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Gang Wu TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Gang Wu Works 18 ,And Feature 5 ,Suspense 2 ,Costume Drama 2 ,Romance 2 ,Family drama 2 ,Sports 1 ,Modern 1 ,Criminal investigation 1 ,Contemporary 1 ,现实1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Modern legend 1 ,Historical play 1 ,Crime 1 ,警匪1 ,情感纪实电视剧1 ,Historical legend 1 ,Love 1 ,当代涉案1 ,Sci-Fi 1 ,权谋1 ,Spy war 1 ,Comedy 1 ,War 1 ,Animation 1 。

Works Index

Gang Wu Filmography(18)


夺冠 (Movie)[2020]




天衣无缝 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《天衣无缝》又名《猎谍者》剧情介绍:讲述了1931年春天,中共中央在上海、广东大浦、哈尔滨等城市建立了红色交通站,交通站直属中央交通局。红色特工“烟缸”与“青瓷”一组人马试图在西欧建立一条地下新航线,建立秘密仓库,护送中共中央重要物资及护送地下党重要情报人员抵达目的地。“巴黎”临时红色交通站遭到叛徒出卖,“烟缸” Gui Wan 牺牲,小组成员一一被设计清换。 Gui Wan 同父异母的弟弟 Zi LiPing 精心策划了一个复仇大计,设局引其兄 Gui Yi 入局,借 Gui Yi 之力破解谜团,真正的“叛谍”浮出水面,兄弟同心铲除叛徒,重建红色交通站。生死迷局一旦揭晓,石破天惊 。

庆余年 (TV)[2019]


某大学文学史专业的学生张庆熟读古典名著,但他用现代观念剖析古代文学史的论文命题不被 Ye JiaoShou 所认可。为了让 Ye JiaoShou 成为自己的研究生导师,张庆决定通过写小说的方式,进一步阐述自己想要表达的观点。 在他的小说中,身世神秘的少年—— Fan Xian ,自小跟随奶奶生活在海边小城澹州,随着一位老师的突然造访,他看似平静的生活开始直面重重的危机与考验。在神秘老师和一位蒙眼守护者的指点下, Fan Xian 熟识药性药理,修炼霸道真气并精进武艺,而后接连化解了诸多危局。因对身世之谜的好奇, Fan Xian 离开澹州,前赴京都。 在京都, Fan Xian 饱尝人间冷暖并坚守对正义、良善的坚持,书写了一段光彩的人生传奇。

破冰行动 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《破冰行动》剧情介绍:讲述了香港毒枭刘浩宇勾结广东东山市塔寨村村支书 Lin YaoDong ,并将东山市市长和市公安局副局长拉下水充当他们的保护伞,在塔寨村建立冰毒地下生产基地,利用刘浩宇在香港的浩宇集团秘密将冰毒跨境运输于澳大利亚牟取暴利。东山市公安局禁毒大队缉毒警 Li Fei 在一次偶然的抓捕行动中撕开了塔寨村秘密制毒的黑幕,他和搭裆宋杨一起冲破重重阻力对塔寨村展开调查。广东省公安厅禁毒局副局长 Li WeiMin 带领省厅调查组深入东山,顶住重重阻力和压力,逐渐还原事实真相。最终,广东省公安厅和香港保安局禁毒处联手行动,将 Lin YaoDong ,刘浩宇制贩毒团伙一举歼灭,并将 Lin YaoDong 身后的保护伞全都挖了出来。

神探 ke chen (TV)[2019]


电视剧《神探 Ke Chen 》又名《天津1928》剧情介绍:讲述了二十世纪二十年代初,军阀混战,民不聊生,天津警察厅的审讯高手 Ke Chen ,秉承着正义的理念,凭着丰富的经验、不凡的身手,在工作和生活的过程中,为普通百姓查明真相,伸张正义,使得他们在混战时期得到了一丝喘息的空间,保障了一些底层百姓的安全。 Ke Chen 在侦破多起其他案件的过程中,顺藤摸瓜找到了当年一桩爆炸案的关键证人和秘密,这桩旧案事关他父母的意外身亡,所有的矛头却指向了他道貌岸然的上司。最后, Ke Chen 在同事和朋友的帮助下,抓住了阴谋背后的黑手,成功的将坏人绳之以法,使自己父母的沉冤得到昭雪,也坚定了他追寻正义、寻找光明的决心 。


Unbreakable Spirit (Movie)[2018]

Feature: In the 1937,during the War of Resistance Against Japan. After Lugou Bridge Incident, Japanese army invaded China inland, the capital Nanjing was in danger. At this crucial moment,the government decided to move to Chongqing. During Feb.1938 to 1944, Japanese army started bombing Chongqing area for more than six years. Chongqing people were still fighting under Japanese bombardment aircraft,showed Chinese people’s bravery and strong will. To protect homeland,young Chinese pilot with America flying instructor began their legendary adventure,Even their equipment was fall behind Japanese army. Their courage was respectable,they would rather die in sky not to hide in a bunker. Finally,their resisting struggle changed the war...

When the wind comes up again (TV)[2018]


In 1978, China opened a new era of reform and opening up, in 1985 entered the stage of comprehensive reform, made the "million disarmament" strategic decision, Fang BangYan, He YouLin and other outstanding military officers, transferred to enterprises, the government and other jobs. With Fang BangYan as a representative of a new generation of entrepreneurs, based on rapid development and changes of the motherland, to promote the reform of economic system reform, foreign trade, in our country to join and lead the era of economic globalization tide, after the transformation of foreign trade, price and axle, self-employment, market competition, state-owned enterprises reform, the ups and downs of international mergers and acquisitions and other legends, suffered from the trials of the international and domestic, cause family, stick to, be indomitable, surprise, to lead Chinese enterprises in the fierce international competition, make positive contribution to the national development.


Six Years (Movie)[2017]

Feature: "Six Years and Six Days" About Lu Yuan and Song XiaoDuo Because of the Olympic volunteers' acquaintance, Lu Yuan was arranged by her father in the suburbs in six years as a college student village officer. Song XiaoDuo also chose to study abroad, and both can only meet the annual August Meet at the Bird's Nest on the 8th. Until Xiao Duo returned to school, Lu Yuan became an excellent grassroots Communist Party member. With the growth of two people, he transformed and realized the value of life and at the same time gained good love.

Interrogator (TV)[2017]


The drama “Interrogator” also known as “Tianjin 1928” introduces the story: In the early 1920s, the warlords clashed in battle, the people were not in trouble, Ke Chen, the interrogator of the Tianjin Police Department, inherited the concept of justice and had a wealth of experience. Extraordinary skill, in the process of work and life, the common people to find out the truth and justice, so that they get a hint of breathing space during the melee period, to protect the safety of some people on the ground. In the process of detecting many other cases, Ke Chen found out the key witnesses and secrets of a bombing incident that affected the accidental death of his parents. All the spearheads pointed to his lofty boss. Finally, Ke Chen, with the help of his colleagues and friends, seized the black hands behind the conspiracy, succeeded in bringing the bad guys to justice, made their parents' deaths clear, and strengthened his determination to pursue justice and find light.


Victory (Movie)[2015]

Feature: "Decisive victory" tells the story of a group of intellectuals fighting the war. Compared with other anti-Japanese war dramas, "decisive victory" does not have a large-scale war drama or a few gunfight games. Instead, it is a series of intellectual warfare that dare to fight rather than fight In the face of desperation, people constantly give play to their original instinctive living wisdom and make strategic and tactical decisions in many aspects.

X UB EI hong (TV)[2013]

Feature: Xu BeiHong tells the story of Xu BeiHong, a painter of painting in 1915, who was appraised by Kang Youwei as a disciple and was able to enjoy Master's paintings of both Chinese and foreign celebrities. Jiang BiWei, a young girl who has been dating her since childhood, has been in deep love with Xu BeiHong and has eloped Japan. Six months later, the two returned to Peking, and Xu BeiHong was even favored by Cai Yuanpei, president of Peking University. He was hired as a master of the Peking University Painting Society. As the first dean of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Xu BeiHong collaborated with Qi BaiShi and Wu Zuoren to make painstaking efforts in the art of prospering the motherland.

When the wind blows again (TV)[2012]


Luo Zheng The father Zhang BaoJin Shortly after his birth, he became suspicious of his wife Lan Fang He was bullied, and in a fit of rage he cut him to death. After Zhang BaoJin was imprisoned, Lan Fang gave his son to a family surnamed luo, and he remarried himself to a peddler Chen QiTai . Luo Zheng grew up and became a policeman, taking care of her mother Liang ShuYing And my sister Luo Lei . Chen QiTai has been struggling for many years to become a wealthy elite in the upper class of society, but he is facing litigation crisis and sharer TV. It was Luo Zheng who arrested him. The younger son Chen ZiJie To borrow a female prosecutor An Ran The hand drives the witness mad, so the father is saved successfully, and at the same time, An Ran is caught in the whirlpool. Chen QiTai gradually learned Chen ZiJie's conspiracy and true identity, and recalled the eldest son Chen shijun to squeeze Lan Fang mother and son. An Ran helped Luo Zheng and the criminal police find evidence of Chen ZiJie's crime. Chen ZiJie finally got his comeuppance, but An Ran got Chen ZiJie's gun and became a vegetable. Years later, Luo Zheng achieved success in her career, Luo Lei got a new destiny, and An Ran fell asleep in the arms of her lover forever.


NoLiar, NoCry (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Lao Pei (Wu Gang ornaments) deserted ten years with his family desert, in order to defend the gold he discovered, while gold has been the Lord for ten years to buy the mine, and Lao Pei has been unwilling to agree, the Lord Angry sent killer "to solve" Lao Pei, while Lao Pei and gold mine news spread like wildfire, causing all walks of life toward the desert. Real estate agent Three Fengshen: Xi Feng (Cherrie Ying), the first of six and eight tube made his fortune, by the Mahjong Council tried to disrupt the trust of Lao Pei and his wife Xiu Sao (Xiuqing Yue), anti-superior Lao Pei out of the door . Director Deng Ge brought the crew together with Dr. Zhang Qing and his sick girlfriend, Yue Yue, to come to the scene. Both groups came up with beauty and professional geological knowledge and tried to get concrete evidence of gold in Lao Pei's mine. Lao Pei, his wife and son Xiao Pei, have been challenged to defend the gold mine for Lao Pei's dream.

I care about (TV)[2011]

Feature: "I Love One World" tells the story of April 16, 1959, a memorable and fortunate day for the first battalion commander of the 51858 unit, Shi Feng. Shi Feng beautiful wife gave him a big fat boy, leaving him ear to ear is looking for years of benefactor Liang BuGui finally let him find it. For Shi Feng, son and Liang BuGui have the same important position in his mind. Generous and generous, able to do things Shi Feng simply and elegant, full of economic Liang BuGui not all the way. In the eyes of Shi Feng, Liang BuGui is a fragile scholar; and in Liang BuGui's mind, Shi Feng is nothing more than a simple-minded reckless husband. Shi Feng always thought Liang BuGui was afraid of death. However, on the battlefield of North Korea, Liang BuGui stepped forward at a crucial moment and letting himself save himself completely changed Shi Feng's view of him. After the two were injured, Shi Feng returned to the front shortly after Liang BuGui was sent back to China for medical treatment. In this way, the difference between two people is seven years. Life and death to pay long absences, joy mood unspeakable. When Shi Feng learns about the current situation of the beam, he deeply remolds his heart of kindness. Liang BuGui and Dong Liu have never had their children after they married. The doctor checked to know that it was the root cause of the fall of Shi Feng in the battlefield that year. Liang BuGui can not be born again in this life. When he found out that his wife, Dong Liu, longs for an own child, he realizes that his love for his entire life will not be compensated. Two years ago, Liang and his wife adopted a newborn baby, and the advent of children made the family reproduce long-lost laughs. They are also immersed in a happy family atmosphere. Accidents will happen. One day two years later, the children's families came to claim that they were going to bring their children back. Dong Liu heard the news, like a bolt from the blue. Despite repeated negotiations, the last child was forcibly taken away. Dong Liu, who had lost her child, fell ill and she soon developed schizophrenia. Shi Feng saw his comrade's wife's gait again and again and saw the anguish and annoyance of his comrade in arms. The bottom line built in Shi Feng finally collapsed. He clearly realized that his recklessness had caused irreparable harm to his comrades. Liang BuGui uses the simplest, the most kind-hearted, the most forgiving way to accept this reality. As a matter of helplessness, Shi Feng decided to give his son to Liang BuGui, but despite his persuasion, his wife, Gao XiaoYun, firmly opposed it. Because of Liu Liu's madness, Liang BuGui was ordered to work elsewhere. Shi Feng looked at his comrades on the brink of collapse and made a surprising decision. The train will start. Shi Feng without telling his wife, resolutely picked up the son after a hundred days arrived at the station, his son handed his comrades in arms. It is this selfless dedication that finally led to Liang BuGui's happy and stable life. Can make Shi Feng did not think that his own decision, in fact, is equivalent to their own happiness and children sent to his comrades. Waiting for him is a smokeless cold war. Shi Feng has been sticking to promises, from beginning to end did not reveal the slightest child with his wife. Shi Feng selfless dedication, let him live in his wife's Cold War for 40 years.Had its own vision of this life to be full of children and grandchildren day, but did not expect to fall a lonely, unaccompanied. For more than 40 years, he endured his wife endless grudges and accusations. Suffering again and again miss the son's pain. Regardless of how unreasonably tortured his wife, he used his faith and endurance for the happiness and joy of comrades in arms. Subsequently, Shi Feng was also relocated to the site as the director of Dongfeng Machinery Plant. Under the dual pressures of family and career, Shi Feng struggled hard to walk on life. In order to finish the 513 plan handed over by the superior in time, Shi Feng relied on former Kuomintang mechanical power experts to help them accomplish their tasks without reparation at the labor reform farm. After many hardships, I have overcome all kinds of difficulties. Finally, we saw a ray of hope. Unexpectedly, in an unexpected fire, the 513 drawings ashes. Shi Feng was also sent to jail innocence. In order to rescue his comrades, Liang BuGui dump it all, running away. Under the tireless efforts of Liang BuGui. Shi Feng finally can see the sun again. Two rustic comrades performed one of their most tragic life symphonies with their own actions. Their behavior told us. The noblest and the most invaluable in this world are not money, not status, but the little bit of truth that every one of us has. Sincere through the blood, in good faith to shock people's hearts. Sincere with money can not be replaced by the quality. Two ordinary comrades, with sincerity, care for each other with faith, sacrificing themselves. They use the noble sentiments to interpret the civilization of this era and describe in the simplest way the Chinese spirit of humanity to be advocated by a harmonious society & nbsp ;.

CJ-72 (Movie)[2010]

Feature: Di Dad to break up workers in the construction site, in order to grow his son to become useful, thrifty to Xiao Di into the first-class institution. Xiao Di daily living in rich children, watching others play the latest toys, eating the most extravagant dishes, the heart is inevitably not taste. He journeying to expect his father can send his coveted wisdom toy Yangtze River One. Di Dad Although new toys can not afford to send Xiao Di, but in the trash accidentally picked up the mysterious alien seven Aberdeen. Seven Aberdeen Earth born magical healing energy, can create many unique magic weapon. Although often hit the wall, but Xiao Di also learn from it, understand that everything can not rely on others, to persevere in order to succeed truth. At the same time, father and son and seven earners gradually cultivate a deep feeling. Xiao Di students egg tart head father accidentally discovered seven Aberdeen unusually energy, in order to achieve their ambitions, out of high-priced to buy seven Aberdeen, did not expect Xiao Di and his son not for money moved, seized seven kidnapped To their own research center, and extract the energy of seven Aberdeen body. Di Di father and son adventure into the egg family research center, experienced obstacles, and finally rescued the last seven Aberdeen, a reunited. Although Dan Ba ​​received seven Aberdeen energy, but unable to control, resulting in collapse of the research center explosion, the countless deadly lethal chemical pollutants leaked. Seven Aberdeen to save nature, resolutely devote his last energy, absorbed the gas of chemical pollutants, because of their own gas, can not speak, can not move. Later, Xiao Di use UV detoxification, Qi Tsai returned to normal.

IronMan (Movie)[2009]

Feature: The story alternates between modern desert oil drilling operations and the Daqing "Oil Congress Battle" of the 1960s. Liu SiCheng, a young oil worker who is the son of "Iron Man" Wang JinXi comrade, was born with the ardent hope of his father. However, as the facts were revealed, the original world of Liu SiCheng collapsed. He had undergone tremendous changes in his ideological understanding, re-understanding of the past times and those people, repositioning himself and reconstructing his own spiritual world. The story shaped the determined image of a generation of oil workers represented by "Iron Man" Wang JinXi in the 1960s and also portrays the style and spiritual world of a new generation of oil workers in the new historical era. The film will demonstrate the spiritual heritage and dialogue between generations of oil workers and vividly demonstrate the inheritance and development of the "Iron Man" spirit in a new era. Liu SiCheng, a young oil worker, is a unit's business pacesetter who loves to collect all the Iron Man items. Liu SiCRui's Liu WenRui, the father of Liu SiCheng, was a fighter commander who fought alongside Wang Tieren. The illusion of a younger man brought Liu SiCheng a supreme honor and increasingly troubling him. With the help of the beautiful psychiatrist Wu MengXia, Liu SiCheng began to try to open the knot. In the meantime, Zhao YiLin was forced to leave the team because of his misconduct with his girlfriend. Zhao YiLin, an angry Zhao, angrily denounced Liu SiCheng, the only insider who knew the story, just as Liu LiuRuiRui, his father, knew only as a liar. Is he the hero who fights the Iron Man, or is he deserted like Zhao YiLin? With the question of Liu SiCheng, time passed back half a century ago ... A dilapidated train pulled Wang JinXi and his 1205 drilling crew from Yumen Oilfield in Gansu to Daqing. As the main force of the oil congressional battle, Wang JinXi and his team shoulder the hope of getting rid of the oil-poor hat in New China. Under the leadership of captain Wang JinXi, only a flesh-and-blood armor with almost nothing left behind, worked hard for five days and five nights. The first oil well in Daqing finally started drilling. Landlord aunt to see Wang JinXi consecutive days and nights fight in the derrick, feeling "Captain Wang really is an iron man!", "Wang Tieren" name spread from now on. After the first well was laid, Wang JinXi's leg was hit by a tumbled drill pipe, but he could not attend to hospitalization. Stayed on the cane with bandages overnight back to the well team. Suddenly encountered the second well is about to blowout, in the absence of barite powder block blowout critical moment, he promptly replaced by cement, cement sink in the mud bottom must be stirred, the scene without a mixer, throw away the double Jump into the mud pool, body mud. Under his guidance, the coworkers also jumped into each other. After more than three hours of hard work, the blowout was eventually subdued and the well and rig were saved. Three years of natural disasters come, Wang JinXi and his team face an unprecedented test. Under severe starvation and high intensity work, teammates will collapse one after another. Wang JinXi Province out of their own rations, and even made political mistakes, find ways to fill the stomach for everyone. Seemingly cumbersome, Wang JinXi pays homage to his elder little boy Liu WenRui, and his wife sewed her knee.Liu WenRui finally stole the return train. The bag of rations left by Wang JinXi and his lonely back became the heart of Liu WenRui's life. With the memory of this memory, Liu SiCheng spent his final time with his father. At this time, Zhao YiLin and his girlfriend, who left the party, were reportedly in distress in the desert. Liu SiCheng did not hesitate to start his search and rescue operation alone. Trance, Liu SiCheng's eyes appeared Wang Tieren's father's smile ... ...

Marriage Life of Zuo Wei and Du Ye (TV)[2006]

Feature: The play is based on Hu Xuewen's novel "Private File" adaptation. Zuo Wei and Du Ye's marital police officer Zuo Wei and deputy governor Du Ye, married couple for five years. Zuo Wei in the security team, but Chuaizhe a do Interpol heart. The fifth anniversary of marriage, even the rare restaurant meals, can grasping a grave criminals. Unexpectedly, his wife Du Ye secret letter, so Interpol grab the credit. Broke the case can not turn themselves, by the recognition of their own turn, to mention a captain to repair Xiaobin robbed go to work on things not satisfactory, which can bear Zuo Wei, but can not stand alone, how many years of marriage, Du Ye, his wife, refused to nod for a baby. Each time the couple has to make a fuss over this story, it is even to the point of divorce. Du Ye has her own ideas and she can always say a bunch of reasons to reject the "reasonable request" that Zuo Wei appears to be justified. Du Ye is the leader of a county. He has a sense of responsibility, a career, and a heart-saving spirit. He just does not want to have a baby and leaves for the left. Du Ye has always been concerned about the issue of poverty alleviation among the people in her hometown. As a parent, she has absolutely no time to have children. So easy to force the public to fight for the project of getting rid of poverty, Zuo Wei was offended because of the case of the deputy magistrate's brother being over-charged. However, at this juncture, Du Ye actually pregnant! Zuo Wei happy joy, turned out to be secretly contraceptives for him. Du Ye was like a hit, suddenly realized. Her husband's behavior made her feel so strange and vicious. She told Zuo Wei that the child must be taken away not only for work but also because pregnancy requires a long period of physical and psychological preparation, and such sloppy asking for a child is merely a tool for revenge. Zuo Wei just showdown, if you do him I will be moved to stand up legislation, we immediately divorced ... ... Du Ye still want to get rid of the child, but suddenly learned from the doctor, her husband Zuo Wei suffering from stomach cancer! Du Ye secretly cried, concealed his illness from Zuo Wei, and decided to give birth to the child. Zuo Wei looked at the childless face and apologized to the deputy magistrate and his brother. But this time Du Ye was out of office when a car accident, the child lost. Zuo Wei misunderstood the child is Du Ye deliberately disappeared, the rift between husband and wife further deepened ... ... two people noisy to meet noisy, but why there are such things always let them meet. For a moment, Du Ye came to the Squad to secure prostitution and was bidding for the construction team Zuo Wei went to Du Ye to help his ex-girlfriend's uncle. They are all official business did not give each other's face, the relationship between the two worse. By accident, Zuo Wei inadvertently learned that he has got a terminal illness. He proposed a divorce and thought it would be good for both. Two people reached an agreement, Du Ye did not tell others that Zuo Wei had cancer, and Zuo Wei did not disclose the fact that the two were divorced. In the night, Zuo Wei was crying alone in the living room. Du Ye looked at Zuo Wei's back, hard biting his fingers ... ... The couple finally parted ways, Zuo Wei in the security team is still restless, always trying to control other cases; Du Ye sat the magistrate's position Dedicated to the people, but also to help the poor but also to get well-off busy.When they were together, they clamored for divorce, and now they broke up. Although they did not meet each other, they always kept each other in mind. Zuo Wei assault rounds rushed empty, depressed heart. Ex-girlfriend asked him to eat, coincidentally met her current boyfriend, security chief Xilin Lin. New hatred hate together, the two quarreled. Du Ye's project was finally finalized. At the celebration, Du Ye was praised and respected by everyone. She remembered how much she had to pay for it. She decided to find ways and means to find a cure for Zuo Wei. But Zuo Wei was afraid of dragging Du Ye, pulling his ex-girlfriend Zhang Yi to play him and Du Ye furious ... Zuo Wei went to Yingpan. Zuo Wei set an example, in order to camp town except three tyrants, one of the three tyrants boss deliberately rejected Du Ye's road construction, making Du Ye and Zuo Wei once again clashed. Zuo Wei because too tired lead to aggravating illness, fainted after being sent to the hospital, but he pulled a bit and ran out of the hospital. Disaster, he again in the implementation of the task is innocent was accidentally removed from office, but not discouraged after some investigation Zuo Wei finally overwhelmed the three hegemony, the man of the county Wu Dongzai has so far been jailed. Zuo Wei made great efforts in this series of cases, and his superior combined with Xiaolin their report. They decided not only to restore the position of Zuo Wei officer but also to award a rank of police supervisor. During the weekend ceremony, Zuo Wei stood upright and honored a standard ceremony. In the office, his colleague handed Du Ye an envelope saying that Zuo Wei had him hand in. Du Ye opened it for a look, a torn-up divorce agreement. At the executive meeting of the government streamlining agency, Qiao County Magistrate announced one thing: After Comrade Du Ye's application, our county department of organization considered the decision and appointed Comrade Du Ye as acting mayor of Yingpan Township at the original administrative level. Everyone surprised ... ... Zhang Yi, repair Xiaolin all the way to finally get married. Banquet was gone, Zuo Wei and Du Ye together drive back to the town of Yingpan. Along the way, neither one spoke. Back to camp, open the door, this is another dormitory, but also their new home. The two began to pack up. Where are the things put up, two people one by one to bicker. Zuo Wei is changing the light bulb to the house, Du Ye said suddenly, yes, tell you something. Zuo Wei said, what? Du Ye said I was pregnant. New marriage has begun ...

Q in shi Huang (TV)[1986]

Feature: Qin ShiHuang tells the story of Tony Liu, who grew up in Zhao during his childhood and enjoys deep friendship with Pat Poon. He returned to Qin with his parents and was made a prince. South Korea's princess as a hostage seized in the Qin State, Hwa-cheng for her dedication, but the princess in love with Dan. Qin became stronger and stronger, taking the helm of political power as the ruling party and greatly destroying the ambition of the six nations to unify the world. To complete the king map tyrants industry, government can not care and Yan Dan's brotherhood. Knight Jing Ke (Damian Lau) is determined to stab Qin, Gao JianLi Yishui bid farewell. Jing Ke encounters Xue Ying (Michelle Yim) on Thorn Qin. The two fall in love each other. Jing Ke understands that he will not go back forever and will be patient with Xue Ying. Thorn Qin failed, Jing Ke to win the respect of Qin Wang, eternal fame. Qin reunification of China, renamed the beginning of the emperor, reuse Li Si, rule the country with law, unified measurement and writing, burning books Confucianism, the construction of the Great Wall. Meng JiangNv (Fung Bo Bo) Qianli Xunfu, touch the beginning of the emperor. The beginning of the emperor proud of the world, but immeasurable lonely, ideals of the future generations of work, to II died.

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