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Andy Yang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Andy Yang Works 52 ,And Feature 18 ,Romance 8 ,Family drama 8 ,Costume Drama 6 ,Comedy 5 ,Urban drama 4 ,Suspense 4 ,Motivational film 3 ,Myth play 3 ,Campus drama 2 ,Historical play 2 ,Modern opera 2 ,Love 2 ,Thriller 2 ,Action 1 ,Crime 1 ,Disaster 1 ,现代都市爱情1 ,Criminal investigation 1 ,Youth inspirational 1 ,时装1 ,Youth drama 1 ,近代传奇轻喜剧1 ,家庭教育类情景喜剧1 ,情景1 ,儿童剧1 ,医疗1 ,Xian xia 1 ,Fantasy film 1 ,Palace 1 ,Romantic drama 1 ,Contemporary film 1 ,抗战1 ,legend 1 ,Ancient 1 ,Net play 1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Martial Arts 1 ,近代革命1 ,War 1 ,Animation 1 。

Works Index

Andy Yang Filmography(52)


Go go squid! (TV)[2019]

Feature: 剧照深夜, Han ShangYan 推门走入了一家小网吧。此时,计算机“鬼才”,在读研究生 Tong Nian 为表弟家看管着网吧。单纯软萌的 Tong Nian 对 Han ShangYan 一见钟情。她勇敢,却连他十年前的绯闻女友都不敢细看;她淡然,却因害怕打扰他,连坐在身边偷偷瞄一眼都带着不安;她习惯了大场面,却因他在她微博下的留言而觉得呼吸都要停滞;她接受惯了采访,却在给他打电话时,准备了半天的话题,一个字都想不起来;她那么喜欢他,可是因为觉得对不起,却只能流着泪说分手。就是这样的 Tong Nian ,打动了不近女色,早已波澜不惊的 Han ShangYan ,也在 Han ShangYan 的激励下, Tong Nian 重新加入校队,继续国际计算机学会世界编程大赛的比赛。两人各自投入到了夺取冠军的征程,在不同的领域大放异彩 。

我的 mo geli 男孩 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《我的 Mo GeLi 男孩》剧情介绍:讲述了 Mo GeLi 是在森林里被守林爷爷抚养长大的男孩,从小便与森林中的动物嬉戏成长。身为独立创业女性的凌煕误将 Mo GeLi 带回城市,本想尽快送其回森林,不料因工作室的营销需求不得不留下 Mo GeLi 。 Ling Xi 与 Mo GeLi 住在了同一屋檐下,两人渐渐建立起了不一样的感情, Mo GeLi 作为人类和自然的桥梁,在凌煕的帮助下,逐渐学习与融入到现代社会生活,知道做人的道理;而凌煕在 Mo GeLi 身上学到了大自然的哲学,并加入生态保护行列,拯救环境,两人互相学习,一起成长。 

烈火英雄 (Movie)[2019]



沉默的证人 (Movie)[2019]


雨夜,香港法医中心遭遇一伙训练有素的悍匪的洗劫。来者挟持 Chen JiaHao ( Nick Cheung 饰) Qiao Lin ( Zi Yang 饰)两位法医,逼迫他们寻找一具特殊尸体并找出尸体体内的一颗子弹。法医在解剖的过程中发现,子弹事关一场黑帮血拼的大案,而匪首SANTA( Richie Jen 饰)的身份也另有蹊跷。为了保护证物揭开真相,手无寸铁的 Chen JiaHao Qiao Lin ,利用身边一切可以利用的器械,和法医中心的特殊地势进行布局反击。逐渐被激怒的匪徒越发狂躁嗜血,陷入绝境的法医们,无畏楼毁人亡的危机,决心硬刚到底!


During the day the legend of white snake (TV)[2018]

Feature: "The Legend of the White Snake of Heavenly Tail" tells the story of the pharmacist Gu Xuanzhu Xu Xuan and his sister Leng Ning who rescued their lives and met at Peach Blossom Festival and Bai YaoYao. But Bai YaoYao saved Xu Xuan in order to steal immortality, violated the stripe, recovered Xu Xuan memories of the past, alone to save back. Shimeng Leng Ning jealous of Bai YaoYao, drew Dragon was born, as a calamity. For self-salvation, being suppressed by Qi Xiao under Leifeng Pagoda, Xu Xuan is distraught, does not love red dust, and retreats to Buddhism. After 20 years, Bai YaoYao is returning to the sky, and Xu Xuan has solved his causal relationship with Qi Xiao.

Ashes of Love/ Heavy Sweetness Ash like forst (TV)[2018]


The TV drama "Ashes of Love/ Heavy Sweetness Ash like forst"episodes: narrated by "the meteor Dan" break the feeling absolutely love of the flower god's daughterJin MiIn the face of true loveTian DiThe son of xu still didn't know what love was. Meanwhile, night godThe Run YuIn order to revenge for her mother, she planned to fight for the position of Tian Di, but unconsciously she fell in love with Jin Mi, but could not stop using her. But whenJin Mibecause of misunderstanding willXu FengWhen a knife was killed, it finally spit out the "meteor Dan" to break through the perception of love. In order to find back the love,Jin Mihad to resolve the misunderstanding withXu Fengand rescue the demon sovereignXu Fengwho had fallen into the magic channel due to love and hatred.Jin Miwas trapped betweenXu FengandThe Run Yuin the battle between the two kingdoms of heaven and the devil, and finally became a teardrop in Xu Feng's eyes.Xu Fenghad been searching hard for a long time, thinking aboutJin Miand crying, finallyJin Miwas reborn with the help of flower circle, andXu Fengreturned to life on earth.The Run Yusilently bless, but know that they will be forever lonelyTian Di.

一纸婚约 (Movie)[2018]


Ye Zi 是上海某设计学院刚毕业的女大学生,准备和男朋友 Li Chao 买房结婚。可是二人不具备买房资格,着急买房结婚的 Ye Zi 决定和大她二十几岁离异的大学教授 Wang Feng 假结婚, Wang Feng 平静的生活从此也被打破,正当 Ye Zi 风风火火装修新房时, Li Chao 移情别恋 Ye Zi 的闺蜜 Lin Lin 。万念俱灰的 Ye Zi 用酒精麻痹自己,而 Wang Feng 的关怀备至也打动了离异家庭,没有安全感的 Ye Zi 。正当二人情感碰撞出火苗时,却被 Wang Feng 女儿 Wang XiaoXiang 的出现浇灭。当 Ye Zi 和 Wang Feng 准备办理离婚时,突如其来的意外,也让 Ye Zi 陷入困境。


Ode to Joy 2 (TV)[2017]

Feature: New Year has come, happy floor, every one of the new problems also ensued: An Di (Tamia Liu) Bao YiFan (Yang Shuo ornaments) ushered in the new possibilities of emotion, but also from the life experience and the internal package Fan ShengMei (Xin Jiang ornaments) try to start a new life, but still difficult to escape from the mud of the family, Wang BaiChuan (Luyi Zhang ornaments) everywhere rely on every pressing; Qu XiaoXiao (Wang Ziwen ornaments) and Dr. Zhao ( Kai Wang) There is still a gap between the scores and the numbers. However, the seemingly stable family relations between Qu Jia and the artist seem to be in perilous situations. Qiu YingYing (Zi Yang) is unlucky and infatuated with Ying Qin (Hao Chen Wu) ; Guan JuEr (Bridgette Qiao ornaments) encounter rock youth Xie Tong (Deng Lun ornaments) fell in love, but was fierce parents opposition & nbsp ;. Five girls in the bump each other with care before, eventually, An Di and Bao YiFan come together to face and resolve the An Di life experience and package problems; Fan ShengMei gradually face up to me, family problems can be resolved and decided with Wang BaiChuan Shared the wind and rain; Qu XiaoXiao and Dr. Zhao learn to live in harmony and successfully save the brink of collapse of family relations; Qiu YingYing impressed by the truth Ying Qin, the two entered the marriage hall; Guan JuEr determined to uphold themselves and brave pursuit of love. Five girls work together to face life sharpen, further growth & nbsp ;.

Dragon Ball Legend of Infernal Affairs (TV)[2017]

Feature: Li YiHuan (Zi Yang), the last child of Yong Ming, formerly known as Ming Li Li, grew up in Ming Zhu Valley, a group of former Ming dynasties, who joined Zhu CiXuan (nicknamed Li Jianqing) (Zijun Mao), Shu Chang (actress )), Ye MoSheng (Han Cheng Yu ornaments), Fan QianYing (Sun Wei ornaments) and other siblings along with the masters martial arts learning. When he grew up, Yi Huan and his entourage left Ming Zhu Valley, trying to get closer to Kang Xi (Qin Junjie) at the behest of Master, in an attempt to find an opportunity to report hatred of the family. Yi Huan and juvenile Kang Xi From happy lovers to mutual feelings and then to the last had to turn their heads against enemies, sincere feelings and family hatred became the biggest contradiction between them, the rest of the boys and girls are also responsible for the teachers Duty at the same time also experienced their own love and hate. And Kang Xi eventually led Yi Huan with the idea of ​​"ruling the country by virtue," and she gave up her hatred and tried to persuade her friends to stop fighting for selfish hatred and endangering people. Huan eventually decided to marry Kang Xi. Kang Xi promised to be a generation of Mingjun and eventually lead the people of the world and created a healthy and prosperous history of Kang & Qian.

Ten years as a product temperature as saying (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Ten years a product as warm as" tells the story of Wen Heng daughter and heir home from the youth school to his workplace love story and life competition. Wen, Yan, Lu, Xin family is the bustling city of the four groups. The four heirs Wen SiGuan, Yan Xi, Lu Liu and Xin DaYi are good friends who play together. Wen Heng's daughter, Wen Heng, was fatigued because he was fatigued from childhood to nursed back to town. He returned after more than 10 years. Yan Xi love at first sight of it. Several young people experience youthful campus life and start their own businesses after graduation. Yan Xi and Wen Heng chose their favorite costume design work, through their own efforts, won the elders support, began struggling to pursue their dreams. Wen SiGuan and Xin DaYi inherited their respective group's ruling work. Lu Liu first entered the mall, giving a lot of help Winchester. In the face of fierce shopping malls competition, there were contradictions among several friends. Once the friendship burst, after all efforts, friends shake hands and realize the significance of competition and make progress together. From the friendship of teenagers to the competition of the workplace, young people have been sharpening and growing for decades. They have learned the preciousness of family ties and friendship and have become more and more mature. And Wen Heng and Yan Xi this pair of lovers after ups and downs, and finally harvested a happy love, achievements of a story.

CryingOut In Love (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Ke Da received a package from 20 years ago. Aroused his infinite memories, so that he embarked on the road to return to his hometown. Along the memory of the route, Ke Da all the way back to high school alma mater. The dusty past, buried in my heart years, angel-girl Xia Ye memories of youth and first love in my heart. At that time, they went to school together, took risks together and agreed to go to the center of the world. Pure love made them feel happy. However, the cruel reality can not escape but love each other two hearts but also more determined. This memorial trip opened up the long-awaited heart of Ke Da, wandering in the maze of past events, and saw the past back and found the future. Ke Da remembers his agreement with Xia Ye and continues to look for the world center in which Xia Ye was most concerned.

PAPA (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Huang BoLun (Xia Yu decorated) came to Los Angeles in the United States to find a missing artist (Zi Yang) unfortunately stranded in the United States, but unexpectedly became the five different color of the United States Meng baby father. While continuing to search for the missing artist, Huang BoLun also takes care of five adolescent children. After a series of twists and turns, this irresponsible "temporary Daddy" has gradually grown into a real good father, got his second growth in life.

Qingyun Zhi (TV)[2016]

Feature: Grass Temple Village Shao NianZhangXiaoFan, after experiencing the massacre of the tragedy in the village, was Albatron door to the door. In return for teacher grace, Zhang Xiaofan diligently study, but because of their blunt, nothing achieved. Into confusion and loneliness in his life, fortunately Gui Wang's daughter Bi Yao and friend Lin JingYu comfort accompanied, through the most ignorant phase of life. Zhang Xiaofan and Lin JingYu, Lu XueQi, Ceng ShuShu and other good and passionate teenagers to help good, demon evil. Zhang Xiaofan again and again in the ups and downs of suffering gradually grow, and the feelings with Bi Yao, but also in the affair with the growing depth. However, Gui Wang set up a chain plot to revive the Beast God and overturn it. Zhang Xiaofan brazenly meet the enemy, on the moment hanging life, Bi Yao demeanor as he stormed the deadly sword, seriously injured Coma, Xiaowan sleeping Sleeping world. Gui Wang gave up and made a comeback. In the end, Zhang Xiaofan defeated Gui Wang with great courage and conviction. He eliminated the festivals and years of struggle between the pros and cons and completed the agreement with a group of Bi Yao and Lin Jing Yu colleagues. Under the joint efforts of the young people, the mountains and rivers are finally replaced by beautiful picturesque stretches of fertile land.

Ode to Joy (TV)[2016]

Feature: Fan ShengMei (Xin Jiang ornaments), Guan JuEr (Bridgette Qiao ornaments) and Qiu YingYing (Zi Yang ornaments) come together from Shanghai to work in Shanghai. The three girls share an apartment with An Di (Tamia Liu) Qu XiaoXiao (Wang Ziwen), a super-rich rich girl, lives on the 22nd floor of a medium-sized district called "Ode to Joy." The five women, each with a different personality, each carrying difficulties and disappointments from work, love and family because of the neighbors' relationship and mutual acquaintance. They conceived each other to gradually accept each other and open each other's hearts. In the process, they worked together to solve each other's problems All sorts of problems and confusion in life, and witness each other in Shanghai, the magic of growth and transformation & nbsp ;.

Big marry fashion (TV)[2016]

Feature: Wedding planner Xia Ran suddenly broke up with her boyfriend Jiang JianNan. However, looking for Jiang JianNan to ask what happened, he met Yisheng Jin ZhiHao, a young man who rented a suite with Jiang JianNan. Jin ZhiHao In order to dispel his mother's doubts about his love for years, he and Xia Ran negotiate: Xia Ran pretends to be Jin ZhiHao's girlfriend; Jin ZhiHao helps Xia Ran find Jiang JianNan. Later, the two together to solve a lot of cases, to help others to complete their dreams, to find happiness. Gradually the two had feelings, unexpectedly, Jin ZhiHao's first love girlfriend Nie Xuan appeared. When Jin ZhiHao learned that Nie Xuan had left the truth, he had mixed feelings. Xia Ran see this, want to use their own exit to fulfill the love of Nie Xuan and Jin Zhi Hao. Faced with the fierce pursuit of Nie Xuan, Jin ZhiHao came to realize that responsibility can not replace love. Once again, he meets Xia Ran and hugs him humbly, saying that he wants to face all the problems together. See Jin ZhiHao and Xia Ran sincerely in love with the scene, Nie Xuan understand the true meaning of love. Love came hard-won, Xia Ran niece full moon banquet, we all get together & nbsp ;. Big married fashion poster map

Qingyun Chi 2 (TV)[2016]

Feature: Albatron Battle, Opposition Devil, Queen's daughter Bi Yao sacrifice Albatron disciple Zhang Xiaofan, was punctured Sword Shattered soul, leaving only a ray of soul locked into Jin Ling sleepless. Zhang Xiaofan extremely hurt because of the matter of Bi Yao, Albatron doorway reversed Wang Zongwang, become Wang Wang deputy. For more than a decade, Xiaofan bent on awakening Bi Yao, exhausted all kinds of ways but invalid. In the meantime, Emperor Wang attempted to awaken the animal beings without the knowledge of Zhang Xiaofan, and used the strength of the beast gods to help hegemony. Under the King's use, save the bored Cheung Zhang Xiaofang Bi Yao, went to the death swamp, explore the world treasure, brave incense Valley, explore the southern Xinjiang hundred thousand mountains, look for the beast to awaken the beast. The decent school to stop the devil conspiracy also resolutely sent his disciples and devotees to deal with. Zhang Xiaofan and former friends Lin JingYu, Ceng ShuShu, Lu XueQi and others met one after another and worked together to jointly confront the problems they encountered along the way. Once again, the tribulation witnessed the strength of friendship and solidarity. Zhang Doufan gradually realized the true meaning of righteousness, evil and life in his repeated choices. In his second choice, he followed the principle of choosing guardian justice and protecting all beings.

Wheresthetime (Movie)[2015]

Feature: During the SARS outbreak, viruses such as Yao Yuan (Dylan Kuo) and Lin YuTong (Zi Yang) became acquainted with each other. A blink of an eye for many years in the past, entered the University of the two men in the accident on campus reunion. Logically, Yao Yuan and Lin YuTong came together, began their long and sweet love long-distance race. However, the two, who thought they would eventually march into the marriage hall, were partying in a series of mistakes and were never linked. Yao Yuan then became an engineer and met the gentle woman named Shen Xin (Yaxuan Gao). His father, Yao WenCheng (Vincent Chiao), had been in poor health, so Yao Yuan decided to marry Shen Xin but his father's wish. However, at the wedding ceremony of the two men, the emergence of university roommate Qiao Zhi brought Lin YuTong's hidden secrets of the day, which mystified Yao Yuan's mind and did not know how to choose it in the future.

Natural to be perfect (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Naturally perfect" stills Cai Mi and Fu Chun and a number of 90 post-college students, sunny, clever naughty; but also has 90 after the "traits": personality rebel, late maturity, lack of training and so on. In order to sharpen their own, in the last year of the university, they went into the special training project "101 Project" jointly held by the school and the army and experienced a completely different life: in addition to the sharpening of the military project, the world outlook and the psychological quality Training and learning and exercise about psychological warfare knowledge. During this period, they clashed with contradictions and conflicts among troops and instructors, and their values ​​and values ​​in their lifestyles and outlook on life were greatly different. Their clashes with our war-war experts, such as Yun TianYao and Jiang Danchen, were even upgraded to "wits and courage," " Again and again ", eighteen martial arts all staged, people ridiculous. Rigorous checkpoints training and examination, inspired their fighting spirit; professional heart warfare drill to test their psychological endurance and the courage to defeat their opponents. Through hard training, a batch of 90 postgraduates such as Cai Mi and Fu Chun have witnessed rapid maturity and personality integrity, making them unforgettable "vivid lessons."

Soul Ferryman 2 (TV)[2015]

Feature: Eye of the flesh, dull unknown, see not far from the past, see before the see, see no see darkness. The world seen in the human eye stills is not a conclusive existence. Some people's eyes, can see others can not see. Orphan Xia DongQing has a pair of special eyes, his eyes, can see the ghost, see the beings of another world. With this pair of eyes, he has seen the world's love and sorrow, pursuit and yearning; because of these eyes, he met the "soul ferry man" Zhao Li and beautiful and kind Nv Hai Wang Xiao Ya, Holly almost fell in love with her. However, as they suddenly appeared, Zhao Li and Wang Xiaoya disappeared in the holly life at the same time. A year later, Holly admitted to a graduate student, surrounded by a friend, his face with a smile, he is an ordinary student, no one knows his secret, no one knows his distinctive eyes. Holly could not find the convenience store that used to be the soul inn, it seems as if it had never existed before. No one knew that college girl named Wang Xiao, nor did a ghost met Zhao Li's soul ferry. But Zhao Li's farewell words still in my ears: "When the moon turns red, I will go back to find you stills." On the day the moon turned red, Zhao Li did not come back, but Wang came back. Xiao Ya again appeared in front of holly, identity has become a nine days Xuannv. At this moment, Zhao Li was seriously injured and was lying unconsciously in a mental hospital. Xuannv and Holly rescued Zhao Li, who was detained by evil spirits, and the three met again. Zhao Li bought a villa by the sea, so the strange journey with laughter and tears reopened. They met the mysterious girl with the descendants of the goddess; the laborers who fell into disrepair; the writer who became addicted to writing the best-selling book; the infatuated woman who pursued the marriage of his ancestors; the Nanhai mermaid who had conceived the deceased; and the shadow of evil was on their side When hiding now, Japanese Wraith has been lurking in China, eyeing the earth of China. Where the good and evil are out of place, when the good and the evil are fighting, the only way to cultivate a kindheartedness is to break through all kinds of evil. Why gods of people admire willing to stay in the world, the Kunlun and the underworld and how wearing a mysterious veil, the holly body also hidden what amazing secrets, the story has been opened with the road to explore the mystery of both yin and yang, the universe to pursue the prehistoric Source.

Yangko (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Yangko" tells about 1936, Shandong Haiyang. Hai Mao, a vagrant who begats for begat and fortune-telling, was caught up with Julong, a girl, along with girl Wu RuoYun. Eighteen years ago, pirate chief Hei Sha's father and mother were harmed by the cloud's father Wu QianKun, and now he is going to take revenge. Hai Mao captivated the caretaker with Mongolian medicine and led Wu RuoYun to escape overnight. On the way, they met Wang Tian Kai, an injured underground party member who was hunted down by the security team. Hai Mao, carrying Wang TianKai, fled into the mountains and rescued it with rice and forest herbs. Hutouwan town Wu, Zhao two generations of hatred, but also because of the calendar year, "Dou Yangko" for "sea power", and can not be perished. The first lunar month thirteen fighting Yangko, Hai Mao to stir up, he was looking for biological parents. Hai Mao's mother, Zhao YuSheng's Zhao YuSheng's sister, Zhao Ming, gave birth to Hai Mao. May Wu, Zhao two ancestors may not be allowed to marry, illegally gave birth to children, but also Shen Hai. In order to leave a living way for Hai Mao, the father and mother both self-proclaimed on the head cliff, while Hai Mao still wants to be Shen Hai. Wu RuoYun went to seek the rescue of Hei Sha, a pirate with the same life experience as Hai Mao, and Zhao XiangYue, who was also entrusted with the project because of her mother Yumei, dived into the water in advance and saved Hai Mao in a crisis. Hei Sha and Hai Mao sworn, let him back with Julong island. But Hai Mao can escape. Hai Mao back to the tiger's head Bay revenge, but mistaken Ruomo cloud boudoir. Wu RuoYun with Hai Mao went to Haiyang County to find a uncle complainant, guard battalion Wu JiangHai is Wu QianKun's half-brother, the tension between the two. Wu JiangHai ransacked Wu QianKun and Zhao HongSheng with Hai Mao's parents' case. After the parents were buried, Mao Mao stayed at Tiger Head Bay. During this period, he and Wu RuoYun and Zhao XiangYue took root in their love affairs, and they also formed deep friendship with two small chiefs, Zhao DaLu and Wu TianWang. Who knows, Wu JiangHai soon back to the Tiger Head Bay, the town to pay a person out. Wu QianKun and Zhao HongSheng colluded with Hai Mao. Wu JiangHai is holding office for promotion and indiscriminate holding Hai Mao to death. He is deeply in love with Wu RuoYun and Zhao XiangYue of Hai Mao and at the same time makes a decision to become widow of Hai Mao's "survived person". Wang Tian Kai, who was sent to Haiyang just by his superiors, also occasionally learned that Hai Mao was convicted of death and about to be executed. He was busy organizing rescue operations. After careful planning, Hai Mao was rescued from the guards' muzzle. Wang TianKai took him to the base and sent him to join the revolutionary ranks. A few years later, investigating platoon leader Hai Mao was sent back to Tiger Head Bay to inquire about the whereabouts of a missing drug ship. Are catching up with Wu RuoYun and Zhao XiangYue at the same time, while the grooms are Wu TianWang and Zhao DaLu respectively. See Hai Mao did not die, the two brides escaped marriage at the same time, but they were all robbed by Hei Sha. In order to retrieve the drug ship, Hai Mao borrowed the island to save the island to re-register Julong Island. After a series of twists and turns, Hai Mao learned that the boat was snatched by the "Snake Island" bandit. Hai Mao led to the marriage of Hei Sha and She Ye Island owner Zhu YeQing, and Zhu YeQing therefore returned the ship. Under the arrangement of Wang TianKai, Hai Mao returned to Tiger Head Bay to build an anti-Japanese base area, coinciding with the Japanese devils who came to town for watching the yangko dance. Hai Mao took the opportunity to tease the Japanese invaders, mobilize the people to resist Japan, but did not want to provoke devils to wash tiger head Bay.Hai Mao mobilized the evacuation of the people and saved the town of Hutouwan by his own strength and led the devils to the Snake Island to use the landmines to wipe out the enemy. Japanese aggressors gathered more troops, to be flattered tiger head Bay. Just worship Wu RuoYun hall, Hai Mao into anti-Japanese. Under the persuasion of Hai Mao, Zhao HongSheng decided to pay redemption for Hai Mao's actions and successfully handed San Mao's offensive plan to Hai Mao. Wu family, Zhao family, pirates, eight road, four teams concerted efforts to kill the tiger head Bay, jointly annihilated the Japanese army. Wu JiangHai That sinful life ends with Wu QianKun's furious home law. The Eighth Route Army liberated Haiyang and set up a recruitment office in Hutouwan. Zhao DaLu became a soldier and touched Zhao XiangYue with his true love. The two were ready to marry. Hai Mao, who wants to marry the two, wanted to take the opportunity to ease the conflict between the two houses and to organize a big Yangko. Just as everyone was immersed in joy, Hai Mao was attacked by San Pu with a knife in his chest. Two years later, San Pu, who discovered Hai Mao's death, planned to take revenge on Tiger Head Bay. In order to break down the defensive forces at Tiger Head, San Pu decided to start with Hei Sha. Letting Liu set a trap and lead Hei Sha, Xiao LaoDao attacked Shesu Island with traitors and Japanese soldiers. In order to protect their sisters from retreating, pregnant Zhu YeQing was grenade blown off. With the loss of the sea barrier in Tiger Head Bay, San Pu started implementing the "Wolf Day" plan, misleading Hai Mao with a troop reconciliation move, making him a real tiger. Before departure, Hai Mao commissioned Yang GeFengZi to send a letter to Wu QianKun, telling Wu QianKun to keep the road where Taoism was, and not to return to Tiger Head Bay. Yang GeFengZi turned over the old pesticide that San Pu had dressed up on the mailing road, and the letter was transferred. After seeing the letter, Wu QianKun brought back to Tiger Head Bay while San Pu's team quietly followed behind and killed him towards Tiger Head Bay. Wu QianKun was mistaken for spies, Wu people want to enter the tiger head Bay, Zhao's people shot. Hong Yue returned to Tiger Head Bay and judged Wu QianKun not a traitor. Both Wu and Zhao stubbornly resisted but suffered heavy casualties. Both Wu QianKun and Zhao DaLu died in a heroic sacrifice. Wu QianKun's death let Wu RuoYun can not be relieved, she listens to the words of Wu TianWang and San Pu, promised to cooperate with them to assassinate Xu Shiyou. At the moment when Wu RuoYun was in the charge of dynamite, Hai Mao took her child and rushed to her, explaining the ins and outs of the incident and preventing a tragedy. When everything was back on track again in Hai Tau Wan, Hai Mao took up his luggage again and headed for the battlefield.

KingTeaStorm (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Tea is an important part of Chinese tea culture, also known as the "Ming war", it is the ancient contest in our country to assess the quality of tea, tea, a skill level is the highest expression of ancient Chinese tea . Music Where (Tu Shengcheng ornaments) Since childhood, the taste has a unique talent, any taste of his taste can be remembered long-lasting. He often used this talent to fight the guests in teahouse tea, never lost. Music Fan fell in love with the beautiful girl Luo Ning (Er Ma Yi Na ornaments). And Luo Ning childhood sweetheart Lu Jingming (Ho Cheung ornaments) is actually a master of tea, but also like Luo Ning. So a variety of contest began to sth The late Lady of the Soul of the anti-tea Xie Xiao Xiang (Yang purple ornaments) with excitement music where worship as their own division, careful teaching. Tea fight held in full swing, Lu Ming reached the final finals. Before the start of the finals, Lok Man overcome difficulties to appear in the arena. After the smoke, Xie Xiaoxiang, Le Fan, Lu Ming tea represents the highest level of fighting tea came together three families ... ...

Battle of Changsha (TV)[2014]

Feature: In 1938 October, the Japanese army captured Wuhan all the way south, Changsha at stake. The face of sudden war, the city panic, many people bring their families to take the South to flee the West ran. Xue JunShan, the son of the grandchildren of the tea garden in the city, cooperated with his family to make every effort to arrange a retreat for Xiang family and Xiaoman, the most favored family of Hu family. Xue JunShan Xiangyang first introduced to the returned foreign troops to guard Changsha military personnel Gu Qingming, but regrettably vigorous Xiang Hunan and arrogant Gu Qingming a meeting with the flood of water, Xue JunShan had to choose another family. In the family's efforts, finally to the city of Changsha before the fire burned Xiangxiang set to be considered a piece of heart disease. At this time, Chiang Kai-shek secretly burning Changsha City, due to improper command, Changsha fire burned three days and nights, causing a huge disaster, the thriving Millennium City was destroyed, millions of people in their sleep, the fire, including Xiang Xiang's fiance one. On such a scorched earth, heroes and children came all over the place. They wanted to use flesh and blood to defend this ancient city and work hard with Hunan people to stop the enemies. The Hu family also played a scene in this disaster Behind the scenes joys and sorrows story.

Flowers In Fog (TV)[2013]

Feature: Sixteen years ago, snowflakes (big sister), Lang Hua (second sister), spark (third sister) and Yan Hua (fourth sister) of Hua Xin Orphanage had their own musical genius. Care each other, known as "heart four flowers." Fifteen-year-old snowflake, was living overseas aunt picked up. Then, sparks were adopted by Yeh, Lang Hua and Yan Hua remained in the orphanage, and four flowers of Hua Xin were forced to separate. Sixteen years later, Ye Fan (Li Sheng) visited the French Oriental Art Academy to study violin in search of the whereabouts of An Qi (Ruby Lin) and fell in love with the campus prince Qi Fei (Ray Chang). Sixteen years later Lang Hua (Qian Wan), a nurse, was admitted to Geng Kee Rainforest as a special nurse for Geng KeYi. Geng RuoChen (Yao Yuanhao), the only son of Geng KeYi (Roy ornaments), is a prodigal son. Haihua father and son in the two, played a messenger, but also let myself stuck in love. Sixteen years later, Yan Hua (Zi Meng Hua and Zi Yang) was carefully nurtured and sunlit by her childhood. At the same time she was pursued by her colleague Xu Hao (Deng Lun) and Han Li (Jiame Gao), staged a Ferocious funny stories of life. Fog non-fog (the) stills Ye Fan back to Shanghai still did not see the last side of his father. In the face of the debt left by her father, she rushes around for support. The painful Qi Fei came to Shanghai to find Ye Fan, at this time lovelorn Han Li and the downturn of Ye Fan have become friends. In the face of Geng's storm, the performance of Hayward Geng family father and son scrutinize, sea Wah become the cause of success if the cause of the dust. Meng Hua and Xu Hao enjoy the world of two, Xu Mu with a few hens to go, mother-in-law ahead of move, a warm. One of Han Li's moves made Ye Fan, Hayward, and Dreamweaver recognize each other, and Qi Yuan (Joo Jin-mo) in France used the video to witness this touching reunion. Ye Fan to participate in music competition, but because of wrist fractures can not participate. Qi Fei won the Piano Competition. Three months later, Ye Fan won the championship. Qi Fei abandons French and Ye Fan to settle down in Shanghai. Both often tour the Chinese for unlimited glory. Ye Fan, Haihua, Meng Hua came to France, Qi held a wedding ceremony. Diversity plot sources

Rouge overlord (TV)[2013]

Feature: "Rouge Overlord" about the duel division duo PK naughty bandit This is a funny witty story of the arena. This is a lingering love puzzle. This is a confusing "treasure box" legend. All this stems from a boundless goddess "legend". In the thunder of a year in the late Qing dynasty, a special girl was born, named Lei Er because of her name. At the same moment, Xiao WuKui, a young master of Xinyi Escort, was born. Although born at the same time, but the two situations are quite different: Lei Er because of family flat, grew up with his grandmother, and Godsend gave her from childhood to stir up many ridiculous farce; Wu Kui birthguard, but Inherent weakness, in order to be able to inherit martial arts inheritance, was the master Yuan TouDaoRen brought to the south. Twenty years later, Lei Er became acquainted with Wukui and met Mo Ya on the way back. Lei Er and Kui Kui rescued Mo Ya from the vandalized bandits - Ya Lang's hands and began to love and hate the four. Boundless Lei Er's greatest wish is to become a dignified female head. In order to move forward, Lei Er chooses to be a personal maid of Wu Kui. Wu Lei's clever erudition for Lei Er heart secretly, and Wu Kui heart admire is Mo Ya, Wu Kui because of the design to defeat Ya Lang by all respected, but his father's chief Xiao DingBang was very true, So he concealed a secret of twenty years - mysterious treasure box told him that Wu Kui see their merged atlas hard to end, but no courage to tell the truth. On the other hand, Lei Er got Xiao DingBang Appreciation, then from the maidservants became the Escort of the hand. On the other hand, Prince Mo Ya and his distant relative, Rong BeiLe, came to Shanhai to rush around for restoration plans. The ambitious Rong BeiLe is bent on having full control over Shahai Town and accomplishing the close relatives of the two Fukuchien and Fukuchiyu, Wu Bangzi, to complicate the more hostile forces. Then, everyone wants to own the treasure. As the treasure box's secrets were uncovered, everyone was involuntarily caught up in the whirlpool. Ya Lang protects his beloved Lei Er with his life. Wu Kui also realizes the hidden face of Mo Ya, and the escort is facing a crisis of life and death.

Insistence (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Eight years ago, an anti-theft incident led to the death of Nai Nai, just as the young Jia Jia had to face the reality of divorce. The family's rupture and the death of Nai Nai's twilight nightmare, together with the sudden paralysis of his friends, have thrown up the monstrous cultural mongers now waiting for the opportunity to attack her. The nightmare of revenge is always entangled Jia Jia, and let her tangled between the true and the illusion, until her blood in the body awakened, into a murderous "defender".

Dad home (TV)[2012]

Feature: Ten years after the divorce, Huo Qi broke into his ex-wife with his youngest daughter, and the ex-wife and eldest daughter, who were harmed by the divorce, reacted violently and refused to return home, but the majestic asylum of their former mother-in- Down. Dad came home so there will be no peace, the very falling Huo Qi character and lifestyle are incompatible with this home, which led to a series of ironic things, but also because of Huo Qi's good and passionate, to solve the daughter , Ex-wives, and even all the members of the family themselves. In the end, Huo Qi revealed the purpose of his visit. He was "coming home" this time to foster her daughter in this home. Just as this indifference made her daughter and his ex-wife angry again, the crowd found that Huo Qi had already had terminal illness and that his young daughter was also unrelated to him. Many years ago, he had taken a justice and been framed to help his later wife, who had never had a chance to live a healthy life, and thus became attached to and took a difficult life path. A year later, Huo Qi died, but his two "daughters," and all his beloved relatives, lived together because of his existence and find their own happiness.

intention (TV)[2012]

Feature: "Heart Surgery" tells the story of Huang JingJing (Yugin Han), who was hospitalized by her mother, when the neurosurgeon Huo SiMiao (Wu Xiubo) was in a delicate mood with her colleague Mei XiaoHu (Hai Qing) because of her busy schedule and her girlfriend. Hospital, Huo SiMiao love her at first sight, Mei XiaoHu hid the true meaning of the heart, to help Huo SiMiao advice. To help Huo SiMiao pursue Huang JingJing, her younger brother Zheng AiPing (Tianlin Zhai) examined the mother Huang JingJing and did not want to detect the tumor in her brain. On the other hand, Liu ChenXi's daughter was long-term dialysis due to renal failure, but he insisted on professional ethics, and several times missed the kidney . Liu ChenXi's daughter eventually came to the kidney and Huang JingJing's mother's surgery made Liu ChenXi aware of his misunderstanding of Huo SiMiao and sincerely apologize. The medical doctors and nurses' medical skills and ethics have grown up in the hospital, which has perfected the "benevolent technique" of the medical profession.

The Pursuit of Happiness (TV)[2011]

Feature: Marriage is not a tomb of love, it is more like a marathon, and half-way couples are more crisis ... ... "Happy knock on the door" story took place in the 80's, it is a memorable good time - people simple and optimistic , Up, the community is full of new things, pregnant with the colored ideals. Jiang Lu (played by Wenli Jiang) is a makeup artist in the acrobatic troupe, beautiful and cute. What is puzzling is that being 36 is still a solitude and a puzzling mystery that people can never decipher ... Song YuSheng (played by Chun Sun) is a photographer in the publishing house, enjoying prestige in the circle. His wife died in a car accident, although the former mother-in-law kept giving him an introduction to the subject, but he always failed to mention his interest. Under the pressure and urge of his sister, Jiang Lu began to marry a Chinese American. In the courtyard of the public telephone, she encounters Song YuSheng, the two see the same, long-awaited passion was instantly lit, burning! Jiang Lu's open-minded, so sister Jiang Pei sniffed the smell, she moved her sister to act as her husband, but saw Jiang Lu deeper and deeper, Jiang Pei was forced out of the final "killer" ... ... Song YuSheng "Distraught," but also caused the doubts and restlessness of the former wife Qian ShuHua, she sent her granddaughter stalking, mobilize the residents cadre check Gang, until late at night personally "seduce" ...... both loved ones cross-and-over, especially Qian ShuHua unscrupulous blow , Let Jiang Lu into despair. Just as she was ready to give up Song YuSheng, the power of love actually made her make a reckless choice - get married! Love is my love for two people, marriage is the sum of social relations. After marrying Song YuSheng, greeting Jiang Lu is not a romantic honeymoon, but Song Zheng's daughter Song Zheng's running away from home and Song YuSheng's ex-wife Qian ShuHua have a serious illness. Song Son, a young son, is in a panic. Not for a long time ...... Jiang Lu's kindness and diligence gradually won Song YuSheng family's recognition and acceptance. When Jiang Lu enjoyed enjoying the happiness of pregnant women, an anonymous letter broke through the "mystery" of Jiang Lu and a deadly crisis finally broke out ......

Three classes and five classes (Movie)[2010]

Feature: This is a campus idol drama that reflects the adolescent adolescent life of modern youth. The story begins with a story of a ball-mate between a group of third-year boys who love basketball but are not high-grade, and three classes of the same class of basketball.

Death and Glory in ChangDe (Movie)[2010]

Feature: October 1943, the Japanese military by Shashi, Yueyang, crossing the Yangtze River and the Xiangjiang River encircled Changde. Army 74 Army 57 division code "Tiger Ben" ordered defensive. Holding the secret of "cohabiting with the city," the commander, Yu ChengWan, knew it was a battle that had no way to retreat. Changde full withdrawal of people is tantamount to a "solitary city", gunfire did not sound, the public service is already "dead." Company Secretary Feng BaoHua stick to the forefront. Tight war to let him and his wife Wan Qing wedding night after separation, franklin marshall pas cher, read the Qing Wan Qing Wan following, to become a war nurse. The brave and brave Feng BaoHua is the soul of a soldier, under the age of 16, the militias and two tigers regard him as an example and sacrifice their lives ... "The battalion commander died on the company commander, company commander died on the platoon leader and platoon leader died Squad leader! "Two tigers in the dead pile loudly repeated Feng BaoHua words. The Japanese army did not think of this attack without breaking the dead city, only the resistance but only a hundred soldiers. hold fast? Kill an agent of the law is not mortal; retreat? Will bear the name of defeat. Under a dilemma, Yu ChengWan has excellent handwriting

Wu ChengEn and Journey to the West (TV)[2010]

Feature: "Wu ChengEn and Journey to the West" tells the story of the Ming Dynasty Jiajing years, Huai'an, Jiangsu Province, Shanyang County was Xiaowu Wu Yue son went to Lianyungang Huaguoshan, and so the exchange of monk Huifang hope son Wu ChengEn able to study as an officer, Rong Zongyao Zu. However, Wu ChengEn, a highly-talented student who likes to read books, never minds dreaming of jumping around, imagining himself as free and easy as monkeys. 76-year-old Li LaoFuZi more than 60 years repeatedly failed, this day he took a rope into the examination room, no longer claim that the only one died. However, Wu ChengEn won the first place in this exam, and his friend Shen Kun is in second place. Li LaoFuZi, who took the top spot, was full of regret, but full of hope for Wu ChengEn. Before leaving, he asked Cai Ang, the current DPRK middle school student, to supervise Wu ChengEn so that he could later ascend to office with his own unsuccessful attempts. Wu ChengJen's sister, Wu ChengJia, was naturally born and wowed. Shan Yang County's richest man, Luo WanJin, relied on the relatives of DPRK Prime Minister Yan Song and tried his best to marry Wu ChengJia. Wu's son, Luo Pang, was jealous of Wu Cheng's talent. Roche father and son and Wu settled ill feelings. Wu ChengEn parents, older sisters, and his wife Ye Yun are full of hope for his official career. Wu ChengEn still go its own way, watching monkey books, learning monkey steps, listening to monkey shows and getting to know the artist Niu Yufeng. Shen Kun, Li ChunFang, a fond friend of the same village, dubbed Wu ChengEn a monkey idiot. Although he tried to persuade him to cherish his talent and serve as an official officer, he finally refused to be an official stubbornly, To Monkey as a friend, to write the Journey to the West ambitious Chi. Wu ChengEn Yu-feng and monkey monkeys wife's companion, wandering the world, back to Huaguoshan, alerted the court up and down, after many motivational. However, Wu ChengEn unswervingly, the hearts of the people, the whimsy, how the Monkey King was born, the golden hoop Wishes, Havoc in Heaven, Jurisdiction, Jade Phoenix trickle down, wise fight Huang Feng Road, Angry Bull, devil, countdown pirates, Yoshiyuki Monkey Park and other story came into being. A mythical masterpiece, Journey to the West, symbolizing the Chinese people's perseverance, optimism, progress, full of ideals, and greatness and courage, was finally completed by Wu ChengEn. Li ChunFang, a friend who complemented it, faced the old man Wu ChengEn's Journey to the West and sat down at the desk with the words "Journey to the West Wu ChengEn" written on the front page, softly Saying: Cheng grace, you are "Monkey King", you are Sun WuKong! You are Sun WuKong! Ten years after Wu ChengEn's death, his book Journey to the West, corrected by Li ChunFang, was formally published in Nanjing Shi Te Tong in 1592 AD. On October 8, 2005, Wu ChengEn Memorial Hall was opened in Huaian City, Jiangsu Province.

Diary boys (TV)[2010]

Feature: "Diary of boys" tells the touching story of Wu Mian (Ma Ke), a junior from the third year, with his beloved basketball, his parents' stills and his classmates. In order to defeat the old rivals in the school basketball three classes, a group of boys Wu Mian lead group formed the "Deer" basketball team, the team's internal conflicts and conflicts after another. Faced with numerous difficulties, Wu Mian and his teammates have been tested to gain the understanding and support of teachers, classmates and parents with sincerity and hard work. He also realized in front of the facts misunderstood the mother boyfriend, sincerely accepted him, and three people together to support the frustrated father. In the family and friendship with the support of the "Deer" team won the final victory, two boys from the original opponent into a close comrades ......

TaoQiBaoMaXiaoTiao (Movie)[2009]

Feature: Video story around the third grade primary school pupils jump start. Small jump horse is an unusual child, he will jump down life! In his catch-up ceremony, the hot-tempered horse jumping is a "jump" sky, so that everyone was taken aback. The third-year horse jumping around is always around the euphemistic "monkey" Mao Chao, gluttonous sleeping "Penguin" Tang Fei and the mighty "hippopotamus" Zhang Da these few buddies, of course, there are unconditional super adorable horses Little jump Angel. The horse jumping idol in his heart, the class is beautiful and clever, good academic performance of the "ballet star" summer forest fruit. Small jump in the class also has its own rival, such as small adults Ding Wentao.

Boys and girls (Movie)[2009]

Feature: School fall games on the playground, the first three (5) girls in the class to participate in the 400 meters relay class boys said that we girls have taken the rankings, if you also get the rankings, our class outstanding class collective three consecutive Stabilize took, if you do not get, steadily lost, you are tired of everyone, after your boys do not go with our girls on the campus. The boys said, you are waiting for us triumphant return. They are mighty expeditions. Luo already pregnant teacher and a bunch of girls in the stands loudly cheer for the class. However, they did not triumph, but at the last minute mistakes, the sprint boys "leader" is about to hit the line moment, ankle twist, straight to the ground planted. Not only girls could not bear to hide the face to see, potbellied Luo teacher because of tension and hey yo ya Fufang sit. The next morning, self-study, "All Things" Jing DouDou shouted into the class informed Luo teacher to apply for maternity leave, Li XiaoZhang prepare to appoint a teacher to do five shifts of teacher. The girls are very bad Sherlock teacher, we all have to guess who the new teacher in charge of the class noisy. Sure enough, Li XiaoZhang walked into the classroom, told them that Luo invited a year of maternity leave. From today onwards, the class teacher of the five classes will be served by another teacher who has been bringing them to graduate. The headmaster also stressed that the female teacher was appointed by the school at a time when girls in the class were strongly urged. Waiting outside the female teacher came in, the class boys dumbfounded: Actually their music teacher millet teacher, the boys think the girls engage in sudden attacks on boys. Come on fire is that rice teacher standing on the podium first sentence is: "Our class girls is really better than boys!" The boys will fry pan. The boys said they would not give up without pushing the teacher down. They really kept millet teacher and girls problems. Relationship between boys and girls rattling. The boys started a series of moves to get rid of the teacher, and finally succeeded in changing the sports teacher to the duty director. Young rice teacher cried, I feel very wronged. I did not expect that the new sports teacher gave the boys a disappointment, first of all, the boys squeezed millet teacher's performance severely criticized and indignant, and then announced the dissolution of the boys set up the "Deere" basketball team, boys They dumbfounded. The boys regret the teacher squeezed out. Speak to the girls and ask them to help me again, please come back. The girls said, do you think the school is open for boys and boys! But secretly, they really want to help boys busy, because the boys' team is also for the honor of the class. And they still have feelings for boys in the class. As a result of the opportunity, the physical education teacher left the class, and Ms. Mi invited back again. This time the boys found out that Ms. Mi was good. However, because of the boy's grandness and youthfulness, the well-intentioned girls were again offended. Relationship between boys and girls down to freezing point. Girls decided, and boys are irreconcilable. Since then there have been many conflicts and abject incidents. The girls disappeared when the boys needed the girls' support most. In the basketball game, boys were defeated across the board and were beaten by three old rivals.In desperation, a Rainbow at the corner of the court appeared and the girls sang "The Deere Song", a song they had written for boys together with Ms. Xiaomi. Excited boys shouted: "They did not abandon us!" The boys finally to the girls in good faith said: "Girls are always the pride of our boys!" The girls wore the ready victory garland on the boy's neck .

I do not want to grow up (TV)[2009]

Feature: "Do not want to grow up" story takes place in an ordinary small family in an ordinary big city in China. In this family, my father, Gao DaDian and my mother, after eight years of intensive training, finally made our protagonist Gao XiaoDian grow into an ordinary child who was neither handsome nor too ill at first. At home, Gao XiaoDian has been forced by his dad to eat his own cake. In school, he was an obedient child, the teacher never criticized him, but never praised him, the teacher often forget his name. In the circle of friends, he dreams of becoming a superman in the minds of his friends, defeating evil monsters. But his wish never seemed to have been fulfilled. The real kid who played the role of superman was always a bullfight, and he always played the superhuman monster. He has been looking forward to life can be a little passion, even if only a little bit, he was satisfied. But that is a little bit, God does not give him. His life is still day after day after day. Finally one day, he still plays the monster chased by superhuman suddenly encountered a dilapidated bag doll, in the betrayal of Niu Feitian he panicked ran home, only to find his hand still clutching That bag doll. That night, the magic happened, the doll suddenly turned into a beautiful and lovely little girl. She turned out to be a little princess from the planet of bags, and she possesses the earthly man's dream magic. Mysterious magic can always bring surprises. Finally finally happy, it seems he ushered in the change of life, ushered in the passion of life. He is happy to plan his beautiful future life, he wants to be a good student in mind, he wants to become a playmate in the eyes of Superman, he wants to have been bullied their own children play the monster was chased by their own beasts. But life is always accompanied by imperfection, Gao XiaoDian gradually found that the magic of bag doll is not yet full, only half the bucket of water level, often make a lot of jokes Gao XiaoDian, but also has a characteristic, often beautiful Wish will be successful, and improper intentions will fail 100 percent, each time he was extremely helpless. The emergence of the bag doll, so Gao XiaoDian's life is full of joy and magic, but also full of embarrassment and embarrassment. Through this magical cloth doll, Gao XiaoDian lives with her father and a group of playmates happily. Suddenly one day, Big Bull Bull's cousin appeared, he was a talented talented person, and his appearance broke the Gao XiaoDian should have been calm and happy life, because he found Gao XiaoDian has a magic bag doll's secret. Niu Feitian cousin exhausted all means you want to get the magic bag doll, but no matter what means he always can not win full of love Gao XiaoDian. However, one day suddenly, the princess of the bagged planet left. Although the arrival of the princess did not bring about fundamental changes in the life of Gao DaDian and Gao XiaoDian, they have reaped the joy and excitement they had never experienced in eight years. Princess left, leaving a deep attachment and memory, she will come back?

Girl punching (TV)[2009]

Feature: "Girl Rushes" tells the story of Xiao Qiao is the supreme treasure of romantic, Sun Quan is a pure innocent Zixia fairy, Cao Cao turned into a beautiful heart of the righteousness of the 13th mother. Sun Quan and Xiao Qiao started out as kinder lovers from kindergartens. When they had a love affair during their childhood, they met more than a dozen times and met naked on the university campus in the moonlight. The two seem to have similar feelings, has been complicated and confusing, and Cao Cao is intended to win over love, in the relationship between the two often set the fetters, a twists and turns of the strange school love story started ......

Youth stage (TV)[2009]

Feature: "Youth Stage" tells of a certain city in China in 1991. Shen Chonghui, a daughter of Shen ZhenYi, an archery expert from South Korea, Shen ShenHui is looking at China's domestic Olympic trials. Shen Chong told the two daughters, No. 3 players will be dad into the Olympic Games after the most important opponent, voice hardly ever, 3 in the case of the lead in the final off the target, lost the opportunity to go to the Olympic Games, thrilled . The young Shen Zhenyi witnessed a boy cried out and the boy was Xia Lei. The original Xia Lei's mother died of surgery in the hospital, her departure completely defeated the home. Since then, the father and son are dependent on each other, the team retained Lao Xia as coach, Lao Xia hope his son can continue his unfinished dream, but Xia Lei did not practice archery arrows. Girls Club and Xia Lei childhood childhood grow up, Tian MoMo into the Archery team, under the direction of Lao Xia. Tian MoMo and Xia Lei live in an alley, Xia Lei and father and son both men live, her family is the mother and daughter dependencies, the field will be the mother Niang Gu Aunt Lao Xia fans that year, has been admired Lao Xia, Xia Lei Niang After his death, Aunt Gu is even more worried about the summer home. Xia Lei fell in love with the dance, Lao Xia completely disappointed with his son. As a result, there was a huge gap between father and son. Every time Xia Lei looked at his drunk father, he was very helpless and painful because he could not arouse the sleeping hero in his mind when he was the greatest hero.

ZuiHouDeFenFang (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Produced by: Beijing Kun Yi Culture Media Co., Ltd. License No. Sound standard format letter coverage of the first letter of the word [2007] No. 020 SR length 5 (this) 2551 m screenwriter Han Zhifei director Han Chifei photography Ma Ka Wah production Wang Dong Wei main actress Xu Shiteng Yang Zi main content Duolun is a Mongolian flower girl, got the same black-bone disease and grandmother, she knows that their day is not long, still give each customer to send flowers, give their most beautiful smile dedicated Those who need care of the elderly and children. Wang boss accidentally know Duolun, remember the dead daughter, he and Duolun become friends. Dorian's condition worsened, Wang boss know can not save Doorn. After Duolun left, there was a mysterious obo ritual in the prairie, surrounded by beautiful mountain flowers.

IAmFans (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Qiao XiaoQiao is a 16-year-old girl who has a lively personality and a simple mind. Although she often fools, she does not mean to deceive her. She often speaks for himself and often makes joke. Parents and teachers often helpless her. She worshiped celebrities, obsessed with the aura of entertainment, chasing stars is the main content of her life. She does not attend class.

Mamha4khaakhrap (Movie)[2007]

Feature: After being abandoned by the hostess, Makar encountered a family of dogs, made up of six mixed-breed members of all ages and pursuing life together in the streets of Bangkok. Homeless, hungry them, but also in the city to hide from the catch dog chase everywhere. Markham had heard of a local dog-top family of dogs, where each dog had a bed, no cold, no hunger. This shelter is located on the other side of the ten busy motorways. When crossing the road, Ryu Shuk was hit by a motorcycle for Makham. To save the injured Dragon, Makam led other dog family members together across the road, the successful arrival of the dog Top State.

warm (TV)[2006]

Feature: Festive music, Yan's old couple two people are buying moon cakes for the Mid-Autumn Festival, the eldest son Yan ZhiGuo in Guangzhou is preparing to bring his wife Li Yun, daughter Kou Zi back home in Shandong Province holidays. Because of official duties, Yan ZhiGuo failed to get home for the holidays. Strict mother can not get together the family, but depressed. At this point happened to know sister sister mother suffering from kidney disease, not long after the news of his death. I also felt ill and was persuaded by an old friend Lu DaFu to go to the city hospital to check the body. After returning home, Yan ZhiGuo, son who just came back from Guangzhou, fainted in the kitchen and went to the hospital for examination. Yan ZhiGuo urgent and back to Guangzhou, before leaving asked his brother, sister, detected his mother immediately after illness to tell him. Yan mother again admitted to hospital, old friend Lu DaFu informed Yan ZhiGuo a family, strict mother had uremia. Yan Fu does not allow family members to tell Yan ZhiGuo of Yan's real illness. Strict mother consciously not much time, began to ask his wife life on the things. Yan ZhiGuo called my mother happy birthday, granddaughter's voice so that Yan mother could not suppress excitement, fainted again in the ward. Yan ZhiGuo back home after learning of the mother's hospitalization. Sister Yan has the courage to fight illness with his granddaughter and the whole family. Yan ZhiGuo to Beijing to find Lu DaFu's old classmates, Zhao Yuan Yu Dean. He is a veteran expert in the treatment of kidney disease and has extensive medical knowledge and skills. Yan ZhiGuo to Zhao doctor seeking treatment for her mother's method. The old neighbor Feng Shen said Yan mother's illness, the elder sister both shed tears of passion, encourage each other to cherish the good life today. Yan ZhiGuo home comforted several siblings, and advised his mother dialysis. I returned to Guangzhou to seek medical treatment opportunities. Late at night, Yan mother once again committed a disease, Zhao told Yan that only a kidney transplant can save Yan mother. The country came to the table niece Chunni grandmother to give Yan's greetings, strict mother insisted to go home, alerted the whole family came to discourage. Lu DaFu told three days must come back dialysis, Yan ZhiGuo back to hear the news of his mother's return home, scolded several brothers and sisters. Yan mother returned home to see Grandma II and Ergu endless heart, then Liu grandmother learned Yan mother's condition, the decision to Chunni's wedding held in advance. Strict mother insisted to attend Chunni's wedding, tears left two aunt. The way to bid farewell to life, only her own heart clear. On the way back to the city, Yan mother because of the delay in dialysis time, and fainted in the return car. At this point, the car window, it started pouring rain. Rain washed off the rocks, blocking the only way back. Yan ZhiGuo led the brothers and sisters in the rain, launched a sacrificial scene to save their mother. The mother was promptly rescued, turning crisis on again. Yan ZhiGuo watched her mother's illness more and more heavy, anxious. Talk to your family about finding a suitable kidney source for your mother to save your mother's precious life. Once again, he came to Zhao Yuan Yu's home in Beijing and expressed to President Zhao his family's decision to rescue his mother at any cost and to prepare for inspection. Sister mother can not afford to lose because of the shadow of mother died of kidney disease, but also do not want to drag the family because of high cost of treatment, decided to give up treatment, refused to go to Beijing for examination. Feng Shen confused to find the heart of depression, in order to persuade her to go to Beijing for treatment Yan, Feng Shen painstaking efforts.Finally, the daughter Yan XiaoHong "run away from home" under the threat, Yan mother finally agreed to go to Beijing for inspection. Yan ZhiGuo brothers and two came with his mother to the hospital in Beijing, Zhao ordered strict physical examination in line with kidney transplant conditions, to be patient waiting for the right kidney. Sister Yan returned home and talked about Yan Fu in Beijing. She thought she had dragged her children and could not allow them to continue to face pressure from all directions. Yan ZhiGuo looking for mothers in all parts of the country kidney, but hopeless. At this moment, son Yan XiaoGuo told Lu DaFu that he wanted to donate the kidney to his mother, and Lu DaFu reminded him that he had a heart attack, which frustrated Yan XiaoGuo's feelings. Returning to his hometown in Shandong and his brother and sister's dispute, Yan Zhi Guo decided to use his kidneys to save his mother, but only on the condition that "nobody can tell the two old men about the truth." Yan Fu got a severe cold, looked at the patient's wife and several children's persuasion, and finally nodded and promised to change the kidney. But totally ignorant of the source of kidney is provided by son Yan ZhiGuo. Yan ZhiGuo and his mother's kidney shape success, Li Yun was Yan ZhiGuo's sincere impulse to support him to donate the kidney for his mother. Yan mother after hospitalization, ward and living with their own lives connected to several patients. During this period, besides the strict mother, the hospital and the sick friends all cooperated with the Yan family and the mother to spread the goodwill lies. Everybody wants Yan ZhiGuo to donate his kidney to his mother. Finally waiting for the best time for surgery, the mother put Yan ZhiGuo kidney, the entire operation was very successful. It is also because of Yan ZhiGuo this touching behavior, deeply touched everyone in the ward. Strict recovery of the body condition after surgery is very good. After a period of recovery, Yan was returned to his hometown in Shandong and returned home to receive a warm welcome from his family and neighbor, Feng Shen. But one day, Yan mother inadvertently heard Yan Fu and Yan Zhi Guo phone, vaguely felt his son donate their own kidney, touched. Mother and son meet hugged together, tears flow. Immersed in a happy family!

Girls diary (TV)[2006]

Feature: Ran DongYang (Zi Yang) on ​​the second day, she and Mo XinEr (Mo Shini ornaments), little witch, Nan KeMeng (Kang Lu Jie) encountered many problems never encountered in the past, adolescent unexpected and let Their little heart began inexplicable restlessness and anxiety. In the class, Luo LaoShi (Yashu Ma) promptly makes young boys and girls understand adolescence, and the arrival of Shu Ang (Shuangchengshi Cold Drink Wholesale Department), a handsome math teacher, with beautiful and clever Minnie teacher (Kai Zheng) ) Opened the fashion window for girls. Girls diary stills Jingjing campus life so as the girls grew into flowers extremely bright. Endless homework, have their own characteristics of the teacher, cute and funny classmates there are endless curse, more endless strength and countless moving memories. So when another youthful day came, all the pain and sorrow finally disappeared in the warm sunshine with the morning dew, and Ran DongYang and her classmates waved goodbye to their childhood and happily embraced their youthful embrace.

Have children 2 (TV)[2006]

Feature: "Having Children 2" uses a reorganized family as a platform for the story. The protagonist Xia DongHai, who accompanied her ex-wife to work in the United States, returned home after her divorce with her 7-year-old son Xia Yu and reunited with her growing daughter, Xia Xue, before marrying Liu Mei, head nurse of a major hospital. Liu Mei also divorced with a son named Liu Xing. The main story of the play takes place in this special family. Liu Mei, the mom and sister, is an emotionally adorable but ridiculously lame mother who is an emotional bond that maintains her family. She is impatient and in high spirits. She has troubled her children because she often does not understand her. Dad Xia DongHai open-minded, enthusiastic, dependent on western enlightenment-style education methods. The eldest daughter, Xia Xue, is sly and sensitive, often doing whimsical, shocking behavior. Xia Yu, the youngest son, lively and energetic, has a strong sense of personal responsibility and is a pistachio at home. Based on the original characters, the second part of "Family with Children" added two more family stories, adding more social elements to the drama. The performance of the drama is still all the problems of children's growth in family life, such as learning, friends, honesty, love, interest, conflict of ideas and other issues of general concern. The famous comedian Song Dandan in the play continues with the 3 big children and adulterated law, endless conflicts and the resulting variety of interesting stories for the audience to laugh.

Grow up is not easy (TV)[2006]

Feature: "Growing up is not easy," aka "Happiness on the road," tells of many problems that the single mother, Ding Hua, overcrowd the only child, Ding JiaJie, and failed to grow healthy. Ding Hua realized harsh reality in harsh reality, forced to take special measures to force the child away from home, to promote its survival after the tribulation, the challenge of conscience, character forging. Jia Jie repeatedly frustrated in battles deeply felt the warmth of the world, what experience the shame, dignity and despicable, noble. Ding Hua and his ex-husband, Cheng Qiang, and his wife, Ran are also co-teaching children, eliminating grudges and moving toward a new life of harmony.

Juvenile Kang Xi (TV)[2005]

Feature: Juvenile Kang Xi stills go die along, leaving half an essay, Li Kang Prince Jie Shu for the emperor. However, under the impetus of the empress Xiao Zhuang, after a turbulent political struggle, it eventually pushed Xuan Ye to the throne and changed Kang Xi. It also laid the crisis of winning more contests in the future. Junji's life, dedicated to Manchurian, which touched the full benefit. When the four ministers set foot in Kang Xi when they were still unprincipled, the literary prison (Ming Dynasty case) and Tang RuoWang (day case), the spiritual leader in Hanchen, were set off. Kang Xi, who had friendship with Lu Jian and Tang Ruo Wang, one of the main protesters in the Ming Dynasty, confronts his ministers. After a series of successive battles, Kang Xi gradually grew up. And after the first assistant Suo Ni died, Ao Bai successfully knocked down Su KeSaHa by enclave. At this point, Ao Bai had the right to fight and started fighting confrontation with Kang Xi. Kang Xi played his political wisdom, after a round of forced abortion, counterattack, finally captured Ao Bai! North Korea in power, has done in the hands of Kang Xi. San Francisco, the early Qing Dynasty to assist Pingjiang in the south of the Ming Dynasty, the closure of the Queen, the support of their own weight, became the court's worries. However, Kang Xi was overconfident. He mistakenly assessed the San Francisco forces. Fortunately, at the last minute, he realized that not only the crisis in the harem but also the sanctions in San Francisco were settled in time. At this point, the world rule, the people enjoy a hundred years of prosperity, Xuan Ye is also revered as the Lord Kang Xi.

VigorousLife (TV)[2005]

Feature: Infinite life stills (2) a factory fire, the warehouse a large number of industrial materials explosion, the toxic gas generated at any time threatening the lives of rescuers. Ran HuaiZhou, an emergency department doctor at the Affiliated Hospital of a Medical University, is waiting in an ambulance ready to rescue the wounded. Su Hong, a doctor who is about to be assigned to the emergency department, visits the emergency department with his neighbors' children, just in time for the first aid scene. Fire Department Li CanMou was taken to the emergency room and Ran HuaiZhou was getting ready for an operation. Suddenly he received an order and a major car accident occurred on Highway No. 3, necessitating an emergency call immediately. Su Hong took part in the rescue of the wounded.

The first child has a home (TV)[2004]

Feature: Xia DongHai, who had accompanied her ex-wife to work in the United States, returned home after her divorce with a 7-year-old son, Xia Yu, and reunited with Xia Xue, a daughter who grew up in China. Later, Liu Mei, head nurse of a large hospital, got married and Liu Mei also divorced with a son named Liu Xing. The main story of the play takes place in this special family. The common features of Xia DongHai and Liu Mei are caring and caring about children's growth. They hope to "integrate" their love and wisdom and cultivate the next generation of happy life. The siblings who live under the same roof, though of different origins and different age groups, can get along as if they were their own. However, due to the different living environment of the three people, so they have a very different personality and hobbies, so the dispute is inevitable. Sometimes the three are united and join hands to tackle difficult parents, sometimes fighting each other for their own rights.

Crime scene (TV)[2004]

Feature: "Scene" tells the story of a luxury villa found a beautiful girl's body, Interpol Captain Guo ZiJian led the team rushed to the scene. After verification: the deceased He Xiaoyu, married; lethal weapon is a home tool, there is no loss of property, there is no sign of theft and fighting. Everyone saw the sudden conflict between her husband and friend Wu You-an and a few days ago. However, Wu You-an could not prove that it was not on the scene at the time of the incident and became an important suspect. The corpse report reveals a shocking fact. The deceased was transformed from a man to a woman after a transsexual operation, and had suffered sexual assault in her lifetime ... In the next wave, the Interpol team also received a report that a female body was found beside a fish pond in the suburbs. After testing the dead stomach a large number of potent sleeping pills, leaving a fine spot on the clothes. Interpol in the deceased's office found a suicide note, suicide note claimed that it was head boss Wang repeatedly rape, angrily embarked on the road of abortion. By DNA contrast, the essence of King left for the Director, it seems the truth, but overly simple case of guilty captain Guo ZiJian doubts ... Bar Street also occurred with a rape, bubble After leaving the bar, Hu Jiajia was raped in the alley, and the forensic doctor seized the semen left by the suspect. The Interpol wanted to lock the suspects in this breakthrough, but found it impossible to convict the criminals with DNA. At this time, the Secretary of Transportation's granddaughter disappeared ...... A series of vicious rape and murder occurred in successive cases of population A panic. A City Public Security Bureau ordered a deadly order to solve the deadline. Interpol Captain Guo ZiJian, Constable Meng FanJun, He Chuan, Wu Tong and others formed a code-named "lead the snake" task force. These few cases seem simple but doubtful. Is it abduction or abduction, organized crime or irrelevance, killings after rape? Or in order to hide more serious criminal acts ... Large-scale arresting teams with rich knowledge, careful reasoning, scientific means, hard investigation, find out the criminal suspects, make the case clear to the world "case The discovery of the field "The second act of snaking snake reflects a criminal police force in a metropolitan area in northern China. In the face of" homicide, "" abduction, "" stealing, "" adultery, "" drug trafficking, "" cybercrime " A crime with distinctive characteristics of the times, the detectives with a wealth of knowledge, keen eye, careful reasoning, scientific methods and hard investigation, time and again accurate and timely to find out the suspects, so that the case in vain , Punishing evil and promoting good, safeguarding social order and legal dignity. __ 36 The TV series "Scene 2" is a sublimation of the well-known legal television program "Weekend Exploration". Many of the cases involved in this series are the classic materials in this section, and also occur from all over the country A large number of criminal cases carefully selected a number of real examples, on this basis, the organization of more than a dozen excellent film and television screenwriters carefully planned, a few easy to draft.On the basis of the dramatic introduction of the story, there is a difference between the "scene of the crime scene" and the general suspense drama, which is that the drama focuses on the way of technical investigation and displays a large number of means of solving crimes so that the audience can enjoy a full view. The case detection process involved a variety of forensic disciplines, including forensic science, toxicology, DNA identification, trace, fingerprinting, trace evidence, on-site analysis, ballistics, court entomology, crime scene reconstruction, document inspection, voiceprint identification, Rehabilitation, criminal psychology test, etc. The play shows that police officers and soldiers rely on new ideas and new techniques of high-tech detection and fully demonstrate the new look of younger, better educated and more specialized professionals in the new era. Let the audience have the pleasure of criminal investigation laboratories, enjoy the insightful elite police scientific argument process.

Brave face (TV)[2004]

Feature: Brave Face tells the different stories of ten children. Eleven unique and representative cases were selected. They dealt with sensitive topics that were seldom touched upon in the past in film and television works - puppy love problems in adolescents, youth violence and drug abuse among adolescents. In addition to the sharp subject, the play also suspense one after another, complicated and confusing, one after another suspected chaos, the introduction of inquiry, the climax wave after wave, and with the discovery of mystery cleverly put forward the cruel reality, people Awake, sigh, unconsciously reflection, wake up, is a ideological, educational and observable sexual excellent works.

Filial piety secret history (TV)[2003]

Feature: Da YuEr, who owns the reputation of "the first full beauty in Mongolia," was born in the same place as her aunt Zhe Zhe, a native of Qomolangma, where her aunt is Taizong Huang TaiJi. Da YuEr and Huang TaiJi Duo ErGun childhood brother, lifelong secret, but was regarded as Huang Fei side Fei. Duo ErGun and Huang TaiJi made "occupy, force mother, take love" of the enemy. Huang TaiJi proclaims emperor, country name Qing. Zheng Zhe was established as the Empress of Qing Ning Gong, Da YuEr was sealed as Princess Yongfu Gong Zhuang. Huang TaiJi loves Da YuEr very much, but when he learns that Da YuEr still loves Duo ErGun, she can not help but hate intertwined. Da YuEr's elder sister Hai LanZhu new widow, even as Huang TaiJi fancy, love at first sight, sealed for Chen Gong Gong Chen Fei. Princess Chen pregnant, child died, two days later Yu Yu Er gave birth to nine princes Fu Lin. Chen Fei hate jealous, extremely Yu DaEr persecution, but unexpectedly deadly, incense cancel jade. Huang TaiJi heartache, actually angry Da YuEr, Da YuEr tears endure. Two years later, Huang TaiJi suddenly collapsed, leaving no last words, the throne fight battle inevitable. Prince Rui Duo ErGun and Huang TaiJi eldest son princes and princes Hao Ge compete for no less than. On the Chongzheng Temple, Duo ErGun suddenly stood alone and firmly upheld Fu Yu, the seven-year-old son of Da YuEr, as Emperor. Du Yu Ergun's loyal paternity Su Mo Seoul, worried Duo ErGun elite troops in hand, fear will be called Beijing emperor, Xiao Zhuang Empress Dowager believes Duo ErGun. Duo ErGun heart really struggled, but in the end still keep its promise to welcome Fu Lin ascended the throne. Xiaozhuang Empress heard very pleased, determined to desperate to protect their own son, to protect the future of Qing. Duo ErGun Empress Dowager Empress Dowager still, Xiao Zhuang Empress Dowager is to clear the Foundation and his son's future, to his ambiguous, with tenderness to hold his emperor's ambition. The two love each other longing, but each other to guard against each other. Duo ErGun and gradually grew Shun ZhiDi also produced political and emotional sharp opposition, Xiao Zhuang Empress caught between the two, painstakingly seeking mediation. The torment of power and love finally made Duo ErGun die young, Xiao Zhuang Empress was relieved, but also extremely saddened. Shun ZhiDi urgently wanted to realize his idea of ​​governing the country as "Manchu and Han and share peace", but it led to the fierce confrontation between Manchu princes and people, which made Xiaozhuang Empress shameful. Shun ZhiDi and Dong EFei's regretless love, causing all the mythical hatred, Bo Gol death, but also intensified the hatred of anti-party forces and actions, but all for Xiaozhuang Empress Dowel 11, and innocent Dong EFei and his younger son, friend, have become victims. After the death of sub-imperial concubine, Shun ZhiDi more depressed all day, and spawned a monk as a monk's idea, it is too late to implement, then Gui TaiFei "go all out" mentality, dying. Xiaozhuang Empress dowager, but she must cheer up, according to Tang RuoWang's secret, the establishment of the son of Shun ZhiDi Xuan Ye for the emperor, the new year Kangxi. Empress Dowager determined to raise the young emperor to become Mingjun to make up for her son's regret for the Grand Qing Dynasty to create prosperity.

The party member Ma Dajie (TV)[2002]

Feature: An old sister of Ma DaJie's former unit honorably joined the Chinese Communist Party before retirement. She deliberately told Ma DaJie about the good news because she wanted to work in the same year and wrote the first application for joining the party together. Ma DaJie, both happy and sad for her older sister, felt that she had to retire early to make her own politics.

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