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Miao Pu TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Miao Pu Works 49 ,And Feature 20 ,Comedy 11 ,Romance 6 ,Action 6 ,Costume Drama 5 ,Suspense 4 ,War 4 ,Martial Arts 3 ,Family drama 3 ,Historical play 2 ,Year 1 ,反特1 ,谍战历史题材1 ,Ancient mythology 1 ,近代题材1 ,Historical legend 1 ,Romantic drama 1 ,Ancient 1 ,Palace 1 ,权谋1 ,人物传记1 ,Spy war 1 ,Modern 1 ,legend 1 ,抗战1 ,Westerns 1 ,Adventure 1 ,Musical Drama 1 ,Thriller 1 。

Works Index

Miao Pu Filmography(49)


鹤唳华亭 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《鹤唳华亭》剧情介绍:讲述了 Xiao DingQuan 被南齐立为储君后,被皇帝 Xiao Ze 所忌惮打压,使定权在朝中逐渐举步维艰。定权为家国天下孤身犯险,收复顾家兵权交于皇帝,自己背负千秋骂名而死的故事。建元四年, Xiao DingQuan 被南齐立为储君。外有一代名将的母舅 Gu SiLin 力撑,内有清流领袖的太傅 Lu ShiYu 支持,因而被皇帝 Xiao Ze 所忌惮打压。深受儒家传统教育的定权渴慕父爱,谨守臣子与儿子的责任, Xiao Jian 却对其一再疏远,并纵容庶长子齐王对储君之位的觊觎。齐王步步紧逼,先破坏太子冠礼,再逼文官死谏,使定权在朝中逐渐举步维艰。齐王设计,害死文官 Lu Ying 并嫁祸于定权, Lu Ying 之女文昔为复仇化名"阿宝"潜入东宫,与定权的相互试探间逐渐产生不一般的情感,并最终反戈助定权险胜。 Gu SiLin 被害,顾家愤而起兵,定权为家国天下孤身犯险,收复顾家兵权交于皇帝,自己背负千秋骂名而死。多年之后,皇帝看着阿宝留下的孩子承欢膝下,终于老泪纵横 。

破局1950 (TV)[2019]


一九五零年,抗美援朝时期,国民党反动派制定了破坏我铁路运输及军用物资的“春雷计划”行动。为粉碎敌特阴谋,以韩立冬和刘玉娥为代表的安东铁路公安人员在我党领导下密切合作,慢慢接近特务组织。特务头目周春山频频用计,韩立冬见招拆招,终将特务组织一个个连根拔起,却招致周春山的暗中追杀。在公安处长郑新民的精心策划下,韩立冬成功打入敌特内部,凭借过人的侦查手段,找到日本关东军当年藏在安东的秘密军火库地图和一份极其重要的潜伏特务名单,及时铲除一直深潜在公安内部的特务“老刘”。经过一系列紧张而激烈的战斗,周春山及其特务组织最终被一网打尽,而被美军炸毁的鸭绿江大桥也在群众帮助下及时抢修完毕,从而保证前线物资供应 。


Love and be loved (TV)[2018]

Feature: In 1925, the separatist war war broke out. He Chengchu, the ancient western city warlord, was killed and his daughter, He TaoHua, survived and fled to the provincial capital alone to work as a servant in a Liao family. Clever peach won Liao master like, and love Liao Chunfeng Liao master young master. Before the wedding, Liao Chunfeng discovered that the peach turned out to be the daughter of Heji Chuang, a warlord of Baoji. The spring breeze could not be relieved to kill the father of Peach Blossom. So she killed her peach family wholeheartedly and told Peach and turned away Go, go to the battlefield. Peach to abandon all hatred to find Liao Chunfeng, hardships to find troops, but got the news of the war of Liao Chunfeng. After that, Peach Blossom found the Liao Chunfeng rescued by CCP and bravely bravely killed him and eventually died in a heroic sacrifice. Stills

Six Years (Movie)[2017]

Feature: "Six Years and Six Days" About Lu Yuan and Song XiaoDuo Because of the Olympic volunteers' acquaintance, Lu Yuan was arranged by her father in the suburbs in six years as a college student village officer. Song XiaoDuo also chose to study abroad, and both can only meet the annual August Meet at the Bird's Nest on the 8th. Until Xiao Duo returned to school, Lu Yuan became an excellent grassroots Communist Party member. With the growth of two people, he transformed and realized the value of life and at the same time gained good love.

Guan Zhong Hong Quan (Movie)[2016]

Feature: The play tells the story of Weifang Xiaoyi town juvenile tiger baby sudden change, his father was evil people, property confiscated, after the carmadian treasurer collected, bite the bullet to learn the red boxing, the ultimate revenge for the father's story. The movie "" "is a" Western martial arts "movie under the framework of the realistic creation. Based on the modern historical facts and historical figures in Shaanxi Province, the movie" The Drama "is a magnificent historical" positive drama "that took place in the territory of Guanzhong in the late Qing Dynasty. Told a book to study into the official career of the peasants and juveniles, repeated bullying and family change forced to interrupt their studies, instead of stealing martial arts in order to avenge their grievances; Fortunately, Eventually get rid of the narrow, the achievements of the national righteous story.

Father (Movie)[2016]

Feature: According to the staff revealed that the film was shot Asakusa shooting, shooting just experienced the cold and low temperature, the shooting was also bothered by the blessing of fortune photographed in the past did not appear beauty. "Gentle Bullets" will staged a chaotic situation, starting in September 2015, is expected to release the 2016 National Day file.

Father (Movie)[2016]

Feature: This is a story about Fatherhood, Revenge, and Redemption. Actor Cao HuaLi is a returning home scientist, to revenge for her daughter, personally manufacturing firearms, refit bombs, in a complex situation with a father's wisdom and courage to maintain the dignity of themselves and their families, and ultimately defend the family

Lonely war (TV)[2016]

Feature: In 1943, a list of officers who lurked Wang puppet and military orders was arrested by the chiefs and locked in a bank safe in Shanghai. Party member Chen Xiao was ordered to make a fingerprint cover using fingerprinting to remove the list. The action failed, the key of the safe was taken by Wang Pseudo-Special Branch, and contact Song Jie would have to get the list before sacrificing. Chen Xiao, who is out of touch with the organization, finds herself pregnant. Xie YiFu, an undercover agent of my party in the special services department, helped Chen Xiao sneak into the enemy camp as the military secret service "Kang Ziqin." In addition to Li ShiJie's suspicions, Leng JianPing's dissatisfaction, Fan WeiChen's disarray, and the power struggle that killed you in the hostile camp, I also let Kang Zicin step into the edge of the cliff. She used the enemy's rights struggle to help Li ShiJie atrocities Leng JianPing and get rid of its members Lu TianQi, crisis and opportunity coexistence of the camp, physical and psychological reaction to pregnancy and other life and death, she persevered, and ultimately she With faith and wisdom, thrilling to get the list, and disintegrate the enemy of a shaking conspiracy & nbsp ;.

Cultivation of Xian He XianGu Biography (TV)[2016]

Feature: He XianGu Biography of Cultivation Annals tells the story of a woman born in an ordinary Zhuang family who has become immortalized under the guidance of Lv DongBin and Tie GuaiLi. During the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Emperor Xuanzong, He XianGu was born in an ordinary village man in Lingling. Everyone in Lv DongBin, Tie GuaiLi and other seven immortals tried to choose one of the most gifted women in the world to become immortal. They selected He XianGu. An instant He XianGu grow up to become a rural boy Lang, her daughter dressed as a man to accompany her brother Cheng Ming to the capital to participate in rural examination, met the civil and military handsome Beijing Rui Li beauty. After misunderstood grudge two, each other had a good impression. He XianGu in order to cure the people, decided to run the drugstore. Lin ShangShu and his Fang Fang YuYi often make trouble for He XianGu, and harm Li RuYi, He XianGu by intelligence wise, and make fun of them. Lin ShangShu want to get rid of He XianGu, to the emperor recommended He XianGu received close to the emperor's "personal physique", by He XianGu knowledgeable scheme. He XianGu Punishing evil and promoting good behavior won the people love and desire to return to the court to show their aspirations, Lv DongBin advised her or with the Seven Immortals in the community to punish evil, He XianGu listened to the recommendations, with seven immigrants to Penglai Xian Island. He XianGu Biography is a costume fairy tale TV series starring Miao Pu, Jiang Wu, Calvin Li, Huang Jue, Zheng Kai, Dai Jun, Chengru Li, and Tong Zhang from Sichuan Yinji Film and Television Co., Ltd.

Laughter Kind of Dream (TV)[2016]


The Laughter Dreamer tells everyone that everyone dreams. Everyone wants a dream come true. The play talked about several dream masters, invented a dream machine, and created various dreams. The dream masters began to use this dream machine to create dreams according to the different needs of the customers. However, in the process of dreaming, the dream masters discovered that in fact, people’s dreams often reflect the individual’s own problems: personality deficiencies, Lack of love, distorted human nature, and so on. Then the dream masters changed their management styles, gradually realized the meaning of life from the dreams of their customers, gave up their original intention of making money, and gradually shifted the focus of their business to treating their hearts and minds in the form of dreams. Dream masters have also been moved and inspired by the glory of human nature. Dingzhuang photos


My Jagged Jinge dream (Movie)[2015]

Feature: This drama, which aims to "combat smart spy battles," completely overthrows the stylized scenario that most of the audience familiar with the spy war films will create a Chinese-style high-intelligence war drama. He Jinnan, a military officer, is the head of the local security team. Because the dramatist hit a new theme, Tan Yang with its many years of acting strength, better restore the role, breaking the audience on the British.

Incense (TV)[2015]

Feature: Obstetrics and gynecologists Jin QiLin family stable career, the only regret is that there is no child, can be the wife of Interpol team vice captain Jia QiongHua because childhood shadow so contradictory to the child, so that two people from love to get married has been eight years There is no such thing as having a baby at all. Anxious gold family in-laws did not see Sun photos do not look back faith, killed in the city into the son home, the incident suddenly upgraded to war. After several disputes, pregnancy became homework, love has become pressure, Qionghua increasingly irritable, almost error on the job. After a lot of wind and rain, Qionghua eventually understood her in-laws and let her have a little desire for her children, but she was stunned by the extremely low pregnancy rate. Qionghua unable to withstand the fate of the play, choose to go. In the Hope Primary School in the mountains, Jin QiLin found Viburnum, each other commitment to marriage, loyalty to love, love of life, all in the innocent children who have all been back. Miracles happened, Qionghua actually pregnant. Life is always rewarding those who love life.

My Jagged Jinge dream (TV)[2015]

Feature: "My Jagged Jinge Meng" tells the beginning of 1939 winter, in order to implement top-secret "centipede" plan, the Japanese occupy the Jinji and Jizang provinces at the junction of the county of Wuji, and the anti-Japanese armed forces in the area were completely suppressed. Daliu Zhuang's life-threatening afterlife Leopard, with the young people in the village to the ocean to pick up the children, who knows the daughter of wealthy Wang YuCui accidentally involved, such as Tie Leopard and the Japanese exchange of fire. Zhang XiFeng, the captain of the Eighth Route Army, was entangled in the Leopard because of a lost Czech machine gun. Leopard in two women's chase, find any. Wang YuCui childhood love Leopard vowed that he is not married, but the Leopard has repeatedly pushed the three blocked four, Wang YuCui huff decided to marry him has been seeking the Tie Leopin small - people's commander He JinNan, who expected the occasion of the wedding He JinNan was captured by Japanese troops. In order to preserve the life of Wang YuCui, He JinNan became a traitor and led the Japanese army massacring 116 people in Daliu Zhuang. State hate grudges forced Tie Le and others to embark on the anti-Japanese road. Zhang XiFeng took the opportunity to lobby Cheetah to join the martial arts team, not interested in Leopard, but also secretly digging martial arts team's corner. Wang YuCui is very dissatisfied with Zhang XiFeng's entangled Leopard all day long. She is going to publicize her own daughter-in-law as a Leopard. Wang YuCui forced to marry the Leopard, Leopard said to kill 116 devils will consider life-long event, Wang YuCui's father, Wang ShuCai in order to allow her daughter to complete the wish of reward as soon as possible to kill the devil, for a time full of gunfire, the iron Leopard's most beloved little brother stone therefore died. Leopard grief endless, but also finally realized that their team deficiencies, led the brothers formally joined the martial arts team led by Zhang XiFeng. The Japanese army Tucaocun, everyone realized that the Japanese conspiracy ultimatum, Leopard fake Japanese military intelligence, but found nothing. Wang Zaizhai was slaughtered and the whole village was missing. Wang ShuCai was accused of being a "traitor". Wang YuCui found He JinNan asking him to help him find his father. Who knows the spies of the military workers? Wang YuCui come to arrest female eight road, at the close of the moment, Wang YuCui announced that he came to find He JinNan married. The Japanese decided to use the wedding of He JinNan and Wang YuCui to trap the leopards. He JinNan was killed by Tang JinShi for the protection of Wang YuCui, Wang YuCui was told upon his death, and the Japanese are building a secret granary. After the continuous exploration of Tie Le and others, the "centipede" plan of the Japanese army gradually surfaced. The Japanese army wanted to establish a large telephone communication base in Wuji to take charge of the entire north China's Japanese communications. Those villagers who disappeared were forced to work as laborers Dig buried tunnel of the tunnel. Wang YuCui discovered the secrets of the Japanese army and was about to withdraw but was taken away by Tang JinShi. Leopard deep into the tiger hole, and finally rescued Wang YuCui with the help of Zhang XiFeng et al. The superior dispatched the main force to destroy the Japanese communications base. Zhang XiFeng volunteered to go with the troops to the front and sacrifice heroically. Leopard saddened, bid farewell to his unmarried wife Wang YuCui, once again war. Lebanon and military commander set plans, the main force feint, led by himself only a few brothers sneaked into the underground communication base within. With a loud noise, the entire base and the Japanese on the ground were submerged in a sea of ​​flames, and the "centipede" plan was completely destroyed. & Nbsp ;.

Luo Longzhen woman (TV)[2014]

Feature: Luo Longzhen Woman takes the real historical events as the story background and takes the growing experience of Hua Dan sisters as the angle of view, tells the story of the brave war of thousands of years in the ancient town. Miao Pu starred in the actress Yang ChunLan, one from the stage to the battlefield, a charitable chase from individuals to the righteousness of the nation, one in a special environment from the "..

Gunman (TV)[2014]

Feature: Tang YuJin, a shotgun who was a shooting champion, was a general practitioner returning from Germany. He opened a clinic stills in Shanghai while secretly searching for the murderer who assassinated his father and abiding by the guidelines of not gunshot wounds. On the eve of the Songhu Shanghai World War, all sectors in Shanghai unite to fight the Japanese. Tang YuJin was originally out of the incident, but after experiencing his painful fiasco with his fiancee and his family one after another, he decided to head for the New Fourth Army and joined the extermination of the Japanese invaders, organizing and participating in a thrilling anti-Japanese war struggle. In the baptism of the war of resistance against Japan, Tang YuJin completed the glorious journey of ordinary people growing into anti-Japanese warriors and became the anti-Japanese heroes on the battlefield in the northern Jiangsu.

Ground fire (TV)[2014]


TV series "Ground fire" introduction: tells about the party's intelligence personnel Ma ZengJun, who returned to the country from the Soviet Union's important mission of the Communist International. Li ZhongMing, the head of the North Underground Party, was ambushed when he was ordered to escort the joint. Ma ZengJun was Japanese. Captured and imprisoned. The Japanese army sent a special investigation to the prisoner for the investigation; the Kuomintang special agent was intercepted and imprisoned; Li ZhongMing was imprisoned for the crime of "corruption" on the job in case of suspected rebellion and arrest by the enemy. In prison, he first persuaded the Northeast Army to resist the "prisoners" of the Japanese army, and did not kill the Kuomintang agent Shang QingCheng, and reached a plan to jointly fight against Japan and rescue Ma ZengJun from prison. Under the cover of Shang, Li ZhongMing discovered the underground secret passage when he dug the jailbreak hole, which led the Western missionaries to repair the church in order to steal underground tombs. The Japanese changed the church to prison and also sniffed the ancient tomb artifacts. Li ZhongMing bears the burden of humiliation, unites multiple "prisoners" to confuse the prison guards, breaks the ancient tombs, and finally "prisoners" riots for the cover of Ma ZengJun jailbreak, and blows up the secret tombs at critical moments, many people sacrificed. Li ZhongMing succeeded in jailbreaking with Ma Zengming under the support of my underground party and continued to escort him to Yan'an.


PersonalTailor (Movie)[2013]

Feature: The film mainly tells one after another hilarious dream story: known as "Chiaki film spokesman," said Bai Baihe in the film, a variety of occupations, chef Miss sales are all vivid, compared to the past A single straight-line character, this curve deduction also grasp the ease and ability to make a full range children full. The company "Private Custom" by the wish planner Yang Zhong, the situation designer Xiao Bai, the dream rebuilder Xiao Lu and the psychic anesthetist Ma Qing. Custom dream solutions, no matter how many customers day dreams and more stringent requirements, "dream four groups" are all come to refuse, willing to meet any customer needs, just as the "private custom" company slogan - - "Complete others, disgust yourself." For a time, many customers with "wonderful dreams" have come to the door, privately-run companies are also facing a variety of challenges: determined to pursue the elegance of the world with the "one size fits all" the world's most "vulgar" Dao Yan, "Accept the money temptation Si Ji master, birthday wish is to become a" rich "river cleaners Dan Jie" dreams "in an endless stream," dream four group "also rack one's brains for each one Customer customized solutions to the dream, the process took place a lot of ridiculous absurd thing, every customer also in the final "dream come true."

GaoXin2 (Movie)[2012]

Feature: When interviewed by reporters yesterday, Agam admitted that he was preparing for "Happy 2" and "is still writing the script stage, which is a science fiction film with alien plot." What do aliens come to Xi'an? "Some of the stories are written and there are more interesting ideas, but the plot has to be settled," Forrest said. It is reported that the film is a start-up script, and Jia Pingwa original relationship is that the story still occurred in the "remaining floor", the character will continue the first. He said the remaining floor in Happy may have been demolished, but another scene could be built, but the feeling of "happy" must be renewed. The big difference is that "Happy 2" will be a 3D movie, because Forrest Gump two years ago said that in the future his film will be made into 3D, because 3D is the trend. "Each year the United States after the film's share of more than 14, but are 3D or IMAX version.At the end of last year, more than 9,000 screens in the country, 3D screen accounted for more than 5,000 pieces, the market will progress faster, will soon Achieve 100% .3D is a mature technology for me, from early to late, have a package .I have also seen 3D "Dragon Flying A", very good, and now we are very confident in 3D, I believe. .

Ground fire (Movie)[2012]

Feature: The play tells the story of a special fund (122 gold) stolen from the Central Soviet Area to Shanghai in 1931. To crack down on the case to recover gold as soon as possible, Xu YuanSheng (Qijiang Wu), a Central Mint engineer who was in the Soviet Union, traveled to Shanghai to investigate with a team member Jiang Ying (Zeng Li) and others. Xu YuanSheng puts his personal life and death on top of his own, taking adventures and adventures, continues to perform his duties, and relentlessly pursues the whereabouts of gold with his firm belief in his heart. Zeng Li plays the role of a female Jiang Ying in the play, which will extend from youth to middle age. Jiang Ying is a new era woman with gentle personality and full of justice. She has not only been helping Xu YuanSheng to solve the case, but also her entangled love affair. Guo Fei, played by Leizhi Xu, a social news reporter at the newspaper, has repeatedly mobilized the public opinion on the beach with his sharp and sharp writing. Behind the reporter's identity, he hides the identity of a senior Kuomintang agent, and has intricate relations with the Communist Party and the Japanese. Leizhi Xu in the play changing shape, each trip has a different first line. He laughed, this time over a Republican fashion show.

Mu GuiYing hangs (TV)[2012]

Feature: "Mu GuiYing command" tells the Northern Song Dynasty, Song and Liao expedition, Yang will be led by Song Jun protect the country. Yang LiuLang, the only child of Chai JunZhu, Yang ZongBao, is a treasure trove of blue dragons going to Mu Kezhai to meet with Mu GuiYing, the wife of his generation. Guiying Zongbao at first sight, she wits and braves, deliberately make things difficult in all aspects, so that Zongbao big headache. However, after several rounds, Mu GuiYing, who is brave, innocent and kind-hearted, dared to love and hate, gradually entered the heart of Zao Bao. After the hardships and dangers, the two finally married. Frontier war is tight, Liu Lang was trapped in the enemy camp, thanks to Mu GuiYing saved by the use of analogy. In order to make Mu GuiYing, a pregnant woman, command the armed forces, the generals disagreed. At this time, She TaiJun saw the shadow of her youth from her daughter-in-law and she decided to support her. She TaiJun large account Mu GuiYing Song generals to start the contest, Guiying forced to fight, and defeated the generals, in charge of Marshal Da Yin. Mu GuiYing rate Song Jun big Tianmen array, defeated the Liao Jun, won the peace for the people of both countries.

LetTheBulletsFly (Movie)[2010]

Feature: Eight pure blood high white horse four hoof fly, wheels and railroad crash rumble, the two trains are "dreams of Mara Train" wonders of Pentium in the mountains of southern China. The steam in the train's front chimney is translucent, but the source of this steam is actually a huge hot pot inside the car. Sitting next to the hot pot served the official soup, as well as his wife and master. Satisfied with the old soup do not know, a crisis is waiting for him, their fate will change from this. Lao Tang et al in the train when drinking, green Lin Xia Zhang MuZhi led the brothers ambushed in the valley on both sides. A few gunshots crossed the sky and a dazzling robbery took place as Zhang MuZhi "let the bullets fly for a while". The train fell into the water while it was empty, and Laotang and his wife became prisoners of Zhang MuZhi. In order to preserve his life, the old Tang Lintang lied to himself as a teacher, and Zhang MuZhi embarked on the road to the county magistrate. Zhang MuZhi transformed himself from Ma Bangde to Goose City, while his relationship with Laotang became a partner in life and death. He took office in Goose City, Zhang MuZhi complacent; and guarding the goose city tyrant Huang SiLang, then eyeing. Known as the southern power of a tyrant, started by smuggling arms and trafficked laborers and empowered the party in the era of warlords. His door gathered, Yongjun self-respect; bully male, rampant village. Huang SiLang, a lone defeat, is interested in this daring purchase of "Ma BangDe," but he thinks the man is just a straw bag that only plunders his money. He does not know that the real identity of the horse is Zhang MuZhi. The ghost of the "master" old soup in the balance between Zhang MuZhi and Huang SiLang, who will win the final. Zhang MuZhi, who had only hoped to reap the benefits, took a hundred-and-a-half ambitions after taking office in Goose City. The actions of Huang SiLang and his fellow villagers in their domination of male superiority aroused the enthusiasm of Zhang MuZhi in saving the country and saving the nation. He is a Sherlock Holmes-style official during the day, trial injustice case; night is Robin Hood-style ruthless, robbing the rich and the poor. This time of course, all kinds of acts offend the interests of Huang SiLang, the two forces in the city of incomparable, blade meet, on both sides repeatedly resorted to beauty meter, double spring meter, empty city meter and other tactics, both you and I wits melee, A pile of murder occurred in succession in the city of goose, fire fighting struggle is also escalating. Goose City full of temptation and desire, like a flamboyant Northern China flamboyant China. Zhang MuZhi of green Lin Xia bandits and the battle of Huang SiLang of the South China Paragon one after another, suspense rebellious; In the course of their struggle, the traitors, the brothels of the brothels, the reckless boarders and the guests came on stage one by one. In the midst of a fierce gun battle, touching the chaotic lovers' love affair, Yan Yang Lou and Xian ZhangFuRen Regret sighed. After a series of tragic sacrifices and anxious confrontations, Zhang MuZhi finally ushered in a big battle with Huang SiLang Xuemaibian. Heroic legends are always celebrated, and after the end of the song, Zhang MuZhi understand what they ultimately need.

An inattentive (Movie)[2010]

Feature: Upstart Yang BaoCai staged a new talk of "elegant man" in the story of a scrap specialist who was encountering Mi Li's love race. And a seemingly rules woman for the ulterior motives, constantly secretly dismantling Taiwan, so that would have been "tangled" love more "tangled." Upstart Yang BaoCai (Yu Li) staged a new talk of "elegant man" in the story of Liu Hua (actor) with Mi Li (Fann Wong) 's long distance run. And a seemingly rule woman (Miao Pu ornaments) for the ulterior motives, constantly secretly dismantling Taiwan, so that would have been "tangled" love more "tangled." & nbsp;

The republic of China of the past (TV)[2010]

Feature: The main actor "Republic of China" tells the story of the summer of 1926, the Guangdong revolutionary government has just begun the Northern Expedition, when China's unpredictable future. A mysterious killer sneaked into Shanghai. His purpose was to assassinate Bi Chengyuan during the meeting of the four nations' envoys with the Beiyang Warlord Bi Chengyuan. The news came out, causing a panic across the Northern Territories, Songhu Police Department is even more worried, because this assassin extraordinary, he is the famous assassin Zhang TieQiao, the police station sent a brave Black Mounted Police on the road robbed Zhang TieQiao, but so that the black cavalry confused is that they robbed a total of three Zhang TieQiao, in the end who is true or false? Just as they did not reflect it, they all died in the hands of Zhang TieQiao ... They had no power at all to stop Zhang TieQiao. At this moment, Zhang TieQiao had quietly sneaked into Shanghai ... and no one knew the real Zhang TieQiao in what place, what appearance. Zhang TieQiao The first thing he returned to Shanghai was to summon his elder brother, the brother of the original Ax Tieqiao led by Zhang TieQiao, then separated by the revolution and now returned to Zhang TieQiao. Zhang TieQiao started to assassinate him s plan. Pujiang Hotel and the Shikoku Ministerial Meeting had to be held as scheduled under heavily guarded conditions. Zhang TieQiao arranged all the assassination plans and steps, but the beggarly Becheng Yuan prevented the defeat. In the assassination process, Zhang TieQiao found himself attending the meeting Zhang TieQiao met the hotel attendant Yan Yuchun, with the cooperation and help of Yan Yuchun, Zhang TieQiao used the tune of the tiger to kill and hid him from hiding behind the president Kit Cheng Yuan in the suite, but also to the young guy Yan Yuchun left a deep impression. Yan Yuchun and Zhang TieQiao lost contact, at the same time he was fired by the hotel, desperation, to be pawned something, and occasionally met a man robbing a girl, Yan Yuchun to save her, this woman is on the beach of Beijing opera star He Yanqiu, Yan Yuchun and He Yanqiu did not think of it, and later, they both have a cut, chaotic feelings. Shen XiaoChen saw Luo ZongWei's ambition to become a police chief. In preparation for the UN, he planned to use the high-level prostitute Miao Yu to implement his plan. The location of the police chief and Shun Feng Terminal became the conditions for the secret exchange between Luo ZongWei and Shen XiaoChen. Returning to Shanghai, Zhang TieQiao returned to Shanghai all the time and did not affect the individual's heart. This man was Xie RuoBing, a long-lost old lover. Xie RuoBing, already a Christian, objected to Zhang TieQiao's killing and killing. Shen XiaoChen's wife Mei ShaoZhen only 18 years old, go to school in girls. Peculiar personality, she had heard of Zhang TieQiao's name, was curious about him. But Zhang TieQiao completely regarded her as a little girl. Teach her horse firing. In the meantime, there are people who love each other. The concern of Yan Yuchun is He Yanqiu and Yan Yuchun does not expect He Yanqiu to be favored, but He Yanqiu finds Yan Yuchun different from other suitors and gradually notices him. In order to get the location of the chief of police, Luo ZongWei began to waver and promised to unite Zhang TieQiao and Shen XiaoChen to tell them that the new army of Governor Tsoon will pass through the Sin Temple one day.Zhang TieQiao and others arranged a bomb in the Eight Immortals Bridge, but what Zhang TieQiao never imagined was that his younger brother Shen XiaoChen did not want to kill him but wanted to fill it with only ten One in a minute, after a loud noise, but not dead. Later, Shen XiaoChen calmed Zhang TieQiao's anger, Zhang TieQiao also understand the heart. Shunfeng pier opened, the opening of the day, Zhang TieQiao, Shen XiaoChen, Yan Yuchun three knot, thanks to the brother. In the meantime, Wan Peilin, their enemy who had been searching for ten years, appeared again. It turned out that Xin Hai years Pei Pei Lin League members as a rogue grass bandits, they won in one fell swoop. They ten years failed to meet their feuds. However, this time Wan Wanlin had taken the task of purchasing the munitions for the Guangzhou government. In the face of righteousness and sense of justice, Zhang TieQiao let go of Peipei Lin. In line with plans to purchase arms Wan Pei Lin, Zhang TieQiao use the opportunity Morita trafficking in opium Shun Feng marina, out at large, the cover of darkness carried away a large number of arms, Tu Sen Luo ZongWei command must be alive Zhang TieQiao. At the same time, Zhang TieQiao is also implementing the next plan for the massacre: killing Tuosun. Zhang TieQiao and Yan Yuchun had already buried their bombs in the theater. There was a loud noise and Tu Sen's life was attributed to Xitian. In order to take refuge, Zhang TieQiao decided to send Yan Yuchun to Guangzhou Whampoa Military Academy and give him a name for Yan Cao. At this moment, He Yanqiu, his beloved woman, was the only one who let Yan Chun go from strength to strength. The events of September 18 broke out, and Chiang Kai-shek's non-resistance policy toward Japan led to the loss of the vast territory in the Northeast and the rising anti-Japanese sentiments of the people. Zhang TieQiao in the battle Songhu injured in critical condition, were taken to hospital, while the Japanese Morita Hui Zi and Zhang TieQiao of the hospital began the assassination, but escaped with the help of Miao Yu and Luo ZongWei, in which case the Miao Yu has become a refugee, and Luo ZongWei, implicated in the case of Zhang TieQiao, acts as a self-destructing face and acts as a chauffeur. Her anonymity is beside Zhang TieQiao, with ulterior motives. Japanese occupation of Shanghai, to celebrate the General Assembly held in Hongkou Park, South Korea Yin Chang-ho volunteered, Zhang TieQiao and others plan to kill Japanese leader Shirakawa in Hongkou Park plan. Japanese soldiers sang the Japanese national anthem in the rain. Suddenly a loud noise was heard on the rostrum. Every newspaper in Shanghai reported it in lengthy fashion. Millions of military and civilian people ran away to sue. Yan tough heart clearly who did it. Chiang Kai-shek personally asked this question and hoped to 'use it for me'. Yan Jian brought Jiang's commendation orders and bonuses, believing it to be the best chance of reconciliation for the brothers, but how could Zhang TieQiao forgive Chiang Kai-shek, who advocated a compromise. British Leighton led a delegation from the League of Nations to China to investigate the Sino-Japanese clashes between the three northeastern provinces and Shanghai. Japanese spies Nanzao Hui Zi Through the operation of relations, Lytton greatly covered Japan, once came out, the nation uproar, Zhang TieQiao even more angry, vowed to kill. Toughness learned Zhang TieQiao To thorn in Leighton, knowing everything to stop it. He wanted Zhang TieQiao to assassinate Lieton and influence the international community's view on the relations between China and Japan. Zhang TieQiao made it clear that it was non-exaggeration to take back the order at the last minute.Under Chiang Kai-shek's strict order, Yan Jiang launched a large-scale siege of Zhang TieQiao. Whether it was in Shanghai or Zhang TieQiao's Fuguang meeting in Fuzhou, both Yan and Ren and Zhang TieQiao did not Stop chasing the game, Zhang TieQiao forced the situation away from Hong Kong. In Hong Kong, Yan tough did not stop the hunt for Zhang TieQiao, but his tough heart was very contradictory and painful. Zhang TieQiao's wife, Mei ShaoZhen, was severely touted as hostage, forcing Zhang TieQiao to surrender, while Mei ShaoZhen was so angry to keep Zhang TieQiao and commit suicide in prison. Zhang TieQiao, Shen XiaoChen, Yan Rao and the Three Brothers Struggling between You and Us for Righteous Minority Righteousness and Respect for the Republic of China, Continuing to Hunt and Kill Each Other and Righteous to Make Use of Everything Means to Attack Zhang TieQiao At this time, the news of the assassination of Zhang TieQiao came from Shanghai. An elder was deeply grieved and Yan Jianliang did not think Zhang TieQiao did not die in his own hands. When he was severely trying to condole the chapel, Guns pointed at the tough back of the head, Zhang TieQiao came out. In the presence of the Japanese, Zhang TieQiao conducted a spiritual dialogue with Yan Ren. With the enemy, the agreement was finally reached. The three brothers walked together again. The Japanese army celebrated the ceremony in the theater. Zhang TieQiao, Yan Ren, Tan Zhengang and others were ambushed ... ... brothers should co-kill Japan's chief well rock general. When the Japanese were dead and Yan-tough received an order, Zhang TieQiao was put to death and Zhang TieQiao was sent by a group of brothers to assassinate Zhang TieQiao without any defensive measures. Zhang TieQiao is dead. Yan tough ten years later became the commander, fly to Nanjing. Shen XiaoChen wearing a uniform, a photo of a slip in the briefcase, is Zhang TieQiao. Shen XiaoChen said that it is the commander of the commander in chief, actually modified the aircraft. Tough aircraft in the air crash. Shen XiaoChen away to Hong Kong, has been until the twilight years, he heard the news of Yan tough death, silent, but left a tear, lying on the chair, not far from the desk, stood a photo - three Brothers sworn photos. At this time, sounded the oath of the three men sworn.

TheTreasureHunter (Movie)[2009]

Feature: In the immeasurable desert, innumerable bustling dynasties were born, evolving countless cultural legends. For thousands of years, these dynasties ups and downs, life and death, the only constant, only this desert. There are countless treasures hidden in this desert, and these treasures quietly fall asleep under the sand, no one can come in and open the gate of treasures, because there are a group of mysterious guardians here and there Guardian of this boundless desert, the leader of the legendary guardian qualified as Da MoFeiYing, each guardian, has a super Eastern martial arts. The birth of a new generation of Da MoFeiYing, his opponent is doomed to stay away from this place, in this desert world of power to speak of victory is king. No one will remember who the losers are. However, the quiet desert is about to burst into a whirlwind of madness because a map of the ancient treasure buried with a trace of the millennium has drawn warlords. Qiao Fei has been carrying out the protection of ancient relics and specifically cracking down on the criminal activities of smuggling and reselling graves and cultural relics. Lan Ting, the only daughter of the mentor, was kidnapped by another group of explorers looking for the ancient city to hand over Qiao Fei to hand over the map. After a thrilling drama, Qiao Fei rescued Lan Ting but the map was attacked Take away. Qiao Fei just want one person alone to complete the task, but unexpectedly more than three colleagues who work side by side: Lan Ting, Pai Gu and archeologist Hua DingBang. Hua DingBang was a celestial aristocrat once starred in his treasure hunt. His treasure hunt many years ago caused the tragedy of all his partners' deaths. As a result, he was once again an alcoholic and he once again embarks on a journey of treasure hunt. Why? Nobody knows! Lan Ting insisted on staying on the brute for fear of looking forward to find an answer. She wondered what the charm of the desert could have spent her father's life, the only way she knew about her dead father. Qiao Fei also has doubts that he is anxious to answer. The desert in front of him has become an indestructible mess because of the disappearance of the guardian Da MoFeiYing. However, he, who has a deep connection with the guardians, is consciously more responsible for solving the mystery of the missing Eagle. Let the desert return to the original peace and beauty. Along the way, four people face the unpredictable and brutal murderous strikes and contradictions among the deserts. As a result, they left a righteous footprints in the heartless desert. Finally, Of the ancient city in front of us, at a time when imminent, missing Da MoFeiYing with Qiao Fei to conclude an unfinished duel years ago. Qiao Fei Faced with the long-awaited escapade of war, he finally solved the pent-up depression in his heart with his friend Da MoFeiYing. A pedestrian accidentally entered the underground mausoleum in the face of numerous traps and levels, the four lives and death are closely linked together, but in this very moment, the partner is the enemy is indeed difficult to distinguish. Under the ground is hidden or treasure is still unknown.

TheFoundingofARepublic (Movie)[2009]

Feature: The "Founding of a Republic" tells the story of a series of stories that took place from the end of 1945 to the eve of the founding of 1949. The main theme of the film's preparation reflects the period of time before the founding of new China. The film than the previous theme film has a new breakthrough, some of the little-known stories are mining, performance. Among them there is a deep description of the relationship between father and son.

NiuCunGuiZe (Movie)[2009]

Feature: Niu Er and Li Zhen accidentally got back to the village one. Be ear lover eager, to be owned, Li Zhen anxiety, fear provoke right and wrong. Sure enough, the cow village holy land, not the rules, not a radius. From year to year over seventies bye, under the verdant calf, everyone is exploring the mystery of this baby's life experience. Everyone on the cow ears and Li Zhen dig the bottom, polygraph inducement on the occasion, all the way to track the eldest brother and thin man nine dragon has also been Binglinxia village. Men and women young and old, up and down the village, a battle has been inevitable ......

Chinese peacekeeping police (TV)[2009]

Feature: Since the 20th century, all countries in the world have had frequent exchanges and disputes, and in order not to endanger the international security and ensure the stability of the international peacekeeping situation in China, the United Nations has sent peacekeeping troops and peacekeeping police to the conflict areas. In 2000, at the request of the UN Secretary-General, the Chinese government decided to send for the first time a peacekeeping civilian police to East Timor. The Ministry of Public Security issued a notice to all its departments at the ministerial level informing the nation of the 1.6 million public security forces that peacekeeping police officers were selected and hundreds of police officers from all over the country gathered in the Beijing examination room. The exam was fierce, English, driving, shooting, psychological testing, take the "sudden death law", as long as there is a small project failed, immediately announced the list to be eliminated. Feng LiWei, Zhou Jing, Shao GuoDong, Lin Dongsheng, Dong Yan, Du Chunyu, etc. After a fierce examination, they were honored to embark on the flight to East Timor. In accordance with the stipulations, the newly arrived police officers, irrespective of their domestic job level, should all be patrollings for one to two months. They should then open their positions for job placement on the basis of vacancies. After a preliminary examination, Feng LiWei and Shao GuoDong were dispatched to a police station called Bakr in the mountainous area 150 km away. Zhou Jing and Du ChunYu go to the headquarters of the disappeared census office. Dong Yan patrolled with Lin Dongsheng in the mountains adjoining Baalibo. Soon afterwards, Lu XiaoHong, a Beijing girl who followed Feng LiWei, also took root in the East. From working as a boss to himself, he set an image of hardworking, intelligent and kind-hearted ordinary Chinese. After negotiations with Ka DuoLi on the rooftop, Lin Dongsheng and Yue Han quietly came to the back of the building. Lin Dongsheng smartly climbed the wall. When he reached the roof

A perfect ending (TV)[2009]

Feature: A promising oncologist Zhou Zhenhua 36-year-old birthday is approaching, love his wife Tao Lin is prepared to elaborate a chic birthday party for him. However, on the birthday, he suddenly made a big change, and from now on his life is going downhill. Is to reveal the truth, or cover up the sea? After careful planning, he decided to implement a shaking plan. For a sudden change of husband, Tao Lin fell into the fog five years, it is unacceptable that he has changed his mind or another hidden secret, layers of doubt that Tao Lin lost confidence in a calm life, but she is still trying to save the broken marriage. Former lover Zhang Bin accidentally appeared, leaving her dead heart once again aroused ripples. She did not think this is Zhou Zhenhua's efforts to match. Dorothy Taoren unbearable emotional entanglements, she accidentally found her husband and the old lover Li Jing still have contacts, to further deepen her unfaithful suspicion of her husband. Zhang Bin, vice president of advertising company Merry 倜 傥, is the white-collar women in the hearts of Prince Charming. He was soft-talked about television reporter Chu Hong, one is the business leaders, one is fashion and beauty, the two have begun planning into the marriage hall. However, in the face of Tao Lin, Zhang Bin shaken. Tao Lin, the woman who used to let him be crazy about it, went through a seemingly perfect marriage at a time. At a time, Zhang Bin fell into confusion. For Tao Lin falling from heaven, Chu Hong out of instinct exclusion, she was determined to find out the ins and outs of Tao Lin. Investigation, Chu Hong learned a real Tao Lin, met Zhou Zhenhua, know why he willingly abandon his wife, tear up a perfect family. Chu Hong Taoluo Hengdao wins love, Zhang Bin's sudden betrayal, with a new understanding. Zhou Zhenhua's colleague - Chen Wenxia, ​​both in his work partner, but also secretly in love with him. She saw the relationship between Zhou Zhenhua and Tao Lin, and saw that they performed the perfect happiness. Zhou Zhenhua everything that happened, she not only for him to keep the secret, but also in my heart to bear with this drastic change in the field. She personally helped Zhou Zhenhua create a broken family, but can not get Zhou Zhenhua's love. Love is distorted, is helpless, or her heart can not heal the pain? Stills Atlas two sets of responsibilities or feelings, Zhou Zhenhua layout puzzle can have the perfect ending of a love? A silly woman, two loyal men, three love and love disputes, is a shame lies or a rational return? In this age of change, who can stick to a promise of happiness? Broadcasting time: September 15, 2009 premiere in Anhui Satellite TV.

TheBeastStalker (Movie)[2008]

Feature: Sand Exhibition Tang Fei (Nicholas Tse ornaments) pursuit of fast and accurate handling of cases, the action is extremely fierce. While chasing suspects Zhang RiDong, they eventually led to a series of car accidents. Zhang RiDong and his gang were killed and were killed on the scene. However, in the car's rear compartment, Tang Fei found himself shot dead by his own missile Girl, can not help but stunned. Two months later, Zhang RiDong recovered and the court formally filed a suit against him. Prosecutor Gao Min (Zhang Jingchu), the mother of a young girl who was mistreated on the same day, now divorces her daughter Dingling from divorcing her husband. Tang Fei, who lives in a sense of guilt, has also been watching Ding Ling for two months and sees Ding Ling as if seeing the tragedy of the day. Hong Jing (Nick Cheung), a physically handicapped, earns money by kidnapped and exterminated, this time he is assigned the task of kidnapping Ding Ling to host Gao Min and Gao Min to steal evidence of unfavorable effects on Zhang RiDong for. Ding Ling's abduction broke Gao Min's heart and Tang Fei did his utmost to search Dingling's whereabouts without any cost. The people who were strung together by things were the victims of the serial car accident that day. Everyone's life is changed on that day, behind everyone has its own non-humanity so ...

GaoXing (Movie)[2008]

Feature: The story takes place in Shaanxi, farmer Liu GaoXing is a caring designer who likes to design aircraft. Forced to livelihood, he came to Xi'an with his brother Wu Fu to work in a dilapidated warehouse in the hometown of Han DaBao. His neighbors included Northeast Huang Han and a couple of Zhong Zhu and Xing Hu. Happy work is to collect waste products, although the work is not so glamorous, but happy to enjoy it, this positive attitude infected Wu Fu and neighbors and couples. In addition, the encounter hooligans Shi ReNao provoke trouble, but also happy to come forward and punish evil. A chance, happy to get acquainted Miss Meng YiChun massage, two people in the contact of the spark of love. In order to raise money for her younger brother to go to school, she committed a businessman Wei Da. Pleased to learn about the incident, decided to start an active fund-raising with his fellow partners who are not rich. However, after they solved the problem, the Miss Massage was jailed for an accident.

drop in the ocean (TV)[2008]

Feature: Shanghai recovered! Liu HaiSu, deeply in love with cousin Yang ShouYu, came to Shanghai from an ancient city of Changzhou. With his passion and excitement, his colleagues Wu JinZhi and Xie BingWen cut off the braids behind the symbolism of feudalism and founded the first art school in China. In the upsurge of teaching reform in the United States, Liu HaiSu meets with prostitutes candidate Pan Yu-liang. In the face of a woman who desperately wants to learn but does not help, he extends a powerful hand to persuade Wu JinZhi of Pan Yu-liang to let Pan Yuliang into Shanghai Merit . Haisu once again raised the anti-feudal banner of this move, Guo Moruo praised him as "art traitors"! Zhang YunShi, a female school student, was envious of the talent and courage of Haisu. She fell in love with him and fell in love with her. From then on, Haisu had a confidante in the long journey of running and painting. Liu Haisu expressed his indignation over Chiang Kai-shek's revolutionaries and progressive people in Shanghai's bloody massacre. He published many articles condemning him as being arrested and arrested by military and police officials and monitored by day-night military and police agents. Xie BingWen, Wu JinZhi and Haisu also disagree on the decision of compromise and resistance with the warlords. Cai Yuanpei arranges Liu HaiSu boarded the ferry to east Japan's asylum. Under the Mt. Fuji, Haisu is attracted by exotic scenery and draws many fine masterpieces, which are called by the Japanese as "Oriental painting giant". After he returned to China, he led his student Ding Hui to Mount Huangshan, the highest mountain of the Five Sacred Mountains, and vowed to search Qifeng for his chest drawing. In Peking, the sea millet into Xu Zhimo and Lu Xiaomun stunning worldly love. Liu HaiSu's love life has changed. The beautiful, intelligent and full-fledged beauty school flower Cheng JiaHe appeared in the life of the sea millet, and Zhang YunShi as his wife was not surprised. On the contrary, it was expected. Because in her view, the pursuit and feeling of beauty and beauty of the artist are different from ordinary people, she will lose her husband. This is undoubtedly a matter of time. Soon, when Liu HaiSu decided to marry Cheng JiaHe, Zhang YunShi and Liu HaiSu ended their marriage in a calm and harmonious atmosphere. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, Liu HaiSu ignited anger in his chest and braved the flames of war. He sketched the four-line painting on the front line. He sang the Nineteenth Route Army, created many wonderful works, traveled around and sold charity, and handed the proceeds to the Red Cross in full. On economic issues, Cheng JiaHe contradicted Liu HaiSu. Both often dispute whether the money they canvass for painting can support the war or leave behind themselves. The relationship between husband and wife turned sharply, ruptured immediately. Liu HaiSu was invited to go to Singapore for an anti-Japanese disaster relief exhibition. He met Xia YiQiao, an innocent, lively and passionate overseas Chinese girl who loves this student. He enthusiastically taught her knowledge and painting. Mutual affection between two hearts gradually. Japanese invasion, wantonly tracing cultural people. Liu HaiSu, with the help of his friends, hid in the country and unfortunately was still caught. Xia YiQiao anxious, running around, the rescue failed. Liu Haisu, fearful of the threat of the Japanese troops, refused to exhort him and was escorted back to Shanghai. Back to Shanghai Cheng JiaHe divorce him. He refuses to be a cultural traitor. Under the watchful eyes of the Japanese army, Shanghai, where the daily life of the Cang Dynasty is plunged, is booming.Xia YiQiao far from the Southeast worried about Liu HaiSu, and in the spring of 1944 Xia YiQiao flew to Shanghai alone, and she stood by her beloved teacher in the most difficult time. Sea millet mixed feelings, three days after the millet to marry him. Victory in the War of Resistance Against Japan, Haisu and Teachers and Students of the American Academy also took part in the fight against hunger, anti-civil war and anti-persecution. He endured hunger, saving money to support the beauty of the difficulties in the United States; he was passionate and created many of the most contrived theme works. New China is about to be established. In the choice of going to stay in Taiwan and the mainland, Haisu and Wujinyun, two life and death comrades in arms, parted ways and said goodbye. After liberation, Haisu art youth germination again. In his previous political campaigns, he upheld the artist's personality and upheld the truth of art. During the Cultural Revolution, he and his wife Xia YiQiao were swept away. Hai Mi's nephew heard that the elderly were criticized, Xia YiQiao also often on behalf of the penalty, late at night to visit them secretly, the door long knees and cried: "End! Our family is dead, the country is hopeless ah ... ...". After the Third Plenary Session, Deng Sang consoled him on behalf of the party Central Committee and praised him as a patriotic artist. Comrade Xi Zhongxun inscription for him: "a drop in the ocean, magnificent life!" Sea millet eyes moist, and he took the disease Huibian drew an eagle looking to the sky, in order to show signs of mind. In the 1980s art schools resumed their teaching of nudity. However, the historical tragedy actually repeated! Doom once again come in a woman model from the country Chen Qian body. She was beaten by her father, abandoned by her boyfriend, villagers around her abusive ... ... after all, the time is different, the sea millet and the model no longer isolated, the whole community out of solidarity. Sea millet general feeling, he and Xia YiQiao go to the hospital to visit the seriously ill Chen Qian, he and Chen Qian photo photo wrote: artists and models jointly explore the beauty of the territory! "In 1994, Hoi Su elderly held their hundredth birthday celebration, thousands of people congratulations, ten thousand congratulations ... Huangshan sea of ​​clouds tumbling changes, sea millet elderly hundred years on Huangshan, the peak of the sky, Xie BingWen brought a white The old grandmother, she turned out to be the first woman model Chen XiaoJun! Has been a hundred-year-old Hai Su elderly tears pouring his lofty, loudly said: "Former Huangshan is my teacher, Huangshan today is my friend. Heaven fake I ten years of youth, I have to draw the human body! Huangshan again! "

TheDreamIsAlive (Movie)[2007]

Feature: The dream of a serious scientist in his whole life is to have China have a first-rate deep-water port and build it into the core port of Asia. He is - Chang TianQi, chief commander and chief officer of Yangshan Deepwater Port. To build the East Dagang, the scale of the project and technical difficulties in the history of Hong Kong's unique. Chang TianQi led an elite team: Jiang HongYu, an oceanographer returning from abroad, Wang Dong, a famous university professor, and Chen Hong, a port graduate student, took over three and a half years to overcome all technical problems. Chang TianQi wholeheartedly at work, affecting all people. Every day he rushes to the front of the construction command. When he disagreed with Wang Dong and Jiang HongYu, he also let everyone fully express their opinions and then argue with contempt and never press anyone seriously. Although Chen Hong is a student of Wang Dong, he followed Chang TianQi on the port construction project. He deeply admired the chief engineer because he thought Chang TianQi and mentor Wang Dong were not the same. In order to gain the title of academician of the Academy of Sciences, his mentor flatter Chang TianQi and passed the argument that his plan of setting up a major port for three and a half years will be passed. Chang TianQi told Chen Hong to do new research and study new topics, and to arrange Chen Hong and Jiang HongYu to work together. Jiang HongYu faces a choice of love and career. In order to build his career, Jiang HongYu chose to divorce. When the villager Hai Xiang came to tell Chang TianQi that there was a heavy storm at sea, Jiang HongYu first expressed disdain but listened to Chang TianQi's words and risked his life and Chen Hong went to the island for research. A new discovery. The villagers Hai Xiang is a honest, honest and simple but temper and very stubborn, loving people. He refused to move and took a kitchen knife to threaten Chang TianQi, but Chang TianQi's personality shook him. Chang TianQi did not joke about him when told by many years of life experiences at the seaside that there was a heavy storm. On the contrary, he paid special attention. Hai Xiang prayed for all, and at the moment, he understood the truth of the country's boat. But for the family, Chang TianQi has lost a lot of family happiness. The only daughter, Chang WenJie, a reborn creator of his dream, grew up as a scientist from his childhood life, planned by her father. Both father and daughter have been estranged from the past till now, and Chang WenJie chose to commit suicide in order to leave her home for love and abandon her man. She had a hard time finding a suitable object and had a hard time meeting her favorite She YingShi boyfriend, but she was completely agitated by her boyfriend taking a bold picture with her father. When Chang WenJie decides to talk to her father, she happens to run into an accident caused by a natural disaster and their affection touched everyone at the time of her death. Because Chang WenJie hides the qualifications and real identity led to displeasure and her boyfriend, but in the end there are lovers married, and there is the crystallization of love. Yangshan Deepwater Port Phase III construction is still in full swing carried out, this beautiful port witness the love, affectionate warmth.

The marriage of both of us (TV)[2007]

Feature: Beginning of the new century, a big city in the north. The two of us got acquainted with a new cellphone dropped below the theater seat. Nearly thirty museum researchers, Qin Yan, graduated for many years without being married. Xia XiaoNing, who works on television, is in a weary period in love with long-distance running. His cell phone seems to imply a certain kind of life mystery to both. In excitement and anxiety, They quickly approached, love suddenly and seems to be reasonable. Like the vast majority of love, this love in order to achieve good things, must enter the city of marriage. On the eve of her wedding, Qin Yan learned that there was another man in Xia XiaoNing's mind. A family conflict in the Qin family also let Xia XiaoNing first understand the unusual majesty and weight of Qin Yan's mother before her children. The storm thus ensued from all directions and parallel staggered: between husband and wife, mother and daughter, husband and wife and two loved ones, between husband and wife, between life and career. Two people's character, accomplishment, heart and mind, two people are not aware of the nature of the two people inadvertently hidden in the soul of the self, numerous "events" after the marriage, showing also exposed, At the same time accept the consideration, questioning and temper ... ... "I did not intend to live with your mother for a long time!" Intelligent sensible and independent modern woman Xia XiaoNing completely unaware that her sentence even brutally opened two People in the initial stages of marriage prelude to family conflict, and Qin Yan placed in the mother and child love and the love of the couple can not be the pain of suffering from the drama. Conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law This ancient mystery hidden in the thousands of families in the whole society makes Qin Yan, who lacks adequate psychological preparation for her own role in marriage, left Benben right between her mother and her wife, and experiences time and again from emotion to soul Purgatory. In her marital life, Xia XiaoNing has several pregnancies, several miscarriages, and the unfortunate death of her new life, making Xia XiaoNing deeply in the dilemma of career and family. Unconsciously, from the temperament to the values, both Qin Yan and Xia XiaoNing are undergoing changes, and the relations between the two people also have subtle and definite changes. At this time, the birth of Qin Yan's nephew stirred up a profound clash in Qin's blood. In the end, the birth of a life created a miracle that everyone was stunned. In the face of the miracle of life, inspired by the closer affinity of blood, the love of nature, Xia XiaoNing and Qin Yan are rekindled. Together, they both sowed the seeds of their dreams in the stream of life into the heart of the Qin family, Qin Yan's nephew. Xia XiaoNing is finally more and more eager to be a mother. In the marriage between Xia XiaoNing and Qin Yan, Hu Xiao, an old friend of Xia XiaoNing, has always played the role of a witness and arbiter. Xia XiaoNing also needs a close friend to share the gully of his life. After an emotional accident, Xia XiaoNing had to reexamine the position and weight of friendship in marriage as well as the quality of marriage itself and the mutual loyalty of husband and wife. At the same time, Xia XiaoNing and Qin Yan suddenly found that the romance and passion that had ignited when they first fell in love had already disappeared. The same tenderness and same speech gave the two their own taste and feelings, and more Disregard, intentional or unintentional injuries, and endless suspicion. The two marriages inevitably get into trouble.No matter which side, any attempt to improve the relationship leads to counterproductive effects, an invisible force secretly promote the two farther and farther. Finally, no one thought, a trivial life lit ignited the two men in the history of the largest outbreak, under the wrath of the two at the same time that did not want to face the reality that has not dared to face the word "divorce" No drama needed to kill the photo by his or her say, "Our marriage" seems to come to an end. Incredibly, the sudden and clear idea of ​​divorce suddenly cooled Qin Yan and Xia XiaoNing. It was only then that they found out that although their heart was already scarred and thwarted by their desire to freedom, although the dawn of hope had not yet been revealed, In fact, two people who can not do without whom, husband and wife love afflictions inextricably linked, not a divorce can be cut across the knife! As a result, Xiao XiaoNing and Qin Yan finally regained their seat together and cleansed love, marriage, husband and wife, mother-in-law, bloodline and friendship with the unprecedented sincerity. The most essential content of these lives is in another dimension Pick up the feelings of a couple, willing to work hard again for a common marriage, do insist once again. At this time, the nephew of Qin Yan urgently needed kidney replacement due to uremia. As a result of the matching, Xia XiaoNing and Qin Yan were put in a dilemma. Among all the relatives, only Qin Yan was the only candidate who met the kidney-kidney matching requirement. Xia XiaoNing know Qin Yan donate kidney to their fatal impact on the little life, more aware of their own powerlessness nor the right to stop Qin Yan this time to pay. She quietly donated kidney to Qin Yan doing all kinds of preparations, quietly chewing life bring yourself bitter sweet and sour. Maybe there is a natural eye. Just before Qin Yan donated his kidney, Xia XiaoNing accidentally learned that he was pregnant. As the wife of Qin Yan, as the future mother, she immediately realized that Qin Yan's mother had had a picture of her children for years Painstakingly, unconscious guilt suddenly poured out, remorse and repentance - all of this, into silent tears, she could hardly help to Qin Yan embrace. With warmth and tranquility, the whole family enlightened a new life to come upon earth.

The Colors Of Love (TV)[2007]

Feature: Many years later in the 1980s, when Hai Xia (Miao Pu) looked back, the happiest day in his youthful memories was the 1984 National Day, the day of her 20th birthday. She and Chun Ni (Qin Hailu ornaments) and Li Sai (Chen Shiang-chyi ornaments), three are not pro-sisters but wins sister-like girls in Tiananmen Square participated in the celebration of the 35th anniversary of National Day of Daqing. Hai Xia grew up in Chun Ni from an early age. Hai Xia's father and Chun Ni's father, Xu Shulin (originally Yiwei Zhao), originally belonged to a village and later joined the working-class pride of state- People are the best buddies. Unfortunately, however, Hai Xia's father died in a fire in order to protect the factory equipment. His father died early, mother Xiu Fen (Ailing Huang ornaments) will not take children. Xu Shulin handed Hai Xia to her own mother-in-law, Xu Lao Lao (Sun Guitian) belt. Xu Lao Lao gave birth to children for a lifetime, but also dragged a big hand Li Wei Guo (Dong Yong ornaments), Li Sai brothers and sisters. The brothers and sisters came from overseas Chinese intellectual families and their parents were shocked during the Cultural Revolution. Now Chun Ni, Hai Xia, Li Sai three sisters have grown into Tingtingyuyuli girl. Chun Ni, the eldest sister of the Three Sisters, helped Lao Lao take care of Li Sai and Hai Xia. After coming back to the countryside, she went to work at his father's light steam plant and became an advanced worker. Li Sai is the second child, her beautiful, proud, is the goal of the boys chase. Li Sai in the school play, playful lazy nature let her inadvertently learn, bent on going abroad. Hai Xia the youngest, she did not take the college entrance examination for two consecutive years, Xu Shulin arranged for her to take over the father's class has also entered the state-owned manufacturers. Hai Xia has always regarded Wei Guo as an idol, hoping to become a college student one day. Wei Guo graduated from the Department of History with excellent grades, but gave up the chance to stay as a teacher. This seemingly old-fashioned young man actually hopes to make a big undertaking. Wei Guo was assigned to an organ, his scholar's stomach full of knowledge and ideas, but may not be with the leaders, colleagues, so although enthusiastic to make a lot of suggestions, but not inconsistent with. Disappointed, Wei Guo shut himself in a single dorm to learn. Hai Xia nothing to Wei Guo's single dormitory run, is to stay with Wei Guo. Hai Xia Mama Cui Xiu Fen was born in Bazi, she was not complaining about her share of state barbershop nightmares, is to give Hai Xia pour cold water, advised Hai Xia early thought of his lifetime event, Hai Xia yell Say they do not intend to marry a lifetime. Xiu Fen sneer her that you are all old Li Wei Guo ran there. Reminded by the mother, Hai Xia began to mind, working in the old mistakes. The factory has a well-known small ruffian named Chen DongDong (Naiwen Li ornaments), Nothing is the favorite favorite girl wrapped in poverty. He caught Hai Xia short and cried Hai Xia. Li Sai came to the factory to find sisters to play. When the East son saw it as a horrified person, he secretly vowed to knock Li Sai to his hand. Hai Xia whispered to two sisters how to fall in love. Careful Chun Ni see a clue, under questioning, Hai Xia blush said she likes Wei Guo, Chun Ni heard Yizheng.The original Chun Ni also quietly in love with Wei Guo, they had a mountain to the countryside, in difficult times to help each other, but neither of the two introverted people pierce the window paper. Hai Xia returns a tender love letter to Wei Guo in the book entitled "The Third Wave." Wei Guo persuaded Hai Xia on the grounds of being too young. Xu Lao Lao could not bear to see her granddaughter suffering in pain, asked Wei Guo like Chun Ni. Wei Guo, who confirmed Chun Ni's heart, was so excited that he found Chun Ni, saying he was never going to go abroad. Hai Xia just hit the scene. Back home, Hai Xia cried. Xiu Fen has been to Hai Xia and Xu Jiabi with their own beloved, when she chewed the tongue. Hai Xia overwhelmed, moved to the factory dormitory, did not go home completely. The first love failed to make Hai Xia whole changed individuals, began to dress up to go to a variety of fashionable salon, she felt he could find a better than Wei Guo men. Dongzi's father was an old general's driver. Taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime relationship, the Tungzi took Li Sai and Hai Xia into the general building while the old general took the chance of recuperation. The party, Tian Bo (Zhang Hanyu ornaments) appeared. Tian Bo is a small reporter in an industry newspaper literary repost, but he prefers to say he is a poet. He always wrapped around a long red scarf, and then out of two misty poems from time to time, so that Hai Xia heart impulsively. And Tian Bo's eyes on Hai Xia were also burning because Li Sai told him that both he and Hai Xia were the grandchildren of the general. Hai Xia did not show up at the wedding of Wei Guo and Chun Ni. In another lively party, East Siji hit Li Sai and the high-spirited together in a mess, he was mad mad, frantically. One side of Tian Bo therefore learned the true identity of Hai Xia, leaving. Hai Xia went to the newspaper several times and so on, Tian Bo flash proposed to re-understand everything Hai Xia. Hai Xia returns home with Tian Bo. Tian Bo can be completely desperate, in the face of messy messy and sophisticated Hai Xia Ma. Hai Xia feels disgraced, unable to close the door. Chun Ni tells Hai Xia about the past of two fathers. The original fire in the year, Hai Xia Dad insisted to save the machine first rescue, he also put Xu Shulin struggled to launch a sea of ​​fire, so many years Xu Shulin Xiu Fen, Hai Xia mother and daughter always feel guilty. The two have been rebuilt, Chun Ni found Hai Xia like to eat sour stuff, but also often disgusting. Chun Ni at this time has pregnant, Hai Xia's situation let her secretly scared. Li Sai accompanied Hai Xia to the hospital, late-maturing, ignorant Hai Xia discovered that she had been pregnant for several months. Tian Bo, who has had another new love, is helplessly indicating how he knows that child is his own. Xiu Fen angrily with a mouth on Hai Xia's face. Hai Xia to commit suicide, thanks to Guo Guo arrived in time to save her. In order to deceive the public, Xu Lao Lao returned to his hometown with Chun Ni and Hai Xia. Wei Guo also came to help take care of him, he gave Hai Xia a book "Gone with the Wind." Li Sai began to follow the band's buddies around. Xu Lao Lao urged Chun Ni to take good care of Hai Xia. Premature delivery of Hai Xia en route to the hospital, Chun Ni inadvertently fell out of the car. Hai Xia successfully gave birth to her little sea.However, Chun Ni aborted, and lost the ability to reproduce. Xu Shulin is very concerned about the factory Hai Xia, Hai Xia in the same time guilty, but also feel that they have to work hard to be worthy of the people who have been concerned about her around. 1990s sea primary school. In the eyes of others, he is the son of Wei Guo and Chun Ni, and Hai Xia is his aunt. Dazhayuan Demolition, Hai Xia Jia and Xu moved into the new dormitory building, which is the factory's last welfare room. Hai Xia self-study finance, participated in the adult college entrance examination, with tenacious perseverance completed in-service research. Hai Xia's ability to get the deputy director Du QingChun (Zhang Su ornaments) attention, transferred her to the audit department. Hai Xia works hard and wants to make some achievements. Hai Xia found the audit department's loopholes and asked Du QingChun for suggestions. Du QingChun reminds Hai Xia that she needs to know who she is and start a hands-on move to Hai Xia. Hai Xia, who was greatly insulted, angrily found out the response from the supervisor at the higher level and got to know Qiao Liang (Wei Xu), the young deputy director. Hai Xia's courage and beauty left a deep impression on Qiao Liang; Qiao Liang's passion and sense of justice also made Hai Xia feel good about him. Du QingChun seemingly no longer meet with Hai Xia, but let her go outside to catch the arrears. With his honesty and perseverance, Hai Xia finally got back his arrears and surpassed the quota given to her in the factory. Hai Xia was promoted to director of factory sales. The deputy director with ulterior motives linked Hai Xia's salary bonus with sales performance, forcing her to sell unsalable products. Du QingChun even promised an unforgettable promise that as long as the sales market was opened up and the backlog of products could be sold out, he would give Hai Xia and his staff divisions a dividend. Hai Xia led the department staff, tried their best to get through the sales channels. Du QingChun denied the promise of the previous dividend, and Hai Xia was so angry that she found Qiao Liang's reaction again. With the help and persistence of Qiao Liang, Hai Xia ultimately protects the interests of himself and many employees. Li Sai finally succeeded in marrying her after talking about innumerable boyfriends. Her husband is an American old man and is said to be still a Beijing opera amateur. At the wedding, Xiao Haina naively wish Hai Xia get married early, because then she no longer forced her to learn the piano. The original Wei Guo and Chun Ni will be as small as the sea, somewhat somewhat spoiled, but instead Hai Xia is particularly strict on children. Xu Lao Lao older, the body deteriorating, they also made a confused. One day Xu Lao Lao lost, Hai Xia and everyone are anxious, looking around the world. Tough twists and turns Hai Xia finally found Xu Lao Lao back, the old lady sober, to Hai Xia promised themselves two things, one and Xiu Fen and good; the second is to become an early home. Xu Lao Lao died peacefully in his sleep. On the day she left Xu Lao Lao, Hai Xia cried especially sadly. After crying, she called Xiu Fen a mom. Due to work, Qiao Liang and Hai Xia frequently contacted. After becoming familiar with Hai Xia, Qiao Liang several times hinted that her marriage was not happy. He turned out to be a leading secretary, and later became the leading son-in-law, so his career was smooth, but he was always suppressed by his wife.Hai Xia She went out with Qiao Liang for a study tour. Along the way, Qiao Liang's careful consideration made Hai Xia very touched. On the last night of business trip, two people drank at the bar, and Hai Xia put all the secrets in their hands and said nothing at the end. The following day, Qiao Liang constantly sent a message to Hai Xia. Wei Guo and Chun Ni's marriage is also quietly changing. Wei Guo, who can not adapt to the bureaucracy, has seen no improvement in his career, and his academic writings in his spare time have been rejected by publishing houses for lack of market. In order to subsidize household, in order to support her husband out of books, Chun Ni to start a small business. At this time, the original mentor of Wei Guo discovered an unpublished paper by Wei Guo and praised Wei Guo for going back to read his doctoral candidate. Industrial and commercial liquidation of the market, those who are afraid of being unlicensed street vendors were seized, snatched the road run, the result was so hurt Chun Ni hit the plate in the panic broke the waist. Wei Guo sent Chun Ni to go to the hospital for examination. Surprisingly, Chun Ni's uterus was found to have tumor, requiring immediate removal of the uterus. In order to cure his wife, Wei Guo resigned from the office and rejected the mentor's suggestion that he should return to school for a PhD. Wei Guo do not know how to do business, a trip back to Hainan, not only bankrupt but owed a buttocks of debt. Hai Xia took full savings to help Wei Guo repay the debt. Faced with the depressed Wei Guo, she took out the "Gone with the Wind" and encouraged him with the words Wei Guo comforted him. She also sent the 486 computer that Wei Guo had always dreamed of. Wei Guo hugged Hai Xia's hand and cried. Chun Ni in the bed looked at the scene, stinging in her heart and provoking a divorce. For a divorce, Chun Ni started a hunger strike. Stay in Chun Ni side of the sea accompanied Chun Ni hunger strike. Finally, Chun Ni looked at the pale sea, with tears to the sea to buy his favorite cake sea. Can hold the cake, the sea first handed Chun Ni mouth. Weeping tears of tears Chun Ni finally told the sea, Hai Xia is his biological mother. Xiaohai cried to find Hai Xia. Hai Xia was shocked, and immediately responded, she rushed to Xu to save Chun Ni trying to commit suicide. On the National Day night of 1994, Hai Xia welcomed her 30th birthday in solitude. Then Qiao Liang's phone call came again. Hai Xia promised to meet Qiao Liang because of a happy birthday on the phone. When Hai Xia finally summon the courage to be in Qiao Liang's arms, Qiao Liang received a wife's phone number. Looked in a moment to become lowly Qiao Liang, Hai Xia did not come back out of the hotel. Qiao Liang appeared in front of Hai Xia carrying simple luggage. It turns out that Qiao Liang's wife found out a text message from Qiao Liang to Hai Xia on her mobile phone and quarreled with Qiao Liang. Qiao Liang can no longer tolerate his wife Yi Zhi gas, angrily away from home to find Hai Xia, and said to divorce his wife, with Hai Xia stay together. Hai Xia overwhelmed, she hurried to Qiao Liang to arrange a place to live, but he escaped. On the last night, the Eastzi bitterly begged Li Sai not to leave. Li Sai said she knew she was sorry East, but she really wanted to be a Chinese woman in Manhattan. Hai Xia has finally got enough courage to accept Qiao Liang, but then Qiao Liang is gone. Hai Xia got a call from Qiao Liang's wife and three people met at the cafe. The original Qiao Liang learned that they can make progress in politics, he chose to return to his wife.Qiao Liang's wife asked Qiao Liang to get Hai Xia out. Qiao Liang wife urged Qiao Liang fan slapped Hai Xia, Qiao Liang ashamed, under the naughty; Qiao Liang wife seeing, get started heavily hit Hai Xia slap in the face. Hai Xia raised her hand and waved Qiao Liang's wife's slap in the face. Hai Xia was elected to the new factory leadership by the Workers' Congress because of his outstanding performance in the joint venture negotiation. Angry Qiao Liang wife angrily come to visit, a time gossip rumbled. The next day, Hai Xia came to work with a little sea and introduced it in public. The bells of the new century of the 21st century sounded. Hai Xia, a Chinese joint-venture general manager, became a woman entrepreneur. Hai Xia and Wei Guo bought a new house in the suburbs. Hai Xia because of his time back and forth to work spent too long, Ko have to go to school, but also moved back to the city. Wei Guo also graduated from school at this time teaching, he was in order to take care of Chun Ni doctor, also moved back to the old residence. At this point Xiu Fen has retired, as the days get better, she was active throughout the day to go to the community park to dance, everyone soon became the lead dancers. At this time, Xu Shulin is in the loss after retirement, Xiu Fen pull him and herself to go dancing. Wei Guo's academic writings have been published, especially his series of historical and cultural essays is causing a sensation. The change of family economy also made Chun Ni calm down gradually. Though she devoted all her life to the living life of Wei Guo, she could spend more and more time between husband and wife. Li Sai returns home after divorce. The East is also unlucky, a large sum of money in the stock market was jailed, he reluctantly retained a last minute a small decoration company. That morning, on the morning of the September 11 terrorist bombing of the World Trade Center, Li Sai received a call from the Tzu child. Tung-tzu said that as long as you did not return to the United States, I was down-to-earth and Li Sai was in a great mood. Because of this call, they had their second meeting many years later. After analyzing the international situation after Sept. 11, Dongzi concluded that there will be a major change in the foreign exchange market. Together, they will surely cross the line. The ideal of a small sea is an actress, Hai Xia bitterly persuaded the sea unsuccessfully. Small sea took the money run, Hai Xia helpless had to accompany the small sea on the train. Rushed to the school gate, Arts School has been seized. The original so-called art school, but a bunch of cheats up the stuff. Hai Xia took the second train home, she fell asleep tired. When she woke up, Hai Xia found a man's coat on her body, and the opposite of a carefree man was staring at her. The man introduced himself to Zhang ZhiGuang, saying he could figure out that Hai Xia did not get married and took control of Hai Xia for the phone number. Hai Xia frowning said there may be a police car on the bus, unexpectedly took out a police officer's license. The eyes of Chiguang Hai Hai heart of a wave, she suddenly realized she was still a woman. Sea depressed mood, one day he Kuangzao blindly blind, the case of thievery burglary, he beat the thief, but was himself as a thief into the police station. Hai Xia came and settled her son. Zhiguang said the sea can be courageous is a good kind. Hai Xia stunned to find that Zhiguang is actually the police station director of his own community.Wei Guo's career is getting more and more successful. Chun Ni is becoming more and more sensitive every day in her empty home. She found that when a female graduate student recently called Wei Guo, she could not control her cranky. It is true that a graduate student who admired Wei Guo's talent is pursuing him. The young girl is a beautiful girl in school. Confronted with the female graduate student's confession, although Wei Guo refused politely, his heart, which had been quiet for many years, still had waves. Had this small magazine to interview Hai Xia, is in love with her particularly good mood, they agreed. Unexpectedly, the reporter actually was Tian Bo. Hai Xia interviewed generously. Hai Xia stunned that the sea even violated their wishes, the examination of the volunteers to fill the application for police academy. Hai Xia think it must be the idea of ​​Zhiguang, she looking for Chi account. Small sea told his mother, apply for the police school is entirely his own ideas, Zhiguang advised him still have to listen to her mother's opinion. Chigsuchi gasped to the Hai Xia home to clear the sewer, Hai Xia apologized for the wrong blame. The bell rang and Hai Xia opened the door and found Tian Bo standing outside with flowers in hand. Shiguang surprised to know Tian Bo is the father of the sea, stunned learned that Hai Xia was originally a giant factory manager in charge of thousands of people, he twisted away. Hai Xia fell on the couch. Tian Bo said the doctor said he had shades of the lungs. Tung-ji came running to tell Li Sai that due to misjudgments, her support costs were lost and she was asked to compensate her for her failure. Dongzai busy holding Hai Xia Chun Ni and others came to celebrate. East suddenly pulled out a huge diamond ring in front of Li Sai, saying he actually not only did not lose money, but also made a small sum. Li Sai felt himself being jogged, and she turned away angrily and anger. East chase out. Tian Bo admitted to the hospital. Out of sympathy, Hai Xia took care of Tian Bo while he was busy working. After a second check, confirm that the tumors in Tian Bo lung are benign. Tian Bo relieved, holding Hai Xia's hand to repent, Hai Xia rejected Tian Bo. Hai Xia find Chi, said he would not come together with Tian Bo, but it is impossible to develop with Zhigu, because she knew that Zhiguang can not accept a stronger than their own women. Hai Xia and Zhiguang parted, Wei Guo and Chun Ni separated, finally came together with the East and Li Sai also for the children's affairs. Just then, a sudden disaster broke all the deadlocks. Wei Guo found the university found SARS, had moved to school to call him to tell Chun Ni himself to keep in school, let Chun Ni take care of yourself. Listening to her husband's call on the phone, watching TV reports of SARS outbreak, Chun Ni suddenly steeped out deep thoughts and concerns. She ran to school, letting Wei Guo go home with herself. Witness Wei Guo and Chun Ni couple love scenes, female graduate students know that they will not have any chance to intervene between them, sadly out of this emotional dispute. Wei Guo, Chun Ni The couple hugged in the narrow school guest house.

Control by Zhen Guan (TV)[2006]

Feature: Tang Emperor Taizong In 620 AD, Tang Takenori three years in July, the second son of the founding emperor Li Yuan of the Tang Dynasty - Qin Wang Li ShiMin east Luoyang implied. Luoyang is the former capital of the Sui Dynasty and has a pivotal significance in all aspects of politics, military affairs and economy. The battle of Luoyang became the most important battle of the unified Central Plains in the Tang Dynasty. After months of siege by Li ShiMin's army, Luoyang's Wang ShiChong, the leader of Luoyang, had no power to confront the Tang army. Instead, his hope was pinpointed on the rescue. Dou JianDe of Hebei led hundreds of thousands of mighty troops to the mighty Luoyang to solve the vicinities of Luoyang. Li ShiMin brother Wang Qi Li YuanJi stay camp, personally personally armed with Dou JianDe's army. Taking full advantage of the terrain, Li ShiMin defeated Dou JianDe's army with thousands of people and captured Dou JianDe himself. Wang ShiChong see the trend has gone, had to surrender Kaesong. Li ShiMin beat Datang's two most powerful enemies in one fell swoop, credit spread throughout the world. In recognition of Li ShiMin's achievements, Li Yuan sealed him as a chief strategist and granted all his privileges, almost as much as Prince Edward. Ma Yue Tang Taizong Li ShiMin Li ShiMin sharp expansion of power caused Li YuanJi's hatred, but also to Prince Li JianCheng uneasy. Li YuanJi is growing greedy of power and status. He is seemingly reckless, but in fact has designed a huge conspiracy. He decided to unite the prince with his brother Li ShiMin, and then regain the throne from the prince. Li YuanJi use Li JianCheng Li ShiMin suspicion, took the opportunity to sow discord. Li JianCheng and Li YuanJi while suppressing the surface of Li ShiMin, while secretly develop their own power. Conspiracy brewed step by step, eventually Li YuanJi developed a complete concrete plan of action to get rid of Li ShiMin. The news reached Li ShiMin ears, Li ShiMin consulted with the advisers decided to pre-empt. The next morning, Li ShiMin occupied the Xuanwu Gate, cutting off the ties between Li JianCheng, Li YuanJi and the troops outside the city. Then a bloody fight began. In the fight, Li ShiMin personally killed his two brothers. This is the history of the famous Xuanwumen change. Interior Scene Li ShiMin became a prince, mastered the political power. Instead of wiping out the remnants of Li JianCheng and Li YuanJi, he instead received some competent personnel, including Wei Zheng, a consultant who is known for his steadiness. From then on, Li ShiMin could not escape the fate of being personally reproached by Wei Zheng. In order to show his determination to reconcile the world, Li ShiMin not only ordered not to trace Li JianCheng and Li YuanJi's remaining party, but also sent Wei Zheng to work as an envoy to Hebei to convey his own meaning. AD 626, Takenori nine years, eighth day of August, Li Yuan Biography Datang emperor Li ShiMin is located in Prince Edward, he became too King. On August 28, Takenori, August 8, the Turkic Turkestan took advantage of the political instability in the Tang Dynasty to infiltrate the Central Plains and arrived at the Wei-Kwan River off Kwan-ch'in into Chang'an. Li ShiMin clear heart, with the strength of the Tang, still can not confrontation with the Turks, simply wanton commissar, tribute to Turkmenistan, in exchange for peace and the Central Plains. After Li ShiMin ascended the throne, he deeply felt the huge gap between governing the world and defeating the world.He revised his reign to replace the original "Takenori" with "Zhenguan" on behalf of tolerance and kindness and formally started an era in which more than 20 years later been called "the rule of Zhenguan". In order to launch the New Deal, Li ShiMin began to clear some of the great obstacles on his way to governing the country. One of them is the king of various names. When the imperial crown was too busy Li Yuan to win over the world, to all walks of life casually add cadres Jin Jue. Although some of them are merit-based ones, they also dominate one side and occupy a large amount of land resources. They also receive huge salaries every year. Taizong and Wen ChengGongZhu Li ShiMin have not yet announced the idea of ​​cutting the king, which has aroused great repercussions in both the government and the public. The reduction of the king of seals has affected the direct interests of many princely and nobility. The Yasukuni Wang Li Xiao Chang, in conjunction with some other opponents, intends to use force to intimidate Li Shi Min in the name of Qing Jun. Li ShiMin has long mastered their movements, neatly crushed their conspiracy and, with their dignity, has deterred the DPRK middle officials. Guanzhong drought. Li ShiMin to move God, negative Jing pray rain. But Li ShiMin's sincerity did not ease the drought. Li ShiMin helplessly, can only release the switch, allowing people affected by the earthquake to go begging for a living. Xuan Zang also started his journey in the Western Regions with the removal of the victims' team. After several years of construction, Datang dynasty's national strength has accumulated a certain amount of strength. In order to solve the border issue, Li ShiMin decided to conquer the Turks. Zhenguan three years August 19, Li ShiMin life department Li Shang as marching officer, conquest Turks. At this time there was a serious dispute in the Turks, the two Khan conflicts. After a moment's impact on Li Jing's army, the Turkic Army collapsed. Shaohua Ma decorated Zhang SunWuJi pacified the Turks, Northwest around more than 20 countries have come to celebrate. At the suggestion of Gaochang Wang, Li ShiMin was hailed as "Khan" by various countries. For a time, from the Central Plains to the Western Regions of various commercial and diplomatic channels have opened, Chang became a veritable cosmopolitan city. With the growing national strength, Li ShiMin's eyes had to start to invest in the future. A thorny issue was before him - who to choose as successor. Prince Li ChengQian although eldest son and ability to trust, but do not want to study, eccentric, indulge in color all day long. The second son, Li Tai, is a very motivated man who has been favored by Li ShiMin in all aspects under the help of some capable people. The DPRK Ministers also made their own choices, some supporting Li ChengQian and others supporting Li Tai. Only Zhang SunWuJi fancy Li Zhi weak and loyal, and gave Li Zhi great help. Wu CaiRen, deeply loved by Li ShiMin - that is, later Empress Wu Zetian and Li Zhi have an extraordinary relationship. She told Li Zhi that while Li ChengQian and Li Tai are both strong, they may form a clash of claws and claws, and by that time they will only have to reap the benefits of fishing. Li ChengQian more and more feel the pressure from Li ShiMin and Li Tai. Eventually, under the persecution of the situation and the instigation of all, Li ChengQian decided to kill the emperor and his brother. Li ChengQian's naive plan was smashed before it started. Li ShiMin unwilling to kill relatives, they will Li ChengQian exile.With the efforts of Zhang Sun Wuji and Wu CaiRen, Li ShiMin did not establish Li Tai as the prince, but instead set Li Zhi as the prince. After a dozen years of trekking, Xuan Zang got back to Chang'an. With Li ShiMin's support, Xuan Zang opened the first largest foreign cultural project in Chinese history in Hongfu Temple. North desert insurgency, Li ShiMin Yu driving pro levy. However, the harsh climate makes the Tang army always suffer heavy losses. Li ShiMin also fell from this failed war. Li ShiMin's body has not allowed him to continue to preside over the government. He entrusted Li Zhi with government affairs. Imagine yourself after leaving life, Li Zhi to take full responsibility, still do not worry. He entrusted Li Zhi to Zhang SunWuJi, asking him to help the future new emperor. Fang XuanLing, Li Jing and other veterans have died, leaving Li ShiMin alone spent the last time. In 649 AD, Zheng Guan twenty-three years, May 26, the second generation of emperor Taizong Li ShiMin died. After that, is the prosperity of Datang.

Guessing hand (TV)[2006]

Feature: Datang prosperity, the capital Chang'an has a large pharmacy famous - Jishi Church. Jidoushe less home, is a handsome, extremely intelligent, nature rebellious boy. His name is Shen Kuang. Shen family generations practice medicine, the father of Shen Kuang Shen Xian was a royal doctor, is well known in Chang'an City, "medicine to sick." Mr. Shen Lao originally hoped that his only son would inherit his family business and promote his family learning. Who knows Shen Kuang instinctively rebellious, do not love to read medical books and pharmacopoeias in accordance with the rules and regulations, only "Wang Mei" why can "quench thirst", "Cup Bow snake shadow" in the end what is the interest and determined to be a cure " Guess the heart of the hand "...... Shen Xian bitter son advised to turn around, arranged for him and the generals daughter of Miss Zi Yun's sweet marriage. However, the young people make themselves known to each other: Zi Yun's girl should transform the indulgent, bohemian flower into a modest man. Shen Kuang Should transform the simple, stubborn, and deceitful country girl into a delightful and considerate person The United States Jiao Niang ... ... Results, he did not form a kiss, but ended up "friends."

Extremely hot (TV)[2006]

Feature: "Hot sun" stills In October 1949, along with the gunboa sounding the founding of new China, the Chinese People's Liberation Army marched into Xinjiang. After stabilizing the social situation in Xinjiang, the units in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region responded to the call of the Central Government and went on to wipe out the war with one hand Reactionary and separatist forces, the other hand picked up the weapons of production and started the settlement production. In order to stabilize the PLA officers and soldiers thinking so that they are ready to take root and long-term settlements and preparations for border defense, the Xinjiang Military Region decided to invite a large number of female soldiers from the Mainland to settle in Xinjiang and solve the marriages of officers and soldiers of the units in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Chun Ling and Qiu Fang are female students studying in the secondary school in the Mainland. Both are classmates and affectionate sisters. Involved in a sale of marriage, Qiu Fang was forced to interrupt her education to marry a rogue town. At that moment, Xinjiang troops were recruiting female soldiers in town. With the encouragement and help from Chun Ling, Qiu Fang escaped to the conscription station and got on the parade at the last moment. Chun Ling also forgot to get off in a hurry, So confused to join the army, and Qiu Fang together came to Xinjiang. However, Chun Ling and Qiu Fang completely walked out of two different trajectories of destiny after they arrived in the army. Qiu Fang was assigned to work as a teacher. After being a nurse in the teachers' hospital, she quickly married Luo Shi Zhang and got a chance to study. Although at first she was not satisfied with her marriage, but Luo ShiZhang her tolerance and attentive care finally touched her, she finally accepted Luo ShiZhang, had a happy family life. Chun Ling's fate is very tortuous. She was assigned to the three battalions in Hsiaopo where the settlements were built. The conditions were extremely harsh and heavy manual labor was carried out every day. However, under the leadership of Ma Ying Zhang, the soldiers fought hard for the day and reclaimed the wasteland and built major drains. Own hands change the face of Ono slope. Chun Ling took the initiative to take care of the responsibility of Cui Lian, a survivor of the martyr's family. She was very handsome and kind and soon attracted the attention of many officers and men of the three camps and became the object of the collective crush of the men and soldiers. Lao Yang and Hu Tie spotted Chun Ling almost at the same time, a fellow comrade soon became rival, launched a fierce competition for Chun Ling. Lao Yang took advantage of her constant buying opportunity to continue to physically attack Chun Ling. However, Lao Yang took the lead in asking the instructor, Wu DaJie, to organize the matchup. Wu DaJie promised Lao Yang's Request, and done the work of Chun Ling; unexpectedly Hu Tie knew the news, but also to Wu DaJie made the same request immediately, Wu DaJie extremely difficult to adopt a catch way to solve this contradiction, the result lucky Hu Tie; Lao Yang accept this result on the surface, deep inside has a deep resentment. While Chun Ling and Hu Tie are getting ready to get married, Ma Ying Zhang, without any knowledge, expressed his favor to Chun Ling on Wu DaJie. Wu DaJie concealed Chun Ling from his old comrade-in-arms and his old partner The fact that he had been engaged with Hu Tie again put Chun Ling to Ma Ying Zhang. Hu Tie had to accept the organizational arrangements and was in a down mood and wanted to leave the three camps. Ma Ying Zhang's sincere stay left him alive.However, on the eve of Chun Ling's upcoming marriage with Ma Ying Zhang, Chun Ling went to the division to visit Qiu Fang and was masked and raped on the way back to the three battalions. Evidence on the ground shows that Hu Tie has a serious suspicion and Hu Tie was arrested prison. Chun Ling, who suffered a tremendous traumatic death, firmly rejected Ma Ying Zhang's request to marry him. Ma Ying Zhang, who was so sad, soon became married to Ceng Mei, who had always crush on him. Lao Yang took the opportunity to win the trust of Chun Ling, got his wish and Chun Ling married. But a year or two after her marriage, Lao Yang left Chun Ling because she did not give birth and formed a new family with Cui Lian. It was at this time that Chun Ling was found to be Lao Yang, the masked person who raped himself. Chun Ling, the hitter, has opted to live alone in pig farms away from camps. An unexpected encounter with Hu Tie, who was undergoing labor reform in the field, made her realize Hu Tie suffered a great deal of injustice. In order to vindicate Hu Tie, she started running up and down to get Lao Yang punished. With the support of Qiu Fang and Luo Shi Zhang, with the help of Ma Ying Zhang, Ju Zhuang and Cui Lian, the case was finally revealed in truth and Lao Yang was punished accordingly. Hu Tiehu innocently released at the next big bumper harvest Hu Tie was finally happy to embrace Chun Ling in the golden wheat fields.

menhuiqinghe (TV)[2006]

Feature: Movie Stills In the late 1930s, eastern Zhejiang Water Village, Shi family compound in the new house, was the stepmother Lin DeXian married Wang foolish Wang MeiYun, poor and helpless. Fools who are unfamiliar with men and women are battling Wang MeiYun. Hiding in the room to listen to movement cousin Lin GuoYi, desperate to break into the door, rescued Meiyun out of the tiger's mouth. During the rainy night, the United States, a beautiful cloud hidden under the caves in the wilderness, drew away a large number of chasing Shi family. Lin Zong-yi, the elder who became ill, found that she was less beautiful in her younger generation, and blamed her eldest daughter, De Yin, for marrying Mei-yun just to swallow the property left by Mei Yun's father. The doctor said to the whole family that Lin LaoYe might not be able to survive tonight. Second child Lin DeXuan hurried home from Shanghai. He preached to the family the anti-Japanese truth. Shi family members broke into the forest house, Germany Hin and others can not be sustained, the Japanese soldiers captured the Zhenhai. Lin LaoYe, whose life is about to fail, is the solemn affair of a country and a given cloud. Set jade dark secret from the king, the country is feeling unexpected. Lin LaoYe quietly told him about the secrets of the family property in front of the second son Tak Hsien who came back from the anti-Japanese battlefield. Zhao JunMing comes back from Shanghai with dancer Cui Xian. Dezhen, Ding Yu female female inevitable resentment. Mrs. Lin mistreated her girl Gui Ju, Chun-ming humbling injustice, while Mrs. Lin retaliated, meaning he was not qualified to make irresponsible remarks. Jun Ming to set jade back and Guoyi marriage, re-enter the school to be a knowledge woman, to seek liberation of personality. Guoyi, the United States kindly comforted Ding Yu not to be too sad for his father Junming. Ding Yu hated all the people in his family, including Mei Yun and his father, who did not understand why Ding Yu became so unruly. Mei Yun to Ding Yu said his heart miserable, Ding Yu heard some heart. Jun Ming secretly changed the jewelry Dezhen, in exchange for the cash led Cui Xian to Ningbo City play. Descendants lover Wang Shuruh in the delivery of anti-Japanese intelligence, the principal was stamped. De Xuan guilty of shutting down principals to borrow money for resistance to Japan, and asked him to write down the evidence, leaving "evidence of anti-Japanese funding". What awaits the fate of these young men and their elders.

SnowWolf (TV)[2006]

Feature: The story happened in the thirties of last century, Harbin. At that time, Japan supported Manchuria Empire has just set up, the entire northeast China into turmoil and disaster ... ... TV series Xuelang crew according to police investigation into Liu DongLiang, Liu into trouble, this time, Na La use of special relations to help Liu DongLiang , From the pain of prison. The two quickly fall in love. At this time, Liu DongLiang did not know Na La turned out to be the daughter of police chief Su ChunLai. Liu DongLiang, who returned in a few years' stay in Japan, was promoted to deputy director of surgery after coming to Manchuria Municipal Hospital in Manchuria. He and the young female anesthetist Na La fall in love at first sight. At this time, the hospital admitted to a police escort to be committed, the anti-Women Political Commissar Zhao YiMan. Liu DongLiang was hurt by her, by her personality and sentiments and the beauty of the extraordinary refined touched. Has been indifferent to fame and fortune, transcendental Liu DongLiang soul shock. At this time, the underground party to find Liu DongLiang, Liu DongLiang in a special way to help Zhao YiMan escape. Liu DongLiang carefully agreed to help them when the rescue operation came to a close. No one thought of it. An unknown nurse and a young police officer under Liu Dong Liang suddenly helped Zhao YiMan to flee and the "Zhao YiMan incident" that struck the authorities was shaken. Su ChunLai, chief of police, is a descendant of Manchu aristocrats, loyal to Emperor Pu Yi and a deadly police chief who opposed both the Kuomintang government and the Communist Party. He believes that there will be a bright future for China only through full cooperation. This man crafty, cunning cruel. However, he is a kind and kind-hearted father at home. He loves his daughter, Na La, during the troubled times. He does not allow children to participate in politics. At first glance, he liked to be introverted and cautious with few words. Identify daughter to marry such a youth, life will be safe and happy. Although Liu DongLiang abhorred the family of Na La, but based on love, two people still come to a hundred years of good. Zhao YiMan is taken prisoner again. Liu DongLiang is very worried about Zhao YiMan and his two accomplices giving themselves unfavorable situations. However, Zhao YiMan did not disclose any testimony that was unfavorable to others until sacrifice. Yang YiFu, the leader of the underground party, has always remembered Liu Dong Liang's original help. He decided that Liu Dong Liang was a big man, but on the other hand, he also feels that Liu Dong Liang's special status has always given him some concern. He trusted him and defended him. The relationship between two people is very subtle. State hates revenge and allows Liu DongLiang to hate the government. However, in his concrete life, his beloved father-in-law and his beautiful wife have all become obstacles to his resistance to Japan. But Liu DongLiang out of faith, eventually joined the resistance resistance movement. At this point, Liu Dong Liang became the "inner ghost" of the chief of police. His codenamed "Snow Wolf" inside the resistance organization, only high-level leaders know his identity. Because of his special status. He has repeatedly obtained important information from the safe of Su ChunLai study. In an important moment, Harbin underground organization was saved. After Pearl Harbor, gendarmerie captains Zhong Cun and Su Chun Lai felt the changes in the world situation, but they still refused to abandon the fascist ideal and tried to use the last craze to realize the dream of their own empire.Yang YiFu decided to give the enemy a blow at this time. Under Liu DongLiang's idea, they plan to use a small amount of explosives and black gunpowder for firecrackers to blow up enemy ranks. As Yang YiFu confidentiality of Liu DongLiang, Na La innocent children took the train to Beijing with Zhong Cun and Su ChunLai. After the explosion, Zhong Cun, the secret service chief, rescued Liu Dong Liang's child ... But no one was surprised to find that the military column was not an ammunition, but a unit of bacteria and bombs from the "Unit Three Thirty-one" due to the release of bacteria. The Japanese military quickly ordered the isolation of people who were potentially infected at the scene. At this moment, Liu DongLiang, regardless of personal safety, broke into the warning line and decided to face life and death together with his wife and children ... They finally passed through life and death. Na La always felt indifferent to Liu DongLiang after marriage, finally feeling Liu DongLiang's fire passion. The love of two people, at this time seems to burst into bright light. In the area of ​​separation, Liu DongLiang met with Mr. Du Bian, a world-class immunization expert who has been studying in Japan. He was strongly encouraged by Shi JingSiLang to non-military personnel to the unit of Seventy-One, and Mr. Du Bian abhorred when he witnessed the living anatomy of the Japanese army and the atrocities planned for the study of germ warfare. He found Liu Dong Liang hinting at the atrocities of Unit Three Thousands and telling him what he wanted to get out of here. However, the "Unit Three One Three" involved the highest military secrets of the Empire. Du Bian knew he was uncertain about the future. He put some important materials and research results on Liu Dong Liang. Determined to completely leave this man-eating cave. Upon learning of the situation, Yang YiFu decided to "kidnap" and rescue Mr. Du Bian and sent him to the Soviet Union in a secret manner to release the atrocities committed by the unit members of the Unit against the Allied forces and even the entire world. After the kidnapping operation started, Liu Dongliang stopped acting arbitrarily because of his inner contradiction, resulting in the sacrifice of important members of the action team. Mr. Du Bian, who has always been incompatible with Shi JingSiLang, was also killed in a car accident by Zhong Cun. Liu DongLiang was filled with pain and ambivalence. In this "kidnapping incident," he began to gradually move toward the cusp in the struggle. With the expansion of the war, his identity is gradually exposed. "Snow Wolf" has become a big worry for Japanese people. A lot of unfavorable speculation and indirect evidence point to Liu DongLiang. The first is his wife, Na La, who uncovered various signs of Liu Dong Liang's anomaly. On the one hand was the father of the chief of police and the husband of the underground worker on the other, Na La was in painful torture ... Su ChunLai gradually noticed something wrong at home, but based on his love for his daughter and his trust in his son-in-law, Several times deliberately or unintentionally "let it off" them. However, at the same time, he had a feeling of crisis and anxiety. He hoped that his daughter's son-in-law would go to Hong Kong or Japan and stay away from Harbin in the national crisis. Underground organizations have been hit hard by a major coup by Su ChunLai. In order to save the resistance movement, Manchuria Provincial Party Committee decided to kill the traitor Su ChunLai. However, Su ChunLai cunning suspicious, assassination several unsuccessful, at the close of the moment, the task of lure snake hole fell on the snow Wolf Liu Dong Liang. After a strong ideological struggle, Liu uses his own special identity to lure snakes out of the cave, giving underground organizations the opportunity to put an end to his father-in-law Su ChunLai. Liu Guodong has been hiding his wife, endure the suffering of the heart.In the presence of his wife, he "swears" that underground organizations were never involved in the assassination of their father. Na La believed his wife's words. In 1945, Japan defeated. Prior to Japan's defeat, the snow wolf Liu DongLiang risked his life by using his special relationship with the Japanese. He publicly disclosed his identity as a secret agent underground and negotiated with Zhong Cun to stop the final massacre in Japan and saved hundreds Human life. However, his wife, Na La, found evidence of her husband's assassination ... Distraught and desperate Na La left the "vicious husband" and vowed never to meet, went to Hong Kong and left him with a great pain soil of. Night rain hazy platform, hiding in the dark corner Liu DongLiang tears, watching the train away ... ... The Japanese failed, Harbin recovered. Liu Guodong alone in the streets, physical and psychological exchanges, he won the victory, but lost everything ... ... The play will reproduce the thirties The real situation of the underground struggle in northeast China. Through the real emotional world and spiritual suffering of underground workers, it reflects the cruelty of the underground struggle, conflicts and conflicts between righteousness and justice. Reproduced the true and bloody "Sino-Japanese" struggle between the two beings. " That is a poignant love story, but also an epic picture of the resistance movement. When the real events or figures such as Zhao YiMan are involved in the play, the drama will restore historical truths without any deduction or fiction in important episodes, important people or important events, telling people a true history and telling people the price they have to pay to win.

GimmeKudos (Movie)[2005]

Feature: Honest person Yang HongQi came to the newspaper and asked Gu GuoGe, a journalist, to publish an article in the newspaper praising him on the grounds that on the night of Valentine's Day he saved OuyangHua, a female university student who was raped by the bad guys. Gu GuoGe thought that Yang Hongqi was purely a nonsense, and ignored this, but Yang Hongqi came to Gu GuoGe repeatedly. Gu GuoGe gradually serious about this matter. To prove this, Gu GuoGe and colleague Tan Wei came to the university to find Yang HongQi's saved girl Ou YangHua, according to Yang HongQi, but OuyangHua did not admit it. Gu GuoGe, a journalist, cast doubt on the incident and went on investigating further to find that Yang HongQi demanded praise for his father. Young's father was an old model worker who regards honor as life. He has only two months of serious illness and his only hope is to see his son receive a recognition in his lifetime. The faith and aspiration of the elderly, the promise of the son, the future and innocence of the girl ... all kinds of complicated situations are intertwined, making Gu GuoGe gradually lost.

Big Song mentioning punishment officer (TV)[2005]

Feature: Song Ci Beijing Jinshi examination, and similar friends Meng LiangChen similar wine. Meng LiangChen has been appointed as Meichen magistrate. Song Ci is very worried about his friends traveling alone. He intends to accompany his friends and go to the border after returning home to get married. The date of his marriage, his father has yet to return, the whole family eagerly look forward to. Just as the rookie visited, a carriage suddenly appeared and the carriage carried the remains of Song's father - Song Gong was sentenced to prison for life without fault. However, he died as a result of a miscarriage of justice. Lao Guan officials left suicide note, Song descendants involved in prison should not be allowed! Who knows soon came Meng LiangChen misfortune on the way to death on the wrong news. Under the guidance of his mother, Song Ci resolutely went to the border town and ascertained the truth about the murder of two magistrates. Thus gaining prominence, the court was promoted to Dali Temple is Liuping the main event. Soon after, Song Ci suddenly petitioned to leave Beijing to serve as a prisoner of foreign affairs. After being appointed as a point prisoner, Song Ci succeeded in detecting the "Taiping County Unjust Case," "Li House in the Case of Connection," "Anonymous Case of Mao Bamboo House," and "Chengnan," with his wonderful "test" and "reasoning" Jingkui Case "," False Fan Blame Case "," Liang YuSheng Murder Case "," Li Yugu case of disappearance, "one by one after another difficult murder," God severely sentenced Song "was fame. Song Ci, his father-in-law, Xue Tingsong, was persuaded by the court to move Song Ci back to the capital. However, Song Ci insisted on staying in the provinces and asking why, he avoided it. Jiazhou two hundred and two thousand silver bullet occurred in large cases, Xue TingSong North Korea in the recommended son-in-law to solve the case. Song Ci live up to expectations, the case is broken, but Wengxiong outrageous even greater. Due to the bank robbery silver case of robbery, Song Huang under the purported Song Ci to Beijing as Gyeonggi Prefecture point of imprisonment. Song Ci and his father-in-law still rarely come and go. On the 60th birthday feast of the father-in-law, Shi WenJun, who was known as the first assassin in the capital, suddenly started a stir and stirred up the interest of his guests. The next day, news of Shi WenJun being put into jail for his own country was sent. Song Ci Golden Temple ordered, reviewing Shi WenJun case, who actually found his father-in-law's head. In order to preserve herself and then son-in-law, Song Ci plunged Song Ci into shame. Song Huang Xi-cai, still life Song Ci Deputy Shi WenJun case. Song Ci prison with flail case, finally find out the truth. Wengxu duo in prison for a showdown, Song Ci 16 years ago the sudden departure of Beijing, Xue TingSong today is the source of self-infringement French Open. Xue TingSong was dismissed for repatriation, poisoning on his way to death. The case was a heavy blow to Song Ci, but his ideal of rule of law has not yet been shattered. He is convinced that as long as the imperial sanctuary is fair, the bureaucracy can be rectified. Subsequently, a suspected corpse was found on the outskirts of Beijing, and with the investigation of the suspect case, the DPRK-China Central Committee members, one of the hottest but involved cases, surfaced. The most upset to Song Ci was the real rival to the QIAN case, originally Diao GuangDou who clashed twice with him. This person has served as magistrate, magistrate post, due to corruption and corrupt, twice-bored Song Ci impeachment, but twice the salted fish stand up and back to life. Although he picks off the black yarn, away from official career, but by virtue of the financial position to control the entire officialdom. Diao GuangDou set a trap to mislead Song Ci and lead him to misjudgment. Song Ci asked Song Huang for his meritorious service. Song Ci make painstaking efforts to solve the series of murders.Seeing you're done, unexpected changes: the faint Song Huang face a full eight boxes of trial records, post-mortem examination and testifying testimony, made some of the emperor's frustration and difficulties, and on the spot Song Ci spent two years and six Eight months to collect evidence of evidence of evidence of the torch. In a heart-stirring serial murder, Song Huang, who was feared for causing chaos by his courtiers, was set on fire and silenced. Song Ci to silence, cry without tears. In his father's grave, Song Ci lit a fire, burned exactly his poor life experience and painstakingly written that "purgatory set record" - fortunate enough to accompany Song Ci's anime already secretly secretly copied a This book, so that this book can be so popular.

A famous physician song Lian-S Heng (TV)[2005]

Feature: The photo story took place in Shun Zhi during the Qing Dynasty. At that time, the ideology of anti-Ching Ming was still strong. The forces of Nanming, represented by the Donglin Party, have always been the targets that the rulers should not ignore and try to eradicate. As the southern city of Changsha, away from the capital, Changsha is a great place for the hiding of Donglin Party members. Song LianSheng is a rivers and lakes Lang, came from Nanjing to Changsha for medical treatment. The first day came to Changsha City, met a number of things, let him quickly into the city of Changsha at the same time unknowingly fall into the all kinds of right and wrong. Fan Ru has become a widow childbirth, the city can not be saved. Song LianSheng ordered. Immediately, delivery is smooth, mother and child safety. Song LianSheng character and medicine has been affirmed by everyone, the city of Changsha, the major pharmacies have invited him to sit down, so that Song LianSheng very embarrassed, but no one did not agree. Subsequently, in order to get close to embroidered Zhuang Warriors and two to maintain their livelihood, they opened the clinic in front of embroidered Zhuang. In the process of embroidery Zhuang Zhuang such as Hong SanYan, Er TaoZi and other women gradually changed his view. Fan family has been very close personal friendship with the Nanming party. Soon, out of ethics, Song LianSheng was also involved, was also arrested and brought to justice. Fan Ru is guilty of going to prison to visit Song LianSheng, but it was unparalleled, Hong SanYan hit. For a long time Warriors favorite Song LianSheng no explanation for a time, it touches Hong SanYan Song LianSheng sudden love, but later rejected it, with great sorrow. Endless was transferred to the Nanming party incident, was also imprisoned into the jail face death penalty, Song LianSheng although peach blossom, but why not laugh, but only helpless face. Fortunately, Jiuzhitintang boss Mr. Wan as a native, very understanding of official temperament, to figure out the trick. Song LianSheng just been able to protect themselves. In return, Song LianSheng sitting in a hall in Jiuzhitang. Yue Xuan was an unparalleled savior, because of the massive amount of money and shelter needed. In desperation had to live in embroidered Zhuang. And unparalleled relationship has become increasingly close. Song LianSheng uncomfortable but also helpless. Not long afterwards, Hong SanYan discovered that Yue Xuan was the one who rescued her from the bandits on the same day. She was more excited and rewarded with joy and decided to invite Yue Xuan to fly away, but Yue Xuan did not make an appointment. Has been rejected by two men, Hong SanYan only to die knot, taking drugs himself. After Song LianSheng first aid, Hong SanYan back to life. At the same time, it also caused the resignation of Wen Shitang fame. Local riffraff Qi DaTou and Wen Shitang unite in an attempt to crush the Jiuzhitang, and Song LianSheng dug up Wen Sitang sitting. Embroidered Zhuang, Yue Xuan has always cruised between two women, the Warriors has long been identified, but still misunderstood by Song LianSheng. In order not to implicate Jiuzhitang, and secondly to the unparalleled treatment of Yue Xuan extremely disappointed, Song LianSheng decided to leave Changsha City. Suddenly found on the way the local plague spread to Changsha. They immediately hurriedly informed Jiuzhitang large purchase of medicinal herbs for emergency use. In addition to the entire Changsha City, Mr. Wan unexpectedly no one believed the plague said. Later, Song LianSheng learned that embroidered Zhuang was already occupied by Qi DaTou, and that he was going to bet with the imminent plague to try to redeem it. Qi DaTou readily agreed. A few days later, the plague really spread in Changsha, the city panic. Jiuzhitang become the most sought-after drug store.Song LianSheng strictly controls the sales of medicinal herbs to ensure the availability of medicines. Mr. Wan strongly supports Song LianSheng and also assigns to others on the streets free of drug soup to prevent the plague. The epidemic was under control and Zhi Fu received his consent that the holy will give Tangtang the pharmacy to sweat the epidemic. . At this point Jiuzhintang has become famous, access to the Church of the Church can be described as the majority expected. Wen Tai Tong's Wu TaiYi is very worried, it touches on his niece Ru Yue think. The treatment of Qi DaTou selling charms has a negative impact on society and has been linked to Song LianSheng's persuasion of people's embroidery to achieve a reputation as a deterrent. Sure enough, in discussing the sanctity of the Hall number, Wen Shitang took the lead. Unexpectedly, Qi DaTou will spearhead directly to Wen Shitang. The title had to run aground. Jiuzhitang is a shortage of herbs, unparalleled and seriously ill. Song LianSheng had to resort to Wen Shitang. Ru Lian took the opportunity to compromise Song LianSheng in the pharmacy for title decipher, and then to pay his money to repay the drug money, unable to repay, Song LianSheng had to be expelled from Changsha City. After being exiled, Song LianSheng alone set foot on the road back to Nanjing. Warriors also inadvertently stay in Changsha City, bring Er TaoZi also toward his hometown of Nanjing. I met Song LianSheng again because of a misunderstanding. En route, meet a self-proclaimed blessed child, constantly provoke trouble. Song LianSheng very disgusted him, unparalleled but think this person is very cute, then invited him to go together. Later learned that this person is now holy, and received the holy will, special approval for the establishment of Jiuzhitang pharmacy in Changsha City. Returning to Nanjing, both parties learned that their parents had been killed and that the enemy was Yue Xuan. Song LianSheng immediately accompanied the Warriors return to Changsha City, avenge their families. Back later learned Yue Xuan and seclusion in the embroidered Zhuang house. Yue Xuan will be designed to dizzy, then put it to death. No hands soft, let Yue Xuan ran to find three Yan. Three Yan husband Tian YouSan newspaper officer. Capture Yue Xuan. Yue Xuan mistakenly believed that Hong SanYan betrayed herself and killed her under uncontrollable circumstances. After the Tian YouSan and Warriors are considered Hong SanYan's death related to their own, endless remorse. The two of you come to me to comfort each other, so that Lian LianSheng unbearable, and no match-ups over. Warriors feel that they did not promptly kill Yue Xuan led to hurt Hong SanYan, negative to Tian YouSan, and decided to marry him, to apologize. This move is to Song LianSheng unacceptable. Two completely no longer coming and going. In order to match the two, Er TaoZi had installed Song LianSheng cheat embroidered Zhuang and unparalleled meet, but also no good. Changsha City seems to have become sad Song LianSheng, he finally decided to leave. Soon, the Warriors will also sell embroidered Zhuang Jiu Tang, also left the city of Changsha. A few days later, met in a pub Song LianSheng, the two embraced and wept. Finally, or returned to the city of Changsha City set for life. At the wedding, Xiu Nv once again sang a ballad song specially written for Song LianSheng.

Bus detective (TV)[2004]

Feature: Poster Police graduated from the three police flowers: clever, beautiful, insecure Fancha always want to go to "heavy case" of Jiang WenWen (Haiqiong Luo ornaments), civilians origin always thought of an officer Chen SiYu (Jinfu Jiang ornaments) Li Le (Xinyi Peng), a cheerful family property, was assigned to the anti-PaGroup at the same time. Three police officers and captains Ai Qun (Wang Jingchun ornaments), police officers Jin TianLan (Fang Bin ornaments) formed a new anti-grumble group, from the start of a series of twists and turns, humorous story. They cracked the "blade party" that endangered the city; severely punished the "cans" fraud gang who touched the children of porcelain; got acquainted with the old thief who had spent years in the gold basin washing hands; "Knife Gang". At the same time that the three police officers and men dutifully completed the anti-patrol work, their emotional life is also exaggerated: Jiang WenWen used to be passionate about "love paranoia"; "rich girl" Li Le was in love with "poor boy "Xu Ang; Chen SiYu officials almost lead to" mortal disaster ";" elder youth "Ai Qun has been searching in the sea of ​​people. With the help of Su JuZhang (Zhaoqi Shi) and captain Ai Qun, three police officers finally trained a pair of "golden eyes" during the growth of "laughter, crying and applause", and finally became a mature anti-pecking team.

Heaven has eyes (TV)[2004]

Feature: The highly respected Economist Wu Tianyu retired on the 60th birthday. The scene was run by eldest son Wu Lei and Jian LanFang. Wu Lei is one of the best private executives in the city, and Jian LanFang is a director of the Planning Commission who nurtured Wu Tianyu. He passenger surplus door. Wu Tianyu second son Wu Gang in the City Bureau of Criminal Investigation to be a common criminal police, competent and stable. Wu Yu, a young son, is engaged in software development. On the day of the feast, Wu Yu touches the computer camera at home and enters a computer hard disk in a joyous event. The nanny Wang Yan walked through properly and thoughtfully. Wang Yan came to Wu for eight years and has long been a standard urban resident from a country girl. She is even more decent than most urban women. Wu Gang, Wu Yu Secretly to Wang Yan, Wang Yan understands that the efforts of eight years are not easy and never easily crossed the line between masters and servants. Only Wu Lei can not see Wang Yan. The modern version of the "natural and clear" stills end of life, eight years ago entangled Wang Yan, imprisoned Dao Zi crashed into Wu Courtyard. Only Wang Yan in Dao Zi's world is jailed because of Wang Yan. Wang Yan was in her eight years in prison, but Wang Yan had already forgotten Dao Zi, and even if she remembered she would not want Dao Zi to sabotage her hard-working life. Dao Zi is very embarrassed and very angry, just the same as the release of prisoners committed Zhang Changqing even startled. Wu Lei and Wu Yu clash in the backyard with three parties. Wu Gang heard the news to be back, Zhang Changqing has been dead corpse. Only Wu Lei and Wu Lei drivers and Wu Yu and Dao Zi were on the scene. Interpol and Wu Gang arrived with Dao Zi in their hands, and the police officer of course, handcuffed Dao Zi to hand. Dao Zi said nothing, just staring at Wang Yan. Dao Zi is not the person to kill. Since he was put in jail for eight years at the age of eighteen, the world outside of him belongs only to Wang Yan, whom he imagined. Dao Zi is willing to apologize for the Wu family, because it can make Wang Yan embarrassed, so that Wang Yan will not even see at a glance. Wu Yu is getting more and more irritable, showing signs of missing the murder. Big brother Wu Lei started to find a solution for Wu Yu. Dao Zi into the detention center, Wang Yan still do not want to see him, he would find a solution. After cutting the wrist ran out of the hospital and then enter the Wu home search Wang Yan, Dao Zi idea Wang Yan should follow him wandering the horizon. Wang Yan without telling Wu family, Dao Zi coaxed long-distance bus away. Dao Zi is back, into the criminal pursuit. No Wang Yan Where he does not go, he died to Wang Yan to see, to die for the Wu family, even let Wang Yan for guilty life better than Wang Yan never mind him. Wu Yu's signs of increasing anxiety and eventually secretly sneaked into the hospital to be with Dao Zi. Dao Zi did not die, Wu Yu fell from the second floor, fell into intermittent mental disorders. The case involved relatives, Wu Gang quit the investigation, the investigation department turned to Wu Yu. Wang Yan realized that the real culprit was Wu Lei. What Wu Lei did was not hiding Wu Yu but throwing Wu Yu to protect himself. Wang Yan can not say anything. First of all, this is Wu's family affairs. Second, Wu Yu volunteered for his eldest brother. Just as Dao Zi considered himself a murderer in a detention center, he volunteered. Wu Yu is a big brother, Dao Zi is Wang Yan. Wu Gang is very painful, as the criminal police knows the problem at home, should hold the truth.As a Wu family, he seems to preserve the integrity and reputation of the family as Wu Yu Wu Lei did. A simple murder case, because of their stubbornness, has become complicated. Wu Lei became more and more stubborn. His handle was pinched in Wang Yan's hand. His birthday was recorded in a murder scene on a computer hard drive. Wang Yan did not hand over the evidence to Wu Lei and did not want to be handed over to Wu Gang, a police officer. She will no longer be handed over to the Wu family, and eight years of painstaking efforts to leave Wu home. Wu Lei first promised Wang Yan money and Wang Yan collected the money and returned it. So Wu Lei simply wiped out the mouth of Wang Yan, Wang Yan disappeared, hiding the hard disk will disappear forever. Wu Lei killed Wang Yan four times in total, Wu Yu, who was mentally ill all day long, rescued Wang Yan four times. Wu Yu can apologize for the big brother, but does not allow the big brother hurt Wang Yan. He loves Wang Yan. The incident was still guilty of Wu Yu development, Xiao Ning successfully Dao Zi made innocent, the court release. Wu Yu's mental state has long been healed, and continues to be fitted just because of the court's bail. The day Dao Zi was released, the day Wu Wu and Wang Yan got married, then Wu Yu would go to serve his sentence. Dao Zi can not stand Wang Yan to become the wife of another man, so Dao Zi killed another man and killed Wu Yu. Dao Zi completely became Wang Yan's enemy. Wu Lei lost his parents, but also to Wu Lei complete collapse. Wu Lei can not afford to go any further. As a former figure in the city, jail is something he can not accept anyway. Public Security Bureau reached the downstairs at the same time, Wu Lei fell from the window of his office down, before going down are the first of his poor dear brother Wu Yu. Dao Zi was chased by police across the city, while Dao Zi was hiding in a guest house with Xiao Ning and Xiao Ning was gunshot wound. Dao Zi Xiao Xiao Ning wounds, bought painkillers back, quiet street made him feel into an ambush. Dao Zi retreated to the coffee shop but fell into the hands of Wang Yan, the widower, and Wu Gang, the bereaved brother. Wu Gang finally shot and killed Dao Zi because he was a police officer. Wang Yan finally did not stab Dao Zi, because this is a man who can die for her, she could not bear it. Years later, filming alone Wu Tianyu in their own backyard to clean up the flowers and trees. The favorite pot of clivia evergreen life is no longer, seeing can not survive. The Clivia pulled out, the whole family has been looking for the hard drive, sealed in the pelvic floor. Insert the computer, can actually read. On the screen shows the 60th birthday of Wu Tianyu auspicious and festive, Wu Grand Courtyard guests Yingmen He cloud, Wu three sons generously courteous ... homicide scenes did not record. Clivia eradication clouded slowly revitalized, Wu Grand Courtyard's grand scene has been the past. The play's cast is extremely suitable with the idol Tong Dawei and young actor Miao Pu for the first time cooperation, the strength to send Zige Fang, Chen Lina starred. Tong Dawei, a young idol who plays the role of the youngest son in the play, is a young software engineer. However, she is also very arrogant because of her age at home. When the family changes, the simple character he did not know how to deal with, can only instinctively come up with their own methods - crazy fool.Tong Dawei, who has always been comfortable on the screen, laughed and said that "fooling around with fools" was a great test for him. Because there were no examples in his life, he had to watch all sorts of drama and study himself. Tong Dawei said he still has one difficulty in this play, that there is no line, and most of the time it is expressed by eyes and movements.

Marriage Trap (TV)[2004]

Feature: Stills Qin Boyong in the testament will leave a huge fortune to the second daughter Shi Lin, which deeply inspired the eldest daughter Shi Qi and unmarried boyfriend Zhong Shui. In an attempt to reclaim property, a conspiracy to marry Shi Lin to Zhong Shui arose. However, just one night before marriage, Shi Lin witnessed Zhong Shui and her sister's intimacy. Shi Lin was missing at the wedding, a trap was created. An English boy who resembles Shi Lin suddenly appeared, and under the careful arrangement of Zhong Shui, Ying Ying gradually replaced Shi Lin. At this moment, Shi Qi learns that she is not her father's biological daughter and will never get her family's legacy. Out of conscience and boredom with vanity, she wants to stop Zhong Shui's conspiracy, Three men and three women ... ... In the "Marriage Trap", with the "May Sophorae floral", "drow's story" and other television drama quickly became popular actor Miao Pu and popular television presenter Li Yu partner, playing a pair of sisters in the emotional and moral struggle. Miao Pu in the play more to one person decorated corner: avant-garde fashion girl Qin Shi Lin pure, and resembles Shi Lin's "revenge tool" Li Ying children. The newcomer who has been cooperating with a number of famous directors such as Teng Wenji, Zhang Jiadong, Huang Jianxin and Wu Zi Niu and who are very popular with Feng Xiaogang, will undergo an unprecedented test in the "marriage trap". Fragment photo snare? trap? Central interlocking, suspense stacked; affection? love? Exciting, unconventional bizarre marriage? conspiracy? Intricate, criss-cross; money? right? Carefully set up the Bureau, World Shizhi awake. A marriage induced by family property, a trap caused by greed.

SwordsmenofthePasses-MakingPegs (Movie)[2003]

Feature: "Pinji" is a honest farmer, rich families collude with the army to occupy his land, making him unaffordable. He used his tools to fight knives as weapons and became the Grand Theft Auto that frightened the rich and the officers and men. Finally, to protect innocent people, he was calmly sentenced to death.

Absolute control (TV)[2003]

Feature: Jiangcheng Bureau Interpol intercepted drug trafficking intelligence. Captain Hu ShiSheng (Kuirong Wang) arranged for the squad to sit in the most unimportant places with Xue Hai (Chu Shuanzhong) and Xue Bing (Wang Xuebing). Xue Bing is very unsatisfied with his stubborn character. Trapped drug traffickers escaped from the sewers, just crashed into Haiyang and Xue Bing squatting place, caught by them. Xue Bing not only was not praised, but also criticized Hu ShiSheng for not observing work discipline. Hu ShiSheng arranges Haiyang and Xue Bing to go to the hospital for custody. Dean merger atlas for not making any money on such people, so not very positive. Xue Bing used to force the Dean to take the example, won the intern Zhu Zhu (Juan Lee ornaments) favor. Zhu Lin also helped him contact the hospital for her sister who got autistic in Haiyang. Jiangcheng is going to build a freeway. Jiang Shih entrepreneur Hua ShiYue (Xu Zhengting) is determined to win but did not expect his veteran Gan WeiDong to kill him and compete with him. Dai BingWen is going to stop Gan WeiDong. Mayor Wen JingYu afraid of the accident, to the city bureau in charge of criminal investigation Tang ZiJie (Du Zhiguo ornaments) to find a solution. Tang ZiJie was the master of Haiyang and Xue Bing, and both regarded him as spiritual godfather. Haiyang and Xue Bing went to the police station in the development zone, and Zhong DaFeng (Dong Yong), their deputy director, was their police schoolmate. Xue Bing took the pickpocket alive and Haiyang went to the hospital to guard the injured drug dealer. Tenders Hua ShiYue and Gan WeiDong are coming. Hu ShiSheng always wanted to check Gan WeiDong and was stopped by Tang ZiJie. Originally a few years ago, Jiangcheng had a big gamble with the game, when the players or Dai BingWen should not enter the ball, leading to a loss of money Gan WeiDong. After the car accident, Dai BingWen was seriously injured, his girlfriend Bai Yu died. Hu ShiSheng is responsible for checking this matter, was later Tang ZiJie unknowingly closed. Hu ShiSheng always think there is doubt. When everyone waited to see Hua ShiYue and Gan WeiDong battle, Gan WeiDong suddenly died. Police confirm Gan WeiDong died of a heart attack. Hua ShiYue became the most powerful bidder after the death of Gan WeiDong. Xue Bing seized the pickpocket San JieXia and found a pickpocket from him. Xue Bing went looking for the owner and found that the owner used the fake ID. Xue Bing check the situation of the owner. San JieXia friends extorted the owner, but was hunted. Haiyang leave with sister to Beijing to see a doctor, died in dorm before his departure, the investigation confirmed that he was killed in an accident. City Secretary has been vacant for some time, Tang ZiJie most promising, but the province has sent Xiao ChangChun to the director. Xue Bing and Zhu Lin take Hai Mei to Beijing to see a doctor. Xue Bing suddenly found Haiyang impossible accidental death, secret investigation. Xue Bing suspects the death of Haiyang is related to the death of San JieXia. Zhong DaFeng could hardly believe that if Hai died of murder, the murderer may not be the average person. Xue Bing took the apprentice Chu XiaoMing (Miao Pu) while secretly investigating the pre-death activities in Haiyang. Hu ShiSheng stopped Xue Bing from enlightening Xue Bing's disgust because he had already identified it and Hai Yang might have seen Hu ShiSheng before he died. Xue Bing is ready to turn to Tang ZiJie for help, but he may have also seen Tang ZiJie before death. Xue Bing silly. Tang ZiJie aware of Xue Bing unusual behavior, thanks to Zhu Lin playing cover, Tang ZiJie Xue Xue did not find the true intentions, but Xue Bing do not know how to investigate this matter.Hua ShiYue In order to obtain political capital, at the expense of economic interests, the negotiation of the bidding was smooth. Hu ShiSheng got the evidence of Gan Wei Dong and Hua ShiYue gambling in that year, but he did not find out why the accident happened. Xue Bing found out that San JieXia had extorted Dai BingWen before her death, while Dai BingWen's girlfriend, Bai Yu, was the sister of Bai Xue, deputy director of the municipal office. Xue Bing asked Zhu Lin to help him stare at Bai Xue and discovered that Bai Xue was the secret lover of Tang ZiJie. Tang ZiJie volunteered Xue Bing to eat and told him about his relationship with Bai Xue. Xue Bing did not know what to do. Interpol decided Xue Bing out of training, Xue Bing do not understand, we all hugged him, but Hu ShiSheng insisted that he wanted Xue Bing have enough time to secretly investigate Haiyang's death. Tang ZiJie cares about Xue Bing and gave him a marriage introduction letter. Xue Bing loses to Zhu Lin. Zhu Lin was very happy at first, but calm down. She knew she was very different from Xue Bing and rejected Xue Bing. Xue Bing also realizes that he will not have peace in his life if he does not find out the cause of death in Haiyang. Tang ZiJie puts pressure on Hua ShiYue and Bai Xue to drive them to Dai BingWen. Dai BingWen did not agree, but instead asked someone to investigate Bai Xue's private life and advised Bai Xue to leave Tang ZiJie. Xue Bing deciphered the password of Haiyang Computer and found that Haiyang also suspected Tang ZiJie had a problem. Xue Bing linked the death of Hai Yang with Gan WeiDong's death and realized that there was a big conspiracy inside. Xue Bing told his new boss Xiao ChangChun about his doubts. Xue Bing finds Bai Xue's secret account, but Bai Xue records it with a password Xue Xue does not understand. Tang ZiJie went out of his own account to reclaim the account for Bai Xue, but Xue Bing let Chu XiaoMing do the trick and took the account book. Xue Bing found being tracked and angry that Xiao ChangChun was not at ease with himself. Xiao ChangChun First fear of Xue Bing chaos, disrupt the overall deployment; second, he was afraid of the footsteps of Haiyang, was plotted. Xue Bing unlocks the encryption of Bai Xue's books and finds that Bai Xue has a huge amount of unidentified property, and the property is related to Tang ZiJie. Although he was skeptical of Tang ZiJie, but has been reluctant to believe, always hope Tang ZiJie innocence through his own investigation. There is now ample evidence before him, and the conflict between affection and intellect makes him overwhelmed. Hu ShiSheng admitted to the hospital, Zhong DaFeng succeeded him as Interpol captain. At this time, Xue Bing really understood the inner difficulties of Hu ShiSheng. Hu ShiSheng's persistence and never give in. Xue Bing made the correct choice from the conflict between emotion and intelligence. Dai BingWen hired killer found, Dai BingWen murdered Gan WeiDong chain of evidence basically completed. Just before the police arrested Dai BingWen, he was preemptively killed and the case was suddenly in trouble. Everyone knows the back of Dai BingWen's stake, but nobody can find any evidence. Bai Xue is double regulation, but can not open mouth. Xue Bing thought of various ways to stimulate Tang ZiJie, hoping he showed flaws, but Tang ZiJie one by one to resolve. Hua ShiYue is about to sign a contract with the city, requiring the city to clarify the issues of Bai Xue and Tang ZiJie before signing up. Helpless, Xue Bing forced to sacrifice their own dangerous Zhao ZiJie show the prototype, let Tang ZiJie dominate all the plots in the world.

Blood loyal soul of the lone guards (TV)[2002]

Feature: In countries dangers, Imperial knife guards Zhong Yuan decided to bravely assumed the responsibility Detective Jiang Yang eight children in Yong NingGongZhu, who helped finally found a clue, "from here to blood of the lone bodyguard" stills Jiang Yang eight children, but the catch Lost, was a skillful surgeon named Jing Zi easily escape from the sword; Zi Zi Daozi, Lei Zi, Hua Zi, Hao Zi, Xie Zi, Lang Zi and shadow . Eight people are skilled, the use of weapons is more varied, Hao Zi have goose spikes, Dao Zi Yan Ling Pole, Lang Zi folding fan flying needles, Lei Zi can lead to a lightning butterfly kite, Xie Zi have A mouthful of venom that can cause death, Hua Zi more white silk sleeves can be broken under the dancing people, and the shadow has never been exposed. Several battles with Bazi caused Zhong Yuan to undergo a tremendous shake. When Yuan Zi was once again shocked when Lei Zi's quirky kite flying in the thunderstorm and Dao Zi's jail departure from his jail coroner on death row were aware that he was facing more than just one extreme Strange and dangerous characters, but also behind these characters, certainly hidden unknown secret fate. He decided to figure it out. He knew that it was only when these secrets were really discovered that it was possible to find their whereabouts and to bring them all together. But he did not think that there was a huge, shadowless black hand behind Bei Yang, the only black hand that Feng Bao and Feng Bao had used to manipulate Jiang Yangchazi's contact person, Jing Zi. Feng Bao, a veteran of the two dynasties, also relied on the fact that God Zong was the special identity of his hand and controlled the power of the East Plant and Jinyi Wei in one hand and insanely bribed Giant Silver in the latter. His tentacles almost reached all the taxation bureaus in all the prefectures and counties in the country, enlisting a large number of local officials who collected money for him and weaved an unbroken black net. On the surface, Feng Bao is extremely clean and honest, with great wisdom and courage. He is an assistant minister who can help solve the problems in the court. "Here to blood of the lone bodyguard" stills simultaneously, and is responsible for tracing Shenzong tax loss of silver case and the Grand Secretary Minister presided over the start of cast silver Bureau Zhang SiWei also inevitably encountered unprecedented difficulties, in order to eunuch Feng Bao headed east plant lots under the manipulation of official forces, only one who knows the whereabouts of taxation Division missing tax inspector silver Peng Jiuling be silenced in the Board of Punishments big prison, departure from Luzon silver boat sank in a hurricane at sea, so that the resumption of limited-cast silver decree became an empty text, and the silver came from all over the ominous news is thrilling, because the local government an additional levy harsh mining tax so long mined in disrepair, a spate of several major mining accidents, countless dead, silver have closed. At this moment, Shenzong, which was confused by the tremendous loss of treasury tax and silver and the bad situation of casting silver and the case of Jiang Yang Ba Zi, knew that it was not only an extremely cruel, like a ghost Jiang Yang Ba Zi criminal syndicate, but also faced a brazen, arduous Feng Bao Dormouse forces.More critically, since all the treasuries in the treasuries were secretly replaced by Feng Bao with infilled sand and fake silver, the border guards guarded by the border reached a terrible charge of courage and courage from the six hundred li of the border, As the snow flew to the imperial city, stationed in the northwest unified forces four hundred thousand Rui Wang Zhu Changhao even shipped to the emperor to a broken weapon and a broken arm and inform the god of the case, if the departure, that is, soldiers car. Obviously, the country has already faced the critical moment of life and death. Under the planning of Feng Bao, the eighty-two son of Jiang Yang succeeded in sacking the 300,000 taels of silver tax, which was shipped from the south to the capital. When Zhong Yuan discovered that the conspiracy was preparing to keep the silver car, he was detained by the Imperial Guard for being detained in the palace because of a mistake in his previous work that he was downgraded and unable to advance his palace. Thanks to the beauty and righteousness of the old lover, seclusion in the deep palace for husband and wife Yong NingGongZhu begging for his palace when he came home and met him to rescue and put his clearance Yu-card only to keep Him In order to Yongning their own mind Zhong Yuan resolutely provoked the task of turning the tide for the court to find robbery silver. Zhong Yuan fell into the trap of Feng Bao when it was found in silver and was shot to death in the east factory. Zhong Yuan's life and death friend, director of Jinyi Wei, held Zhuo Yong secretly in prison and rescued Zhong Yuan. Tu Er, a lofty, lofty daughter of Rui Wang, met Zhong Yuan for escaping a marriage and became an assistant to Zhong Yuan. After Jiang Chanyu successfully sacked the hard-fought efforts of Shenzong and Zhang SiWei, the founding manager of the bank opened up more than two million taels of silver and blamed it on Zhong When Yuan died, he came forward to protect Zhong Yuan with Yong NingGongZhu. At this moment, Shenzong, without silver for pay, decided to send the five brightly-colored night pearl beamed down by Emperor Xian into the hands of the Rachel, who is in urgent need of payment of salaries. And Zhang SiWei find the legendary cocoon who learned that the beads were hiding in Yong NingGongZhu's house, also learned that the secret of Feng Bao conspiracy with Jing Zi, to win these five beads. However, due to the appearance of Zhong Yuan, they have suffered a loss. However, the extremely brutal grudge caused Zhong Yuan to lose almost faith in the seizure of Jiang Zechazi and the destruction of the Feng Bao forces. At the time of Zhong Yuan's demise, Yong NingGongZhu resolutely stepped out of the shadows of the festival and spent the most difficult part of his life with Zhong Yuan. Zhong Yuan licked his wounds and cheer up to take the top secret mission of Shenzong and Zhang SiWei, who escorted him to prisoners to the northwest border. At the same time, Hao Zi, Lang Zi and Dao Zi among the eight children in Jiang Yang have also been successively dismissed by Zhong Yuan. The bizarre fate of these three individuals and how they embarked on the road of criminality strongly shocked Zhong Yuan. However, Feng Bao, who hates Zhong Yuan, also instructed Jing Zi to kill Zhong Yuan to win the treasure. When Zhong Yuan arrived in the sheep market in the northwest of the town, Zhu Zi Yong, who chased him and chased him but did not know him as top-secret mission, arrived at Ma Feng, a factory in the east. In the contest, Lei Zi was killed by Ma Feng, but Ma Feng mistakenly thought that Zhong Yuan was one of the eight children who led Zhong Yuan to be captured. What surprised Zhong Yuan at this time was that the most complicated and confusing shadow of Jiang Zechazi also appeared, Turned out to be Zhuo Yong.But neither did Yong YonggongZhu follow suit. It turned out that Godzong already know that Yongning deeply in love with Zhong Yuan, often see their sister's tears of heart, such as knife, then determined to complete Zhong Yuan and Yongning, let Yongning and Zhong Yuan to the northwest. When Ma Feng secretly discovered Zhuo Yong's face, I realized how much trouble I had. He rescued Zhong Yuan with Tu Er. And Zhong Ning, a guerrilla of Yong NingGongZhu who betrayed Zhong Yuan's secret identity, was afraid of Zhong Yuan, and Zhong Yuan did not succeed in killing Zhong Yuan. Zhong Yuan chased him to let him return to Beijing Jing negative, with their own beads and Yong NingGongZhu to see Rui Wang. Zhong Yuan, Yongning, Tu Er To survive the second life-and-death battle Bao Sheng and life and death do not leave, the heart has been shrouded in a huge shadow of Yong NingGongZhu "Blood loyal soul of the lone guns" stills, mad northwest desert baptism, Cheerful, and experienced the joy and meaning of life in the vast love Zhong Yuan gave. After being informed of what happened in the capital city, and after being repeatedly persuaded by Ma Feng, Rui Wang gave up his original intention of presenting his daughter as a gift, and Tu Er married Ma Feng. The benevolent and honorable justice of Zhong Yuan has created a great deterrent force to the evil forces in the high heaven and earth of the great northwest. However, the profound influence of the profound humanistic realm in this magical land of the Greater Northwest China, Also washed out of all evil. The four sons led by Jing Zi chose their final destination in the vibration of these two forces. Forcing them four people embarked on the fate of the crime fate, once again let Zhong Yuan feel the great shake of mind. The last sentence Zhuo Yong left for him is that if there is an afterlife, he will become Zhong Yuan's real friend. As Baozhu is going to be sent to the Ruiwang Barracks, Zhong Yuan and Ma Feng, with the help of Luo TuoSanNiang in the Megatron desert Having found Feng Bao, left with an informed tax official who had been exterminated, swallowed up a large amount of tax rebates from the country and sent it to the god Zong. His Holiness evidence arrived, destroying the evil forces of Feng Bao in one fell swoop, rushed to check out the money to the barracks. Pearl again returned to the Ming dynasty treasury. Yong NingGongZhu and Zhong Yuan held a wedding in the ancient battlefield in the desert of the northwest. There is no smile on both faces, only solemn. No one can think of it, this is a wedding held in the cemetery buried with warrior bones, weddings have never been, the two solemn commitment never leave each other. After a field robbery of Shenzong, finally keenly aware that it is necessary to support the Ming dynasty righteousness, revitalize imperial Gang Wang Xian, we must find a way to fundamentally solve the corruption of officials, and this method is the most important part, That is to establish an honest and effective taxation system throughout the country and block the source of economic crimes committed by officials. However, to carry out this system, the most important thing is to seal off the tremendous black hole in the country's finances and eliminate the crimes that jeopardize the supreme interests of the country Evil forces. Zhong Yuan With Yong NingGongZhu returning to Beijing on the first day, a larger mission to investigate corruption and punishment across the country landed on Zhong Yuan's shoulders. This time, the DPRK will cut off the first-ever DPRK assembly of forces of Feng Bao, and Zhang SiWei will retire and be reinstated. Zhong Yuan was handed a royal sword shining red coral.

Let love wind (TV)[2001]

Feature: Luo XiaoMan, a lively and lovely country girl, had been living a carefree life with her elderly mother-in-law in the countryside. However, the appearance of a man who claimed to be his father and sister friend (Liu WenDa) Southern country urban life, the face of suspicion of the text of Mrs. Shu Yun, shellfish, Shu wind makes things difficult, stubborn little Man in order to achieve.

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