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Lei Feng TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Lei Feng Works 44 ,And Feature 16 ,Romance 12 ,Urban drama 6 ,Costume Drama 6 ,Love 5 ,Family drama 4 ,Historical play 4 ,Modern opera 3 ,Comedy 3 ,Suspense 2 ,Motivational film 2 ,Year 2 ,年代剧2 ,Biopic 2 ,近代传奇剧1 ,Republic of China 1 ,Action 1 ,Contemporary film 1 ,Drama 1 ,Love drama 1 ,生活1 ,Disaster 1 ,Ethical play 1 ,娱乐圈1 ,Revolution 1 ,War 1 ,都市情感大戏1 ,婚恋家庭1 ,怀旧1 ,婆媳大战1 ,Contemporary 1 ,Anti-corruption 1 ,检察1 ,Spy war 1 。

Works Index

Lei Feng Filmography(44)


还没爱够 (TV)[2020]


30岁的普通职员姜小汐面临公司裁员,与解聘专家 Chen Jiong 斗智斗勇落了下风,丢了工作,与 Chen Jiong 结成冤家。被女友逼婚的 Chen Jiong 和跟男友吵架的姜小汐在泰国偶遇, Chen Jiong 阴差阳错下海救了姜小汐,两人关系缓和。姜小汐因为男友汪洋感情出轨分手,被母亲逼看心理医生巧遇 Chen Jiong ,后得知 Chen Jiong 恐婚。 Chen Jiong 在订婚仪式上病发,小雨得知实情与 Chen Jiong 分手, Chen Jiong 和姜小汐合租,二人感情升温。在姜小汐和父亲陈非的提点下 Chen Jiong 终于意识到自己不是恐婚,而是对前女友们爱得不够深。 Chen Jiong 开始正视自己,姜小汐也终于不再放任自己,找到了喜欢的新工作,努力帮助遇到困难的亲朋好友, Chen Jiong 在姜小汐的感染下也不再每天虚伪过活,开始为别人着想。一切都往好的方向发展, Chen Jiong 深爱了姜小汐,努力追求姜小汐,二人终于许下了相守一生的誓言 。

阳光之下 (TV)[2020]




天衣无缝 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《天衣无缝》又名《猎谍者》剧情介绍:讲述了1931年春天,中共中央在上海、广东大浦、哈尔滨等城市建立了红色交通站,交通站直属中央交通局。红色特工“烟缸”与“青瓷”一组人马试图在西欧建立一条地下新航线,建立秘密仓库,护送中共中央重要物资及护送地下党重要情报人员抵达目的地。“巴黎”临时红色交通站遭到叛徒出卖,“烟缸” Gui Wan 牺牲,小组成员一一被设计清换。 Gui Wan 同父异母的弟弟 Zi LiPing 精心策划了一个复仇大计,设局引其兄 Gui Yi 入局,借 Gui Yi 之力破解谜团,真正的“叛谍”浮出水面,兄弟同心铲除叛徒,重建红色交通站。生死迷局一旦揭晓,石破天惊 。

少年派 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《少年派》剧情介绍:讲述了精灵活泼的少女 Lin MiaoMiao 中考超常发挥,意外考入重点高中,妈妈 Wang ShengNan 扬眉吐气。高一住校,挣脱妈妈掌控的 Lin MiaoMiao 如鱼得水,结交了三个好友,校花 Deng XiaoQi 、学霸 Qian SanYi 和 Jiang TianHao ,成为校园广播站主播,俨然“人生赢家”。学神如云,林妙秒成绩惨遭碾压,面对来自“我儿子成绩全市第一”的 Pei Yin 的正面暴击, Wang ShengNan 的斗志被全面点燃,开启陪读生活。冤家路窄,竟和 Pei Yin 家成了邻居。王裴二人冲突不断升级,却因婚姻问题惺惺相惜,成了闺蜜。高三来临, Lin MiaoMiao 经历了父母感情的震荡, Qian SanYi 隐忍着父母的貌合神离, Jiang TianHao 突遭家庭破产, Deng XiaoQi 因为妈妈的秘密被曝光跌入谷底。少年们桀骜不驯,迎着阳光、风雨,如春草般蓬勃生长。高考结束,少年各奔前程,内心充满伤感及对未来的期待。四个家庭经历波折,找到了各自的方向,收获着动人的成长。

筑梦情缘 (TV)[2019]


二十世纪二十年代初,军阀割据民生凋敝,乱世中 Shao NianShenQiNan 一家忽遭飞来横祸。父亲因无意间卷入走私阴谋而被杀害,母亲在逃亡中蒙难,兄妹四人历经艰险逃到上海却不幸离散。多年后,长 Da Cheng 人的兄妹四人在经过一番遭际之后重逢。时逢乱世,内忧外患,在绝望中经历层层考验的 Shen QiNan 逐渐成长起来,在爱和信仰的影响下,成长为上海滩有名的建造师。在短暂的上海大开发时期,在寸土寸金的黄浦江边, Shen QiNan 以匠心为本,怀揣理想以民为先。他为改造棚户区的居住环境而不懈努力,为建造廉租房而鞠躬尽瘁。经过火与血的洗礼, Shen QiNan 立志为备受战乱之苦的平民百姓建造牢固而温暖的家。侵华战争开始,国难当头, Shen QiNan 心怀家国大义,及时揭发了军事防御工事中偷工减料的问题,阻止了战争中更大的伤亡,同时也终于查清了父亲当年走私案的真相,还父亲一个清白 。

老酒馆 (TV)[2019]


1928年到1946年的东北,“闯关东”来东北的小人物 Chen HuaiHai ,老酒馆杀青在东北深山老林里挖参讨生活,却意外地遭受了一双儿女失散,媳妇被骗走的磨难,只好来到日本殖民统治下的大连开酒馆谋生计。老酒馆由此成了八方信息、各色人等汇聚的舞台。仁义坚韧,嫉恶如仇的 Chen HuaiHai 利用这个舞台,保护了杀日本宪兵的“ Lao BeiFeng ”,劝说了东北军 Ma LvZhang 重回抗日战场、痛斥了粉饰伪满洲国的满清遗老,与日本浪人决斗,为中国人撑腰提气。中共地下党组织派 Gu SanMei 打进老酒馆,把这里变成了党的地下交通站。在 Gu SanMei 的影响下, Chen HuaiHai 的女儿 Xiao MianAo 成了抗日交通员。大连解放前夕, Chen HuaiHai 帮 Gu SanMei 粉碎了日寇破坏城市的计划。他们共同迎来了大连解放,也收获了真挚的爱情 。


L Storm (Movie)[2018]


ICAC Lu ZhiLian, JFIU (united wealth intelligence unit) Liu BaoQiang investigated corruption cases and money laundering cases respectively, but no clues were available. At this time, Cheng DeMing, the L group of the ICAC, received a complaint that Lu ZhiLian received bribes worth 12 million yuan. Lu could not defend his suspension in real time. Liu found out that lu had been framed and had a close relationship with the money laundering case he had been investigating, and he suspected the bank director, You ZiXin, of helping the criminal syndicate with the money laundering. Lu risked his life to collect evidence of the crime but was imprisoned.


In the name of people (TV)[2017]

Feature: When a project director of a state ministries and commissions was reported to have received bribes of tens of millions, Hou Liangping, director of the Investigation Department of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, came to the search to see what he saw as a simple and honest old peasant with a simple, In the rude old house to eat noodles. While the mask of the corrupt elements was finally ripped apart, Ding Yi Zhen, deputy mayor of the capital city of Jingzhou in Hantong, a province of Han Dong province closely tied to the case, was assisted by the secret agent of a mysterious figure Reconnaissance methods to escape the French in exile. The case trail ends up in the fight for equity of a typhoon garment factory in Han Dong Province led by the Guangming Lake project in Beijing. However, the various political forces implicated in it are complicated and confusing. Chen Hai, director of anti-corruption bureau of Han Dong Procuratorate, suffered a bizarre car accident in the investigation. In order to complete the unfinished business of those same year students, capable and capable Hou LiangPing was appointed to take over the unfinished business of Chen Hai. In the political scene in Han Dong Province, "Politics and Law Department" represented by Gao YuLiang, deputy secretary of Provincial Party Committee and Politics and Law Committee of Han Dong Province, "Secretary Gang" phase represented by Li DaKang, member of Standing Committee of Han Dong Province and secretary of Jingzhou Municipal Committee For many years, regardless of Xuan 轾. The arrival of Sha Rui Jin, the new provincial party secretary, is destined to break this balance of politics and bring a new flavor to the reform in Han province. People's name poster

Heroic (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Heroes Lie" tells the story of Liang TianCi (Xiaoguang Yu), the protagonist of the War of Evil Gentry during the war of resistance against Japan, gradually grew into a legendary hero of the war against Japan during the numerous repercussions and experiences of experience of nationalism and hate. TengHuiZi interpretation of a national enemy hatred of the emotional entanglement, staged ups and downs, surging rumors of the Republic of China legend. The interlocking storyline, the fierce and magnificent war scene, the gratitude and hatred of children and adolescents under the coat of arms of the "heroic strong", the flesh-and-blood chivalrous spirit, Liang TianCi brilliant and bumpy life begins.

Counter-Strike bright way (TV)[2017]

Feature: Su Cheng was dismissed as an artist Fang XiaoXiao by the crew, losing his job as an artist assistant. One side is no longer in arrears of rent, while the one is longing for the showbiz. Su Cheng was deeply influenced by the stage, playing the most is the theater backstage. "Again" is the spirit of craftsmanship she has practiced. After graduating from college, Su Cheng began to run around in the crew, hard-to-find artist assistant work, and another time for acting opportunities, Su Cheng very happy, but was Duan ChengXuan's fooling to dispel. Everything started from scratch. Fortunately, the talent to come to the draft, will not be miserable. However, met again with overbearing president Duan ChengXuan, the coefficient of favorability all the way to a minimum, natural enemies that both are, but also happy. At that time, both of them did not know each other and only felt that each other was abhorrent. From Su Cheng artist assistant start, to participate in the draft and eventually successful debut, into the colorful entertainment, from unknown to newcomers, with its own talent and efforts gradually accumulate popularity, become a rookie pettiskirt. During the process of Su Cheng also encountered many opportunities, whether it is friends Star Entertainment Media CEO Duan ChengXuan, or remembrance of internationally renowned stylist Ye Chen, or the popular superstar idol Yan ChuFei, Su Cheng meets or works with them, or becomes an adversary, or as a friend, she experiencing everything under this spotlight with sparkling entertainment. In the end, Su Cheng took a step-by-step effort to realize the bright road from assistant to best actress.

NorthEastPast:PoMaZhangFei (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Cheng LiBing, Zhuang JiaoAo and Wu Liang, Lao PaJi and Li JingRu, young men of grass-roots town, were adopted by the nursing home and grew up together. Hong Kong black forces real estate business name of the name of the transformation of the old people's homes, want to do real estate unjust act, orphan no intention to fall into the trap of Hong Kong villains vowed to guard the elderly homes. Off the meter, bitter meat dollars, the United States dollars, a series of dollars, a series of ironic, wits and brave story turns staged. Grassroots youth to reverse the universe, guarding their homeland.

Siblings (TV)[2016]

Feature: In the early seventies, Song ZiTang sought high ground to expose the "improper speech" Tang XianMin once said to the organization that Tang XianMin was persecuted. Tang XianMin, a senior engineer, was reduced to a coal-burning worker at a machinery factory. Two Tang and Song dynasties So grudges. Now Song ZiTang all sorts of requests, hope Tang XianMin goes out, solves the production problem for the machinery factory. Tang XianMin identified Song ZiTang character problems, refused to compromise in front of various concessions, Song ZiTang non-essential to acknowledge the error. The relationship between the two families continued to be worse and more nervous. But both children's childhood childhood, Tang XiaoYu and Song ChangQing already fell in love. To stop their romance, Tang XiaoXue and Song JianGuo teamed up to move, do not want almost life-threatening. Song ChangQing was sentenced to jail for saving the rain, stabbing the head of the opera troupe. Old Tang can not stand the stimulus, suddenly died. The hatred of both seems to have reached an irreconcilable point. The snow and the founding of this loving friends, fell in love with each other, the relationship between the two be reconciled. Song ChangQing released from prison, but can not be the front line with Tang XiaoYu. In the face of adversity, the two families supported each other eventually to a satisfactory conclusion.

A horse for three sheep (TV)[2016]

Feature: The story takes place in the era of reform and opening up in an all-round way. The young smug smugglers who are not involved in the hands of the "dead wage" have given up their hands in the bowl of iron rice bowl, test the sea, vowing to break their own piece of heaven. They have seized the opportunity, have also experienced the trap, maybe the last second was impatient for a while, but the next second may have failed; they have experienced too many ups and downs in life ups and downs. Gong DaWei represents the typical group of struggles of that time, confident but restless of fate; and Shen XiaoHong is a "female butcher" who dares to love and hate, knife and tofu, and she is willing to love her At the expense of all of them, young adolescent Ma ZhiJun was a passionate activist of that era, but he could always find a red touch of life in the darkness of fate. What Gao Bo radiates is the superiority of his brother in that particular era sense. In the era of turmoil and turmoil, the four young people with different personalities made different choices in treating different destinies and used their sweat to deduce their own happiness & nbsp ;.

For a word (TV)[2015]

Feature: "For one sentence" tells the Central Plains in the 1930s. Lili Village made a good talk of Yang BaiShun (Baiqing Xin ornaments), this person named Baishun but Pepsi is not smooth. Grinding tofu, slaughtering pigs, dying cloth and carrying water, Yang BaiShun's line can not walk through the walls. However, only shaved foreign priest Lao Zhan (Xu Asia) and widow Wu XiangXiang (Zhu Yuanyuan) understand him. Yanjin big office social fire, Baishun outstanding success in one fell swoop, won the Yanjin new school principal daughter Qin ManQing (Suki Chui ornaments) heart. The disparity in status makes lovers difficult to get married. Qin ManQing is forced to marry Gao DeLing (Demon), a newly yin-yin police chief, and Yang BaiShun to Wu XiangXiang's home. Scent of the underground lover Luo Wu (Shenyang Aerospace University) learned in prison that marriage, the police jailbreak blame Yang BaiShun, since Baishun, Luo Wu each desperate horizon. Yanjing County Chief Han Jingming (Li Xuejian), Geng ZhuanYuan (Lei Feng), a provincial governor, should guard against vice mayor Ding ZiHu (Ma Shuliang ornaments) Collect huge sums of money on a daily basis. Seeing thousands of things and desolate taste of life, Yang BaiShun led Qiao Ling and Deng Zhan to find their mother.

Partner couple (TV)[2015]

Feature: Han Qing and Chen Ke, her husband, have been lovingly loving them for many years and are preparing for the public listing. Female photographer Chen XiaoQing is facing a college entrance examination. Han Qing mistakes Chen Ke's affair with Wang SiYa. Finally, she chose broken arm treatment. Hospital Dean Li Xianlin's pursuit, letting her into a dilemma. Her sister, Han Ling, was romantic and passionate, and widow Zhang BaiChuan proposed to her that Han Ling chose to leave because of misunderstanding. As she turned around, Zhang BaiChuan chose to leave. Chen Ke regret divorces, and repeatedly asked Han Qing for forgiveness. Han Ling changed the life of Zhang BaiChuan, while Han Ling, who escaped, deeply hurt his self-esteem and feelings again. Six characters and three marriages, Han Qing and Chen Ke, Wang SiYa and Zhao Quan, Han Ling and Zhang BaiChuan eventually find their own way of life and live together again through their honesty and search in life & nbsp ;.

TheGoldenEra (Movie)[2014]

Feature: In the 1930s, the 20-year-old Zhang Weiying (Tang Wei) escaped from marriage and was abandoned. Zhang Nai-ying, who flies to his fiancé Wang EnJia (Wenkang Yuan ornaments), still can not escape the fate of abandonment. Fortunately, he met Xiao Jun (Feng Shaofeng), a progressive youth working for the newspaper, and both loved each other. By Xiao Jun Zhang Naiying met literary writers such as Bai Lang, Feng Zu and Nie GanNu, renamed Xiao Hong, and got Lu Xun (Wang Zhiwen) Xu GuangPing (Ding Jiali), and later met Hu Feng (Lei Feng), Mei Zhi (Quan Yuan), Jiang XiJin (Yi Zhang), Ding Ling (Hao Lei ), Duan Mu Hong Liang (Zhu Yawen ornaments) and others, under the encouragement of contemporary writers, Xiao Hong gradually moved toward the "golden age" of creation despite the constant fighting and displacement.

The Golden Era (Movie)[2014]

Feature: In the 1920s and 1940s of last century, China was an era of full of personality and broad-mindedness. A group of young people went through a period of laissez-faire, freely pursuing their dreams and love. Some were carving their loved ones in the midst of displacement and some were fighting Look forward to the future of the home country. Xiao Hong, a maverick woman, exiled all the way from north to south, from Harbin to Hong Kong, and escaped war while experiencing the saddening and painstaking love and life. Struggling against the strong and dead of her life pierced through the pages of her paper, as was her life.

Endless Love (TV)[2014]

Feature: Female lawyer Zou Yu and your son Lin QiZheng met for the first time, in the court on the tip of the tongue against the straw. The second trial, Zou Yu gaunt, and Lin QiZheng like a change of individuals, take the initiative to throw in. It turned out that during this period both had a major accident in their lives. Zou Yu's lover Haoran unexpectedly passed away and his heart was donated. The donor is Lin Qi Zheng, who has had an old heart disease. Lin QiZheng, a glamorous and sentimental giants, can not stop the Cinderella moth from fiery infatuation even with the beautiful and noble fiancé Jiang XinYao. Once a loved one is a fiery sinister, Zou Yu's sister Zou Yue is such a person, she is crazy fascinated by boss Lin QiZheng, even at the expense of death phase, she did not know it is their own paranoid but the fate of the two Tangled together. After a few encounters, a delicate mood spread between the two. The sudden and violent emotion gave Lin QiZheng and Zou Yu a loss. The two said they no longer wanted to meet each other, and they wanted to stay far away from each other but met with fate. At last, under the bright stars of the South China Sea, the impulsive two people owned Short-term sweetness, but there are so many obstacles between the two people: into a crazy Zou Yue becomes more terrible, clever and sensitive Jiang XinYao pressing harder and harder and the heart has become inseparable Knot. Lin QiZheng want to dissolve the contract, but suffered from family pressure, Lin Group faces a major crisis, the urgent need Jiang's help. Hear the news of the marriage between Lin and Jiang, Zou Yu heartbreaker. Zou Yue, who has now gone astray, learned of their relationship with Lin QiZheng after posting their love affair. For a time, the rumors about Lin QiZheng is a city full of rain and wind, Lin LinZheng Lin forcing the father and sister Zou cut off relations. Zou Yu, who has no idea whatsoever, plans to bring his sister back home, and Zou Yue is in a car accident when he runs to see the last side of Lin QiZheng. Zou Yu grudges, is not selfish love selfish, she vowed that as long as Zou Yue woke up, never far with Lin QiZheng together. Zuo Hui, a student who loved Zou Yu and helped take care of her mother, came home from her shoulder. Zou Yu left, she wants to leave the city, her sister relaxed, Lin QiZheng do not have to be so painful.

Happiness falls from heaven (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Happiness Falling from Heaven" tells the story of Jiang TianLan and Liu ZhanPeng After nearly eight years of quarrel, the marriage has finally come to an end. The two are going to die of old age but have to contact frequently due to the custody of their daughter Liu MoLi. After the divorce, Zhanpeng gradually developed his feelings with his new colleague Du MinQiu. Sky blue, who had been an 8-year-old housewife, had to start looking for a job, eventually becoming part-time as chief physician Han XiangDong, who both misunderstood each other, turned Azure into his kitchen assistant to the east and helped her become a nutritionist Sky blue gradually found the goal of life, but also allow them to rise favorably. Sky blue sister Jiang TianQing fell in love with the former brother-in-law Zheng Zheng, regardless of family members against flash marriage, but because of various issues often quarrel even after marriage to divorce. Azure warned the weather with their own experience, finally let the idea of ​​dismissed the fine dismissed. After the divorce Sky Blue and Zhanpeng have gradually realized that marriage should learn to understand and empathy, and each started their new life, and finally find the happiness. In addition, Zheng Ping's sister Zheng Ping and Zhanpeng's uncle Da-Dai Zhou Dahua do not know each other, the relationship between sky blue and his father Jiang JianGuo finally ease, everything seems to be a good direction.

Lovelorn 33 days (TV)[2013]

Feature: "Lovelorn 33 days" tells the story of a 25-year-old girl working in a wedding company in Shanghai. Huang XiaoXian Liya Tong, Chen Si-cheng and Zhang Xin-yi, who had been in love and friendship, joined the double betrayal. Four-year boyfriend and girlfriend, Together, Huang XiaoXian's life once fell to the bottom. The arrival of a new colleague, Wang XiaoJian, made the life of Xiao Sin worse. Little base is Beijing Film Academy graduated from the top students, there is plenty of talent and can not afford the frustration and life frustration, gave up the Beijing screenwriter came to Shanghai to earn money to support their families. Love and marriage company's work as the stage of modern emotional and marriage shows, staged a day of different values ​​and the concept of love and marriage fierce collision scenes, for the small fairy and Xiaoban presented a difficult problem. During the working process of the two partners, conflicts and conflicts broke out and they gradually came to understand each other and help each other. In the strong suppression of each other even when the head and drank, Huang XiaoXian went from romance to emotional recovery, Wang XiaoJian also from frustration to confidence reconstruction. In two young people together to accomplish the heart of the process of growth, the spark of love began quietly germination.

lets get married (TV)[2013]

Feature: Let's Get Married tells the story of Hai-Bo Huang Gao Yuanyuan Breakthrough Performance Yang Tao, the manager of a four-star hotel lobby, was still single at the age of thirty-two due to a wounded feeling. Guo Ran, a 36-year-old divorced registration clerk at the marriage registry, has made him a typical victim of marriage. Peaches and Guo Ran reluctantly met with friends. Unexpectedly, both of them actually left a good impression on each other. Heart has just been closed for a long time just opened, peaches found Guo Ran is a fear of marriage, she angrily evacuated. Peach face the reality, resolutely devoted to the blind army. Peach blind date move stimulated Guo Ran, he did her best to successfully peach the blind date again and again, but they still can not get married under the determination. Guo Ran's parents know the reason for their son's fear of marriage, began to reflect on their marriage, Guo Ran also a new understanding of marriage. After a few dealings with Guo Ran, the peaches gained a comprehensive understanding of Guo Ran and regained their confidence in the marriage. Finally, a lover eventually married.

LiHuoZiLiHun (Movie)[2012]

Feature: The movie has a love is based on Henan native love story adaptation! There is a place called Central Plains, there is a story called a love!

UnderTheTemptation (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Zhang Hongxue, a coal mine owner, went to Hangzhou with a huge amount of money in the name of buying a house, but in reality he was hiding his wife and the host of Yanqing Television Station, He YanFei. When Zhang HongXue from Hangzhou Airport caught up with Wu QingSong, a black car driver, Wu QingSong liked to buy lottery tickets every day for a fortune dream. On the way, he did not realize that Zhang HongXue had a huge sum of money. He YanFei also took Wu QingSong's car for the afternoon of the same day and inadvertently got to know Zhang HongXue brought a huge sum of money to hangzhou and doubted that Zhang HongXue had another new love. Therefore, he and Zhen ChengZong, the pseudo-health master, joined Liu DuoBao To cheat, in order to obtain huge sums. Wang DengYun, an insurance salesman, got acquainted with Zhang HongXue for selling insurance and got a huge sum of money because Zhang HongXue showed off wealth. Wang DengYun, desperate for life, was misdiagnosed as a late-stage brain cancer by doctor Chen PeiYuan. In order to let his girlfriend Li JingJing On a good day and determined to rob huge sums. In the meantime, Wu QingSong was threatened by He YanFei for blackmailing Zhang HongXue. In return, Wu QingSong returned the overcharged money to He YanFei, but inadvertently clutched the 5.14 million jackpot lottery ticket that night Gave He YanFei. He YanFei was murdered by Zhang and his wife for making money and the murders were witnessed by Wu QingSong and Wang DengYun who came to Zhang's villa with their own purposes. Finally, Wang DengYun and Wu QingSong decided to call the police and track Zhang's couple. Chen PeiYuan mother was poisoned by taking Zhen ChengZong's fake medicine. In order to find Zhen ChengZong, Chen PeiYuan and Zhen ChengZong started a car chase, and Wu QingSong and Wang DengYun also chased after Zhang's and Zhang's couples. On a roundabout, Wu QingSong's car collided with a large truck driven by Zhang's wife, Chen PeiYuan's car, and Zhen ChengZong's car. All the secrets and desires came to light because of a traffic accident.

There is a love called letting go (Movie)[2012]

Feature: The movie has a love is based on Henan native love story adaptation! There is a place called Central Plains, there is a story called a love!

BeiJingLoveStory (TV)[2012]

Feature: Cheng Feng, Wu Di and Shi XiaoMeng are college classmates who once organized a band during college to work hard for musical dreams. Their common interest makes them good friends who share their hands and feet. Three people have different family backgrounds and different personalities. Cheng Feng, a wild bohemian, Wu Di, a loyal, and Shi XiaoMeng, a pragmatic, hard-working Shi XiaoMeng, after graduating from college and several girls, Lin Xia, Yang ZiXi, Shen Bing and others Young people's growth, love, work problems one after another in front of them. Into the community, for these young people is a new course. Sometimes painful, sometimes sweet, but waiting in front of them is still a brand new life.

Bath fire danger city (TV)[2012]

Feature: "Bathing Fire and Danger City" focused on a 100-year-old outbreak of a serious plague in Harbin. In this incident, a group of modern Chinese medical and medical pioneers, represented by Wu LianDe (Deric Wan), experienced the obstacles, courage to explore, persevere and adopt the method of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine, and took the lead in extinction in human history This plague of plague has made remarkable and indelible contributions to saving Harbin and the three provinces in Northeast China as well as the entire nation. This contribution has been forever contained in the medical history of the world. At the same time, it also presents the process of transformation and great spirit of the people of Harbin in the face of sudden catastrophe, from fear and anger to strength and courage to overcome difficulties.

Aunt and more crane (TV)[2012]

Feature: "Aunt Koike" tells the story of Japan's defeat by Japan in 1945 and the fledgling Zhu Nei DuoHe being rescued by Zhang Jian's parents during the flight to take care of the villagers who fled the Japanese mission in Heilongjiang Province. The identity of the crane has been a mystery. Zhu XiaoHuan, Zhang Jian's wife, lost her fertility as a result of the chase of the Japanese devils. Zhang Jia Zhang Jian want to continue for two rooms, after knowing that many crane, expressed willingness to Zhang children, in order to repay the grace of life. Later, Doroch gave birth to a woman and two men with Zhang Jian. After the liberation of China, the Marriage Law promulgated that Zhang Jian could no longer have two daughters-in-law. Dorian then changed her sister, sister-in-law, and aunt to Zhang Jian. After a family experienced ups and downs, but the affection and will make them through the storm.

Educated youth (TV)[2012]

Feature: The "educated youth" tells the story of a rainy night in the woodland in the northern great wild in 1969. The train laden with knowledgeable young people from major cities across the country. Yang BingKui, head of the birch railway station, looked at a tender and youthful face and preconceived that the arrival of these people would bring about a radical change to the Great Belards & nbsp ;.

Disadvantage is a blessing (TV)[2011]

Feature: "Loss is a blessing" tells the story is not a friend does not gather, Bao LiGong and Ma Weimin two men of similar age, go almost every step is synchronized, but each step has gone so different! From 80 years into the red star barber as an apprentice, then positive, housing distribution, promotion, in order to the same girl, for the children, the two are fighting in the end. Ma Weimin on the surface handsome Sven, sincere words cut, but in fact, for personal interests, he can sell himself, betrayed friends and family. The Bao LiGong "sell apologies", but in fact kind-hearted honest, often before the arrival of the interests of "defeated." However, at the time when he was the most proud, Ma Wei Min eventually collapsed in the final handicapped building. In the end, Bao LiGong's kindness won his life's greatest asset, beloved girl Gao Yan. Although Gao Yan's biggest regret is that she can not give birth, the adoption adopted by her adopted daughter brings happiness to the couple. No matter how many ups and downs experienced in life, Bao LiGong and Gao Yan always look forward to the future with a bright future, as they believe - loss is a blessing.

Home cooking (TV)[2011]

Feature: Home cooking tells the story of a city in the early 1980s. Liu HongChang, an elder-age working in a state-run Canteens, fell in love with Wen Hui, who abandoned her chance to attend college due to her poor family. Liu HongChang was still married to Wen Hui, despite being stopped by Liu HongChang's mother and brother. Wen Hui's brother Wen Tao and sister Wen Yuan are also hostile to this brother-in-law. Wen Hui after the second pregnancy, steep disaster at home. The 17-year-old Wen Yuan, who had left his home with Liu HongChang, was spoiled by the little bullhorn cat on the street. In order to avenge his sister, the 16-year-old Wen Tao assassinated the big yellow cat. Wen Hui died in the hospital with this intense stimulation. A series of family repercussions caused Liu HongChang to depress his grief only in heart and carry the precarious home. Over the years, Wen Da admitted to college; Yu QiuHua was killed in an accidental car accident. In order to fulfill his promise of the last moment of Yu QiuHua's life, Liu HongChang guarded a small house and waited silently for the return of his relatives.

TI Elihu A (TV)[2010]

Feature: "Tie LiHua" tells the story of a daughter born to a grave robber at the junction of Shanxi and Shaanxi. During her turbulent years running between warlords and the "Tie LiHua" role stills until the war of resistance against Japan, she and her loved ones, lovers, friends and even enemies The common interpretation of a legendary years, has with several men love and hate entanglement, and her from an ordinary daughter, to the warlord's concubine, and then to strengthen the mentality of the nation's resistance to Japan.

HuaQiang (Movie)[2009]

Feature: Old unitary and parents with two-time mentally retarded brother Rayleigh live together, although some bitter, but the old unitary do not mind. The two brothers depend on each other, but also fortunate to help next door neighbor Mei Mei, so that the two brothers safe growth. Gao Mei's daughter Ye Zi and the next big treasure and the two brothers are childhood sweethearts. Ye Zi fell in love with Laoya, Ye Zi's birthday, Laoya and Lei Lei painted blooming flowers on the wall, moved Ye Zi. When the mother Gao Mei has some selfishness, she always thinks that Ye Zi would not be happy to marry her. The old unit has long told myself "must not be premature death than my brother, because my brother can not live alone," no matter what adversity must adhere to it. Leilei lost ... In order to save Rayleigh, the old unit out of a car accident, he had already gone earlier than Leilei ... Ye Zi resolutely took all the blame.

Junior Lawyer Ji XiaoLan (TV)[2009]

Feature: Poster The drama to Ji XiaoLan (Weide Huang ornaments) studying in the capital, to help make the case as the main story of the story. Ji XiaoLan known as the world's first talented, literate literary. He loves to take care of everything, his friends are jailed. Out of his trust in friends, Ji XiaoLan came out to defend him and acted as amateur solicitor. As a result, successfully turned over the case, rescued friends. However, when his friend was released from prison, he found out that actually his friend did commit the crime. Ji XiaoLan painfully lingers between love and law, justice and friendship. Finally, he resolved to act as a victim's lawyer, sue his friends and allow justice to be rescued.

forgive (TV)[2008]

Feature: Dancer Li Rong will soon welcome her first performance, with her boyfriend Qu Zhe, also in love and ready to get married. As her career and life unfolded, the strikes followed - as soon as the show was about to open, the two met to find out they were old ways, and Xu Qing, the mother of Li Rong, State, firmly opposed to their marriage. Li Rong and Qu Zhe desperately fight, so the real history has been gradually opened ... In the seventies of last century, Xu Qing, Qu Lin, Huang NaNa and Meng XiangDong are educated youth educated youth, Qu Lin and Xu Qing falls in love. However, Huang NaNa grew up with Qu Lin as an early age, so she could not accept the fact that Qu Lin fell in love with Xu Qing. Xu Qing also desperately avoids Qu Lin, but when the warm love of youth finally broke through all the worries, Xu Qing and Qu Lin deeply fell in love. In a snow storm sealed in the mountains, they thought they would die and therefore steal the forbidden fruit . After being rescued, the two began to get married. Huang NaNa did not want to lose Qu Lin forever, taking advantage of the fact that everyone went back to New Year, seducing Qu Lin after being drunk, but was confounded by the brigade secretary who was locked up. For the sake of Huang NaNa's reputation, Qu Lin finally took the unwarranted accusation, plus Meng XiangDong, who had been crushing Huang NaNa, secretly hurting him. Qu Lin is jailed for political and work style problems. On the way to Qu Lin for transfer to prison, the chariot turned over. Xu Qing met the deceased who were carrying a car accident and revealed a hand wearing a Qu Lin watch under the white cloth sheet. Xu Qing thought it was Qu Lin and she was distraught. At this time, Xu Qing found himself pregnant and escaped home In her mother was mad at her. Abortion can not, seeking death can not, in the suicide met a good man Li Shizhu saved. With the help of Li ShuanZhu gave birth to her daughter, this is Li Rong. After Qu Lin was released from prison, Huang NaNa, who was ready to marry Meng XiangDong, was tortured guilty and insisted on marrying Qu Lin and giving birth to Qu Zhe. In other words, Li Rong and Qu Zhe are half-brothers. Li Rong not only suffered from anorexia but also fell out of stage during a performance. Although she was rescued, she never lost her favorite dance life ...... Qu Lin Also tortured by the pain of the year, he was amazed by the many years of hardships in Xu Qing and the excuse of Xu Qing. Feelings never fade away in their hearts, so they are also faced with real-life and emotional choices ... Li Rong loves his adoptive father, Li Shizhu, hating Qu Lin, and Huang NaNa has been uncoordinated with Qu Lin's marriage, although Qu Lin and Xu Qing tried her best to control it, but an uproar was still going on in both families. Li Shizhu chose to run away from home, bitterly trying to fulfill their feelings. Meng XiangDong, who returned from abroad at that time, was mixed and confused, so he took a fancy to Qu Lin and Huang NaNa's family business and wanted to re-establish the front line with Huang NaNa. Huang NaNa was in extreme despair, originally, when she and Qu Lin married, bent on a small day, and Qu Lin to pursue the ideal of life, the two difficult to communicate, coupled with Meng XiangDong's temptation, once After drinking a relationship. Also will be pregnant, she has been terrified over the years, I do not know who is the son of Qu Zhe in the end!With the help of his neighbor Zhao Qiao Shen, Li Rong gradually stepped out of the shadows and married him. But she felt pain to find the feeling of love. Qu Zhe also found herself still deeply in love with Li Rong, very depressed. It was at this time that Qu Zhe was keenly aware of the secrets of her mother. As a doctor, he confidentially conducted a paternity test and learned that she was not the son of Qu Lin ... Qu Zhe is in a complicated mood and wants to regain her own feelings On the one hand I felt sorry for my favorite father. Huang NaNa finally chose to commit suicide. Qu Zhe reluctantly swore that she would keep this secret forever after the mother's rescue ... Meng XiangDong See Qu Lin Huang NaNa failed to start to deliberately want to collapse Qu Qu's Qu song medicine. He sold a large amount of new medicine for childhood asthma to Qu Qu, Qu in which Qu Zhe discovered the side effects of the drug. Qu Lin runs the risk of bankruptcy and resolutely destroys it. And asked Meng XiangDong also all destroyed, do not flow to the market. Meng XiangDong financially distracted, strongly disagreed, and planted in Qu Zhe, want to completely hit Qu Lin. Qu Zhe is going to jail, Huang NaNa for the son, finally put aside all face, regardless of looking for Meng XiangDong said Qu Zhe is his son, Meng XiangDong was shocked ... Tiger poisoning, finally let go of Qu Zhe. However, in the heart of Qu Zhe, who was more painful, unable to marry her own true love, and unable to accept the despicable father, he chose to go to Tibet for assistance. Qu Lin finally learned that Qu Zhe was not his son, and he was finally strong. He finally left the company and Huang NaNa was ashamed of himself and took the initiative to propose a divorce. Li Shuanzhu still insisted on divorcing Xu Qing, so, Qu Lin and Xu Qing, this pair of tortured lovers, they can come together? For everything that caused their fate, did they choose to forgive, or choose to forget? Li Rong and Zhao QiaoShen's wedding will be held soon, Qu Zhe also attend the wedding, his mind is how a kind of thoughts? ... Perhaps life's process is always helpless and time-consuming, but the best way we can choose is to forgive ...

Golden Wedding (TV)[2007]

Feature: The Golden Marriage story started in full swing in New China in 1956 when Wen Li (Wenli Jiang), a young and pretty elementary school math teacher, and Tong Zhi (Guoli Zhang), a young pitcher technician at the heavy machinery plant, became married. When they were young, they were a pair of lovers of flirting. They were incompatible with their habits of life, they were parents at an early age, and they had four children in a row for their son. In marriage, from the basic necessities of life to the education of children to the relationship between mother-in-law and then to sexual relations, contradictions everywhere. When they were middle-aged, they entered a period of frail marriage, with less and less communication between husband and wife and often plunged into a more dangerous Cold War. Couples seemed to come to an end from indifference to the Cold War to strike hard. Elderly, they entered a period of solid marriage, Wen Li had serious illness in the line of life and death; three daughters of emotional marriage are not smooth, and even the youngest son of the most loved one died young, is to support each other through their life the most support Dark years, the final hand into the golden wedding. & nbsp;

A famous physician song Lian-S Heng (TV)[2005]

Feature: The photo story took place in Shun Zhi during the Qing Dynasty. At that time, the ideology of anti-Ching Ming was still strong. The forces of Nanming, represented by the Donglin Party, have always been the targets that the rulers should not ignore and try to eradicate. As the southern city of Changsha, away from the capital, Changsha is a great place for the hiding of Donglin Party members. Song LianSheng is a rivers and lakes Lang, came from Nanjing to Changsha for medical treatment. The first day came to Changsha City, met a number of things, let him quickly into the city of Changsha at the same time unknowingly fall into the all kinds of right and wrong. Fan Ru has become a widow childbirth, the city can not be saved. Song LianSheng ordered. Immediately, delivery is smooth, mother and child safety. Song LianSheng character and medicine has been affirmed by everyone, the city of Changsha, the major pharmacies have invited him to sit down, so that Song LianSheng very embarrassed, but no one did not agree. Subsequently, in order to get close to embroidered Zhuang Warriors and two to maintain their livelihood, they opened the clinic in front of embroidered Zhuang. In the process of embroidery Zhuang Zhuang such as Hong SanYan, Er TaoZi and other women gradually changed his view. Fan family has been very close personal friendship with the Nanming party. Soon, out of ethics, Song LianSheng was also involved, was also arrested and brought to justice. Fan Ru is guilty of going to prison to visit Song LianSheng, but it was unparalleled, Hong SanYan hit. For a long time Warriors favorite Song LianSheng no explanation for a time, it touches Hong SanYan Song LianSheng sudden love, but later rejected it, with great sorrow. Endless was transferred to the Nanming party incident, was also imprisoned into the jail face death penalty, Song LianSheng although peach blossom, but why not laugh, but only helpless face. Fortunately, Jiuzhitintang boss Mr. Wan as a native, very understanding of official temperament, to figure out the trick. Song LianSheng just been able to protect themselves. In return, Song LianSheng sitting in a hall in Jiuzhitang. Yue Xuan was an unparalleled savior, because of the massive amount of money and shelter needed. In desperation had to live in embroidered Zhuang. And unparalleled relationship has become increasingly close. Song LianSheng uncomfortable but also helpless. Not long afterwards, Hong SanYan discovered that Yue Xuan was the one who rescued her from the bandits on the same day. She was more excited and rewarded with joy and decided to invite Yue Xuan to fly away, but Yue Xuan did not make an appointment. Has been rejected by two men, Hong SanYan only to die knot, taking drugs himself. After Song LianSheng first aid, Hong SanYan back to life. At the same time, it also caused the resignation of Wen Shitang fame. Local riffraff Qi DaTou and Wen Shitang unite in an attempt to crush the Jiuzhitang, and Song LianSheng dug up Wen Sitang sitting. Embroidered Zhuang, Yue Xuan has always cruised between two women, the Warriors has long been identified, but still misunderstood by Song LianSheng. In order not to implicate Jiuzhitang, and secondly to the unparalleled treatment of Yue Xuan extremely disappointed, Song LianSheng decided to leave Changsha City. Suddenly found on the way the local plague spread to Changsha. They immediately hurriedly informed Jiuzhitang large purchase of medicinal herbs for emergency use. In addition to the entire Changsha City, Mr. Wan unexpectedly no one believed the plague said. Later, Song LianSheng learned that embroidered Zhuang was already occupied by Qi DaTou, and that he was going to bet with the imminent plague to try to redeem it. Qi DaTou readily agreed. A few days later, the plague really spread in Changsha, the city panic. Jiuzhitang become the most sought-after drug store.Song LianSheng strictly controls the sales of medicinal herbs to ensure the availability of medicines. Mr. Wan strongly supports Song LianSheng and also assigns to others on the streets free of drug soup to prevent the plague. The epidemic was under control and Zhi Fu received his consent that the holy will give Tangtang the pharmacy to sweat the epidemic. . At this point Jiuzhintang has become famous, access to the Church of the Church can be described as the majority expected. Wen Tai Tong's Wu TaiYi is very worried, it touches on his niece Ru Yue think. The treatment of Qi DaTou selling charms has a negative impact on society and has been linked to Song LianSheng's persuasion of people's embroidery to achieve a reputation as a deterrent. Sure enough, in discussing the sanctity of the Hall number, Wen Shitang took the lead. Unexpectedly, Qi DaTou will spearhead directly to Wen Shitang. The title had to run aground. Jiuzhitang is a shortage of herbs, unparalleled and seriously ill. Song LianSheng had to resort to Wen Shitang. Ru Lian took the opportunity to compromise Song LianSheng in the pharmacy for title decipher, and then to pay his money to repay the drug money, unable to repay, Song LianSheng had to be expelled from Changsha City. After being exiled, Song LianSheng alone set foot on the road back to Nanjing. Warriors also inadvertently stay in Changsha City, bring Er TaoZi also toward his hometown of Nanjing. I met Song LianSheng again because of a misunderstanding. En route, meet a self-proclaimed blessed child, constantly provoke trouble. Song LianSheng very disgusted him, unparalleled but think this person is very cute, then invited him to go together. Later learned that this person is now holy, and received the holy will, special approval for the establishment of Jiuzhitang pharmacy in Changsha City. Returning to Nanjing, both parties learned that their parents had been killed and that the enemy was Yue Xuan. Song LianSheng immediately accompanied the Warriors return to Changsha City, avenge their families. Back later learned Yue Xuan and seclusion in the embroidered Zhuang house. Yue Xuan will be designed to dizzy, then put it to death. No hands soft, let Yue Xuan ran to find three Yan. Three Yan husband Tian YouSan newspaper officer. Capture Yue Xuan. Yue Xuan mistakenly believed that Hong SanYan betrayed herself and killed her under uncontrollable circumstances. After the Tian YouSan and Warriors are considered Hong SanYan's death related to their own, endless remorse. The two of you come to me to comfort each other, so that Lian LianSheng unbearable, and no match-ups over. Warriors feel that they did not promptly kill Yue Xuan led to hurt Hong SanYan, negative to Tian YouSan, and decided to marry him, to apologize. This move is to Song LianSheng unacceptable. Two completely no longer coming and going. In order to match the two, Er TaoZi had installed Song LianSheng cheat embroidered Zhuang and unparalleled meet, but also no good. Changsha City seems to have become sad Song LianSheng, he finally decided to leave. Soon, the Warriors will also sell embroidered Zhuang Jiu Tang, also left the city of Changsha. A few days later, met in a pub Song LianSheng, the two embraced and wept. Finally, or returned to the city of Changsha City set for life. At the wedding, Xiu Nv once again sang a ballad song specially written for Song LianSheng.

Feng Liu Shao Nian Tang Bao Hu (TV)[2004]

Feature: Stills Juvenile Talent Tang BoHu (Xiaoming Huang ornaments) Cynicism, not fame, is considered by parents "problem boy." As a result of being unruly and revealing, Song RenJie (Mingjian Zhang), an enemy of the tree, also made friends with Zhu ZhiShan (Lei Feng). In order to discipline Bohu, the mother married eight dinosaur-level ladies for him. The tiger wasted a fiasco on the wedding night and encountered Qiu Xiang (Carol Cheng). He learned that Qiu Xiang was a girl from Hua TaiShi House in Hangzhou and went to Hangzhou with Zhu ZhiShan. The two fame with the government due to the poor Wenshu scholar Zhou WenBin (Mao music ornaments). The three enrolled in Robinson College and met the enemy, Renjie Song, who was forced out of school under the authority of the Song. Qiu Xiang Qiu Xiang misunderstood and ignored, the most vindictive of his Qiu Xiang turned out to be Song RenJie love at first sight. Too many enemies in Washington, crises, Bo Yi Zhiyong Warriors was promoted to senior Taiwanese slave slaves. Song RenJie marrying others Qiu Xiang frustrated, using the tiger as a punching bag and meeting him fist. Bo tiger always silently bear and fully care Qiu Xiang, silly feeling a heaven and earth, and finally embrace the beauty.

DreamofYouth, A (Movie)[2002]

Feature: The film tells the story of a group of literary and art youth living conditions. Jia Nan (Shannang Yang), Shan Shan (李郁 饰) and Guo Qing (Sugar Decorated) are university classmates. Shan Shan is a beautiful girl with many suitors at school. Jia Nan is also one of them. Shan Shan's current boyfriend Chang Bo (Ran Ran ornaments) is a running group of extras. Due to a dispute with the director in the crew, his girlfriend Li Li (Zhang Xuanqi ornaments) abandoned him away, angrily Jia Nan ran away from home, moved into the Chang Bo home, unexpectedly met Shan Shan crush before. Guo Qing and Shan Shan, both of whom are also alumni, exist in a mutually-beneficial manner. They sometimes attack each other, but afterwards they reconcile themselves. Finally, the relationship ends with the overseas acquaintance of Song Tian, ​​another boyfriend of Guo Qing and Shan Shan, . After a few years, everyone reunited with the documentary

Swim sea dragon (TV)[2002]

Feature: Jiangnan giant Gao Shang, young and frivolous, offended toward the emperor, once lost wealth, become commoner, forced to re-start selling sesame seed. After 18 years of the stills in the sea, Gao Shang, with her daughter Xiao Qing, descended to the capital to continue his shabu-shabu business. Gao Shang's heart was always thinking of earning a hundred and two pounds of silver. Gao Shang's "Happy Shaobing shop" has finally opened, but things can be bothered one after another. Because of bad taste, the sales volume is so bad; daughter Xiao Qing's dream romance actually is the wealthy Wu WenCai, who is the capital of the country's bully, notorious for being Gao Shang's rival; inexplicably adopted a mentally retarded person named Chu Qi; For no apparent reason, she was forced to rent half of her shop to her friend Jin Zhu. Jin Zhu though pungent anomalies, mouth teeth, but kind-hearted, unfortunately, was Wenxuanwuhua to spend Wen ZhuoQun abandoned. Four people living together under one roof, noisy, provoked a lot of jokes. After the affair, Gao Shang and Jin Zhu exchanged their feelings. The two collaborated on the porridge cake house to jointly wrestle Wu WenCai, a treacherous and wealthy Wen ZhuoQun. After all the hardships, Gao Shang finally made "Hazel Shaobing" with the support of Xiao Qing and Chu Qi in Jin Zhu. Gao Shang, however ill-fated, did not expect that he was involved in a political plot in the court for adoption of Chu Qi. Chu Qi was a prince of the DPRK and was fraudulently deposed by aliens and spies. He mistakenly served as a drug of forgetfulness, causing intelligence to drop to young children's level. Although Gao Protect Chu Qi in every possible way, it may still be a calamity one after another, and he is also in jail. Chu Qi identity exposure also triggered emotional entanglement among several young people, Xiao Qing woke up, found Chu Qi is the love of their own people, while in the secret to protect the prince a long time Liu AnGuo is also secretly Chu Qi. Chu Qi into distress, had to choose to evade out of Enbai. Unexpectedly, the state has long been lingering ambitions of the Central Plains great rivers and mountains, and North Korea traitors collaborated with each other, Chu Qi caught in the state. Gao Shang, a successor to the sea, told Gao Shang that his children are less affectionate and save the country and save the people. Gao Gao can no longer sell only "happy biscuits" after his death. The crisis took the lead and inspired Gao Shang's responsibility and patriotism to save the country and save the nation. Gao Shang and his enthroned eighteen years of emperor emulated each other. Everyone responsible for the rise and fall of the country, not to mention Shaobing King Gao Shang almost? When Gao Shang decided to go to the foreign state to rescue Chu Qi, Wu WenCai, at the first sight of the situation with Yin HuGongZhu at the outbreak of the war between the two countries, fell in love with Qin and Jin Dynasties and made the battle between the Central Plains and the foreign states inevitable. After all was settled, Gao Shang and Jin Zhu finally became husband and wife, and continued their happy life. Liu An Guouo quit Chu Qi and Xiao Qing. Chu Qi ascend the throne, decided to Ren Zhizuo, a generation of Ming-Jun. Only if the country is prosperous and rich can the people live and work in peace and contentment. Is the so-called: peace and prosperity of the people, family and everything Xing.

Ren jian si yue tian (TV)[2000]

Feature: Xu ZhiMo was arranged by her parents when she was 20 years old and married a 16-year-old wife. After completing the obligation to pass on to her family, she went to study in the West. Zhang YouYi, a wife who keeps her hometown, thinks she can catch her husband's heart by following her husband's footsteps. However, when she traveled across the oceans to Britain, she discovered that Xu ZhiMo met Lin HuiYin, a talented young girl during her travel to England. Lin HuiYin do not still want to intervene Xu ZhiMo's marriage, hurried father to return. Xu ZhiMo pursues Lin HuiYin with a brand new future. When arriving home, Lin HuiYin heard that Lin HuiYin has accepted the engagement of her parents for the engagement of Liang Sicheng, son of his mentor. This is a deadly blow to Xu ZhiMo. Lin HuiYin Although she chose Liang SiCheng's marriage, but she still can not forget the feelings with Xu ZhiMo; Xu ZhiMo very painful. Just then, Lu XiaoMan, a socialite in Beijing, went by gracefully. Though she was already a married woman, she also quickly echoes the poet's desire for love because she was equally infatuated with feudal marriage Passion, and therefore Xu ZhiMo want to save her from a feudal marriage, creating a beautiful life of two spiritual freedom. Unstable emotional life, Xu ZhiMo endless endless struggle and depression in the years after marriage, disillusionment, poetry exhausted, and even running back and forth to teach life, and finally ended up with an accident in his hurry Short life.

I laugh and generous (TV)[2000]

Feature: "I laughable generous" stills (1) Although the draft is not paid, but very angry fee brother or fortunate enough to write his first name. So he cheer up and started writing a second book. In fact, when the crew had given Jiang force remuneration, just because of the bubble soaked in force Chiang made him put the money swallowed. When Fee brother began to write the second book, Jiang Li decided to operate a good, get a silver, face double harvest. So, looking for investors in the process, Fei younger brother, Jiang Li, Wu Liwei businessman, player Xu Ning, waiter Zhuang Wenjing and others made a lot of funny things. Maybe God bless, the play actually actually made into the final fee, the cost of brother and a few finally turned out to be a person with a head and face ... ... The play has a unique concept of the script, the language of Beijing's unique humor, one after another Hidden material hidden in the jumper, which is the producer called "urban black humor comedy." The play seeks to reproduce, in a nonverbal language, exactly the social forms and living conditions that Chinese contemporary urbanites encounter in the spiritual and cultural life but can hardly understand what is going on. The play by the director of "dream place" director Ye Jing screenwriter, director, at the same time as the actor fee brother, actress Zhuang Wenjing starred in "black eyes", "the beginning of the dream" and "spring pig" The play Tao Hong plays the businessman Wu Liwei by Fu Biao who starred in "Party A, Party B," "Endless" and "Daming Gong Ci" and other television series. Jiang Liyun once starred in "Saving Private Ryan" Zhang Han, the place where Dreams Begin, plays the role of Zhao Xi, Feng Lei, Xia Li-pay, Dong Xiaoyan and Gong Chao in other major roles.

Kangxiweifuxifangji2 (TV)[1999]

Feature: Kang Xi micro-service personal visit recorded 2 "steamed bread": Kang Xi (Guoli Zhang ornaments) Fifty years the emperor Xuan Ye want private visit to see a good mountain and river. Never wanted to be cheated by the local tyrannical gold mines, Kang Xi do everything possible to eliminate one's evil by one man. "Gui Yuan Ji": Kang Xi Fifty-one years, the holy disease, eating almost died of fake drugs, the more Kang Xi out of the palace, play toothpick private visit proved counterfeit drugs, the detective leave, deep skin pain. Xia Xi Ji: Kang Xi Fifty-two years, Yi Fei (Deng Jie ornaments) tribe, by Xia Xia to do umbrella, Qiu Guan Jazz, no evil, do not talk. The king broke the nephew's nepotism, to his life.

Cai Shen to (TV)[1999]

Feature: "Cai Shen hurts people" Only good people can get the bounty, only hard-working and honest people can really get rich. Cai Shen with Zhao Ge Bao Mei out of the world, for the stupid Wang Qi and shrewd people Shen Gui who can make a fortune to bet on winning. Stupid Wang Qi thrives on business with his honest business style and eventually wins. Cai Shen is also a human "The power of money and power is limited, and only sincere love is the greatest strength. Cai Shen The Three Gods Encounter the Place of Concubine in the World The Excessive Excessive Conviction Zhi Fu Xiao Xiao The Nine Marriages of Wang Wang Ye, Cai Shen and Wang Ye started the contest of money and power. Cai Shen and Xiao Yu Suffering from Difficulties, Xiao Yu to Help Cai Shen Return to Heaven to Win Nine Wang Ye. "Tiger does not eat human" Money not only makes the poor richer, the rich become poorer, and can even change the principle of man's life. Cai Shen helped poor Xiu Cai to buy a government and bankrupt Lei LaoHu, a wealthy businessman, which ruined both poor Xiu Cai and Lei LaoHu. Powerful Xiu Cai began to make money, the impassioned Lei LaoHu conscience found, and with Bao Mei has a love of God. "Cai Shen is not a man" Money will be in conflict with morality, conflict with materialism, and emotion. Ye MeiWen, a drugstore in Heqiao Town, can not afford the temptation of money to marry a pregnant lady and a wealthy lady. Cai Shen please millionaire Su YuHuan help River Bridge town to get rich. Su YuHuan's condition is to Ye MeiWen a life.

KA ng Department incognito travel (TV)[1997]

Feature: "Kang Xi micro-service private visit record stills" Zhang Kangli decorated Kang Xi The play mainly describes the Kang Xi year successive years the Yellow River floods, people along the coast miserable, Emperor Kang Xi compassionate inspirational rule of the river, personally Jiuxia Jiangnan Yellow River disaster inspection, and even more Drew a scene of legendary story. The drama has completed shooting five. "Kang Xi micro-service private visit book 1" is divided into "Plowshare" "Eight Treasure porridge" "Tripod" "Purple Sands" four stories "Kang Xi Weiliuiji 2" is divided into "Steamed bun" Gui Yuan Ji "Three Stories" Kang Xi WeChat Private Comment 3 "is divided into" Jin Pao Ke "" Food Box "" Bell Kee "three stories" Kang Xi WeChat Private Record 4 "is divided into" Golden DART "" Aya Luo Xi "" Tea "three stories" Kang Xi micro-service private visit book 5 "is divided into" casting money "" prodigy "" rocket mind "three stories five story twists and turns, soul-stirring, rich and vivid characters, drama Bright structure, style witty properly.

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