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Crystal Jin TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Crystal Jin Works 24 ,And Feature 13 ,Romance 3 ,Comedy 3 ,Costume Drama 2 ,Action 2 ,Motivational film 1 ,Year 1 ,Republic of China 1 ,近代其它1 ,War 1 ,Fantasy film 1 ,Contemporary science fiction 1 ,Music 1 ,Sci-Fi 1 ,Martial Arts 1 ,Thriller 1 。

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Crystal Jin Filmography(24)


筑梦情缘 (TV)[2019]


二十世纪二十年代初,军阀割据民生凋敝,乱世中 Shao NianShenQiNan 一家忽遭飞来横祸。父亲因无意间卷入走私阴谋而被杀害,母亲在逃亡中蒙难,兄妹四人历经艰险逃到上海却不幸离散。多年后,长 Da Cheng 人的兄妹四人在经过一番遭际之后重逢。时逢乱世,内忧外患,在绝望中经历层层考验的 Shen QiNan 逐渐成长起来,在爱和信仰的影响下,成长为上海滩有名的建造师。在短暂的上海大开发时期,在寸土寸金的黄浦江边, Shen QiNan 以匠心为本,怀揣理想以民为先。他为改造棚户区的居住环境而不懈努力,为建造廉租房而鞠躬尽瘁。经过火与血的洗礼, Shen QiNan 立志为备受战乱之苦的平民百姓建造牢固而温暖的家。侵华战争开始,国难当头, Shen QiNan 心怀家国大义,及时揭发了军事防御工事中偷工减料的问题,阻止了战争中更大的伤亡,同时也终于查清了父亲当年走私案的真相,还父亲一个清白 。


One thousand one night (TV)[2018]

Feature: Bema hotel staff Ling LingQi is a good, helpful and good girl, but very weak and weak in character. This shortcoming seriously affected her life, making it hard for her to work hard to achieve her goal, and did not dare to express her feelings to her beloved colleague Bai Hai. An unexpected opportunity, she and Bai Hai participated in the dream technology company introduced to improve the sleep of high-tech bracelet test. Failure of the functional magnetic resonance apparatus in the bracelet mistakenly transmitted Ling LingQi's brainwave data to Bai Hai's dream model, which gave Ling LingQi the ability to enter the Bai Hai dreamland. Because only in the other's dream, Ling LingQi temporarily put down the weakness of inferiority in real life, and tries to help Bai Hai to overcome the psychological shadow left by her childhood. Dreams shine through to reality. The courage in dreams allows Ling LingQi to reflect on his own shortcomings in life. She actively changes her and gradually becomes confident and courageous. In the interlacement of dreamland and reality, the two young people who heal each other have a wonderful career and love.

Masters (TV)[2018]


The TV series “Masters” Plot Introduction: In the early 1920s, the warlords seized by the people’s livelihood, and the youth of the troubled youth Shen Jinan was suddenly taken to the ground. The father was killed because he was involuntarily involved in a smuggling plot. The mother was forced to escape. The four brothers and sisters had escaped to Shanghai through hardships and dangers but were unfortunately separated. Many years later, the grown-up brothers and sisters reunited after some hardship. Everywhere in troubled times, internal and external troubles, Shen Qinan, who has experienced layers of challenges in desperation, gradually grew up, and under the influence of love and faith, he grew up as a famous architect on the beach. During the short period of Shanghai's great development, in the edge of the Huangpu River, Shen Qinan’s ingenuity was the first priority, and the people first. He made unremitting efforts to renovate the living environment in the shanty towns and spared no efforts to build low-cost housing. After the baptism of fire and blood, Shen Qi-nan determined to build a strong and warm home for the common people suffering from the war. When the war of aggression against China began and the country’s national disaster struck, Shen Qinan’s concern for the country’s national righteousness revealed the problem of cutting corners and materials in military fortifications, prevented more casualties in the war, and finally found out the truth of his father’s smuggling case. clean.


Xuanyuanjian of the Hans cloud (TV)[2017]

Feature: Ancient Emperor Huang defeated the demons, the battle shattered into two parts of the sword into Jian Qi, Jian Qi has become Zhao Yun and Mu Yun. At that time, a picture of the world was born to the brothers Zhao Yun and Mu Yun, but they were separated from each other by the war. As an adult, Zhao Yun is a feather warrior, Mu Yun is a brave bird warrior, both of whom do not know each other. The generals of the Generalities of the Tarajsumi are brutal in nature, indiscriminately killing innocents and often looting them. Feiyu army to protect the environment safe people, often with the Timberwolves expedition, Zhao Yun and Mu Yun also saw each other on the battlefield. After Zhao Yun gradually knew the truth, he tried hard to save Mu Yun in distress under the affection of his brother and relatives. With the help of tribal girl Ye YaXi, they experienced difficulties and overcome various difficulties. They found the Yellow Emperor's sword and spiritual forces that symbolize justice, and strengthened their hearts to overcome evil, Defending the faith of peace. In the end, the two brothers joined hands to defeat the tyrannical Chun Yu and Yue Yue. Legend of the sword, forever eternal & nbsp ;.

Sword of Thunder warrior (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Thunderstorm of the Sword" also known as "Sword 3" tells the story of 1931, in the Soviet Union in Hubei and Henan provinces, young Wang YunShan and his comrades and the enemy bloody day and night, the success of the screenplay finally blocked the enemy reinforcements, survived the war The tested Wang YunShan became the monitor. When Liu Xiang "six encirclement and suppression", Wang YunShan and Guo XunKui wits, on the battlefield to become "tacit" opponent. In 1935, Wang YunShan and Du DeYong, their comrades in arms, formed their ties to the Jialing River. During the battle, they became friends by their enemies and jointly witnessed the great meeting of the Red Army and the Red Fourth Army. The outbreak of war, brave and wily Wang YunShan long-term reputation in the Shanxi theater. Wounded Wang YunShan and Han Yan formed the family. Wang YunShan, who destroyed banditry in the New Zone and hit the famous Hanlue Village, wiped out the battle of Japanese military regiments, lost his first child to Han Yan during the battle. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Wang YunShan led the troops into the Taihang Mountains, won the battle of Dayang Lake, but got the news of her daughter's death. War of Liberation, Wang YunShan cleverly hit Xiangyang. Guo XunKui was taken over the Huaihai battlefield and troops were freed from Sichuan with the help of Guo XunKui. At this time, in Beijing, Tiananmen Square, New China was formally established & nbsp ;.

Hurry those years (Movie)[2015]

Feature: The film tells the story of Zhou Yang and Angel while in college love, but after entering the community in order to work, life and caused some unpleasant, and finally the two discord, the two still in love, after a decade Students meeting, the two met, Zhou Yang began to pursue Angry.


Feature: Plot childhood look forward to looking for mother and sister Su Pan, with his father's hospice, set foot on the road to seek the Canadian road. Visit mother Anna for many years and twin sister Su pupil. The first three get along very awkward. In any case, Anna can not get into the heart of his son Su Pan. Rebellious sister even more disdain for this 'stranger'. While Su Pan with his mother's departure on the resentment, the death of his father Su Xiaoou no mention. For some time, Su Pan discovered that her mother had been thinking of himself and her father all these years. The relationship between sister and mother is also a problem. The Soviet pupil, but also in their own love and hobble. Su Pan accidental shot, so pupil discovered Soviet pupil of musical talent, and the Chinese rock had a strong interest. At my sister's plea, Su Pan decided to form a band with her sister to help her fulfill her wish. Anna is also actively involved. One family, one heart. A few days before the start of the competition. Anna received a call from a friend in China and learned that Su Xiaoou had died ... The band will go from here ...... behind the scenes This is a story about "looking for". There seem to be many different definitions and purposes of finding in today's life. Have...

ShanghaiAdventure (Movie)[1985]

Feature: In the 1930s, Shanghai, a young apprentice, Zhou Yadi, who had not been a father or mother since childhood, was apprenticed in a shaved shop. Shaved shop proprietress particularly mean, what life are pointing Zhou Aibi dry. Zhou Adi looks handsome, people are also clever, but it is inevitable to go out of time mistakes, like throwing the child's diaper to the teacher when the towel, take away the water to the guests to wash their hair often such things. Until one day, Zhou Adi busy hands and chaos triggered a fire, the boss and the boss will be swept away Zhou Aidi. Left shaved shop, Zhou A Di find a living in a restaurant. One day, Zhou Adi went out to a drama company to take delivery. Zhou Adi did not know the drama is staged, listening to the curtain after the staff said to takeaway on the stage, Zhou Adi took the takeaway soup to the stage. Zhou Adi's appearance immediately aroused the audience's laughter, clever Zhou Aidi live entertainer, soon to stabilize the two protagonists of the chaos on the stage, won the praise of the director behind the scenes, stay in the theater group. In the Repertory Theater, Zhou A Di hard-working, front-end what behind the scenes live dry. A weekend, the troupe take a holiday break, Zhou Yadi wandering the streets, unintentionally listening to two people want to put a girl named Li Guifen sold to Yihong hospital. Zhou Ya Di shouted in the name of Alphon in the whisper of people playing acrobatics, from the two traffickers in the hands of Affine rescued. Zhou Adi brought Alphon to the troupe, the director's experience of poor Alphonse, leaving Alphon in the troupe and running with Zhou Adi. Between Ajax and Afeen soon had feelings. As a result of the massacre of the podium stage pillars, Zhou Adi and 阿芬 pique, ran out to drink nausea, the result hit the last encounter two traffickers. Although Zhou Ya Di drink top-heavy, but still wit off. The next morning, when Adi woke up from the tugboat, it was taken as a thief to see the officer. Fortunately encountered a mage flirtation, Abdi exempt from seeing officials, with the Master came to the temple, causing a ridiculous farce. Adi from the temple, go to a hotel as a waiter. A brother foot roller, light as Yan shuttle in the dozens of tables serving, unfortunately, let the two traffickers hit. Adi hurried off, put a bicycle stunned to ride into a wheelbarrow, flying into the acrobatic performance hall, miraculously met with Alfin. Ady and Effendi offer a wonderful aerial trapeze left after the acrobatic troupe, to recruit ballet dancers. Effendi was selected, not only selected Ady, but also to make a feminine board chairman invited to play a drama. It turned out that the woman's chairman of the man is a dying old man. Old man has a wife, six aunt wife. The wife of the original wife died seventy years ago, the old man wanted to see the wife Madame wife only short-term. Adi looked exactly like the old wife of the first wife, the female chairman of Ady dress up, brought to the dilemma of the old man before, the old man not only did not break, but also crooked channeling to chase out, scared Adane and 阿芬 quickly escape .

TheReporter (Movie)[1979]

Feature: Zhan Cong, actor, the main works "crazy on the beach", "ghost Ma Chi multi-star", "Iron Horse eye immortal belly."

Lifeanddeath (Movie)[1977]

Feature: The hero is a lifeguard. Once, he saved a millionaire in a plane crash. (In the age of filming, having a million-dollar millionaire is now a mere middle class.) To save the life of the rich to lose his own blood, but make the rich white hair black, much younger. It was later discovered that the lifeguard's blood contained some longevity factor, but those who had lost his blood had only a very short period of youth. So millionaire kidnapped the lifeguard, want him to become his own blood supply machine. Lifeguards through some breathtaking life and death struggle, eventually escaped the tiger's mouth. Old rich man decadent death in anger. Left-wing film company produced by Hong Kong Great Wall Pictures.

Big wave (Movie)[1976]

Feature: Hong Kong fishermen resist the feudal forces and local gentry oppression story. Uncle sea family living in a fishing village to fishing for a living, honest, obedient. Local tyrant sharks fool the fishermen squeezed fishermen's hard earned income, when the fishing boats replaced, the new slurry was replaced by the slurry, fishers unable to pay the cost of independent, have loans, and fishermen do not understand the risk of loans, many fishermen bankrupt , Sharks mouth the use of low-level fishermen thought conservative conservatives do not want to deal with the government opportunities, loan sharks, fishermen is debt-ridden can only sell children selling, Uncle Haiti has a daughter Adeng very beautiful, her boyfriend next door Dragon set the parents, Aaron is a progressive youth, leading fishermen and want to seize the fishing village of the unscrupulous struggle, the two had been ready to get married, but Aaron dowry ashamed of the opening, the sea uncle owed the debt, the shark mouth to appease Alon not Trouble, agreed to borrow Aalian money marriage, the sea can also be useful bridewealth money debt, but to Halong sea Aaron no longer trouble, Aaron rejected this request, but because of the sea can not afford the loan had to tow the fishing vessel, Kinky Jane mother and shark mouth collusion cheat Adi to sell to make money, A Di for helpless sea mother to borrow money to Jane mother's condition, the village ...

PoundofFlesh (Movie)[1976]

Feature: The court held a public hearing on the case of Noble Lee v. Wu Shurian claiming compensation for damages, and the jurors who were invited to participate in the ceremony were admitted with glowing laughs. Jurors have not yet been seated, dozens of heard the news come to listen to the Lord, his wife, my wife swarmed into, to seize a small attendance. In the cautious voice of the two female police officers, the judge adults walked into the court quivering and climbed the tall bench of judges with the help of two female judicial police officers. Accused Gao and his attorney entered the courtroom. The defendant, Wu Shouyou, stood in the prison van, leaving two bailiffs to be brought to court. The reporters at the scene described Wu Shouyou in prison as such: the plaintiff was like a beast, his hair was very long, Ragged clothes look terrible. Wu Shu-yes there, causing jury and attendance in an uproar. I heard that the court will murder on the spot ......

TheRedTasseledSword (Movie)[1975]

Feature: Liu Gui, the great landlord of Liuzhuang relied on his son Aren to be in a government office and hesitated to bully his neighbors and made a good Liu Liu. Liu Gui bullied, but also afraid Liu Zhuang Kun brother Liu Heijun, see Liu Zhenkun on shortness of breath about to go, because Liu Zhenkun had fought foreign devils in the hands of a legend has cut iron destroying the red devils killed the devils knife . One day, Liu Zhenkun led a bunch of poor people in the village to chop firewood in the mountains. Liu Zhenkun scared Liu Gui who went up the hill to burn his ancestors and then saved Liu Wu from the village to join the Taiping Army after he was rescued from the army by the officers and men. Liu Zhenkun listened to Liu Wu said that the Taiping Army was at a battle of more than 100 kilometers away with Qinglongkou and the officers and men. The officers invited the Yanggunshan and sent Liuzhuang to support the officers and men. Liu Zhenkun immediately promised to lead the villagers to stop the foreign gun team and secure the time for the Taiping army to pay the official troops ...

Afamilyinthousands (Movie)[1975]

Feature: Describe an ordinary people in Hong Kong in the economic crisis in life. It shows some of the social problems that have arisen during the process of social change in Hong Kong as well as changes in the concept of the younger generation. This is a very warm family. Optimistic father Lao Liang is "old-fashioned," mother A Zhen has always been thrifty, and her children have good academic studies. This is not, brother A Guang will soon participate in the high school entrance examination will then go to college, and his ideal is to be an engineer; sister Gillian also graduated from high school next year, her dream to be an economist; brother A Hua The most sensible, and often help my mother doing housework, but also the price increase wrote the composition. Older parents expect their children to learn everything they can to achieve the ideal of their children as their own goals in life. This is a very ordinary family, a microcosm of thousands of families. Sure enough, A Guang's exam results were very good, both parents and neighbors happy for him, hoping he can go to a good university. But the economic crisis came and Lao Liang, who worked hard for the company for 25 years, was ruthlessly fired by the company. At the same time, prices, rent are rising in succession. In order not to affect the children's studies, he had no choice but to hide from the children's daily activities. Gillian, who was arranged for the school by the school, also needed to buy clothes and props, and family expenses suddenly increased. A Guang finally knew his father was unemployed, and he himself put pressure on the hope of going to college. He decided to find a job directly and share the financial pressure on his parents. He was very happy to find a job, and he also shouldered heavy responsibilities. Hope was again before us. But did not expect a day class did not become successful, the bag company was seized, before the three hundred dollars to pay also do not come back, this money is borrowed from his neighbors; in order not to worry about the family, he also pretended Continue to work and find another way out. With the further development of the economic crisis, the stock market's neighbor lost a lot of money, and helplessly look for Lao Liang for money. Mutual encouragement between the two father and son exchanged each other, are happy for each other's family responsibilities. Luckily, a good friend of Gillian is a chairman. Aiguo Tuo classmates to A Guang introduced a very good job, there are a thousand first month wages. Hope of life is lit again. Because cherish this opportunity, A Guang outstanding performance in the work, but also won the manager's favorite and reuse. However, "it is a big problem to speak for anyone" and "who should take the salary for whom to speak." In the labor-management conflict, A Guang was asked to implement the Board's "one-third layoff and one-tenth salary increase" Program. On the one hand, he was tempted by his promotion and salary, and on the other hand, he was going to fire an old worker like his own father. A Guang was in confusion. After communicating with the worker Master Li and his father, A Guang resolutely resigned to the company and did not do what he or she did not want to do. Hope to burst once again, A Guang eventually became a skilled worker in Master Lee's factory, identify their own life direction. It is also precisely because he recognized his own inevitable road, hope once again germination in his heart. The film is very plain about how thousands of families in a million ordinary families through various crises. They face the difficulties in life and are always optimistic and united.Parents and children are full of responsibility to the family, the family enjoyable. Gillian was originally darling her father, did not realize the difficulties of the family and her father have been unemployed, always thinking that they can play a good show in one fell swoop fame; but after A Guang's persuasion and recognize that they have been used by the school, she finally gave up To participate in the performance of the opportunity to dispel the luck, down to life.

The Patriotic Knights (Movie)[1971]

Feature: The eunuch took control of the government and the people did not live in good health. They all uprising. A group of rivers and lakes and scum led by Liuhe gang took the opportunity of Liu Jin's birthday and planned to join Liu Jin in Beijing in exchange for the riches of honor. Rivers and lakes Ranger line chivalric, inadvertently saved from the Six-in-law helped kill the original Liulian Li Liu, and killed six co-master Qing Fu and Jiao Lei. It turned out that Li Dun stole six together to prepare for the birthday gift of Pearl of the night Pearl, Jin ZhuLiu from Li Dun I know Luk Hop main Shi BaiDou ready to Beijing birthday, then set foot on the road to Beijing. At this time, Liu Jin House expert Wen DaoZhuang went to Liuhe help the rudder to discuss the destruction of the Rebel army's poison meter. On the way, escorted to send a second gift, "Darksteel" Liu Hai gang master Yuan Hai and Dong Xisaniang, gold decided to start Darksteel, guessed in the battle, Darksteel actually was another masked man was seized Go, gold catch up blindfolded away. Masked man made Darksteel on the road, they met Hongying master Gongbing Fan and other interceptions, the situation is critical, fortunate Jin ZhuLiu shot help, Fang saved the day, turned out to be masked Shi BaiDou Shi HongYing, At a glance, Shi HongYing donated the Darksteel to Jin ZhuLiu and Li Dun was a lover of Shi HongYing, annoying Shi HongYing. Gold to bring Darksteel to Beijing, in the Yellow River ferry in the sand misunderstanding, for its capture, Fortunately, Shi HongYing save, the two clarified the misunderstanding, feelings once again deepened, and Shi HongYing something in the body, can not be accompanied by a gold together Into Beijing. Jin ZhuLiu went ahead and met Li NanXing, a chef in the restaurant. Shi BaiDou also arrived at the restaurant. Shi BaiDou, both men and women, got off and became brothers. Jin ZhuLiu arrived in Beijing to find Dai Jun, a friend of his father. However, Dai Jun's family was funeral and did some temptations. Originally wearing suspended animation, his purpose was to prevent Shi Bai-Dou from staying in Dai's home. Dai is also a famous swordsman, Kim urges him to cast Darksteel into a sword, wearing a blunt answer. At this time, Shi BaiDou also went to Daijia, and shattered the brick in the coffin with the skill of divider. History is about to leave the occasion, but also came to find Jin ZhuLiu's Li NanXing, Shi Li invited to talk about his residence in Beijing. Shi LiYing side told this ShiBiDou poison, the purpose is to use Li (microblogging) Li, Li NanXing ignorance, immediately agreed, but in the wedding night, Shi HongYing side told this Shi BaiDou poison, the purpose is to use Li NanXing exterminates the Rebels and tells Li NanXing that his beloved is Jin ZhuLiu, whom he deeply wishes for and wishes to inform Jin ZhuLiu about it. Shi BaiDou poison meter was exposed, want to be poisoned, and finally heard the news arrived Jin ZhuLiu stop, everyone told the escape, then Dai Jun sword will be made. Liu Jin's birthday has finally arrived, and many have been transformed into the birthday hall, birthday seats, Yijichi Yuchi Jiong, Palace Bingfan and other shots hostage Liu Jin, Shi BaiDou was saved. Shou Tang Swordsight suddenly. Jin, Li, history and mixed with the Rebel troops have shot, a battle, Jin ZhuLiu to the newly formed Xuan Tie sword blade Shi BaiDou, and Liu Jin also died in Dai Jun sword, Jin ZhuLiu, Shi HongYing, etc. Victory, embark on the road to reunification.

MyDarlingDaughter (Movie)[1969]

Feature: Old overseas Chinese Obo built back from Hong Kong in the Nanyang, hoping to find the daughter of the lost 20 years Guo Yumei, Mei aka Ayu. The editors of "People's Daily" have always been enthusiastic in helping others and have assisted in the reunification of many families. Therefore, when newspaper reporter Lin Meihua knew that Opberg was looking for a girl, he was absolutely bound to accompany him and run. Unfortunately, although they met many people called Ayu.

Fiveblessings (Movie)[1969]

Feature: "Five Blessings" is a feature film released in 1969, directed by Sands and Li Qiming, starring Jiang Long, Qiu Lian Liu and Wu Weng.

Huadengcushang (Movie)[1961]

Feature: Wang Ling to take care of sick parents and younger siblings, hide the family when the dancers to maintain their livelihood. Ling met in the ballroom Zhu Qiushi seamen, two gradual affection. In fact, before going to the ship and Ling engagement, but because of drunkenness quit without complaint, resentful. Ling mother seriously, Ling helpless to sell medical expenses, but Ling Ling mother has returned to the lack of surgery, Ling-ling that Ling Ling.

Jiarenyouyue (Movie)[1960]

Feature: Fang Fei stole the guest's belongings at the banquet, suitable for Ding Li to play tricks during the banquet, and was first searched by an agent. After being inspected, Philippine secretly put the stolen goods into his pocket and successfully got out. Li returned home to find the stolen goods, suspicions of the Philippines for the investigation found under the Philippine Fang YongXin coerced crime. Lizheng when pickpockets, but has been repented of evil, know Philippine deliberately changed over, willing to help her out of the clutches, unexpectedly both were Xin capture. Philippine rescued promised to take steal jealous, start the occasion, appeared to stop. Xin from after knocking down the Philippines, and to counterfeit goods legislation Lift. Fortunately, the main difference between authenticity, the police will Xin arrest, found out the stolen goods. Philippine, stand elusive real love, a total of falling love. Director: Li Ping Chias Cast: Fu Chi | Wen Yimin | Xia Meng Genre: Thriller Language Category: Mandarin Chinese Release date: November 24, 1960 Country / Region: Hong Kong

Jinmeiren (Movie)[1959]

Feature: Synopsis: Mrs. King sees her daughter Lulu as a cash cow, wholeheartedly loves to get married and manager money. Before the wedding, Blond find not millionaire, then plans to cheat to seek the money, will be exposed to another person. Unexpectedly, gold was cheated by her boyfriend to all the money, and seek Lu help recapture huge sums of money, two go fly. The Golden Girl Production date: 1959 Production company: Great Wall Film and Television Production Co., Ltd. Production area: Hongkong, China Director: Wu Hui Wui Ng Screenwriter: Jiang Yang Yeung Kong Starring: Chen Si Sisi, Chen, Qiao Zhuang Chiao, Chuang, Gao Yuan, Yuan Gao Genre: Comedy Dialogue Language: Mandarin Chinese Color: Color Mix: Mono Release: March 26, 1959 Cast: Chen Sisi .... Lilian Jin Lu Lu Heng Fang Fu Li Jiyu .... Huaxiong Qiao Zhuang ... Zhang ...

Lanhuahua (Movie)[1958]

Feature: Autumn Stage Troupe Wang KangMing and Zhou Lan Ben is a loving couple, both indulging in acting career. The Qiu Sheng Troupe performed at a Shanghai theater. Zhou Lan met Mr. Ma, an old neighbor. Mr. Ma acted as the director of the theater. He had no intention of Zhou Lan and was stopped by Wang Kangming and was in dispute. Ma refused to rent the theater to perform the autumn opera troupe, Zhou Lan without permission from Wang KangMing to Mr. Ma, the Autumn Theater performed smoothly. Things for the Wang KangMing found that two people due to misunderstanding and dispute, Zhou Lan angrily left home, with the North performing. Wang KangMing learned from the group of friends and acquaintances, I know the strange Zhou Lan, go home to apologize to Zhou Lan, but Zhou Lan has left with his brother Shanghai. Wang KangMing learned that Zhou Lan was pregnant. She was sorry and thoughtful of Zhou Lan's orchid pendants and letters left by Zhou Lan. After Zhou Lan left, Wang KangMing devoted himself to performing arts, when the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan broke out. Wang KangMing acted northward with the Qiuqiu Opera Company to raise funds for the country's resistance to Japan and eventually reunited with Zhou Lan and her daughter.

Nilufengyun (Movie)[1957]

Feature: Plot synopsis: The singer little crooner flees, looks for lover Hu Hai, was on the train by the Chen family sound brother molested, slandered the auspicious red passenger seven kilograms, feared to blame on another passenger Li Tian. Red could not bear Tian was wronged, risk appearing in court, Tian was able to get away with it. Red was banned by the songwriter boss train, eventually jumped to death. More English Title: Escape Into Trap ..... (Hong Kong: English title) Director: Li Pingqian Pingqian Li Screenplay: Zhu Ke Ke Actor: Qiao Zhuang Chiao Chuang Jiang Ming Ming Jiang Xia Meng Meng Xia Li Danwei Danwei Li Xia Wen Wen Hsia Hou Jingfu Wu Jingping Jing Ping Wu Zhang Hao Ho Cheung Cao Yan Yan Cao Guan Wu Wu Guan Szeto Lin Szeto Sun Zhijun Zhijun Sun Yang Cheng Cheng Yang Han Xiongfei Xiongfei ...

Chunzhimeng (Movie)[1947]

Feature: The poor girl A Cui poor family, with painting Jiang Tao neighbors, feeling better. Jiang Tao paints a portrait of Ah Trang and takes care of it. Jiang Tao has an old classmate, Ding QiChang, who falls in love with Ah Cui at first sight. Its Changsheng out of wealthy home, his wife died early, leaving a woman Xiao Feng. Its chang pursuit, Ah Cui forced life, promised to marry. Helpless Cui born poor, married after the wealth of underestimating father Dingyeyanye. Ding was forced to make more Chang Chang Xiao Feng back with his hometown Beiping, leaving Tsui Tsui. As long as living alone for many years, pending her visit to find Jiang Tao, I saw the portrait still in the studio frame, but Jiang Tao has forgotten the feelings of the past. When his father died, Xiao Chang and Xiao Feng returned home. Qichang not only knew each other's pain but also suspected that Acura had a dispute with businessman Wang Shao Boo and his wife became increasingly cold. At this moment, Xiao Feng fell in love with Lu Chang, a prosperous aunt, but she was empathetic and wanted to run after him in the United States. To protect her daughter's reputation, Cui deliberately concealed the facts for Xiao Feng. Unexpectedly, this move has made Chang misunderstand deeper, thinking that his wife is unfaithful and eventually returned to Peking with Xiao Feng and Lu Chao.

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