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Xihe Tan TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Xihe Tan Works 21 ,And Feature 8 ,Romance 5 ,Urban drama 4 ,Love 2 ,Ancient legend 1 ,Fashion 1 ,Youth drama 1 ,美食1 ,Ancient 1 ,Palace 1 ,权谋1 ,年代传奇1 ,行业1 ,Business War 1 ,推理1 ,Suspense 1 ,Crime 1 ,Modern opera 1 ,Contemporary film 1 ,Motivational film 1 ,医疗1 ,都市家庭情感1 ,Family drama 1 ,Year 1 ,Costume Drama 1 。

Works Index

Xihe Tan Filmography(21)


我是 yu huanshui (TV)[2020]


Yu HuanShui 是公司里业绩最差的员工,退让隐忍、得过且过是他的生存法则,直到嫌他窝囊的妻子提出离婚, Yu HuanShui 仍未做出改变。某日借酒浇愁后, Yu HuanShui 身体不适查出癌症,万念俱灰的他破罐子破摔,性情大变,还在阴差阳错之下,成了见义勇为的英雄,到达人生巅峰。但阴差阳错的命运仍在继续,危机和挑战接踵而至,直到 Yu HuanShui 找到真正的尊严与幸福 。

清平乐 (TV)[2020]


北宋皇帝赵祯得知将自己养大的当朝太后 Liu E 并非亲生母亲,而自己的生母乃是太后当年的婢女李兰惠,深感愧疚。为了报答李家,赵祯将自己最心爱的女儿徽柔嫁给了李家的子孙 Li Wei 。朝堂之上,庆历新政大臣和老派权臣之间针锋相对,斗争风起云涌,赵祯治国如执秤,权衡各方势力,为国事殚精竭虑。徽柔与陪伴自己长大的内侍怀吉建立了深厚的感情,对志趣不和又木讷平庸的 Li Wei 万般排斥,终于与婆家起了冲突,不顾一切地夜扣宫门,打破帝国最严苛的规矩,引发滔天非议, Si MaGuang 甚至要在大殿之上“碎首进谏”。赵祯一生悉心呵护的“言路通畅”、“监督国君”的风气,使得他在爱女之情和维护治国理念之间挣扎得遍体鳞伤。最终,公主以半疯狂的抗争,始终未屈服于“成为 Li Wei 真正妻子”的命运,却与怀吉永生不得相见 。


鹤唳华亭 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《鹤唳华亭》剧情介绍:讲述了 Xiao DingQuan 被南齐立为储君后,被皇帝 Xiao Ze 所忌惮打压,使定权在朝中逐渐举步维艰。定权为家国天下孤身犯险,收复顾家兵权交于皇帝,自己背负千秋骂名而死的故事。建元四年, Xiao DingQuan 被南齐立为储君。外有一代名将的母舅 Gu SiLin 力撑,内有清流领袖的太傅 Lu ShiYu 支持,因而被皇帝 Xiao Ze 所忌惮打压。深受儒家传统教育的定权渴慕父爱,谨守臣子与儿子的责任, Xiao Jian 却对其一再疏远,并纵容庶长子齐王对储君之位的觊觎。齐王步步紧逼,先破坏太子冠礼,再逼文官死谏,使定权在朝中逐渐举步维艰。齐王设计,害死文官 Lu Ying 并嫁祸于定权, Lu Ying 之女文昔为复仇化名"阿宝"潜入东宫,与定权的相互试探间逐渐产生不一般的情感,并最终反戈助定权险胜。 Gu SiLin 被害,顾家愤而起兵,定权为家国天下孤身犯险,收复顾家兵权交于皇帝,自己背负千秋骂名而死。多年之后,皇帝看着阿宝留下的孩子承欢膝下,终于老泪纵横 。


Orchids Lake Royal kitchen drive to the second quarter (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Orchids Lake imperial family drive to the second quarter," tells the story of Bai Xin suffered a car accident, Xiao Hao Zi walked guard, but unexpectedly awake after Whitening an accidental memory. Duan MingXing In honor of his family, he participated in a competition entitled "The Imperial Kitchen" which is actually a variety show hosted by Duan ZhengYang. Xiao Yuanzi helped Bai Xin and Duan MingXing to the final and won the championship. Zhen Yu saw Duan ZhengYang's conspiracy. Duan ZhengYang not only refused to close his hand, but also risked jealous of Duan MingXing. In order not to break the order of time and space, Xiao Haozi had to go back to ancient times and learned about the real story of "the first floor of a section" before he went back to realize that he was himself. After doing a day with white Xin lover, Xiao Hao Zi jumped into Orchid Lake to leave. At the same time, the section returns to modernism tomorrow, and everything has come to its original appearance.

Nothing gold can stay (TV)[2017]

Feature: In 1884, Zhou Ying, along with his adoptive father Zhou LaoSi, came to Guanzhong. Zhou Laoshi, who lost his money, sold Zhou Ying to Shen Jiandang. Zhou Ying escaped to hide Wu Jia Dongyuan Grand Master Wu Pin's sedan, quite commercial Zhou Ying has been Wu WeiWen's appreciation, was allowed to stay in Wu. Shen XingYi Suspected Shen young master was assassinated by Wu Pin, shot to be wounded. Wu Pin to save unconscious, Zhou Ying married Wu Chong-hi. Wu Pin was killed, Wu home embarrassed, Zhou Ying decided to revive Wu Jiandong hospital. Zhou Ying shares in Shaanxi weaving layout, but suffered the imperialist opposition to the Westernization Movement forces crackdown, Shaanxi machinery weaving layout is facing reconstruction. In order to save the prisoners Zhou Ying, Wu Jia hand over all the shares of Shaanxi Machine Weaving Board and the exchange contract with the foreign exchange business Zhou Ying a life. Zhou Ying after the release of fighting spirit to build Jingyang cloth factory,

Surgical Storm (TV)[2017]

Feature: The story originated in a medical incident that caused murder many years ago. A successful car accident victim died of an outbreak of drug allergy. Zhang ShuMei, the responsible nurse, was questioned on the mistake of using the wrong drug to cause the patient to die and was forced to leave his post. Zhang ShuMei, an 8-year-old son, was fined for detaining a 4-year-old sister home after he failed to believe the death of another patient caused by his mother's negligence. As a result, his sister was abducted by traffickers. Zhang ShuMei was accused of missing her daughter and "causing death due to medication errors" and gradually became suspicious and committed suicide. Her son's whereabouts in the outskirts of the city were still unknown & nbsp ;. Chinese-American surgeon Zhuang Shu (Dong Jin) came to Metro Renhe Hospital to trace the truth of the accident that happened to her mother Zhang ShuMei 30 years ago. The deceased daughter, Lu ChenXi (Bai Baihe) and chef Shaohua Ma, became the primary thoracic surgeon and was transferred to the emergency department because of repeated offenses to chief director Yang Fan (Yijun Liu). And Zhuang Shu repeatedly reinstated the superfluous Lu ChenXi back to the chest operating table. Day and night get along, Zhuang Shu's surgery to Lu ChenXi amazing, thoughtful consideration of the patient also let Lu ChenXi reflection, two gradual affection, eventually, Zhuang Shu recovered his sister, but also with the help of Lu Chenxi to restore the mother's accident The truth & nbsp ;.

Ode to Joy 2 (TV)[2017]

Feature: New Year has come, happy floor, every one of the new problems also ensued: An Di (Tamia Liu) Bao YiFan (Yang Shuo ornaments) ushered in the new possibilities of emotion, but also from the life experience and the internal package Fan ShengMei (Xin Jiang ornaments) try to start a new life, but still difficult to escape from the mud of the family, Wang BaiChuan (Luyi Zhang ornaments) everywhere rely on every pressing; Qu XiaoXiao (Wang Ziwen ornaments) and Dr. Zhao ( Kai Wang) There is still a gap between the scores and the numbers. However, the seemingly stable family relations between Qu Jia and the artist seem to be in perilous situations. Qiu YingYing (Zi Yang) is unlucky and infatuated with Ying Qin (Hao Chen Wu) ; Guan JuEr (Bridgette Qiao ornaments) encounter rock youth Xie Tong (Deng Lun ornaments) fell in love, but was fierce parents opposition & nbsp ;. Five girls in the bump each other with care before, eventually, An Di and Bao YiFan come together to face and resolve the An Di life experience and package problems; Fan ShengMei gradually face up to me, family problems can be resolved and decided with Wang BaiChuan Shared the wind and rain; Qu XiaoXiao and Dr. Zhao learn to live in harmony and successfully save the brink of collapse of family relations; Qiu YingYing impressed by the truth Ying Qin, the two entered the marriage hall; Guan JuEr determined to uphold themselves and brave pursuit of love. Five girls work together to face life sharpen, further growth & nbsp ;.

Fly! Show year (TV)[2017]

Feature: Rich affluent Zhejiang businessmen are proud to own their own private jet, and huge markets have drawn private jet suppliers around the world to divide the cake. Xu DaZhi, the chairman of Perak Condor, has been flying in his hobby since childhood. He hopes to join everyone in contributing to the cause of private flight in China. Ji HaoWei is the general manager of Perak Condor identity please major manufacturers submitted within three months of the plan by the selection of the best partners Condor. However, the appearance of Kuang MeiYuan made him and Gu Jie, the general manager of Angelwing Group, plunged into an inseparable love affair. Kuang MeiYuan, Ji HaoWei and Gu Jie, the upstart of these three enterprises, each with a different style of shopping mall. They embrace life and enjoy life with young people's enthusiasm. They fly to explore, go to school, rescue the sick in the village, go to the desert to find the missing college students, and so on. They gain different love & nbsp ;.

Snowy forest (TV)[2017]

Feature: In the winter of 1946, the Kuomintang set up a "Central Pre-war Cell" composed of puppet officials, landowners, bullies and bandits in the northeast region. These gangs of Uzbekistan continued to carry out military harassment of our army. Among them, bandits Xu DaMaBang (Weidong Qin), Zuo ShanDiao (Ni Dahong) and Ma XiShan (YongDai Ding) and others gathered in the mountains and forests, Long-term assassination and destruction, the means cruel. For a time, banditry in the northeast region caused great threats to the work and life of local people and severely damaged the achievements of the land reform. In order to clear the banditry, the leaders of the military region decided to change tactics and organized a detachment of 36 personnel. Under the leadership of chief of staff Shao JianBo (Ray Chang), Yang ZiRong (Guangjie Li), Sun DaDe (Solution Teng) and Gao Bo (Zhang late Italian) Wisdom Take Tiger Hill, encirclement large pot helmet, and these "shark sex, mahjong-style" brutal enemy wits, desperate struggle. After timeless and arduous fierce battles, the criminals were eventually wiped out and the unit made the full victory of banditry.

Ode to Joy (TV)[2016]

Feature: Fan ShengMei (Xin Jiang ornaments), Guan JuEr (Bridgette Qiao ornaments) and Qiu YingYing (Zi Yang ornaments) come together from Shanghai to work in Shanghai. The three girls share an apartment with An Di (Tamia Liu) Qu XiaoXiao (Wang Ziwen), a super-rich rich girl, lives on the 22nd floor of a medium-sized district called "Ode to Joy." The five women, each with a different personality, each carrying difficulties and disappointments from work, love and family because of the neighbors' relationship and mutual acquaintance. They conceived each other to gradually accept each other and open each other's hearts. In the process, they worked together to solve each other's problems All sorts of problems and confusion in life, and witness each other in Shanghai, the magic of growth and transformation & nbsp ;.

If the snail has love (TV)[2016]

Feature: Ji Bai (Kai Wang ornaments) and Xu Xu (Wang Ziwen ornaments) is a seemingly cold-blooded mentor, but it is a life-and-death comrades, but also a mutual admiration for the lover. Ji Bai is a deep and cold senior detective, Xu Xu is a genius and newcomer to criminal psychology. After the two men jointly broke a major case, Ji Bai admired this simple and wise adoring soul. No matter how he pursued the darkness, the girl like "snail" was the signal of not receiving love . In the two "talk about the case," the occasion is also a section of the ultimate sweet, but also extremely hard and dangerous pursuit of chaos & nbsp ;.

Shan Dandan flowers open (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Speaking about the situation, Liang Qing, leader of Laiyuan County in Yanhe County, was appointed as County Party Secretary. He decided to change the status of backward lakes and backward production methods in northern Shaanxi and lead the whole county to start mountain closure, However, the policy conflicts with the traditional way of life of the local peasants, resulting in a series of violent clashes. The group represented by peasants "Lan PiAo" started from opposition to doubts and then to the government's policy implementation. The film The story originated from the brothers and sisters in the Yan'an Revolution pioneered the afforestation of brothers and sisters today, brother "stunned baby" with grandfather's exhortations, led his sister "Shan Mei" based in his hometown, determined to change his home state of backwardness by afforestation. Film shows county party secretary and several peasants in the process of emancipating the mind of the story, restored in the country to carry out the project of returning farmland to forest story.

Nirvana in Fire (TV)[2015]

Feature: Mei ZhangSu (Hugh ornaments) Mei ZhangSu (Hugh ornaments) far in the arena, but the name emperor. Rivers and lakes rumors: "Jiang left the Mei Lang, unicorn only, have access to the world." As the world's largest gang "Jiang Zuomeng" leader, Mei ZhangSu "Mel Lang" reputation. However, Mei Zhang Su, who has the highest status in all corners of the country, is a frail young man. Despite the treacherous grudges and bloodshed brought to us a dozen years ago, even the hidden secrets behind his lifetimes are hidden. It turned out that twelve years ago, Nan Liang Chase years, the Northern Wei Xing soldiers south, Chiyan Marshal Marshal Lin Shu expedition, the rate of 70,000 officers and men to fight the enemy, unexpectedly, seventy thousand soldiers due to misconduct buried bone Meiling. Lin Shu picked up his life from the door of hell, after the loss of pro-pro-loss, cut the pain of easy-dressing, incarnate the world's largest gang Jiang Zonghui leader. Twelve years later, Mei ZhangSu relied on the opportunity of recuperation to return to the imperial capital with a whitish coat of arms and set foot on the path of vengeance, sorrow and contempt. In the face of the engagement of Ni HuangJunZhu (Tamia Liu ornaments), the old friend Jing Wang Xiao Jingyan (Kai Wang ornaments) and all the familiar in the past, he can only quietly endure everything, in the seemingly casual, with the weak body Hands off the wave of blood stunned, assisting Ming Wang Jing Wang ascend the throne, for the seventy flames loyal soul wash snow stigma. However, due to the dynastic rule of Emperor Liangdi in his later years, the territory in the south was full of chaos. The Eastern Wei Dynasty, which stood on its own in the Northern Wei Dynasty, took the opportunity to start its army southward. In order to resolve the national crisis, Mei ZhangSu decided to arm her armor in defiance of its physical weakness. In only three months, the military led the arm and beam to calm down the northern border and set the beam at peace and stability. Mei ZhangSu at this time, also suffered a last-ditch effort, finished his life on the battlefield.

Wenzhou two families (TV)[2015]

Feature: After China's accession to the WTO, Hou SanShou of Wenzhou Garment Factory and Huang RuiCheng of Shoe Manufacturing Co., Ltd. are facing the dilemma of the enterprises that must be transformed and upgraded to be bigger and stronger. Huang RuiCheng has always admired Hou SanShou, a flexible-minded man who has repeatedly proposed cooperation. However, Hou SanShou did not look down upon him. The two fiercely contested the invitation of the former president to purchase hotels and develop the Xichuan River Industrial Park. Hou SanShou is growing fast, blindly developing and expanding blindly. As a result, in the severe impact of the financial crisis, the capital chain broke down and was severely hit by bankruptcy. While Huang RuiCheng seized the opportunity of development, expanded its business and expanded its market share, Keep vigilant at all times, seek steady and truth-seeking, smooth response to hedging when the financial crisis comes. Hou SanShou, who is in an adversity, has still not forgotten to turn over its debts and after twists and turns. Finally, with the help of Huang RuiCheng, the failed enterprises were brought back to life and began to repay debts and reshape the spirit of "integrity". Their descendants, Huang XiaoWei and Hou XiaoFan, have also all grown into a new generation of entrepreneurs in Wenzhou and have become the new forces for rejuvenating Wenzhou's enterprises.

The Family (TV)[2014]

Feature: Liu Shanshan Zhao Guorui has died husband is a former director of the Department of Culture, Liu Shanshan was the culmination of the Song and Dance Troupe. Liu Shanshan's two sons, Zhao ZiYu and Zhao ZiQuan, are her heart. While she was raising her son's marriage, the eldest son occasionally met Wang HuiZhong, a beautiful girl who rescued the old lady who fell on the street, and fell in love with her at first sight. Zhao ZiQuan, the second son, concealed Liu Li Shan from being married to Li LiNa, who was from the rural areas of the army and family. Liu Shanshan and cultural differences, family background are different daughter inevitable staged a mother-in-law wars. In common life, good daughter-in-law Wang HuiZhong, without exception, is self-reliant at work, caring for her mother-in-law and family members in her life and even donating her own kidney when her mother-in-law is ill. In the face of the daughter who gave her second life, Liu Shanshan and Wang HuiZhong have feelings between mother and daughter. Liu Shanshan also use a good attitude to handle the relationship with the daughter-in-law, a happy mother-in-law.

Happy IN-LAWS (TV)[2010]

Feature: Stills Atlas, the three generations of Lu family of nine people are preparing photos of Zhang family portrait, but the family came to a pair of strange men and women, claiming to be Lu family relatives. The original is the second child Lu QiWei carrying family and her boss Yang Guang married, 来人 is Yang Fu Yang Mu. Lu Wannian and Yu ChunLan strongly opposed this daughter's marriage, and learned that after Lu QiWei's pregnancy, he could only give up. Yang Mu was determined to have a grandson. When she learned that Lu QiWei's pregnancy was a fake, thinking Yang's "private money" office was true, he not only angered Lu Family, but also closed Lu QiWei's family. Lu QiWei wholeheartedly have their own business, running away from home office, resulting in two escalating Lu Yang conflict. In order to get boss Lu QiYuan early marriage, Yu ChunLan invited neighbor Li GuiHua to Lu QiYuan media. Lu QiYuan failed because of his first love, swear this life is not to marry, resulting in timeless blind date ended in a farce. Lu QiYuan Lv DaGang could not conceal his entanglement with Lv DaGang's girlfriend but did not expect Lv Fu Lv Mu to believe it. Instead of telling Lu QiYuan several times, he was confronted with Lu Jiati and his parents, but all encountered Lu Family relatives without success. Third, Lu QiHai Li LiPing and Li GuiHua daughter is classmate, because Lu QiHai is Lu's descendant, his parents and family can be masters, that is, they can not call themselves; and Li LiPing is Li's daughter, her Parents can only say the mother alone. Two of the parents can not do the Lord finally make a return to the Lord, so two unexpected love. Yu ChunLan never dreamed I became limpid with Li GuiHua, and I did not think of my third daughter, Lu QiXiao, talking to my husband, Huang Jiahui, for her dream. Lu QiWei finally realized his dream with the help of Huang Jiahui. After becoming a TV presenter, after many twists and turns, Lu QiXiao accepted the feelings of Huang Jiahui, but Huang Fu rejected the marriage on the pretext that Lu QiXiao was beautiful. Lu YeYe left Lu NaiNai with her family unincorporated; Lu QiLu, a daughter of a Chinese family, ran away from her relatives again with "great secrets"; Lu QiYuan, who originally planned to marry Lv DaGang, regretted finding her first love; Lu QiWei was mentally disturbed by the stock crash; Lu QiXiao was fame and fortune, ready to become a monk. After the storm, it is a sunny day, all the stories ended in a happy reunion.

Next life to be your woman (TV)[2007]

Feature: In the era of passion burning, the most hopeful thing among the hundreds of passionate young people is to join the army. At the same time learning to useless mixed days spread in schools. One day, the little rogue adzemist teasing female students, the class usually "blow unplug the copy" of the boys all 蔫, and only Feng JiaChang one person to come forward, carrying two bricks went to adze, in front of singles. He waited for the other party to react, giving himself to himself, and the boy was stopped. Liu HanXiang (Yan Ni), who was studying in the county, quietly fell in love with Feng JiaChang, a rural poor boy. However, the love of two young people with poor family ties was hampered by Liu GuoDou's team secretary. Preface to the death of his mother Feng JiaChang Three brothers to be taken out of the countryside, have a good life. Feng JiaChang believes that to change his destiny, Feng JiaChang is enlisted only if he is a soldier. Liu GuoDou warned him that he would allow her daughter to follow him. Recruits Lianli, Feng JiaChang eager performance, in order to pre-empt the work, the broom in the bed; and because of the military soldier in rural areas buzzing, and urban soldiers Tan Jianhua fight, subject to confinement. Hu Lianchang Education Feng JiaChang: Only one outstanding military standard, outstanding thinking, military excellent, loyal and courageous! Rural soldiers Feng JiaChang and urban soldiers Tan Jianhua The enemy in the army's melting pot than Xue Lei Feng, than military exercises than training programs. Feng JiaChang Enrolled in the Force for Eight Years, Liu HanXiang Came to Fung Family Taking Care of Underthiered Three Brother and Failed Feng Dad, Feng JiaChang finally got rid of him, but he was not married to Liu HanXiang.

how far is Forever (TV)[2001]

Feature: Bai DaSheng grew up in the alley in the capital, compared with many girls: she is pure, innocent and innocent, with no competition. Her hard working, has been taking care of the hemiplegia grandmother, neighborhood neighborhood praise is a good girl. Bai DaSheng has her teenage idol-actress Zhao DaAn, yet Zhao DaAn did not pay attention to her because he fell in love with the beauty of the alley: Xi DanXiaoLiu. Xi DanXiaoLiu and Bai DaSheng completely different, she is free, realistic and open. Men living in the alley are attracted to her beauty. But her love affair with Zhao DaAn was opposed by her family because Zhao DaAn had no money. Helpless Zhao DaAn left the capital, before leaving he entrusted to Bai DaSheng Xi DanXiaoLiu: waiting for him back. Before graduating from college, Bai DaSheng began her first true love. He is a classmate of Bai DaSheng: a handsome and determined urban intruder - Guo Hong. Guo Hong, in order to stay in Beijing, broke up with his girlfriend for four years to pursue Bai DaSheng because Bai DaSheng's grandma could keep Guo Hong in Beijing through the relationship. Bai DaSheng understood Guo Hong's intention, but she was kind and innocent and accepted Guo Hong and loved him deeply. However, Guo Hong met Xi DanXiaoLiu. He abandoned Bai DaSheng and mixed with Xi DanXiaoLiu; and Bai DaSheng was abused in public. Bai DaSheng was totally disappointed. After entering Kailun Hotel, Bai DaSheng met a simple, hardworking big boy - Guan PengYu. He stands in contrast with Guo Hong, who speaks eloquently. He always used the action to help Bai DaSheng, encourage her to live or full of hope, Bai DaSheng was deeply attracted by his point. From acquaintance, knowing each other to love two people more and more understanding, Bai DaSheng also found his real life Son of Heaven. However, the appearance of cousin Xiao Bin changed everything that was originally beautiful. She lives in Bai DaSheng's home, eat Bai DaSheng, with Bai DaSheng, Bai DaSheng does not care about her. But in the end, she took Guan PengYu away and made his bride. After the success of Zhao DaAn back. He came to Xi DanXiaoLiu, ready to marry her, in fact, Zhao DaAn did not forget Xi DanXiaoLiu. The wealthy Zhao DaAn made Xi DanXiaoLiu more motivated, she immediately dumped Guo Hong, and Zhao DaAn together. Guo Hong lost a Japanese woman met, he wanted to go abroad. Zhao DaAn full of hope and imagination, gradually found that Xi DanXiaoLiu has changed, no longer that love for the past, all at Xi DanXiaoLiu. He found Bai DaSheng kindness and innocence in the twilight, known by all over the world, this is what he wants to find. However, Bai DaSheng did not accept Zhao DaAn because now Zhao DaAn is no longer her idol. Xia Bai entered her life at the time of Bai DaSheng's loss. He and Bai DaSheng grew up in the alley together as a self-employed. His cleverness and informality add a lot of happiness to Bai DaSheng's lonely life. Xia Xin borrowed money from Bai DaSheng to run a factory and sent her wealth manager to not only return the loan to Bai DaSheng but also show her love. Bai DaSheng envy by everyone. Guo Hong, a very different man, was eventually abandoned by the Japanese woman and left Guo Hong, an under-aged child.Guo Hong wants Bai DaSheng to return to him and commit suicide.

TheEmperorsShadow (Movie)[1996]

Feature: Qin Wang Ying Zheng and Gao Jianli grew up eating milk from a young age. Gao Jianli's instrument helped Ying Zheng overcome his fear of death and the two became concoctions of life and death. After Ying Zheng conquered Yan State, Gao Jianli was convicted of being a prisoner by being imprisoned on his face as a swallow. As a result, high esteem hurts. After unifying the six countries, Ying Zheng sealed Gaoyue House and ordered him to write "Qin Song," a tribute song written for the upcoming Qin Dynasty. High refused to fight hunger strike. Ying Zheng Ai Yang Li YongGongZhu voluntarily urged himself to persuade Gao JianLi to survive. Quyang beauty and sincerely touched the high, high school she played the piano, high after seeking speed, raped Li YangGongZhu. However, Li YangGongZhu, which had paralyzed this, did not expect to stand up. Instead of executing Gao Jianli, Ying Zheng asked him to continue writing Qin Song. Ying Zheng assigned Quyang Yang to General Wang Ben, and Quyang expressed his love for Gao Jianli in order to fight dead. When hearing of the death of Quyang and the murder of prisoners from Yan State, he learned that when Zheng Zheng was enrolled, he played a tragic Qin Song and pounded the piano against Ying Zheng.

TheWell (Movie)[1987]

Feature: The Laojing Village in the Loess Plateau can not give a single word to generations of ancestors, and the elderly pin their hopes of drilling wells on young people. Coquetted handsome young girl appearance, after the college entrance examination fell to rural farming. She is in love with the village boy Sun WangQuan. Both have a common aspiration toward the outside world. However, Wan ShuiYe insisted that Wang Feng, a young widow, be the son of a young widow in exchange for his relative's money. To this end, clever English, Wang Quan decided to run away from home. Wan ShuiYe furious, smashed pot Jiantang, just to stop the two. At this moment, Wangquan father accidentally was killed in the well. Forced by family pressure, Wang Quan had promised to do the daughter-in-law. In order to let the hometown people drink the water, Wangquan devoted all his energy to drilling the wells. At the recommendation of Sun ZongGongChengShi of the Provincial Water Conservancy Bureau, Wang Quan participated in the county-level hydrogeological study class. After returning from studies, he and Qiao Ying, Wang Caifeng and other young people sleep in the air, all day bumpy among the mountains. Laojingcun history first scientific determination of wells finally broke ground. Just when the whole village people fought day and night at a crucial moment, there was a landslide accident, Wang was sacrificed. Qiaoying and Wangquan were sealed underground by earth and stones, and they could finally make a couple when life could be taken away at any time. Soon, they were rescued to the ground. After Wang Quan left the hospital, he continued to lead everyone in the well, without money. Wan ShuiYe took the lead in donating his own coffin. Xi Feng donated his own sewing machine, and the villagers enthusiastically donated them. Qiao Ying Trustee donated all the dowry he had prepared, alone out of this million mountains, to find a new life. Well, finally the water. The villagers raised a stone carving fundraising, inscribed "perennial Liufang" and "Old Well Village drilling history monument." Carved on the village of Laojing hundreds of years to fight wells and a long list of ancestors of the name, so that the spirit of perseverance ages.

OldWell (Movie)[1986]

Feature: The Laojing Village in the Loess Plateau can not give a single word to generations of ancestors, and the elderly pin their hopes of drilling wells on young people. Coquetted handsome young girl appearance, after the college entrance examination fell to rural farming. She is in love with the village boy Sun WangQuan. Both have a common aspiration toward the outside world. However, Wan ShuiYe insisted that Wang Feng, a young widow, be the son of a young widow in exchange for his relative's money. To this end, clever English, Wang Quan decided to run away from home. Wan ShuiYe furious, smashed pot Jiantang, just to stop the two. At this moment, Wangquan father accidentally was killed in the well. Forced by family pressure, Wang Quan had promised to do the daughter-in-law. In order to let the hometown people drink the water, Wangquan devoted all his energy to drilling the wells. At the recommendation of Sun ZongGongChengShi of the Provincial Water Conservancy Bureau, Wang Quan participated in the county-level hydrogeological study class. After returning from studies, he and Qiao Ying, Wang Caifeng and other young people sleep in the air, all day bumpy among the mountains. Laojingcun history first scientific determination of wells finally broke ground. Just when the whole village people fought day and night at a crucial moment, there was a landslide accident, Wang was sacrificed. Qiaoying and Wangquan were sealed underground by earth and stones, and they could finally make a couple when life could be taken away at any time. Soon, they were rescued to the ground. After Wang Quan left the hospital, he continued to lead everyone in the well, without money. Wan ShuiYe took the lead in donating his own coffin. Xi Feng donated his own sewing machine, and the villagers enthusiastically donated them. Qiao Ying Trustee donated all the dowry he had prepared, alone out of this million mountains, to find a new life. Well, finally the water. The villagers raised a stone carving fundraising, inscribed "perennial Liufang" and "Old Well Village drilling history monument." Carved on the village of Laojing hundreds of years to fight wells and a long list of ancestors of the name, so that the spirit of perseverance ages.

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