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Zhidi Bai TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Zhidi Bai Works 48 ,And Feature 11 ,Urban drama 7 ,Family drama 7 ,Love 5 ,Romance 4 ,Comedy 3 ,Modern 2 ,Suspense 2 ,Modern legend 2 ,Motivational film 2 ,War 2 ,Crime 1 ,Action 1 ,Workplace film 1 ,Year 1 ,近代传奇剧1 ,Criminal investigation 1 ,Historical play 1 ,Military 1 ,Sitcom 1 ,都市情感剧1 ,伦理剧1 ,当代情感1 ,Ethical play 1 ,军旅题材1 ,生活1 ,章回体古装情景喜剧1 ,legend 1 ,Contemporary 1 ,Anti-corruption 1 ,检察1 ,都市生活1 ,Contemporary film 1 ,Countryside 1 ,近代革命1 ,Modern city 1 ,Adventure 1 。

Works Index

Zhidi Bai Filmography(48)


扫黑·决战 (Movie)[2021]


《扫黑·决战》是爱奇艺影业有限公司、中国长安出版传媒有限公司出品的犯罪动作电影,由黄志明监制,吕聿来执导,姜武、张颂文、金世佳、李倩领衔主演,赵毅、焦刚特别出演 。影片讲述扫黑除恶专案组组长宋一锐带领组员由一起强拆案深入调查,突破层层阻挠,与幕后的黑恶势力展开激烈斗争,最终揭开腐败官员利用公职权力充当犯罪保护伞的虚伪面具,并将犯罪分子绳之以法 。该片定档于2021年1月15日上映 。


安家 (TV)[2020]


房似锦年纪轻轻已经是安家天下中介公司的金字招牌,她在上司翟云霄的授意之下,空降静宜门店担任双店长。门店原生店长徐文昌是个“高贵的人”,他推崇“人性流”管理方式,也不屑对付手段卑鄙的对手。到任后房似锦施展雷霆手段坚壁清野,对外辣手反击,对内冷血整肃。虽然在房似锦的铁血管理下众人苦不堪言,但是业绩的提升的确振奋了门店士气。房似锦的管理方式和处事之道与徐文昌截然相反,而业务员们也在两位“神仙”的较劲中左右为难。身为房产中介的他们不仅要帮助客户买房卖房租房,还时常被裹挟着卷入他们的人生,见证他们生活中的歌舞升平与一地鸡毛 。


神探 ke chen (TV)[2019]


电视剧《神探 Ke Chen 》又名《天津1928》剧情介绍:讲述了二十世纪二十年代初,军阀混战,民不聊生,天津警察厅的审讯高手 Ke Chen ,秉承着正义的理念,凭着丰富的经验、不凡的身手,在工作和生活的过程中,为普通百姓查明真相,伸张正义,使得他们在混战时期得到了一丝喘息的空间,保障了一些底层百姓的安全。 Ke Chen 在侦破多起其他案件的过程中,顺藤摸瓜找到了当年一桩爆炸案的关键证人和秘密,这桩旧案事关他父母的意外身亡,所有的矛头却指向了他道貌岸然的上司。最后, Ke Chen 在同事和朋友的帮助下,抓住了阴谋背后的黑手,成功的将坏人绳之以法,使自己父母的沉冤得到昭雪,也坚定了他追寻正义、寻找光明的决心 。

银河补习班 (Movie)[2019]



老酒馆 (TV)[2019]


1928年到1946年的东北,“闯关东”来东北的小人物 Chen HuaiHai ,老酒馆杀青在东北深山老林里挖参讨生活,却意外地遭受了一双儿女失散,媳妇被骗走的磨难,只好来到日本殖民统治下的大连开酒馆谋生计。老酒馆由此成了八方信息、各色人等汇聚的舞台。仁义坚韧,嫉恶如仇的 Chen HuaiHai 利用这个舞台,保护了杀日本宪兵的“ Lao BeiFeng ”,劝说了东北军 Ma LvZhang 重回抗日战场、痛斥了粉饰伪满洲国的满清遗老,与日本浪人决斗,为中国人撑腰提气。中共地下党组织派 Gu SanMei 打进老酒馆,把这里变成了党的地下交通站。在 Gu SanMei 的影响下, Chen HuaiHai 的女儿 Xiao MianAo 成了抗日交通员。大连解放前夕, Chen HuaiHai 帮 Gu SanMei 粉碎了日寇破坏城市的计划。他们共同迎来了大连解放,也收获了真挚的爱情 。

奔腾年代 (TV)[2019]


1960年,年轻技术员 Chang HanQing 刚留学回来,与从铁道兵部队转业分配到厂里来的女战斗英雄 Jin CanLan 相遇了。他们从互相看不顺眼到相知、相爱,克服了来自家庭和外界的干扰,最终结合在了一起。婚后他们一起克服来自生活的种种困难、研究技术,花费了毕生精力共同为我国电力机车的研发、建造作出努力。岁月变迁后,他们的孩子也最终选择了机车建造这一专业,并为我国建造出了世界一流的高铁 。


MR.NANNY (TV)[2018]

Feature: The chinese drama MR.NANNY episode.Shen XinWei, a super academic, is a highly regarded academic star in North American academia. He is honest, uphold justice, but framed, angrily returned to seek further development. Unexpectedly, just after returning to Taiwan, it has set aside even greater troubles and life has become a problem. Na Na white-collar workers, just with Lukai in the foreign license, but learned that the road home in the country and Xu marriage. However, at this time, Na Na found himself pregnant. By coincidence, Shen XinWei met Na Na, Na Na determined to be a strong single mother, and Shen XinWei initiative to become her Yuesao. From tit-for-tat to gradual understanding, Shen XinWei, who eventually reaped love, put aside the academic stoicism he had been in the past and found a new career path from Na Na and his children.

Love and be loved (TV)[2018]

Feature: In 1925, the separatist war war broke out. He Chengchu, the ancient western city warlord, was killed and his daughter, He TaoHua, survived and fled to the provincial capital alone to work as a servant in a Liao family. Clever peach won Liao master like, and love Liao Chunfeng Liao master young master. Before the wedding, Liao Chunfeng discovered that the peach turned out to be the daughter of Heji Chuang, a warlord of Baoji. The spring breeze could not be relieved to kill the father of Peach Blossom. So she killed her peach family wholeheartedly and told Peach and turned away Go, go to the battlefield. Peach to abandon all hatred to find Liao Chunfeng, hardships to find troops, but got the news of the war of Liao Chunfeng. After that, Peach Blossom found the Liao Chunfeng rescued by CCP and bravely bravely killed him and eventually died in a heroic sacrifice. Stills

First Army Inn (TV)[2018]

Feature: The play combines the present social background of the re-establishment of the veterans and the integration of civilians and civilians, and tells the story of Shi Taotao, a soldier of the Air Force's military class, who founded and ran a pub with his old comrades to open a new chapter in his life. The play has a light comedy style, with a strong atmosphere of the times, reflecting the social outlook, describing the warmth of the world, and at the same time characterizes the exceptional quality of veterans and the lifelike artistic image of the special group. Veteran veterans have implemented militarized management, according to the division of duty at work, after work, according to the original army level management. They showed their courage and workmanship and experienced various difficulties in starting a business. They have gained new gains in their careers and emotions. Veterans finally became veterans style inn "night canteen", become a business card for urban tourism, re-establish their own ventures veterans to break a new road. This drama will be the military style and urban life perfect fusion of character clear character, rich storyline, emotional touching, is a rare earth, can give the audience a sense of bringing into play the comedy.

Mortal character (TV)[2017]

Feature: Once Zhan DaPeng (Yongjian Lin), a former filmmaker who works as a war correspondent, and Fang XinRan (Lei Tong), a wife and wife working as a partner, lost their lives in families and undertakings and fell into the trawl of life after losing their ideas. Chang Ge (Xin Jiang), a newcomer to the workplace, admired and followed Zhan DaPeng. The two partners resumed their preparations for the new program in shabby conditions, but struggled in succession afterwards. Zhan DaPeng, who had experienced life and death on the battlefield, was in danger of leaving a shrapnel in his head and decided to give up surgery and help the returning son (Liang Zhenlun) complete his entrepreneurial dream with the remaining time. Father Zhan Fang (Zhidi Bai ornaments) ancestral craft "Zhenwei package" has become an important link between the exhibition three generations of men to regain affection. While helping his son, Zhan DaPeng also found a new theme for his documentary film based on food and family affection, the program aroused the audience's sympathy and strong repercussions. Zhan DaPeng, under the urging of his family and Chang Ge, finally calmly underwent surgery and survived fortunate. Experienced all of this, Zhan DaPeng regained the motivation and direction to move forward, not only becoming the winner of the second half of his life, but also gaining a good feeling with Chang Ge.

Love under the stars (TV)[2017]

Feature: Super idol Su Xing and the town pungent girl Sun XiaoAi met. Later, Sun XiaoAi mistaken cousin Zhu Li's rhetoric, as Su Xing personal nanny post. Day and night get along, Sun XiaoAi found a lot of the other side of Su Xing unknown, he helped out-of-school children, caring for sick fans, preferring to bear infamy but also to preserve the reputation of sister and other activities, so Sun XiaoAi unwittingly love him meaning. However, Su Xing was framed by Zhu Li et al., Losing everything overnight and Sun XiaoAi stood behind him. Su Xing brave the face of adversity, determined to return to the beginning Heart from a qualified actor to start, Sun XiaoAi also assume the re-appointment of brokers, the two emotions in the struggle is heating up. Su Xing to Saburo Saburo won the industry's unanimous praise, the negative images of the past by their dedicated, diligent attitude instead of return

In the name of people (TV)[2017]

Feature: When a project director of a state ministries and commissions was reported to have received bribes of tens of millions, Hou Liangping, director of the Investigation Department of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, came to the search to see what he saw as a simple and honest old peasant with a simple, In the rude old house to eat noodles. While the mask of the corrupt elements was finally ripped apart, Ding Yi Zhen, deputy mayor of the capital city of Jingzhou in Hantong, a province of Han Dong province closely tied to the case, was assisted by the secret agent of a mysterious figure Reconnaissance methods to escape the French in exile. The case trail ends up in the fight for equity of a typhoon garment factory in Han Dong Province led by the Guangming Lake project in Beijing. However, the various political forces implicated in it are complicated and confusing. Chen Hai, director of anti-corruption bureau of Han Dong Procuratorate, suffered a bizarre car accident in the investigation. In order to complete the unfinished business of those same year students, capable and capable Hou LiangPing was appointed to take over the unfinished business of Chen Hai. In the political scene in Han Dong Province, "Politics and Law Department" represented by Gao YuLiang, deputy secretary of Provincial Party Committee and Politics and Law Committee of Han Dong Province, "Secretary Gang" phase represented by Li DaKang, member of Standing Committee of Han Dong Province and secretary of Jingzhou Municipal Committee For many years, regardless of Xuan 轾. The arrival of Sha Rui Jin, the new provincial party secretary, is destined to break this balance of politics and bring a new flavor to the reform in Han province. People's name poster

Tianjin 1928 (TV)[2017]

Feature: Tianjin 1928, with a unique perspective, shows the intricacies of love and hate of the special job of "interrogator" during the Republic of China, and reflects the truth, kindness and beauty of human nature. At the beginning of the 1920s, the warlords scrambled and misgired people. Ke Chen, trial expert of the Tianjin Police Agency, adhering to the concept of justice, relied on his rich experience, extraordinary skill, and common people in the process of work and life Ming truth, justice, so that they got a glimpse of space during the melee, to protect the safety of some people at the bottom. In the course of detecting many other cases, Ke Chen found out the key witnesses and secrets of a bombing that year. This old case concerned the accidental death of his parents. All the blame points to his pious boss. Finally, with the help of his colleagues and friends, Ke Chen seized the black hand behind the plot and successfully brought the bad guys to justice so that his parents' grievances were fully exploited. This also strengthened his determination to pursue justice and find a bright future. . "Tianjin 1928" is a national drama produced by Dongyang Datang TV and directed by Huang Zhizhong. Starring Huang Zhizhong, Li Qian (actress), Wu Gang and Michelle, Zuo Xiaoqing, Liu Xiahai, Shijie Jin, Wu Yue, Han Yunuo, etc.

Interrogator (TV)[2017]


The drama “Interrogator” also known as “Tianjin 1928” introduces the story: In the early 1920s, the warlords clashed in battle, the people were not in trouble, Ke Chen, the interrogator of the Tianjin Police Department, inherited the concept of justice and had a wealth of experience. Extraordinary skill, in the process of work and life, the common people to find out the truth and justice, so that they get a hint of breathing space during the melee period, to protect the safety of some people on the ground. In the process of detecting many other cases, Ke Chen found out the key witnesses and secrets of a bombing incident that affected the accidental death of his parents. All the spearheads pointed to his lofty boss. Finally, Ke Chen, with the help of his colleagues and friends, seized the black hands behind the conspiracy, succeeded in bringing the bad guys to justice, made their parents' deaths clear, and strengthened his determination to pursue justice and find light.


Life is a bit sweet (TV)[2016]

Feature: Tang Xi, deputy chief of the state-owned Guanghua Textile Factory, is a man of integrity, strong sense of responsibility and humorous. Zhang Xi's wife Zhang Yun works in the sugar factory, sugar often replace sugar wages, let Tang Xi developed a habit of drinking syrup. Tang Xi was appointed chief engineer because of his outstanding work in the Booth Committee. In the complicated game of personnel, Tang Xi was dismissed to take care of the idle family bathhouse, and Zhang Yun was laid off after the collapse of the sugar factory. In the face of the dual challenges of life and career, Tang Xi is still full of enthusiasm, and Buddy Black together to almost abandoned the bath re-opened up. Guanghua Textile Mill experienced a painful pain in the tide of reform. Tang Xi was laid off with a lot of workers. He and Max Black jointly fought their own way to start a thematic photography. No matter where, Tang Xi has always maintained the heroic and optimistic working class, to create himself stronger in the market tide; he also maintained the habit of drinking water, he always felt: life is a bit sweet.

Hey, kid (TV)[2016]

Feature: Fang Yun, a mother who lost her life, constantly tries to have another child with her husband Qin ShuanZhu. Jia YuanYuan, the anchor of the radio station, is the daughter-in-law of Fang's family. Her husband Fang Le, in spite of her crisis in her career, demanded that she be a successor to her family. When Jia YuanYuan decided to develop her career first, she learned that her father, JJG, had cancer and she intended to become pregnant. Fang Le found herself divorced because of her physiological problems and forced Jia YuanYuan to keep her marriage. In fact, both do not recognize married. In fact, when Fang Xiang discovered that her husband had left her property to the daughter of her ex-wife, she decided to launch a wealth defense battle. However, When she learned that her husband's daughter had hairy leukemia, Fang Xiang decided to save the fur scheme pregnant. Fang Yun would like to borrow eggs and children. The whole family strongly opposed and the marriage ruptured. The wandering Dou Ya made Fang Yun couple reunited with him. Just as the two were sweet and happy, Qin unexpectedly saved his family. Finally, the third youngest child gave birth to a matching plush model, the second child also successfully gave birth to her eldest son and set up a children's home to help stray children. The whole family get together and enjoy themselves.

My stepfather is idol (TV)[2016]

Feature: Luo DaZuo and the dream goddess Tan Li Ming finally married to middle-aged married, which expected fly accidental death Tan Liming car accident. Luo DaZuo deep grief when the photo, but even more surprising to him is that there are two children Tan Liming - 17-year-old problem girl Kang Ni and 6-year-old naughty boy Kang Kai, overnight he became a child Stepfather Just as he was in trouble, Kang Cheng, a former wife of his deceased wife, sought out their children and wished to compete with Luo DaZuo for custody of their children. Luo DaZuo was fate coerced a "battle", in order to be worthy of his wife Tan Liming, Luo DaZuo resolutely played a "stepfather", in addition to taking care of two children, but also Kang Cheng courage, for two Children create a better life. Luo DaZuo ridiculed fate with his innocence and goodness, and eventually he completed the salvation of all, won the child's heart, awakened the conscience of his ex-wife, helped him become a qualified father, even more surprising Is that, Luo DaZuo also harvested a precious love & nbsp ;.


Feature: The play is adapted from Xu Guixiang original novel "Just the World." During the Great Revolution of 1928, Chen Qiu Shih escaped his father's marriage and went to the revolutionary road with the help of Zhao Juzi, a progressive young man, who was sent to Whampoa to study military affairs. Thin but he is quite strategic talent, grow mentally trained under the mentor. Due to different beliefs and eventually divorced mentor. The outbreak of the war of resistance against Japan, he led the army to win less frequently, repeated Li Qi Gong. However, he arbitrarily changed his tactics and defied orders from higher authorities, causing him several times to be derogated and upset. Chen SanChuan, son of a son who never returned home in 17 years and never met, has become a heroic fighter among his team, refusing to recognize his hatred for his mother in that year. Chen QiuShi full of guilt, silently nurture, teach his son. Chen SanChuan gradually changed his attitude towards his father. In the war of liberation, Chen Qiu Shi was hit by shells due to cover warriors. Bed, father and son finally recognize each other. The two men joined together to write a touching battlefield legend on the battlefield.

Ex-husband begship of love (TV)[2015]

Feature: Yi Ran (Li Shutong), the wife of cosmetic surgeon Gao DaShang (Gao Yalin), has serious suspicion of being suspected of being derailed when Gao DaShang is found with a woman and Yi Ran is assessed as having an online "Man Derailment Assessment Form" , Gao DaShang derailment index actually has been to maintain five stars! Yi Ran found a private detective to investigate the track, and personally seduce. Bao XiaoLei (Yan Ni), a newly appointed legal consultant in the hospital, has been repeatedly misunderstood. Gao DaShang was disgraced, divorced and bigamy, and finally she was finally bachelors and divorced. Unlucky Gao DaShang met again the correct medical treatment, work lost. Night Hui Yang bar owner Chen HuiFang (Fang Qian) Looking for Gao DaShang pad nose, introduced homeless Gao DaShang rental Hao apartment. His roommate, Jin JiGang, is the private investigator of Gao DaShang's ex-wife, who was swept away by ex-wife because of derailment. He is a working-hard worker who does everything but reselling, arms and drugs. Fang Dong Hao XiaoJian is the initiator of the "Men's Derailment Assessment Form". His ex-wife was his elder sister. He worked hard to help his ex-wife become a celebrity. His ex-wife excused himself to buy a second suite and divorced him. It's The door was occupied by Bao XiaoLei, a female lawyer who was suspected by Yi Ran to be affiliated with Gao DaShang, nicknamed "Violent Bride." She has been hurt by her favorite man and has deep stereotypes about men. Night is not the boss of the bar Chen HuiFang Bao XiaoLei girlfriends, her husband died young, leaving her a tea restaurant. Her dream is to find a man who is as good as her husband. Gao DaShang Marriage and work are gone, two roommates afraid he knew the divorce with them, find ways to get him away, the result is to beat downtown has become the best friend. His ex-wife, Yi Ran, often looks for him on a trivial matter with the aim of checking out his hidden property. Both have been entangled in "transferring property" and "visiting rights" and have also been eating each other's new love affair. worry. Has been tossing to the attempted remarriage, the ex-wife engaged, Gao DaShang just feel that they should start a new life. Three second-hand men each have their own pursuit, but their feelings are often intertwined. Gao DaShang and Bao XiaoLei are not enemies do not gather, every time Gao DaShang stall lawsuit, Bao XiaoLei always abuse him side of his head, and Bao XiaoLei drink one more "through" only recognized Gao DaShang. Gao Xiaojun is trying to remarry his ex-wife Gao Gao-jun for the sake of his son; Gao DaShang like Bao XiaoLei, Bao XiaoLei and they have to do with the male girlfriend and the godfather Human emotional entanglements. Jin JiGang also change clothes for work, change girlfriend than work also ground work. Bao XiaoLei treats him abusively but stimulates his desire to conquer Bao XiaoLei, but Bao XiaoLei is not interested in him. Chen HuiFang like Gao DaShang unobtrusively pursue, Gao DaShang has been to avoid, Chen HuiFang in order to get angry on television to get married. Love like Jie Xiao Lian Hao XiaoJian has been crush Chen HuiFang, Chen HuiFang always took him as his brother. Jin JiGang and Hao XiaoJian envy and envy hate Gao DaShang for being surrounded by both women. Three unscrupulous "second-hand man" and two single women's lives and emotions tangled together, ex-wife, parents, relatives and friends followed also blended, a scene of urban emotional comedy.Gao DaShang and Bao XiaoLei made progress in their fight. Hao XiaoJian awakened the man's responsibility for treating single mothers and began to enjoy Chen HuiFang's favor. Jin JiGang After a series of twists and turns of love also want to talk about a marriage for the purpose of love. After a series of emotional twists and turns, everyone has a new understanding of marital love. Someone found love, some lost love, some knew love. Former husband love remember official microblogging with map posters

Private money (TV)[2015]

Feature: Ying Ming (Ming Dao), an IT elite from Taipei, was the creative director of an advertising company in Beijing. He had never expected that he had worked hard for years. The hard-won 600,000 would soon be scammed away by his boss Life is completely disrupted. As the saying goes, no matter what the misfortune, his girlfriend Gong XiaoKui (Shang Rong ornaments) everything in strict accordance with his requirements, not only met a desperate father-in-law, his girlfriend's feelings have been tested, more suddenly emerge Before his girlfriend's daughter let him "like a father," or a serious illness "daughter." All of a sudden Ying Ming feel that they have two big heads, so facing the dilemma of life, but also for the development of the cause, even more Gong GongKuiKui romantic wedding dreams and cure "daughter" sickness, worry and loss Among them, he had to set foot on Gong XiaoKui and his father save "private money" this is no return.

My mother Tian XiaoCao (TV)[2015]

Feature: Rural girl Tian XiaoCao Poor family, his father gamble like life. After marrying her husband Li LaiShun, despite all kinds of malady, but the grass everywhere patience, with Po Po guarding, there is no big storm. Her husband and wife practice solidity, on the day getting better and better, to the incident due to paralysis in the bed, soon died, the grass one person to take care of the burden of a child: she received herbs, raising the Rana , Worked odd jobs, walked over to stalls, made nanny. Grass from the countryside to the city, every day just getting better, there will be such trouble to find home; she was misunderstood, was framed, but the grass never back down, complained. Grass with her kindness, generosity and practical work hard, let people see her efforts to win everyone's respect and recognition, and ultimately paid to get back & nbsp ;.

Marriage time difference (TV)[2015]

Feature: Li Hai and Wu Ting, an enviable middle-aged couple, moved their families to Canada for the education of their daughter Ying Zi. However, Li Hai can not let down its domestic business and remain in Chengdu alone. Years of separation, so that they gradually have a strange feeling. Talented Zhao XiaoFei broke into Li Hai's life. Wenchuan earthquake, the test of life and death, let Li Hai and Xiaofei fell in love. After Wu Ting learns about it, she tries to protect her marriage and separates Li Hai from Xiaofei. Financial crisis, Li Hai's cause is about to collapse, in order to protect his wife and daughter, he chose to divorce. With the help of Xiaofei, Wu Ting turned the tide and paid off her debts with Li Hai to hand out the company to Li Hai. Xiaofei also found their true love & nbsp ;.

XingFuQingNiDengDengWo (TV)[2014]

Feature: Publicity According to Wang CaiHong, a capable barber shop owner, she lives thrifty on weekdays, plan carefully. Originally living in accordance with her track orbit design smooth, do not want to, her husband suddenly disappeared into the rainbow into endless panic and confusion. Niu YiYi, a capable company white-collar worker, married Wang CaiHong's brother Wang ChaoHui and resided at the door of Wang CaiHong before divorcing Wang Zhaohui. After the divorce, Wang CaiHong and Niu YiYi continue to live in the door, do not want to deal with are immune, not to mention they also have their own troubles and troubles, involuntarily, two different personality women had to start mutual support and mutual assistance Life, face the difficulties of life together. The experience of the past so that they find that love and marriage how important to them, so they decided to rekindling their heads, starting again, looking for a happy life, a beautiful love and marriage. Those who sincerely treat life must be blessed. After multiple sharpening, Wang CaiHong finally got the return of life, the kind of real life and sincere love. Finally Niu YiYi also increased her experience of this period of life, found her own flaw, she with a new look and body and mind, pack up, set foot on the road to happiness. The above information source

TheChineseFarmers (TV)[2014]

Feature: As the new China was founded, poor peasants led by Niu DaDan were assigned to the land, while Ma Ren Li, the landowner son returned from Peiping, left nothing overnight. Niu DaDan and Ma RenLi, a daring, culturally benevolent and partner, led the villagers in Mai Xiang Village to overcome natural disasters with diligence and wisdom and achieve a great harvest of food. A new generation of farmers, represented by Gou Er, not only did township and village enterprises run in full swing, but also led villagers to rent land in Russia and truly realized the peasants' fortune. The abolition of the "Agricultural Tax Regulations" in 2006, the complete abolition of agricultural taxes and the further liberation and freedom enjoyed by peasants. Niu DaDan looked McCormick green fields, eyes burst into tears, my heart full of hope.

The most beautiful love (TV)[2014]

Feature: "The Most Beautiful Love" tells the story of Guimi Kui, a sports teacher who has been constantly dating her middle-aged couple, and her graceful female boss Niu Mei-li (Wenli Jiang), a rival, whose "daughter" Ma XiaoCan Between nephews Niu XiaoBei unexpectedly came together, with the closer couple grew closer, the two family relations have been narrowed down, two hidden behind the family gradually emerged the secret, Ma JinKui's The ex-wife's "resurrection" exposes the fact that Ma XiaoCan is not the daughter of Ma JinKui, and the fact that "nephew" Niu XiaoBei found him a Niu MeiLi's pro-son when making a wedding photo shoot is not true Girl raised, one is a pro-mother, but can not recognize family barriers. After a series of ups and downs, the young people fear the family obstruction finally came together, and their previous generation, a middle-aged man blind date blindly Ma JinKui, an unsympathetic woman strongwoman Niu MeiLi, eventually because of my heart to the child Their sincere love and melt each other, come together.

lets get married (TV)[2013]

Feature: Let's Get Married tells the story of Hai-Bo Huang Gao Yuanyuan Breakthrough Performance Yang Tao, the manager of a four-star hotel lobby, was still single at the age of thirty-two due to a wounded feeling. Guo Ran, a 36-year-old divorced registration clerk at the marriage registry, has made him a typical victim of marriage. Peaches and Guo Ran reluctantly met with friends. Unexpectedly, both of them actually left a good impression on each other. Heart has just been closed for a long time just opened, peaches found Guo Ran is a fear of marriage, she angrily evacuated. Peach face the reality, resolutely devoted to the blind army. Peach blind date move stimulated Guo Ran, he did her best to successfully peach the blind date again and again, but they still can not get married under the determination. Guo Ran's parents know the reason for their son's fear of marriage, began to reflect on their marriage, Guo Ran also a new understanding of marriage. After a few dealings with Guo Ran, the peaches gained a comprehensive understanding of Guo Ran and regained their confidence in the marriage. Finally, a lover eventually married.

J i Austrian y U Road (TV)[2012]

Feature: TV drama stills The drama describes Jiao YuLu life growth and struggle life trajectory. The public servant of the youth, has a little-known legendary experience, his hometown was born in the hole, Meng Er St. junction of the Henan and Luzhou, the Chinese traditional culture ruin, Confucius, Meng Zhixiang profound cultural heritage and The hometown landscape of Zhong Yu Lingxiu, formed the birth of the son of the earth's provisions of the situation. In Jiao YuLu body, embodies the most typical Chinese traditional culture. Fate had given Jiao YuLu incredible thousands of trials and tribulations, juvenile death of his father, jailed in prison under the coal pit to coolies, displaced, suffered bullying of the Japanese invaders and the oppression of the rich. The baptism of suffering made him a tough man who did not mortify his own destiny in life. When he joined the revolution, he was also an admirable lone hero capable of demonstrating war and power. As a militia, he joined the armed forces in the south and led the land reform and the Qing bandit hegemony. He wrote a generous song with great wisdom and great love. Heroic heroic song. During a special historical period, he had staged an arduous struggle with natural disasters and his own illness until the last minute of his life. He was filled with people, but he alone did not. He seems to have been made of special materials from communists, his eyes can see new things that others can not see, his ears can hear the voice of others can not hear, his mouth can tell the other people do not want to export words His hands do what others do not do. He was in Lankao County, a disastrous land on Earth, like a whirlwind, suddenly appeared, and suddenly disappeared, he gave Lankao people are missing tears and endless flame of struggle.

Family in-laws (TV)[2012]

Feature: Han Shan, a 29-year-old environmental designer, has a home that looks warm and happy. Though lovely and lovely, Xiao Cao, a caring husband, an understanding of one's father-in-law and kind and enthusiastic Mother-in-law. If life goes on like this, Han Shan may always be a happy and blessed woman. However, the destiny is often in this seemingly peaceful appearance of happiness, gradually revealing its shyness. Gao YiFei, desperate for success and wanting her family to have a good time with her, runs a small electrical appliance store. However, her recent business situation is very poor. It has been chased by creditors to collect debt and even capital turnover is a problem. Fortunately, he did not let his wife know the dilemma facing their own shops, he did not want his family to worry about their own, speculation he has brewed a project to improve their operational difficulties to Hainan to buy a number of second-hand electrical equipment through Seaborne shipped back, if successful, not only the working capital problem has been solved, will greatly make a fortune. Gao YiFei gambled all the money on the ship's cargo, thought it was out of the woods, and even married his wife's wedding anniversary celebration program "home-in-law" promotional photos are designed to God and this ambition The young man was a joke, and the workers at the loading side shifted their cargo to the side where the ship was heavily inclined as it left the harbor. The ship's cargo, together with Gao YiFei's dream, was submerged in the icy sea. Gao YiFei, who was lying in a wooden box, was saved and picked up but unable to face the brutal fate of fate. He did not know how penniless himself went back to Beijing to deal with the long irritable creditors At a time when a man needs to make a big decision, he chooses to evade. So when all his family, friends and creditors in Beijing could not wait to see the guy right away, Gao YiFei, a desperate man, was walking down the street as a "living person," and he thought he would win the time guarantee for him to stand up again . Han Shan, who was originally a quiet, happy man, was distracted by her husband's sudden "death." When a man went to the seaside where the accident happened and sought the traces of her husband, except for a shoe that was salvaged, it brought her the same feeling Her husband did not give her anything left. Han Shan, who returned to Beijing, faced the equally distraught father-in-law and cried to his father's son, and a creditor who cried out and called for arrears outside Gao YiFei's shop. This kind, gentle and intelligent woman, Finally, under her tender, demure appearance, she burst into power and courage unattainable even by men, and she decided to take it all in her own name, bearing all her husband's debts, selling her home's property, Hanzhong, a disabled father-in-law, chatty mother-in-law, inexperienced little uncle and young and ignorant child, moved to a small remote yard. In order to make enough money to pay his debts, Han Shan desperately sought job opportunities and even went Do even a man can not eat the water delivery workers. Tung Shing Han Han office also appeared in the accident.Yuan Ye learned of Han Shan. Her intuition made her feel a natural resistance or even hostility to Han Shan, especially when she saw Shu Xin and Han Shan working together in the office. Praise and appreciation, this unease began to erode her heart, even she has consistently demonstrated in the Han Shan superiority and pride can not hide. Yuan Ye Abandoned the Great Conditions of Foreign Corporations to Beijing, willing to assist Shu Xin in order to get his favorite man in his hand. He was determined to get Shu Yuan's Yuan Ye and never let this The newly appeared woman snatched his beloved man. Those who obstruct her are bound to be eradicated. The so-called "unintentional bitter spring, he served as a flock of envy", pathetic just trying to use their own efforts to support this almost collapsed home Han Shan, not only in work everywhere was Yuan Ye envy and embarrassment, even more suspicious to go home Misunderstood by her mother-in-law, kind and strong Han Shan silently bear all this, she tried her best to borrow money to Shu Xin, and finally temporarily put an end to the debt recovery of some creditors. Back home but because Shu Xin sent home to be her mother-in-law was severely ridiculed ridicule, Han Shan can no longer afford so many heartfelt grievances, went to the company's design studio to work overtime, but because Too much sleepy touch the candle next to turn into a fire. Being sad never had the chance to quit Yuan Ye of Han Shan, and this time he seized the handle and quit Han Shan without the consent of Shu Xin. Han Shan's indignation made Shu Xin very angry. When he came to find out Han Shan's theory, he unexpectedly got in touch with the dilemma faced by Han Shan. This seemingly delicate and beautiful woman dared to take such a heavy pressure of life. Han Shan said in Shu Xin's The heart becomes more lovely, respectable. Gao YiFei, wandering the streets of Hainan, was unwittingly awakened by a washer's water gun. Although he still had the courage to return to Beijing to face his family and friends, he silently vowed to go back and pay back immediately after making enough money in Hainan He owed all his debt, skilled in speculation and calculation, he began to secretly find the opportunity to stand up, for which he was willing to be a car washer, and subjected to the boss's extortion and torture. Shu Xin, deeply impressed by the kindness and strongness of Han Shan, persuaded his father Shu TaiRan to recall Han Shan because the tender was inseparable from Han Shan's design talents and more because he had deeply loved this tough and kind woman . Han Shan, who is sending water to the street, is looking for her Shu Xin to bring back to Tung Shing Company. She designs the metal changing ceiling full of children's imagination and fantasy imagination, becoming the most competitive highlight of all bidding designs. For a time, Sheng's bidding program became the most interesting project for Hinnoch and Han Shan's talents and abilities were remembered by all of the company's owners, even Shu TaiRan is full of praise for this design talent. Yuan Ye, an assistant to Shu Xin, is also jealous and hateful. She feels that Han Shan's existence is the biggest reason Shu Xin is indifferent to her and therefore wants to rid the woman at all costs. Gao YiFei far away in Hainan can not stand the boss's insult and torture, beat the boss and then go away.By chance, Gao YiFei waited until his boss, Du BaGen, Du BaGen felt this young man was shrewdly competent and promising in the future. Du BaGen promoted Gao YiFei as a right-hand man in his factory and moved Gao YiFei, who has no shelter in Hainan, to move in and warmly introduce his daughter to him. The astute Gao YiFei wants to make his "Hutan" goal a reality with Du BaGen, a landowner, but neither does he not understand Du BaGen's mind - entrusting Du Juan, his infirm daughter, to this shrewd presence Tough young man. Gao YiFei has always been worried about his wife and children in his heart. He can not afford to let him compromise his life because of heavy reality. In order to win the joy of Du BaGen, he has to pay close attention to and take good care of himself And pure girl Du Juan. How many times midnight dream, this wandering between the moral and the reality of the men have to endure the torture of conscience, the heart is full of contradictions Gao YiFei endure the ups and downs of suffering. Han Shan's design went well and jealous Yuan Ye went to Han Shan's ceilings and quietly stepped out of the ceiling and was hurriedly exited by Han Shan's friend Wang Jie, . On the night of Han Shan's ceilings, there was a safety accident on the ceiling and a security guards injured. Yuan Ye immediately made a big fuss about it and blamed Han Shan's lack of security on the design proposal for his grandstanding, which affected the company's normal bidding progress and gave the company Cause heavy losses. Shu TaiRan was outraged. Even Shu Xin was demoted. Han Shan was dismissed again. In order to prevent her from turning around, Yuan Ye went down in a newspaper and published an article stating that Han Shan was the principal responsible for the Dongsheng ceiling accident. Han Shan left Tung Shing completely cut off the future career of the design and decoration industry. In order to cover up his own act of sabotage, Yuan Ye privately threw Wang Jie for ten thousand dollars to block Wang Jie's mouth. Han Shan again once again pushed the cusp of world disputes. Han Shan, who has experienced too many ups and downs, is no longer concerned about these unwarranted guilty consciences. She believes that the Qing are self-reliant and only insist on their usual style of living. And those creditors who dealt with Han Shan were also impressed by the noble character and tenacity of the woman, who all came out with a helping hand. A creder named Hu Er gave Han Shan an abandoned factory and uses it to start her own business. Han Shan's project accident, only Shu Xin does not believe it is caused by Han Shan's mistakes, still, as always, to help make this heart and distressed woman. In the process of confrontation with the hardships of life, Han Shan gradually began to accept the thoughtful man who always stood up at her most critical moment and silently caressed her. Two people's hearts began to slowly close. Gao YiFei, far away from Hainan, has always been deeply guilty of facing Du Juan, a pure girl who really loves her. He finally could not bear to tell Du Juan the fact that no one had ever thought that this frail girl who had suffered from myocarditis from childhood had even gone to Beijing to confirm what Gao YiFei said.When she knew that Han Shan was alone in the burden of Gao YiFei all the burden left, but also deeply touched by this woman. Du Juan did not disturb the currently calm family, only to Han Shan as a former Gao YiFei client. Returning to Hainan, she is no longer as happy as she used to be, silently saving money for Gao YiFei to pay her debts. Han Shan gradually came with Shu Xin. Changes in daughter-in-law, Gao's mother-in-law could see best that this humiliation burden accompanied the handicapped wife over the stormy old woman, with their own way to guard their own sky. Just lost her son, she was afraid to lose Han Shan, devoted all his life to guarding her daughter-in-law. She knew she knew she would have had her daughter-in-law. In order to prevent Han Shan from changing her mind, she even resorted to blackmail Han Shan's trick, but with the deconstruction of life, this benevolent old man gradually moved by the strong and kind-hearted dedication of her daughter-in-law and the dedication she had made to her family. Although she was unwilling, she started to agree with what the old man kept saying: The "non-existing" son should not be dragged down by a good daughter-in-law again. In the meantime, Shu Xin's mother, Zhao JiaMei, has always wanted to make up for Shu Xin and Yuan Ye's good deeds, but her dear Shu Xin has treated Yuan Ye as a sister, and her mother can not persuade or even threaten it all. Son 's inner comprehension of the will of love - he can not refuse his inner feelings, he has fallen in love with Han Shan. For this love, Shu Xin even rejected Yuan Ye's ring, ruining the pride princess's love fantasy also made her face lost. Zhao JiaMei learned that Shu Xin fell in love with a widowed young woman and was so furious that she decided to personally cut off her son and Han Shan's love affair and found Gao with Shu Chang's companionship. Liu XiYao also heart feel oppressed nowhere to excrete, do not want to Shu family not invited, two poor middle-aged woman met, naturally have a good show. Zhao JiaMei saw that Gao's life was so strained and that her old and sick, her in-laws were riddled with displeasure in her mind. She arrogantly taught Gaojia not to use her daughter-in-law as bait to seduce Shu Xin for them to die Son of Xiushui disaster, Liu XiYao where subject to such ridiculed, Zhao JiaMei long jump and cursed. Things like this, Han Shan and Shu Xin, who had just enjoyed a little bit of happiness and good life, fell into confusion and pain. Hainan Gao YiFei days are not too good. Devious Du BaGen, of course, is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Although he entrusted his daughter to Gao YiFei, he noticed that this kid was always struggling and unknown. He always wanted to find a chance to test him. Just a factory backlog of a number of products, Du know that there is a high marketing talent, these products will be all sold by Gao YiFei, to solve the sales, and secondly, take a look Gao YiFei took the money, do not run. Gao YiFei, who was intrigued, found himself encountering a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Using his shrewd mind and strength, he soon sold out the product. Gao YiFei thought he finally made money and started to prepare for Beijing.Du BaGen, long ambush behind him, and Gao YiFei, ready to flee, was back in the factory. The long-suppressed Gao YiFei told Du BaGen everything and Du BaGen was beaten by him. Du Juan has seen this matter, discouraged his father, despite Gao YiFei to choose. With the help of Shu Xin, Han Shan has designed the old factory building into an elderly recreation club with a unique style, full of nostalgia and warmth, and the popularity is growing. Jealous husband Zhang always run after Wang Shan for Han Shan's affair. Since she received Yuan Ye's $ 10,000 sealing fee, she was already guilty of conscience. From her husband, she learned that Han Shan had always thought of himself. The club's business is left to do their own, conscience more uneasy. She did not want to let Han Shan bear the innocent injustice, so pick up the ten thousand dollars go directly to Tung Shing Company ready to make things clear. Tung Shing has lost its competitive edge without a new set of solutions designed by Han Shan and has been eliminated in the bidding process. The board of directors of the group was in a meeting to review the matter. Wang Jie quarreled with the security guards and threw 10,000 yuan of money on the table to thoroughly expose Yuan Ye's shameful actions on behalf of others. Yuan Ye inadvertently exposed the accident was his own vandalism, we immediately mess up a group, Shu two old completely lost faith in Yuan Ye ... ... After so many trials and tortures walked along the two people - Han Shan and Shu Xin in repeated chasing and misunderstanding, gradually wash away the lead, frank and brave began to face the true feelings from their hearts, they are ready to get married. Gao YiFei, who had been missing for more than a year, has been deregistered and has become legally absent. Families and relatives and friends of both parties started to face the reality and started to prepare Shu Xin and Han Shan's wedding. All of us are immersed in the happiness of lovers getting married. Only Gao YiMing, Gao YiFei's younger brother and Shu Chang's younger sister, Shu Chang, are even more upset. Gao YiMing told Han Shan that he was about to get married, and Gao YiFei, a well-intentioned man, left Du Jia without any explanation. Du Juan off the platform, grievances while nausea hit, she was pregnant. Han Shan and Shu Xin's wedding grand and grand, both relatives and friends and all those creditors are coming to celebrate this new couple, just as the two happy people are ready to wear a ring with each other, hurry Gao YiFei rushed over and shoved Shu Xin, and the crowd burst into chaos, followed by a woman's scream - Yuan Ye committed suicide in Shu Xin's new home. Once again, God transformed the joyous reunion into a crazy farce, and Gao YiFei, a "resurrected" myth, is back again. However, the wrong choice of human cliff has paved the way for him to go home. Standing in front of everyone, Gao YiFei has become a derelict coward. My father felt that his son had no face to destroy the daughter-in-law's life. My brother feels that her brother's behavior is unworthy To be a man, even those creditors can not help but come up and beat him. Suddenly such a strong stimulus Han Shan, do not understand why God always let her experience such a dramatic life, she was tired and tired, would rather find an unknown corner to go to those days without waves, experience Those mediocre happiness.At the foot of the towering Castle Peak, sitting in a quiet small courtyard, a tall woman, with golden sunshine smeared on her pretty face, she had her own choice. The talented woman, who has lived through hundreds of lives, has regained her calmness and calmness. Han Shan knew that there must be more beautiful scenery behind the mountains. In the meantime, a computer desk hundreds of miles away, the man who loves Han Shan, has set up a themed website for the legendary woman's experience. All people who want to understand human nature and noble qualities You should go there and see when you click on this site, the first thing that catches your eyes is a big, beautiful and varied "home-in-law" & nbsp ;.

Deep white · remarried when the (TV)[2012]

Feature: "Deep White · Remarriage in Progress" tells the story of confusion in contemporary social marriage emotion tells the personality decisive, work is stronger but not good at handling family chores actress Gao Fei, misunderstood and handsome husband Ou YangJinCheng divorced, and Stubborn re-marriage with current husband, in the face of girlfriend Shen Xin's crush on her predecessor, exposure of new family law, sister-in-law trivial matters and beloved career by family barriers, Gao Fei in the second marriage all the while stumbled into maturity.

Funny family (TV)[2011]

Feature: "Funny family" based on the adaptation of Korean drama of the same name, well-known editors in the story by adding more rich elements, adding emotional, detective, family conflicts and other storyline. Most noteworthy is the play's very light pace, almost every episode has a very funny story. The sports teacher Kai Hou is even more attractive in the play. The young men who are hovering in the family, love and friendship are worth a look at how they choose their own arrangements.

Deep bout (TV)[2009]

Feature: One day, Xu City, the head of the Hsu family Fen carefully planned a conspiracy. First murdered Tian Tao, the Customs Anti-smuggling Bureau, and later Zhao Hongqiang, her boyfriend who blamed his daughter. It turned out that Xu Guangyi has been opposed to his own baby daughter and Zhao Hongqiang this underworld background. And because of his group smuggling, Tao was aware of some clues, so he planned this stone two birds plan. Xu Guangzhi want to set Zhao Hongqiang died, Chennai City Bureau Interpol team vice captain Li Rui found the case there are many doubts, the resignation of Zhao Hongqiang jail ... ...

Police stations story (TV)[2009]

Feature: "The story of the police station" tells the story of a newly arrived Hong Shugang who has just taken office and has to turn the police station into an advanced police station. Police station Canglongwohu, all with great skill. Always want to be director of the "negotiators" Fan police officers; always want to be the police's father, "anti-Pao" anti-Paopai Mao police officer; watched the wombats but superior memory, the legendary sixth sense ginger Police officer; police officer graduated from the excellent sand police officer; there are director of his girlfriend Liu instructor. Governor Hung mobilized these people, each in charge, through unremitting efforts, we finally put the police station into a municipal excellent police station.

Plainclothes police (TV)[2008]

Feature: The story took place in 1976 before the smashing of the "gang of four." Reported by the masses, Nanzhou City Public Security "plain clothes police" stills arrested a named Xu Bangcheng Taiwan spies. At that time, the purpose of sneaking into Nanzhou City was not known at the time. Under the temptation of Vice-Minister Gan, deputy representative of the armed forces, Xu Bangxiang lied to him that he should immigrants from the border with an enemy squad to destroy the mainland movement. Deputy Secretary Gan Gan personally escorted Xu Bangcheng escorted to the border, ready to sweep the enemy's units clean sweep, the results of Xu Bangcheng took the opportunity to escape, escorted the scout Zhou ZhiMing killed. The arrest failed and the clues were interrupted. The real purpose of this agent's sneaking into Nanzhou became a mystery. Zhou ZhiMing met a girl named Shi XiaoMeng in a fortuitous incident, and they both enjoyed each other. Soon there were many leaflets in memory of Premier Zhou in Nanzhou city. Among them were criticisms of the contents of the Central Cultural Revolution of the time. At that time, the military representatives listed it as a counter-revolutionary incident and asked the reconnaissance branch to trace those who distributed the leaflets. In one of his duties, Zhou ZhiMing's colleague Lu ZhenYu photographed the two mailing listrs according to the layout of the military representatives. Zhou ZhiMing found out that one of them was Shi XiaoMeng's sister Shi Jihong and the other was his partner of the same year, An Cheng . Just before the military representatives were ready to arrest them in accordance with the photos, Zhou ZhiMing exposed the film in the camera to protect Shi Jihong and Ann Cheng. Then Zhou ZhiMing Lu ZhenYu order to recognize the exposed film. As a result, Zhou ZhiMing was not only labeled as the current counter-revolutionary, but also jailed for being sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment when Xu Bangcheng escaped from duty on suspicion of being a spy. Then his father's only relative died of hate. This sudden change completely changed the fate of Zhou ZhiMing. After Zhou ZhiMing was in jail, only Shi XiaoMeng firmly believed that he was by no means a bad guy. Regardless of family members' fears and oppositions, Shi XiaoMeng insisted on going to prison to see Zhou ZhiMing. Zhou ZhiMing In order not to hurt Shi XiaoMeng, reluctantly cut off the relationship between the two. At the same time, Zhou ZhiMing suffered humiliation in prison for facing the dual hostility of individual disciples and prisoners around him, almost losing faith in life. With the smashing of the "gang of four" and the rehabilitating of unjust and false cases nationwide, Zhou ZhiMing has also been vindicated and returned to the public security ranks. However, due to some left influences, a small tail still remains in his organizational conclusion. Shi XiaoMeng This time has been admitted to the university, Zhou ZhiMing and Shi XiaoMeng again after the reunion, soon there have been misunderstandings and rifts. Yan Jun, a female colleague who always liked Zhou ZhiMing, implicitly expressed sincere love to Zhou ZhiMing. Zhou ZhiMing and Yan Jun became close friends at work. However, he still remembered Shi XiaoMeng in his heart. New plain clothes Police stills A thief named Du WeiDong was helped and educated by Zhou ZhiMing in prison. After being released from prison, he was ready to take revenge and be rehabilitated. However, when Nanzhou CPPCC Vice Chairman and General Manager Jiang Yiming's home of 941 Factory were stolen, Du WeiDong was arrested again as a suspect. Zhou ZhiMing saw some of the flaws and after some investigation confirmed that the person who committed the crime is not Du Wei Dong. At this time, the 941 factory suffered a serious loss in introducing large-scale projects, stating that Jiang Yimin's confidential documents had been stolen.Shi XiaoMeng's sister Shi Jihong suddenly reported to the public security authorities that her ex-boyfriend Lu Yuanchao had stolen Jiang Yiming's family and that Lu was sued by the arrested prosecutors. Shi XiaoMeng was very dissatisfied with her sister's behavior and thought her sister deliberately falsely accused Lü Yuanchao of resolutely appearing in court as defender of Lü Yuan and acquitted him and acquitted him. After the investigation of Shi Jihong, Shi Jihong found suspicious of the betrayal of intelligence, Shi Jihong turned out to be diverted outside the spy has become a criminal. When the public security organ wanted to arrest Feng Hanzhang, the spy of Hong Kong businessmen, he was alerted to Feng Hanzhang. Zhou ZhiMing has never forgotten the clues Xu case was interrupted a few years ago and suspected that there was a lurking spy in Nanzhou City. Decided to start tracing. Du WeiDong was killed suddenly when colleagues Zhi Zhou continued to investigate. Several consecutive events complicated and entangled with each other, public security officers after some thorough investigation, and finally find out the truth of Du WeiDong death, but also dug for many years lurking in the southern state spy agent Lu Yuanchao, found the real Theft of the 941 secret factory. The original Shi Jihong false accusation Lu Yuchao deliberately laid off by the spy agency outside the territory of a puzzle, the purpose is to sacrifice Feng Hanzhang and Shi Jihong to protect the Luliang. After a series of tests and exercises, Zhou ZhiMing has grown into a real police officer. Shi XiaoMeng and Zhou ZhiMing finally got rid of the misunderstanding and came together again. Yan Jun transferred from the state of Nanzhou in the detection of the case, but my heart has always loved Zhou ZhiMing. This is a story of a young policeman growing up and a caring song of good love.

The City of Memory (TV)[2007]


The drama “Memory City” introduces the story: It tells about Peking in the spring of 1937. A postman sent a letter to Miss Zhou MinRou from Zhou JiaRou, who was written by Zhu JinMo, a fiance who studied in Japan. Zhu JinMo told her about Minruo in the letter and told her that he was at this time. Japan is like a high-speed war machine. The air is filled with the smell of war. At this time, there will be many people in China fighting for the future of the people. He hopes that his lover can become one of the middle ones. member. This letter ignited the enthusiasm of the innocent tenderness and tenderness of the heart. The young university teacher, full of petty-bourgeois sentiment, took a letter and ran to the school to participate in the students' protest against the Japanese army's rampant aggression. Min Zuo’s father, Zhou ZuKang, was meeting at the school. He took care of the students and came out to persuade the students. The students were not sympathetic. During the quarrel, Zhou ZuKang was pushed to the ground and Min Jing was catching up with the scene. She was not Knowing this embarrassed old man was his father, Zhou ZuKang knew this was his daughter. Zhou ZuKang studied in Germany in the early years. His classmate friend was arrested and sacrificed by the German police for participating in the Red International Revolution. He was married to Zhao ManJun, a fiancée whose classmate was pregnant, and gave birth to his son Zhou HanYing. After returning home, he could not The original wife and children confessed that they had to bring Zhao ManJun to Peiping to the north to become a university professor. Zhou ZuKang sent his wife Gu YuXiu to fight against fate and determined to train two children and one adult. The eldest son, Zhou GuanZhong, was a teenager and he was a military officer. After more than 10 years, he was headed to the commander's office and was stationed in Peiping, where he received family members to live in Peking. Min You was taken away by the police and the two families met again. The students came to the street and gave speeches. Chinese and English were among them. Zhao ManJun heard that there had been an incident on the street and rushed to bring his son home. The police came and Zhao ManJun desperately took away his son. On the Gaotai platform, leaflets were distributed and were taken away by the police. Zhou ZuKang was rushing to save Minruo, but Zhao ManJun died. This scene was watched by Zhou Fu’s old servant, Guo FuCai. He knew who Zhou ZuKang was. At this time, Zhou GuanZhong was forced to visit Japan and participate in the Emperor's birthday celebration in Japan. Min You was arrested and sent to the Peking Military Conscription Hall. Sensitively arrested, Zhou Zhou's two strange families re-encountered. Zhou ZuKang blamed him for his soft arrest and actively rescued him. Zhao ManJun was afraid to lose everything before him and desperately stopped Zhou ZuKang. Zhou GuanZhong returned to China and brought back Zhu JinMo who was studying in Japan. He actively rescued Min-Rou. However, he unexpectedly found his brother Gei-Jie who had not seen him for many years. When Guan Jie was a teenager, he left home and went to school. There was no further information. He had joined the revolution in his early years and became a senior cadre of the Northern Bureau of the Communist Party of China. He was arrested and sold by the traitors and he has lived in prison for several years. Zhou GuanZhong and his mother dumped his family's wealth to rescue him from prison. Guan Jie firmly refused to sign his own book. Gu YuXiu ordered Minzuo to marry Zhu JinMo, but Zhu JinMo suddenly disappeared on the eve of the wedding. The next day, the Lugouqiao incident broke out. The fate of the Zhou family and the fate of the Chinese were changed.Zhou GuanZhong was ordered to defend the Peiping, but because of his subordinates' transformation, he was forced to withdraw and took turns to find troops. However, the Ministry of Military Affairs was detained in the name of disobeying orders and was held accountable. Zhou GuanJie organized a prison riot and escorted his prisoners to flee Beiping and went to Taiyuan to return to the Eighth Route Army. Zhu JinMo arrived in Shanghai and accepted the order of the underground party of the Chinese Communist Party. He was first recruited by the military and entered the Japanese consulate in Shanghai. Zhou ZuKang was unwilling to cooperate with the Japanese military, was placed under house arrest, was in desperation, was shot and killed, was stopped, and was rescued by an American doctor, Thomas, and escaped. Nanjing fell, the National Government moved to Chongqing. After many setbacks, Zhou’s family returned to their hometown, Chongqing. Zhou’s children were scattered in every corner of the war. Zhou GuanZhong returned to the battlefield, vowed to defend the honors of the soldiers, bravely fought against the Japanese, and finally died in battle. Guan Zhong and the soldiers went to the front line and grew up as outstanding commanders in the Eighth Route Army. They personally participated in the Pingxingguan Battle and sacrificed heroically in the Hundred Regiments Offensive. Chinese and English, regardless of their mothers' opposition, participated in the Air Force and died in combat. Zhu JinMo took a threefold status as a military commander, a Chinese communist party, and a Japanese spy in Shanghai Chongqing. He first assassinated Wang Jingwei and was transported back to Chongqing after being seriously injured. He could not meet with Minh & Miu in the same city. He finally had the opportunity to meet, but he was desperate for the mission. Even the right to commit suicide cannot be allowed. It was forced to admit that he was a Japanese spy. He returned to Shanghai in a sensitive and resentful gaze and continued his journey of seeking loneliness in the darkness. Infatuated with tenderness and softness, he tried to pursue Zhu JinMo as he pursued Zhu JinMo. He only wanted to understand the puzzles of love, discovered the true identity of Zhu JinMo in the process of finding love, and was involved in a cruel intelligence war. Zhu JinMo fought side by side and received the most important news that Japan will attack the United States, and took young lives for it. The family in Chongqing took the Japanese invaders for as long as five years indiscriminately bombarded and suffered repeated hardships and blows. In the face of the constant news of death, they chose to live firmly. On August 15, 1945, news of Japan’s unconditional surrender came. Chongqing exploded and the entire city was boiling.


My step father is a hero (TV)[2006]

Feature: The story happened in the late sixties of last century. Her husband's Gotu Lan, led by a woman, three men and four children live a very difficult day, a few boys and naughty troubled people, want to find a husband, but the men saw her a few children, No one dared to provoke. Someone introduced the boiler of the nearby factory old age drama "stepfather" posters. That big son Bao Jin that night trouble, show blue tube is not good, Lao Guan eyes stare, Bao Jin on the fear, Shulan think Laoguan really is a rely on, with him, the child's education problem is solved, on Agreed to get married with the old. Two of the feelings of marriage deep, but that a few naughty children, see the old customs so good to their mothers, in addition to feel uncomfortable, the heart also think that the old customs can not how they like, so the opposite of stepfather began Until death, nor reconciliation. In the face of these four children, Lao Kwan often want to leave, but he loved the same as his life, a woman, he also repeatedly vowed, under his own mouth, determined to ignore those few children, but he The character is not good, could not understand but also control, but also angry, playing children. Over the years, Xiu-lan can not mediate this contradiction until she died, still can not let their children at the last moment of her life called a dead old father. Soon after the death of Shiu-lan, Lao Guan also died. In arranging his relics, the children found that in one of his toolboxes, a full box of calendar memorabilia was recorded on the calendar, in addition to remembering how much he spends on monthly wages, haircuts, and how much it costs, How much money to buy tea to buy fireworks, but also remember the children's birthday, remember that every time he hit the kids experience, how the TV series "stepfather" stills play what, why hit, hit with what, and remember that : I am good for them, I do not want to beat them, I have no children, I can not like them? ... The children saw these words are crying, they kneel in the portrait of stepfather, called a father! Finally decided to father, stepfather, mother, followed by three people buried in a row. Character chronology (Year of birth: Guan JiDong 1918 Gao Xiulan 1928 Zhang Juan 1950 Zhang Baojin 1953 Zhang Baoyin 1955 Zhang Baoyu 1957 67 years 49 years old Guan JiDong and 39-year-old Gao Xiulan marry with the raising of four tired-hearted children (17 years old ZHANG Juan 14-year-old Zhang Baojin 12-year-old Zhang Bao silver 10-year-old Zhang Baoyu) 75 years old 22-year-old Zhang Baojin because of the integrity of stepfather last time did not force 76 years old 23-year-old Zhang Baogan prodigal son finally turned 76 years old 21-year-old Zhang Bao silver downtown radio station was shut Imprisoned in November the same year, released in November, 77 years away Harbin Zhang Baoyin admitted to university * 81 years 28-year-old Zhang Baojin is a force commander 26-year-old Zhang Baoyin graduated from university graduates assigned to the provincial capital 24-year-old Zhang Baoyu Guan JiDong 63 years old when the police were found terminally ill, then to protect Zhang Juan's son unfortunately, the four children repentance was late;

Mama love me again (TV)[2006]

Feature: TV mom love me once again the empty "experiment three" above the shuttle, as always, only the last drivers Zhou Hao and Jiang AnWen two people. For two years, Zhou Hao always followed the order of pick-up and drop-off, and the last one sent her home teacher. This empty car, as if the place of love, they are commensurate with colleagues in school, but secretly, it is already a lover of hearts and minds. It is a secret that two people who have both divorced are always cautious and conservative in the holy occasion of their school. On this day, Zhou Hao decided to marry An Wen in this testimonial carriage. Zhou Hao has a cowardly son, whose ex-wife divorced when her son was three and disappeared by lightning speed. Since then, Zhou Hao has become a loner. For years, Zhou Hao did not know how to explain her mother's sudden disappearance. She has been hiding that her mother was suddenly transferred to work abroad. She is very far away from home and her mother is very busy. He can not take her son to find a place very far away Mom, this silly lie continues to this day. Anwen rarely mentioned her own experience of divorce, this experience is probably some shame on their own, two years ago, it is clear that the pro-sister Jiang AnXin took away her husband, but this "grab" the word makes Anwen speechless, But her husband happens to be voluntary ah. Now, two pieces of the mirror are not originally intended to stick together a piece of debris, but I do not know Zhou Hao and his son's lie how to end. The kind-hearted Anwen finally decided to enter the interior of Zhou Hao's family as a cowardly "original" mother. Anwen's contribution to Zhou Hao touched. Ordinary people say: stepmother raised to support, after all, is to give yourself a wolf. An Wen not only accepted the "bastard", but also rather pretending to be biological mother. Anwen this selfless move, so that Zhou Hao suddenly thought of "desire" in the Hui Fang. In order not to produce a trace of not cowardice, the wedding did not hold. On the very day, Anwen, with her handpicked toys, seemed to have just come back from a few miles away. For this "long time no reunion" scene, Anwen practiced many expressions in the mirror. She wants to perform vividly. This meeting with children for a long time will determine their future relationship with no cowardice and lay the happiness after family reorganization. 10-year-old cowardly face the strange mother, he proposed a pro-mother. Anwen very excited, she put her face in the past, spit foam fiercely hit the face. "You are not my mom, there is a mole on my mom's ear, you are a liar." This sudden blow brought the new couple to a complete breakdown. Well-designed everything, the children exposed ruthlessly. The story is the beginning of a warmth, but unknowingly slip to sadness. After the wedding, Zhou Hao's eyes appeared intermittent low vision, the test results surprised Zhou Hao - hereditary cerebellar nerve atrophy. This is a more horrible disease than cancer. It means that Zhou Hao will be paralyzed in bed for three months, or six months, or a year later. The staunch Zhou Hao wrote a letter to his newlywed wife, after which he began to redouble his efforts to earn money. He understood that being paralyzed was a doomed thing and that he would leave a rebellious son to his wife at that time.Anwen has no obligation to raise her own son. Zhou Hao decided to make more money for his son, leaving poor Anwen. Anwen also found her husband's anomaly. He found her husband's hard work. She persuaded her husband not to be too hard, but to no avail, she then bought expensive supplements, secretly spilled in her husband's cup before her husband was out on a daily basis. But Anwen this sneaky but kind-hearted move, but on this day was not cowardly to see, but on this day, Zhou Hao a major accident occurred, never woke up. Zhou Hao turned into a vegetative person, and his strange cause of confusion made everyone confused. And who knows, one of the symptoms of cerebellar nerve atrophy is that they can not control their own limbs, which led to Zhou Hao almost ghostly cause of the accident. "You're the murderer who killed my daddy" - not cowardly to An Wen, "I saw with your own eyes that you put poison in my dad's cup." Of course, this slogan did not bring Anwen to court, This kind woman is disheartened. She saw the letter left by her husband. She knew the true cause of her husband's accident. She cried out more than ever. She did not understand why the bad luck suddenly came. An Wen recommended hospital will be happy, her husband in the letter hope Anwen sent their children to the orphanage. On a sunny morning two days later, Anwen took her husband and put a rose in front of her bed. She said to her no-joke husband that he would always keep the rose in full bloom, Say: Boy, from today on, you remember to me, no matter you admit it, I am your legal guardian.

House front and back (TV)[2006]

Feature: Poster In Beijing in 1979, the atmosphere of reform and opening up is slowly affecting the most ordinary people. Cheng DaHe, a divorced firefighter, and Tang YuXiu, a widowed pickle factory worker, held their hottest wedding of their time in an ordinary small courtyard in South City. Cheng YuanYuan, daughter of Cheng DaHe and Fang Hai, son of Tang YuXiu, Reunite with deep hostility. Negative evasion of Cheng YuanYuan and the active struggle of Fang Hai after a series of events finally inspired by the sincemother's father's sincerity, but the crisis of the family has always been hidden under a calm surface. After the marriage, the family lived in the courtyard where Tang YuXiu's ex-husband was, and Cheng DaHe's younger brothers Cheng XiaoLin and Cheng Mu moved together. Cheng XiaoLin has been playing stick for not having got married, Cheng DaHe persuaded Tang YuXiu to fake a fraudulent deed to cheat Cheng XiaoLin's fickle, empathetic girlfriend Gu LiLi for her brother's happiness. No one thought of it, a false house planted the seeds of hatred. Cheng Jun, the youngest son of Cheng DaHe and Tang YuXiu, was born, but all kinds of unusual details caused Gu LiLi's suspicion. For Gu LiLi, determined to be avenged because of being cheated, was the best chance of revenge, but then she found that the child had some sort of relationship with her and her attitude toward the child changed dramatically. At the same time Gu LiLi's wrist, Cheng XiaoLin and brother and sister farther and farther, reduced to Gu LiLi and chess pawn. Despite repeated hard-fought attacks, Gu LiLi persevered with her slow and determined revenge program. An instant, ten years have passed. In the past ten years, grown-up Cheng YuanYuan met a very nerdy old man Lu Nan, who married and gave birth to her daughter Lu Cheng; Fang Hai also grew up and began to work with the resolute and courageous young building material manufacturer Xie BoDa to start a business , Opened a new chapter in life. The success of children's career did not allow Cheng DaHe and Tang YuXiu to enjoy too much ease. The seeds of hatred buried ten years ago finally took root. Cheng XiaoLin filed a petition with Gu LiLi, suing his brother-in-law to court. Ask for real estate, the evidence is that false deed. Cheng Mu, who has been partial to his youngest son, can not help but criticize his ungratefulness for his brother's resentment. However, in the first instance, Cheng DaHe and Tang YuXiu were surprised against the judge who was bought by Gu LiLi. With the concerted efforts of Fang Hai and Cheng YuanYuan, the lawsuit appealed to the Intermediate Court. Just before the verdict, Cheng Jun's safety and life experience became the focus of all.

Martial arts outsider (TV)[2006]

Feature: To the shopkeeper Tong XiangYu (Stingray extremely female shopkeeper, style million kinds of kind-hearted, mother and mother are very chicken thieves.) Led by a group of publishers, including the runner Bai ZhanTang (acupoints, martial arts, is a thief, think Change over the new, in fact, timid, such as rats), there are miscellaneous Guo FuRong (she relied on martial arts, chaotic rivers and lakes, like to move his hands and feet, although the heroes daughter, in fact, martial arts is not ye, is a standard sassy girlfriend) Cook Li DaZui (all day long fantasy to learn martial arts when the heroes, is not good to cook.), Lv Xiucai (who often will not leave the mouth, in fact, is a useless scholar, outrageous but crooked playing Mixed with a "Guanzhong heroes," the title), boarding inn Zhu WuShuang (although the sunflower to send martial arts master, in fact, is often bullied by a weak woman, beautiful but no love patronize), naughty girl Mo XiaoBei Upload heard is a devil, is actually a love truant and only want to eat candied fruit little girl film), there are two catch fast, an old Xing, a small Six, every day dreaming of breaking a big case, an upright but no ability, but I do not know the real thief right beside ...

Grow up is not easy (TV)[2006]

Feature: "Growing up is not easy," aka "Happiness on the road," tells of many problems that the single mother, Ding Hua, overcrowd the only child, Ding JiaJie, and failed to grow healthy. Ding Hua realized harsh reality in harsh reality, forced to take special measures to force the child away from home, to promote its survival after the tribulation, the challenge of conscience, character forging. Jia Jie repeatedly frustrated in battles deeply felt the warmth of the world, what experience the shame, dignity and despicable, noble. Ding Hua and his ex-husband, Cheng Qiang, and his wife, Ran are also co-teaching children, eliminating grudges and moving toward a new life of harmony.

Audit Report (TV)[2005]

Feature: Audit report TV stills When a paper divorce certificate proclaimed the dissolution of Fang HongYu's ten-year marriage, a letter of appointment also fell into his hands. Fang HongYu took up the pain of divorce and took office. He returned to his hometown, Was entrusted with the post of Deputy Commissioner of the Audit Commission's Special Commissioner's Office in Shun State and presided over the work of the Office. Fang HongYu, who quietly landed in Shinshu, did not think he was shocked by the arrival of this large province of western China. His commissioner of the commission did not even think of a series of normal audits conducted under the guidance of party spirit. Push yourself to the very embarrassed situation when the situation, but also opened a terrible shaking big case. The source of this great surprise was the Shinshu Expressway Group, a city of great power. High-speed group is a benchmark in the province, the benchmark is the deputy secretary of Provincial Party Committee Deputy Governor Fan XiangZhong cultivated and care of additional enterprises, it should be said that this is one of his political capital, The last thing most wanting to see is that he was set on the backyard before it was expected to be in charge of the governor. Fang HongYu won the appreciation of Fan XiangZhong and was repeatedly promoted and reused before he started his work in Shouzhou. His understanding of Fang HongYu is well known in the world. In his hometown of Sinsin, apart from his mother, who fooled Fang Hongyu, he still has Du Huiqing, an elder sister who is neither a relative nor a sister, but a young Fang HongYu, Du HuiQing raised him as a younger brother. Today's Du HuiQing is a strong woman in Shinshu politics, as the provincial transport department director and chairman of the high-speed group. And is expected to take over the vice governor of Fan XiangZhong after the promotion of space, career-reachable Du HuiQing prominent achievements of Fang HongYu Shinshu took office is very excited, but she never imagined that this devoted himself a lot of effort When her younger brother Fang HongYu, a family member of her own affection, unveiled the grandiose case of the high-speed group, she also gave her a heavy blow to her political life. Tong BeiHai, deputy commissioner of Shinagawa correspondent's office, knows that the newbie's young boss, Fang HongYu, has a deep relationship with Fan XiangZhong and Du HuiQing. The old auditor is the audaciously named black-clad male and old ox, law enforcement, Six parents do not recognize, not fame and fortune only for the country for the people to keep the door to the treasury, so that he is most worried about Fang HongYu desperate situation in the audit of high-speed group lost the principle of Fan XiangZhong and Du HuiQing and Express Group On the issue of water. Tong BeiHai By temporarily hosting the work of Shinawatra's office, he took the first step before Fang HongYu took office and convened a special party meeting and formed a resolution ready for submission to the National Audit Office for a full-scale formal audit of Shinshu Express Group. Bitter love Fang HongYu Ten years still to be married Yu Ran is Fan XiangZhong niece, with Yu Ran's words, Shinshu this ground she most admired two people, the first of course is Fang HongYu, the second person Is the son of the former provincial party secretary and the lead general manager of Express Group Sun LiXin.This person extraordinary wisdom, extraordinary courage. Ambitious, greedy and more extraordinary, he did not show the mountain does not dew operation, the high-speed group in recent years, tens of billions of dollars in the project to "surround mark" all the way to secretly control their own engineering company in the hands and carefully planned , Cleverly set Fan XiangZhong and Du HuiQing as an umbrella for sheltering him from unknown sources, making the high-speed group an indispensable kingdom of independent power. Fang HongYu took office as an initial, high-speed group case was pushed to him, he knew that the high-speed group in the province's economic pattern and the importance of investment in the overall situation, he understands the placid coastal water popular meaning, bad people should grasp, Treasury to keep, but by no means disrupted Shinshu hard-won economic environment. As the front of the array to enter, will audit department audited high-speed group failed, the same mistake. Fang HongYu examines the situation, denied Tong BeiHai immediately formally audit the idea of ​​high-speed group, decided to start from the periphery, pressing harder and harder step by step, step by step, without prejudice to the opponent without any precautionary measures to quickly grasp opponents weakness, opened High-speed group unknown shaking big case. In the split between the two audit mission programs, the show unfolded and culminated. In the contest between the auditors and the auditors in the open-knit struggle, the evil will not be corrected and the law of nations will overstep its dignity. In the twists and turns of the embarrassment of law and love, the auditor of the guardian of the treasury shows the charm of his personality on the battlefield where there is no smoke. When another solemn audit report was made public to the world, the auditor once again reported to the motherland and the people - there is an auditor at the State Treasury in autumn.

Happiness is like a flower (TV)[2005]

Feature: "Happiness is Like Flowers" tells the story of Du Juan (Betty Sun), a purely good dancer who loves her career and loves her relatives and friends as the sun shines. Lin Bin (Bai Qing Xin) is a fighting hero, upright and talented, is an idol worship of Du Juan, Du Juan's first love. But this emotion did not stand the test of wind and rain. Du Juan was mistakenly married to Bai Yang (Deng Chao). Bai Yang is an immature big boy who stubbornly pursues Du Juan and touches Du Juan on his lovely and romantic side. After marriage, however, due to various contradictions, this immature marriage brings confusion and suffering to both young people However, the bumpy marriage life did not destroy the goodness and passion of Du Juan. In the face of the changing times, she always maintained the simplicity and simplicity. She insisted on her own dancers' dreams and upheld the principle of sincere life. When the first love affair Lin Bin suffered a heavy blow in life, life and death, Du Juan under tremendous pressure regardless of personal safety, running around and eventually help Lin Bin to be released; and Bai Yang because of jealousy, the two marriages in crisis. Du Mei's friend Da Mei (Yin Tao) is also a fantastic force dancer, a woman stepping on the waves. Her life after marrying Gao Qianzi did not satisfy her. After the tide of business started, she decisively involved in the business tide, and before her happiness she made a completely different choice from Du Juan & nbsp ;.

Sword of the sky (TV)[2004]

Feature: The sky sword remains stationed in an air force base southeast coast of the 107 division is a well-known trump card heroic forces, entered a new historical period, but also by the Central Military Commission and the Air Force as the first rapid response mobile combat troops, the first equipped with our army The latest "Blue Shark" fighter. In the early spring of 1999, when the first sting of the Jingzhe was thunderstruck, the 107th Division won another new glory - being named as "Safety Red Flag Division" by its superior because of its continuous 10-year flight safety. This new bright spot attracts a lot of press at all levels of leaders and major news media. The whole division is also excited and busy preparing for this. Just at this moment, the "J-99" exercise organized by the superior suddenly led to 107 divisions exposing many problems. If not the new division Xiao GuangLi decisively command and use of stunt to target tactics to restore the decline, a massive land and air joint exercise will be destroyed in the hands of 107th Division. An ace of the new equipment unit, a just-named safety red flag division, an Air Force's first rapid reaction force, but can not do "the first battle with me, I will win," or even a drill can not do, causing Xiao GuangLi and the new commissar Ji HaoSu deep thinking. Xiao Guangli and Ji HaoSu were shocked by clues, especially by looking at the "flying ginsengs" trained in the past: It turned out that the former leadership, especially the former commander and now the deputy commander, Liang YunHan, tried to keep the 107 division's fake glory , For 10 years of safety honor, and even for personal achievement, actually reduced difficulty in flight training, mixed with water. The grim realities that have made SatuoSu, a man trying to fundamentally improve the combat effectiveness of units, are returning from studying abroad in particular. They are determined to make contributions to the PLAAF's strategic shift from "national air defense type" to "offensive and defensive combination type." Chuaizhuo Sea assault "training program came to office Xiao GuangLi, into a dilemma. If we open the cover at the beginning of our term of office and totally negate our predecessor's leadership and negate a heroic unit that has been established as an advanced and typical superior by superiority for many years, it will not only cause turmoil in our troops but also give top priority to leaders at all levels, Kang LiangYu, Commander of the Military Region Air Force, who has devoted tremendous efforts to the growth of the division, can neither explain nor denounce it. If he covers the lid and maintains a false splendor, once the war comes, the 107 division will undoubtedly have a degrading mission and will be detrimental to the motherland and the people Heavy care. Moreover, military training and combat effectiveness are so weak that an accident can lead to a flight accident. Xiao Guangli and Ji HaoSu finally made difficult choices after hard thinking and running in. Instead of opening the cover for a while, they took the step-by-step approach and the two-step solution and started from remedial training to lay a solid foundation for the reform of the training structure Reorganization, increase the difficulty and progress of the actual combat training objectives, and ultimately completed the "Offensive Assault" training, the 107 division temper to become the future offensive and defensive attack in the air-type iron fist. However, the road of reform has seen twists and turns, with resistance coming from all aspects.Conflicting parties around to ensure flight safety issues and improve military training with the fundamental nature of the fighting this time of peace, is today's high-tech, highlighting the problems of the new troops, launched a fierce conflict again and again and contest. While Xiao Guangli and Ji HaoSu adhered to the new training concept of "ensuring safety at the expense of combat effectiveness," they led the troops through a difficult time. When the prospects for reform were clear, an unexpected flight accident pushed them into The bottom, back into trouble and confusion. Inspired by Ji HaoSu and head of Wei ShanHe and He Peng and flying guards administrator Cheng Guo, Xiao GuangLi rejuvenated and led the troops out of the shadow of the accident and put their preparations for "Offensive" training. Unexpectedly, this training program was again completely denied by Deputy Liang Yun Han. Xiao GuangLi almost disheartened for this. At this time, the Yugoslav Kosovo war broke out and Mu Guang, Xiao Guangli's wife, witnessed the war as a Xinhua News Agency reporter. The brutal war not only made Mu Qing deepen his understanding of soldiers and husbands, but also prompted her to ask Xiao Guangli a sharp question whether his 107th division can defend the sky of peace in the event of a war in China. Xiao GuangLi was deeply touched. Determined to soldier's sacred mission brave the Forbidden Zone, completed "sea assault" training. However, Liang YunHan rushed to the news rushed 107 personally sits, but also to "cross-sea assault" abortion. 1999 can be described as troublesome. Confronted with the increasingly serious situation in the Taiwan Strait, Xiao Guangli and Ji HaoSu, taking personal merits and losses as their personal gains and losses, successfully carried out the "Sea Crossing" simulation of "Offensive Sea Crossing "training. Hornet's nest finally stabbed big. Military Region Air Force commander Kang LiangYu and deputy commander Liang YunHan led the working group arrived 107 division thorough investigation of the matter, Xiao GuangLi and Ji HaoSu was suspended for reflection. Under such circumstances, the flight manager Cheng Guo bravely stepped forward to show Kang Liang Yu the "Offensive by the Sea" and Xiao GuangLi, Ji HaoSu to the "Flying Gun" information of the 107th Division before the arrival of Wanghai, The fact that ironclad troops unveiled tremendous changes in the armed forces during their hardships has shocked and impressed Kang Liang-yu and profoundly educated the entire army as well as Liang Yun-Han himself. It has established "close combat, prominent confrontation, Strict, science and technology training ", military training to combat effectiveness as the ultimate standard guiding ideology.

Interpol mission (TV)[2004]

Feature: In the criminal investigation work, Zhou Min Kai, captain of the criminal investigation team Zhou Hao Kai, Yu Changluo and Geng YuLiang, faced with a mysterious and mysterious case of suspense, overcame numerous difficulties and dangers, from bit by bit Of the unnoticed scene and clues to begin with the seemingly meaningless clues and traces one by one reorganization into irrefutable evidence of the case and make every effort to police the body, calmly face life and death, the arrest and punish criminals , Struggling to defend the justice and the light, and our lovely police officers and men have therefore exhausted the joys and sorrows of the world.

Married ten years (TV)[2003]

Feature: TV series Cheng Zhang fell in love with Han Meng at school, and after graduation Cheng Zhang came to a city called Bin, living in their dormitory. They can only see each other after get off work day by day, depending on whether Cheng's fellow or not is in the house because there are four people in Han Meng's dorm room, and there's only a glimpse of dating there. In order to have a small space, the two decided to get married. From the day of the next decision, they are inexplicably caught up one after another "troubles." Go to the hospital did not catch up to the bus, riding a bicycle is always out of chain, go to the wrong hospital does not say, anxious to jump Cheng Cheng has also been beaten. How can I get a wedding photo? Can see the house will be occupied by others, or bite the bullet came to the photo studio, the result should be left male right, they just sat a left male right. Waves, the waves, the original two people have no money, save all the furniture to buy a carpet, but the carpet was actually looked that the old pull; want to make a big event solemn marriage to small Restaurant ceremony about it, the fish that the lady brought up is smelly again. Fortunately, with the help of neighbors, the two thousands of miles to finally completed the marriage registration. The crowd who came to visit the new house crouched at the door and joked: "Bed? Where are you sleeping?" Zhang Zhang pointed to the shimmering carpet: "What more bed, is not this a bed?" Laughs: "No, this new home is simply a big bed!" This is the first year of "Ten Years of Wedding," and "married." The following year, they "have children." The third year, in order to help them bring their children, that far in the northeast and south of the "mom came." In the fourth year, they are "laid off." In the fifth year, they went to work to survive, to do business, "something went wrong." The sixth year, they are finally "a little money." The seventh year, "There are people outside." In the eighth year, in the face of the new problems in the new period, they lacked experience and calmness and "separated". The ninth year, "bankrupt." In the tenth year, they "reunited" with each other in the creel of Cheng Cheng's imminent demolition, who had loaded their love for them. Unknowingly, they have ten years of marriage age, for the first time in a truly calm, calm and beautiful mood in the face of each other, in the face of their home that has been living for ten years, facing the world outside the home And the future. A person's life is a Cheng Zhang process. Before he was busy, he was educated, and after his adulthood, he really entered a busy time of Cheng Zhang. And ten years after marriage is one of the most critical ten years, but also the most dramatic ten years, at this stage, everyone can not escape the beating and sharpening brought by Cheng Zhang, people are in those who every Every moment is gradually Cheng Zhang up, one after another or occasionally or necessarily, trivial and complicated or even ridiculous "troubles." The last decade of the twentieth century was a pattern of people's emotional thinking. From the tradition to the ten years of opening up, people may be confused, helpless and confused in these hectic and rich ten years, but eventually they understand how Cheng Zhang treats others, treats society, treats the future. Cheng Cheng was learned by Cheng Zhang.This is a very vivid and ups and downs, so you Kaiyan is not easy emotional drama. This is where everybody can see their own mirror.

TOP GUN (TV)[2001]

Feature: In the winter of 1947, when the pilots from the Army, He HuaiDe and Li BaoQi, rushed to the northeast Mudanjiang, the war situation changed. The flight school shifted to the North Manchuria. He HuaiDe and others braved the snow to catch a first batch of school navigation, pushing a small train climbing, met nicknamed "honey bee" female health worker He Min. The first batch of schoolboats built on abandoned Japanese abandoned airports has very poor living and learning conditions. Chang Hao and Liu Liqiu, the captains who studied flight in Xinjiang Airlines, led the way in overcoming all kinds of difficulties and repairing the only ones Broken frame trainer, Liu Liqiu attack in the enemy planes, cover Yao JianYe sacrifice. Since the trainees started studying aeronautical theory, most of the students were only educated in elementary school and studying aeronautical theory was very difficult. In addition, as bandits burned down the aviation depot, Li BaoQi lost confidence in the flight and felt it was not as if the infantry were guilty of fighting with guns. The other two trainees went together in bad conditions, going back to the old army. On the way, they encountered a group of bandits, sacrificed a trainee in battle, grabbed a carriage of gasoline and returned to the school. Hard training life began, the assembly trainer, there is no aviation gasoline on alcohol instead of trial, there is no early education machine, approved by the school, a large group of students straight higher education aircraft flight, creating a precedent in the history of the world aviation. Chang Hao took several outstanding pilots such as He HuaiDe to attend the groundbreaking ceremony of the founding ceremony and flew over Tiananmen Square for inspection by the central leaders. At the entrance of the Summer Palace, He Huai's wife Xue XiLian, mother's adoptive daughter, originally handed over her mother's relics to He HuaiDe. Unexpectedly, He HuaiDe left for a new assignment in a hurry. Shortly thereafter, Chang Hao was appointed head of the Air Force's first aviation unit, Hybrid Expedition Fighter Regiment, and He HuaiDe followed him to fly the MiG-15 fighter jet and serve as a squadron leader. The Korean War broke out and the Mixed Brigade expanded Aviation Division. Chang Chang led an army division to Anton and took part in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea. Xue XiLian, who has participated in the volunteer army, was also selected to study at Northeast China University School of Flight. He lost his armor with He HuaiDe during the transportation of cargo and the wounded pivot station. Although only flying dozens of hours of jets, the young Chinese air force defies the mighty enemy and bravely meets the world's airpower with the cooperation of the Soviet Air Forces and the Korean People's Air Forces. Li BaoQi fought fiercely and shot down the enemy aircraft for the first time. It was a matter of pride. As a flight captain, He HuaiDe did not make any record of air combat. He was under great pressure and He Min, who crusaded He HuaiDe, constantly encouraged him. During an air combat, He HuaiDe did not listen to the return order to fight for victory. He caused a third-class accident upon landing and was demoted. He HuaiDe realized his mistake, , The use of ambush tactics, one shot down the United States Air Force "super ace" pilot Wells. Air Alliance Division held a special celebration for him. At the meeting, Air Force Commander Liu made a special trip to pompously and said: "Destroying Wells, Ace Pilots are standing in the ranks of the Chinese Air Force!" The PLAAF became more and more sophisticated. Deputy Head Yao JianYe shot down three enemies in 6 minutes Machine, was included in the classic Red Flag College teaching materials. Intense fighting continues, He HuaiDe and Meteorologist He Min's feelings have become increasingly profound.Under the heavy blow of the Chinese air force, the U.S. Air Force was forced to retreat to the south of the Qing Ching River in North Korea. However, when the Chinese Air Force bombarded Daiwa Island, the bomber forces suffered heavy losses because of the concerted defeat. From this lesson, Kerry and He HuaiDe, aware of the importance of the Air Force's tactical synergy, put forward the tactical vision of "one region, multiple layers and four systems" to Commander Liu. As the United States attempts to break through the "MiG corridor" and dispatched a large number of aircraft to the north, causing the scale of North Korea's air combat to become bigger and larger and more intense, the PLA Air Force quickly established a group of new aviation division officers and marched to the frontline. Commander Liu instructed to push forward air combat to the south of Pyongyang and cooperate with the truce negotiations. My machine took the initiative to attack the enemy to the north of Qingchuan River. In an air battle before He HuaiDe's division was about to retreat to the second-line break, regiment He HuaiDe's plane was unfortunately hit by enemy planes. After parachuting, He HuaiDe left the fracture, was sent to the rear hospital for treatment, Chang Hao in order to take care of a lover, arrange He Min to He HuaiDe hospital cure cholecystitis, by the way He HuaiDe. Xue XiLian, who has become China's first female pilots, has been pursuing He HuaiDe and heard the news arrived at the hospital. He Min, Xue XiLian gave him the last words of her mother asking them to marry. He HuaiDe is emotionally in contradiction. He HuaiDe defeats the pain with amazing perseverance, with the treatment, let the doctor then break the bone, return to the blue sky. However, due to misunderstanding, the relationship between He HuaiDe and He Min had rifts. He Min gave a pique to the courtship of her long-awaited Li BaoQi. He HuaiDe is disappointed. North Korea cease-fire, Commander Liu to the front line, the airport hundreds of guns and celebrate the victory. Liu read the awards signed by Chairman Mao Zedong in recognition of meritorious pilots He HuaiDe, Yao JianYe, Li BaoQi and others. After the Korean War ended, Chang Hao, He HuaiDe and Li BaoQi, as commanders and battle-harbors of rich combat experience, were transferred to an aviation division in the southeast to take part in the liberation of a river and island. This is the first joint operation of the army, navy and air force in our army and the battle is thrilling. On the night of the Zhujiao Conference, He HuaiDe held a wedding ceremony together with Xue XiLian, Li BaoQi and He Min. He Min reveals unreadable pain. In unexpected events, in 1958, Li BaoQi, head of the KMT operation, was hit and sacrificed by a "rattlesnake" missile launched by Taiwan's Kuomintang pilot in an emergency operation in Fujian. As Li BaoQi's old comrade in arms, He Min's first love, He HuaiDe loves his beloved Li Liang. Taiwan authorities can not be reconciled to the failure of their air battle over the southeast coast and frequently dispatched U.S. P-2V low-altitude reconnaissance planes to harass the mainland. Commander Zhou ZhanKui of command and control commander He HuaiDe, the radio quietly attacked and shot down P-2V in one fell swoop. Zhou ZhanKui has become a hero and also admired by Nie XiaoDan, a member of the district's cultural troupe. However, after they got married, they knew that Nie XiaoDan had an aunt who had been raised to others since then, and later he was living in Singapore. By the time the pilot's spouse could not have overseas relations, Zhou ZhanKui would have to grounded if he did not divorce. At exactly this time, the "Beibu Gulf incident" occurred. The U.S. aircraft that bombed northern Vietnam repeatedly flee into the territory of our country. The Air Force decided that He Huai-De should lead the rotation of the war in Guangxi. Anti-aircraft artillery units; radar units alert.Although the superior has been relieved of Zhou ZhanKui's position as head, He HuaiDe believes that the change of arms will be a military taboo, refusing to lift the command of Zhou, and depressing the order for the moment. During the rounds of war, Liu ZhongXia, the son of Liu Liqiu, suffered a breakdown and died at the time of the crash to protect a primary school. Coupled with the failure to execute orders in time, the lifting of Zhou ZhanKui's post, Triumphal Triumph, He HuaiDe was dismissed, transferred to the military theory research laboratory as a researcher. In Guangxi, artillery units adjacent to the airport ambushed the U.S. plane. Zhou ZhanKui sticks, Nie XiaoDan reluctantly divorced her husband. At this time, due to the impact of the ultra-leftist ideology on the construction of the Air Force, the training time for aviation units dropped drastically. Pilots dropped their skills, and some did not even fly their helix. The incident rate soared. When Wu Jian was approached by Yao JianYe, headmaster of an aerospace school in the northwest, He HuaiDe talked to him about it and could not help but feel worried. In the 1970s, when Premier Zhou instructed a certain air force to undertake the "small-aircraft airship drop test on airborne", it was He HuaiDe's name to undertake this task. For this reason, the superior authorities decided that He HuaiDe personally conducted this important experiment. Over the Northwest test site, due to the failure of the aircraft's throwing system, the atomic bomb was dropped. He HuaiDe calmly evacuated all the personnel of the base into the ground, and calmly and decisively commanded Zhou ZhanKui to fly with a successful landing to achieve a feat in the history of the PLAAF. He HuaiDe cares about the unlucky He Min, He Min suppress their inner feelings, work hard. In the early 1980s, He HuaiDe, a high-level commander, started with the reorganization of the spiral and took drastic measures to improve flight quality. At this moment, Wu GuoAn, head of the flight, relocated to the transport aviation unit on the basis of separation of husband and wife. However, after missing his own fighter plane and after some ideological struggles, he resolutely returned to the fighter aviation unit. When he returned to the old army, he took the initiative to say to He HuaiDe that he must make painful changes and be a good man. As He HuaiDe loves Li Liang more than his own daughter, Xue XiLian is also wary of He Min. Commander Chang Hao couple late at night to persuade. Zhou ZhanKui find Nie XiaoDan, want to remarry, but Nie XiaoDan do not want to give up the big stage of the provincial capital, with his army to go to that small city of Wuzhou. Zhou ZhanKui frustration, had to get married with a local doctor Xue XiLian introduced him. However, the two married life quite different taste, the relationship has always been disharmony. Li Liang just graduated from a local university, at a time when the Air Force Academy enrolled a group of pilots with college degrees. Li Liang was accepted for years and achieved many years of wishes. While attending school, Li Liang went to play with Yao JianYe, the school principal, and met his daughter, Yao Culan, with great admiration. However, when she was solo, the very talented young man took her opportunity to drive the horses on the ranch. School punishment. After two years of flight learning, Li Liang, Xiang YuanFang and Yang Kai became the first Air Force pilots with double qualifications. Li Liang, who was assigned to the unit directly flew by his father's birth and flew directly to the Falcon fighter, quickly showed his superb flying skills and became the top flight amateur. He was determined to devote more efforts to the construction of the Air Force and was quite a good opinion of Yao Lan. Wu Xiaomun, a companion female pilot in her childhood, has always been inclined to Li Liang.Deputy Director Wu GuoAn led Li Liang and Yang Kai to a European study tour. The other side was very arrogant. It insisted on experimenting with the Chinese Air Force pilots in the flight simulator to determine the extent to which exchanges were held. Li Liang defeated Colonel James, a senior flight instructor who won the Queen's Medal. Pull, Yang Kai and the other requirements, a little familiar to drive "Phantom -2000" fighter and royal fellow pilot Captain Real air combat, only 3 minutes to "shoot down." Chinese Air Force pilots 3: 0 and 3 minutes, a shock to the European military. In order to improve the air force training system, Li Liang invited YAO Wei-lan to compile a software program of "flight training evaluation" and sponsored research expenses on Sunday, bringing flight training to a new level. In a television interview, host He Ping concluded the eloquent Xiang YuanFang, both of whom fell in love at first sight. Xiang YuanFang has been dissatisfied with the flying "Eagle" fighter, he bent on flying the latest "Falcon" fighter, failed to do so, they feel depressed. At this time, Zhou ZhanKui, a son of Zhou ZhanKui, who returned from overseas, was hired as assistant general manager of SEA. He took a fancy to Xiang YuanFang, promising a high salary and trying to dig him out to the airlines. He persuaded many times a week that Xiang YuanFang finally could not stand the temptation to report to the troops that he had altitude sickness and should not fly. Zhou ZhanKui learned that his son was angry at the control air force corner on Sunday, so that the Chief of Military Affairs forbidding him from entering the camp area on Sunday. In the meantime, Xiang YuanFang demanded that he be transferred to the civil aviation for his direct flight to the Golden Line. His father-in-law, He HuaiDe, greatly respected. Li Liang urged He Ping to persuade him that Xiang YuanFang is still unwilling to give up. Under the wrath of He HuaiDe, it was decided that Xiang YuanFang should stop flying and keep a record. However, he was still writing the name of Xiang YuanFang when he was confirmed as a candidate to attend Liu ZhongXia's activities at Guangxi Border Primary School. Commemoration of Xiang YuanFang touched. Before Liu ZhongXia's cemetery, he meditated for a long time, returned to the army, and he requested the teacher to withdraw the medical records. Driven by Li Liang, Xiang YuanFang and Yang Kai flight training won the unanimous praise and praise of military experts based on the theory of "weapon platform" based on their superior tactics and their tactics of flying tactics. Just as He HuaiDe met with veteran rival Wells and talked about in Beijing, He Min, who was overworked by the book "Research on Air Force Meteorological Accidents," has a stomach cancer spread and lives in jeopardy. He HuaiDe quickly hurried back to hear He Min heartbeat has stopped. He HuaiDe, who was all participating in the joint exercise of "landings and air forces," codenamed "Thunderbolt," completed his task of airlocking, air strikes and support for landing operations. He left active service and all the transitional fleets were low-altitude The highest etiquette on behalf of the army paid tribute to the general who had struggled for nearly half a century for the mighty strength of the Chinese air force.

Hongqiangwai (Movie)[1989]

Feature: The old soldier Zhong Dai can bid farewell to decades of military career, leave to return home. Daughter Yang Yang and her boyfriend afraid of his father lonely, bought him a fishing rod and music box, but the bell can still be raised can not afford to emotion, the heart is full of sense of loss. Wenhua Yang Yang is a good friend, working in the Housing Office, she studied hard for the cause, ready to apply for graduate students. By chance, she met her brother Tangshan orphan, who looks exactly like he died. A lot of circumstances aroused the strong Chinese love of love. Since then, she cares and cares much like a mother. Zhong Dake know a lot in the river, he likes this bright and clever child, ask him to play at home. Lot and his little friend Ding Xiaoliang, Lan Lan together happy to come home. They looked at the photos of the war years in the room and curiously raised a series of questions. Looking at the innocent and adorable faces of their children, Zhong Dakai felt that the children are the future of the country and must educate them in the traditions of revolution and tradition. Therefore, he tries his best to start from himself. A lot more and more like aunt aunt, and feel as if they have returned to her mother's arms. Since then, he studied hard, admitted to secondary school with good grades. One day, Zhong Keke, a lot, Wenhua, Yang Yang together to visit Lanlan in Malaysia. The children mistakenly treated them as new teachers and jumped around to welcome them. After seeing children in mountain areas who had left school for business without a teacher, they were greatly shocked. Through his mayor, he learned that the difficulty of running a school in mountainous areas had created the idea of ​​running a school in the mountainous areas. His idea was supported by the old teacher Yan Tak-root and was understood by the younger generation such as Yang Yang and Wen Hua. Children happy smile, ushered in their own teacher.

Hanhaichao (Movie)[1985]

Feature: A mega-storm struck the vast Tak-i-Desert, where 205 units that are carrying out exploration missions have lost contact with Northwest Petroleum Exploration Command. Camels ran loose, female team members Li Xiaojuan and Huang Amin disappeared, and even the guide Tashi old people do not know where to go, starvation and death threats to them. After the storm, the captain Li Laoshan led the remaining players in the desert struggling to pinch forward and finally found the old people of Tashi for them buried food and information, Huang Aming, Li Xiaojuan also returned to the unit, we move on. During their visit to the Anonymous Oasis, they found a copy of the log left by an investigator who explored oil here before the liberation. We buried the bodies of the forerunners with reverence and found the new oil structure in accordance with the instructions in the notebook. At the same time, the elderly in Zhaxi and Zheng Wei-zhou, a member of the team who was wounded in protecting the materials, are making a difficult journey through the hundred-mile grassland. When they were rescued by Tibetan herdsmen, Zheng Wei-zhou died at the loss of blood. Tashi elderly alone continue to find ways to find the squad. General Wushan made every effort to find 205 squadters and eventually had to ask for help from Beijing and asked to send a helicopter. At this time, 205 squad in the unknown green ...

From Victory To Victory (Movie)[1974]

Feature: In the winter of 1947, the Kuomintang troops launched a major offensive on the liberated areas of East China. After the Sept. 7 Czechoslovakia was started in the northern part of northern Jiangsu, the East China Army retreated greatly in order to completely annihilate the enemy. At first, some warriors can not figure out. A division of a battalion Gao YingZhang led his unit moved to the Yimeng Mountain Peach Village Stand. Fellow villagers also have opinions on the retreat. To settle the sentiment of fighters and fellow citizens, Gao YingZhang and the head of the village, Zhao Yumin, respectively explained the superior's intention to fight. At this moment, the situation suddenly changed anew, and the enemy thought that our army was retreating and concentrated 300,000 troops to encircle our army from all three sides, trying to make a decisive battle. Our army stopped the enemy in the Dasha River in front of the Taocun six days and nights and then transferred to the Phoenix Mountains to surround and annihilate the seven divisions to which the enemy forces of the Fenghuangshan siege had been stationed. Gao YingZhang Zhang JunZhang, a commander who was ordered to reinforce in the Morrowing Ridge. After the battle of Phoenix Mountain, Gao Ying Zhang was ordered to serve as a vanguard for the rescue and rescue of the enemy. The enemy retreated to the south of the Dasha River and resisted. Gao YingZhang copied a small road and stole the Dasha River to cut off the retreating enemy. Enemies want to blow up dams on the upper reaches of the Dasha River and use water to stop our troops. Zhao Yu-min led the guerrillas cut the fuse on the dam, save the dam. Our army crossed the Dasha River and annihilated the enemy. Both Zhang Jun Zhang and his chief of staff were captured alive.

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