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Eva Huang TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Eva Huang Works 47 ,And Comedy 14 ,Feature 14 ,Romance 11 ,Costume Drama 7 ,Action 6 ,Martial Arts 5 ,Suspense 4 ,Love 4 ,War 3 ,Fantasy 3 ,Crime 3 ,Motivational film 2 ,Historical play 2 ,Urban drama 2 ,Family drama 2 ,Adventure 2 ,Republic of China 1 ,legend 1 ,时装1 ,惊险1 ,轻喜剧1 ,浪漫1 ,家族1 ,复仇1 ,Ancient 1 ,Business War 1 ,Reality show 1 ,Youth drama 1 ,Idol drama 1 ,Campus drama 1 ,Biopic 1 ,Sports 1 ,Music 1 ,Thriller 1 ,Art 1 ,Sci-Fi 1 。

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Eva Huang Filmography(47)


鬓边不是海棠红 (TV)[2020]


电视剧《鬓边不是海棠红》剧情介绍:讲述了上世纪三十年代,北平一名叫 Shang XiRui 的梨园新魁凭借过硬的本领在这一行声名鹊起,然而由于他是外来的,被本地势力疯狂打压。为了让自己在北平站稳脚跟,兑现自己当初要将戏曲发扬光大的承诺,他不屈不挠,一门心思扎进艺术的海洋中。在此过程中,从未看过京剧的新派富商 Cheng FengTai 偶然间看了他的表演后被深深打动,有意与他结交,并在他的影响下对京戏日渐痴迷。在 Cheng FengTai 的帮助下, Shang XiRui 克服重重阻挠,在北平重建水云楼,并培养了一批优秀的京戏人才,影响力深远。1937年,日军占领北平,面对他们令人发指的烧杀抢掠的行径,不忍大好山河与国粹艺术就这么葬送的有识之士们开始奋起反抗, Shang XiRui 和 Cheng FengTai 也被众人保家卫国的热血之情所影响,暂时放下自己渺小的人生目标,投身革命队伍,不惜以血肉之躯保家卫国,也为艺术的保护与传承献出了自己的一份力量。


Fox spy (Movie)[2019]


The lyrics of the film "fox and the spy" say that the daughter of the chairman of a Chinese company abroad has been kidnapped and demanded a huge ransom. Xiao jian, the company's security chief and a former soldier, has helped police officer mo tai go through tough times, exterminate terrorists and save his compatriots in an emotional story to make up for his negligence and protect the dignity of his countrymen.

横财局中局 (Movie)[2019]




Unbreakable Spirit (Movie)[2018]

Feature: In the 1937,during the War of Resistance Against Japan. After Lugou Bridge Incident, Japanese army invaded China inland, the capital Nanjing was in danger. At this crucial moment,the government decided to move to Chongqing. During Feb.1938 to 1944, Japanese army started bombing Chongqing area for more than six years. Chongqing people were still fighting under Japanese bombardment aircraft,showed Chinese people’s bravery and strong will. To protect homeland,young Chinese pilot with America flying instructor began their legendary adventure,Even their equipment was fall behind Japanese army. Their courage was respectable,they would rather die in sky not to hide in a bunker. Finally,their resisting struggle changed the war...

Little Emperor Kang Xi (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Less Emperor Kang Xi" tells the story of Emperor Kang Xi, a four-year emperor of Kang Xi. Emperor Kang Xi, a young emperor of the early monarchy, led his eight-nation children and their relatives in hunting in Nanyuan. Stand team. Unexpectedly, one of the best comers turned out to be a girl dressed as a boy Niu Donglu .Dong Zhu, Kang Xi to honor their commitment to reward East Pearl, East Pearl apply for withdrawal from the draft, the freedom to marry. Kang Xi into embarrassment, the draft and the marriage is related to North Korea's forces to re-layout, Kang Xi threw the problem to Fu minister. After Kang Xi learned of the "Ming History Case" and "Tianzhong Case" handled by Fuxian during his administration, all the bloody killings were so blameworthy that Kang Xi promised to be rehabilitated by both parties after he had been pro-prorate. All the ladies entered the palace, the Queen's wedding, the state government is still dominated by the minister, pro-political way slim, Chaotang changing, unpredictable situation; harem contempt for the girls, frequent civil strife. Kang Xi suffered the pain of love and forced the palace, and therefore experienced the growth. Kang Xi step by step through the clutches of wisdom, imperialism and independence to oversee the imperial power, the achievements of the rectification administration, peacekeeping San Francisco's great cause, to achieve Huiminpeople's aspirations, the ultimate rule of the world, ushered in the world of prosperity & nbsp ;.

Ping Xia Xia Ying (TV)[2018]

Feature: "Ping Zhai Xia Ying" tells the story of ten years of art Lei Yun Lei (Xiaochen Wang ornaments) disguised as a man far away from the capital, to know the truth of grandfather's death and find the brother of the lost cloud for many years, the way to get acquainted with the young warrior Zhang DanFeng (Ma Ke ornaments). Two people work together to advance and retreat, as long as the two together, Shuangjianbibi, will always favoritism. The two hearts connected, and gradually produced a sincere love. However, Zhang Dan Feng and Yun Lei quickly found out that Zhang Yun and his family did not even have a common fate, but for a long time to make them more cherish each other. In the end, Zhang Dan Feng and Yun Lei broke through all the obstacles, eliminated the bad guys and donated their treasure to the country, and so they retreated from the arena.

The Frozen Hero II (Movie)[2018]


The journey of time and space tells the story of the Ming dynasty's general he ying, yuan long, nie hu and sa mastiff from the dusty iceberg traversed to the modern, ancient enmity in the modern continue to show. After the cruel struggle between brothers, he ying finally gained his love.

clown (Movie)[2018]


A Man and A Wang, two brothers from A private detective agency, were sent by their bosses to investigate the robberies of A jewelry store. During the investigation, brother huobao helped the jewelry group Wang GuangYu uncover the conspiracy of Qin Xiao through several obstacles, and also gained his own love. Due to the natural lack of common sense, lack of understanding of the secular life structure, lack of logical judgment on the development of things, so the constant Yang Yang Yang wrong, full of jokes.

the white coat raised its eyebrows (TV)[2018]


The drama of the TV series "the white clothes fang zhenmei" is introduced: it tells the story of the famous white clothes great man fang zhenmei who suffered injustice overnight and became the black and white two ways of pursuing and killing the devil. Who am I when I am on the run with another big man? I have formed a friendship with the evil witch zeng dafeng. However, with the deepening of fang zhenmei's investigation, he found that zeng had been cheating herself from the beginning. And behind the whole plot is also a good friend guo ao bai's hand. In the end, zeng dafeng, who had fallen in love with fang zhenmei, died at the hands of guo ao bai, who found that all he could get was an imaginary imperial dream. Then Fang Zhenmei biggest rival foreign prince Jin Shiyin surfaced, facing the Jin Shiyin wulin plot to eliminate the central plains, Fang Zhenmei lead who am I, and regression Guo Ao white together to beat the strong.


TheDoolittleRaid (Movie)[2017]

Feature: 2015 marks the 70th anniversary of the victory of the world anti-fascist war and the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. The film "Great Bombing" was launched by a Shanghai private cultural enterprise and the film and television people of both China and the United States will hand in hand to bring "The Anti-Japanese War Story to the Screen." From February 1938 to December 1944, the inhuman "indiscriminate bombing" of the Japanese army resulted in more than 30,000 direct casualties and more than 6,600 indirect casualties and huge financial losses in Chongqing. Civilian settlements, schools, hospitals and foreign ambassadors All were bombed and became one of the most tragic bombings in the history of war: the "Chongqing bombing."

New siege (TV)[2017]

Feature: "The new siege" tells the story of Suzhou Young Shang Jin University Department of Philosophy graduated from Beijing as a North drift. Beijing girl Li Mao is Shang Jin's girlfriend, both of whom are college alumni. Li Mao read the outdoor environment design professional, but the current job is to do indoor environment design, she and girlfriend hair opened a "new siege" home studio. Li Mao did not dare to lead Shang Jin to meet her parents because her parents wanted Li Mao to find a boyfriend with Peking identity. So Shang Jin took the position of the first professional community mediator in the Beijing Justice Bureau, became a glorious community mediator and became a Beijing native. When Li Mao brought Shang Jin to her parents, they realized that things were far from simple. They gradually walked from a small world of love into a new siege of marriage. On the road to getting married, they performed a joyful and rich comedy of life.

HuoBao (Movie)[2016]

Feature: Private detectives A Man and A Wang (Hu Xia), living treasure brothers, were dispatched to investigate the looting of the jewelers as the detective agency's illegal agency was pinned on by popular female police officer Zhu XiaoHuan. During the course of the investigation, the brothers helped the jewelry group Wang GuangYu to block the conspiracy of Qin Xiao (Jianfeng Bao) and gain his own love. Due to the innate lack of common sense, the lack of understanding of the structure of secular life and the lack of logical judgment on the development of things, the living treasure brothers constantly make mistakes and mischief.

Im waiting for you in Xilin Gol. (TV)[2015]

Feature: Personally perverse Wu SuoWei suffered from double damage to family and love and escaped, accidentally met a kind music teacher Han Xiao. He witnessed the pictures of brave and strong Han Xiao demonstrated in the face of frustration. In the process, Han Xiao moved Wu SuoWei with his simplicity and sincerity, and even helped him resolve all kinds of misunderstandings with his dead father, his ex-wife and his opponent and finally returned to himself.

I really want to hear you say I love you (TV)[2015]

Feature: Wang FengFan, president of Wang Zi, who rescues a tea king, has unexpectedly discovered that Ye's tea "Sparrow" is exactly what he was looking for. Ye ZiXuan boyfriend Xia Lie returned from studying with her break up, leaves sad. Wang FengFan's ex-wife eyeing the group of Wang, Wang FengFan want to keep the king and get back "Longtan" tea tree, marry him. Xia Lie left Zixuan to take revenge for the stills of Wang FengFan Ye ZiXuan (played by Huang Shengyi). He pursues Wang FengFan daughter, get the king's appreciation into the king's group. Xia Lie and Wang Feng Fan's ex-wife and commercial rivals joined forces in an attempt to seize the king, Wang FengFan in trouble. In fact, Wang FengFan is not the enemy of Xia Lie, he has been looking for Xia Lie, to return the industry to him. Misunderstanding solved, everyone working together to defeat, finally resolved the king's crisis. Wang FengFan hand over the king to Xia Lie, Ye ZiXuan and Xia Lie rebuild old. All people are profoundly aware that wealth should not only be material, but more importantly, spirituality, human nature and love should be inherited from future generations and should be based on love as the core spiritual wealth.

Love you thousand thousand thousand silk (TV)[2015]

Feature: "Love you thousand thousand thousand silk" tells the story of Tong ZhiYuan, a master of study in the UK. In her academic success, the brightest youth, I could go back to find an enviable good work, live a free and comfortable good life. However, her path of growth is doomed to be more bumpy than others. After her return, a huge earth-shattering change that unexpectedly came to her led to her quietly. In an instant, her father not only suffered from a career but was also jailed for imprisonment, and her mother committed suicide because of her unhappy sorrow. Tong ZhiYuan once again left her home and went to Thailand under the heavy blow of her sudden loss of her parents. She secretly vowed in the heart, one day will give the incident a heavy blow to the murderer. So, with the faith of revenge, she began to secretly investigate the truth of the murder. Although the road to revenge alone and helpless, but stubborn as she, never give up, step by step towards the road to revenge. Tong ZhiYuan's childhood sweetheart Chen Chao since childhood to establish a deep feeling with her, and silently like her for a long time, but did not show their feelings. After Tong ZhiYuan suffered a family misfortune, he bravely expressed her feelings to her and expressed her willingness to stay with her and take care of her. Just get away from it, while in Thailand Tong ZhiYuan is also the two brothers half-brother Fang TianQiu and Fang TianXu. Handsome and meticulous, meticulous work Fang TianQiu so Zhi ZhiYuan at his sight, and when he and Fang TianXu in order to inherit the same room, the two are gradually attracted by this stubborn, independent girl, and has fallen in love with her . Since then, the half-brotherhood, in addition to the dispute over the right of inheritance, there was a fierce battle of love, and Tong ZhiYuan also fell into the pull of love and hatred.

Iceman3D (Movie)[2014]

Feature: During the Ming dynasty, "Ying Yingjie" - He Ying, dragon, tiger, mastiff famous inside and outside the hall. He Ying and Mastiff were orphaned by Taoyuan Village, and they both joined the training camp at the age of nine. After this, they both met the dragon and tiger brothers and four of them formed profound friendship during the training and development. One day, He Ying went to Tianzhu State on the orders of the emperor to escort the legendary "Golden Globe", the forerunner of the future. On the way back, but suddenly the dragon, tiger and mastiff these three brothers came to capture themselves. The original imperial court Du adult one was killed, the scene of murder evidence also point to He Ying. The crowd is in battle, trembling, a huge avalanche drowned four. After 400 years, He Ying, who had been unexpectedly thawed, came to modern society and met drunk Metropolitan girl Xiao Mei on Halloween's evenings. Xiao Mei fashion beautiful, the surface of worship, but in fact good-hearted. With the help of Xiao Mei, the talented He Ying quickly learned to adapt to the high-tech modern society. At the same time, with her life and understanding, the feelings of He Ying and Xiao Mei also changed subtly. At the same time, the tiger and the mastiff two people also successively thawed from the ice seal. Due to the memory still standing 400 years ago, the two started to hunt He Ying and fiercely warmed against the Tsing Ma Bridge in Hong Kong. He Ying and Tiger , Mastiff battles at the same time, they encountered a mysterious third party fired anesthetic shells, He Ying shot in a coma crashed into the sea ... ...

Banknote fly (Movie)[2014]

Feature: Banknote Flying was jointly produced by Sichuan Dongxu Yu Investment Management Co., Ltd. and Emei Film Group. Based on the real history during the Anti-Japanese War, a section of the Republic of China in the mountainous areas of Sichuan and Yunnan Province seized the historical events of the closed vouchers, For a great compassion, heroic anti-Japanese comedy. Video by the government of Xiling County People's Republic of China found true and false off coupons incident and a group of little people to print counterfeit money and Ming money deceive Japanese spies and traitors of black humor to create a large number of commercial comedy elements to show ordinary people in the face of national interests The sense of national justice and pride have added a heavy touch to the anti-Japanese movement in Sichuan, Yunnan and Yunnan.

OntheRoad (Movie)[2014]

Feature: On a southbound train, the hero of the story, Zhou 涣 and Shui Jing meet unexpectedly and spend a wonderful time together. Though such encounters seem unreasonable to others, they now comfort each other in their hearts. Many love stories are often about the separation and combination of a love, but this story tells the true start of love ... ... The beginning of healing is the beginning of love. It tells the story of two men and women in the same lotus-like time as the mud, the lotus in the swamp, and the pain and sorrow of pursuing a beautiful bloom.

NatureLaw (Movie)[2014]

Feature: The appearance of a feminine man, the heart around the mean urban woman - Mi Lan (), operating a "break up" as the main business company. Companies use various means to break up all kinds of relations that can not be dealt with and to save those who are bound by various relations. The purpose of the company is that people must be freed from the complicated social relations, so break up, disband, break through. Staged scenes of life emotions symphony. Liu ZhengNan (), an urban mature man who was demolished and relocated to Mi Lan before returning to life. Liu ZhengNan's wedding, it is also one of the classic case of "breaking up the company." Qian Dongxu, one of the most influential clients of "Break Up Company" in the play, is also a highlight of the movie with Mi Lan. Tai and Bei Ta are the two "breaking up" weapons for Mi Lan. Mi Lan is actually a girl who is extremely lack of trust in interpersonal relationships. Due to the alienation of emotional relationships of her childhood parents, her father's failure to do something, and her betrayal by her friends and lovers in her own growth, Mi Lan gradually closed her heart. Only believe in the interests and desires, and found a business opportunity after taking society, so start a company to break up. She thought it unsuitable fate should end it, so they go to break apart until Mi consecutively break up all the relations have all had unexpected negative consequences, Mi Lan began to re-examine their own lives. When Mi Lan finally realized that all the relations should go its natural way, she regained friendship, affection and love.

ShesMyFamily (TV)[2014]

Feature: "Star to my home" is a new live reality reality reality show, starting at 22:00 on Fridays from Jiangsu Satellite TV on October 10, 2014. In the program, the actress will be alone as a member of the farmhouse, In the program to accept a new test of family relations. Cecilia Cheung, Huang Shengyi, Qiuxia Hyun, and Li Jinming, the four guests, marry into the farmhouse with their "daughters-in-law" and live under the eaves with their mother-in-law. They support each other from strangers and record their real necessities.

The Palace (Movie)[2013]

Feature: In the Qing Dynasty, Zhao Jia ChenXiang entered the palace and met his same age, Gong Nv Liu Li, and became friends. Liu Li bent on trying to figure out in an attempt to encounter Elder change the Phoenix, at the betrayal of framed incense; and incense is then coincidentally with the Kangxi Xi Kangxi Emperor thirteenth son () Aixinjueluo Yinxiang love, after twists and turns ups and downs, the two finally go away, love each other .

TheLockedDoor (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Republic of China years. Shanghai, Taicang Town. Yan Wen (Huang Shengyi) is a flower of Kaoling, a coveted flower in the hearts of small town men. Her family love, father and mother love, and her wealthy fiancee Jin Ren (Yang Zi). However, everything is as beautiful as a fireworks, due to a night misunderstanding Yi Yi do. That night, Yan Wen was lured by Jin Ren to lose her virginity. There were rumors that she eventually evolved into an absurd one. Gou Zi raped Yan Wen, and where did the truth fall into Rashomon? As a result, Yan Wen was abandoned by Jin Ren and hell fell from heaven paradise overnight. A beautiful jasmine fell through. However, the bad luck did not stop there, the birth of the Nirvana species, Gou Zi's identity mystery, so that Yan Wen plunged into the fate of entangled whirlpool again, the woman flowery, dreams of flowers, the end is empty ......

On the Road (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Sam Riley Sam Riley is a young writer seeking inspiration and longing for travel, and Dean Moriarty (Garrett Hedlund Garrett Hedlund) is a romantic, jailed teenager who married a 16-year-old Ma LiLu girl (Kristen Stewart Kristen Stewart ornaments) wife. However, Purcell was very fond of Dean's passionate life. Dean admired Purcell's demeanor and knowledge. After getting acquainted with three young, infatuated young people, she quickly decided to abandon her life and walk on the road together. They hitchhiked all the way, smoking marijuana, singing songs and meditating when drunk. On the boulevard that crosses the U.S. east and west, let the waves break through the waves, pursue self and burn youth. The film is adapted from the autobiographical novel of the American writer Jack Kerouac, which is regarded as the "cross generation" of the Bible.

OneNightToBeStar (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Tie Zhu (Tianwa Yang) stands out in the Chinese fashionista show. Fan YuLe (Liu Hua (Actor)), the director of People & Performing Company, took a fancy and focused training and sent him abroad for further studies. Tie Zhu was instructed by a famous English music professor under the guidance of musician Sui XiaoFei (Huang Shengyi). At the same time, he and Sui XiaoFei also built a wonderful feeling. Tie Zhu, after returning from studies, will have the opportunity to perform on the stage with world superstar VITAS (Wei TaSi Vitas) and Italian version Su Shan DaMa Marsola (Carmen Masola), but his rustic feelings Entertainment is incompatible, making him embark on a very bumpy road of fame ... ...

HighKickers (Movie)[2012]

Feature: Film "sacrifice skills" by the Communist Party of China Qiandongnan Propaganda Department, Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of China Kaili, Beijing Century Mingxuan Culture Media Co., Ltd., Hunan Meiya Media Co., Ltd. jointly shot. The film sports athletics as the main line, with China's unique affection and responsibility as an emotional load, to express the Chinese-style inspirational and successful elements of the spirit. Tells the story of a mysterious girl with a secret, dedication to win the national championship in the far from selfish and narrow dreams, persistent passion burning the passion of life.

TheManBehindtheCourtyardHouse (Movie)[2011]

Feature: Chu XiaoLi (Huang Shengyi) and three friends went to look for the culture of the Kuiyang community. On the way, they wanted to borrow Xiaoli's father's friend's home. However, the host was away, and only a gloomy man received them. Fear came immediately. Zhou Dong (Chen Sicheng), a young worker in a state-run factory, came to Panjia Town to visit Huang Laodie, a retired employee. He encountered a middle-aged man full of vicissitudes in Dongfeng Hotel. Zhou Dong became friends with him and appeared as a modern dialectical class for men and women. Little does he know how self-righteous preaching will lead to irreversible consequences. Twenty years after the jail, the decadent lonely man stood back at the crossroads of life. Where to go, there is no clue, at this critical moment, together with unexpected events pushed him to take a crucial step.

JueLian (Movie)[2010]

Feature: In the twenties of the twentieth century China's Taicang town, childhood sweetheart, deserved reputation of Yan Wen and Jin Ren, is the most enviable pair in Taicang town, Yan Wen is the eldest sister of Taicang Chinese medicine family, Jin Ren more Taicang family is also returned to stay young master. On the evening of Jin Ren's drinking, Yan Wen helped dig Gou Zi, a dig man dumped by Jin Ren's drink, with Gou Zi rolling down the ditch. Unfortunately, Mrs. Tales of Taicang, Mrs. Zhou, caught sight of Jin Ren abandoned Yan Wen and married Hu Li, who was more charming. Yan Wen gave birth to Xiao YunLou, who can not see the light of day. Yan Wen's sister, Yan Qing, takes pains to support the fragmented Yan family. At the same time, Gou Zi's jail also opened his life. Xu Qiao, a famous star, Between the emotional disputes and suicide.

DaoBanAiQing (Movie)[2010]

Feature: The five black humorous stories were linked by a "Halley" motorcycle. Feng Feng pirated the love of Wang XiaoLi's first love and gave Wang XiaoLi a more pure love than piracy. Wang XiaoLi was touched. However, when their love meets a thief, meets two robbers, meets a liar, meets a car owner who loves movies, and interweaves five stories of characters around the coincidence of love. This "Harley" motorcycle has been owned by 5 story owners, this "Harley" motorcycle is also the love of Feng Le all. The film "Pirate Love", a movie starring in "The Mainland Version of Cedar," starring in "The Big Brother" and "The Big Picture of the Longest," is aired on the six central film channels of the six central avenues of the country and has aroused wide audiences' popularity. As the absolute heroine Ying children fresh performances highly respected by the audience. The movie "Pirate Love" consists of five stories, each one of its own storytelling and intertwining. The director says "five completely different stories throughout the movie, five distinct styles, and we string them together with a motorcycle We want to get rid of all the comedy elements and truly create a black humorous comedy with Chinese characteristics.I have a climax every five minutes and a bright spot every thirty seconds. "Director Li Zhi as a cutting-edge director, Liu Hua, Jiang Chao, and many other big names joined the film this time, a lot for the film to add color. The actress said: "The director is very creative, and his love of the movie and make me particularly infected, I admire his respect and pursuit of the movie business, I hope I can do my best to help the director, but also hope Since then, I can show my strength more on the big screen. "

Youth Melody (TV)[2010]

Feature: Youth melody It was the last quality development class before graduation. Counselor Zhao LaoShi (Cheng-Yung Chang) inexplicably let students start an unnamed long-distance race. The end of the standard is to fall on the runway. Almost all students chose to give up halfway. Only Wang YuHang (Leo Ku) kept running until the bell rang ... The employment situation was extremely grim this year. Wang YuHang and Liao BoHan (Deep Ng ornaments) on the sheets before leaving school wrote "I want to stay," the four characters hanging on the balcony of the dorm. The most important recruitment scene shocked both brothers. Crowded, Wang YuHang still confidently go straight to his favorite that well-known new energy company, waiting for the day he prepared for a long time. No news at the interview, Wang YuHang and Liao BoHan share a cheese house, in a small space with curtains pulled out of the partition as ants. After graduation, Ning Hao (Yang Yang (actor) ornaments) into the various civil service qualification examinations according to their parents' plan, and still lives a student-like day under the nagging of their parents. Wang YuHang and Liao BoHan rely on Ning Hao to bring their food from home during the most difficult time. Among the rented houses are Dong QianQian (Su Ma ornaments) and Pu XiaoTang (Jiang Mengjie ornaments). Dong QianQian is a well-known blame card holder. She has been forced to move forward with a dictatorial order from banks. Pu XiaoTang is a quiet girl, go game master, the boys could not find the North, but always lost to Wang YuHang.

Love (TV)[2010]

Feature: "Love in no time" tells the story of the end of the Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, that era, no father did not mother, relying on begging for extended living children are all over the street. Suffering not only taught them to put down their dignity, but also forced them to abandon their conscience. Eight-year-old Feng Yi curled up in the street, seeing it was to be eliminated by this brutal survival game, but fortunately he knew love each other a "predecessor" - Liu YiKui beggar. Feng Yi and Liu YiKui experienced a period of survival on the streets, suffering and sharing their lives. In the chaotic world, rare friendship is extremely precious. ... Finally, a character who changed their destiny appeared. Yu XianSheng is an important leader of the "Patriotic Association," and takes "devotion to overthrowing the corrupt government and establishing a new China." He took Feng Yi and Liu YiKui as their mothers, and cultivated them as national salvation elites: cowardly Feng Yi was taken to the mountain for exercise, and Liu YiKui was taken to a military academy abroad. The time came in a hurry, and as the two grew up, China at that time was also going through an important shift! After the Wuchang uprising, the southern provinces announced their independence one after another. The Northern New Army, led by Yuan Shih-kai, oppress the South's revolution by force and on the other hand secretly negotiate with the revolutionaries. On January 1, 1912, the "Republic of China" was established in Nanjing. One year later, in 1913, when greedy Yuan Shikai was the second provisional president, he plotted to sell and land the country with one heart and one mind. At that time, the situation in various quarters was chaotic and the warlords were divided. However, at this time and time after time after another group of patriotic revolutionaries, they ruined their youth and sacrificed their lives just to "save China!"

TheFoundingofARepublic (Movie)[2009]

Feature: The "Founding of a Republic" tells the story of a series of stories that took place from the end of 1945 to the eve of the founding of 1949. The main theme of the film's preparation reflects the period of time before the founding of new China. The film than the previous theme film has a new breakthrough, some of the little-known stories are mining, performance. Among them there is a deep description of the relationship between father and son.

ASingingFairy (Movie)[2009]

Feature: Wei WenDe, a Chinese American, is a musical talent studying in the United States. One day, a song he played attracted the attention of mentor Hawking. The original song is the old movie "Third Sister Liu" episode. Grandfather Wei WenDe every birthday must see "Third Sister Liu", leaving the motherland for 40 years, Grandpa watched 40 times, the video has been bad, but my grandfather or the story of Liu Sanjie unforgettable. It turned out that Wei WenDe's grandfather is an old Guangxi, although in the United States, but all the time missing his hometown. The teacher said to Wei WenDe that you played "Third Sister Liu" in a sinful manner in music skills, except that there is no Sister Liu's soul in your music. Instructor suggested Wei WenDe back to his hometown of Guangxi to find Third Sister Liu, drawing inspiration. Wei Father loves Liu Sanjie's voice has been worried about the marriage of her baby grandson that Wei WenDe want to go back to China, as soon as possible to let the grandchildren get married Father Wei secretly arranged a friend Mo Shu to help Sunzu match a marriage, I hope grandchildren can marry Like a "Third Sister Liu," as simple and singing and singing Cantonese girl. Wei WenDe these arrangements are completely in the dark. Wei WenDe is about to come to Guangxi, Mo Weiju entrusted by Weijia recklessly paid a little thought, he found the travel company arranged for Wei WenDe gold medal guide A Mei. At the same time, Mo Shu arranged arrangements for Zhuang, Miao, Yao, Dong, and other ethnic minorities in Guangxi Province to sing songs for their best. The sister-in-law of Guangxi prepared to give Wei WenDe a beautiful folk song. And arranging for this tour there is another purpose, that is, for Wei WenDe in these Guangxi singer blind date. It may happen that Coincidentally, Aussie tour guide A Mei temporarily has something to do, so she quietly entrusted this important task to her own little sister Liu TianTian. Zhuang family sister Liu TianTian had to temporarily close her own jewelry store. When a tour guide. Along the way, Liu TianTian with Wei WenDe went deep into the villages of Yaozhai, Dongs, Zhuangs, and other villages to sing and dance together, expressing the happiness and joy that national unity brings to them. As the head of the "Little Miss Sanjie Troupe" Liu TianTian also by the way sneaked to her little sister biography. Wei WenDe was moved by the graceful singing voice of the ethnic minorities in Guangxi and was moved by the happy life of the ethnic brothers and sisters. He again and again made joke about ethnic custom of ethnic minorities and made people laugh with patience. Liu TianTian, ​​who knew the truth of the trip, mistook Wei WenDe for being a playboy, and both had many misunderstandings. Liu TianTian intended to ignore Wei WenDe. However, Wei WenDe's innocence and love of music make Liu Tian Tian gradually realize that Wei WenDe actually knew no blind date. As a result, Liu TianTian again and again to help Wei WenDe embarrassed embarrassed. Wonderful music let Wei WenDe and Liu Tian Tian love each other. And at this moment, the appearance of A Mei left Wei WenDe and Liu Tian Tian once again misunderstood. A Mei learns that Wei WenDe came to see her blindly. A Mei, who was trying to become a lady, told Liu TianTian that her mate was Wei WenDe, a rich child, which made Liu TianTian feel distressed and helpless. She did not want to hurt her sister A Mei. As a result, Liu TianTian quietly returned to his hometown, concentrate on the songs for the little sisters. Wei WenDe is caught in a deep solitude.A Mei learned that Wei WenDe did not like her, and that she finally figured it out. As a result, A Mei gave up the pursuit of Wei WenDe. A Mei encouraged Wei WenDe to look for his lover Liu TianTian. Wei WenDe came to Liu TianTian's hometown. When he heard Liu TianTian's song, he finally found out that Liu Sanjie, who was always looking for him in his mind, was the one in front of him. He bravely confess to Liu TianTian. There are lovers married, a love of music played this ring.

Girl punching (TV)[2009]

Feature: "Girl Rushes" tells the story of Xiao Qiao is the supreme treasure of romantic, Sun Quan is a pure innocent Zixia fairy, Cao Cao turned into a beautiful heart of the righteousness of the 13th mother. Sun Quan and Xiao Qiao started out as kinder lovers from kindergartens. When they had a love affair during their childhood, they met more than a dozen times and met naked on the university campus in the moonlight. The two seem to have similar feelings, has been complicated and confusing, and Cao Cao is intended to win over love, in the relationship between the two often set the fetters, a twists and turns of the strange school love story started ......

End of the World song girl (TV)[2008]

Feature: Stills Zhou Ligen and his youngest wife, Ye LiYa (Hong Pan), employed by the concession police station during the Republican period adopted a baby girl named Xiao Hong. Growing up, Cecilia Cheung (Cecilia Cheung ornaments) had the opportunity to join the moon club, and began her singing career, changed her name to Zhou Xuan, after singing competitions to emerge. Although Zhou Xuan was feared by Zhao He (member Lin He), she was supported and loved by Qi Ming (Yueming Pan) and Qiao DaGe (Ambrose Hsu). Qi Ming and Zhou Xuan are also born affair, after the twists and turns to a couple. Zhou Xuan joined Gu ZhiMing (Feihu Sun) to develop the movie business, but only when Xuan was the cash cow in his heart, Qi Ming was in love with his wife and repeatedly conflicted with him. Gu ZhiMing then set a guilty conscience to destroy their feelings of both husband and wife. Finally, Qi Ming and Zhou Xuan 仳From, Xuan greatly affected.

Call for Love (Movie)[2007]

Feature: Happy marriages are the same, unhappy marriages each have their own differences. Having failed to withstand the seven-year itch test, Xu Lang finally said goodbye to her esthetic-tired wife. One night, Xu Lang, who originally planned to repair the phone, came across a mysterious man calling himself Tian Shi, who gave Xu Lang a cell phone and claimed that the cell phone could satisfy the owner's wishes just like Aladdin's lamp, Xu Lang dream of the ideal woman to bring him around, the option of the hands of Xu Lang, only ten chances. Tian Shi did not lie, from the moment she got her cell phone, one after another 10 different types of women broke into the life of Xu Lang. They were either glamorous, capable, or budget-conscious, or elven or intellectual , Or innocent, or worth millions, or mysterious and flirtatious ... ... These have made Xu Lang into a non-non-non-woman, eventually brought him what is inexhaustible happiness, or inexhaustible sense of loss, a series of The absurd absurdity is about to be staged.

New nine products sesame officer (TV)[2007]

Feature: During the period of full coverage of the Qing Dynasty drama series, the surface of the world is peaceful and the people live in abundance. However, in fact, corrupt officials and people are not attracted to the community. Only those who are wealthy or tyrants can truly enjoy the so-called peaceful day. Officials are not good, the sky is young, but fortunately there is still a little noble, so that all over the world, sun and the moon. There is a saying in Guangdong Fenglai Village, the village is not an adult is not much, but there is a "Ming Feng restaurant," rolling tea Liang, complex with a group of young women composed of music day and night musician Fuqin, that add a bit Ya tea restaurant , "Ming Feng restaurant" then surging business, such as water. The boss Lu Yiru, reluctantly remember the old, but happens to be the only son of Lu XiaoFeng dusty mouth tongue trick, courageous and does not act in accordance with the law, but in fact envious of revenge, has a good heart. Lu Yiru had been young when Jiupeng magistrate, soon after resigning from the government, the operation of the restaurant, but for some time still remember the official, so Xiaofeng monasteries from childhood, especially on the Qing Dynasty Long package deep admiration, Day Night One day I want to be able to learn to pack a sky like a mirror hanging high and solve the difficulties of the people. "Ming Feng Restaurant" music class clever month, and Xiaofeng grow together in Fung Lai, not interested in being a wealthy businessman in the neighboring village, satisfied that concubines, Xiao Feng and a Confucian be personally married, but unexpectedly the night of the wedding , Qiao Yue was tortured to death by the wealthy businessman's positive room. Xiaofeng indignant and inexplicable, told the officer, surprise, collusion between officials and businessmen, not only injustice difficult snow, but also Xiao Feng re-play fifty plates. Where the buttocks bloom, Xiaofeng vows not bow, spared no expense invited to the world famous Song ShiJie as Qiaoyue snow injustice, unexpectedly Song ShiJie money eyes open, turn the gun tip Xiaofeng, Xiao Feng Fatal bereavement, fortunate enough to run out of money, in order to check back a life. Publicity posters Xiao Feng's official evil Qingyun Road is the beginning of this. Xiaofeng acquaintance officialdom sinister, as the official heart is more determined, a Confucian lover eager, only to make up for family wealth to donate nineteen sesame officer. Wish to eventually pay, Xiaofeng apparently laughing on the job, but in fact my heart has long been issued under the ambition, civil unmarried one day, one day vowed not to return the official hometown. The new official took office three fire, Xiao Feng is the new officer seven fire. Different chances coincided with the recruitment of martial arts Ranger Fair catching the wind to catch the fast, but also to find the GongsunAnFen GongsunAnFen Gongsun Cezan Song Gongzuo, but also the bandit gangs of the four green forest evil evil rehabilitated as the four major law enforcement, So a group like the "Kaifeng House" afterlife team success. To report the same day, the innocence of revenge, small Feng Mao directed at Guangdong. Originally, he was not allowed to take the place of origin in accordance with the rules of the court. However, due to the presence of four major names, Song ShiJie, Fang TangJing, Liu HuaDong and Chen MengJi, successive county magistrates were all arrested by four people, leaving no one willing to go to Guangdong Xiaofeng also got his wish, then immediately take office, gearing up ready to confront Song ShiJie. However, did not eat the four big names bitter, but first to suffer the tyrants of gentry and tyrants. Martial Arts has always been invincible to the head pests, local tyrants and evil gentry together with the bureaucrats one after another laid off, the desire to destroy the new government arrogance.Somehow, but Xiaoduo counterattack bow in the Confucianism, Gong SunAnFen and show the help of the wind together, the ground bug one by one defeat, on a solid lesson, began to grasp the officialdom Tips. Finally, the top four appearances, Song ShiJie and Xiaofeng finally met. Song ShiJie saw Xiaofeng hit this undead character, but also a little admire, but also an exception to tell Xiaofeng, to become a good man like Baoguo like admirers, not just "clean" is enough, The four names are but a few like-minded teachers in the province. There are even more powerful names outside, more cunning prisoners, more complicated and difficult cases, and even if this small trial can not be passed, Please call for the people. Shijie in court as an unreasonable clever argument, only to teach Xiaofeng one fact - the truth is always hidden in the deepest caves of the deepest, and only insisted can make the truth to see the light again. Xiao-Feng Shi Shijie understand the painstaking efforts, but still can not beat the four names, but Xiaofeng and Shijie also enemy friends, sympathy, but have been planted in each other's heart. Despite the setbacks, Fortunately, with the help of exhibitions, the Xiaofeng finally calm down and reunited with all the government officials, , The criminals one by one carefully crafted crime ruins detection, under the true evidence and justice under the truth, vertical is the four great division, also one by one in the hands of Ren Xiaofeng, and Shijie for the first time defeated Xiao Feng's hands, small Phoenix is ​​ecstatic, Shijie surface congratulations, but my heart was secretly indignant. Xiaofeng fame more and more, the iron selfless name spread like wildfire, although won the people love, but also offended a lot of power, brought a calamity, fortunate to show the wind regardless of the protection of life, small Feng just live in life, but Xiaofeng dream never imagined, the martial arts show was actually the daughter of the wind, and get along for some time, the wind has long fallen in love with the Xiaofeng do not know. Sadly, Shijie secretly gave birth to the wind. However, this period of affection, but for a Confucian repeatedly obscure. It turned out that Confucianism resigned at the beginning because the dark power and corrupt clerks and colts were colluding with each other and were forced to sentence an injustice to cause the prisoners to jail for death. Although there is also a Confucianism, Confucianism, there is no heart of perseverance, guilty conscience I will not make up for it, and retreat from the hidden no longer involved in the dark bureaucratic. The exhibition wind, it was unjustly prisoners. A Confucianism is only afraid of the wind sooner or later found the truth, then multi-block obstruct the emotional development of the wind and Xiaofeng, but at this time, Xiaofeng reputation as flourishing, the ghost lost his or her heart, began to embark on personal reputation and forget The first wish for the public petition, and finally even fell to the Betrayer, and even the best partner Gong SunAnFen away from the Xiaofeng, and the wind began to despise Xiaofeng, a ray of love gradually sent to the embrace of Song ShiJie . Xiaofeng finally awakened, I do not know too late to remedy the situation, in order to fight back to the wind with the wind, Xiaofeng then agreed to wind drama promotion, and rival and enemy Song ShiJie set a gamble, if within six months Snow was a civil ten cases of injustice, so that people willing to create gold medal in recognition, the wind may change their minds.The "Ten Cases of Injustice" bet began immediately. The three big names Liu HuaDong, Fang TangJing and Chen MengJi came together to help the world. Turns and Xiaofeng confront each other in court. Once lost the direction of Xiaofeng, and finally slowly return to the right path, and then the right path difficult and sinister, unable to step by step, especially the return of Gong SunAnFen to help Xiaofeng one by one to break through the storm. In the last case of injustice, Xiaofeng justice for justice, at the court eunuch Wang Gongzhi. Wang Gonggong hate heart, check out the year was actually a Confucian Buying pass the book clerk, secretly cheating, so that even Xiaofeng carelessness even get fame, Confucianism that is, the crime of lying on the back, the crime asked cut. Xiaofeng thunder and lightning, confusion chaos. The imperial edict is even less, life Xiaofeng personally tried a Confucian case, if partiality, father and son with the cut. Xiaofeng now dilemma, Confucianism cheating really true, if not correct, it is difficult to account to the world, if the Fa-rectification, then the hand blade father. The biggest test finally came, Song ShiJie breeze show the other side revealed, determined to abandon the hatchet to help Xiaofeng arm. In fact, the wind has already known a Confucianism is the father of his father, but after years of folk floating in the air, I realized that when a Confucianism had the slightest, not deliberately to be a traitor, but also because of years of experience, understanding of Confucianism its honest integrity , Has long been disregarded, is willing to rescue a Confucianism and the Quartet. With the wind finally under the clear and unannounced visits to grasp the Wang Gonggong abuse of power, overwhelming evidence, would like to make a private deal with Wang Gong, in exchange for a Confucian life. However, a Confucian self-justification has been wrong in the year, can not be wrong today, they resolutely pleaded guilty, thinking that Xiao-Feng to retain the name of future generations. In the Xiaofeng tears cut a Confucian day, the emperor suddenly lowered the imperial decree of a death of Confucianism. In fact, the emperor now actually heard Xiaofeng, "Ten injustice," the matter, my heart quite a bit on the Xiaofeng God, I hope Xiaofeng really is a reincarnation of the sky, so that the world example is unhealthy. Then purposely Xiaofeng personally tried a Confucianism in order to see Xiaofeng as the official way, the son of the Road, and the human way. Confucianism case, the emperor Xiaofeng commendable endless, but the test cheating thing is true, the holy dynasty emperor when rewards and punishments, the emperor then made the Xiaofeng lifelong to do nine sesame small officer, will never be promoted. Finally Xiaofeng retain the name of a long time ago, a Confucianist also step from the gate of hell, and Xiaofeng after many hardships with the sister of the sister of Philippine Feifei sentiment, eventually married. Xiaofeng does not mind life as a nine small, anti-feel so in order to really close to people, dance with people. Song ShiJie, also help Xiaofeng eradicate traitors, go hand in hand with the wind, extending the legend of a generation.

Yu Gong moving mountains (TV)[2007]

Feature: Two thousand years ago, the stone village of Tai Sin was Taihang Mountain, Wang Wushan siege. Yu Gong (Hengxuan Zhao ornaments) suffer from home Alpine isolation, the ancestral closed, the pain of poverty, mobilize and lead the whole family to move the mountains for the benefit of future generations. Zhi Sou et al. Worried about disturbing the mountain god would lead to disaster, destroying the feng shui will have to make money, do everything possible to stop Yu Gong from moving mountains. Cao SheShen in the mountains is afraid of digging up the mountain and will nowhere to shelter it. This will mean that the demon practice will be so bad that Yu Gong has repeatedly been in distress. However, he has never wavered his ambition to dig Taihang and Pingwang Houses. Yu Gong eventually affected the villagers perseverance, have joined the team dug mountains, but also moved Yu HuangDaDi, Jade Emperor ordered the two Hercules will be a mountain back to the east of Shuo Fang, a mountain back to the south of Yongzhou in order to protect the harmony of the three circles. Since then, Yu Gong feat known throughout the ages, Yu Gong spirited.

Sun and the Moon volley (TV)[2007]

Feature: Describes the touching eternal friendship between Wu Tang Empire and Xie YaoHuan, a talented woman from Ba Shu. The drama and simply tell the story of history is different, the play under the premise of respecting history, wild recipes of the wild history, creating a number of beautiful women, Wen Mo Sao, rivers and lakes and so on. In addition to filming in Xi'an, the crew also built nearly 30 Tang-style interior scenes in Pizhou, as well as thousands of Tang costumes, hundreds of Tang hairstyles and thousands of pieces Beautiful Tang Dynasty weapons and apparel, all of these "Tang symbol" in the Tang dynasty government officials outline the details of life, but also reproduce the Tang folk customs.

Guangfu Taiji legend (TV)[2007]

Feature: 1925 Guang Handan, Hebei ancient city. Yang TianCheng (Law Kar-ying), the grandmaster of the Tai Chi generation, took a break at the Boxing Hall for a living, just starting a new boxing gym. Tong Ying (director Cao Rong ornaments) instigated fist meeting president Yan ZhongQian to accuse of Yang Jiaquan, Yan ZhongQian condoned Tong Ying troubles, Tong Ying and Yang TianCheng than hand, the results Yang TianCheng was hidden weapon Injury, Fortunately, Yang Yuanyu female Yu-Ying (Huang Shengyi ornaments) rushed in time to get rid of the poisonous hand, Yang TianCheng serious need to rest for 100 days, unable to open a grant boxing, a time boxing friends have left, Yang reputation began to be affected. With the help of Guangwu High School principal Xu WenHua (Yang Zi) and Yang Jiazi (Qin Li) and Shi Suo (Junhan Zhang), Yang YuYing disguised himself as a man, Unexpectedly, Tong Ying see through. Tong Ying Instigated Yan ZhongQian to Use the Fighting Forces and To Severely Punish Yu Ying with "Taiwanese Do not Teach Female," Tong Ying Jade Ying to Cheat, Yan ZhongQian According to the anomaly, President Wu TongYi's opposition, but Yan ZhongQian use the president's rights bent. Yu Ying was strapped to the street, while Yang Ying-sheng, Mrs. Ying (Ying Li), Shi Suo, Xu WenHua, Chun Lan (Zhanghua Yao) and Ya Ting came to the rescue. Tong Ying, however, When TianCheng was trapped, Yang TianCheng and Xu WenHua were wounded by Tong Ying. At the critical moment, Yu ZhenQuo (Patrick Tam (actor)), the only son of Yan ZhongQian, came to Yu Yu's rescue go. Yan ZhenGuo is a true disciple of Yang TianCheng, but also a lover of childhood sweetheart Jade Horse. His wedding with Yu Ying has always been opposed by his father, Yan ZhongQian, so he is in a dilemma. Zhen Guo Yu urged him to go away and fly high, Yu-Ying has to stay and continue to do female boxer, the two clashed. Zhen Guo was denounced by his father as a private remedy for Yu Ying and Yan ZhongQian decided to severely punish the country by his family law. Tong Ying wanted to take the opportunity to kill Zhen Yuan and allow the hired murderer to delay the poison. Tong Ying implementation of the murder program, the critical moment, Yang TianCheng saved Zhen Guo. Tong Ying sealed the boxing hall. Xu WenHua brought many students such as Chun Lan and Ya Ting to the streets to publicize the idea of ​​progress and to mobilize female students to attend the school. However, it did not go well. Yan Zhenuo Guo proposed to work into the militia, with the strength to open up Yanjia Quan industry. Ba Ye suggests jade bracelet decided the fate of female boxers. Jade and British beat, no one can be enemies, Yan ZhongQian excuse Zhen Guo who have injuries, forcing him to drink actually have been Tong Ying hands and feet of excitement, the result of hallucinations, deny the six parents, jade injury, himself fainted In the ground. Although Yan ZhongQian sealed the Yang Family Boxing Hall, Wu also saved her life with her own recipe. Yang TianCheng think there is no hope of marriage with the Yan family, began to mobilize Yu Ying and Xu WenHua phase, Yu Ying did not agree, because he did not want to give up Yan Zhen Guo. Xu WenHua, a radical youth who participated in the "May 4th Movement", was inspired by her. She believes that only through the development path of fitness and ill health can Taiji continue its survival. This idea has been won by Yu Ying's sister Yu Lan and Xu WenHua Strongly support.Jade British never became a female boxer, opened the first women's boxing gymnasium, censure by conservative boxers at the same time, but also with all kinds of feudal forces to fight. Yan's home is the opposite of Yang's. Yan ZhongQian forced his son Yan ZhenGuo to practice Taiji acupuncture Dafa, and based on this, Yan Chi-tai should be established as the main character of offense and defense. Yan Zhenguuo into the local armed militia work. Yan Zhenguo, who was just being abused, could not be used to seeing the misdeeds of militia groups. Therefore, he started a new segment of the militia in the militia. Although he was repeatedly frustrated, he defied the power and persisted in the end. The opportunity to reach justice has been unanimously endorsed and loved by the people and militias. Tong Ying, who has a deep hatred of Yan's family, is a complicated person. His persecution of the Yan and Yang families has never stopped. Fortunately, Wu Shu-Ren, sister of Da Shuai, benefited from the fitness-curing Taijiquan studied by Yu Ying , Tong Ying's behavior thus converged under the instruction of Da Shuai. But soon, Da Shuai was in a losing position. Tong Ying became the leader of the government and he began to persecute both Yan and Yang. At a critical juncture, Yu Ying and Zhen Guo worked together with the help of Xu WenHua to subdue Tong Ying with a masterful Taiji trick and subdued the foreign gun in his hand. In the end, Yan Zhenguo compromised Yujian's dedication and progress of the times and fully assisted Yuying in moving Taijiquan to the nationwide fitness program.

Home and everything is pleased to look up (TV)[2006]

Feature: This year's "Home and Everything Hing" We are talking about a wedding company story. Is the story carrying the "feeling of happiness, sweet taste, exciting experience, festive atmosphere"? - Please wait. "Lookup happy" in the plot design is determined by our several scrutiny, using a layer of promotion, suspense cluster phenomenon. So in the end there are a few suspense? How many weddings? How many couples? The ending of the final story explains what is the taste of happiness? - Please wait. New Year's film is the best summary of the past year. Lunar New Year TV shows this form of entertainment there for ten years, this year has done a summing up the extreme, so plot settings which into the most typical examples of 2006? How much craze? How many of the most influential movies, activities, buzzwords? - Or please wait and see. We are going to say that the design of the actor who is "looking up" should be described as "tailor-made" to be the most accurate. Fortunately, we have chosen the most suitable performer to cook our 2007 with such "raw materials" New Year feast is the blessing of the audience, but also our blessing. Appropriate actors to perform their own suitable performance characteristics of the role, will undoubtedly add a lot of drama. Liang Guanghua's Cheng Jidong, because Zhang Da-min's deep penetration of this role, has brought us a lot of fixed audience. 2006 The most popular Huang Shengyi and Yang Zi to join, so that a couple in life in the film and television works to become a couple. Ni Hongjie, one of the female lead actors of the most popular TV sitcom "Wulin Gaiden" in 2006, has become the most beautiful landscape in this series. Liu Hua made wonderful performances in the most spectacular film "Crazy Stone" in 2006, making Become a lot of people after a gossip topic, in addition to Guo Da, Ying Zhu and other traditional comedy star join, so that the drama really become a galaxy of galaxy! With so many "enigmas", with so many "most" and so many "hi", the rest depends on how our screenplay tells the story of "happiness." The only thing the audience has to do is, in the 2007 Spring Festival - "you're on the right bar"!

Golden Age (TV)[2006]

Feature: The story took place in 1930 - 1932 in the old China, Cheng ZiHua (Lan Cheng-lung ornaments) returned from studying abroad to return to Shanghai, one reshape self, the second is looking for her parents to break the couple Ai WanQing (Huang Shengyi ), Hoping to rejuvenate the front; Ai WanQing, once deeply hurt by Cheng ZiHua, is already a mentally and economically independent primary school teacher who has to make her own choices in the face of Cheng ZiHua's pursuit. Dear Ai WanQing For many years, Fang GuoWei (Yikuan Yan) will face the challenge of his rival. Xu ManLi (Bea Hayden) frenziedly loves Cheng ZiHua and can not tolerate his lover being taken away by others. The story goes further and the conflicts come to an end On the eve of the Anti-Japanese War in Shanghai, at the moment when the nationalities were in a state of existence and death, they resolutely let down their emotional entanglement and burst into courage and passion and plunged into the golden age of passion.

DragonSquad (Movie)[2005]

Feature: Petros, the head of the international criminal group, was harmed by the head of a criminal gang in Hong Kong, Duan Bian Hu. Petros hijacked Duan BianHu's brother, Duan BianBao, from the Hong Kong police to avenge his younger brother, and led Duan BianHu to await revenge! Hong Kong police lost in their own hands the number one wanted wanted to be undoubtedly lose face, to testify Duan BianHu brothers Interpol formed an elite 5-member action team to help Hong Kong police arrest to be brought to justice. Huang XinHao, Hong QiLe, Lu ShaoJun, Bai RuoXue, Lan ZhiJie Five-member and retired police Jiang Long waged death battles against criminal gangs. You Jing is a kind and beautiful woman who has struggled to survive in entertainment venues in Hong Kong and happened to get acquainted with Duan BianHu, a Hong Kong triad boss. She thought she found her romance and affection, and did not want Duan BianHu to use her identity as a cover to carry out criminal activities . Another leader of the criminal group Petros and Interpol in order to lead Duan BianHu have targeted You Jing, let her become bait for different purposes, so that the woman's experience has become very sympathetic and worried about, let People lamented the love in such dangerous games seem so insignificant!

Best in the world (TV)[2005]

Feature: "The best in the world" tells the story of Domingzigong Ironclad God Hou Zhu WuShi Xiongcai Wei strategy, with the world in mind, he established the well-known "Protecting the Dragon Villa" Paul the national security, under the command of heaven, earth, mysterious, yellow four spies . "Heaven, earth, mysterious, yellow," from "a thousand words," "heaven and earth Huang Huang, the universe prehistoric, sun and moon Ying 昃, Chen Suo column." Duan TianYa (played by Li Yapeng), Dang TianYa (Called Li Yapeng), calm and calm, grew up as a child and later adopted the "Ishpa School" to learn Ninjutsu and "Phantom Sword," adding " Dragon Villa "martial arts unfathomable. Gui HaiYiDao (Wallace Huo plays), proud of his words, with a melancholy brow, because his father was killed when Gui HaiBaiLian, he is determined to report his father's revenge, the best in the world, killing never use the first Two knives. "Guan Xuan Zi No. 1" Shang GuanHaiTang (Michelle Ye played), such as peach plum, extraordinary tactics, poetry and painting, doctors Buxingxiang, all know, but for men's wear on weekdays, presided over the "best in the world", Zhuang Economic, master the world secrets. Cheng ShiFei (Roger Kwok) is a mixed-race, witty, nonchalamic and witty writer who has become the successor to Gu SanTong, the unbeaten urchin. Once he put out the study of "King Kong is not bad magical powers," he will be turned into a gold body, turned into a gold man, immeasurable, frigid, fearless, invulnerable, invulnerable. At that time, the power of the government was under the control of Cao ZhengChun, the chief supervisor of the factory. Cao ZhengChun, an ambitious man who has practiced the power of "boy power," has taken the lead in world affairs and has taken the lead in governing the East and exercising power over the country. In order to dominate the court rights and ultimately seek to usurp the throne, Cao ZhengChun and Zhu WuShi vowed to seek opportunities to eradicate the dallion. Zhu WuShi is determined to protect the national security "Qing Jun side," Cao ZhengChun volt law to protect the Daming Jiangshan Sajik. At that time, the Izumo State dispatched two men and a woman master of martial arts to come to Turkey. In fact, there was another conspiracy behind them - they intended to abduct Emperor Tai Hou and embarrass the Ming dynasty. And Cheng ShiFei also coincides, with the emperor Yun LuoJunZhu conspiracy, by his posing as Tai Hou, Chi out of the cloud country master. Yun LuoJunZhu (played by Tammy Chen) and Cheng ShiFei also become lovers, but if Cheng ShiFei marries a county master, he can only become a prince of Cochin by following the instructions of Zhu WuShi. The case was opposed by the ministers, while Cheng ShiFei was unwilling to be bound by the rules of the palace. Cheng ShiFei ran away indignantly and punished corrupt officials along the way. Yun LuoJunZhu also sought Cheng ShiFei for her loyalty to love, and the two went hand in hand. Duan TianYa fell in love with Liu ShengXueJi (Huang Shengyi), an elder daughter of the local martial arts master Liu ShengDanMaShou, when he was studying in Japan. However, Liu ShengXueJi was opposed by Liu ShengDanMaShou. Finally, Liu ShengXueJi accidentally died of his father's knife in order to save his sweetheart Duan TianYa under. Duan TianYa swear before her grave, he will not marry life! When Duan TianYa went to Yunnan to investigate the case of Xian Fei, she met Liu Shengdan Massa. Enemy now meet, Liu ShengDanMaShou naturally will not miss this opportunity to kill Duan TianYa.Duan TianYa was saved by Liu ShengPiaoXu, the youngest daughter of Liu ShengDanMaShou. Coincidentally, Liu ShengPiaoXu (Gao Yuanyuan played) was young, all the things owned by her sister are all yearn for, my heart very much appreciate my sister's lover. To this end, Liu ShengPiaoXu repeatedly spent time with his father, Liu ShengDanMaShou, to save Duan TianYa's life. In the face of responsibility, Duan TianYa inevitably accepted her because she was Liu ShengXueJi's sister. Soon came Liu ShengPiaoXu a son of news, so Duan TianYa resigned from office, and his wife and wife both seclusion in the snake island. On the way, Shang GuanHaiTang, who has always had a chaotic feeling, finally understood that she was only a brother and sister to Duan TianYa. She sadly returned to Beijing, but because of the rescue of Cheng ShiFei things, inadvertently found Gui HaiYiDao had long loved him, so once again confused feelings of Shang GuanHaiTang chose to evade. Coincidentally, the East side also because of the regime party to borrow a knife thing to plant stolen dragon Villa. All of a sudden as if all the evidence is directed at the disappeared Gui HaiYiDao. Only Unfortunately, in order to no longer hurt Shang GuanHaiTang, Gui HaiYiDao already cut off his right arm, and in the vanity of Master who determined to completely magic, will be closed seven or forty-nine days, accompanied by Shang GuanHaiTang. However, due to the iron-clad God was persecuted, Begonia after all, leave. Back to the Dragon Villa, the horrible bloodshed did not stop, or even intensified, even the uncle and Wenhua Gubao was also killed. Knowing that Gui HaiYiDao's martial arts have lost, Shang GuanHaiTang strongly told the Emperor that this is definitely a conspiracy to be deliberately laid out by the intention of the enemy to give knife and protect the dragon. However, Zheng DeHuangDi has warned Begonia, all this is not as simple as she thought, only those involved East Factory. In the case of unsuccessful appeal, Shang GuanHaiTang watched Yoshitaka Tadao Zhu WuShi was put into jail on the factory. So "days, mysterious, yellow," the three masters decided to go to jail, see the iron God Hou Hou Wu Wu loyalty to serve the country, as hometown. After the rescue of three people is not the opposite but almost killed by the East plant. After this time, Zhu WuShi, under the brutal persecution of Cao ZhengChun, disregarded as a suicide and died. Just as the East Factory took the opportunity to succeed, Cao ZhengChun is preparing to monopolize the power when the magistrate Zhu WuShi actually miraculously resurrected it, kill it in one fell swoop, it turned out to be a suspended animation. Cao ZhengChun was deceived into being paralyzed, unexpectedly displaying "Succeed Star Dafa", and Zhu WuShi finally put Cao ZhengChun and his party squarely together to kill him. After the death of Cao ZhengChun, the forces of Protecting the Dragon Villa will be more prosperous. Zhu WuShi, a leader of great power in the tribe, has been hated by Emperor Tai Hou and the emperor for hatred and jealousy. , Suppress. And Zhu WuShi that Zheng DeHuangDi stupid mediocre, resulting in corruption in the government, especially the emperor and a bunch of pedantic courtiers would not allow him to marry his beloved Su Xin, let his infatuation, he felt extremely helpless and angry. Has been satirical for 20 years, unwilling to destiny and desires of the nature of him, and finally be fueled by love, at the expense of imperialism, the most drastic, all the people can not stop his pursuit of love.

KungFuHustle (Movie)[2004]

Feature: In the 1940s in Shanghai, Stephen Chow, a young man who had been insulted during his childhood, started to drill into the slightest glimpse of opportunities. This time, he was eyeing the "ax gang" of the increasingly rampant underworld forces. By the name of great achievements. A star fake "ax gang" members trying to extortion in a place called "pig cage Walled City," do not want to lead to the real "ax help" and "pig cage Walled City" residents grudges. There are many residents with Yuen Wah (Leung Siu-lung, etc.), they are hidden in this is to stay away from grudges, do not want to bother automatic upper body, hide all hide Less than. In the battle between the two factions, A Xing gradually realized the essence of Kung Fu.

The House of Apple (TV)[2003]

Feature: A mysterious and desirable Red Apple House, which is created by the stills Fan JiangTaiTai and his dream paradise, but since Mr. Fan Jiang mysteriously disappeared, the Red Apple House will be enveloped in an atmosphere of mystery, In addition to "love spell" and "forbidden land", the rules of non-admission of girls is also incredible. Red Apple House lived in five sunshine boys, Amano music-loving Aino, full of athletic cells can Hao, Master of financial humor balance, heterophilic edge of the best first Xiangyong and temperament boys pound, they are all good quality college Health, full of personality. One day, the beautiful baby Xiao Qing mistakenly admitted to the Red Apple House, from there a series of interesting things happened. Under the same roof, young and old, do not hit each other. Five big boys in order to drive away Xiao Qing many recruit, including a lot of funny things, but Xiao Qing indomitable defeat character, fighting wits with them, and finally to soft Ke Gang! , People surprise and friendship, but also unconsciously produced a subtle change. Shooting Snapshots But life is always beyond the imagination, the troubles of growing up. In a series of job seekers cheated, basketball games and to participate in "Star of the Star" and other events, a few good friends suffering together, learn to face real and brave to themselves and others. Left the pure ivory tower, the social reality is like a tornado, sweeping everyone in the Red Apple House. A Kai is the son of Xiao Qing godmother, entangled in Xiao Qing, to get her exhausted. Pounded with congenital heart disease, surgery success rate is very low and costly. Xiao Qing and others finally found Mr. Fan Jiang's whereabouts, but he has already died. In order to pound cure, Fan JiangTaiTai had to auction Red Apple House. Finally, the Red Apple House can be safe and sound, pound to be able to spend surgery safely do, Xiao Qing with Hao whether there is fate. The climax of the wonderful story hit every young heart, youth is so beautiful, so hard to grow, when they work together, smile face, the apple tree out of the most beautiful flowers.

Race to Witch Mountain (Movie)[1995]

Feature: The most mysterious place in the United States is none other than Nevada, located in the southwest. It has long been said that there are the 51st district secretly constructed by the U.S. government in Nevada and the rumor that the base for alien research is being built is even more vividly depicted. Although the U.S. official has never acknowledged these rumors, they did not deny it. And in the heart of the Sierra Nevada desert, there is a very famous place where many weird happenings have occurred over the years, but no reasonable explanation can be given. Those inexplicable strange things and mysterious light and shadow occurred in the mountains in the desert, so people call it Wushan. Taxi driver Jack Bruno, who was renting in Las Vegas and spent all his life trying to make ends meet, was concerned about the myths about Wushan, but he still heard about those mysterious events. This day, a pair of young ladies sat in his taxi, saying that to go to Wushan. Although Jack had some doubts about where the two little devils headed for the place where the mystery was wrong, there was, after all, one of the tourist attractions, so he did not think about it any longer and took the two little guests to the top. Only Jack did not expect that these two children are not ordinary people, they are two extraterrestrial visitors to Wushan is looking for their crashed spacecraft, which can be fun ─ ─ without any knowledge Scratched cab driver Jack, two extraterrestrial children, and a UFO expert, a small team, must go all out to Wushan as quickly as they can and get on the road with troubled governments, brutal gangs, and evil hunters Aliens bounty hunters fierce positive confrontation, they must be within the time required to reach their destination, if the two alien visitors can not be repaired as soon as possible spacecraft to get in touch with their own planet, then the alien Attacks are about to land on Earth, and the journey to Wushan begins.

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