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Collin Chou TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Collin Chou Works 30 ,And Action 16 ,Feature 7 ,Costume Drama 5 ,Comedy 5 ,Crime 4 ,Martial Arts 3 ,Ancient mythology 2 ,Romance 2 ,Suspense 2 ,Thriller 2 ,Biopic 2 ,Terror 2 ,古装玄幻1 ,Myth play 1 ,抗战1 ,legend 1 ,史诗1 ,年代巨制1 ,Historical legend 1 ,Adventure 1 ,Historical play 1 ,Sci-Fi 1 ,Fantasy 1 ,鬼怪1 ,God monster 1 。

Works Index

Collin Chou Filmography(30)


金禅降魔 (Movie)[2020]


除妖组织金蝉司首领 Nan GongZhou 决战妖王 Ye BaiMing 并牺牲生命将其封印。二十年后, Nan GongZhou 之子 Nan GongYue 遇上了 Ye BaiMing 之女 Ye ZhiQiu ,金蝉司六大高手开始逐一离奇死亡, Nan GongYue 请出了前任金蝉司首领 Yang RuJing 帮忙调查此事,而 Yang RuJing 断定,凶手就在金蝉司众人之中……


封神演义 (TV)[2019]


殷商末年, Zhou Wang 无道,荒淫度日,听信奸佞费仲谗言,欲将冀州侯苏护之女 Su DaJi 占为己有,遂派大军压境,讨伐冀州以夺取妲己,不想妲己已被 Hu Yao 所附,丧失心智,助纣为虐。在妲己的煽动下, Zhou Wang 杀文害武,斩妻杀子,聚敛民财,苦害生灵,与此同时,西伯侯姬昌勤于政事,善施仁德,西岐国力日渐强大。元始天尊见朝歌城已被妖孽所控,断定殷商气数已尽,决定派遣 Jiang ZiYa 下山辅佐姬昌伐纣。 Jiang ZiYa 垂钓磻溪,得文王相聘,后又听闻 Yang Jian 生来带有蕴藏神力之天眼, Jiang ZiYa 深知此人一念成佛,一念成魔,故收 Yang Jian 为徒,启发他的善良和正义,并引导 Yang Jian 加入伐商大军。在文王驾崩后,其子 Ji Fa 继位,成为周武王。武王拜 Jiang ZiYa 为相父, Jiang ZiYa 正式辅助武王,起兵讨伐商纣。面对 Zhou Wang 、妲己、 Shen GongBao 组成的邪恶力量, Jiang ZiYa 、 Yang Jian 与雷震子、哪吒等五行上将团结一致,联手与妖邪势力作战。最终,西岐战胜朝歌,商纣江山倾覆,武王登基, Jiang ZiYa 自此位列仙班。


北国英雄 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《北国英雄》又名《血狼头、雪女王》剧情介绍:讲述了九一八事变爆发,戍边家族顾家抵抗日军,惨遭灭门。顾家养女 Gu XueYing 幸免于难,前往齐齐哈尔寻找未婚夫 Gu ZhaoLong 。 Gu ZhaoLong 卧底成为伪满军官, Gu XueYing 以为他已经叛国,为维护家规,决心杀死 Gu ZhaoLong 。 Gu XueYing 前往千山投奔抗日义勇军,并参加义勇军三打哈尔滨之役。后义勇军在共产党领导下改组为东北抗联,真正发挥出了战斗力。 Gu XueYing 发现顾家的忠义信条,与共产党的纪律不谋而合。她在战场上数度与 Gu ZhaoLong 相遇,却始终没能手刃对方。在一次次战斗中, Gu XueYing 与参谋 Shen LeiZhi 渐渐相爱。 Shen LeiZhi 被逮捕到新京, Gu XueYing 潜入营救,发现对手又是 Gu ZhaoLong 。抗日战争接近尾声,已经得知真相的顾正雪被编入教导旅,与 Gu ZhaoLong 一起打下了东宁要塞, Gu ZhaoLong 却壮烈牺牲。


God come back (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Apocalypse" tells the story of business Zhou Wang era, the gods vacancies, the world goblin miscellaneous office, chaos. Yang Jian mortal teenager, in an encounter with the fox demon eyes open unexpectedly. Ten thousand years fox demon possessed in the name of the Savior's maid Xiao E, created a generation of demon Fei "Su DaJi." Since then, Zhou Wang has set up a gun torture system to kill the ministers and lead the Shang dynasty to a collapse quickly. Yuan Shizun decided to make a divine plan by war with Shang and Zhou Dynasties. His three disciples - Jiang ZiYa, Shen GongBao and Jade Ding live down to the mountains. Jiang ZiYa after suffering, finally to the boundless world, adjuvant Zhou Wang Road. Shen GongBao became demon world leaders, in order to fight for the gods and Jiang ZiYa launched a long struggle. Yudding Real Human Rescues Humanity Cultivation Yang Jian, Yang Jian But when the heart is stubborn, eventually accomplishes the mission unexpectedly by dedication to Da Ji love. When the King of War defeat, demon immortal World II battle, the two eventually go. Yuan Shizun said the truth of the two gods list, Shen GongBao refused to accept, cast his own sea. Jiang ZiYa eventually become the god of the people, the two will be one, equitable distribution of the God of Heaven, and the world belongs to human control & nbsp ;. "Gods Come Back" is a costume fairy tale drama jointly produced by Mango Television, China Media Group (Beijing) Co., Ltd., CCTV, Sanshang Media and China TV Drama Production Center, and is produced by Luo Jin, Likun Wang, Bo Zhang, Deng Lun, Collin Chou, Dujuan He, Yitian Hai, Hewei Yu, Jing Hu starring.

TheBodyguard (Movie)[2016]

Feature: The film tells the story of a dark to the ultimate revenge, Kung Fu boy "Wu Lin" (Yue Song ornaments) came to the "evil" as the cold city defected to his own brother Li Jiang (Yan Hanyun ornaments), but unexpectedly cold City richest daughter Li FeiFei (Li YuFei ornaments) bodyguards, which caused a never-ending reign of terror ... ...

God of War Zhao Zilong (TV)[2016]

Feature: Zhao Zilong live in troubled times, childhood deep sense of grievances, set ambition, to accomplish some great cause. He upholds a righteous, punish the evil, but also by chance under the skill of a set of sophisticated gun law, swept the battlefield, indiscriminate, which allowed him to win many admiration and praise, but also attracted a lot of his hate for him . Xia HouQingYi was the daughter of Xia HouJie, a fellow in the East County, and Zhao Yun got acquainted with his uncle Yuan Chang. The two admired each other, but attracted the narrow-minded Yuan Ying eldest son Yuan Huai and shirt brother Xia HouEn jealousy and persecution. Zhao Zilong in his unlucky situation actively sought after accidentally learned from the mouth of his mother Zhao and Xia Houjia in the previous generation of life and death enmity. In the experience of family hatred and love of children and children, Zhao Zilong finally got through his grudges and found Liu Bei, his protagonist. Since then, he has been carrying a long-range rifle and hastily onto the battlefield to write a heroic tribute to epic singer & nbsp ;.

TheGods (TV)[2016]

Feature: Shang Wang era, heaven and earth god vacancies, the world Simon monster, chaos. Yang Jian mortal teenager, in an encounter with the fox demon eyes open unexpectedly. Ten thousand years fox demon possessed in the name of the Savior's maid Xiao E, created a generation of demon Fei "Su DaJi." TV drama "God" role picture King since then set the gun torture torture, kill ministers, making the rapid ruled Shang Dynasty collapse. Yuan Shizun decided to make a divine plan by war with Shang and Zhou Dynasties. His three disciples - Jiang ZiYa, Shen GongBao and Jade Ding live down to the mountains. Jiang ZiYa after suffering, finally to the boundless world, adjuvant Zhou Wang Road. Shen GongBao became demon world leaders, in order to fight for the gods and Jiang ZiYa launched a long struggle. Yudding Real Human Rescues Humanity Cultivation Yang Jian, Yang Jian However, when the heart is stubborn, she finally accomplished her mission accidentally with the attachment of her own love. When the King of War defeat, demon immortal World II battle, the two eventually go. Yuan Shizun said the truth of the two gods list, Shen GongBao refused to accept, cast his own sea. Jiang ZiYa eventually become the god of the people, the two will be one, fair distribution of the god of heaven, and the world belongs to human control.

Snow queen (TV)[2016]

Feature: The Snow Queen tells the story of a war girl who lived in the north of Manchukuo during the Manchukuo period, fighting against the enemy in the yoke of the age and destiny, enemies and hates, love affair with children, justice and conspiracy. Eventually transformed into the name of Mongolia, "Snow Queen" story. Seventy years ago in the real world of China, 1,100 square kilometers of ice and snow, the 36 million people together desolate dream, a "Snow Queen" glacial war. Actress Gu XueYing grew up in the vast snow field, lively, snow smart, stubborn perseverance, love and hate is clear. Originally inexplicable she, suddenly experienced Guoqiu hate, grow up overnight, difficult choice in the love and hate. In addition to her home thief, outside the discussion of the enemy bandits, eventually became the name of Mongolia's war of resistance against Japan "Snow Queen." Up to fourteen years span, the ups and downs of the legendary plot, love and hate most vividly. Snow Queen related information: Character posters can be seen from the diffuse snow and mountains staggered misty clouds of the sky into one, to Paxian down sea style pressure hit. The protagonists or low-key, or affectionate, or deduction like the legendary story of endless vicissitudes of life, the legendary love-hate disputes is gaining momentum. Each person holding the bayonets, guns, bows and arrows also implies a different character and destiny. For Dylan Kuo, shooting "Snow Queen" is a challenge. This time he was in love with Gu XueYing in the play to kill 14 set, staged sadomasochism. Depth into the heart of the enemy, betrayal of treason, infamy and humiliation have also become "Snow Queen" one of the highlights. Rayza played in the play by the age and fate of the Snow Queen, from the young girl to the anti-warriors, survival, hatred, human nature and love in the difficult choice. Qiao Renliang joined the idol lineup to add color to the play, playing seemingly cynical, but in fact the faith firm Shen LeiZhi, Gu XueYing at first sight, willing to pay for her all, rather contemporary "warm man" temperament. The other well-known faces in Hong Kong films, Andy On, Collin Chou, Yuen Wah is the highlight of the play. It is precisely these three have a common characteristic: good at action drama! When the power to send the movie to encounter the main style of action is the "Snow Queen" is bound to hit a different spark, to provide spectators with excite exciting Play feast. In addition, the play more "big" Wang Dongcheng friendship to help out, the mysterious role worth the wait! "Snow Queen" has repeatedly won the "Flying Award", "Golden Eagle Award" Best Director Award, directed by Yang Yang, screenwriter award. Yang Yang has an international humanistic perspective and skillful art control ability, and is especially good at digging the depth and positive energy of human nature in various subjects. This time to attack again to create the body of women's men, strength and beauty of the "Snow Queen", with the intention to restore a real world existed 70 years ago the Chinese different world; a 1,100 square kilometers of ice and snow, A desolate dream shared by millions of people; a glacial battle belonging to the Snow Queen of China! At the same time, the play uses a different shooting mode than the previous TV series. Generous investment, idolization of actors, fashion modeling, and strive to restore the charm of the Republic of China most authentic style, more in line with the psychological needs of young audiences.Films were filmed in the form of a movie. In order to show a perfect visual effect, the film crew hired foreign art styling teams who had made "Wisdom Tiger Hill" and "Ming Liang Hai War". To the greatest extent, restore the background of the times, and combine contemporary bright spots and interesting points so as to accord with contemporary aesthetic.

Ameera (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Female Agent Ai MiLa was frustrated in carrying out a mission and was suspended after returning home. She also found that her family had experienced a sudden accident and her father was killed by her mother. In order to trace the clues to rescue his mother, Ai MiLa and her boyfriend Jie Sen began to trace the clues everywhere, but inexplicable killer everywhere, caught in a serious crisis. When they finally thought they had clues, they did not realize that they actually fell into a more horrifying Resident Evil ...

TheFour3 (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Kill the goddess Killer assassinated by Ji Yihua (Jiang Yiyan ornaments), the use of easy to operate from the six-door jail escaped. So angry, Song Hui Zong (Alec Su) ordered six doors to arrest him as soon as possible. Leng Xue (Deng Chao) can not sit idly by and insists on going back to the six doors to trace the truth. The secret of shaking flowers in his eyes seems clear. At the same time, coincides with the Chung Yeung Temple Fair, Song HuiZong insisted on subduing the tour in the name of observing the public sentiment. The ministers advised numerous and saw the emperor leaving the palace that eventually Song HuiZong suddenly disappeared and whereabouts are unknown. During this time, Leng Xue met Wu Qing (Liu Yifei) who had decided to leave before the relationship fell to freezing point. In order to find the whereabouts of the emperor, Leng Xue and Tie Shou (Collin Chou ornaments), Zhui Ming (Ronald Cheng ornaments) have been dispatched, a series of strife fight back ... The film is based on Wen Rui'an martial arts novel of the same name.

South move (TV)[2014]

Feature: "South move" tells the Tang Dynasty supervise the censor Li ZhongHan due to investigate and deal with corrupt officials, resulting in full copy cut, Li SaoHan wife Li Sao with migrant families to follow the south. Along the way, the Li Sao family not only had to overcome the hardship and exasperation on the road to escape, but also faced the family's arrest and death and the enemy's chase. As they crossed Wuyishan and came to a paradise-like mountain village where they clashed with local mountain people, Li Sao won the respect of both Han and mountain people with her wit and courage. Lo Sao, son of Li Sao, and her adopted son Ji Xiang, fell in love with Shi QiNiang, the daughter of the mountain chief. Almost all this happened to her brothers. After many twists and turns, lovers eventually became married. On the other hand, Guo Meng, the son of corrupt officials, listened to the eunuch Tian LingZi, saying that Li's family would become the father-in-law and catch up with the opportunity to seek revenge in the small village. The Li Sao family has a lot of crises. Coupled with fellow Wu MaoTang and two dawn Huang Chao, Hill Village was even more suppressed by the Tang Jun Bing, Li Sao family once again facing death ... ... The play has both grand and soul-stirring scenes can be described as magnificent; There are people intoxicated Niying mountain scenery, more colorful and charming chase of interracial men and women love, can be described as spectacular.

AngelWarriors (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Five sisters and friends from China's metropolis, including socks and bare feet Lao Ying Dan NiSi, handsome and handsome local tour host in Southeast Asia, and local tiger tribe chieftain ASAM, who walked out of the jungle, Meet under the leadership of the ASAM, into the jungle adventure, unexpectedly plunged into the dark forces of the Indiana conspiracy, the stomach was trampled, suffered a catastrophe. Evil and good; witness and counterattack; defend civilization and plunder nature; javelin spear and guns rocket; special forces soldier Lao Ying, the extraordinary five urban beauty, as well as the heroic tiger warrior, launched a fierce battle with the dark forces , But unfortunately Hei Long stepped on the stomach, almost being killed. , A Ta and Ha Er and Hei Long fell into a fierce battle. Ta Ta was a fist, A Ta sprained his shoulders, and then stormed toward Hei Long Results The right arm was caught eating a recorded shoulder dropped, was heavily thrown to the ground has been stepped on three times belly, because the stomach Has been punched and the stomach is still naked, was on the road to death, three screams miserable, bare stomach was trampled, the navel was stepped on the sand, almost being killed. Then Ha Er timely help out the knife, but he was kicked in the stomach by Hei Long fly out. Then endured the pain of stomach up, Hei Long cut to the knife, hid in the past a flip flop kicking Hei Long's head, Hei Long was kicked halo, Ha Er took the opportunity to throw him to the ground , Finally stabbed to death Hei Long, and because the stomach was stepped on too hard, pain fainted. The jungle finally returned to tranquility, but Bai Xue's love has passed away.

SpecialID (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Chen ZiLong (Donnie Yen) is an undercover assassin who has been undercover for many years. As the man with the right and left arm of his elder brother Chang MaoXiong (Collin Chou), he is under tremendous pressure in his mind and body. As the boss has raised his suspicions, Threaten the life of Dragon Mother (Nina Paw ornaments), he is eager to reinstatement, out of underworld. This time, Xiongxiao sent a dragon to the mainland to find out about the actual situation of member Sunny Lo (Andy On). Sunny was born in the United States Chinatown, Zilongzi had mixed with early age, but gradually bigger he secretly dark Xiong brother's goods. On the other hand, son Long's boss Sir (Ronald Cheng ornaments) in exchange for reinstatement, the same fate dragon to investigate Sunny. Who knows the line is extremely dangerous in the Mainland, Sunny people cunning and spicy, but with the Mainland police and contradictory conflicts frequently, coupled with the mysterious assassin "Dao Feng" (Zhang Hanyu ornaments) hidden, Zilong unconsciously entered the plot Among the whirlpool ...

BadgesofFury (Movie)[2013]

Feature: In just a few days, movie stars, dancers and diving champions, three unidentified celebrities who smiled and died accidentally caused great sensation in the community. At the same time, Jing Cha Wang BuEr (Wen Zhang), a blood-blooded youngster who is good at making funny shows, found a partner with Huang Imong (Jet Li) Angela (Michelle Chen ornaments) depressed. One day, real estate project manager Wang Feng (Tong Dawei ornaments) smile died, the case was handed Angela a group of hands. In order to reverse the unfavorable situation in the police as soon as possible, Angela, Wang BuEr and Huang FeiHong carried out a full investigation. They took the lead from actress Liu JinShui (Liu Shishi) who had dealings with several dead people. In the process, the presence of the glamorous Dai YiYi (Liu Yan (actress)) certainly undoubtedly made the case even more complicated and confusing. The final truth how, Wang BuEr can make miraculous?

DiYiDaZongTong (Movie)[2011]

Feature: In 1912, Sun ZhongShan (Qiu Xinzhi ornaments) was elected Provisional President of the Nanjing National Government. The design of Yuan ShiKai (Qiuge Zhang), which sits in Peiping, forced the Qing Dynasty to abdicate, seizing the fruit of the revolutionary victory and becoming elected president. After that, Sun ZhongShan returned to Japan and went to Japan, where Song JiaoRen (Tian Liang) smugly gathered himself to form the National Assembly, run for the presidency and continue to promote the republican administration. As a result, he was assassinated by the Yuan Party. Heard the bad news, Sun returned to the motherland, issued a statement to discuss the Yuan, and set off a second revolution in a hurry. Due to various reasons, the revolution failed in the end. Sun and Huang Xing (Yao Jude ornaments) fled to Japan one after another, and their old friends parted ways and the domestic revolutionary situation was not optimistic. At this point, Song QingLing (Nie Mei ornaments) appeared in Sun ZhongShan's life. She has witnessed the military career of the father of the mother trying hard to think and reciprocate for the sake of the motherland's future.

CityUnderSiege (Movie)[2010]

Feature: In 2015, when the solution car in Hong Kong was overthrown, mysterious palm prints appeared on the wall of jewelry, and the bizarre crimes occurred one after another. The weapons used by the suspects were unarmed. For a time, the Pearl of the Orient Hong Kong was at risk. Hsiang Huokong lovers file Mainland experts Sun Hao () and Cheng Xiu Hua (), at the invitation of the police to assist the investigation. Four ordinary people, led by Zhang DaChu (), who live at the bottom of society, mistakenly absorb the biochemical poison left by the Japanese army during the Second World War. Their bodies have mutated and turned into invincible variants. Sunny (), born of an ordinary man, is engaged in a dramatic career. He gains the biochemical strength by mistake, and becomes the biggest key to getting rid of the variant criminals. After the variation of Sunny, while attracting the police and charismatic full-blown But the bumpy beauty anchor Angel () Note, the opportunist Angel make good use of Sunny to her, the cause of his crisis in the comeback and successfully create Sunny Line chivalrous ﹑ hoe strong and weak city hero image. Sunny, the heroic dream, was ambushed by a large number of junior people because of the unfortunate departure of Xiu Hua because of Sun Hao's intention and defeat. Sun Hao took some pains and trained Sunny to use his infinite potential in order to complete Xiu Hua's will. On the other hand, Angel, who fame and fortune at his own expense and cherished regret for his life, decided to cooperate with the police and lead himself out of bait as a bait. Eventually, Sun Hao fell in love with one of the mutants, Sunny killed Zhang DaChu, and Sunny finally fell in love with Angel.

Fearless (Movie)[2006]

Feature: Huo YuanJia was absorbed in martial arts since childhood, but his father did not want his child to become a martial artist, thus preventing him from practicing martial arts. Yuan Jia and playmate Nong JinSun secretly copied the Huo Gong Quan spectrum every day hard practice, and finally immature HuoJia Quan defeated the small, since then greatly increased confidence. With the understanding and passion for martial arts, martial arts foundation has become increasingly profound, and later became well-known martial arts in Tianjin. However, because of the strong edge of strong ambition, personality becomes impetuous arrogance, people are getting better and better courage. Yuan A disciple was hit by another master Qin Ye in Tianjin, he did not ask for a break into Qin Ye's birthday, forced Qin Ye on the spot to sign the death match with him. Ultimately, although the yuan a victory, but therefore lost his life's favorite two people - mother and daughter's life! Big mistake made in one hand, desperate Huo YuanJia mind dizzy, then far away from each other. Indigenous names inhabit a remote village and are cared for by villagers Sun PoPo and blind girl Yue Ci. The victorious rural life, kind and kind villagers make all the destructive yuan a forget the pain and hatred, life is slowly recovering. With the help of Yue Ci girl rescued, Huo YuanJia was living anonymity for three years now. During these three years, he had feelings with Yue Ci. Under the influence of her maternal charm, his quiet and peaceful pastoral life let him sink his heart and ponder over the true meaning of martial arts for one person and one nation Gradually realized the true meaning of martial arts. After the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded China, Huo YuanJia borrowed the power of Nong Jin Sun to challenge the Hercules in Shanghai and succeeded in establishing the Jingwu Gymnastics Hall. However, shortly after the Japanese poisoned him, she died young.

TheVampireCombat (Movie)[2001]

Feature: Maoshan warlock Mao Long practiced mysterious 笈, to become immortal demons eldest son, learned that the wife of the big disciple of your soil is six Yinnv, they want to sacrifice their lives, suck its blood. Yu Tuo to protect his wife Piaohong life, together with the teacher against Master, the result of his success sealed. Years later, Yu Tuo, his young brother and Poon Hung have been reincarnated, but have completely lost their memories of past lives. In order to search for the whereabouts of Liu Yin and Yin, Cui Long loyalist led a series of homicide cases. The three men waged a fierce battle to prevent Mao Long from being unsealed again.

He Se Cheng Shi (Movie)[1999]

Feature: Lin Dan (played by Donnie Yen) was upright and resentful because of dissatisfaction with his boss's cousin and resigned. Lin Dan's friend's career was also an ambitious police officer. However, Lin Dan was also crowded into a patrolman by her superior, but his character Lin Dan was a bit calmer and resigned, angrily resigned for Lin Dan, the edge is trying hard to persuade him to stay, but Lin Dan has completely lost confidence in the police, after exhorting the sidewalks to take care of it. Duan MuLingFeng (played by Collin Chou) is an outward-looking gentleman who is cruel gangster. In order to find the long-lost ancient temple wall, he did not hesitate to kill people and set a fire. The legendary ancient temple Bi has been divided into three, respectively, belonging to Jiang Shangfei, Meng Shaobai and Cheng Tingfang three boys and girls. Because Guibi, Meng Shaobai and Cheng Tingfang's adoptive father died in succession, and the three young men and women, together with Ting Fang's younger brother and four, were summoned by Duan MuLingFeng's undercounter and the brigade boss of the brink Both sides of the leader chase after killing. Involved in this turmoil Edge several times to save the children, but since Duan MuLingFeng, they often sent a powerful killer to kill them, thanks to superb ability to appear in a timely manner, Lin Dan, severely learned the vicious killer. Finally, the children of the jungle and the border finally found a box filled with legendary treasure, however, Duan MuLingFeng led his men, cross-cutting, a fierce fight, Lin Dan arrived, the edge has been dying, before dying Implore Lin Dan to take care of the children for themselves, see the best friend dying in front of their own eyes, Lin Dan grief filled his chest, and Duan MuLingFeng life and death battle ...

TheGroup (Movie)[1998]

Feature: Mu DingShenFu Many years ago, when serving as clerics from Italy to Hong Kong, they raised a group of orphans such as Ji Bao, San Nuo, Xiao Li, Gao Ming, Ke Ke, Ling Feng and A Chao with a compassionate heart. Among them were doctors, Lawyers, directors, and even arena chiefs. Due to the influence of Mu DingShenFu, they all have a chivalrous heart. Mu DingShenFu Unfortunately, during the rescue of refugees in Somalia, Africa, the film was shot dead at the end, so Ji Bao et al. Witnessed the tragic loss of food and clothing of African children. They were greatly shocked that they decided to fund the tide for African children. . Ji Bao and others formed the Robin Hood seven-people gangster in the modern city of robbing the poor and benefiting the poor, and often gathered together to do some righteous acts of robbing the poor and getting rid of violence. They used the movie to take to the streets and robbed a banknote carrying thirty million cash vehicles. After careful planning and careful arrangement, everyone started their operations. Unexpectedly, while they were operating, they actually robbed another gang of robbers This escort car, the two sides started a fierce battle ......

IShootMyself (Movie)[1998]

Feature: The film started with "I" facing the camera at home and said I learned that a positive reaction was found in the AIDS test. The government immediately lost 210,000. He spent money on video equipment to record a limited number of lives ! The whole episode is the death record of "I" shot in black humor. A Cheng came to Hong Kong for ten years as a handyman, diligent but meager income, the boss colleagues look down on him. The girlfriend from the Mainland broke up because of his poorness and made a prostitute. His inferiority, no friends, the only hobby is to watch the video, repeat the "taxi drivers" of Robert De Niro, subconsciously also want to be a hero of violence. The house is subdivided by fifty-six households, most of whom are new immigrants. He went in and out every day, never met any neighbor and only "heard" their existence: the child cries, the couple quarrel, the sound of television ... He is experiencing social pressure and is finally outbreak of extreme danger and wants to use his own HIV to "revenge" ....

Rumbleages (Movie)[1998]

Feature: Three men and women from different walks of life, like the average young man, have been indulged and lost. Assen (Eason Chan) is a florist deliveryman, part-time home robbery. A wealthy girl WING (Yang Qianghua acting) hate later coincidentally encounter Assen, so ... ... not the same class of young people only in constant setbacks, and gradually learn to recognize themselves and care how others love others And self-love, youth will not waste.

Hongxingzizhijianghudafengbao (Movie)[1996]

Feature: "Aberdeen Hongxing, four Aberdeen East Star" is a longtime story on the rivers and lakes. Hongxing boss Hong Sheng and son Hong Fei () have not lived together for years with their father and son. Because Hong Sheng saved his wife and daughter's lives for the sake of helping the poor, Fei was always embarrassed. Xiao Chun () is a subordinate B, has always been the opening of the sound loud, courageous but very small, but he is a fly admirer, a Xiao Chun in the fight with the East Star Gang boss Po and La Ji chase Kill, but fortunately fly to save Xiao Chun. Xiao Chun met idol very excited, in a car to his sister Xiaotong () introduced to fly understanding. Tung is a newspaper reporter, smart and lively, and very curious about the things on the rivers and lakes, so fly very interested in the process of contact gradually two people had feelings. On the night that Hong Sheng Jinnian washes his hands, Dongxing helped provoke everyone to demand that Hong Sheng hand over Xiao Chun, who had wounded Bao. He just flew up to clarify the fact that people in Dongxing drove away, Two in order to conflict again that year things, angrily left. Dongxing help sent Hongjiazu gravestone feast at the feast, Hong Sheng angrily, the blood vessels burst lead to stroke. Flying in Tong's persuasion, and reconciliation with the Father, but the East Star refused to let go and others, and Xiao Chun's brother Ah B betrayed Hongxing, in the fly and the East Star in the fierce battle. A Wei and Zhi Wei of the East Star, after plotting to fly, killed the boss of East Star and blamed each other for causing the two sides to rush to Rush. Finally, with the help of Bao and CIA, the plane broke through the conspiracies of Ah B and Zhi Wei and cleared the portal , And had taught him to make a knife Ah B started a lot of blood, the fly can eventually win, he and Tong can do with it.

Qi du xian feng (Movie)[1995]

Feature: The take-off of China's economy has attracted merchants from all over the world to come to trade. However, some bad elements sneaked into China with the banner of trade, but they did the trickery to commit crimes. Yi Xiang police officer and marshals Li Fan love mature, the two travel together in Shenzhen. On his way back to Hangzhou, he happened to be robbed by Gao Pengfei. Yi Xiang, Li Fan, desperate to fight with the armed police fighters and the fierce bandits eventually killed Zhang ZhenHua. Gao Pengfei saw his brother was killed, vowing to revenge, and determined to transfer the system of poisoning base back to Hangzhou. So a fierce cop fight will be erupted in Hangzhou. Gao Pengfei and his wife Wu JunHan together with the surface of the business Ling Gaisheng together in Hangzhou, "flex its muscles." Ling Kah-based based on the huge profits, planning a drug trafficking operation. Zhejiang Provincial Public Security Department received a clues report, police chiefs deployed a large squad Feng Xiao and Zheng Jie is responsible for the investigation, coupled with Yi Xiang a team of "drug pioneers" on the composition. Based on the investigation of the body of a person who died of drug abuse, Feng Xiao gradually realized that the culprit might be Gao Pengfei and Wu Jun Han. Gao Pengfei first attack, trap set to be killed. Feng Xiao et tact extraordinarily, to avoid catastrophe, and Gao Pengfei killed. Wu Jun Han abducted her husband and desperately abducted Yi Xiang's fiancé Li Fan and killed Li Fan in front of Yi Xiang. Yi Xiang saw her fiancé in tragedy and tragedy, starting a thief's nest. Ling Jusheng learned Wu JunHan impulsive behavior, raged, because all criminal plans will be destroyed. To this end, Ling Kah-sheng decided to smuggle drugs out of the country as soon as possible, and Feng Xiao and Yi Xiang embarked on a large round of arrests. In the end, they were able to win all their fledges and passed the evil over evil.

AshesofTime (Movie)[1994]

Feature: Ouyang Feng left home on the day his brother married, because Da Sao is his favorite woman. He lives in a desert town, runs a hotel and is looking for a killer business for others. Merry swordsman Huang YaoShi is a friend of Ou YangFeng, every year to drink with Feng. He is both obsessed with the friend's wife, Tao Hua, and also crush Ouyang Feng's sister-in-law. Murong Yan because Huang YaoShi drunk words fell in love with Huang YaoShi, but because of lover's heart and heartbroken, she fantasy into Mu RongYan request Ou YangFeng kill Huang Yao Shi, but always under heartless. Mang WuShi, the husband of Tao Hua, wandered around knowing his wife was in love with someone else. He only wanted to see his wife again before she was blind, but eventually killed the horse thief. Hong Qi for Gu Nv Kill the enemy but only get an egg, and finally he went to his wife with a wife, Hong Qi let Ou YangFeng understand that everything can be so simple. After Tao Hua learned of her husband's death, she left Huang Yao Shi forever. Huang Yao Shih brought Yao Yang's "Drunk Dream" wine to Da Yang before his death, while Huang Yao Shi and Ou Yang Feng drank "Drunk Dreams," Huang Yao Shih forgot everything, and Ou YangFeng remembered it clearer.

HailtheJudge (Movie)[1994]

Feature: Bao LongXing (Stephen Chow) bought money for an alternate county magistrate but was avaricious, and people in the county hated him. When he replaced the official magistrate, Qi Qin Shi (daughter of Sharla Cheung) was raped by Chang Wei (Collin Chou). Later, Chang Wei murdered her and killed her. She even fought Qi Qin Shi . Chang Wei, the son of Admiral's Adulterer, invited Fang TangJing (Lawrence Ng) to buy all the witnesses to get rid of the charges. Bao LongXing although persistently looking for evidence, has also been persecuted to immigrants. He decided to go to Beijing to impeachment. Later, because of lack of money, he had to work in a brothel and learned a good kung fu from his wife. He mistakenly hit the brothel in a brothel to know the emperor, to help the emperor meritorious he was sealed high official, re-examine the case of Qi family murdered. With his wisdom and eloquence, he tried his best to seek justice for Qi QinShi.

Yitiantulongjizhimojiaojiaozhu (Movie)[1993]

Feature: With his wife Yin SuSu, his son just came back from Gudao for his Master's birthday. In Wudang Mountains, various major factions forced Zhang CuiShan to tell the whereabouts of Xie Xun, the golden lion, and Zhang CuiShan and his wife were forced to commit suicide. Zhang WuJi, who is poisoned by the mysterious palm of God, can not practice martial arts and can only survive with daily infuriating Zhang SanFeng. On the 1st, Zhang WuJi was bullied by his fraternal brother and fell to the precipice with Xiao Zhao, a woman who helped him. He met Huo Tou Tu just, healed the body's cold poison and learned 90% of Yang posthumously. Zhang CuiShan, a disciple of Zhang SanFeng, a disciple, led Zhang WuJi, son of the Ming dynasty Bai MeiYingWang, and became brothers with Xie Xun, one of the four great kings of the Ming dynasty, all of whom are factions Not allowed, as the Central Plains Wulin as a religious cult, so flocked to discuss the Wudang school. Zhang CuiShan couple to death, to death. Poor Zhang WuJi has become a sinner in martial arts factions since he was born, and his body is poisoned by the mysterious spirit of God, whose life is in jeopardy. Zhang SanFeng did his best to save his disciples a little blood and use his life skills to drive away drugs. He proclaimed the jealousy of Song QingShu, the successor of Wudang School, and his joint Zhou Ermai female student Zhou ZhiRuo to harm Zhang WuJi. Ming Zhao teach the savior Xiao Zhao rescued. Zhang WuJi meets Huo GongTouTuo in the cliff, learned the Nine Yang magic skills and completely rids the cold poison. At this time, Shaolin sent martial arts posts inviting five major factions together to encircle the bright summit, except the cult. Zhang WuJi and Xiao Zhao decided to go to Guangming Ding to help grandma Bai MeiYingWang. In the Ming teach forbidden practice after practice, avoid jealous to rescue. Guangming Ding battle, no doubt Paul teach active, was pushed to act as the leader. In the process of meeting with the Central Plains and welcoming the Golden Lion as the leader, Wulin discovered Cheng Kun, the enemy of the Golden Lion II. The original Cheng Kun undercover in Shaolin Temple more than 20 years, is Cheng Kun kill the Ming leader and scrimmage the Ming and six martial arts faction battle. Zhao Min, a Mongol governor, also conspired with all parties to plot Christianity to teach that many people in the Ming dynasty are among the ten incense and tendon. Zhang WuJi to find Zhao Min to antidote, Zhao Wu Zhang WuJi promise three things, you can give antidote. At this time, since the King of Eagle Ying and others went to the Shaolin Temple to seek justice for the Ming religion, they found the bodies of the temple everywhere in the Shaolin Temple. The original Song QingShu to court and intend to assassinate Zhang SanFeng, Xuan Ming two veterans have to fight with both men and women, all these years of courtship and court are planned by the court. Zhang WuJi Rescues Zhang SanFeng from Heaven and Earth. Zhang WuJi promised that Zhao Min would not defeat Xuan Ming II and seize Zhao Min without using the nine positive powers and the great moves to move the heart. However, when Zhao Min left to tell Zhang WuJi, to save the six camps, to find her mostly. After exposing the court wiped out a few gates of conspiracy, rescued his grandfather and Shizu.

Kui moh do jeung (Movie)[1993]

Feature: The church's priest was severed by the activities of Lei killed, the church was closed from the abandoned. Twenty years later, when Wu ShenFu (Wu Ma) planned to reopen the church, he was strongly opposed by the Undertaker (Church), whose mayor, David, , Advocated to reopen the church, Uncle nine male apprentice A Xing (favorite) to leave the ocean Anny (decoration). Xiao Yue, a beautiful innocent female apprentice, also made a good impression on Sen. One night, John saw a dead body, twenty years ago, and the dead body became a vampire. Early on the morning of the same day, John's body was found, and as a result, the zombies who served as rulers of the Unification wore uniforms and burned their bodies overnight in the backyard of the church to avoid being victimized. In addition, another long dragon dragged the corpse came to the town, the road dead corpse Anny, Anny strangely weird, A Xing volunteered to search with Xiao Yue and found that by the dead body drug poison, told Jiushu, So Dragon, Jiushu fight, Tu Long lost. It turned out that David borrowed help Wu ShenFu to reopen the church as a transit station for transporting dead bodies, all of which were pretending to be those who had smuggled drugs. But just as they prepared to expose the truth, they found that all the dead bodies became real zombies. The old vampire has changed all the people killed all the dead, from the long corpse carcasses to all the posing dead, there is the father and son and Anny, etc. are equally spared. Even Wu ShenFu was bitten by zombies, fortunate that her spirituality did not immediately turn into a zombie, and her uncle, who was rushed to the church, stopped her to use heroes to stop the spread of her corpse. The two finally got out of their way and set the faith of the two sides shouting "God demons, apparition, Chinese and Western, the world invincible", with a cross to be posted and the consecrated force to eradicate a zombie.

Jinglingbian (Movie)[1992]

Feature: One day, two people drink at nightclubs, encounter a model Iris (), A Zhi scared of heaven, shadows deeply imprint heart. Tang Shu (Richard Ng), Funeral Parlor owner and A Zhi bet that he dared not go to Phyllin to lead to banana, because he owed usury loan to friends, so he risked his life to accept the challenge. That night, coincides with the full moon night, according to legend, banana essence will appear, after all, is not it? Although starring Lam Ching-ying, but his role is also okay, the main focus is still on Francis Ng and Ni Xing body, by chance to see not very powerful Masters (compared with other works) is also very special of. Lam Ching-ying plays Chen FuSheng, honest and honest personality, not good at expressing his feelings, but also very cute too! One of them is a woman, it should be said that he seduced him, but he still unmoved, hurriedly left, his expression is super cute. Elf changes in the place is quite funny (chicken stew angelica), this film is also a few can see his clothes to wear the work, perhaps to be able to get a glimpse of him.

ShySpirit (Movie)[1988]

Feature: Life and stars fall in love with the girl Hu XiuXiu, but the heart of the show only love the star. Shou peeping show bath, show exclaimed, life is chaos by the fall, the show will be crushed. Star see after the show, reluctantly, determined to stay in the hell and show do the ghosts and wives, but the two reported to the ghost when they were told two sun did not do, and was driven back to the sun, the stars still can not wake up after the sun . Star for the show, duel with the master. To get the master's daughter Bo Bo help, the ultimate master magic, save lives. Version 1: Ge DaFu and Wang BaGe are rivals, have been fighting each other, and even extended to his son Ge ChangShou and Wang MingXing. Life and stars fall in love with girls at the same time Hu XiuXiu, but the heart of the show only love stars, life is stalker. Overnight, life hiding in the roof voyeur show bath, was the show found, the show exclaimed, life is chaos by the fall, the show will be crushed. Hideo vowed to show one day failed to revenge, will never show burial. Unfortunately, Xiu Xiu is a new ghost, failed to do so, starling projections show limited time, if you do not report it can not be reincarnated, will become a ghost. Starling So help the stars look for Axiom, want to tell everything. Unexpectedly, the star after the show, reluctantly, decided to stay in the hell and show do the ghosts and spouses, but the two reported to the ghost when they were told the two sunshine, and was driven back to the sun, the stars still can not Wake up show. The original sucking to Axiom breath, the star that is to find life, Shou Shou listen Bo MiDaShi predicted there will be robbery, it hid it up. Star to save the show, duel with the master, lost, star fortunate master Bo Bo help, finally breaking the master magic. Star Belt life, save the show of life, the star for the return wave, get the show at the same time to marry two women, enjoy the blessing of all. Version 2: Ge Ge old man in late life, too spoiled the only child, making longevity Aberdeen arrogant from no way, rampant village, and show off the beauty of a soft spot, but Xiu Xiu Xiu Xiu Do not belong, Star Aberdeen, so angry longevity Aberdeen endless. The only concern Ge Ge heart mind is the longevity Aberdeen full moon day, had asked a Meidao for his fortune, did not expect an eyebrow Taoist Aberdeen actually live, but twenty-three years old, so Ge ​​old man anxious and panic. One day longevity and loss of friends decided to look at the show, the roof could not bear the load even with a piece of stone fall, scared Xiu Xiu soul are scattered, before death breath longevity Aberdeen absorb, longevity Aberdeers thus avoiding, Xiu Xiu Become a shame ...

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