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Jing Hu TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Jing Hu Works 29 ,And Romance 9 ,Costume Drama 8 ,Feature 6 ,Comedy 3 ,Martial Arts 2 ,Romantic drama 2 ,Ancient mythology 2 ,Urban drama 2 ,Fantasy 2 ,Suspense 2 ,Myth play 1 ,现实题材1 ,现代都市情感1 ,Funny 1 ,Palace 1 ,革命历史1 ,Family drama 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,Year 1 ,当代涉案1 ,惊险1 ,Action 1 ,legend 1 ,Contemporary 1 ,Anti-corruption 1 ,检察1 ,Spy war 1 ,Thriller 1 ,Sports 1 。

Works Index

Jing Hu Filmography(29)


新世界 (TV)[2020]


《新世界》是由徐兵编剧及执导, Honglei Sun 、 Zhang Luyi 、 Fang Yin 、 Qian Wan 、 Chun Li 、 Jing Hu 、 Chin Han 、 Zhao Zheng 主演的现实题材电视剧。

该剧借由 Jin Hai 、 Tie Lin 、 Xu Tian 三兄弟的命运转变,及 Xu Tian 和共产党员 Tian Dan 的相识相知,讲述了1949年建国前夕北平城的22天里发生的时代洪流变迁 。


天衣无缝 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《天衣无缝》又名《猎谍者》剧情介绍:讲述了1931年春天,中共中央在上海、广东大浦、哈尔滨等城市建立了红色交通站,交通站直属中央交通局。红色特工“烟缸”与“青瓷”一组人马试图在西欧建立一条地下新航线,建立秘密仓库,护送中共中央重要物资及护送地下党重要情报人员抵达目的地。“巴黎”临时红色交通站遭到叛徒出卖,“烟缸” Gui Wan 牺牲,小组成员一一被设计清换。 Gui Wan 同父异母的弟弟 Zi LiPing 精心策划了一个复仇大计,设局引其兄 Gui Yi 入局,借 Gui Yi 之力破解谜团,真正的“叛谍”浮出水面,兄弟同心铲除叛徒,重建红色交通站。生死迷局一旦揭晓,石破天惊 。

封神演义 (TV)[2019]


殷商末年, Zhou Wang 无道,荒淫度日,听信奸佞费仲谗言,欲将冀州侯苏护之女 Su DaJi 占为己有,遂派大军压境,讨伐冀州以夺取妲己,不想妲己已被 Hu Yao 所附,丧失心智,助纣为虐。在妲己的煽动下, Zhou Wang 杀文害武,斩妻杀子,聚敛民财,苦害生灵,与此同时,西伯侯姬昌勤于政事,善施仁德,西岐国力日渐强大。元始天尊见朝歌城已被妖孽所控,断定殷商气数已尽,决定派遣 Jiang ZiYa 下山辅佐姬昌伐纣。 Jiang ZiYa 垂钓磻溪,得文王相聘,后又听闻 Yang Jian 生来带有蕴藏神力之天眼, Jiang ZiYa 深知此人一念成佛,一念成魔,故收 Yang Jian 为徒,启发他的善良和正义,并引导 Yang Jian 加入伐商大军。在文王驾崩后,其子 Ji Fa 继位,成为周武王。武王拜 Jiang ZiYa 为相父, Jiang ZiYa 正式辅助武王,起兵讨伐商纣。面对 Zhou Wang 、妲己、 Shen GongBao 组成的邪恶力量, Jiang ZiYa 、 Yang Jian 与雷震子、哪吒等五行上将团结一致,联手与妖邪势力作战。最终,西岐战胜朝歌,商纣江山倾覆,武王登基, Jiang ZiYa 自此位列仙班。


In the name of people (TV)[2017]

Feature: When a project director of a state ministries and commissions was reported to have received bribes of tens of millions, Hou Liangping, director of the Investigation Department of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, came to the search to see what he saw as a simple and honest old peasant with a simple, In the rude old house to eat noodles. While the mask of the corrupt elements was finally ripped apart, Ding Yi Zhen, deputy mayor of the capital city of Jingzhou in Hantong, a province of Han Dong province closely tied to the case, was assisted by the secret agent of a mysterious figure Reconnaissance methods to escape the French in exile. The case trail ends up in the fight for equity of a typhoon garment factory in Han Dong Province led by the Guangming Lake project in Beijing. However, the various political forces implicated in it are complicated and confusing. Chen Hai, director of anti-corruption bureau of Han Dong Procuratorate, suffered a bizarre car accident in the investigation. In order to complete the unfinished business of those same year students, capable and capable Hou LiangPing was appointed to take over the unfinished business of Chen Hai. In the political scene in Han Dong Province, "Politics and Law Department" represented by Gao YuLiang, deputy secretary of Provincial Party Committee and Politics and Law Committee of Han Dong Province, "Secretary Gang" phase represented by Li DaKang, member of Standing Committee of Han Dong Province and secretary of Jingzhou Municipal Committee For many years, regardless of Xuan 轾. The arrival of Sha Rui Jin, the new provincial party secretary, is destined to break this balance of politics and bring a new flavor to the reform in Han province. People's name poster

Age of legends (TV)[2017]


TV series "Age of legends" : tells the story of blood, youth and justiceLiu ZiGuangFor the representative of the young people in the hearts of the king, this point from the dayLiu ZiGuangcame back from eight years left jiangbei. Eight years ago, he was just an ordinary young man who had no choice but to leave. Eight years later, he came back with a lot of vicissitudes and gunsmoke, just want to be an ordinary filial son, but again and again was involved in the flood of society. He became a hero in the hearts of his friends and an idol in the hearts of his youth.Liu ZiGuangmade some achievements through his outstanding skills and talents, and helped his friends to realize their childhood dreams. During this time he met the policewomanHu RongAlthough they are in love with each other, in reality they are in love with each otherNie madeIn the fierce struggle between the leading criminal groups,Liu ZiGuangnot only fought alongsideHu Rongto help the police break up the whole criminal group, but also gained a precious love with Hu Rong.

Little lover (TV)[2017]

Feature: Dan ZiFei, 46, runs the largest security company in the city after he leaves the army. The only daughter Dan DanDan admitted to the philosophy department of Hong Kong University with outstanding results. I wanted to surprise her daughter Dan ZiFei, but in Hong Kong, I accidentally discovered that my daughter was expelled from school due to a long period of absenteeism and opened a red house. After scolding his daughter, he decided to bring her daughter back to mainland China. Since then, a single family of 22 rules hanging in the bedroom, just like a cage bird. Nai Nai and Nai Nai united front, three generations staged a series of ridiculous family confrontation. Because of anger, just fall into the trap of professional liar Guan He, was forced to go to the countryside to raise ducks, meet primary school classmate Ming Men, two impotence, breaking through the obstacles of his father, and slowly start self-reliance raising ducks and work hard. In the meantime, Zu BeiLai got acquainted with Xiao YunNan, a loyal spark. In everyone's hard work, the town of Ducks business booming, Ming Men to single marry success, the wedding as scheduled. Nai Nai also found her own other half. After many years of unremitting efforts, Qing Hong finally married Dan ZiFei.

ξ Ang jin GY U (TV)[2017]

Feature: Xiang JingYu tells the story of Xiang JingYu, who returned to China in 1921. On the second largest party of the party, Xiang JingYu was elected as a member of the Central Committee and the first woman's director of the drama, and was elected as a member of the CPC Central Committee at the party's top three. Later Xiang JingYu served as secretary of the Kuomintang Central Women's Movement Commission. In 1925, Xiang JingYu led and organized the Five-nation Campaign which stunned China and other countries. After the failure of the Great Revolution, Xiang JingYu persisted in staying in Wuhan and provoked the burden of the CPC Hubei Provincial Party Committee. In 1928, Xiang JingYu was arrested by a French police cell. May 1 the same year died in a heroic death, only 32 years old.

God come back (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Apocalypse" tells the story of business Zhou Wang era, the gods vacancies, the world goblin miscellaneous office, chaos. Yang Jian mortal teenager, in an encounter with the fox demon eyes open unexpectedly. Ten thousand years fox demon possessed in the name of the Savior's maid Xiao E, created a generation of demon Fei "Su DaJi." Since then, Zhou Wang has set up a gun torture system to kill the ministers and lead the Shang dynasty to a collapse quickly. Yuan Shizun decided to make a divine plan by war with Shang and Zhou Dynasties. His three disciples - Jiang ZiYa, Shen GongBao and Jade Ding live down to the mountains. Jiang ZiYa after suffering, finally to the boundless world, adjuvant Zhou Wang Road. Shen GongBao became demon world leaders, in order to fight for the gods and Jiang ZiYa launched a long struggle. Yudding Real Human Rescues Humanity Cultivation Yang Jian, Yang Jian But when the heart is stubborn, eventually accomplishes the mission unexpectedly by dedication to Da Ji love. When the King of War defeat, demon immortal World II battle, the two eventually go. Yuan Shizun said the truth of the two gods list, Shen GongBao refused to accept, cast his own sea. Jiang ZiYa eventually become the god of the people, the two will be one, equitable distribution of the God of Heaven, and the world belongs to human control & nbsp ;. "Gods Come Back" is a costume fairy tale drama jointly produced by Mango Television, China Media Group (Beijing) Co., Ltd., CCTV, Sanshang Media and China TV Drama Production Center, and is produced by Luo Jin, Likun Wang, Bo Zhang, Deng Lun, Collin Chou, Dujuan He, Yitian Hai, Hewei Yu, Jing Hu starring.

TheGods (TV)[2016]

Feature: Shang Wang era, heaven and earth god vacancies, the world Simon monster, chaos. Yang Jian mortal teenager, in an encounter with the fox demon eyes open unexpectedly. Ten thousand years fox demon possessed in the name of the Savior's maid Xiao E, created a generation of demon Fei "Su DaJi." TV drama "God" role picture King since then set the gun torture torture, kill ministers, making the rapid ruled Shang Dynasty collapse. Yuan Shizun decided to make a divine plan by war with Shang and Zhou Dynasties. His three disciples - Jiang ZiYa, Shen GongBao and Jade Ding live down to the mountains. Jiang ZiYa after suffering, finally to the boundless world, adjuvant Zhou Wang Road. Shen GongBao became demon world leaders, in order to fight for the gods and Jiang ZiYa launched a long struggle. Yudding Real Human Rescues Humanity Cultivation Yang Jian, Yang Jian However, when the heart is stubborn, she finally accomplished her mission accidentally with the attachment of her own love. When the King of War defeat, demon immortal World II battle, the two eventually go. Yuan Shizun said the truth of the two gods list, Shen GongBao refused to accept, cast his own sea. Jiang ZiYa eventually become the god of the people, the two will be one, fair distribution of the god of heaven, and the world belongs to human control.

ParisHoliday (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Ding XiaoMin (Amber Kuo ornaments) and her boyfriend Xu Hui (Xu Zhengxi ornaments) are learning art background, the two came all the way to the art capital of Paris, hoping to make some achievements there. Emotionally, kind but somewhat stubborn Ding XiaoMin is desperate for Xu Hui, in order to fulfill her boyfriend's artistic dream, she is willing to give up her own future and rely on working to subsidize her home to ease the economy. However, Ding XiaoMin did not think that he was still Xu Hui ruthless abandoned. By a huge blow, Ding XiaoMin completely lost hope for men and love, give up on themselves, into the days of endless unexamined. One day, Ding XiaoMin accidentally became a roommate of a man named Lin JunJie (Louis Koo), and always thought Lin JunJie liked the same-sex Ding XiaoMin, Good man takes good care of.

Hurry up time love (TV)[2015]


Catching Time Love tells us that Wan Ning is an older single unmarried young man. After meeting with his ex-girlfriend Wen Wen, she accidentally met Lin JiaWei and her cousin Qin HaiMan . Heyman had a good impression of Wan Ning, and Jia Wei discredited Heyman. At the same time, Zhou Peng loves generous Heiman. Affected by the frustration of Wan Ning, he wanted to devote himself fully to his work. Lin Jiawei and Lin Jiawei became partners. The two people who had a good impression of each other at work had their love and affection. Wan Ning eventually reconciled with the text. Heymann was also moved by Zhou Peng's heart to become Mrs. Chou. Wan Ning's younger sister, Wan Hui is also nearly 30 years old but still single, and he came across the artist by chance. a data-id="role-386428" href="/movie/UWeDdoZvoA/role/386428/"> Wen Jun , the bold pursuit of Wen Jun was finally moved by sincere Wan Hui. At the same time, Wan Ning’s father, Lao Wan, who also met Lin JiaWei’s mother during the search for suitable objects for her children, had a longing for love and a touching evening of love.


TheGreatHypnotist (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Xu RuiNing, a well-known psychotherapist who is good at hypnotherapy in China, just started his career. All the patients he had undergone were discharged from hospital, which made Xu RuiNing confident and arrogant. Even their own students in the classroom questioned his theory, have no convergence back in the past, these are Xu RuiNing's university teacher Fang JiaoShou look in the eyes. After Xu RuiNing gave a lecture, Fang JiaoShou was asked by his students to ask Xu RuiNing to diagnose Ren Xiaoyan, a special patient. However, Fang JiaoShou asked Xu RuiNing to call the patient a very weird person whom she had read No psychiatrist can treat her condition, Ren Xiaoyan speech difficult to tell the truth and know how to fight back the therapist. Xu RuiNing was greatly impressed by the patient whom Fang JiaoShou mentioned in his mouth, and she arrogantly considered that there was no cure for the patient. When Ms Yan came to Xu RuiNing's treatment room, Xu RuiNing found that the patient was indeed as eccentric as Fang JiaoShou said. Ren Xiaoyan claimed that he could see dead people, and seek her help to do something not done during his lifetime, Xu RuiNing did not agree, but Ren Xiaoyan explained that he had no mental illness at all, and she saw all It is real. Xu RuiNing Xiaoye meal in a "crazy language" after the decision to use hypnotherapy for treatment. And when Xiaoyan successfully entered hypnosis, Xu RuiNing want to find out where the psychological shadow of Xiaoyan, but did not want to be brought into a terrible trap.

Time to Love (Movie)[2013]

Feature: Wan Ning, an elder single unmarried young man, met by chance with Lin HaiWei and his cousin Qin HaiMan after breaking up with his ex-girlfriend Wen Wen. Hyman on the Wan Ning initiation favor, but Jia Wei Heyman multi-discouraged. In the meantime, Zhou Peng is in love with generous Hyman. Affection frustrated Wan Ning want to devote themselves to work, overreach with Lin JiaWei become partners, two people in the work of goodwill because of the text, the feelings of another ups and downs. Wan Ning finally finished with Wen Wen. Heyman was also touched by Zhou Peng's true sincerity into Mrs. Zhou. Wan Ning's sister Wan Hui is nearly 30 years old, but still single, chance to meet the painter Wen Jun, bold pursuit of Wen Jun was finally impressed by the sincere Wan Hui. At the same time, Wan Ning's dad, Lao Wan, met Lin JiaWei's mum during his search for suitable objects for his children.

Tears woman flower (TV)[2013]

Feature: Yang SuYun, a poor girl who came to Shanghai to visit relatives, and Tang ShuHan, a young girl who came to Tang II, came to tears because of the distress in the suburbs. After the book is also returned home, Su Yun found himself pregnant, kind and strong she gave birth to the child alone. After the book Han Su find the cloud, breaking the mother of Chen ManQing obstacles and obstacles, leaving home and Suyun off the poor days. Book Han is a culprit painter, Su-Yun though illiterate, but hesitate to make money to support the book Han's painting career, he suffered terribly uncomfortable. Xie JiaYin fell in love with Chen ZhiYuan, the son of Qiu Xiang, a boy who was young and died in a jumped-by-death love because of his father's opposition. In the face of book resemblance to Zhiyuan, Wanganyin wanted to exhaust all his love for selfishness, but the book is inextricably linked with the feelings of Suyun. Su-Yun eventually got the recognition of her mother-in-law, a few young people have also realized the true meaning of love, harvest their own happiness & nbsp ;.

The woman of the king (TV)[2013]

Feature: The "King's Woman" overhead history, dreaming of the Warring States Period, with Xue Shu contestation as a historical background, highlighting the theme of troubled times the heroes, heroic beauty, the heroic beauty of the hero. Different from the "harem" theme of "palace" series and "beauty" series mostly based on prosperity, "The Woman of the King" places characters, emotions, fates and battles in the chaos of the times. The character's character is cursed by the chaos of the chaos and the emotional cues Uneasy things and turmoil. The "Queen's Woman" posters Two men's I love each other, the two women's beauty plan, at any time by the ups and downs of the times pulled, plot ups and downs, ups and downs. Two women, the war of life, that an unclear, unknown love and sorrow, the man conquered the world to conquer the woman, the woman conquered the man to conquer the world. Tell everyone what is a woman conquered the world, for the audience a complete interpretation of what is the hero does not love the country, leaving the world only for the beloved woman's story.

OnMyWay (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Li XiaoTian (Miao Yaning ornaments) parents divorced, which makes stubborn personality stubborn he was very hurt, he longs for maternal love, but LiXiaoTian's father Li Fei Xiong (Cheng-Yung Chang) nothing know. Li XiaoTian loves running and loves to feel the speed of the wind while running. However, Li Feixiang just wanted her son to be honest and honest, thinking that there would be a way out. By accident, Da YanZai (Tian Liang) discovered Li XiaoTian's talent for running and became Li XiaoTian's coach who took him to the "Running Night" event. During the event, Li XiaoTian met many like-minded friends including Xie Zi (Mini Yang), Cai Pan (Mickey He), Cindy (Qi Wei) and Zhi Zhu (Liuxi Bai) and others. Here, Li XiaoTian regain happiness. The race is imminent, Li XiaoTian only insisted on rigorous training, will it be possible to obtain the final victory.

Legend of Chu LiuXiang (TV)[2007]

Feature: Crescent Legend: southeast coast of the pirates often pirate invasion, the court appointed a middle-aged and elderly woman known as Du XianSheng eliminate the bandits, but the Kou River thieves and other gradually be settled, a more powerful Pirates of the history of the king did not Rise. Scoop king history said that only the daughter of the court envoy jade princess married to him as a truce condition. Chu LiuXiang intervened in this incident by accidentally saving the princess's father's father. The Du XianSheng Chu LiuXiang this side of the new biography, the designated Hu TieHua escort Crescent Princess to the thieves cave. Noodles spread, flowers aunt found Huang sick husband, Hei ZhuGan, Yuan Lei assassination of the king of history. Jiao Lin entrusted Chu LiuXiang to find her daughter she had never met before, and only knew that her daughter had a crescent birthmark. Chu LiuXiang received the sign of Hu TieHua's distress and went to the tree house for Hu TieHua. In the tree house, Hu TieHua was a painter of four women, but their layout was seen through by Chu LiuXiang and they escaped. Hu TieHua was invited to escort Princess Jade Sword and Shi Tianwang, Chu LiuXiang decided easy to follow. Chu LiuXiang found a female ninja in the inn Ying Zi, Xue ChuanXin to Ying Zi to discuss the woman in the box, who knows the box was Chu LiuXiang pre-emptive take away, the box turned out to be Jiao Lin's daughter. Chu LiuXiang handed the box to Wanxing Escort He Yulin custody, to find Hu TieHua. See Hu TieHua out of danger, Chu LiuXiang go back to find He Yulin, only to find a dead body and sitting on the box Xue ChuanXin. Chu LiuXiang came to Yujian Villa and did not expect Du XianSheng turned out to be a woman. Later she learned that Princess Yujian was not only the daughter of Jiao Lin but also the daughter of Du XianSheng, the former wife of Jiao Lin. The original coastal area along the southeast coast often pirates piracy harassment, the court sent a special envoy to the identity of rivers and lakes, contact the Quartet hero, to deal with bandits, the envoy's daughter was also booked as a princess, Du XianSheng is one such. Du XianSheng clear the shore, King of history dominate the sea, the two potential is over. Japanese pirates also hope that the two sides Rush, sit income harvest. Hu TieHua realized that Chu LiuXiang wanted someone to deal with the king of history. Chu LiuXiang was assassinated by the Ninja Spring Thunder Iraqi, who committed suicide in the midst of an unchanging routine. Shi TianZhai lured Chu LiuXiang to kill Shi Tian Wang with money but was rejected by Chu LiuXiang. In conversation with Ying Zi, Chu LiuXiang learned that Shi Tian Wang had taken Shi TianZhai's concubine, so Ying Zi would steal the princess of Jade Emperor Sword. Ying Zi actress princess maid Hong children, the princess out of Yu Jian Villa. Bai YunSheng used Chu LiuXiang's old acquaintance as bait, with Chu LiuXiang see the history of the King. Two Generals Panther because fear Jiangya Princess pet, sent four Tian Tian assassination protect the princess Hu TieHua, and Shi Tianwang sent to protect the princess Bai YunSheng also been plot. Leopard Ji asked Chu LiuXiang to choose between the three items of treasure, food and water, and Bai YunSheng. Chu LiuXiang unexpectedly chose Bai YunSheng, who was on the verge of death. Chu LiuXiang successfully arrived at the fishing village where the king of history was. Who knows the king of history turned out to be exactly the same seven people, even Chu LiuXiang did not start the opportunity. The marriage between the king of history and the princess of jade sword was held as scheduled. In the fishing village by the sea, Chu LiuXiang learned that Princess Jade Sword had already cut off the head of history king!Chu LiuXiang suddenly realized that can kill the king of history only King's wife, this is why the princess jade sword must marry the true purpose of the king of history. Legend of a ghost romance: a wise Chu LiuXiang met a life never encountered before, the most absurd, the most bizarre, the most mysterious, but also the most terrible thing. He never believed that this happened in the world. The original two pairs of Wulin family lovers forced to flee their parents forced marriage, pretend to exchange the soul after a serious illness in order to seek peace and love of people together. Chu LiuXiang made it clear at the end and gave them blessings. Chu LiuXiang (Biography of Zhang Zhiyao) "in the play of" The Rebel of the Dead "in the East meets with the modern western detection technique. It seems complicated and turbulent. In fact, it is only the natural desire of human beings. Several pairs of young men and women take the initiative to fight for love and marriage, very anti-feudal breath, Chu LiuXiang here, it seems like pulling the red line "moon." Chu LiuXiang visits his friend Zuo QingHou and learns that Zuo QingHou's daughter Zuo MingZhu is seriously ill, and even the doctor Zhang Jianzhai can not be cured. Soon after Zuo MingZhu died, Zuo QingHou heartbroken. However, Zuo MingZhu suddenly resurrected that night, resurrected Zuo MingZhu claiming to be the daughter of Mrs. Jin Gong, but also the use of Mrs. Jin Gong's home martial arts "Kitty Hawk." When Shi Yin was found in Chu LiuXiang in ShiJiaZhuang, she had just passed away and the furnishings in her boudoir were exactly the same as described by Zuo MingZhu. Chu LiuXiang was discovered by Hua JinGong and Xue HongHong inadvertently as Ye Shenglan seducing Shi Yin. Xue YiRen invited Chu LiuXiang to visit his sword room. Chu LiuXiang revealed her intention was to trace the occupational assassins that appeared a few years ago and suspect Xue YiRen, the leader who now lives on top of her. Shi Xiuyun revenge for the sister to find opportunities to assassinate Xue Bin, Xue Bin often come to snatch the news because her sister dying. Coincidentally, Shi Fengyun's death time and Shi Yin, Zuo MingZhu's death time is almost the same, and the second day hurried burial, the person who handle Shixiu Yun's uncle. In Shifeng Yun's tomb, a teenager is wearing plutocrats kneeling in the tomb crying, this person was actually Xue Bin's book lean sword, the original Shifeng Yun Zhang Zhiyao version of "Chu LiuXiang New Biography" still lover actually reliance sword. Black people suddenly stabbed Chu LiuXiang, Chu LiuXiang with pollen posing ecstasy Hong deceived people, but he was seriously injured, was here after two small flowers saved. Chu LiuXiang let beggar help him find the whereabouts of Ye Shenglan. Three more hours, Chu LiuXiang dig Shifeng Yun's grave found actually actually empty. Shi Xiuyun found lying in the coffin of Shi Yin turned out to be his sister, it is her uncle to replace the body of her sister Shi Yin. In Tsing Yi Lane, Ye Shenglan and Shi Yin were seized by Chu LiuXiang. Shi Yin used Shi Fengyun's body to pretend to cheat and die with the help of Liang Ma and escape her engagement with her second son, Xue Jihuang. Chu LiuXiang accidentally found Xue XiaoRen loaded crazy, and is the best cold-blooded killer in the world. Xue XiaoRen plain revealed, angry to Chu LiuXiang shot. Xue YiRen suddenly appeared, admitting that he is the leader of the assassin organization, just because of their own retirement, need extra money to maintain their livelihood. Xue XiaoRen In order to protect his brother committed suicide.Chu LiuXiang with Zuo MingZhu arrived Xue XiaoRen practice before the cabin, and has long been waiting here Xue Bin meet. Xiao TuZi recognized Xue Bin and Zuo MingZhu once met and gave him the money. Zuo MingZhu do not recognize the face, face Escape met Shi Yin real. The truth, in order to escape marriage and eloquence, Xue Bin find Shi Fengyun body posing as Shi Yin, Shi Yin and Ye Shenglan escape. Zuo MingZhu pretend Shi Yin, escaped marriage with the help of the doctor Zhang Jianzhai. Chu LiuXiang exposes the secret and completes two pairs of lovers. Chu LiuXiang fell in love with Shi Xiuyun, but eventually ended with Shi Xiuyun's departure. Bat legend: Chu LiuXiang and Hu TieHua tracking Huashan School Master Wu Mei dock, but suffered in the river plot, young Ding Feng and Master Mei Mei leave with the ship. "Quick Web" Zhang San stole the pearls from Jin LingZhi's head and led Jin LingZhi to kill him. In fighting, Jin LingZhi even resorted to the Huashan School's secret "Breeze Thirteen" Sword Act. Ding Feng Wu Gong Qi Gao, who is also a number of peerless martial arts, but happens to refer to the deer as a horse, rescue for Jin LingZhi, "Breeze style" as Emei sent "Cattail Sword Act," and Jin LingZhi seems to Ding Feng heart has Dread, all this makes Chu LiuXiang very curious. Several Fung Mei help people were killed. After investigation, Hu TieHua considered that several Bangzhong were killed by the strong bow of Wuwei Yang. Chu LiuXiang was aware of the fact that someone deliberately made a decision to help Fung Mei to help Wuwei Yang and Wuwei Yang must have been poisoned. Behind the scenes, Chu LiuXiang and others just needed to prove Wuwei Yang was still alive. His deep-seated demeanor, Astounding Chu LiuXiang, Hu TieHua came to Sanhe upstairs, and Wu Weiyang, who was found dead by Chu LiuXiang, was also present. Dragon help gang main cloud from the dragon and Wuwei Dong SanNiang Yang war, was killed on the spot. Dragon to help comply with the wishes of their helpers, read the letters in public, the contents of the letter was actually the two mergers, Wuwei Yang for the Lord. On top of the ship, everyone went to the sea looking for gold cave, ugly appearance Miles Miles also accompanied apprentice white candles. There are six coffins placed in the warehouse, turned out to be unwittingly placed before the voyage, meaning there are eight of ten people on board to die. Deck helm to the Flying Man has disappeared, leaving only a pool of blood. The next day, the vast sky disappeared, the six sailors are also one by one cinnabar palm strange death, people tracing a long time still fruitless. Ying Miles, hook long toast to ease the atmosphere, did not expect Dingfeng drunk actually poisoned. Chu LiuXiang said the poison was smeared on the glass when the crowd was in a hurry. When Hu TieHua think the murderer is Ying Wanli, Ying Wan showed his true identity, the god of white clothes, the best in the world to capture the "Condor" Miles, hook long is the real Jiang Yang bandit. Chu LiuXiang found a straight passage through the cargo hold, where Ding Feng's coffin was empty and he drank the "flight" wine cheat. Beside the other coffins, the names of these people have already been engraved on them, and Chu LiuXiang concluded that the length of the hook and Ding Feng are collusive. At this point the water tank on the ship has been pierced, Ding Feng want to thirst for everyone. Hook long left the box is puzzling, who knows there was explosives, the ship blew up, six people can only sit in a coffin to escape.According to Chu LiuXiang's judgment, six people were living on an island. Chu LiuXiang et al. Conclude that Ding Feng killed the vast sky by resorting to his vessel. The unified two gang Wuwei Yang is only a fickle easy to cloud the dragon from the dungeon has been given hint. The real Wuwei Yang and Yun from the dragon together, have been killed, the Yangtze River basin from Ding Feng to grasp. The map of the cloud leaving from the dragon was recognized by Jin LingZhi, which is a map of Pinnacle Cave, also known as Bat Island. Chu LiuXiang After going through this series of inexplicable things, go to Bat Island for answers. Who knows more conspiracy conspiracy, more shady behind the scenes, numerous mist behind the truth was Chu LiuXiang, who gradually unveiled the original original villager Yuan SuiYun undisputed Hill smart and studious, quite good qualifications, but unfortunately due to illness Blind, so in order to search for wealth, set up a trading site in the island of bats, specializing in rivers and lakes can not buy a variety of products. There is no curiosity, there is no wine pool Lin, but there are more than these things are precious. In order to ensure the secrecy of the transaction, the cave is not allowed to have a little light, which is undoubtedly beneficial to his late childhood "Bat Son" Yuan SuiYun beneficial, but unfortunately, the matter was Chu LiuXiang found clues, so Hu TieHua Buddy came to the island, revealing the true face of Yuan SuiYun. Yuan SuiYun martial arts high, could kill Chu LiuXiang et al, but his lover Jin LingZhi like Hu TieHua, so to protect the crowd safe, Jin LingZhi design and Yuan SuiYun die, the weird bat island since then ceased to exist. Legend of Peach: There is a mysterious family martial arts, no one knows where they come from. They believe in a kind of gods and religions, the selected woman as a virgin, must be devoted to the family and religion, can no longer have a mortal life. Wanfu Wanshou Park coincides with the death of Aunt Jin, Hu TieHua drunk, Chu LiuXiang rescue Ai Qing. To thank Chu LiuXiang's rescue, Ai Qing and Chu LiuXiang met each other more and gave him 500 silver. At this point out of a female back rockery, named Zhang JieJie. Chu LiuXiang was assassinated by Ai Hong, sister of Ai Qing in the small shop. Three more hours, Chu LiuXiang Wanfu Wanshouyuan in the back garden to see Ai Qing is not, but Zhang JieJie. Zhang JieJie pointed him to Ai Qing's position and reminded him to pay attention to the earrings. Ai Qing wants to kill Chu LiuXiang, but heartbroken. A hand appeared in the window, Chu LiuXiang chased out and realized he was counting, returned to the house found Ai Qing disappeared, but also left a broken hand. Xia Qing decorated Zhang JieJie Chu LiuXiang frequently plot, Cheng Gong Tuo Po, Bo DanFu father and daughter, pub Lao BanNiang, have been Chu LiuXiang 11 resolved. Zhang JieJie With Chu LiuXiang Looking for the owner of the mysterious arm, Chu LiuXiang enters a high wall and enters the room of the girl, who acknowledges she is the behind-the-scenes assailant to Chu LiuXiang. Suddenly a burst of gong sound outside the room, the room was surrounded by Jin SiYe. Jin SiYe is Miss King's father, Chu LiuXiang said he is among other people's trap. Jin SiYe do not believe, and Chu LiuXiang fight, but can not help but Chu LiuXiang nothing. Jin SiYe admits that her daughter is about to die, and her illness can not be cured until she is married. Zhang JieJie accidentally left, Chu LiuXiang looking for unsuccessful.While Chu LiuXiang did not do anything, a Hei YiLaoYu appeared unexpectedly. When she learned of Chu LiuXiang's determination to find Zhang JieJie, she instructed Chu LiuXiang to seek out the altar in the cave. Chu LiuXiang was taken to the altar, where Hei YiLaoYu, who gave him advice, appeared here. At a crucial moment, Chu LiuXiang untied the acupuncture points and set off the mask of the goddess to teach the goddess, and found that the saint actually was his dream of Zhang JieJie. The original Hei YiLaoYu is the mother of Zhang JieJie, all the previous arrangements for her. According to the doctrine of Mai teach, as a saint Zhang JieJie no love the right to marry, in order to avoid his daughter embarked on the loneliness of the previous generation crazy old way, Hei YiLaoYu fancy Chu LiuXiang, step by step with the beauty "Please enter the urn" , Designed to love Chu LiuXiang and Zhang JieJie, and to allow Chu LiuXiang to remove the mask of God from the altar to gain the approval of the tribe. A month later, Zhang JieJie became pregnant. Chu LiuXiang decided to take the ladder in order to take his wife and children out of the dead cave. Chu LiuXiang's character is always most interested in fresh, dangerous and exciting things. Although he has given birth to Peach Blossoms, Chu LiuXiang's character has been repeatedly robbed. True love, false love, tenderness, net, all this make Chu LiuXiang difficult to extricate themselves. This time Chu LiuXiang is more like a "mortal" than a "hero." He talks about a real love. He is not only in love but even married and has offspring. "Peach Legend" peach, refers to a brilliant smile like peach Zhang JieJie, while metaphor Chu LiuXiang's peach blossom, and their love story peach robbery. The three levels of peach blossom images unfold in sequence, culminating respectively in Chu LiuXiang's euphoria and the last two deaths.

Waning lights (TV)[2007]

Feature: Stills The famous private entrepreneur Luo Ruifeng suddenly sudden heart attack in his luxurious villa and died, it is surprising that he did not market 500 million worth of assets Nanshan Pharmaceutical Group left his son Luo JiaHui and daughter Luo Jiazhen, but legislation The next will handed over most of the company's shares and the power to run the company to the young and beautiful female secretary He CaiLian. This is like a very powerful bomb suddenly exploded, how can the Roche family tolerate hundreds of millions of people fall into the hands of an outsider who is regarded as "fox", not to mention they also have a doubt: the doctor does not rule out Luo Ruifeng died of a heart attack due to taking an anesthetic. Mrs. Luo, originally a famous opera actress, always suspected that after He CaiLian tempted Luo Ruifeng, he was tempted to make the will and take the opportunity to seek Luo's property. Luo JiaHui came back from studying abroad. To be honest, Luo Jia should allow Luo Jiahui to inherit the entire industry. Will this be the reason that the dream of He He Cailai would become a bubble, causing her to rush to seek Luo Ruifeng. However, intriguingly, Luo JiaHui absolutely does not admit that He CaiLian has such a heart, but also protects her from her and prevents her from being attacked by Mrs. Luo because he is in love with He CaiLian. Just two years ago, His father was too fortunate He CaiLian, Luo JiaHui angrily left to study abroad in the name of, in fact, to escape this relationship. In this murder, the only person who could prove that He He CaiLian was not on the scene was Qiao Zhe, the deputy general manager of Nanshan Group. He is also a finance expert who has returned from overseas study. He is a man of Western style with a strong sense of modernity, Qiao Zhe provided powerful testimony stating that on the afternoon of Luo Ruifeng's death, He CaiLian had been working with him in the company without any suspicion of murder. However, Qiao Zhe later knew he had made a perjury: because He CaiLian had left the company for an hour that afternoon, and that was exactly the time that Luo Ruifeng died. An hour enough to take a taxi from the company to Luo Ruifeng villas traveling back and forth. Qiao Zhe therefore hoped to personally solve the entire mystery, he knew Luo Ruifeng was born in the hope that companies can be listed in Hong Kong, so trying to introduce Hong Kong funds to transform Nanshan Group, but because of this project to touch their own families, including Mrs. Lo Opposition by others. He CaiLian ruled out all difficulties, mastered the power of the company, immediately and vigorously speed up joint-venture negotiations with the Hong Kong side, reform Nanshan Group, and Qiao Zhe as a company of close comrades in the hope that with his ingenuity to promote their own jobs. Roche family and its "royal relatives" one after another lost their status and power, only the Shenzhen Pharmaceutical Factory under the control of Mrs. Lo's brother Jin Zhongyuan hands. Jin Zhongyuan vowed to fight back at all costs until he resorted to the law with the most convincing reasons. He said that Luo Ruifeng's property was left to his lover or "second wife" infringed on the legitimate rights and interests of his children, apparently in violation of the "good and virtuous public affairs" . But unexpectedly, the lawsuit ended in failure of Jin Zhongyuan, because no one could find any evidence that He CaiLian and Luo Ruifeng had any affair.Qiao Zhe's intimate girlfriend Zhang Xue Er is a tabloid editor, hearty Zhang Xue Er has always admired He CaiLian as a man, but when Zhang XueEr learned that the sword made a false testimony for He CaiLian, her attitude occurred immediately The one hundred and eighty degree turn, Zhang Xue Er firmly believe that He CaiLian enhance Qiao Zhe just proved her heart ghost deliberately bought Qiao Zhe, what is more, Zhang XueEr think Qiao Zhe has been reduced to He CaiLian cut Roche The family then took the shameful accomplice of the company's power. As a result, Qiao Zhe and Zhang Xue Er's feelings go further and further, eventually breaking up, making Qiao Zhe deeply painful, but in the course of working with He CaiLian, the two are getting closer and closer. Qiao Zhe unexpectedly found that the company has a huge amount of fake accounts, these fake accounts apparently to cheat the Hong Kong side's investment, to achieve the purpose of listing in Hong Kong. Qiao Zhe hesitated for a long time and decided to immediately notify the investors in Hong Kong of the false accounts because Qiao Zhe believed that life must be based on honesty and he did not want to become an accomplice to the fraud. Qiao Zhe clearly realized that he suddenly became an enemy of He CaiLian, and the ensuing confrontation happened between him and He CaiLian. Because He CaiLian was the most trusted secretary of Luo Ruifeng she could not know the existence of false accounts, and Qiao Zhe to Hong Kong investors to disclose false accounting secrets will He CaiLian Nanshan Group to the listing of Hong Kong's dream completely shattered . In order to prepare for the confrontation with He CaiLian, Qiao Zhe must fight for the alliance and may become the only one of his allies, Luo Jiahui, the son of Luo Ruifeng. However, Luo JiaHui always loves He CaiLian, and throughout the family, Luo JiaHui is the only one who is unwilling to oppose He CaiLian. However, something more makes Qiao Zhe unexpectedly He CaiLian told him seriously that fake accounting is indeed Luo Ruifeng in order to attract investment so as to achieve the purpose of going to Hong Kong listing, but Luo Ruifeng never told her during his lifetime. However, she found a very strange thing in Hong Kong, Nanshan Group, had a shortfall of accounting deficit false accounting, while the Shenzhen Pharmaceutical Factory in Hong Kong HSBC has opened a secret account, there are a lot of deposits. Another astounding inside story that has left Qiao Zhe stunned is that Shenzhen Pharmaceuticals has been illicitly producing and secretly selling a drug that can be used for narcotics, such as ketamine, directly to that secret account. All behind the scenes is undoubtedly Jin Zhongyuan, he was afraid that once Qiao Zhe, He CaiLian join hands such as peeling onion-like tactics, layer by layer to all the truth Nanshan Group opened, the universe in the world, will be very unfavorable to myself, So he quickly adopted various tactics to secretly deal with two people. Luo Ruifeng many times prior to his inspection Shenzhen Pharmaceutical Factory accounts, but have been firmly resisted Jin Zhongyuan, Luo Ruifeng helpless.Luo Ruifeng know his heart is getting weaker, unbearable load, his son Luo JiaHui also cynical, weak personality, can not afford the heavy responsibility, if he does not leave, Luo JinHui definitely not JinZhongYuan opponents, that Nanshan Group will be greedy JinZhongYuan annexation, In order to prevent the collapse of Nanshan Group, he had to share the shares and power to He CaiLian, because he greatly appreciated He CaiLian's loyalty, early in the hope HeCeiling will become his successor, so he made a will, done Such a decision, this is Luo Ruifeng Nanshan Group to keep the good intentions, because only He CaiLian Luo Ruifeng really be realized. Kim Zhong-yuan vowed to regain power from He CaiLian, not only for the family benefit, perhaps more important reason is that he knows He CaiLian one day will reveal his crimes. Qiao Zhe is determined to find out the truth about the death of Luo Ruifeng because the doctor once concluded that only one kind of drug that can make Luo Ruifeng heart-like burst death without leaving traces is ketamine. The Hong Kong side is still confident about Nanshan Group's coronary heart disease-specific drugs. After the false accounting event has subsided, the book is cleaned up again and the companies in Hong Kong invest according to plan. But at this moment, He CaiLian and Luo JiaHui's love affair resumed the ups and downs. Luo JiaHui also got out of control and out of a serious car accident, almost losing his life because he revealed the true identity of He CaiLian - Luo Ruifeng thirty years ago Jiangxi cut the line because of bad ingredients and suffer from discrimination, the adjacent poor farmers do not give up, take care of him, he and his daughter in love with a woman gave birth to a daughter. Later returned to the city, Luo Ruifeng another wife gave birth to Luo Jiazhen, Luo JiaHui siblings two, abandoned her daughter in rural Jiangxi. Daughter grew up after the poor due to poor family can not afford to work out college, hard to read night graduated from college. Three years ago, due to a sudden encounter with Luo Ruifeng daughter, her daughter's perseverance to Luo Ruifeng guilty and happy, insisted that her daughter came to Nanshan. The daughter of this born in Jiangxi Province is He CaiLian, He CaiLian is Luo JiaHui's sister. Luo JiaHui This incident finally realized that his father might just make up He CaiLian in order to make up for his guilt for He CaiLian, but he did not explain it in advance with Luo JiaHui's mother and child, causing Luo JiaHui inexplicably fell in love with himself His half-sister, his sister, was in pain, determined to leave her and hand in her new girlfriend, Li Ling, hoping to get out of this nightmare after another. Mrs. Luo knew the truth of the incident and reconciled with He Cai-li to improve the mutual relations. Regrettably, Kim Zhong-yuan took the risk and went so far as to cover up the crimes he committed that she did the wrongful act of illegally kidnapping Zhang Xue Er. Sanctions. Things seem to come to an end, however, the tree to static and wind more than twists and turns, Luo even turned upside again is - He CaiLian Luo Ruifeng is not the biological daughter, but with his classmates to the countryside friends, Lin Nanshan's daughter. Thirty years ago, the story is not Luo Ruifeng once said version, the actual situation is Lin Nanshan and Luo Ruifeng are students of the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Lin Nanshan accidentally met in the mountains of private old Chinese medicine, and was recruited Son-in-law, old doctor gave son-in-law a gift is ancestral coronary heart disease prescription.But the sky is not beautiful, in the day the educated youth can return to the city mountain floods, Lin Nanshan unfortunately died. His wife helped him pack the good luggage to Luo Ruifeng temporary custody, the results so that when she retrieved the luggage, but only a few ancestral secret recipe. After that, Luo Ruifeng wrote his essay by virtue of this secret recipe, obtained the national patent, and started the pioneering history of Nanshan Group. The more obvious thing under this thing is Luo Ruifeng He CaiLian is very important for three reasons: First, he appreciated He CaiLian's ability to work, hoping to allow her control of Nanshan Group, leading the company to one after another peak, and second, he Seeing that his son Luo JiaHui's character can not afford a big job, nor is it an ambitious person like Jin Zhongyuan, he must have a reliable, capable person who is insulated from the family forces. The third is to report Lin Nan Shan's kindness. He CaiLian's identity changed again and again so that Luo JiaHui's knot is the more knot the deeper the He CaiLian love is complicated, can and can not love, love and not love, are constantly torturing him soul. And He CaiLian's innermost favorite is the selfless Qiao Zhe, but she confronts companies, personnel and emotional twists and turns. Luo Ruifeng painstaking arrangements, and finally because of his sudden hand-off people, too late to He CaiLian, his wife, son and others make it clear, and left numerous mysteries unknown, but also brought us this complicated and confusing, love and affection Entangled unclear story. After all, blood was thicker than water. Luo Ruifeng even secretly left a legacy of more than 300 million yuan in Hong Kong to Luo JiaHui. With the appearance of the second will, Luo Jiahui suffered more. He CaiLian, Qiao Zhe, etc. No one thought how Luo boss will set such a chess game, many people did so many things for him, in the end all are just his hands he is free to control the pawn. "This second pen wealth also changed Luo JiaHui's man, then his soul fission, once again caught up in a difficult emotional mistakes, he even stood against He CaiLian situation, once again set off a Nanshan Group Field fierce battle.

Concubine Of Qing Emperor (TV)[2006]

Feature: Qing, Jiaqing eighteen years (AD 1813) Lin Tse-tung's Catholic Church in order to "clear the sky clear path" into the Tung Wah Gate in the name of straight, smashing the imperial palace heavy land, known as the "Gui unitary change." Jiaqing emperor fled to Chengde Mountain Resort Jeremy Reagan, stay Prince Edward National Superintendent, Trinity Protestant attacked the palace, Minning side of the Fu Jin (Concubine) button Emu embroider heart to save her husband from danger, wearing a yellow jacket opened the pursuit of soldiers, Was captured by the Catholic Church, fortunate enough to pay tribute to the Jiangsu tribute Sajian hired rescued, just to save their lives, embroider heart and hiring far difficulties support, decided to give up the honor of the palace, with the End of the World, the next two gave birth to a child , Named Xue Chen. However, poor husband and wife hundred sorrows, combined with Minning Deng Daoguang become Emperor Guangdi, has been around for the whereabouts of embroidery heart, in a stormy night, embroidered heart can not stand far and again to smoke opium, beat, throw away Capital, Daoguang overjoyed, seal it as a full example, the following year Sheng Huang Si Zi Yi (ie Xianfeng Di), Jin Fei Fei, temporary right behind palace. E Shuo, the father of Xi LinChun, was originally a court doctor and was framed for reluctance to help Princess defeat the fetus in Cheung's abdomen. Soon she was promoted to the Guillotine, and the annual draft is about to start. Xi LinChun intends to take this For his father to seek justice, his mother Gua ErJiaShi afraid of daughter into trouble, secretly assigned to the emperor's son Tong Yuqi drama as a concubine, and forged proof of disability, to the House to cancel her entry qualifications, stubborn Xi LinChun dissatisfied The mother, the day of the wedding resolutely escaped, the results met halfway on the rush to the capital of An XueChen, snow Chen was reluctant to meddlesome, but when he learned that she is the show women, readily promised to send her Into Beijing, two people on the road to each other to support, resulting in inexplicable feelings 愫. Xi LinChun came to the capital, the draft time has passed, plus her name has been crossed out, eunuch Liu Yugui not let her into the palace, this time, the Princess passed, she met Xi LinChun beautiful, Liu Yugui to open one side. Xue Chen first met Princess, exposing a strange expression. At that time the palace was divided into two groups, one after the Epidemic and Xiang Pin led the other party led by Princess, the two sides in order to obtain the throne of the Empire and infighting, Princess knew age, want to choose one of the show woman as their substitute , Competing with Cheung Pin length. Xi LinChun guilty of Cheung bin, was relegated to the Syriac library for the slave, the show was also very fierce battle of women, Fu Cha Lanxuan because of misunderstanding, public show was excluded, Xi LinChun to lend a helping hand and warned Her palace 闱 darkness, told her to silence. Xi LinChun saw he was not eligible to compete with the concubine, bent behind supporting Lanxuan, and her biggest competitor is from Mongolia's noble descendant Borjit Ji Jingzhen. Jing Zhen childhood and his nephew Xiaoqi camp Du Wei Rong GuangHai childhood sweetheart, was originally a good pair, but when the Mongol tribes decline, Jingzhen shouldered the mission of his father, bent to become a pet concubine, to win over the Ching court and Mongolia's relations, in desperation had to break up with Rong GuangHai, Xi LinChun, Lan Xuan, King Jane taciturn with their own purposes as a sister. Fei did not see Xi LinChun in the draft ceremony, very disappointed, she thought she was unsuccessful, then focus on the beautiful Lanxuan body.Guanghai often find an excuse to enter the palace and King Jane private meeting, accidentally saw Wusu 嬷 惩 because Xi LinChun violated the palace rules and punished her, Rong GuangHai shot and rescued, and seeking Xi LinChun for his fish goose book, two mutual Talk about things, be good friends. Snow Hill to see the mother with the joy Rongsheng troupe into the palace, and Xi LinChun reunion, thought to be able to make a story, but why Xi LinChun wholeheartedly revenge, desperately suppress their feelings, so Xuechen crash like fog, but at this time of Guanghai Due to Jing Zhen's dedication, put a heart entirely on the body of Xi LinChun, the three entangled in emotional entanglements. Xi LinChun Shen YinQiu Lan Xuan in Xi LinChun and the concubines with the help of a dark one quickly got the attention of Emperor Daoguang, but did not want to lead to jealousy, she designed evil Lanxuan, Lan Xuan get the light Imperial paternity bed night, alone overnight, became the laughing stock of daughters in the palace. Lanxun heartless city suddenly bad mood, she accidentally learned that Cheung bin with the actor Du JuSheng dyed, not to discuss with Xi LinChun, privately expose the matter, the results of Xiang bin was executed in secret, fierce and sad, Lan Xuan also become the palace In the exclusion of the objects of the ladies, in order to make Lan Xuan soon became the new darling of Daoguang emperor, Xi LinChun began to arrange everything in secret, Jing Zhen informed of their plans, Shi Qiao dollars make the concubine see Lanxuan have replaced the heart, Princess Furious, deliberately make an excuse to Lan Xuan up, Xingshen see Xuan Xuan pitiful, buy through the physician, said she was suffering from hidden illness, orchid Xuan escaped, was driven out of the palace. Jingzhen authorities do everything they can get the princess's appreciation, did not expect the concubine has yet to find the first step cited as a urinal Xi JunChun. At this point, opium was poisoned in the world, Daoguang emperor in the full support of the party, Xu Yunzhe appointment, to promote non-smoking, Empress Dowager Lu's smoking for many years is hard to break, that Quan Fei deliberately with her embarrassed, then find ways to get rid of her, A dead, so she was energetic, but she quickly noticed the ability to compete with the princess King Zhen, the Empressment arrangements, Jing Zhen became a quiet and elegant, and then because of pregnant with the dragon, was sealed Royal. Xi LinChun stepping all over the stepping intensified training, hoping to restore the heart of Daoguang Emperor, Sheikh I do not know Xi LinChun's plot, bent on making the Fei Fei plan failed, then deliberately hand in with Xi LinChun, do not want the two fell into love , Deeper and deeper. Daoguang emperor went out to hunt, Princess arranged Xi LinChun to go with, and secretly arranged everything, did not think people were terrible, Xi LinChun learned that the death of his father has nothing to do with the Princess, decided to abandon everything with Xuechen elopement. The Princess eyeliner learned everything, the report Princess, the Princess did not allow some people to undermine her plan, then sent a large number of killers, to kill Xue Chen, so Xi LinChun changed their mind. Just when the killer was dispatched, a Yu Xiao ordered the princess to find Xue Chen her son. She was immediately out of palace. She wanted to stop the killer and did not want to go one step further. Xue Chen's carriage had been chased by the cliff. Snowy night, Xi LinChun waited Xuemeng overnight outside the palace, the result came to his death.Xi LinChun depression because of Xuechen's death, she faintly aware of the matter with the Princess related, so fake a good princess, took the opportunity to assassinate, the result was counsel was Princess, Princess told Xi LinChun, Xue Chen life's biggest wish is No smoking, she hopes Xi LinChun can help her to ban smoking, Xi LinChun read and Xueshen's kindness, had agreed to stay around the side, the concubine to character on the grounds of discontent, Daoguang Di Na Xi LinChun Fei idea, during the wide The sea has been waiting silently beside Xi LinChun, Xi LinChun feel owed him a lot. Five years have passed, the Palace idle for a long time, Emperor Guangdi deliberately arranged the son of Princess Fei and the princess of quiet Royal Yi Xin and their hunting, the Princess got the news early in the morning, and the eunuch collusion, and finally make his son stand out, and soon Daoguang Di He decreed that she should be the queen. After taking into account Xi LinChun all the hard work for her and Guanghai married, did not expect, on the day of his marriage, Lanxuan did not appear for many years suddenly came, she brought a person - just hit the battlefield Saerfan, who returned from victory, was exactly the same as An XueChen of the year, but could not remember completely the past events. Xi LinChun once again caught in the entanglement of love and hate, during which she suddenly found that Lan Xuan is the capital's largest cigarette dealer, she and Jing Zhen collusion, is brewing a huge conspiracy, and Erfan is her accomplice. In the face of love and righteousness, love and hate, Xi LinChun did not know how to make a decision, but after all, she was driven out of the palace at this time. She was asked to lie in the embrace of the moon tower in Lanxuan and once again face the old familiar face. Xi LinChun mixed feelings, and Erfan also noted her because of Lin Lin repeatedly disorder, Lan Xuan Erfan who is the most important person in life, how could she let Xi LinChun plunder her position, so another fiery awaits Xi LinChun. After many twists and turns, Erfan finally remembered that he was An XueChen, but also revealed that he is placed under the Huang Jazz arrangements for the undercover identity Lanxuan, Lan Xuan died in the non-commissioned, the relationship between the whole post and Xueshen also face the danger of debunking , In order to consolidate their position, the Empress Dowager personally give the whole post-death. Xi LinChun want to leave with the Erfan Palace, do not want to say that Emperor Guangdi gave Erfan poison wine one step earlier, but thanks to Erfan read with his mother and brother, secretly sent to Japan, Xi LinChun waiting at the palace gate overnight Lost Irfan's message. Not long afterwards, Emperor Daodao collapsed and the Anglo-French forces invaded. Guanghai, however, died and died in the cover of Xi LinChun. Er Lin, who had gone through all the hardships, could not find Xi LinChun. At this time, Xi LinChun was sitting in Guanghai She prepared the carriage left the palace. Many, many years later, Erfan has been searching for the whereabouts of Xi LinChun. On the morning of the same day, he and his friends pass by the point where they first met Xi LinChun, who passively believe that one day he will Will find her, and Xi LinChun also with the same good wishes, the two farther and farther, farther and farther.

Qing Hanyu also Jun pearl (TV)[2006]

Feature: "Qing Harem also known as the pearl," tells the story of Jiaqing eighteen years (AD 1813) Lin Tse-tung's Catholic Church in order to "clear the sky clear path" into the Tung Wah Group of Gate, pound the Royal Palace, known as "Gui unitary Change ". Jiaqing emperor fled to Chengde Mountain Resort Jeremy Reagan, stay Prince Edward National Superintendent, Trinity Protestant attacked the palace, Minning side of the Fu Jin (Concubine) button Emu embroider heart to save her husband from danger, wearing a yellow jacket opened the pursuit of soldiers, Was captured by the Catholic Church, fortunate enough to pay tribute to the Jiangsu tribute Sajian hired rescued, just to save their lives, embroider heart and hiring far difficulties support, decided to give up the honor of the palace, with the End of the World, the next two gave birth to a child , Named Xue Chen. However, the poor couple Pepsi sad, plus Minden became Daoguangdiji, has been around for the whereabouts of embroidered hearts, in a stormy night, embroidered heart can not stand far and again to smoke opium, beat, throw away the child abandoned In the capital city, Daoguang emperor overjoyed, sealed it as a full example, the following year Sheng Huang Sizi Yi 詝 (ie Xianfeng Di), Jin Quan Fei, right moment behind the palace. E Shuo, the father of Xi LinChun, was originally a court doctor and was framed for reluctance to help Quan Fei break the fetus of Xiang Pin. She soon got pushed onto the guillotine, and the annual draft is about to start. Xi LinChun intends to take this For his father to seek justice, his mother Gua ErJiaShi afraid of daughter into trouble, secretly assigned to the emperor's son Tong Yuqi drama as a concubine, and forged proof of disability, to the House to cancel her entry qualifications, stubborn Xi LinChun dissatisfied The mother, the day of the wedding resolutely escaped, the results met halfway on the rush to the capital of An XueChen, snow Chen was reluctant to meddlesome, but when he learned that she is the show women, readily promised to send her Into Beijing, two people on the road to each other to support, resulting in inexplicable feelings 愫. Xi LinChun came to the capital, the draft time has passed, plus her name has been crossed out, eunuch Liu Yugui not let her into the palace, then, Quan Fei pass, she met Xi LinChun beautiful, Liu Yugui to open one side. Xue Chen first met Quan Fei, showing a strange expression. At that time the palace was divided into two groups, one behind the mother and Xiang Pin headed by the other, led by Quan Fei, the two sides in order to obtain the throne and the infighting, Quan Fei knew age, want to choose one of the show as their substitute , Xiang Pin and fight for a long time. Xi LinChun offended Xiang Pin, was relegated to the Syriac library as a slave, the show was also fierce women and fierce struggle, Fucha Lan Xuan because of misunderstanding, public show was excluded, Xi LinChun lent her a helping hand and warned Her palace 闱 darkness, told her to silence. Xi LinChun sees himself unfit for competing with Quan Fei and wholeheartedly behind Lan Xuan, whose biggest rival is Jing Zhen, a noble descendant from Mongolia. Jing Zhen and Quan Fei's nephew from his childhood Xiao captain Rong GuangHai childhood sweetheart, was originally a good pair, but when the Mongol tribes decline, Jing Zhen shoulders the mission of his father, bent on becoming a pet concubine, to win over the Ching court and Mongolia's relations, desperation had to break up with Rong GuangHai, Xi LinChun, Lan Xuan, with their own purposes tacitly become sister. Quan Fei did not see Xi LinChun on the draft and was very disappointed. She thought she was unsuccessful and focused on the beautiful Lan Xuan.Guanghai often find an excuse to enter the palace and privately with Jing Zhen, who inadvertently saw Wusuuanguang punishing her for violating the palace rules because of Xi LinChun. Rong Guanghaai shot and rescued him and asked Xi LinChun for his fish ante-messenger Talk about things, be good friends. Snow Chen to see the mother with the joy Rongsheng troupe into the palace, and Xi LinChun reunion, thought to be able to make a story, but why Xi LinChun wholeheartedly revenge, desperately suppress their feelings, so Xuechen crash like a fog, but at this time of Guanghai Due to Jing Zhen's dedication, put a heart entirely on Xi LinChun body, the three entangled in emotional entanglements. Xi LinChun Shen YinQiu Lan Xuan With the help of Xi LinChun and Quan Fei, he quickly got the attention of Daoguang Emperor but did not want to attract the jealousy of Xiang Pin. She designed Lan Xuan to be the evil leader Imperial paternity bed night, alone overnight, became the laughing stock of daughters in the palace. Lan Xuan, who had no heart in her heart, suddenly became very corrupt. She accidentally learned that Xiang Pin was having an affair with the actor Du JuSheng, not discussing with Xi LinChun, exposing this matter privately. As a result, Xiang Pin was executed in secret, In order to let Lan Xuan soon become the new favorite of Daoguang Emperor, Xi LinChun began to secretly arrange everything. Jing Zhen learned about their plans. Shi Quanji made it possible for Quan Fei to see that Lan Xuan has taken the place of Quan. Fei furious, deliberately make an excuse to close up Lan Xuan, Xue Chen see Lan Xuan pitiful, buy a doctor, said she was suffering from hidden illness, Lan Xuan escaped, was driven out of the palace. Jing Zhen authorities do everything they can to get the appreciation of Quan Fei, did not expect Quan Fei was the first to find the lead as an urn, Xi LinChun. At this time, opium was poisoned in the world. With the support of Quan Fei, Daoguang Emperor appointed Xu Yunzhe as a non-smoking advocate and the Queen Mother refused to quit smoking for many years. He thought that Quan Fei was in such a dilemma that she deliberately tried to get rid of her. Xiang Pin She died quickly, but she quickly noticed Jing Zhen, who had the ability to compete with Quan Fei. Under the arrangement of the Empress Dowager, Jing Zhen became a quiet and honored person and was later sealed with a dragon-shaped fetus Royal. Upstart Quan Fei stepped up to training Xi LinChun, hoping to restore Dao Guangdi's heart, Xuechen I do not know Xi LinChun's plot, bent on Quan Fei plan failed, and deliberately get along with Xi LinChun, do not want the two fell into love , Deeper and deeper. Daoguang emperor went out to hunt, Quan Fei arranged for Xi LinChun to follow, and secretly arranged everything. He did not expect that one would be terrible. Xi LinChun learned that his father's death had nothing to do with Fei Fei and decided to abandon all eclipsing with Xue Chen. Quan Fei's eyeliner learned everything. Reported by Quan Fei, Quan Fei did not allow anyone to undermine her plans, sending a large number of killers and killing Xue Chen, causing Xi LinChun to switch back. When the killer was dispatched, a Yu Xiao ordered Quan Fei to find Xue Chen her son. She was immediately out of palace to stop the killer and did not want to go further. She was dragged under a cliff. Snowy night, Xi LinChun waited Xuemeng overnight outside the palace, the result came to his death.Xi LinChun Depression due to Xue Chen's death, she faintly aware of the matter with Quan Fei, so fake plead Quan Fei, took the opportunity to assassinate, the result was Quan Fei advised, Quan Fei told Xi LinChun, Xue Chen greatest wish is No smoking, she hopes Xi LinChun can help her to stop smoking, Xi LinChun read and Xueshen kindness, had to agree to stay in the vicinity of Quan Fei, Quan Fei in dishonest grounds, broken Daunting satisfied Xi LinChun princess idea, during the wide The sea has been waiting silently beside Xi LinChun, Xi LinChun feel owed him a lot. Five years later, the palace has been idle for a long time, Daoguang emperor deliberately arranged the son of Quan Fei and the son of Yi Jing quiet hunting together, Quan Fei early in the morning news, and collusion with the eunuch finally made his son stand out, and soon Daoguang Di He decreed that she should be the queen. After taking full account of Xi LinChun years of hard work, want to be married to her in Guanghai, did not expect, just the day of his marriage, Lan Xuan years did not appear suddenly, she brought a person - just hit the battlefield Saerfan, who returned from victory, was exactly the same as An XueChen of the year, but could not remember completely the past events. Xi LinChun once again caught in the struggle between love and hate, during which she suddenly found Lan Xuan is the capital's largest cigarette dealer, she and Jing Zhen collusion, is brewing a huge conspiracy, and Erfan is her accomplice. In the face of love and righteousness, love and hate, Xi LinChun did not know how to make a decision, but the whole postpicked her out of the palace at this time, and asked her to work undercover in Lan Xuan's Bao Yue Building and once again face the old familiar face. Xi LinChun mixed feelings, but Erfan also because Xi LinChun repeated misconceptions and noticed her, Lan Xuan as if Seoul is the most important person in life, how could Xi LinChun plundered her position, so another fiery waiting Xi LinChun. After many twists and turns, Erfan finally remembered that he was An XueChen, but also revealed that he was placed under the Crown Jazz arrangements Lan Xuan's identity, Lan Xuan died in the non-commissioned, the relationship between the post-Xueshen and Xue Chen also face the risk of debunking , In order to consolidate their position, the Empress Dowager personally give the whole post-death. Xi LinChun want to leave with the Erfan Palace, do not want to say that Emperor Guangdi gave Erfan poison wine one step earlier, but thanks to Erfan read with his mother and brother, secretly sent to Japan, Xi LinChun waiting at the palace gate overnight Lost Irfan's message. Not long afterwards, Emperor Daodao collapsed and the Anglo-French forces invaded. Guanghai, however, died and died in the cover of Xi LinChun. Er Lin, who had gone through all the hardships, could not find Xi LinChun. At this time, Xi LinChun was sitting in Guanghai She prepared the carriage left the palace. Many, many years later, Erfan has been searching for the whereabouts of Xi LinChun. On the morning of the same day, he and his friends pass by the point where they first met Xi LinChun, who passively believe that one day he will Will find her, and Xi LinChun also with the same good wishes, the two farther and farther, farther and farther.

Eighteen Arhats (TV)[2005]

Feature: At the end of the Tang Dynasty, the imperial court was on the verge of neglect, and the eight princes, such as Li Rubi, were forced to flee. Luo Hai Temple disciple Hui Hai Road see injustice, led him to hide in the temple. Luohan Temple Lao FangZhang recognize uninvited guests is the moment toward the prince, advised him to temporarily empty the door, cut hair as a monk, "Wu Chen". That night, the Western Paradise eighteen under the "Eighteen Arhats" stills of Vanity Fair, to reshape the golden body, so that Luohan Temple a new look, overnight sensational, lead to incense. Folk more rumors Eighteen Arhats left Buddha, who can get the world, the state Jiedushi make coveted. Lao FangZhang To protect the temple, together with the Lohan Temple ashes! Hui Hai furious, alone down the hill to avenge his revenge, was against Jidu, North Jiao Li JiuChong into jail; Wu Chen to find Hui Hai, unfortunately, was arrested as a young man, suffering from abuse. Envoys Zui SanNian, fast Wu, Xi Shi dumplings, etc., under the leadership of the Yiyi Red Clover, Hui Hai will be rescued. Red Clover crush Hui Hai, Hui Hai has always regarded her as a brother. He deeply loved Jin Er, a village druggist, but Jin Er unconditionally fell in love with his elder brother Wu Chen. For the sake of Jin Er, Hui Hai risked his life to save Wu Chen. Qing Qing, daughter of Li JiuChong, does not know whether he really likes Hui Hai or Wu Chen. His feelings are in doubt between the two of them. Li JiuChong use Qing Qing's simple recklessness, once again Hui Hai won. Wu Chen takes pains to realize the truth: there is no paradise in the world and there is no peace except the military governorship. He and the Hung Hom, Zui SanNian composed of "Lohan team", under the name of eighteen arhats Hui Hai rescued. Since then, "Eighteen Arhats" each show their ability to go chivalrous, saving the people in the fire, even Qing Qing also joined. "Lohan team" righteousness is the meaning of Buddhism Purdue sentient beings, get Xidan Eighteen Han secretly help. States Jidu degree to make the authenticity of the argument, mutual suspicion, turns Rush, take its own death. When Wu Chen sealed the crown prince, she asked her elder king to add "Lohan team" and to marry Jin Er. The emperor refused to send troops to encircle the "Lohan team," Jin Er shot dead in the break. Hui Hai, Wu Chen see the red dust, four are empty, really converted to Buddhism. Deep in the mountains, again came the Luohan Temple bell.

Meet the Devil (TV)[2005]

Feature: "Meet the Devil," Light Pure Land and the coexistence of dark forces in the world, has been completely infiltrated by the devil! Magic field limits expanded, and the truth is only separated by the world, "the dark infiltration of truth, heaven infiltrated the Magic," Magic will use the feelings of human nature to challenge the moral ethics of mankind to infinite infinite greed desire and soul to grow Devil, dark dominate the dark , In order to control the universe, must be collected within a thousand years into one hundred million evil souls, selected Wu Ming for him to enter this task. Chou Er, which has a special ability to revive, has a lively personality. However, Wu Ming often intervened at the moment when Wu Ming performed his dark mission. Mankind faces a catastrophe, will be killed, for the eager to collect the dark shadow of the soul, it is a great opportunity! In the face of the growing power of darkness, how can the bright messenger of the priest prevent the full invasion of the demon world, and the darkness of the world through the battle of justice and evil? Wu Ming: slaves of dark shadows, children born in poor families , Childhood taste of human warmth. After his father's death, his mother committed suicide to commit up to his abuses. In order to cure his lupus erythematosus, he was forced to pound his soul to pawnbroker No. 8. Young Wu Ming was greatly attacked by the mother's degeneration. Because it was a thousand years was born a pure Yin character selected by the dark, young age in exchange for the mother's happiness, the soul will be mortgaged to the dark shadow, with the additional condition that the world must never meet with the mother. As the name of the surface, gloomy cold, but always hidden inside a deep feeling of his mother, in the process of acquaintance with Chou Er, at first she was inexperienced, self-willed and playful, and later gradually Chou Er Pure, kind, happy, infected, and gradually understand the true meaning of love.

Huan Yan (TV)[2004]

Feature: Huan Yan is a classic love drama showing a romantic legend in old Shanghai. Through the emotional entanglements of Ko Ru, Yuluo Jun, Zhou YuGuang and others, they show their joys and sorrows, showing their choices before the social turmoil and the changes of the times, and their struggle And integration, reflects a positive attitude to life. Yu LuoJun is a red jazz prince, trumpeter in Shanghai Song and Dance Hall. Koru is a wealthy lady. I really like Yu LuoJun. Always go see his show. Still adore him, is a group of chasing stars. When a performance was over and everyone was cheering, Korai was happy to throw his diary onto the stage and hit Yu LuoJun. Yu LuoJun took the diary. After reading that very interesting. Later, Ko then intentionally create opportunities close to Luo Jun. Luo Jun began thinking she was a bad thief, but later discovered that she is a diary girl, impressed her very well. Later, Koru often find Yu LuoJun study of music, Yu LuoJun find confidant, also very happy. Later Yu LuoJun gradually love Ke Ru. Two people finally in love. Huan Yan Yu LuoJun has a sister Yu LuoLing, has always been like Yu LuoJun. Their company boss Liu Sanye is a triad, his son Liu LiHeng has always been like Ke Ru's sister Ke Ping, Ke Ke Ping but like her teacher Zhou YuGuang, Zhou YuGuang favorite person is Ke Ru. Anyway, n angular love. When Liu LiHeng saw KoRu and Yu LuoJun in love, they told reporters that their romance was on the newspaper. Ko Ru's father and Luo Jun's father are opposed to the two exchanges. But two people are deeply in love with each other, and finally with the help of Ke Ping and Zhou YuGuang, two people eloped to Suzhou. Yu LuoJun outside performance is not much money, two people are hard day, both Zhou YuGuang has been economic two people. Ko later gave birth to son Xiao Quan, life is even more limited. At this time Liu Sanye in order to make money looking for Yu LuoJun go back and make a movie. Due to the force of life, the two agreed. Liu Sanye very bad, although let Yu LuoJun starring, but to pay very little. Krau in the crew to do some living to earn money. Later, Koo found Sang Yeh film making money to earn their own stay, only to Luo Jun seldom, angry to find the theory of Liu Sanye. The results were San Ye up. Liu Sanye let Luo Jun get 1000 ocean redemption. But Yu LuoJun not so much money, he just borrow around. Ke-ping in order to save Ke Ru, to Liu request, unfortunately, was Li Li Li disrespectful, and later was expelled from the house of pregnancy. Ke Ru in order to avenge his sister stabbed Liu LiHeng knife. In order to avoid Liu Sanye's chase, had to hide with Yu LuoJun in Hangzhou, his son Xiao Quan raised sister Keping. It took another while. Luo Jun in order to live and see their children, but also to find Liu Sanye filming. Ke Ru home was bankrupt by Liu Sanye, had a poor day. As Xiao Quan lived for a long time in Keping, she gradually dismissed Koji and Yu LuoJun as her mother. Yu LuoJun In order to get rid of the exploitation of Liu Sanye, and other movie companies filming. Ke Ru and daughter Daughter Xiao Man. The war of resistance against Japan began. Due to current turmoil, Koru and Yu LuoJun plan to move to Hong Kong. On the day before leaving, Yu LuoJun was forced to make a church meeting by Sanye, missed the time. Koo Liao in the chaos of the crowd, lost Xiao Man. Koru unbearable blow, fainted.Yu LuoJun was on the ship to Hong Kong, the family is so lost. Yu LuoJun went to Hong Kong and went to the ballroom trumpet, and wrote to Ke Ru. Ke Rui would have to go to Hong Kong to find Yu LuoJun, but because my father is sick, did not go. Zhou YuGuang has been taking care of the whole Ko triuncle. Later Yu LuoJun was forced to go to Singapore by the ballroom owner and met Liu LiHeng and Liu LiHeng to lie to him that Koo was married to Zhou YuGuang in Shanghai and threatened the ballroom owner to fire Yu LuoJun. Yu LuoJun sad to commit suicide. Lin Xiu, a good farm girl, was saved. Yu LuoJun renamed Chen Huai Ke. Lin Xiu takes care of and comforts Yu Luo Jun and says she wants to marry him. Sadly helpless Yu LuoJun agreed to marry Lin Xiu. Then Koru's father and Yu LuoJun's father died one after another. By chance Castro found that Xiao Man was adopted by a foreign priest. She was going to go back to her daughter but she did not give it. She went to Hong Kong to escape. Zhou YuGuang urged Kou and Ke Ping to come to Hong Kong with Xiao Quan to find Yu Luo Jun and Xiao Man. Krau agreed. To Hong Kong really found Xiao Man, mother and daughter meet, but still can not find Yu LuoJun. Ten years later, Yu LuoJun and Lin Xiu have grown up with two daughters. The eldest daughter, Yu Ru, became a writer and went to Hong Kong to travel on business. By chance, she saw the ko ji diary. She touched Kou and Yu LuoJun's love, and found Koru, recognized her as a godmother. Yu Ru returned to Singapore and told Yu LuoJun this story. Yu LuoJun know Krau waiting for themselves, very guilty. He told Yu Ru his story, and Lin Xiu knew it. Lin Xiu bought him a return flight. Yu LuoJun promised Lin Xiu read Ko Ru back to Singapore. At this time, Zhou YuGuang is again pursuing Ko Ru, Ke Ping Lie Ke Ru said that Yu LuoJun was killed. Ko finally agreed to accept Zhou YuGuang. In the tour group party, when Yu LuoJun once again blowing the song and Ko Ru fell in love when the song, Ko met him. Excited Ke Ru collapsed. When she woke up and saw Yu LuoJun thinking, she was very excited and told her that their son Xiao Quan had been married and had children. The whole family could reunite. Ke Keping told her Yu LuoJun already had another family in Singapore. Yu LuoJun contradictory I do not know how to choose. In Kru Ru's repeated pleas, he promised not to return to Singapore. May Lin Xiu arrived in Hong Kong from Singapore. Although she wanted Yu LuoJun and her daughter back to Singapore, she told her daughter she wanted to return Yu LuoJun to KOU. Yu LuoJun still can not give up Lin Xiu, but he also felt loss to Ke Ru. Reluctantly ran to the beach alone, he did not know how to choose. Because of the disappearance of Yu LuoJun, Koo and Zhou YuGuang, Lin Xiu and her daughter are looking for him. Finally, Lin Xiu found Yu LuoJun by the sea. Yu LuoJun told Lin Xiu that he did not want to give up her. He wanted to go back to Singapore with her. And Ke Ru see Lin Xiu and Yu LuoJun hug together, but also understand Yu LuoJun does not belong to her. She and Zhou YuGuang went home. Finally, Koru buried her and Yu LuoJun's ring in the sand, buried the past, and started a new life with Zhou YuGuang.

Four and a half weeks before marriage (TV)[2004]

Feature: "Four and a half weeks before the wedding" stills "Angel" magazine reporter Xiao Hui and Sang Nan, marketing director of Jingya Cosmetics, have been in love for four years and have not talked about marriage yet. Suddenly one day, Sang Nan was sent abroad to be trained by the company and would not be back in two years. They had to get married as early as four and a half weeks. SANG Nan Because of his busy schedule, Xiao Hui had to start preparations with the help of his aunt Fang Hua and his friend Ding Ding. What body care skin care, pre-marital medical examination, wedding photographs, buy a house to buy furniture ... ... so many trivial things even to be completed within a few days! And just in this noisy, the third party of both appeared, a bunch of troubles find the lover ... ... Xiao Hui to the bride Jude to be a bridesmaid, trying out when she could not help but imagine his sweet wedding. Sang Nan took the initiative to work overtime for the company's promotional activities but heard news that unmarried staff were not allowed to go abroad for training. Colleagues took the opportunity to urge him to get married. Xiao Yao's shooting at the subway station was particularly troublesome. The theme of the photo was a reflection of inner peace in the bustle of the city. However, the model always could not understand his intention. At that moment, Xiao Hui was crowded and raged by crowds. Carefully crashed into the pose of the model who accidentally broke into Xiao Yao's lens. Her hands-on look was exactly in contrast with the model's insolence, so Xiao Yao shone a glance at her eyes and quickly snapped several photos. Then she stopped Xiao Hui and asked for a phone number, saying she wanted her to take a cover page. Xiao Hui thought he was a liar hurry away. When Sang Nan and Xiao Hui were dating, as usual, they chose Xiao Hui to order and proposed a marriage proposal to her. Xiao Hui thought the proposal was not as romantic as she had imagined, and she could not help but regret it. Xiao Hui returned home, aunt Fang Hua is helping her clean up the room, I heard Sang Nan because of going abroad and marry is not happy. The next day, at the wedding of Jude, Xiao Hui was promoted to a young man by his chief editor Jun Wei La. Press conference dull, Xiao Hui slipped out halfway to drink water, saw a young man with a digital camera in front of the poster self-timer, still posing claws, Xiao Hui can not help but laugh, the boy turned around, actually is Xiao Yao, Xiao Hui suddenly awkward incomparable, Xiao Yao while she is not prepared, took a camera to take, and then jokingly said Xiao Hui photos Happy together. Xiao Hui cursed him perverted, the water in his hand spilled his face ran away, in fact, the camera captured Xiao Hui closed eyes closed ridiculous appearance. Back to the scene, Xiao Hui angrily told Ding Ding had just met the color devil, just the host introduced the show's photography guide Xiao Yao. After the meeting, Xiao Hui asked Xiao Yao for a photo. Xiao Yao said that the digital camera can not take pictures right now. It is better to leave your phone number and e-mail address. Xiao Hui refused to do so. Xiao Yao simply let Xiao Hui take the digital camera, Xiao Hui I do not know how to do well, leaving only the phone and email. Xiao Hui was unhappy because she was not able to attend Jude's wedding at work. Xiao Yao was also seen at the wedding. Xiao Yao told Xiao Hui sadly that he loved Jude and could not marry his beloved. Others, and said that Jude is to be taken back at the wedding.Xiao Hui was shocked and turned away from Xiao Yao. She was always scared for fear of "grabbing marriage." Xiao Yao did not think she was playing with her! Jude's new home, arranged warm and unique fun, Xiao Hui longing for, very much like the water wall with kissing fish, originally actually designed by Xiao Yao. Xiao Hui accepted Sang Nan's engagement ring, and both were waiting sweetly and eagerly for their wedding. Fang Hua has begun intense preparations for marriage, both parents agreed to meet. Xiao Hui to work received a courier sent by Xiao Yao, which is a resume, it may look like a marriage advertisement, the original Xiao Yao thought magazine work, please help her recommendation, the work is attached, all the wedding The photo he gave to Xiao Hui. Xiao Hui Think or talk to boss Jun Wei about Xiao Yao's job search. Junwei can see that there must be inside things, but he has no questions, just saying nothing. "Four and a half weeks before marriage" In this way, Xiao Yao entered the magazine. Xiao Hui did not go out for lunch at noon. Xiao Yao came in to give Xiao Hui a pair of kissing fish. Xiao Hui pretended disdain and Xiao Yao tossed it out without hesitation. As Xiao Hui exclaimed, Xiao Yao put his hand over, It is the fish tank with kissing fish. Xiao Hui took a sigh of relief. Xiao Yao immediately said that I liked to look at your job seriously. Xiao Hui turned her face immediately. Xiao Yao murmured that I was just telling the truth. Xiao Yao proposed opening a new section, interviewing celebrities, discussing love and marriage, and Jun Wei immediately passed, and arranged for Xiao Hui, Ding Ding and Xiao Yao to immediately interview Tianjin. Xiao Hui afraid to delay the evening and Sang Nan parents to meet, do not want to go, can not withstand the pressure of Junwei, had agreed to come down, Xiao Yao has repeatedly promised to get back in time. On the way to go, Xiao Yao in the car music, Xiao Hui found they like the same singer, Ding Ding fell asleep in the back seat, Xiao Yao talked about the previous girlfriend to go abroad to give yourself dumped things Xiao Hui heard the doubt, Xiao Yao said seriously that this time did not lie to you. The landlord eldest couple often quarrel trivial, supervisor Junweilei tireless dealings between his wife and lover, the magazine's visit to the Chinese writer has two ex-wife ... ... looked around these couples, Xiao Hui right The concept of marriage was messy them. Sang Nan Mother knew that Xiao Hui was very upset with the interview, temper with his son, and cursed him that he could not manage to use his wife. Sang Nan was very unhappy and spoke coldly to Xiao Hui on the phone. After the interview was over, Xiao Hui urged Xiao Yao to return to Beijing soon, while Xiao Yao was caught by the police for speeding. Mulberry finally not overly embarrassed Xiao Hui, very generous to the gold necklace and red envelope as a gift of ceremony, during the two seats fairly polite, when finished eating, mulberry suddenly asked Xiao Hui leave to prepare for the wedding, Xiao Hui did not say anything for a long time , Sang Nan busy to come forward to rescue, said Xiao Hui's work is also very busy, can not allow her to prepare the wedding alone. Mommy, think about it, I did not say. On the way back, Xiao Hui and Sang Nan quarreled in the taxi and the two broke up unhappy. Or Xiao Yao's a message, eased Xiao Hui's anger. Poor mood Sang Nan received old classmates - Bear supermarket manager Cheng Ran looking for his drinking phone, he did not hesitate to go.A friend got a lot of beautiful lady, we all advised Sang Nan took the last crazy before the marriage, Sang Nan was poured a lot, out of KTV private rooms are a bit drunk, a pro kiss him, looked up just look Ding Ding just came out from the next room. Ding Ding wondered if he wanted to tell Xiao Hui what to do when he called to ask Xiao Yao what Xiao Yao was looking for when he first met Xiao Hui. He was going to take this photo to the film festival and hear Ding Ding Say so or do not worry to tell Xiao Hui is better, at the same time advised Ding Ding go home to sleep early. The next day the two leave to register, who knows the day the marriage registry only for divorce procedures, but also have to go to the first medical examination, they had no choice but to go back and appointment time. Sang Nan and Xiao Hui went to premarital medical examination. Sang Nan worried that Ding Ding told Xiao Hui KTV that Xiao Hui was no stranger to feel relieved. Sang Nan was relieved by the urine when he was urinating Exhausted. Xiao Hui thinks the so-called premarital medical examination is simply a form, and it also makes all the dreams of marriage mixed by complicated procedures. After returning to the magazine, Xiao Hui excitedly wanted to help Sang Nan with the print advertisement that Jingya put on Angel. Ding Ding thought Xiao Hui did not do that well. But still agreed to help her with Xiao Yao. The next day, Xiao Hui came to a place for appointment and Xiao Yao took a photo while Xiao Yao called her to the zoo. She said she wanted to find a feeling. Xiao Hui had no choice but to accompany him to see the monkey. After seeing the animal Xiao Yao and Xiao Hui took to the National Park, Ding Ding also found there, Xiao Hui simply let go of a big mood, did not notice Xiao Yao has taken a lot of her photos. When Xiao Yao returned to his home with Xiao Hui and Ding Ding, Xiao Hui found her in the darkroom and felt she was designed. Sang Nan denied the advertisements they had made because Xiao Hui was a model. Ding Ding thought he was too male-dominated. Xiao Yao just walked away from him. Xiao Hui was anxious to cry out. No The right model, she went to the streets alone, of course, did not gain, Xiao Yao could not bear to see her back and forth, promised about the model to remake, autumn red heard that want to make an advertisement also want to come to knowledge, Xiao Yao fancy her simple nature Invite her to shoot. Autumn red took a very proud after the advertisement, she told the neighbors will be around the magazine, after the longevity and autumn red big quarrel, Autumn Red went to the window before jumping to commit suicide, longevity in the following how to advise is useless, small Music accustomed to Xiao Hui homework, Xiao Hui and Fang Hua to go out to persuade, Xiao Le let them do nothing, for a moment nothing, and sure enough, I heard autumn red and longevity called small in the corridor To go home, a farce is over. Xiao Hui and Sang Nan Good to see the show, Xiao Hui as the first day of his life had slept, Sang Nan a person first went to the sales office, even met a long time ago broke up girlfriend Han Bing. Han Bing recent situation is very bad, her husband Wang Zheng business debt ran, leaving only a house and son Jill, the past few days the house leaking downstairs to flood households, people find her claim that no money Prosecute.Sang Nan saw her so hard and not feeling well, introduced a lawyer friend to her and left her phone number, Han Bing thanks to leave, Xiao Hui saw him by chance, Sang Nan told her that Han Bing lives in this community , They just happened to hit, not a prior appointment, but Xiao Hui did not say anything, or my heart still feel uncomfortable, come back and Ding Ding talk about it, Ding Ding analysis that Sang Nan and her too long I am afraid there is no longer Passion, it is likely to rekindle with Han Bing, Xiao Hui more and more nervous to hear, can not help but call Sang Nan to remind him that the day after tomorrow is the fourth anniversary of the two acquaintances, but Sang Nan actually do not remember! Xiao Hui and Sang Nan said she did not want to be optimistic about the original house. She feels awkward with Han Bing in a community. She also argues that Sang Nan and Han Bing did not discuss it well. Sang Nan thought Xiao Hui was unreasonable. Angry left. Xiao Hui can not help but regret it, but also to Ding Ding out to get his idea, Ding Ding said the cell phone shut down, dry Sang Nan just fine. Sang Nan also feel too impulsive just think about it or dialed Xiao Hui's cell phone, was told that the other has been shut down, Sang Nan had to find Cheng Ran out, Cheng ran out of ideas to let him break up, Sang Nan is color channels This is absolutely impossible. Xiao Hui took a phone while Ding Ding walked away, but Sang Nan still did not call him. Xiao Hui waits for the phone to get bored, plays the mobile phone, and finally the phone rang Xiao Yao, hurriedly let her pass quickly , Otherwise you have to give up your life. Xiao Hui rushed to Xiao Yao's theater and learned that it was Xiao Yao's plan to show merchants. Without a good idea, Xiao Hui came to help with the idea. Xiao Hui was so funny and funny that he could still stay and help him to think. . Xiao Hui first came out a lot of opinions have been Xiao Yao denied, look at the material suddenly inspired, excited to say non-stop, Xiao Yao stared. Sang Nan gave Xiao Hui a phone call, Xiao Hui deliberately missed it, and Sang Nan texted about Xiao Hui to explain what happened to Han Bing. The next day, Xiao Hui went to pay the deposit alone, and occasionally learned of Han Bing's address. Suddenly, he was in a hurry to see Han Bing. Han Bing in front of the building where the two women met, Han Bing is playing with their children, Han Bing is probably subjected to too much blow, facial expressions somewhat natural, Xiao Hui could not help but give sympathy. Jude cried soaring in the magazine, turned out to be his husband and make trouble, to divorce him, colleagues advise her something good to say, do not put it in words, we in the end coax her not cry, Ding Ding think she is too childish Xiao Hui advised her not to pique, it is better to help out their ideas out of their own house, not out of the door, Li Jun took the flowers to pick up his wife, and a pair of lovers or reconciled. Sang Nan met Han Bing at Cheng Ran's supermarket and Sang Nan took a lot of children's food and checked her out. Han Bing stubbornly do not want to accept, Sang Nan insisted that this is only for the child's mind. After returning to the company, Sang Nan met with the lawyer he introduced to Han Bing, telling him that Han Bing was in a poor state of mind.Sang Nan recalls her previous relationship with Han Bing, and she has always had high expectations of herself, taking good care of her life and work, only that Sang Nan can not meet Han Bing's request and eventually leads her. However, she sees Han Bing now feel a little bleak, Sang Nan still can not bear. Ding Ding visits Xiao Hui to see her and asks her what she wants to do with Sang Nan and Han Bing. Xiao Hui said she does not want to pursue her anymore. Ding Ding is not worth her anymore. She kisses KTV to see Sang Nan kiss Miss. Xiao Hui unbelievable Ding Ding insisted there was no mistake, it was at this time, Xiao Yao called Xiao Hui to see them together to plan the product show, upset Xiao Hui said do not want to Go, and then hung up the phone, Ding Ding looked so worried about her, Xiao Hui want to quietly leave Ding Ding alone, wandering the streets, unknowingly came downstairs Sang Nan company, Xiao Yao is waiting there, he was asked Ding Ding specifically to unlock Xiao Hui. Xiao Yao told her that if you love someone, you should trust him and give Xiao Hui such verbal deductions: Xiao Hui went up to Sang Nan and saw Sang Nan deeply touched by their meticulous preparations for 1500 days , But Sang Nan said Xiao Hui was upset when he said anything. He acknowledged that Ding Ding was telling the truth about what he was trying to explain. Xiao Hui was unacceptable and cried and broke up. Xiao Hui thinks twice before deciding to trust Sang Nan again and arrives at an appointment where they are waiting for Sang Nan to celebrate the 1500 days. Sang Nan also made a meticulous preparation for the appointment, and on the way to see Xiao Hui, he received a phone call from Han Bing's son Jingle. Han Bing suddenly fainted. Sang Nan immediately rushed to Han Bing's home and sent her to the hospital, hurriedly dropping her phone in Han Bing's home. After Han Bing entered the emergency room, Xiaojie disappeared again. Sang Nan looked around for Xiaojie and was in a hurry. Xiao Hui Long wait for Sang Nan not come, full of doubts came to Han Bing's home, subconsciously dialed Sang Nan's cell phone, heard the familiar ring from the room sounded, Xiao Hui almost stupid. Xiao Hui told Jun Wei to agree to interview in the field. Jun Wei was somewhat surprised or agreed. Xiao Hui went straight to Qingdao by train and met a retired doctor who can become a magic doctor. Xiao Yuan Hui talked to him. Xiao Yao knew that Xiao Hui went to Qingdao and was going to chase it immediately. Ding Ding said it was immoral to do so. Xiao Yao said I like who I am. Xiao Hui heard a train about to find someone on the radio, she came to the designated place, grinning Xiao Yao appeared in front of her. In the days of Qingdao, Xiao Yao brought her many special surprises. Although Xiao Hui was still missing Sang Nan, she was unconsciously touched by Xiao Yao's whole-heartedness. Han Bing was hospitalized and Sang Nan helped her take care of Xiao Jie, but it caused Qiu Hong and Fang Hua to speculate on Xiao Jie's life. Sang Nan goes to the magazine to find Ding Ding to inquire about Xiao Hui's news and inadvertently see Xiao Hui's address written by Ding Ding in Qingdao, secretly writing down. Ding Ding promised he would go to Xiao Hui and immediately called to tell her. Xiao Hui knew Sang Nan was going to be very excited. After an interview, he hurriedly took a taxi back to the hotel, leaving Xiao Yao to stand alone in the rain. Sang Nan did not come as expected, something Han Bing caught him.Debtor urges Han Bing to pay back the money, Sang Nan reluctantly borrowed 50,000 from Chengran for a portion, Cheng Ran advised him to think clearly, can not be caught in two women unclear. Xiao Hui came to Xiao Yao's room to find him and found that he had a fever. Xiao Hui was guilty of guilt and busy taking care of him for a night out. Do not want Sang Nan rushed to misunderstand that she and Xiao Yao have an affair, and later explained clearly but it made him and Xiao Yao in the hearts of grudges. Xiao Yao does not want to go back with Xiao Hui Sang Nan and let them go first. Xiao Hui left Qingdao to interview people who get the information there, I did not expect it is the Lao Yuan met on the train, Xiao Hui want the information to be a few days before, Lao Yuan said he would have to return to Beijing anyway, not as good After returning to Xiao Hui to send in the past, Xiao Hui readily agreed to leave the magazine address and Sang Nan flew back to Beijing, on the road Sang Nan explained the previous misunderstanding, the two reassured. Wang Zheng came back to find Han Bing a divorce, Han Bing and his quarrel, Jill afraid to leave alone home. Wang Zheng gone Jill disappeared, Han Bing think it must be the king took the child away, so call Sang Nan to help her find. After leaving home to come to longevity cinema, Jingle recognized that he had seen the movie before, two children play together, Lok Lok also took him home. Xiao Jie said he was looking for Sang Nan, he brought him to Xiao Hui, and Xiao Hui, who just came home, recognized Xiao Jie as the son of Han Bing. When Sang Nan got off the plane and got a weird phone call, She understood that the phone call must have been from Han Bing, so she told Sang Nan to come here to take the child away. Han Bing was afraid Xiao Hui misunderstood to explain it. Sang Nan said no. I brought the child back. Sang Nan came to Xiao Hui family took the child, Xiao Hui can no longer believe Sang Nan's speech, she felt how two people's communication can be so difficult, Sang Nan is really love her? Xiao Hui do not understand, so Ding Ding Junwei drink to the bar drunk. The next day, Xiao Hui headache endlessly unable to work, Fang Hua took her leave, Lao Yuan just came back to Xiao Hui to send information, I heard that Xiao Hui was sick to visit, and therefore met Fang Hua, the two have their friends together a feeling of. Ding Ding went to a large-scale photo exhibition interview and was surprised to find that one of the most eye-catching winning entries was actually shot by Xiao Yao. The model is Xiao Hui! Xiao Yao called Xiao Hui and hoped she would not be burdened. Xiao Hui's heart is mixed, and I do not know how to deal with it. Sang Nan came to take care of Xiao Hui in the illness and was tender and considerate. Xiao Hui was touched by his sincerity and accepted him again. Fang Hua and Laoyuan feelings, even agreed to get married lightning, wedding and Xiao Hui at the same time, all kinds of children can Laoyuan difficulties, Fang Hua had wanted to end, but Lao Yuan's cowardice made her think Lao Yuan does not care about their own Fang Hua Chong Lao Yuan temper, put him out of the house, the two married also put aside. The boss of Sang Nan's company saw the photo Xiao Xiao gave Xiao Hui very much and let Sang Nan find Xiao Yao and Xiao Hui to advertise the company. Sang Nan decides to let Xiao Hui decide for himself. He does not believe he has the same feelings with Xiao Hui for four years as a man who knows a dozen or so days.Xiao Hui took the advertisement and Xiao Yao made it clear that the relationship between the two was only a colleague. Xiao Yao depressedly finished the advertisement and sent out the card he had been preparing. Xiao Hui read the meaning of Xiao Yao Also very helpless. Han Bing finally found Wang Zheng, but Wang Zheng insisted on not being responsible for the debt, Han Bing intolerable, leaving a suicide note to find Wang Zheng desperately. Sang Nan was haunted by Han Bing's suicide note: Jupiter was his own flesh and blood, and Han Bing was hoping Sang Nan would take good care of him. Sang Nan went immediately to stop Han Bing, but the suicide note was accidentally seen by Xiao Hui. She was saddened after reading the letter. Sang Nan clashed with Wang Zheng, Wang Zheng fell into disrepair, and Sang Nan was locked in a detention center. Han Bing is rushing around for Sang Nan's scrubbing. Xiao Hui can not accept Sang Nan's bastardly affair and just wants to evade it. Xiao Yao has been comforting her. Xiao Hui can no longer bear the grievances these days, but cry into Xiao Yao's arms. Xiao Hui eventually could not bear to watch Sang Nan in jail and joined forces with Han Bing to help Sang Nan find a lawyer. Han Bing expressed his gratitude to Xiao Hui, who sadly said I was only for myself. Sang Nan was finally acquitted, but the careful Laoyuan noticed that Xiaojie was not the son of Sang Nan at all. Heartbreakable Xiao Hui had already decided to leave here, accompanied by Xiao Yao. Sang Nan chased the airport desperately, and he prayed not to lose Xiao Hui so much, hoping his fate would give him another chance.

Crown Prince Secret History (TV)[2004]

Feature: Secret History of the Crown Prince Zi Ying Stills The wise Emperor Kang Xi and the kind Crown Prince Yin Reng, father and son who love each other deeply, have gone through two sets of waste and two unprecedented examples of building storm! Kang Xi is both a Father and a King; Yin Reng is both a child and a minister. To maintain the "delicate relationship between father and son, monarch and his mom," how hard both are! Because they are not ordinary people; the throne of power makes them unable to faithfully represent true self and can not freely pursue their own wishes. Born in the Royal, is not their choice! Like the three girls, the sun, the moon, and the stars, the blood of the royal enemies flowed through their bloodstream, but their fate was cruelly arranged to be indignant with the royal family. Involved in the royal family, nor is their choice! Political turmoil, turbulent turmoil, who are trapped in them are difficult to escape the storm like a painful struggle! In the thirteen years of Kang Xi, when the tribal chaos began, the Qing Dynasty faced an unprecedented crisis. The young and trendy Kang Xi had long been determined to win this tough battle. Pre-extermination, the Eight Banners soldiers strongly requested the bereaved Wu Sangui eldest son of bereavement beheaded sacrificial flag, to chill thieves heart. However, Wu Ying-beng built the eldest daughter of Princess Kang Xi for the amount of her daughter-in-law, and the same year she was married by the empress Dowager Xiao Zhuang. Kang Xi was extremely filial to her grandmother, and regarded her family as extremely heavy and deeply embarrassed. Jian NingGongZhu grievances Jianzhi Chuang Gong, risking his desperation to help his beloved son, and Xiao Zhuang, Kang Xi fierce conflict, alerted the impending birth queen. Empress gave birth to a son, died of dystocia, Kang Xi hurt, the baby in the dignified Crown Prince to comfort his wife in the spirit of heaven. Wu Ying and his son after the law eventually volt. In the face of bad deeds, Jianning is innocent, Kang Xi is helpless. Yin Reng, the emperor in the grudge, knows nothing about the future he is destined to be a target of criticism. They have no choice! Born in Imperial House, it is already the beginning of their difficult destiny! Thirty years later, under the careful cultivation and strict cultivation of Kang Xi, Yin Reng endeavored to become a royal Crown Prince satisfied with Wong Ama. His kind and honest, "Benedict's affection" is more like his father, rather Kang Xi appreciation; but because of the generation gap, position, different values, there are disputes. Kang Xi looks forward to creating a second one, but Yin Reng gradually becomes his own advocate with the inherent maturity, hoping to be his own. In the palace, there are three women who are closely related to Yin Reng. One is De Fei entrusted by Xiao Zhuang to Yin Reng as his own; the other is Yun Er, the eldest daughter of Wu Sangui, who grew up in the palace for some reason; and the other is Shu Lun, the concubine of a concubine from his youth. Pretty cute Yun Er silly love Yin Reng, triggering the displeasure of Shu Lun. Kang Xi fools have expertise, secretly princes are the princes, Si Age (Yongzheng), Ba Age. Elder brother has military exploits, Siago deep-seated, Elder brother eight affinity and adore Yun Er. The three elder brotherly supporters, coupled with the complicity of the long-time party struggles between Ming Zhu and Suo ETu, formed a wave of dark and competitive forces around Yin Reng. Tilting, framing and seeking positions makes Yin Reng often caught in a spiral facing crisis. Crown Prince Secret History Yun Er Stills Due to the censure by Zhejiang Governor Mu TianYan, the Qing court finally captured Zhu CiHuan, the real former imperial prince, commonly known as "Zhu San Prince."Zhu CiHuan knew absolutely not to die, but Kang Xi because of his chess edge with a special friendship, promised to forgive him a young man, did not expect Zhu CiHuan family members see the situation is not the first to suicide. Coincidentally, Zi Ying and Ru Yu sisters, who had a hard time catching a fierce fire and a beautiful and fresh water, learned of their own life from the ancestor Princess Chang Ping, who was cut off by Chongzhen in those days Princess Changping was given the difficult task of revenge and rehabilitation. But people are not good day! Yin Reng Love Ru Yu, even abandon the crown to save the United States, Ru Yu just moved to love Yin Reng, was forced into the palace to do the Princess. Kang Xi never ruled over Ru Yu, but he did not want Yin Reng to be wrong. Zi Ying covert forces a huge help to help, as she ruled Ru Yu to give up the responsibility for love at the same time, she involuntarily and Sia Ge deep love and unable to extricate themselves. Kang Xi, Yin Reng between the deep affection, Yin Reng, Ru Yu lingering love between, intertwined the contradiction that is difficult to resolve, how should they be? How to open up these tangled gains and losses in the pain? Zi Ying fell in love with Si Age, but Sia Ge chose to protect himself from selling Zi Ying at the crossroads of interest and love. Zi Ying heart of grief will prompt her to do so crazy? Yun Er always unrequited love Yin Reng, to escape the blind pursuit of Ba Age her. But was Yun Er's sympathy for him affected by the worst stigmatization of Bago? After a series of fiery and violent clashes and twists and turns, the accumulated misunderstandings between Kang Xi and Yin Reng finally broke out. Kang Xi, with a strong anger, impulsively destroyed the prince and all the princes took the throne Kang Xi quickly regretted and tried her best to establish Prince Edward. Unexpectedly a year later, Yin Reng unexpectedly please again scrapped! This process is how is it? Can Kang Xi, who is deeper than his own relative, be able to withstand the pain and blow of the wall? Si Age is how to stand out among the brothers, won the throne, later became the Emperor Yong Zheng? Fierce victory, the passion of revenge, the Qing court secret history and start a thrilling page.

Filial piety secret history (TV)[2003]

Feature: Da YuEr, who owns the reputation of "the first full beauty in Mongolia," was born in the same place as her aunt Zhe Zhe, a native of Qomolangma, where her aunt is Taizong Huang TaiJi. Da YuEr and Huang TaiJi Duo ErGun childhood brother, lifelong secret, but was regarded as Huang Fei side Fei. Duo ErGun and Huang TaiJi made "occupy, force mother, take love" of the enemy. Huang TaiJi proclaims emperor, country name Qing. Zheng Zhe was established as the Empress of Qing Ning Gong, Da YuEr was sealed as Princess Yongfu Gong Zhuang. Huang TaiJi loves Da YuEr very much, but when he learns that Da YuEr still loves Duo ErGun, she can not help but hate intertwined. Da YuEr's elder sister Hai LanZhu new widow, even as Huang TaiJi fancy, love at first sight, sealed for Chen Gong Gong Chen Fei. Princess Chen pregnant, child died, two days later Yu Yu Er gave birth to nine princes Fu Lin. Chen Fei hate jealous, extremely Yu DaEr persecution, but unexpectedly deadly, incense cancel jade. Huang TaiJi heartache, actually angry Da YuEr, Da YuEr tears endure. Two years later, Huang TaiJi suddenly collapsed, leaving no last words, the throne fight battle inevitable. Prince Rui Duo ErGun and Huang TaiJi eldest son princes and princes Hao Ge compete for no less than. On the Chongzheng Temple, Duo ErGun suddenly stood alone and firmly upheld Fu Yu, the seven-year-old son of Da YuEr, as Emperor. Du Yu Ergun's loyal paternity Su Mo Seoul, worried Duo ErGun elite troops in hand, fear will be called Beijing emperor, Xiao Zhuang Empress Dowager believes Duo ErGun. Duo ErGun heart really struggled, but in the end still keep its promise to welcome Fu Lin ascended the throne. Xiaozhuang Empress heard very pleased, determined to desperate to protect their own son, to protect the future of Qing. Duo ErGun Empress Dowager Empress Dowager still, Xiao Zhuang Empress Dowager is to clear the Foundation and his son's future, to his ambiguous, with tenderness to hold his emperor's ambition. The two love each other longing, but each other to guard against each other. Duo ErGun and gradually grew Shun ZhiDi also produced political and emotional sharp opposition, Xiao Zhuang Empress caught between the two, painstakingly seeking mediation. The torment of power and love finally made Duo ErGun die young, Xiao Zhuang Empress was relieved, but also extremely saddened. Shun ZhiDi urgently wanted to realize his idea of ​​governing the country as "Manchu and Han and share peace", but it led to the fierce confrontation between Manchu princes and people, which made Xiaozhuang Empress shameful. Shun ZhiDi and Dong EFei's regretless love, causing all the mythical hatred, Bo Gol death, but also intensified the hatred of anti-party forces and actions, but all for Xiaozhuang Empress Dowel 11, and innocent Dong EFei and his younger son, friend, have become victims. After the death of sub-imperial concubine, Shun ZhiDi more depressed all day, and spawned a monk as a monk's idea, it is too late to implement, then Gui TaiFei "go all out" mentality, dying. Xiaozhuang Empress dowager, but she must cheer up, according to Tang RuoWang's secret, the establishment of the son of Shun ZhiDi Xuan Ye for the emperor, the new year Kangxi. Empress Dowager determined to raise the young emperor to become Mingjun to make up for her son's regret for the Grand Qing Dynasty to create prosperity.

TheMonkeyKing (TV)[2002]

Feature: Monkey King Sun WuKong stills Three hundred and seventy million years ago, three jadeite came flying from outer space and crashed into three different types of people. Every 200 million years, the sunspots will burst into cosmic storms, and the gods in the heavenly bodies will be weakened, and the devil in the darkness will appear. To defeat the demons, the only way is to someone who was born sometime in a certain year of a certain year of a certain year, escorted him by one of the incarnations of the boulder to the Three Heavenly Sutra of the Tripitaka to the west; Find the remaining two lizard stone incarnation, until the demons appear, by the true strength, three stones together, to defeat the demons, or heaven and earth will be turned into Hong Meng, returned to the chaotic world. Group magic Flurry. One of the fossils into a stone monkey, that is, Sun WuKong. As Wukong learn the essence of the sun and the moon, coupled with natural intelligence, soon became the magic monkey. On the other hand, Mrs. Li Jing, who was pregnant for more than three years, finally gave birth to Ne Zha.

Junior Sands (TV)[2002]

Feature: "Teenager Zhang Sanfeng" tells the story of Zhang Sanfeng, his real pass, the word Jun Bao, Confucianism quarter, priests. Good calligraphy and painting, work poetry, the first year of the Central Plains, Han, Liaoning people. Once upon a time Mao Talent was appointed as Zhongshan Bowring Order. Described as descendants of Zhang Tianshi, a mountain founder for Wudang. Ming Yingzong given number "through the micro-display of real people"; Ming Xianzong special title for the "Habitat Taoism is really immortal"; Ming Dynasty Zong Feng sealed him as "Qingyuan Yuan Miao Zhenjun." Zhang Sanfeng cover poster Zhang Sanfeng formerly known as Zhang JunBao, was sent to her breeze concept practice since childhood. The time of the Southern Song Dynasty was surging, Yue Fei led the Northern Expedition, Jiangnan Yi Jun group responded. The rapist Qin Hui for his own benefit, framed Yue Fei, incite the emperor to call Yue Fei 12 gold medal. Jiang Nan Yi Jun explore Qin Hui conspiracy, trying to rescue Yue Fei, held a martial arts conference, recommended the lord, Zhang JunBao coincides with their will. Yijun Wulin family name Jian Shan Ma first look. Recommended name Jian Zhuang Zhuang Yi JiFeng Zhuang Lord. However, Yi JiFeng's martial arts far outweighed Yi TianXing, who was evicted from his home for a long time. Suddenly her daughter, Qin SiRong, challenged Yi JiFeng, the martial arts leader. Under the two tests, Yi JiFeng was deeply attracted to her thoughts. She also felt excited because she was like her former lover. The original Qin SiRong is a rascal Qin Hui's adopted daughter, sneaked into the ranks of the Rebel, to do undercover, as Qin SiRong leaked news, the ambassador was ambushed, Yue Fei finally in the storm Pavilion paternity. Jun Bao has inadvertently received Yue Fei relics, rascal Qin Hui sent a killer to kill the king to get Yue Fei relics. Zhang JunBao's father concubinage, Jun Bao to drink wedding and found that the bride is a 16-year-old girl, named Ming DaoHong, Zhang JunBao afraid his father made a big mistake, the bride robbed and sent her home. Along the way, Zhang JunBao discovered that Ming DaoHong was a girl who was in distress and asked for help. However, Ming DaoHong had an affair with him. Zhang JunBao's father chased after the dispute between father and son, Qin Hui minions suddenly appeared, siege Zhang and his son, to save Zhang JunBao, Zhang father was killed. Qin Hui minions have rumors, saying Zhang JunBao is father and son, encouraging martial arts people to kill. When Zhang JunBao evaded the chase, she got acquainted with a dreamed monk Cheng KongDa Shi. Cheng Kong hidden Zhang JunBao in the Shaolin Temple and taught Zhang JunBao a profound martial art. Yi JiFeng was instigated by Qin Hui, led by the crowd looking for Zhang JunBao, Zhang JunBao Zhang JunBao come forward, victory over Yi JiFeng, World War 1 fame. Zhang JunBao tells Yi JiFeng the last words of Yue Fei. If you can find the princess of the Song Dynasty who lived in the North, as a call, you will be able to eradicate evil spirits and fight the Northern Expedition. Zhang JunBao (by Dicky Cheung) Yi JiFeng was assisted by Yi TianXing. Her skill was great. She went to the north to seek for a princess and met Zhao YuEr in the desert. They both had feelings. Zhang JunBao Continue to fight with Qin Hui Minions, Ming DaoHong to save Jun Bao in the fight to death, Zhang JunBao sad. Qin SiRong, undercover at Zhang JunBao, has a long history of falling in love with Zhang JunBao and regretting what he has done. With the help of Yi TianXing, Yi JiFeng finally found the Princess of the Song Dynasty. The princess was a long-time resident and became a bitch. She was bullied by Yi JiFeng and Zhao YuEr. She killed the princess and negotiated with Yi JiFeng to impeach the princess of the Song Dynasty .Two people in order to cover up the secret to kill many people of justice, and can not extricate themselves, gradually used for Qin Hui, Zhang JunBao a little aware. In order to get rid of Zhang JunBao, Zhang JunBao, Qin Hui's claws, were secretly poisoned. His family lost their memory. Luckily, Ling XueYan and Zhang CuiShan rescued Zhang Zhang. Zhang JunBao not only recovered, but also realized the Tai Chi magical power. Zhang JunBao teamed up with Yi TianXing to defeat Qin Hui's henchmen, and Qin SiRong also turned his back on evil spirits, but she deeply felt sorry for what she had done. Zhang JunBao, Quietly away. Zhang JunBao thousands of miles to find, found that thinking has been a monk in Mount Emei, Emei later joined the school. Zhang JunBao returned to the Wudang Mountains, renamed Zhang Sanfeng, Wudang faction to become a generation of master.

Horn stone (Movie)[1976]

Feature: In the early 1960s, China had just emerged from three years of natural disasters and the vast rural areas started a fierce struggle on the basis of whether or not to engage in "three sums and one package." Qi LanZi (Jing Hu), leader of the Horns Brigade Branch, and the poor lower middle peasants took the lead in opposing the opposition. Chen BingRen (Chang Wenzhi), a member of the brigade's support team, and He Yide (Wang Baoshan, a member of the brigade's brigade), strongly advocated. He Yide rumor public confusion, kill Qi LanZi's pig. In desperation, Qi LanZi wrote a letter to the party Central Committee to reflect the situation. Chen BingRen used the "Tiahaizhili" meter to Qi LanZi to visit Zhangjiawan and took the opportunity to remove her position. Qi LanZi will count and count the people in tandem with the masses in Zhangjiawan, turn over the already-implemented "three-self-one-package" and organize the masses to rush to the cornerstone to stop all-round production. Chen BingRen is furious and persecutes Mr. Lanzi personally. Key moment, county leaders announced: "Three self-a package" is wrong ......

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