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Hao Sun TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Hao Sun Works 17 ,And Costume Drama 6 ,Romance 4 ,Martial Arts 3 ,Urban drama 3 ,Love 3 ,Comedy 3 ,Workplace film 2 ,Family drama 2 ,Feature 2 ,Suspense 2 ,Action 2 ,Spy war 1 ,抗战1 ,Sci-Fi 1 ,权谋1 ,Fantasy 1 ,War 1 ,Crime 1 。

Works Index

Hao Sun Filmography(17)


庆余年 (TV)[2019]


某大学文学史专业的学生张庆熟读古典名著,但他用现代观念剖析古代文学史的论文命题不被 Ye JiaoShou 所认可。为了让 Ye JiaoShou 成为自己的研究生导师,张庆决定通过写小说的方式,进一步阐述自己想要表达的观点。 在他的小说中,身世神秘的少年—— Fan Xian ,自小跟随奶奶生活在海边小城澹州,随着一位老师的突然造访,他看似平静的生活开始直面重重的危机与考验。在神秘老师和一位蒙眼守护者的指点下, Fan Xian 熟识药性药理,修炼霸道真气并精进武艺,而后接连化解了诸多危局。因对身世之谜的好奇, Fan Xian 离开澹州,前赴京都。 在京都, Fan Xian 饱尝人间冷暖并坚守对正义、良善的坚持,书写了一段光彩的人生传奇。

谍战深海之惊蛰 (TV)[2019]


1941年上海,混迹江湖靠贩卖情报为生的街头小混混 Chen Shan 因长相酷似军统特工肖正国,被日本梅机关特务头子 Huang MuWei 意外看中,从此卷入一场腥风血雨的地下战争。 Huang MuWei 挟持了他的妹妹 Chen Xia ,逼迫 Chen Shan 成为日本间谍。为了营救妹妹,具有特工天赋的他只能接受秘密特训,冒名顶替肖正国前往重庆潜伏到军统内部,准备窃取重要情报。潜伏生涯惊心动魄,然而作为一个中国人, Chen Shan 并不想真的背叛祖国,在共产党员 Zhang Li 和 Qian ShiYing 对他的不断影响下, Chen Shan 逐渐成长,毅然站到了抗日的阵营。之后,为粉碎日寇阴谋, Chen Shan 和 Zhang Li 冒着生命危险再次回到上海,反潜伏进入汪伪特工总部,他们一次次携手合作,生死与共,在与敌人的斗智斗勇中, Chen Shan 最终树立了信仰,成长为了一名真正的战士,并成功粉碎了侵略者的险恶阴谋 。


Eagle Shooting Heroes (TV)[2017]

Feature: During the Southern Song Dynasty, Guo Jing and Yang Kang, who suffered tragically, were adults under the guidance of Qiu ChuJi, a teacher from the south of the Yangtze River. Eighteen years later, Guo Jing went down with his life. Yang Kang is greedy of wealth, thieves father. At a glance, Guo Jing and Huang Rong saw each other heartily. However, due to many factors such as Hua Zheng's marriage contract and the opposition from the south of the Yangtze River, the feelings of both were mixed. Five Master were killed in Peach Blossom Island, Guo Jing angrily left. This young man, who enjoys mutual aspirations, has experienced hardships before he turns into a positive one. Yang Kang, who is evil and evil, can not escape the fate of being killed in the Jiaxing Iron Gun Temple. Guo Jing traveled all over the country with Huang Rong and traveled to all over the world to ascend to martial arts day by day. Finally, he was able to report his revenge on his father and revenge and eliminate grudges against his own. , On Huashan swords, save Xiangyang national disaster. The original simplicity simple and honest, stiff dull Eagle Shepherd, become a country for the people, compassion for the great man who & nbsp ;.

God of War Zhao Zilong (TV)[2016]

Feature: Zhao Zilong live in troubled times, childhood deep sense of grievances, set ambition, to accomplish some great cause. He upholds a righteous, punish the evil, but also by chance under the skill of a set of sophisticated gun law, swept the battlefield, indiscriminate, which allowed him to win many admiration and praise, but also attracted a lot of his hate for him . Xia HouQingYi was the daughter of Xia HouJie, a fellow in the East County, and Zhao Yun got acquainted with his uncle Yuan Chang. The two admired each other, but attracted the narrow-minded Yuan Ying eldest son Yuan Huai and shirt brother Xia HouEn jealousy and persecution. Zhao Zilong in his unlucky situation actively sought after accidentally learned from the mouth of his mother Zhao and Xia Houjia in the previous generation of life and death enmity. In the experience of family hatred and love of children and children, Zhao Zilong finally got through his grudges and found Liu Bei, his protagonist. Since then, he has been carrying a long-range rifle and hastily onto the battlefield to write a heroic tribute to epic singer & nbsp ;.

BadGuysAlwaysDie (Movie)[2015]

Feature: When the holidays are approaching, Qiang Zi, a Chinese teacher at Busan Elementary School in South Korea, and San Er, a good buddy from afar in his hometown of China, together with his brother Papa, find their way to Jeju for relaxation. During the trip, Zhi Yan, a mysterious Korean girl who saved a car accident by four young Chinese, was caught up in a criminal incident. Hurricane bum, persistent Lao JingCha, mysterious trailing, unpretentious priests have one after another. The long-awaited vacation journey, because of the existence of these people, is fraught with dangers and dangers. All sorts of accidents have left four people at risk, and some of the isolated children in unfamiliar surroundings have needed wisdom out of the woods. Need courage to face life and death. At this point there is a mysterious black pig to let everyone kill red eyes, but will push everyone to critical juncture of life and death. In their hearts with the "bad guys must die" faith and the "bad guys" dealt with the ultimate can save the Korean girl.


Feature: Stills Song Nuan, Zhou GeGe, Gao WenRuoHan and NingBara are dormitory roommates and classmates, graduating, all four have entered a large enterprise internship. Rich second generation Zhang Sheng under the pressure of his mother, but also had to be an intern. Zhang Sheng is cracking down on Song Nuan, but Song Nuan takes everyone with his strength and resilience. Zhao XiaoChuan falls in love with Zhou GeGe, but painfully finds out that his secret party is Zhang Sheng. A few 90 are growing up, their parents are also subjected to shocks. Song GuangMing, Song Nuan's father, was unemployed, hoping to find a job without telling his wife and daughter. Chen AiLian, bent on raising her daughter Zhou GeGe, was laid off by her daughter's student Ning Bala. Children grow into cocooning butterflies on their way to growth. Parents are also reborn in the process of social reintegration. Zhang Sheng's entrepreneur mother died of business failures, leaving the world, Zhang Sheng has experienced the most significant test of life, Song Nuan never betray company, the two gain growth, but also the most pure love.

Mountains and rivers in the same (TV)[2015]

Feature: After the September 18 Incident was described in "The Mountains and Rivers", Su HaiLong and Huang Xian Sheng fired the first shot of Shenyang City against the Japanese invaders. Following the departure of adoptive parents and relatives, Su HaiLong stepped out of his tragedy and actively formed an anti-Japanese contingent to work with Deng Tiemei to join the Northeast Anti-Japanese Revolutionary Army. With the help of Zhang WanTing, Su HaiLong joined the Communist Party of China with glorious courage and led the troops to give the Kwantung Army in Japan a painful blow. The Japanese Kwantung Army carried out several sieges against Su HaiLong's forces. As the situation in the war on Japan gradually became grim, the anti-Japanese military order was successively ordered to rest in the Far East of the Soviet Union. Su HaiLong was ordered to go to Yan'an Resistant University to study. Upon completion of the study, Su HaiLong was dispatched to the 88th Infantry Brigade in the Far East of the Soviet Union. Su HaiLong led the sub-unit many times to enter the northeast, infiltrating and investigating the Japanese Kwantung Army and successfully blew up the giant howitzer known as the "First Asian Artillery" of the Tiger Fortress, clearing the way for the future general offensive & nbsp ;.


Feature: Stills Song Nuan, Zhou GeGe, Gao WenRuoHan and NingBara are dormitory roommates and classmates, graduating, all four have entered a large enterprise internship. Rich second generation Zhang Sheng under the pressure of his mother, but also had to be an intern. Zhang Sheng is cracking down on Song Nuan, but Song Nuan takes everyone with his strength and resilience. Zhao XiaoChuan falls in love with Zhou GeGe, but painfully finds out that his secret party is Zhang Sheng. A few 90 are growing up, their parents are also subjected to shocks. Song GuangMing, Song Nuan's father, was unemployed, hoping to find a job without telling his wife and daughter. Chen AiLian, bent on raising her daughter Zhou GeGe, was laid off by her daughter's student Ning Bala. Children grow into cocooning butterflies on their way to growth. Parents are also reborn in the process of social reintegration. Zhang Sheng's entrepreneur mother died of business failures, leaving the world, Zhang Sheng has experienced the most significant test of life, Song Nuan never betray company, the two gain growth, but also the most pure love.


Feature: Cao XiaoQiang is an ordinary member of the group of "left men". Without a background of family background, Cao XiaoQiang, an ordinary worker, is a simple and honest one who can afford to accumulate long-term stocks. In order to hug the beauty, he experienced some pain and suffering. From the hot-tempered knife Maddan, young white-collar workers entering the community, simple country girls to highly educated female doctors, he has one by one trick. Long blind date, Cao XiaoQiang want to remove the "left male" hat, really not so easy. The humorous story behind the marriage affects a large group of people.

Talesofthepast (TV)[2010]

Feature: Prehistoric period, Huang Di, Yan Emperor, Chi You three tribes for the world. Yandi tribe, the first drama still took the son of blazing due to dissatisfaction with his father, the leader of the bit passed unknown unknown inflammation and the rebellion. Yan Emperor calm the rebellion, Chi unknown whereabouts. Soon, Yan Di was defeated by Huang Di anonymity away from hometown. Many years later, Yan Emperor was renamed Shen Nong, who tasted hundreds of salads, who were called the plague god and opposed Shen Shen all the time. They created a plague that hurt the world and caused Shen Nong to struggle hard to break it. The decline of the Yandi tribe has led to a battle for the world between Huang Di and Chi You. Once, the two sides are fighting in full swing, suddenly heard their own report: a large-scale epidemic in their own tribes. Huang Di and Chi You immediately recruit troops back to their respective tribes to see the rescue. Huang Di found that many of her people were sick, lost their lives and were worried about the plague. Among the crowd, Huang Di found Shen Nong who helped treat the patient. Two old rivals meet again. Huang Di is both resentful and respectful of Shen Nong. Although Shen Nong tried his best to stop the spread of the plague temporarily, it did not completely eliminate the plague. Shen Nong treats the sufferings of the world and pray alone to heaven in the hope of eliminating the plague. Temple, Yu Di's sister Hua Shen generous open-minded goodness, in the eyes of no distinction between elders and young children. The seven daughters of Yu Di's seven fairies are even more regarded by Hua Shen as good sisters of conscience. Although the seven fairies are often absurdly infatuated with some strange thoughts and words of Hua Shen, they are miserable, but they respect and love the gentle and approachable elder from the heart. Hua Shen led the seven fairies planted seeds left behind before the Great God, the experiment failed many times, and finally succeeded by chance. At Yu Di's suggestion, everyone named Hua Shen as something they had never seen before. Yu Di was moved by Shen Nong, summoned to Shen Nong. Shen Nong Bingming understand. Yu Di said that this is an inevitable number of robbery, heaven is not easy to intervene. Shen Nong disappoints. Shen Shen Longtime resident Shen Nong tasted hundreds of herbs and shared his interests. He secretly stopped Shen Nong at Nantianmen Square to invite Shen Nong to discuss and exchange ideas. Shen Nong was surprised to see flowers at Hua Shen. After Shen Nong's research, she found that the medicinal properties of Herbs are not enough to clear the plague, and the flowers are the recipe for clearing the plague. Hua Shen learned that in addition to decorate the Temple of Heaven, there are so magical in the world, very generous to Shen Nong flower seeds and some petals. Shen Nong back to earth, try to mix the petals and herbs, successfully resolved the plague. Chi You ready to go, Huang Di ready to fight, Shen Nong placed flowers carefully meticulously, lover Ruo Xi silently help each other. Hua Shen successfully cultivated hundreds of flower products in heaven. Hundreds of feast cents on the same feast, Yu Di Long Yan Da Yue. Shen Shen remembers Shen Nong, curious about the progress Shen Shen has made in planting flowers in the world. With the help of Qi XianNv, Hua Shen came out of the temple to find Shen Nong. Hua Shen inexperienced fell into a small village by the river, encounter Dragon Prince with shrimp and crab will rob women, Hua Shen come forward, the Dragon Prince coveted Hua Shen beauty, both hands. Hua Shen found himself immortal magic can not be displayed in the world, and finally lost, was captured by the Dragon Prince Long Palace.Yu Di found Hua Shen missing, Qi XianNv had to tell the truth, Yu Di was furious, sent a clairvoyant, downwind find, did not find traces of Hua Shen. Tai BaiJinXing pointed out that there is no mana for the gods without the approval of Yu Di. Qi XianNv is more worried about the safety of Hua Shen and volunteered to find Hua Shen for his crime of meritorious deeds. With the help of Tai BaiJinXing, Girls, five girls and six girls descended. Prince Long Hua Shen held in the dragon palace secret room, intended to mistrust. Hua Shen escaped from the Dragon Palace and smoothly took the treasures of the Dragon Palace. Hua Shen escaped to the shore exhausted, Dragon Prince chasing after, Huang Di Hua Shen encounter in trouble, stepped forward to stop Long Taizi, Dragon Prince to set the death of Huang Di, but somehow Huang Di injury to escape. Huang Di Rescues Stupid Hua Shen to the barracks. Hua Shen woke up and found herself out of danger. Huang Di and Chi You are about to fight and advised Hua Shen to leave. Thanks to Huang Di, Hua Shen decided to stay behind to help Huang Di. Hua Shen played as the pioneer of Huang Di, and Chi You was defeated by Hua Shen. Huang Di is also a sense of pride for Hua Shen's "ancient legends". Hua Shen inquired Shen Nong trail from Huang Di. Huang Di is very curious about the identity of Yimei. Huang Di gave Hua Shen a hairpin to let Hua Shen meet Ruo Xi and give it to her. Hua Shen unknown, or agreed. Huang Di wake up the next day and found that Yi Shen Hua Hua has been leaving the book, do not quietly leave. The three fairies came down to the ancient city of Tai Koo, but because of the appearance of Yu Di become ugly, always being excluded. Du Kang, a tribe chieftain who made wine for her living, was straightforward and collected three fairies. Bao Niang, the wife of the best matchmaker in her life as a matchmaker, is good at counting. Three fairies trapped in the middle of the Du Kang funeral. Shen Nong cultivated flowers unsuccessfully, anxious middle-aged white hair. Ruo Xi comforts Shen Nong. Shen Nong first showed symptoms of cough, hiding Ruo Xi. Shen Shen found Shen Nong, Shen Nong overjoyed. Hua Shen left to experiment with Shen Nong. The three fairies helped Bao Niang to fight for many days and failed to escape under Bao Niang's modest settlement method. Bao Niang went to the capital city of Tai Koo, the largest force of Zhao ethnic media said, was back. Bao Niang resentment. Hua Shen's efforts also failed to work, in desperate need to go to the nearby Pacific City to collect new soil and water samples. Ruo Xi quietly sent Hua Shen a little hairpin to Hua Shen for winding. Shen Nong found a hairpin to help Ruo Xi stay. Hua Shen met three fairies in Pacific City. The three fairies also canceled their appearance and resumed their appearance after finding Hua Shen. Zhao GongMing, Zhao's patriarch's son, met six girls at first sight, even at the first sight. Bao Niang's dream of becoming a matchmaker is once again given room to play. Three fairies urged Hua Shen to return to heaven. Hua Shen see flowers never cultivate in the world, but also want to return to heaven to find out why. Fairies then returned to heaven. Yu Di reprimanded Hua Shen. In the meantime, Long Wang pleaded guilty to Yu Di for leading Long Prince to lose his treasure. Dragon Prince found that Hua Shen turned out to be Yu Di's sister. Prince Edward some sophistry to Hua Shen also justified. Dragon Prince again took a fancy to five girls and formally filed a marriage to Yu Di. Hua Shen strongly oppose, Yu Di is not good to refuse, dilemma had only decided to compete for money.Hua Shen thought of five girls planning, Rose in the contest stabbed the Dragon Prince, Dragon Prince wandering away. Hua Shen in Tai ShangLaoJun remind finally understand the world's soil and water. Only with Pangu ancient body and blood into the Pure Land and true water to plant flowers in the world. Hua Shen decided to go down again to find the true waters distributed in the Pure Land of the Five Sacred Mountains and Tianchi. Hua Shen finally persuaded Yu Di to lead the second girl, the fifth girl and the sixth girl back to the city of Tai Koo in the Five Sacred Mountains. Du Kang House became a transit point for everyone. Shen Nong also joined in. In Dongyue, Dragon Prince design framed people, finally being seen, during which Hua Shen and others also met filial Gou Mang. The mystery that mortals enter Dongyue to go back is also solved by Hua Shen. Hua Shen and Dongyue's fine girl 魃 also formed a good sister. In Nanyue, Hua Shen helped the villagers drive away the beasts. The magic fire pearl pass to the five elements is a fire Zhu Rong. In Nanyue, Hua Shen and others were besieged by several beastly monstrous monsters. However, it was Hua Xiao, a kind little puppy saved by his kindness. Hua Shen was hurt and separated from the crowd, was a pair of god rabbit and Le Le rescued. All were yellow mysterious introduction of the forbidden land. Hua Shen invited Er LangShen to help. Tu Di, Zao Wang, Zao Po, charm, etc. also came to help. God's forbidden ground has finally been cracked. Xiao Huang was also obeyed by Er Lang Shen. Hua Shen named Xiao Huang asthma day. In Xiyue, Hua Shen met Orion Hou Yi and Chang E. The son of Saiyake Yamazabu Saburo, a friend of the Prince Edward, was framed by Hua Shen et al., But was saved by the mysterious man. Python Hong GuNiang deceived by the Prince Edward, come to find Hua Shen for the Dragon Prince revenge. Hong GuNiang left for injury. Six girls are also seriously injured. Zhao GongMing and Gou Mang were favorite six girls and two girls, came together to find Xiyue, but saved Hong GuNiang. Two thanks to Hong GuNiang as a teacher. In Beiyue, Hua Shen helped the Kua Fu family and unlocked Kua Fu's chasing day. Hong GuNiang pressing harder and harder, Hua Shen has repeatedly let Hong GuNiang. Hong GuNiang started to change her mind about Hua Shen. Shen Nong blind, so that everyone a false alarm. The smug ambassador Huang Di was defeated by the coalition forces of Chi You and Xing Tian. Ruo Xi was also killed in this war. The death of Ruo Xi completely infuriated Hua Shen. Regardless of everyone discourages, Hua Shen helps Yizhu Huang Di to kill Chi You. When Yu Di investigated Hua Shen's whereabouts, he found out that Hua Shen violated the heavenly taboo and interfered in the battle of humanity, desperate to let Huang Di lose the battle. Huang Di and Yu Di war turned out to be a draw. Huang Di also understand their own life experience. The original Nv Wa has three children: In addition to his daughter Hua Shen, Yu Di in charge of the temple, Huang Di in charge of human. In order to maintain balance, Huang Di mana in the world is sealed live. In order to prevent heaven from interfering with human beings in the world, do whatever they want, Huang Di in the face of immortals, the seal will be lifted. Hua Shen This just know, meaning brother Huang Di turned out to be his own brother. At the same time, Hua Shen also made clear the gratitude and grudges between Huang Di and Shen Nong Yan Yan and Huang's lover Ruo Xi. Yu Di returned to heaven, but still grudges on Huang Di. Huang Di learns about the purpose of Hua Shen and others, and also strongly supports Hua Shen to find the Pure Land and the real water, let the flowers fill the world. Hua Shen and others once again set foot on the journey. Shen Nong was over-sad and left alone.Shen Nong decadent encounter unknown people, want to escape the world without it. Anonymous rekindled Shen Nong's confidence in life. Shen Nong also knows the real identity of the unknown in front of him: Wang Fu Xi, his own father. In Zhongyue, Shen Nong teamed up with other mortals to break the ridiculous Five Elements. Later, Hua Shen defied Yu Di's will and rescued Zhu Que from Er Lang Shen. Four holy beings gathered under the command of Hua Shen. Dragon Prince practice Dacheng, Exit and capture Hua Shen crowd, forcing five girls married. Followed by Hua Shen et al Hong GuNiang shot saved, but was severely injured Dragon Prince lay the cliff. Hua Shen et al hurried to escape into a cave and found that this cave organ heavy, extremely mysterious. The original cave is the last Pure Land collection, Caretaker is Fu Xi. Fu Xi refused to surrender to Pure Land and proposed that the ownership of Pure Land should be decided by way of contest. During the contest, Fu Xi inspired Shen Nong's huge potential and let Shen Nong understand that mankind can also master the great power. Fu Xi smiles and dies in Shen Nong's hand. The mastermind of the god of plague saved Hong GuNiang and gave her a great power. Hong GuNiang pretended to join the mysterious people, the first order it received was to secretly protect Hua Shen et al. Hua Shen got the news, Huang Di finally defeated Chi You, unified Central Plains. Not long after, the mutation hit. There are ten suns in the sky. Yu Di removed Pangu left the bow of God can not be used. Hua Shen found Hou Yi. Hou Yi bowed nine bow with the bow of God. Hou Yi loves Chang E very much, refusing Yu Di's invitation to become immortal, but declining, however, to accept the gift of Wang Mu's immortality. Hou Yi disciple Feng Meng 觎 觎 Xian Dan, while Hou Yi Yi went out to steal the fairy was Chang E was found. In the battle, Chang E desperately swallowed the immortal fly away. Hou Yi misunderstood Chang E, how many shots to kill Chang E. Hua Shen let Hou Yi understand the truth of the matter. Feng Meng was saved by the mysterious man. Near Tianchi, Hua Shen and others met the Shui Ling tribe. Hua Shen promised Hydra elders to help solve the wild animals and lead to the triumph of ethnic tribe. Gong Gong of Shui Lingzu followed Hua Shen and others to Tianchi. Hua Shen et al. Hua Shen and Shen Nong were rescued by the elders of the Shui Ling family and learned about the origins of the Shui Ling clan and the real water, Shui Ling beast and Nv Wa. In the meantime, Hua Shen's feelings toward Shen Nong also slowly changed. Hua Shen overwhelmed. Gong Gong has swallowed the spirit of the alchemy to become the god of water, snatching real water. Zhu Rong practice through here, and Gong Gong conducted a war. Gong Gong escaped and Hua Shen returned to Shui Ling Village to search for the whereabouts of Gong Gong but found that the Shui Ling tribe was hijacked by Feng Meng and Hong GuNiang. Feng Meng asked Hua Shen to hand over real water. Hong GuNiang killed Feng Meng, left alone. Hua Shen also received the news that heaven is going to be another accident and Yu Di is missing. Human Di Huang also blame the disease, unconscious. Heaven and Earth a chaos. Hua Shen temporarily gave up taking the last real water and started to investigate. Mysterious demons who had been hidden in the darkness finally appeared. He stole part of the Pure Land from Hua Shen, drew the power from them and took possession of the Dragon Prince's body in an attempt to dominate Heaven and Earth. Hua Shen once again learned that he was shocked family secret history: Pan Gu open days, the bones and blood into the earth's true water.Nv Wa absorbed the Aura of Heaven and Earth and subsequently gave birth to Yu Di, Huang Di and Hua Shen. Nv Wa also started making people as Huang Di's people. Just as Nv Wa prepares to travel outside, he gave birth to another child. When this child is born with a tragedy: a big hole in the sky. Nv Wa considers this child an ominous man and, after giving up the sky, seals this child outside of Juye. Then go away. Emperor devout cultivation practice, and finally break the seal and found that heaven and earth do not have their own place. Unwilling devil began revenge plan, the intent to unite Heaven and Earth. Hua Shen even tried to persuade the dictators still can not control the expansion of the devil. In the midst of distress, several couples like Zhao GongMing and the six-girl shooting couple finally broke through their inner worries and came together. The god of plague and Gong Gong died. Hou Yi, Hong GuNiang, Zhao GongMing, Gou Mang, Bao Niang and others have also died in the hands of demons. Hua Shen regardless of all violations of the Temple of the first taboo into the Pangu hole, took out the open ax, and demons Emperor life and death battle. Unexpectedly, Hua Shen has been controlled by the open ax of the mind, exasperated greatly increased, but with the devil together the United hands. Shui elders rescued Shen Nong at the cost of his life, and passed him a water mantra. Shen Nong wakes up Hua Shen with a water mantra. Hua Shen want to assassinate the magic Emperor was found Emperor magic. Magic Emperor began to hunt down Hua Shen. At the turn of the century, Nv Wa returned, dropping the devil. Hua Shen persuaded her mother to let go of the devil. Nv Wa then opened up the underworld for the devil Dili. Everyone thought that heaven and earth would return to peace. Unexpectedly, Nv Wa saw the world is still barren, chaotic, very chilly, with the idea of ​​the world. Yu Di and Huang Di joined hands with Nv Wa and is not the enemy of Nv Wa. Critical moment, Hua Shen made real water, the world finally opened flowers. Nv Wa see this scene, that there is still hope in the world, to dispel the idea of ​​worldly, go away again. Heaven and earth return to harmony. Shen Nong also wrote prescriptions made of flowers and herbs for the world to deal with the pestilence left by the plague god. Shen Nong no longer conceal his condition, and finally disease. The original Shen Nong tasted hundreds of herbs, toxins have come to an uncontrollable point. Shen Nong once again rejected Hua Shen's immortality proposal. Hua Shen tears to see Shen Nong died. Hua Shen led Qi XianNv shed flowers in the sky, as if in the clean all the dirty, but also silently miss Shen Nong.

Couple time difference (TV)[2005]

Feature: A pair of originally good-feeling white-collar husband and wife suffered an emotional crisis due to accidental death. To save their marriages, they decided to change the environment and immigrated to Canada. When they arrived in Canada, they discovered that they could not really integrate into that society and their spirit became extremely depressed. At this moment, his wife, Lin Nan, very considerately suggested her husband Mao Qi to return home. However, her husband did not want to leave her wife alone. As a result, they found that they still had love, but they had not come up with ways to relieve their estrangement . They have also started a new life of mutual respect, mutual support, hard work and concerted efforts. Who knows the long-awaited, a stubborn Canadian mixed-race boy Hai Hai but happens to have been fascinated by Lin Nan, he tried every means to use the camera to capture the life of Lin Nan every moment, Lin Nan initially ignored him, and to his Filming made a solemn warning. If it were not for Hai's mother to find Lin Nan one day that Hai was terminally ill and his life would be just around the corner, Lin Nan would pass Hai with her. Everyone knows that fate is so teaser, learned of Hai's situation, Lin Nan has a new idea. Lin Nan, who was unable to help her own son, tried her best to help Hai retain his life. Mao Qi, a kind-hearted man, initially supported Lin Nan. Some time later, Mao Qi found that Hai was deeply in love with Lin Nan , Lin Nan's concern for Hai also made him jealous as a man, so he felt pain again. After Lin Nan discovered Mao Qi's mood changes, there was a huge contradiction in his heart. In order for Lin Nan to stand for the last one Gang, Mao Qi painful experience that after the first return to Beijing. Shrewd Lin Nan would not let the house idle at home. Before she left, she dragged her friend and rented the house out of the drama publicity map. The tenant was a catwalker, Mao Mao, who was in her early twenties. After Qiqi returned to Beijing, both of them had to live under the same roof. Since Mao Qi just could not find her position often irritable when Mao Qi came back, Mao Mao always spoke very harshly. She always talked shortly in front of the prince. She pointedly said that Mao Qi was hanging in the air and could not reach the two sides. Therefore, the first two people always screwed and did not give in to each other. Later, Mao Mao discovered Mao Qi's inner pain and started to lift her veil a little bit, in fact, Mao Mao was also emotionally hurt of. Just as two people connected by the same family met each other, the two started to care for and take care of each other, but Mao Mao noticed Mao Qi had never forgotten his wife and she could not truly walk in his heart. Later, Hai learned why Mao Qi was back to Beijing and knew Lin Nan's affection for Mao Qi, so he tried his best to get Lin Nan back to Beijing. After Lin Nan returned to Beijing, he found Mao Mao and Mao Qi somewhat wrong. Without asking her questions, Mao Qi confessed that he and Mao Mao had made mistakes. For punishing himself, he was willing to divorce. Lin Nan was even more painful. She never imagined that out of a circle of countries, their marriage was not only not saved, but worse. In fact, Mao Qi wants to divorce not want to have a result with Mao Mao, he just felt unable to face Lin Nan, Mao Mao is clear, in order to lose his face, she has always denied that he fell in love with Mao Qi. Only her friend knew she was a different heart, especially after Lin Nan came back, she actually got bulimia.Hai Lin Lin from the phone, he heard the pain, so he regardless of their own danger ran to Beijing, Mao Qi saw Mao Qi, he told Mao Qi as a third party, Lin Nan how much care about him In fact, Mao Qi already knew that, because of this, he could not forgive his own fault. Several years later, Hai was dead and Mao Mao was married. Lin Nan and Mao Qi, living in separate places, finally realized that they had no reason to miss each other and tormented each other so they finally came together again.

Beautiful woman about (TV)[2004]

Feature: Xia ZhongLin and GuLiWei Pursuit of Simple Female College Students An Hui, An Hui Be Xia ZhongLin's wife's desire poster. Twenty years later, Xia ZhongLin formed the Lin'an Group and Gu LiWei became his subordinate. However, Hao LiHua, a lover who was abandoned by Xia ZhongLin, was bitterly loyal to Bai ZiQiang for many years. After being desperate for love, Hao LiHua was very sad Reminiscent of the Xia Xiaoling still have children in the abdomen, changing her mind to marry Bai ZiQiang. After Hao LiHua gave birth to her daughter Hao Jia, she divorces Bai ZiQiang and exposes Bai ZiQiang's illegal business practices, leaving her to jail for eight years. After Bai ZiQiang jailed for permission to divorce, Hao LiHua out of guilt, took Bai ZiQiang's daughter Bai Ling, after the dowry and Japanese Chinese. Her husband inherited the legacy after death, Hao LiHua became president of Lihua Electronics. An Hui and Gu LiWei, fellow wife with Xia ZhongLin, rekindled. Gu LiWei strengthened Wu DeHua, a computer prodigy, through An Hui's younger brother An Da, and hanged Xia ZhongLin with Hao LiHua. An Hui, who wanted to be an independent worker, got no result and was fired by his boss. Xia ZhongLin in the dark act, An Hui was fired her boss re-employed. Bai ZiQiang, who always loves Hao LiHua, is desperate for Hao LiHua. Hao LiHua can not tolerate her daughter's marriage to her 20-year-old man and termination of cooperation with Gu LiWei. Can Hao Jia or Gu LiWei marry? An Hui has failed in his career and feelings and is determined to end his own life. However, attempted suicide, Chen Zhongqin driver Chen DaQing quietly fell in love with her, and Xia ZhongLin increasingly attached to Bai Ling. An Hui is getting worse, and Xia ZhongLin feels emptiness like never before. He owns his daughter but does not have the feeling of her daughter. He has emotional problems with Bai Ling and Meng XiaoYun, but he can only find comfort in the beauty salon owner Ye Hong. An Hui was in a very serious condition, paralyzed and lost her language skills. The doctor decided to have surgery immediately but the operation was very dangerous. An Hui has been pushed into the operating room when Xia ZhongLin et al arrived at the hospital. The operating room door closed, the door above the red light.

SwordsmenofthePasses-TailFeather (Movie)[2003]

Feature: "Hua LingZi" is an old man loved by his family, a boy he loves. He lives with Sao Niang as a whistle. On the outside is a famous knife, learned stunts, chasing evil bandits, for revenge brother.

SwordsmenofthePasses-MeatPulp (Movie)[2003]

Feature: Knight civil war neither has a martial arts martial arts, martial arts is not to kill those who kill the industry as a hero. They are Guanzhong Earth everywhere, the country's scholar, country boy ... ... some of them do not even martial arts, but they are all chivalrous, distress, not fame and fortune, even at the blood and life ... ... these ten Stories, each story tells, a spirit of our nation, a kind of sharp attitude toward good and evil. From them, we can see the justice and affection, the bloody and masculine, the integrity and the atmosphere, the honesty and the atmosphere, which are what we introduced and promoted in 2013 ......

desire (TV)[2000]

Feature: Xia ZhongLin and GuLiWei Pursuit of Simple Female College Students An Hui, An Hui Be Xia ZhongLin's wife's desire poster. Twenty years later, Xia ZhongLin formed the Lin'an Group and Gu LiWei became his subordinate. However, Hao LiHua, a lover who was abandoned by Xia ZhongLin, was bitterly loyal to Bai ZiQiang for many years. After being desperate for love, Hao LiHua was very sad Reminiscent of the Xia Xiaoling still have children in the abdomen, changing her mind to marry Bai ZiQiang. After Hao LiHua gave birth to her daughter Hao Jia, she divorces Bai ZiQiang and exposes Bai ZiQiang's illegal business practices, leaving her to jail for eight years. After Bai ZiQiang jailed for permission to divorce, Hao LiHua out of guilt, took Bai ZiQiang's daughter Bai Ling, after the dowry and Japanese Chinese. Her husband inherited the legacy after death, Hao LiHua became president of Lihua Electronics. An Hui and Gu LiWei, fellow wife with Xia ZhongLin, rekindled. Gu LiWei strengthened Wu DeHua, a computer prodigy, through An Hui's younger brother An Da, and hanged Xia ZhongLin with Hao LiHua. An Hui, who wanted to be an independent worker, got no result and was fired by his boss. Xia ZhongLin in the dark act, An Hui was fired her boss re-employed. Bai ZiQiang, who always loves Hao LiHua, is desperate for Hao LiHua. Hao LiHua can not tolerate her daughter's marriage to her 20-year-old man and termination of cooperation with Gu LiWei. Can Hao Jia or Gu LiWei marry? An Hui has failed in his career and feelings and is determined to end his own life. However, attempted suicide, Chen Zhongqin driver Chen DaQing quietly fell in love with her, and Xia ZhongLin increasingly attached to Bai Ling. An Hui is getting worse, and Xia ZhongLin feels emptiness like never before. He owns his daughter but does not have the feeling of her daughter. He has emotional problems with Bai Ling and Meng XiaoYun, but he can only find comfort in the beauty salon owner Ye Hong. An Hui was in a very serious condition, paralyzed and lost her language skills. The doctor decided to have surgery immediately but the operation was very dangerous. An Hui has been pushed into the operating room when Xia ZhongLin et al arrived at the hospital. The operating room door closed, the door above the red light.

Lukdinggei (TV)[1984]

Feature: Humble Wei XiaoBao how to grow fortune and eventually return to life story. Han Dong version of the Deodor record Stills from the market, tricky Wei XiaoBao due to accidentally know the secret palace, posing as a small eunuch into the palace, to help Kang Xi capture the ministers Ao Bai and become Mo inverse, but also by the world will be chief ruling chief Chen JinNan received as disciples, But because of Chen assassination Kang Xi, so dilemma. Andy inadvertently learned that Kang Xi, the God Emperor, was still alive and was sent to Wutai Mountain to visit and make great efforts to reunite Kang Xi with his father and son. He also helped Kang Xi to work in Yunnan and successfully disclosed Wu SanGui's efforts to collude with aliens and cult to rebel Conspiracy helped Kang Xi pacify San Francisco to exterminate Dragon; teach the Princess Sofia of Romania the success of power seizures, but also repelled the invasion of Romania, forcing it to sign a peace treaty. Repeatedly Qi Xiao Bao was first-class deer Dinggong, favored by many confidante, to enjoy the happiness of all. Kang Xi in the country Daoxing command Xiaobao destroy the world will, loyalty and hard both Xiao Bao reluctantly landed.

TheLegendoftheCondorHeroes (TV)[1983]

Feature: Snow night, the Southern Song Dynasty officer Duan TianDe at the command of Dai Jin Guo Zhao Wang Wan YanHongLie, led his troops raided the Niujiacun outside Linan suburbs, fleeing from Shandong Guo XiaoTian (Tiwo Ju ornaments), Yang TieXin (Patrick Tse Decorated) two tragic accident, the family was killed, pregnant pregnant Guo, Yang two ladies, one fled to the desert in Mongolia, one was hijacked to the Royal Palace, from day to day. Quanzhen Taoist Qiu ChuJi (Xia Yu ornaments) and the southern seven strange agreement, separately looking for and teaching the two descendants Guo Jing, Yang Kang, eighteen years later in Jiaxing drunk Xian floor. After that, the south of the Yangtze River tracked thousands of miles away and went deep into the desert. After six years, Guo Jing and her mother who had settled in the grassland finally found Guo Jing, who was stupid. Eighteen years later, Guo Jing (Felix Wong) flies to the south. Witnessed the protracted Yang TieXin a rehearsal stills, but Yang Kang (Michael Miu ornaments) refused to recognize the father, Yang TieXin and his wife barely escaped from the palace, eventually forced to both beaten on the streets. Yang Kang, who suffered a tremendous change in her life, has also had a heart-stirring and swaying motion. However, she still loathes her wealth when she finds herself suffering. At last she pleaded that the thief was the father, and Jing and Kang brothers had to part ways. Later, Yang Kang kept playing tricks and hurting people, but Yang TieXin's adoptive daughter, Mu NianCi (Sharon Yeung), was still bent on following him until Yang Kang was overwhelmed by fantastic fortunes and died in Jiaxing Iron gun in the temple. Guo Jing and Huang Rong (Barbara Yung ornaments) saw at home in Zhangjiakou, good-hearted in all. But Hua Zheng, the daughter of Genghis Khan, married earlier, Qiu ChuJi was Mu NianCi, and Guo Jing was hard pressed to make a difference between morality and emotion. OuyangKe's uneasy endless struggle with Huang Rong brought endless troubles to Guo Jing and Huang Rong. And then seven strange exclusion of the East evil daughter, Huang YaoShi (Kenneth Tsang ornaments) but can not look stupid Guo Jing, between the two close to the horizon. Five masters were killed on Peach Blossom Island, forcing Guo Jing and Huang Rong to turn their backs. The appearance of Hua Zheng in Samaihan and the desperation of Huang Rong, the consequent youth of two sentiments, finally went through a series of ups and downs of ups and downs and ups and downs in frustration. Guo Jing With Huang Rong's hometown of thousands of miles, the mountains, rivers and lakes, pro-China culture, influenced by culture, and then all over the world martial arts expert; worship North Beggar (Liu Dan ornaments) as a teacher, and the old urchin (Wong Chun ornaments) To seize righteousness and listen to the evil voice of the evil deities of the East, see the kung fu (Siu-Ming Lau ornaments) to save lives and to death, and countless times and West poison (Chak Lam Yeung ornaments) desperate fight, making Guo Jing's martial arts, mind, people Products keep pace with the times. In addition, they reported that they had taken revenge on their father and taken revenge on their own. They had taken the "Wushi Mu" and led the army to march westward. The simple simple and honest, stiff dull Eagle sculpture hero has finally become a country for the people, the compassionate great man.

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