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Maggie Chan TV Movie Credits

Linkeddb included Maggie Chan Works 13 ,And Feature 4 ,Romance 3 ,Costume Drama 2 ,Myth play 2 ,Suspense 2 ,医护纪实1 ,时装1 ,Business War 1 ,Year 1 ,Love 1 ,古典1 ,传说1 ,Urban drama 1 ,时装励志1 ,Family drama 1 ,Thriller 1 ,Crime 1 ,Action 1 ,Sci-Fi 1 ,Fantasy 1 。

Works Index

Maggie Chan Filmography(13)


新白娘子传奇 (TV)[2019]


电视剧《新白娘子传奇》剧情介绍:讲述了峨眉山千年修德向善的蛇妖 Bai SuZhen 一心想得道升仙并打算去向往已久的临安城开开眼界。在临安上元节庙会阴差阳错与青蛇结为姐妹,青蛇化名 Xiao Qing 。 Bai SuZhen 和 Xiao Qing 在上元节邂逅颜值倾城“杏林怪咖” Xu Xian 。 Bai SuZhen 至善至纯的天性, Xu Xian 悬壶济世一心救人的品德,感动彼此。历经灯节火海、降妖蜈蚣精、西湖游船惊魂和白府家宴中毒河豚精等一系列风波,两人定情相爱。虽有 Xiao Qing 不满, Xu Xian 师妹横生枝节,但有情人终成神仙眷侣。端午节, Bai SuZhen 喝下雄黄酒现出妖形,吓死 Xu Xian 。 Bai SuZhen 不惜耗费百年修行法力,冒死盗取仙草,救活 Xu Xian 。好事多磨,真爱经历考验,许娇容因为误食含有 Bai SuZhen 血液的青团而昏迷不醒。 Bai SuZhen 欲耗费五百年法力救许娇容,却被天兵天将所阻,且被 Xu Xian 误解,不得以逃回峨眉洞府。后又经历魔界暗黑使者诱使 Xu Xian 化妖,欲称霸魔界的劫难,终化险为夷,重归人、妖、仙、魔四界安宁。在经历各种劫难和真相大冒险后,爱使人成长、改变, Xu Xian 和白娘子恩爱眷属,更加珍惜在一起的机会。 Fa Hai 执着降妖弘法,认定人妖不能相恋。强留 Xu Xian 在金山寺避妖修行,惹来 Bai SuZhen 和 Xiao Qing 水漫金山寺,触犯天条。 Bai SuZhen 产下一子仕林后,被 Fa Hai 镇压雷峰塔下。 Fa Hai 直言西湖水干,雷峰塔倒, Bai SuZhen 和 Xu Xian 重逢。十年如梭,少年 Xu ShiLin 初长成, Bai SuZhen 和 Xu Xian 能否迎来重相聚。


good life (TV)[2017]

Feature: "Beautiful Life" tells the story of Xu Tian's ten-year stay in the United States. Once cynical "social youths" decided to return to China under the dual blows of emotional crisis and career downturn. Unfortunately, because of the recurrence of old illness, they fell ill at the airport, Heart of life. After surgery, she stayed at the marriage agency of her mother, Dao MeiLan, and came to Liang XiaoHui, who came to see her blind date. They satirized each other and later became spiritual partners. Liang XiaoHui once thought that Xu Tian was too similar to her ex-husband who died in the accident , That has not been able to determine the ambiguous graceful Man, until the psychiatrist Bian ZhiJun resolve Xiaohui's confusion. The accidental elevator accident, Xiaohui assistant Jia XiaoDuo inexplicably likes this middle-aged uncle Xu Tian. The sprouting of emotions spreads among these unrelated characters. Xu Tian's ex-wife suddenly appears, and the disputes are complicated. After several times of cooperation, Xu Tian finally realized that his heart was like Liang XiaoHui, Everything straight to express his thoughts and learned that Bian ZhiJun fall, Xu Tian know Xiaohui worry anxiety, and then sacrifice their lives, and ultimately took Bian ZhiJun brought back from abroad, but their heart problems left in the United States, the feelings will always exist in memory & nbsp ;.

Deep house snow (TV)[2015]

Feature: "House snow" tells the late Qing Dynasty, Suzhou city, Angelica, Manchu copied cut. Angelica escaped unharmed, then to the Qin government did spinning official figures according to photo workers. Ten years later, Chih-Hsien was simultaneously in love with Fang ZiHeng, a well-known son of Qin Jiaoyi, while being unexpectedly seen as a victim of Qin MuYang. In order to deal with the business side of Fang Fang Fang, Zhixin became Qin MuYang a bargaining chip. In order to revenge, Zi Xin married Zi Heng. In revenge, he fell in love with Tsz Heng and learned that the secret behind Han's door was the secret. Zi Heng because a murder was driven out of Fang Jia, Zhixin life and death accompanied. With the help of the Japanese village Nishimura, Tsz Heng resumed his stride in Shanghai. After a few years, the Fang family fell and Fang ZiHeng returned to his hometown to regain his possession. Nishimura came to Suzhou for the founding of a military factory, and the Sino-Japanese war broke the old custom of cutting off gowns. In the face of the nation's righteousness, the Chinese only rebel against each other. The Fang ZiHeng mill, which the Japanese wanted, turned into an ashes. Fang ZiHeng and West Village to drink their own preparation of toxins, the two only sigh, both killed. A carriage away from Suzhou, Zhusi looked at the billowing smoke in the city of Suzhou, huge tears fell down & nbsp ;.

DoomsdayParty (Movie)[2013]

Feature: In the real estate hegemony, collusion between officials and businessmen, the disparity between the rich and poor ... become the theme of society, some people choose to silence, some people insisted on fighting. Master Drop Lang Lang (Kelvin Kwan ornaments) threatened the bomb robbery bank, intending to prosecute social robbery and the poor. Unexpectedly, the exit was unexpectedly blown up. Lang and hostages - Jian Hao (Paul Wong (musician)), a detective who stopped working due to eye problems, Yun Yi (Kay Tse), a bank employee buried in the workplace, Rebecca (Maggie Chan) and De Shu (Teddy Robin), a tireless yet time-honored retirement teacher, are trapped in chambers like chambers. Wucheng floating city lament intertwined, so that the case go from here? Will these five explosive explosive bombs be the new starting point for a new departure or will they be embarked on their final destination?

The Drive of Life (TV)[2007]




Healing Hands (TV)[1998]


A group of medical elites save lives every day, often having a lot to do with them on a busy day. Li GuoZhu, a senior doctor in the emergency department, is dissolute. The sister of Jiang XinYue, an oncologist, was found by accident. It turned out that the national column had failed her. When they met again, the crescent moon found that he was still in love with the pillars. Zhang JiaYu, who is also an emergency room doctor, is torn between the head nurse, ling shaoxia, and the trainee doctor. Cheng ZhiMei, a senior oncologist, got divorced from his wife. After one time understanding, just clear the person of the other party, at this time the feeling is also dark born. How do you find yourself with a brain tumor...


The Price to Pay (TV)[1996]

Feature: The film also enabled many new faces, a new audience. Gao Wei (John Tang) A well-qualified matriculation student, he also looks forward to representing Hong Kong in the Olympic Judo Games. At this time, his father's affair Peng XiaoHong (Sydney) Wei family into a split. Wei was also sentenced to imprisonment for having confronted the Red clashes with Peng DaJun (Edward Mok), the younger brother of the CSD. For some time in the labor reform center, Wei was oppressed by the army and suffered so much. Lucky Cheung, Tseung Huk, TIGER (King Kong Lam) and SAMMY (Elizabeth Carling) helped each other and their probation officer Lv LiGang (Gordon Liu) Gradually grow in hone. After he was released from prison, the thought was able to rekindles Wei, but found the family has changed beyond recognition, and thus give up on themselves. Fortunately just a girl Lv WenZheng (May Kwong) to encourage and face the challenge. Hou Wei and TIGER, who set up bread delivery shop, show Xiong style. On the occasion of the great emotional career in good times, the military once again framed Wei ...

DetectiveInvestigationFilesII (TV)[1995]

Feature: In the second installment, Zhang DaYong (Michael Tao) and Li ZhongYi, the tacit hobbyist, continued to wrestle with the cunning vicious criminals. Emotionally, Dayong and Gao Jie (Kenix Kwok ornaments) became belligerents, feelings of steady growth. The new female police officer Lan JiaWen (Guo Aoming) decorated with pure goodness, crush on courage and take the initiative to show love. A new crisis has emerged in the issues of Dayong and Gao Jie. At this juncture, Gao Jie found that Jia Wen had used fire in the past in a foreign country to amalgamate and murder. Just to expose the passage of this period, friends of Gao Jie were killed bizarre. Jiawen denied the past, I do not like to pretend to be, Yong and Gao Jie misunderstanding intensified, the truth of the event complicated and confusing. Unit Fatalities File 1: Fatal Seduction "Criminal Investigation Files II" Stills Case: Tang JiaQi learns that children are not their own biological, but also to his wife He BiShan body by the lover sent Envy perfume, so hate all the women with Envy perfume, And has raped three. On the very day of the incident, Shen Langwei contacted the deceased. However, at the time of the incident, Shen Yu and his husband Xu PeiZhi held a tryst. In order to defend Peiji, he insisted on refusing to disclose his whereabouts and was therefore suspected by the police. After Lan JiaWen painted Envy perfume, lure the real murderer Tang JiaQi! File II: Exterminating the Murder Case: Ma ChengChang drove accidentally killed Cao ZhaoZ's daughter, his mistress Yuan TianLi for its culprit, was later acquitted. After Cao ZhaoZhen took revenge on her daughter and learned that Yuan Tianli was a mistress of Ma ChengChang, she decided to expose them and was killed by Ma ChengChang and caused the body to be a sign of Yuan Tianli in an attempt to deceive the sea. Because there is no evidence, Gao Jie had to write a similar novel, suggesting that Ma ChengChang sooner or later kill Yuan TianLi out of mouth, in order to provoke them. If it were to come to Ma ChengChang and Yuan TianLi, he suddenly died of poison when the horse was ready to kill Yuan. The original Ma ChengChang's wife Yehhhh knew he had a woman outside, in retaliation so under his macaroni poisoned. File 3: Resurrection Case: Sang Biao bank robbery money succeeded But shot, Lin Tian-sheng killed Sang Biao to save money for himself and steal hidden, but was Li HanQiang and Li XiXiong, Li ZhaoCai, Li HuaCui four found, Secretly split the money. Zhou LiHe escaped marriage to the United States, but everyone thought Lin Tiansheng killed her. Li HanQiang and other four plan and count on Lin Tiansheng when they killed Lin Tien-sheng and made him the illusion of guilty suicide for killing Lihe. Who expected seven years later, Zhou LiHe back, everything is overthrown! Lin Tien-sheng's father, Lin Fu, guessed the truth about the incident, extorted words from Li HanQiang and was killed. Zhou LiHe and Li ZhongYi, who speculated the truth, were almost killed. Fortunately, Dayong arrived in time. File 4: Difficult For Dad's Case: Liang JinDong retaliated against Cheng Gen, a colleague who captured his own embezzling of stolen money and kidnapped his mentally handicapped son to pay 5 million ransom. In order to save his son, Cheng Gen had to kidnap the grandson of jeweler Zhao Jiajun. Cheng Gen surrendered after Zhang DaYong's influence. File 5: Son's Cross Case: Stepfather Du ZhongLiang raped Fang ZhaoHui, Zhao Hui killed Du ZhongLiang, Fang ZhaoRong buried sister for his sister, and the mentally ill sister sent to the nuns. All along, Song GanLan thought Du ZhongLiang was a good man, coupled with the disappearance of his daughter, often contradicted his son Fang ZhaoRong.After Du ZhongLiang's body was found, Zhao Jiebing, another former mistress, came to accuse Song GanLan of killing the killer and almost killing Song. In order to prevent the police from continuing to investigate and even finding out that his sister Fang ZhaoHui is the real murderer, Fang ZhaoRong admitted himself as the murderer of the mother killing her stepfather. After all the truth, Fang ZhaoHui also returned to normal, and was acquitted. File six: death notice Case: Xie Feng and manager Cai ZiXiu is a homosexual relationship photographed by the secret news photo blackmail. Cai ZiXiu Kills the reporter for Xie Feng to exterminate. After Xie Feng falls in love with Gao Min and decides to engage with him and prepare a normal life. Cai ZiXiu deliberately destroyed the props Gao Min, unexpectedly Yang LiLi became the devil. Xie Feng officially broke up with Cai ZiXiu, the hatred of the sub-repair props gun into a real gun. In the studio battle, Gao Min killed Xie Feng with this real shot. Fortunately, Lan JiaWen found a photo of Xie Feng and his sub-photographed in a roll of film, and they knew the true murderer! File 7: The Third Woman's Case: Guan YaLun's wife Yao MeiBao and his mistress Shi ShuJun can not stand Guan YaLun's torture, decided to conspire to kill off: at eight o'clock Shi ShuJun wearing a red car pick up Guan YaLun to fourteen In the meantime, the township poisoned Yao MeiBao in Saigon. At ten o'clock, Yao MeiBao went to Shisan Township to put on a red garment to transport Guan YaLun's body to Tai Wan Tsai for abandonment. At this time, Shi ShuJun and his friends play cards. According to common sense, the police reasoned that it took more than two hours for the red woman to complete the entire process of killing and abandoning the body, while Yao MeiBao and Shi ShuJun each had time witnesses at eight o'clock and ten o'clock. Therefore, the red woman should be the third woman ! Unexpectedly, this third woman is the two of them play the sub-episode! File 8: inch grass Heart Case: Dancing girl Yang Xiaojing In order to raise money for the treatment of her daughter, killing the client Hu ZhaoZong, but unfortunately by Ceng ZhiJia hit. Ceng ZhiJia let Mo RiFei help her as a time witness, provided that she must help him kill another person Ceng BaiNian. When Yang Xiaojing poisoned Ceng BaiNian, she was seen again. Yang Xiaojing know this will not run away, in order to daughter's future. So she decided to commit suicide, and then arranged to be CengzhiJia murder bureau, in exchange for a sum of money, to her daughter in the future. File nine: the truth of the case: two years ago, Britain, Lan JiaYong set fire to his sister Lan JiaWen changing lover Luo BaoKang and rival Ling YaSi, but everyone thought Lan JiaWen is the murderer. Later, Lan JiaWen lost memory because of meningitis, forget the past. Two years later Ling ZuSi, a sister of Ling YaSi in Hong Kong, recognized Lan JiaWen to expose her and was killed by Lan JiaYong. Ling ZuSi's boyfriend took Lan JiaYong with evidence sent by the United Kingdom and was killed. Lan JiaWen accidentally knew that the murderer was Jiayong, Jiayong Yong culprit, and finally Lan JiaYong jumped to his death. Lan JiaWen set up to kill Dayong and Gao Jie, but the critical moment to restore memory, rescued them, go away! File 10: Flower kill case: Zhou YongXin because her sister Xu YongLin refused to be collected so that her stepfather rape, grudges. After arriving in Hong Kong, she discovered the tragedy of brother Wang Chih-tao and Ye ZiQing. After Wang Zhi Tao and Zhou YongXin relationship, and Xin planning decision to kill Xu YongLin won the legacy:Wang Zhi Tao kill the wife after the subway to the police, and lied to be driving (because they drive slower, so there is no evidence of the time of the scene). After Zhou YongXin killed Wang Zhi Tao further won the legacy. As Rong JinZhi hit the Wang Zhimo at the subway station, I am afraid she recognized Amoy, so I drove a car to death! File XI: Center for the Case of Beth Education: Duan MuZi came to Hong Kong after being expelled from Singapore by his father Rubber King Duan MuHong for having sex with Kang BaoQi. In Hong Kong, Duan MuZi committed suicide after being raped by Deng JinYuan, Guo ZhiNan and Ma WeiSen, colleagues of the Center for Business Studies. In order to avenge Duan MuZi, Kang BaoQi and Duan MuHong joined the work of the Perth Education Center and successively designed to kill Deng, Guo and Ma. After Duan MuHong was arrested, Kang BaoQi shot himself. File No. 12: White Symbol of the Case: Yi Sheng Wang ZhongXin and Dean Ni BoYan succumbed to He ChengCai's wife Su Caishu because of his mistakes, causing Zhou Mei's wife Li MeiXian to have colon cancer. Nurse Lynn Niu retaliation to abandon her Wang ZhongXin, the truth told Zhou YongJian, Zhou YongJian emotional kill Angela Lin. After Zhou YongJian kills Ni BoYan and Wang ZhongXin again, he blames He ChengCai and kills him. Prior to this, Ni, Wang two were afraid Gao Jie Lin Lin investigation of the death of her and Da Yong wedding poisoned, so that Gao Jie lost his memory, resulting in her courage and lover get married!

A Kindred Spirit (TV)[1995]

Feature: True Love is a story set against a three-generation family. More than three roast shop owner Li BiaoBing (Liu Dan) treats others enthusiasm, to the family responsibility; Li BiaoBing wife Liang RunShan (Louise Lee), unlimited family, no grudges, just hope a happy life ; Her eldest son, Li TianFu (Ram Chiang), was often surpassed by his wife, Chen YongQin (Louisa So), and was not involved with the family; her daughter Li DuoHuan (Kenix Kwok) and her third daughter Li DuoXin (Florence Kwok) Of the twins, but both of them different temperament, attitude toward family is also very different. Huanhuan and his father more estranged, more prominent Duoxin cute character, so much joy and love even though intimate but envy of each other. Homeless son Li TianAn (Hawick Lau) no sense of responsibility for the family, but more like leaving home with his girlfriend ... ... alienation from home, Bing Shu and good aunt has been quietly bear, forgive. Finally, in a crisis, everyone realized the worth of affection ......

MasterOfMartialArts (Movie)[1994]

Feature: At the end of the Manchu period, the state was weakened, not only being bullied by a strong enemy but also abused by strong bullying in this country. In this environment, Liang Kwu, an illegitimate parent, , And since Xu to hoe strong and weak as their responsibility. Then wide end because of injustice, fear of deja vu delay family decided to go to Guangzhou to relatives brother Liang Zheng, and looking for the finger pulp marriage wife Ye BaoEr. After he went to Guangzhou and found that he was not as rich as the one described in the letter and was often bullied by bullies, he decided to use force against the power and eventually eradicate the bullies. As a result, he was furious and threatened with a wide range of threats. Worship Huang FeiHong as a teacher. Wide character impulsivity, self-reliance on intelligence, steady and restrained attitude toward Hong's attitude do not mind, Hong wide to martial arts talent, repeated blundering advice can inspire wide. At this point the surface of the business ascended the illusion, but it is secretly assigned Ling YunKai aides, plundering the forces of all Lu ZhiGang, as hung in the thorn, and lost in a lion hegemony in the Liberal, so just more scruple hung, And repeatedly framed, hung to avoid multiple things, the section are forbearance, the move to make wide very dissatisfied, for this reason incompatible with the hung, and blame Hong do not teach its superior skill, angrily leave Po Chi Lin. On the other hand, Kwan Wah was reluctant to meet again after a long period of hardship. However, she was influenced by new ideas and resisted blind mute only as a friend and wanted to make Kwan and her close friend Lin XiuJing, However, many children repeatedly refused and Jing wide love, always take care of the two lifelong love Miao. Is infatuated with Liu Yan strokes killing evil, leniency revenge, but skill is not a case of defeat, so re-vote hung the door, request hung granted a trickery to avenge the grudge, hung fear of wide devotion do not want to, but wide Revenge eager, premeditated Wu Xiusheng devoted themselves to health, Hong finally be moved by the wide, resolutely shadowless. Urgently seeking, and failed to play a shadowless to the most powerful, was defeated wide fighting spirit to lose; just false heart false sense of opportunity to support the use of wide framed Hong, just the rape will succeed? Hung, wide two master mentality and what kind of conflict and test it? Will a renewed confidence regain? How can he and her benevolent and resentful? However, on the occasion of the gradual stabilization of K'uan and Sentimental feelings, the children who are chasing after being removed from love suddenly find out that the ones they love are originally those who are broad and frank and have wide confession of their feelings and feelings. .

Legend of White Snake (TV)[1992]

Feature: Bai SuZhen (Angie Chiu) was originally a white snake practiced in the mountains. On the 1st, a white snake captured by a snake elder caught a calamity and was fortunate enough to be saved by a small shepherd boy. Bai SuZhen secretly swear: this life-saving grace, I will never forget. Bai SuZhen experienced 1700 years of practice, finally exhausted, to become a human form. Her desire to continue to cultivate Mount Emei, but by Guanyin instructions, remember the human side there is a period of love gone. In accordance with the guidelines, she came to Hangzhou West Lake looking for a previous life-saving benefactor Xu Xian ... Bai SuZhen met the green snake on the way (Maggie Chan ornaments), the two became master and servant, but also get along with the sister. Qingxu Second Snake demon found Xu Xian (Cecilia Yip ornaments) on the Broken Bridge in the West Lake. Bai SuZhen and he fell in love at first sight, and volunteered to make a marriage with him. After the wedding, Xu Xian and Bai SuZhen were blindly in love with each other. Bai SuZhen opened a pharmacy for the under-funded Xu Xian and allowed Xiao Qing to steal money from Qiantang Bank. East window incident, Xiao Qing Shi Fa forced the magistrate to lightly sentenced Xu Xian sent to Suzhou. Bai SuZhen all the way to find, and finally meet Xu Xian, Bai SuZhen lying deceived Xu Xian stolen silver thing, the couple opened the pharmacy security gate in Suzhou. During the Dragon Boat Festival, Bai SuZhen was forced to drink the most repugnant maleozoic liquor of the snake. However, she found the prototype and the accident scared Xu Xian and Bai SuZhen, Even in front of the Queen Mother risked hard to grab. Queen Mother was furious, a shot then captured Bai SuZhen, want to put an end to her, Fortunate Guanyin came forward to plead for her in time, saved the couple. Since then, Xu Xian has been offended by members of the "Three Imperial Ancestors' Association of Physicians" due to his skill in medicine. The members of the association were framed by Xu Xian, but Bai SuZhen defused them all. Bai SuZhen in order not to make Xu Xian foolish, so that Xiao Qing steal Liang Bao four treasures for the exhibition, although the Liangwang investigation, Bai SuZhen treasures to the tribute for the treasures to be threatened Liang WangYe, Liang WangYe self-knowledge, then Zhixian sentenced Xu Xian to Zhenjiang. Afterwards, Xu Xian knew Bai SuZhen's true identity was a snake demon, but both were more affectionate. Xu Xian, Bai SuZhen, and Xiao Qing moved back to Xu Xian's sister Xu JiaoRong Live, family and music. Xu Xian and Bai SuZhen opened a Baohe Church in Zhenjiang, dedicated to saving the world and taking the risk of removing the demon "Wu GongJing" from the scourge. Unfortunately, Bai SuZhen has Xu Xian's flesh, but after Bai SuZhen gave birth to a child Xu ShiLin (Cecilia Yip ornaments), the old toad and Bai SuZhen toad became the toad essence, and now has become a priest Monk Zhenjiang Fa Hai (Ti-Men Kan) Jinshan Temple Abbot abruptly appeared. Fa Hai Aggressive accusation Bai SuZhen: Because of her husband's heart-wrenchingness "and Xiao Qing's theft of silver and treasures on several occasions, and the impotence of Xu Xian," the lawsuit is riddled with the legend of New White Snake being constantly in prison, "" tearing off the crowd and teasing the government " Heaven can not tolerate. " Therefore, stubbornly, it is necessary to maintain the humanity of heaven and earth for the sake of heaven. Fa Hai left Xu Xianqiang in the Jinshan Temple of Zhenjiang for the purpose of forcing Bai SuZhen to come. Bai SuZhen to save her husband, together with Xiao Qing Zhenjiang Jinshan Temple VIP. Fa Hai aggressive, unwilling to let Xu Xian left.Bai SuZhen was unbearable, launched an aquatic army, "Water Manchurian Mountain" and vowed to take Fa Hai to a higher position to rescue Xu Xian, who eventually infringed the rules of "living creatures." After a fierce shemale big fight, Fa Hai eventually magic skills superior, the attack will be Bai SuZhen suppressed under the Leifeng tower, and told her: "20 years later, to be Wenquxing champion day, that is, when you are out of the tower ... ". Xu Xian was heartbroken and gave her son Xu ShiLin to raise her sister Xu Joryong. She went out alone to Jinshan Temple in Zhenjiang to make up for her sin and atone for her soon-to-be-loved wife Bai SuZhen. Twenty years later, Xu ShiLin, son of Xu Xian, has grown to be a talented person with his sister, Li BiLian, from Xiao Qing Mei Zhuma and her childhood knight Qi BaoShan. After Xu Jiao-rong and Li GongFu (Ming Chiang) told Xu ShiLin's real life experience, Xu Shi-Lin made a big move and took the vow to win the exam. Former son of Wu GongJing, formerly removed by Bai SuZhen, Jin BoFaWang, is a revengeful revengeful, using good Shih Tzu Hu MeiNiang (Angie Chiu ornaments) and Cai Yin for wanting to hurt Xu ShiLin. Unexpectedly, Hu MeiNiang and Xu ShiLin love, always still can not bear to Xu ShiLin start. Finally, Hu MeiNiang Xu Xinlin save their own hearts, but he fell in their wits. Although Bai SuZhen is in Lei Feng Tower, Xu ShiLin is feeling somewhere difficult. In order to save Xu ShiLin, Bai SuZhen furiously defended the Pagodas and forced out of the pagoda. Although he saved his son Xu ShiLin, he was accused of "culling unless Leh was pumped down by the West Lake, penalty. Jin BoFaWang was killed because of the attack. "Wenquxing" descendants of Xu ShiLin diligently study, and finally live up to expectations, won the champion in the expedition. He returned to his hometown of Zhenjiang to visit relatives, and turn to West Lake worship in front of Leifeng. Takao moved day, Bai SuZhen finally be out of the tower of fairness, see the sun, and Xu ShiLin reunion mother and son. Xu ShiLin married cousin Li BiLian. And Bai SuZhen, Xiao Qing, Fa Hai and Xu Xian four people also because of grievances have been solved, merit, the four together to ascend heaven as cents.

SaviouroftheSoul (Movie)[1991]

Feature: Anita Mui, Andy Lau and Kenny Bee are city mercenaries. US Jun and Qin brother childhood, two people voted together. Later joined the village also loved the United States Jun, the United States Jun swinging the two uncertain. US Jun performed the task of blind Lao Ying's eyes. Lao Ying made his apprentice Yin Hu (Aaron Kwok ornaments) take revenge on his deathbed. Yin Hu hunts for the United States, and the village dies for the sake of the United States. Before his death, his sister, Hui Xiang (Gloria Yip), was entrusted to Qin to take care of her, and one of Yin Hu's eyes was also blinded by the United States. United States-jun in order not to hurt Qin Ge, go fly alone. The Qin brother is carrying Hui Xiang, looking for the United States Jun traces. Until one day, Mei-jun's sister Mei Hui (Anita Mui ornaments) deceived Qin Ge said that now the United States changed his name to a surname Chong WuFuRen, is recruiting a relative. Qin won a crowd, only to learn that Chong WuFuRen (Carina Lau) is not the United States, can only refuse to marry Chong WuFuRen, left alone. Later, he finally found the traces of the United States Jun, but then Yin Hu chase home again. US Jun even more Yin Hu's "horror angel" poison, about 24 hours to be toxic, and the world can understand this poison only Chong WuFuRen. Qin brother can only hug meijun back pet ...

Legend (TV)[1989]


"The legend" is a 20-part ancient martial arts drama produced by Hong Kong wireless television in 1988. It is adapted from a novel by jin yong. Directed by qiu jixiong, it stars Roger Kwok, Kitty Lai, xie ning, Frankie Lam, Francis Ng, Kenneth Tsang and Maggie Chan.

The show tells the story of Di Yun's growth along the way.

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