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Zhijian Zhang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Zhijian Zhang Works 39 ,And Feature 13 ,War 7 ,Suspense 5 ,抗战3 ,Historical play 3 ,Costume Drama 3 ,当代革命2 ,Contemporary 2 ,Love 2 ,Ancient 2 ,Spy war 2 ,Comedy 2 ,近代史1 ,古装历史1 ,警匪1 ,Year 1 ,Revolution 1 ,推理1 ,Palace 1 ,权谋1 ,罪案1 ,近代革命1 ,红色1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Warm blood 1 ,Business War 1 ,近代历史1 ,Anti-corruption 1 ,检察1 ,legend 1 ,律政1 ,Action 1 ,Sci-Fi 1 。

Works Index

Zhijian Zhang Filmography(39)


九州缥缈录 (TV)[2019]


《九州缥缈录》这是一部少年英雄成长史,以虚拟的“九州”世界为背景,讲述 Lv GuiChen Ji Ye Yu Ran 等不谙世事的少年历经磨砺与坎坷,执着奋斗,携手互助,成长成熟,并发展出几段撼天动地的友情和爱情故事。北陆青阳部世子 Lv GuiChen 作为质子来到东陆结识了一直不受父亲喜爱的庶子 Ji Ye ,以及跟着爷爷避难而来的羽族公主 Yu Ran 。三个小伙伴在太子学院中因身份原因饱受针对和挑战,在相互帮助和拯救的过程了建立起深厚的友谊,而 Yu Ran 的开朗活泼洒脱个性也得到两个男孩的暗中倾慕,青涩的爱情正在萌芽。离国霸主赢无翳携天子以令诸侯, Lv GuiChen 、 Ji Ye 、 Yu Ran 追随一代名将 Xi Yan 等人发出正义之师,决战殇阳关,不料殇阳关之战的背后另有大阴谋。危难之际,少年们奋死而战,成长为一代领袖 。

鹤唳华亭 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《鹤唳华亭》剧情介绍:讲述了 Xiao DingQuan 被南齐立为储君后,被皇帝 Xiao Ze 所忌惮打压,使定权在朝中逐渐举步维艰。定权为家国天下孤身犯险,收复顾家兵权交于皇帝,自己背负千秋骂名而死的故事。建元四年, Xiao DingQuan 被南齐立为储君。外有一代名将的母舅 Gu SiLin 力撑,内有清流领袖的太傅 Lu ShiYu 支持,因而被皇帝 Xiao Ze 所忌惮打压。深受儒家传统教育的定权渴慕父爱,谨守臣子与儿子的责任, Xiao Jian 却对其一再疏远,并纵容庶长子齐王对储君之位的觊觎。齐王步步紧逼,先破坏太子冠礼,再逼文官死谏,使定权在朝中逐渐举步维艰。齐王设计,害死文官 Lu Ying 并嫁祸于定权, Lu Ying 之女文昔为复仇化名"阿宝"潜入东宫,与定权的相互试探间逐渐产生不一般的情感,并最终反戈助定权险胜。 Gu SiLin 被害,顾家愤而起兵,定权为家国天下孤身犯险,收复顾家兵权交于皇帝,自己背负千秋骂名而死。多年之后,皇帝看着阿宝留下的孩子承欢膝下,终于老泪纵横 。


We are young in those years (TV)[2018]


"Those years we are young" tells of the 1960s, in the "dark clouds over the city to destroy the international situation," chairman MAO ordered: good people immediately three lines. Military descendant zhang lijun, farmer's sonMa ZhaoYang", "capital daughter"Lu RuoWenBack with SueXiang the QingThese young people, full of fighting spirit and passion, came to the mountains in southwest China, and practiced their own ideals with life and youth, and at the same time, performed the love competition with care. A great craftsman of Beijing accentLiu LianZhuBecause of the runnerLiang YuQiangLike Lu RuoWen, unexpectedly will break the relationship between teachers and students.Liu LianZhuwould not forgiveLiang YuQianguntil he died at the launch site due to troubleshooting. But it's hard to believe that Lu RuoWen, his love interest, could ask him to step out of the country again to make a successful long-range rocket test flight. Zhang lijun, who dreamed of becoming a general all his life, died at an early age.Si LingYuanOnly to find out that the troubled kid has a lot of unknown contributions.Ma ZhaoYangattended the national science and technology conference, and the development of the rocket servo system won the top prize. At zhang lijun's tomb, the shining medal proved the meaning and value of his life.

In those years, we are young (TV)[2018]


Those years, we are young: in the 1960s, in the "dark clouds over the city to destroy the international situation," chairman MAO ordered: good people immediately three lines. Zhang lijun, descendant of the military, Ma ZhaoYang, son of the farmer, Lu RuoWen, the "capitalist daughter" and Xiang Qing, who returned from leaving su, and other young men full of fighting spirit and passion, came to the mountains in southwest China. They practiced their ideals with their lives and youth, and at the same time, they also demonstrated the romantic rivalry with their hearts. Liu LianZhu, a master craftsman in a Beijing Opera, fell in love with Lu RuoWen because of his lover Liang YuQiang. Liu LianZhu would not forgive Liang YuQiang until he died at the launch site due to troubleshooting. But it's hard to believe that Lu RuoWen, his love interest, could ask him to step out of the country again to make a successful long-range rocket test flight. After a lifetime of dreaming of becoming a general, zhang lijun died at an untimely age. Si LingYuan found that this troubled young man had a lot of unknown contributions. Ma ZhaoYang attended the national science and technology conference, and the development of the rocket servo system won the top prize. At zhang lijun's tomb, the shining medal proved the meaning and value of his life.


In the name of people (TV)[2017]

Feature: When a project director of a state ministries and commissions was reported to have received bribes of tens of millions, Hou Liangping, director of the Investigation Department of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, came to the search to see what he saw as a simple and honest old peasant with a simple, In the rude old house to eat noodles. While the mask of the corrupt elements was finally ripped apart, Ding Yi Zhen, deputy mayor of the capital city of Jingzhou in Hantong, a province of Han Dong province closely tied to the case, was assisted by the secret agent of a mysterious figure Reconnaissance methods to escape the French in exile. The case trail ends up in the fight for equity of a typhoon garment factory in Han Dong Province led by the Guangming Lake project in Beijing. However, the various political forces implicated in it are complicated and confusing. Chen Hai, director of anti-corruption bureau of Han Dong Procuratorate, suffered a bizarre car accident in the investigation. In order to complete the unfinished business of those same year students, capable and capable Hou LiangPing was appointed to take over the unfinished business of Chen Hai. In the political scene in Han Dong Province, "Politics and Law Department" represented by Gao YuLiang, deputy secretary of Provincial Party Committee and Politics and Law Committee of Han Dong Province, "Secretary Gang" phase represented by Li DaKang, member of Standing Committee of Han Dong Province and secretary of Jingzhou Municipal Committee For many years, regardless of Xuan 轾. The arrival of Sha Rui Jin, the new provincial party secretary, is destined to break this balance of politics and bring a new flavor to the reform in Han province. People's name poster

Wind (TV)[2017]

Feature: In 1941, the military special agent Gu XiaoMeng successfully sneaked into WangPo Corps headquarters, but because of the assassination of Japanese military intelligence officers, along with his colleagues Li NingYu, Jin ShengHuo, Wu ZhiGuo and BaiXiaoNian four people, by the Japanese spy chief Long ChuanFeiYuan And Wang TianXiang, chief of the spy corps spy agency, captured Qiuzhuang and learned that the underground workers of the Chinese Communist Party, code-named "Laogui", were among the five. Long ChuanFeiYuan tried every means to force the "old ghosts" to come forward but did not want the "old ghosts" to deal with the spies of the puppets and the Japanese spuriously. He made all kinds of illusions confuse the enemy and not only caused chaos in the enemy's organization, His sacrifice found the spy of Long ChuanFeiYuan, who was painstakingly placed in the underground organization codenamed "Green Light." According to the clues left by the "old devil," Gu XiaoMeng succeeded in getting rid of the insiders and using the secrets of Qiu Zhuang to force Long ChuanFeiYuan under the guidance of the "old gun" of the "elder ghost." In the end, Gu XiaoMeng chose the same road as the "old devil" and lurked in the enemy's heart to complete the unfinished business of "the old devil."

Special forces of the enemy in-depth (TV)[2017]

Feature: In the summer of 1942, the Japanese army fiercely attacked. Anglo-American troops were withdrawn from Burma. Chinese troops blew up the Hui Tong Bridge and blocked the Japanese troops in the Nujiang by-laws and the fall of Burma in western Yunnan. Taking advantage of jungle rivers and other facilities, the Japanese army stepped up efforts to build an all-round network of death nets with the intention of backing the Burma region to break through the Nujiang line of defense, block the Hump route and capture the whole of China. A U.S. plane crashed while evacuating Myanmar. After the pilot Edward did the parachute, the U.S. troops sent search and rescue squads. Unexpectedly, the information leaked. The team fell into the Japanese encirclement and the entire army was annihilated. Search and rescue operations failed. China sent special teams led by underground party member Hong ZhangYun to carry out search and rescue operations. All four team members are well-versed in the battlefield and have excellent understanding of military capabilities and capabilities. In addition, the advanced US military weapons have greatly enhanced their combat effectiveness . With the help of the local ethnic minorities and the Chinese army behind the enemy, the four people broke through the Japanese defense line and went deep into the enemy line. Instead of rescuing the British prisoners of war and Edward, they also found the Japanese net destroyed by the Japanese in the jungle of Burma and Burma and destroyed it. To lay the foundation for the victory of the Burma rebel. & Nbsp ;.

Judge (TV)[2017]

Feature: The "Judge" started with a case of "impossible criminality" uncovered by two police officers who were young and old. When the suspect was eventually found, the suspect died of another murder. The subsequent domino effect caused the subsequent case ring Relevant. "Judge" is a joint suspense and reasoning drama jointly produced by Zoomlion New Media Co., Ltd. and the Golden Shield Film and Television Cultural Center of the Ministry of Public Security. Directed by director Li Yan and Anne, Junpeng Huang, Zhang Zhijian, Chen Zheng, Yu Tong, Qin Li Yang, Lu Yuan Xuan, Lu Yuting and other stars.

Shaolin asked (TV)[2016]

Feature: In the Ming Dynasty Jiajing years, Jiajingdi was stupid and incompetent, the court was controlled by the strict party, the internal government corruption, rampant pirates along the coast, the entire ruling and opposition was firmly in control of the party leader - Yan Zongfan Yan Zifan son, the Ming dynasty at stake. Shaolin Temple Abbot seclusion Damochai seclusion, the Shaolin monks are both worried about the national crisis, but also on the future a confused. Cheng WenDao, Gao JianXiong, a newly established disciple disciplined by Shaolin, vigorously cooperated with Yan's father and son to exterminate their enemies. Due to their extremely high talents, they were separately assigned to the Dharma Hall, Pharmacopoeia and Prajna Chapter to practice their martial arts, medical doctrine and meditation. In order to achieve the purpose of controlling Shaolin himself, Yan ShiFan transferred the Shaolin monks by the name of Hirayama and went so far as to consolid the Shaolin traitor Mad-Tou Tau to occupy the Shaolin and turn one of the Buddhist monastic forests into human hell. Successful practitioners Cheng WenDao et al., Under the secret help of Master Guanyun, led the Shaolin monks and the Mad-Tso and the Yan Party to deal with them. Finally, they eradicated the Mad-Tuo and helped to overthrow the just men and women of the DPRK ;

The Last Warrior (TV)[2016]

Feature: Xiangxi, Miss Huang Xia who is a return student, and Ran ZhiGao, a major military officer returning home from childhood, are married and do not want to be hit by mountain bandits for some time in the stills. Shi Feng, who grew up in the mountains and grew up following Huang Xia, came to terms with Ran ZhiGao, but did not want to unveil a long-awaited family avenge. Emotions are also involved in the whirlpool of blood. Shi Feng was forced to press the door to revenge for the bandit, brother anti-eye. Japanese aggression, the country broken home, Shi Feng and Ran ZhiGao for national righteousness, put aside personal grudges, hand in hand to resist the enemy, smashed the Japanese spy one after another plot. In Tieshan war, to destroy the enemy's advance army, bloody fight to the last one & nbsp ;.

Jagged Song Shanghai (TV)[2016]

Feature: After the September 18 Incident, the Shanghai foreign exchange market was in a state of crisis. General Zhang Nanjing received information, intelligence, and the Japanese military aimed at the nineteenth Route Army stationed in Shanghai. Zhou HuPing, a CCP underground member, was ordered to go to Shanghai to support the 19th Route Army as his special commissioner. Zhang General Aiko Zhang ShiXun love Zhou HuPing, all the way to follow. Zhou Zhabei alley into the people's attention: the old tailor Zhou MaoLin, Brother Shanghai, run between the KMT and the CCP in Shanghai Ping, professional magician is actually Kangsong Tong killer Shanghai students, Xiao-Shanghai-Shanghai. Zhou HuPing soon realized that the situation was far more complicated than it thought. The Japanese army planned the implementation of various conspiracies. The Nineteenth Route Army repeatedly defused the crisis with the help of Zhou HuPing and underground party comrades. On the night of January 28, 1932, the Japanese army launched a deliberately planned Shanghai war against Shanghai. As Zhang HuXuo moves farther and farther in the traitor's field, Zhang ShiXun grows into a strong-willed patriot. Inspired by Zhou HuPing, other Zhou people joined the anti-Japanese ranks of the bloody Shanghai people. A military and civilian Shanghai epic war, strong mountains and rivers opened the curtain of the war of aggression & nbsp ;.

I am the Red Army (TV)[2016]

Feature: Nie Jiu (Zhu Yuchen), a dude with a duck foot, was forced to separate from his wife, Shen YiPing (Yihan Gao), to report his father's revenge. Nie Jiu hunted Yunnan warlord Nie YuHang all the way to the town of Zhaoyang, where he met a Red Army soldier who was hunted down by Nie YuHang. The Red Army soldiers misunderstood Nie Jiu as both the Red Army and eventually hired him a pocket watch with important intelligence. Today, various forces converge on Zhaoyang, and the Kuomintang Renaissance agency Bai RuQiao uses the intelligence of "civet cats" placed at the top of the Red Army to smash the Red Army's communications intelligence unit. Local warlords and Kuomintang troops look like gods, aggressively suppress the surface of the communist party, but actually have another intention. Xue JiTong and Shen YiPing, members of the Red Army forces, took the opportunity to "borrow" the warlords so that large units could pass smoothly. Nie Jiu and Shen YiPing reunited with Siu Yang. To protect their lover, Nie Jiu led his brothers to the Great Forces and joined the Red Army along the Jinsha River to march along with the Long March. Along the way, Nie Jiu detachment seduced, saved the hostages and performed the task well. And Nie Jiu also underwent a transformation from Avenger to Revolutionary and became a real Red Army fighter.

沧海丝路 (TV)[2016]


《沧海丝路》讲述了西汉时期,汉武帝刘彻派遣张骞出使西域,打通了陆地丝绸之路,多年后,刘彻又做出了开辟海上丝绸之路的战略决策。面对重重阻力,名不见经传的青年易不全临危受命,担任汉朝使团正使。以刘太良、图六门为首的朝廷各种势力出于不同目的,都围绕这项新的国家战略反复角力,易不全也卷入他们的频繁交锋。易不全得到了恋人紫玉和使臣王中武等人的生死相助,率领大汉使节肩负国家重托,从始发港合浦扬帆起航,面向世界遍布仁义,修好外夷,惠及友邦,恩泽四海,将汉朝的丝绸等物产及华夏文明远播天下。他们历尽艰险,出访了都元、邑卢没、谌离、已不程等8国,开辟了闻名于世的海上丝绸之路和前无古人的伟大壮举 。



Feature: During the Jiajing Reign of the Ming Dynasty, Jiajing Emperor was stunned and incompetent. The court was under the control of a strict party. Corruption of internal government and rampage of pirates along the coast were firmly controlled by Yan Juban, the son of Yan Yan, Ming dynasty at stake. Shaolin Temple Abbot seclusion Damochai seclusion, the Shaolin monks are both worried about the national crisis, but also on the future a confused. Cheng WenDao, Gao JianXiong, a newly established disciple disciplined by Shaolin, vigorously cooperated with Yan's father and son to exterminate their enemies. Due to their extremely high talents, they were separately assigned to the Dharma Hall, Pharmacopoeia and Prajna Chapter to practice their martial arts, medical doctrine and meditation. In order to achieve the purpose of controlling Shaolin himself, Yan ShiFan transferred the Shaolin monks by the name of Hirayama and went so far as to consolid the Shaolin traitor Mad-Tou Tau to occupy the Shaolin and turn one of the Buddhist monastic forests into human hell. Successful practitioners Cheng WenDao et al., Under the secret help of Master Gu Hai, led the Shaolin monks and the mad-capitals and the strict party to deal with them. Finally, they eradicated the Mad-Tuo and helped to overthrow the father and son of the just men of justice.

Im waiting for you in Xilin Gol. (TV)[2015]

Feature: Personally perverse Wu SuoWei suffered from double damage to family and love and escaped, accidentally met a kind music teacher Han Xiao. He witnessed the pictures of brave and strong Han Xiao demonstrated in the face of frustration. In the process, Han Xiao moved Wu SuoWei with his simplicity and sincerity, and even helped him resolve all kinds of misunderstandings with his dead father, his ex-wife and his opponent and finally returned to himself.

Twenty-four turn (TV)[2015]

Feature: Twenty-four Shui Po tells about World War II that the U.S. aid supplies to Yunnan and Burma on the Burma Road had to go through the "Yunnan-Guizhou line" of "24 roundabouts" before being sent to the front line and the "capital" Chongqing . Twenty-four rounds turned into a traffic artery in the Sino-Burmese Indian Theater and assumed the task of transporting international aid to China. CPC Guizhou Work Committee led the Guizhou Working Committee came to Qinglong County, in accordance with the instructions of the CPC Central Committee's "World Anti-Fascist United Front" in Qinglong launched a propaganda anti-Japanese, and actively protect the bridge Paul Road, in order to protect the international transport Good luck has made outstanding contributions. In 1942, the 1880 engineering battalion of the U.S. Highway Engineering Corps stationed in Tseung Lung, Tseung Kwan O, built a 24-lane road to ensure smooth traffic flow. The Japanese military "sealed off" and "severed" it, and the coalition forces in the United States should safeguard it by "linking" with "smoothness." Mei Song, a first class soldier who is good at fighting a bayonet in the battle of the decisive battle, came to "Twenty-four Shui Po" and clearly stated that he wanted to prevent the Japanese army from bombing and Japanese illegal immigrants. In the dark, he was going to wrestle with the insiders. This is an anti-fascist battle of blood and tears, the inevitable tough showdown.

Dream nostalgia third line (TV)[2015]

Feature: In the 1960s, under the international situation of "Dark Clouds Appeal to Destroy," Chairman Mao's order was: "Good man and good man are in immediate third line." The young soldiers full of fighting spirit and enthusiasm, including the army's descendants, Zhang Lijun, peasant's son Ma ZhaoYang, "capitalist" Lu RuoWen, and Liu Qing's returning Xiang Qing, all came to the mountains and mountains of the southwest. When life and youth practice their own ideals, Also interpretation of the love of jealousy contend. Liu LianZhu, a Beijing-based artisan, wanted to break the relationship between master and disciple because his lover Liang YuQiang loves Lu RuoWen. Until Liang YuQiang at the launch site because of the failure to sacrifice, Liu LianZhu are unwilling to forgive. But no one could believe it, ruining his beloved Lu RuoWen actually invited him out of the mountains again for a long-range rocket test success. For a lifetime, when Zhang Lijun, a general who dreams of becoming a general, died of an untimely death and died, Si LingYuan found out that this faulty boy has many unknown contributions. Ma ZhaoYang attended the National Science and Technology Conference and won the highest award for the R & D achievements of the rocket servo system. The glittering medal in Zhang Lijun's grave proves the significance and value of his life.

The Gold Medal Lawyer (TV)[2014]

Feature: Su Dong, a lawyer, completely backed up the family and concentrated his career. He has neglected the family since the debut of the four gold medal lawyers. In the midst of a crisis of marriage and a setback in his career, he set up the "divorce law firm" in the face of adversity without being discouraged. Faced with all kinds of divorce cases, Su Dong is backed by the law, with exhortation as goodwill, trying its best to defend the rights of the parties, while gradually stumbling with Zhu Yan, the heroine.

Torrent (TV)[2014]

Feature: In the course of their struggle against the warlord Zhang Zongchang, brothers and sisters entertained five brothers of the same origin, Gong JinShou, Nie TianHong, Yang Lin, Sun Jingyu and Han DongShui, as brothers and jointly joined the torrent of the Great Revolution led by the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. However, in the fundamental position and attitude toward the revolution, the two parties split between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. Chiang Kai-shek treason, defected the revolution. During the mutiny, the attitude of the five brothers toward the revolution also changed. Under the influence of Communists such as Su JianQi, Gong JinShou, Nie TianHong and Yang Lin joined the fierce armed anti-armed and counter-revolutionary fierce struggle while Sun Dongyu and Han Dongshui, led by the KMT right Zhang GongYi, slid toward the Kuomintang One side. Gong JinShou and others found the correct way out for the Chinese revolution, following the steps of Chairman Mao and embarking on the hill of Jinggangshan.

TheMerchantsofQingDynasty (TV)[2014]

Feature: The Qing Salt Merchants took the background of the Qian Long Emperor's fifth southern tour as the background of the times and described the intricate relationship between a generation of Yangzhou salt merchants represented by Wang ChaoZong and Qian Long, officials, literati, salt workers, actors and even rivers and lakes Describing the joys and sorrows of several large salt merchants in Yangzhou during the Qian Long period in life and business, painstakingly managing and cheating, by depicting the rise and fall of Yangzhou Salt Industry, portraying the salt merchants and landscape architecture in Yangzhou, Food culture and other inextricably linked the history of Yangzhou to show the bustling, panoramic Yangzhou salt merchants for China's economy plays a decisive role, influence and historical contributions, a vivid reproduction of the Qing Dynasty Qianlong Yangzhou folk customs and scenery. The play, which begins around a secret account, describes the intricacies of the generation of salt merchants represented by Wang Chao-Zong with Qian Long, poster bureaucrats, saltmakers, and even Heaven and Earth during the Qian Long years. Salt merchants in Yangzhou, an inexhaustible money bag owned by Emperor Qian Long, can not afford to pay the salt merchants when war rates are needed in the south-west war. Both Salt and Pepsi commit suicide. A KeZhan obeys the purpose of dunning and found that the salt merchants had the secret account books in hand and recorded the salt merchants' accounts for many years. Among them, the silver used for connecting drivers and salt officials was over 10 million taels. Salt merchants as amulets, salt officer is scared. A KeZhan decided to urge donation to lose again to find the books, all kinds of people around the books on stage. Yangzhou salt merchants four major business partners have their own interests in the cooperation between the rivalry, but Wang ChaoZong has not put books, he did not want to let the Salt Lake plunge into a bloody, in order to keep the salt industry foundation, will be built in Yangzhou City of the Moon to Salty both good world. Eventually, Wang ChaoZong handed over the books to Qian Long. Qian Long decided not to tour the south for future generations.

Mekong case (TV)[2014]

Feature: The "Mekong Case" was adapted from the "10.5" case of the Mekong in 2011. The story tells the story of a large-armed Sohault drug gang designed a shaking plot, planted and cruelly killed more than 10 Chinese crew. China, Laos, Thailand and Myanmar immediately issued a joint statement on joint law enforcement and quickly formed a joint task force. To thoroughly investigate this case, the Mekong River is also a pure land. Jiang HaiFeng, director of the Narcotics Control Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, was on the verge of death and became head of the "10.5 Joint Task Force." Gao Ye, who once died in battle with him, also wanted to join the task force. Unexpectedly, Yu Huihe, the wife of the police, Guan Qinglin's strong opposition. They all thought that a car accident that had taken Kagye two years ago and had lost loved ones made Koyano not out of the shadows and would not be suitable for participating in the case. However, Jiang HaiFeng broke through all kinds of obstacles to ensure that Koya joined the task force and directed Takano to find clues one after another ... The supervisor of the "10.5" case, Suwo, has great ambition and he is good at hiding himself and hardly anyone can Say his face or his whereabouts. Suwo carefully designed trap, attempting to monopolize the "Golden Triangle" drug trafficking network in order to establish their own drug kingdom. The first step in his conspiracy was to create a tragedy on the Mekong, framing his biggest rival and using his knife to kill him. Jiang HaiFeng and other panel members focus on clues, but found that the information leaked. Jiang HaiFeng began vigilance, secretly looking for the ghost in the task force ... ... Finally, the police in the four countries in China and Laos and Thailand were born and died, and finally found the traces of Suwo.

Tongbai hero (TV)[2013]

Feature: "Tongbai hero" tells the story of 1947, the liberation of fighting in the Tongbai area started, has become the People's Liberation Army reconnaissance platoon leader Zhao YongSheng Mickey He, with the troops into the Tongbai Mountain, Zhao YongSheng et al. Because of the cover troops retreated to stay in position, in order to break The enemy's blockade, Zhao YongSheng, and his comrades replaced the Kuomintang army uniform and fooled enemy search units and went down smoothly. The enemy chief Han ChangFa in order to win entrenched in the Tang River Zhang FuCheng, forced Zhao XiaoHua married Zhang FuCheng. Wang ShuLan heard that the People's Liberation Army arrived in Tongbai and risked helping her daughter to escape from Hancheng. The flower thought that the PLA troops had to find her elder brother and did not want to encounter the Kuomintang search soldiers. They mistakenly thought that the flower was guerrillas in the mountains and fired at her. It happened that after Zhao YongSheng and others passed away in order to cover their fellow countrymen, they had to open fire on the enemy at the risk of exposing their identity. When Zhao YongSheng thought they could safely retreat and elated, they met guerrillas who came to pick and place the People's Liberation Army. They guilty of misunderstanding the guerrillas wearing KMT uniforms and had to become guerrillas "prisoners." After the whereabouts of the guerrillas were discovered by the Kuomintang, they were trapped in siege and the two armed forces turned their fire. Guard guard Zhao YongSheng and others locked the door to support the fighting, Zhao YongSheng and others together to open the door open, but saw the KMT troops around the door. Zhao YongSheng and others had claimed that they were getting out of their way. This scene was just what He CuiGu saw. He CuiGu hated them for "cheating" on their own behavior. Zhao YongSheng was brought back to the Kuomintang barracks, but Han MeiShuang did not recognize that this person was Zhao YongSheng who grew up with her when she was young. Zhao YongSheng wearing a military uniform wearing the name of Hou Zhankun caused the suspicion Han MeiShuang, Zhao YongSheng will not lie, he was excuse Han MeiShuang language piercing, but Han MeiShuang did not go deep into Zhao YongSheng identity, but advised him and Back to Hancheng together. Zhao YongSheng sneaks into the enemy's interior, resolutely wins by virtue of his wit and gradually gains the trust of the enemy and uses the floret's marriage to remove the reinforcements from the Tanghe River. Wang ShuLan and Xiaohua learned the true identity of Zhao YongSheng and started to help Zhao YongSheng to start the event. Small flowers grew even more in the revolutionary struggle behind enemy lines. Guerrilla captain He CuiGu went to the city to contact the traffic station to send intelligence but met Zhao YongSheng, who sent information. He misunderstood Zhao YongSheng and threatened Zhao YongSheng. As a result, he was exposed to hunt and wounded, and was saved by Xiaohua and Wang ShuLan . People's Liberation Army approached Hancheng, because Zhao YongSheng intelligence, successfully into the city. Han ChangFa sees his army retreating steadily and brutally murders his own men and soldiers. In order to save his father, Han MeiShuang risked his death to stop the city defenders. Zhao YongSheng attacked South Korea and saw three "sister" become hostages of Han ChangFa. Han ChangFa asked Zhao YongSheng whereabouts of their own biological daughter, forced helpless, Zhao YongSheng only make the best of the truth. He CuiGu is very excited to hear that he is Han ChangFa's biological daughter, and Han ChangFa does not even believe his daughter will be a Communist Party. At this moment, the entire city of Hancheng has been cheered and emancipated. Han Chang-Fa completely collapsed, shooting and shooting, and the bullets hit Zhao YongSheng. At the same time, head of Ginger with troops broke into the door, Han ChangFa random gun shot. Three flowers around Zhao YongSheng, Tong Tong brother.

Casing (TV)[2012]

Feature: June 1938, Wuhan battle broke out, the situation in the war of resistance is critical. The military special agent Xie GengYang made a self-assertion, "secretly detaining" Meng QingFan, a long-held CCP detainee, in a jail and shooting the waterfront. Meng QingFan was carrying a fake false message from Xie GengYang, convincing the Japanese that the Soviets would send troops to northeastern China and were forced to slow down their attacks on Wuhan. Due to a rush of preparation, Xie GengYang's plan went wrong. Japanese agent Zuo Teng firmly believed that this was a Chinese conspiracy. He personally verified the authenticity of information in Wuhan. Meng QingFan, who escaped from death, learned from the Japanese torture that the plan would hurt the CCP. He risked to escape the Japanese camp, returned to Wuhan to stop. "Lies Plan" was submitted to the senior KMT. In order to resist the war in Wuhan, the Kuomintang decided to join hands to complete the "lies plan." In order to make up for the flaws in the plan, Ma XiaoHui, an Eighth Route Army female announcer, was arranged to pose as a husband and wife with Meng QingFan, both of whom were tested by the Japanese. The intelligence elite of both the KMT and the CCP, along with the most elite Japanese agents, set about wrestling in Wuhan around this lies plan.

In the name of mother (TV)[2011]

Feature: In the name of her mother, Du CaiXia tells the story of Du CaiXia, a 17-year-old landlords captured by the landlord and bullied by a landlords bully, who was forced to die after being furiously burning her landlord son and rescued by the Eighth Route Army where her fiancé Liu ManTang was. As a result of the betrayal of Gu SiYu, a special agent of the Kuomintang, the Eighth Route Army regrettably vanquished. Caixia was therefore separated from Liu ManTang and adopted an orphans martyr. Since then, Caixia embarked on a difficult road of seeking husbands and revolutions, and adopted four orphans in succession to become "single mothers" of five children. After the liberation, the big people who took part in the revolutionary contingent returned to work and returned to their careers. Caoxia felt the feeling of being invaluable. After he was informed of his illness, he resolutely accepted him, but eventually he was not fated together under the fate of fate. In the 60s of last century, Caoxia loves Cheng NanShan, the uncle of Japan's orphan, searching for relatives. Cheng NanShan, who was infected with the plague patient in China, was about to get blind and finally gave up his feelings and chose to leave. Under the unforgettable regret. In the 1980s, the children were grown up, colorful after sunset, returning home from Fu GengNian to look back at the wedding, feeling the mixed feelings of life.

GuanDongQiWang (Movie)[2009]

Feature: During the War of Resistance Against Japan, the devils stepped up the gathering of food in a small village called Tai Xi Wa in the northeast. A child named Xiao Hu Zi was shot dead by a devil for picking up food left by the devils. The tiger's death provoked great indignation in the folks at Tai Xi Wa. Coupled with the wanton gathering of foodstuffs by the devils and famine to the common people, villagers of the Great West depression picked up tools such as shovels and axes and prepared to loot the devils Liu De a military grain depot. The folks gathered around Liu De and confronted puppet troops stationed in Liu De. In order to avoid greater casualties, Liu DeMin, the only scholar at Daxiwa Village, came and persuaded him to try and calm down the turmoil that will cause even greater casualties among villagers. Folks who have been tense, do not listen to Liu DeMin's advice. At a time when villagers loathed their food in madness, a devil unit led by Japanese military governor Wu ShiLan appeared at the door of Liu De. Before Wu ShiLan came to China, he was the chess player of Japan's Royal Chess House. This time Wu ShiLan rushed to escort the army food. One of the more important purposes is to look for the superior who had played together Puyi in Tai Xi Wa. When Liu Deyi learned of this situation, he immediately introduced Liu DeMin to Wu ShiLan as a solution to the storm and avoid folks ...

Bing Feng (TV)[2008]

Feature: Before the armed control operation with the code of "Storm" on the line of the southwest border started, the Operation Command was informed successively: there was a poaching group with an international background on the border, and the other branch Nineteen scientists from the UN expedition suddenly and collectively disappeared while Xiao MuTian, ​​captain of the Operation Storm, and the young captain officer Xiao MuTian, ​​were removed from the promotion order because of falling into a series of border incidents and lost their commando as "Storm" Captain's qualification. The border incident was of major importance. The superior commanded Xiao MuTian to return to the military sub-region from the border for investigation and instructed Xiao MuTian to bring the incident's perpetrators, young bird photographer Gu MengEr, volunteer Hao DaDi and military dog ​​Shenlong together Investigate. Xiao MuTian mission on the road, was unique personality and fate of urban girl Gu MengEr and stunt flamboyant Hao DaDi join forces to resist. At this time, he again received a higher order, will train injured due to the urgent need for treatment of Tibetan soldiers LAC and altitude sickness expert Cao Ren back to the military subregion. Xiao MuTian, ​​with great pain buried in his heart, supported the mission of border guards and tried their best to accomplish the task entrusted by superiors. However, temporary detachments lurked in various contradictions and made the road to the military partition difficult. On the way to the designated place, Xiao MuTian et al. Met Na Ye, the sister-in-law of the grave who went to the post for her husband, and Wu Huan, the escort of her superior, and three young soldiers who were sent by the border company to the Lhasa Kampar. , They are eager to catch up in the snow before reaching their destination. TV drama "Bing Feng" stills Xiao MuTian will Gu MengEr and Hao DaDi and others to the black horse station, due to the earthquake caused the mountain landslides to block the highway, can not move forward. At this point, Lang measure deterioration, there gangrenous phenomenon, surgical treatment must be as soon as possible, but there is no surgical conditions on the border. Xiao MuTian and Hao DaDi decided to venture over the Great Snow Mountain at an altitude of 5,000 meters and took the battlefield road 30 years ago and sent Longcuo and Cao Ren to the military subregion. Shortly after they arrived at the station, Gu MengEr, Na Ye and the four soldiers who had left the depot soon came up with heavy snowfall approaching. They did not retreat and could only move on. At the suggestion of Xiao MuTian, ​​an interim fighting group "Brother Class" was established, with Xiao MuTian and Hao DaDi serving as monitor and vice president respectively. Difficult and precarious road ahead, unpredictable disaster, loss of contact with their superiors in a full six days, the case of a brother class all the way suffered floods, gales, avalanche area, debris flow, cliffs, snowstorms, iceberg Daban etc. Bad natural conditions, confrontation with armed patrols of different nations and unexpected incidents of salvation by exotic shepherds. In this act in the name of saving Langtso Brothers, the Brotherhood continues to plunge into distress and desperation, and continuously overcome its difficulties and desperation. The high-altitude border guards represented by Xiao MuTian and Hao DaDi and the contemporary women represented by Gu MengEr and Na Ye have shown broad humanity strength and have also undergone inner torture in the rare special state of peace. The consolidation of personal life, the painful and dependent communication with others, and the outlook on life have undergone major changes:Xiao MuTian no longer afraid of relatives one by one away from him, Gu MengEr dare to face up and bear the darkness and abandonment, Hao DaDi can say the total can not say love words, Na Ye recovered the "sacrificial" husband, Long Measures smiled and practiced the reincarnation of life ... ... brother class finally successfully out of the snowstorm Snowy Mountains. After helping Na Ye reunite with her still-living husband, they are back on the road. On the way to the subdivision of the army, a small trail left by the criminals has alerted the border guards, who are always under readiness. Xiao MuTian takes his brothers and takes care of them, tracing to international poachers buried in primeval forests, and poaching Kidnapped scientist. Under the direction of Xiao MuTian, ​​the sibling class succeeded in holding down the armed criminal groups preparing to cross the border and sent information to their superiors, eventually saving all the scientists and bringing all the international criminals to a close.

The road we have taken (TV)[2008]


The TV series "The True Path of the Human World is the Vicissitudes of Life": The story of 1925, Fuling, Hunan Province. Retired warlord and Yang family head Yang TingHe have three children under his knees: the eldest son, Yang LiRen, the daughter, Yang LiHua, and the younger son, Yang LiQing. Although Yang LiRen and Yang LiQing are brothers, the relationship is not very harmonious. Yang LiRen was infected by the revolutionary trend and was prepared to secretly smash the Beiyang government officials who visited Hunan. Yang LiQing stole the guns of Yang LiRen and unexpectedly caught fire, causing the assassination plan to die in advance. After that, the two brothers went to Guangzhou to develop their own future. Yang LiRen introduced Chu Cai as a staff instructor at the Whampoa Military Academy, and Yang LiHua was already a staff member of the Guangzhou National Government. Yang LiQing successfully entered the Whampoa Military Academy with his drawing skills. During his studies, Yang LiQing regarded Qu En as a life mentor and loved Qu En's younger sister, Qu Xia. At this time, Yang LiRen has stepped into the political core of the Kuomintang Chiang Kai-shek Group and participated in military and political secrets. Under the leadership of Communists such as Qu En, the third successful armed uprising in Shanghai achieved the final success. Soon after the "42" incident broke out, Qu En, Qu Xia and others were chased. Yang LiQing, who was stationed in Shanghai with the army, secretly left Shanghai with Qu En, and then Yang LiQing joined the Chinese Communist Party. At this time, Yang LiRen is the intelligence chief of the Kuomintang in Shanghai, and his opponents are Qu En, Qu Xia and Yang LiQing. After returning to Shanghai, Yang LiHua continued to serve the National Government as a Democrat in the Kuomintang. Yang LiQing and Yang LiRen experienced several positive confrontations. Yang LiHua did not want to see his brothers in the same room. After the condition exchange, Qu En asked Yang Li to leave Shanghai to work in the back of the CCP. Qu En was forced to agree. When Qu Xia was tasked, he was accidentally arrested and taken to prison by the special agent. Qu En accepted Lin E, the new assistant of the party organization, to continue underground work. Lin E's outstanding work skills and special experience have caught the attention of Yang LiRen. Lin E subtly rejected Yang LiRen's admiration and married her superior Qu En secret. Due to the traitor's betrayal, Qu En and Lin E were exposed, and they had to leave their newborn sons and turn to the Central Soviet Area. Yang LiHua took the initiative to adopt the young son they left and took the name Fei Ming. The encirclement of the anti-KMT army failed. Qu En was unfortunately arrested by the Kuomintang army. Fan XiLiang was ordered to execute the punishment of Qu En, a teacher in Huangpu. After the Xi'an Incident in 1936, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party launched the second comprehensive cooperation of the Anti-Japanese War. Yang LiQing went to Nanjing as a security guard with the CCP delegation. When the Anti-Japanese War broke out, Yang LiHua arranged for Yang Jiaju to move to Chongqing. Yang LiQing, as the head of the Eighth Route Army, fought bravely on the front line of the war, Yang LiRen has been working hard on the espionage front. In Yan'an, Shaanxi, Qu Xia, who lost her fertility, was married to Yang LiQing's Huangpu classmate Mu ZhenFang, and Yang LiQing was shocked. Yang LiRen and Lin E met in Chongqing, and the intelligence personnel of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party once again cooperated with the Japanese radio station. After the “Southern Incident”, Yang LiQing was appointed by the organization to go to Chongqing to protect intelligence.Yang LiQing and Lin E are married in Chongqing, but once again with Yang LiRen in the opposite of their feelings and career. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party was on the verge of death. The two brothers Yang LiQing and Yang LiRen did not meet in the frontal battlefield, but they continued their contest. On the battlefield, the Kuomintang army was defeated, and Yang LiQing also moved from the military production guarantee to the first battlefield. Lieutenant General Yang LiRen returned to Shanghai and was preparing to flee with Taiwan along with the Kuomintang regime. In 1949, on the eve of the liberation of Shanghai, Yang TingHe died because of illness. The desire for family reunion that he had hoped for in his life was finally unfulfilled.


LiZhiMinJunGuanBaoTou (Movie)[2007]

Feature: In the winter of 1948, the Central Government formulated the strategic guideline of "running Suiyuan within a year." By Mao Zedong's kiss, Li Zhimin, then political commissar of the Second Column of the Third Corps of the North China Military Region of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, set off and quickly occupied Baotou. People's Liberation Army into the city in the early morning news broadcast in Baotou radio station, the central immediately decided to set up a new Baotou Municipal People's Government, the immediate implementation of military control, Li ZhiMin as military and military appoint director, Mongolian Comrade Gao Jun went to acting mayor. In the face of the ruined infrastructure of water, electricity, food lines and coal-burning at the time of the Kuomintang's retreat, Li ZhiMin decided to gradually resume urban production and normal order beginning with the solution to Baotou citizens' daily use of water, electricity and food. In order to gain the support and support of the Mongolian people in ethnic areas, Li ZhiMin paid a visit to Kang Wang, the spiritual leader of the Mongolian people. At the same time, he resumed radio broadcasts and implemented military control to defend major urban facilities such as waterworks, power plants, railway stations and squares . The people's Liberation Army made unremitting efforts to make unremitting efforts and hard work, which enabled Baotou to resume its water supply and power supply soon. Li ZhiMin's national policy swayed the Kuomintang lurking agents attempting to undermine the food supply in Baotou. At a scene where PLA troops transported food to armed robberies, a water bag was used to inflict Kang Wang's head on charges of armed robbery. Li ZhiMin visits for the second time in the hope of obtaining the cooperation of Kang Wang and seeking the happiness of the Mongolian people. At the just liberated Baotou, Kang Wang, who is the spiritual leader of the Mongolian people, is in a dilemma: in cooperation with the People's Liberation Army, he is worried about the coming back of the Kuomintang; that it continues to be controlled by the Kuomintang and dishonesty will not be forthcoming in the future if the Mongolian people do not speak of it. Li ZhiMin sees Kang Wang's thoughts and excuses Kang Wang's misgivings. By using KMT's potential spy Kim Tae-wai's bankers to intimidate the grain-line business owners, Kang Wang's petition and Kang Wang's greetings of friendship were shared. After the Kuomintang lurking agents were arrested and assassinated, Li ZhiMin instructed to keep secret and take the opportunity to dig out enemy elements hidden inside the People's Liberation Army. Soon, Sun Moon ice of Baotou City, who worked as a underground party before the liberation, surfaced and followed the line of Sun Mo Bing. A leader of the Kuomintang named "Langtou" caught the attention of Li Zhi Min. At this point, Li ZhiMin relaxed the restriction on Kang Wang, allowed Kang Wang to cross the Yellow River to visit his own self-defense forces and invited Kang Wang to attend the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Good things to talk about, Kang Wang temporary change of mind, Li ZhiMin from Kang Wang's housekeeper feel Kang Wang dangerous. On the eve of the convening of the Federation of Trade Unions, Li ZhiMin's cavalry even saved Kang Wang from the remnants of the Kuomintang and completely destroyed the Kuomintang remnants. At the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Li ZhiMin started with a song titled "Days of the Liberated Areas Is a Clear Day," rang throughout the hall and reverberated in the place where there was a deer.

Dynasty dynasty (TV)[2007]

Feature: Ming Jiajing years, China's feudal history, the most unique emperor Zhu Houfan appeared. He escaped in Xiyuan for more than 20 years and practiced Xixuan while practicing "Daming dynasty". He firmly controlled the political, financial, military and livelihood power of the entire Ming Dynasty. Yan Song, the only government assistant in the history of the Ming dynasty that took over the cabinet for 20 years, was designated as the prime minister by the Ming Dynasty. He has a large army of party members and fellow detachments, and he has no rights to go home. After his son was beheaded, he was left homeless. Two years after the illness, at the age of 87. When he died, he was eaten in the tomb, neither buried under the coffin, nor ever went to the condolences.

Bloody Xiangxi (TV)[2007]

Feature: "Bloody Xiangxi" Poster In 1939, the War of Resistance Against Japan went into a stalemate phase. The iron hand of the Japanese invaders was thwarted in the Hunan battlefield. Hunan became the forefront of the frontal battlefield of the Anti-Japanese War. Party member Tong Lian (Liu Min Tao) commissioned by the party organization, with the public identity of Hunan province war salvation charity general office as a cover, assumed the opening up from the rear of Chongqing via the western Hunan Xuefeng mountain to the Hunan frontline delivery of materials of war Underground secret transport line special task. Xuexia mountain in western Hunan, Maquipuzhen as the center, a radius of dozens of years, the ancient name of "pole camp" is nine bow seventeen "pole people" generation place of residence. Tian DaYou, who opened the oil mill with his daughter Tian SuiSui (played by Bai Jing), lives a quiet and peaceful mountain life here. Ma Xikpu ushered in a grand Dragon Boat Festival, Dragon Boat Race, Sui Sui and youth Shi SanNu (Li Huan played) love at first sight, and Ma Creek Town Mayor Long TaiWen two grandchildren Long YaoWu and Long YaoWen also love Spike ear. Spike spit but did not think, Shi SanNu is the son of patriarchal leader Ma DaGuaiZi son of the generation of the enemy camp. On this day, Tong Lian escorted the anti-Japanese war relief supplies to Ma Xi Shop and was robbed by the gangsters, fortunate to be rescued by Tian DaYou. However, Ma DaGuaiZi therefore recognized that Tian DaYou was the brother of Tian DaYou, who was killed sixteen years ago , He sent Shi SanNu to seize Tian DaYou halfway, thus starting a series of resentment between Shi SanNu and Sui Sui for a while. Tong Lian won the support of the people of the Republic of China on the escort of anti-Japanese war supplies in the national righteous cause. However, the platoon clan refused to let the materials cross the border because of its enemies with the Kuznets camp. Tian DaYou was compelled to represent Tiananmen and Gangsai for "Pit Pawn Gambling". At a crucial moment, the spike instead of the wounded father played Shi SanNu, who could not help but start losing the match. However, nobody knows that Wang Zhaofeng, the merchant in charge of transporting goods, conspired with Long TaiYe as early as possible to take advantage of this opportunity to smuggle smokes. In order to love with the spike, Shi SanNu left the platoon, Ma DaGuaiZi hate Tian even more. Just as Shi SanNu was married to Sui Sui on the very day, he learned that smuggling smokes were carried in cross-border anti-Japanese war supplies and that rappels were looted and sent down by Tian DaYou being protected. Shocking Father Yoshiaki was killed, Shi SanNu took a gang of men and women to attack the camp. In order to protect the villagers from being implicated, Tian DaYou suicides and the spike and suicide of the sudden changes in his family's life and death. With a spike ear, Tong Lian left the pole camp and headed to Changsha. On the road, Panzhihua first saw the war of resistance against Japan in the land of Sanxiang. The tremendous national trauma brought by the war of resistance deeply shocked her. Under the arrangement of Tong Lian, she attended the Anti-Japanese War Training Course to study health care and join the war. While saving the KMT's new eighty-sixth division, officers and men, Sui Sui met Long Yao Wen, who had joined the unit after he left the camp. In the course of the common anti-Japanese war, Sui Sui and Long Yao Wen also continued to grow. Changde defensive war started, the new eighty-sixth division was ordered to assume the most difficult task of blocking, Tong Lian, Sui Sui's efforts, the patriotic enthusiasm of teachers and soldiers was awakened, teachers Suo YunChao and Long YaoWen led the officers and men, heroic combat .At the most crucial moment, Shi SanNu, who was bent on expanding its ranks, came to Changde and took away a batch of arms from the new eighty-sixth divisional. The new eighty-sixth division participating in the war suffered heavy losses. Shih Nui and Shi SanNu And therefore more rupture. The United Air Force Zhijiang Airport decided to set up a secret radar station in Ma Creek Shop. The new eighty-sixth divisional was ordered to go to Ma Creek Shop to undertake the task of defending the radar station. Spike spit, Tong Lian back to western Hunan, they overcome numerous difficulties and break the traditional concept of the people, eventually won the support of all civilians fight the war, the radar station successfully completed. "Scarlet West" wonderful stills Zhijiang Airport, the Japanese completely lost the air superiority in central China, everywhere passive beaten. In order to destroy Zhijiang Airport and regain airpower, in April 1945, the Japanese troops launched a large-scale offensive in western Hunan Province, and the Sino-Japanese Snow Summit Conference started. The strength of the new eighty-sixth divisions were ordered to open the front line, blocking the superiority of the Japanese army, outnumbered, army annihilated. Japanese occupation of Ma Creek town, forcing Long TaiYe and the town people lead the way to find the radar station, Long TaiYe rather indomitable, jump-hole pit suicide. In order to defend the radar station, Tong Lian called up all the people of the nine archipelago village with his own actions, and found Shi SanNu at Mt. Sui. He mobilized the parade for war. Former enemies of hatred vanished before the great righteousness of the nation, gangsters and pole camp formed a coalition of forces, layers of jungle, they are the original weapons and ancestral hunting methods, and the Japanese armed forces to the teeth of the dead race, every grass After each tree, there are bows and arrows, seedlings, birds, bamboo sticks and traps waiting for the Japanese. Smoke filled the battlefield, pole camp that rugged mountain love songs, one by one woman carrying the body of his own man, went to the foot of the mountain home ...

Ming dynasty 1566 (TV)[2007]

Feature: Ming Jiajing years, China's feudal history, the most unique emperor Zhu Houfan appeared. He escaped Xiyuan twenty years, practicing Xiu Xuan, but has always firmly control the entire Ming Dynasty political, financial, military and livelihood power. Yan Song, the only government assistant in the history of the Ming dynasty that took over the cabinet for 20 years, was designated as the prime minister by the Ming Dynasty. He has a large army of party members and fellow detachments, and he has no rights to go home. After his son was beheaded, he was left homeless. Two years after the illness, at the age of 87. When he died, he was eaten in the tomb, neither buried under the coffin, nor ever went to the condolences.

Take a deep breath (TV)[2005]

Feature: Take a deep breath, one of Shizukuishi Gifu Pharmaceutical Factory, was sued by 48 employees due to medical expenses due to arrears. On the day of the hearing, 47 plaintiffs suddenly dismissed the lawsuit and Wu XiaoShuang, the lawyer, finally hoped to send the laid-off worker Xiao XiuMeng. However, Xiao XiuMeng clashed with You ErYong, You ErYong fell to the ground and Xiao XiuMeng was detained by the Public Security Bureau. Meng ZiFan, director of brain surgery at the downtown hospital, chaired You ErYong's anatomy and identified a sudden rupture of the brain aneurysm. Coincidentally, Xiao XiuMeng's neighbors also suddenly died of cerebral aneurysm. Li Honggang, director of the pharmaceutical factory, took a heavy toll on the people. This series of unconventional moves made Wu XiaoShuang and reporter Zhou Feiyang aware of the hidden secrets behind the incident. Xiao XiuMeng adopted his neighbor's orphan Dong Dong, and Xiao Fu is suffering from strange diseases. Xiao Zi's life is extremely difficult. Meng ZiFan volunteered to help Xiao. Xiao XiuMeng thanked, but did not think Meng ZiFan's husband Lei SiCheng, turned out to be their former lover. Now, Lei SiCheng is a young and promising mayor, with an elegant wife, happy life happy; Xiao XiuMeng but suffered a tragedy of destiny, his father died of illness, love the woman in critical condition. Multi-party verification by the crowd, the original curse rooted in Lei SiCheng hand propped up the city of Potevio Pharmaceutical Factory wantonly stolen sewage. To steal the layers of lies of pharmaceutical companies, Lei SiCheng and Xiao XiuMeng attracted misunderstandings from all people and deliberate retaliation by pharmaceutical companies. Li Honggang again bought You DaYong, reversed the violence of You ErYong and persuaded Meng ZiFan to steal You ErYong's pathology. Seeing the success of Li Honggang's traitor, Lei SiCheng handed over the evidence of the crime to the court. Meng ZiFan finally realized that her actions not only failed to help her husband, but made the situation even more severe, but her remorse was too late. Xiao XiuMeng rebelled again and again in a time of hardship and torture. From personal dedication to the spokesman for numerous victims, he went to the plaintiff's seat in the courtroom. Finally, the law returned to everyone fair, dilute the city has resumed a clean blue sky.

WarinWestHenan (Movie)[2004]

Feature: In early 1944, Japan lost its ground in the battlefield of Asia Pacific. To reverse the war situation, the Japanese army launched the Henan Campaign in April 1944 in an attempt to open up the mainland traffic line. In order to meet the needs of the strategic pattern, the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party established the Henan People's Anti-Japanese Army and the Henan Military Region with Wang ShuSheng as their commander and Dai Xiuying as political commissar in September 1944, and marched to the enemy rear of Henan Province in western Henan. At that time, the situation in Henan was very complicated. The armed forces of the Japanese, puppet troops, the Kuomintang and various localities seized each other and accumulated grudges and regrets. There were numerous contradictions and material resources, and the people were living in dire straits. Wang ShuSheng led the troops to West Henan and held high the banner of the national united front against Japanese aggression. He relied on the masses and mobilized the masses. With his loyalty to the revolutionary cause, he commanded the wisdom and courage from the war and the simplicity from the masses and quickly resolved The grudges and contradictions between the armed forces in Shu DaZhang and other places, the struggle for and consolidating the various anti-Japanese forces in the western region, the organization and unification of all anti-Japanese forces, and the smashing of the Japanese and puppet forces many times in just eight months In the meantime, he also established a base of more than 20,000 square kilometers in the anti-Japanese enemy base and opened up the links between North China and Hubei and Hunan and smashed the strategic intentions of the Japanese invaders. As the end of the Chinese anti-Japanese war Victory made a huge contribution.

Xuan Guan Man Road (TV)[2004]

Feature: In July 1934, the Kuomintang army also concentrated the forces of 32 divisions in launching an all-out offensive in the central Soviet Area. The situation deteriorated and the Red Army fell into a more passive position. The Central Secretariat and the Central Revolutionary Military Commission were forced to carry out a major strategic shift and ordered the Six Corps to make its first breakthrough and opened the prelude of the Long March of the Red Army of Chinese Workers and Peasants. Through the arduous struggle, the Six Corps led by Ren BiShi, Xiao Ke and Wang Zhen led the triumphs of the Red Army, led by Qianlong, Heilongjiang Province and He Long on October 23, Following the launching of the Western Hunan offensive, it directly threatened the Kuomintang to reunify the hinterland of Wuhan and Changsha. It contained the troops of the Kuomintang army of eleven divisions and two brigades, created favorable conditions for the strategic transfer of the Central Red Army and effectively responded to the completion of the Central Red Army The Greatest Long March in Chinese History. After the Central Red Army arrived in northern Shaanxi, the Red Army and the Sixth Army began their long march. They have taken over Hunan, transferred to Qiandong, broke through the Wujiang River and implemented the Wumeng round-robin war. They have to deal with tens of times their own enemy troops and establish contact with the Central Government in the case of communication difficulties. Feint Kunming, Qiao Du Sands, in 1936 July in the Chukang area and the Fourth Red Army to join together and contributed to the Fourth Red Army northward, in late October 1936 eventually formed the three main forces of the Chinese workers and peasants Red Army division The great situation. The two or six Corps fought in eight provinces and made more than 20,000 trips. After experiencing hundreds of battles of various sizes, they paid a heavy sacrifice and made great contributions to the Chinese revolution. Mao ZeDong, chairman of the Red Army and the Fourth Front Army, when meeting with leaders of the Red Army and the Fourth Front Army in Shaanxi Province, said that while paying a large price for Guizhou and Wujiang provinces and for the Central Red Army, the two sides negotiated cleverness without any loss. It is an amazing miracle that you ten thousand people came or ten thousand came without a discount.

Dragon stamp (TV)[2003]

Feature: Twenty-seven years of the Qing dynasty, a general took the King of Rui's warrant to the Ministry of household money. There is no money in the household, and the money has already been deposited in the ticket by Huang YuKun and Fan QiLiang. Ticket number is called Yi Cheng letter, headquartered in Shanxi, is the largest ticket number. An antique shop in Liulichang, Qi ZiJun (Xiaoming Huang ornaments) do not believe in juvenile Gong QinWang (Xiu Qing ornaments) can buy a jade bowl with huge amounts of silver, language more ridiculed. Yu LinGeGe (Ting Wu) pays Silver II with an old but magnificent dynasty depicting Ssangyong, with a yellow note in the middle of it covering a million pieces of silver. Three days later, the monk Wang saw no money, and in front of the emperor joined the household, Fan QiLiang was convicted and jailed, and died mysteriously in prison. The case involved QI, Huang YuKun went to Qixian led troops to move around the Qi. Qi BoQun takes full responsibility for his own death, protects the safety of his family, and the credibility of the Dragon Ticket Series, which has been established for many years. The letter of justice into the letter was seized, Qijia plunged into extremely difficult life conditions, Guan SuMei Qijia unwilling to give up her family away, was her brother Guan JiaJi reviled. In order to repay Su-Mei's daddy of Qi's family, Qi Lao's wife decided to let her son fill the house and take the wife Guan SuMei (Sun Ning). Qi ZiJun remembered the dragon ticket. The Chalong ticket was a kind of credible voucher issued by the Qing Taizu Nurhaci during the war with the Ming armies and the secret purchase of military supplies by the Han Chinese in the Mainland and the failure to negotiate with the Ming armies. In the same year, it can be redeemed in the future, and it can also play the role of customs clearance. Nearly 200 years after the event, Dragon has become a "heritage", the world is extremely rare. Thirty years after the Taiping Rebellion broke out in Daoguang, Qi ZiJun made use of the chance of resuming the Beijing semicolon of Chengchengxin and renamed it as "Fuchengxin", declaring to the outside world that it would assume all the claims and debts of Yiyuancheng. Rui WangYe, Huang YuKun take the hint, Qi ZiJun got his wish for the flag camp "co-payment" fat difference. Qi ZiJun's talent deeply enthused Fan QiLiang's daughter Run Yu, the two were caught in ambiguous, mutually guessing Acacia. On his way home, Suzi Rui, a successful scholar on Qi ZiJun Road, invited Su WenRui to help him plan his career. Su WenRui also decided to bid farewell to his official career. Qi ZiJun rose sharply in business prestige, and the government formally handed over the former director of the Chamber of Commerce, Guan JinRu, to Qi ZiJun. Peace Corps military chief Xiao ChangTian bought foreign guns and was pitched by foreign buyers who were greedy in the middle of negotiations due to lack of language. Fortunately overseas student Xi MuYun overseas help. Qi ZiJun is fascinated by Xi MuYun, which features a sleek, elegant appearance. Guan JinRu Southern tea business was blocked, and Qi ZiJun decided to go to Beijing immediately to apply for the transfer to the court Southern tax. Huang YuKun and Rui WangYe privately split the huge amount of money that Qi ZiJun had come back to. After discussing the matter, Yu Yu proposed in the name of the Ministry of Finance that the imperial court should allow the imperial court to reshuffle the imperial court in the south because of traffic congestion and could not escort the tax money to Beijing Program.Xiao ChangTian found that the compound letter semicolon often pay rates for the Qing army deposit, resulting in the use of the ticket number for my idea, the Pacific Army in Shanghai secretly purchase the arms of the silver circulation using the Qing ticket number to complete, Xi MuYun Access to Ticket Numbers as Miss Fu Jia for Access Business Taiping Army Siege in Nanjing Soon, the Shanghai Sub-standard Guan JiaJi does not listen to the withdrawn program of the symbolic semi-sign treasurer Yuan TianBao, causing the Nanjing semi-colonial large numbers of silver and buddies to sink in all Taiping army hands. Qi ZiJun dived into Nanjing with his master Su WenRui. Xi MuYun described Qi TianJun's ideals to Qi ZiJun with the utmost patience and promised to keep confidentiality for Qi ZiJun's cooperation. At the same time, Xi MuYun also returned silver confiscated the Nanjing semicolon. Qi ZiJun was finally impressed by Xi MuYun and the Nanjing semicolon became a branch of the Taibin Bank. Under the advice of Qi ZiJun, the Taiping government resumed the normal operation of confiscated and sealed-up all Nanjing merchants. For a time, the Taiping army occupied Nancheng under the city again reproduce the vitality. Qi ZiJun dispense with Guan JiaJi Shanghai semaphore treasurer post, replaced by Su WenRui successor, the use of foreign guns in the name of the purchase of foreign guns and foreign guns, but secretly in order to divert the package approach for the Taiping also purchased a large number of guns. Qishi occurred a shocking event: Shiqi non-mothers rush brother Shi Zhen monk, his voice is himself the only heir to this family, Shi Zhen see mother sad, crying on the ground on the mother said that never will not go back to this house . Qi ZiJun came home, surprised to see Guan SuMei hanging on the beam, the bed Qi who also died a long time. Due to the "salt lead" policy implemented by the court, the proliferation of private salt was effectively controlled. Qi ZiJun bought the salt and smuggled it into the South. After that, a large quantity of silk was shipped from Jiangnan, controlled by the Taiping forces, to Beijing for sale by barter . Nanjing, where the Taiping army was guarded, was finally overcome by the Hunan army. Huo Yunchang, the big treasurer of Guan JinRu, saw the Hunan army break through Nanjing and proposed to the Hunan Army money for delivery of medicines and other military supplies. Quite a quartermaster dismissed the military as an excuse to court, refused to admit. Huo Yunchang desperation cast Qinhuai River. Qi ZiJun rejected Xi MuYun's request to mobilize him to overseas development and they farewell and farewell day after day. The history of Yi Xin, who has been the political councilman, Qi ZiJun's business over the years implies the crime of "passing through". Su WenRui speculated that Gong QinWang was in a hurry to develop the Westernization Movement and lacked the economic power to promote the issuance of "bonds of rejuvenating state bonds" with Dragon Ball Tickets. He encouraged Qi ZiJun to take the lead in subscribing to the financial disaster. Qi ZiJun quoted an amount of 10 million taels for "rejuvenating the country bonds". Gong QinWang reckoned on the plan and greatly praised Qi ZiJun's move. For a time, merchants have followed suit and donated a large amount of silver to fight for the bonds of "rejuvenating the country." In fact, Gong QinWang's foreign affairs movement was greatly relieved. Su WenRui advocates Qi ZiJun whole body and ended without frustration. Qi ZiJun launched a love affair with Yu LinGeGe, who has always been passionate about her, in an attempt to seek royal asylum.Run Yu found Zi ZiJun gradually evaded and indifferent to her thoughts, many years of bitter love turned into infinite anger, use the relationship to find the opportunity to contact Gong QinWang, depends on the heart is actually very painful Zi ZiJun strongly loaded on entertainment Gong QinWang and Her blessing. Qi ZiJun really felt the most painful moment in his life, but he decided to go this route to the end. Yulin decided to use the Empress Dowager Cixi to stop her brother's obstruction and let Empress Dowager Cixi give her a gift to Qi ZiJun. Thanks to the marriage enraged Gong Qin Wang. Qi ZiJun to heavy tandem with the key members of the business community, dredging the court, embracing Gong QinWang Daqing regent. Empress 夤 召 night summoned Gong QinWang, Gong QinWang in the face of his gift to her ancestral jade plate readily rewarded to the body of the little eunuchs. Gong QinWang heart has been the idea, stay behind Cixi Yu LinGeGe but do not understand the mystery in the middle. Gong QinWang is ready for the compliment of Qi ZiJun. When he came to see the Empress Dowager, the Empress Dowager said that if he did not like it then he would be taken out of his possession. Why prepare for such a long memorial? Qi ZiJun was arrested on charges of "inflating". Before his death, Gong QinWang went to jail to visit him. Like a long-time friend, a conversation lasted for all the foreshadowing between the two. Under the white damask away. The same night, Run Yu's playfield set off a raging fire and Run Yu disappeared. Qi ZiJun quietly died as a vigorous wealthy businessman. No one got away without any funeral. Only Yu LinGeGe quietly incinerated the dragon ticket at his grave.

SuiYueWuHen (Movie)[2001]

Feature: For nearly 50 years, Liu Yongquan has been searching for the mother of the "little man" rooted for the sake of protecting himself by virtue of a bronze lock left by his comrades in his lifetime. Once again he was ready to look for Linyi, but because of sudden onset of cardiovascular disease was sent to the hospital. Son Liu Jiannan side to take care of their own company, while also worried about seriously ill father.

Skynet sinful (TV)[2001]

Feature: "Skynet crime" is a police human drama based on public security. Through the investigation of a trafficking case involving human organs, "Skynet crime" reflects the emotional history of investigators and depicts them in their indomitable struggle with criminals The performance of the heroic image. The story takes place in Jiangcheng, a contemporary inland province in China. The city's Interpol Brigade was ordered to get a suspicious small refrigerated truck, after several trials, Interpol Brigadier new captain Li YiDong and the team has a detective reputation team player Jiang BaiFan, successfully captured in the shootout that had long been unloaded Completed small refrigerated trucks. However, the test results surprised many police officers who handled the case very well: the remaining blood in a small cart actually contains DNA of 15 people. Interpol Li YiDong has extraordinary wisdom, he can always find some valuable clues from clues other people's imperceptible, but his way of thinking is difficult to be accepted, and his underworld police Jiang BaiFan but prone to some The surface of the phenomenon of confusion, so the way in the work, the two always have many conflicts can not be solved. Ding Min is a good friend of Feng QianQian, Ding Min deeply loves Li YiDong, but Li YiDong just likes having a soft spot for Feng QianQian, who looks exactly like his late girlfriend Lin Fang, who is the daughter of a criminal. Had been in prison, after being released from prison and Du Qiang ambiguous relationship. Du Qiang is a respected and successful entrepreneur. Li YiDong doubts that he is the mastermind of human trafficking. Jiang BaiFan admires Du Qiang. Du Qiang appreciates Jiang BaiFan's wisdom. The two have Very good relationship because Jiang BaiFan was expelled from the police force because he inadvertently revealed many valuable news during his contacts with Du Qiang. Jiang BaiFan thought it was a vindication by Li YiDong. Jiang BaiFan Joined Du Qiang after losing his job. He did not want to go to hell and soon took over as the general manager. However, this was actually a trap well designed by Du Qiang. Ding Min went to investigate Feng QianQian and Du Qiang alone Criminal evidence and the two of the funeral relationship. Unexpectedly, an accident occurred, almost killed, fortunately Jiang BaiFan rescued. Li YiDong made some progress in its investigation work and mastered some of Du Qiang's criminal clues. At the same time, Jiang BaiFan gradually learned the truth of the incident and collected many criminal evidences from Du Qiang in the company. However, the sensitive smell of Du Qiang fled, and hijacked Feng QianQian and Ding Min, trying to put Li YiDong to death ......

Whatever Zhang Damins happy life (TV)[2000]

Feature: Pout Zhang DaMin's happy life Plot introduction According to the story is a group of ordinary people living in the bottom of society. At the beginning is Zhang DaMa and his sons and daughters who are busy opening Zhang's wife. The third boss, Zhang DaJun, led his girlfriend to attend the feast. When Zhang DaMin sadly returned, people realized that he drank again. Zhang DaMin brushstroke for Li, Li YunFang boyfriend know Xu WanJun has been to the United States, my heart sour. Not long ago, the aunt came gossip, Yunfang this girl was called to pedal. Li CaiFang Ask Zhang DaMin to persuade her sister Zhang DaMin to do her best to finally cry in his arms without eating or drinking.

TheFutureHero (Movie)[1997]

Feature: Song DaWei and his dear Tang Rong are members of the "Perak Group." During a hunt, David and Yuan An, the criminal genius, launched a series of death-and-death battles. Yuan An was interrupted by David's arm. However, after a series of explosions, Yuan An did not know what to do, and David was severely wounded, actually became a vegetative state. Seven years later, Song DaWei was awakened, his environment and people changed. His wife Tang Rong was married. He was also the head of the "thunderbolt team." Public Security Bureau everything has been modernized and computerized. David's career and love have been hit. He had to endure the pain and adapt to the new environment. Yuan An, David's rival, also changed his face. Yuan An abduction of "genetic engineering division" threatened Dr Lee manufacturing "re-create people", the use of "re-create people" evil for the society. Yuan An more self-proclaimed "the hand of God" out of vocation, Song DaWei blessing, to the higher authorities to pursue Yuan An. But Tang Rong, head of the "Thunderbolts" group, thinks David has been in a coma for seven years and is no longer suitable as a "thunderbolt warrior." Therefore, David had to go alone to pursue Yuan An. Tang Rong also led the "Perak Team" into Yuan An's base camp. However, there were numerous casualties among the team members. Tang Rong was also in danger. Fortunately, David arrived on time and rescued Tang Rong. In career, friendship and love, the two were frozen out and they worked together to bring Yuan An, a criminal genius, to justice.

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