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MC Jin TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included MC Jin Works 6 ,And Action 3 ,Feature 2 ,Suspense 2 ,Crime 2 ,Comedy 2 ,Romance 1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Adventure 1 。

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MC Jin Filmography(6)


怪物 lie ren (Movie)[2020]


在我们的世界背后,还有另外一个世界:这里满是危险而强大的怪物,用它们的凶残奠定了在这个世界的统治地位。阿特米斯队长和她的队员们被一场突如其来的沙尘暴传送到了一个前所未见的新世界,在未知而充满敌意的环境里,他们无比震惊地发现了大量令人恐惧且免疫热兵器攻击的怪兽。充满绝望的生死存亡之战中,这只小队遭遇了一名神秘的猎手,他掌握了一些独一无二的技能,让他能在面对这些强大生物时占据上风。随着阿特米斯和 Lie Ren 之间逐渐建立信任,她发现这名 Lie Ren 其实是一支团队的一员,他们的首领名叫 A DeMiEr 。面对一场足以毁灭这个世界的危机,身怀绝技的勇敢武士们团结在一起,齐心协力应对这次终极之战。影片改编自畅销全球的现象级游戏作品《怪物 Lie Ren 》。


沉默的证人 (Movie)[2019]


雨夜,香港法医中心遭遇一伙训练有素的悍匪的洗劫。来者挟持 Chen JiaHao ( Nick Cheung 饰) Qiao Lin ( Zi Yang 饰)两位法医,逼迫他们寻找一具特殊尸体并找出尸体体内的一颗子弹。法医在解剖的过程中发现,子弹事关一场黑帮血拼的大案,而匪首SANTA( Richie Jen 饰)的身份也另有蹊跷。为了保护证物揭开真相,手无寸铁的 Chen JiaHao Qiao Lin ,利用身边一切可以利用的器械,和法医中心的特殊地势进行布局反击。逐渐被激怒的匪徒越发狂躁嗜血,陷入绝境的法医们,无畏楼毁人亡的危机,决心硬刚到底!

扫毒2:天地对决 (Movie)[2019]


毒品市场维持四分天下的格局已久,幼时父亲因毒品去世又亲眼目睹自己的儿子也因毒品坠楼身亡的 Yu ShunTian 为了让香港不再有毒贩,以毒攻毒,策划的一连串黑吃黑事件企图“毒霸”香港毒品市场,警员 Lin ZhengFeng 便带着他的扫毒行动组全力追缉毒犯。后林警官的女儿因朋友被毒品害死而向慈善家兼金融巨子 Yu ShunTian 求助,他悬赏一亿追杀香港最大毒贩,此举在社会上引起轩然大波。原来, Yu ShunTian 和 Di Zang 有着不可告人的同门关系,一场天地对决一触即发。在二十年的同门情谊面前,兄弟二人又将如何面对这场“毒局”?与此同时, Lin ZhengFeng 妻子、同事在执行缉毒任务时被吸毒者和毒贩残忍杀害,背负着丧妻之痛的他也将与毒贩们展开殊死对决。


Baixing xi 2018 (Movie)[2018]


The movieBaixingxi 2018"Psychological therapist" Dr. Bao and his two daughters, Jia Xin, Jia Qi, and his boyfriend Liang HuaSheng, share happy moments of mutual misfortunes and misfortunes. The year of the dog is approaching.


Maverick (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Dragon actress Xiaolei (Alan Ko ornaments) shooting a movie in Shanghai, met the big star Wang ManFei (Choi Yoon-so ornaments), in an accidental opportunity to save Wang ManFei. Fei Fei often screwed up because of filming, but also because they can not afford rent was dumped out of residence, but crooked into the private kindergarten as a volunteer, and one of the orphans Niu Niu (Zhang Aiqing ornaments) forged a deep feeling , Niu Niu is the last girl injured when the filming car. Niu Niu was recommended to the crew by the little fly, playing Wang ManFei's daughter, won the king's favorite. Entertainment of Ba Ye (Liu Yapeng) used to be Wang ManFei broker, is also unrequited love Wang ManFei crazy people, is now using Xiaofei began to speculation Wang ManFei rumored to meet the dark purpose of Wang to be his girlfriend . Wang ManFei was scandal driven to death, the little fly knew he was used by Ba Ye, began to make up, steal Ba Ye broke the photos to Wang ManFei, Ba Ye began a more crazy revenge. Xiaofei found himself in love with Wang ManFei, for her silently pay a lot. Niu Niu's biggest dream is to be able to board the stage, never meet a mother dancing a hip-hop, flying and brothers are hip-hop master, began teaching Niu Niu dance. That Wang Man ...

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