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Yi Zhang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Yi Zhang Works 20 ,And Urban drama 10 ,Love 7 ,Feature 5 ,Motivational film 4 ,Romance 4 ,Year 2 ,Republic of China 2 ,推理1 ,Suspense 1 ,Workplace film 1 ,Idol drama 1 ,War 1 ,Modern opera 1 ,Music 1 ,Fashion 1 。

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Yi Zhang Filmography(20)


筑梦情缘 (TV)[2019]


二十世纪二十年代初,军阀割据民生凋敝,乱世中 Shao NianShenQiNan 一家忽遭飞来横祸。父亲因无意间卷入走私阴谋而被杀害,母亲在逃亡中蒙难,兄妹四人历经艰险逃到上海却不幸离散。多年后,长 Da Cheng 人的兄妹四人在经过一番遭际之后重逢。时逢乱世,内忧外患,在绝望中经历层层考验的 Shen QiNan 逐渐成长起来,在爱和信仰的影响下,成长为上海滩有名的建造师。在短暂的上海大开发时期,在寸土寸金的黄浦江边, Shen QiNan 以匠心为本,怀揣理想以民为先。他为改造棚户区的居住环境而不懈努力,为建造廉租房而鞠躬尽瘁。经过火与血的洗礼, Shen QiNan 立志为备受战乱之苦的平民百姓建造牢固而温暖的家。侵华战争开始,国难当头, Shen QiNan 心怀家国大义,及时揭发了军事防御工事中偷工减料的问题,阻止了战争中更大的伤亡,同时也终于查清了父亲当年走私案的真相,还父亲一个清白 。


如若巴黎不快乐 (TV)[2018]


电视剧《如若巴黎不快乐》剧情介绍:讲述了身为律师的 Ruan ManJun ( Qingzi Kan 饰)因为感情用事帮助男友渡过公司的经济危机,不慎触犯法律入狱,并被吊销律师执照。哪知在她刑满出狱的那天,却是男友与他人结婚的日子。万念俱灰的 Ruan ManJun 终究为自己的年少无知付出了惨痛的代价。就在 Ruan ManJun 人生最灰暗的时候,遇上同样受过感情之伤的 Tong ZhuoYao ( Hans Zhang 饰)。 Tong ZhuoYao 事业有成,想帮助 Ruan ManJun ,哪知 Ruan ManJun 却将其拒之门外,坚持从最底层的外卖员做起,并进入了外贸公司任职。凭着自己的努力与知识背景, Ruan ManJun 一步步成长为公司的主干业务人员。就在大家以为 Ruan ManJun 会就此满足时,她却毅然决定放弃已获得的一切,重新考取律师执照,回到律师行业,用法律去帮助那些真正需要帮助的人,重新找回了自我,并以独立自强的人格魅力赢得了 Tong ZhuoYao 的爱情 。

《如若巴黎不快乐》是国龙影业、DMG印纪娱乐、一画开天影业、童乐影视联合出品的都市情感剧,由张博昱执导,饶俊、王超编剧, Hans Zhang 、 Qingzi Kan 领衔主演, Lin Yu Shen 、 Ying Li 、 Chang Kuo-Chu 等主演。

Exploration (TV)[2018]


The TV series “Douxiu” introduces the story: It is a folk detective Luo Fei who is eccentric but has high IQ. One is Qin XiaoMan, a bloody police detective who is young but has a superior combat force. The other is a handsome forensic expert, Ben JieMing. How to use a triangular combination to detonate reasoning sparks in a thrilling reconnaissance environment.

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The hidden crisis behind the most meticulous + most bizarre mysteries

The story of "Survey" took place in Shanghai during the Republic of China. Although the city was prosperous and prosperous, it continued to carry out all kinds of crimes, and the road to solving the case of "Survey" began slowly in this city. Different from other single case-solving suspense reasoning dramas, "Survey" not only contains suspense, horror elements, but also set action, adventure and other types in one. The bizarre cases are often accompanied by superb inquiries. In the probe, the final truth of the case often makes you feel unbelievable, but in order to taste the reasoning process of the protagonists in detail, you find that such results are unexpected and reasonable. It is reported that, from the preparation to the opening of the film, the “Survey” took more than four years, and it took more than three years for the script to be polished. It strived to create a suspenseful, logical and high-quality reasoning drama for the audience with plenty of preparation. In addition to the bizarre and rigorous case, rigorous and reasoned plots, the mysterious mastermind behind the unconstrained case is buried behind unrelated ordinary cases. What hidden conspiracy behind the intricate case? I look forward to the surprise of the audience in the future. In addition, the visual effect of “Survey” is also expected. It is learned that the “Probing” crew has carefully tailored the highly reputable costumes of the Republic of China for the protagonists in the drama and strives to use the special effects and high-quality details for the audience. Love enters the country and shares with the characters in the drama.

屏幕快照 2018-05-24 上午9.50.03.png

High Energy Lineup: Yu Bai, Jing-ru You, Chen Ji

One is Luo Qi (Yu Bai), a quirky and highly intelligent civil detective. One is Qi Xiao Man (Jing XiaoMan) who is a fledgling but highly effective detective, and the other is a handsome forensic expert Ben Jie Ming ( Chen Ji, how does a seemingly inconvenient triangle combination detonate the spark of reasoning in a thrilling reconnaissance environment? Many netizens expressed their expectation.In the play, the corner of the hero “Lo Fei” is both a stranger and a graceful gentleman. Although he is a genius and a character is eccentric, it is very difficult for the two extreme characters to play together, and the actor Yu Bai has not only appeared in the criminal investigation. The suspense drama "Beauty is the stuffing", the uncle's uncle in life coincides with Luo Fei's Luo Fei, who eventually became the role of Luo Fei. In the play "Qin XiaoMan", Jing-ru You played the role of female squad leader Zhao Yingnan in the role of "Better than You in the Spring Breeze," and Zhao Yingnan's cool character and superior combat effectiveness Qin XiaoMan are exactly the same. At the opening ceremony, Jing-ru You also expressed his confidence in the role of policewoman Detective Qin XiaoMan. On the same day, Chen Ji, who played forensic Ben Jie Ming, also attended the ceremony. Chen Ji, who once played the three princes Yuanji in “Drunk Exquisiteness”, has a clear temperament. Although he is dressed in civilian clothes, he can give a sense of the role of “Ben JieMing”. At the opening ceremony, Yu Bai, Jing-ru You, and Chen Ji three people interacted with each other frequently. It seems that the “tricks of the crime scene” was unveiled for the first time.


Penniless drifter (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Nude Bleach" tells of Wu Qi and Wang Yu, brothers who shared their interests in the university because of their common interests. After graduation, they became proud and chose to stay in Beijing and lay a solid sky to realize their dreams. In this passionate and hardworking life, Wu Qi has gone through such struggles as acting salesman, fashion magazine contributor, advertising company account manager, and independent startup, as well as missing Huang Zhenzhen, Feng ZiFei and Luo SiSi Personality girl, and missed several times with true love Lu Yao. Because of his dreams, Wu Qi still tried his best to struggle against the background of the city's drifting feeling. Eager to come to the forefront of Wang Yu, because the same deep love Lu Yao, and Wu Qi turn their enemies; Wang Yu unscrupulous, despite the success of his career, but due to over-consumption of the body suffering from terminal illness. In the end, Wang Yu used all the savings to benefit orphans in order to gain inner peace and achieve the return of humanity & nbsp ;. "Nude Bleed" is an urban youth inspirational drama produced by Jiangxi TV Series Co., Ltd. and Shanghai New Culture Media Group Co., Ltd. and directed by Liu Yizhi. Tianlin Zhai, Qiao Zhenyu, Kiton, Qianyi Wang, Wenqi Wang, Yi Zhang, Ge Lu Sun, Sindy, Zhenjia Guo starring.

From Emperor to Citizen Ⅱ (TV)[2017]

Feature: The drama continues in the first quarter of the story, tells the story of a superior life full-time wife Luo ZiJun and her husband Chen JunSheng everything back to zero, with girlfriend Tang Jing and her boyfriend He Han help break the dilemma, into the workplace, self-growth Toward the next life story.

The first half days of my life (TV)[2016]

Feature: 33-year-old Luo ZiJun full-time wife has done a senior, son to school every day, her husband to work, aunt doing housework, boring but comfortable. If it was not for her husband's sudden divorce, she intended to go on like this.     For many years, he has been captive at home. Nowadays, middle-aged abandoned women with no working experience break into society and drag children. His wife's arrogance can only be turned into patience and patience for bottom-line staff. However, life to sub-Jun Pa racked up the skin, but also extracted her spine. Luo ZiJun turned hard with the help of girlfriends Tang Jing and He Han and changed from housewives to professional women, glorifying unprecedented beauty of independence and self-confidence.     During this period, Tang Jing and He Han broke apart due to the difference in their marriage perspectives

Love is also included (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Love is also free shipping" tells the story of an orphan Lin XiaoHe became the wife of Zhan Feng, president of Merrill Lynch, but witnessed Zhan Feng derailment and family breakdown shortly after his marriage. Has been pregnant Lin XiaoHe desperation chose self-reliance, rely on the meager income of the cake shop to support Mo Mo. Lin XiaoHe lost his job to take care of sick Mo Mo who was hospitalized and was forced to go to the online shop and reunited with Chen Xi, a courier who had been her help, to get family-like warmth and high-definition stills Mo Mo soon Like Chen Xi. With the encouragement of Chen Xi and Mo Mo's support, Lin XiaoHe finally became the next generation of dessert goddess after several ups and downs. Her online shop was enthusiastically sought after. Lin XiaoHe stepped out of the haze of the past and became an inspirational example for everyone to worship. Zhan Feng encountered Mo Mo, shocked, and finally learned that everything was derived from the Qian NingHui conspiracy, he asked Lin XiaoHe's forgiveness. However, Lin XiaoHe is no longer the pursuit of fantasy girl in the past, she chose Chen Xi painstaking work together and love. Love is also free shipping is a love inspirational drama produced by China Media Network Limited in 2015 by Zhang Bo Yu. Joo Won, Jiajia Deng, Qiao Zhenyu, Monica Mu, Hang Qi, Ice Gao, Hui Shiu-hung, etc. Starring.

Dare to love (TV)[2015]

Feature: Lei Lei and Luo YongHao are the envy of a couple in college, two people choose to stay in Shanghai after graduation. Luo YongHao Lei Lei's mother, Shen Man, was forced to work under the photograph in order to give Lei Lei happiness, eager to start a business, but ended in fiasco. Lei Lei, however, got the appreciation of her leadership with her strength at work. Her promotion made her and Luo Yonghao's economic power even more disproportionate. Luo YongHao struggling with inferiority and self-esteem, re-choose to start a business, hoping to reverse the situation of the two, but eager to succeed the mentality Luo YongHao again failed. Lei Lei Mother's pressure, the emergence of good suitors, so that the feelings of the two towards the brink of crisis. Two young people, in the hardship persist in love and trust & nbsp ;.

azalea (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Azalea" tells the story of Chen ManJin, a thriving Jiangxi farmer who flew war in 1927, Ni ZhiHui, a knowledgeable woman from Shanghai, Cai Fu, a landlady's home, and Xuan Yi, a girl helping the Red Army who joined the Red Army for various reasons. Into the revolutionary team. They all experienced the Ruijin era and went their separate ways on the eve of the Long March until they gathered again in Shanghai on the eve of the liberation of 1948. At this time, Chen ManJin, Ni ZhiHui and Xuan Yi all grew up to become firm revolutionary fighters and Cai Fu broke away from the revolution Their friendship and life are facing new challenges. After the liberation of Shanghai in 1949, they left again. Reform and opening up in 1978, the fate of the old people who have been re-gathered in the ancient & nbsp ;.

Gorgeous office workers (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Gorgeous office workers," tells the flirtatious Li Xiang graduated from college alone to break into the metropolis, he dreams of gorgeous office workers stills as corporate executives, earn a lot of money, find a beauties to get married. He accidentally crashed into Live & amp; Life Advertising and became assistant to Zhang Wei, the general manager. Zhang Wei, a proud and emotionally frustrated woman in the workplace, is desperate to run her company's listing but faces numerous hardships. Subprime mortgage crisis broke out, the company received a layoff plan for a time panic. Li Xiang is good for her. Every crisis has the honor of helping her. Zhang Yin helps him to help Zhang Wei save the day. He met Qi Qi, a newcomer to the company, and began an underground affair with two people, while the seemingly calm office surged. Li Xiang does not know whether he wants to make the same mistake as Zhang Wei in the past or whether he should pursue a dull new life like today's Zhang Wei. Li Xiang looks into the distance, the heart is filled with the vision of the future & nbsp ;.

Warm men love and war (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Warm men's love and war" tells the story of Guo DongSheng, who returned to work overseas for 10 years. His daughter, who is rebellious and rebellious, is full of divorce from his parents and his incompetence abroad. Ex-wife was cheated in the United States to borrow money back, the merger album Qing Zi Dou Guo Guo ZhengSheng all the way, the daughter of her parents had a greater resentment and misunderstanding. Guo DongSheng guilty of guilt, want to compensate for his father's negligence. In her daughter's heart, Shen Lian, who had taken care of her more than 10 years as a dearest relative, Shen Lian used warm selfless love and tolerance to warm up both father and daughter and help them to weather the storm. That his father was not a boss but a wage earner overseas, and her daughter was completely disappointed with her lying father and signed a non-interference contract. Shen Lian was found terminally ill, only to know Shen Lian in order not to drag his father and daughter, has been concealed the disease, Guo DongSheng has slowly fallen in love with this woman. Shen Lian died, daughter comprehend the beauty of life, to middle-aged Guo DongSheng also completed the transformation as a father. Father and daughter tearing up the contract, eliminating grudges, hugged & nbsp ;.

wonderful Life (TV)[2013]

Feature: Yu Fei, a strong and kind-hearted civilian girl, has met with Ye Lin, a proud and wealthy girl who has become a girlfriend. Inadvertently, Ye Lin finds fiance Zhang HeFan in love with Yu Fei. It turned out that Yu Fei accidentally saved as a kidnapped Hefu accidentally. Since then, He Fei will Yu Fei unforgettable. Never mind the failure of Ye Lin think it all is Yu Fei's fault, decided to use Yu Fei's childhood friend Yu Yang, against Yu Fei. Unexpectedly, Yu Fei and Ye Lin broke the mystery of half-ancestral life at this time. A few years ago, Yu Fei's mother renounced Yu Fei and Ye Lin, their revengeful fianchers, in exchange for shame. Yu Fei who knew the truth could not bear hurting innocent Ye Lin, but Ye Lin could not afford to lose her affection even after losing her love. She secretly resolved, in any case, will never be bright Yu Fei back to life. After experiencing various disputes, they decided to unite with the outside world when they jointly faced the crisis of the family business. They used wisdom and insisted on retaining the glory of the family. Ye Lin and Yu Fei have also become real sisters and have gained their own happiness.

Work hard to fall in love (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Xu Yue, a well-educated 80-year-old man, grew up with him after a lapse of ten years. Mi En, the immigrant sister of the United States, met again. Mi En rented a house next door to Xu Yue, Started a neighbor's life. Mi En liked Xu Yue since childhood, and returned to Xu Yue, Xu Yue only treated Mi En as a sister, and Mi En chose to accompany Xu Yue silently. After experiencing feelings of deception, career loss and alienation from relatives and friends, Xu Yue once became suspicious of the way in which he was influenced by his father's education and became selfish when he became dissatisfied with many unfavorable phenomena in today's society Lee. Mi En understands what Xu Yue has been doing, tirelessly enlightening and helping Xu Yue, allowing Xu Yue to regain her life. Xu Yue gradually realized that her emotions toward Mi En had begun to change as the two got along with each other. They continued to accumulate their emotions in the little things they lived in during their busy work and eventually became positive.

Little husband and wife era (TV)[2012]

Feature: Coco and Li Nan are half-sisters. Li Nan has been in its infancy, cocoa unobtrusive band playing with a group of young artists, the marriage of the two became the mother Yang HuiLing most worried about things. Yang HuiLing cast iron fist pressing harder and harder, only two children's final choice against her wishes. Cocoa gave up the rich second generation introduced by Yang HuiLing and married Xu Hang, a poor boy who came to the dream of a big city. Li Nan married Ye Ying, a daughter of his adopted mother, Liu CuiLan. As a result, two dual-core families smoke everywhere. Cocoa and Xu Hang start from scratch, the days of fighting together is full of ups and downs. The two are so good-natured that they do not communicate and lead to constant conflicts. The emergence of the rich second generation, Xu Hang first love even make their marriage even worse. Xu Hang has finally admitted the son-in-law by working hard on his career. The couple want to rent a house to get married, but "was bought a house", with Xu HangBa mother's stay, Cocoa and Xu Hang are facing new contradictions. Ye Ying and Li Nan want to be Dink, Yang HuiLing has done a lot of work on the calendar that records the security period, which led to Ye Ying becoming pregnant. As a result, a series of contradictions ensued. Ye Ying is going to wrestle with two mother-in-law on the one hand, and on the other hand, she is getting more and more disappointed with the growing husband ... Li Nan and Ye Ying will have to bear heavier pressure of life as their children are born.

Love and fate (TV)[2011]

Feature: Tells the story of the joys and sorrows of a family. The mid-seventies, Ma ChunXia gave birth to Yang Hui, Li BaoCheng that his son is not his own flesh and blood, abandoned. Although Yang Ma, a street worker, was poor in his family, he raised three brothers Yang Guang, Yang Ming and Yang Hui and raised Yang Hui as an adult. Big brother Yang Guang was bitten by a dog and got rabies and died. Third brother Yang Hui vowed to study medicine and save the world. He tried to get medical school and Yang Hui and developed a new rabies vaccine. After returning home to work at Pinggu District Hospital, Dean Li BaoCheng raised his crooks on the new rabies vaccine. He let a pharmaceutical factory secretly produce a new rabies vaccine and sell it on the market, all of which Yang Hui was kept in the dark. . Ma ChunXia, who has been searching for 30 years, finally found her son. Conflict between mother and mother because of the problem of recognition. In times of crisis, Yang Hui, a postdoctoral expert in brain surgery, successfully cranked a foster mother suffering from a stroke and donated a kidney to the mother who became ill. She showed her precious love and affection. In the end, Yang Hui married his beloved girl Zhang XiaoPing.

Good fortune dependent (TV)[2008]

Feature: In the late 1970s, Huang Tao Gang, a fleet driver who was soon to marry Akagi Steel, sent his fiancée Hu YuHua home alone on his way home and suddenly heard the voice of a woman calling for help in the alley. Huang TaoGang instant reaction, I met a "rape case" scene. After a moment of hesitation Huang TaoGang rushed past, the result was actually strong.

EyePupil (TV)[2007]

Feature: Jinjiang City, director of the Major Crime Investigation Section Fan GuangTian led two cadres Jiang HuSheng and Li Yun, fighting wits with criminals. Jiang HuSheng home is the big river. After graduating from police academy, he returned to Jinjiang City to take care of his grandmother. Li Yun is younger than Jiang HuSheng two sisters, childhood tomboy character. In the police station, she and the Interpol teammate Zhao Gang - Jiang HuSheng's good partner in love. Just as the two men were getting married, Zhao Gang sacrificed during the arrest for Jiang HuSheng, and the criminals fled. Li Yun in order to avenge Zhao Gang, transferred from the internal police team. Jiang HuSheng gave her extra care, and the two became happy lovers. Three years later, the murderer killed Zhao Gang was finally captured by two people, and then look back two found each other has become their best partner.

Love twenty years (TV)[2006]

Feature: In a city along the Yangtze River in the northeast of the late 1970s, Hongxing Machinery Factory was a state-owned enterprise. Jin Yong (Jiang Wu) is recognized as a top-notch technology, production and advanced worker in the three workshops. His friend Du ZhiMing (Zhifei Wang), his 20-year love of apprentice drama Lin Yue (Qian Zhao ornaments), tool keeper Feng XinLiu (Lancy ornaments) and workshop clerk Kong LingQin (Lan Wang ornaments) and other workers are Under the leadership of workshop director Xu DianYuan, work together here. Jin Yong loves his own female apprentice Lin Yue. Lin Yue, parents died, with his sister Lin Xin and his brother Lin Daqing struggling to live, so Jin Yong in life and work on the apprentice care and take good care of. However, Lin Yue is deeply fond of handsome worker Du ZhiMing. Since Chi Ming and Jin Yong are very good friends and Jin Fu's apprentice, and he and her lover Feng Xin Liu have a good relationship, Lin Yue can only use this Share feelings in my heart Stills Feng XinLiu grew up in the intellectual family, she is also deeply in love with Du ZhiMing, and urge the Zhi Ming hard study, ready to participate in college entrance examination. However, Chi Ming is not interested in learning and is always comfortable with the status quo. So two gradually created a barrier, which gives Lin Yue Du ZhiMing opportunities to pursue. Coupled with the new classmate Liu Liu, City Materials Bureau's son, demobilized soldier Zhang MingChao admire and pursuit of her, the two continue to produce friction between the final break up. A pair of young people in the workshop staged a tragic love story. Demobilized gunmen Zhu FuLin and newly appointed martyr widow Han BingMei have had a genuine love in common life. But forced by the pressure of society, two people's feelings can not be accepted by the outside world, only secretly dating. As a result, during a date, the two men said goodbye to each other in the darkness range ballistic path and were accidentally injured by unknowing coworkers during the gun inspection. A few years later, Du ZhiMing admitted to university unintentionally, began a major change in life. During this period, Lin Yue has been attentively taking care of Zhiming and his mother, refusing Jin Yong's affection for her. Finally, after graduating from Zhiming University and Lin Yue came together to establish a happy family. Feng XinLiu was also touched by the truth of Zhang MingChao and eventually became a couple. Jin Yong at Lin Yue's premarital marriage has been unable to forget the feelings of her, or often intervened in Lin Yue and Zhiming's family life. After graduating from Zhiming University, was assigned to the technical department of the Bureau of Mechanical work, met also transferred to the Bureau of Mechanical Information Office lover Feng XinLiu, the two are very awkward to meet. Because they could not understand the work style of the people floating in the work place, Zhiming responded to the call and sent it to the enterprise. After returning to the three workshops of Red Star Factory, he became the deputy director of the workshop and lived and worked with the past workers. However, major disagreements with workers like Jin Yong and other issues caused by the workshop conversion project, coupled with some incidents in the house, have created friction with Lin Yue, and Shi Ming resolutely resigned in his business in Shanghai. Lin Yue also felt the crisis of marriage, so she rejected Jin Yong's help and forced Jin Yong to marry him as soon as possible. Jin Yong was forced by her friends and loved ones to marry Kong LingQin, a shop clerk who seemed inappropriate and very familiar.

Tolerant life (Movie)[2005]

Feature: Zhang is a college public elective teacher, his wife Chen Mei is an English editor, the two married for many years, life dull. Zhang Sang, who had over thirty, was one of the most unprofessional students in the university. In his work at the school, he also encountered various difficulties and his electives were almost completely taken away. Fortunately, a little help girls Soviet Union, this course barely keep.

Another live law (TV)[2002]

Feature: "Another Living Law" story took place in the coastal cities of the South China. Gu Lan and Xiao Wei-dong, born in a cadre family, are loving, daughter-friendly and have a comfortable life. Once upon a time, Gu Lan, a pharmacist working in the hospital, met Ye XiangChuan, assistant general manager of Wellcome Pharmaceuticals. Xiao WeiDong's company faces a merger. In order to win the general manager's election, he violated the idea of ​​hiring Deng Deng, the niece of foreign trade director, to work in the company. Gu Lei's younger brother, Gu Lei, worked as an advertising agency after graduating from college. Her girlfriend Xiao Fan quit her job in Beijing for love and ran to Gu Lei to the south. Gu Lan and Jin Ping, Xiang Lian are good sisters for many years. Jin Ping, who works in a small hospital, is looking for ways to make money every day; Xiang Lian goes abroad for gold because of emotional frustration; Gu Lan, though not extrovert with money, is afraid to be eliminated, so he follows Jin Ping for selling pants and counterfeit medicines. Gu Lan and Ye XiangChuan met again at a conference on new pharmaceutical products. Gu Lan told Ye XiangChuan that the children's ghrelin is contaminated, while the contaminated ghrelin will cause the child to have an encephalopathy. Ye XiangChuan questioned Quan QiXuan, the general manager of the company. Willing, the company's consultant, is a woman with all-seeing eyes and faces the problem of children's growth hormone. She always tries her best to keep Ye XiangChuan silent. Xiao WeiDong found Gu Lan and Ye XiangChuan passing very closely and boredom. Xiao WeiDong, a favorite boss of modern Deng Xiaobo, once lobbied uncle uncle for his position as general manager of competition. Xiao WeiDong's balance began to tilt. In order to make an advertisement, Xiao Fan introduced the model Xin Ling to the company, and Gu Lei and general manager of Jiutou Advertising Co., Ltd. Linmu looked forward to the outstanding Xin Ling. Gu Lei's betrayals frustrated Xiao Fan, but when Xiao Fan found herself pregnant with Gu Lei's children, she committed suicide not to lose her children. The reality of Xin Ling chose the existing wife and husband Lin Mu considerable strength. Gu Lei left nine songs, came to the nascent Hui Kang Pharmaceutical advertising company. He opposed the sister, vigorously promote children's growth hormone. On the issue of auxin, Xiang Lian supports Gu Lan to stop its promotion because of the breakup of her rights with the company during her early years due to injuries. Such a decision is made only for personal retaliation. Ye XiangChuan unable to convince the total, the company is still preparing to enter the market of growth hormone, Ye XiangChuan angrily resigned, he thought Xiang Lian is honest and reliable, then to Leopard Wang Pharmaceutical Company. Xiao WeiDong has something to do with Deng Deng and misunderstood Gu Lan. Deng Deng told her uncle's own relationship with Xiao WeiDong, who shamelessly took the throne of the general manager. Gu Lan can not accept Xiao WeiDong, two divorced. Ye XiangChuan hit Xiao and Deng Deng's wedding, deeply rooted in the love of Gu Lan finally broke out, but Gu Lan refused his pursuit. Gu Lei became the backbone of the company. To pull advertisements, he and Deng Deng mix together. Children's growth hormone eventually entered the sale. Under the arduous efforts of Gu Lan and Ye XiangChuan and others, they broke through all obstacles and sent drugs to the drug testing department for re-inspection. The department of commerce and industry investigated and dealt with the company. Ye XiangChuan finds out that Xiang Lian illegally sells out valueless nutrients. Soon, Leopard Wang Pharmaceutical Company closed down, Xiang Lian jailed. Xiao WeiDong returned on a business trip and found Gu Lei and Deng Deng in bed in their own bedrooms ... Frustrated Xiao WeiDong turned to Gu Lan.Gu Lan has chosen Ye XiangChuan, who is in a downturn, and Xiao WeiDong resigned as general manager and left sadly ...

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