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Hua Liu TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Hua Liu Works 53 ,And Comedy 30 ,Feature 23 ,Romance 10 ,Costume Drama 6 ,Action 5 ,Historical play 4 ,Suspense 3 ,Urban drama 2 ,Crime 2 ,近代传奇剧1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Idol drama 1 ,Struggling Play 1 ,Love 1 ,Sci-Fi 1 ,权谋1 ,Family drama 1 ,Documentary 1 ,Music 1 ,War 1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Martial Arts 1 ,警匪1 ,美食1 。

Works Index

Hua Liu Filmography(53)


庆余年 (TV)[2019]


某大学文学史专业的学生张庆熟读古典名著,但他用现代观念剖析古代文学史的论文命题不被 Ye JiaoShou 所认可。为了让 Ye JiaoShou 成为自己的研究生导师,张庆决定通过写小说的方式,进一步阐述自己想要表达的观点。 在他的小说中,身世神秘的少年—— Fan Xian ,自小跟随奶奶生活在海边小城澹州,随着一位老师的突然造访,他看似平静的生活开始直面重重的危机与考验。在神秘老师和一位蒙眼守护者的指点下, Fan Xian 熟识药性药理,修炼霸道真气并精进武艺,而后接连化解了诸多危局。因对身世之谜的好奇, Fan Xian 离开澹州,前赴京都。 在京都, Fan Xian 饱尝人间冷暖并坚守对正义、良善的坚持,书写了一段光彩的人生传奇。

老酒馆 (TV)[2019]


1928年到1946年的东北,“闯关东”来东北的小人物 Chen HuaiHai ,老酒馆杀青在东北深山老林里挖参讨生活,却意外地遭受了一双儿女失散,媳妇被骗走的磨难,只好来到日本殖民统治下的大连开酒馆谋生计。老酒馆由此成了八方信息、各色人等汇聚的舞台。仁义坚韧,嫉恶如仇的 Chen HuaiHai 利用这个舞台,保护了杀日本宪兵的“ Lao BeiFeng ”,劝说了东北军 Ma LvZhang 重回抗日战场、痛斥了粉饰伪满洲国的满清遗老,与日本浪人决斗,为中国人撑腰提气。中共地下党组织派 Gu SanMei 打进老酒馆,把这里变成了党的地下交通站。在 Gu SanMei 的影响下, Chen HuaiHai 的女儿 Xiao MianAo 成了抗日交通员。大连解放前夕, Chen HuaiHai 帮 Gu SanMei 粉碎了日寇破坏城市的计划。他们共同迎来了大连解放,也收获了真挚的爱情 。


Snowstorm (Movie)[2018]


The movie "Snowstorm" introduces the story: The desolate and loneliness of the snow-bounding mountains, the evil waiting in the dark, the justice police, the greedy robbers, the lovers of love, everything will fall along with the golden fall of evil attachments. Into the abyss and the truth.

clown (Movie)[2018]


A Man and A Wang, two brothers from A private detective agency, were sent by their bosses to investigate the robberies of A jewelry store. During the investigation, brother huobao helped the jewelry group Wang GuangYu uncover the conspiracy of Qin Xiao through several obstacles, and also gained his own love. Due to the natural lack of common sense, lack of understanding of the secular life structure, lack of logical judgment on the development of things, so the constant Yang Yang Yang wrong, full of jokes.


Lobster cop (Movie)[2017]

Feature: By not talking to Du YuFei, Neng Shu in the semi-retired state, hate girl Hua Jie and newcomer Chen Li did not rely on Interpol to trace drug abuse and found drug dealer Song Hui a courier site as a drug den. In the surveillance process, Interpol caused drug traffickers suspects, under the sun and the sun, they disk drive across the lobster shop, would like to use this as a guise camouflage surveillance, unexpectedly Neng Shu Ma small craft amazing shop business accident hot up . To avoid the suspicion of drug traffickers, Du YuFei et al. Had to search for the clues while checking out the lobster shop. And this group has no shop experience in the Interpol who also make a series of ridiculous jokes. The heavy workload keeps everyone from being mentally and physically exhausted, with constant friction, but also forms a profound friendship. Du YuFei et al. Frustrated the task of failing to pass the wind when the police collected the net and sold the lobster shop to the cooked-up uncle Ji Ye but unexpectedly found out that he was the real behind-the-scenes drug lord. Around this lobster shop, but also hides a larger conspiracy ......

HuoBao (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Private detectives A Man and A Wang (Hu Xia), living treasure brothers, were dispatched to investigate the looting of the jewelers as the detective agency's illegal agency was pinned on by popular female police officer Zhu XiaoHuan. During the course of the investigation, the brothers helped the jewelry group Wang GuangYu to block the conspiracy of Qin Xiao (Jianfeng Bao) and gain his own love. Due to the innate lack of common sense, the lack of understanding of the structure of secular life and the lack of logical judgment on the development of things, the living treasure brothers constantly make mistakes and mischief.

IAmNotMadameBovary (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Li XueLian (Bingbing Fan), an ordinary rural woman, has spent 10 years dealing with all walks of life in order to correct one sentence. In dealing with the process, she did not think one thing into another thing, then became the third thing. Ten years later, she did not correct this sentence over, but she has tasted the world's human well-being, Wu understand another truth. Li XueLian to correct this sentence is her ex-husband said. Her ex-husband said: Are you Li XueLian it? I think you are Pan Jinlian it? Li XueLian want to tell you: I am not Pan Jinlian.

Our best ten years (TV)[2016]

Feature: Jiang YiBo and Ma Ya have been childhood children, but Ma Ya doubts whether this is love or affection. Ma Ya met a young Fan Yang who was six years old. During her stormy and rampaging assault, the passion she had been depressing in Ma Ya's heart was inspired. The two men stole the account to register for marriage and were "low-keyed in the dormitory "Married. Fan Yang grew rapidly, and he started to make progress. However, Fan Yang's longing for a better life turned out to be a stubborn one that eventually brought himself to a prison. In the meantime, Jiang YiBo and Cong XiangXiang got involved and eventually got married, but this reluctant marriage is doomed to failure from the very beginning. The fate of the three horses, Fan and Jiang fluctuated, but fortunately everything is moving in a beautiful direction. Ma Ya and Fan Yang compound, and pregnant with twins. Jiang YiBo, who had lost Cong XiangXiang, finally knew what Cong XiangXiang meant to himself, and both returned to good ones. 2013 New Year's Eve, two children, three generations of people waiting for the New Year's bell sounded & nbsp ;.

FightAgainstLandlords (Movie)[2015]

Feature: The film Landlords tells a mysterious story of a hundred years of dusty weather, revealing the origin of landlords and the philosophy of life implied by landlords.

Mr.Six (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Liu Ye, an old artillery gun that once used to show the city in 1949, was hard to adapt to social changes, dormant in the depths of the alley, and lived a boring life with sloppy birds and negligence. One day, a huge emotional clash between Liu Ye and Xiao Bo, son of "Squadron", led the Squad to run away from home without being subject to any illegality and was illegally detained by newly rising generation Xiao Xiao. In order to save his son, and to repay their guilt of the son of the year, Liu Ye came back. With his own rules, Liu Ye tried to settle down the incident but found it frustratingly that this era, or his own body, has long gone. A parent-child hatred, old and new forces showdown can not be avoided. In the process of resolving the mess, the old gun found itself in problems, really powerless. But at the same time, they also grasped the handle of "Tricyclic Xijiro" in the process of inquiring about the cliches, and they both decided to come forward with a single challenge in the war.

Hibiscus tactic (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Lotus tactic" tells the story of Datang Xian Zong, Yong Zhen first year. Ju GongGong, an authority in the North Korea, A memorial in the hands of the former Mu Wood Country refers to the ironclad evidence of his conviction for adultery. In order to get this "ironclad card", the then five cabinet assistants of the year were mortally killed by Ju GongGong. Mu FuRong, the daughter of Mu Sianguo, spared no efforts to jump off the embroidery floor in order to resist the forced marriage and oppression of Qin's stepmother Qin, who was rescued by the night warrior at the close of his life. Night Man special punish corrupt officials, his purpose seems to be directed at the five assistant minister of massacre that year, he has become the target of Ju GongGong wanted. Ju GongGong found that Mu FuRong was associated with Night Walker, and pointed to Mu FuRong. Mu FuRong is in danger, Night Walker shot her rescued but was seriously injured, the two had a total of love for love. Ju GongGong saw the relationship between two people, in order to seize the night warrior, forcing Mu FuRong and Qin ZiQue wedding. Nightsman arrived in time without fear of danger, he and Ju GongGong launched a life-or-death showdown. Eventually Ju GongGong vociferous, Night Man and Mu FuRong happy hand in hand, mutual lifelong & nbsp ;.

TheMonkeyKing (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Sun WuKong (formerly known as Pu TiZuShi) made a seventy-two change and is determined to become a god. However, Jiu WeiHu (), a friend of two, has been killed and has mistaken Niu MoWang (king of the Devil) as the enemy of heaven. On the other hand, Niu MoWang instigated Sun WuKong to join forces to sow the heaven in order to return his beloved wife, Tie ShanGongZhu (), and her 300-year-old Ai Zihong boy to heaven again, eventually forcing Emperor Yu (led by Er Lang Shen ) And other cents against, start ghost war. Since the Pan-Pian epoch, the two clans of the gentry and democrats have vied for the rights to command the Three Realms. In a protracted campaign, the spiritual world led by Yu HuangDaDi once again repulsed the Mozu led by Niu MoWang. Nv Wa In order to avoid regenerating battle spasm, Nantianmen defend the heaven, and one of the spar collars, the mortal world of the mortal world, turned into a monkey monkey, Sun WuKong. Sun WuKong into Pu TiZuShi door, quickly gifted but unfettered, he was expelled from the door, the Dragon Palace to take the gold hoop bars based Huaguo Shan Zhan Shan Wang. On the other hand, Niu MoWang pretended to give up fighting to pacify Tie ShanGongZhu, the sister of Jade Emperor, and conspiratorially plotted a more devastating offensive to heaven. Sun WuKong to save Jiu WeiHu and heaven, Niu MoWang value Sun WuKong ability to pretend to call his brother secretly use Jiu WeiHu design to deceive Sun WuKong and heaven, a shaking conspiracy and love and hatred of the war imminent.

TheSuspicious (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Liu Hua (actor), the boss of a hundred-year pharmaceutical factory who contracted pharmaceuticals, decided to sell real estate for sale and did not want to sell drugs anymore. His heavily hired Hong Kong executive, Ruan DaZhi (Wilson Lam), leads a Japanese buyer, Miyashita. Do not want to see the palace is only able to cure insomnia Lu Yu scattered tablets of the exclusive formula. Just as the two sides reached a stalemate in negotiations, the appearance of "Mystery S," which claimed to hold a secret prescription, made the negotiations even more foggy. Lin YiTai, sales director of Chenggong Pharmaceutical Factory (Alec Su), a patient with severe insomnia, who was working as a non-awakened doctor all night, had a profound understanding of the transactions between S and Japanese buyers. After being a cataclysm, Lin YiTai found that both her immediate boss, Ruan DaZhi (Wilson Lam), the ambiguous senior secretarial secretary Joe Chan, or the Japanese representative Mei ChuanMeiJiZi (Hong So-hee) Everyone has a guilty conscience, and even his most trusted pharmaceutical factory employee, Lao Song (Liping You), is eccentric and everyone is the best suspect! At this time, hiding in a corner of the inner ghost "Mystery S" but everyone's every move is well aware of ... ...

Money Game (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Han Lei was originally a wealthy second generation, he is bohemian, spender, do not want to be cheated by his most trusted friend, become reeling overnight, nothing. Han Yi's ex-girlfriend, Jiang YiDan, left him alone and invited homeless Han Lei to live with her. Han Lei and sister Xiao Xiao accidentally learned that her mother had left a "property" in the bank safe, but the withdrawal password was related to the illness of three patients looking for psychological counseling by Han Mu, wondering if the password had to go from these three Find out clues in patients. Among the three people are vanity worshipers, greedy gamblers, selfish selfish Lv Shi, each of whom is the best of the best. Han Lei was struggling with the trio, and Hua Ge came under pressure from four other men. At the same time, Wang ZhengDao, who once invested in the "Floating Islands in the Sea" project, has also been eyeing the property left by Han Mu and jointly implementing his plan with his nephew Xiao Shan. So Han Lei began a fight with various heroic heroes. Finally, Han Lei finally found the password, to understand that the whole event was actually a well-designed bureau by Han Mu. Everyone Han Lei encounters is working with Han Mu to stage a "salvation" drama for Han Lei. Han Lei completely epiphany, decided to down-to-earth life, start a new life. Difficult to see the truth, Han Lei and Jiang YiDan's feelings are also getting warmer, he finally realized what is true love, in the harvest of life comprehension but also reaped love.

MyLuckyStar (Movie)[2013]

Feature: In reality, Su Fei (Zhang Ziyi), an animator who can only enjoy the glory of thousands of people in manga, unexpectedly won a Singapore Grand Prix. Encouraged by two girlfriends, Li Li (Yao Chen) and Lu XiaoXi (Ruby Lin), Su Fei looks forward to flying to Singapore. Who knows just out of the airport, she met the same fantasy prince and handsome duo Da Wei (Wang Leehom ornaments). Da Wei's real identity is an agent who came to Singapore to track down the stolen diamond "Lucky Star" and the mysterious buyer Gao XianSheng (Jack Kao). Su Fei sleepwalk mixed into a private party, and overreaching to get a box with "lucky star", of course, this will place her in successive chase and battle. Su Fei, accompanied by a super-perfect prince, has always been an ordinary boring life, challenging the exotic adventure ...

RunningAllTheWay (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Xu DeCai (Li Mengnan), a real estate group executive, was forced to flee. Female boss Zhao Bing (Sun Ning), who has an affair with him, demanded that he carry on the blanks and give him two options: one is to run away and the other to die. Xu DeCai Escapes Wang Luobing (Binlong Pan), a former friend on the way to escape, borrowed money to see her daughter. Wang XiaoBing was beaten subsequently, causing Xu DeCai to lose the box, his ID and air ticket in the box, and the two started looking for boxes. In the two box-finding adventure, met the underground "traffic director" Huang Feng, was "pit pit" Wan Peng, looking for the company's Bao Zong, not only the box did not find, Wang XiaoBing car detained, Xu DeCai card The money is cheated away. Xu DeCai to find Zhao Bing for help, led to kill, the two dumbfounded Xu DeCai actually found Wang XiaoBing actually lost his ten year girlfriend Yang Shan (Xie Na ornaments) are linked, which more than ten years of grudges to be resolved ...

lets get married (TV)[2013]

Feature: Let's Get Married tells the story of Hai-Bo Huang Gao Yuanyuan Breakthrough Performance Yang Tao, the manager of a four-star hotel lobby, was still single at the age of thirty-two due to a wounded feeling. Guo Ran, a 36-year-old divorced registration clerk at the marriage registry, has made him a typical victim of marriage. Peaches and Guo Ran reluctantly met with friends. Unexpectedly, both of them actually left a good impression on each other. Heart has just been closed for a long time just opened, peaches found Guo Ran is a fear of marriage, she angrily evacuated. Peach face the reality, resolutely devoted to the blind army. Peach blind date move stimulated Guo Ran, he did her best to successfully peach the blind date again and again, but they still can not get married under the determination. Guo Ran's parents know the reason for their son's fear of marriage, began to reflect on their marriage, Guo Ran also a new understanding of marriage. After a few dealings with Guo Ran, the peaches gained a comprehensive understanding of Guo Ran and regained their confidence in the marriage. Finally, a lover eventually married.

GunsNRoses (Movie)[2012]

Feature: The puppet period, the current turmoil. The Kwangtung Army, such as the Raging Tiger, revolutionized the organization to save the National Assembly camera. Under this seemingly sunny sky, the unemployed youth nicknamed Xiao Dong Bei (Jiayin Lei) walked the streets and alleys and abducted their lives. Occasionally, he accidentally learned a secret that the Kwantung Army would send a batch of gold to Daikin, a closely guarded bank. The members of the National Salvation Council, led by the actress Fang Die (Xiao Tao Red), decided to seize gold and thus stop Japanese plan to buy arms from Italy. Look in the gold part. Xiao DongBei Sipilai face to be plugged in. Although successful with small clever, but he also brought a lot of trouble to Fang Die and others. Their opponents - Kanto army Nzo ShanXingZhiZhu (Keiichi Yamasaki ornaments) sinister and cunning, as their biggest obstacle. The ultimate success of the plan to seize gold?

OneNightToBeStar (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Tie Zhu (Tianwa Yang) stands out in the Chinese fashionista show. Fan YuLe (Liu Hua (Actor)), the director of People & Performing Company, took a fancy and focused training and sent him abroad for further studies. Tie Zhu was instructed by a famous English music professor under the guidance of musician Sui XiaoFei (Huang Shengyi). At the same time, he and Sui XiaoFei also built a wonderful feeling. Tie Zhu, after returning from studies, will have the opportunity to perform on the stage with world superstar VITAS (Wei TaSi Vitas) and Italian version Su Shan DaMa Marsola (Carmen Masola), but his rustic feelings Entertainment is incompatible, making him embark on a very bumpy road of fame ... ...

FanJuYeFengKuang (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Feng LaoBan (Liu Hua (actor)), an upscale hotel called "Man of Nature," is worried about how to deal with a disc that he has stolen from his hotel, but something more troubles him: the employees are in default of long-term wages All left, only three relatives to help his home, heaven and earth will collapse at a glance. Renowned Chinese learning, success, Feng Shui master Tan Dashan (Fan Wei), entrusted by Feng LaoBan, brought him a table meal to enable Heaven to negotiate the purchase with Mo NiKa (Monica Mok), an executive director. When, do not be too cold. Tan Da Shan brings guests: mysterious Da LaoZong (Han Tong Shan ornaments), upstart owner Cai Ge (Yajin Liu ornaments) and the snake follower Xiao HuDie, action star Jia Ming (Huang Bo ornaments) one after another arrived. Interpol Lao Mei (Guanhua Liang ornaments) a family of three also choose the day a meal. Feng LaoBan no one can only have begged to come to collect money fishmonger Lao XiaMi as Da Chu, hectic meal everyone thought each other, the collision of a series of unexpected stories ... ...

HappyHotel (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Business woman Meng JingHua (Ning Jing ornaments) and her husband Qian ShiQiang (Jiang Wu ornaments) have been married after childbirth, so secretly contact the Korean master to Lotte Hotel treatment. Jin TaiShun (Sex Is Zero ornaments), which came to settle accounts, was arranged by Sea Hi (Yao Lu) to the Sea View room. It was mistakenly thought that Beijing Flowers was a massage woman, and Beijing Flowers also regarded him as a Korean doctor. Jin TaiShun, a duo with a disgruntled, unruly mouth, was hit by a semi-professional boxer in Beijing. Jin TaiShun hit hard breathless, Beijing flower afraid to help the old money. Did not want to be in the same hotel and Junior Three Kai Di (Tong-di Meng decorated) Dating old money can not be guaranteed, is seeking a hi brother not to expose the matter, Hi brother offer a million. Beijing Flower, which begged to flee the hotel, and the old money borrowed in the elevator met in the elevator ...

Happiness (Movie)[2012]

Feature: 2012, are you happy? Dream in the choice and temptation to stretch between desires, affection between the merging and gains and losses, love in the only love between the lost and reality. As a Chinese version of "Sex and the City," the film sketches the reality of materialistic sexuality in urban and rural areas by describing the stories of urban Jinling, fashion stars, big-name celebrities, startup youth, career rookies and retired seniors. Different in the lost and confused. Without exception, they suffered a stormy and bumpy journey on their way to happiness: marriage derailed, friends betrayed, business failed, and their loved ones alienated ... Movie boss Song Hao (Yi Sha) married his wife Hu Fang (Aya Liu) for many years , Housewife Hu Fang always wanted a child, helpless but confused husband refused to cooperate, but also with her star actress Mises (Monica Mok ornaments) one night stand after life. In order to make up for her son's mistakes, Song Hui (Kara Hui) had to hurt two women in a row. Song Hua (Joe Chan), the daughter of Song Hua (actor), learned that the incident was almost completely cut off from her son and that her daughter, Qiqihar (Joe Chan), who had been injured while traveling to Europe, was still worried about her. Song Qi boyfriend Fang Lei (Shao Bing ornaments) found the cause after losing love ...

UnderTheTemptation (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Zhang Hongxue, a coal mine owner, went to Hangzhou with a huge amount of money in the name of buying a house, but in reality he was hiding his wife and the host of Yanqing Television Station, He YanFei. When Zhang HongXue from Hangzhou Airport caught up with Wu QingSong, a black car driver, Wu QingSong liked to buy lottery tickets every day for a fortune dream. On the way, he did not realize that Zhang HongXue had a huge sum of money. He YanFei also took Wu QingSong's car for the afternoon of the same day and inadvertently got to know Zhang HongXue brought a huge sum of money to hangzhou and doubted that Zhang HongXue had another new love. Therefore, he and Zhen ChengZong, the pseudo-health master, joined Liu DuoBao To cheat, in order to obtain huge sums. Wang DengYun, an insurance salesman, got acquainted with Zhang HongXue for selling insurance and got a huge sum of money because Zhang HongXue showed off wealth. Wang DengYun, desperate for life, was misdiagnosed as a late-stage brain cancer by doctor Chen PeiYuan. In order to let his girlfriend Li JingJing On a good day and determined to rob huge sums. In the meantime, Wu QingSong was threatened by He YanFei for blackmailing Zhang HongXue. In return, Wu QingSong returned the overcharged money to He YanFei, but inadvertently clutched the 5.14 million jackpot lottery ticket that night Gave He YanFei. He YanFei was murdered by Zhang and his wife for making money and the murders were witnessed by Wu QingSong and Wang DengYun who came to Zhang's villa with their own purposes. Finally, Wang DengYun and Wu QingSong decided to call the police and track Zhang's couple. Chen PeiYuan mother was poisoned by taking Zhen ChengZong's fake medicine. In order to find Zhen ChengZong, Chen PeiYuan and Zhen ChengZong started a car chase, and Wu QingSong and Wang DengYun also chased after Zhang's and Zhang's couples. On a roundabout, Wu QingSong's car collided with a large truck driven by Zhang's wife, Chen PeiYuan's car, and Zhen ChengZong's car. All the secrets and desires came to light because of a traffic accident.

HappinessMeToo (Movie)[2012]

Feature: 2012, are you happy? Dream in the choice and temptation to stretch between desires, affection between the merging and gains and losses, love in the only love between the lost and reality. As a Chinese version of "Sex and the City," the film sketches the reality of materialistic sexuality in urban and rural areas by describing the stories of urban Jinling, fashion stars, big-name celebrities, startup youth, career rookies and retired seniors. Different in the lost and confused. Without exception, they suffered a stormy and bumpy journey on their way to happiness: marriage derailed, friends betrayed, business failed, and their loved ones alienated ... Movie boss Song Hao (Yi Sha) married his wife Hu Fang (Aya Liu) for many years , Housewife Hu Fang always wanted a child, helpless but confused husband refused to cooperate, but also with her star actress Mises (Monica Mok ornaments) one night stand after life. In order to make up for her son's mistakes, Song Hui (Kara Hui) had to hurt two women in a row. Song Hua (Joe Chan), the daughter of Song Hua (actor), learned that the incident was almost completely cut off from her son and that her daughter, Qiqihar (Joe Chan), who had been injured while traveling to Europe, was still worried about her. Song Qi boyfriend Fang Lei (Shao Bing ornaments) found the cause after losing love ...

WuYuanWuGu (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Zhao Bing, a senior owner of a real estate group forced to flee and has an affair with him, asked him to give him two choices: one was to run away and the other to die. Way to escape in the middle of the past friend Wang XiaoBing (Binlong Pan ornaments) to borrow money to his daughter to see a doctor. Wang XiaoBing was beaten subsequently, causing Xu DeCai to lose the box, his ID and air ticket in the box. So they began looking for the adventure of boxes, met the underground "traffic director" Huang Feng, was "pit pit" Wan Peng, looking for the company's Bao Zong, not only the box did not find, Wang XiaoBing car detained, Xu DeCai card The money is cheated away. Xu DeCai to find Zhao Bing for help, led to chase kill, Xu Cabai Xu DeCai actually found Wang XiaoBing actually lost his girlfriend with a decade of contact with Shan. After more than a decade of grudges, Xu DeCai was deeply guilty of guilt. He decided to turn himself in and let Wang XiaoBing and Yang Shan back home.

Summer rush (TV)[2012]

Feature: "Summer Run" tells Pei ZiMing and Lei SuoFei is the third year of the third year of high school students, they started from junior high school classmate six into Shimei Villa viewing years, has always been a learning competitor, at the same time the two are invariably Like the same class of lesbian Ni XiaoRan, this is the only three experiments in the birth of the only two boys admitted to Tsinghua University, should have been unlucky way into the plane of the two unlucky, Lei SuoFei about Pei ZiMing fight Wine bet, drink and two young women Sakura Poseidon fierce conflict. After the incident two people escaped panicked and unknowingly took away the mobile phone of Sakurazi. From then on, they launched a "flight of escape". During the flight, the two experienced various hardships and dangers. They grew up in frustration from Cowardly escape to bravely assume. All truth, they parents in the hot eyes and pertinent words instantly realized that all this is the ingenious arrangement of parents, so that they grow up in the perception; let them before entering Tsinghua University in the hot summer day Open 18-year-old adult ceremony, moving bolted.

BeginningofTheGreatRevival (Movie)[2011]

Feature: In the winter of 1911, returning from overseas, he became Provisional President on January 1 of the following year. At the same time participated in the recovery of the new army. Soon, with the strong military power and prestige in the royal family, the identity of Grand Marshal was taken from Sun ZhongShan and the government of the Northern Republic of China was established. In October the same year, the Kuomintang was established. The outbreak of the summer of 1914, 1915 Yuan ShiKai and Japan set a twenty-one secret and change the state, self-styled as the Chinese Emperor, since embarked on a road of no return. Sun ZhongShan and Cai E set up to protect the national army, to discuss the yuan. Yuan ShiKai soon died in an all-out denouncing. After that, with the failure of restoration, China entered the melee situation of warlords. While Mao ZeDong ,, and others, although living in different places, are pondering over the road to national salvation and national salvation, and the fate of the meeting is coming.

TreasureHunt (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Beauty advertising director Jiang HuiNi seems to have a successful career, happy family, lovely son, but in fact she was eager to expand their own business, "Boys" family life also let her and her husband Lu ZhiMing haze, hidden darkness . In order to rush to a higher level of career, the workaholic Jiang HuiNi once again left her husband and son, with the magnificent Gao DaLong star to an unknown desert island shooting advertising blockbusters. Unnamed island with beautiful scenery, pleasant scenery, the crew of the filming work has encountered a variety of bizarre events, as everyone knows, from the moment they boarded the island, are also approaching the dangerous step by step. Guided by a treasure map of a long time ago, the group of "five beasts" led by cobra entered the islands in an attempt to find and exploit the treasure for their own sake, however they were not allowed to stir up by the mysterious people on the island Calm, find any. The loss of treasure map completely ignited the anger of the "five beasts", they think the crew in the mischief, their real purpose is not to shoot ads, but to find the treasure! A tit-for-tat contest is on the way.

DaoBanAiQing (Movie)[2010]

Feature: The five black humorous stories were linked by a "Halley" motorcycle. Feng Feng pirated the love of Wang XiaoLi's first love and gave Wang XiaoLi a more pure love than piracy. Wang XiaoLi was touched. However, when their love meets a thief, meets two robbers, meets a liar, meets a car owner who loves movies, and interweaves five stories of characters around the coincidence of love. This "Harley" motorcycle has been owned by 5 story owners, this "Harley" motorcycle is also the love of Feng Le all. The film "Pirate Love", a movie starring in "The Mainland Version of Cedar," starring in "The Big Brother" and "The Big Picture of the Longest," is aired on the six central film channels of the six central avenues of the country and has aroused wide audiences' popularity. As the absolute heroine Ying children fresh performances highly respected by the audience. The movie "Pirate Love" consists of five stories, each one of its own storytelling and intertwining. The director says "five completely different stories throughout the movie, five distinct styles, and we string them together with a motorcycle We want to get rid of all the comedy elements and truly create a black humorous comedy with Chinese characteristics.I have a climax every five minutes and a bright spot every thirty seconds. "Director Li Zhi as a cutting-edge director, Liu Hua, Jiang Chao, and many other big names joined the film this time, a lot for the film to add color. The actress said: "The director is very creative, and his love of the movie and make me particularly infected, I admire his respect and pursuit of the movie business, I hope I can do my best to help the director, but also hope Since then, I can show my strength more on the big screen. "

An inattentive (Movie)[2010]

Feature: Upstart Yang BaoCai staged a new talk of "elegant man" in the story of a scrap specialist who was encountering Mi Li's love race. And a seemingly rules woman for the ulterior motives, constantly secretly dismantling Taiwan, so that would have been "tangled" love more "tangled." Upstart Yang BaoCai (Yu Li) staged a new talk of "elegant man" in the story of Liu Hua (actor) with Mi Li (Fann Wong) 's long distance run. And a seemingly rule woman (Miao Pu ornaments) for the ulterior motives, constantly secretly dismantling Taiwan, so that would have been "tangled" love more "tangled." & nbsp;

Conflicts in oNe`Family (TV)[2010]

Feature: After his wife died, the manager of the campus manager will be his wife left two real estate and 50,000 allocated. After being dismissed by the school, he wanted to secure his later years, but did not expect to cause a family disturbance. Niu ZhiWen, the youngest son, sold his house for sale and sold his name on the real estate certificate of the newly purchased house. Feng SanYan, the son-in-law of his son Niu ZhiHua, forged a false death certificate from his cow. The room changed to Niu ZhiHua's name. The relationship between the two brothers instantly fell into the bottom of the valley, a real estate war kicked off. The second daughter, Zhang YueMei, was given to peasant families who settled at the beginning of their careers. She was honest and kind-hearted but did not resent her father. The face of the homeless cow rejected her daughter's invitation, admitted to the nursing home. Fu Gui, a man with Alzheimer's disease who died in a war room in his nursing home, lives in a room with his cow. That cow may get a night pearl left by Fu Gui, cattle brothers immediately scrambling to start filial cattle. Understand the son of the true intention of the cow, fainted in frustration and disappointment in the roadside, the onset of cerebral thrombosis was sent to the hospital. Faced with huge medical bills, Zhang YueMei selling cattle to sell, desperately trying to save his father's life. But Niu ZhiWen and Niu ZhiHua retreated in the face of their own interests, the brothers discussed the transfer of cattle to a cheap little hospital. On the way to the hospital, when Niu ZhiWen and Niu ZhiHua were discussing whether to treat his father, the cow was missing. Six months later, the brothers, who thought his father had died, were surprised to find that the cow was "resurrected." And suddenly became a wealthy. Think of cattle can be accounted for cheap brother but found themselves actually fall into the bull's "trap." It turned out that the painful behavior of the child's cow realized that if they go on like this, the two sons will never return on the path of human nature, cattle decided to re-education of two sons. After the cow's lesson and inspiration, after experiencing the difficulties and setbacks, everyone was aware of their mistakes and problems, and paid the price for it. Inspired by the affection, the whole family's heart again gathered together.

Magistrate Ye GuangMing (TV)[2010]

Feature: "Ye County, known as county magistrate" tells the era of warlord melee, water County ravages of people added to the troubled times many can not appeal to the odd injustice. People deliberately wanted to get rid of the warlords Yuan Kong Kong and Ye Guangming and other well-known strangers Ye YuanMing et al. Ye GuangMing, a magistrate that did not have the solemn intention of justice for the common people, came out of his most solemn sentiments and was struggling with the evil forces of all parties such as Cai Wan, the water county police chief of the fish people. Detect odd cases, to preserve a small town peace. Ye GuangMing and his assistants are gradually becoming more and more ordinary people, becoming the embodiment of the people in the water county's mind. In dark times such as chaos, they light up the light and prop up one side of the sky.

Gasp (Movie)[2009]

Feature: Middle-aged man Li Qiang (Ge You ornaments) plunged into career and family and their own three troubles: the company plunged into the quagmire of triangular debt, debt collection every day sit in the office, often about to go out to sing debt, But he did not mention the money back with him; his wife suspect his wife with the female secretary (Kelly Lin ornaments) have an affair, his son (Chen Bolin ornaments) vacation from the United States, with a dumb, did not say a word; he I often have a headache, check the brain found shadow, it may be cancer. To make a difference in his life, and to pave the way for his family after he died, he decided to buy the ancestral cheese company Frank (John Savage). Over half a century of Frank's own unknown background, his ancestral company failed to make ends meet, divorced his wife, and her daughter went to an addiction treatment center, so he tried to come to China to sell his worthless company Then run away. Two middle-aged men of different races but also in a difficult situation are eager to solve their own problems, and now there are inextricably linked, and the side of the female secretary, blasting boss (Liu Hua ( actor) ornaments) and other people also have their own not ...

RoyalTattoo (Movie)[2009]

Feature: In 1898, due to Yuan Shikai's announcement that the failure of the Reform Movement of 1898 failed and Guangxu Huang Di was captivated by Cixi in Yingtai. Lu Er, who repaired the palace, was born as a mason. In order to take over the rest of the Yuanmingyuan project, he stabbed him in a scheme plotted against Guangxu Huang Di and rescued Da XueShi from TianJin on the grounds of bankruptcy. Tianjin Sanxiong Xu SanDao was caught by head of Fu ErMo as Procuratorate into heaven on the occasion of the seizing of land by Hong Zhong and his staff in the south and north of the storm. He found opportunities to assassinate Hong Zhong. Inside the prison, the killer broke into Da XueShi to assassinate Da ErShi and Lu Er rescued Da XueShi. Xu SanDao also escaped. Outside the casino, Lu Er who posted the leaflets was mistakenly identified by Hong Zhong as being in trouble at the casino. Fu ErMo, who came to find fugitives, misunderstood Hong Zhong et al., And was hit by Hong Zhong and the storm of East and West, Hong Zhong and the east, south, south and north winds can only run the road, only to find himself in the black shop opened by the friend Xu SanDao. Inadvertently, Hong Feng's younger brother Dong Feng learned that Lu Er and Da XueShi also stayed at the shop, and that the tattoos on Lu Er had a big secret about the treasure. At the same time, Xu SanDao and Lao BanNiang were plotting A crazy plan ... Tianjin Happy Show, Singapore Hai Dao on the Yangtze River is waiting for seven Er Er ready to send Da XueShi overseas, only to find Fu ErMo and killers have long been ambush here, Hong Zhong with something South and North The wind is also followed. Without knowledge, Lu Er and Da XueShi rushed to the scene but discovered Yuan Shikai who drank flowers and alcohol. Da XueShi, an angry man, had to personally kill Yuan Shikai and take revenge for the new lords. Lu Er reluctantly agreed to assassinate Yuan Shikai. Hong Zhong and Hai Dao Are all touched by the spirit of Lu Er, with the help of everyone Da XueShi finally boarded the road to Southeast Asia.

GlitteringDay (Movie)[2009]

Feature: He Lao Tai, who lives in the Gold Fish Pond in Nancheng District, Beijing, is too famous in this area. He is surrounded by nephew police officers and He Lao Tai is given to children as young as three years old. He LaoDa has three sons in their courtyard, and He LaoDa is a master of world culture, poetry, painting and calligraphy in Beijing. When He LaoDa consultant in the unit, could not bear the new leadership because he was not allowed to carry a bird cage to work, dumped sentence "Lord did not wait" to resign, go home and rest. He LaoEr's wife is about to give birth, and his obsessive collection of antique furniture so he did not go home for 35 days, less than 10 square meters of the house, was holding the pinch of the stuffing are almost gone, the second is a "wife Strict management "But for the collection, the couple often red face. Third son He LaoSan is the least worried about the old lady, he self-proclaimed by sociologists, his family ignored his wife, I feel this little thing is not worth their own bother, talking all day talking about energy shortages, population Excess, desertification and so on the "big problem." Say to himself: None of these things can be ruled by the United Nations, and I am greatly disappointed with them. On a hot night, He LaoSan was wracking his wife and Zhang Meng. Suddenly the electric gate of the simple building burned, suddenly a dark, condemning everywhere. Residents in the embarrassed heat had only to complain in the Temple of Heaven over night, while He LaoDa was like no one took the violin, attracted everyone praise: Or uncle live moist ah. Youth Yang QiuLin crush He Yueo daughter Daughter He Yue, repeatedly find He Yue boyfriend's crop, put himself and He Yue is "old good" posture, so He Yue intolerable, Yang QiuLin singing his song when Guitar hit him in the head. Do not want to hit this hit actually hit the spark of love. One day heavy rain, rain rushed to what gables gables, everyone worked together to rescue to the night. He LaoSan intends to repair the relationship with Zhang Meng, urging his wife to go home quickly. At this moment, Liu YuLan, a homeless He LaoEr with a big belly, came to his home to spend the night in bed and planned He LaoSan and Zhang Meng focusing on the old dreams to be poured from a bowl of cold water to the sole of the feet, The house temporarily let a brother Elvish, two people walking side by side in the rain to find their original romantic gone. Liu YuLan received a university admission notice, is joy do not want to break the water, the child also will be born. This is a bolt from the blue to He LaoEr, the duo of double happiness. He Yue was closer and closer to Yang QiuLin, and they also summed up to "renew their front line" for their widowed, single parents. He LaoEr eventually arrived but the collection of temptation, angry while reading the textbook while feeding her son Liu YuLan shouted every day, "the day can not be over." He is also left ear to hear right ear. In the meantime, He LaoSan frequently received reports from his neighbors about him: At some time, his wife and strange men saw him excuse me. Had to rack one's brains to come up with a mockery of excuse his wife, to close himself in a big problem who can not understand the truth. In the end, Zhang Meng decided to go abroad, and He LaoSan tried to restore it but it was no good.He LaoEr's son almost burnt the house with fire, Liu YuLan broke out angrily and picked up an ax to cut his collection of furniture. He LaoTai was able to quell the flying rescue. The couple chose to divorce. After a series of events, He LaoTai fell ill and the torn home came together again. After some time, the demolition of the goldfish pond has finally become a reality.

DongTianBuLeng (Movie)[2009]

Feature: "Winter is not cold," tells the story of a series of comically humorous stories triggered by the Russian umbrella bag that strayed into China's territory when the Sino-Russian joint military exercises were staged.

TheFoundingofARepublic (Movie)[2009]

Feature: The "Founding of a Republic" tells the story of a series of stories that took place from the end of 1945 to the eve of the founding of 1949. The main theme of the film's preparation reflects the period of time before the founding of new China. The film than the previous theme film has a new breakthrough, some of the little-known stories are mining, performance. Among them there is a deep description of the relationship between father and son.

Nature World (TV)[2009]

Feature: Local ruffian Cao Yong suspect his wife and people are infected, designed to seduce. Reporter Zhu Liang reported this matter, excused by Cao Yong. Su Yan helped him get out of trouble. Restaurant owner killed, the community talked about. Interpol team fighting for several weeks, but grab the wrong people, so that the Public Security Bureau face sweep. At this time, someone was suing Su Yan and Su Yan in trouble and leaving the task force. Su Yan is not discouraged and starts to find her own answers. Through in-depth investigation, more and more doubts point to Zhu Liang. Su Yan misunderstood and under pressure, looking for witnesses and evidence, Zhu Liang finally admitted that he is the murderer. The case was broken, Su Yan was informed that the murderer has been arrested. Countless coincidences and affair, Zhu Liang was wronged. Everyone from this accident found the true self, get the heart wash. Episode 1 Wang Chen, a hotel guest, was killed in a high-end residential complex in the Garden District. Hotelier Xu Guangze was also seriously wounded. At the seminar, everyone was expressing their opinions. Only Su Yan was caught in the first half of the incident. Experiencing things. Su Yan and Xu Guangze are good friends, often out of the seafood world restaurant, Wang met naturally and Wang had advised Su Yan be careful because they heard guests have to say he should retaliate. Procuratorate on the day received a report to take Su Yan investigation of his economic situation. Su Yan learned that eating at the restaurant was a band of local lovers Cao Yong, who learned from Cao Yong that they should have taken revenge on their own. Liu Yuankui has been seducing Cao Yong's wife Jiang Dan, do not want to be almost Cao Yong design caught, angrily Cao Yong Jiang Dan to be thrown out from upstairs, then, Su Yan arrived ... Episode second Liu Yuankui to Jiang Dan to leave Cao Yong asked her to say that Cao Yong really wanted to throw himself out at the Public Security Bureau. Jiang Dan still loves her husband. She just said at the Public Security Bureau that she was having fun and her testimony saved him from being listed as a murder After attempting to commit crimes, Cao Yong admitted to Jiang Dan mistakes that he had started too hard. After returning home, he still asked who the man who escaped was. Guo Mingwu, director of the newspaper, learned that after Cao Yong had sent young reporter Zhu Liang to interview Jiang Dan and Jiang Dan to refuse Zhu Liang for the happiness of his family. Encouraged by Guo Mingwu, Zhu Liang wrote a poetic article, "The Cost of Affair." In the hospital, Xu Guangze admitted that he had an improper relationship with Wang Chen. In order not to be found by his wife Huang Min, let Su Yan pretend to be Wang Chen's boyfriend. In the face of the guilt of Xu Guangze, Su Yan is angry, but more Worried about Huang Min would like to open ...... Episode third Cao Yong find Liu Yuankui, at the wine table, Cao Yong asked Liu Yuankui why as a friend but also to seduce his wife; in the face of Cao Yong's evidence, Liu Yuankui planted the money to Su Yan, and exaggerated Su Yan is seducing Jiang Dan. Late at night, Su Yan received an intimidating letter from his home. The envelopes, like the letters from the prosecutors, were all at the Seafood World Restaurant. Comrade Gao Jun reminds him to be careful, and many criminals want revenge on the police. Cao Yong took a newspaper published with "the price of affair" repeatedly came to the newspaper extortion Zhu Liang, cheeky, he actually demanded Zhu Liang his girlfriend Yu Nan introduce himself to be girlfriend; Zhu shameful humiliating to newspaper to find Trouble please Guo Mingwu help to find Su Yan;Cao Yong that Su Yan is seducing his wife, in the face of Guo Ming Wu and Zhu Liang shame Su Yan, and Su Yan's move also surprised us ... Episode 4 Public Security Bureau, Cao Yong finally know herself In Liu Yuankui rape, apologized to one side of Su Yan and took the initiative to account for several other criminal cases clues. Zhu Liang's mother, Xia Hua, learned that her son had been helped by Su Yan to get rid of the harassment of gangsters and found Tan Yannian, associate editor of the newspaper, who would like to thank Su Yan together. However, Tan Yongnun dumped Guo Yanwu on his inconvenience. On the way to the hotel, Su Yan finds himself being followed. In the hotel, Su Yan met Zhu Liang's father television station Zhu Yun Kai, his mother Xia Hua and his girlfriend Yu Nan. After his parents left, Yu Nan thought that Su Yan was a villain who would only accompany the leader. Su Yan, let him embarrassed in public. With a strange mood Yu Nan came to the Public Security Bureau to find Su Yan, also suffered a cold Su Yan ... Episode 5 the first five days before the incident, Zhu Liang has always felt his girlfriend Yu Yan embarrassing Su Yan embarrassment , To find Yu Nan to discuss Guo Mingwu help please Su Yan out to dinner; Tan Yongnian deliberately transferred to the TV station Guo Mingwu more to help Zhu Liang, Guo Mingwu to shoot public security subject documentary to find Su Yan with the Bureau and with the Secretary Chen Kai Ming In the persuasion Su Yan agreed to eat together with Zhu Liang Yu Nan to eliminate misunderstandings, and let Wang Chen posing as his girlfriend with the appointment, during the meeting Yu Nan talked with Wang Chen is very speculative; Wang Chen to go home Su Yan found himself on the way to being tracked, but also doubts Wang Chen living in upscale garden district. Yu Nan met again about Su Yan, straight to the point that Wang Chen is not a Suyan's girlfriend; Su Yan Yu Nan should teach yourself, as Zhu Liang's girlfriend should not be about to meet with their own ... ... Set of sixth series Zhu Liang find Guo Mingwu to drink together Drunken Zhu Liang told Guo Mingwu that Yu Nan found Yu Nan alone while dating Yu Nan's cell phone. Guo Mingwu found Su Yan, asked Su Yan and Yu Nan in the end what happened. Tan Yongnian found Zhu Liang all of them listlessly got Guo Mingwu asked what happened, Guo Ming Wu bluntly Chu Liang some problems in emotion. On the day of the incident, Wang Chen fiercely said to one of the cafeters: My thing, are you ready? Let me tell you, pay close attention to it. Su Yan is my boyfriend. Huang Min rushed to the Interpol team to find Su Yan, she found Xu Guangze and Wang Chen are missing today, they must have run away together. After he comforted Huang Min, he and Gao Jun came together to Wang Chenjia in the garden district to see Wang Chen, who died in the living room, and Xu Guangze, who was seriously wounded. Yu Nan learned that Wang Chen's death was very helpless and felt that life was too weak ...... Episode 7 Gao Jun Through the investigation found that Liu Yuankui is likely to write Su Yan anonymous letter at the same time when the homicide occurred Liu Yuankui have time and After the incident has disappeared so far; Su Yan Cao Yong asked for the whereabouts of Liu Yuankui, Cao Yong designed to induce Liu Yuankui. In the interrogation room, Liu Yuankui admitted that he had followed Su Yan and tried to seduce Wang Chen in retaliation for Su Yan, but he did not have the time to do so and the investigation line was broken.The release of Liu Yuankui came to the Public Security Bureau Discipline Inspection Commission to report to the secretary Luo Yang Su Yan handling their own violence, the discipline inspection commission made a report to the Secretary at the same time investigate; Interpol Captain Zhao Yan Su Yan has always been a headache, take the initiative to find organizational requirements Su Yan, who often stabbed Louzi, was transferred back to the post of Secretary of the Secretary-General, unable to control the prick. Su Yan about Liu Yuankui tea apologize, took out the compensation Liu Yuankui did not accept the package of compensation for the seafood world of envelopes also no response ... Episode eighth Su Yan Wang Chen clues in the finishing touch accidentally discovered A photograph of a young man in the hospital, Xu Guangze, identified from a pile of photos that the person on the photo was the murderer. This important photo was distributed in small and medium-sized industries in the hope of finding out More clues. Zhu Liang came to Su Yan to eliminate the misunderstanding. Su Yan kept apologizing to Zhu Liang for having contacted Yu Nan for the case. He hoped Zhu Liang would not misunderstand and gave Zhu Liang a photo of the suspect. He hoped reporters Also pay more attention. By asking Xu Guangze, Su Yan learned that there are too many envelopes in Seafood World and no clues are found. Zhu Liang and Guo Mingwu brought the good news, the photo called Feng Jun, is the newspaper security guo Mingguo in the face tracking shooting, Interpol who are not suited to, and although the long arms like the suspects in the photo but still have Difference, he is not a criminal suspect ...... Episode 9 Public Security Bureau open to the public investigation report, a lot of people with similar appearances were enthusiastic citizens to report, but are not real suspects. Four days after the photos were released, the suspects were not caught yet. Everyone was in a hurry. Gao Jun urged Su Yan not to worry too much. Let us go home and look after it. After all, intimidation letters will also put their families at risk. Su Yan's parents run a large modern agro-ecological park, rich life, is looking forward to embracing grandchildren. When I learned that my son is coming back, both of us should discuss the design and get married as soon as possible. Zhu Liang hopes Yu Nan will send a newspaper to the host as soon as possible, and her father will arrange for it. Yu Nan refuses to know what Zhu Yunkai means. Yu Nan Su Yan about to set up their own brand stores, I hope Su Yan pick a gift casually, Su Yan Yu Nan's life is interested in ... Tenth Episode Zhuyun Kai find Su Yan, I hope Su Yan help persuade Yu Nan to the television station exam host. Yu Nan solemnly said to Zhu Yunkai: I will not go to apply. When Yu Nan returns home, Su Yan discovers Yu Nan, who lives in an upscale residential district, rejects Yu Nan's invitation to get a cup of coffee upstairs, doubting Yu Nan's source of income. North Town came the news, one person and the co-investigation notice on the physical characteristics of the suspects are very similar, Interpol immediately arrested arrest suspects Yu Ning. The successful capture of Ning made everyone feel happy and encouraging, but Guo Mingwu violated the law. When the case was completed, the video tracker was played out and the Public Security Bureau was made very passive. At the trial, Yu Ning admitted that he had a relationship with Wang Chen, knew he was a suspect, and his own blood test was consistent with the scene, but he was by no means the murderer.Su Yan again to find Xu Guangze investigation, Xu Guangze confessed to have long known that Ning ...... Episode 11 Yu Ning rather than criminals, he also does not have time to commit crimes; Public Security Bureau caught the wrong person is trouble downtown, Chen Kai-ming Secretary also felt very passive The social impact is very bad. Cao Yong once again to Yu Nan store trouble, in the face of Yu Nan scolding Cao Yong still go its own way, Sipilai face entangled. Liu Yuankui about Jiang Dan met, for fear of looting things revealed, more and more afraid of Cao Yong know. At the annual commendation ceremony of the Public Security Bureau, Su Yan was standing on the podium for his outstanding performance last year. In concluding his speech, Chen not only criticized Su Yan but took the initiative to recognize that it is our responsibility to take the wrong person. We have a very Excellent team of criminal investigation, is the key to the sound of the nucleus, there is no such team can not overcome the fortress, there is no difficult to overcome. Su Yan came to the television station to knock on Guo Mingwu asked about the relationship between Yu Nan and Zhu Yunkai ... Episode 12 Discipline Inspection Commission and received an anonymous letter, reported Su Yan in the Wang Chen case there is a major suspect; discipline inspection commission interviewed visited seafood Big World and Gao Jun, Su Yan was also blood tests; As Su Yan and Wang Chen met Zhao captain decided to let Su Yan avoid Wang's case, transferred from the task force. Su Yan finds Xu Guangze and Xu Guangze sorry for what they said to the discipline inspection commission Su Yan and Su Yan think that Xu Guangze did not tell the truth and intended to cover up improper relations with Wang Chen. Before leaving, Xu Guangze revealed an important clue to Su Yan, There is also a man before the incident often come to Wang Chen. Su Yan traced Liu Yuankui and found Liu Yuankui still having a secret affair with Jiang Dan; the guilty Liu Yuankui took the initiative to find Su Yan and asked if Su Yan would disclose the matter to Cao Yong ...... You Set of 13 Liu Yuankui insisted he did not write anonymous letter , Do not quit the stone hit their own feet thing. Drunk Zhu Liang found Yu Nan, constantly remind Yu Nan to stay away from Su Yan, he is a dangerous person, and Yu Nan is a mixed person. Su Yan found Guo Mingwu complained about his relationship with Wang Chen has been the task force, Guo Mingwu said a few days ago Zhu Liang said Su Yan drink drunk Wang Chen's murderer, Su Yan slowly began to suspect Zhu Liang It's Cao Yong went to Yu Nan store trouble, Yu Nan was forced to eat dinner; Su Yan at the very emergence of Cao Yong nervous, Su Yan solemnly said to Cao Yong: She is now my girlfriend. Su Yan, together with Su Yan, a colleague who resigned at the PR office of the newspaper, had dinner at the hotel and was still talking about Yu Nan. In the middle of the night, Yu Nan saw a figure swinging at home ... Episode 14 Zhu Yunkai persuaded Yu Nan at Yu Nan's home. Yu Nan blamed Zhu Yunkai for not telling his family what happened. Especially Li Li's daughter. Zhu Liang suddenly appeared in front of Yu Nan. He just said drunk: you like Su Yan. Yu Nan called Su Yan and wanted to get off to the north-south town. Originally, his father had been arrested for sending mahjong. Su Yan found the police school teacher brother who had pretended that his father-in-law was being asked for help and let go. The son-in-law looks more and more likes. On the way back to the city Yu Nan was very scared, Su Yan walked with her to the playground to relax, shopping together;Su Yan at night in the home, Su Yan agreed Yu Nan sleeping in the bedroom, but the condition must be responsible for cleaning the room. Yu Nan to Zhu Liang broke up, Zhu Liang find Su Yan would like to ask what happened, Su Yan said to Zhu Liang: You are too unlike a man; Zhu Liang flick to Su Yan ...... Episode 15 Zhu Liang Wei Sheng's restaurant to eat, drink he repeatedly stressed: our things can not be leaked at all. Yu Nan sucked up the room for Su Yan, and Su Yan seemed absent-minded. Yu Nan revealed to Su Yan: The taste of the drink is terrible. Liu Yuankui always entangled with nightmares, he told Jiang Dan told her that he had a dream, dream of Cao Yong to kill you, you must first strike, Cao Yong was killed. Guo Mingwu found Su Yan, cynical about Su Yan and Yu Nan, and Su Yan thought Zhu Liang could endure such pain and illness. Yu Nan tells Zhu Yunkai that he and Zhu Liang are together to repay Zhu Yunkai and Zhu Yunkai thinks she is too confused. Billiard Hall, Cao Yong and Liu Yuankui twisted together, Zhu Liang appeared drunk, with a bottle knocked down Cao Yong, Liu Yuankui aside: you drink more, go kill him, if you do not kill him today, tomorrow He will kill you ... Episode 16 Criminal Police Force office, covered in blood Cao Yong rushed in: Su Ge, I killed; according to the district surveillance video, Cao Yong on the way home was chased by Liu Yuankui, but wrestling Cao Yong killed Liu Yuankui, Cao Yong belongs to legitimate defense. Cao Yong in the hospital with Jiang Dan, vowed never to leave their new beloved people. In the security cell, Zhu Liang was detained for assaulting others. Su Yan told Zhu Liang that it was a routine health examination for the technical department to take a blood sample. Su Yan please technical chief Cui Xuefeng help as soon as possible to the provincial health department testing Zhu Liang DNA. Sheng Wei learned that Zhu Liang was arrested and quickly found Tan Yongnian, hoping to find Su Yan flirtation. Sheng Wei personally find Su Yan, hoping to be friends with him, and help myself to return to Zhu Liang borrow 50,000 yuan ... Episode 17 Tan Yongnian came to Sheng Wei Hotel for dinner, asked Zhu Liang things progress , But also worried about their lover will not use beauty dollars. Tan Yongnian find Xia Hua, Zhu Liang was arrested because of pure Nan Yan, Yan reported revenge. Hope Xiahua find Zhu Yunkai as soon as possible, let him think of a way to think of his son Zhu Yunkai not so simple to Xia Hua find Tan Yongnian why Zhu Liang was arrested. At the invitation of Tan Yongnian, Guo Mingwu found Su Yan in a hurry and tried to find out the real reason why Zhu Liang was arrested from Su Yan's mouth. Guo Mingwu only threatened Su Yan, saying that his behavior was against journalists in the city. In the trial room, Zhu Liang threatened Su Yan according to Sheng Wei's teachings. If he did not release himself soon, he would have written out articles about Su Yan and Wang Chen. Su Yan said he was afraid but came out with Zhu Liang Evidence of Cheng Wei stole feelings so that Zhu Liang nothing to say ... Episode 18 Su Yan kept urging Cui Xuefeng DNA report as soon as possible. Zhu Liang in the detention room told Su Yan that she could not understand Yu Nan. Tan Yongnian took the initiative to find Director Chen and hoped to release Zhu Liang in law and order detention ahead of schedule. Su Yan proposed that Zhu Liang did not make a reconsideration and that he was not entitled to be released. Chen also expressed his powerlessness over Zhu Liang's re-examination.Su Yan parents heard the rumors to see his son, but met his son Yu Nan. Yu Nan explained to them that he was not robbed of Su Yan by others but that he suspected Zhu Liang was a murderer and was afraid of being hurt. Su Yan rescued himself with kindness. In the trial room, Zhu Liang still does not discuss it. In confrontation with Su Yan, Zhu Liang admitted that he sent anonymous letters to the discipline inspection commission. Xia Hua find Tan Yongnian, hoping to find a solution, but learned that his son may be a murderer ...... Episode nineteenth DNA test results finally came out, Zhu Liang DNA results and the scene of the homicide of the body of male semen with the same identification, face Evidence and the details of the crime depicted by Su Yan, Zhu Liang with an angry expression, admitted that he was the murderer of Wang Chen. However, robbers robbed Xie Sen's arrest but set off a wave, Xie Sen's fingerprint and fingerprints left exactly the same scene, is the real murderer. Su Yan can not be relieved, he himself is wrong, Zhu Liang is innocent; Su Yan asked Zhu Liang why he admits he is the murderer, Zhu Liang thinks Su Yan is being used, Zhu Yunkai uses Su Yan to get rid of himself and himself Not his biological son. Zhu Liang came home to leave the house with her mother, but her mother tears Zhu Liang said: Zhu Yun Kai without you there is no ... Episode 20 all truth, through Xie Sen's account, Su Yan arrested Tan Yongnian. It turned out that Tan Yongnian had visited the Great World of Seafood and met Wang Chen, and soon developed into a lover, but then Tan Yongnian found himself unable to meet the appetite of Wang Chen. She let Tan Yongnian put himself into the newspaper and said herself It takes a lot of money to go to college and threatens to say that his boyfriend is Su Yan. If he does not meet the requirements, he will be notified of corruption in his position as associate editor. Tan Yongnian hired Xie Sen to continue to send letters of intimidation to Su Yan Anonymous letter, wanted to scare about Wang Chen Xie Sen but Wang Chen killed ...

SetOff (Movie)[2008]

Feature: Lao Cui, a useless man living in Cyprus, wanted to send a penny abroad to return to Taiwan. Unexpectedly, the wishes have not been reached, they are forced to go back to divorce. Lao Cui hurriedly returned home impressively discovered that his wife was not only a big belly, and pregnant or actually made their own friends, old flesh and blood. In the face of Qian Qi's cynicism, Lao Cui silently swallowed her frustration. He just wanted to hurry back to Cyprus because he cited the hope of the rest of his life that a Chinese restaurant co-opted with someone would be sold by a partner. The day is unpredictable, unlucky Lao Cui ghost accidentally met a disastrous girl Xiao Xia, from the beginning of his nightmare days. Lao Cui kindly sent drunken Xiao Xia home, but was mistreated by Xiao Xia as bad guy out of the house. In order to recover the lost luggage and passport, Lao Cui was in the trap of Guang Guang. It turned out that Xiao Xia's boyfriend Da Bao hacked away with Guang Guang, Lao Wu, who had looted him money from creditor Zhuang XiuJingLi at Tang Jinshan. Rapier spy clever Xiao Xia spotted Lao Cui's cynical character, deliberately hiding Lao Cui's passport and using it as a condition for Lao Cui to help get the stolen money back to Da Bao in his possession. Lao Cui and Xiao Xia got the bad money after some twists and turns and found that the money was fake. For some time, Xiao Xia was touched by her loyal Lao Cui. She took the initiative to return the passport to Lao Cui and leave him as soon as possible. Tang Jinshan in order to recover possession of shaking secret secret counterfeit currency, abducted summer, threatening Lao Cui. Lao Cui, who plans to board Xiao Xia to board Cyprus for rescue, resolutely returns. At a crucial moment, Lao Cui showed the courage she had never had before, and Lao Cui gave up her life to save Xiao Xia. In the midst of the crisis, police rushed to save Lao Cui and Xiao Xia in a timely manner. Police seized the opportunity to steal the fortunes of a museum that Tang Jinshan planned for two years. . All the troubles were finally solved. Lao Cui did not want to go back to Cyprus. He and Xiao Xia, the fate of the flirtatious lovers who did not know each other, came to believe that everyone had a happy ending.

I Am Liu Yuejin (Movie)[2008]

Feature: Liu YueJin, a laborer who cooks on the construction site, aims to earn some money in Beijing and open a small restaurant in his hometown. One day, the unlucky Liu YueJin's bag was robbed, with more than four thousand bucks in his bag, a divorce certificate and a $ 60,000 IOU in his divorce certificate. Four thousand bucks are all his accumulation, and the IOU in the divorce certificate was exchanged by his wife, which is his hope of completely changing his destiny. In order to find his own package, Liu YueJin followed a late-night burglary thief to pick up a bag. The result was the next day someone found Liu YueJin to find the lost package, claiming that there is a USB flash drive in the bag, there are some things in the USB flash drive. Since then, Liu YueJin appeared around a variety of weird people, and their goal is to only that U disk, Liu YueJin's life because this U disk actually become wonderful.

MarriageTrap (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Lao Guo (Tao decorated) is a wedding chair, funny, reliable, but fall in love with the crafty occupation "wedding care" --- Peach (Tao Hong ornaments). Because of his enthusiastic pursuit, mistakenly hit and destroyed many times the good deed, the peach all merchants prey scare away. To avoid falling into the darkness, she honestly told her silly Old Guo that she was a liar.

DuoBaoJi (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Behind every piece of national treasure, there is a little-known story of casting bronze sword of the imperial family of the imperial family. Saying June 28, 2006, a village villagers in South Village accidentally found a treasure in the excavator. Not too much culture, but the heritage of valuable truth, or know some pillar. As a result, the pillar carrying a baby overnight arrived in Beijing, Bao Chunlin found the same village. Bao Chunlin battles in Beijing Taobao market for many years, some of the cultural relics traffickers, beam boss is one of them. Beam boss to get the column to bring the baby, identified as identified in the Spring and Autumn period found in casting, a "Qing public soldiers" Qing Gang weapons. Earlier, someone asked the owner looking for the boss, "Now that he has been" stomp ", the owner can not easily let go. In the face of the rising price of beam repeatedly boss, Bao Chunlin and pillars finally agreed to 2.5 million cash transactions. Sly beam boss in the transaction, the use of out-of-pocket meter, so that columns and Bao Chunlin come up with "male public soldiers", the change is to hand a pocket book. The deceitful pillar was mentally severely stimulated, the extremely angry Bao Chunlin but because of the temptation of five million huge sums was convinced the beam boss. Bao Chunlin listened to the words of the beam boss, holding beam boss to give one hundred thousand dollars, coaxing the pillar back to his home in Henan. That the village treasure was betrayed in Beijing, the village's oldest Sanye furious thundered. In front of the thunderous Sanye, Bao Chunlin promised to return to Beijing to "get rid of public soldiers" to get it back. The village has a young man named Huang Dajiang as a lawyer in Beijing. At first, Huang Dajiang was not willing to participate in this incident. However, when San Ye personally arrived in Beijing, Huang Dajiang found no alternative but to join forces. The planning of Indiana by Huang Dajiang and his girlfriend Lily is full of drama. When Bao Chunlin, Pillar, Huang Dajiang and Lili disguised as property security, cleaning, electrician and plumber, respectively, they took the opportunity to come back to his hometown to implement the plan of reclaiming the "soldier of the public." Public ice "long-awaited Japanese guests Mr. Yamada beam boss invited to Beijing. September 18, 2006, is the day Mr. Liang and Mr. trading. At this time, Mr. Liang and Mr. Yamada did not think of anyone who had already arranged Bao Chunlin and Huang Dajiang who decided to reclaim the "soldiers of the public" around them. In the confusion caused by the accidental accident, Bao Chunlin and Huang Dajiang got their "soldiers of the public service" as they wish. Returning home celebration banquet, Sanye eventually sent the "soldier of the public" to the Beijing Museum under the persuasion of Huang Dajiang and Lily so that more people could learn about the history of "public soldier" from then on.

ShiQuanJiuMei (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Prince Ming Zhu XiaoTian prefer wooden arts, bent on becoming like that top. In order to reach this goal, he secretly went to the palace to look for Lu Ban's wooden art study. "" There are legendary people who hold the book, ranging from unscrupulous, lacking in eyesight, to breaking their legs and even losing their lives. In short, they are not unlucky, they are relatives Suffer, so the book is called "". Zhu XiaoTian met Tang XiaoDie while searching for books, and along with her found Tang XiaoDie's brother Jiang NanHe, who was imprisoned by dry-cleaners and Jiu Bao, Jiang NanHe, who told her two people before her death secret. In the meantime, Hong GaiTian, ​​the imperial court, investigated the loss of the mausoleum map and mistreated Zhu XiaoTian and Tang XiaoDie as grave robbers under the guise of Zhi Fu. Zhu XiaoTian and Tang XiaoDie According to my brother's brother, I learned that Jiu Bao and the proprietress who were hiding in Longmen Town came to Longmen Town. Nan Gong Yan, daughter of Nan GongAo, throws a hydrangea hit. At this moment, Hong GaiTian, ​​the secret agent of the court, also followed up. An open fight between children and children in the wild unrest started. Only who did not think, Sven's Tang XiaoDie heart also hides another purpose. In the end, Zhu XiaoTian get the world, get "" art, but lost the favorite. Confirmed the lack of a legend.

Breathful (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Middle-aged man Li Qiang (Ge You ornaments) into the cause and family and their own three troubles: the company plunged into the quagmire of triangular debts, debt collection every day sit in the office, often about to go out to sing debt, white eat and drink, can be His wife (Lin Kelly ornaments) have a problem, his son (Chen Bo Lin ornaments) vacation home from the United States, with a dumb, do not say a word; he often have a headache, Check the brain shadow found may be cancer. To make a difference in his life, and to pave the way for his family after he died, he decided to buy the ancestral cheese company Frank (John Savage). Over half a century of Frank's own unknown background, his ancestral company failed to make ends meet, divorced his wife, and her daughter went to an addiction treatment center, so he tried to come to China to sell his worthless company Then run away. Two middle-aged men of different races but also in the same predicament are eager to solve their own problems, and now there are inextricably linked, and the presence of female secretary, blasting boss (Liu Hua ornaments ) And other people also have their own unknown heart disease, the vast world of these various groups will go from here?

Big Movie (Movie)[2006]

Feature: An DeSen pigeon shop stand to go to Shanghai to start a business, but hooked on the real estate speculation, his wife was maddened also did not repentance, this day An DeSen in the cinema by chance heard endorsement of new projects, "clear water cloud living" actor Pan ZhiQiang Released "internal news", then again fund-raising pre-buy new homes. In the meantime, Luo Qian, a former saleswoman who was newly married, paid 50,000 deposits for Clearwater Cloud. Pan ZhiQiang, who acted as a real estate proprietor and saddled the sales company, only hoped that the other party could inject capital into its own new film. However, Luo Zhi was asked to return the deposit. Luo Zhi entangled Pan ZhiQiang with a plan to sell Luo Qian to resell An DeSen. Luo Qian helplessly exposed the real estate insider, resulting in a series of reactions, so that Pan ZhiQiang and An DeSen found himself caught in the developers of the Bureau, so everyone trying hard to get away from the law.

Home and everything is pleased to look up (TV)[2006]

Feature: This year's "Home and Everything Hing" We are talking about a wedding company story. Is the story carrying the "feeling of happiness, sweet taste, exciting experience, festive atmosphere"? - Please wait. "Lookup happy" in the plot design is determined by our several scrutiny, using a layer of promotion, suspense cluster phenomenon. So in the end there are a few suspense? How many weddings? How many couples? The ending of the final story explains what is the taste of happiness? - Please wait. New Year's film is the best summary of the past year. Lunar New Year TV shows this form of entertainment there for ten years, this year has done a summing up the extreme, so plot settings which into the most typical examples of 2006? How much craze? How many of the most influential movies, activities, buzzwords? - Or please wait and see. We are going to say that the design of the actor who is "looking up" should be described as "tailor-made" to be the most accurate. Fortunately, we have chosen the most suitable performer to cook our 2007 with such "raw materials" New Year feast is the blessing of the audience, but also our blessing. Appropriate actors to perform their own suitable performance characteristics of the role, will undoubtedly add a lot of drama. Liang Guanghua's Cheng Jidong, because Zhang Da-min's deep penetration of this role, has brought us a lot of fixed audience. 2006 The most popular Huang Shengyi and Yang Zi to join, so that a couple in life in the film and television works to become a couple. Ni Hongjie, one of the female lead actors of the most popular TV sitcom "Wulin Gaiden" in 2006, has become the most beautiful landscape in this series. Liu Hua made wonderful performances in the most spectacular film "Crazy Stone" in 2006, making Become a lot of people after a gossip topic, in addition to Guo Da, Ying Zhu and other traditional comedy star join, so that the drama really become a galaxy of galaxy! With so many "enigmas", with so many "most" and so many "hi", the rest depends on how our screenplay tells the story of "happiness." The only thing the audience has to do is, in the 2007 Spring Festival - "you're on the right bar"!

Crazy Stone (Movie)[2006]


The film “Crazy Stone” tells of a close-to-close handicraft factory in Chongqing that found a priceless emerald in the renovation of public toilets. To alleviate the embarrassment that the factory had no expenses for eight consecutive months, Xie Chang Zhang, under the pressure of Feng Dong, the building developer, and Qin, his assistant, decided to hold the Jade Exhibition. The location was selected at the Guandi Temple near the handicraft factory. In order to prepare for the exhibition, Bao Shi Hong , the only security guard in the entire factory who has gone to the police school, took up the security work of the exhibition. When Bao Shihong carefully deployed security precautions, TV news broadcasted such a news: There were a number of burglary cases in Mountain City. The thieves used the moving company as a cover to swagger through the market and repeatedly succeeded. The chief culprit of burglary is called Dao Ge . When Dao Ge and his two younger brothers, Hei Pi and Xiao Jun, ran into the room to steal and fear Jiao Jing Jing , and when they relied on money to deceive Ms. Yu, it was difficult for a woman to win. A mysterious man flying from Hong Kong was staring at Dao Ge. Immediately, Dao Ge and Hei Pi performed a trick to carry the mysterious men's suitcase just out of the airport. The mysterious man named Mai Ke is a master of real estate developer Feng Dong who was invited by Qin Manager to get the jade found in the handicraft factory. With his open suitcase, Dao Ge found that he was a fellow traveler. Together with newspapers and TV news about the handicraft factory discovering jade, Dao Ge inferred from his many years of experience in rivers and lakes that he came to the emerald.Soon, Dao Ge took his brother to the Night Paris reception near the exhibition held by the handicraft factory. Coincidentally, Dao Ge's room and Bao Shi Hong, who are prepared to “conquer and master”, are only separated by a thin wall. From this day onwards, Bao Shi Hong and San Bao studied how to guard against the wall. On one side of the wall, Dao Ge and his brothers are wondering how to break through. At the same time, Mai Ke is also investigating secretly, and thank Xie Xiaomeng, the son of Chang Zhang, a young man who is known for doing art research on the body but doing squandering and messing with the mess, in order to please those beautiful girls. Also played the idea of ​​jade. Around the prevention and breakthrough of the emerald development, there have been stories such as “stealing the pillars,” “having no time to work,” “changing the truth,” and “returning to the end”. At the end of the story, it was unexpected that Feng Dong and his manager Qin Feng were both consuming and exploited. Mai Ke found that the person who hired him had been killed by his concealer and eventually fell to Bao Shihong. Hands. Bao Shi Hong was honored for braving international thieves. Dao Ge and his brothers crossed the street and fled on the ring viaduct in the mountain city.


21 days (TV)[2004]

Feature: An inpatient in Shun House residents' building was diagnosed with atypical pneumonia. After careful consideration, the leadership of the municipal party committee decided to completely isolate the building. At this moment, residents in the building knew nothing about the incident. Party Secretary Liu gave a phone call to Wang GuiSheng, a cadre who just resigned in the building. He hopes Wang GuiSheng can take the work in the area of ​​separation as a political task. Wang GuiSheng knows that patients with SARS live in front of their own, It is nervous. The thief Dou Kang took revenge on Gao DaPing, the steal champion, and the result was that the building was sealed and could not leave. The police and the thief lived in a room. Laid-off workers Tiancheng Lin, Zhang Yali couple go out to sell pigs off goods in the morning, Chen LaoShi's wife Gu Zhen want to negotiate the project, Xiaoqing Xiao daughter to go to television programs, because of the closure of the building can not get out. University teacher Zhou Jie finally persuaded pancreatic cancer husband Zuo Guang to travel with himself and came back to the door. Returning home to avoid SARS singer Ni Hong back to Beijing, the result can not leave. Pleasant young Marek happy for the isolation, because he can not go to work, all day immersed in the Internet. Zhang Yali to see old classmate Ni Hong, took the opportunity to sell her a set of cosmetics, Ni Hong is disgusted. Zou Ye, the wife of a television station reporter, was isolated from the hospital because of admissions for SARS and can not go home. He has never been severely bruised by his son's torture. The anti-SARS group was set up inside the building. Zuo Guang gave the leadership position to Wang Gui-sheng. Wang Gui-sheng sent it to the municipal party committee as his own contribution, but he did not care about the inside of the building. Chen LaoShi learned that her daughter Xiaoqing had been in contact with SARS patients and went to Wang GuiSheng for reporting, but Wang GuiSheng kept it out for personal interests. Li Li is a good friend of Nihong High School, two people have had a faint romance, meet again, both feel inexplicable warmth. Malik sent the company where the computer for use during the isolation, Marek built in the building BBS, as their own bamboo. Nanny Xiaoyu help Ni Hong to create opportunities to meet with Li Li, and suggested Ni Hong seize the opportunity, can not let such a good man. Tian Lincheng and lawyers upstairs Sun contradictions, Wang GuiSheng Zhao Zhao SuoZhang mandatory education Tianlin Cheng. Zhao SuoZhang not only did not criticize Tianlin Cheng, but also helped Tian Lin find a couple to clean up garbage in the building. At a time when Gu Zhen was at home to Chen LaoShi, Chen LaoShi proposed to divorce Gu Guzhen. Gu Zhen believed that divorce was lost in the mouth of a weak man such as Chen LaoShi, and therefore he was absolutely determined to leave. Yuan Yuanjing, the child of the SARS patient, was checked for not being infected with SARS and was sent back. Many residents were opposed to letting her go home. Finally, Zuo Guang and Zhao SuoZhang persuaded Zou Guang and Zhao SuoZhang to finally open a trail. Wang GuiSheng feared that Yuan Yuan infected himself with SARS and intended to find an excuse to leave the building but after a phone conversation with his mother, he was greatly touched and decided to stay in the building and continue his work. Eavesdropping on his wife's phone call with the doctor, Zuo Guang finally knew the truth of his cancer and was very depressed. However, with the help of Zhou Jie, he finally confronted the illness and returned to happy life.By Gao DaPing care, Zhao SuoZhang came Dou Kang's girlfriend to understand the situation in rural girls prime confirmed Dou Kang does have night sickness problems. Gao DaPing asked Zhao SuoZhang to learn more about the situation and help him with the treatment. Tian Lin Cheng intensified conflicts with Sun lawyers, injured Sun lawyers. Tianlin Cheng afraid of punishment, secretly escaped from the building. Zuo Guang found Sun lawyer intentionally to expand the case of injury, Sun lawyers denied, however, to tell the truth, originally this is the idea of ​​Wang GuiSheng. Zhao SuoZhang finally took Tian Lincheng back and re-isolated. In order to gain everyone's forgiveness, Wang GuiSheng volunteered for Tian Lincheng to tidy up the rubbish and help Tian and Sun settle down. Malik came to find Ni Hong hope she can participate in charity activities, but was Ni Hong's refusal. Gao DaPing called for Zhao SuoZhang to retain the prime, Zhao SuoZhang helplessly had her first received her home. Malik's elder sister is going to Beijing to support Xiaotangshan Hospital. She demanded that her younger brother should take good care of her parents, and Ma Erke, who has always been growing up, took up the task of caring for her parents after the isolation. Once again, Dou Kang was ill and Gao DaPing was very well-end-to-end and finally helped Dou Kang to solve the knot in his heart. The root cause of Dou Kang was completely eradicated. It is necessary to lift the isolation, but the green has a fever, but she resolutely not go to the hospital, she was afraid no longer see their parents. Dr. Zou Ye was also diagnosed with suspected cases of SARS and was isolated. Chen LaoShi came to Wang GuiSheng said his daughter had a fever, Wang GuiSheng not let Chen LaoShi tell the truth. Finally, under the persuasion of Zuo Guang, Wang GuiSheng finally reported the situation to the municipal party committee and quarantined the delay. A resident resisting the recurrence of psychosis and sitting on the window to jump off the building. Dou Kang opened the door with his own unlocking skills and the police rescued the patient. Supra Skytop know from television Dou Kang is the truth of the thief to go home. Zhao SuoZhang stopped the prime and took her downstairs in Shun's hometown, where Dou Kang showed up to his prime. Xiaofan to Ni Hong about Li and his love experience, Ni Hong finally understand that they are not suitable Li Li, blessed Xiaofan and Li Li wife happy. Residents of the building knew that after Zou Ye was informed of the SARS due to work, Zou Ye adopted various forms of blessing to overcome the disease as soon as possible. Ni Hong also promised to sing songs for the concert. Zou Ye was exacerbated, vigorously filmed his own and his son's wishes with a video recorder, and the picture of her husband and son became the spiritual force that Zou Ye survived. Finally, Zou Ye's condition began to turn around after sera from SARS patients were sent from Beijing. Green disease diagnosed, not SARS, Liu finally made the decision to lift the isolation. Quarantine is about to be lifted, we took the frail body Zuo Guang came to the rooftop, everyone with the ready song and piano sound to the community, to express their loved ones unspeakable heart at the moment ... ...

Front door nine feet nine (TV)[2004]

Feature: Character picture The play tells the story of the late Qing Dynasty, the House of Ji DaRen (Lei Gesheng) son Fu Qi (Chengru Li ornaments) took a fancy to the street singer girl Kui Jun (Kui Jun Tao), Kui Jun not from, Fu Qi It is designed to framed. The big eunuch Wu DeGui (Enran Ma ornaments) learned that the right to get rid of Kui Jun wife. Kui Jun admires Feng QingShan (Zhen Zhen) who escaped to Beijing, and Feng QingShan inadvertently plunged into a dispute between royal families. The appearance of an ancient painting and a jadeite makes the story a serious crisis.

DiErZhangLian (Movie)[2003]

Feature: Without that accident, HE Beifang should be regarded as a prominent detective drug police officer, but his wife's accidental death in a car accident hit him unimaginable, and his emotions became extremely low, so that the detection of an oversize Cases, due to temporary impulse, missed a suspect hit a serious injury. The final case was broken, and all of my colleagues were meritorious and honored. Only he was jailed for wrongdoing. Since then, Hebei life has undergone tremendous changes. In fact, from start to finish, Hebei do not consider themselves guilty, so refuse to accept the verdict, but helpless. But in his heart, the love of career has never disappeared, he vowed that if there is a chance to wear another uniform, even if only one day, also died without regret. The police have never given up their concern for HE Beifang. The superior gave him a chance of making meritorious attributions and sent him to cover a courier company for using as a bait the drug traffickers Hu Qiu-shan, who was sentenced to jail for head of the drug syndicate, Depth into the drug syndicate to do undercover. Under the careful deployment of the police, He North gradually gained Hu Qiu virtue of his years of experience in the police and his tact and skill.

Whatever Zhang Damins happy life (TV)[2000]

Feature: Pout Zhang DaMin's happy life Plot introduction According to the story is a group of ordinary people living in the bottom of society. At the beginning is Zhang DaMa and his sons and daughters who are busy opening Zhang's wife. The third boss, Zhang DaJun, led his girlfriend to attend the feast. When Zhang DaMin sadly returned, people realized that he drank again. Zhang DaMin brushstroke for Li, Li YunFang boyfriend know Xu WanJun has been to the United States, my heart sour. Not long ago, the aunt came gossip, Yunfang this girl was called to pedal. Li CaiFang Ask Zhang DaMin to persuade her sister Zhang DaMin to do her best to finally cry in his arms without eating or drinking.

Romance of The Three Kingdoms (TV)[1994]

Feature: "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" stills The Eastern Han Dynasty, mountain and river turmoil, Liu Han dynasty will do its best. There are ten regular paternity upside down black and white, calamity toward the Gang; outside Zhang brothers shouted "Heaven should die, when the sky stands" slogan, setting off a vast peasant uprising. For a time, everywhere, the war was raging, Liu's court would like the building will be tilted, precarious. Is called the hero of the world, Cao Cao, Gong SunZan, Yuan Shu, Yuan Shao, Lv Bu, Liu Bei, Sun Ce, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhu GeLiang and other highways continue to emerge from the warlords to Red Cliff battle, from Wei Shu Wu Sanguo unanimously to the one-third unified, the grand curtain of the Three Kingdoms era slowly opened ... ... (part of the source of the stills)

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