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Jianfeng Bao TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Jianfeng Bao Works 56 ,And Feature 17 ,Costume Drama 11 ,Comedy 11 ,Romance 10 ,Historical play 6 ,Urban drama 4 ,War 4 ,Motivational film 3 ,Family drama 3 ,Love 2 ,Suspense 2 ,Ancient legend 2 ,Fantasy film 1 ,现代都市1 ,现代言情1 ,破案1 ,Anti-corruption 1 ,侦探1 ,时装1 ,温情1 ,Modern opera 1 ,生活1 ,剿匪1 ,古装悬疑动作1 ,抗战1 ,古代职场喜剧1 ,Martial Arts 1 ,Youth inspirational 1 ,Military 1 ,Romantic drama 1 ,Ancient mythology 1 ,Reality show 1 ,Fantasy 1 ,Terror 1 ,Modern legend 1 ,Action 1 ,Biopic 1 。

Works Index

Jianfeng Bao Filmography(57)


将夜2 (TV)[2020]


《将夜2》电视剧是由企鹅影视、猫片、金色传媒、阅文影业出品,杨阳执导, Wang Hedi 、 S.Ireine 、 Yang ChaoYue 、 Crystal Yuan 等主演的古装玄幻剧。

这个世界有个传言,永夜降至,人间浩劫。只有找到传说中的应兆之人,才能化解危机。边城小军卒 Ning Que 凭借坚韧意志,一路过关斩将走上了修行之路,成功为自己冤死的家人平反昭雪,更成为了唐国的守护者。然而在野心家的撺掇下,世人发现与 Ning Que 青梅竹马的 Sang Sang 就是传说中的应兆之人,欲置她于死地。 Ning Que 不愿看到善良的 Sang Sang 受伤害,陪伴着她突破重重阻碍,两人浪迹天涯,相依为命。此时野心家意图一举毁灭唐国,集结各国联军讨伐。 Ning Que 临危受命,放下个人的仇怨,带领唐国军民奋起反抗,成为国家的守护者。 Ning Que 和伙伴们集千万人的力量和誓死守卫家园的决心,重新启动了唐国惊神大阵,战胜了强大的敌人,还世间和平与安宁。 Ning Que 则继续踏上了寻回爱人 Sang Sang 之路。


如果可以这样爱 (TV)[2019]


《如果可以这样爱》讲述了一对已婚男女突然徇情自杀,以为可以结束这一切,却不料悲剧才刚刚开始——他们的爱人, Geng MoChi Bai KaoEr ,同时在葬礼上邂逅。面对同样的背叛他们同时选择报复但又同时爱上彼此,注定饱受打击和折磨。然而他们想真心拥有彼此时,老天已不给他们机会, Geng MoChi 身患不治之症注定要离去,而这时候 Bai KaoEr 亡夫的哥哥 Qi ShuLi 出现了,纠结在两个男人之间,最终一个走向婚礼,一个走向葬礼。

zhong er 传奇 (TV)[2019]


Zhong Er 传奇》又名《 Zhong Er 传》讲述了春秋五霸之一的晋文公 Zhong Er ( Longhua Wang 饰)自幼饱读诗书,谦虚而好学,爱护身边的人,很多有才华的人士都愿意跟随着他。 Zhong Er 一心爱国,才华横溢,治理国家有很多的办法,但却被朝中奸党们排斥陷害。 Li Ji ( Madina Memet 饰)预谋要立奚齐为太子,便陷害现太子 Shen Sheng ( Purba Rgyal 饰),太子 Shen Sheng 上吊自尽后, Li Ji 又诬陷 Zhong Er 和 Yi Wu ( Zhang Yishan 饰), Zhong Er 和 Yi Wu 不得已逃跑。 Jin XianGong ( Kai Tan 饰)因两位公子不辞而别,认为他们有阴谋,就派公使 Bo Di 讨伐。 Zhong Er 被迫流亡,长达十余载。流亡期间, Zhong Er 曾多次被追杀,迫使他不断奔走于各诸侯国之间;这期间他饱尝人间冷暖,但同时也深刻体察民情,以至于 Zhong Er 掌权后注重民生,坚持秉持仁政,对其他诸侯国以诚相待,恩威并施。最终 Zhong Er 得以返国。 Zhong Er 当政后励志强国,精心图治,福祉于民;百姓安居乐业,天下安定太平;文治武功,昭明后世,显达千秋,最终称霸了中原 。

在远方 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《在远方》剧情介绍:讲述了 Yao Yuan 高中毕业后接父母的班做长途运输,并走南闯北发现快运契机。被邮政执法堵截损失惨重后,他利用网络设局结识邮政快递路总的千金 Lu XiaoOu ,以换取信息。生意失败后 Yao Yuan 忍痛远走高飞,却不知彻底毁掉 Lu XiaoOu 对爱情的美好期望。而后几次与 Lu XiaoOu 相遇错过, Yao Yuan 无法隐藏自己的自卑与向往, Lu XiaoOu 成为他奋斗路上永远的痛。面对田慧多年不放弃的陪伴, Liu YunTian 于情于商的挑战, Yao Yuan 备受煎熬,不忍又只能与爱的人相爱相杀。最终, Yao Yuan 迎来了与 Lu XiaoOu 的决战,冷酷无情的 Lu XiaoOu 竟对 Yao Yuan 展开疯狂的攻击,使 Yao Yuan 心如死灰。面对资本和电商快递两个阵营的压力,面对昔日女神的复仇,四十不惑的 Yao Yuan 选择了再次上路,在所有人的瞠目结舌中,他用路父传授自己的经验,再次点燃了自己的梦想,打出了人生又一手好牌,也再次点燃了 Lu XiaoOu 的心 。

一生有你 (Movie)[2019]

Feature: 该片讲述了一个工科男 Ou Yang 爱上一个女孩 Fang Yao 从利用吉他追女孩到爱上音乐,再到找到音乐梦想,在 Fang Yao 的影响下, Ou Yang 一步步蜕变。就在 Ou Yang 高歌猛进奔向爱情和梦想彼岸时, Fang Yao 前男友的突然回归,打碎了 Ou Yang 的全部计划,而 Fang Yao 也陷入了爱情和梦想的痛苦纠结中。“一生有你”是我太过美好的愿望,一生有过你,已足够幸运。

My dear, I must marry someone else (Movie)[2018]


The movie "My Dear, I Want to Marry Others" is a movie produced by Anhui Zhongyang Culture Media Co., Ltd., Beijing Fengshang Jiayi Culture Media Co., Ltd. and Chengdu Charm Image Culture Communication Co., Ltd., directed by young director Yan Jie, Bao Jianfeng. Qi Fei, Xu Yixi, and Cao Xinuo starred. The film is a film shot in commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the Wenchuan earthquake. Through the preview trailer, the whole movie features love and disaster as the main elements, telling a love story.

clown (Movie)[2018]


A Man and A Wang, two brothers from A private detective agency, were sent by their bosses to investigate the robberies of A jewelry store. During the investigation, brother huobao helped the jewelry group Wang GuangYu uncover the conspiracy of Qin Xiao through several obstacles, and also gained his own love. Due to the natural lack of common sense, lack of understanding of the secular life structure, lack of logical judgment on the development of things, so the constant Yang Yang Yang wrong, full of jokes.

Always family (TV)[2018]


Du na returned to her hometown, shocked by the earth-shaking changes in shenyang tiexi district. In the 1990s, the state-owned hongqi factory got into trouble under the big economic environment. In order to save the factory, sun found foreign businessmen to buy new equipment, but he didn't want to be cheated to collect all the capital. Qiao weiping was ordered to take the red flag factory out of the predicament. On the other hand, qiao weiping's adoptive father du shoufu is the red flag factory's old labor model, his younger daughter du xiuli is infatuated with wei ping, but the girl who can make wei pingxing is sun huining's only daughter, in order to repay du shoufu's nurturing grace, wei ping had to agree to marry the beauty. Wei ping took office after the difficulties, he resolved one by one, and successfully opened the ball mill sales. And the silent support of beauty for her gradually opened his heart. Ten years later, with the support of national policies and the guidance of wei ping, the large state-owned enterprise hongqi factory finally set sail. Du shoufu's family also welcomed the spring after all kinds of hardships.


Battle Of Xiangjiang River (Movie)[2017]

Feature: From November 27 to December 1, 1934, the Central Red Army struggled for five days and nights in Xingan County, Quanzhou County and Guanyang County, Guangxi Province, on the upper reaches of the Xiangjiang River and finally crossed the Xiangjiang River between Quanzhou and Xing'an to break through The KMT's fourth blockade smashed Jiang Jieshi's attempt to surround and annihilate the Central Red Army to the east of the Xiangjiang River. However, it also paid an extremely heavy price for this. The number of people leaving the long march dropped from more than 80,000 to more than 30,000. The defeat in Xiangjiang directly led to the convening of the Zunyi Conference, reaffirmed Mao ZeDong's military strategy and established Mao ZeDong's leadership in the party and the Red Army.

Anna (TV)[2017]

Feature: During the reign of Shang and Dynasties, Emperor B moved to the dynasty song (now Henan Hebi) and hoped that the city thrived like a brilliant song in the morning. Time flies, the throne passed to Di Xin, he was very happy, four crusade, conquered many countries around, expanding the territory of China, Shang Dynasty reached its heyday. Shang Dynasty expedition parties, confused people not livelihood. Fortunately Xi Ji Ji Chang's son Ji test, the son of Di Xin Yin sub-juvenile hero, hoping to use modest means to save the people in the water and fire. Ji test was framed into the slave camp, Yin suburbs life saved. In the fugitive road Ji Kyu met Jiang Ziya, which 吒, Yang 戬 and other people, and escaped Xiqi with their help. In 1048 BC, Ji Ka changed its name to Ji Fa, collaborating with 800 princes in organizing a mass protest against Di Xin, finally annihilating Shang. Do not want in the process, Yin suburbs mistakenly

Chong Ers Preach (TV)[2017]

Feature: Jin Er Gong, one of the five hegemonists of the Spring and Autumn Period, Er Zhong Er (Longhua Wang), who was full of poetry and writing since childhood, is humble, studious, loves the people around him, and many talented individuals are willing to follow him. Zhong Er patriotic and talented, there are many ways to govern the country, but it was rejected by the Chinese party. Li Ji also framed Zhong Er and Yi Wu (Zhang Yishan ornaments), Li Ji (Madina Memet ornaments) premeditated to Xi Xi as the prince, framed She Sheng Shen (Purba Rgyal ornaments), Prince Shen Sheng hanging himself, Li Ji Er and Yi Wu had to escape. Jin XianGong (Kai Tan) Because of the two son's farewell, they think they have a conspiracy to send an ambassador to fight. Zhong Er was forced to exile for up to ten years. During the exile, Zhong Er had been hunted down many times to force him to keep running between the vassal states. During this period, he had enjoyed the warmth of humankind, but at the same time, he deeply understood his own feelings so that Zhong Er paid attention to people's livelihood after he took power. He persisted in his benevolent rule, Other princes treat each other sincerely, and apply it. Zhong Er eventually returned. Zhong Er was a powerful nation after his administration. He worked diligently and well for the well-being of the people. People lived and worked in peace and contentment in peace and contentment in the world. Wen dynasty and Ming dynasty succeeded Ming dynasty and eventually dominated the Central Plains.

New Dragon Inn (TV)[2017]

Feature: The Ming Dynasty, internal and external problems. Crown Prince over the dispute between the ruling and opposition parties, there are piracy rampant southeast border, Wala West Lake rise. Shooting Photos Wei HuaiAn (Ma Ke ornaments) although no interest in the political struggle, but the factory is also abhorrence, in the teacher's advice, he did not confrontation with the East factory. In order to protect the only son Ying GuanZhen (Liu Yao Yuan ornaments), the eldest son of the elite, he stood opposite the East Plant; later, to give the old King name, become the first rebel against the dark forces in East Factory; experience After the adventures of the islands, Zhou HuaiAn not only promoted martial arts, becoming the island's island leader who was respected by the island forces, but also broadened his horizon and became the great man of the country. King of the King, King of the King, who finally exerted all manner of spicy means to finally ascend to the throne, finally realized that it was the road to monarchy for the elders of the nation to rehabilitate and insurre the insurgency and boldly opened up the "sea ban" In the preface, the Maritime Silk Road took shape and opened its markets on the northwestern frontier, restoring the ancient Silk Road. And Zhou HuaiAn resigned at this time and traveled with Jin XiangYu (Qi Wei) to the northwest for Qiu MoYan (Shen Mengchen), who reopened the gantry inn after disarray.

HuoBao (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Private detectives A Man and A Wang (Hu Xia), living treasure brothers, were dispatched to investigate the looting of the jewelers as the detective agency's illegal agency was pinned on by popular female police officer Zhu XiaoHuan. During the course of the investigation, the brothers helped the jewelry group Wang GuangYu to block the conspiracy of Qin Xiao (Jianfeng Bao) and gain his own love. Due to the innate lack of common sense, the lack of understanding of the structure of secular life and the lack of logical judgment on the development of things, the living treasure brothers constantly make mistakes and mischief.

The Founding of An Army (Movie)[2016]

Feature: In 1927, on the occasion of the Great Achievements of the Northern Expedition, the "Right" of the Kuomintang launched a frenzied "communist" campaign to seize power and revolt revolution. In just a few months, nearly 310,000 advanced compatriots were brutally killed and the whole country was shocked. China, hopeful, is about to fall into the abyss once again of warlord turmoil and dictatorship. Without its own armed forces, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), set up less than seven years ago, has almost suffered a devastating blow under the crazy attack of the Kuomintang "right". The lessons of blood have made Mao Zedong, Zhou En Lai and other party progressive elements realize the absolute principle of "giving power to the gun." On the occasion of their survival, they died in danger and went to places such as Hunan and Nanchang. They joined forces with a number of patriotic generals such as Zhu De, He Long, Ye Ting and Liu Bo Cheng to launch an uprising and vow to form an army that truly belonged to the people. Cast Juggernaut soul, self-preservation Paul family.

Snow sea (TV)[2016]

Feature: Wang Tienshan anti-guerrilla captain Lin TieShan origin hunter, his gun excellence, martial arts Gao Qiang, good at jungle war, called the perfect warrior. His personality is open-minded, but one thing has always been to his heart, that is, his son Lin Hai "too disappointing." Lin Hai is a very shameless mountain boy, he did not like to kill, nor the use of force, for Lin TieShan painstakingly completely interested. His dream is to make a living. Lin TieShan is very pleased with his son's goodness, but also worried about him. He was worried that one day he would die if he was killed in battle in this jungle. Lin TieShan this fear eventually became a reality. In 1932, the Japanese troops started to completely enclose Kuwanshan. The Japanese forward army officer is a jungle master known as "Lin Ghost," and he is called Zhong Shan Wu. This person has a mild history of mental illness and sent her own mother to feed the wolf in her infancy. Zhong ShanWu led the Japanese and Lin TieShan guerrillas launched a life-or-death showdown, eventually Lin TieShan died in battle, Zhong ShanWu seriously injured, almost Wang Ya-Shan guerrillas annihilated. In this campaign, Lin Hai, who lost her parents, fled into the original jungle of the Greater Xing'an Mountains and became a savage. Six years of jungle life, Lin Hai in order to survive, began to learn hunting, learning to endure loneliness and fear, learn how to be king of beasts. In the end, he became a ghost-like person. One day, Lin Hai grew tired of the days of survival in order to survive, and he initiated the idea of ​​retaliation down the hill. From then on, he went through jail years, experienced countless deaths and deaths, and also underwent supremacy. In the end, he incarnated "Zhong Kui" and launched a terrifying revenge on the Japanese. Zhong ShanWu When he was wounded by Lin TieShan and was mentally disturbed, he wounded the hospital doctor and soldiers in the morgue. The Japanese hated his existence and sent him to a mental hospital. Zhong ShanWu's honored person is a virologist, Dr. Matsumoto, because Zhong ShanWu is the only survivor of his experimental subjects. Matsumoto sees Zhong ShanWu as his most satisfying work, giving Zhong ShanWu freedom. Returning to society Zhong ShanWu decided to find Lin TieShan again, even if colleagues told him that Lin TieShan is dead, but paranoid he still believes Lin TieShan is still alive. Zhong ShanWu did not find Lin TieShan, but learned of Lin Hai's existence. To this end, a fate of the war began, the two fight from the king of Medicine Hill to Shahe City, fighting from Shahe to Montenegro fortress. Several times close to each other several times, several times almost died in each other's hands. This duel of death not only decided the fate of the two men, but also changed the situation in Shahe, sparked a riot in the prison and accelerated the anti-UN backoff.

MonsterHunt (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Meng Yao pregnant after giving birth unexpectedly, in order to protect the "son", together with the heavenly master against demon world's story. Long ago, people co-exist with all things, including demon. But people want to dominate the world, so people declare war on the bull, they rushed into the mountains Daze, from demon and demon rule. One day, Zhu Gao and Pang Ying, dressed as human beings, came to Yongning Village in order to protect the demon with the demon king from evading the killing of the blood demon. They encountered a good day, Qian Tianshi Xiaolan and four money with Heavenly Master counter Luo Gang. Sky Yin witnessed the shemale, it was shocked to find a demon existence. After the demon in order to keep the demon king, decided to entrust it to the sky shade, apart from anything else to the belly of the egg into the shade of the mouth, the man of the husband of heaven since then with the demon to become "pregnant." Golden reward demon king reward. Xiaolan in order to get the bounty, hard pulled never left Yongning village day shade, to avoid Luo Gang's competition, leaving Yongning village started a fantastic journey en route, encountered Pride shop proprietress, a cook Yao, a pair of Meng Yao Various characters. The birth of the lovely demon king Hu Ba made a wonderful change in the relationship between Tia Yam and Xiao Lan, as well as revealing a major secret.

WewillMakeitRight (Movie)[2015]

Feature: The film tells the story of Gu GuiHua, a woman who struck cities working in a car accident with Tong YueYue and Ma JianCheng, the couple chose to deny it because of the fear of legal sanctions, Gu GuiHua sent to the hospital for treatment, Ma JianCheng accidentally became a courageous hero. Although both husband and wife have borne Gu GuiHua's medical expenses, after personally seeing Gu GuiHua stay in the fishing village, longing for her mother's child and her husband who lost her husband and son, Tong YueYue finally could not stand the moral torture and chose to surrender to the police station .

Eighteen-year-old sky (Movie)[2015]

Feature: The classic campus idol inspirational drama "The Eighteen Years of the Sky" tells a motivational youthful story that has taken place between a group of lively and passionate high school students and weird teachers. It has become an innumerable memory of countless 70s and 80s. . This film is its movie version.

Hellorookie (Movie)[2015]

Feature: Chen Chusheng, born July 25, 1981 in Sanya City, Hainan Province, is native of Puning City, Guangdong Province. He is a popular male singer, original musician, member of the All-China Youth Federation, member of Standing Committee of Hainan Province Youth Federation and Olympic torch bearer. In 2001, he participated in the "Asian Newcomer Grand Prix" jointly organized by Shanghai TV Station and other 18 television stations and won the "Most Promising Newcomer Award in Asia". Chen Chusheng, 20, entered the field of draft vision. In 2003 won the national PUB singer contest held in Changsha champion, signed record company EMI (EMI). In 2005 and EMI EMI, the blue rain band formed but only insisted for a year or so. 2006 set up BIG BOY band. July 2007 to participate in Hunan Satellite TV "Happy Boys" and won the national championship debut and signing days entertainment media, the release of the first single "There is no one told you" is known to the audience, in November released his debut EP "original me Never been alone. " August 2009 brokered with the day entertainment media brokerage firm, Oct. 28 signing Huayi Brothers, December held in Beijing Workers Stadium, the first concert. In 2012 August starred in the first micro movie "after" (song MV storyline), August 14, 2011 to the identity of Chinese musicians were invited to participate in summer music festival "Japan Summer sonic music festival", became the first Chinese singer singer. June 10, 2013 release of personal third original album "I know you are not far from me." September 17, 2014 According to media reports, Chen Chusheng's wife has given birth to a baby boy, named Demo. From November 2014 to January 2015, there was a "one stop sight" national tour concert (16 stations in total).

HuaXuYin (TV)[2015]

Feature: The story is divided into four chapters: "love of the city," the patriotic Princess Yeh (Yuanlin ornaments) and Chen Guiko Su Yu (Kevin Cheng ornaments) of the beautiful love, the HD stills love and hate, across the life and death Loving people moving. Song Ning (Xin Jiang) saw Shen An (Yuan Hong (actor)) on the battlefield at first sight, but because of the fate of different countries, Song Ning paid all for Shen An but still could not get it Shen An heart, she sought into Hua Xu dreams, trying to save everything. In December, Jenny Guo was the killer of Rong Xun (Gang He), feeling interlinked with Rong Xun. However, Rong Xun later fell in love with Ying Que's sister, Jin Que, Instead of marrying Jin Que to Rong Yuan (Jianfeng Bao), the brutal imperial struggle confounded the feelings of four people. Muham Ang Moo Ann (Bobo Gan), who takes down a spell for love and renounces herself as a mortal, ends up desperately desperate for the unscrupulous action of Qiao Zhenyu to secure his throne. Years later conspiracies and hatred were once again interwoven, and fate once again brought Su Heng and Mu RongAn to the intersection.

Love me, you do not go (TV)[2015]

Feature: 80 couples Jin Ju and Wen Hao in order to be able to pro-relatives, trying to match Jin Ju cousin Xia Lin and Wen Hao cousin Wen Na's marriage, twists and turns, Xia Lin and Wen Na's marriage broke up. At the same time, Wang CuiFen mother-in-law intervened in a high profile, breaking the quiet life of the couple, but also make the two men more deeply understand the true meaning of marriage. Supervisor Mo Fei frequently confronts Jin Ju, but Jin Ju later discovered that Mo Fei was her own biological sister who had lost her childhood. After some thought struggles, Jin Ju has finally put aside his preconceptions and warmly restored Mo Fei's frozen heart with tolerance and forgiveness. Former ex-boyfriend Yang Mu Chen repeatedly helped Jin Ju, gradually arousing his misunderstanding. When the two men grew dark and contradictions finally exploded, Wen Hao discovered that Yang MuChen did not want anything and Jin Ju always loved her husband. Three people in the pain and tangle broke the cocoon into a butterfly, and ultimately children's love for long love for nothing.

Heroes and children (TV)[2015]

Feature: In 1398 AD, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty Zhu Yuanzhang died. The throne does not pass the son of Sun, ascended the throne by the grandson Zhu Yun,, said Jian WenDi. Jian WenDi In order to consolidate the regime, began to deprive the uncle's military power and fiefs, known as "consumer fan." Yan Wang Zhu Di unwilling, captured in Kyoto. Change the name of Paradise. Wing Lok male only slightly, both civil and military. History called Paradise. And Jian WenDi with several near court fled, has not exactly where to find the Ming Dynasty, a major secret history. So Yongle bear the "Usurpation" infamy, outside Arutai Qionglai territory, there are Jianwen old man plot to reset, there is a home let him headache princess Man Er non-stop trouble. The story of "Heroes of Paradise" kicked off. And this story, because of the intervention of a country boy Feng TianCi, and become extrapolation. "Yongle Heroes and Children" stills Man Er is the only daughter of Xu Queen, because the Queen's young, is particularly affected by Yongle love and pity, and develop a unrestrained nature. Saying that the daughter of the emperor had no worries about marrying, he could not blame Man Er for his helplessness, no one dared to respond. It touches on the enemy Taizu Aru Tai to bring Prince to marry him, Wing Lok know Arutai heart malicious, set the ring competition, hoping to take the opportunity to refuse. However, all armed forces will push each other, all without exception. Also relies on Man Er to win over Prince Edward and has won his right to recruit. Man Er strokes, is courageous big boy Tian Feng TianCi. Godsend was Man Er's playmate in the country who had saved Man Er. Man Er invited his father to have an official given to him. Who knows the godsend by the Supreme Jin Niang 's pointing up on the North Korea talked about, actually made when the DPRK Chao said a clear, it is done some good things. However, Godsend does not like the crazy girl Man Er, who in his heart dwells on Meng Ru, a daughter of a large family in the village. Meng Ru reluctantly agreed to the godsend offer, but the wedding was sent by Man Er sent the bodyguard Hong Yuan Hong Yuan. Godsend all the way mad chase, the way encountered many martial arts stars, folk hero, to grow. To be overcast and wrong, Meng Ru actually fell in love with Hong Yuan who hijacked him. But Hong Yuan is not like the little girl, but the best of Jin Niang. Jin Niang is not unusual people, even Yongle also remembered her heart, but no one knows her life silently waiting for the building is the old man Hu BuGui! So a good pass erotic. All the way is tenderness, all the way the flames will be burning. Jianwen old court attendance machine accident, Arutai rebellion side. In order to safeguard national reunification, Yongle regardless of the old body disease rate army pro-levy, Huang Sun Zhu ZhanJi wisdom and courage both army and pioneer. Yongle in-depth danger, intended to speed battle to defeat the Aru station, but the crafty of the A-army has always been to avoid its edge, do not face the war. Yongle army into a dilemma. At this moment, the godsend finally put down the mentality of children and children. He heard the words of "world rise and fall, every man has the responsibility," then self-styled "ass man" and led the civil army. Positive war. When the decisive battle, the critical juncture, Jianwen old general Hu BuGui came, put down the former grudges to help kill the enemy. A army annihilated, Aru tyrant himself. Jian WenDi also said that as long as Yongle cherish the people, he is willing to live forever. Yongle life of the two hearts of the day to lift up all the best, I will be reassured while building the old part will be free of charge.Yongle country, hero passionate. In a series of forty episodes of historical drama, Yongle heroes and children have played, played a eternal dream of the emperors, infatuation with their children.

Money Game (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Han Lei was originally a wealthy second generation, he is bohemian, spender, do not want to be cheated by his most trusted friend, become reeling overnight, nothing. Han Yi's ex-girlfriend, Jiang YiDan, left him alone and invited homeless Han Lei to live with her. Han Lei and sister Xiao Xiao accidentally learned that her mother had left a "property" in the bank safe, but the withdrawal password was related to the illness of three patients looking for psychological counseling by Han Mu, wondering if the password had to go from these three Find out clues in patients. Among the three people are vanity worshipers, greedy gamblers, selfish selfish Lv Shi, each of whom is the best of the best. Han Lei was struggling with the trio, and Hua Ge came under pressure from four other men. At the same time, Wang ZhengDao, who once invested in the "Floating Islands in the Sea" project, has also been eyeing the property left by Han Mu and jointly implementing his plan with his nephew Xiao Shan. So Han Lei began a fight with various heroic heroes. Finally, Han Lei finally found the password, to understand that the whole event was actually a well-designed bureau by Han Mu. Everyone Han Lei encounters is working with Han Mu to stage a "salvation" drama for Han Lei. Han Lei completely epiphany, decided to down-to-earth life, start a new life. Difficult to see the truth, Han Lei and Jiang YiDan's feelings are also getting warmer, he finally realized what is true love, in the harvest of life comprehension but also reaped love.

FireWire hero (TV)[2014]

Feature: Stills Ding ZiLong, Mei Yuan, Jiang ErBao, Cheng Peng, Zhang ZhiGang, Liao Jun joined the army for various reasons as firefighters and they grew up in fire and water again and again. They are involved in the rescue of dangerous chemical releases, road traffic accidents, construction collapses, major accidents in production safety, mass distress cases and public health emergencies, where they are dangerous and where they are. The unfortunate thing happened, a fireworks factory explosion, emergency rescue, Zhang ZhiGang bravely sacrificed. In the face of enlisted friends, Liao Jun can not stand the immediate impact of death and other combat, early retirement. Four of Ding ZiLong, Mei Yuan, Jiang ErBao and Cheng Peng squandered their tears in the songs of "sent comrades in arms" and completed the evolution from rookie to fire vanguard to become the most lovely firefighter in the new era.

Dragon Gate Escort (TV)[2013]

Feature: Dragon Gate Escort was the largest Central Plains Baizhang Escort. Later, with the changing times, Dragon Escort is declining. Dragon Gate Escort less dart head Korean received a dart, lucrative, but was attacked by bandits midway, the army annihilated. Escort was huge claims, facing bankruptcy. Lu SanJin, the less-than-owner of the Beijing Ping An Bank Draft, stepped forward to pay off the huge debts for the Escort, and acquired Escort to become the new owner. However, only after the acquisition found that we are all mixed. Sheng QiuYue look at the eyes of the boss, anxious in my heart, because I do not know how to operate, she can not speak of the Escort, and three gold concept and the original business ideas have a serious conflict, escort contradictions have intensified. Just three gold decided to give up, Sheng QiuYue share their shares to everyone, aroused everyone's confidence in the Escort. Subsequently, Lu SanJin personally led the dart bureau, etc., with practical action to revive the glory of Escort & nbsp ;.

Tang romantic hero (TV)[2013]

Feature: "Romance of Tang Dynasty Heroes" is divided into "a case of torture team hit the torment of the case", "illusionist fire sea burial of the case", "Blood Hung Kou Dan broken arm of the case", "Ghost Avenger case", "dark horse Car easy to mystery mystery case "," Black Fire burning city case "six wonderful units, the play romantic Ranger, energetic girl, elegant son, straight catch fast, infatuated song geisha, cold-blooded avenger and other charm figure turns on the stage . A year in the Tang Dynasty, Fengxiang House suburban Inn crisis everywhere, "Feng Xiang Xing, the world Hing; Fengxiang death, the world died" rumors everywhere. Officials of the post were all dismissed as a miscellaneous staff, a mysterious team will point to the assassination of today's Huang Shang, a strange and can not be extinguished with black fire burning the entire inn. Although the emperor out of danger, but the faithful generals Eagle disappeared in the fire, from no news. Since then, the emperor ignored the government, obsessed with Cuju, three years later, ordered the establishment of the Royal Jiu-Ju team, but in fact, this is a Jugu team set up in the name of the fire brigade. Surprisingly, the missing Eagle, who has been missing for three years, has been appointed by the Emperor as the head coach of the Royal Jubilee team. Feng Chi House to eat 100 rice grew up small bastard Tang Chi, the city's most famous blush gouache shop "advertising star" Tao YaoYao, came from the border dusty dog ​​Yu WenNan, afraid of his wife famous Zhu Mao, Tongue tongue Such as spring storyteller Wang Mian, was a monk, with great skill Fang ZhenChan, handsome twin brother Li Shan Li Shui, seemingly honest Cao LuSheng ... ... After a series of harsh selection, eventually, with the Tang Dynasty Romantic heroics stunt, every goal, behind the story of the ten figures, became the official team member of the Royal Jiu-Jiu. Surprisingly, among the ten members of the Ju Chi team, two men even disguised as men. Handsome appearance Tao YaoYao childhood parents were packaged into male models, shop at the door to attract business, is the city's famous beauty. She mixed into the Juxian team in order to follow the dream of her life saved the Flying Eagle. Tao YaoYao dedicated to the preparation of the Eagle, but the gift has long been replaced, the pastry has become a hidden weapon of life, flying eagle on the spot in the arrow ... ... The formation of the Royal Jiu-Jiu team of the road has just begun to have blood Lightsaber, plot one after another. Yu WenNan, another woman disguised as a man, came from the border and was admitted to the fire brigade as an impostor. There are mysterious tattoos on her shoulders and no one guesses her real purpose of joining the fire brigade. Yu WenNan and Tang Chi, from the very beginning of their rivals, to the "good brother" of life and death. Tang Chi feels the same hand and foot with Yu WenNan, and he can not think of it as a time bomb on his side. He can not imagine, as a good brother's fellow, is actually a hundred percent daughter body. Tao YaoYao chasing the head coach who obsessed with the total eagle, why the face always wear iron mask, no longer show people the true colors? Tao YaoYao accidental action by mistake, crashing the true identity of the eagle, but also completely shattered her first love ...... Fengxiang County Ya Buyou Li TianHao honest, hide the identity of Wang Wang's son, I hope the ideal of achievement Evil, good and evil.After the assassination of the eagle, Fengxiang House has another series of thunderstorm cases such as the death of an illusionist fire scene, the silk satin red Kou Dan broken arm case, the ghost-face avenger serial murder case and the mysterious black carriage plastic surgery mystery case. The Tang Dynasty romantic hero stills, Li TianHao Snatching cocoon, and finally the killer one by one in the law. In the process of exploring the case, Li TianHao and Tao YaoYao, Tang Chi and other team members to establish a deep friendship. Wang Ye's illegitimate child, Ge ShuMingLang, is a perverse, pale and gloomy man. He has a handsome face, a brilliant mind, a great martial arts heroine. He longs for his father's love, longs for his father's approval, and even hopes to use blood on his hands. In exchange for his father's first name, but he did not know all his plans in front of Wang Ye is like a child's play, and he and Li Ju Tao and the team repeated confrontation began to experience the romantic truth. Tang Chi bohemian, weird, seemingly everything does not matter, but in reality he grew lack of care for him, his heart yearned for truth, so he always treats a friend as a boy. With the arrival of Wen TianEr, the mystery of Tang Chi's life experience has also been unveiled. With the gradual opening of Tang Chi's life experience, the struggle for power has begun to evolve. Tang Chi, whose astonishing personal life is unavoidably involved in the storm, Swirl center. When the behind the scenes of the real culprit Wang Ye finally surfaced, Tang Chi and how to Li TianHao relative? Is both a son of an enemy, but also brothers and sisters, dilemma how to choose? How should Ge ShuMingLang, Tang Chi's condescension, deal with this father's biggest obstacle? Standing on the opposite side of Li TianHao and brother Shu brothers and what should go from here? Emotional entanglement between Li TianHao and Tao YaoYao and Wen TianEr The first unit, "A Case Involving Ju Yuan Huan Yuan Ming Huan" A certain year in the Tang Dynasty, Fengxiang Suburban Inn was in a state of crisis. Officials at the post were all victims of miscellaneous services, a mysterious team will point to today's Huang Shang. Under the courageous escort of the bodyguard Eagle, the Emperor escaped, the loyal Eagle disappeared in the fire. Since then, the emperor ignored the government, obsessed with Cuju, three years later, ordered the establishment of the Royal Jiu Ju team. In the end, Tao YaoYao, Tang Chi and Yu WenNan became the official members of the Royal Jiu-Jitsu team with ten unique characters behind the scenes. Li TianHao, a prefect of Fengxiang County, a son of Wang Ye, is honest and clean, and his ideal is to remove evil and promote good. He and Tao Yao Yao of T'u-Ju team found out the truth in numerous incidents, including the disappearance of the Eagle, but eventually faced with the facts of his father's rebellion. , Tang Chi and Yu WenNan's love and hate, Ge ShuMingLang's "bad guy" romance compose a song of Tang Dynasty romantic hero. "Step Ju team serial murder cases" by a section of "Mirror" to record the opening, the inn inhabited by the innumerable innkeeper, and was black assassin chase. In the face of rampant serial murder, as Fengxiang City Chieftains Li TianHao all the way to trace and found that all these masterminds are pointing to Ge ShuMingLang, but the truth is about to dawn, the concubine has suddenly hung up. The second unit, "Miyagi Fire Sea burial case mystery" Mi Lang in the Western Regions intoxicated, both Ge ShuMingLang and Tang Chi are looking for people to come and take the initiative to challenge.Mo Kui brought thrilling "Fire Sea Escape" to everyone on the same day as Mi Lang spells magic, unexpectedly. When Tang Chi made mistakes while performing the illusion, when everyone was sad about Tang Chi, he found Mi Lang, an illusionist, who was killed in a fire. Li TianHao suspected the case of Mi Lang was not a mere stage accident, but a deliberate murder. So he investigated the case of Mi Lang and the suspect locked Mi Lang's assistant Luo Yixiang. Li TianHao feels that there are still many doubts about the case of Mi Lang to justify Luo Yixiang. Li TianHao learned that Xiao Mei had given Mi Lang a drink before the performance and brought Xiaomei back to the county government to ask in detail. Pearl urged his father to save Xiaomei was rejected, desperation to surrender to the county government, but Li TianHao Miss Bahu's motive for murder and full of flawed words are full of suspicion. Tian Hao find Xiaomei, hoping she can tell the truth, but Xiaomei was silenced ... ... brother want to kill the death of Mi Lang Li HuaWu. Li TianHao learned from Li HuaWu that she and her love-hate entanglement with Mi Lang finally realized that the Pearl was originally chosen as the culprit for her father. The third unit, "Blood Hung Kou Dan broken arm of the case," Cheung Fung silk Zhuang deep night fire, step Ju team bravely fight the fire. Yu WenNan from the scene will send out a strange light of the "life-saving Kam box, which was actually a piece of nails coated with broken arm red blood Dan. Li TianHao investigating broken arm case, that like to paint the nail polish on the red satin silk wife Miss Ye TangLian disappeared in the night of the fire. The two corps salvaged from the river were named corpses, the female corpse is the broken arm owner, but beyond recognition, illegible, the case even more complicated and confusing. Ge Shu assigned Wen TianEr to investigate whether Ye TangLian is really dead or deceive. Li TianHao with the help of Yang Lie finally found Ye TangLian, but a little too late, Ye TangLian has breath dying. She saw Tang Chi before she died, and she was finally relieved to swallow her last breath. The fourth unit "Ghost Avenger Case" Patrol head catapult died in the hands of the Avengers ghost, Li TianHao became the object of the crazy revenge, Tang Chi, who sacrificed their lives to protect. Fengxiang city to a god operator, but Ling BiXia's brother Ling ZhanQuan, Tao YaoYao downturn of Li TianHao downturn, Li TianHao was calculated "big fierce" trillion, but did not mind. Li TianHao caught under the cat's death bizarre, he went to Goshu House investigation, seeing Wen TianEr love of Ge Shu, much blow. Li TianHao investigates Ling BiXia and finds she and Ling ZhanQuan have a weird cheat. Li TianHao surveyed Ling BiXia in order to maintain her elder brother Ling ZhanQuan's practice guide and finally realized why Ling ZhanQuan has become a skilled master in three years. Using "Invisible Fire" to Take away Wen TianEr. Li TianHao Faced with the revenge of Ling ZhanQuan alone, life and death, Wen TianEr killed Ling ZhanQuan. The fifth unit "black car easy to accommodate the case of" Ninja Ninja ghost in the dark car covered, the use of hypnosis to search the "black fire" artisan descendants. Tao YaoYao was captured by Gotu, "Ghost of Ge ShuMingLang (Yi Chan ornaments)" to Tao YaoYao hypnosis, Tao YaoYao tortured. Yu WenNan enters a chamber looking for Tao YaoYao, and the symbols on the wall have restored her memories.Ge Shu and "Ghost Face" attacked Yu WenNan and found Yu WenNan as the daughter of a warlock couple. He hypnotized Yu WenNan with "Ghost Faces" in an attempt to get the "Black Fire" recipe. In a critical moment, Tao Ba and Tao Ma rescued Yu WenNan. Ge Shupai Yi Tao Tao looks like the "ghost face" to explore the Tao Ba, Tao Ma's true identity. Li TianHao came to Tao to hire his marriage pro, really Tao YaoYao look in the eyes, but unable to stop. False Tao YaoYao In order to save lives, chase really Tao YaoYao, was hit by Tang Chi. Tang Chi inadvertently found Tao YaoYao truth, so with true Tao YaoYao went to stop Li TianHao worship. Tao YaoYao fake things to see, showing "ghost" panic flee. Tao Ba fight with her, but unexpectedly in the illusion. The sixth unit "Blackfire burning city" Tang Chi suddenly lost memory, transformed into Ge ShuMingLang around the puppet tool, and former friend Li TianHao against each other. Wang Ye will take advantage of the emperor's sacrificial ceremony, put the black fire burning Fengxiang - the completion of his so-called "heaven dark fire, destroy the evildoer" - get rid of the emperor himself ascended the throne. Each received their own task, to stop Wang Ye's actions. Wang Ye already knew Gotu's intention to fire himself, so Ge ​​Shu's hand and foot tendons picked up to stop him out of the house. Emperor ceremony began, the black fire is about to burn, Li TianHao carrying a bruised brother Gotou out of Goshushu. After the black fire burns, Yu WenNan has long understood that he is the guide to eliminate the black fire, regardless of danger to join the black fire. Ge Shu rushed to the help of Li TianHao also joined the black fire, black fire eventually become a firefly.

Zhihua Huashan legend (TV)[2013]

Feature: "Zhihua Huashan Legend" tells of People's Liberation Army unit reconnaissance staff Zhao ZhangLin disguised as Li bandit entrenched Huayin county, informed the insurgent forces held an uprising in advance, liberated Huayin county. Enemy commander Li JiLong led his troops to Huashan. On the way, Li bandits fake "Chief of People's Liberation Army" hijacking the beauty of Huashan town Yang YuHuan unsuccessfully, using the sword to kill Yang YuHuan's brother. Yang YuHuan want to avenge his father. Li Bandit fled to Huashan, blockade the Huashan channel, to kill hundreds of hostages and destroy Huashan cultural relics threatening our army. In order to eliminate the bandits, rescue the hostages and protect the precious cultural relics and historic sites in Huashan, our army dispatched messengers Zhang Zhengdao and Meng Xiupu to persuade them to descend into the mountains and persuade them to descend upon them. Zhang Zhengdao was killed by Li Kui. Meng Xiupu fled to the army and joined Zhao ZhangLin's reconnaissance squad in search of the second mountaineering trail. With the assistance of the woodcutter Wang Shuanwa and Duan Chengqun, the reconnaissance class climbed the cliff and the more abyss, Qi won the North Peak. Reconnaissance classes and bandits fought wily, rescued hundreds of people detained as hostages, preservation Huashan cultural relics, with the large forces liberated the entire Huashan & nbsp ;.

Wife (TV)[2013]

Feature: The "virtuous wife" tells of the beautiful and virtuous housewife Han DaYun beverage company and the billionaire's husband Zhao Bo 煊 married husband and wife would have been very sweet, live a happily married life. However, because Dai Yun only gave birth to a daughter, Zhao XiaoJuan, she could not satisfy the wish of her mother-in-law Li ShuiXian to hug her grandson. Generous and generous Yun not mind, still treated her mother respectfully. There are unpredictable circumstances, has always been a perfect husband, Bo suffered exasperation model Zheng GuangMei's clever design, transformed into a "sorrow", into the extramarital affairs mud. So the two had to divorce, but after the divorce, with the help of the honored guest, Xu ShiHong (William Hsieh), the two men got the magnificent transformation of life, regained their husbands' love and saved the family with the truth. With perseverance, they saved the enterprise .

TheAssassins (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Gengzi years, coincides with the sky as "four-star unity," indicates the signs of the dynasty. Cao Cao's subordinates, especially his son, hoping to use this opportunity to push the throne, Cao Cao ascended the throne; also opposed Cao Cao's forces, but also stepped up action, no one knows when the four-star unity, the Han what world Earthshaking things. In the middle of the captive camp of Guanzhong, juvenile Mu Shun and the young girl Ling Ju were looted by a cavalry and escorted into a mausoleum for brutal training. They would be portrayed as Jagged and accomplished an unspeakable shock task. Five years later, Cao Cao came back to the Tongjai, where Ling Ju dressed in red appeared next to Cao Cao. Weak Han Xian Di, ambitious vociferous Cao Cao's return to lukewarm, ministers are also a ghost. Four-star is about to be unified, a "kill Cao Cao" conspiracy drama is planning the intense ......

How many feelings of Jiangshan wind and rain (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Tang Ao, son of Tang Duan, an important member of the capital city, is courageous and resourceful and full of resistance. He and Qiaoliu autumn and childhood sweetheart, autumn night Rong Rong was bandit Ma Xiangqi abducted, Tang Ao mistakenly believe that autumn Rong has been discouraged, studying in Japan. During the days he joined the Anti-Ching Organization Committee of Hsing Chung Hsun, returned home and accomplished such tasks as assassinating the court chiefs and was sent to Guangzhou for the escort of arms. During his stay, he was repeatedly disrupted by Mahmud and court officials Yang YuQi, Times defeated the enemy wisely. Later, he was framed by the traitors. However, he was reluctantly anonymously joined the court and was appointed as a warlord of the government of the government of Vietnam and Vietnam. He organized a standard artillery battalion, but in reality he secretly continued to implement the revolution. During his encounter Qiu Rong Qiao Rong, at this time after several years of training has become a revolutionary woman, and gave birth to his son Chen Jiting. Chen Jianting was separated from her parents and was bullied by her childhood, which honed his tough personality. When he grew up, he joined Tang Ao's artillery battalion and participated in military academies, embracing revolutionary ideas. In a fierce battle, Chen Jianting and Tang Ao jointly shot Ma Xiangqi and Yang YuQi, Tang Ao and Chen Jiting, the father and son finally ushered in the dawn of revolution!

Hongwu big case (TV)[2012]

Feature: "Hongwu case" tells the story of Ming Hongwu years, the emperor Zhu YuanZhang spare no effort to purge the government. Ding Huanzhi Zhu Zhu Huan by virtue of the "imperial nephew" of the special identity, violent rages, grab strong women, classic stills can be described as evil. After checking the case against Zheng ShiYuan, Zhu YuanZhang cut off his family and executed the "nephew". Founding member Xun Zhu LiangZu Ren in Shanghai corrupt, privately owned Tian house. Zhu YuanZhang south tour, Zhu LiangZu to cover up what he did, framed Panyu magistrate Dao Tong. Once the case was verified, Zhu YuanZhang ordered that the former hero "cut his sword." Department of Punishment Shang Ji Kai bribe, let go prisoners in prison capital Qiang Xue Qiang, after the incident with the prison guard, prison doctor and others bravely escaped their culprit culprit, and finally gave his life-giving test. Qin Sheng, the left assistant minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, reported that corrupt officials were active and were appointed as Inspectors to inspect the relief work in the affected areas. Wherever he went, Qin Sheng was not tempted by gold and silver, but was in Suzhou in the "beauty meter" of Cai Xuan, a prefect, which ruined his career. OuyangLun smuggled tea to grab money, Zhu YuanZhang did not follow his own life and executed Ou YangLun.

TheRoadOfExploring (Movie)[2011]

Feature: In 1918, the Chinese warlord separatism, chaotic clusters. Mao ZeDong, Xiao ZiSheng, Cai HeSen and a group of passionate Hunan youths came to Beijing with the ideal of saving the country and the people and preparing for going to work-study programs in France. Under the introduction of teacher Yang ChangJi, Mao ZeDong served as a temporary assistant manager at Peking University Library. Here he got acquainted with Li DaZhao, Chen DuXiu and others who are the centerpiece of the new cultural movement. For the first time, they came into contact with Marxism. Soon, His thoughts have entered a vast new world. In the northern winter, he and Yang KaiJi daughter Yang KaiHui heart, a pure and beautiful love quietly germination. Mao ZeDong gave up studying in France and said he wants to stay and study "China's problems." Returning to Changsha, Mao Zedong established his "Xiangjiang Review" with the support of the Xinmin Society and formed a massive patriotic movement in the wake of the May Fourth Movement and the alliance of all circles in Hunan. Mao ZeDong supported the Beijing Students Movement. Zhang Jingyao, governor of Hunan Province, turned his back and used violence to suppress the patriotic people. Mao ZeDong and other members of the Xinmin Society have liaised with members of all sectors of society and openly displayed the banner of "drive for expansion." Although the campaign of "expelling tension" has achieved a formal victory, it can not be fundamentally changed because there is no realistic solution to the reality of military corruption and bureaucratic confusion under the dictatorship and autocratic regime. Even if "Hunan Autonomy" is proposed, status quo. What is an effective way to save the country and save the people? Mao ZeDong is thinking hard. Reformism, anarchism, Marxism and various currents of thought confront members of the Xinmin Society, and their members have also gradually developed their own ideological fission. Finally, Tao SiYong, who advocated for education and saving the nation, chose to leave. Xiao Zisheng, who came back from France, became more faithful in anarchism. The radical Peng Huang ran into trouble. Mao ZeDong and He ShuHeng decided to embark on a journey to Shanghai to attend the "big one" of the CCP. . They are like the water of the Xiangjiang River billowing northward, bringing in the vast stream of history.

DiYiDaZongTong (Movie)[2011]

Feature: In 1912, Sun ZhongShan (Qiu Xinzhi ornaments) was elected Provisional President of the Nanjing National Government. The design of Yuan ShiKai (Qiuge Zhang), which sits in Peiping, forced the Qing Dynasty to abdicate, seizing the fruit of the revolutionary victory and becoming elected president. After that, Sun ZhongShan returned to Japan and went to Japan, where Song JiaoRen (Tian Liang) smugly gathered himself to form the National Assembly, run for the presidency and continue to promote the republican administration. As a result, he was assassinated by the Yuan Party. Heard the bad news, Sun returned to the motherland, issued a statement to discuss the Yuan, and set off a second revolution in a hurry. Due to various reasons, the revolution failed in the end. Sun and Huang Xing (Yao Jude ornaments) fled to Japan one after another, and their old friends parted ways and the domestic revolutionary situation was not optimistic. At this point, Song QingLing (Nie Mei ornaments) appeared in Sun ZhongShan's life. She has witnessed the military career of the father of the mother trying hard to think and reciprocate for the sake of the motherland's future.

NanGuoYouJiaRen (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Sixties and seventies, Chen Jialin, Shanghai businessman descendants, extremely bright. Once home encounter, parents die, sisters scattered. In order to save her father, her hands will always leave a horizontal line that is hard to distinguish between good and bad. She lives tenaciously in the marketplace, but her fate has never waited for a woman with beauty and wit. Jolin's childhood sweetheart

The Apparition (Movie)[2011]

Feature: The film tells a university experiment awakened a supernatural. A young couple, Lydia and Gray, was threatened by her, and turned to Patrick, who, with his help, could still be a late story.

Chôchôsan (TV)[2011]

Feature: During the war of resistance against Japan, Zheng YunFan, the KMT secret electricity expert, cracked down the secret power of the Japanese army and got the great help with the help of the Eighth Route Army. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Zheng's "butterfly" code became the civil war weapon of the Kuomintang, and Zheng was extremely remorseful. At the beginning of the liberation, Zheng abandoned the Kuomintang but did not cast its way into the new regime and retired as a monarchy. The spy shot and chased Zheng; the public security official Geng JianXun (Yue Zhang) cracked down on the " Start confrontation. Zheng Hidden in the Market, Xu DaJiang (张鹤 饰), Xu MiaoMiao (Yitong Liu) The folk truths represented by her father and daughter warm the heart of Zheng. Guilty regret for the humane care of the young girl thrown down by the red regime . Zheng YunFan escaped formlessly and relentlessly, he was completely conquered and raised his hands.

Those years those things (TV)[2011]

Feature: "Those Those Years" tells the difficult and arduous struggle story of a group of young educated youth in the 1960s and 1970s that overcame the harsh climatic conditions in the northern wilderness, pioneered entrepreneurship, and built the former Great Northern Wilderness into today's Taipei. The winter of the late sixties of last century, educated youth Qiao Yan Bao and lover Han Coco took the train to join the ranks of the Northern Wilderness production and construction of the mission. Han Coco met the leader of the youth leader of educated youth red, the story and the emotion between the three started. Zhen Huan ran out of trouble, Qiao Yan Bao rescued her with artificial respiration, but was mistaken as a rogue Hong Zhen misunderstanding. In retaliation, Qiao Yan Bao revealed Zhen Hong, so her future greatly affected. Zhen Hong was hopeless because of the future suicide was Qiao Yan Bao rescued. The relationship between the two subtle changes in the flow of time. Zhen Hong said to Joe Yan Bao, Joe Yan Bao into the guilt of cocoa. Zhen Hong take the initiative to find Joe Yan Po to give up the feelings of the two, Qiao Yan Bao deeply into pain and conflict. From the regiment 10 kilometers from the wild fire, Qiao Yan Bao and Zhen Hong in order to save the sea of ​​fire caught Han Cocoa both wounded. Qiao Yan Bao out of danger, and Zhen red overweight has lost his life.

Case 1937 (TV)[2010]

Feature: "Case 1937" took place in Shanghai, the magic capital under the rule of the Kuomintang reactionaries in 1937. On the beach with a beautiful picture of the movie actress Li MengLu suddenly wrapped in the Broadway Hotel fell dead, causing a great uproar. Various circles have talked about, the government early concluded that suicide. After a scene investigation, Luo Meng Tang, a famous detective in Shanghai, found Li MengLu falling into a lower body and suspected Li MengLu was pregnant. Meanwhile, the fact that Li MengLu was stolen and missing, as well as the baby's trousers found around the house, made Luo SangTian firm her pregnancy. I am also convinced that a woman who has been pregnant and has even set up her child's clothes will never commit suicide. Luo SangTian immediately asked Li MengLu autopsy. However, the police chief rejected Luo SangTian's request. Luo SangTian had to lock the suspects based on the residents of the Broadway Hotel where Li MengLu lived. "Proof of death" or participated in the proof of death shot. Liu XiaoRong, the writer of the play, was also named as a suspect by Luo SangTian.

I am a grass (TV)[2009]

Feature: "I am a grass," tells the story of a lot of girls who dream of being different. There is no vanity in the grass, there is no extravagant hope, and I just want to change my fate by my own efforts. So she day and night without a taxi, support her boyfriend Yue Feng finished college, do not want to have a new love Yue Feng, came back to the grass to break up, but when he was just ready to mouth suddenly collapsed. Regardless of good Po Po's kindly blocked, despite the family's hard advice, the grass resolutely decided to marry Yue Feng life and death. Since then the grass and Po Po dependent on each other to help each other, the two women put all their energies together on the same man they love. I was a grass stills a few years past the grass has discovered the secret by chance, the husband does not love myself, he loved the other woman. Bitter for so many years turned out to be a person who does not love myself, Po Po knelt down for his son to pay the blame, the grass almost collapsed. Yue Feng go forever, with his wife deeply remorseless unplug his tube! Under the instigation of the young man, the distance between the grass and Po Po was shortened, although she was still obliged to assume the responsibility of daughter-in-law. Po Po, who survived the blow of his son, was blind and his mood became very irritable. The grass suffered every day, when she actually found her husband had a son hidden outside. Children with autism and blind Po Po, but also to face everywhere count your own little girl, all friends and relatives actually can not feel a trace of pain on the grass, the grass is still enthusiastic about helping everyone, still believe in the world Have true love - she melts everyone's heart with her simplicity and dedication, including Liu Shui, who came to revenge. When Liu Shui learned the truth, he was completely shocked, he started the pursuit of the grass, but the grass has escaped again and again, she desperately told myself this man is by no means sincere, because as good as his man does not May fall in love with oneself, do not move emotion. However fate is so strange, when the grass finally move the truth, she found the resistance from Po Po, surrounded by all her opposition to her and Liu Shui together. At the same time, it is hard to cultivate the feelings of the child facing the mother was going to go, no one thought, in the child's struggle also hides more twists and tortures ......

Girl punching (TV)[2009]

Feature: "Girl Rushes" tells the story of Xiao Qiao is the supreme treasure of romantic, Sun Quan is a pure innocent Zixia fairy, Cao Cao turned into a beautiful heart of the righteousness of the 13th mother. Sun Quan and Xiao Qiao started out as kinder lovers from kindergartens. When they had a love affair during their childhood, they met more than a dozen times and met naked on the university campus in the moonlight. The two seem to have similar feelings, has been complicated and confusing, and Cao Cao is intended to win over love, in the relationship between the two often set the fetters, a twists and turns of the strange school love story started ......

Fulushousanxingbaoxi (TV)[2006]

Feature: God is the most loved Thousands of people in the eyes of the people of Lebanon the most loved fairy gods, and only the shining Samsung shine, the world can have the joy of auspiciousness of the gas, imagine if one day, people lost the arch of the God of Mercy, folk What will be like a situation. Samsung has a certain sense of justice, in Paradise is the three free, free and uninhibited gods, free to make fun of the fairy Ma Gu, also steal her drink for her royal mother He Shou immortality, the Ma Gu gas Quack. Stills Royal Mother empress big birthday feast, but because of the samsung saw Wen Shen year beast for the patients, Samsung decided descendants, capture the beast, but also to the world to settle down, make meritorious service, in order to win the Queen Mother Empress Huanhuan. Jade Emperor began to arrange folk festive New Year, Samsung thus more popular admirers, but also for their magnificent Samsung Temple cover, praising their songs, praised them as the mortal favorite among the mortal, top ten; Samsung on this Feel complacent, self-sustaining power is extremely high, from the eyes of everything, aggressive, a lot of enemies in the heaven, of which Fortune God kitchen led, especially dislike for Samsung. Samsung incense in the heyday of the temple, the god of mercy Samsung male and female believers are responsive, give blessing Tim Choi Tim life, since more by the worship of good men and women, neglect of other gods. Fortune God kitchen god bear the brunt of the gradual loss of favor in the mortal world, nobody cares, two gods unwilling, decided to play in front of the Jade Emperor a Samsung. Jade Emperor know that Samsung in the mortal blessing, so that everyone should enjoy longevity, all have the supreme blessing, every family and family are prosperous, serious intervention changed the laws of nature, although they once again defeated in Taoyuan Village no evil Wen Shen, also meritorious service; however, Longyan furious Jade Emperor, decided to confiscate Samsung Mana, dismissed immortals, expelled from heaven, into the mortal, relegated them to mortals. Jade Emperor discipline Fuxing become people who do not have the eternal happiness, doomed to life without success; longevity to be forever tortured by illness, premature death in young years; and Lu stars, although there are official fortunes in the mortal world, but doomed to eternal career unfair, People fool Fortune Samsung does not expect the Jade Emperor to impose such a heavy punishment on their own, immediately regretted their endless, young scholar Zhang GuoLao sympathetic to Samsung, but it is helpless. Xian classes will be removed from the Samsung God, the world lost three lucky star shine, from all over the world is full of catastrophes, Wen Shen once again ready to make the world upside down in retaliation to be revenge by Samsung Samsung . Samsung's brother Zhang GuoLao is very worried about the current situation, Samsung can not be immortal, in the mortal world was forced to be a "very problematic person", Zhang GuoLao afraid of "God of Fortune Samsung" video shot Samsung from where Between sink, unable to immortal, mortal will always be shrouded in the shadow of Wen Shen, Zhang GuoLao only secretly resorted to Ma Gu, ask her to disguise, secretly assist Samsung practice good, so that they can quickly Accumulate a certain amount of good fruit merit, good early return fairy class. Ma Gu never dislike the sweet tongue, the lucky star, of course, refused to rescue, Zhang GuoLao clever in all sorts of dollars, the temptation to coerce, finally got Ma Gu approval, urging her to rescue everything.Samsung was mistakenly born in a ruined Temple of Samsung was born together, the three became friends as a child, although hard to do, but it is never shared with the blessing, because they are all punishable immortals. At this time, Fuxing was reborn at a single-parent single-parent family named Wu FuQi. He was out of childhood and grew up under the guidance of Diao Shi, a step-frightening stepmother. He was a busy bum well and helped Diao Shi on weekdays Pay attention to the flower stalls, but also to help people solve the sign, and even went to the brothel when poor, very worthless, bent on making money just mixed. However, he is very unlucky and frequently offended by officials. County magistrate Shi YaoQian especially likes to find trouble with him, causing Wu FuQi to break the law often and go to prison. And he is still not a Yan Fu, Erfu, mouthful of people, in short, has been followed by the unlucky side. Reincarnated at the Mei family, named Mei ShouQuan, he grew up weak and sick and easily injured. He is a problem in the family. As a result of his often tormented afflictions, he has long been used to seeing others die in dignity. Lu Xing became Wei DeLu, family environment is good, however, his parents have been painstakingly asked him to study poetry, fame, but he is too arrogant, like wanton criticism of others, so offended examination examiner, repeated exams fall, Seriously hit his confidence. Because Wu FuQi is often overwhelmed by innocent government officials, he is beyond imagination. He wants to go to worship the Wang Yang bandit as a teacher and take the grass as a bandit. Wei DeLu was frustrated because of the examination room, even with a suicidal mind. Mei ShouQuan's body has always been troubled and suffering. As a result, Mei was extortionate him for being a victim of unscrupulous medical gold tooth loss and suffered heavy losses. At this time, Ma Gu became an avatar catching fast and appeared in the trio, helping them to solve all kinds of difficulties and tribulations. First of all, she subdued a word brow and smashed Wu FuQi's dream of being a grassroot Kou and doing a great undertaking. Wu FuQi was annoyed by her and often tried to make fun of it or deliberately sarcastic and sarcastic, The relationship of man in heaven. Ma Gu was subjected to all kinds of grievances in the mortal world. Wu FuQi and Wei DeLu always targeted her. Zhang GuoLao still had a precedent. Because she was a celestial being, she could not freely use immortality in the mortal world. Otherwise, she would suffer a curse on her face Ma Zhuzi, the results, Ma Gu several times in order to save them, but also to make their own sufferings, natural beauty of her, to be suffering disfigurement, provoked belly pain. During the plague epidemic, there were many innocent and innocent people died in the disease. Ma Gu could not bear to point Mei ShouQuan and asked him to go to the East China Sea for an alchemy furnace. He successfully helped the common people to refine the fairy medicine and saved many people. Mei ShouQuan went to Ma Under the encouragement of Gu, he was determined to study medicine and became a famous doctor for a long time. Mei ShouQuan also fell in love with Ma Gu at this time. However, Ma Gu did not dare to accept his affection. The best in the world - Luoyang County Lord patrol, triumphant triumphant triumphant triumphant gratification, but the last choice of Luoyang county is the outstanding literary talent, talent Filled with Wei DeLu.When Wu FuQi fell into disgrace, Yu Fuchun, the innocent fisherwoman Yu Shuang Xi, was rescued. Instead, her unexpected affectionate treatment turned out to be Wu FuQi, a seemingly romantic affair. This made many people stunned. Yu ShuangXi once infected with the plague. Wu FuQi never wavering waiting for the Iraqis side, affectionate money, and finally moved their hearts, Ma Gu encouraged Yu ShuangXi to leave him, to bitterly forced Wu FuQi make a success. Mei ShouQuan, who often came into contact with Ma Gu, was the first one who knew they were immortal identities. Mei ShouQuan immediately realized that she hopes to become immortal as soon as possible and return to heaven as his birthday star to relieve suffering on earth. However, Wu FuQi , Wei DeLu do not believe what Rene Shou reincarnation, denounced as funny absurd talk. At this time, Wen Shen took the loss of God on earth and shone Samsung's fortune, bought a pair of clog cups that were poor at the hands of the god of wealth, so they become a pair of lovers who like to spread rumors and fears that the world is chaos Fei At the same time, Wen Shen also cooperated with the ambitious Ambassador Meng Menkang in an attempt to make the world chaos, so that Bingbing everywhere, wreaking havoc, the Devil won the Fisherman's benefit. In this troubled times, Wu FuQi, Wei DeLu finally finally awakened, changing the original bad character, good to the good. Wu FuQi and Yu ShuangXi, Wei DeLu and Luoyang County Governors, Mei ShouQuan and Ma Gu, the three men and women both experienced the precious love and made great vows to deal with the vicious forces represented by Wen Shen to save the people in dire straits in. Of course, immortality, how can there be such a simple, they encountered various difficulties, such as Fei Jing once posing as Luoyang gunmen, confused Wei DeLu, provoke the friendship between the three, and almost broke the three feelings, Crisis, thanks to their justice and deep friendship finally helped expose them is the fake nasty face of Fei Jing. At this time, Jade Emperor in order to continue to test the three people's intentions, deliberately out of a problem, to three life blessing Shoulong practice "happiness as the East China Sea, Shoubi Nanshan" auspicious weather, will be able to restore the supremacy of the three. Wu FuQi, Mei ShouQuan, Wei DeLu know that the sky is down, they vowed to contribute to the national soul of their own strength, to seek happiness for the people, but also to change their own destiny, so they work hard, concerted efforts and finally defeated Wen Shen, the end of all disaster, the completion of the mission, the world cheers. Wu FuQi, Mei ShouQuan, Wei DeLu finally got the blessing, possession of mana, ranked fairy class, then the three instead of reluctant to return fairy class, because they miss the human lover, put forward to the Jade Emperor "only envy Yuanyang not envy Fairy "argument, to persuade Jade Emperor put Samsung a day off, the so-called heaven one day, human one hundred years, whims and want to return to the mortal world, to enjoy the blessing of the world, after all, these three pairs Whether lovers can get married or not, whether Jade Emperor will give sin to Samsung again, Ma Gu can get it.

Cherry is red (TV)[2006]

Feature: Meng Xing, a university student, will go abroad to study for a master's degree. As a top official, Meng Yu was suddenly put on trial by the prosecutor's office. Suddenly, the family was very exciting. Meng Xing study abroad trip also turned into a dream, Meng Qi quietly tearing up the college entrance examination volunteer, Meng Mu illness can not afford. Meng Xing Family friend Yuan Zheng Inquire about his father's situation is not optimistic, Meng Xing think it is Yuan Zheng, and its opposition. "Cherry is red" stills One day Meng Xing on the way home, and Shi YiFei suddenly encountered the two, each mutual goodwill. Yuan Zheng cleared the medical bills for Meng Mu, took Meng Mu from the hospital and took the opportunity to resolve the previous complaints. Meng Xing promised to work in the company. Cherry is red, Shi YiFei and Meng Xing quickly fall in love. While Meng Mu locked the target in Yuan Zheng, Meng Xing was in a dilemma. Meng Qi was trapped in a huge debt, the other door to collect debt, Yuan Zheng savior like to appear, when he was informed Meng Xing is about to get married, the heart suddenly into great pain. Their own alcohol alone worry, drunk and fainted in the bar, was sent back to the house by the secretary Qi XiaoHui. Qi XiaoHui contributed to Yuan Zheng's cooperation with the United States. Yuan Zheng did not repay his money but only hurriedly married Qi XiaoHui. Meng Xing after marriage to take over all the domestic chores, the emotional loss of the couple in the loss. Three years time passed, Meng Xing and Yuan Zheng meet by chance. Shi YiFei won a few big business, won the joy and trust of the boss Pan DaQing, more deeply appreciate my colleagues Xia Leng Qinguo. Meng Xing can not help but worry when he looks at the huge and ever-expanding husband, so the conflict with Shi YiFei about values ​​is also evolving. Pan DaQing killed in a car accident, Xia Leng QingGuo crossed the line with Shi YiFei, and Shi YiFei finally confessed to his wife everything between Xia Leng QingGuo and Meng Xing. Shi YiFei drove a car accident, personnel unconsciously pulled to the hospital for treatment, life out of danger, but may be lifelong paralysis. In order to take care of Shi YiFei in the hospital, Meng Xing gave up all his work and people become gaunt. Shi YiFei is deeply grateful and restless after awake. Meng Xiao's classmate Yu XiaoYu resigned his job as a Meng Qi studio because she could not accept the love of her sister and brother. Meng Qi, who had fallen into love, could not control her emotions and suddenly fainted. Meng Qi went to the hospital to check that he had a brain tumor. Yu XiaoYu Back to Meng Qi Two swords go around the world. Shi YiFei miraculously improved with the great perseverance of a man with therapies. Shi YiFei sincerely hopes that Meng Xing will be able to rebuild the mirror and Meng Xing refuses. Meng Xing and Yuan Zheng came together. Yuan Zheng and Meng Xing jointly set up a nursery nursery. Shi YiFei brought Meng Xing's unexpected red cherry from southern China. Yuan Zheng knew that the significance of this cherry blossom was not merely representative Love.

Blue sky Yamen 2 (TV)[2006]

Feature: Qingtian Yamen stills "Qingtian Yamen 2" Throughout the main characters or Fuxiang Zhong plays Tan Gong, Sze Yu plays Bao DaoDe, Jianfeng Bao plays Kang Xi, Jun Guo plays the father of Qu Jifi, only Xiaoyu by the Shanghai newcomer Qian Wan starred. In addition to continuing to expand the "housework" of Emperor Kang Xi, the comedy story of the story also adds comedy stories such as Tan Qing's first love lover and pulp marriage wife. "Stone Forest" turned funny chef.

Love is love (TV)[2006]

Feature: Zhang TianYu, a 19-year-old nurse schoolgirl, is a beautiful, innocent, pure-natured student. She is now facing graduation and is ready for further studies. At the age of nine, her parents died at the age of nine and had grown up under the same care of their sisters as their mothers. She was not as introverted as ordinary orphans. Sister Zhang TianJie in the Red Riding Hood film star Luo WenKai brokers, which attracted a lot of students envy. They live calm and warm. However, a sudden car accident totally disrupted the life of Tianyu. Never drink wine sister hit drunk driving into a vegetative state, high medical costs and never experienced the difficulties of heaven jade almost collapsed, but fortunately Liu XingDong support her to survive. Doing martial arts substitute Liu XingDong has been like and the pursuit of Tianyu, unexpected disaster comes, Hing Tung's true feelings touched Tianyu, love in the days of suffering germinal open. The mystery of a car accident is always entangled in the day jade heart, she is determined to find out the cause of the abnormal sister. Extremely limited clues eventually point to the big star Luo WenKai, however, in the face of Yu-chan pursued the questioning, Luo WenKai uncommon attitude and let Yu-puzzled. At this time, the vegetative sister suddenly found pregnant, the child's father who? Tianyu really a bit at a loss. At the same time, this harsh life has also become a springboard for her growth. Love Love Luo WenKai suffering from severe depression suspected hereditary familial brain tumor, trapped in cyclical pain, temper also more and more weird. In order to prevent the discovery of his illness during the investigation of Tian Yu, Luo WenKai took the initiative to recognize the child in Tian Jie's abdomen. However, when later depression gradually disappeared and brain tumors actually made people really appear, do not want to let everyone know, just want to escape from life Luo WenKai and Red Sun and his girlfriend Si XueXue produced an inevitable conflict, Career plummeted; while Liu XingDong by virtue of diligence and heart gradually climb, trapped in Vanity Fair can not extricate themselves, Hing Tung and Tianyu's feelings also appeared cracks. Because of tracing the truth of the accident and Luo WenKai, Tianyu gradually unveiled and awakened Luo's closed inner world. Her innocence and stubbornness allowed Luo WenKai to find the courage to stay strong and wait for medical progress. Luo WenKai also Inspired some sleeping soul soul, make her feel the true blend of soul love. Love is Love After going through a series of complicated twists and turns, the thing behind her sister's car accident is developing gradually. She is also starting to re-understand this sister Jie Tianjie, who is dependent on her for many years. She felt too little concern about her sister in the past, and she did not even know anything about her sister who could give it all. Sister is the secret lover of the boss of the Red Sun Group, but her and Luo WenKai's lifelong love and her own unexpected pregnancies left her in pain and panic. At that time, she had to pay her for her sake at the bar The price of life. Days Jie abdomen of the child is the veteran, Tianyu has been persistent to wait until the sister gave birth to this child, regardless of the child's health or not. But life will never be what you imagine. Finally, after waking up for a short time, Tian Jie and his unborn children immediately died of "accidental" oxygen tube shedding accident.Liu XingDong was assassinated by the boss for a major protagonist by any means. The last of the story, the truth, these two things are all Mrs. Sze planned and implemented in order to maintain their own family. Police took away the Secretary too; Tianyu and Luo WenKai put flowers in front of his sister and Hing Tomb tombstone ... ... Love love life Once upon a time they are just the youth to the dead ends, overjoyed after they packed their tears, a taste of fate More 舛 also harvested strong and courage, as well as the most real feelings. Tianyu, Luo WenKai, Xue Xue and her father, etc., who face a new life with a tolerant and grateful heart.

Rent girlfriend (TV)[2006]

Feature: Rent girlfriend stills Tang TianTian, ​​Ruan MianMian, Gao XiaoXiao, Cui MeiZi and other four are the same quarters of a conservatory four girls, in this college last winter, will be doomed to be not calm, will be left to them forever Undulating friendship memory. Ruan MianMian, a rich and beautiful son who pursues the arrogant beauty, encounters an iceberg, which in turn stimulates the determination to conquer. There was a big incident in the conservatory at that time. Gao XiaoXiao's fellow Gao XiaoXiao was forced to marry him for borrowing a tuition loan to go to school. Gao XiaoXiao come up with their own money earned to work part of the first, but was categorically rejected. Gao XiaoXiao anxious, want to jump off the stairs. In order to prevent Xiaoxiao do stupid things, Tang TianTian had to bite the bullet, the responsibility of paying back the money to their own body. Tang TianTian, ​​Ruan MianMian, Cui MeiZi and others took out their savings and auctioned their own money to help Gao XiaoXiao repay the debt. Privately, Xiao Xiao Xiao told Tang TianTian that all the money they got together was not enough. Due to fear Xiaoxiao once again jumped the stairs, Tang TianTian decided to save their own friends, promised Tang Ke's proposal to be his rental girlfriend, to help Tang Ke pursuit of good friend Ruan MianMian. Tangke's cousin, Lin Zhou, opened a music restaurant next to the Conservatory of Music. At the same time, there was a sad song of piano music at mid-night in the college's old instrument warehouse. This song deeply impressed Tang TianTian, ​​also caused her to find the author's curiosity. Promotional activities under the contract constraints, Tom often sweet side access, which caused a lot of suspicion. Though she refused the pursuit of Tang Ke, she was still very frustrated, but all this was what Tang Ke wanted to see. At Ruan MianMian's birthday party, Tangke carefully selected the necklace originally sent to Ruan MianMian to Tang TianTian, ​​which greatly stimulated Ruan MianMian, plus the band's rehearsal on the position of his chief violinist was Tang TianTian Replacement, the friendship between the two completely ruptured. In the face of endless hostility towards themselves, there are no words to speak of sweetness, and I only hope that my own actions can be used to resolve the misunderstanding. Sweet alone playing father's erhu flagrant to complain about inner grievances, but plunged into a deeper decline, because she did not have the ability to complete his father's legacy. Sweet to help Tom clean the room, accidentally discovered that cousin Lin Zhou is the night half of the people playing piano in the warehouse. Sweet forest can not bear the talent was buried, to encourage the forest boat music to start again, the forest boat was moved by the sweet, and gradually come out from the romances in the past. Because the lyre was not attentively criticized by the teacher, but sweet but repeatedly instructed by the teacher, the radical Ruan MianMian did not reflect on his behavior. Instead, he suspected Tang TianTian was behind the tricks, so he accused him of being sweet and humorous. Gao XiaoXiao dauntless arrogance, afraid to sweeten her sweet truth for the truth, only the real Cui MeiZi justification for sweet humbling injustice. Tang Ke because the pursuit of unfinished, love frustrated, gave up the academic examination, prompting his parents furious. Sweet think it is their responsibility, I hope the soup can be rekindled.

Embroidered bride orchid (TV)[2006]

Feature: During the reign of Emperor Guangxu, Jiang Xian Gu XianZhi embroidered Zhuang is a well-known heirloom embroidery lotus Lan Xin stills, a royal jeweler specifically for the royal family, Fan family is also a famous neighbor "Royal embroidered households," the two artists in the embroidery arts status of fighting each other for a long time. Ku family in order to follow the family line, private daughter Dai Lin Yun born daughter and Shen family born a package, the girl named Shen LanXin, the boy named Gu ChuanMing. Fifteen years later, Shen LanXin and Gu ChuanMing became a couple of novels. At this time, the court sent Li Gonggong to pick embroidered women and embroidery. In order to save his face, Gu Xin took Lan Xin as an innocent substitute for his granddaughter Xiao Guoxiao palace. At the same time, Fan Jia daughter Fan LvZhu also apply for election. Biography continue to stay in the house, accept adoptive father role model according to Gu SongPu harsh education, to inherit the family business. And Shen Xin, Shen Xin, an elder brother of Lan Xin, devoted himself to the revolution and set a goal for his own life, so he ignored the tender love. Green Pearl unruly treacherous, quickly clinging to the palace of the prince Li Gonggong, and framed Lanxin everywhere, together with Lan Xin upright character, always offended Lee Gonggong, so repeated disaster. Fortunately, there are Pei ZiDong Huyong has been waiting around, Qingli help. Helpless Xin Xin heart childhood sweetheart legend, Pei ZiDong only silently waiting. Lan Xin suffered in the palace, but after several sharpening, her embroidery has been greatly improved. The Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded Beijing, and Lan Xin took the righteous hand and won Ci Xi. He was sent to Xinjiang. Although Lan Xin suffer in Xinjiang, but also get along well with the locals, and learned a unique local embroidery method and dye extraction technology. When the Xinhai Revolution came into force, Lan Xin's brother Shen Tao devoted himself to the Revolutionary Party. Gu ChuanMing was suppressed by Gu SongPu from his childhood. After knowing his true identity, he broke out in an instant and his character changed so much that he could not even believe it. Gu ChuanMing first in order to protect the property in the Ku family, Xiaoxiaoqu diligently at this time Xiaoxiao Shen Tao still deep love, but Shen Tao has secretly joined the League, the public he can not give any Xiaoxiao any commitment, he Inevitably denied Xiaoxiao, finally Xiaoxiao into the embrace of the Ming. However, after the Ming Ming and Xiao Xiao chaos finally abandoned, and gave her overcautious section son. Pei ZiDong inexhaustible found Lan Xin, Gu ChuanMing also changed the situation and Gu family told her, Lan Xin painful. When Gu ChuanMing saw Lan Xin, and whitewash yourself, re-fraudulent Lan Xin's love. And marry her through the door. Afterwards, Gu ChuanMing, in order to expand his family business, attached Yuan KeDing, the son of Yuan Shikai and colluded with the beautiful green pearl of the palace's femme fatale. Finally, all the property of the Ku family fell into the hands of the legend, but after squandering, the industry has existed in name only. Gu family remaining funds and treasures Fan family plunder. At the same time, because of the popularity of Green Pearl at Yuan KeDing, Fan Jia finally surpassed the Ku family and monopolized the embroidery industry in Jiangnan.Shen Tao went to assassinate Jia LingGeGe's father Baylor, the action was found Ming name, but the Ming did not recollect the two brothers and their sentiments, but he betrayed, resulting in Shen Tao failed, but the grid is Fell in love with this Assassin assassinated her father, and died in order to protect Shen Tao, that this action was betrayed by Gu ChuanMing, love Shen Tao 's daring decision to use his identity as a revenge on Shen Tao, but the defeat. Ming Ming in order to please Yuan Shikai by Yuan KeDing care persecute Lan Xin Yuan Shikai embroidered robes, Lan Xin Bao Bao jade burning faith, Gu ChuanMing's tactics finally bankruptcy, Lan Xin also finally recognize the true colors of Gu ChuanMing, physically and mentally exhausted She accompanied by Pei ZiDong back to Jiangnan rebuild their homes, in her tireless efforts, Gu family embroidery has picked up. Yuan Shikai proclaims the emperor defeat, Gu ChuanMing backsliding, Gu ChuanMing came Lan Xin, took out Lan Xin gifts in the purse, trying to use the once love impulsive Lan Xin, Lan Xin categorically rejected. Ming key Pei ZiDong, once again recaptured Gu family, was Xiao Xiao gun left behind by the death of Shen Tao. Similarly, because of Yuan, Fan was copied, Lord Fan was hanged, green beads by the crazy stimulus, Lan Xin kindly green beads back to their own homes, but unexpectedly Green Pearl is through the installation of crazy, once again destroyed the innocent, salvage Lan Xin right hand muscle was picked off. Lost everything green beads all desaturated, in front of Lan Hsien jumped off the cliff. Everything returned to calm, Lan Xin closed door Xie, incense embroidery, a full three years. Three years later, "Rui He Tu" was embroidered and the British artist Bei ShiNing, whom Lan Xin met at the palace, came to visit. From Embroidery's "Rui He Tu", she saw the suffering the Chinese people suffered and the belief in peace. Not much touched. Bei ShiNing sent the embroidery to the World Expo and received a gold medal. Hearing this news, Lan Xin finally put down all the mood, toward Pei ZiDong has been waiting for her arms.

Farewell farewell (TV)[2006]


The TV series “True Farewell” introduces the story: It tells the story of university graduate Wen Na who went to “Love” magazine to become an editor of the magazine. Wen Na’s boss Gu Chen lost his wife two years ago and has been immersed in self-blame. At work, the two have been noisy and have their own opinions. Senior editor Zhou NianJin has just divorced his wife. The lively and cheerful Wen Na freed him from his gloomy mood. He fell in love with Wen Na and Wen Na also got a good impression on him. Editor-in-chief Li Hua is a typical strong woman, but she was gradually attracted to An Chen's unbridled temperament and began to pursue An Chen. An Chen found that when Wen Na wasn't happy, he would always have a fierce heartbeat. When Wen Na had undergone heart surgery two years ago, the heart he used was donated by An Chen's ex-wife on his deathbed. After discovering this secret, two people soon fell in love. Zhou NianJin and Li Hua were in the same boat, and the two conspired to dismantle An Chen and Wen Na, and did not hesitate to use a variety of humble methods. At the same time, An Chen has been puzzled by his true love: Is it his ex-wife or Wen Na? There was a rift in the relationship between the two. In an outside disturbance, An Chen lost his job and Wen Na was forced to leave Canada. The relationship between the two became desperate. An Chen fought alone in China and Wen Na supported him silently in Canada. An Chen finally realized that she really loved her. She shed tears of goodbye to the past and went to Canada to look for Wen Na. They both loved the river.


North and South a pro (TV)[2005]

Feature: As the father of Yao Hongnian, Yao Xi, the retired soldier, stands on the side of her daughter each time a drama contradicts Wang Nai-hai and Yao Hong-nian. His spoiling of daughters is always self-defeating and makes the contradiction more intense and complex. And Yao Hongnian's aunt in the beauty salon as the boss has always had a good impression on Wang Naihai. Wang Naihai surrounded by no shortage of women, his cousin Zhu Xiaoxin, the old classmate You Rou, as well as with a editor in chief editor Gao Gang are all about him. When Yao Hongnian found Wang Naihai and newspaper editor Gao Gang to eat together, Wang Naihai found Yao Hongnian and her client Yuan Bing on the picturesque side of the Huangpu River. The two had turned a twilight trip, with misunderstanding and misunderstanding. Both are miserable and both impede their self-esteem in their willingness to reconcile themselves. Yuan Bing, president of Cologne, took advantage of the situation and launched an offensive against Yao Hongnian. The emotional balance of Yao Hongnian, who was in a chaotic mood, slowly tilted toward Yuan Bing. Wang Naihai also be Gao Gang's passionate confusion, high just like to put a lonely heart on Wang Naihai body. Gao Gang was once a lover Yuan Bing, she knew Yuan Bing's man. When she became the defendant, and Yuan Bing court, Wang Naihai and Yao Hongnian can only love each other's rival. Until Yuan Bing thieves do not change, in an attempt to rape the company's image on behalf of Zhu Xiaoxin, Yao Hong years to recognize his true colors. After denouncing Yuan Bing, Yao Hongnian resolutely resigned as a trainee lawyer. Yao Hongnian decided to go back to Beijing with her father and leave her excited and sad Shanghai. At the airport, she mixed feelings, hoping to finally see Wang Naihai side, although she concluded that Wang Naihai will not come, but at this time Wang Naihai in the editorial department face Gao Gang's emotional hesitation hesitant. Wang Naihai finally decided to rushed to the airport, but he was trapped in the unit elevator accident. When Wang Naihai rushed to the airport, the plane had already taken off, Wang Naihai desperation to wait here to talk about the love of Yao Hongnian's sincere love, and he insisted to go north to find Yao Hongnian. When Yao Hongnian came slowly, she did not leave Shanghai. Yao Hongnian had to board the original time. Gao Gang came to the airport. She told Yao Hongnian Wang Naihai will come to the airport, because this is their life.

Blue sky yamen (TV)[2004]

Feature: "Qingtian Yamen" stills 1 Songjiang County magistrates Tan ZhenYing Bu Bu count past life extraordinary ability to predict the future, whenever a murder occurred there are mysterious, so determined to be reincarnated from "childhood". When Emperor Kangxi Kang Yixun disappeared as the father and battered, Tan left pinch right operator not only helped Kangxi survived assassination and succeeded in digging behind the hidden facts bigger killer, so get Kangxi trust; Emperor Kangxi respected Fifty-year-old Longevity out of a very bizarre strange things, one after another frequent frequent stranger drums, but drums thundered, death hauling Tan ZhenYing opened a dead life of more than ten life, the truth is implicated Emperor Kangxi feelings; Kangxi clothing tour patrols a street to sell themselves "Long Er" "Long Er" won Huang TaiHou favorite has led to their own mother and mother were hunted down in the face of adversity Tan exorcising actually kicked off a moment Kangxi civil affairs; North Korea, a military commander in charge of winning a son innocent daughter of beauty innocent daughter of a prince to death, Tan was ordered to investigate the investigation but found the son of the generals is the prince and the boss's bastard, all this is actually a proprietress revenge plan; Mother and brother-in-law at a loss, causing Tan suspicion secretly found a big conspiracy.

Qin Wang Li ShiMin (TV)[2004]

Feature: In the late years of the Sui Dynasty, the turmoil in the world and the peasant uprisings surged, and Yang Guang saw the general trend gone. In order to win over Tang Yuan Gong Li Yuan, his daughter Ruo XiGongZhu was allocated to Li Jian Cheng, Li Yuan's son, and Li Shi Min (Peter Ho) and Ruo XiGongZhu (Gao Yuanyuan) Already have their own private photos and promotional photos (1) set a lifetime, the marriage led to the brethren became dull. Soon, Emperor Sui Yang was killed by traitor Yu WenHuaJi, the Sui Dynasty collapsed, Li Yuan seized the opportunity to establish the Tang Dynasty. During the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, Li ShiMin made a great leap in the south and made remarkable contributions. Li JianCheng (Yikuan Yan ornaments) but because of the eldest son, was established as Prince Edward. If unfortunately but had to marry Li JianCheng. Around the Prince Edward and Qin Wang around the politicians formed two major political forces, launched an infighting. The political struggle of the two forces intensified, Li JianCheng as the suffering of confidante, Li ShiMin is trying to defend the feelings of brotherhood, but in the ruthless political situation, but powerless, if unfortunately the feelings between the brothers is more Come on fire, set off the second wave. Li JianCheng missed the event if the regret, completely angered Li ShiMin, and eventually Li ShiMin launched the Xuanwu Gate change, killing Li JianCheng, creating a "rule of Zhenguan", a generation of Ming-jun.

Beautiful woman about (TV)[2004]

Feature: Xia ZhongLin and GuLiWei Pursuit of Simple Female College Students An Hui, An Hui Be Xia ZhongLin's wife's desire poster. Twenty years later, Xia ZhongLin formed the Lin'an Group and Gu LiWei became his subordinate. However, Hao LiHua, a lover who was abandoned by Xia ZhongLin, was bitterly loyal to Bai ZiQiang for many years. After being desperate for love, Hao LiHua was very sad Reminiscent of the Xia Xiaoling still have children in the abdomen, changing her mind to marry Bai ZiQiang. After Hao LiHua gave birth to her daughter Hao Jia, she divorces Bai ZiQiang and exposes Bai ZiQiang's illegal business practices, leaving her to jail for eight years. After Bai ZiQiang jailed for permission to divorce, Hao LiHua out of guilt, took Bai ZiQiang's daughter Bai Ling, after the dowry and Japanese Chinese. Her husband inherited the legacy after death, Hao LiHua became president of Lihua Electronics. An Hui and Gu LiWei, fellow wife with Xia ZhongLin, rekindled. Gu LiWei strengthened Wu DeHua, a computer prodigy, through An Hui's younger brother An Da, and hanged Xia ZhongLin with Hao LiHua. An Hui, who wanted to be an independent worker, got no result and was fired by his boss. Xia ZhongLin in the dark act, An Hui was fired her boss re-employed. Bai ZiQiang, who always loves Hao LiHua, is desperate for Hao LiHua. Hao LiHua can not tolerate her daughter's marriage to her 20-year-old man and termination of cooperation with Gu LiWei. Can Hao Jia or Gu LiWei marry? An Hui has failed in his career and feelings and is determined to end his own life. However, attempted suicide, Chen Zhongqin driver Chen DaQing quietly fell in love with her, and Xia ZhongLin increasingly attached to Bai Ling. An Hui is getting worse, and Xia ZhongLin feels emptiness like never before. He owns his daughter but does not have the feeling of her daughter. He has emotional problems with Bai Ling and Meng XiaoYun, but he can only find comfort in the beauty salon owner Ye Hong. An Hui was in a very serious condition, paralyzed and lost her language skills. The doctor decided to have surgery immediately but the operation was very dangerous. An Hui has been pushed into the operating room when Xia ZhongLin et al arrived at the hospital. The operating room door closed, the door above the red light.

Eighteen-year-old sky (TV)[2004]

Feature: Jiaying Middle School principal Xiong Bo decided to teach in small classes in the third year of high school. In order to let the children really understand the quality education of Jianfeng Bao, the eighteen-year-old sky, bring happiness to the children, Xiong Bo hired a teacher from a middle school YueTao. At the opening ceremony, Gu YueTao and Pei Pei were surprised to find out that when the other party turned out to be teaching in the same school, Pei Pei could not believe that Gu YueTao was the teacher who was the myth of everybody. Besides, she was full of personality, innocence and love to show. Gu YueTao realizes that Pei Pei, like himself, is also a teacher employed at Jiaying High School. At the opening ceremony, Gu YueTao made the most of the teachers and students feel disappointed. Gu YueTao's behavior so that teachers and students scratching their heads, after the placement, because the elite of the class are gathered in Gu YueTao class, really make the new class teacher miserable, the first test of his class At the end of the whole year, he took the first-year full-time Chinese course. Children's faith in the eighteen-year-old sky shot down to freezing. In the face of Shi YanFeng's attack, in the face of the show off competition among female students, in the face of the problem of Wu DanDan who just transferred, in the face of the consequences of the deteriorating relations between Wang Chen and her mother and the face of Lan FeiLin and Wu DanDan Due to the contradictions caused by the drama protagonist, in the face of Wang JunZe overly arrogant personality, Gu YueTao euphemism patience as a friend of their students, successfully adjusted the children's mentality. The non-existent classes have been adjusted to a sunshine team, and with a step-by-step approach, the entire class of children can truly feel that quality education is sunshine education. He let the children experience and embraced a quality education model that he had practiced. Graduation exams, children with astonishing achievements in the character of this cool teacher. He conquered the people who had doubted him with facts. At this moment, Pei Pei finally entered his heart. The students are going to break up with him, explaining to his children the philosophy of his own unique approach to education. He said he will always be a friend of the children rather than a teacher. He hopes all children have their own space to study in a relaxed environment. He hopes every child will be a sunshine boy and he will use his own actions Give the children an 18-year-old sky. The above comes from

Empress Wu Mei Niang (TV)[2003]

Feature: Tang Zhenguan years, Lee State long drought, the people are boring students, until the Wu family birth date, the gas version of the "Supreme Hongyan" stills like a sudden change, willing to drop. Invited to the martial arts for the newborn to see Xiang Yuan Xiang Shi see the appearance of a baby, marvel this son as the world Lord also. Wu Fu heard that it was absurdly absurd that she had a baby girl. Adolescent Wu MeiNiang was chosen because of her fate and has experienced all kinds of love and hate, how many court intrigues, and even the rise and fall of her family. Finally, when she lost her loved ones forever, this time she wiped away tears, chose strong, to meet the unknown fate.

Paradise Heroes and Children (TV)[2003]

Feature: "Heroes and Heroes" tells the story of AD 1398, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty Zhu Yuanzhang died. The throne does not pass the son of Sun, ascended the throne by the grandson Zhu Yun,, said Jian WenDi. Jian WenDi In order to consolidate the regime, began to deprive the uncle's military power and fiefs, known as "consumer fan." Yan Wang Zhu Di unwilling, captured in Kyoto. Change the name of Paradise. Wing Lok male only slightly, both civil and military. History called Paradise. And Jian WenDi with several near court fled, has not exactly where to find the Ming Dynasty, a major secret history. So Yongle bear the "Usurpation" infamy, outside Arutai Qionglai territory, there are Jianwen old man plot to reset, there is a home let him headache princess Man Er non-stop trouble. The story of "Heroes of Paradise" kicked off. And this story, because of the intervention of a country boy Feng TianCi, and become extrapolation. Man Er is the only daughter of Xu Queen, died young empress, especially by the love of Paradise, developed a unrestrained nature. Saying that the daughter of the emperor had no worries about marrying, he could not blame Man Er for his helplessness, no one dared to respond. It touches on the enemy Taizu Aru Tai to bring Prince to marry him, Wing Lok know Arutai heart malicious, set the ring competition, hoping to take the opportunity to refuse. However, all armed forces will push each other, all without exception. Also relies on Man Er to win over Prince Edward and has won his right to recruit. Man Er strokes, is courageous big boy Tian Feng TianCi. Godsend was Man Er's playmate in the country who had saved Man Er. Man Er invited his father to have an official given to him. Who knows the godsend by the Supreme Jin Niang 's pointing up on the North Korea talked about, actually made when the DPRK Chao said a clear, it is done some good things. However, Godsend does not like the crazy girl Man Er, who in his heart dwells on Meng Ru, a daughter of a large family in the village. Meng Ru reluctantly agreed to a godsend offer, but the wedding bride was robbed by Man Er Hong Yuan snatched away. Godsend all the way mad chase, the way encountered many martial arts stars, folk hero, to grow. To be overcast and false, Meng Ru actually fell in love with Hong Yuan who hijacked him. Hong Yuan is not like the little girl, but the quintessential Jin Niang. Jin Niang is not unusual people, even Yongle also remembered her heart, but no one knows her life silently waiting for the building is the old man Hu BuGui! So a good pass erotic. All the way is tenderness, all the way the flames will be burning. Jianwen old court attendance machine accident, Arutai rebellion side. In order to safeguard national reunification, Yongle regardless of the old body disease rate army pro-levy, Huang Sun Zhu ZhanJi wisdom and courage both army and pioneer. Yongle in-depth danger, intended to speed battle to defeat the Aru station, but the crafty of the A-army has always been to avoid its edge, do not face the war. Yongle army into a dilemma. At this moment, the godsend finally put down the mentality of children and children. He heard the words of "world rise and fall, every man has the responsibility," then self-styled "ass man" and led the civil army. Positive war. When the decisive battle, the critical juncture, Jianwen old general Hu BuGui came, put down the former grudges to help kill the enemy. A army annihilated, Aru tyrant himself. Jian WenDi also said that as long as Yongle cherish the people, he is willing to live forever.Yongle life of the two hearts of the day to lift up all the best, I will be reassured while building the old part will be free of charge. Yongle country, hero passionate. In a series of forty episodes of historical drama, Yongle heroes and children have played, played a eternal dream of the emperors, infatuation with their children.

Lu Bu and Diao Chan (TV)[2002]

Feature: TV screenshots The late Han Dynasty, traitors in power, Taishi Dong Zhuo tyrannical tyranny, monopoly power, long-term usurp Xin Xin, its son. Lv Bu brave very, so Dong Zhuo even more powerful, more unscrupulous. On the 1st, Dong Zhuo hosted a banquet with officials and Lv Bu arrived to present the secret letter of the court chief to announce Yuan Shu. Dong Zhuo was so furious that he ordered Lv Bu to execute the verdict on the spot. All civil and military officials Xin was scared and furious. Stuart Wang Yun honest, worry about the people, he returned to the Fuchu depressed, there is Xin to remove Dong Zhuo, but do nothing. Xin boredom occasion, he came to the garden late at night, I heard the park sobbing cry. Wang Yun snarls, see is the house of singer Diao Chan. Diao Chan year party eighteen, color art double must sing and dance. She knows justice, is willing to sacrifice her life. At a glance, Wang Yun decided to admit Diao Chan as a righteous woman and ordered a series of rings to lure Dong Zhuo and Lv Bu's father and son. Wang Yun donated a Lv Bu Golden Delicious. Lv Bu Xin Zhongda Xi, specially came to thank. TV series "Lv Bu and Diao Chan" stills Wang Yun hosted a dinner for Lv Bu, during which time Diao Chan gave a toast. Lv Bu saw Diao Chan, then dribble, can not self-sustaining. Wang Yun saw this scene, and now she agreed to allocate Diao Chan to Lv Bu and agreed to send her to Lyu on the date of her marriage. Wang Yun invited Dong Zhuo again, ordered Diao Chan to show off her dancer, Diao Chan's elegant and elegant dance, and to make Dong Zhuo intoxicated. Dong Zhuo marveled, calling Diao Chan a god. Wang Yun gave Diao Chan to Dong Zhuo on the spot. Dong Zhuo is overjoyed, bringing Diao Chan back to Fuchu. After Lv Bu was informed, his anger was abnormal. In contrast to Wang Yun's theory, Wang Yun said he was helpless and took the opportunity to leave Dong Zhuo and Lv Bu. Lv Bu entered Taishi House to meet with Diao Chan several times, failing to make a single narrative. Instead, it was driven by Dong Zhuo and he was angry. On the 1st, Lv Bu took Dong Zhuo to North Korea and met Phoenix Diaoy Chan at Fung Yi Ting. Lv Bu fear of Dong Zhuo crash want to leave, Diao Chan do not allow, pretend to cast himself, Lv Bu hurriedly blocked. At that time Dong Zhuo back home, hit a positive. Dong Zhuo furious, pulling straight piercing Lv Bu, Zhuo Li-Confucianism came to discourage, Lv Bu took the opportunity to take the road away. Wang Yun sent out a call to Lv Bu, and Xin Li removed Dong Zhuo. Wang Yun sent a false biography of Emperor Tian Chao and ordered Dong Zhuo to go to Jinque. Dong Zhuo came and was surrounded by Wang Yun and other officials holding a sword. Lv Bu holding a halberd Dong Zhuo throat. Diao Chan came and Wang Yun showed her to see Lv Bu, Diao Chan knew it, and the chain was still going on. After the end of the butterfly into a butterfly Poster (PS since the South Korean movie Millennium Lake)

Qiang Qiang children to rivers and lakes (TV)[2001]

Feature: Qiang Qiang children to the stills One of the end of the Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China, Jizhou City, there are two Meijiang north of the big escort Dart Bureau and Yan Jia Escort, Dian Founder has a daughter, Yan Han had a male, both named Zhichun. Yan Zhichun was sent by her father, Yan Han, to the Great Bell Temple for her father's death due to her mother's difficult birth at birth, and died in a fire a decade ago. Yan Han, grieved over the adoption of a wandering street orphan adopted son, named Yan YiChun. Nineteen years later, Fang ZhiChun grew up into a beautiful, great-looking girl who once went to Beijing for his father's darter and met the little priest to acquit David on the road. They both met each other and each other had a deep Attachment. Fang family world pay Su million gold is the city of Jizhou big banks Zhuang son Su Can grew up crush on Fang ZhiChun, dedication to marry Fang ZhiChun wife, Fang family is very happy about this marriage, Su Sukin agreed to ask for relatives. David release to restore the original church in Jizhou also came to Jizhou from Beijing, the church has become a bathhouse, David had to go to the bath as a bath, during which David and Yan Han met, both quite For the same vote. Yan YiChun got the trust of Yan Han with the help of Yan Fu Xu Jiajia, Yan Han handed Yan Zhichuan Escort to Yan YiChun, and Su's daughter Su Xiaomei and Yi Chun were both happy and pleased to see Yi Chun come out ahead. Although David and Fang ZhiChun have mutually expressed their feelings, David decided to quit because Su Can was his good friend. Fang ZhiChun was so heartbroken that he was allowed to marry Su Can. Yan YiChun, who framed and released David at the wedding, sent a shot and wound Su Can at the wedding, but blamed him for releasing David. Only Fang ZhiChun believed David was not the murderer of the shooting and stood with him without hesitation. Injury and wife's hate made Su Can can not be relieved misunderstanding of David. Here, David was acquainted with Yao FengYu, a revolutionist, and Huo YuanJia, a chivalric man, and attracted by their pride and spirit of idealism, who repeatedly helped them at the critical juncture and became the turn of life and death and revolutionary successes Later, David and Fang ZhiChun were invited by Yao FengYu to work for the revolution. After Yan YiChun got everything from Yan's bodyguard, he started to persecute Yan Han. He also cooperated with the Governor-General and Japanese who made revolutionary achievements to sell arms and to develop a gas that would seriously endanger the lives of the people and become one of the Japanese Walking alone, Yan Han discovers Yan YiChun's vicious intention. At the same time, he discovers that David is the son of a son who has always thought he is dead, but can not get back the Yan YiChun's Yan SeriGuard. Xu steward tolerated to say that he is Yiqin's biological father, Yi Chun has been frenzied, killing Xu Butler. Yan Han dying before the end of the interpretation of David is a strict spring, recalling spring had to hypnotically please spring return to strict home. Yao FengYu and Huo YuanJia, the second stills of the rivers and lakes, have been investigating the arsenal of gas. Yan YiChun jumped to the wall and went on to assassinate, kidnap and intimidate the eldest brother Wang Da and Ye San. Young Master Wang and Yan YiChun killed Su-Wan Kim with counterfeit money. Su Can joined the beggar to become the helper. Su Xiaomei found out what Yan YiChun did. Sad and Yan YanChun's child was caught off guard. Yulou spring Yan close personal maid.Yan Zhi Chun and Fang ZhiChun eliminated each other's misunderstanding and deepened feelings of mutual confrontation. During the contest against Japan, Yen Chi-chun won the victory over Japan's first Karate by Huo YuanJia, while the Japanese used Yan YiChun In the contest for the release of gas. Han Yu-ting, who knew Yanchun well in Beijing, was the niece of the army and became a newspaper reporter after graduating from college. He also spared no effort in investigating the poison gas. Yao FengYu and Fang ZhiChun risked their lives to deep into the poison gas valley and made first-hand information on the poisonous gas. Revolutionary leaders Li Shanhe and Nguyen decided to hold a parliament. According to this information, chongming has become the military governor of the National Assembly. In this struggle, Han Yu-ting died in the rescue of Qi Chun and Yao FengYu was poisoned. Nguyen was also shot dead and finally won the impeachment. Su Can finally eliminated the misunderstanding of Yan Zhi Chun and sacrificed her life to rescue Fang ZhiChun from the hands of the King and hope that she will pursue her own happiness. Su Xiaomei saw the true face of Yan YiChun and knew that he could not repent again and decided to leave him and give birth to her and Yan YiChun's daughter alone. All Yan YiChun's efforts have been foolhardy, become bereaved by the bereaved dog, the departure of the little girl gave him the last blow, he went back two decades ago once again wandering the streets, has become a living by the people beggar. Yan Zhichun and Fang ZhiChun go hand in hand to study in France, and after twelve years, they will return to their country of study.

desire (TV)[2000]

Feature: Xia ZhongLin and GuLiWei Pursuit of Simple Female College Students An Hui, An Hui Be Xia ZhongLin's wife's desire poster. Twenty years later, Xia ZhongLin formed the Lin'an Group and Gu LiWei became his subordinate. However, Hao LiHua, a lover who was abandoned by Xia ZhongLin, was bitterly loyal to Bai ZiQiang for many years. After being desperate for love, Hao LiHua was very sad Reminiscent of the Xia Xiaoling still have children in the abdomen, changing her mind to marry Bai ZiQiang. After Hao LiHua gave birth to her daughter Hao Jia, she divorces Bai ZiQiang and exposes Bai ZiQiang's illegal business practices, leaving her to jail for eight years. After Bai ZiQiang jailed for permission to divorce, Hao LiHua out of guilt, took Bai ZiQiang's daughter Bai Ling, after the dowry and Japanese Chinese. Her husband inherited the legacy after death, Hao LiHua became president of Lihua Electronics. An Hui and Gu LiWei, fellow wife with Xia ZhongLin, rekindled. Gu LiWei strengthened Wu DeHua, a computer prodigy, through An Hui's younger brother An Da, and hanged Xia ZhongLin with Hao LiHua. An Hui, who wanted to be an independent worker, got no result and was fired by his boss. Xia ZhongLin in the dark act, An Hui was fired her boss re-employed. Bai ZiQiang, who always loves Hao LiHua, is desperate for Hao LiHua. Hao LiHua can not tolerate her daughter's marriage to her 20-year-old man and termination of cooperation with Gu LiWei. Can Hao Jia or Gu LiWei marry? An Hui has failed in his career and feelings and is determined to end his own life. However, attempted suicide, Chen Zhongqin driver Chen DaQing quietly fell in love with her, and Xia ZhongLin increasingly attached to Bai Ling. An Hui is getting worse, and Xia ZhongLin feels emptiness like never before. He owns his daughter but does not have the feeling of her daughter. He has emotional problems with Bai Ling and Meng XiaoYun, but he can only find comfort in the beauty salon owner Ye Hong. An Hui was in a very serious condition, paralyzed and lost her language skills. The doctor decided to have surgery immediately but the operation was very dangerous. An Hui has been pushed into the operating room when Xia ZhongLin et al arrived at the hospital. The operating room door closed, the door above the red light.

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