Army arrived in Yan'an, Chairman Mao ZeDong drafted the important document "Declaration of the Inner Mongolian People's Declaration on the Inner Mongolia Issue" of the Central Party Committee, and on other occasions sent representatives to meet with Fu ZuoYi and called for a common anti-Japanese war. In November 1936, Fu ZuoYi launched the battle of Hongge Er Tuo and the Temple of the Bailingling and hit the puppet army. Soon, the two parties cooperate with each other to jointly fight the Japanese invasion force.The Japanese aggressively attacked Sui and Baotou, and the Mongolian Independent Brigade was put into a defensive war. Under the command of Yun Ze and others, the cavalry and artillery were cleverly used and the loss suffered by the Japanese and puppet troops was tragically heavy. . In the spring of 1938, Chairman Mao ZeDong summoned Yunze and other comrades in Yan'an, pointing out the only way for the Mongolian nation to move toward liberation. The Central Party Committee also dispatched the Eighth Route Army to advance into Inner Mongolia and established Daqingshan Anti-Japanese Base. The Japanese and De Wang, in order to deceive the majority of Mongolian people, the secret plan to move Genghis Khan Ling Sui. They sent a special operations group, sneaked into Erdos intend to rob, destroyed the Japan Special Operations Group. After that, under the cooperation of the Party Central Committee and the Kuomintang government, Genghis Khan Ling successfully moved to Qinghai to protect it. In 1941, the membership of Yunze was exposed and Hu Zongnan ordered him to die on the spot. Under the arrangement of the party organization, Zeyun out of danger, leaving the new three divisions, went to Yan'an. Yunze served in Yanan Education Minister of the Nationalities Institute, and later at the Central Party School, in 1945 elected to the Central Committee of the CPC Central Committee member. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Yunze was ordered to return to Inner Mongolia and engage in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Movement under the leadership of our party. He Long, Nie RongZhen Headed by troops from Fu ZuoYi and Gui Sui, Baotou fought a fierce battle for strategic importance in Inner Mongolia. De Wang took the advantage of the turmoil that followed Japan's surrender and once again planned the independence of Inner Mongolia. They sent their cronies to set up an "interim government of the People's Republic of China" in Suqi. The Central Committee of the CPC sent Yunze to handle it. With great courage and high political wisdom, Yunze successfully solved the "interim government" in the face of the Soviet Red Army who backed the "interim government" and did not need a single shot. In November 1945, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Movement Federation was founded and Yun Ze was the chairman. Under his leadership, the UNITA unite with the East Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party and gave up their mistaken ideas of "internal and external merger of Mongolia and Mongolia" and completed the unification of East and West. Jiang Jieshi, dissatisfied with the situation in Inner Mongolia, sent regular Kuomintang troops to join local rebels and rebel priests to attack the "Federation" in the grassland base and sow ethnic contradictions. On the one hand, Yunze formed a cavalry force and engaged in armed struggle with the enemy. On the one hand, deepening the masses' democratic reforms with the vast herds of peasants and herdsmen came to a marvelous situation. With the support of the CPC Central Committee, the Autonomous Government of Inner Mongolia in 1947 May 1 was formally established, since the history of Inner Mongolia opened a new page, and set a example for the ethnic autonomy after the founding of New China.

Anti-Japanese star Zuo Quan (Movie)[2005]

Feature: A red army like the heyday of the sea attack the west. Zuoquan ordered dark before won, the Red Army officers and soldiers to control. The power of leftist enlightens the nation to awaken the rule of ethics, and makes its own rule that Zhang Li vows no longer to be the enemy of the Red Army. The Red Army stationed in Haiyuan and the cavalry six division signed an armistice agreement, the two armies will pull songs and rave reviews. Since the "leftist" issue has not yet been concluded for a long time, he just acts as acting chief of the armed forces and hopes the Armistice Agreement will be signed by political commissar Nie RongZhen. Nie RongZhen urged the old comrades-in-arms to put aside their burden and boldly fulfill the bounden duty of the military chief officer. Ordered the Northeast Army cavalry six divisions through the Red Army Rescue Ma Jiajun, left to play a fake battle to help solve the problem. Zuoquan authorized the west to launch the Kuomintang army 78 division commander. Kuomintang Defense Department Ginseng quoted Guo Zuoyin counter-surrender Zuo Quan, Zuo Quan expelled from the gate. The Red Army unexpectedly encircled Ding Delong's 78th Division, Ding Delong nauseated. Zuoquan reminds Yang DeZhi not to blindly fight hard and hard to teach him to do a "mountain wolf." They spotted Ding DeLong's vital part and bitten a bite. The Red Army annihilated 78 divisions . . The Central Government instructed the Zuochuan Fire Department to assist the Xi'an defenders in attacking the pro-Japanese offensive. Xi'an City Commander, Zuo Quan to help plan to stick to urban defense programs.

Rose (TV)[2005]

Feature: Stills In 1932, in Hongkou Park in Shanghai, the "Tianchang Club" celebration of the birth of the Emperor of Japan will be held. A group of anti-Japanese martyrs plotted rallies for the national cause and avenged the souls and souls who died. "The bird is a cloud, the cloud is a bird," Su Xue, a popular singer at the Golden Phoenix Night Club, has always been dismissive of the ladylike or the little jasper. Su Xue believes that the red-haired girl on the beach is not "pheasant" but "Swan", so she is positioned for themselves. Outside the Golden Phoenix nightclub, a young man removed the necklace from Su Xue's neck. The handsome young man who disguises himself as a man is Jiang YuDie, a frequent guest of Golden Phoenix Night Club, who is known as "The Woman Theft Man" in rivers and lakes. Inspector Si TuJun happened to see this scene, but he stopped it, because his attention was drawn to Ling XiaoYu, a pretty, quiet and elegant man. Ling XiaoYu tonight to come to this place does not get involved, is to help her lover, Shanghai's "Top Ten" reputation; on the beach famous anti-Japanese non-governmental organization "Jagged" He YunXiang take an important Underground organization exchange token. Stills (2) The three women who despised each other at the outset were caught in Japan's gendarmerie and suffered the most traumatic injury to women, starting to comfort each other, taking care of and helping each other. In the face of the Japanese military police force, they were saddened by the fact that a group of people were gradually narrowed down because of their common ideals, feelings and actions, and completed the task of national righteousness with their enemies. Inspector Si TuJun with the wit and fearlessly resolved the crisis many times to help Yunxiang and so out of the woods, from being excluded to gain the trust from passive involvement in order to ensure the success of the operation and calmly go to death, bound to a bomb rushed to the enemy , Completed the magnificent life of a bloody man. He YunXiang with the Japanese in the day before the "festival of the day". Yunxiang knew that only if he died in the eyes of the Japanese spy, the Japanese would not change the pass and the layout of the venue for the "day long" the next day. Only Stuart and others could successfully accomplish the task. Since the phrase had taken the idea of ​​killing Japan with Japanese people, it has gradually struggled from the perimeter of individual revenge, doing more meaningful things, completing tasks on many occasions, and eventually falling under the Japanese gun. When Uchida kidnapped the Japanese, she recognized Jie ChengJing, the brother of the gendarmerie who concealed her identity, learned about each other's real identity and eliminated misunderstanding. Jie ChengJing personally killed the rain butterflies in order not to expose their identities and expose their tiger's sister to being tortured by inhuman people. One day later, Jie ChengJing, using his gendarmerie's identity, took a bomb with a bomb to the VIP booth and detonated a bomb. Su Xue knows Yunxiang belongs to Ling XiaoYu, but Su Xue thinks he has enough love. Su Xue finally escaped in the cover under Stuart Jun hunt, drifting away with thoughts of friends.

Green sun red (TV)[2005]

Feature: The story took place in a village on the northeast plains of the modern rural chicken meadow. The old storyteller Liu MaoFu (Wang Yuxiao ornaments) is about to retire, the branch secretary candidates become all villagers and rural cadres focus. After village leaders Mi Liang (李玉峰)) and Qu YuanBao (Lu Yujie)) and others were in no avalanche, Gu Yu (Xiaoyi Chen), a peasant woman, was elected. Surprise than the crowd, but also inevitably worried about her woman is not stubble, hen is not crowed, a woman as village head, OK? Gu Yu's idea is very simple, she is to solve the problem of selling food around the farmers. She humbly accepted the opinion of intellectual Xia ShiPeng (Wang Yu ornaments), learning "thinking about agriculture with industrial thinking." She decided to run the factory and engage in deep processing of corn. Gu Yu borrowed a bank loan from a village tree and started a citric acid plant. However, this piece of woods is the home of Ji Ming, and is the spiritual home of some elderly people such as Liu Mao Fu. With the appearance of a series of problems such as test failure, unsalable products and frequent accidents, the villagers did not understand the development from Gu Yu to the behavior contradiction, the marriage was in danger of collapse, the factory was on the horizon and villagers did not understand it. Gu Yu was under multiple pressures Under hard to persevere. However, the strong Gu Yu is still over, citric acid plant production and marketing on the right track, Gu Yu has further plans for the development.

Great to enter the south line chase the F (Movie)[1997]

Feature: In April 1949, Commander-in-Chief Zhu De and Chairman Mao ZeDong issued an order to the Chinese People's Liberation Army to march across the country. The Fourth Field Army and the Second Field Army, according to Mao ZeDong's "long-range, large-scale and circuitous siege" , With the courageous spirit of "should win victories and chase poor poachers", launched a comprehensive chase and annihilation campaign against the Kuomintang troops dominated by Bai ChongXi and Guihua warlords in Hunan, Guangdong and Guangxi. Our army divides into three routes southward. The first route is comprised of twelve corps, which is equal to Changsha. The second route consists of the Second Yejini Corps, the Shinohoi 15 Corps and the two columns of Guangdong and Guangxi. The main line is the Hunan-Jiangxi Campaign. The third route, , Launched the western Hubei campaign. At a time when the midsummer rainy season, hot summer heat coupled with tremendous heat stroke caused by trekking, extreme fatigue and acclimatization, the outbreak of the disease poses a great threat to the army. Bai ChongXi used to be cunning and changeable. He used our advanced contingents to take adventures and laid ambushes to ambush our front units. In accordance with the strategic deployment of the Central Military Commission, our army promptly sum up experiences and lessons, and the three major armies cooperate with each other to prevent the enemy from escaping from the south and channeling westwards. After a series of large scale operations such as "Hengbao Campaign", "Yangjiang Campaign" and "Guangxi Campaign" Fighting operations and a strong political disintegration. The People's Liberation Army liberated Changsha peacefully and returned Central South China regions such as Hunan, Guangdong and Guangxi to the people's arms. After more than eight months, it has annihilated more than 300,000 enemy troops and wiped out the southern line of the "Gui-line" military group, the most powerful combatant force of the Kuomintang. It is a glorious chapter in the history of the PLA's war. Our army officers and soldiers eat bitter, resistant to labor, followed the heroic sacrifice of the worthy of people forever miss and reverence. & nbsp;

Big turning point (Movie)[1997]

Feature: In 1981, the 81 film production company described the Chinese revolution in crisis at 1947. In order to smash the Kuomintang troops in northern Shaanxi and the liberated areas in Shandong, the war situation was reversed and the Yellow River crossed the South to advance into the Dabie Mountains. In an extremely difficult war environment, The strategic intent of the Central Government was fulfilled so that the situation in the liberation war took a fundamental turn and the People's Liberation Army advanced into the stage of strategic offensive in advance. On March 18, 1947, the Kuomintang troops occupied Yan'an, the seat of the CPC Central Committee's government, and the Chinese revolution was at a critical juncture. In order to crush the Kuomintang army's key offensive to the unprecedented scale in northern Shaanxi and Shandong and to reverse the war situation and from a strategic height, it proposed that the war should be directed toward Liu Deng and the three great forces to form a strategic pattern of "goods" A little Central Plains, completely changed the strategic situation between the enemy and ourselves, and took a firm and crucial step toward winning the national victory. In order to realize this strategic thinking, they crossed the Yellow River in the south and fought battles with their enemies and won successively the battles of Dingtao and Liuying. Then, capture the enemy mountain guarded Yangshan set. At this moment, the rather unpleasant Kuomintang authorities mobilized an army of 350,000 troops to rush to Yangshan for a day-to-day trip and attempted to use our local contingency storm surge to attack our army. In the face of serious hostility, water conditions and the telegram "The situation in northern Shaanxi is very difficult" sent by the Party Central Committee, Liu Dengtu decided to go south immediately without hesitation. In continuous combat and exhaustion, the troops braved the Kuomintang troops to chase after the Yellow River floodplain, crossing the Ruhe River and the Huaihe River, and marched heroically to reach their destination. In the Dabie Mountains, our army not only fought with the Kuomintang troops, comforted and helped the masses who had been retaliated by the remnants of the Kuomintang in support of the revolution, but also waged untiring struggles with the wrong ideas in the revolutionary ranks. In a very difficult war environment, Liu BoCheng showed mutual trust and mutual support, leaving the danger to himself and giving hope to each other, showing his extremely sincere and precious friendship with his comrades. In the Dabie Mountains, it experienced an extremely difficult and unforgettable years of fighting. In the end, with the cost of nearly half the casualties, it realized the strategic intent of the Central Government and fundamentally changed the situation in the liberation war. The People's Liberation Army advanced into a strategic offensive in advance.

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